Bluetool Manual

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Mechanical Design

2 Mechanical Design
The mechanical design of the Service Tool is shown in Flgure 2-

The Service Tool consists of two rows display with 16 columns

And a keyboard with 16 keys.

The Tool is connected to the LCB_II over a RS 422 serial communication line.

Service Tool Manual

Main Level Keys

System=1 Tools=2 S - SET

№. Shift Keys Short Hex

Keys Keys
M 7 8 9 0 - OFF
7 7 7 1 - ON
2 - UP
3 - DOWN
F 4 5 6
7 7 7 4 - DISP IN -S4 - A
5 - SEL OUT -S5 - B
S 1 2 3 6 - -S6 - C
7 7 7 7 - DISP STATE -S7 - D
8 - ENT CALL -S8 - E
GO clea
9 - TEST -S9 - F
0 ON n

7 7 7


Shift key
Tree Structure
3 Tree Structure
All Service tool functions are organized under the tree –structure – structure
Which you can see in Figure 3-1.

It is divided in a SYSTEM path ,where you have access to the main service
Tool functions – STATUS (system monitoring)
- TEST (event monitoring tests) and
- SETUP(setup of system environment),and in a TOOLS path.

The TOOLS pass contains the Service Tool functions which supports installation and maintenance of the

LCB_II - Menu

SYSTEM - Menu TOOLS - Menu

STATUS - Menu TEST - Menu SETUP - Menu

Search IO

Calls Event Install

Erase IO

Inputs Diagnosis RSL

Setup INST

Outputs Part Allowed



ICSS Selftest DCS Run

Menu System
4 LCB_II Menu System


The Menu System allows you to access the single Server Tool functions if you choose the
right path through the Tree-Structure by pressing the displayed key.(number 1,2,3… 8)

If there is only one number to choose .you can call the function also with the Shift Key

You can toggle between the different Menus using the „GO ON‟ or „GO BACK‟ key if
the „>‟character indicates a hidden menu.

The „CLEAN‟ key lets you jump one step back.

If you want to jump back to the one of the three Main Level of the
architecture,(MONITOR, FUNCTION or SET) you can do it with the „M‟,‟F‟ or „S‟ Main
Level Key.

The LCB_II Menu System is shown in Figure 4 – 1.

Power on

LCB_II - Menu
System=1 Tools=2

1 2

F SYSTEM – Menu > TOOLS – Menu >

Status = 1 Test= 2 1 = Search IO
SYSTEM – Menu > TOOLS – Menu >
Setup = 3 2 = Erase IO
TOOLS – Menu >
3 = Setup INST

1 2 3 TOOLS – Menu >

9 = Opr.Memory

STATUS – Menu > TEST – Menu > SETUP – Menu >
Calls = 1 Input = 2 Events = 1 Diag = 2 Install =1 RSL = 2
STATUS – Menu > TEST – Menu > SETUP – Menu >
Output = 3 Group = 4 Part = 3 RSL = 4 Allowed = 3 POS = 4
STATUS – Menu > TEST – Menu > SETUP – Menu >
ICSS = 5 Cmd = 6 Selft = 5 DCS – RUN = 5 ELD=6

1 2

INSTALL – Menu > Allowed – Menu >

01 System 01 Enable
Allowed – Menu >
02 Cut Call
Allowed – Menu >
03 Card_Rd

Figure 4 – 1 :Menu System

4.1.1 System Path

M LCB_II - Menu

1 2

F System - Menu System - Menu

(16) (61)

1 2 3

S Status - Menu Test - Menu Setup - Menu

(28) (37) (37) (47)

1 Calls 1 Event 1 Install - Menu

(31) (38)

2 Input 2 Diagnosis 1 System

(33) (40)

3 Output 3 Part 2 OCSS

(34) (42)

4 Group 4 RSL 3 Group

(35) (43)

5 ICSS (36) 5 Self test (44) 4 Drive

6 Cmd 5 Doors

6 Position Ref.

7 Cargo

8 Emergency

9 Security

Go on Test

3 Allowed - Menu (52)

1 Enable

2 Cut Call

Legend: 3 Card Reader

Service Tool Key.
Menu System

Function (58)
5 DCS Run
(16) Page Number
Figure 4 – 2:System Path Overview 6 ELD

4.1.2 Tools Path

M LCB_II - Menu

1 2

F System - Menu Tools - Menu


1 Search IO

2 Erase

3 Setup INST
1 Service Tool Key Menu System

4 Opr. Memory

Function (16) Page Number

Figure 4 – 3:Tools Path Overview.

4.2 LCB_II – Menus

4.2.1 Power On


Figure 4 – 4 : Power On Display / Keys

After Power On the Service Tool software runs an internal selftest.

The display shown in figure 4 – 4 indicates a synchronized communication

with the LCB_II and a successful selftest.
The Service Tool is in operation now.

LCB_II – Menu
Transition to the LCB_II – Menu. System=1 Tools=2

4.2.2 LCB_II - Menu

Key Sequence M

1 2

LCB_II - Menu
System=1 Tools=2 2 1

Figure 4 - 5
LCB_II – Menu / Keys
Key 1: transition to the SYSTEM – Menu
11 Key2 : transition to the TOOLS – Menu

2 shift Key UP :display the current

<toggle key> Controller Type LCB_II – Menu
and Drive Type. MCS120 Sol.V >

Go Key GO ON :displays the current
on n
<toggle key> stop signal(s) LCB_II – Menu
(GO BACK) Stop on : U / DIS

(see document : Service Tool

1 reference List / Info Messages)
LCB_II – Menu
Shift key ON: displays the current SVT – Key PROG: on
(ON) state of the
Short Key S9
Shift key OFF: removes display
See:4.3 Short Keys

M Shift key and MONITOR:

Displays the revision and date of VERS:GOD616G28
the Service Tool Firmware. 6 – JUL - 1990
4.2.3 SYSTEM - Menu

Key Sequence

1 2 3

SYSTEM – Menu >

Status=1 Test=2
M Clear

Figure 4 – 6 :SYSTEM – Menu / Keys

1 - Key 1: Transition to the STATUS – Menu

2 - Key 2: Transition to the TEST – Menu

3 - Key 3: Transition to the SETUP – Menu

M - Key MODULE: back to LCB_II – Menu

(level M)

- Key CLEAR: back to LCB_II – Menu
(one step back)
4.2.4 STATUS – Menu
Key Sequence


STATUS – Menu > goon
Call = 1 Input = 2
(go back)

M F clear

- Key1 or Key2: Call of service Tool function Calls or input.

1 - Key3 or Key4: Call of service Tool function Output or Group.
- Key5: Call of service Tool function ICSS.
6 - Key6: Call of service Tool function Cmd.

