Introduction To Economics

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Introduction to Economics :

Economics is the social science that analyses the production, distribution and consumption of goods and
services. Economics aims to explain how economics work and how economic agents interact. Economic
analysis is applied throughout society, in business m finance and government but also in crime,
education, the family, health, law, politics religion, social institutions, war and science. At the turn of the
21st century, the expanding domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic

Modern Economics makes two assumptions about people's desires for material goods and services.

First, they are insatiable. No matter how many goods and services people have, they still want more.
Today, even the poorest Indians have more goods and services than could have possibly been imagined
by people living 200 years ago. Yet, we still desire more and more. second, they are rational. People's
desires are not to be questioned.

In order to satisfy their desires for consumer goods, the people, in the society must engage in
production. To produce, people begin with natural resources. Nature provides land, minerals, trees,
water, fish, animals, and so forth. Usually the people must do something to these natural resources to
satisfy their desires harvest the fruits and vegetables, dig the minerals, cut the trees, catch the fish, and

the Productive contribution made by the people is called labour. However with natural resources and
labour alone, the society will not be able to satisfy the desires of the people very well. From earliest
times, people have learned that they could satisfy their desires better by taking some of the natural
resources and converting them into a from that will not meet desires today but which will allow greater
production in the future. Thus, wood and iron are used to make a hammer. The hammer is not desired
by anyone for its own sake, but it allows people to build more of those things they do desire.

History of economic thoughts:

Economics is the discipline that concerns itself with economics form how organizations produce
goods and services to how they consume them. It has influenced world economics at many
important junctions thorught history and is a vital part of the everyday lives. The statement that
guide the study of economics have changed dramatically throughout history.

Adam smith is widely credited for creating the field of economics; however he was inspired by
French writers, who shared his hatred of mercantilism. In fact the first methodical study of how
economics work was undertaken by these French physiocrats. snith took

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