Laporan Pembekalan Materi Peserta PLPG Tahun 2017 4

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Nama Peserta : Hesty Wulandari

NUPTK : 0860763664300072
Nomor Peserta PLPG : 17016415710016
Bidang Studi Sertifikasi : Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah Asal : SMA Diponegoro 1 Jakarta


Sumber Belajar Bidang Studi
A. Ringkasan materi bab 9 – bab 11

Materi Bab 9 (Discussion)

Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be
discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue.
The purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information from differing
viewpoints. Discussion texts are usually written in the present tense. Discussion is a process to
find the meet point between two different ideas. It is important to to get the understanding
between the two differences. In many social activities, discussion is the effective way to calm
down any friction and difference in thought, perception and recommendation.
The generic structure of the discussion is as follows:
1. Issue: contains of statement and preview about something.
2. Arguments for/Supporting arguments: after stating the issue, it is necessary to
present the argument to support that one point is agreeing.
3. Arguments against: beside the supporting argument, discussion text needs the
arguments which disagree to the stated issue.
4. Recommendation/conclusion: It is used to tell how to solve issue by concerning the
arguments for and against.
Beside the generic structure, discussion text has also the language features which is
introducing the category or generic participant, they are:
1. Relating verb/to be: is, am, are, etc.
2. Using thinking verb: feel, hope, believe, etc.
3. Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection: similarly, on the hand, however, etc.
4. Using modalities: must, should, could, may, etc.
5. Using adverbial of manner: deliberately, hopefully, etc.
6. Conjunction/transition: although, even, if, etc
A discussion text functions to provide information about controversial issues and
present arguments from two sides: the pros and cons. In a not only discussion text but also
other type of texts, the text writing needs the coherence and cohesion which means those two
indicators become the guideline for the readers to catch the meaning. The coherence itself
means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the connection of ideas at
the sentence level. Basically, coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which
include developing and supporting your argument (e.g. thesis statement development),
synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and clarifying ideas. The cohesion of writing
focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing.
One of the practical tools that can help improve the coherence of your writing is to
use a concept map. The concept map is also known as “reverse outline” since you make an
outline of your paper after you have finished the main ideas of your paper. Write down the
main idea of each paragraph—which is called a topic sentence—on a blank piece of paper.
Check to see if the topic sentences are connected to the thesis statement of your paper or if
you have strayed from your main argument. As you repeat this process, it will help you become
more aware of how to develop your argument coherently and how to organize your ideas
effectively. Here is a concept map template you can use.
Cohesion is also a very important aspect of academic writing, because it
immediately affects the tone of your writing. Although some instructors may say that you will
not lose points because of grammatical errors in your paper, you may lose points if the tone of
your writing is sloppy or too casual (a diary-type of writing or choppy sentences will make the
tone of your writing too casual for academic writing). But cohesive writing does not mean just
“grammatically correct” sentences; cohesive writing refers to the connection of your ideas both
at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.
In short the terms coherence and cohesion are not difficult to be differentiated.
Cohesion refers to connectivity in a text. Coherence refers to how easy it is to understand the

Materi Bab 10 (Hortatory Exposition)

