2.1 Meaning and Approaches of National Income Accounting
2.1 Meaning and Approaches of National Income Accounting
2.1 Meaning and Approaches of National Income Accounting
National income is the sum of all individual incomes, such as the total sum of (i) all wages,
salaries, commissions and labour incomes before payment of taxes and social security
contributions. (ii) Interest income from bonds, mortgages, loans, etc. after deducting interest paid
on government debts, (iii) rental income from real property and royalties, and (iv) profit of
corporation, partnership or proprietorship, before deduction of taxes based on income.
In this connection let us see different approaches adopted by different economists to define
national income; These approaches are:
1. The Traditional approach,
2. The Keynesian approach and
3. The Modern approach
1. Traditional Approach
(i) Fisher’s definition. In the words of Fisher, “the national dividend or income consists solely
of services as received by ultimate consumers, whether from their material or from their human
environment. From this definition, fisher adopts consumption as the basis of national income.
But it has the following short comings.
- Net consumption cannot be estimated easily
- The value of services rendered by consumer durables year after year cannot be measured
- Consumer durables also keep on changing hands and therefore the change of ownership
also creates difficulties.
(ii) Marshal’s definition. According to Marshal, “The labour and capital of a country acting on
its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and
immaterial, including services of all kind. This is the true net national income or revenue of the
country or national dividend.”
All types of goods and services which are produced, whether they are brought to the market
or not, are included in the national income.
The cost of wear and tear of the machinery should be deducted from the total value of these
goods and services. The remaining could be the national income. That is why marshal
has used the term “net”.
Income from abroad has also to be taken into account while computing the national income
But the goods and services produced in a country are so numerous that it is not easy to make out
a correct estimate of the total production. There is a difficulty of double counting which implies
that a particular commodity (as a raw material as well as finished product) may get included in
the national income.
(iii) Pigou’s definition. In the words of Pigou; “National income is that part of the objective
income, of the commodity, including of course, income derived from abroad, which can
be measured in money”. The main points of the definition are given below.
Only goods and services exchanged for money are included in the national income.
Income earned from investment in foreign countries has also to be counted while computing
national income.
Goods those do not exchanged for money and services rendered to one self or to family or
friends without any payment are not to be included in the national income.
2. Keynesian Approach
According to Keynes three approaches can be adopted to compute national income. These are;
A. Expenditure approach
B. Income approach, and
C. Sales minus Cost approach.
According to this approach, national income is equal to total consumption expenditure and total
investment expenditure. Systematically, it can be expressed as follows:
Y is national income
C is consumption expenditure and
I is investment expenditure.
B. Income approach.
According to this approach national income is the total income of all the factors of production.
Symbolically, it can be expressed as under:
Where, Y is the national income, R is the payments received by owners of factors of production
and EP represents entrepreneurial profits.
3. Modern Approach ,
Modern approach has considered the concept of national income in its three aspects;
i) Product aspect
ii) Income aspect and
iii) Expenditure aspect.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): is the market value of all final goods and services produced
by resources located within a country regardless of ownership of the resource during a year. It
Gross National Product (GNP): is the market value of all final goods and services produced by
resources owned by citizens of a country during a year. It measure the money value of all
finished goods and services produced in an economy in a given year. In general, GNP measures
the money value of output produced by every citizen of that country regardless of whether he/she
is currently living in the country while GDP measures the money value of output produced by
everyone living within the borders of the country. In order to avoid double counting, in this type
of measurement, only finished goods and services that are ready for sale to their final users
should be included. Otherwise, if we include products in a stage of production or intermediate
products (products that may be used as input for other production process) then production will
be overstated. GNP measures the value of goods and services produced not goods and services
sold in a given year. Hence, second hand sales are not included in the GNP because these goods
were previously counted in GNP.
2. Expenditure Approach
To determine GNP using expenditure approach, we must add up all types of spending of final
goods and services. Expenditures can be categorized into 4 groups depending on who buys the
goods or services. We examine these categories as follows:
It refers to all investment spending by business firms. Investment includes all purchases of
machinery, equipment and tools by business enterprise, all construction like building of a new
factory and change in inventories. Investment also includes residential construction. This is
because like factories, residential house are income-earning assets. That means they can be
rented to yield money income as a return.