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

Toggle through STATUS – Menu
notice: („>‟indicates Menu – Toggle) STATUS – Menu >
Output = 3 Group = 4

M - Key MODULE: back to LCB_II Menu

(level M)

F - Key FUNCTION: back to SYSTEM - Menu

(level F)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to SYSTEM - Menu

(one step back)
4.2.5 TEST – Menu
Key Sequence


TEST – Menu >

Events= 1 Diag=2 clear

Figure 4 – 8: SETUP – Menu / Keys M F clear

- Key 1 or 2: Transition to the Events – or Diagnosis – Func.

1 - Key 3 or 4: Transition to the Part – or RSL – Func.
5 - Key 5: Call of Selftest.

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

Toggle though SETUP - Menu
goon TEST – Menu >
Part = 3 RSL = 4
notice: („>‟indicates Menu – Toggle)

- Key MODULE: back to LCB_II – Menu

(level M)

- Key FUNCTION: back to SYSTEM - Menu

(level F)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to SYSTEM - Menu

(one step back)
4.2.6 SETUP - Menu
Key Sequence


goon goon
SETUP – Menu >
Install = 1 RSL = 2


M F clear
Figure 4 – 9:SETUP – Menu / Keys

1 - Key 1 or 2: Transition to the INSTALL – Menu or RSL – Func.

- Key 3 or 4: Transition to the ALLOWED – Menu or Pos – Func.
6 - Key 5 or 6: Call of Service Tool Function DCS – Run or ELD – Func.

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

Toggle through SETUP - Menu
goon SETUP – Menu >
Allowed = 3 POS = 4
Notice: („>‟indicates Menu – Toggle)

- Key MODULE: back to LCB_II - Menu

(level M)

- Key Function: back to System - Menu

(level F)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to System - Menu

(one step back)
4.2.7 Install - Menu
Key Sequence

1 clear

Install Menu > goon

01 System goon

Figure 4 – 10:Install – Menu / Keys M F S clear

1 clear - Key … Key 9: Call of the Service Tool function INSTALL –SYSTEM
… Install – Security.(Please call Install – Test with Key ENTER)
9 - Shift Key ENTER: Call of the displayed Service Tool function.


goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

Toggle through INSTALL - Menu
notice : („>‟indicates Menu – Toggle)

- Key MODULE: back to LCB_II – Menu (level M)


F - Key FUNCTION: back to SYSTEM – Menu (level F)

- Key SET: back to SETUP – Menu (level S)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to SETUP – Menu (one step back)

4.2.8 ALLOWED – Menu M–1–3-3
Key sequence

1 clear

ALLOWED – Menu >
01 Enable goon goon


Figure 4 – 11: ALLOWED – Menu / Keys M F S clear

1 clear - Key 1: Call of the Service Tool function Allowed - Enable

3 … Key 3: …or the other 2 function of the ALLOWED - Menu
- Shift Key ENTER: Call of the display Service Tool function


- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

Toggle through ALLOWED - Menu

M - Key MODULE: back to LCB_II – Menu (level M)

F - Key FUNCTION: back to SYSTEM – Menu (level F)

S - Key SET: back to SETUP _Menu (level S)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to SETUP_ Menu (one step back)

4.2.9 TOOLS – Menu M-2
Key sequence

1 clear

TOOLS – Menu >
1= Search IO goon goon

M clear
Figure 4 – 12:TOOLS – Menu / Keys

- Key 1: Call of Service Tool function Search IO.

1 - Key 2,3 or 9: Call function Erase IO, SETUP INST or Opr. Memory

clear - Shift Key ENTER: Calls the displayed Service Tool function.


goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
Toggle through TOOLS - Menu TOOLS – Menu >
notice: („>‟indicates Menu – Toggle). 02 = Erase IO

- Key MODULE: back to LCB_II – Menu

(level M)

- Key CLEAR: back to LCB_II – Menu

(one step back)
4.3 Short Keys S4 – S9
Short Keys

The Short Keys provide direct access to certain, often used Service
Tool functions, eliminating the need to step through the menu struc-

The Service Tool functions Input, Call, Install, Alter and Events
are assigned to the Standard Short Keys S7 (Shift 7),S8 (Shift 8),S4
(Shift 4),S5 (Shift 5)and S6 (Shift 6).

Short Key S9 (Shift 9) is a free programmable key to store any posi

tion of the Tree – Structure as a sixth Short Key.
Once you have stored S9 (by pressing S9at the desired position)you
Can reset it only on level M (LCB_II – Menu)

System = 1 Tools = 2

7 8 9

M 7 8 9 4 5 6
F 4 5 6

1 2 3
S 1 2 3

0 Goon clear S4 = Install S7 = Input

S5 = RSL S8 = Calls
S6 = Event S9 = PROG

Figure 4 – 13 : Short Keys S4 – S9.

4.3.1 Standard Short Keys

LCB_II - Menu

SYSTEM - Menu TOOL - Menu

Search IO
STATES - Menu TEST - Menu SETUP - Menu

Erase IO

S8 Calls S6 Events S4 Install

Setup INST

Inputs Diagnosis RSL

S7 S5 Opr.Memory

Figure 4 – 14: Standard Short Keys S4, S5, S7, S8 and S9.


The current function may be STATUS / Output

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
u d l ux

8 - Short Key S8: Direct call of function STATUS / Calls.

(see chapter: 5.1.2)


A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
u d l ux
4.3.2 Programmable Short Key S9 Short Key

LCB_II - Menu

SYSTEM - Menu TOOL - Menu

Search IO
STATES - Menu TEST - Menu SETUP - Menu

Erase IO

S8 Calls S6 Events S4 Install

Setup INST
Inputs 9 Diagnosis RSL
S7 S5 Opr.Memory

Outputs Part Allowed

Figure 4 – 15: Standard Short Keys and Short Key S9

In Figure 4 – 15 you can see the function of Short Key S9.

In this example the function STATUS / Outputs is set to the Short

Key S9 function. Now S9 is acting like a Standard Short Key.

In Figure 4 – 15 the current position is SETUP / RSL. Now you can

call function STATUS / Output with Short Key S9.

Function STATUS / Output (see chapter: 5.1.4)

Should be set as a Short Key function:
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ First you have to call STATUS / Output.
u d l ux

- Short Key S9: Position STATUS / Output is set to the Short Key
9 S9 function

- Key MODULE and Shift Key ON:
1 The status of Store Key S9 is dis-
M played on the LCB_II – Menu. LCB_II - Menu
SVT – Key PROG : on


notice :
9 - Short Key S9 and LCB_II – Menu:
Reset of Short Key S9.
LCB_II – Menu
SVT – Key – PROG : off

Now you can toggle between any function

(SETUP / RSL (see chapter: 5.2.2))
and STATUS / Output.
>0000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9 - Short Key S9: Call of function

STATUS / Output.
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
u d l ux_ _ _

Service Tool Functions

5 Service Tool Functions

All the Service Tool functions are divided into 4 groups, the STATUS,
TEST, and SETUP and Tools functions.