A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain
the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. In other
words, the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers or listener that
something should or should not be the case. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or
writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words,
this kind of text can be called as argumentation. Hortatory exposition text can be found in
scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research
report etc. Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people. It means that the text asserts something to the readers by giving supporting
statement and evidence to convince it. To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer
gives some arguments as the fundamental reasons why something is the case.
The characteristics of hortatory exposition contain the purpose of the text, the
generic structure, and the grammatical features. The purpose of hortatory exposition is to
persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case. Then, for the
generic structure, it is divided into three parts:
1. The thesis statement, in thesis statement usually the writer presents announcement of
issue of concern.
2. The arguments, in the arguments paragraph, the writer presents the reasons for concern,
by giving the factual and up to date data which is also leading to recommendation.
3. The recommendation, in this part, the writer presents the statement of what ought or ought
not to happen.
The lexicogrammatical features from hortatory exposition are as follows:
 Focus on generic human and non-human participants
 The use of material processes
 The use of Present Tense
 The use of conjunction
Beside the lexicogrammatical, hortatory exposition has the language features related to the
material process, they are abstract nouns (an abstract noun is a word which names something
that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. It is the opposite of a concrete noun ), action
verbs (An action verb expresses something that a person, animal, or object can do),
connectives, and modal auxiliaries.
The writing of horatory exposition needs the coherence and cohesion of the words
arrangement so that every paragraph can be understood easily by the readers. Below is the
explanation of the coherence and cohesion in hortatory exposition.
Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the
connection of ideas at the sentence level. Basically, coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects
of your writing, which include developing and supporting your argument (e.g. thesis statement
development), synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and clarifying ideas. Coherence
is the arrangement of ideas in a clear and logical way. When a text is unified and coherent, the
reader can easily understand the main points. In other words, coherence means that the
paragraph is easy to read and understand because the supporting sentences are in some kind
of logical order and the ideas are connected by the use of appropriate transition signals.
There are several ways to achieve coherence. According to Oshima& Hogue, there
are four ways to achieve coherence. The first two ways involves repeating key nouns and using
pronouns which refer back to key nouns. The third way is to use transition signals to show how
one idea is related to the next. The fourth way to achieve coherence is to arrange the
sentences in logical orders.
The cohesion of writing focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing. Cohesion
is part of the text-forming component in the linguistic system. It is the means whereby
structurally unrelated elements are linked together, through the dependence of one on the
other for its interpretation.
There are two types of cohesion for hortatory exposition, they are:
1. Grammatical Cohesion
a. Reference; reference refers to the dependent relationship between the referring and the
referred in a text.
b. Substitution; the use of pro-forms.
c. Ellipsis; omission of elements which are retrievable from context.
d. Conjunction; signals relationship between discourse segments (and, but, or, though, then,
2. Lexical Cohesion
a. Reiteration; repetition of a lexical item in various forms.
b. Collocation; association of lexical items that regularly co-occur due to some recognizable
lexico-semantic relation.

Materi Bab 11(Critical Reading and Writing)

