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Playa Laiya - Deed of Restrictions

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Deed of Restrictions

 August 2008

3F Centermall Building • #51 President’s Avenue

BF Homes, Parañaque City, Philippines

(632) 836-5111 • www.playalaiya.com


Definition of Terms 1
1.1. A SS O C I A TI O N shall refer to the HOMEOWNERS or VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, a
non-profit homeowners’ association organized among the owners of LOTs or
Residential Units in PLAYA LAIYA Residential Subdivision Project.

1.2. BUILDINGS shall refer to all individual vertical and underground structures
that are constructed on a LOT such as houses for single-family dwelling,
gazebos, and the like.

1.3. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS shall refer to the architectural and

engineering plans of a BUILDING containing the detailed specifications to be
implemented and constructed on a LOT.

1.4. C O M M O N A R E A shall mean plot(s) of land in the village which includes

open spaces, facilities, amenities, utilities, and other improvements found or
located in the village and declared as such by the ASSOCIATION or LANDCO,
for the common use of the OWNERS, their heirs, successors and assigns.

1.5. CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT shall refer to the amount to be paid as

consideration for the construction of the BUILDING or IMPROVEMENT.

1.6. D E E D OF R ES T R I C TI ON S shall mean and refer to the guidance offered by

this Declaration and any Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions imposed by
LANDCO or its assigns, as amended, modified and supplemented from time
to time.

1.7. F I N IS HE D G R AD E ELE V A T I O N shall mean the final grade elevation

delivered by the Landco (Developer) on the LOT.

1.8. F I N IS HE D C O NS T RU CT I O N LI N E shall mean the final lot grade elevation

resulting from construction activities and/or improvements conducted by the

1.9. I M P R O V E ME N T S shall include buildings, streets, roads, driveways, parking

areas, screening walls and barriers, retaining walls stairs, decks, platforms,
waterlines, sewers, electrical, telephone, telecommunications and cable
facilities, hedges, windbreaks, plantings, planted trees and shrubs, poles,
signs, loading areas and all other structures, installations, and landscaping of
every type and kind, whether above or below land surface.

1.10. L A N D C O shall refer to Landco Pacific Corporation, the developer of the


1.11. L O T shall mean a plot of land designated in the village as a numbered lot
and intended for single family residential use.

1.12. NET CONTRACT PRICE shall refer to the amount paid as consideration for the
purchase of the LOT.


1.13. O W N E R shall mean or refer to any person who has purchased a LOT/s or
building units in the village.

1.14. P E RI M E T E R L O T means a LOT located along the perimeter of the VILLAGE

as indicated in the subdivision plan.

1.15. R O A D shall mean any avenue, boulevard, street, or road within the village
and shown on any approved subdivision plan, whether designated thereon as
avenue, street, boulevard, place, drive, road, court, terrace, way, lane, circle,
or otherwise.

1.16. T H R U - L O T means a lot with two-street frontages but is not a corner LOT.

1.17. V I L L AG E shall mean the PLAYA LAIYA Residential Resort Subdivision Project.


Restrictions Applicable to
Lots in the Village
The following restrictions shall apply to the entire VILLAGE:

2.1 Sign Boards

Commercial or Advertising Signs shall not be placed, constructed, or erected
on the LOT/s or on the houses constructed on the LOTs. Nameplates or
shingles of professionals measuring no larger than 40 centimeters by 20
centimeters may however be permitted, provided prior approval of LANDCO
and/or the ASSOCIATION shall be obtained before such nameplates or
shingles are placed, constructed or erected.

2.2 Pets and Animals

No cattle, chicken, rooster, pig, sheep, goat, horse, snake, goose, or other
animals which could pose potential danger or nuisance to any of the
residents in the VILLAGE shall be maintained. Keeping of dogs, cats or other
pets, in non-commercial quantities may be allowed subject to regulations as
the ASSOCIATION may adopt as well as to applicable government rules and
regulations. In case any of the animals allowed also poses a potential
nuisance to any of the VILLAGE residents, the ASSOCIATION reserves the
right to remove such animals at the expense of the OWNER.

2.3 Sanitation, Grass, and Garbage

2.3.1 The LOT must at all times be kept in a sanitary condition free of
overgrowth of “cogon”, “talahib”, and other wild vegetation and trash
which may constitute a fire hazard or a place of concealment. Such
conditions can be enjoined and/or enforced by court action and at the
same time shall be abated at the expense of the OWNER. For this
purpose, LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION is permitted to cut and
trim wild vegetation including grass, if any grows beyond one (1) foot
from the soil and the OWNER is obligated to pay the cost thereof with
interest at one percent (1%) per month.

2.3.2 Building of open fires in any COMMON AREA or within the LOTs is

2.3.3 Trash cans should not be placed outside the LOT. These must be kept
inside the house and should be brought out only during scheduled
collection of garbage for disposal.

