Kunci Jawaban - PR Inggris 12 Discussions
Kunci Jawaban - PR Inggris 12 Discussions
Kunci Jawaban - PR Inggris 12 Discussions
52 Discussions
4. He is curious about ants life.
5. It means ‘watching’.
3.1 Expressions
54 Discussions
2. You : Dad, Mr. Darren has a new car.
Your father : Yes. He is a successful entrepreneur now.
You : Mom told me he was poor once. I wonder
how he achieved success.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat Your father : Mr. Darren is a tough man. He never gives
memberikan soal berikut. up easily and is willing to take risks for what
he does.
Becky Allan You : That’s the spirit of a true entrepreneur, isn’t
Tells Allan that there Says that he has Your father : Yup. He is a great man.
will be an election heard the news. You : You’re right. Anyway, I want to be a successful
for a new OSIS entrepreneur like him one day.
chairperson at school. Your father : That’s my boy!
3. You : I heard that you have an online business.
Tells Allan that there Your friend : Yeah. I am only trying to develop my interest
will be two strong in business. Aren’t you interested in it?
Agrees with it.
candidates, Kian and Many people achieve success by having
Rommy. such a business.
You : Actually I’m interested, but not now. I am
Asks Allan’s opinion Tells Becky that he afraid it would interrupt my studies.
about who he will prefers Rommy to Your friend : That depends on you. If you can manage
choose. Kian. your time well, it will not be a big problem.
You : You’re right, but I am going to have the final
exam so I want to focus on my studies.
Asks Allan for reasons, Tells Becky that
Your friend : I see.
to support his choice. Rommy is smart,
talented and friendly.
States that Kian is also
Agrees, but tells
Becky that Rommy
has experience in
a few organizations. Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
dapat memberikan soal berikut.
Contoh jawaban:
Becky : Did you know that there will be an election for a new 1. You and your brother are getting on a bus. You see
OSIS chairperson at school? a boy selling newspapers. You and your brother talk
Allan : Yes. I have heard about it. about the boy. You ask whether the boy could possibly
Becky : There will be two strong candidates in the election. become a great man one day. How would the
They are Kian and Rommy. conversation go?
Allan : That’s right. 2. You tell your friend that you would like to spend your
Becky : In your opinion, who should the new OSIS holiday at your grandpa’s house. Your grandpa lives
chairperson be? near the coastal area. Your friend expresses his/her
Allan : Personally, I prefer Rommy to Kian. curiosity about people’s life there and he/she wants to
Becky : Why? go there with you. How would the conversation go?
Allan : You know, he is smart and talented. He is also friendly, 3. Your sister won a modeling contest. Then, she is
so most of students and teachers know him. offered a job as a model for magazines and she
Becky : Kian is also smart. accepts the offers. She asks your view about it. You tell
Allan : You’re right. However, Rommy has experience in her that she can accept the offers, only if they don’t
a few organizations. I think they will be useful for interrupt her studies. How would the conversation go?
him to manage OSIS. Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Look at the boy! He is poor.
Your brother : Yes. He must work hard to survive.
C. Create dialogs based on the following You : You’re right. Do you think he has
situations. a good education?
Practice the dialogs in pairs. Your brother : I’m not sure.
You : Is there any possibility that he could
Contoh jawaban:
become a great man one day?
1. You : Hey, watch the news! The woman bore five Your brother : If he has a good education and good
babies. luck, that is possible. Nobody knows
Your sister : Wow! It’s very surprising! what the future is. There is a man who
You : Yes, but it’s pitiful that each baby is once sold newspapers but has
underweight. They need special medical a business in renting expensive cars
treatment. now.
Your sister : What are the chances for the babies’ You : Yes, that’s right. A poor boy may
survival? become a great man one day.
You : Fifty fifty I think. However, doctors have tried
hard to save their lives.
Your sister : It must be hard work.
You : Sure. It’s a challenge for doctors.
Your sister : You’re right.