Critical reading and writing will be discussed in this chapter. However, before we
start discussing it, we have to know the types of reading. These three steps or modes of
analysis are reflected in three types of reading and discussion:
1. What a text says – restatement – talks about the same topic as the original text
2. What a text does – description – discusses aspects of the discussion itself
3. What a text means – interpretation — analyzes the text and asserts a meaning for the text
as a whole.
After that, we have to know also the differences between critical reading and non-critical
reading. Here are the differences:
No. Critical Reading Non-Critical Reading
To the critical reader, any single text provides To non-critical readers, texts provide facts. Readers
but one portrayal of the facts, one individual’s gain knowledge by memorizing the statements within
“take” on the subject matter. Critical readers a text.
thus recognize not only what a text says, but
also how that text portrays the subject matter.
They recognize the various ways in which each
and every text is the unique creation of a
unique author.
A critical reader might read the same work to A non-critical reader might read a history book to
appreciate how a particular perspective on the learn the facts of the situation or to discover an
events and a particular selection of facts can accepted interpretation of those events.
lead to particular understanding.
Critical reading goes two steps further. Having Non-critical reading is satisfied with recognizing what
recognized what a text says , it reflects on a text says and restating the key remarks.
what the text does by making such remarks. Is
it offering examples? Arguing? Appealing for
sympathy? Making a contrast to clarify a point?
Finally, critical readers then infer what the text,
as a whole, means, based on the earlier
In short, critical reading has the goal, it is recognizing and identifying the purpose, tone and
bias of the text or book that we read. To read critically, one must actively recognize and
analyze evidence upon the page.
Critical writing is common for feedback on student writing to focus on the need to
engage more critically with the source material. Critical writing has some characteristics, they
► a clear and confident refusal to accept the conclusions of other writers without evaluating
the arguments and evidence that they provide;
► a balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of other writers may be accepted or
may need to be treated with caution;
► a clear presentation of your own evidence and argument, leading to your conclusion; and
► a recognition of the limitations in your own evidence, argument, and conclusion.
The differences between critical writing and descriptive writing are as follows:
No. Critical Writing Descriptive Writing
Critical writing involves considering evidence to Descriptive writing is relatively simple. There is also
make reasoned conclusions. A mistake many the trap that it can be easy to use many, many
beginning writers make is to use only one words from your word limit, simply providing
source to support their ideas (or, worse, no description. In providing only description, you are
1. sources, making unsubstantiated statements). presenting but not transforming information; you are
The main problem with using only one source reporting ideas but not taking them forward in any
is: what if your source says one thing, but most way. An assignment using only descriptive
other writers say something completely writing would therefore gain few marks.
By critical writing you are participating in the With descriptive writing you are not developing
academic debate. This is more challenging and argument; you are merely setting the background
2. risky. You need to weigh up the evidence and within which an argument can be developed. You are
arguments of others, and to contribute your representing the situation as it stands, without
own. presenting any analysis or discussion.
In critical writing, you have to consider the In descriptive writing, you do not have to consider
3. quality of the evidence and argument you have the quality of your argument or evidence.
In critical writing, you have to identify key In descriptive writing, the positive and negative
4. positive and negative aspects you can comment aspects of commenting are not really needed.
In critical writing, you have to assess their In descriptive writing, the assessment of relevance
5. relevance and usefulness to the debate that you and usefulness is not really important as long as the
are engaging in for your assignment topic we described makes sense.
In critical writing, you have to identify how best In descriptive writing, the arguments ar not needed
6. they can be woven into the argument that you but the description of someone or something play
are developing. the imporatn role.
Critical writing needs a much higher level of skill In descriptive writing, the beginners can do it.
in reading and writing too.
Critical writing uses more than one source in In descriptive writing we can use the source but one
8. developing an argument. source is enough except we want to write booklet or
guideline, we need more than sources.
Critical writing evaluates and analyses the In descriptive writing, we need also evaluating and
9. information from different sources. analyzing the information can be done with only one
source.but it is not used for developing arguments.
Critical writing is writing which evaluates and In descriptive writing, we need also evaluating and
10. analyses more than one source in order to analyzing the information but it is not used for
develop an argument. developing arguments.

B. Materi yang sulit dipahami

Materi yang sulit dipahami adalah Critical Reading and Writing because there is no example of
those two materials in the modul.
C. Materi esensial apa saja yang tidak ada dalam sumber belajar
Seluruh materi di dalam sumber belajar adalah esensial. Namun, materi esensial seperti
analytical exposition yang merupakan teks sejenis dengan horatory exposition haru pula diulas
dan diberikan persamaan dan perbedaan untuk kedua materi tersebut.

D. Materi apa saja yang tidak esensial namun ada dalam sumber belajar
Semua materi yang ada di dalam sumber belajar adalah termasuk esensial.

E. Jawaban Latihan Soal Uraian

Latihan Soal Uraian Bab 9 (Discussion)
1. Analyze the generic structures of the following discussion text!

The Rise of Oil and Electricity Price

The government has declared that fuel price, electricity and telecommunication
service rates are increased. This decision was effective since early January 2003. The
policy has had good and bad effects and impacts on social situations.
On one hand, the government policy on the increase of prices has good impacts on
strengthening the national economy, avoiding smuggling and increasing the
competitiveness of national economy. Firstly, the policy has strengthened the national
economy. Indonesian economy has so far been much dependent on the oil price. The
government has subsidized the price of commodity for domestic use. This is prone to
crisis. In other words, the huge amount of subsidy so far has put more burden on national
economy. The increase of fuel of price is due to the lift or lessening of the subsidy.
Secondly, the domestic oil price is much lower than that overseas. The
consequence, is that smuggling of the commodity overseas from Indonesia is a common
practice, particularly by those who are adjacent to the neighboring countries like Malaysia.
Thirdly, the increase of oil price has induced the competitiveness of Indonesian

Generic Structure Sentences

Issue The government has declared that fuel price, electricity and
telecommunication service rates are increased. This decision was
effective since early January 2003. The policy has had good and
bad effects and impacts on social situations.
Argument Pro On one hand, the government policy on the increase of prices has
good impacts on strengthening the national economy, avoiding
smuggling and increasing the competitiveness of national
economy. Firstly, the policy has strengthened the national
economy. Indonesian economy has so far been much dependent
on the oil price. The government has subsidized the price of
commodity for domestic use. This is prone to crisis. In other
words, the huge amount of subsidy so far has put more burden on
national economy. The increase of fuel of price is due to the lift or
lessening of the subsidy.

