Stability Sqa
Stability Sqa
Stability Sqa
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1. Access to and within the space should be adequate and well illuminated.
2. No sources of ignition should be taken into the space unless the responsible
officer is satisfied that it is safe to do so.
3. Rescue and all available resuscitation equipment to be ready at the entrance
to the space
4. The number of personnel entering the space should be limited to those who
actually need to work in the space.
5. A responsible person is to be in attendance at the entrance to the space
while it is occupied.
6. Communications procedures are to be agreed and acknowledged by all those
involved. Communications between the attendant at the entrance and the
Officer on watch (Bridge or ECR) should be established.
7. Before entry is permitted it should be established that entry with breathing
apparatus is possible.
8. Lifelines should be long enough for the purpose and capable of being firmly
attached to the harness, but the wearer should be able to detach them
easily should they become tangled.
9. The space should be ventilated throughout the operation.
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1. Stretcher,
3. Spare bottles
4. Safety light
5. Safety harness
6. Communications (VHF)
7. ELSA‟s
8. First Aid kit
9. Resuscitator
10.Rescue lines
11.Rescue Tripod/‟A‟ Frame
State five annexes that are listed under the IMO MARPOL 73/78
convention? (5) Mar-06
I oil,
II Noxious liquid substances in bulk (chemical)
III Harmful substances in packaged form (loaded in container ship)
IV Ship sewage'
V Garbage,
VI Air Pollution from ships
Outline the entries that must be made in an oil record book part 1 and 2?
(9) Nov-05 (N)
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All entries (each operation) are to be signed and dated by the officer in charge of
the operation and each page must be counter-signed by the master.
In front of the book a ship‟s tank plan with capacities must be entered.
The record book must be retained onboard ship for 3 years.
State the conditions that must be applied under Annex I, MARPOL 73/78
with respect to the discharge of oil or oily mixture residue from cargo,
into any part of the sea from a ship of 400t and above other than an oil
tanker (6) Nov-05 (N)
Machinery space:
The ship not within a special area.
The ship is proceeding enroute (on a voyage)
The oil content of the effluent without dilution does no exceed 15 parts per
million (ppm).
The ship has in operation equipment as required by the regulation 16 of annex
1 i.e Oil Discharge Monitoring and control system and filtering equipment.
State the conditions that must be applied under Annex I, MARPOL 73/78
with respect to the discharge of oil or oily mixture residue from cargo,
into any part of the sea from an oil tanker (6)
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The tanker is not within a special area.
The tanker is more than 50 miles from nearest land.
The tankers is proceeding enroute (on a voyage)
The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content is not more then 30 litres
per nautical mile
total oil residue discharge <1/15000 of product carried –for existing tanker
total oil residue discharge <1/30000 of product carried)
Special area means a sea area where for recognised technical reasons in relation
to its oceanographical and ecological condition and to the particular character of
its traffic the adoption of special mandatory methods for the prevention of sea
pollution by oil/garbage is required.
In accord with Regulation 10, of MARPOL, Special areas are designated sea
areas where discharge of oil and garbage is prohibited or severely restricted by
specific provision. Such special areas includes:
1. Antarctic
2. Baltic Sea
3. Black Sea
4. Mediterranean Sea
5. North Sea
6. Persian Gulf
7. Red Sea
8. Wider Caribbean
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Outline the entries that must be made in the Garbage Record book?
(10) Oct-05, March-06
Entries in the Garbage Record book, shall be made on each of the following
These responsibilities remain even when the means of access is provided from
the shore.
1) bulwark ladder
2) guard ropes and chains
3) chain block
4) safety net
5) life buoy with self activating light and buoyant life line.
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ISM means the International Safety Management Code for the safe operation of
Ships and Pollution Prevention.
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If any ship fails to comply with any requirement of regulations 12,13, or 16 (the
discharge regulations), the owner and the master will each be guilty of an
offence and both will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding
250000, or on conviction on indictment to an unlimited fine.
Explain why the LCF may move on a ship shape vessel? (4 marks)
The LCF is at the centroid of the waterplane area at that particular draught. With
a ship shape vessel the waterplane area will change with draught. As a
consequence the centroid of the new waterplane area (LCF) will also change and
may move forward and aft of its initial position with such a change in draught.
Describe the preparation of the vessel for sea and adverse weather with
respect of watertight integrity and security of cargo?
1. close all hatches and tanks fully, before sailing.
2. maintain and test water tight seals and openings.
3. ensure spurling pipes are sealed correctly.
4. adjust ship‟s course and speed in heavy wx.
5. keep watertight doors closed when at sea
6. ensure freeing ports open efficiently and are not obstructed by rabbish or
deck cargoes.
7. keep scuppers clear and clean.
8. sound all compartments daily.
Explain two methods whereby free surface effect (FSE) may be reduced
or eliminated in a compartment? (4 marks)
b) an audiable and visable alarm to warn when operator preset limits are
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c) an automatic system to stop the discharge in the event that MARPOL limits
are exceeded.
d) an override system which prevents the discharge of residues when the
monitor is not in used.
e) a permanent record of displayed information.
The system should come into operation when there is any discharge of effluent
into the sea and must automatically stop any discharge when the rate of
discharge of oil exceeds 30 litres per mile.
Filtering equipment must be capable of reducing the oil content in the effluent to
not more than 15 ppm.
Oil content meters must be capable of measuring a range of oil an alarm must be
provided which will indicate when the oil content of the effluent exceeds 15ppm.