2.4 Trees

2.4.1 No tree other than those planted by LANDCO shall be allowed on the
PLANTING STRIP along the roadways, alleys, and other similarly
situated COMMON AREAs. No existing tree whether found within or
outside the LOT, shall be cut, removed or damaged, nor shall it be
relocated or transferred without the written approval of LANDCO or


its corporate successors and assigns. The OWNER is responsible for

the maintenance of all trees and landscaping on his LOT.

2.4.2 Should any tree in the LOT be cut, damaged, removed or relocated,
the OWNER shall plant on the LOT three (3) new trees belonging to
the same family as the cut, damaged, removed, or relocated tree
within three (3) months from the date of removal, relocation, and/or
damage. The OWNER shall be responsible for securing of any
necessary permits pertaining to this matter.

2.4.3 House plans/designs should consider the features of the existing

landscape and should minimize damage or disruption thereto in
particular, the existing trees.

2.4.4 When all COMMON AREAs shall have been conveyed to the
ASSOCIATION or to the government entity concerned, the approval
required under this paragraph shall be secured from the
ASSOCIATION. LANDCO or its corporate successors or assigns shall
have the right to impose penalties for violations of this provision

2.4.5 LANDCO reserves the right to select and approve the species of trees
to be planted should the OWNER wish to plant trees not belonging to
the same family.

2.5 Back-of-the-House

Back-of-the-house facilities such as laundry area, dirty kitchen, storage and

the like, shall be located on one (1) side of the house and along the same
side of the carport. It should be properly screened from public view using
materials consistent with the overall aesthetic character of the VILLAGE.

2.6 Slope Protection and Embankment

Road embankment or side slope protection located inside LOTs shall NOT be
removed or altered without prior written approval by LANDCO or its
corporate successors. In case removal/alteration is approved, proper erosion
control measures such as vertical concrete retaining wall or adequate rip-rap
wall shall be provided, the cost of which shall be for the account of the
OWNER. All erosion control structures shall be approved by LANDCO / the
ASSOCIATION prior to construction. LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION shall
not be liable for any damage to the lot, the adjacent lot, or improvements to
the lot or adjacent lots, due to erosion control structures which have been
removed or altered by the OWNER of the LOT.

2.7 Use of Streets

2.7.1 Vehicular/Pedestrian Entrances

No vehicular entrances or exits shall be allowed along the curbs at
street intersections. No vehicular/pedestrian entrance or exit shall be
allowed on LOT boundaries adjoining the VILLAGE perimeter.

2.7.2 Concrete Mixing

Concrete mixing shall not be allowed on the VILLAGE roads or paved
sidewalks. Likewise, materials for concrete mixing (i.e. sand, gravel,


cement), other construction materials, or construction equipment

shall not be placed on the road as to cause defacing, obstruction or
clogging of the drainage system, or damage to the sidewalk, curbs,
gutters and roadways.

2.7.3 Motor Vehicles and Parking Except in specially designated areas, no motor vehicle of any

kind (two-, three-, or four-wheeler) is allowed to enter the
sidewalk, pedestrian bikeway system, nor in any way use the
alleys and pathways for parking, provided, that during times
of extreme emergencies such as earthquakes, or fires, these
alleys may be utilized to facilitate emergency passage. Six-wheeler vehicles and other larger commercial type of

trucks or buses may park for a maximum period of three (3)
hours anywhere around the subdivision only for the purpose
of loading/unloading goods for delivery. Any other purpose
shall be subject to written approval by LANDCO and/or the
ASSOCIATION. It is understood however, that under no
circumstance may a six-, eight-, or ten-wheeler vehicle or
any commercial type truck park overnight anywhere around
the subdivision roads and parkways.

2.7.4 Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance

LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION shall prohibit major vehicle
repairs/maintenance work to be done on the streets, parks and
COMMON AREAs of, or anywhere within the VILLAGE including
OWNERs’ carports/garage areas.

2.8 Subdivision Expansion Plans

LANDCO reserves the right to expand the VILLAGE, or to develop other

projects (such as condominiums and complementary commercial
establishments) within the vicinity of the Village, but outside the original
boundaries of the Village, and as such, to utilize any roadway, utilities, and
facilities within the VILLAGE in the course of its expansion. At the option of
LANDCO, the expanded property may or may not be considered to be
covered by the ASSOCIATION and may be sold, developed, or alienated
separately from the VILLAGE, without the need of consent of the OWNERS or


Restrictions Applicable to Lots 3

The following restrictions shall apply specifically to each LOT (in addition to the
restrictions applicable to the entire VILLAGE):

3.1 Use and Occupancy of Lots

3.1.1 Limits on BUILDING

Only one private single-family residential house shall be erected on
each LOT although accessory quarters for household help and garage
may be built; provided, that all restrictions/provisions on building
setbacks, plot ratio, and easements and roofline setbacks as set forth
in this Deed will not be violated.