Secondly, the domestic oil price is much lower than that overseas.
The consequence, is that smuggling of the commodity overseas
from Indonesia is a common practice, particularly by those who
are adjacent to the neighboring countries like Malaysia.

Thirdly, the increase of oil price has induced the competitiveness

of Indonesian economy.
Argument Contra This text is not finished yet because there is no argument contra
which means the arguments of explaining the bad impacts of
raising price of fuel and electricity.
Conclusion Because of an unfinished text, there is no conclusion mentioned in
the text above; so we cannot analyze the generic structure fully.

2. Categorize the whole sentence connector on the discussion text above!

No Sentence Connector Function
On one hand, the government On one hand in this sentence functions as
policy on the increase of prices the transitions and conjunctive adverbs.
has good impacts on Also, this connector functions to give the
strengthening the national explanation about the switch arguments
economy, avoiding smuggling from the issue raised to the good impacts of
and increasing the raising fuel and electricity price.
competitiveness of national
Firstly, the policy has Firstly in this sentence functions as the
2. strengthened the national connective adverbs for the additional
economy. meaning in the sentence.
In other words in this sentence functions as
A connective adverb expresses a relationship
between two clauses and transitions the
In other words, the huge
reader or listener from the main idea in one
amount of subsidy so far has
3. clause to the idea in the next clause. (Also
put more burden on national
called conjunctive adverbs, linking adverbs
or transition words). As a transition word, in
other words function as the alternative from
one clause to another.
4. Secondly, the domestic oil Secondly in this sentence functions as the
price is much lower than that connective adverbs for the additional
overseas. meaning in the sentence.
5. Thirdly, the increase of oil Thirdly in this sentence functions as the
price has induced the connective adverbs for the additional
competitiveness of Indonesian meaning in the sentence.

3. Write a Discussion text in at least 400 words on one of the following topics.
Overcoming Social Effects of Bullying on Children
Bullying is the word that can be heard every day nowadays. Bullying means doing
something annoying to other people verbally, physically, and mentally. Hundreds of bullying
cases which happens in Indonesia over the time is not decreasing but it is increasing. There
are some cases which can be taken as examples. First, 15-year old Dinda whose father is a
street vendor was bullied by her friends which made her feeling so annoyed and she did not
want to go to school anymore. There are some social effects caused by bullying cases. For
example, avoiding school, becoming introvert person, having no self confidence, having no
trust to anyone, and like the case mentioned above, even suicide. In other words, bullying
will be so dangerous to the victims. Anyway there are still pros and contras on how to
overcome the social effects to the bullied persons.
Some people agree that to overcome the effects of bullying for the victims are
giving them counseling to heal their traumatic after bullied by their friends; standing up for
the victims and asking them to join some new activities or communities so that the victims
will feel saved and accepted in the new surrounding; talking to the bullied persons’ parents
that they should guide the victims and give them reinforcement that everything will be in a
proper condition; the last thing that we can do to overcome the effect of bullying socially is
giving the bullied persons time or space so that they can think clearly and wisely about what
will they do next in a social community. Then, for the doer of bullying, some people agree
they are counted as a criminal and they should be in jailed.
On the other hand, some people disagree on how to overcome the bullying social
effects in the surroundings for the victims. They said that the victims should be trained to be
tough to face the world and not treated as the weakness person, the victims should be
forwarded into the up standers community so that they can fight back the doer of bullying by
their confidence. So, they will be not afraid anymore. The victims of bullying should be
taught on how to protect themselves by having a practice of self-defense exercise or other
things like that.
In short, there are still pros and cons on how the victims of bullying especially
children in their social life; which is giving the big effects or not.

