Hanan Ahmed Fouad Kamel - Water Supply Network Lecture

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Water Supply Network

Flanged joints

Gland joints
Installation of water pipe

0.3 m +

Φ +0.4m
Planning of water distribution systems

Tree system (dead end system)

It is suitable for old towns and cities having no definite pattern of roads.

• Simple in design and construction.
• Low cost.
• Dead ends tend to reduce the pressure and pollute water.
• There are not enough valves to control the network.
• Difficulties in extension of the network.

Loop (Ring) system

The supply main is laid all along the peripheral roads and sub mains branch
out from the mains.

• Reduce the dead ends.
• There are valves on the lateral pipes to control the network.
• It is easy to extend the network.
• The water can reach every point in two directions.
• There are some of dead ends.
Grid iron system
It is suitable for cities with rectangular layout, where the water mains and
branches are laid in rectangles.

• Reduction in dead ends tends to improve the pressure.
• There are valves on the lateral pipes to control the network.
• It is easy to extend the network.
• The water can reach every point in two directions.
• There are some of dead end
Comparison Tree system Loop system Grid iron
elements system

Cost Minimum Moderate High

Dead ends Many Moderate None

The range of Huge Moderate Limited

damages due to
broken pipe
Water quality Poor Moderate High

Water pressure at Low Moderate High

the ends
Crossing of pipe line and sewer

Water pipe line

≥ 1.5m



Min 0.3m
Concrete cover

Types of water pipes :

• Cast iron
• Ductile cast iron
• Steel
• Plastic pipes ( e.g. UPVC ).

pipes type Diameter (mm)

U.P.V.C 200 – 700
Polly ethylene high 200 – 700
G.R.P 200 – 2800
Ductile cast iron 200 – 900
Pre-stressed concrete 600 – 3000
Design Criteria of pipes networks
1- The minimum diameter of pipe = 150 mm.
2- The velocity = 0.8 – 1.5 m/s.
3- The hydraulic gradient ( S ) = 1 %◦ - 3 %◦.
4- The pressure at the farthest and highest point in the network ≥ 25 m.
5- The valves ≤ 300 mm installed directly on the pipe line.
6- The valves ≥ 300 mm installed in valves room.
7- The design discharge
- For transmission main
Qd = Qmax daily + Qf
- For main and secondary line
Qd = Qmax daily + Qf or Qmax hourly
- For minor distribution
Qd = Qf
- For service connection
Qd = Qmax hourly

Fire demands

Population (capita) Qf (l/s)

10,000 20
25,000 25
50,000 30
100,000 40
More than 200,000 50

Design of water network

• Equivalent pipes method.
• Method of sections
• Method of circles.
• Hardy cross method.

Equivalent pipe method

Equivalent pipe is a method of reducing a combination of pipes into a simple
pipe system for easier analysis of a pipe network, such as a water
distribution system.
An equivalent pipe is an imaginary pipe in which the head loss and
discharge are equivalent to the head loss and discharge for the real pipe
system. There are three main properties of a pipe: diameter, length, and
roughness. As the coefficient of roughness, C, decreases the roughness of
the pipe decreases. For example, a new smooth pipe has a roughness factor
of C = 140, while a rough pipe is usually at C = 100. To determine an
equivalent pipe, you must assume any of the above two properties.
Therefore, for a system of pipes with different diameters, lengths,
and roughness factors, you could assume a specific roughness factor (most
commonly C = 100).
The most common formula for computing equivalent pipe is the Hazen-
Williams formula.
For example, pipes of different sizes connected in series can be replaced by
an equivalent pipe of one diameter as follows:
Assume a quantity of discharge and determine the head loss in each section
of the line for this flow, then using the sum of the sectional head losses and
the assumed discharge, enter the chart to find the equivalent pipe diameter.

For pipe systems connected in parallel, a head loss is assumed, and

the quantity of discharge through each of the pipes is calculated for that head
loss. Then the sum of the discharges and the assumed head loss are
used to determine the equivalent pipe diameter.

Hydraulic design of water network

The equations used in the design of water network:
1- Q = A x v discharge equation
flv 2
hf 
2- 2 gd Darcy - weisbach equation

3- v = 0.355 x C x R0.63 x S0.54 Hazen William equation

A d
R 
p 4
Q  0.278  C  D 2.63  S 0.54
Hazen William monograph
Example 1:
If a 400 mm water main (C =100) is discharging a flow of 150 lit/ sec, what
is the velocity of flow and head loss?