56 Discussions
One advantage of drinking tea is that it contains less B. Interview your friends about their opinions
caffeine than coffee. Drinking tea can also reduce stress. You on a certain topic, for example attending
know, tea has a very soothing effect and it helps reduce stress. extra-curricular clubs, the use of mobile
Moreover, drinking tea has various health benefits. It helps fight phones, etc.
different diseases. Write the result in the following table.
Another benefit of drinking tea is tea contains various Then, compose a discussion text based on
antioxidants, important for cleaning unwanted substances from your interview and present it during class.
the human body.
Now, let’s talk about the disadvantages. Drinking tea is Contoh jawaban (hasil interview):
dangerous if consumed excessively. Drinking too much tea could Topic: Pros and Cons of Attending Extra-curricular Clubs
cause gastric ulcers. Furthermore, tea has tannic acid and if
a person drinks too much, he/she may suffer from iron deficiency Name Pros Cons Reasons
or anemia.
To sum up, drinking tea is very beneficial, but not in excess. Linda ✔ We can improve our skills and
It is advisable that a person should consume tea almost an hour knowledge.
after he/she has eaten.
Adopted from: http://style.pk/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-drinking-tea/ (March Alvian ✔ We can meet more friends.
20, 2015)
Winda ✔ We can gain many new experiences.
Contoh jawaban:
In this modern era, many people want simple but
practical food, like tinned food. There are many kinds of
tinned foods and there are pros and cons in them. Let me
A. Find the meanings of the following words.
tell you.
You will read them in the text in Task B.
On the positive side, tinned foods are stored easily.
Compared to fresh foods, tinned foods have longer shelf-
life. Not only that. They are more economical and the
1. membangkitkan, menghasilkan
packaging can be recycled.
2. pembelahan
However, tinned foods have negative sides too.
3. memperoleh
Nutrients, especially vitamin C and potassium, are lost
4. tergantung
during the canning process. Moreover, salt or sugar is often
5. emisi, pemancaran
added to the food, used for preserving the foods. Lastly, the
6. persamaan, tingkat yang sama
negative side of tinned foods is that their taste and texture
7. penyimpanan
are not always as good as fresh foods.
8. kebocoran
So, what will you choose now? Will you still prefer
9. penahanan, pengurungan
consuming tinned foods to fresh foods?
10. yang dibuang
B. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.
1. g 2. c 3. j 4. e 5. a
6. i 7. f 8. b 9. k 10. h
58 Discussions
6. dapat diandalkan
7. awal, pertama
8. memicu
9. pembangkit
10. kemajuan Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
Task B memberi soal berikut.
1. f 2. c 3. j 4. e 5. h 1. The government has done a lot to solve the problem of
6. b 7. i 8. d 9. a 10. g floods in Jakarta. Nevertheless,
Task C
2. The government warned people to stay clear from
Topic: Geothermal Energy corruption. However, _________________________.
3. Many students want to continue their studies at
Arguments for Arguments against universities whereas _________________________.
4. A few people use textile coloring for foods although
● It is renewable. ● The initial costs can _________________________.
● It is considered non- be expensive. 5. Nadya will buy a laptop in spite of
polluting (as a green ● It is a threat in _________________________.
energy source). triggering an 6. I have tried to convince Dilla that I didn’t betray her.
● It can save money. earthquake. However, _________________________.
● It is reliable. ● We need a large 7. Mr. Viko has many houses. Nevertheless,
area to dig out and _________________________.
lay pipes for 8. Donna still keeps her old cell phone although
a geothermal _________________________.
system. 9. The teacher gives a lesson to her students in spite of
Task D
10. Many girls sweep the floor whereas
1. Pros and cons of geothermal energy.
2. Because the energy we gather from below the Earth’s
surface is practically unlimited. Contoh jawaban:
3. It means there are little to no fluctuations of energy flow. 1. they still can’t overcome the problem
4. It is expensive. 2. many officials are still involved in the corruption
5. There is no doubt that geothermal energy has great 3. other students want to work
potential in contributing positively to the climate 4. it is dangerous to human health
crisis and a greener future. 5. it being expensive
6. she doesn’t believe me
7. he likes to live in his old house
E. Complete the following sentences with your own 8. she has bought a new one
words. 9. being sick
10. boys mop it
1. Peserta didik memahami kembali penggunaan contrastive F. Complete the sentences with proper modal perfect
conjunction serta kalimat-kalimat soal yang tersedia. and the words in brackets.
