Design of Water Distribution Network Using EPANET Software

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design of Water Distribution Network Using EPANET Software

Athulya.T1, Anjali.K.Ullas2
1M.Tech Student,Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering,Malabar College of
Engineering and Technology,Kerala,India
2Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, Malabar College of Engineering and Technology,Kerala,India

Abstract - This study presents the use of EPANET software road network patterns. A radial system delivers water into
in the design of the water distribution network for the three multiple zones. At the center of each zone, the water is
wards of Anjarakandy Grama Panchayath,Kannur district. The delivered radially toward the customers. A grid system
major purpose of providing a good distribution network is to follows the general layout of the grid road infrastructure
provide sufficient pressure at each point with less loss. A water with water mains and branches connected in rectangles.
distribution network consists of pipes,valves,tanks etc. Drawbacks of this topology include difficulties of sizing the
EPANET is a computer programme that tracks the flow of system. A ring system is a topology with each water main
water in each pipe, the pressure at each node and height of that go to each road, and there is a sub-main that is branched
water in each tank. Hardy-Cross method is a manual method off the water main to provide a circulation of two directions.
that makes corrections to initial assumed value by using This system has many advantages over the grid system.
equations. In this paper it was used to carry out the design and The three methods of water distribution are gravitational
hydraulic analysis of water distribution network using system, pumping system and combined gravity and pumping
EPANET software and Hardy-Cross method. The method of system. In gravity system, the water from a high leveled
distribution used here is combined gravity and pumping source is distributed to the consumers at low levels by the
system. The performance of system designed using EPANET mere action of gravity without pumping. This method is the
was later compared with manual method. It was obtained most economical and reliable since no pumping involved.
that the pressure at all junctions and flow with their velocities However this method needs lakes or reservoir as a source of
at all pipes are feasible. supply. In the pumping system the treated water is directly
pumped into the distribution mains without storing
Key Words: EPANET Software, Water Distribution anywhere. It is also known as pumping without storage
Networks, Hardy Cross Method, Pipe networks, Pipe layouts system. In a combined gravity and pumping system, the
treated water is pumped at a constant rate and stored into
1. INTRODUCTION an elevated distribution reservoir. This system helps in
operating the pumps at constant speed at their rated
Water plays a vital role in the life of all living organism. capacities, thus increasing their efficiency and reducing their
Water used for domestic purposes as well as irrigation and wear and tear. This type of system is invariably and almost
industrial purposes. A water distribution network should be universally adopted.
designed such a way that it meets the demand of increased
population. An adequate water supply can give better living
standards. The water quality should not get deteriorated in 1.1 EPANET Software
the distribution pipes. The deficiencies of water supply in
urban regions are becoming a major challenge for EPANET is a public domain, water distribution system
authorities. Because most of the water supply scheme are modeling software package developed by the United States
intermittent system. When using an intermittent system the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Supply and
water is distributed to residents for few hours in a day, Water Resources Division. EPANET is a water distribution
hence most of the times the pipe lines are empty or partially network modeling software that performs extended period
full [2]. A good water distribution network is the one which simulation of hydraulic and water quality behavior. EPANET
provide sufficient pressure at each point of distribution with provides hydraulic analysis that can handle systems of any
less loss. A good water distribution network satisfies the size. EPANET tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the
consumer demand at required time. The design and analysis pressure at each node and the height of water in each tank
of water distribution network is a complex process in throughout the network. Running under Windows, EPANET
metropolitan areas where there is large number of pipes [4]. provides an integrated environment for editing network
input data, running hydraulic and water quality simulations,
In general, the layout of a water distribution network can be and viewing the results in a variety of formats. These include
classified as dead end system, ring system, grid system or color-coded network maps, data tables, time series graphs,
radial system. A dead end system has water mains along the and contour plots. EPANET models a water distribution
roads without a particular pattern for towns that do not have system as a collection of links connected to nodes. The links
represent pipes, pumps, and control valves. The nodes