Latihan Soal Uraian Bab 10 (Hortatory Exposition)

1. Analyze the generic structures of hortatory exposition below!
A Campaign of the Importance of Reading
Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t realized the
importance of reading. Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By
reading, one knows the world. He or she will understand. Realizing the importance of
reading will make someone motivated to read. When we know that something is very
important because it can give us valuable information. A good understanding toward the
importance of reading can be achieved by well organized and effective. Therefore, a nation-
wide effective campaign of the importance of reading by all components of the nation should
be done, facilitated by the government.

Generic Structure Sentences

Thesis Statement Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people
haven’t realized the importance of reading.
Arguments Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By
reading, one knows the world. He or she will understand. Realizing
the importance of reading will make someone motivated to read.
When we know that something is very important because it can
give us valuable information. A good understanding toward the
importance of reading can be achieved by well organized and
Recommendation Therefore, a nation-wide effective campaign of the importance of
reading by all components of the nation should be done, facilitated
by the government.

2. Compare the analytical and hortatory exposition text.

Generic Structure Analytical Exposition Hortatory Exposition

Thesis Statement Reading habit is poor among Reading habit is poor among
Indonesians because most people Indonesians because most people
haven’t realized the importance of haven’t realized the importance
reading. of reading.

For analytical exposition, the For hortatory exposition, the

thesis statement is the same with thesis statement is the same with
hortatory exposition which analytical exposition which
exposing the issue or topic which exposing the issue or topic which
will be discussed in a text. will be discussed in a text.
Arguments According to the National Survey Reading is important to transform
in Indonesia, almost two third knowledge and technology. By
students in Indonesia do not like reading, one knows the world. He
reading. It is because they feel or she will understand. Realizing
that reading books is really tiring the importance of reading will
and boring. This result is equal make someone motivated to
with the National survey of read. When we know that
students who use gadget for something is very important
gaming which increases every because it can give us valuable
year. This reality creates a big information. A good
sadness because the young understanding toward the
generations in Indonesia have importance of reading can be
lacking passion of reading. achieved by well organized and
In analytical exposition, the
arguments should be followed In hortatory exposition, the
with the factual data beside the arguments are the writers’ ideas,
argument given by the writer factual opinions or the
which is based on factual opinion assumptions.
or assumption.
Closing Paragraph In summary, reading is very useful In short, the reading habit should
for everyone to get new be grown from the beginning or
knowledge about everything in childhood because reading has a
this world. lot of advantages. As a teacher
we have to familiarize our
In analytical exposition, the students to read because that will
closing paragraph is called enrich their understanding about
reiteration or the last paragraph is everything.
just reinforce the thesis statement
from the writer so there is no In hortatory exposition, the
recommendation at all. closing paragraph is called
recommendation because the
sentences consists of persuasive
words to persuade the readers to
do something.

3. Write an hortatory text in at least 300 words.

The Importance of Obeying Traffic Regulations

Traffic regulation is the rule which covers everything relate to traffic, the riders and
the drivers of the vehicles. The traffic regulation is really important because it manages the
signs and notices that the riders and drivers obeyed. There are three aspects that make the
traffic regulations are very important to all riders and drivers of the vehicles, even for
motorcycles, cars, and other land and mass transportations.
First, traffic regulation makes everyone becomes discipline. The police officers will
do the ticketing for every drivers or bikers who do not have the driver’s license. Why should
they have the driver’s license? The driver’s license is very important for driving or riding
because it is such a kind of allowance to everyone to drive with some special requirements. This
possession of driving license is one of traffic regulations which can create riders and drivers’
discipline in driving so that they will not endanger someone’s life.
Second, traffic regulation manages the traffic, which means that the traffic
regulations have managed every street signs and notices to manage not only the drivers and
riders but also the pedestrians. For example, when the traffic lights go red, the pedestrians can
go walking across the street which has the zebra cross marking. This is the traffic regulation
which manage everything runs well in the traffic so that the pedestrians can be safe walking
down across the street. Moreover, if the traffic regulations are obeyed strictly y everyone, the
big problem like traffic jam can be avoided.
Third, by obeying traffic regulations can avoid a lot of road accidents. Yes, that’s
true, for example, the drivers drive their cars in a highway with full speed, if there is no traffic
regulation which regulate the minimum speed for car driving in a highway, there must be a lot
of road accidents which endanger everyone’s life. This is the function of the traffic regulation.
After reading all aspects about the importance of traffic regulations; that is a must
for everyone to obey the traffic regulations every day because it can save our time and our