LCB_II – Menu
System = 1 Tools = 2

SYSTEM – Menu >

Status = 1 Test = 2 TOOLS – Menu >
1 = Search IO

STATUS – Menu > TEST – Menu > SETUP – Menu >

Call = 1 Input = 2 Events = 1 Diag = 2 Install = 1 RSL = 2
STATUS – Functions TEST – Functions SETUP – Functions TOOLS - Functions

Figure 5 – 1: STATUS-, SETUP-, and TOOLS- paths

5.1 STATUS – Functions *************
Key Sequence

STATUS – Menu > goon

Call = 1 Input = 2
STATUS – Menu >
Output = 3 Group = 4
STATUS – Menu >
clear ICSS = 5 CMD = 6

1 6

2 3 4 5
A-00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ A-00 IDL ST ] [ ][
C> U00D00 A 1C ?:CLD1 ?:CLD2

Calls – function CMD – Func.

A–00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ A-00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ A-00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ ICSS IS ONLINE

INS ?? dw DFC u d l ux **************** ICSS2 IS OFFLINE

Input – Function Output – Function Group – Function ICSS – Func.

Figure 5 – 2 : STATUS – Functions

In the following all the STATUS – functions are explained.

There are the Calls,Input,Output,Group,ICSS and CMD func-
tions to control the elevator calls and monitor the software
status and system I/O „s.

The first row always displays the Software Status.

It gives information about
- the car identifier in group
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ - the direction of the moving cabin.
- the current position.
- the Operational Control software State, and
- the Front and Rear Door State.

C> U00D00 A 1 C

Please find in chapter 5.1.1 the exact description of

The Software Status Display (Row one)

Figure 5 – 3:Software Status

5.1.1 Software Status Display

Car identifier Description

A First car of group / Simplex

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
B second car in group
C> U00D00 A 1C
C third car in group

Direction Description

— stop / direction not defined

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ U car is moving in UP direction
C> U00D00 A 1C D car is moving in DOWN direction

Position Description
00 actual level (level 0)
** position not defined
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
C> U00D00 A 1C

OCSS mode Description

IDL current OCSS – mode (ldle)
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ see document:
C> U00D00 A 1C Service Tool Reference List /
Operation Modes

MCSS status Description

ST current MCSS – state (Stop)

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ See document:
C> U00D00 A 1C Service Tool Reference List /
Motion States

Doors states Description

][][ front / rear door state:
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ ] [ for Closed [ ] for Open
C> U00D00 A 1C < >for Opening >< for Closing
** for door state not defined
Event Messages in Status Display

In additional a blinking Event Message will be displayed during

Software Status Display if one of the following events occurs and
The elevator is blocked.
A – 00 INS IN ] [ ] [
C> U00D00 A 1C

Event Message
>TCI – LOCK ! Leave Top of Car „ function on
>LS-FAULT ! 1LS / 2LS check negative
A – 00 > TCI – LOCK ! >start DCS ! Door Check Sequence not opr. yet
C> U00D00 A 1C >ACS is on ! Anti Creeping Switch is operated
>1LS + 2LS ! 1LS and 2LS is operated

(see document: Service Tool Reference List / Event Messages)

4.1.2 Call – Function
Key Sequence

Short Key Calls S8

In Figure 5-4 you can see the display of function Calls.

The first row displays the Software Status
(see: 5.1.1).
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ The second row controls the Elevator Calling System.
C> U00D00 A 1C
- you can enter a Car Call ,UP Hail Call,
Down Hall Call or Emergency Hospital Call
Figure 5-4: Calls – Function - Monitoring of:
- number of Upper and Lower Call Demands
- Load Status
- number of cars available in group
- power supply

Enter a call
1) 2)
Calls Call Type / Level Number

1) C Car Call
U Up Hall Call
A u 00 NOR FR ] [ ] [ D Down Hall Call
C>02 U00D00 A 1C E Emergency Hospital Call

2) 02 entered call (level 2)

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK : Toggle trough the Call Types


2 - Key number for desired level (2)
- Shift Key ENTER: Termination to enter the desired (type, level)
(ENTER) call
1) 2)
Call Demands

1) 01 number of UP-Call demands

A u 00 NOR FB ] [ ] [
C> U01D00 A 1C 2) 00 number of DOWN-Call dements

Load Status

A ANS load
A u 00 NOR FR ] [ ] [
F full load
C> U01D00 A 1C
P peak load
O overload
D default load

Cars Available In Group

1-3 number of cars available in group

A u 00 NOR FR ] [ ] [
C> U01D00 A 1C

Power Supply
C Normal power supply
E Emergency power supply
A u 00 NOR FR ] [ ] [
C> U01 D00 A 1C
4.1.3 Input – Function M–1–1–2
Key Sequence

Input S7
Short Key

In Figure 5-5 you can see the display of function Input.

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
ins es dw DFC The first row display the Software Status
(see: 5.1.1).

Figure 5-5:Input – Function

The second row monitors the System Inputs

- Lower case letters of the input name stands for „Function = OFF‟ and upper case letters for „function
= ON‟

- Up to four signals are displayed in one row .you can skip to the next / previous group with Key GOON

- Each group is assigned to a functional block. Both can be displayed with Shift Key ENTER.
Please refer to the list of available System Inputs.
(see document: Service Tool Reference List)

- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
Skip to the next / previous group of the System Inputs.


A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
md aes

2 3 - Shift Key UP / Shift Key DOWN:

<toggle keys>
Row one: Display of the functional block and the current group.

(UP) (DOWN) Block :System

Group 1 :Safety Chain
SY1 Safety Chain
ins es dw DFC
5.1.4 Output - Function M–1–1-4
Key Sequence

In Figure 5-7 and 5-8 you can see the display of

Function Group.

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ The first row displays the Software Status. of the

B – 03 IDL ST ] [ ] [ Controller the Service Tool is connected with.

Figure 5-7:Group – Function The second row displays the Software Status of one
of the other Controllers in the group.
(see :5.1.1 Software Status)

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
*** *** *** ***

Figure 5-8:Group - Function


goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

goon Skip to the next / previous Controller in the group.


A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
C – 07 IDL ST ] [ ] [
5.1.5 Group – Function M- 1 – 1 – 4
Key Sequence

In Figure 5 – 7 and 5 – 8 you can see the display of

function Group.
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
B – 03 IDL ST ] [ ] [ The first row displays the Software Status. of the con-
troller the Service Tool is connected with.

Figure 5-7: Group – Function The second row displays the Software Status of one of
the other Controllers in the group.
(see: 5.1.1 Software Status)

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
*** *** *** ****

Figure 5-8: Group – Function


- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
goon Skip to the next / previous Controller in the group.


