Service Around The World: Edition 2012 Anschütz Raytheon Standard Radio
Service Around The World: Edition 2012 Anschütz Raytheon Standard Radio
Service Around The World: Edition 2012 Anschütz Raytheon Standard Radio
* Anschütz
* Raytheon
* Standard Radio
If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to
[email protected]. You can expect competent and reliable service coordination
with highest flexibility. We also offer coordination and maintenance contracts.
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Service around the World
Algeria Sarl Simar Algerie Tel. +213(04)41452550
10 Rue Beau Regard Bel Air Fax +213(0)41452550
31000 Oran a.w.h. +213(0)773166788
[email protected]
Bahrain Master Systems Tel. 00973 17467060
F12 1st Floor Bldg. 432 Block 104 Fax 00973 17467060
Street / rd 101 Hidd Road P.O. Box 37898 a.w.h. 00973 39775054
Kingdom of Bahrain
[email protected]
Alexandria Eastern Electronics Tel. +20(3)4863155 ARS
13 el Nasr Street Fax +020(3) 4863155
Manshia Alexandria a.w.h. +20(3)4863155
[email protected]
Hanvil Hanvil Maritime Ventures Ltd Tel. +233 30 330 7466 ARS
Hse # 11 / J68 Annexe Fax +233 30 330 7455
P.O. Box Co1596 a.w.h. +233 20 8138404
[email protected]
Ashdod Alhoutyam Ltd. Tel. +972(8)8522656 ARS
P.O. Box 4096 Fax +97((8)8525083
Ashdod a.w.h. +972(8)8522656
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Haifa Alhoutyam Ltd. Tel. +972 4 865 3008 ARS
Hiram 22 - 24 Fax +972(4)8627404
P.O. Box 1963 a.w.h. +972 4 865 3008
31019 Haifa
[email protected]
Kuwait Navigator Center Tel. +965 2460974 ARS
P.O. Box 3977 Fax +965 2460975
32070 Hawalli
[email protected]
Casablanca Soremar Tel. +212(2)444465 R
36 / 38 Boulevard de la Gironde Fax +212(2)305383
21900 Casablanca a.w.h. +212(2)444465
Casablanca, Aage Hempel International A/S Tel. +212 522 442 139 ARS
Morocco [email protected] Fax +212
a.w.h. +34 956 573 276
Lagos Radial Circle Telecommunications Ltd Tel. +234(1)2613043 ARS
56 Balarabe Musa Crescent Fax +234(1)2611217
Victoria Island a.w.h. +234(803)5050955
[email protected]
Durban Radio Holland South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Tel. +27(31)2638252 ARS
+ Pertec Fax +27(31)2638250
P.O. Box 551 a.w.h. +27(82)552 4858
Hyper by The Sea
4053 Durban
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Mombasa, Radio Holland South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Dar Es Salaam, Coastal Division
Pemba Hyper by The Sea
4053 Durban
Please contact: Radio Holland South Africa
(Pty) Ltd.
+ Pertec
, Rep. of South Africa <br />Tel.
