Probiotics and Prebiotics

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At the start of the 20th century, Russian noble prize winner and
father of modern immunology, Elie Metchnikoff, a scientist at
the Pasteur institute, was the first conceptualize “probiotics”.

In 1907 Metchnikoff proposed that the acid producing bacteria

in fermented milk products could prevent “fouling” in the
large intestine and if consumed regularly, lead to a longer,
healthier life (vital)

Live microbial feed supplements that have beneficial effects

on the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance.

•  Probiotic term coined in 1965 by Lilly and Stillwell.

•  Probiotics are viable bacteria which colonize in the large intestine and
provide health benefits to the host.
•  Probiotics also colonize in the upper part of the intestine and prevent
the adhering of pathogens to the intestinal tract.
•  Probiotics also help in food digestion and improve immune response.


Coloniza0on of Gut
Starts immediately after birth Initially depends on

§  Mother’s micro biota /maternal flora constitutes the source
of bacteria, which colonizes the intestine of new born.
§  After infantry probiotics supplied from raw foods; such as
lactic acid fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese and
probiotic supplements.
§  1st Year: > 200 bacterial species

§  Adult : 500-600 bacterial species

§  Elderly: 300 Bact. Species

Intes0nal Micro flora: Loca0on & Prevalence

•  The oral cavity More than 700 bacterial species.
•  Rare in the esophagus
•  Uncommon in the stomach (primarily gram+ 102 – 104)
•  In the jejunum (primarily aerobes, 105)
•  In the colon (primarily anaerobes 1010 – 1012)
–  1000x more anaerobes than aerobes
Probiotics do not permanently adhere in the intestine, but
exert their effects as they metabolize and grow during their
passage through the intestine (colonization). Thus, daily
consumption of these bacteria is probably the best way to
maintain their effectiveness.


Mechanism of Action
Inhibit Potentially Pathogenic Microorganisms (PPMs)
•  Reduction in Intestinal pH ( through production of SCFAs)
•  Production of bacteriocins
•  Competitive blocking of adhesion sites
•  Competition for nutrients

Factors affecting the intestinal micro

•  Antibiotics and other drug intake
•  Microbial infections
•  Diet (highly processed, low fiber foods)
•  Chronic diarrhea
•  Stress
•  Chlorinated water
•  Radiation and chemotherapy
•  Colonic therapies for detoxification


Characteris0cs of Effec0ve Probio0cs

•  Able to survive the passage through the digestive system
(Acidic and basic pH).
•  Able to attach to the intestinal epithelia and colonies.
•  Able to maintain good viability.
•  Able to utilize the nutrients and substrates in a normal
•  non pathogenic and non toxic.
•  Capable of exerting a beneficial effect on the host.
•  Stability of desired characteristics during processing,
storage and transportation.
•  Anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, immunostimulatory.

•  Produce lactic acid- lowers the pH of intestines and inhibiting
bacterias e.g. Clostridium, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, etc.

•  Decreases the production of a variety of toxic or carcinogenic


•  Aid absorption of minerals, especially calcium, due to increased

intestinal acidity.
•  Production of β- D- galactosidase enzymes that break down
•  Produce a wide range of antimicrobial substances -acidophilin
and bacteriocin etc. help to control pathogenic bacteria .
•  Produce vitamins (especially Vitamin B and vitamin K)

•  Act as barriers to prevent harmful bacteria from colonizing the



•  Maintaining healthy diges>on and friendly bacteria

•  Assis>ng with diges>ve disturbance (e.g. bloa>ng,
flatulence, diarrhea, cons>pa>on, poor diges>on).
•  Maintaining a healthy-immune system and energy
•  Suppor>ng the gut during and aJer an>bio>cs
•  Maintaining healthy liver func>on.
•  Suppor>ng clear healthy skin.

Colon cancer – Certain probiotics (Lactobacillus bulcaricus) may

help prevent colon cancer by preventing the breakdown of
enzymes (β- glucuronidase) that contribute to the growth of
cancer causing agents.

Lowering cholesterol - a range of LAB able to break down bile in the

gut, thus inhibiting its reabsorption (which enters the blood as
Blood pressure reduction -Consumption of milk fermented with
various strains of LAB may result in modest reductions in blood
pressure, due to the ACE inhibition-like peptides produced during


•  An0bio0c associated diarrhea(AAD)-

1. Results from an imbalance in the colonic microbiota
2.Probiotic treatment can reduce the incidence and
severity of AAD
3.Efficacy of probiotic AAD prevention is dependent on
the probiotic strain(s) used and on the dosage.

Probio0c strains
Most abundant Probiotic in GI
Lactobacillus species
L. Acidophilus,
L. Rhamnosus,
L. Plantarum,
L. Reuteri,
L. Bulgaricus,
L. Sporogens
L. Casei
L. brevis
Action : Small Intestine


Most abundant probiotic next to lactobacilli Sp. in the GIT
32 different species : Longum, Bifidum, infantis etc
Action : Large Intestine
Bifidobacteria helps is Glutamine synthesis
Glutamine helps in maintaining the mucosal integrity

Hence Bifidobacteria supplementation is useful in

conditions like Gastroenteritis.