Latihan Soal Uraian Bab 11 (Critical Reading and Writing)

1. Try to compare between critical reading and non-critical reading. Then, give the examples.

No. Critical Reading Non-Critical Reading

To the critical reader, any single text provides To non-critical readers, texts provide facts. Readers
but one portrayal of the facts, one individual’s gain knowledge by memorizing the statements within
“take” on the subject matter. Critical readers a text.
thus recognize not only what a text says, but
also how that text portrays the subject matter.
They recognize the various ways in which each
and every text is the unique creation of a
unique author.
A critical reader might read the same work to A non-critical reader might read a history book to
appreciate how a particular perspective on the learn the facts of the situation or to discover an
events and a particular selection of facts can accepted interpretation of those events.
lead to particular understanding.
Critical reading goes two steps further. Having Non-critical reading is satisfied with recognizing what
recognized what a text says , it reflects on a text says and restating the key remarks.
what the text does by making such remarks. Is
it offering examples? Arguing? Appealing for
sympathy? Making a contrast to clarify a point?
Finally, critical readers then infer what the text,
as a whole, means, based on the earlier
In short, critical reading has the goal, it is recognizing and identifying the purpose, tone and
bias of the text or book that we read. To read critically, one must actively recognize and
analyze evidence upon the page.
For example:

No. Critical Reader Non-Critical Reader

The reader reads the newspaper article entitled The reader reads the newspaper article entitled
Barcelona vs Espanyol: Team News, Preview, Barcelona vs Espanyol: Team News, Preview, Live
Live Stream and TV Info by Gill Clark Stream and TV Info by Gill Clark

By reading the entitled article, the critical By reading the entitled article, the non-critical
readers will be creating the mindset about what readers just only remind the score and tell their
happened with the game between Barcelona vs friends that their team won the game or lost the
1. Espanyol and if for example Barcelona won the game.
game, how the coach put some strategies to
the player and how the captain of the team
gave support and did the strategies which the
coach assigned to him. Probably, the critical
readers would also preview the game and re-
watched the game and gave comments to the
players who could not play very well.
2. Analyze the following text. Then, decide whether it is a critical writing or non critical writing.

Students’s Demonstrations against the President’s Policy

University students are always aggressive and responsive to social changes. In
early January 2003 students staged demonstrations against President Megawaty’s policies.
The demonstrations were triggered by Megawaty’s government policy on increasing prices
of oil, electricity and telecommunication service rates. As the government did not
sympathize with the hardship faced by the people, the demonstrations escalated. Very
often demonstrations have resulted in betterment of the people. However, the student’s
reactions may create other problems. The students’ demonstrations against Megawaty’s
administration have resulted various impacts on different people such as students,
businessmen, riot police, bus drivers and food vendors. The students say that they should
be socially aware of the changes which cause bad effect to all people. They are in the
front line to maintain social stability. Thus, they say that they have right to stage
demonstrations against President Megawaty in order to maintain social norms and social
Business persons hold an opinion that any social confrontation will have bad effects
on business. As business means profit as long as demonstrations yield in benefit the
businessmen approve students’ demonstrations. However, when the demonstrations end
up with violence business will be badly affected.
Whereas demonstrations give advantages to some people to some others they
mean problems.