+27(31)2638252<br />E-Mail
[email protected]
Port Elizabeth Radio Holland South Africa (Pty) Tel. 0027 (21) 5084888 ARS
Ltd Fax 0027 (31)2638250
Site 1b
Commercial Marine Building
Dom Pedro Jetty
Port Elizabeth Harbour
[email protected]
Ad Dammam Y.B.A. Kanoo - Marine Services Group Tel. +966(3)8592378 A
P.O. Box 37 Fax +0966(3)8592433
31411 Ad Dammam a.w.h. +966(650)5808578
[email protected]
Tunesia Please contact: S.I.M.A.R. (Marseille /
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Buenos Aires Sen S.R.L. Tel. +54(11)43611496 ARS
Sistemas Electronicos de Navegacion Fax +54(11)43612606
Av. Martin Garcia 786
1268 Buenos Aires Argentine
[email protected]
Rio De Janeiro Mrc Eletronica Ltda Tel. +55(21)22200788 ARS
Av. Franklin Roosevelt Nr126 Fax +55(21)25322271
Group 901 a.w.h. +55(21)88838280
Castelo - Downtown
Rio de Janeiro 20021 - 120
[email protected]
Halifax Imtech Marine Canada Tel. 001 902 405 3081
49b Mcquade Lake Cresent Fax 001 902 405 3082
NS B3S 1C4 Halifax ns
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Vancouver Imtech Marine Canada Tel. 1 604 293 2900
3681 East 1st Avenue Fax 1 604 293 2930
V5M 1C2 Vancouver bc
[email protected]
Valparaiso Murphy Limitada Tel. +56(32)283189
Pedro Leon Gallo 390 Fax +56(32)289151
Playa Ancha a.w.h. +56 94329673
[email protected]
Bogota Hansacol Trading S.A. Tel. +(571)5705160 ARS
Carrera 69 No. 25b - 44 Fax +(571)4165735
Oficina 813 a.w.h. +(57)3102135808
[email protected]
Curacao Radio Holland Curacao International N.V. Tel. +599(9)4626866 AR
Motetwerft z / N Fax +599(9)4626880
P.O. Box 4201 a.w.h. +599 4626866
[email protected]
Mexico Please contact: High Sea Support (Panama) / ARS
Large Spare Parts Depot
Panama High Sea Support Tel. +507(303)5500 ARS
Ciudad Del Saber Fax +507(303)5515
Building 225 - Clayton a.w.h. +507(66)727676
P.O. Box 0843 - 02808
Panama City
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
All Ports Marco Peruana S.A. Tel. 0051 1 429 4978
Av. Saenz Peña 1439 Apartado 01 Fax 0051 1 465 9497
0415 Callao - Peru a.w.h. 0051 1 998182808
[email protected]
Sint Maarten Necol N.V. Tel. +172 544 5267 A
14a Airport Road Fax 000000
Simpson Bay / Sint Maarten a.w.h. +172 580 8148
[email protected]
All Us-ports Is Maritime Services Corporation ARS
2300 Pasadena Freeway Suite 105
77506 Pasadena Texas
Please contact:
Ft. Lauderdale Is Maritime Services Corp. Tel. 001 954 583 3323
[email protected] Fax 001 713 936 1011
a.w.h. 001 713 823 7516
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Boynton Beach Celtic Marine Electronics ARS
1204 Fosters Mill Lane
33436 Boynton Beach (Florida)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Edison, Mackay Communications Inc. ARS
New Jersey 165 Fieldcrest Avenue
Raritan Center
Edison / 08837 - 3633 New Jersey
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
Page 9 of 30
If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Honolulu, Navtech Marine Electronics ARS
Hawaii 293 Kalihi Street
96821 Honolulu (Hawaii)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
La Porte, Premium Electronics Services ARS
Texas 422 North 11th Street
P.O. Box 1711
77571 La Porte (Texas)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Military Customers L - 3 G.A. International Inc. AS
Only 90 Myrtle Street
07016 Cranford (New Jersey)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Plantation, Viking Marine Electronics ARS
Florida 7072 w. Broward Boulevard
N. 190
33317 Plantation (Florida)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Seattle, Mackay Communications Inc. ARS
Tacoma, 4630 16th Street East
Washignton Suite b - 10
Tacoma / 98424 - 2665 Washington
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
Page 14 of 30
If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Vancouver, Mackay Communications Inc. ARS
Washington 12317 N.W. 21st Avenue
98685 Vancouver (Washington)
Please contact: Is Maritime Services
Corporation, USA <br />Tel. +1 713 936
1006<br />E-Mail [email protected]
Maracaibo Radio Marina de Venezuela S.A. Tel. +58(261)7987811 AR
Calle 72 Entre Avenidas 04 (Bella Vista) Fax +58(261)7982596
Y08 (Santa Rita) Piso 01 a.w.h. +58(414)3618834
Oficina 206
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Melbourne Awa Marine ARS
8 / 345 Plummer St.
3207 Port Melbourne Victoria
Please contact: Awa Marine, Australia <br
/>Tel. +61 (3)96469966<br />E-Mail
[email protected]
Azerbaijan Marine Technics Ltd. ARS
4 f. Bayramov Str.