3.1.2 Subdivision and Consolidation The OWNER shall not subdivide LOTs. However, two (2) LOTs
may be consolidated into one, provided it shall not
thereafter be subdivided and further provided that the
construction on the consolidated LOTs shall be subject to
the easement provisions in Section 3.2. Three (3) or more
LOTs may be consolidated and subdivided into a lesser
number of LOTs provided that the resulting Lots shall not be
smaller in area than the smallest lot before consolidation
and provided further that the construction on these lots
shall be subject to the easement provisions in Section 3.2. LANDCO/ASSOCIATION Approvals

a. Any adjustments or modifications required on the utility

lines as a result of the consolidation or modification shall be
the sole responsibility of the OWNER. The additional costs if
any, shall be for the OWNER’s account

b. In all cases, consolidation/subdivision of LOTs shall be

subject to approval by LANDCO or its corporate successors,
and assigns, and/or the proper government office or
agency, and duly registered in the proper Office of the
Registry of Deeds.

3.1.3 Use of Lots LOTs shall be used exclusively for residential purposes.

LOTs shall not be used as access or right-of-way to any
adjacent land/s outside the VILLAGE or for any other
purpose unless approved by LANDCO or its corporate
successors or assignees. The OWNER agrees and binds himself not to construct or

maintain or cause to be constructed or maintained on the
premises: hotels, motels, saloons, bars, or any
establishment of ill repute, or use the same for any immoral


or illegal trade, or any use which will disturb the peace, or

become a nuisance in the VILLAGE. LOTs shall not be subdivided to be devoted to any of the

following purposes: chapels, churches, similar places of
worship or congregational gatherings, nor shall any
BUILDING be built on any LOT for such purposes. No LOT shall be used in pursuit of any commercial purpose

including, but not limited to, sari-sari store, grocery store,
bakery, eatery, funeral parlor, beauty parlor, barber shop,
hospital, private clinic, nursery, school, hotel, hostel, motel,
apartment, bar or any other business that conjures a
negative image for the VILLAGE, except at designated
commercial areas only and for purposes approved by
LANDCO. No machinery, appliance or structure shall be
placed, maintained, or operated on any LOT, the purpose of
which is to carry on or facilitate the carrying on of
commercial business of any kind. No temporary building, shack, barn, or other BUILDINGs

shall be erected, except by builders during the construction
period. No stockpiling on LOTs shall be allowed except by
the OWNER during construction. LANDCO and/or the
ASSOCIATION, or its corporate successors have the right to
haul or remove for proper disposal all construction
materials, equipment, stockpiling on vacant LOTs and
COMMON AREAs without necessary permit and at the
expense of the OWNER within seven (7) days of OWNER’s
receipt of notice from LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION for
removal of said materials, equipment, and stockpiling. No soil, stones, gravel, beach sand, coral and other similar
materials shall be taken from any LOT in the VILLAGE
without prior written consent from LANDCO and/or the
ASSOCIATION, its corporate successors, and assigns.

3.1.4 Any violation of this section on the use of LOT/S shall give LANDCO
the following rights: To rescind the Contract to Sell between LANDCO and the

OWNER and forfeit all payments including improvements
erected by the OWNER on the LOT/S; cost of demolition shall
be shouldered solely by the OWNER. If the OWNER has fully paid the purchase price of the LOT/S
and/or if the title has been transferred to the OWNER, to
reacquire the LOT/S under the same terms and
consideration as it was acquired by the OWNER.

3.2 Setbacks and Easements

Necessary open space should be allotted within a LOT. Such open space can
be used for purposes of landscaping, ventilation, and for easement of


drainage, sewage, water, and other utilities of the LOT as may be necessary
and desirable.

The following guidelines and restrictions for easements and setbacks are
herewith provided:

3.2.1 Building Line Setbacks and Easements

Easements (measured from the property line up to the exterior wall or

column of the house including bay windows, or any projection
therefrom, the carport, laundry area, etc.) shall be as follows: The minimum easement shall be four (4) and half (1/2)
meters from the property line on the side/s fronting the
road, two (2) meters on the sides adjoining other LOTs and
two (2) meters for the rear side. (Refer to Figure

Figure In the case of Thru-LOTs, the side/s facing the main road
will have a minimum easement of four (4) and half (1/2) and
the side/s fronting the secondary road shall have a
minimum easement of three (3) meters. The side/s facing
the adjoining LOT line shall have a minimum easement of
two (2) meters. (Refer to figure



* All guidelines are based on the latest provisions set by the

April 2005 version of the National Building Code of the
Philippines. Any changes or updates on the said guidelines
hereafter as dictated by the National Building Code of the
Philippines shall be consequently applied to Playa Laiya’s
Deed of Restrictions.