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1774
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

represent junctions, tanks, and reservoirs. In addition to the purpose served by the pipe, such as main, sub main,
hydraulic modeling, EPANET provides many other water branch pipes. Pipe roughness coefficient is taken 120, since
quality modeling capabilities [10]. Galvanized Iron pipes are used. The simulation period was
set for 24 hours.
3.2 Demand Calculation
Geometrical Increase Method is used for population
Anjarakandi Grama panchayath is located in Edakkad block of forecasting. In this method the percentage increase in
Kannur taluk in Kannur district. Anjarakandi Grama population from decade to decade is assumed to remain
Panchayath has an area of 15.36 sq km. Anjarakkandi is constant. Geometric mean increase is used to find out the
located at a distance of 16 km to the south-east of Kannur future increment in population. Since this method gives
town, 20 km to the North-East from Thalasseri and 10 km higher values and hence should be applied for a new
north west of Koothuparambu. Panayathamparamba is a part industrial town at the beginning of development for only few
of Anjarakandy Panchayath. Panayathamparamba occurs in decades. The population at the end of nth decade ‘Pn’ can be
the North-East part of Anjarakandy.Anjarakandy river flows estimated as:
nearby the study area. The study area covers ward numbers Pn = P (1+ IG/100)n
2,3 and 6 under water distribution system. The population of Where, IG = geometric mean (%)
study area according to 2011 census is 878. The study area P = Present population
covers residential area about 1.2 sq km. N = no. of decades

The design period for the system is taken as thirty years.

After the population forecast the maximum daily demand
was calculated using the general equations. Also the
minimum required diameter is calculated.

3.3 Steps in Using EPANET

Initially draw a network representation of distribution

system from the extracted map . Then edit the properties of
the objects that make up the system. The input parameters
for each nodes and pipes are to be properly assigned.
Describe how the system is operated. Then select a set of
analysis options. Finally run a hydraulic/water quality
analysis. The last step is to view the results of the analysis

3.4 Model Input Parameters

In order to analyze the water distribution network using

EPANET following input data files are needed:
Fig -1: Study area 1. Junction Report: Junctions are points in the network
where links join together and where water enters or leaves
the network. The basic input data required for junctions are:
• Elevation above some reference (usually mean sea
Initially the map of study area was extracted by using Google • Water demand (rate of withdrawal from the network)
Earth software. The obtained map was then converted into • Initial water quality
EPANET file. Elevation, pipe diameter and length had given The output results computed for junctions at all time periods
to each node and pipe for hydraulic analysis by using scale of a simulation are:
tool from Google earth software. Total area was divided into • Hydraulic head (internal energy per unit weight of
two grids and demand path is estimated by depending on the
number of houses living in the area taken in grid.
• Pressure
3.1 Design Considerations • Water quality
2. Pipe Report: Pipes are links that convey water from
The layout of the distribution network is drawn based on one point in the network to another. EPANET assumes that all
the existing road pattern .Length of the pipe is taken as the pipes are full at all times. Flow direction is from the end at
road length. The diameter of the pipe is considered based on higher hydraulic head (internal energy per weight of water)

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1775
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to that at lower head. The principal hydraulic input

