2020 Commencement Program

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Conferring of degrees at the close of the 144th academic year MAY 21, 2020


Degrees for Conferral........................................................................... 3

University Motto and Ode.................................................................... 8

Awards.................................................................................................. 9

Honor Societies.................................................................................. 20
Student Honors.................................................................................. 25

Candidates for Degrees...................................................................... 35

Conferring for Conferral
of Degrees on Candidates


Masters of Science
Masters of Business Administration
Graduate Certificates

Doctors of Education
Doctors of Philosophy
Post-Master’s Certificates
Masters of Science
Masters of Education in the Health Professions
Masters of Arts in Teaching
Graduate Certificates
Bachelors of Science

Doctors of Musical Arts
Masters of Arts
Masters of Audio Sciences
Masters of Music
Artist Diplomas
Graduate Performance Diplomas
Bachelors of Music

Doctors of Nursing Practice
Doctors of Philosophy
Masters of Science in Nursing/Advanced Practice
Masters of Science in Nursing/Entry into Nursing Practice


Masters of Science in Nursing/Masters of Public Health

Conferring for Conferral
of Degrees on Candidates


Doctors of Public Health
Doctors of Philosophy
Masters of Arts
Masters of Applied Science
Masters of Bioethics
Masters of Health Science
Masters of Science
Masters of Science in Public Health
Masters of Health Administration
Masters of Public Health


Doctors of Philosophy
Masters of Arts
Masters of Arts in Global Policy
Masters of Arts in Global Risk
Masters of Arts in International Affairs
Masters of Arts in International Economics and Finance
Masters of Arts in International Studies
Masters of International Public Policy

Doctors of Medicine
Doctors of Philosophy
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates
Masters of Science
Masters of Arts

Degrees for Conferral


Doctors of Philosophy
Post-Master’s Advanced Certificates
Masters of Science
Masters of Science in Engineering
Masters of Science in Engineering in Bioengineering Innovation and Design
Masters of Science in Engineering in Financial Mathematics
Masters of Science in Engineering Management
Masters of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Masters of Civil Engineering
Masters of Engineering Management
Masters of Environmental Engineering
Masters of Materials Science and Engineering
Masters of Mechanical Engineering
Certificates of Advanced Study in Nanobiotechnology
Graduate Certificates
Bachelors of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Engineering Mechanics
Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelors of Arts in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Bachelors of Arts in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science
Bachelors of Arts in General Engineering


Doctors of Philosophy
Post-Master’s Certificates in Sequence Analysis and Genomics
Post-Master’s Certificate in Quantitative Methods in Applied Economics
Masters of Science
Masters of Science in Applied Economics
Masters of Science in Bioinformatics
Masters of Science in Biotechnology

Degrees for Conferral

Masters of Science in Energy Policy and Climate

Masters of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy
Masters of Science in Food Safety Regulation
Masters of Science in Geographic Information Systems
Masters of Science in Geospatial Intelligence
Masters of Science in Government Analytics
Masters of Science in Individualized Genomics and Health
Masters of Science in Regulatory Science
Masters of Science in Research Administration
Masters of Arts
Masters of Arts in Applied Economics
Masters of Arts in Communication
Masters of Arts in Cultural Heritage Management
Masters of Arts in Film and Media
Masters of Arts in Global Security Studies
Masters of Arts in Government
Masters of Arts in Museum Studies
Master of Arts in Non-Governmental Organization Management
Masters of Arts in Public Management
Masters of Arts in Science Writing
Master of Arts in Teaching Writing
Masters of Arts in Writing
Masters of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Masters of Fine Arts
Masters of Liberal Arts
Certificates in Biotechnology Enterprise
Certificates in National Security Studies
Graduate Certificates in Geographic Information Systems
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Premedical Program
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Digital Curation
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Government Analytics
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Intelligence
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Non-Profit Management
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Science Writing
Post-Baccalaureate Certificates, Science, Technology and International Security
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Teaching Writing
Bachelors of Science
Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelors of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience
Bachelors of Science in Physics
Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology

Degrees for Conferral

Bachelors of Arts in Archaeology

Bachelors of Arts in Behavioral Biology
Bachelors of Arts in Biology
Bachelors of Arts in Biophysics
Bachelors of Arts in Chemistry
Bachelors of Arts in Classics
Bachelors of Arts in Cognitive Science
Bachelors of Arts in Earth and Planetary Sciences
Bachelors of Arts in East Asian Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Economics
Bachelors of Arts in English
Bachelors of Arts in Environmental Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Film and Media Studies
Bachelors of Arts in French
Bachelors of Arts in Global Environmental Change and Sustainability
Bachelors of Arts in History
Bachelors of Arts in History of Art
Bachelors of Arts in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
Bachelors of Arts in International Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Latin American Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics
Bachelors of Arts in Medicine, Science and the Humanities
Bachelors of Arts in Natural Sciences Area
Bachelors of Arts in Near Eastern Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Philosophy
Bachelors of Arts in Political Science
Bachelors of Arts in Psychology
Bachelors of Arts in Public Health Studies
Bachelors of Arts in Romance Languages
Bachelors of Arts in Sociology
Bachelors of Arts in Spanish
Bachelors of Arts in Writing Seminars

The University Motto and Ode

The truth shall make you free.
—St. John 8:32

Truth Guide Our University

The Spirit of JHU


PEABODY ’02, ’04 (MM)

Truth guide our university,

and from all error keep us free.
Let knowledge grow from more to more,
and may our scholars’ spirits soar,
Their souls for light forever burn,
send forth thy fire, that they may learn;
And let their faithful teaching be:
the truth alone can make us free.
May wisdom be our nobler aim,
and learning set our hearts aflame,
And let our watchword ever be:
the truth for aye shall keep us free!



The Schools of Athletic AWARD MEMORIAL PRIZE
Arts and Sciences, Awards Presented to the senior who For the undergraduate honors
Engineering, Nursing, THE BLUE JAYS UNLIMITED has demonstrated excellence thesis that best represents
and Medicine, and AWARD in athletics, scholarship, and Arthur Kouguell’s commitment
extracurricular participation. to scholarly and human values.
Peabody Conservatory Given to the Johns Hopkins
varsity athlete who most Awarded to Awarded to
exemplifies the spirit of Erin Chen Heidi Hansen
The Sudler Arts Prize is Blue Jays Unlimited by
awarded to that graduating demonstrating team spirit AWARD
senior from the Zanvyl Krieger and leadership, promoting
Teaching Charles A. Conklin III earned his
School of Arts and Sciences, team unity and morale,
Awards bachelor’s degree in electrical
the G.W.C. Whiting School of and enhancing the athletic
engineering from Johns Hopkins
Engineering, the School of experience of his/her PROFESSOR JOEL DEAN in 1927.
Nursing, the Peabody Institute, teammates. EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING
This award is presented to
or that fourth-year student in Awarded to AWARD
outstanding Electrical and
the School of Medicine who, in Matthew Garza The Professor Joel Dean Computer Engineering seniors
the opinion of those faculties, Excellence in Teaching Award to recognize their academic
THE CATHERINE P. CRAMER is given annually to one or
has demonstrated excellence achievements.
AWARD more graduate students
and the highest standards of Awarded to
proficiency in performance, Presented annually to the or faculty members who Isaac Mears in Computer
execution, or composition in female student who has demonstrate an intense Engineering
music, theater, dance, fiction, contributed most to athletics devotion to teaching and a William Ruppenthal in Electrical
poetry, painting, drawing, at the university. talent for making mathematics Engineering
sculpture, photography, film, Awarded to more understandable. The
or videotape. Louisa Kishton award was established by AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
Awarded to Joel Dean Jr., a Whiting and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS
THE LARRY GOLDFARB Krieger School parent, in AWARD
James Senter
AWARD honor of his father and is For outstanding effort and
PRESIDENT’S Presented to a senior for supported by the Joel Dean accomplishment on behalf of
COMMENDATION FOR outstanding service to the Foundation. the JHU ASME student chapter.
ACHIEVEMENT IN THE ARTS Hopkins athletic program. Awarded to Awarded to
FOR SERVICE TO THE ARTS Awarded to Alex Bai Katelin Brandegee
Awarded to Eli Katz Mao Hong
Maya Singh Sharkey THE HOWARD-SHRIVER Wei-Chun Hung This award, established in 1994
AWARD Phillip Kerger by the Department of Sociology,
Presented to the senior Tingting Ou honors Dr. James S. Coleman,
who has demonstrated Zachary Pisano the first chair of the department.
Center for Visual Arts outstanding achievement in Avanti Athreya The award is for outstanding
Awards both academics and athletics Donniell Fishkind academic achievement by a
while at the Johns Hopkins Mario Micheli
THE EUGENE LEAKE AWARD senior majoring in sociology.
For outstanding achievement Awarded to
Awarded to
in the Center for Visual Arts. Kiana Boroumand
Louisa Kishton
Awarded to Sherry Sun
Janice Wang The Zanvyl Krieger
Gabriella Swistara AWARD School of Arts and ROBERTO R. ARELLANO
Presented annually to the male Sciences and the
For excellence in writing by an
student who has contributed G.W.C. Whiting School
undergraduate in the Writing
most to athletics at the of Engineering Seminars.
Awarded to
Awarded to
Alan Y. Fang
David Tammaro


JAMES F. BELL AWARD for outstanding achievement COMPUTER SCIENCE Awarded to

For outstanding undergraduate in Environmental Engineering OUTSTANDING COURSE Skylar Hurst
by a graduating senior (or ASSISTANT AWARD William Lewis
research and scholarly
achievement in Mechanical seniors). The award was To a student for outstanding
Engineering. established in memory of effort and skill in assisting THE STEPHEN DIXON
Awarded to Professor Lucien M. Brush with the teaching of computer LITERARY PRIZE
Yuqing Pan Jr., a faculty member who was science courses. A yearly literary prize will
Christopher Williams a major part of the substance Awarded to be given in the name of our
and the spirit of the depart- Brandon Lax distinguished colleague
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ment and of the university for Stephen
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE 25 years. COMPUTER SCIENCE Dixon, and awarded to a
AWARD Awarded to OUTSTANDING SENIOR graduating senior whose work
AWARD has demonstrated distinctive
This award is presented to Marcos Pascual
biomedical engineering To a senior computer science stylistic flair in keeping with
students who have THE CHAFFEE WRITING major for academic excellence, the high mark established by
demon-strated outstanding PRIZE leadership, and service in Professor Dixon’s stories and
service to the academic Recognizing the perform- the Department of Computer novels.
community through their ance and promise of one Science. Awarded to
work with the Biomedical or more Writing Seminars Awarded to Theo J. Kranidas
Engineering Society or in the undergraduates. Alan Lai
classroom. Awarded to Xiang Li SEVERN TEAKLE WALLIS
Awarded to Gemma J. Simoes Decarvalho AWARD
Sarah Abella (2018) Faith J. Terry COMPUTER SCIENCE Outstanding essay in Spanish.
Pascal Acree (2018)
Parth Vora (2018) DANIELLE ALYSE BASFORD For outstanding work to Caitlin Perez-Stable
WRITING PRIZE benefit the CS department,
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING A yearly award established in JHU, and the community. THE ED BOUWER AWARD
RESEARCH DAY AWARD memory of Danielle Basford, Awarded to FOR SERVICE AND
This award is given to the top a 2012 graduate of the Writing Camila Camacho Sanchez ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT
Claudia Moncaliano IN EHE
presentations at the annual Seminars.
Undergraduate Research Day Awarded to: Andrew Rojas The Ed Bouwer Award
event. Claire M. Beaver for Service and Academic
Awarded to COMPUTER SCIENCE Achievement is given to
THE EXCELLENCE IN MICHAEL J. MUUSS a senior (or seniors) for
Marion Pang Wan Rion (2019)
DETLEV W. BRONK AWARD Awarded annually to a For the best application of academic achievement in the
graduating cognitive research to practice. Department of Environmental
For outstanding scholarship in
science major for academic Awarded to Health and Engineering.
excellence and outstanding Sue Min Cho Awarded to
Awarded to
Scott Alan McGaugh accomplishment in research. Bhawramaett Punruckwong
Awarded to
To the student who has EHE UNDERGRADUATE
For excellence in undergrad-
COMPUTER SCIENCE CS+X contributed the most to the LEADERSHIP AWARD
uate research in Biophysics.
AWARD undergraduate computer The Undergraduate Leadership
Awarded to
To a senior computer science science community and Award is given annually to
Xinyi Cai
major for outstanding departmental spirit. an undergraduate student
achievement in combining Awarded to who has exhibited exemplary
diverse studies with computer Joanna Guo leadership that has had a
ENVIRONMENTAL science. significant and positive impact
EVANGELIA DAVOS PRIZE on the educational experience
Xiaoyan Li Awarded annually to the of their fellow students.
The Lucien Brush Award for
Hadley VanRenterghem classics major or minor whose Awarded to
Excellence in Environmental
work in Greek studies has been Thomas Howard
Engineering is given annually


ENGLISH SENIOR ESSAY 1975. He was a member of RICHARD J. JOHNS AWARD senior in Materials Science and
AWARD the National Academy of For outstanding academic Engineering.
Awarded each year for the best Engineering, and a fellow of achievement in Biomedical Awarded to
essay by a senior English major. the IEEE, and was the recipient Engineering. Beatriz Medeiros
Awarded to of the IEEE Educational Medal Awarded to
Elvin Meng and the IEEE Edison Medal. Vinay Ayyappan SENIOR DESIGN
These awards are presented Jenna Ballard ENGINEERING AWARD
ROBERT GEORGE GERSTMYER annually to junior and senior Shubhayu Bhattacharyay In recognition of outstanding
AWARD students in Electrical and Alexander Chang contributions to the design
For outstanding undergraduate Computer Engineering for Akash Chaurasia and conduct of a team research
achievement in mechanical outstanding scholarship and Julia Costacurta project in the Department
engineering. service to the department and Tatiana Gelaf Romer of Materials Science and
Awarded to to their fellow students. Alexander Glavin Engineering.
Franz O’Meally Awarded to Katherine Hu Awarded to
Annika Torp Lucas Robinson, Senior in Asef Islam Lauren Choi
Kaiwen Wang Computer Engineering Eshan Joshi
Yixun Wang Ryan Hanks, Senior in Electrical Alan Lai WILLIAM N. SHARPE AWARD
Lindsey Wiser Engineering Jung Min Lee FOR MECHANICAL
Vinicius Lepca, Junior in Amanda Li ENGINEERING STUDENT
Rene Lopez
For outstanding achievement Hoyeon Im, Junior in Electrical Ryan Lu Recognizes significant
by an undergraduate in Engineering Shanelle Mendes leadership and achievement
Psychology. Gavin Mischler in extracurricular activities
Awarded to THE MULY FAMILY Marion Pang Wan Rion among Mechanical
Shaina Munin UNDERGRADUATE Samiksha Ramesh Engineering students.
Tianyu (Amber) Hu Akaash Sanyal
This award supports Hadley VanRenterghem Christianna Bambini
MAX HOCHSCHILD FUND undergraduate student Jinghang Zhang Mariah Harris
The prize is awarded annually research and is awarded Ishpreet Singh
to the undergraduate student in annually to an exceptional DONALD E. KERR MEMORIAL
undergraduate student AWARD MOST DISTINGUISHED
economics who has shown great
conducting research in the THESIS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
promise and proficiency in this To the outstanding
Department of Electrical STUDIES
field. undergraduate major in
and Computer Engineering. physics and astronomy. Awarded to
Awarded to
It was established by Emil Awarded to Anisha Nagpal
Riya Rana
’56 and Faye Muly in honor Sydney Rae Timmerman
of their family that includes OUTSTANDING SENIOR
JACOB H. HOLLANDER PRIZE Katherine Molly Xiang
several generations of Hopkins AWARD IN PUBLIC HEALTH
For excellence in writing by STUDIES
a Writing Seminars under-
Awarded to AWARD For academic excellence,
Tina Gao for her work with Prof. leadership, and service in
Awarded to Given to the graduating
Susanna Thon public health.
Rojahne S. Azwoir senior, a member of Phi Beta
Awarded to
Kappa, who best represents
THE THREE ARTS CLUB OF a combination of academic
HOMELAND AWARD excellence and educational
For excellence in writing by a breadth.
This award recognizes a SCHOLAR AWARD
Writing Seminars undergraduate. Awarded to
student in the Department Established in 1998 in support
Awarded to Lauren Kishori Bules
of Electrical & Computer of undergraduate students
Emily S. McDonald
Engineering who has MATERIALS SCIENCE AND pursuing a BS/MS degree in
demonstrated leadership and ENGINEERING neuroscience.
service to his fellow students ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Awarded to
William H. Huggins was chair Joonhee Lee
and to the department. For outstanding academic
of the Department of Electrical
Awarded to achievement by a graduating
Engineering from 1970 to
Zachary Poole


CHARLES A. MILLER AWARD SENIOR DESIGN Vinay Ayyappan undergraduate student for
Awarded by the Mechanical ENGINEERING AWARD Raphael Bechtold outstanding achievements
Engineering Department for (INDIVIDUAL) Shubhayu Bhattacharyay in electrical and computer
outstanding undergraduate In recognition of outstanding Emily Burnette engineering.
achievement. contributions to the design Julia Costacurta Awarded to
Awarded to and conduct of an individual Gabrielle Grifno Travis Chan
Brandon Fremin research project in the Lisa Ha
Harrison Riggott Department of Materials Katherine Hu THE NADDOR PRIZE
Science and Engineering. Seyvonne Ip The Naddor Prize is awarded
ROBERT B. POND SR. Awarded to Maya Lapinski to a non-senior undergraduate
ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Simon Mason Jung Min Lee for significant achievement
Awarded to the graduating Jodie Baris Ryan Lu in departmentally related
senior in the Department of Katarina Mayer academic and extracurricular
Materials Science who best SIEBEL FOUNDATION PRIZE Jesse Wu activities. It is named in honor
exemplifies Robert Pond’s Awarded to a student in Jerry Yan of the late Professor Eliezer
commitment to scholarly and bioengineering who displays Jinghang Zhang Naddor, the first recipient of a
humane values. excellence in academics, PhD in operations research in
Awarded to research, and leadership. LINDA TRINH MEMORIAL the United States and a long-
Kendall Free AWARD time faculty member in the
Awarded to
Scott Albert This award is dedicated to the department.
THE CURT P. RICHTER Morgan Elliott memory of Linda Trinh, Class Awarded to
AWARD IN BEHAVIORAL Michael Ketcha of 2005, who worked tirelessly Rong Bao
BIOLOGY RESEARCH through her research and Frank Bu
Christine O'Keefe
In recognition of outstanding David Wilson volunteer efforts to improve Jasmine Hu
achievement in the David the human condition. It is Jialiu Liang
S. Olton Behavioral Biology JULIAN C. STANLEY AWARD awarded to a design team that Emre Ozgu
Program. For the undergraduate embodies her spirit, qualities, Daniel Swartz
Awarded to psychology major who and accomplishments. Nathan Vallapureddy
Nicole Muehleisen most closely approximates Awarded to
Siddharth Arun (2019) THE WOLMAN AWARD FOR
Dr. Stanley’s personal and
professional standards of
Given annually to support Teya Bergamaschi (2020) Given annually to a graduating
undergraduate research in the Erika Bhadra (2019) senior who exhibits both
Awarded to
area of the biology of behavior, Alanna Farrell (2017) promise and spirit in regard
Emily Franco
broadly defined. Tatiana Gelaf Romer (2020) to interdisciplinary work.
Crystal Chang
Awarded to Nicholas Maritato (2020) The award was established in
Monica Daubon DAVID T. YUE MEMORIAL Samiksha Ramesh (2020) memory of M. Gordon “Reds”
Sarah Elnozahy AWARD Akaash Sanyal (2020) Wolman, a faculty member
This award is dedicated to the Valerie Zawicki (2017, 2019) in the department who
DR. BENJAMIN T. SANKEY contributed to the academic
memory of David T. Yue, MD–
PhD class of 1987, a joyful
A yearly award established in AWARD through service as a
teacher, inspiring mentor,
memory of Benjamin Sankey, John Boswell Whitehead was department chair and interim
world-renowned scientist,
a graduate of our program, named professor of electrical provost and through strong
and beloved colleague in the
that recognizes superior engineering at JHU in 1910 advocacy of interdisciplinary
Department of Biomedical
performance in the graduate and began a program in studies. He was a beloved
Engineering. The award
MFA program of the Writing applied electricity that led to member of the Johns Hopkins
recognizes outstanding
Seminars. the formation of the Electrical University for more than half a
teaching or mentoring by
Awarded to Engineering Department. century.
an undergraduate teaching
Em Z. Bogdonoff Professor Whitehead was also Awarded to
assistant or laboratory
Marlo Starr the first dean of the School Aryiana Moore
Awarded to of Engineering. This award
Sachin Aggarwal is presented annually to an


APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND Consortium for Mathematics students have earned this
STATISTICS ACHIEVEMENT and Its Applications (COMAP). prestigious award. The award The School of
AWARD Awarded to is currently presented to Medicine
This award recognizes Gabriel Givelber graduating students with the
outstanding achievement by an Carly Lupton-Smith highest GPA in the full-time THE DAVID TUCKCHOW YUE
undergraduate across a broad Lyle Paskowitz MBA program, the full-time MS AWARD
spectrum of departmental Melissa Shohet programs, and the part-time David Tuckchow Yue, a Johns
activities, including academic Amar Vadhera graduate programs. Hopkins M.D., Ph.D. graduate
performance, research, Awarded to was an inspirational mentor
pedagogy, and leadership. THE CREEL FAMILY Erin Louise Kelly to over 70 students, fellows
Awarded to TEACHING ASSISTANT Muhammad Ali Mehdi and members of his Calcium
Eric Hu AWARD Conor James Politz Signals Lab, co-directed the
Zewei Li Recognizes the best teaching Biomedical Engineering
Carly Lupton-Smtih assistant(s) in Mechanical Ph.D. Program, and played
Tingting Ou Engineering. an important role in the
Lyle Paskowitz Awarded to The School of M.D.-Ph.D. program. In his
Lauren Jacob memory, his wife, Nancy,
Thomas Wan Education
Steven Witkin Shahin Lashkari and sons, Michael, Daniel,
John Moore DIANE TOBIN MEMORIAL and Jonathan, along with
THE AMS PRIZE FOR Andrew Shaughnessy AWARD his Calcium Signals Lab
OUTSTANDING MASTER’S members, have sponsored the
School of Education faculty
RESEARCH THE MECHANICAL David Tuckchow Yue Award to
created this award in her
This award recognizes one ENGINEERING SPECIAL honor innovative research by
honor to recognize those who
or more students enrolled ACHIEVEMENT AWARD outstanding graduate students
(MESAA) have demonstrated excellence
in one of the AMS master’s at the Johns Hopkins School of
in teaching.
programs who have been For outstanding leadership Medicine.
Awarded to
engaged in research in and achievement through Awarded to
Robyn Evans
applied mathematics and engineering clubs and Priyanka Kothari 2018-2019
Madison Larson
whose accomplishments societies.
and creativity have exceeded Awarded to THE PAUL TALALAY
expectations. Radha Deshmukh RESEARCH AWARD
Awarded to an alumnus of
Awarded to Angela Groszos The Paul Talalay Research
JHU’s School of Education
Anton Alyakin Collin Meissner Award was established in
Doctor of Education program.
Carly Lupton-Smith Tyler Spoleti 2017 to honor Dr. Paul Talalay,
The recipient is a K-12 school
Tingting Ou who was a Professor of
leader who has distinguished
Xiao Xie Pharmacology and Molecular
him- or herself by being a
Sciences and started the Young
visionary leader through the
APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND The Carey application of progressive
Investigators’ Day Program in
MODELING COMPETITION education theory to the
Awarded to
PRIZE practice of serving communi-
THE EDWARD J. STEGMAN, Michael Rowland Blatchely
ties, families, and youth.
Each year, the Department CPA, MEMORIAL AWARD 2018-2019
Awarded to
of Applied Mathematics The Edward J. Stegman, CPA, Karole Nicole D’Orazio
Dr. Christine Brookbank
and Statistics recognizes Memorial Award for Excellence 2019-2020
high levels of performance in Business Scholarship is ALAN THORMEYER AWARD
by undergraduates or named in memory of Edward J. THE MICHAEL A. SHANOFF
research teams engaged in Awarded to a Master of Arts RESEARCH AWARD
Stegman, founder of Stegman in Teaching student in the
mathematical modeling, either and Company, who taught The award is made annually
in applying mathematics Department of Teacher
Business Economics and to a student for significant
to a real-world problem Preparation who exemplifies
Accounting at Johns Hopkins research contribution in the
or by participating in the the spirit and dedication of its
University from 1928 until medical sciences. The award
international mathematical namesake.
1945. Since 1975, over 430 is made possible by a bequest
modeling competition of the Awarded to
high-achieving graduating Amalia Amburn


from the family and friends of honor the contributions to memory of Bae Gyo Jung, who health research is noteworthy
the late Dr. Michael A. Shanoff, science and education made was a predoctoral student in and found deserving of special
who earned his undergraduate by Dr. Strand as a Professor of the department of Biological recognition.
degree and M.D. and Ph.D. Pharmacology and Molecular Chemistry. Awarded to
degrees from the Johns Sciences from 1977 until her Awarded to Rohan Bajaj 2017-2018
Hopkins University. untimely death in 1997. The Xuyu Qian 2016-2017 Tiffany Kay Brocke 2017-2018
Awarded to award is made possible by the Ali Ghasemzadeh 2015-2016
David Joshua Ottenheimer generous contributions of her THE W. BARRY WOOD Matthew Ryan Hoyer
2019-2020 colleagues and friends as a STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD 2017-2018
Selamawit Abi Woldemeskel tribute to her contribution to The W. Barry Wood Student Borna Kassiri 2017-2018
2018-2019 humanity in the quest for a Research Award recognizes Michelle Alexandra Recto
vaccine against schistosomi- present commitment and 2017-2018
THE DAVID ISRAEL MACHT asis, her unyielding devotion future promise in research. Abigail Yimeng Wang
RESEARCH AWARD to science and her role in Awarded to 2017-2018
The David Israel Macht the training of a generation Jeremy Craig Applebaum
Research Award was of graduate students of this 2017-2018 SYLVAN SHANE PRIZE IN
established in 1983 by institution. ANESTHESIOLOGY AND
the family of Dr. Macht to Awarded to THE HAROLD LAMPORT CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE
commemorate the centenary Scott Tyler Albert 2019-2020 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH This prize, established by
of his birth. Dr. Macht was a PRIZE Dr. Sylvan Shane, a former
member of the faculty of the THE HANS JOAQUIM The memory of Dr. Harold member of the faculty in
Departments of Pharmacology PROCHASKA RESEARCH Lamport, a distinguished Anesthesiology and Critical
and Medicine in the early AWARD investigator, is honored by Care Medicine, recognizes an
part of this century and was The Hans Joaquim Prochaska this prize established by the outstanding medical student
a pioneer investigator in the Research Award was Lamport Foundation. The making a career choice in
field of opiate alkaloids. The established in 1998 to honor prize recognizes research Anesthesiology.
Award is intended to recognize outstanding discovery by contributions. Awarded to
excellence in investigation a student in the School of Awarded to Tymoteusz Jan Kajstura
by a student in the School of Medicine. Seamus Brendan Walters
Medicine. Awarded to Hughes 2017-2018 THE HASKINS K. KASHIMA,
Awarded to Daniel Ardeljan 2019-2020 M.D. PRIZE IN
MACHT RESEARCH AWARD This award was established This prize was established Haskins K. Kashima, a former
The Martin and Carol Macht in 2002 to honor the memory in 1990 by the family of Dr. Professor in the Department
Research Award is awarded to of Nupur Dinesh Thekdi, an Saltzstein, a 1914 graduate of of Otolaryngology-Head and
a doctoral candidate whose M.D.-Ph.D. student in the the Johns Hopkins University Neck Surgery, recognizes an
research evidences elegance in School of Medicine from 1996 School of Medicine, to outstanding medical student
science, originality in thought until his untimely death in recognize his life long interest who has chosen a career in
and creativity in approach. 2001. The award was made in medical writing. The award Otolaryngology-Head and
The Award was made possible possible by the generous is given to that student who Neck Surgery.
by a donation from the Macht contributions of his family and has exhibited excellence in Awarded to
family of Cincinnati, Ohio. friends and is given to honor medical writing as judged by a Rui Han Liu
Awarded to outstanding research contribu- faculty committee.
Leire Abalde-Atristain tions made by a student in the Awarded to THE SUDLER ARTS PRIZE
2018-2019 School of Medicine. James Paul Senter 2015-2016 The Sudler Arts Prize is
Awarded to awarded to that graduating
THE METTE STRAND Sneha Berry 2019-2020 THE EXCELLENCE IN senior from the Zanvyl Krieger
The Mette Strand Research
Award was established in The Bae Gyo Jung Research This award is given annually to Engineering, the School of
1998 as an enduring legacy Award was established in students whose efforts in basic Nursing, the Peabody Institute,
to graduate education and to 2006 by friends and family in biomedical, clinical, or public or that fourth-year student in


the School of Medicine who, in THE FRANK H. NETTER, M.D. of Doctors Helen and Harold has demonstrated excellence
the opinion of those faculties, MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN Harrison. The award was in the specialty of emergency
has demonstrated excellence MEDICAL ART established by Dr. Harrison's medicine.
and the highest standards of The medical illustrator, Frank house officers and colleagues Awarded to
proficiency in performance, H. Netter M.D., is known during his many years as Chief Jose Reyes
execution, or composition in world-wide for his ability to of Pediatrics at the Baltimore
music, theater, dance, fiction, distill complex medical subject City Hospitals. This award AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
poetry, painting, drawing, matter into clear, effective recognizes outstanding NEUROLOGY PRIZE FOR
sculpture, photography, film, teaching images. Dr. Netter was proficiency in pediatrics. EXCELLENCE IN NEUROLOGY
or videotape. not only a skilled draftsman, Awarded to This prize is awarded by
Awarded to but knowledgeable in anatomy, Miriam Tien Hui Fox the American Academy of
James Paul Senter physiology, and pathology Neurology annually to a
through his medical training. WILLIAM STEWART HALSTED graduating medical student
THE W. BRUCE FYE PRIZE IN Family and friends established AWARD IN SURGERY who exemplifies outstanding
THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE this scholarship to recognize This award, established in scientific achievement and
The prize is made possible by a student in Art as Applied honor of Dr. Halsted, the clinical acumen in Neurology or
the generosity of W. Bruce Fye to Medicine who displays a first professor and director of Neuroscience and outstanding
(Johns Hopkins BA ‘68, MD similar balance of medical the Department of Surgery, personal qualities of integrity,
‘72, MA in History of Medicine, and scientific knowledge recognizes that graduating compassion, and leadership.
‘78), a prominent cardiolo- with the artistic skills that student entering the field of Awarded to
gist and historian of medicine he exhibited throughout surgery whose proficiency Christine Elizabeth Gummerson
who is the past president of his career. Winners of this in the discipline is deemed
both the American College of award have excelled in their outstanding by the faculty THE NOVEY PRIZE IN
Cardiology, the American Osler academic courses; displayed of the Sections of Surgical PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
Society, and the American exceptional art expression; Sciences. This prize recognizes that
Association for the History and most importantly utilized Awarded to graduating student with an
of Medicine, and who served both resources to create Luckmini Nuvanthi Liyanage outstanding academic record in
as Professor of Medicine well-designed and effective Psychiatry who has written the
and History of Medicine at didactic illustrations. EMILY SIMMS HALLER PRIZE best paper on the connection
the Mayo Clinic. In a long Awarded to The Emily Simms Haller Prize between medical illnesses and
and wide-ranging career as a Jenny R. Wang 2018-2019 in Obstetrics was established mental life.
clinician-historian, Fye’s books in 1993 to honor outstanding Awarded to
and articles have consistently WARFIELD T. LONGCOPE medical students for their Jeremy Craig Applebaum
demonstrated the relevance of PRIZE IN CLINICAL work in obstetrics. Dr. Haller
historical thinking to medical MEDICINE THE STEPHEN J. RYAN, M.D.
used the Hopkins Hospital
research, training, practice, The award established in Clinics and Labor and Delivery PRIZE IN OPHTHALMOLOGY
and policy. He established honor of Dr. Longcope, Suite as a site for regular Stephen J. Ryan, a graduate of
this prize in 2018 to encourage Director of the Department of medical student education. the Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins medical Medicine from 1922 to 1946, Dr. Haller is beloved by School of Medicine, Class of
students to gain experience in recognizes that graduating decades of students for her 1965, established this prize
historical research and writing student entering the field of teaching and is recognized for in honor of his dedication
and to appreciate how the medicine whose performance her clinical excellence. She is to medical excellence and
history of medicine provides in clinical medicine exempli- a wife and mother of Hopkins’ his affiliation with the Johns
valuable perspective on current fies in outstanding fashion the physicians. The prize was Hopkins School of Medicine
and future challenges and academic excellence and the created by colleagues, friends, and the Wilmer Eye Institute.
opportunities in medical human qualities that mark the and family. This prize is awarded to a
practice, education, and true physician. Awarded to graduating Johns Hopkins
research. Awarded to Mary Elizabeth Peeler medical student with an
Awarded to Rupali Sood outstanding academic record
Christine Elizabeth Gummerson SOCIETY FOR ACADEMIC who is entering the field of
The Harrison Award recognizes This award recognizes a Moon Jeong Lee
the remarkable achievements senior medical student who


THE CHURCH HOME AND outstanding leadership in the RUTH DALE OGILBY AWARD
The School of Nursing HOSPITAL NURSING field of nursing In recognition of exceptional
ALUMNAE AWARD Awarded to academic performance in the
Recognizes an Entry into Amanda Shafton, DNP Master’s Advanced Practice
Practice student who best Executive program.
To an Entry into Practice exemplifies a humanistic Khristine Arrieta, DNP Awarded to
student whose academic approach to nursing while Advanced Practice Samantha Paige Austin
performance has been judged integrating the art, science and
to be outstanding. the spirit of nursing. OUTSTANDING DNP PROJECT In recognition of exceptional
Awarded to Awarded to AWARD academic performance in the
Lauren V. Brackett Jason A. Berry To a Doctor of Nursing Practice DNP Program.
Rebecca Elizabeth Ingber Navpreet Sandher student demonstrating an Awarded to
Brooklyn Lysette Hidalgo
outstanding project that a Sharon Park, DNP Executive
Madrid ELEANOR WADE CUSTER significant, innovative and Hannah Jacob, DNP Advanced
Paige Elliott Martin AWARD sustainable impact to an area Practice
Bianca Palmisano To an Entry into Practice of clinical practice
Anne St. Clair student who most successfully RESEARCH AWARD
Awarded to
demonstrates initiative and Beatrice Marseilles, DNP To an Entry into Practice
creativity in improving the Executive student demonstrating
health of a community with Kinjal Bhatt, DNP Advanced intellectual curiosity and
sensitivity to one’s fellowman. Practice creativity in nursing research.
To an Advanced Practice
Awarded to Awarded to
student demonstrating
Katherine Elizabeth Barbour NURSE LEADER James Matthew Hopper
expertise in professional MENTORSHIP AWARD 2019-
Albert Bernabe Abbie Homan
nursing practice and patient 2020 (THE FRALIC AWARD)
Lauren Elisa Reay Chloe Kwon
centered health care delivery.
Abigail Marie Ross Awarded to Karen Grace Lee
Awarded to
Liliya A. Semenyuk Modupe Savage, DNP Executive Adam Randall Morrow
Samantha Paige Austin
Midori Trojanowski Khristine Arrieta, DNP
Corrine Roberto,
To an Entry into Practice MARY AND GRAINGER To an Entry into Practice
student who demonstrates MARBURG AWARD student demonstrating
Recognizes an Entry into
outstanding commitment and In recognition of an Entry into excellence in clinical practice.
Practice student whose
service to nursing and the Practice student who consis- Awarded to
leadership ability is combined
University. tently exhibits outstanding Nicole Lynn Brisker
with clinical competence and
Awarded to clinical nursing expertise. Jill Slattery
an inquiring mind
Serwah N. Adarkwa Awarded to
Awarded to
Vera Nana Hemaa Baidoo Anna Pauline Bryant THE SINAI NURSES’
Marie Aguinaldo
Luella Marie Allen SINAI HOSPITAL, INC.
Natasha Velez Correa
Katherine Elizabeth Barbour ROBERT G. MERRICK AWARD
Benjamin Brett Goodrich Recognizes an Entry into
Amy Hwang
To an Entry into Practice Practice student who exhibits
Savannah Meng
LEADERSHIP AWARD student demonstrating enthusiasm, compassion and
To an Advanced Practice outstanding leadership in the a positive approach to problem
CULLEN AWARD student demonstrating field of nursing. solving in nursing.
outstanding leadership in the Awarded to Awarded to
To an Entry into Practice
field of nursing. Lauren V. Brackett Nasrin Akter
student in recognition of the
Awarded to Daffcar Erol Emily Bopp
highest standards of nursing
Meredith Ilana Zoltick Rebekah A. Long Kyleen Elizabeth Welsh
practice and executive ability.
Jarvia Meggett
Awarded to
Nicole Lynn Brisker
To a Doctor of Nursing Practice To an Entry into Practice
Tatiana Gallego
student demonstrating student demonstrating a
Jill Slattery
strong dedication to profes-


plinary practice. Awarded to PEABODY AND THE Awarded to
Awarded to Ismael Ariel Guerrero Bombut COMMUNITY Christian Cang Cuesta
Corey F. Crowe Awarded to
Rebecca Lange BRUCE R. EICHER Christopher Jon Hartung ALICE AND LEARY TAYLOR
Awarded to SIDNEY JENSEN MEMORIAL Awarded to
Midori Ataka PRIZE IN CLARINET Jordan D. Colquitt
Wendy Johnston Awarded to
Andrew Minhyuk Im
Awarded to
Cameron James Welke Awarded to
Awarded to Hannah Tassler JAMES WINSHIP LEWIS
Shinae Hwang Awarded to COMPOSITION Awarded to
Eunchan Kim Hanna Hyunjung Kim Awarded to Benjamin Williams Gascon
Chia Wei Liao Sun-A Park Gu Wei Andrea Gonzalez Caballero
Xuesong Lin Josef Nicholas Fischer
B AND O WOMEN’S CLUB Awarded to Awarded to Patrick Michael Raynard
AWARD IN PERFORMANCE Jonathan Zwi Alaina Victoria Rea Noah Chasworth Strevell
Awarded to Zhang Zhang
MEMORIAL PRIZE IN Yihan Sun Awarded to
Jay Shankar
PERFORMANCE Awarded to Ji-Seong Kim
P. BRUCE BLAIR AWARD Awarded to Andrea I. Copland Phoebe Leng
IN COMPOSITION Hongsuh Cha Collin James Ziegler Zhiqi Liu
Awarded to Victor Manuel Hernandez Audrey Ling Maxner
Matthew Pellegrino Ramirez ADA ARENS MORAWETZ
Ting-Hsuan Miao
Ruoying Pan
Awarded to Cody McVey
Hana Gayle Abrams Chang Miao VOICE
Kyle Leigh Carney Awarded to
Claire Kristin Cooper Cierra Brianna Byrd
Emma Renae Dickinson Alexander Bernard Cousins
Christopher A. Fominaya Josef Nicholas Fischer
Awarded to IN VOICE
Alicia Selena Hurtado Jermaine Baraka Fryer
Nathaniel Wolfgang Parks Awarded to
Randa Rima Elias Melhem Ismael Guerrero Bombut
Baajah Ashante Mohammed Marcella Marie Astore
William Alexander Satterfield
Hannah Alexandra Noyes Kasey Lorelle Cwynar-Foye
Orest Smovzh
Elise Thora Volkmann


Dena L. Goodman Hopkins Bloomberg School of academic excellence and Awarded to

Jeong Wook Han Public Health whose disserta- financial need. Omar Cherkaoui
Marie Herrington tion research is at a critical Awarded to Hazem Rihawi
Miso Kang juncture. Naiqing Gu
Tess Nicole Ottinger Awarded to GLOBAL HEALTH SCHOLARS
Melanie Rae Piercy Andrea Cristina Carcelen COVERDELL FELLOWS Supports students in the MPH
SARAH STULMAN ZIERLER THE CARR FAMILY To MPH student who served in Awarded to
Awarded to SCHOLARSHIP FUND Awarded to Rabia Jalalzai
Minji Lee To support full-time MPH Langan Peterson Denhard
students at the Johns Hopkins Leah Michelle Froehle HOWARD C. AND JANE R.
Bloomberg School of Public Jessica Louise Hawk GOODMAN FUND
Health. James Thomas McCallen To an outstanding MPH
The Bloomberg School Awarded to Lily Henzi Merritt student.
Claire Anne Blanton Karlsson Awarded to
of Public Health Zoe Katherine Mowl
William V. Nguyen Rabia Jalalzai
CENTENNIAL SCHOLARS Michaela Eileen Marie Whitelaw
To MPH students from India. student. CROSBY SCHOLARHIP FUND
Awarded to Awarded to To a student committed to
Paavani Jain Yaa Adoma Kwapong public health nursing.
To a Masters of Public Heath
Priya Pathak Awarded to
student whose public health
CENTER FOR A LIVABLE interests have a direct bearing Xinyi Liang
AOYAMA-KITA SCHOLARSHIP FUTURE—LERNER on the priorities and focus of
To public health physicians FELLOWSHIP RICHARD E. HOFFMAN
the Center for a Livable Future.
from Japan, Korea, and To students who are SCHOLARSHIP
Awarded to
Malaysia. committed to the discovery To a MPH student interested
Leah Jo Weston
Awarded to and/or application of in professional applied
Keisuke Kakimoto knowledge about public health DEAN’S ALUMNI ADVISORY epidemiology.
challenges associated with COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP Awarded to
CHRISTINE AWORI HAYANGA the current food system and/ To an outstanding student Benjamin Zvi Kahn
SCHOLARSHIP or about the creation of a dedicated to preventing
To a physician from Africa. healthier, more equitable, and THE SIBLEY AND CATHERINE
disease and disability and
Awarded to more resilient food system. HOOBLER AWARD FOR
premature death in the global
Ellen Boakye Awarded to EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC
defense of human life.
Gabriel Keller Innes HEALTH AND MEDICINE
Awarded to
J. HOWARD BEARD Anna Y. Kharmats To encourage study at the
Sara Elizabeth Wallach
FELLOWSHIP Francesca Schiaffino Salazar Bloomberg School of Public
To an outstanding student Marie Leann Spiker Health and the School of
pursuing a career in local Lauren Walsh Medicine.
or state public health work. AND CHILDREN Awarded to
Awarded to CHAO AND WONG To a student whose interests, Cierra Chiyoko Virtue
Anna Marie Pacheco Young SCHOLARSHIP research, and career plans
To an outstanding interna- are focused on improving LEE M. AND MAXWELL C.
the health and saving lives of
mothers and children.
To an outstanding MPH STUDENTS
Martha Tushemereirwe Kirabo Awarded to
student. To an outstanding interna-
Ellen Boakye
Awarded to DR. CHUN HUI YEN AND tional student.
Rabia Jalalzai WANG PEI YEN Awarded to
SCHOLARSHIP FUND Martha Tushemereirwe Kirabo
To a doctoral student in any To an outstanding interna-
department at the Johns tional student.