2. Peserta didik melengkapi kalimat-kalimat tersebut dengan
jawaban masing-masing. Jawaban bersifat terbuka
sehingga kemungkinan terdapat berbagai variasi jawaban.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta 1. Peserta didik memahami kalimat-kalimat yang tersedia,
didik mengemukakan jawabannya dan memotivasi peserta kemudian menentukan modal perfect yang sesuai untuk
didik yang lain yang memiliki jawaban berbeda untuk kalimat-kalimat tersebut.
mengemukakan jawabannya. 2. Peser ta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan
4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung Bapak/Ibu Guru mengawasi jawabannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain
keaktifan peserta didik. menyimak.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian peserta didik yang
Contoh jawaban: mengemukakan jawabannya.
1. he has a bicycle 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa memotivasi peserta didik untuk
2. the principal’s absence mencari referensi tambahan tentang penggunaan modal
3. she doesn’t have a large space perfect.
4. many Scout members disagree with it
5. her mother likes shopping in a traditional market Jawaban:
1. must have recovered
2. should have arrived
3. could have celebrated
4. might have heard/must have heard
5. should have finished
60 Discussions
office correspondence that is private, health care-related content
and so forth. Removing staples and making sure paper is smooth
and wrinkle-free before it’s fed into a printer can also be time
Regardless of the negative sides of using recycled paper,
A. Write five sentences using contrastive conjunctions.
people should consider using recycled paper.
Contoh jawaban: Adopted from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/67621-pros-cons-using-recycled-
paper/ (February 16, 2015)
1. I had told Aldo about the science test. Nevertheless, he
didn’t listen to me. As a result, he got a bad mark.
2. Deryl wanted to visit you yesterday. However, he suddenly
had an urgent calling.
3. I will always remember you although I will move to 3.3 Short Functional Texts:
4. The artist felt unhappy in spite of being famous and wealthy. Spoken Messages and Leaflets
5. Reva doesn’t understand the lesson even though/although
Mr. Andy has explained it twice.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The house is very luxurious now. The new owner must have
renovated it.
2. Gea would have dropped by your house yesterday, but it
rained hard.
3. Mr. Roland is strong. I think he could have lifted the desk
by himself. A. Listen and complete the texts based on what you have
4. There was no food on the dining table. Rika should have heard.
cooked dinner for us.
5. Donna didn’t call me for help. She might have asked Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
another person to repair her computer. jawaban:
Text 1
C. Write a discussion about an interesting issue. Nessa, Ferry speaking. Sorry, I can’t go to your house
You may search for several references this (1) afternoon to return your math book. I’ve got
about it. a (2) stomachache, but don’t worry. I’ll ask my (3) brother to go
to your house, to return the book. Thanks.
Contoh jawaban:
Recycling has grown in popularity in recent years as Text 2
consumers try to reduce the amount of trash going into already Tom, this is Donita. I’m on the way to your town. I think I will
brimming landfills. (4) arrive around five p.m. Please pick me up at the (5) railway
Recycling paper is one of the most common forms of station. Thank you.
reducing the amount of trash generated by offices and households
around the globe and offers a variety of benefits as well as B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in
disadvantages. Although many people have taken active steps Task A.
towards reducing paper generation (paying bills online, online
information forms, agreements, etc.), recycling paper is still
Text 1
a personal decision for consumers.
1. He will be going to Nessa’s house to return her math book.
One of the most common benefits of using recycled paper is
2. He has got a stomachache.
to utilize a source over and over again. For example, reusing
3. Ferry’s brother.
printing paper at home or at work by turning used paper over and
loading into a printer to fill up both sides is a way to cut down Text 2
waste and expenses (as long as information is not confidential). 1. By train.