3.2.2 Roofline setbacks applicable to all sizes shall be as follows: Outside edges of roofs and/or eaves, including the porte

corchere or canopy, all without columns, of the BUILDING
must have a roofline setback of at least two (2) meters from
the property line fronting the street and one (1) meter on the
sides and on the rear side adjoining other LOTs. (Refer to


Figure In the case of a corner lot or THRU-LOT, the BUILDING must

have a roofline setback of at least two (2) meters from the
property line fronting the street and one (1) meter on the
sides or the rear side rear side adjoining other LOTs. (Refer to


PLAYA LAIYA ● DEED OF RESTRICTIONS Trellises (wood or non-combustible) which serve as

extensions of the main house/BUILDING, with or without its
own vertical support, must conform to the roofline setback
requirements. (Refer to Figure


However, carports with trellises, which have vertical

supports, may be exempted from the roofline setback
requirements provided that the:

 TRELLIS is not connected to the house, and not enclosed

and not intended for habitation (i.e. garage);

 TRELLIS does not exceed the property line;

 TRELLIS is made purely of non-combustible material;

 and Total area of the TRELLIS does not exceed 10% of the
size of the LOT.

3.2.3 All other permanent auxiliary BUILDINGs including, but not limited to
gazebos, barbeque pits, and playhouses should follow the following
restrictions: BUILDINGs located underground or on level with the

FINISHED CONSTRUCTION LINE, should follow a 1-meter
setback from the property line. (Refer to Figure 3.2.3-A)


Figure 3.2.3-A BUILDINGs located aboveground should follow the declared

building line easements and roofline setbacks. Swimming pools and roofline aboveground may be allowed

within the stipulated easements setbacks provided that it
shall not in anyway affect or weaken the structural stability
of the adjacent lot. In case its construction poses a potential
threat to the structural stability of adjacent areas, proper
structurally designed erosion protection measures such as
retaining walls should be provided by the OWNER to protect
adjacent LOTs and BUILDING. The proper and adequate
structural design of erosion protection measures shall be the
sole responsibility of the OWNER subject to approval of
LANDCO/ASSOCIATION prior to construction. Landscape elements/features such as fountains, ponds,

grottos, and the like not exceeding 2-meters from the
finished grade elevation, may be allowed within the said
easements. Ponds are subject to the same restrictions as
swimming pools. (Refer to Figure 3.2.3-B)

Figure 3.2.3-B

No construction of any building/room/structure of any nature shall

be allowed within the stipulated easements and roofline setbacks
except those introduced by LANDCO or otherwise provided for under


this section. All plans for a proposed BUILDING and IMPROVEMENT

shall be subject to LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION approval prior to

3.2.4 If two or more LOTs are consolidated, the stipulated easements and
roofline setbacks on the resulting consolidated area shall apply.
Following the provisions of section 3.1.2 on Subdivision and
Consolidation of LOTs. (Refer to Figure 3.2.4-A)

Figure 3.2.4-A

3.2.5 The OWNER, lessee, or representative shall permit access to the

authorized representatives of LANDCO or its corporate successors,
the ASSOCIATION, or public utility entities concerned for the purpose
of which the easement is created (be it to construct, repair, replace,
improve, or maintain utility systems).

3.3 Buildings and Architecture


Asian Tropical Contemporary Architectural Design Theme (refer to the
images below for reference).


The following design guidelines and specifications should be followed:

3.3.1 Building Material All BUILDINGs must be made of strong, solid material. It is

the intent of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION that the
resulting construction of BUILDING in the LOTs contributes
to the appreciation of property values and the general
aesthetic appeal of the VILLAGE. Structures built of light
materials (e.g. sawali, nipa, bamboo, cogon) are prohibited. Building construction cost should not be less than

Php18,000.00 per square meter. The minimum construction
cost requirement will be reviewed and updated periodically
by LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION and may be revised in
order to preserve the overall value of the VILLAGE. LANDCO shall provide a palette of prescribed colors for the

exterior walls.

3.3.2 Roof Roofing materials for all residential houses in the

subdivision shall be of the following materials:
 asphalt or wood shingles
 asphalt or concrete shakes
 non-glazed/matte-finish concrete or clay tiles. The roof shall be of the brown, gray, green shades only:

LANDCO shall provide a palette of prescribed colors.


Any other suggested roofing materials shall be subject to approval of


3.3.3 Building Height All BUILDINGs must have a maximum height of 9-meters

measured from the FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION delivered by
LANDCO at the center of the LOT up to the roof apex or any
projection therefrom (projections include any fixed or loose
furniture/fixture and/or any other object that will add to the
total height of the building beyond the 9-meter restriction).
(Refer to Figures & B)

Figure (Uphill LOT)

Figure (Downhill LOT)

Any exposed structural member of BUILDING built on

downslope or upslope LOTs should be treated architecturally
in order to maintain the general aesthetic character of the
community. The OWNER agrees that LANDCO or its successors or assigns

shall have the final decision on matters related to building
height. The cost to demolish or repair the building to
comply with the height requirements shall be for the
account of the OWNER.