Generic Structure Sentences

Issue University students are always aggressive and responsive to social
changes. In early January 2003 students staged demonstrations
against President Megawaty’s policies. The demonstrations were
triggered by Megawaty’s government policy on increasing prices of
oil, electricity and telecommunication service rates.
Arguments Contra As the government did not sympathize with the hardship faced by
the people, the demonstrations escalated. Very often
demonstrations have resulted in betterment of the people.
However, the student’s reactions may create other problems. The
students’ demonstrations against Megawaty’s administration have
resulted various impacts on different people such as students,
businessmen, riot police, bus drivers and food vendors. The
students say that they should be socially aware of the changes
which cause bad effect to all people. They are in the front line to
maintain social stability. Thus, they say that they have right to
stage demonstrations against President Megawaty in order to
maintain social norms and social welfare.
Business persons hold an opinion that any social confrontation will
have bad effects on business.
Arguments Pro Business persons hold an opinion that any social confrontation will
have bad effects on business. As business means profit as long as
demonstrations yield in benefit the businessmen approve students’
demonstrations. However, when the demonstrations end up with
violence business will be badly affected.
Conclusion Whereas demonstrations give advantages to some people to some
others they mean problems.
It is not a critical writing because it is only discussing about the demonstration which is
only referring to one source. The writer only develops the ideas of pro and contra about the
President Megwati’s policy on raising up the oil, electricity and telecommunication service price.
This text is only a descriptive writing which based on the facts but not followed by the sources.
3. Design a good critical reading text and critical writing text!
Acoording to Thomson Learning Center, to become a good critical reading means that you
as a reader should follow these steps:

1. Examine the entire document; Before beginning to read the first line, review the entire
document. Look at the title, paragraph structure, and length.
o Read any background material about the subject or biographical information about the
2. Consider the goal and format of the document; What is the writer's purpose -- to
write a letter to one person, review a movie for newspaper readers, present an argument
to a specific audience, entertain readers of a popular magazine, or address a serious issue
for a select group of professionals?
o Does the form of the document dictate a certain writing style?
3. Review the title; Does the title simply label the document -- or does it pose a question or
state a thesis?
4. Consider the intended audience; Does the reader for only adult, expertise or others.
5. Does the writer take his or her readers into account? Does the audience seem to affect the
way the writer selects words, presents ideas, or use emotional appeal? Does the writer
appear to see the audience as receptive or hostile to his or her point of view?
6. Review the writer's thesis; What is the writer's point? Can you summarize it in your
own words?
o What kind of thesis does the writer use? Is it clearly stated in a sentence you can
underline, does it evolve through a series of statements, or is it implied?
o Where does the writer place the thesis -- at the beginning or the end?
7. Analyze supporting evidence; How does the author support his or her thesis -- through
detailed personal observations, expert testimony, facts and statistics, or surveys?
o Does the author offer enough proof to be convincing? Are the sources reliable? Can you
think of other ways of interpreting the data?
o Do you think the writer's proof would impress the intended readers?
8. Review the introduction and conclusion; How does the writer introduce the subject?
Does the introduction arouse attention, supply background information, or announce the
writer's purpose? How effective is the conclusion? Does it make a strong final impression?
9. Consider the writer's style and choice of words; Does the writing style and word
choice reflect the writer's goal and audience? Does anything seem to clash with the context
of the document? Can you locate words or phrases that might have a negative impact on
o Pay attention to word choice. What connotations to these words have? How do they
influence the writer's purpose?
10. Above all, read to learn; Consider this piece of writing a work sample. Is there anything
you can learn from this writer -- writing stronger introductions, organizing paragraphs,
creating effective conclusions, selecting details?

Critical Writing
To become a good critical writer, you have to follow such kind of activities below:
1. Engaging with evidence.
2. Open minded and objective enquiry.
3. Presenting reasons to dispute a particular finding.
4. Providing an alternative approach.
5. Recognising the limitations of evidence: either your evidence or the evidence provided by
6. Thinking around a specific problem.
7. Applying caution and humility when challenging established positions.
Critical writers might tentatively suggest an independent point of view, using such phrases
as ‘It could be argued that...’; or ‘An alternative viewpoint might suggest that...’. Critical
writing is an involvement in an academic debate. It requires ‘a refusal to accept the
conclusions of other writers without evaluating the arguments and evidence they provide’
(University of Leicester. Learning Development Centre, 2013).

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