A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
C – 07 IDL ST ] [ ] [
5.1.6 ICSS - Function M– 1 – 1 - 5
Key Sequence

In Figure 5-9 you can see the display of function ICSS.

ICSS IS ONLINE The first row displays the status of first ICSS.
The second row displays the status of the second ICSS.

Figure 5-9 : ICSS - Function

5.1.7 Command – Function M–1–1-6
Key Sequence

The first row displays the Software Status

(see : 5.5.1)
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
F : CLD1 R : CLD1 The second row displays the Commands which are
send to the internal Subsystems.
(see document : Service Tool Reference List /

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
Skip to the next / previous group of commands


A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
MC: GoTo To : 00


Display Field Discription

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ 1) Software Status
F : CLD1 R : CLD2 2)CLD1 command for front door
3)CLD2 command for rear door

2) 3)


Display Field Discription

Au00 NOR FR ] [ ] [ 1) Software Status

MC : GoTo To : 00 2) GoTo Motion command
3) 00 Actual Target (**=invalid)

2) 3)

TEST – Menu >

Event = 1 Diag = 2

1 2 3 4 5

00000 total runs

00000 minutes on

Event – Function Diagnosis – Function Part – Function RSL – Funtion Selftest – Func.

Figure 5-10: TEST – Functions

In the following all the TEST – functions are explained.

There are the Events, Diagnosis, Part, RSL and Selftest functions,
which are the most used functions for service and maintainace.
Short Key S6 is assigned to call the Event – function.

The Diagnosis – function operates the diagnosis parameter stored in

The EEPROM after Power – OFF.

Part displays the configuration number of EPROM and EEPROM,

RSL and Selftest are functions to test the hardware of the LCB_II.
5.2.1 Event – Function M–1–2–1
Key Sequence

Short Key Event S6

The Event – Function support the maintenance of

The elevator.
00000 total runs It displays - the total number of runs
00000 minutes on - the elapsed time since Power On
- information about each event:
- event text
- the number of event
- the elapsed time since last
- the car position where the last
event occurred
Please refer to the list of Event Messages:
(see document: Service Tool Reference List)


global information

1) 00000 number of elevator runs

00000 total runs
00000 minutes on 2) 00000 number since Power On


- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK: Skip through the list of recorded
goon event messages.


00000 total runs 00000 total runs

00000 minutes on 00000 minutes on

No events 0400 RSL parity

logged____ c002 t00001 p**

No more event

a) no event recorded b) one event recorded

Event logging

4) event logging
1 2) 3)
1) 1.row event text

2) 002 number of event since last occurrence

0400 RSL parity
c002 t00001 p**
3) 00001 elapsed time since last occurrence
4) ** car position where event occurred
(** = position not defined)

Event reset

- Shift Key ON:

1 Reset the displayed event.

Erase Value ?
0400 RSL parity
- Shift Key ENTER:
clear Termination of the reset

Erase Value ?
done !

2 - Shift Key UP:

Reset the entire event


1 Erase Events ?
n=0 y=1 >

(ENTER) - Key 1 and ENTER and

Key 2 and ENTER :
Termination of the reset

(ENTER) Erase Events ?

Please wait!

- Key CLEAR:
clear back to Test - Menu
5.2.2 Diagnosis - Function M–1–2-2
Key Sequence

In Figure 5-12 you can see the display of function Diagnosis.

The first row displays the name of the current diagnosis parameter.
000 : 00 : 00 : 34

Figure 5-12 : Diagnosis - Function

The second row shows the value of the diagnosis parameter.

- You can skip to the next / previous diagnosis parameter with Key GOON / GOBACK
- With Key UP you can display a short legend for the time values.
- The displayed parameter can be reset to zero using the key sequence ON/UP and ENTER.
Please refer to the list of Diagnosis Parameters.

Diagnosis Parameter display

Example of a time parameter

1) 2)
Display Field Description
1) 02 Parameter no.
2) TOT-T Parameter name
3) 003 No. of months
4) 17 No. of days
003 : 17 : 22 : 57
5) 22 No. of hours
6) 37 No. of minutes

3) 4) 5) 6)

Example of a time parameter

1) 2)
Display Field Description

1) 03 Parameter no.
03 DIAG UP - CNT 2) UP-CNT Parameter name
000000079 3) 000000079 No. of occurrences

Diagnosis parameter reset

1 - Shift Key ON:

Reset the displayed event
Erase Value ?


clear - Shift Key ENTER:

Termination of the reset
Erase Value ?
done !

2 - Shift Key UP
displays a short legend of
the time value – if a time – mon : d : h : min
(UP) value was displayed before. 003 : 17 : 22 : 57

2 - Shift Key UP(a 2,time):

Resets the entire event Erase Events ?
Logging. n=0 y=1 >

1 - Key and ENTER and
- Key and ENTER:
(ENTER) Termination of the reset Erase Events ?
Function. Please wait!


clear - Key CLEAR:

back to Test - Menu
5.2.3 Part – No. - Function M–1–2–3
Key Sequence

The Part – No. – Function display the current software version

of the EPROM and EEPROM.

No. GAA30082AAC
29 – Apr – 94 08:29 It also displays the date and the time of the LCB_II software

Figure 5-13 :Part – No. – Function

- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

goon Toggle between the displays
of the EPROM version
and the display that shows
the EPROM version and EE=E47NS9528
(GOBACK) the date / time of the
No. GAA30082AAC
29 – Apr – 94 08:29

clear - Key CLEAR: back to Test - Menu

1) 2)

software version / date / time

1)E 1)E47NS9528 EEPROM version

2)GAA 30082 EPROM version

29 – Apr – 94 08:29
3)29 – Apr – 94 date and time of the release
5.2.4 RSL – Test - Function M–1–2–4
Key Sequence

The RSL – Test – Function can be used to test the remote

ADR = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ After the address of the Remote Station is entered,
- the four Input Pins are monitored and
- the four Output pins can be set.

Figure 5-13 : RSL / Test - Function

Enter the RSL – address

- Key 1,5: Input Keys of the
2 RSL - address


clear - Key CLEAR: deletes the last input if you want to correct
the number.

clear - Shift Key ENTER: termination of the input operation

The current status of the

Input – and Output pins of
The entered RSL address is ADR=15 BIT = 1
displayed. IN : off OUT : off

Change address, pin and output

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
Skip to the next /
Previous address.

ADR = 16 BIT = 1
IN : off OUT : off

2 3 - Shift Key UP / Shift Key DOWN:

Skip to the next /
Previous bit.