However, all the marketed preparation contains only 1 –

3 species of Bifidobacteria.
Hence it is ideal to supplement with probiotic which give
nutrient to Bifidobacteria so all 32 species can

Saccharomyces boulardii
•  Saccharomyeces:
–  Boullardii,
–  Salivarium,
–  Thermophilus

•  Non colonising yeast – so needs repeated


•  Action in large intestine


•  Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus
•  Lactococcus lac2s ssp. lac2s
•  Lactococcus lac2s s ssp. cremoris
•  Enterococcus faecium
•  Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. dextranicum
•  Propionibacterium freudenreichii
•  Pediococcus acidilac2ci
•  Saccharomyces boulardii

Probio0c Foods
•  Usually made from milk (rarely, from cream) inoculated with
Streptococcus thermophilus and either Lactobacillus acidophilus or
Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
•  Turkish in origin
•  Available in innumerable forms and flavors
1. Low fat chocolate yogurt
2. Drinkable fruit-flavored goat yogurt
•  First probiotic juice launched in the fall of 2007.
•  Organic fruit juice-based probiotic beverage has effects on irritable
bowel syndrome


Side Effects of Probio0cs

•  Rare cases cause bloa>ng, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

•  If in excess cause infec>on that require medical


•  People having on underlying disease or compromised

immune system cause poten>al health problems like
skin rash, fever, bloody stools etc.

•  Some>mes interact with immunosupressive drugs

leading to life threa>ng condi>ons. So people taking
such drugs should avoid it.

Prebiotics is a general term to chemicals that induce the
growth and the activity of commensal microorganisms that
contribute to the well-being of the host.
Its function is in the gastrointestinal tract, where prebiotics
can support probiotics growth and alter the distribution of
organisms in the gut microbiome.
A prebiotic is a nondigestible component which beneficially
affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth of
colonic bacteria.
Examples- Oligosaccharides (fructo-oligosaccharides or
FOS), Inulin, garlic, onions, chicory root, Asparagus, whole
wheat, rye, barley


Characteris0cs of Prebio0cs
Should escape digestion in the stomach and reach Intestine.

Supply nutrient to beneficial bacteria.

Should promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria

(Lactiobaccillus , Bifidobacteria).

Should help increase the absorption of certain minerals

such as calcium and magnesium.

Favorable effect on the immune system and provide

improved resistance against infection.

Prebio0cs prepara0ons
Prebio>cs are classified as soluble fiber that our gut flora can
actually consume and ferment. These type of soluble fibers
are Inulin, Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and Galacto-
oligosaccharides (GOS).

FOS – Recommended daily dose is 2 - 6 gm

Marketed in 100/250 mg of FOS.

At high dose , FOS cause flatulence and GI discomfort

Hence using a live mutated bacteria is beneficial as it would

ensure the continuous colony count (nutrient) with out any
side effect


Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)



Substrate products

(Inulins and Oligofructose)

•  Inulins belong to a class of dietary fibers known as
•  Inulins are a group of soluble fibers naturally produced
by many types of plants, industrially extracted from
•  Oligofructose belongs to a subgroup of inulin. It's found
in various vegetables and plants, including onions,
bananas, garlic, chicory and wheat

Innulin Fructose polymer B2-1 DP 60

Oligo fructose Fructose polymer B2-1 DP 10


Prebiotics & Probiotics :

Is there any difference ?

Probio0cs Prebio0cs

Nature of Microorganism Food supplement (e.g: FOS) or

the Microorganism (eg : S.F )

Prime To kill harmful pathogen To supply nutri0on (Killing the

Func0on pathogen is an addi0onal effect)


Galcto-oligosaccharides (GalOS)
•  Naturally occurring in milk products.
•  It is one of the major oligosaccharide in Japan.
•  It is built from lactose(D-glucose and D-galactose).

G-Gal di-saccharide 33 %
G-(Gal)2 tri-saccharide 39 %
G-(Gal)3 tetra-saccharide 18 % % of mixture
G-(Gal)4 penta-saccharide 7 %




•  Foods containing the combination of probiotics and prebiotics

are referred to as sybiotics.

•  Improved survival in upper GIT and more efficient

•  the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)
recommends that the term "synbiotic" be used only if the net
health benefit is synergistic
•  Synbiotic concept was first introduced as “mixtures of
probiotics and prebiotics that are beneficially to the host.


Probio0cs market
•  Food & beverages dominated the applica>on market
and accounted for over 80% of the total probio>cs
•  Asia Pacific emerged as the most dominant regional
market, accoun>ng for over 50% of the total market
share. This owing to the fact that the concept started in
•  The global market for probio>cs is expected to reach $
52.34 billion by 2020.
•  Asia Pacific is also expected to be the fastest growing
market. 27

Probio0cs market
•  In the United States, probiotics are available as dietary
supplements (capsules, tablets, and powders) and in
dairy foods (such as yogurts with live active cultures).

•  Probiotics for human consumption accounted for over

90% of the total market,

•  probiotics have made significant growth in the animal

feed industry and are expected to grow.



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