To a graduate for academic STUDENT SUPPORT Rafa Rahman
excellence and professional To an outstanding master’s Julia Jane Wainger
promise. degree student who is not a
Awarded to U.S. citizen. YC YANG AWARD
Rohin Arvind Aggarwal Awarded to
To outstanding international
Ainelen Liliana Radosevich
MPH students.
Nyan Lynn Tun
To support deserving MPH The R. Bradley Sack Family
students. Scholarship award will provide
Awarded to support to outstanding
Anna Marie Pacheco Young doctoral students who are The Paul H. Nitze
studying infectious disease
School of Advanced
ERNEST LYMAN AND HELEN problems in the developing
ROSS STEBBINS world. International Studies
SCHOLARSHIP Laura Kristen Beres
To an MPH student focused on WILLIAM C. FOSTER AWARD
professional practice. EDYTH SCHOENRICH To second-year students
Awarded to SCHOLARSHIP for sound scholarship and
Benjamin Zvi Kahn To support deserving MPH a record of leadership and
students. distinguished service to SAIS,
THE DR. CYNTHIA MAUNG Awarded to exemplary of the high qualities
ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Nana Essuman Oduro of integrity, loyalty, and ability
FUND admired in Mr. Foster.
Theresa Rae Aguilar
To outstanding medical Awarded to
Rogette Esteve
students pursuing an MPH Shamaila Shahzad Ashraf
Jessica Louise Hawk
degree. Nainika Ashok Paul
Katherine Heinemann
Awarded to
Recognizing MPH and doctoral
JANICE EDDY MICKEY To a member of the second-
students with outstanding
SCHOLARSHIP year class with the most
academic ability and public
Students who plan to devote outstanding academic
health leadership potential.
their lives to improving health record during the first three
Awarded to
and human rights worldwide. semesters.
Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed
Awarded to Awarded to
Luana Silva Rodrigues Araujo
Claire Anne Blanton Karlsson Taylor John Garrett Jackson
Dinesh Arora
Erin Allyson Beasley Christopher Alex Merriman
Diana Marie Bongiorno Luke Stanley Tyburski
Students with a demonstrated
commitment to minority Mihir Jay Chaudhary
health issues. Li-Kuang Chen
Awarded to Alix Marie Rose Madeleine
Sophie Elisabeth Neuner Faddoul
Wagas Zia Haque
LOWELL J. REED AND WADE Mikaela Abeni Kelly
HAMPTON FROST Nelson C. Malone
To outstanding MPH students. THE WATT/HANSELL
Awarded to ENDOWMENT
Esther Gun Hye Lee To an outstanding student
Sophie Elisabeth Neuner pursuing training at the School
Nana Essuman Oduro of Public Health and the

Honor So c ieties

Phi Beta Kappa Alice He FROM THE Upsilon Phi Delta

Elizabeth Helmke UNDERGRADUATE
Phi Beta Kappa, founded GRADUATING CLASS IN THE National academic honor
Tianyu Hu
at the College of William G.W.C. WHITING SCHOOL OF society for students in health-
Skylar Jean Hurst
and Mary in 1776, is the ENGINEERING, APPLIED care administration programs.
Nora Rani Jandhyala
nation's oldest and most MATHEMATICS AND
Jonah C. Kasdan The following members of the
prestigious undergraduate STATISTICS:
Adam Avraham Katwan graduating class are:
honors organization. To gain Camille Garner Bowman
Bisma Khan insert:
election students must have Sehyun Lee
Zoya Khan Jillian Patrice Barbaro
excelled in a broad array of Carly Patricia Lupton-Smith
Kyungduk Kim Jordan Ashley Besch
undergraduate courses in the Dhruw Mukesh Maisuria
Elizabeth Campbell Knobloch Audrey Man-Gar Chan
arts and sciences offered at
Sonak Kolar Iris Chidinma Chijioke
one of the 249 colleges and FROM THE PH.D.
Francesca Ilise Kroll Jacquelynn P. Garcia
universities in the United CANDIDATES IN THE
States that are sufficiently Kathy H. Le Kinjal Pravin Kakadiya
rigorous and intellectually Rebecca Zhonghui Lin Likhita Kavya Kalla
challenging to shelter a Phi Sudgie Liang Ma Emma Jordan Lavandosky
Javier A. Bustos
Beta Kappa chapter. The Johns Angelamarie G Malkoun Sarah Elizabeth Lefebvre
Sarah Elsayed Elaraby
Hopkins University chapter Lucia F. Massey Xinyi Liang
Naira Kalra
was founded in 1895. David Alejandro Mejia Dhruv Pankaj Patel
Esther Kim
Xiaoqiang Meng
Jordan Richard Kuiper
Pei-Lun Kuo
GRADUATING CLASS IN THE Fabiola Marie Moreno Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Guanghao Qi
OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Francesca Schiaffino Salazar International honor
Elana Rose Neher
ELECTED IN 2020: Yuchen Yang society for the computing
Teresa Ng
Ank Agarwal Edward John Oh and information science
FROM THE PAUL H. NITZE disciplines.
Alicia Sarah Badea Kristen Hyemin Park
Kiana Boroumand Fiona Pat INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: The following members of the
Lauren Kishori Bules Aishwarya Pradeep graduating class are:
Arthur Christopher Ackerman
Olivia Chan Katherine Maria Raja Joshan Bajaj
Miranda Bain
Kevin Chang Lauren Claire Ralph William Bernardoni
Mary Lauren Gilbert
Alyssa Kathryn Chao Riya Rana Vipul Bhat
Kayla Ann Marra
Bridget Jane Chen Luc Benjamin Renaux Georgie Botev
Danielle Minnett
Hsuan-Wei Chen Emily Natacha Sklar Camille Bowman
Cristina Planter Riebeling
Claire Yu-ning Chiang Joy H. Song Matthew Brotman
Jonas Präfke
Jia Yuee Chiao Sherry Xuerui Sun Eric Cao
Kyle Innes Thetford
Joshua Lee Choe Ariel Dory Swett Christian Cosgrove
Cole Judah Cooper Ami P. Tamhaney FROM THE PH.D. Yu-chi Chang
John Samuel Cox Faith Juliana Terry CANDIDATES IN THE Akash Chaurasia
Julia Margaret Dickson Isaac Tong SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: Zixu Chen
Daniel Marcus Doherty Chia-Chen Tsai Carley Jeanne Sue Heck Keefer Chern
Dominique Alexandre Reah Hayley Vasilakopoulos Heidi Anna Morefield William David
Balthasar Eberhard Vicky Yi Ting Wang Jing Hui Adeline Yong Tiger Gao
Ejlal Elalaoui Caroline N West Nicholas Garza
Julia Nicole Flores Kevin Hanshi Wu FROM THE M.D. CANDIDATES Cindy Ge
Vincent Michael Fumo Natalie Wu IN THE SCHOOL OF Alexander Glavin
Rose Elizabeth Gellman Lanruo Yang MEDICINE: Joanna Guo
Shane David Gilligan-Steinberg Susan Solip You Rohan Bajaj Jindan Huang
Juan Carlos Gomez Yunting Yu Daniel Hwang
Anna Rebecca Gordon Jiali Zhang Darius Irani
Frankanthony Ciro Guerriero Gabriel Kaptchuk
Heidi Elizabeth Hansen Alyssa Kruglak
Allison Claire Hardebeck

Honor So c ieties

Brandon Lax Sigma Pi Sigma group of undergraduates in Lucas Robinson

Xiang Li the Krieger School of Arts Elizabeth Cohn
Brandon Lim Founded in 1921, Sigma and Sciences the opportunity Brandon Lax
Han Mason Pi Sigma exists to honor to explore new avenues of Bochong Chen
Claudia Moncaliano outstanding scholarship in inquiry alongside and with the Anil Palepu
physics. guidance of scholar-teacher
Julia Oppenheim
Laurent Park mentors whose own research
The following members of the
Varun Radhakrishnan graduating class are:
is at the cutting edge of their Tau Beta Pi National
Andrew Rojas disciplines. Selection of Engineering Honor
Christian Alexander Cosgrove
Joshua Russo Fellows is based on academic Society
Jason Fan
Michelle Shu merit and the strength of
Andrew G King
applicants’ proposals for The following members of the
Abhinav Singh Travis James Leadbetter
independent research. graduating class are:
William Tobey Hanru Sun
Students have the Fellowship Seniors Elected 2018-2019:
Bronte Wen Daniel William Swartz
for the entire length of their Ayyappan, Vinay
Jason Zhang Sydney Rae Timmerman
undergraduate careers. Bhattacharyay, Shubhayu
Katherine Molly Xiang
Boen, Adrianna Feodora
The following members of the Chan, Travis
Delta Phi Alpha graduating class have been Chang, Alexander Minjae
German Honors Society. The
Alpha Kappa Delta Woodrow Wilson Fellows:
Chaurasia, Akash
Johns Hopkins Chapter of Serwah Afranie
Alpha Kappa Delta seeks to Costacurta, Julia Christina
Delta Epsilon. Kowsar Ahmed
acknowledge and promote Cui, Jing Lin
Miranda Bannister
excellence in scholarship in the Ding, Yuan Yuan
The following members of the Jane Brusilovsky
study of sociology, the research Glavin, Alexander Charles
graduating class are: Bridget Carolan
of social problems, and such He, Connie Jiaying
Sebastian Kettner Olivia Chan
other social and intellec- He, Shuyu
Elizabeth Hope Lomvardias Binglin Chen
tual activities as will lead to Hoffmann, Elina Sophie
Colin Thrasher Alan Fang
improvement in the human Hu, Katherine
Sofia Klara Verheyen Rachel Goepner
condition. Ip, Seyvonne
Ansley Jones
Kishton, Louisa Lucille
Pi Delta Phi Lai, Alan Szu-han
The French National Honors Angelamarie Malkoun Lee, Jung Min
Society. The Johns Hopkins Mohika Nagpal Li, Xiang
Chapter of Xi Tau. Kristen Park Lopez, Rene Anthony
Kiana Boroumand
Yixuan Pei Lu, Ryan
The following members of the Alexander Chang
Divya Rangarajan Mischler, Gavin Moore
graduating class are: Karen Chen
Sarah Rhim Punruckwong Broehm,
Nicole Abdala-Arata Ian Elliott
David Saveliev Bhawramaett Winston
Li Andy Rana Riya
Madison Torrez Ramesh, Samiksha
Jaanvi Mahesh Tena Spencer
Michael Tritsch Sanyal, Akaash
Sabreena Moose Simran Suri
Tiffany Yuan Seyvonne, Ip
Dara Williams Tamara Thomas
Zhang, Jasen Andrew
Madelynn Wellons
Seniors Elected 2019-2020:
Sigma Delta Pi Eta Kappa Nu Blessing, Daniel Rees
Engineering Society
Woodrow Wilson Burris, Sarah Jane
Spanish Honors Society.
Undergraduate The following members of the Chang, Alexander Chih-chieh
The following members of the Research Fellowship graduating class are: Gee, Kayla Mae
graduating class are: Program Travis Chan Grinsfelder, Willa Kahnweiler
Campbell Knobloch Neel Kovelamudi Howard, Thomas Edward
Unique to Johns Hopkins Lee, Theodore Andrew
Carlos Silvera William Ruppenthal
University, the Woodrow
Osmel Álvarez Isaac Mears Li, Ashley
Wilson Undergraduate
Kevin Chang Jose Cardelle Maritato, Nicholas Samuel
Research Fellowship Program,
Edo Ighodaro James Roberts Morshedian, Arion
founded in 1999, offers a select
Ryan Hanks Pang Wan Rion, Marion

Honor So c ieties

Sanchez, Morgan Sandra The following members of the Diana Marie Bongiorno Aziza Abdalkarim Mohammad
Shapiro, Alison Jean graduating class have been Laura Ann Bowles Andrea Rose Molino
Vaithilingam, Danielle Jayne elected to membership in Alpha Stephanie Swafford Bruce Morgane C. Mouslim
Wang, Kaiwen Omega Alpha: Peter Victor Campbell Alexandra Yuko Jasmina
Williams, Christopher Thomas Jeremy Craig Applebaum Caroline Andrea Carrasco Murata
Xu, Maxwell Alexander Rohan Bajaj Joseph Louis Catallini II Ilana L. Newman
Yan, Jerry Eve Bishop Arnob Chakraborti Chak Chuen Charles Ng
Xu, Maxwell Alexander Tiffany Kay Brocke Olivia Chan William V. Nguyen
Yan, Jerry Mirian Tien Hui Fox Mihir Jay Chaudhary Allison Hazlett Oakes
Wang, Kaiwen Gloria Hayoung Hong Omar Cherkaoui Eniola Tinuola Oluyemi
Seamus Brendan Walters Juan Dent Hulse Laura O'Sullivan
Juniors Elected 2019-2020: Hughes Julia Ilana Eckstein Erin E. Paik
Balfanz, Benjamin Michelle Juarez Emily Rose Egbert Ann Marie Parker
Castagna Lepca, Vinicius Aravind Krishnan Daniel Seth Ehrenpreis Sehej Parmar
Desai, Tejasvi Maria S. Kryatova Sarah Elsayed Elaraby * Luyi Peng
Fremin, Brandon Anthony Christa Lynn LiBrizzi Rennie Walker Ferguson Diana Phan
Hemmati, Shayan Jane Jiang Long Lindsey M. Ferris Zachary Scott Predmore
Hu, Xingyu Patrick Michael Meyers Suiyini Ama Fiawoo Nicholas Charles Pytel
Islam, Asef Teresa Maria Oszkinis Jacob B. Fiksel Guanghao Qi
Iyer, Siddharth Michelle Alexandra Recto Rebecca Florsheim Xueqi Qu
Jaleel, Afareen James Paul Senter Kathryn E. Foti Selvi Rajagopal
Kapadia, Amee Aishwarya Shukla Ryanne Kikue Fujita-Conrads Lauren Ralph
Lan, Michael James Lauren Elizabeth Sutherland Angel Carolina Gabriel Katherine Olga Robsky
Lee, Jong Ha Eric Xiaoguang Wei Veronica Gillispie Elizabeth Ruebush
Liang, Jialiu Orlanda Qi Mei Goh Rachel Campbell Rybczynski
Mendes, Shanelle Poonam Gupta Kristin Erica Schneider
Mitra, Ayon Delta Omega National Waqas Zia Haque Melissa C. Schnure
Ostrow, Kayla Public Health Honor Heather Hatcher Jessica Leigh Schwartz
Ou, Ze Society Jessica Louise Hawk Gretchen Shanofsky
Pan, Tim Xingru He Prakriti Shrestha
Patel, Aman Delta Omega was founded in
Calliope Brooke Holingue Abhinav Sidana
Poe, Alan 1924 at the Johns Hopkins
Gabriel Keller Innes Rachel Silverman
University School of Hygiene
Price, Samuel Paavani Jain Gjanje Louise Smith
and Public Health (now the
Sompel, Kevin Elisabeth Jebarani Jeyaraj Kimberly Ann Stanford
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
Straus, Benjamin Nathan Ansley Jones Jennifer Tasnim Tayabji
School of Public Health) to
Wang, Ellen Bessie Deepa Subbi Joshi Kimtuyen Thi Tran
promote excellence and to
Wang, Maggie Raihan Kabir Reah Vasilakopoulous
recognize accomplishments in
Wang, Matthew Yifu Bo Hyun Kim Cierra Chiyoko Virtue
scholarship and research.
Zhang, Bill Yueqi Yae Won Kim Lingyu Wang
Zhu, Angela The following members of the August Reed Knape Sarah Anne White
graduating class have been Noa Krawczyk Grace Windheim
elected to Delta Omega: Jordan Richard Kuiper Stephanie Jean Woelfle
Alpha Omega Alpha Rohin Arvind Aggarwal Yaa Adoma Kwapong Yvonne Yiru Xu
Honor Medical Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Nora Aloysius Denny Lanahan Yuchen Yang
Society Omniyat Mohammed Al Hajeri Kimberley Tashai Lee Farah Yehia
Jennifer Anne Applegate Sarah Elizabeth Lefebvre Yang Yin
The Alpha Chapter of
Dinesh Arora Rachelle Liu Lauren Elizabeth Yobs
Maryland was established at
Jillian Patrice Barbaro Jingmiao Long Susan You
the Johns Hopkins University
Erin Allyson Beasley Joel Jorge Mantilla Alexander John Zapf
School of Medicine in 1906.
Jordan Ashley Besch Gerardo Javie J. Alexandra Jaye Zimmer
Medical students with
James Paul Bien Melendez-Torres
outstanding records are
Emily Carroll Blagg Katherine Gannett Merrill
elected to membership in their
Ellen Boakye Darcy A. Milburn
senior year.