ADR = 16 BIT = 2
IN : off OUT : off

1 0
- Shift Key ON / Shift Key OFF:
Toggle of the Output -
Pin: on / off

ADR = 16 BIT = 2
clear IN : off OUT : on
- Key CLEAR:
back to Test - Menu

1) 2)
RSL: Status

1) ADR RSL address(decimal)

ADR = 16 BIT = 2 2) BIT RSL - pin
IN : off OUT : on

3) IN RSL Input Pin Status (Monitor)

3) 4) 4) OUT RSL Output Pin Status

(on = action / off = not active)

5.2.5 Selfest - Function

Key Sequence M–1–2–5
Function Selftest can be used
- to test the memory of the LCB_II board and
PR ? EE ? RA ? - to check the Remote Serial Link.
RS ?_ _ _ _ _ _
The test will start as soon as the Selftest - Function
Is called.

Figure 5-14: Selftest - Function

The flashing question mark indicates which part of

the test is currently active (RA):
- PR EPROM - test
PR + EE - RA ? - EE EEPROM - test
RS ?_ _ _ _ _ - RA RAM-test
- RS Remote Serial Link test
The single results are displayed as:
- (+)for Test successfully finished
- ( -)for Test not successfully finished
Please notice that for the EE – test a checksum written
into the EEPROM is verified .So, the first call of the
test with a new EEPROM will result a (-)

The RS – test will give some information about single

Remote Station.
- if they are setup but not available
PR + EE + RA + - if they are responding
RS 16aR0000 - if they are parity errors

RS – Remote Station Test

RS - test

16 RSL - address
PR + EE + RA +
RS 16aR0000 A available (IO-No. is defined)
B not available

R responding (Hardware is okay)

r not responding

000 parity error counter

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK : Skip through the list of
Remote Station which signals
- not available or
- not responding or
- parity errors.
PR + EE + RA +
RS 48Ar000 __

- If there was at least one

entry in the list ,the display
for Test not successfully PR + EE + RA +
finished ( - ) occurs. RS -_ _ _ _ _ _

clear - Key CLEAR:

back to Test - Menu
Key Sequence

SETUP – Menu > goon

Install=1 RSL=2
SETUP – Menu >
Allowed=3 POS=4
clear SETUP – Menu >

1 6
Install – Menu >
01 System
000 System new 2 3 4 5 to Floor : Display
TOP =004> press ENTER

Install – Function ELD - Function

ALLOWED – Menu >
at CUDE CUDE P R PCS L 00 = 010 > 000 to start DCS
SETUP – Menu > 00 1100 0000 0 0 press ENTER
POS - Function
Allowed – Function DCS - Function
RSL - Function

Figure 5-15 : SETUP - Functions

In the following all the SETUP – function are explained.

The Install , RSL , Allowed , POS and ELD functions are used to set the parameters
and masks of the EEPROM whereas the DCS Run function has the task to check if
every open door opens the safety chain.

There are four different groups of Setup Parameters to define the elevator environ-

- Installation Patameter
- RSL – IO Numbers
- Allowed Masks
- Position Indicator Parameter
- ELD - Display

The DCS – Function is used to test the well installed Door safety chain after startup
and setup phase.
5.3.1 Install - Function M–1-3
Key Sequence

Short Key Install S4

Function Install is used to set the Installation parameter.

The parameters are divided into 8 groups .The Install
Menu gives access to each group .(see : 4.2.6)
INSTALL – Menu >
01 - System

The range of each parameter is defined and controlled

By software.
000 System new The storage operation is disabled if the cabin is moving.
TOP =0 0 4 >

Figure: 5-16: Install – Function (see : document: List of Installation Constants)


Element – No. / Group / Name

000 System new 1) 000 element – No of group

TOP =004 >
2) System current group name

3) TOP name of current Install Parameter


- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK :Skip through the assigned
goon Group of Installation
Parameter (System)

001 System new

LOBBY =001 >

clear - Key CLEAR:

back to Install - Menu
Enter a new parameter

1) 2)

Input: Install Parameter

000 System new 1) 004 current value of Install parameter

TOP =004>- - -
2) 000 input field for new Parameter

- Key 3.2: Input Keys of the new Parameter (32)


000 System new

TOP =004 > 032

clear - Key CLEAR : deletes the last input if you want to correct
the number.

000 System new

TOP =004 > 003

clear - Shift Key ENTER: Termination to store the Install Parameter

into the EEPROM


000 System new

TOP =003 >

notice : For security reasons the storage operation is disable if

the cabin is moving.
5.3.2 RSL – Function M–1–3–2
Key Sequence

Short Key RSL S5

The arrow IS pointing to the input field of the IO -

Number. After you entered the IO-Number the cur-
Rent RSL information stored in the EEPROM is dis-
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - played.Now you can change the RSL – Addr.and the
RSL – Plug.
The Invert Bit can not be changed . It is set by soft-
Figure 5-17 : RSL – Function ware For RSL – Adr. 0-4 it is always set to zero.
(see document : List of Inputs and Outputs)

Enter the IO - Number

2 - Key 2.2.2: Input Keys of the

2 desired IO – Number (222)

> 0222_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Key CLEAR: deletes the last

clear input if you want to correct
the number.

- Shift Key ENTER:

Termination of the IO – num-
ber input: IO I AD P AD P
0022=0 57 2>_____
The current information
store in the EEPROM is displayed:
IO : IO – Number AD: Remote Station – Addr.
I : Invert Bit P: Remote Station – Plug

Note: Once a IO – Number is defined, it is stored in the system.

clear - Key CLEAR : clear the

display to enter a new IO- IO I AD P AD P
number. >_____________
Change the IO - Number

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK: Skip to the next / previous
goon IO – Number.


- Shift Key UP / Shift Key DOWN: Skip to the next / previous IO

2 3
Number with defined RSL – Addr. and RSL – Pin/Plug.

Enter new RSL - Parameter

1) 2)

Input: RSL - Parameter

IO I AD P AD P 1) AD new RSL – Addr.

0032 = 0 04 2>_ _ _ _ _
2) P new RSL – Pin/Plug

- Key 0,9,3:Input Keys of

0 RS – Addr.: 04 and
9 RS – Pin : 2
0032 = 0 57 2 > 04 2

clear - Key CLEAR : deletes the last input if you want to correct
the number.

- Shift Key ENTER : Termination of the RSL – Parameter input
5.3.3 Allowed – Function M–1–3-3
Key Sequence

Function Allowed is used to set the Floor Table

ALLOWED – Menu > The masks are divided into 3 groups:
01 Enable - Enable
- Cut_Call
- Card Rd.
The Allowed Menu gives access to each group.
00 1100 0000 0 0

Figure 5.18: Allowed - Function

Enable Display

Enable Display
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

1) at level number (0)

front door EnableCUDE P R
Mask and
00 1100 0000 0 0
3) CUDE real door Enable Mask, with:
-C - Car Call
-U - Up Hall Call
-D - Down Hall Call
-E - Emergency Hospital Call
The Enable Masks (CUDE) allows the ( 1 = allowed / 0 = not allowed )
Elevator to run to a certain level depending
On the regarding call. 4) P Park Bit:
If the Parking Bit is set to 1, parking at a ( 1 = allowed / 0 = not allowed)
Certain level is not allowed (Group applic.)
The Reduced Landing No. indicates that 5) R Reduced landing No.:
The above floor is a Short – or Medium loading. - Short Run (1,2,3 = profile)
The velocity (profile) is a function of the number - Medium Run (4,5,6 = profile)
(1,2,3 or 4,5,6).