3.3.4 Filling and Cutting of Lots The FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION delivered by LANDCO to

the OWNER is intended to be the final grade or slope of the
LOT. This should not be altered through filling. Cutting,
however, may be allowed only for structural purposes, as
well as for building a driveway, a basement, and/or a base


for house construction. Furthermore, cutting shall be limited

to the extent that it shall not in any way affect or weaken the
structural stability of the adjacent LOTs or COMMON AREAs

In case the OWNER’s construction poses a potential threat to

the structural stability of adjacent areas, proper structurally
designed erosion protection measures such as retaining
walls should be provided by the OWNER to protect adjacent
LOTs and structures. The proper and adequate structural
design of erosion protection measures shall be the sole
responsibility of the OWNER subject to approval of LANDCO
and/or the ASSOCIATION prior to construction. All other forms of filling and cutting are subject to approval
of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION prior to construction. LANDCO shall designate areas within the VILLAGE where

excess cut/fill materials may be deposited. Such materials
shall not be removed from the VILLAGE without prior
approval from LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION.

3.3.5 Fences

These restrictions do not require the OWNER to build a fence around

his LOT except for specifically identified lots by LANDCO and/ or the
ASSOCIATION. In the event the OWNER wishes to build a fence, the
fence must follow the standard design theme of the VILLAGE. The
following standard design guidelines are herewith provided.

Fence height, materials, and design Should the OWNER wish to build a fence on the rear and on
the sides of the LOT, such fence design must be made of
solid masonry material with height not exceeding 2-meters
from the FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION delivered by LANDCO. Should the OWNER wish to build a fence on the side of the
LOT facing the street, the fence design must have a 0.6
meter high solid masonry wall plus a 0.6 meter high see-
through type fence or landscape hedges. Total height of the
fence including the hedges or see-through type fence
should not exceed 1.2 meters from the top of the sidewalk
fronting the LOT. (Refer to Figures– A)



Such restriction shall apply to the portions of the sides of

the LOT, which is measured from the property line fronting
the street until the prescribed frontage easement. (Refer to
Figures– B)

Figure Should the OWNER wish to build a fence on the side of the
LOT adjacent to an open space (parks, planting strips, lake,
among others), the fence design must have a 0.6 meter high
solid masonry wall plus a 0.6 meter high see-through type
fence or landscape hedges. Total height of the fence
including the hedges or see-through type fence should not
exceed 1.2 meters from the top of the sidewalk fronting the

For lots adjacent to the lake, LANDCO shall provide the

general architectural details of the fence design. The fence design for the rear of the LOT adjacent to nature
trails, pocket parks, and other open spaces should follow
the prescribed design and height for the front of the LOT, as
specified in Section (Refer to figures )


Figure The fence design for the side of the LOT adjacent to
pedestrian walkways or alleys should follow the prescribed
design and height for the front of the LOT, as specified in

OWNERS may also construct their own pedestrian access

leading to the alley, subject to approval by LANDCO and/or
the ASSOCIATION. (Refer to Figure

Figure Fences for side/s of the LOT adjacent to utility easements

should be of solid masonry material not exceeding 2-meters


from the finished construction line, following the design

specified by LANDCO.

OWNERS are not allowed to construct their own pedestrian

access leading to the utility easements. (Refer to Figure

Figure Fences should be constructed following the design

guidelines of LANDCO on all sides of the property including
the sides where there are no adjacent houses yet. Fences of cyclone or mesh wire or barbed wire shall not be


In all cases, fencing and gate plans for the LOT shall be subject to
approval of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION before construction.

3.3.6 Building Design of Lots with Lakefronts

Design of the building facing the lake should enhance the theme of
the entire lake park. The design should reflect the activity at the lake
as well as the tropical setting in which it is located. Unifying elements
with respect to fence, landscaping, lighting, signage, etc. should be

Only the side of the building shall serve as a service, storage or utility
area of the structure. This area shall be screened or sheltered so as
not to be visible from the street right of way, lakeside, and from
adjacent Lots. Any external laundry spaces and drying facilities to be
provided for the residential units shall be recessed into the service


area and shall not be permitted to be situated at the front or rear of

the lots.

In all cases, building, fencing and gate plans for the LOT shall be
subject to approval of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION before

3.3.7 Laundry/ Washing Area

The OWNER agrees to provide an enclosed area for laundry/washing

purposes located at the rear or side of the LOT (subject to section
3.2), Clotheslines should not be visible from the subdivision roads
and should be located in the enclosed area. LANDCO and/or the
ASSOCIATION reserve the right not to approve any building plan
without provisions for the laundry/washing area. Should LANDCO
and/or the ASSOCIATION find any visible clothesline after the house
construction has been completed, LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION
reserve the right to enter the LOT and remove the said clothesline at
the expense of the OWNER.

3.3.8 Wells

No wells may be dug on any LOT without prior written approval of the
ASSOCIATION, LANDCO and the government entities concerned.