Since GNP measures the value of output produced in a given year, in order to get accurate
measures of GNP, we must include the market value of inventories, which are produced in the
given year but not sold in the same year. If we exclude inventories from GNP, then it would
understate the given year’s total production.
If business firms have more goods on their shelves, then the economy has produced more than it
has consumed during the given year. This increase in inventories should be added to GNP. On
the other hand, if there is a reduction in inventory, then the economy sells output, which exceeds
current production. This reduction in inventory must be subtracted from GNP, because GNP
measures the value of current year’s output. However, investment does not include the transfer of
money or assets. It does not also include the buying of stocks and bonds, because such purchases
transfer the ownership of existing assets. In general, the resale of existing assets will not be
included in investments.
In short, gross private investment includes added investment and depreciation. If we take only
the added investment, which has occurred in the current year, then we get net private investment.
Where depreciation is the allowance made for tear and wear out of capital.
From the above relationship, you can observe the following points:
When gross investment exceeds depreciation or when net investment is positive, the
economy is expanding (growing) i.e. its stock of capital is growing.
When gross investment and depreciation are equal or when net investment is zero, the
economy is static economy i.e. it is producing enough capital to replace what is
consumed in producing the given year’s output
Whenever gross investment is less than depreciation or whenever net investment is
negative i.e. when the economy uses up more capital than it produces, the economy will
be disinvesting (declining). In other words, when depreciation exceeds gross investment,
the nation’s stock of capital is less at the end of the year than at the beginning of the year.
The following example will enable you to identify the difference between net investment and
gross investment.
Suppose in 2015, a certain economy produced about 10 billion birr worth of capital
goods. However, in the process of producing, the economy used up 3 billion birr worth of
machinery and equipment. Determine the net private investment
It includes all government spending at different layers of the government like at federal, state and
local levels on final goods and services. However, it excludes all government transfer payments
because such payments don’t reflect current production.
Spending by foreigners in a certain country may contribute just as spending by the citizens.
Hence, we have to add the value of net export in determining GNP. On the other hand, the value
of import (produced abroad) do not reflect productive activity of a country, thus should be
subtracted. Net export is the difference between the amounts by which foreigner spending on a
certain country and the amount of citizens spending on foreign country. In other words, net
export is the difference between export and import
From the above relationship, you can observe the following points:
For example, foreign countries buy 5 billion dollar worth of capital from country X (i.e. export)
and country X buys 4 billion dollar worth of capital from foreign countries (i.e. import) in a
given year, net export of country X will be 1 billion dollar (5 billion dollar – 4 billion dollar).
In general, the value of gross domestic product of any economy will be given as:
A country may own resources in foreign country, which leads to a flow of income from abroad
in to the country, denoted by I1, similarly resources owned by foreigners in a country may lead to
outflow of income to abroad from the country, denoted by I 0 the difference between income
inflow (I1) and income outflow (I0) is known as net factor income from abroad.
Net I = I1 – I0
This example will help you to develop your skill of computing GNP and/or GDP using the
following hypothetical data of a certain country answer the questions below.
GDP= C + Ig + G + NE
= C + net investment + depreciation + G + NE
Where GDP = Gross domestic product
C= personal consumption expenditure
Ig = Gross private investment
G= Government purchases of goods and services
NE = net export
GDP = 6320 + 5780+ 1220+5000+500-750
GDP = 18070 billion birr
GNP = GDP + (I1 – I0)
= GDP + (I1 – I0)
= 18070+800 -500
GDP = 18370 billion birr
How was this 18370 billion birr of expenditure of the hypothetical country allocated or
distributed as income. It would be simple if we could say that total expenditures on the
economy’s yearly output flow to households as wages, rent , interest, and profit incomes but the
picture is complicated by two non-income charges against the value of total output. These are
consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) and indirect business taxes. In the coming section,
you will see the methods of measuring the performance of an economy using income approach.
According to this method, payments received by all citizens of the country that have contributed
in the current year production are added to get gross national product. Hence, gross national
It includes wages and salaries and their supplements like employer’s contributions in social
security, pension, health and welfare funds, which are paid by business firms and government to
suppliers of labor.
Interest (I) refers to payments by private firms to household which supply capital. However,
interest payment made by government is excluded.
Profit (Π) includes proprietors’ income (profit of unincorporated business) and corporate profit.
Proprietors’ income refers to the net income of sole proprietors, partnerships and corporations.