The figure of 15ppm is used to determine whether ballast is clean or not.
List the personal protective equipment (PPE) that an oow should wear
during the mooring operations? (5) Oct-05
Bunkering precautions/procedures :
Completion :
5. Stop cargo or bunker operations. Caste off bunker barge that is alongside.
6. Non essential persons to be sent ashore.
7. One man standby at the gangway with cargo plan, fire wallet,
international shore connection to act as a guide for shore fire party.
8. Muster all crew- head count. Fire party briefed.
9. Proceed to scene off fire and investigate.
10. Shut down all ventilation.
11. Start emergency fire p/p. Try to fight the fire by conventional means.
12. Maintain boundary cooling at all times.
13. After fire brigade comes-
If cargo space fire- close and batten down hatches. If accommodation fire
then isolate all electrical circuits.
(International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) ship
shore check list 1 to 19)
An oil tanker is alongside. Explain the duties of the oow before, during
and after loading operations? (15) Oct-05 March-06
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1. Check the gangway and ensure it is secure and provides a safe access.
2. All persons on board and their location, especially those in remote or
enclosed spaces.
3. Ensure vessel complies with fire and safety regulations.
4. Ensure no work is being carried out without valid permit to work.
5. Take every precaution to prevent pollution. Sight around the vessel to
ensure that no pollution hazards exists.
6. The state of fire fighting equipment.
7. Any hazardous area must highlighted.
1. Check the moorings be aware of the tidal condition throughout the watch.
2. The state of the weather and sea and all forecasts.
3. Check the under keel clearance.
4. Check the moorings regularly to ensure that the vessel is properly secured
to the berth.
Cargo Operation
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Outline the methods contained within the code of safe working practices
for Merchant seaman (COSWP) to ensure safe movement (7) june-05
The following methods are contained with in the COSWP to ensure safe
movement onboard a vessel.
1. General Advice
2. Drainage
3. Transit Areas
4. Lighting
5. Guarding of Openings
6. Watertight doors
7. Ship-board Vehicles
1. All deck surfaces are to be kept free from materials or substances likely
to result in a fall or slip.
2. Adequate lighting
3. Safety sign to be displaced on board ship
4. Deck surface free from any obstruction
5. Equipment used is of good construction, sound material, free from defects
and properly maintained.
6. Suitable hand-holds should be provided at the top and at any
intermediate landing place of all fixed ladders.
7. opening (including hatchway) must be protected with secure guards or
8. Any powered vehicle or mobile lifting appliance must be operated by a
competent and authorized person and properly maintained.
Explain the difference between an angle of list and an angle of loll (5)
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once positive stability has been achieved the angle of heel (which is now an
angle of list and not loll) can be corrected by adding weight to the high side
taking care to maintain the positive GM.
(If you move weights to, or fill tanks on the high side, the ship may rollover from
one side to the other side and the ship might capsize due to the violent
movement of rollover).
M- Notices: Merchant ship notices which are published by the MCA and
recommendations contained in it should be complied with. It is a method by
which the MCA promulgates information, which is quickly brought to the
attention of seafarers, management and those associated with the industry.
- will provide
1. Advice
2. Guidance to relevant parties
- in order to improve
1. safety of shipping
2. safety of life at sea
3. prevent or minimize pollution
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numbered in sequence continuing the present numbers but using the initial
letters MSN.
Or equipment manufacturers
This code provides a sound basis upon which the concerned can establish
And maintain safe working conditions on board ships at sea and in port and
Designed to reduce the number of accidents.
Published for the maritime and coastguard agency under license from the
controller of her majesties stationery office.
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(2) Personal Health And Safety: Gives General Advice for Seafarers
(4) Specialist Ships :Deals with safety for specialist ship operations
Statutory Instruments
What is SI?
This is an instrument of government prepared and published by HMSO
are identified by their title (e.g. The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil
Pollution) Regulations 1996), and the year and number of publication, e.g.
1996 No. 2154 . SIs also have an ISBN number.
are printed, published and sold by The Stationery Office (TSO) under
the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty‟s
Stationery Office
Produce a checklist to indicate the deck duties of the oow whilst waiting
for next sailing tide (12) March-05
1) Ensure that when the appropriate loadline mark is not submerged at sea in
SW (RD 1.025) the ship will always have necessary reserve buoyancy to
ensure seaworthiness.
2) To find the mean draft / freeboard when vessel is listed.
3) To determine by how much the appropriate loadline can be submerged
when floating in fresh water.
4) To determine whether vessel is hogged or sagged.
5) Gives a clear indication as to whether the vessel is overloaded. (Avoid
overloading the vessel)
1. All pump, lines, instrument, high level alarm and other cargo equipment
should be checked and tested as required, prior to arrival port.
2. Prepare loading plan
3. Complete ship/shore safety check list.
4. stability of the ship to be calculated and checked.
5. The tank must be inerted, O2 content less than 8percent and positive
6. PV valve and mast riser must be set as required.
On completion :
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1. on completion of the final tank and line draining the shore control valve
must be closed before the ship valves.
2. check all the ullages and temps with shore representative and calculate the
ship fig of cargo loaded.
3. ship must be battened down for sea, (i.e. ullage ports, venting system, IG
system, pipe line system, pump room etc.
4. PV valve should be set.
Define garbage :
Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and operational waste excluding
fresh fish and parts thereof, generated during the normal operation of he ship
and liable to disposed of continuously or periodically except those substance
which are defined or listed in other annex to the present convention.