Questionnaire Survey Bases Awareness and Knowledge of Glaucoma Among Adult Patient in Rural and Urban Area in Raipur

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Questionnaire Survey Bases Awareness and

Knowledge of Glaucoma among Adult Patient in
Rural and Urban Area in Raipur
Anita Sahu (Author), Divya Sharma, Shishir Shukla (Co-author)
Optometry Department, Master in optometry, Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University Raipur


Background: The study aims to investigate the
questionnaire survey bases the how many people Participants
knowledge and awareness of glaucoma among adult This was a prospective question bases observational
patient in rural and urban area in Raipur. community based study involving 117 people from Shree
Aurobindo Nethralaya, Raipur or 2 basic are participate in
Methods: This was a prospective question bases the study a rural and urban area in Raipur. The duration of
observational community-based study involving 117 the study was from June 2019 to June 2020.
A participants people also asked about personal history
Results: Total number of subjects with glaucoma of glaucoma and family history of glaucoma, history of any
awareness and knowledge screened were 117 people. The type of eye surgery, long time uses a any drops, steroid, any
selected sample the age group of 40 above. Aware disease like diabetes, hypertension etc.
10(12.77), knowledge 8(16.66),and not aware and
knowledge 47(35.55) in rural area. Awareness and Data on demographic awareness and knowledge of
knowledge of people with glaucoma in our study glaucoma were gathered through direct person to person
population were Aware 13(10.22), knowledge 22(13.33), interviews using a pretested designed questionnaire. The
not aware and knowledge 17(28.44) in urban area. 117 questionnaire was initially prepared in Hindi. Response
people participated in our study. people asked to do you heard about glaucoma if you know
about glaucoma some people are response the asked to
Conclusion: The position of awareness and knowledge of question yes heard about glaucoma and those people are
glaucoma in our research project was more for answer as glaucoma is the high eye pressure causing
community based health education progression people blindness, damage to eye nerve cause permanent decrease
not aware and knowledge of glaucoma or middle people vision. Participated large no of people heard about glaucoma
are knowledge of glaucoma but less people are aware of but some people aware about it.
glaucoma so our data suggest the need the level of
awareness and knowledge about glaucoma and thus Inclusion criteria:-
decreases irreversible blindness due to the glaucoma.  Age group 40-60
 Trauma
Keywords:- Glaucoma Awareness, Knowledge Rural and  pressure more than 20mmhg
Urban Population Based Study.  High myopic patient

Exclusion criteria:-
Glaucoma is a group of disorders not a single disease.  Retinoblastoma
Glaucoma is a condition in which intra-ocular pressure such  Any corneal opacity
cause irreversible damage to optic nerve. Damage to optic  Diagnosed with dry eye disease
nerve causes permanent decrease of vision. In general
 Application of contact lenses
glaucoma can be divided into two types. Glaucoma
associated with open anterior chamber angle is known as  Other ocular disease
open angle glaucoma (OAG) and glaucoma associated with  Allergic disease
narrow angle of anterior chamber is known as Angle closure  Refractive surgery history
glaucoma (ACG). In both these condition basic principle of
management is to decrease intra-ocular pressure (IOP).
Drops laser or surgery can achieve IOP reduction.

Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Data collection & statistical analysis In our study we have found that awareness and
Total number of subjects with glaucoma awareness knowledge of glaucoma among adult patient in rural and
and knowledge screened were 117 people .The selected urban area in Raipur show the lack of awareness and
sample the age group of 40 above. knowledge in rural area then compare to urban area because
lack of eye check-up, education, public communication and
Their mean age was (19.5). Aware 12.77% and vision care especially glaucoma is very low, the
16.66% knowledge and 35.55%,not aware and knowledge of demographics and life style differ from rural and urban area
glaucoma in rural area. in a Raipur. The most common cause of diabetes
impairment of vision loss in this population, Participated
Awareness and knowledge of people with glaucoma in large no of people heard about glaucoma (kala motiya) but
our study population were aware 10.22%, knowledge very less people aware about it. More participated people
13.33%, and 28.44% not aware and knowledge of glaucoma confuse glaucoma for other eye condition like cataract to the
in urban area. 117 people participated in our study. similar.

Awareness, Knowledge and not aware and knowledge of V. CONCLUSION

Glaucoma in Rural area (Figure 1)
Awareness, Knowledge and not aware and knowledge of The level of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma in
Glaucoma in Urban area (Figure 2) our study was more people not aware and knowledge to
glaucoma or middle peoples are knowledge of glaucoma but
Table: – Awareness, Knowledge and not aware and less people are aware of glaucoma so our data suggest the
knowledge of Glaucoma need for communication, health education programs to
Sr. Categorize Awareness Knowledge Not aware Total increase about awareness and knowledge in glaucoma and
no & thus reduces blindness due to glaucoma.
1 Rural area 10 8 47 65 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
2 Urban area 13 22 17 52
Total 23 30 64 117 The author is very grateful to the former head of
science department. The author would like to acknowledge
participant for their patience.


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