While corporate profits include corporate income taxes (part flow to government), dividends
(part divided to stock holders) that are payment flow to households and undistributed corporate
profits that are retained as corporate earnings.
The annual payment, which estimates the amount of capital equipment used up in each year’s
production, is called depreciation. It represents a portion of GNP that must be used to replace the
machinery and equipment used up in the production process.
The government imposes indirect taxes on business firms. These taxes are treated as cost of
production. Therefore, business firms add these taxes to the prices of the products they sell.
Indirect business tax includes sales taxes, excise taxes and custom duties etc.
Therefore, GDP and GNP using income approaches are given as follows:
By doing the following example, you will be able to compute GNP and/or GDP using income
approach. Given the following hypothetical data of a certain country, answer the questions
GNP is given in two forms. These are Nominal GNP and real GNP. Nominal GNP (NGNP)
measures the money value of all finished goods and services according to price during the year
in which the goods and service are produced. That means it measures the value of current
Real GNP (RGNP) measures the money value of all finished goods and services using a
certain base year price. Real GNP is nominal GNP adjusted to eliminate inflation. It is
preferable than nominal GNP because it indicates the state of the economy and it is important
for analyzing production condition. While measuring an economy using nominal GNP,
inflation distorts what actually happened to production. Thus, evaluating the economy using
nominal GNP would be misleading.
In order to calculate real GNP, it is necessary to have measure of price changes over the years,
i.e. price index, using one year as a base year. This price index or GNP deflator provides the
mechanism for converting nominal GNP to real GNP.
Thus, real GNP for a given year is found by dividing that year’s nominal GNP by that year’s
GNP deflator and then multiplying by 100.
In addition to GNP, there are also other social accounts, which can be derived from GNP and has
equal importance. Hence, in this section we will see additional social accounts.
These are:
GNP as a measure of the economy’s annual output may have defect because it fails to take into
account capital consumption allowance, which is necessary to replace the capital goods used up
in that year’s production. Hence, net national product is a more accurate measure of economy’s
annual output than gross national product because it takes capital consumption allowance or
depreciation in to account and it is given as:
Part of national income like social security contribution (payroll taxes), and corporate income
taxes are not actually received by individuals. Therefore, they should be subtracted from the
national income. On the other hand, transfer payment, which include welfare payments, veterans’
payments, unemployment compensation, are not currently earned. Therefore, in order to get
personal income (PI) which is a measure of income received by individuals, we must subtract
Personal income (PI) =National income (NI) - social security contribution (SSC)
-corporate profits -Net interest + transfer payment + Dividend + personal interest
Personal disposal income is the difference between personal income and personal income taxes.
It is the amount of income which households divided it as saving and consumption. Personal
taxes include personal income taxes, personal property taxes and inheritance taxes.
In this CPI, 2012 is the base year. The index tells us how much it costs now to buy 5 apples and
2 oranges relative to how much it cost to buy the same basket of fruit in 2013.
The consumer price index is the most closely watched index of prices, but it is not the only such
index. Another is the producer price index, which measures the price of a typical basket of goods
bought by firms rather than consumers. In addition to these overall price indexes, there are also
price indexes for specific types of goods, such as food, housing, and energy.
Another statistic, sometimes called core inflation, measures the increase in price of a consumer
basket that excludes food and energy products. Because food and energy prices exhibit
substantial short-run volatility, core inflation is sometimes viewed as a better gauge of ongoing
inflation trends.
2.5.3 The CPI versus the GDP Deflator
The GDP deflator is the implicit price deflator for GDP, which is the ratio of nominal GDP to
real GDP. The GDP deflator and the CPI give somewhat different information about what’s
happening to the overall level of prices in the economy. There are three key differences between
the two measures.
The first difference is that the GDP deflator measures the prices of all goods and services
produced, whereas the CPI measures the prices of only the goods and services bought by
consumers. Thus, an increase in the price of goods bought only by firms or the government will
show up in the GDP deflator but not in the CPI.
The second difference is that the GDP deflator includes only those goods produced domestically.
Imported goods are not part of GDP and do not show up in the GDP deflator. Hence, an increase
in the price of a Toyota made in Japan and sold in this country affects the CPI, because the
Toyota is bought by consumers, but it does not affect the GDP deflator.
The third and most subtle difference results from the way the two measures aggregate the many
prices in the economy. The CPI assigns fixed weights to the prices of different goods, whereas