Cut_Call Display
Cut_Call Display
1) 2) 3) 4)

1) at level number (0)

2) CUDE front door Cut_Call Masks and

3) CUDE rear door Cut_Call Masks, with:

00 0100 0000 0 -C - Car Call

-U - Up Hall Call

-D - Down Hall Call

-E - Emergency Hospital Call

(1 = allowed / 0 = not allowed)

The Cut_Call Masks (CUDE) are used to
suppress the Enable Mask if a Cut_Call
signal (CHCS…) occurs. 4) OP Parking with door open
The indication Parking with door open 0 = both doors closed
defines the door state during parking. 1 = only front door closed
2 = only rear door open
3 = both doors open

Card_Rd ,display

1) 2) 3) 4) Card_Rd Display

1) at level number (0)

at CUDE CUDE Sb 2) CUDE front door Card_Rd Masks and

00 0010 0000 0
3) CUDE rear door Card_Rd Masks, with

-C - Car Call
-U - Up Hall Call
-D - Down Hall Call
-E - Emergency Hospital Call
The Card_Rd Masks (CUDE) are used to (1 = allowed / 0 = not allowed)
Reach certain floors with magnetic card
(Card Reader Operation).
The indication Special door open button
Defines the operation of the Special Door 4) Sb Special door open button
Open Button. 0 = both SDOB disabled
1 = only front SDOB enabled
2 = only rear SDOB enabled
3 = both SDOB enabled
Change the level

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK: Skip to the next level number

01 1110 0000 0 0

- Key CLEAR:
clear - Back to Allowed - Menu

Enter new Allowed – Parameter

- Key 0,1,0…:Input Keys of

0 All the number (10) of the
current row.
0 01 > 010__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


- Key CLEAR: deletes the last input if you want to correct

clear The number

clear - Shift Key ENTER: Termination of the Allowed – Parameter input


OTIS 2000 - Openings and Dummy Doors

For the controller types MCS120 / MCS220 (OTIS2000)

Openings and Dummy Doors are defined as follows:
- The Openings are determined by Software regarding to
the level Arrangement done with Function Allowed-
Enable and the following Rule:
00 1100 0000 0 0
Count the Front – and Rear Doors for each Level
beginning at Front / Level 0

- A Dummy Door is an option to define the same Level

Arrangement for every elevator in Group applications.

2 - Shift Key UP:

<toggle key>
at F:00 R : -- P R
Display of the determined 00 1100 0000 0 0

F : 00 at Front Door of Level 0 : Opening 0

R: - - at Rear Door of Level 0: no Opening

2 - Key 2,0,0…:Input Keys of

all the number (10)of the
current row.(level 1)
0 2000 is the Code for a at F : 0 1 R : - - P R
01 > 200______________
Dummy Door.

- Shift Key ENTER:

clear Termination of the Allowed- at F : 01 R : 02 P R
Parameter input operation. 01 2000 1110 0 0
The new determined Openings
are displayed.
F : 01 at Front Door of Level 1 : Opening 1
R: 02 at Rear Door of Level 1 : Opening 2
5.3.4 POS - FUNCTION M–1–3-4
Key Sequence

Function POS is used to set the digits of the Position

Pos . Ind. new For each level a left (L) and a right (R) digit is pro-
at : L 00 = 10 > vided to indicate the floor.
The range of each digit is defined in the table below.

Figure 5-19 POS - Function

Input : POS digits

3) 4)
1) L left digit

R right digit
Pos . Ind new
At : L 00 = 10 >_____ 2) 00 level number (00)

3) 10 current value of Pos.Ind.digit

(10 = blank)

1) 2)
4) new input field for new value.

- Key GOON /
goon Shift Key GOBACK :
Skip first to the next /
(GOBACK) previous digit and then to
the next / previous level. Pos . Ind . new
At : R 00 =00 >_____

Pos . Ind . new

At : L 00 =10 >______

- Key CLEAR:
clear back to Setup - Menu
ENTER a new digit

1 - Key 1,5: Input Keys of the desired digit ( 15 = E )

(see: Reference List below)

Pos . Ind . new

at : R 00 =10 >15

clear - Key CLEAR: deletes the last input if you want to correct
the number.

clear - Shift Key ENTER: Termination of the input operation

The current information

Stored in the EEPROM
(ENTER) Is displayed:
Pos . Ind . new
at : R 00 =15 >___

Reference List

value symbol value symbol value symbol value symbol

0 0 10 (blank) 20 J * 30 T *
1 1 11 A 21 K * 31 U
2 2 12 B * 22 L 32 V *
3 3 13 C 23 M * 33 W*
4 4 14 D * 24 N * 34 X *
5 5 15 E 25 O 35 Y *
6 6 16 F 26 P 36 Z *
7 7 17 G * 27 Q * 37
8 8 18 H 28 R * 38
9 9 19 I * 29 S 39

( * for 16 – segment only! )

5.3.5 Door Check Sequence M–1–3-5
Key Sequence

The Door Check Sequence (DCS) – Function is a safety feature for OTIS 2000 Controllers
MCS120 and MCS220 (M), It insures that all hoist way door contacts are installed correctly and will
Open the safety chain.
Until the Door Check Sequence is finished successfully it is only possible to move the car in inspection
mode. Normal runs are disabled.

Calibrating an LSVF without speed encoder before DCS

For LSVF (-W) without speed encoder it is necessary to calibrate the drive package in Inspection an
Normal mode before the DCS can be done.
In an Installation with LSVF or LSVF – W without Advanced Door Opening and without Relieving
the following display appears:

Allow Normal = 0
Start DCS = 1

- Key 0: From now on 5 normal runs are allowed to calibrate the

drive package

- Key 1: Start the DCS immediately.