App. 15
AZ1025 Baku
Please contact: Mt Electronics Co. Ltd. ,
Russia <br />Tel. 007(812)332 32 42<br
/>E-Mail [email protected]
All Ports Raytheon Anschütz GmbH Tel. +86 21 6876 9906 104
Shanghai Representative Office Fax +86 21 6876 9905
Room 713 Tomson Commercial Building a.w.h. +86 1391 755 6978
710 Dong Fang Road
200122 Shanghai
[email protected]
Dalian Jason Electronics Pte Ltd. Tel. +86 411 82897179 ARS
Dalian Office Fax +86 411 8289 7189
Unit West 1 Building 3 Xianghai a.w.h. +86 1390 409 2688
Garden xi Gang District
116021 Dalian
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Tianjin Jason Electronics Pte Ltd. Tel. +86 22 65291596 ARS
Tianjin Office Fax +86 22 6529 1596
No. 8 3rd Avenue Teda a.w.h. +86 1382 166 3908
Room A701 - 3 Haowei Building
300457 Tianjin
[email protected]
Hong Kong Elekon Company Tel. +852 23885271 ARS
79 Lei Muk Road Fax +852 27807197
Kwai Chung N.T. a.w.h. +852 90330553
Room 1721 - 22
Hong Kong
[email protected]
Calcutta Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 (33)2266088 A
33a Chowringee Road Fax +91 (33)2269050
Chatterjee International Centre
5a / 18th Floor
700071 Calcutta
[email protected]
Chennai (Madras) Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 (44)4617350 / 4617449A
17 / b Demonte Street Fax +91 (44)4614247
Santhome Mylapore
600004 Chennai
[email protected]
Kochi (Cochin) Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 (484)367705 A
M.G. Road Perumanoor Fax +91 (484)380018
Bld. 27 / 2718 B
2nd Floor
682015 Kerala
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Port Blair Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 (3192)30349 A
Jungli Ghat Fax +91 (3192)30349
Behind Petrol Pump
744103 Port Blair
[email protected]
Kobe Misu Anschutz Japan Co. Ltd. Tel. +81 (078) 3312758 ARS
Chuo - Ku Fax +81 (078) 3312719
Toho Bldg 4 F
Kobe 650 - 0023
[email protected]
Pusan Dong Sung Co. Tel. +82(51)6101249 ARS
55 - 1 Daeyeon - 3dong Fax +82-(0)51-610-1232
Nam - Ku a.w.h. +82 195771725
Room 1725 "21" Century City Building
608-743 Pusan
[email protected]
Beirut Murr Marine Electronics Tel. +961(1)566171 A
Mina Tower Gemayze Fax +961(1)562995
P.O. Box 175 712 a.w.h. +961(3)935088
[email protected]
Malaysia Raytheon Anschuetz Singapore Tel. 006566024466
[email protected] Fax 006568966996
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Auckland Wrights Technologies Ltd. Tel. +64 (9)4485199 AS
Cnr. 10 Ride Way Fax +64 (9)4485159
Beatrice Tinsley Cresent a.w.h. +64 (9)4485199
100069 Albany
[email protected]
All Ports Raytheon Anschuetz Singapore Tel. 0065 6602 4466 ARS
[email protected] Fax 0065 6869 6996
Singapore, Raytheon Anschuetz Singapore Tel. 0065 6602 4466 ARS
Malaysia, #07 - 08 Unity Centre Fax 0065 6896 6996
Philippines 51 Bukit Batok Crescent a.w.h. 0065 8298 8844
Islands 658077 Singapore
[email protected]
Kaohsiung Reson Electronics International Inc. Tel. +886(7)8150036 ARS
Kuoh Jiann Road Fax +886(7)8151438
Chien - Chen Dist. a.w.h. +886(933)390658
12th Floor No. 1 - 26
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Keelung, Reson Electronics Int'l Inc. Tel. +886(2)24632072 ARS
Shuao, Keelung Branch Co. Fax +886(2)24632076
Shalung, 1f. No. 263 Zhongzheng Rd. a.w.h. +886(2)24231416
Hualien, Zhongzheng Dist.