3.3.9 Booster Pump

The OWNER should first verify the actual location of underground

utilities prior to the planning of their house, and should secure all the
necessary permits before tapping into any utility line. No booster
pump shall be allowed without a reservoir of adequate capacity
between the water meter and said booster pump; and provided
further that installation of such booster pump system to the lot
owner’s underground reservoir shall have the prior written approval
of LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION. In case the allowed booster pump
poses a potential nuisance such as noise or air pollution, LANDCO
and/or ASSOCIATION reserve the right to order removal of such
booster pump, the cost of which shall be for the account of the
OWNER. (Refer to Figure 3.3.10-A)

Figure 3.3.10-A

3.3.10 Water Supply / Solar Water Heaters LANDCO shall be responsible for the construction and/or

installation of the necessary equipment, reservoirs and
facilities for the water supply system of the VILLAGE, and
may utilize any roadway, utilities, and facilities within the
VILLAGE to carry out such installation and/or construction.
LANDCO shall also be responsible for the operation of the


water supply system of the VILLAGE, until such time that the
operation of the water supply system is transferred by
LANDCO to a third party entity such as a water district. The
ownership of all open spaces, equipment, reservoirs and
facilities used in the water supply system shall belong to
LANDCO or, if the ownership and operation of the water
supply system has been transferred to a third party entity, to
such entity. To ensure the efficient distribution of water throughout the

VILLAGE during high demand periods, the OWNER may
install his own underground cistern or reservoir. No
overhead tanks, however, shall be allowed. Water meters must be installed outside of the fence/gate of

the LOT. Solar water heaters may be allowed as long as these do not

cause a nuisance/glare to the residents of the community
and are hidden from view. To enforce this provision, the
location/design of all solar water heating of related systems
must be indicated in the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS,
which are subject to approval by LANDCO and/or the

3.3.11 Antennae No radio masts, professional/commercial radio base

antennae will be allowed in any of the residential LOTs.
However, antennae for television may be allowed provided
these are not installed on the roof and do not obstruct views
of other LOTs. As a general guideline, antennae should be
installed as much as possible in areas hidden from view. Satellite/Parabola dishes may be allowed provided these are

not installed on the roof and do not obstruct views of
adjacent LOTs. Lighting arresters, if and when necessary,
may be allowed subject to prior written approval by LANDCO
and/or the ASSOCIATION. To ensure compliance, the
location of the satellite/parabola dish/lighting arrester
should be specified in the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS,
subject to prior written approval by LANDCO and/or the

3.3.12 Generators

Generators should follow the specifications set by LANDCO and/or

the ASSOCIATION in terms of: Sound Level – These generators must be of outdoor type

with soundproofing enclosures. All housing enclosures of
generators must be approved by LANDCO and/or the
ASSOCIATION prior to installation. It is the objective of these


restrictions to control the noise level created by generators

to the minimum, so as not to cause a nuisance. Exhaust System – The exhaust system should comply with

the standards with regard to R.A. No. 8749, otherwise
known as the Philippine Clean Air Act. Location of the Generator – The location of generators must

be included in the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS and
must be approved by LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION
prior to installation. Should the OWNER decide to install a
generator after the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS have
been approved, the OWNER must first submit a revised plan
to LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION for approval. The plan
must show the proposed location of the generator. Should
the OWNER install a generator without prior written approval
from LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION, the latter reserves
the right to remove the generator at the expense of the

3.3.13 Power Supply

Each residential LOT will have an allocated connected load of 25-34


Any upgrades to the system required to deliver such additional power

requirements shall be for the account of the owner, subject to prior
written approval of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION.

3.3.14 Driveway

In general, the driveway frontage of each LOT must have a maximum

length equivalent to forty percent (40%) of the length of the side
where the driveway entrance is designated. (Refer to Figure 3.3.14-A)

Figure 3.3.14-A

PLAYA LAIYA ● DEED OF RESTRICTIONS LOTs with cul-de-sac frontage, however, shall be allowed to

utilize 100% of the road frontage for driveways. (Refer to

Figure LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION reserves the right to

specify or change the driveway location on any LOT in
consideration of traffic flow, safety concerns, the
requirements of the landscape master plan and engineering
design plans as well as VILLAGE utility services.

3.3.15 Main Gate

For THRU-LOTs and corner LOTs, there should only be one main gate
constructed on the road having a wider right of way.

3.3.16 Sewerage and Drainage Systems

It is the intention of LANDCO to reduce to a minimum the potential

damage posed by human habitation to the environment in general
and the marine and beach environment in particular. In order to
realize this, the OWNERs are expected to comply with the measures
stated below: Each LOT OWNER shall construct/provide a 3-chamber

septic vault to service their house unit. This will prevent
solid wastes from directly flowing into the sewage and
drainage system. Said septic vault should have the minimum
design specifications of 9 cubic meters with an intended
detention time of 24 hours. (Refer to Figures,



Figure The water run-off from raw domestic sewage, water closets,
lavatory, and kitchen wastewater must be discharged into
the Digestive Chamber of the septic vault. The water run-off from laundry and bath water should be
discharged into the Leaching/ Graywater Chamber of the
septic vault. The water run-off from the rainwater tank overflows and
roof gutter should be discharged to the Wash Chamber of
the septic vault. In order to prevent grease from clogging the sewerage lines

and damaging sewage pumps, grease traps must be
provided by the OWNER in the kitchen as well as other areas
which may potentially discharge oils and other harmful
chemicals. As for garages or any areas where vehicles are
expected to be parked or be washed, a grease trap must be
provided by the OWNER as a measure to prevent grease or
any oils or chemicals from the vehicles from entering the
VILLAGE drainage system which will eventually discharge
into the sea and pose a threat to the beach areas. (Refer to
Figure 3.3.16-A)


