Nur Annisa MR - LK - 1.modul 6 Profesi - Bahasa Inggris

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LK 6: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul English For Academic Contest

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Analytical Exposition Text
2. Hartatory Exposition Text
3. Explanation Text
4. Discussion Text
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1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. Analytical Exposition Text
dan definisi) di modul ini 1.1 Definition : Analytical Exposition text is a text that
elaboratesthe writers’ ideas about the phenomenon
surrounding. It is intended by the writer/speaker to
persuade the audience that his/her idea is indeed an
important issue, and to analyse the topic that the
thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to
support it.

1.2 Generic Structure

1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer‘s
point of view.
2. Argument: Explaining the argument to support the
writer‘s position. The number of arguments may vary,
but each argument must be supported by evidence and
3. Reiteration: Restating the writer‘s point of view / to
strengthen the thesis. We can make conclusion in

1.3 Social Function :

To convince the audience that his/her idea is an
important matter.

1.4 Language Features

a. Grammar
Grammatical points that are most often used:
 Use of internal conjunction
 Use of causal conjunction
 Use of the Simple Present Tense
 Use of relational process
 Use of compound and complex sentences
 Use of words that link argument

b. Vocabulary
A few words/phrases that often appear: (Once) again,
Consequently, Because, In short, In conclusion,
Arguments, Reason, Secondly, In addition, Furthermore
c. Common expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to
Analytical Exposition texts:
a.The following are the reasons why…..
b. Based on the arguments above, ……
2. Hartatory Exposition Text

2.1 Definition : Hortatory Exposition is a type of English text

that belongs to the class of Argumentation that influences
the reader to do something or act in a certain way.

2.2 Generic Structure

A Hortatory Exposition consists of three main components:
a. Thesis: Statement or announcement of concerned
b. Arguments: Reasons for concern that will lead to
c. Recommendation: Statement of what should or should
not happen or be done based on the given arguments.

2.3 Social Function : To persuade the audience that

something should or should not be the case or be done.

2.4 Language Features

Grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
a. Use of The Simple Present Tense
b. Use of passive sentences
c. Use of modals and adverb: certainly, surely, etc.
d. Use of subject pronoun (e.g. I and we)
e. Use of temporal connectives an causal connectives
f. Use of evaluative language

A few words/phrases that often appear: Suggest,
Recommed, Should strong, Advantages, However, Reason,
Argument, Think, Important, Make, Firstly.

c. Common expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to
Hortatory Exposition texts:
a. The following are the reasons why…..
b. Based on the arguments above, …
c. I think we should …
d. …is important to …
e. It could be argued that …

3. Explanation Text
3.1 Definition: An explanation text tells the audience how
something works or why something happens.
Explanations detail and logicallydescribe the stages in a
process, such as the rainbow, or how a car engineworks.
Quite often, especially in its written version, this text type
appearswith a picture complement to support clarity.

3.2 Generic Structure

An Explanation text comprises three main parts:
a. General statement; stating the phenomenon issues
which are to beexplained.
b. Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which
explain thephenomena.
c. Concluding statement.

3.3 Social Function

An Explanation Text is intended by the writer/speaker:
To explain the audience how and why something works or

3.4 Language Features

a. Grammar
The grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
a. Use of passive voice pattern
b. Use of the Simple Present Tense
c. Use of technical terms
d. Use of words that show cause and effect
e. Use of abstract noun
f. Use of action verb
g. Use of noun phrases

b. Vocabulary
Notice a few words/phrases that often appear: First, Then,
Next, As a consequence, Because, Lead to, However,
Include, …similar to… , … differs from… , …resulted in …

c.Common Expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to
a. For example
b. These include
c. For instance
d. As shown by …
e. … Such as …
f. On the other hand, …
g. Including …..

4. Discussion Text
4.1 Definition
Discussion text is a text which presents a problematic
discourse. Thisproblem is discussed from different points
of view. It presents pro andcontra opinion on certain issue.

4.2 Generic Structure

a. General statement ; to introduce the audience to the
topic ofdiscussion – it can include a question and the
view of the author can be expressed here (called the
discussion‘s thesis)
b. A series of paragraphs; that have points for and
against the topic – the text may have paragraphs on
the for side followed byparagraphs on the against side,
and within the paragraphs thereshould be evidence to
support the point of view.
c. A concluding paragraph ; that sums up the discussion
and gives the opinion of the author of the text.

4.3 Social Function

A Discussion Text is intended by the writer/speaker to
present (at least) two points of view about issue or
problem; to present arguments from differing points of
view about issue or problem.

4.4. Language Features

a. Grammar
The grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
a. Use of the Simple Present Tense
b. Use of medium to high degrees of modality.
c. Use of quoted and reported speech to support
d. Use of passive voice to change focus of sentences.
e. Focus on beginning of sentences.
f. Use of complex combination of clauses.
g. Use of complex sentences.

b. Vocabulary
Notice a few words/phrases that often appear: Argue,
argue, Possibly, Exactly, However,….but…., wonder

c.Common Expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to
 Let's begin/start with ...
 This might mean
 Some people say
 Others argue
 On the one hand,…
 As far as I'm concerned,…
 I think
 In my opinion,…
 As far as I know,…
 In my view
 I don't think
 I don't believe that
 Well, if you ask me
 If you want my honest opinion
 I've never come across the idea that
 I must admit that
 I totally/fully/partly agree
 I agree/don't agree with you
 I believe/don't believe
 I'm convinced that
 It seems to me that
 I wouldn't say that
 I don't think so
 As a matter of fact
 That's right/wrong
 I can understand
 It's hard to say
 It's a fact that
 That's why
 They claim that
 They also say
 Opinion among … is that ...

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. The difference between Hortatory Exposition and Analytical
dipahami di modul ini Exposition (the last paragraph)

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. The Social Function of Hortatory Exposition and Analytical
mengalami miskonsepsi Exposition.

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