Direction Description

- stop / direction not defined

- 00 DW : clsd ] [ ] [ U car is moving in UP direction
open front door___ D car is moving in DOWN direction

Position Description

- 00 DW :clsd ] [ ] [
00 actual level (level 0)
open front door___ ** level position not defined

DW status Description

DW: clsd DW active (switch closed, door closed)

- 00 DW :clsd ] [ ] [
open front door___ dw:opnd DW passive (switch opened, door open)

Door status Description

] [ ] [ front / rear door status:

- 00 DW :clsd ] [ ] [ ] [ for Closed [ ] for Open
open front door__
< > for Opening >< for Closing
** for door state not defined

DCS action Description

open front door (listed are the current actions of the

- 00 DW :clsd ] [ ] [ check DW input automatic DCS – run)
open front door____ close front door
open rear door
check DW input
close rear door
up to next level
If a failure occurred the error is displayed in the 2 nd row. The 1st row shows the status including
The level number where the error was detected:

Error message Description

Front Door Error (listed are the possible

- 01 DW : opnd ] [ ] [ Rear Door Error error message of the
Front Door Error_____ aborted by ENTER automatic DCS – run)
Door opening err
DW not closed
Position error
Door Closing Err

After successful completion of the DCS the success message is displayed

DCS successful
Press GOON >__

(as reminder what has

Check PES GTC . . .
to be done next)
Press GOON >__

(to leave DCS run)

goon to start normal ___
goon 1 press GOON___>_


LCB_II - Menu______
System = 1 Tools = 2__
5.3.6 ELD - Function M–1–3-6
Key Sequence

The ELD – Function is used to define the “Customer Message” of the OTIS 2000 - ELD
For each floor the Customer Message can be displayed (Floor Display)
modified (Edit Display and Default Display)
or store into EEPROM (Store Display).
Block diagram

1) 2) Floor Display
1) 00 level number <GOON,GOBACK>
2) ALL Edit – Mode: <UP, DOWN>
00 < FLOOR ALL < ELD ALL:all characters available
BASEMENT______ A-Z: only A-Z
0-9: only 0-9
&/): only&(),- / : <>
<> SPE:only A A A C /E
HEX: all characters available
Using hex input
Send to ELD enter clear mov: move the string to the left
of the right
current: Customer Message:
4) 5)

Edit Display
00 T < ALL ELD 4) T selected character <GOOM,GOBACK>
___BASEMENT ?______ 5) T selected string position<UP,DOWN>

enter clear

Store Display
confirm the storage operation with
00 write E2 P?___ Key <ENTER>

6) 7)
Defaut Display
6)00 No. of Default Message
7)ENG Select Language
00 00 < ELDdef > ENG
ENG english
GER german
ITA italian
8) selected Default Message
(see Reference Table below)
Floor Display: Select Floor and Edit Mode

00 < Floor All < ELD


0 - Key 0-9 ,GOON ,GOBACK:

Selects, decreases or increases the Floor Number (level)
- The current Customer Message which is stored in the EEPROM
will be display on the Service Tool (line two).

goon 9 01 < Floor All < ELD
_ _ _ _ FLOOR 1_ _ _

2 3 - Key UP/DOWN:
Selects the Edit-Mode ,which will be used in Edit – Display.

01 < Floor A-Z < ELD

________FLOOR 1___

- Key ENTER: Transition to Edit Display


01 1 < A – Z < ELD

_______ FLOOR ?_____

- Key Clear:
Back to Setup – Menu.
Modified Message will be sent to the ELD – Module.
Edit Display : Modify Customer Message

00 T< All ELD


- Key UP / DOWN:
2 3 The second row display the current Customer Message.
Use Key UP / Down to select the position of current string
you want to modify. The position is marked with a bliking “?”
The selected Character is displayed in the Edit – Field of row one.

00 N < All ELD


goon - Key GOON / GOBACK:

goon Skips through the character set using the selected step width.
(Key - No)


00 0 < All ELD


1 - Key 1 – 9:
Skips through the character set using the selected step width.

clear -Key ENTER:

Tramsition to Store Display to store the string into EEPROM.


-Key ON:
Transition to Default Display
(ON) To use predefined Customer
(see Reference Table below) 00 00 < ELDdef > ENG

Back to Floor Display e,g. to change the Edit – Mode. The current
Message will be buffered.
Edit Modes HEX and mov

HEX Display

1) 2) HEX Display

1) Y Edit - Field
2) 59 HEX - Field
0 0 Y < 59 HEX ELD
Display the HEX - Value of the selected character
________LOBB?_______ 3) selected Character (Y < - > ?)


clear clear - Key UP / DOWN:

Selects the string position you want to modify.


goon - Key GOON / GOBACK:

goon Skips through the character set of Edit – Mode ALL to select the
new character.


- Key 0…F:
0 F Input of 2 digits Hex – Code in HEX – Field to define the new character
(see Reference Table below).

Mov Display

0 0 GOON > ELD



F The display message will be shifted to the right/left.
It‟s easy way the center the message on the ELD.

Default Display: Use of predefined messages

00 00 < ELDdef > ENG


2 3 - Key UP / DOWN:
Selects the language of the Default Message (ENG,GER,ITA)


goon 2 Skips through the Default Message List.
(see Reference Table below)

- Key 0 – 9
0 9 Two digits input to select the Default Message by entering
the List – No.
(see Reference Table below)

clear - Key ENTER:

Transition back to Edit Display.
The desired Default Message will be buffered.

clear Back to Edit Display without buffering the changes.

Reference Tables for ELD - Function

14 0 123 456 789 0 123 456 789 0 123 456 789
15 : . () <> / - , & ‟ : . () <> / - , & ‟ : . () <> / - , & ‟
18 Ä Á Å Ç Ø ö /E Ä Á Å Ç Ø ö /E Ä Á Å Ç Ø ö /E
19 empty string



Blank 20 0 30 A 41 N 4E Ä 80
& 26 1 31 B 42 O 4F Á 81
( 28 2 32 C 43 P 50 Å 82
) 29 3 33 D 44 Q 51 Ç 83
, 2C 4 34 E 45 R 52 A- 84
- 2D 5 35 F 46 S 53 -E 85
. 2E 6 36 G 47 T 54 Ø 86
/ 2F 7 37 H 48 U 55 ö 87
: 2A 8 38 I 49 V 56
< 3C 9 39 J 4A W 57
> 3E K 4B X 58
L 4C Y 59
M 4D Z 5A
5.4 TOOLS – Function
Key Sequence

TOOLS – Menu >

01 Search IO
TOOLS – Menu >
02 erase IO goon
TOOLS – Menu > F
01 Setup IO
TOOLS – Menu >
09 Opr. Memory

1…9 clear

Search : IO ? Erase – IO : Pass ? Setup Inst ?___ A-00 IDL ST ] [ ] [

Adr: 00 / Pin: 0 n=0 y=1 / Enter n=0 y=1 / Enter 00000____________
1: Search – IO 2: ERASE – IO 7: Setup – INST 9: Opr.Memory

Figure 5-12 :TOOLS - Functions

In the following all the TOOLS – functions are explained.