parameters for pipes are:
• Start and end nodes
• Diameter
• Length
• Roughness coefficient (for determining Head-loss)
• Status (open, closed, or contains a check valve)
The output results for pipes include:
• Flow rate
• Velocity
• Head-loss
• Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
• Average reaction rate (over the pipe length)
• Average water quality
The hydraulic head lost by water flowing in a pipe due to
friction with the pipe walls can be computed using one of
three different formulas:
• Hazen-Williams formula
• Darcy-Weisbach formula
• Chezy-Manning formula
The Hazen-Williams formula is the most commonly used
head loss formula in Kerala by Kerala Water Authority.
Fig -2: Distribution network diagram of study area
3.5 Hardy-Cross Method
Table -1: Network table- Pipes
The Hardy Cross method assumes that the flow going in
and out of the system is known and that the pipe length, Unit head
Flow Velocity Friction
diameter, roughness and other key characteristics are also Link ID loss
LPS m/s factor
known or can be assumed. The method also assumes that the m/km
relation between flow rate and head loss is known, but the Pipe P1 12.10 0.39 1.07 0.028
method does not require any particular relation to be used.
In the case of water flow through pipes, a number of Pipe P2-3 11.76 0.17 0.14 0.030
methods have been developed to determine the relationship Pipe P3-4 9.21 0.19 0.22 0.030
between head loss and flow. The Hardy Cross method allows
for any of these relationships to be used. Pipe P4-5 6.77 0.38 1.49 0.030
Hardy Cross method is done for only one loop of the Pipe P5-6 4.46 0.25 0.69 0.032
selected area. K is calculated using the formula :
K= L/(471.11*d0.487 ) Pipe P6-7 2.49 0.14 0.23 0.035
Assume flow through the loop both in clock and anti clock
Pipe P7-8 3.77 0.21 0.50 0.033
direction in which clockwise direction is taken as positive
and anti clock wise direction is taken as negative. Then the Pipe P8-9 0.97 0.05 0.04 0.040
correction (Δ) is calculated by using the equation:
Δ=-HL/(1.85*(HL/Qa)) Pipe P9-10 -1.83 0.10 0.13 0.036
Δ was then added to assumed flow to get actual flow. This Pipe P10-11 -4.74 0.15 0.19 0.033
iteration is then repeated.
PipeP11-12 -7.26 0.23 0.42 0.031
4. RESULTS Pipe P12-1 -9.50 0.30 0.69 0.029
The water distribution network of study area consists of 16
pipes, 14 nodes and one main over head tank. The pressure Pipe P2 22.48 0.32 0.47 0.027
is computed using Hazen-William Approach. Pressure at all Pipe P2-13 14.18 0.20 0.20 0.029
junctions are found to be adequate. The minimum diameter
of pipe chosen was 150mm. There is fluctuation in the Pipe P13-14 5.96 0.34 1.18 0.030
pressure head. The roughness coefficient of the pipe Pipe P14-7 3.95 0.22 0.55 0.032
throughout the network is 120.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1776
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table -2: Network table- Junctions/Nodes

Demand Head Pressure

Node ID
LPS m m

Junction J1 2.60 101.63 10.88

Junction J2 2.42 101.93 34.98

Junction J3 2.55 101.91 39.93

Junction J4 2.44 101.90 41.30

Junction J5 2.31 101.72 68.74

Junction J6 1.97 101.42 55.09

Junction J7 2.67 101.39 57.09

Junction J8 2.80 101.34 48.80

Chart -2: Demand-flow distribution
Junction J9 2.80 101.32 63.62

Junction J10 2.91 101.36 9.33

Junction J11 2.52 101.37 10.64

Junction J12 2.24 101.41 10.66

Junction J13 2.34 102.01 31.42

Junction J14 2.01 101.78 32.78

Chart -3: Contour plot-Pressure


The water distribution network has been designed and

analyzed successfully using the EPANET software and
Hardy-Cross method. At the end of the analysis it was found
that the resulting pressures at all the junctions and the flows
with their velocities at all pipes are adequate enough to
provide water to the study area. The method of distribution
used here is combined gravity and pumping system, as firstly
the water is pumped with the help of centrifugal pumps from
underground water source i.e. from aquifers and then they
are lifted up to the overhead water tanks and through there
Chart -1: Pressure-Velocity distribution with the help of gravity system is transferred to the main

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1777
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

rising pipe. The distribution layout used here is ring system [7] Lewis A. Rossman “EPANET 2 USERS MANUAL” Water
which is according to the layout of the Panayathamparambu Supply and Water Resources Division National Risk
region. Manual method by using Hardy-Cross equation is a Management Research Laboratory Cincinnati, OH
time consuming process, and it may not provide accurate 4526810.
result. There may be some limitations while proceeding the [8] Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
manual method in Excel. But there are no such types of Organization. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment.
problems in EPANET software. So, we can design water Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, 199
distribution system of any size by using EPANET. Now a days
[9] Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, III Edition, May
in Kerala, the Kerala Water Authority are instructed the
1999, CPHEEO, Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban
employees to follow EPANET instead of the software called
Development, New Delhi.
LOOP because of the advantages of EPANET over LOOP.
Conventional methods like Hardy-cross methods are not [10] EPANET 2.0 user manual
recommendable in present days if the network is in high
scale because that high network designing by conventional
method will not give the efficient and economical design as
comparative to EPANET software.


The Authors are thankful to Principal, Mr. Anshad A.S ,

Malabar College of Engineering and Technology and M.Tech
Coordinator, Mrs. Chinnamma M.A ,Malabar College of
Engineering and Technology to permit us to carry out the
work. The authors are also grateful to Kannur Water
Authority for providing useful information for present study.


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© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1778

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