*Degree conferred August 24, 2018

**Degree conferred December 28, 2018 22
Honor So c ieties

Sigma Theta Tau Nu Bridget Lockhart The following Master’s Specialty Danielle M. DeBarros
Beta International Yolanda Kim Jones Track students have been elected Nicole Rae Donet
Honor Society of Julia Bokhyung Junn i to Sigma Theta Tau Nu Beta: Gabrielle Ann Edwards
YoonJae Lee Angelica Marie Barrientos Kaitlin Eitz
Jessica Lee Lenderts Tracey Nicole Alicia A. Eller
The Nu Beta chapter was Marni Shayne Lippel Bradley-Simmons Juliet Meiying Ercolano
established at Johns Hopkins Diana Lora Sarah R. Brannigan Mariel Corinne Falcon
School of Nursing in 1992. Megan McAuliffe Eric Christian Croucher Meghan Margaret Fawcett
The purposes of Sigma Christina Rae McIlwrath Kathleen Mary Derveloy Emily Rachely Flores
Theta Tau are to recognize Brittany Nicole Mcwhorter Maria Isabella Hartley Emma Folchman-Wagner
superior achievement and the Jessica Renee Miciche Amber Marie Johnson Rachel Lynn Furst
development of leadership Casey Lynne Miller Desireé Alexaa LaGrappe Tatiana Maria Gallego
capabilities, foster high profes- Sheila Rani Misra Delia Jesus Linch Mary Elizabeth Garcia
sional standards, encourage Challie M. Mitchell Shalla Marie Newton Holly Rebecca Given
creative work, and strengthen Elizabeth Mole Rosemarie Bendicion Rinon Judith Jennifer Gomes
commitment to the ideals and Justin Montgomery Iswarya Srinivasan Gabrielle A. Hall
purposes of the profession of Chandler H. Moser Lucy Deford Stewart Amelia A. Hargrove
nursing. Katie Elizabeth Nelson Elisabeth Anne Swabowicz Jennifer Joanne Hayes
Irene Odonkor-Burkett Jennifer Lori Tassler
The following Doctoral students Deanne Faye Heflin
Oluwabunmi Victoria Ogungbe
have been elected to Sigma Theta Jennifer Lynne Hoffman
Grace Tammy Osipowicz The following Master’s Entry
Tau Nu Beta: Michelle Soon Hoang
Sonnie Kekulah Owusu into Nursing students have been
Asma Mobin Ahmed Jane Sun Hong
Lisa M. Paul elected to Sigma Theta Tau Nu
Aderonke Akindipe DaSol Amy Hwang
Dale Roger Pearce Beta:
Vanessa Bunag Allinsub Shania Maria Johnson
David A. Perez Replace with updated list:
Maria Asogwa Jordan Elizabeth Keller
Julie Ann Plescia
Caroline Tucker Banes Emily Paige Adams Kari Emiko Kimura
Melissa Rose Poston
Arianna Roth Barnes Kira Elaine Albiez Emily Kverno Kunz
Shelby Lauren Reed
Katrina Bezak Marie Angeli Andaya Aguinaldo Rebecca Lange
Sonia Sabrina Richmond
Jasmine Marie Blunt Nasrin Akter Jennifer Louise Lanoff
Christine L. Rooke
Melissa Jean Boggan Elizabeth Winslow Aldridge Alyssa Danielle Lattomus
Saloni Saini
Jamie Briddell James Allfisher Andrew Riley Lazarchik
Felicia A. Sam
Sheila De Leon Cabalu MaryKate Ames Karen Grace Lee
Elizabet Sauter
Jennifer Lynne Canapp Brandy Nicole Amini Laura Mangano
Lindsay Semler
Sherry Heng Ping Chen Meshi Amzalag Rayna Heidi Margolis
Ashley Nicole Shaffer
Wenyi Chen Katherine Barley Cory Erin Martin
Yoojung Silvia Song
Joycelyn Cudjoe Anne Marie Batchelder Kynadi L.Muauney
Elizabeth Carole Alice Spates
Gerrin Davis Eleanor Olivia Bauer Morgan Daggett McCluskey
Kristen Leigh Stanley
Tiffany De Sadier Adiva L Berkowitz Michael Vincent McGonagle
Jonathan J. Suen
Stephanie Grace Deighton Vanessa R. Block Jessica Sydney McMillen
Sojung Suk
Lauren Eisenhauer Valentina Bolanos Samantha Olivia McNamer
Chun-An Sun
Sabrina de Souza Elias Ashley Danielle Booth Jenni G. McGuire
Mehrunissa Taj
Symone Lashawn Everett Day Emily Michele Bopp Nicole Dianna Minahan
Brandi LeAn Torres
Christina Huether Freeze Alison Bradbury Charlotte Pemberton Mitchell
Zoe Tseng
Felicia Hall Harris Johanna Elizabeth Brophy
Ruth-Alma Narki Michael John Mooney
Leah Jane Hilderbrand An Ngoc Thuy Bui
Turkson-Ocran Erin Kiley Morrison
Bernice B. Horton-Gee Haley Busby Agurrie
Amanda Iris Vercoe Stephanie Anne Munoz
Elizabeth Faith Hoxie Anna Melissa Carson
Karolina Walichnowska Alyssa Marie Murad
Leiandle Hulet Deepa M. Chelliah
Safia Walji Abbie Homan Nelson
Francis E. Hwang Margaret Anne Chiumento
Bernadette Emily Walters Caitlin Quinn Nilles
Pamela Illesca Caitlyn McKenna Cobb
Amanda Wyatt Justus Nowak
Leah M. Ipema
Anna Gloria Yoo Rebecca Singer Cohen Henry Uchenna Nwosu
Rebecca Anne Jenetopulos
Mary Catherine Zekan Sophia Cologer Enuma Uzoma Okeke
Meaghan Colleen Kelly
Shereen Zelilpour Caleigh Marie Connelly Jonathon Christian Olesen
Annette Marie King
Elizabeth Kane Zink Cornelia M. Cote Sonia Catalina Orjuela
Thuji Lhamu
*Degree conferred August 24, 2018
23 **Degree conferred December 28, 2018
Honor So c ieties

Matthew A. Padgett was to provide recognition for cations pertaining to an Paul Christopher Baublitz
John Park outstanding achievement, as outstanding exponent of the Lisa Marie Butville
Chelsea LaChele Patillo well as, outstanding service art. The Society is continually Satya Sundar Chakrabarty
Rachael Elizabeth Paulson within the profession. dedicated to the furtherance Hongbo Chang
Ashley Brenna Pilcher The mission of Chi Sigma Iota of music in education and Xi Chao
Kailen Maye Polley is to promote scholarship, education in music in colleges, Frank Han Yu Chen
Emma Lavinia Rinck research, professionalism, universities, and other institu- Shiyi Chen
Kaleigh Jo Robinson leadership and excellence in tions and is convinced that Xinrui Chen
Maya Virnell Robinson counseling, and to recognize recognizing and honoring Xinyang Chen
Lauren Marcia Ryskamp high attainment in the pursuit persons who have enhanced Zhao Chen
Megan Marie Sauer of academic and clinical their talents by serious, Kate Alison Cieslowski
Nora Catherine Scanlan excellence in the profession of diligent, and intelligent study Stavros Constantinidis
Scott Joseph Seckens counseling. will stimulate others to do the Jess Croughan
Robert Benjamin Sellke same. Anthony Allan Dennis
The following members of the
Alison Nicole Sena Anthony Victor DeNuto
graduating class are members of The following members of the
Kyongeun Seo Salma El Marjiya Villarreal
Chi Sigma Iota: graduating class are:
Jill Marie Slattery Qianyun Fan
Danielle Flores Christopher Ciampoli Yifang Fan
Emily Rose Stanforth Oscar Mejia Ismael Ariel Guerrero Bombut Michela Feli
Hilary Ane Stenvig Elan Perchik James Constantine Keretses Jenna Elyse Fritz
Ashley Nicole Stinson Megan Perepiczka Hannah Alexandra Noyes Leyun Ge
Taylor Lee Stofko Mariana Prjevalskaia Emily Rose Gruber
Sarah Anne Strohmayer Ramilya Saubanova Hanying Guo
Stephanie Hiu Lam Tam Honor Society for the Collin James Ziegler Mingyu Guo
Christina Hope Tarazi Peabody Conservatory Xinyi Guo
Cara Anne Tenerelli
Zixiao Guo
Ellie Patricia Turcotte Honor Society for the Zibo Han
Mariel Villnueva Pi Kappa Lambda, Carey Business School Yining He
Emily Quynh Huong Vo Epsilon Omicron George Michael Hritcko
Drew K. Walker Chapter Yiren Hu
Marcus Walton Beta Gamma Sigma Ji Huang
The Pi Kappa Lambda Society
Jinchun Wang Sameena Jaggi
was established in 1918 Beta Gamma Sigma is the
Wesley Wang Min Jiang
by the Alumni Association international honor society
Amy Carol Watcher Zhengda Jiang
of the School of Music at serving business programs
Brenda Anne. Wells Erin Louise Kelly
Northwestern University in accredited by The Association
Sydney Yorke West Banda Abdallah Abubakar
order to accord particular to Advance Collegiate Schools
Jennifer Sproul Wilder Khalifa
recognition to students of of Business International
Selina Williams Xuming Kou
outstanding musical achieve- (AACSB). Membership in
Katherine Millyn Wilson Kevin Kovacs
ment and academic scholar- Beta Gamma Sigma is the
Abbie Victoria Woginrich Aung Ye Kyaw
ship. The first member was highest recognition a business
Megan Marie Young student anywhere in the world Xiao Lai
Peter Christian Lutkin, Dean
of the School of Music at can receive in a business Luke Anthony Lavoie
Northwestern University. program accredited by AACSB Christopher K. Lee
Honor Society for the His initials in their Greek International. Carey students Bingjie Li
School of Education equivalents were selected in the top 20 percent of their Fengxu Li
for the name of the Society. class receive an invitation for Yewen Li
Dean Lutkin was issued key membership. Yitong Li
Chi Sigma Iota Zhichao Li
number one. The course of
Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) is the The following candidates of the Chuyue Liang
the organization has been
international honor society of graduating class are members of Guangyu Liao
one of continuing expansion.
professional counseling. The Beta Gamma Sigma: Chuanyu Lin
Election to membership in
honor society was established Gilda Aussi Honglei Liu
Pi Kappa Lambda has been
in 1985 through the efforts Richard Lerian Ay Jr. Yingxue Long
indicative of superior achieve-
of leaders in the profession Zihan Bai Weidan Luo
ment in music, together
of counseling whose desire Nathan Edward Barth Zeren Lyu
with the personal qualifi-

*Degree conferred August 24, 2018

**Degree conferred December 28, 2018 24
St uden t Honor s

Aishwarya Mahesh Wei Tse Yang Ank Agarwal Sean Anthony Bunachita
Muhammad Ali Mehdi Yucheng Yang Armen Agopian Charisma Nicole Burrows
Huajun Meng Jialiang Ye Tumasi Geraldine Agyapong Daniel Alejandro Bustos
Ziyu Mu Angela Yi Sami Shaher Ahmad Xinyi Cai
Jeffrey Muscatello Xinyang Yin Bahira Ahmed Yuhan Cai
Jie Nan Yingxuan Yu Kowsar Abubakar Ahmed Nathanael Zachariah Camick
Shannon Claire Nanry Zhonghao Yu Mehroz Mukhtar Ahmed Ryan Saint John Campbell
Erin Leigh Nash Chi Zhang Maya Janine Alexis Adam Joseph Caplan
Kelsey Erin O'Neill Han Zhang Aliyah Alexa Allick Lillie Christine Caravati
Scott Bennett Orlove Hansen Zhang Nicholas Francis Aloi Austin John Cardona
Yiran Pan Junhan Zhang Jessica G. Alvarado Bridget Katrine Carolan
Jordyn A. Pierce Mingyang Zhang Osmel Peter Alvarez Agustina Quiroga Carrizo
Conor James Politz Qian Yu Zhang Defne Alver Reece William Carter
Gururaj S. Rao Shiqi Zhang Ali Mohamed Aly Joseph Harrison Cartledge
Maritza Saint Vil Xi Zhang Layla Abdallah Al-Zubi Luanna Chan
Mohammad Umar Saleem Xiaoyang Zhang Carolina Inés Andrada Olivia Grace Chan
Christina Sanders Yining Zhang Megha Roji Andrews Vanessa Chan
Yixiong Shang Zhuoyu Zhang Margaret Bowyer Annis Crystal Chang
Zachary Carlisle Strang Sixiao Zheng
Ambreanna Tanya Arneus Kevin Chang
Abby E. Sugg Wei Zheng
Stavros Atlamazoglou Sohyun Chang
Daniel B. Sweeney Anqi Zhou
Alexander Atschinow Alyssa Kathryn Chao
Delaram Jasmine Taghipour Chengqi Zhou
Rojahne Sabria Azwoir Rawson Andrew Chase
Allison Michelle Tenenbaum Jie Zhou
Alicia Sarah Badea Anna Chen
Brandt Thorington Qiyuan Zhou
Seung Woo Baek Bridget Jane Chen
Pu Tian Yanshan Zhou
Lauryn K. Bailey Erin Yitone Chen
Bridget Rose Toomey Wenjia Zhu
Turquoise Caroline Baker Grace Y. Chen
Vy P. Tran Joel Anthony Zolnier
Shriya Bakhshi Hsuan-Wei Chen
Po-Hao Tseng Shuhao Zuo
Joel Kepler Bangerter Jamie Chen
Nina Kirit Udeshi
Jodie Ilicia Baris Karen May Chen
Nissar Vahora
Artur M. Barkan Lily Si Chen
Kunal Vijay Vakharia GENERAL
Claire Margaret Beaver Shihua Chen
Julia Alexis Bernal Victoria Cheng
Chaojun Wang
General University Honors Lauren Bernard Claire Yu-ning Chiang
Chenyu Wang
Chenyun Wang were determined in April 2020, Luca Antonio Bertozzi Jia Yuee Chiao
Jiameng Wang for students who had achieved Deeya Bhattacharya Dean Weston Masataka Chien
Jieyi Wang a cumulative Johns Hopkins Shivani Singh Bisen Namrata V. Chintalapati
Jingjing Wang University Grade Point Average Eva Blancher Michelle Zhifeng Chiu
Qianling Wang of 3.5 or higher. Students Sophia Helena Block Justin Cho
Youquan Wang earning this honor at the end Joshua S. Blustein Joshua Lee Choe
Yutong Wang of spring 2020 semester will Parker Joseph Boches Jeong Yun Choi
Ziyuan Wang have that notation placed on Andrew B. Bohman Joshua Jin Choi
Sarah Elizabeth Webb their final transcripts. Emily Diane Bontrager Jun Hyuk Choi
Junjie Wei Kiana Boroumand Jennifer Kathryn Chong
Shanyil Christian Alexander Z. Borovoy Jacob William Christopher
Wickramasinghe Ivia Maria Bou Delgado Olivia Maxine Cigarroa
Huike Wu The Zanvyl Krieger Dillon Ford Bowman Karen Lynn Cochran
Danni Xia School of Arts and Kavya Boyapati Preston Breckinridge Coffin
Jiawei Xia Sciences Raymond Braha Sofia do Carmo de Brito Cohen
Han Xiao August Daniel Bratti Margaret Olivia Comer
Baccalaureate Candi-
Cheng Xie Daniela Bresciani Padilla Sarah Elizabeth Condon
dates Graduating with
Wenting Xu General Honors Ellisa Alexandria Brown Sabrina Rose Conte
Xiaoyue Yan Faith Kavanaugh Brown Adriahna R. Conway
Hao Yang Nicole Elyse Ackerman Lia Johanna Brussock Cole Judah Cooper
Shenglin Yang Serwah Afranie Lauren Kishori Bules Holly May Corbin

St u dent Honor s

Therese Marie Cordero Dumit Julia Pike Forster Tianyu Hu Jahnavi Kola
Sophia Grace Cortazzo Maya Lajean Foster Peter Francis Huang Sonak Kolar
Madelyn Campsie Coulson Emily Franco Rachel Huang Minjee Kook
Brian Lawrence Covington Nicholas Alan Fries Vincent Huang Hannah Claire Korslund
John Samuel Cox Katherine Sharon Fu Natasha Cindy Hughes Theodore Joseph James
Joshua P. Cross-Barnet Vincent Michael Fumo Charlie D. Humes Kranidas
Nadia Rasheed Crossman Georgia Mei Gaertner Skylar Jean Hurst Hannah Elyse Kreisberg
Marvin G. Cruz Ayushi Sharma Gautam Rowan Hassan Ibrahim Alexandra Rose Krickovich
Madeleine Tan Cuan Mahashweta Gayen Samira Abdirahman Ibrahim Francesca Ilise Kroll
Sofia Beatriz Cuenca Aguirre Rose Elizabeth Gellman Edoghogho Titilayo Ighodaro Yu Jui Kung
Adrian Cuesta Gonzalez Kevin Connelly Gianaris Kai Inoki Alexis Joy Kushner
Hao Da Shane David Gilligan-Steinberg Christina Jaclyn Iruela Lane Shravika Lam
Eduardo Pabst Vieira da Cunha Jacqueline Nicole Gladden Adina Afroz Jahan Carine Mary Lama
Da Costa Christina Marie Glaser Nora Jandhyala Xinyue Lan
Ella Louise Damstra Rachel Lee Goepner Allison Laurel Jiang Jackson Turner Lane
Rebecca Lynn Dansereau Juan Carlos Gomez Deyuan Marc Jiang Nithin Krishna Lankipalle
Monica Eileen Daubon Kimberly Anahy Gonzalez Kevin Wang Jin Angela Tsao Lao
Jay Hemant Desai Davalos Abigail Celine Johnson Jacob Martin LaRochelle
Sashinya Nishka Desilva Adriana Gonzalez Torriente Ansley Elizabeth Jones Therese Catherine Larson
Sara Suncica Alessandra Di Oliver Murphy Goodman Gabrielle Marie Jones Kathy H. Le
Muzio Preethi Gopal Jessup Jong Travis James Leadbetter
Julia Margaret Dickson Anna Rebecca Gordon Aditya Shailesh Joshi Clarice Heeyoon Lee
Sophia-Rose Diodati Claire Elizabeth Gorman Rachel Jun Giuliana Nicole Lee
Daniel Marcus Doherty Paula-Ann Marie Granston Eun Ah Jung Jae Hun Lee
Katerina Elena Dominguez Rose Greer Fatima Karimata Jamila Kamara Joonhee L. Lee
Samantha Teresa Dominguez Megan Marie Groves Ian Timothy Kang Matthew Jon Lee
Jen Li Dong Chloe Charlotte Grzyb Alexander Jeremy Kaplan Soo Hyun Lee
Amanda Kaitlyn Donoghue Austin H. Gu Shrey Kapoor Yovel Lendner
Chamia Amanda Dorsey Madeleine Kathleen Guell Jonah C. Kasdan Michael Albert Lepori
Nicholas H. Douglass Liliana Isabel Guerrero Adam Avraham Katwan Christopher Alexander Leung
Brian Terras Druciak Frankanthony Ciro Guerriero Amanda Rose Kaufman Jason Li
Evan Lawrence Drukker-Schardl Avery Carmela Lourdes Gulino Nathan Patrick Keeney Jerrica Meiting Li
Lauren Duan Andrew Tiger Guo Sebastian Galo Gonzalez Kettner Michell Li
Kevin Alexander Duffy Michelle Huirong Guo Bisma Khan Yuzhe Li
Jay Merritt Eastman Kanak Gupta Maheen Yasmeen Khan Anching Lien
Dominique Alexandre Aidan Frazier Hamilton Zoya Zubair Khan Brandon Lien
Balthasar Eberhard Heidi Elizabeth Hansen Brian Austin Kidd Clara Wager Liff
Giselle Brianne Edwards Allison Claire Hardebeck Wyatt Everett Kilburn Rebecca Zhonghui Lin
Ejlal Elalaoui Lauren Anne Harris Bo Hyun Kim Sonia Hao Lin
Ian Michael Elliott Nicholas J. Hartman Caroline Chaelin Kim Tyger Lee Lin
Sarah E. Elnozahy Audrey Marie Hazel Dayeon Kim Robyn Alissa Lipschultz
Paul Casey Emerson II Alice He Donghyuk Kim Bessie Xin Liu
Syed Usman Enam William J. He Kyungduk Kim Charles Yingchang Liu
William Paul Engfer Benjamin David Hebert Sarah Yesl Kim Jayden Raymond Liu
Andrew Michael Espinal Andrew Lincoln Hellinger Sophia Elizabeth Kim Rachelle Chacal Renee Liu
David Felipe Espinoza Elizabeth Helmke Yaewon Kim Yunxin Liu
Francisco Martin Estores Aundree Hermawan Andrew G. King Katherine Aurora Logan
Hannah Bassow Fajer Trevor Joseph Hill Shakira Jamba King Caitlin Alicja Loh
Nancy Rose Fallon Jason Steven Hochwald Kayla Rose Klatt Elizabeth Hope Lomvardias
Jason Fan Sandra Lee Hong Eva Martha Elaine Klaus Kurtis Charles Long
Xuanjia Fan Noah Jordan Horowitz William Gregory Klink Christine Lopez
Alan Yenming Fang Vincent Ruide Hou Nicole Rom Knudsen Noah Christopher Lopez
Robert Angelo Faris Myron Ifede Houngbedji Sarah Barbara Kohl Rachel Kathryn Lorenc
Julia Nicole Flores Alyssa Hsing Anisha Kohli Michelle Xiaoyi Lu