Taipei Keelung City 202
[email protected]
Page 20 of 30
If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Antwerpen Radio Holland Belgium N.V. Tel. +32(3)3209990 ARS
Noordersingel 17 Fax +32(3)3209971
2140 Antwerpen a.w.h. +32(3)3209980
[email protected]
Croatia Maritimus D.O.O. Tel. +385(51)322576 ARS
Slavka Krautzeka 50 Fax +385(51)322577
51000 Rijeka a.w.h. +385(99)2020947
[email protected]
Limassol, Raytec Marine Co. Ltd. Tel. +357(25)814604 ARS
Cyprus No. 8 Georgiou Neophytou Ave Fax +357(25)583323
Agate House a.w.h. +357(99)323636
Shop 4
4006 Limassol
[email protected]
Copenhagen Hans Buch A/S Tel. +45(43)685004 ARS
Roskildevej 8 - 10 Fax +45(43)685046
2620 Albertslund a.w.h. +45 70257676
[email protected]
Tallin, Baltic Marine Contractors oü Tel. 00372 606 9381 AS
Estonia Peterburi Tee 90f Fax 00372 606 93 80
11415 Tallin Estonia a.w.h. 00372 606 93 87
[email protected] http: / /
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Faroer Islands Please contact: Hans Buch A/S (Albertslund /
Helsinki AT-Marine oy Tel. +358 9 5494 2600 ARS
Mesikukantie 16 Fax +358 9 54942700
01300 Vantaa a.w.h. +358 40 9000 368
[email protected]
Le Havre Wärtsilä Automation Services France ARS
54 Rue Demidoff
76600 Le Havre
Please contact:
Bremerhaven Raytheon Anschütz GmbH Tel. +49(471)73770 ARS
Am Seedeich 45 Fax +49(471)74149
27572 Bremerhaven a.w.h. +49(171)3034853
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Leer Pro Nautas bv GmbH Tel. +49(491)987900 ARS
Kutterweg 1 Fax +49(491)9879029
26789 Leer a.w.h. +49(174)9099199
[email protected]
Gibraltar Aage Hempel Tel. +350 40572 ARS
Queensway Fax +350 40572
3rd Floor Regal House a.w.h. +350(34)667621449
P.O. Box 398
[email protected]
North Shields A-N-D Group Plc Tel. +44(870)4449682 ARS
Tanners Bank Fax +44(870)4449680
Tyne & Wear Ne30 1jh a.w.h. +44(870)4449682
North Shields
[email protected]
Central & Southern Ships Electronic Services Tel. 0044 (0) 1324 666886 ARS
Scotland 10 Abbotsinch Industrial Estate Fax 0044 (0) 1324 666033
Abbotsinch Road
Grangemouth Fk3 9ux
[email protected]
Northern Scotland Ships Electronic Services Tel. 0044 (0) 1224 212132 ARS
The Courtyard Fax 0044 (0) 1224 213031
Clarence Street
Aberdeen Ab11 5bh
[email protected]
Piraeus Navicom Electronics Ltd. Tel. +30(210)4126050 ARS
11 Venizelou Eleftheriou Fax +30(210)4128660
28 Filonos Street a.w.h. +30(6944)629674
18531 Piraeus
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Piraeus Aegean Electronics S.A. Tel. 0030 210 4123 000 ARS
4 Zosimadon Str. Fax 0030 210 4137 270
185 31 Piraeus
[email protected]
Greenland Please contact: Hans Buch A/S (Copenhagen /
Iceland Sonar Ehf Tel. 00354 512 8505
Hvaleyrarbraut 2 Fax 00354 578 1911
220 Hafnarfirdi a.w.h. 00354 822 1910
[email protected]
Cork Navcom Electronics Ltd. Tel. +353(21)4354334 AR
Lackenroe Fax +353(21)4354431
Glounthaune Co. a.w.h. +353(87)2560284
[email protected]
Genova Angelo Podesta S.R.L. Tel. +39(010)416434 ARS
Via Scarsellini 63 - 65 Fax +39(010)4693094
16149 Genova a.w.h. +39(347)3765335
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Venice, Dynamic Marine Tel. +39(041)2686658 A
Pto Nogaro, Via Terraglio 36 c Fax +39(041)980311
Chioggia, 30174 Venice - Mestre a.w.h. +39(348)3622785
Pto Marghera [email protected]
Riga Hansa Electronics Sia Tel. +371 67325352 AS
6 Andrejostas Street Fax +371 67332873