Q = 150 lit/ sec = 0.15 m3/sec
D = 400 mm = 0.40 m
- Using (Hazen – Williams formula)
Q = 00.278 C D2.63S 0.54
S0.54 = 0.15 = 0.060065
0.278 x 100 x (0.4)
S = 0.00547 m/m = 5.47 m/1000m
- Using the Hazen Williams monograph
Q = 150 lit/sec & D = 400mm
We get V = 1.19
S = 5.45 m/ 1000 m
Example 2: 
Design the main water supply pipe line for a city of population 30000
capita and average annual water consumption 200 l/c/d, consider required
fire flow is 30 lit/sec.

  Qav = pop x qav / 24 x 60 x 60
= 30,000 x 200 / 24 x 60 x 60 = 69.44 l/s
Qmax daily = 1.8 x Qav
= 1.8 x 69.44 = 125 l/s
Qmax daily + Qf =125 +30 = 155 l/s
Qmax hourly = 2.5 x Qav
= 2.5 x 69.44 = 173.61 l/s
Qd = 173.61 l/s
Assume S = 2 ‰ , Qd = 173.61 l/s from Hazen Williams monograph
We get D = 520 mm ≈ 500 mm V = 0.83 m/sec

Example of pipes of different sizes connected in series

Find the equivalent pipe.
1- Assume Q = 100 l/s
2- For the pipe AB from the monograph (Q=100 l/s , ø= 350mm) get S =4.5

S = hf / L
4.5 /1000 = hfAB /1000 Then hfAB = 4.5 m
For the pipe BC from the monograph (Q=100 l/s , ø= 250mm) get S =24 ‰
S = hf / L
24 /1000 = hfBC /800 Then hfAB = 19.2 m
Total head loss hT = hfAB + hfBC
hT = 4.5+19.2 = 23.7 m
4- Assume ø = 300 mm
From the monograph
(Q=100 l/s , ø= 300mm)
get Se =9.5 ‰
Se /1000 = hT / Le
Le = 23.7 x1000 / 9.5
= 2495.74 m
Example of pipes of different sizes connected in parallel
Find the equivalent pipe.
1- The head loss in the parallel pipes are equal assume hf = 10 m
QT = Q1 + Q2
2- For the track ABCD: hf1=10m , L1=1000m , Ø1 = 250 mm
S1 = hf1 / L1
S1 = 10 / 1000 = 10 ‰
From the monograph ( S1= 10 ‰ , Ø1 = 250 mm ) get Q1 = 65 l/s
For the track AFED: hf2=10m , L2=1000m , Ø1 = 300 mm
S2 = hf2 / L2
S2 = 10 / 1000 = 10 ‰
From the monograph ( S2 =10 ‰ , Ø2 = 300 mm ) get Q2 = 105 l/s
3- The discharge of the equivalent pipe
QT = Q1 + Q2
= 65 + 105 = 170 l/s
Assume Øe = 300 mm
From the monograph (QT =170 l/s
, Øe = 300 mm ) get Se = 26 ‰
Se = hfT / Le
Le = 10x1000/26
Le = 384.62 m
Method of sections

• The population served by Section A – A is 70 % of the population.
• The population served by Section B – B is 20 % of the population.
• Population = 100,000 capita.
• Average water consumption = 200 l/c/d. B

350 200

350 250 200

500 400 300 200

300 250 200 200


Section A – A:
Population = 0.7 x 100,000 = 70,000 capita
Qav = pop x qav / 24 x 60 x 60
= 70,000 x 200 / 24 x 60 x 60 = 162 l/s
Qmax daily = 1.8 x Qav
= 1.8 x 162 = 291.67 l/s
Qmax daily + Qf = 291.67 +40 = 331.67 l/s
Qmax hourly = 2.5 x Qav
= 2.5 x 162 = 405 l/s
Qd = 405 l/s
Number of pipes cut by section A – A:
2 f 350 , 1 f 500 , 1f 300
Assume S = 20 cm / 100 m.
Qact = 2 x 85 + 210 + 55 = 435 l/s
Qact – Qd / Qd x 100 = 435 – 405 / 405 x 100 = 7.4 %
± 10 % ok
Section B – B:
Population = 0.2 x 100,000 = 20,000 capita
Qav = pop x qav / 24 x 60 x 60
= 20,000 x 200 / 24 x 60 x 60 = 46.3 l/s
Qmax daily = 1.8 x Qav
= 1.8 x 46.3 = 83.34 l/s
Qmax daily + Qf = 83.34 + 25 = 108.34 l/s
Qmax hourly = 2.5 x Qav
= 2.5 x 46.3 = 115.75 l/s
Qd = 115.75 l/s
Number of pipes cut by section B – B:
3 f 200 , 1f 300
Assume S = 20 cm / 100 m.
Qact = 3 x 18 + 55 = 109 l/s
Qact – Qd / Qd x 100 = 109 – 115.75 / 115.75 x 100 = - 5.83 %
± 10 % ok

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