It is a list of 4 functions that makes the installation, debugging and

maintenance of the elevator easier.
5.4.1 Search – IO - Function
Key Sequence

Function Search – IO displays which IO – numbers

Search – IO _ ? Are assigned to a certain RSL – address / pin.
Adr: 00 / Pin: 0__ After input of Adr.and pin and termination with
ENTER the Search Run begins and will be indicated
with the change of : (?) - > (!).
The find of an IO – number interrupts the Search Run
Figure 5-22: Search – IO - Function and the number is displayed. ENTER will continue
the Search Run

Enter Adr. And Pin

- Key 1,5,3: Input Keys of RSL – Adr.and Pin

3 Search – IO ?
Adr: 15 / Pin: 3___

clear - Key CLEAR: deletes the last input for correction

clear - Shift Key ENTER: Termi-

3 nation of the input opera-
tion and start of the Search - IO !
Search Run. Adr : 15 / Pin; 3__

Possible Results:
(a) no IO – number found (b) first IO – number found

______Search – IO_____ ______Search – IO____?

______no match !______ >15 3 < ro: 0676_
The first IO – number is found : IO :0676

Now you can continue the Search Run with ENTER

Search – IO ? It is also possible to edit the Adr./Pin display > 15 3 <
> 15 3< IO : 0676

clear Search – IO !
- Shift Key ENTER: > 15 3 < IO: 0676
Continue the Search Run.


If you want to edit the Pin Number ,press:

- Key CLEAR ,to delete

clear 4 the last input
- Key 4, to enter the new pin Search – IO ?
> 15 4 < IO: 0676

clear - Shift Key ENTER , to continue the Search Run


Search – IO !
> 15 4 < IO: 0676

If there is no more IO-

number defined,the
no more match! – dis- Search – IO !_
play comes up no more match !____

clear - Key CLEAR:

back to TOOLS - Menu
5.4.2 Erase – IO - Function M–2–2
Key Sequence

Function Erase IO_Part can be used to set the IO-

Part of the EEPROM to default.
Erase IO Part ? You have to confirm twice to start the function, be-
n=0 y=1 / Enter_ Cause after the run all the previous definitions are

Figure 5 – 23: Erase IO_Part (see document: List of inputs and Outputs)

clear - Key CLEAR: back to TOOLS - Menu

clear - Key 0 and Shift Key ENTER: back to TOOLS - Menu

0 clear


1 clear - Key 1 and Shift Key ENTER Earse IO Part ?

First Confirmation n=0 y=2 / ENTER


clear - Key 0 and Shift Key ENTER : back to TOOLS - Menu



2 - Key 2 and Shift Key ENTER
Second Confirmation to
start the function.
(ENTER) Erase IO Part !
Please Wait : 107___
During the run the displayed
counter is counting down to zero.
5.4.3 Setup install - Function M–2–3
Key Sequence

Function Erase Install can be used to set the Install

Part of the EEPROM to default.
You have to confirm twice to start the
Setup Install ? cause after the run all the previous definitions are
n=0 y=1 / Enter___ lost!

Figure 5 – 24: Erase Install (see document: List of Installation Constants)

- Key CLEAR: back to TOOLS - Menu


- Key 0 and Shift Key ENTER
First Confirmation


- Key 1 and Shift Key ENTER
First Confirmation
Setup Install ?
N=0 y=2 / Enter__

- Key 0 and Shift Key ENTER : back to TOOLS – Menu


clear - Key 2 and Shift Key ENTER

2 Second Confirmation to
Start the function. Setup Install !
(ENTER) Please Wait : 12

During the run the displayed

Counter is counting down to zero.
5.4.4 Operate Memory M–2-9
Key Sequence

Function Operate Memory can be used to monitor and

Change the memory. (You can change only the RAM.)
To enter hexadecimal number the Hex Keys are available
The Short Keys (see chapter: 4.3) are not active.

(!) Please notice that the Operate Memory function is

provided only for software debugging.

7 8 9

LCB_II - Menu 4 5 6
System = 1 Tools = 2

No. Shift Keys HEX Keys

0 - OFF
M 7 8 9 1 - ON
2 - UP
3 - DOWN
F 4 5 6
4 - DISP IN - A
5 - SEL OUT - B
6 - - C
S 3 2 1 7 - DISP STATE - D
8 - ENT CALL - E
9 - TEST - F
0 goon clear

Shift Key

Figure 5 – 25: Hex Keys

The first row of Figure 5 – 26 display the Software
Status (see:5.1.1)
The second row displays the input field for the de-
sired Memory Address.
After the address is entered is entered. the next two bytes of
memory are displayed.
A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
0 0 0 0 0_______________
Please notice that PLM – words are stored in the order:
LOW – byte / HIGH - byte

Figure 5-26 : Opr.Memory

Enter the memory address

7 - Key 2.Shift Key 5:Input Keys

of the desired Memory
2 A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
Address (2D Hex) 0 0 0 2 D____________

- Key CLEAR:deletes the last input if you want to correct

the number.

clear - Shift Key ENTER:

Termination A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
of the input operation. 0 0 0 2 D : 2143______


Operate Memory : Monitor

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ 1) 0 0 0 2 D desired memory address (2D Hex)

0 0 0 2 D : 2143______
2) 2 1 4 3 memory contents of address
2D and 2E

1) 2)

low byte of word high byte of word

at address 0002D at address 0002E
Change the memory address

goon - Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:

goon Skip to the next / previous
Memory address
(last four digits).
(GOBACK) A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
0 0 0 2 E :_4 3 BA______

2 3 - Shift Key UP / Shift Key DOWN:

Skip to the next / previous
address in steps of 10000h A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
(first digit). 1 0 0 2 E : 5B7D_______
Change the memory contents

- Shift Key SELECT:

5 A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
„>‟ indicates the input field 0 0 0 2 D : ABCD> - - - -
„- - - -‟ are placeholders for
the up to four digits of the
(SELECT) new byte resp.two bytes.

Depending on how many digits are entered the first byte or both or both bytes
are stored. The first up to two digits form the first byte and the next up to row
digits the second byte.

Examples of changing the old contents ABCD:

Keys Display New memory contents

1.ENTER -1-- 01CD
1.2 ENTER 12-- 12CD
1.2.3 ENTER 12-3 1203 ENTER 1234 1234

- Key GOON / Shift Key GOBACK:
Aborts changing of
memory contents.

(GOBACK) A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
0 0 0 2 D : ABCD______

A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
clear - Key ENTER: 0 0 0 2 D : ABCD>12 – 3+
Storing the new byte
resp.two bytes.
A short appearing “+” behind
(ENTER) the entered byte resp. two
bytes acknowledges the
successful storing A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [
failure (e.g.memory address 0 0 0 2 D : 1203________
is out of RAM area).

天津市东海电梯公司 -电梯配件中心 TEL:022-27057755 FAX:022-27057766

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