Figure 3.3.16-A The sewer inlets should not be open as to allow rain water to
flow into them. The water run-off from the house, storm and area drains
must be discharged into the VILLAGE drainage system
through stub-out connections provided by LANDCO. Areas
that should drain into the VILLAGE drainage system are the
roof of the house, landscaped areas, the swimming pool, the
garage and/or any other area that may be exposed to rain
water. Repair costs and/or relocation costs for any drainage,
water, road, and/or other utilities affected by any house
expansion or building of auxiliary structures, shall be for the
account of the OWNER. Each lot owner shall be responsible for the proper

maintenance and upkeep of his/ her septic vault in order to
maintain its operating effectiveness and efficiency. The
required frequency for sludge removal for individual septic
tanks is every ten (10) years. The aforementioned design of the septic tank of each

household is based on a density of a 200-400 square meter
lot. Any consolidation of 2 or more lots will be subject to a
re-computation of sewerage capacity requirements.
Henceforth, all designs of the septic tank shall be subject to
the approval of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION.


All BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS whether original, revised,

amendatory or additional plans and specifications including the
corresponding location and landscaping plans, must first be approved
in writing by LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION thirty (30) days prior to
the start of construction or implementation. During construction,
LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION shall monitor the construction in
order to determine if there has been compliance with the approved
plans and specifications. Should any construction activity commence without the

approval of LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION, appropriate


penalties may be imposed on the OWNER and/or his

contractors, including refusal of entry to workers and
stoppage of construction activities. LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION has the right to refuse

entry of materials into the VILLAGE, to order
stoppage/suspension of the construction works, and if
construction has been completed, to order removal of the
BUILDING at the expense of the OWNER without the
necessity of court order and without any criminal and/or
civil liability whatsoever on the part of the company, its
officers, and employees:

o If plans and specifications do not conform with the

parameters set by LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION;

o If construction begins prior to approval by LANDCO

and/or the ASSOCIATION;

o If construction is not in conformity with the approved

plans. Payment by the OWNER of the CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT shall

be a condition for the approval of the plans and
specifications. LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION shall
determine the amount of the deposit after a complete review
of the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS. The deposit shall
be refunded to the OWNER after full completion of
construction less whatever damage the OWNER may have
caused to any of the VILLAGE facilities and after LANDCO
and/or the ASSOCIATION has been satisfied that all
restrictions embodied herein have been complied with by
the OWNER. In case of violation hereof, the CONSTRUCTION
DEPOSIT shall be forfeited without prejudice to such other
legal action LANDCO or the ASSOCIATION may pursue.

3.3.18 Unfinished BUILDING

In the event any BUILDING shall remain unfinished and not ready for
occupancy in accordance with the approved plans within one year
from the date of commencement of construction, the OWNER shall be
given due notice by LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION to either finish or
dismantle the said BUILDING within a six-month period. Failure on
the part of the OWNER to comply with such obligation to either
completely finish or completely dismantle the BUILDING within the set
period, LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION can cause its demolition at
the expense of the OWNER.

3.3.19 Construction on Wrong LOT

In the event the OWNER constructs his/her house on a wrong LOT, the
OWNER shall automatically remove said construction at his/her
expense; otherwise, LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION shall immediately
remove the same at the OWNER’s expense without the necessity of


court order and without criminal and/or civil liability whatsoever, on

the part of the corporation or its officers and employees.

3.3.20 Commencement of Construction

Construction of any BUILDING on the LOTs may commence only after

the OWNER has paid at least Fifty Percent (50%) of the total contract
price of the LOT and when BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS have
been approved by LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION.

3.3.21 Construction Guidelines

LANDCO shall develop appropriate rules and regulations for the

construction of the BUILDING on the LOTs. These guidelines shall
govern all construction within the VILLAGE and shall include, but shall
not be limited to, regulations on permits, stockpiling, construction
working hours, workers ingress and egress (and stay-in), delivery of
materials, and the imposition of CONSTRUCTION DEPOSITs, bonds,
assessments, penalties and charges for violations of such guidelines.

Without prejudice to LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION’s other rights

and remedies, it is also agreed that due authorization is given to
LANDCO and/or the ASSOCIATION to deduct charges, fines, etc.
against the CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT as may be applicable to answer
for liabilities as defined herein. Any deduction that LANDCO and/or
the ASSOCIATION may take from the CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT shall
not constitute any waiver of its rights and remedies under this DEED


Transfer of LOTs 4
4.1 Should the OWNER desire to sell, lease, assign or otherwise convey the LOT/s
or his or her rights or interests thereto, the OWNER shall first offer to sell the
LOT/s or his or her rights and interests thereto to LANDCO. The offer shall
be in writing and shall specify the price, terms and conditions of the offer
(the “Offer”). LANDCO shall communicate in writing its decision on the offer
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the Offer (the “Offer Period”).