1045 Riga a.w.h. +371 29228603
[email protected]
All Ports Baltic Marine Contractors oü Tel. 00372 606 9381 AS
[email protected] Fax 00372 606 93 80
a.w.h. 00372 606 93 87
Malta Aage Hempel International s. a Tel. 00356 21 662623 ARS
(Aage Hempel Marine) Fax 00356 21 663936
Kordin Business Incubation Centre
Industrial State Unit Number 1070
Kordin Pla 3000
[email protected]
31sterdam, Alewijnse Marine B.V. Tel. 0031(180)460557 ARS
Rotterdam Van Der Giessenweg 51 Fax 0031 (0) 180 511 871
2921 Lp Krimpen Aan Den Ijssel a.w.h. 0031(6)53497457
[email protected]
Oslo Syberg A/S Tel. +47 (23)037500 ARS
Ensjoeveien 3 Fax +47 (23)037505
0608 Oslo a.w.h. +47 22614078
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Alesund Emil Langva A/S Tel. +47 (70)101440 A
Ivar Aasensgata 22 Fax +47 (70)129596
6005 Alesund a.w.h. +47 (90)20903
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Kristiansund Oddstol Elektronikk A/S Tel. +47 (71)566930 A
Hollendergt. 5 - 7 Fax +47 (71)566934
6509 Kristiansund a.w.h. +47 (71)566950
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Trondheim Delta Elektro Tel. +47 (73)878300 A
Stjoerdalsveien 9e Fax +47 (73)878301
7041 Trondheim a.w.h. +47 (95)109470
[email protected]
Gdansk, Morska Obsluga Radiowa Statkow Tel. +48(58)3071499 ARS
Gdynia Mors S P.Z. O.O. Fax +48(58)3071494
Ul. na Ostrowiu 1 a.w.h. +48(502)194367
80-958 Gdansk
[email protected]
Lisboa Nautiradar Sistemas Maritimos Tel. +351(21)3005050 ARS
De Electronica e Telecomunicacoes Ltd. Fax +351(21)3005059
Rua Antonio Saldanha No. 65 a.w.h. +351(93)2340076
Lisboa 1400 - 020
[email protected]
Galati Ubik Marine Service Ltd. Tel. +40(336)118781 AS
2 Mihai Eminescu Street Fax +40(236)315544
800091 Galati a.w.h. +40(744)616702
[email protected]
East Russia Marine Technics Ltd. ARS
6a Selskaya St.
690087 Vladivostok
Please contact: Mt Electronics Co. Ltd. ,
Russia <br />Tel. 007(812)332 32 42<br
/>E-Mail [email protected]
Page 28 of 30
If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
East Russia, Mt Electronics Co. Ltd. Tel. 007(812)332 32 42 ARS
Aserbaidjan 18 a Bumajnaja St. Fax 007(812)3323234
190020 St. Petersburg a.w.h. 007(921)8604507
[email protected]
Slovenia Silmare Trieste Tel. 0039 040 350384 AS
Fax 0039 040 350386
Algeciras, Aage Hempel International S.A. Tel. +34 (956)573276 ARS
Gibraltar Paseo de la Conferencia Fax +34 (956)602088
Portal 13 - 2° a. a.w.h. +34 (664)736909
11207 Algeciras Cadiz
[email protected]
Akersberga Vagledarteknik Tel. 0046 705 701482
Spjutvägen 6b Fax 0046 (8) 54020617
184 60 Akersberga a.w.h. 0046 705 701482
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Service around the World
Göteborg, Syberg A/S Tel. +46 (303)245750 ARS
Kungälv Branch Office Sweden Fax +46 (303)245755
Bultgatan 40a a.w.h. +46 (706)319930
44240 Kungälv
[email protected]
Antalya, Isik Elektroteknik Müh. San. ve Tic. Ltd Tel. +90(262)4120566 ARS
Istanbul, M. M H.T. Sayin Cad. 32 Fax +90(262)4140904
Daradanel, Sok. No:5 a.w.h. +90 (532)3612218
Black Sea 41650 Gölcük
[email protected]
Sevastopol Consul Co. Ltd. Tel. +38(0692)657685 ARS
4 / 21 Gen Khryukina Str. Fax +38(0692)673237
99055 Sevastopol a.w.h. +38(0692)657685
[email protected]
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If you need a service, please call + 49 (0)431 3019 96440 or send an e-mail to [email protected].