Furthermore, newspaper recycled at home and the office 2. He should fetch Donita from the railway station.
can help reduce trash and toxic waste from ink by using it for
wrapping, padding or even cleaning windows. With a little
imagination, most consumers can find a use for used paper that
may have more use or function, before buying more.
According to Kenneth Skog of the U.S. Forest Products
Laboratory, recycling paper saves trees. As a result, it can reduce Listen and answer the questions based on what you have
carbon monoxide in the environment, increase the amount of heard.
carbon dioxide found in forests and reduce greenhouse gases on
an annual basis, essential for clean, breathable air. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Reusing paper in a variety of ways saves consumers’ money. Nancy, this is Mommy. I am going to your aunt’s
Use newspapers to clean glass and windows instead of paper house to help her prepare for your cousin’s birthday party.
towels, to lessen streaking. Wrap breakables in newspapers When you arrive home from school, you and your brother
instead of packing paper. Office paper can be reused as scratch may come here to help. Don’t forget to have lunch before
paper or reused in printers to get the most out of one sheet of you leave.
paper. Savings in paper costs help reduce overhead budgets and
benefit the environment. 1. What is the purpose of the text?
Unfortunately, recycling paper takes time in determining 2. Who sends the message?
what paper can be reused and what can’t, such as personal or 3. Where is she going?
62 Discussions
Write a leaflet dealing with health.
You may find references.
Contoh jawaban:
64 Discussions
Version A
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 1 (satu)
Kelas : XII Tanggal : ....
A. Listening Section
1. A. A contest at a TV station.
B. The audition for a TV contest.
C. A live broadcast on TV.
D. The audition of television reporters.
E. The audition of television news readers.
2. A. Their social life.
B. Their success.
C. Their principals.
D. The keys to their success.
E. Their merits for human being.
3. A. Corruption in this country.
B. Punishment in this country.
C. The collapse of a country.
D. Courts in this country.
E. Effects of corruption.
4. A. The contents of frozen food.
B. The effects of salt for health.
C. The description of frozen food.
D. The process of how frozen food is made.
E. The advantages and disadvantages of frozen food.
5. A. It increases fat in foods.
B. It dissolves protein in foods.
C. It breaks down water-soluble nutrients. Source: http://40shadows.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/leaflet-wtm-2008 (April 2, 2015)
D. It uses salt and other chemicals.
8. What is the leaflet about?
E. It uses some preservatives.
A. Tourist spots in Maldives.
This is the end of the listening section B. The discovery of Maldives.
C. Travel services to Maldives.
B. Reading Section D. The visitors in Maldives.
E. A trip to Maldives.
This text is for questions 6 and 7. 9. “... by the most adventurous sailors and explorers.”
Aldo, it’s me Arya. All students have arrived at school. Why What is the similar meaning of ‘adventurous’?
haven’t you arrived yet? As we planned before, we will leave at A. Strong. B. Famous.
eight o’clock so that we will not arrive at the museum at noon. C. Talented. D. Good.
6. What are Arya and his friends going to do? E. Brave.
A. Have a tour. B. Go camping.
C. Have a party. D. Visit a person. This text is for questions 10 to 13.
E. Do an outbond activity. Chemical fertilizers are synthetically produced plant
nutrients from inorganic materials. There are arguments for and
7. What time will they leave? against them.
A. At half past seven. B. At eight o’clock. On its positive side, similar with organic fertilizers, chemical
C. At eight fifteen. D. At eight thirty. fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moreover,
E. At nine o’clock. chemical fertilizers can provide plants with an immediate supply of
nutrients when the situation demands it. This condition is different
from organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers can only have either
66 Discussions
Kunci Review Unit III Version A Tape Script for Review Unit III Version B
I. Pilihan Ganda This dialog is for question 1.
1. B 11. E Girl : Many Indonesian singers are obsessed with going
2. D 12. D international. Is it possible for them?
Boy : Why not? There have been some Indonesian singers
3. A 13. A who have gone international, such as Anggun and Agnes
4. E 14. C Monica.
5. C 15. B Girl : Yes. But it’s very hard.
Boy : Of course. We can get nothing without hard efforts.