St uden t Honors

Noela Y. Lu Laura Meifung Oing Amanda B. Rodriguez Orengo Hanru Sun

Devin Lane Lucas Rose T. Ole-Kuyan Dane Oliver Rogerson Karen Sun
Ryan D. Lucas Leonardo Jesus Olivera Perez Michaela Ashley Roskopf Sherry Xuerui Sun
Emily Weiqi Luo Faris Mazen Omair Raul Roura Prakul Suresh
Sijia Ma Harry Galligan O'neil Angelique Offin Ruml Simran Geetanjana Suri
Sudgie Liang Ma Victoria Andrea Ontiveros Jin Ho Ryu Jessica Michele Sweeney
Saborny Shahnaj Mahmud Nicholas Abdelfattah Orlando Justin Ryu Ariel Dory Swett
Ryan Ng Mak Zubeyde Burcuhan Oysul Shivansh Sachdeva Gabriella Bettina Swistara
Angelamarie G. Malkoun Ji Hwan Pak Nathan Aldredge Safran Yasmine Tabdili
Vineel Mallavarapu Elisa Mina Park Henry Peter Salem Jacqueline Alaine Tait
Adam Moshe Mark JeYeon Park Simon Santurian Katie Lok-yun Tam
Eillen Daniela Martinez Katherine S. Park Zoya Sattar Ami P. Tamhaney
Orlando Michael Martinez Kristen Hyemin Park Elaine Denice Sausen Kavya Lakshmi Tangella
Lucia F. Massey Kristen S. Park Shilpa Laxmi Saxena Yani Tao
Daniel Kenta Matsumoto Sehej-Leen Kaur Parmar Isadora Marafino Schaller Salma Ahmed Tayel
Andrew Brandt Matthews Bradley Paul Parsons Quinn To'lu Seau Rory Thomas Tell
Emily Sarah Mc Donald Karan Nimish Patel Elliot M. Seckler Faith Juliana Terry
John Gerard McCarthy Jr. William Jeffrey Paustenbach Julia Belle See Brent Lee Thomas
Kiana Monet McCooty Yixuan Pei Shuchi Sehgal Sydney Katherine Thomas
Scott Alan Mcgaugh Alexandra Gisel Perez Yoolim Seo Tiffany Jewels Thomas
Kiley Kay McKee Dillon Mel Persaud Riley Darrin Moore Sevensky Adam M. Tifrit
Kristin Ann Meek Frank Joseph Petracco Anja Shahu Sydney Rae Timmerman
David Alejandro Mejia Panayiota Petrou-Zeniou Kevin H. Shan Maxwell James Tobin
Xiaoqiang Meng Felicia Anne Petterway Michael Shen Alicja Caroline Tomaszewski
Eden Metzger Phuong Uyen Pham Rosa Shi Isaac Tong
Katherine Joyce Meurer Mellissa Grace Picker Mark Shneyderman Jacob O. Took
Alicia Rose Migliarini William Zhao Pickering Cory Steven Silver Howard Tompkins Tripp IV
Gillian Miller Zachary Michael Pocchia Carlos Alberto Silvera Michael Robert Tritsch
Sofia Milosavljevic Aishwarya Pradeep Rachel Elissa Silverman Grace O'hara Troy
Jonathan Mo Ayush Prasad Gemma Judite Simoes Sharon Kim Truong
Anish A. Mokha Evan Brian Qu Decarvalho Chia-Chen Tsai
Fabiola Marie Moreno Lauren Elizabeth Questell Pranit Singh Isabelle Yiwen Tseng
Emily Morris Emily Reed Quinan Shikha Singh Amith Umesh
Jenna Leigh Movsowitz Zan Akber Qureshi Sonal Singh Nkechi Nkem Uradu
Nicole Muehleisen Katherine M. Raja Ishwarya Sivakumar Vikram S. Vasan
Shaina Castro Munin Lauren Claire Ralph Emily Natacha Sklar Reah Hayley Vasilakopoulos
Sanjana Murthy Jessica Jayant Rana Matthew B. Sklar Cyndy Beatriz Vasquez
Nishanth Muthusamy Riya Rana Samuel Ethan Sklarin Cecilia Mary Elizabeth Vorfeld
Anisha Nagpal Divya M. Rangarajan Madeleine Carroll Slack May Myat Noe Wai
Mohika Nagpal Allegra Isabella Rapoport Lohit Sodagum Alexandra Sheridan Walinskas
Nita Sree Nair Sharjil M. Razin Christine N. Song Anthony Wang
Ji Hee Nam Padmavathi Reddy Christopher Song Janice Angel Wang
Noah Stan Naparst Madison Christina Reed Jingwei Song Jeffrey Yin Wang
Madeleine Nasta Grace Linyi Ren Joy H. Song Karen Wang
Simon Gabriel Negin Luc Benjamin Renaux Young Jun Song Rebecca Rongbo Wang
DanaRose Negro Kiahna J. Revan Meera Kusumakar Sooda Ronald Wang
Zachary Morris Neiman Sarah C. Rhim Madeline Young Stabinski Vicky Yi Ting Wang
Alexis Lauren Nelsen Samuel J. Richter Aaron Joel Umberson Steiker Yinglun Wang
Teresa Ng Emma Kari Roalsvig Sean Ryan Stielow Zhiruo Wang
Tran Nguyen Huyen Nguyen Michael Steven Robinette Hannah Lee Stone Zoe Qianyi Wang
Vasilios Nicholas Renee Ramona Robinson Charlotte Jacqueline Stott Caroline Christy Ward
Sara Christine Nutter Madeline Claire Rocks Sophia Louise Strickland Mira Wattal
Edward John Oh Charles Logan Rodenberger Emily Lucile Sturm Ashley Wax
Jamie Sejun Oh Rodolfo Javier Rodriguez Cynthia Sun Madelynn Claire Wellons

St u dent Honor s

William Wei Wen Jack Morrison Alpert Oren Samuel Gabbay Ashley Yang Li
Caroline Nell West Mario Edward Antoun Tiger Ye Gao Robert Li
Courtney Michelle Whilden Diego Arevalo Yupeng Gao Xiang Li
Emily Alexandra Whitney Siddharth Arun Benjamin Lanphier Garlow Xiaoyan Li
Katherine Marion Wick Vinay Ayyappan Cindy Shuyuan Ge Zewei Li
Dara Fiona Williams Ryan Thomas Baber Kayla Mae Gee Zonglin Li
Isabella Patricia Wilson Xueshan Bai Tatiana Gelaf Romer Brandon Thomas Lim
Grace Ming Windheim Taha Mirza Baig Akanksha Girish Ku Chien Lin
Alyssa Louise Wooden Jenna Lee Ballard Julia Aurelia Glass Richard Yang Liu
Andrew Erickson Wu Christianna Lane Bambini Alexander Charles Glavin Zelin Liu
Natalie Wu Benjamin C. Bao Maxwell Alan Godek Theodore A. Livas
Wendy Xia Rong Bao Eyan Ross Goldman Ryan Lu
Katherine Molly Xiang Tingting Bao Rebecca Lynn Grusby Shannon Yin Lu
Connie Xiao Raphael Alexander Bechtold Hongyi Guan Carly Patricia Lupton-Smith
Angela L. Xu Teya SooHoo Bergamaschi Jonathan Gunn Neel Maddineni
Noah Alexander Yan William Roland Bernardoni Joanna Yingtong Guo Emily Ann Maheras
Xinwen Yan Erika Ruchi Bhadra Richard Guo Dhruw Mukesh Maisuria
Lanruo Yang Vipul Bhat Philip Alexander Sarte Gustilo Bidyut Ramji Mani
Ningxin Yang Daniel Rees Blessing Lisa Jungyoon Ha Nicholas Samuel Maritato
Sumera Cheptoo Doris Yego Adrianna Feodora Boen Connie Jiaying He Han Alan Mason
Jaylene Kim Yi Georgie Roumenov Botev Devin Andrew Hill Liza Rachel Mathews
Zecheng Yi Colin P. Bowen Louis Edward Silva Hoffenberg Awoenam Mauna-Woanya
Hyojeong Yoo Camille Garner Bowman Tiffany Hou Katarina Anne Mayer
Olivia Insun Yoon Madison Leighton Bozich Thomas Edward Howard Isaac Robinson Mears
Yeena Yoon Matthew Brotman Eric Jiarui Hu Beatriz A. Medeiros
Susan Solip You Emily Mar Burnette Katherine Hu Collin James Meissner
Lindsay Jane Young John Zhaoxun Cai Yidong Dorothy Hu Shanelle Brenda Mendes
Jeanna Olivia Yu Eric Rui Cao Justin Xu Huang Gavin Moore Mischler
Wenhan Yu Jose Roberto Cardelle Danielle Huber - Inbar Aryiana Cemari Moore
Yunting Yu Travis Chan Azam Hussain John Channing Moore
Tiffany Yuan Alexander Chih-Chieh Chang Seyvonne Ip Luke Blas Morina
Selin Yucesan Alexander Minjae Chang Darius Rohinton Irani Arion Morshedian
Jiawen Zeng Michelle Chang Lauren Elizabeth Jacob Peter James Murray Jr
Ivan Zhu Zhang Akash Rajesh Chaurasia Jihoon Jang Shannon C. Nanry
Jeffrey Zhang Samuel J. Chen Eshan Ghanashyam Joshi Sharada Lakshmi Narayanan
Jiali Zhang Shun Wen Sunny Chen Ryan Y. Jou Tan Nhat Nguyen
Nancy Janet Zhang Yuxuan Chen Jonathan Michael Judd Kristen Ivy Nixon
Sheng Zhang Zixu Chen Eli Daniel Katz Julia Ann Oppenheim
Xuwen Zheng Katherine Nadine Lewis Cheney Min Jung Kim Tingting Ou
Andrew Zhou James Leander Closser Tae Jin Kim Anil Krishna Palepu
Angela Zhu Elizabeth Patterson Cohn Louisa Lucille Kishton He Pan
Kaylee Manyu Zou Tiernan Fionn Connolly Arsen Klyuev Marion Pang Wan Rion
Christian Alexander Cosgrove Alyssa Tara Kruglak Laurent Hyung Tae Park
Julia Christina Costacurta Idean Justin Labib Lyle Paskowitz
Jing Lin 'Julie' Cui Amrita Anil Ladwa Krishna Patel
The G.W.C. Whiting William Matthew David Alan Szu-han Lai Jonah Abraham Pemstein
School of Engineering Matthew T. Deppe Maya Lapinski Gayatri S. Pillai
Yuan Yuan Ding Brandon Austin Lax Isaree Pitaktong
Baccalaureate Candidates
Madeline Claire Donnelly Jonghae Lee Bibhav Poudel
Graduating with General
Michael Patrick Eberle Sehyun Lee Bhawramaett Winston
Andrew Igor Efimov Theodore Andrew Lee Punruckwong Broehm
Pascal Joseph Acree Zachary Aaron Epstein Raymond Nicholas Lemanski Debanik Purkayastha
Sachin K. Aggarwal Gabriel B. Fernandes Kirby Tso Leo Kelvin Hsu Qian
Hong Joon Ahn Jacob Christopher Flynn Amanda Lin Li Varun Radhakrishnan

St uden t Honors

Samiksha Ramesh Grace Zhang Wu Elizabeth Kathryn Berry, Writing Joshua L. Choe, Biophysics
Shivam Neeraj Rastogi Lucy Lee Wu Seminars; additional honors: Jun Hyuk Choi, Behavioral
Niles Lance Ribeiro Junhao Xiong Writing Seminars, English, Biology
Harrison Reese Riggott Maxwell Alexander Xu Italian Olivia Maxine Cigarroa, Spanish
Gun Ho Ro Shenghe Xue Luca Antonio Bertozzi, Biophysics Karen Lynn Cochran,
James Paul Roberts Jerry Yan Sophia Helena Block, Behavioral International Studies, Political
Lucas Robinson Tony Dongmin Yang Biology Science
Andrew Michael Rojas Xingyi Yang Emily Diane Bontrager, Sofiado Carmo de Brito Cohen,
Eric B. Rothman Kevin Huang Zhan Neuroscience Behavioral Biology
William Chance Yoder Jasen Andrew Zhang Kiana Boroumand, Sociology, Audrey Ann Collins, English
Ruppenthal Jinghang Zhang English Margaret Olivia Comer, English
Joshua A. Russo Jiya Zhang Ivia Maria Bou Delgado, Writing Sabrina Rose Conte, English
Ali Moustafa Saad-Eldin Evonne Aileen Zhu Seminars Adriahna R. Conway, Writing
Akaash Sanyal Anthony Charbel Abdou Seminars
William F. Savage Boutros, Sociology, Cole Judah Cooper, Public Health
Zachary Griffith Schmidt International Studies Studies
Kahmil Shajihan The Zanvyl Krieger Kavya Boyapati, Molecular & Holly M. Corbin, Cognitive
Alison Jean Shapiro Cellular Biology Science
School of Arts and
Paarth Sharma Lia Johanna Brussock, Global Therese Marie Cordero Dumit,
Michael Shen Environmental Change and Neuroscience
Kevin M. Sherman Baccalaureate Candidates Sustainability Brian Lawrence Covington,
James William Sherwood graduating with Depart- Lauren Kishori Bules, English
Nikita Shtarkman mental Honors Neuroscience, French John Samuel Cox, Public Health
Daniel Sohn Nicole Elyse Ackerman, Sean Anthony Bunachita, Studies
Claire Marie State Molecular & Cellular Biology Molecular & Cellular Biology Marvin G. Cruz, Neuroscience
Tyrone John Pascua Sumibcay Armen Agopian, International Charisma Nicole Burrows, Adrian Cuesta Gonzalez,
Young Soo Sung Studies Molecular & Cellular Biology Neuroscience
Daniel William Swartz Maya Janine Alexis, Neuroscience Xinyi Cai, Biophysics, Applied Hao Da, Molecular & Cellular
William S. Tobey Nicholas Francis Aloi, Molecular Mathematics and Statistics Biology
Clara Troyano-Valls & Cellular Biology Lillie Christine Caravati, Ella Louise Damstra, Writing
Arjun Shailesh Vachhani Jessica G. Alvarado, Chemistry Behavioral Biology Seminars
Amar Shiv Vadhera Ali Mohamed Aly, Behavioral Austin John Cardona, Spanish Monica Eileen Daubon,
Seena Nicholas Vafaee Biology Reece William Carter, Behavioral Biology
Danielle Jayne Vaithilingam Layla Abdallah Al-Zubi, Writing Neuroscience Sashinya Nishka Desilva, Writing
Nathan Vallapureddy Seminars Isabella Josephine Castillo, Seminars
Jasper Wilfried Van Cauwelaert Margaret Bowyer Annis, English French Sara Suncica Alessandra Di
De Wyels Ambreanna Tanya Arneus, Vanessa Chan, Behavioral Biology Muzio, English
Hadley Faith VanRenterghem Medicine, Science and the Crystal Chang, Molecular & Sophia-Rose Diodati,
Gabriel A. Villasana Humanities Cellular Biology Anthropology
Thomas Stone Wan Alexander Atschinow, Computer Alyssa Kathryn Chao, Cognitive Katerina Elena Dominguez,
Jonathan Wang Science Science Spanish
Kaiwen Wang Rojahne Sabria Azwoir, Writing Anna Chen, Molecular & Cellular Amanda Kaitlyn Donoghue,
Nancy Wang Seminars Biology Neuroscience
Wenyi Wang Alicia Sarah Badea, English, Bridget Jane Chen, Neuroscience Nicholas H. Douglass, Cognitive
Xi Wang Humanistic Studies Erin Yitone Chen, Molecular & Science, Writing Seminars
Zixuan Wang Seung Woo Baek, Neuroscience Cellular Biology Brian Terras Druciak,
Charles Anderson Watkins Lauryn K. Bailey, Biophysics Hsuan-Wei Chen, Neuroscience Neuroscience
August Lev Weinbren Carver Sebastian Bain, Writing Claire Yu-ning Chiang, Molecular Evan Lawrence Drukker-Schardl,
Bronte Wen Seminars & Cellular Biology International Studies, Sociology
Christopher Thomas Williams Joel Kepler Bangerter, English Jia Yuee Chiao, Molecular & Lauren Duan, Neuroscience
Lindsey Sierra Wiser Miranda Grace Bannister, Cellular Biology Kevin Alexander Duffy,
Steven Mitchell Witkin Writing Seminars Michelle Zhifeng Chiu, Molecular Neuroscience
Margaret Rose Wodicka Claire Margaret Beaver, Writing & Cellular Biology Sebastian Durfee, Writing
Elizabeth Pei-yin Wu Seminars Seminars

St u dent Honor s

Giselle Brianne Edwards, Mandy Hsu, Behavioral Biology Kayla Rose Klatt, Molecular & Dhruw Maisuria, Biophysics
Cognitive Science Tianyu Hu, Cognitive Science, Cellular Biology Angelamarie G. Malkoun,
Ian Michael Elliott, Sociology Psychology William Gregory Klink, Writing Seminars
Syed Usman Enam, Molecular & Vincent Ruide Hou, Molecular & International Studies Orlando Martinez, Neuroscience
Cellular Biology Cellular Biology Nicole Rom Knudsen, Andrew Brandt Matthews,
Jason Fan, Physics, Mathematics Peter Francis Huang, Biology Neuroscience Writing Seminars
Alan Yenming Fang, Writing Rachel Huang, Behavioral Emily Nicole Koch, Spanish Emily Sarah Mc Donald, Writing
Seminars Biology Sarah Barbara Kohl, Molecular & Seminars, English
Maya L. Foster, Neuroscience Samira Ibrahim, Molecular & Cellular Biology John Gerard McCarthy, Molecular
Vincent Michael Fumo, Cellular Biology Minjee Kook, Psychology, & Cellular Biology
Chemistry Edoghogho T. Ighodaro, Cognitive Science Kiley Kay McKee, Cognitive
Ayushi Sharma Gautam, Neuroscience, Spanish Hannah Claire Korslund, Science
Neuroscience Nora Rani Jandhyala, Chemistry Robert James Medina, Cognitive
Mahashweta Gayen, Neuroscience Theodore Joseph James Science
International Studies Chaebin Jeon, Writing Seminars Kranidas, Writing Seminars Kristin Ann Meek, Public Health
Shane David Gilligan-Steinberg, Allison Laurel Jiang, Writing Alexandra Rose Krickovich, Studies
Molecular & Cellular Biology Seminars English Xiaoqiang Meng, English,
Jacqueline Nicole Gladden, Abigail Celine Johnson, Writing Francesca Ilise Kroll, Spanish Mathematics
Writing Seminars Seminars Yu Jui Kung, Molecular & Cellular Eden Metzger, Psychology
Christina Marie Glaser, Cognitive Joshua Brady Johnson, Biology Joyce Meurer, Molecular &
Science Neuroscience Alexis Joy Kushner, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Gregory Scott Goldberg, History Sophie E. Johnson, Writing Cellular Biology Gillian Miller, Cognitive Science
of Art Seminars Shravika Lam, Neuroscience Mackenzie Michelle Mills, Earth
Preethi Gopal, Neuroscience Ansley Elizabeth Jones, Public Carine Lama, Neuroscience & Planetary Sciences
Paula-AnnMarie Granston, Health Studies Jackson Turner Lane, Chemistry Jonathan Mo, Neuroscience
Spanish Erin O'Leary Jones, Writing Nithin Krishna Lankipalle, Anish A. Mokha, Neuroscience
Chloe Charlotte Grzyb, Seminars Neuroscience Fabiola Marie Moreno, Molecular
Neuroscience Gabrielle Marie Jones, Writing Kathy H. Le, Biophysics & Cellular Biology
Liliana Isabel Guerrero, Seminars, English Travis James Leadbetter, Jenna Movsowitz, Writing
Molecular & Cellular Biology Jessup Jong, Political Science Mathematics, Physics Seminars
Frankanthony Ciro Guerriero, Jacob P. Joram, Philosophy Joonhee L. Lee, Neuroscience Nicole Muehleisen, Behavioral
Italian Rachel Jun, Neuroscience Yovel Lendner, Molecular & Biology
Akhil Gupta, Cognitive Science Kaitlin Elly Karr, Writing Cellular Biology Shaina Castro Munin,
Kanak Gupta, Writing Seminars Seminars Michael Albert Lepori, Physics Neuroscience
Edward Michael Halpin, Writing Jonah C. Kasdan, Global Michell Li, International Studies Anisha Nagpal, Public Health
Seminars Environmental Change and Yuzhe Li, Neuroscience Studies
Aidan Frazier Hamilton, Sustainability Rebecca Zhonghui Lin, Cognitive Mohika Nagpal, Neuroscience
Philosophy Adam Avraham Katwan, Science Madeleine Nasta, History of Art
Heidi E. Hansen, History Philosophy Tyger Lee Lin, Neuroscience Zachary Morris Neiman,
Allison Claire Hardebeck, Sebastian Galo Gonzalez Robyn Alissa Lipschultz, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Sociology Kettner, Writing Seminars, Behavioral Biology Alexis L. Nelsen, Writing
Audrey Marie Hazel, Spanish German Bessie Xin Liu, Molecular & Seminars
Alice He, Molecular & Cellular Zoya Khan, Molecular & Cellular Cellular Biology Teresa Ng, Political Science
Biology Biology Yunxin Liu, Molecular & Cellular Tran Nguyen Huyen Nguyen,
William J. He, Public Health Brian Austin Kidd, Spanish Biology Molecular & Cellular Biology
Studies Wyatt Kilburn, Medicine, Science Katherine Aurora Logan, Writing Laura Meifung Oing, Writing
Benjamin David Hebert, Writing and the Humanities Seminars, English, Humanistic Seminars
Seminars, English Sarah Yesl Kim, Writing Seminars Studies Rose T. Ole-Kuyan, Anthropology
Aundree Hermawan, Sophia Elizabeth Kim, Molecular Elizabeth H. Lomvardias, History Leonardo Jesus Olivera Perez,
Neuroscience & Cellular Biology Rachel Kathryn Lorenc, Chemistry
Alexandra E. Houck, Writing Yaewon Kim, Public Health Molecular & Cellular Biology Victoria Andrea Ontiveros,
Seminars Studies Emily W. Luo, Cognitive Science International Studies, East Asian
Cecilia M. Howard, Molecular Andrew G. King, Physics, Applied Sijia Ma, Molecular & Cellular Studies
& Cellular Biology, Earth & Mathematics and Statistics Biology
Planetary Sciences