4.2 Should LANDCO signify in writing its intent to purchase the LOT/s or the
OWNER’s rights and interests thereto, a Deed of Absolute Sale or Deed of
Assignment shall thereafter be executed following the terms and conditions
to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. Should LANDCO fail to
communicate in writing its decision within the Offer Period or should
LANDCO decide not to accept the Offer, the OWNER shall have the right to
offer the LOT or the OWNER’s rights and interests thereto to third persons,
provided that any such sale, assignment or transfer made under terms and
conditions more favorable than those made in the Offer shall be null and void
ab initio.

4.3 Any sale or conveyance made by the OWNER to a third party under the
foregoing provision shall be subject to a transfer fee not exceeding Ten
Thousand Pesos (Php10,000) if the title to the LOT/s has not yet been
transferred to the OWNER at the time of said sale or conveyance.

4.4 This preferential right of LANDCO shall remain in effect unless otherwise
revoked in writing by LANDCO.



5.1 Membership

Upon payment of Thirty Percent (30%) of the NET CONTRACT PRICE of the
LOT/S or house/s and LOT/S, the OWNER shall automatically become a
member of the ASSOCIATION and he/she as well as his/her heirs, successors,
assigns and lessees must abide by such rules and regulations laid down by

5.2 Fees and Assessments


IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS OBJECTIVES. Such dues and membership fees shall
constitute a lien on the LOT/S, junior only to that of the liens of the
government for taxes and the valid voluntary mortgage/s entered into in
good faith. The OWNER hereby recognizes the ASSOCIATION’s authority to
annotate on the title of the concerned OWNER the aforementioned lien for
unpaid dues and membership fees. The ASSOCIATION may commence
collection from its members immediately upon payment of 30% of the NET
CONTRACT PRICE. The OWNER authorizes LANDCO to withhold the issuance
of the title until full payment of any delinquent dues and membership fees,
along with the Net Contract Price for the Lot or house and lot,

OWNER hereby agrees that the green area, road network and COMMON AREA
maintenance, marine maintenance, foreshore lease expenses, light and water
for the common facilities, sanitary, security, and garbage collection expenses
for the parks and streets shall be part of the assessment of the ASSOCIATION


Term and Enforcement 6

of Restrictions

The covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations and conditions

enumerated herein above have been constituted in favor of LANDCO and its
successors or its assigns, and shall be construed as real covenants which shall
perpetually run with the land and bind the OWNER of the LOT and his
successor-in-interest as part of its controlled subdivision project. These shall
be valid and binding on each and every LOT and OWNER for a period of fifty (50)
years commencing from _______________, and which shall automatically be
renewed for another fifty years unless the majority of all the OWNERs vote, in
accordance with their voting power as defined in the Articles of Incorporation
and/or by-Laws of ASSOCIATION, for its non-extension.

Restrictions may be added to but not diminished, amended or changed

by the ASSOCIATION or by any governing body of the subdivision, provided that
the use and occupancy of LOTs for residential purposes by a single family only
shall not be changed. LANDCO, its corporate successors and assigns, may
modify, improve, change or add to these restrictions, if in the judgment of
LANDCO, such modifications should be made.

The foregoing restrictions may be enjoined and/or enforced by court

reserves the right to impose penalties for any violation of this Deed. In the
event of any violation of the foregoing restrictions, and/or delinquency in
payment for the purchase of the LOT, house, house and LOT, or association
dues and special assessments or other related fees, LANDCO and/or
ASSOCIATION also reserves the right to resort to other remedies, such as extra-
judicially cutting utility services to the OWNER or disallowing any use of the
facilities of the VILLAGE.

The OWNER agrees not to sell, cede, encumber, transfer, or in any

manner do any act which will violate this DEED OF RESTRICTIONS until all
stipulations of this Deed shall have been fulfilled. The OWNER binds himself
during the life of this DEED OF RESTRICTIONS, not to alter, remove, displace, or
in any way interfere with any monument or other evidence of boundary upon
said premises; not to cut or destroy or in any other manner cause any waste or
damage to or upon said premises, or to allow others the commission of any of
the aforesaid acts, without previous written approval from LANDCO.

Compliance with and/or enforcement of the said restrictions,

reservations, easements and conditions maybe enjoined and/or enforced by
court action in the courts of Batangas by the LANDCO and/or ASSOCIATION, its
corporate successor and assigns; or by any property OWNER in Laiya, Batangas,
Philippines, or by all of them.


Where there appears to be a conflict in the interpretation of these

restrictions and or guidelines, the most stringent interpretation shall be


Na m e of Bu y er
[s ign a tu r e o v er prin t e d n a m e]

Bloc k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lo t _ _ _ _ _ _ _

PL AY A L AIY A R e si d en t ia l V il lag e , Br g y . A p la ya La i ya , S an Ju an ,
Bata n ga s

Da te S ign e d: ________________


_____________________________ ___________________________
Property Consultant/ Sales Manager Sales Administration


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