6. A 16. C
7. B 17. E
1. What is the dialog about?
8. C 18. B
9. E 19. D This dialog is for question 2.
Girl : Hey, I found this small gift in my drawer.
10. C 20. A
Boy : Who is the sender?
Girl : I don’t know. Hmmm ... I am curious about who sent me
II. Uraian the gift.
Contoh jawaban: Boy : Just open the gift and you will find the writer’s name on
Diego, this is David. I’ve got a flat tire so that
I can’t go to the field to play soccer. Have you gone to the
2. What is the girl curious about?
field? If you haven’t gone yet, please pick me up from my
house. Thank you. This dialog is for question 3.
Boy : There are some smart students but they come from poor
families. What do you think?
Girl : I think the government should pay attention to them.
Boy : What do you mean?
Girl : There should be a fund or scholarship for them.
3. What is the girl’s view about some smart students who are
Version B
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 1 (satu)
Kelas : XII Tanggal : ....
A. Listening Section
1. A. Indonesian singers.
B. Singers’ great efforts.
C. Popular international singers.
D. The possibility for people to be singers.
E. The possibility for Indonesian singers to go international.
2. A. The item in the gift.
B. The one who sent her the gift.
C. The one who received the gift.
D. The one who took her gift.
E. The price of the gift.
3. A. We should help them.
B. We should appreciate their achievements.
C. We should not underestimate them.
D. The government should have a fund or scholarship for
E. The government should provide them with many
4. A. Pros and cons of living in on-campus housing.
Source: http://www.westeuston.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/PAP-leaflet-pg-1
B. Pros and cons of living in off-campus housing. (March 19, 2014)
C. Pros and cons of living in on and off campus housing.
D. The difficulties of living in on-campus housing. 8. In what sector is the program held?
E. The benefits of living in on-campus housing. A. Computer. B. Agronomy.
C. Travel and trip. D. Economy and trade.
5. A. It is easier to get to class and library. E. Rail and construction.
B. It is easier to get various foods.
C. We can cook for ourselves. 9. Who CANNOT join the program?
D. We can get more privacy. A. Sheila who is eighteen years old.
E. We can get less noise. B. Olivia who joined construction training.
C. Daniel who lives five hundred meters from King’s Cross.
This is the end of the listening section. D. Bertrand who works in a construction company.
E. Vika who graduated from senior high school three
B. Reading Section years ago and has not worked yet.
This text is for questions 6 and 7. This text is for questions 10 to 13.
Sofi, this is Teddy. We have to submit our paper next People like home sweet home. However, making office at
Wednesday. That’s why, we have to finish it soon. What about home is possible and recommended. Of course, home office will
doing it at my house this afternoon, at about three? If you agree, have both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is wise to
I’ll ask Farah and Vika to come. Remember, we only have three consider the strengths and weaknesses to have a home office.
days before the deadline. People will agree that having an office at home will have
6. How many people will do the paper? benefits. It saves time. We don’t need to commute which
A. One. B. Two. occasionally takes a long time. We are free to organize the work
C. Three. D. Four. schedule. Having a home office will save money as we need not
E. Five. purchase or lease office space from rent companies. What
makes it more flexible is that we can arrange part or all parts of
7. When do you think Teddy send the message? our home, as a real office. What we need is only a wireless
A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. router to cover all parts of our house with the Internet. We can
C. On Monday. D. On Tuesday. run our business from any part of the house we want, from living
E. On Wednesday. rooms, bedrooms, veranda, etc., we can even sell or purchase
68 Discussions
by online shopping, for items we need. Furthermore, working at Furthermore, Internet promotion also provides the
home might reduce stress, effort and time and divert them to advantage of endurance. Whereas participation at a trade fair or
other more productive activities because while working, we are conference loses sales impact, once it is over. An advertisement
close to our families. in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales
However, making a home as office also has disadvantages. generating value within a day or two, or as soon as the next
For several people, keeping schedule is hard in flexible time. For issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from
these people, it will be harder if they are working just from home. the dates and occasionally prices, much of your website
There will be no clear border between work and break. Working contents remain valid years later.