St uden t Honors

Nicholas Abdelfattah Orlando, Michaela Ashley Roskopf, Ariel Dory Swett, Molecular & Emily Alexandra Whitney,
Molecular & Cellular Biology Chemistry Cellular Biology, Spanish Writing Seminars
JeYeon Park, Molecular & Cellular Nathan Aldredge Safran, Gabriella Bettina Swistara, Alyssa Louise Wooden, Spanish
Biology Behavioral Biology Writing Seminars Andrew Erickson Wu,
Kristen Park, Public Health Elaine Denice Sausen, Writing Yasmine Tabdili, Molecular & Neuroscience
Studies Seminars Cellular Biology Katherine Molly Xiang, Physics,
Kristen Hyemin Park, David Saveliev, International Ted Yongju Tak, English Biophysics
Neuroscience Studies Kavya Lakshmi Tangella, Connie Xiao, Molecular &
Sehej-Leen Kaur Parmar, Shilpa Laxmi Saxena, Cognitive Behavioral Biology Cellular Biology
Molecular & Cellular Biology Science Faith Juliana Terry, Writing Angela Xu, Molecular & Cellular
Bradley Paul Parsons, Public Nicholas Donald Scandura, Seminars Biology
Health Studies Writing Seminars Sydney Katherine Thomas, Ziyang Ye, Molecular & Cellular
Fiona K. Pat, Neuroscience Julia Belle See, Behavioral Biology Political Science Biology
William Jeffrey Paustenbach, Yoolim Seo, Molecular & Cellular Tiffany Jewels Thomas, Public Jaylene Kim Yi, Cognitive Science
Economics Biology Health Studies Zecheng Yi, Mathematics
Yixuan Pei, Molecular & Cellular Riley Darrin Moore Sevensky, Sydney Rae Timmerman, Physics Hyojeong Yoo, Cognitive Science
Biology Molecular & Cellular Biology Alicja Caroline Tomaszewski, Olivia Insun Yoon, Molecular &
Luyi Peng, Molecular & Cellular Emma Claire Shannon, Writing Molecular & Cellular Biology Cellular Biology
Biology Seminars Isaac Tong, International Studies Yeena Yoon, Writing Seminars
Alexandra Gisel Perez, Molecular Rosa Shi, Neuroscience Jacob O. Took, Writing Seminars, Susan S. You, Medicine, Science
& Cellular Biology Cory Steven Silver, Spanish English and the Humanities
Panayiota Petrou-Zeniou, Carlos Alberto Silvera, Romance Howard Tompkins Tripp, Wenhan Yu, International
Cognitive Science Languages & Literature, Spanish Classics Studies, East Asian Studies
Felicia Anne Petterway, Gemma Judite Simoes Michael Robert Tritsch, Near Yunting Yu, Neuroscience
Psychology Decarvalho, Writing Seminars Eastern Studies Jiawen Zeng, East Asian Studies
Aishwarya Pradeep, Neuroscience Pranit Singh, Neuroscience Sharon Kim Truong, Molecular &
Evan Brian Qu, Molecular & Shikha Singh, Neuroscience Cellular Biology
Cellular Biology Ishwarya Sivakumar, Molecular & Chia-Chen Tsai, Chemistry
Lauren Elizabeth Questell, Cellular Biology Isabelle Yiwen Tseng, Molecular
Environmental Science Emily Natacha Sklar, & Cellular Biology
The G.W.C. Whiting
Cassidy Tonya Quiros, Earth & International Studies Amith Umesh, Biophysics
School of Engineering
Planetary Sciences Matthew B. Sklar, Neuroscience Cyndy Vasquez, Spanish Baccalaureate Candidates
Katherine Maria Raja, Molecular Christine N. Song, Neuroscience Cecilia Mary Elizabeth Vorfeld, graduating with Depart-
& Cellular Biology Christopher Song, Cognitive Medicine, Science and the mental Honors
Sharjil M. Razin, Neuroscience Science Humanities
Pascal Joseph Acree, Biomedical
Ananya Reddy, Molecular & Jingwei Song, Neuroscience May Wai, Molecular & Cellular
Cellular Biology JoyH. Song, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Sachin K Aggarwal, Biomedical
Padmavathi Reddy, Neuroscience Biology, Spanish Janice Angel Wang, Behavioral
Madison Christina Reed, Young Jun Song, Neuroscience Biology
Hong Joon Ahn, Chemical &
Molecular & Cellular Biology Brian Soong, Biophysics Jeffrey Yin Wang, Neuroscience
Biomolecular Engineering
Jacqueline Elizabeth Rhuda, Madeline Young Stabinski, Karen Wang, Cognitive Science
Michael Joseph Ainsworth,
Molecular & Cellular Biology, Writing Seminars Zhiruo Wang, International
Biomedical Engineering
Earth & Planetary Sciences Nicole Helen Stevens, Molecular Studies, Economics
Jack Morrison Alpert, Computer
Samuel J. Richter, Political & Cellular Biology, Earth & Mira Wattal, Mathematics
Science Planetary Sciences Lucy C. Webb, Earth & Planetary
Mario Edward Antoun,
Emma Kari Roalsvig, English Sean Stielow, Spanish Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Renee Robinson, International Hannah Lee Stone, Neuroscience Madelynn Claire Wellons,
Diego Arevalo, Biomedical
Studies Charlotte Jacqueline Stott, Sociology
Madeline Claire Rocks, International Studies, Economics Nathan Mitchner Wertheimer,
Siddharth Arun, Biomedical
Behavioral Biology Emily Lucile Sturm, Neuroscience Earth & Planetary Sciences
Amanda Beatriz Rodriguez, Hanru Sun, Physics, Mathematics Caroline N. West, International
Hannah Christine Aspinwall,
Molecular & Cellular Biology Sherry Xuerui Sun, International Studies, Sociology
Chemical & Biomolecular
Rodolfo J. Rodriguez, Chemistry Studies, Sociology Courtney Michelle Whilden,
Prakul Suresh, Neuroscience Neuroscience

St u dent Honor s

Vinay Ayyappan, Biomedical Alexander M Chang, Biomedical Tiger Ye Gao, Computer Science Zhuohong He, Mechanical
Engineering Engineering, Computer Science Yupeng Gao, Computer Science Engineering
Xueshan Bai, Computer Science Alexander Chih-chieh Chang, Benjamin Lanphier Garlow, Devin Andrew Hill, Computer
Taha Mirza Baig, Biomedical Chemical & Biomolecular Biomedical Engineering Science, Cognitive Science
Engineering, Computer Science Engineering Matthew Alexander Garza, Louis Hoffenberg, Chemistry
Jenna Ballard, Biomedical Michelle Chang, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Elina Sophie Hoffmann,
Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Nicholas Paul Garza, Computer Chemical & Biomolecular
Christianna Lane Bambini, Akash Chaurasia, Biomedical Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Engineering, Computer Science Cindy Shuyuan Ge, Computer Thomas Edward Howard,
Benjamin C Bao, Computer Bochong Chen, Computer Science Environmental Engineering
Science Engineering Kayla Mae Gee, Biomedical Eric Jiarui Hu, Applied
Rong Bao, Applied Mathematics Samuel J Chen, Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics,
and Statistics Engineering Tatiana Gelaf Romer, Biomedical Neuroscience
Tingting Bao, Applied Shun Wen Chen, Chemical & Engineering Katherine Hu, Biomedical
Mathematics and Statistics Biomolecular Engineering Akanksha Girish, Biomedical Engineering
Raphael Alexander Bechtold, Yuxuan Chen, Computer Science Engineering Yidong Dorothy Hu, Computer
Biomedical Engineering Zixu Chen, Computer Science Julia Aurelia Glass, Engineering Science
Teya Soohoo Bergamaschi, Katherine Nadine Lewis Cheney, Mechanics Justin Xu Huang, Computer
Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Alexander Charles Glavin, Science
William Roland Bernardoni, Keefer Wang Chern, Biomedical Biomedical Engineering, Azam Hussain, Chemical &
Computer Science Engineering, Computer Science Computer Science Biomolecular Engineering
Erika Bhadra, Biomedical Eric Morgan Cochran, Maxwell Alan Godek, Chemical & Seyvonne Ip, Biomedical
Engineering Mathematics Biomolecular Engineering Engineering
Vipul Bhat, Computer Science Elizabeth P Cohn, Electrical Eyan Ross Goldman, Computer Darius Rohinton Irani, Computer
Shubhayu Bhattacharyay, Engineering Science Science
Biomedical Engineering, Applied Tiernan Fionn Connolly, Maria Elena Grimmett, Chemical Lauren Elizabeth Jacob,
Mathematics and Statistics Computer Science & Biomolecular Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Rees Blessing, Chemical Christian Alexander Cosgrove, Rebecca Lynn Grusby, Chemical Jihoon Jang, Biomedical
& Biomolecular Engineering, Computer Science, Physics & Biomolecular Engineering Engineering
Applied Mathematics and Julia Christina Costacurta, Hongyi Guan, Applied Eshan Ghanashyam Joshi,
Statistics Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Biomedical Engineering
Adrianna Feodora Boen, Mathematics and Statistics Chemical & Biomolecular Eng Jonathan Michael Judd, Chemical
Chemical & Biomolecular Jing Lin Cui, Chemical & Sarah Charitha Gunasekera, & Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Mechanical Engineering Jeong Hun Kim, Electrical
Georgie Roumenov Botev, William Matthew David, Jonathan Gunn, Chemical & Engineering
Computer Science Computer Science, Physics Biomolecular Engineering Min Jung Kim, Biomedical
Camille Garner Bowman, Matthew T Deppe, Computer Joanna Yingtong Guo, Engineering
Applied Mathematics and Science Biomedical Engineering, Tae Jin Kim, Computer
Statistics, Computer Science Yuan Yuan Ding, Chemical & Computer Science Engineering
Matthew Brotman, Computer Biomolecular Engineering Richard Guo, Computer Science Louisa Lucille Kishton, Chemical
Science, Mathematics Yuchen Ding, Computer Science Philip Alexander Sarte Gustilo, & Biomolecular Engineering
Emily Mar Burnette, Biomedical Madeline Claire Donnelly, Chemical & Biomolecular Arsen Klyuev, Computer Science
Engineering Biomedical Engineering Engineering Arman Koul, Biomedical
Sarah Jane Burris, Biomedical Michael Patrick Eberle, Lisa Ha, Biomedical Engineering Engineering
Engineering Computer Science Coleman Canon Haley, Neel Kovelamudi, Electrical
John Zhaoxun Cai, Mechanical Andrew Igor Efimov, Biomedical Computer Science Engineering
Engineering Engineering, Electrical Ryan Philip Hanks, Electrical Alyssa Tara Kruglak, Computer
Eric Rui Cao, Biomedical Engineering Engineering, Computer Science
Engineering, Computer Science Mohamad Tamer Elgendi, Engineering Chuen Kwok, Chemical &
Jose Roberto Cardelle, Electrical Mechanical Engineering Connie Jiaying He, Chemical Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering Gabriel B Fernandes, Biomedical & Biomolecular Engineering, Idean Justin Labib, Computer
Travis Chan, Computer Engineering Computer Science Science
Engineering Jacob Christopher Flynn, Shuyu He, Chemical & Amrita Anil Ladwa, Biomedical
Computer Science Biomolecular Engineering Engineering

St uden t Honors

Alan Szu-han Lai, Biomedical Liza Rachel Mathews, Computer Laurent Hyung Tae Park, Kahmil Shajihan, Biomedical
Engineering, Computer Science Science Computer Science Engineering
Maya Lapinski, Biomedical Awoenam Mauna-Woanya, Civil Lyle Paskowitz, Applied Alison Jean Shapiro, Chemical &
Engineering Engineering Mathematics and Statistics Biomolecular Engineering
Brandon Lax, Computer Katarina Anne Mayer, Computer Krishna Patel, Chemical & Paarth Sharma, Biomedical
Engineering, Computer Science Science Biomolecular Engineering Engineering
Jonghae Lee, Computer Science Evelyn McChesney, Biomedical Jonah Abraham Pemstein, Kevin M Sherman, Computer
Jung Min M Lee, Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Science
Engineering, Computer Science Isaac Robinson Mears, Electrical Ronan Lindeberg Perry, Applied James W. Sherwood,
Sehyun Lee, Applied Mathematics Engineering Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics
and Statistics Beatriz A Medeiros, Material Isaree Pitaktong, Biomedical Nikita Shtarkman, Computer
Theodore Andrew Lee, Science & Engineering, Computer Engineering Science
Biomedical Engineering Science Bibhav Poudel, Biomedical Prerna Singh, Biomedical
Raymond Nicholas Lemanski, Collin Meissner, Mechanical Engineering Engineering
Computer Science Engineering Bhawramaett Winston Daniel Sohn, Computer Science
Kirby Leo, Biomedical Shanelle Brenda Mendes, Punruckwong Broehm, Claire Marie State, Biomedical
Engineering Biomedical Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering
Amanda Lin Li, Biomedical Frank Z Miao, Computer Science Debanik Purkayastha, Biomedical Young Soo Sung, Computer
Engineering Gavin Moore Mischler, Engineering, Computer Science Science
Ashley Yang Li, Biomedical Biomedical Engineering Kelvin Hsu Qian, Computer Daniel Swartz, Physics
Engineering Aryiana Cemari Moore, Science William S Tobey, Computer
Robert Li, Biomedical Engineering Environmental Engineering, Varun Radhakrishnan, Computer Science
Xiang Li, Computer Science, Political Science Science, Applied Mathematics Clara Troyano-Valls, Chemical &
Applied Mathematics and John Channing Moore, and Statistics Biomolecular Engineering
Statistics Mechanical Engineering Samiksha Ramesh, Biomedical Arjun Shailesh Vachhani,
Xiaoyan Li, Computer Science, Luke Blas Morina, Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Cognitive Science Engineering Niles Ribeiro, Mechanical Seena Nicholas Vafaee,
Zewei Li, Applied Mathematics Arion Morshedian, Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
and Statistics Engineering Harrison Reese Riggott, Danielle Jayne Vaithilingam,
Brandon Thomas Lim, Computer Peter James Murray, Chemical & Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering,
Science Biomolecular Engineering Gun Ho Ro, Mechanical Chemical & Biomolecular
Theodore A Livas, Applied Nikhil S Murty, Biomedical Engineering Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering James Paul Roberts, Computer Nathan Vallapureddy, Computer
Rene Anthony Lopez, Biomedical Jackelyn Navar, Biomedical Engineering Science
Engineering Engineering Lucas Robinson, Computer Jasper Wilfried Van Cauwelaert
Ryan Lu, Biomedical Engineering Dante Navarro, Biomedical Engineering de Wyels, Chemical &
Shannon Yin Lu, Biomedical Engineering Andrew Michael Rojas, Computer Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering Tan Nhat Nguyen, Computer Science Hadley Faith VanRenterghem,
Carly Patricia Lupton-Smith, Science Eric B Rothman, Computer Biomedical Engineering
Applied Mathematics and Jacob Samuel William O'Keeffe, Science Gabriel A Villasana, Computer
Statistics Mechanical Engineering William Chance Ruppenthal, Science, Applied Mathematics
Matthew P MacFarquhar, Julia Ann Oppenheim, Computer Electrical Engineering, Computer and Statistics
Computer Science Science, Cognitive Science Engineering Parth Gopal Vora, Biomedical
Dhruw Mukesh Maisuria, Tingting Ou, Applied Joshua A Russo, Computer Engineering, Computer Science
Applied Mathematics and Mathematics and Statistics, Science Thomas Stone Wan, Computer
Statistics, Biophysics Computer Science Ali Moustafa Saad-Eldin, Science, Applied Mathematics
Bidyut R Mani, Biomedical Anil K Palepu, Biomedical Biomedical Engineering and Statistics
Engineering Engineering Akaash Sanyal, Biomedical Jonathan Wang, Computer
Carolyn Isam Marar, Biomedical He Pan, Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science
Engineering Statistics William F Savage, Chemical & Kaiwen Wang, Chemical &
Nicholas Samuel Maritato, Yuqing Pan, Mechanical Biomolecular Engineering Biomolecular Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Engineering Lucas Serlin, Mechanical Wenyi Wang, Applied
Han Alan Mason, Computer Marion Pang Wan Rion, Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
Science Biomedical Engineering

St u dent Honor s

Xi Wang, Computer Science Please note that some students

Zixuan Wang, Computer Science may not be listed as receiving
Charles Anderson Watkins, Honors because this program
Mechanical Engineering had to go to press before
Bronte Wen, Biomedical receiving notification.
Engineering, Computer Science
Christopher Thomas Williams,
Mechanical Engineering
Lindsey Sierra Wiser, Engineering
Steven Mitchell Witkin, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics
Margaret Rose Wodicka, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics
Brett Dylan Wolfinger,
Biomedical Engineering
Rattanan Wonghirundacha,
Elizabeth Pei-yin Wu, Biomedical
Grace Zhang Wu, Computer
Jesse Heng Wu, Biomedical
Lucy Lee Wu, Biomedical
Junhao Xiong, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics,
Computer Science
Maxwell Alexander Xu,
Biomedical Engineering
Jerry Yan, Biomedical Engineering
Tony Doming Yang, Computer
Xingyi Yang, Computer Science
Burton Ye, Biomedical
Kristin Y Yim, Computer Science
Zachary Andrew Zarubin,
Biomedical Engineering
Kevin Huang Zhan, Biomedical
Jasen Andrew Zhang, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering
Jinghang Zhang, Biomedical
Jiya Zhang, Computer Science
Kaiwen Zhang, Mechanical
Kemeng Zhang, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics
Lucy Zhang, Computer Science
Evonne Aileen Zhu, Computer

Candidates for Degrees
The appearance of a name in Paula Louise Clark, Education. Air Station Yuma, Arizona: A Beth M. Vander Kolk,
this section of the program The Influence of a Situated Mixed-Methods Evaluation. Education. Preparing
is not considered conclusive Apprenticeship Model of Caitlin C. McLemore, Preservice Teachers to Teach
evidence of graduation, nor Professional Development Education. Addressing Reading Comprehension
is the omission of a name on High School Mathematics the Gaps in Eighth-Grade to Elementary Students
evidence that a degree was Educators’ Knowledge, Students' Information from Culturally Diverse
not awarded. Beliefs, and Use of Reform- Literacy Skills: A Mixed Backgrounds.
Minded Instructional Methods Approach.* Victor Wakefield, Education.
THE SCHOOL OF Practices.** John R. Porter, Education. The Role of Principle
EDUCATION Erin M. Comaskey, Education. Using Student Evaluations Leadership in the Success of
Towards a Global Framework of Teaching to Improve School Organizational Teams
Doctors of Education for Humane Education.** Classroom Instruction: in Nevada.
Melissa J. Armstrong, Deborah A. DeBisschop, A Model for Closing the Robert F. Walker, Education.
Education. Reducing the Gap: Education. Coherence of Feedback Loop. Supporting Teacher
Preparing Teachers to Use Reading Policy Goals and Patricio Saenz Flores, Cognition Toward
Evidence-Based Practices in Institutionalized Reading Education. High School Technology-Enhanced
Autism.** Instruction Practices in Advisory Program and its Learning.
Carole M. Arrington-English, 16 Small Rural Schools Effects on Students and Nicholas D. Weber, Education.
Education. Fostering in Connecticut: a Mixed Teacher Advisors in an Experience of Transgender
Secondary Mathematics Methods Comparative Case International Setting.** K-12 Teachers Through Their
Teachers' Awareness of Study. Deanna M. Santoro, Education. Voice.
Equitable Classroom Kristen Elizabeth Ford, Promoting Writing Dustin S. Whitlock, Education.
Practices. Education. A Case Study Achievement Through Novice Teacher Development
Catherine A. Atkinson, Approach To Exploring Digital Cloud-Based Writing in a Project-Based Learning
Education. Supporting Social Emotional Learning Instruction. School.
Teachers' Technology Program Implementation.** Jesse Schneiderman, Education. Allison Gubanich Williams,
Implementation Practices Amanda Kruger Hill, Education. Improving Sense of Education. Interdepartmental
Through Peer-to-Peer Supporting High School Belonging Among Freshmen Design Thinking
Coaching: A Mixed Methods Counselors to Provide at a Large, Urban High Committees: Addressing
Study.** Financial Aid Advising to School Through Service the Organizational Factors
Salwa Barhumi, Education. A Students. Learning. of Climber Turnover in
Mixed Methods Evaluation Shannon Caroline Jeter, Stephanie Scholes, Education. the Independent School
of Aiming High! Promoting Education. Interactive Preliteracy Development Context.*
College Match American Homework: Contextualizing of Preschool Children
Muslims. Black Girls' Math Identities with Visual Impairments: THE SCHOOL OF
Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn, in a Family-School Shared Storybook Reading EDUCATION
Education. E-Mentoring and Partnership. Intervention.*
Doctors of Philosophy
Teacher Retention in the Brent Ashley Jones, Education. Matina Barbara Stergiopoulos,
Mississippi Delta. The Underachievement and Education. The Impact of Roland Tyler Ames,
William K. Boland, Education. Performance of High School Parental Involvement on Education. Career and
Professional Development's Students with Attention- Urban High School Students' Technical Education
Impact on Technology Deficit/Hyperactivity Behavior: Technology and Curricular Intensity:
Use by K-6 Educators in a Disorder (ADHD).* Workshops as a Pathway Outcomes of Tracking,
Chinese Context: A Mixed Michael Clark Lisman, to School-Based Parental Dropout, and College.
Methods Study.* Education. Research Use for Engagement. Gilbert Randolph Lee IV,
Marissa Lauren Brash, Policy Decisions on Early Joshua Pinto Taylor, Education. Education. The Association
Education. Safety in Literacy Improvement in the Teacher Mentoring and Between Mathematics
Numbers: Overcoming Dominican Republic.** Distributed Leadership in an Identity and Student
Statistics Anxiety in Catherine Helen Leslie Hall Urban Charter High School. Performance on
Undergraduate Nursing McKenney, Education. Parent Joshua Allen Thomason, Mathematics Tests: Is It a
Students Through Intervention to Strengthen Education. Reversing Possible Tool to Mitigate
Team-Based Learning. Military Child School Declining Enrollment Trends Inequality in Educational
Readiness at Marine Corps at Fincher Academy. Outcomes?

August 23,
35 **Degree

David E. McKinney, Courtney Anne Beeckler. Asha Elsa Demla. Increasing Mirini Kim. Implementation
Education. Latent Class Improving Female Sexual Adherence to Oral of a caregiver-focused
and Transition Analysis of Health in Gynecologic Tacrolimus with the Use educational intervention
Elementary Science Student Cancer Survivors: Integrating of a Medication Reporting to improve knowledge and
Expectancy-Value-Cost an Evidence-based Toolkit Intervention. competency for managing
Motivation.* for Nurses. Leigh McGrath Ehinger. adrenal crisis in patients
Christopher Michael Kinjal Anand Bhatt. Impact Non-pharmacological with Duchenne Muscular
Wrightson, of Inhaler Technique Pain Management After Dystrophy.
Education. The Creative Video-Education Tool on Abdominal Laparoscopic Lindsay Marie Kwong. A
Cognitive Profiles of Pediatric Asthma. Surgery. Quality Improvement
Students from Different Margaret Teresa Birdsong. Michelle Lynn Felix. Project to Enhance Pediatric
Socioeconomic Repositioning Guidelines to Decreasing Adverse Events Primary Care Family History
Environments.** Reduce Pressure Injuries in in Postoperative Infants Collection.
the Pediatric Intensive Care and Toddlers Related to Thuji Lhamu. Pilot Project To
Unit. Opioids.* Enhance Identification of
THE PEABODY Jamie Lynn Briddell. Reducing Angela Yvonne Felton- Needs for Early Palliative
CONSERVATORY Lapses in Hemoglobin A1c Coleman. Increasing Referral of Chronically Ill
Testing. Medication Adherence in Patients Through Nurse
Doctors of Musical Arts April Michelle Rayat HIV-Positive Young Adults. Driven Frailty Screenings.
Teodora Adzharova, Piano Camiling-Burke. Career Kimberly Ann Ford. Utilizing Bridget Denise Lockhart. Vital
Jordan Chase, Composition Advancement Coaching a staff-driven intervention Sign Monitoring in the
Nell Flanders, Conducting Sessions to Increase to improve call bell Emergency Department: A
James Constantine Keretses, Inpatient Oncology Nurse responsiveness. Quality Improvement Project
Guitar Knowledge, Satisfaction, and Regina Maryann Greco. Stella Rhoda Macheso. The
Engagement in Professional Advancing Providers impact of Advanced Practice
Edwin Sungpil Kim, Piano
Development Opportunity Engagement on Patient nurse-led discharge planning
Bonghee Lee, Piano
and Access. Coping for Persons on the 30-day readmission
Yejin Lee, Piano
Allison Helton Carter. Diagnosed with Scleroderma rates on patient's
Sun-A Park, Piano
Increasing Transgender Marcella Ophelia Hill. post-coronary artery bypass
Lisa M. Perry, Voice
Cultural Competency Evaluation of a Lung Health graft surgery.
Mariana Prjevalskaia, Piano Among Adolescent Inpatient Advocacy Program in Emma Caroline Mangano.
James R. Reeves, Conducting Psychiatric Nurses. Baltimore City Schools. Implementation of a
Hyewon Ryu, Piano Elizabeth Kelly Caslin. Effect of Bernice Beatrice Horton- Standardized Order Set for
William Lawrence Skinner Jr, Education Intervention on Gee. Improving Latinx Psychotic Patients Boarding
Conducting Falls Prevention Knowledge Parents' Efficacy to Engage in the Psychiatric Emergency
Kelly Ann Sulick, Flute and Competency in in Reproductive Health Services Area.
Gu Wei, Composition Neurosciences Nursing. Discussions with their Youth. Beatrice Remy Marseille.
Jonathan Zwi, Guitar Kathryn Teresa Ciccolini. Francis E. Hwang. Evaluating Strategies for Improving
Improving Oncology Nurse the Effectiveness of an Medication Adherence
Knowledge, Confidence and Enhanced Preoperative of Hypertension Among
THE SCHOOL OF Skill in Using Telephone Education Bundle for Haitian Immigrants Living
NURSING Triage Models. Patients undergoing Rotator In The United States.
Kimberly Marie Crim. Targeted Cuff Repair Surgeries Using Megan Alexandra McAuliffe.
Doctors of Nursing Practice Postpartum Breastfeeding Clinical Pathway. Improving healthcare quality
Jehan-Marie Daley Adamji. Consult to Increase Hannah Rose Jacob. for transgender and gender-
Humanitarian Immigrant Breastfeeding Duration Implementing a Heart nonconforming patients
Mental Health Rescreening and Increase Breastfeeding Failure Patient Educational in the perioperative and
in Primary Care: A Pilot Self-Efficacy in Mother. Program to Improve intraoperative setting: The
Project. Anita David. Use of Sumulation Self-Care. patient's perspective.
Khristine Arrieta. Transitioning and case-study to improve Christina Yae Jin Kang. Megan Elizabeth McClowry.
Adolescents and Young nursing student's knowledge Initiating early education for Promoting Adolescent
Adults to Adult Care: A and attitude towards patients at high-risk for new Physical Activity and
Quality Improvement pressure injury prevention. insulin dependency after Self-Efficacy through Positive
Project. pancreatic resection. Youth Development Lessons.

*Degree conferred
2019 36

Elizabeth Mole. Improving Amanda McPherson Shafton. Joycelyn Cudjoe. The Impact Matthew Daubresse,
Quality of Life and Symptom Implicit Bias Education: of Health Literacy, Culture Epidemiology. Trends and
Management among Addressing Racial Disparities and Psychosocial Factors on Impact of Prescription
patients diagnosed with in Maternal Healthcare. the Pap Testing Behaviors of Opioid Use Among
Bipolar Disorder Type 1 Noelia Yesenia Solis Ramirez. African Immigrant Women Hemodialysis Patients.
through the use of aripip- An Educational Webinar for in the United States.* Sharon G. Edelson-Mammel,
razole (Abilify Maintena), Academic and Healthcare Francoise Cyrielle Mbaka Environmental Health and
a monthly anti-psychotic Professionals Presenting Mouyeme. Examining the Engineering. Assessment of
medication About a Nutrition Program Association of Underlying Lung Cancer Risk Reduction
Brandon Pabst. Systematic for Latino Adolescents to Factors and Proximate Before and After Adoption
Approach to Ventilator- increase Nutrition Literacy. Determinants of Risk with of a Radon Resistant New
Associated Events Katherine Lynn Thompson. HIV among Female Sex Construction (RRNC)
Reduction.* Utilizing a Standardized Workers in Cameroon.** Building Code Standard in
Jennifer Ngoc Nguyen. Early Mobility Guideline in Manka Nkimbeng. Amity Township, PA*
Evaluation of Technology the Pediatric Intensive Care Understanding Physical Ezinne Adaeze Eze-Ajoku,
Acceptance and Self-Care Unit. Function (Functional Health Policy and
Behaviors Among Patients Jean Barbara Thorpe-Williams. Limitations) in African Management. Exploring
Using Standardized Implementing a discharge Immigrants: The Roles Organizational Change in
Text-Messages or teaching protocol to reduce of Acculturation and Healthcare: Understanding
Phone-Based Interventions. 30-day readmission rates in Discrimination.* the Innovation Decision
Sharon S. Park. Improving young adults diagnosed with Safiyyah Maryam Okoye. Sleep Process of Adopters.**
Knowledge and Attitude sickle cell disease. and Physical Function in Rennie Walker Ferguson,
regarding Cardiac Claire Marie Tindula. Low-Income Older Adults Environmental Health and
Rehabilitation among Improving Housing Referrals with Disabilities.** Engineering. Assessing
Advanced Practice Nurse. and Treatment Participation Ruth-Alma Narki Turkson- and Enhancing Public
Douglas Arvell Reed. Exploring in an Outpatient Substance Ocran. Biopsychosocial Readiness for a Radiological
an online learning module Use Disorder Program. Determinants of Stress and Event Using Community
for improving perceived Brandi LeAn Torres. Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Assessment Data.
knowledge of antidepres- Early Discontinuation of Risk Factors in Foreign- and Lindsey M. Ferris, Health
sants among medical social Exclusive Breastfeeding in US-Born Adults.* Policy and Management.
workers. Pediatric Primary Care. Using Predictive Models
Corinne Elena Roberto. Weight Lisa Tran. Using a and Linked Datasets to
loss maintenance prevalence Multidisciplinary Evidence- Understand Risk of Fatal
and education to improve Based Continuum Care Opioid Overdose.**
self-efficacy for physical Model to Reengage Margaret "Jean" Parke
activity and eating behaviors. High-Risk Young Adults Doctors of Public Health Flores, Health Policy and
Christine Kloby Rooke. Living with HIV. Management. Subtypes
Angela Dimatulac Aherrera,
Improving Antibiotic Victoria Lynn White. of Adolescents at Risk for
Environmental Health
Prescribing on a Long-term Implementing Interactive Suicide Ideation and Suicide
and Engineering.
Care Unit. Education to Increase Attempts in Schools and
Characterization of Toxic
Ana Laura Saavedra. Improving Perceived Confidence Health Care Settings.*
Metal Exposure from
Breastfeeding Exclusivity and Knowledge of Newly Xingru He, Health Policy and
Electronic Cigarette Use.**
and Enhancing Self-Efficacy Graduated Nurses in Critical Management. Aiming to
Omniyat Mohammed Al
Among Latina Mothers Care Units. Scale: The Validity, Usability,
Hajeri, Health Policy
Through a Prenatal and Business Model of
Breastfeeding Education and Management. The a Novel Teleophthalmic
Program. Comprehensive School Deep Learning Screening
Modupe C. Savage. Improving Screening Program in Abu Technology.
New Graduate Nurses' Dhabi Schools 2015-2018. Yolanda Eugenia Klemmer,
Professional Development Doctors of Philosophy Abdullah Ibrahim Albuthi, Health, Behavior and Society.
Satisfaction. Health Policy and Examining the Relationship
Mona Naheel Bahouth. Management. Creating
Lindsay Rae Semler. Moral between Parenting Stress,
Determinants of Early Stroke Performance Indicators for
Distress to Moral Success: Depressive Symptoms and
Recovery: Understanding Public-practice Partnerships
Strategies to Decrease the Self-rated Health Among
Hydration and Stroke in Healthcare-Saudi Arabia.
Effects of Moral Distress in African American Fathers.*
the Critical Care Nurse.
August 23,
37 **Degree

Hojoon Daniel Lee, Sara Rachel Alcorn, Clinical to Assess Mistreatment of Yagahira Elizabeth Castro,
Epidemiology. A Novel Investigation. Improving Women During Facility- International Health. Beyond
Approach for Seasonal Providers' Estimates and based Childbirth Vector Control: Congenital
Influenza Surveillance Selection of Prognosis- and Juliana Achiro Bol, and Imported Chagas
in South Korea: Disease Guidelines-appropriate International Health. Disease*
Burden Estimation Radiotherapy Regimens Contracting-out of Primary Lelia Harding Chaisson,
and Temporal Trends and Symptomatic Bone Health Care Services in Epidemiology. Universal ART
Monitoring.* Metastases: Development Conflict-affected Settings: and TB Preventive Therapy
Paul Chung-Shien Lu, Health and Evaluation of the The Case of South Sudan for People Living with HIV in
Policy and Management. BMETS Model and Decision Cory Deshawn Bradley, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Assessment of Five-year Support Platform* Health, Behavior and Lillian Joyce Whiting -
Intervention Study in Taipei Eleanore D.C. Alexander, Society. Characterizing the Collins, Population, Family
(MIT) Program for Delaying Health Policy and Experience of Loneliness and Reproductive Health.
Myopia Progression in Taipei Management. Trends in Among Young Black MSM Postpartum Family
Primary Schools. the Healthiness of U.S. Ages 18-29 from the Chicago Planning among Women
Jennifer Sarah Rous, Restaurant Meals and uConnect Study* Attending Group-based
Environmental Health and Implications for Policy* Jennifer Lynette Brown, Antenatal and Postnatal
Engineering. Association of Jennifer Anne Applegate, Health, Behavior and Society. Care in Kenya and Nigeria: A
Occupational Exposures International Health. Menthol Flavored and Cluster Randomized Control
and Chronic Obstructive Early Implementation of Flavor Capsule Cigarettes: Trial.
Pulmonary Disease Guidelines for Managing A Mixed Methods Study Stephen Cristiano, Biostatistics.
Morbidity. Young Infants with Infection Examining Packaging and Modeling Cancer Risk from
Lauren Walsh, Environmental in Rural Bangladesh: An Consumer Perceptions in Genomic Data*
Health and Engineering. The Implementation Research the Philippines Norah L. Crossnohere, Health,
Effect of Disaster-related Study Vanessa Jean Burrowes, Behavior and Society.
Medication Disruption Kimberly Tamia Arnold, Health International Health. Advancing Methods
on Healthcare Utilization Policy and Management. Bangles, Breath, and in Measuring Patient
and Health Outcomes in Examining Factors that Machines - Evaluation of Preferences & Experiences:
Medicare Beneficiaries with Influence the Adoption and Novel Personal Exposure An International Study
Chronic Conditions. Sustainability of a Trauma- Methods to Measure in Duchenne Muscular
informed Universal Mental Household Air Pollution in Dystrophy.
Health Intervention in a Puno, Peru Abdulla Al Damluji, Clinical
BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF Large Urban School District* Javier A. Bustos, International Investigation. Health
PUBLIC HEALTH Sarah Elizabeth Attreed, Health. Calcified Outcomes in Older Adults
Environmental Health and Neurocysticercosis: Risk with Cardiovascular Disease.
Doctors of Philosophy
Engineering. The Effect of Factors for Calcification Beata Veronica Debinski,
Benjamin Aaron Ackerman, Chronic Arsenic Exposure and Associated Factors for Health, Behavior and Society.
Biostatistics. on The Host Immune Seizure Relapse Catholic Church: A Case
Statistical Methods Response to Influenza Andrea Cristina Carcelen, Study of the Archdiocese of
for Transportability: A Virus Infection and International Health. Measles Chicago Domestic Violence
Addressing External Validity Vaccination and Rubella Serological Outreach Ministry.
and Measurement Error Sunjae Bae, Epidemiology. Surveillance in Zambia: Samuel Benjamin Doty, Mental
Concerns for Randomized Tailored Immunosupression Design, Implementation, Health. Suicide and Trauma
Trials for Kidney Transplant and Analysis in Low-and Middle-Income
Oluwarantimi Damilola Recipients Kevin Matthew Casin, Countries*
Adetunji, International Laura Kristen Beres, Environmental Health and Sarah Elsayed Elaraby,
Health. Assessing the Need International Health. Engineering. Sex Differences International Health.
for Integrated and Person- Patterns and Factors in Ischemia-reperfusion Ecocultural Perspectives on
centered Care for the Elderly Influencing Return to Care Injury and Cardioprotection- Problematic Child Behavior:
in Vietnam Among Patients Living with revisited: The Role of An Exploratory Qualitative
Tashrik Ahmed, International HIV in Zambia S-nitrosoglutathione Study in the Context of
Health. Improving Disease Blair Olivia Berger, Population, Reductase, S-nitrosylation, Urban Poverty in Egypt**
Surveillance Programs in Family and Reproductive and Formaldehyde Magdalena Fandino Del Rio,
Liberia* Health. Developing Measures Regulation* Environmental Health and

*Degree conferred
2019 38

Engineering. Household Air from Highly Sensitized and Among Low Income Weiyan Li, Epidemiology.
Pollution from Biomass Pediatric Patients Baltimore City Children and Maternal Use of
Cookstoves and a Liquefied Zhicheng Ji, Biostatistics. Caregivers Oral Contraceptives,
Petroleum Gas Intervention Statistical Methods for Esther Kim, Epidemiology. Mid-pregnancy Biomarkers,
in Rural Peru Decoding Gene Regulation Two-week Continuous and Autism Spectrum
Jacob B. Fiksel, Biostatistics. in Single Cells. Monitoring of Heart Rhythm Disorder in Children**
Quantification Learning Michelle Johansen, Clinical in Chronic Kidney Disease. Emily M. Lyles, International
with Applications to Investigation. The Brain Woori Kim, Epidemiology. Health. Care Utilization and
Mortality Surveillance Heart Axis: Investigation Genome-wide Study of Adherence to Medication for
Kathryn E. Foti, Epidemiology. of Cardiac Structural Emphysema Progression and Hypertension and Diabetes
Racial Disparities in Pathology and Association Gene-by-smoking Interaction Among Syrian Refugees
Blood Pressure Control with Stroke Subtype and of Chronic Obstructive and Host Communities in
and Implications of Patient Outcomes Pulmonary Disease Lebanon**
Hypertension Guidelines. Jordan Taylor Johns, Noa Krawczyk, Mental Health. Hannah Josephine MacLeod,
Dana Michelle Freeman, Biostatistics. Statistical Assessing the Relationship Molecular Microbiology and
Environmental Health and Methods in Applications between Criminal Justice Immunology. Fundamental
Engineering. Mechanistic with Complex Data Involvement, Opioid Use and Translational
Insights into Chromatin Structures* Disorder Treatment, Investigations in Vector
Mediated Gene Regulation Julia Johnson, Clinical and Opioid Overdose in Biology: From Competence
in Rotenone Induced Investigation. Healthcare- Maryland: A Population- to Control.
Neurodegeneration. associated Bloodstream based Approach* Swetha Manohar, International
Elizabeth Alice Hazel, Infections in the Neonatal Jordan Richard Kuiper, Health. Childhood Linear
International Health. Intensive Care Unit in Pune, Environmental Health and Growth Velocity in the Plains
Measuring Family Planning India: Epidemiology and Engineering. Epidemiology (Terai) of Nepal: Patterns
Quality of Care in Malawi* Reduction of Risk of, and Measurement and Risk Factors
Calliope Brooke Holingue, Kaitlin Johnson, Biochemistry Approaches to, Chronic Tara Patricia McAlexander,
Mental Health. and Molecular Biology. Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Environmental Health and
Gastrointestinal Symptoms Activation of a and Sinus Symptoms Engineering. Associations
and the Gut in Autism Transcription-dependent Exacerbations, Workplace of Unconventional Natural
Spectrum Disorders: CRSPR-Cas Immune Impacts, and Radiologic Gas Development with Heart
Burden, Measurement, and System** Inflammation** Failure Hospitalization and
Etiologic Relevance* Naira Kalra, Health, Behavior Prosenjit Kundu, Biostatistics. B-type Natriuretic Peptide
Emily Susan Holman, Health, and Society. Intimate Partner Statistical Methods for and Effect Modification by
Behavior and Society. "The Violence Among Refugee Integrating Disparate Data Heart Failure Phenotype**
Bleeding Makes Us not Women in Rwanda: An Sources. Robert Lyle McPherson,
Able to Have Sex, but We Exploration of Risk and Pei-Lun Kuo, Epidemiology. Biochemistry and Molecular
have Gotten so Intimate Protective Factors* Phenotypic Aging, Physical Biology. Biochemical and
and Passionate about Each Pritesh Shirish Karia, Activity, and Cognitive Proteomic Investigations on
Other." Contraceptive Side Epidemiology. Risks and Decline Among Older Adults. the Role of ADP-ribosylation
Effects, Couple Intimacy, Benefits of Preventive Yuanhong Alden Lai, Health in Viral Infection
and Method Discontinuation Surgical Strategies for Policy and Management. Katherine Gannett Merrill,
in Urban Nigeria Ovarian Cancer Managing the Unwanted: International Health.
Emily Ann Hu, Epidemiology. Josiah Lash Kephart, Medical Errors in Primary Violence Victimization and
The Role of Dietary Patterns Environmental Health and Care* Virologic Failure Among
in Chronic Kidney Disease Engineering. Nitrogen Daniel Paul Lakin, Mental Adolescents and Young
Incidence and Progression Dioxide and Household Air Health. Men's Engagement Adults Living with HIV in
Gabriel Keller Innes, Pollution from Biomass and with Mental Health Zambia
Environmental Health and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Treatment: Towards Georgia J. Michlig,
Engineering. Antimicrobial Cookstoves** Inclusive Interventions in International Health. "What
Resistance in the US Food Anna Y. Kharmats, Low-income Contexts* You Hide Also Hides You"
System International Health. Kathryn Margaret Leifheit, Mental Health Screening,
Kyle Randall Jackson, Clinical Geospatial Food Epidemiology. Eviction in the Risk Factors, and Service
Investigation. How is the Environment Exposure, United States: Implication Use Among a Population of
New Kidney Allocation Obesity, and Food Security for Child Health Somali Women in the US
System Working? Insights
August 23,
39 **Degree