from home also reduces the possibility to meet new people. It is However, Internet promotion is not without its risks and
true that a computer with Internet connection possibly relate to weaknesses. With millions of businesses selling the same
people all times and all places, but we will interact with them in products and services, competing with more established
a dimension which is not face to face. businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for small
So, consider carefully what we actually need to run our businesses.
business. Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for
Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2010/04/advantages-and- the businesspersons and consumers to thoroughly evaluate the
disadvantage-of-home.html (February 11, 2014)
legitimacy of a transaction. Small businesses are particularly
10. Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information
having office at home? to do online transactions.
A. It can save money. B. It can save time. Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and
C. It is more flexible. D. It might reduce stress. businesspersons are isolated. There is little personal contact
E. We will interact with other people face-to-face. between customer and salesperson prior to and after the sales
transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.
11. What is the main idea of paragraph three? From all indications, it appears that the advantages of
A. The advantages of a home office. Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate
B. The disadvantages of a home office. knowledge, entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet
C. How to make transaction in a home office. promotions, especially small business owners.
D. The writer’s conclusion about a home office. Adopted from: http://www.patantconsult.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-
E. The possibility of having an office at home. of-internet-promotion.htm (April 2, 2015)
12. What is the writer’s recommendation about a home office? 16. What is the text about?
A. We should have a home office. A. Pros and cons of promotion.
B. We shouldn’t have a home office. B. Pros and cons of Internet promotion.
C. A home office should be run by women. C. Pros and cons of running a business.
D. It is very simple and easy to run a home office. D. Pros and cons of being a salesperson.
E. We should consider well before deciding to have E. Pros and cons of interpreneurship.
an office at home. 17. Compared to other media of promotion, how is Internet
13. “... and divert them to other more productive activities ....” promotion?
(Paragraph 2) A. It is more interesting. B. It is more expensive.
What does ‘them’ refer to? C. It is more exclusive. D. It is cheaper and longer.
A. The benefits. E. It is more difficult and more challenging.
B. The online shops. 18. What can we conclude from paragraph two and five?
C. Internet connections. A. Both paragraphs discuss the advantages of Internet
D. Stress, effort and time. promotion.
E. The items we need. B. Both paragraphs discuss the disadvantages of Internet
14. Tika : Why do you look upset? promotion.
Raka : My computer is still broken ________ I have tried C. Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph
to repair it. 5 tells about argument against.
A. although B. nevertheless D. Paragraph 2 tells about argument against, while
C. however D. in spite of paragraph 5 tells about argument for.
E. despite E. Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph
5 tells about the writer’s conclusion.
15. Betty : How was the Maths test?
Leo : It was not too hard 19. Which of the following statements is NOT the disadvantage
Betty : Yeah. I believe you ________ done it well. of Internet promotion?
A. might have B. should have A. We have to compete with other businesses selling
C. would have D. could have similar products.
E. must have B. It is difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction.
C. It is vulnerable to theft using stolen credit cards.
This text is for questions 16 to 20. D. The prospect for repeat sales may diminish.
One promotion method people can consider, is through the E. It may quickly lose its promotion.
Internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages. 20. “Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.”
Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller (Paragraph 1)
budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, What is the similar meaning of ‘advantage’?
producing television or radio advertisements or managing a call A. Benefit. B. Loss.
center. It presents a fast and cost effective option for penetrating C. Similarity. D. Difference.
new markets. E. Relationship.
E-mail makes business communications instant. It makes
it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilitates II. Write a dialog using the expressions you
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can have learned in this unit.
gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.
70 Discussions