Divya Mishra, International Martha Barnes Powers, Marcy Lillian Schaeffer, Eric Arthur John Simko,
Health. South Asian Environmental Health Epidemiology. Preventing Biochemistry and Molecular
Unaccompanied Minors' and Engineering. Arsenic Cancers in Women with a Biology. RNA Secondary
Transition to Adulthood in and Non-Malignant Familial Breast Cancer Risk* Structure Recognition by
Greece Respiratory Health Ellen J Schenk, International Paraspeckle Protein Nono
Ashley N. Newton, Outcomes: Epidemiological Health. Hospital Brendan Daniel Smith,
Environmental Health and Evidence and the Need for Management, Security, and Molecular Microbiology and
Engineering. Improving Interventions in American Performance in Afghanistan Immunology. Elucidating
Exposure Assessment of Indian Communities** Francesca Schiaffino Salazar, the Viral and Cellular
Airborne Metals: A Lung Zachary Scott Predmore, International Health. Whose Components of Strain-
Deposition Sampler to Health Policy and Feces Matter? Household specific Enterovirus D68
Estimate Body Burden of Management. Barriers Fecal Contamination Temperature Sensitivity.
Welding Fume Exposure** to HIV-positive Organ and Drug-Resistant Marie Leann Spiker,
Allison Hazlett Oakes, Health Transplantation: The Role Campylobacteriosis in the International Health.
Policy and Management. of Organ Procurement Peruvian Amazon. Modeling the Missing
Systemic Overuse of Health Organizations Kristin Erica Schneider, Middle: Computational
Care in the Privately Guanghao Qi, Biostatistics. Mental Health. Implications Simulation of Vegetable
Insured* Statistical Methods for of Polysubstance Use Supply Chains in India**
Jocelynn Tiffany Owusu, Analysis of Genome-wide and Routes of Drug Zachary D. Stolp, Molecular
Mental Health. Nighttime Association Studies Across Administration for Harm Microbiology and
Sleep, Napping, and Multiple Traits. Reduction among Rural Immunology. Mechanisms of
Chronotype in Older Adults: Joyce Zhang Qian, People Who Inject Drugs** Cell Death in Yeast.
Racial/Ethnic Differences
Epidemiology. Fistula Alex Michael Secora, Elizabeth Marie Troisi,
and Associations with Brain
Care Continuum and Epidemiology. Assessing Molecular Microbiology and
Individualized Vascular Potentially Inappropriate Immunology. Determinants
Anita Aalia Panjwani,
Access Models for Older Medication Use in Patients of Host Outcome of
International Health.
Adults Undergoing At Risk for Adverse Drug Sindbis Virus-induced
Joint Effects of Maternal
Hemodialysis** Effects: Spironolactone as a Encephalomyelitis
Metabolic Conditions and
Yonaira M. Rivera, Health, Case Study Zeyi Wang, Biostatistics.
Plasma Branched-chain
Behavior and Society. Kate Elizabeth Shearer, Statistical Analysis of
Amino Acids on Child
Exploring Cancer Prevention Epidemiology. The Impact Functional Connectivity
Risk of Autism Spectrum
and Screening Information of Guideline Changes on in Brain Imaging:
Disorders (ASD): Evidence of
Engagement on Facebook Timing of HIV Diagnosis, Measurement Reliability and
Sex Difference*
among U.S. Latinos ART Uptake, and IPT Clinical Applications.
Sonal Parasrampuria, Health
Jennifer Acton Robinson, Provision among People Rachel Marie West,
Policy and Management. The
Clinical Investigation. Early Living with HIV in South Molecular Microbiology
Impact of Health Insurance
Development of Vaginal Africa** and Immunology.
Generosity on Beneficiary
Microbicides to Decrease Melissa K. Sherry, Health Plasmodium falciparum
Costs, Utilization, and
Outcomes* HIV Acquisition in Women* Policy and Management. Gametocytogenesis,
Megha A. Parikh, Health Katherine Olga Robsky, Neighborhood Matters: Dynamics and Transmission
Policy and Management. Epidemiology. Spatio- Exploring the Relationships Viability
Post-hospitalization temporal Patterns of between Neighborhood Shannon Nicole Wood,
Function in Older Adults Tuberculosis in Urban Social Risk and Medical Population, Family and
Supports for Recovery and Sub-Saharan Africa: Spending in a Medicaid Reproductive Health. "He
Independence Implications for Disease Population* Tells You Your Work is to
Ann Marie Parker, Clinical Control Eugenie Chia-Ching Shieh, Give Birth:" Reproductive
Investigation. Describing and Jose H. Salazar Osuna, Clinical Clinical Investigation. Coercion and Covert Use
Preventing Impairments Investigation. Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology of Contraception among
in Mental, Physical and Blood Transfusions: Challenges in the Female Intimate Partner
Cognitive Health Among Benchmarking Tools for Development of HIV Violence Survivors in
Survivors of Critical Illness Transfusions in Surgical Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Nairobi, Kenya
Harrison R. Powell, Patients and the Use of Men Who have Sex with Men Daniel Martin Woznica,
Molecular Microbiology and Clinical Decision Support to and Transgender Women Health, Behavior and Society.
Immunology Optimize Blood Utilization* Stigma, Citizenship, and the

*Degree conferred
2019 40

Transition to Community- Ilaria Mazzocco, China Studies. Christine Elizabeth Awa Sanneh
based HIV Care Among Electric Dreams: Industrial Gummerson James Paul Senter
People Returning from Policy, New Energy Vehicles, Wenji Guo Lochan Manish Shah
Incarceration and the Persistent Role of Pranjal Bodh Gupta Yi Shao
Aozhou Wu, Epidemiology. Local Government in China. Matthew Joseph Hadad Na Eun Shin
Brain Lesions, Aspirin Use Colin Powers, Middle East Tai Kyung Sohn Hairston Aishwarya Shukla
and a Method to Address Studies. Producing Crisis/ Allison Haley Scott Ross Shuldiner
Attrition in Studying Risk Surviving Crisis: Power, Michael Steven Harper Dan Isaac Soffer
Factors for Cognitive Decline Capital, and the Social Amir Saam Heravi Rupali Sood
and Dementia* Structure of Accumulation in Gloria Hayoung Hong Zhuo Tony Su
Shannon Shiyi Wu, Health the Hashemite Kingdom of Marina Horiates Lauren Elizabeth Sutherland
Policy and Management. Jordan. Matthew Ryan Hoyer Jason John Theis
Medicare Advantage and Hyun Ji Rim, Japan Studies. Amy Hungyun Huang Sarah Elizabeth Thompson
Long-term Care: Impact of Deterring Allies: Curbing Robert Michael Hughes James Shouqi Ting
Medicare Coverage Type the Emergence of Nuclear Seamus Brendan Walters William Elijah Tobolowsky
Outlaws in East Asia.** Chau Diep Quoc Vo
on Utilization and Quality Hughes
Allison Noelle Wallingford
of Postacute and Nursing Alvaro Ibaseta Fidalgo
Abigail Yimeng Wang
Home Services* Bradley Miles Isaacs
THE SCHOOL OF Kendrick Michael Wang
Yuchen Yang, Biostatistics. Sara Isabel Jones
MEDICINE Tony Ying-Wen Wang
Analyzing Benefit-risk Data Michelle Juarez
Zixiao Wang
in the Presence of a Primary Tymoteusz Jan Kajstura
Doctors of Medicine Robert Douglass Wardlow II
Endpoint and Secondary Borna Kassiri
Rebecca Edith Watsky
Measurements. Ali Karim Ahmed Noore-Sabah Khan
Eric Xiaoguang Wei
Jane Xie Yeh, Molecular Derick Owusu Ansah Aravind Krishnan
Jenny Xin Wen
Microbiology and Jeremy Craig Applebaum Maria S. Kryatova
Matthew Eldon Wood
Immunology. Control of Daniel Ardeljan Christina Dasl Kwon Eric Glen Xie
Alphaviral Infections in Jake Alexander Awtry Moon Jeong Lee Kevin Z. Xin
Mature Neurons. Rohan Bajaj David Liao Eric Jia Yi Xu
Farah Yehia, Health Policy and James Daniel Beckett Ross Shane Liao Wan Rou Yang
Management. Utilization Alexandra Murray Bender Christa Lynn LiBrizzi Alice Lily Zhou
Controls for Orphan Drugs: Eve Bishop Stephanie Lin
Prior Authorization Does Luke William Bonham Rui Han Liu
Not Correlate with Lower Tiffany Kay Brocke Luckmini Nuvanthi Liyanage
Jonathan Kramer Callan MEDICINE
Drug Use. Jane Jiang Long
Nukhba Zia, International Arun Chandra Eva Luderowski Doctors of Philosophy
Health. Measuring Child Sonal Rajendra Chaudhari Hasina S. Maredia
Disability: Piloting a Aneesha Cheedalla Breanne Elizabeth McCarthy Leire Abalde-Atristain, Cellular
Functional Assessment John Hyunkuk Choi Michael Hale McColl and Molecular Medicine.
Tool in Children at the Won Kyu Choi Patrick Michael Meyers Molecular Mechanisms
Iganga-Mayuge Health and Kathryn Evalyn Clark Surekha Uma Mullangi Underlying the
Demographic Surveillance Halley Michelle Darrach Jason Andrew Murray Neuroprotective Effects of
Site in Uganda** Fidel Ariel Desir Boyá Ha Vi Nguyen AAA ATPase Thorase.*
Xiangyun John Duan Maisa Nimer Scott Tyler Albert, Biomedical
Hannah Elizabeth Edelman Oluseye Kolapo Oduyale Engineering. The Role of
THE PAUL H. NITZE Francisco Augusto Eguia Teresa Maria Oszkinis Error-Based Learning in
SCHOOL OF ADVANCED Ahmed Eltahir Nisha Parikh
Movement and Stillness.
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Samuel John Erlinger Sagar Pankaj Patel Melis Atalar Aksit, Human
Miriam Tien Hui Fox Mary Elizabeth Peeler Genetics. Evaluation of the
Doctors of Philosophy Genetic Architecture of
Nicholas Kin-man Fung Kevin Gerard Pineault
Eric Daniel Hagt, China Studies. Dustin Lee Gable Cystic Fibrosis.
Tejus Pradeep
China’s Civil-Military Ali Ghasemzadeh Jennifer Zhen Qin Daniel Ardeljan, Human
Integration: National Rakesh Ram Goli Shagnik Ray Genetics. LINE-1
Strategy, Local Politics.** Michael James Grzelak Retrotransposons: A Source
Michelle Alexandra Recto
Chengcheng Gui of Replication Stress in
Jose Reyes

August 23,
41 **Degree

Olubusayo Ayobami Awe, Biophysics. Probing the Liam Chung, Biomedical Catherine Guerra Fischer,
Cellular and Molecular Dynamics of RNA Engineering. Interleukin 17 Pathobiology.
Physiology. Insights into the Polymerase and HU in live and Senescence Regulate the Characterizing Driver Gene
Role of Kisspeptin and Sex E. coli Cells.* Foreign Body Response. Heterogeneity and Clonal
Steroid Hormones in the Michael Rowland Blatchley, Kathleen Mary Cunningham, Origin of Intraductal
Control of Reproduction Biomedical Engineering. Cellular and Molecular Papillary Mucinous
and Metabolism. Reconstructing the Vascular Medicine. Nucleocytoplasmic Neoplams of the Pancreas.*
Timothy David Babatz, Human Regenerative Niche with Transport Disruption Leads Joseph William Fischer,
Genetics. Defining Substrate Oxygen-Controllable to Autophagy and Lysosome Human Genetics. Highly-
Requirements for Cleavage Hydrogels.** Defects in a Drosophila Structured 3'Untranslated
of Prelamin A by the Zinc Christopher Herrick Bohrer, Model of C9ORF72 Regions Mediate RNA
Metalloprotease Program in Molecular Hexanucleotide Repeat Decay.**
ZMPSTE24.* Biophysics. Part I: Expansion Mediated ALS James Flowers, History of
Emilyn Constance Banfield, Super-Resolution and FTD.* Medicine. Koreans Building a
Human Genetics. The Role of Microscopy Method Emmanuel Datan, New World: Eastern
In Utero Endotoxin Development Part II: Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine Renaissance in the
Exposure in the Postnatal Investigations of Sciences. Mechanistic Studies Context of Japanese Rule,
Immune Response in Mice. Transcription Regulation by of the Transcription 1910-1945.**
James Daniel Beckett, Human Chromosomal Organization Inhibitor Triptolide and its Dustin Lee Gable, Human
Genetics. Novel Mechanisms in Bacteria. Selective Targeting to Cancer Genetics. Mechanisms of
and Therapies for Fibrosis. Christopher Michael Booth, Cells under Hypoxia. Telomerase RNA
Benjamin Joseph Bell, Human Biochemistry, Cellular and Kevin Andrew Day, Biomedical Insufficiency in Disease.
Genetics. Characterization of Molecular Biology Training Engineering. Getting the Most Darik Wendell Gamble,
mWake: Circadian Program-Pharmacology and Out Of A Training Session: A Biomedical Engineering.
Regulator of Arousal in Molecular Sciences. Motor Learning Approach to Physiological
Mammals that Defines a Development of a New Set of Gait Rehabilitation in Characterization of Parabelt
Novel Fundamental Arousal Genetically Encodable Tools Stroke.** Auditory Cortex in the
Circuit.* to Manipulate and Measure Alicia Ann DeColli, Awake, Behaving Marmoset
Alexandra Murray Bender, the Spatiotemporal Pharmacology and Molecular Monkey.
Cellular and Molecular Dynamics of Cell Sciences. Investigating the Minling Gao, Pathobiology.
Medicine. Accurately Signalling.* Mechanism of C2Alpha- EGFR Activates a TAZ-Driven
Measuring the True Size of Kyla Anne Britson, Cellular and Lactylthiamim Diphosphate Oncogenic Program in
the Latent Reservoir and Molecular Medicine. There Formation, Stabilization, Glioblastoma.
Characterizing the Proviral and Back Again: Developing and Decarboxylation on Nathalie Gerassimov,
Landscape in Nonhuman a Xenograft Model of 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose Biochemistry, Cellular and
Primate Models. Sporadic Inclusion Body 5-Phosphate Synthase, An Molecular Biology Training
Sneha Berry, Cellular and Myositis for Translational Attractive Antibacterial Program-Molecular Biology
Molecular Medicine. Research. Target.** and Genetics. The Role of
Multispectral Giovanni Carosso, Human Karole Nicole D'Orazio, Dynamin in Cell-Cell
Immunofluorescence for Genetics. New Insights into Biochemistry, Cellular and Fusion.*
Immuno-Oncology the Basis of Neurogenesis Molecular Biology Training Ali Ghasemzadeh, Molecular
Biomarker Discovery: Defects in Kabuki Program-Molecular Biology Biology and Genetics-Program
Mapping Co-Expression and Syndrome. and Genetics. Characterizing in Immunology. The Role of
Intensity on Whole-Slides Justina Caushi, Cellular and Molecular Pathways that Histone Acetylation in the
Using the 'Astropath' Molecular Medicine. Rescue Stalled Ribosomes Control of Immune
Platform. Neoantigen Specific Tissue and Decay Problematic Checkpoint Expression in
Ian Anthony Bettencourt, Resident Memory T Cells Messenger RNAs. CD8+ T Cells.
Molecular Biology and Facilitate Pathological Hannah Elizabeth Edelman, Jordana Gilbert-Honick,
Genetics-Program in Response in Resectable Human Genetics. Biomedical Engineering.
Immunology. The Role of NSCLC Treated with Discovering Mechanisms Engineering Skeletal Muscle
Amino Acid Metabolism in Neoadjuvant Anti-PD-1. That Regulate Beta-Cell for Histological and
the Regulation of T Cell Hee Sun Choi, Pathobiology. Neogenesis and Functional Regeneration
Fate. The Role of Innate Proliferation. Following Volumetric
Kelsey Elaine Bettridge, Lymphoid Cells in the Heart Eric Finkel, Neuroscience. Muscle Loss.
Program in Molecular and Cardiac Inflammation.* Tactile Processing Depends
on Motor Intentions.*

*Degree conferred
2019 42

Douglas Lowell GoodSmith, Tissue Regeneration and Anh-Thu Ngoc Lam, Human Interactions with Optical
Neuroscience. Firing Morphogenesis. Genetics. Molecular Manipulation.**
Correlates and Mnemonic Dengrong Jiang, Biomedical Characterization of SLC26A9 Hannah Currier Little,
Functions of Dentate Gyrus Engineering. Magnetic and Evaluation of its Biochemistry, Cellular and
Granule Cells and Mossy Resonance Imaging of Potential Role as a Modifier Molecular Biology Training
Cells.** Cerebral Venous of Cystic Fibrosis.** Program-Physiology.
Dorothy Leigh Hallberg, Oxygenation. Patrick James Lariviere, Discovery and
Human Genetics. Applying Jessica Ann Joseph, Cellular Biochemistry, Cellular and Characterization of Skeletal
Next-Generation Cancer and Molecular Medicine. Molecular Biology Training Muscle-Derived Myokines.*
Genome Sequencing Connexin 43 Hemichannels Program-Biological Chemistry. Ryan Joseph Longchamps,
Approaches to Ovarian Modulate Spatial and Linking the Bacterial Human Genetics. Exploring
Cancer. Temporal Disease Spread in Cytoskeleton to Cell Wall the Role of Mitochondrial
Anthony Maxwell Harper, Amyotrophic Lateral Synthesis Activation: DNA Quantity and Quality in
Functional Anatomy and Sclerosis. Discovery of the [FtsZ-FzlA]- Cardiovascular Disease.**
Evolution. Craniodental Tymoteusz Jan Kajstura, FtsWI Signaling Pathway.* Maxim Igorevich Manakov,
Adaptation and Homoplasy Neuroscience. The Effects of Alessandro Igor Cavalcanti Neuroscience. Action
in Early Mammals.** Traumatic Brain Injury on Leal, Cellular and Molecular Sequencing by Rats.
Carley Jeanne Sue Heck, Neocortical Serotonin Axon Medicine. Circulating Tumor Wendy Mao, Molecular Biology
Pharmacology and Molecular Innervation. DNA in the Cancer Care and Genetics-Program in
Sciences. Cytochrome P450 Allen Kyung Kim, Biomedical Continuum.** Immunology. Strategies for
Metabolism Involvement in Engineering. Rational Design Andriana Lebid, Molecular Improving Antitumor
the Development of of Protein Kinase A Biology and Genetics-Program Response in Prostate Cancer:
Hepatotoxicity with Phosphorylation Switches.** in Immunology. Activin A BET Bromodomain Inhibition
First-Generation Leslie Ann Kirby, Cellular and Promotes Treg Induction in and A2A Adenosine Receptor
Non-Nucleoside Reverse Molecular Medicine. Cancer Through the Activin Inhibition as Methods of
Transcriptase Inhibitors.* Oligodendrocyte Precursor Receptor 1C. Targeting Prostate Cancer.**
Jacob Sijie Heng, Neuroscience. Cells Are Co-Opted by the Sung Hoon Lee, Biomedical William Michael Matern,
Uncovering Novel Insights Immune System to Engineering. A Study of Biomedical Engineering. A
into Retinal Diseases Using Cross-Present Antigen and Signaling Networks Systems Biology Approach to
Single-Cell Transcriptional Mediate Cytotoxicity.* Regulating Plasticity of Identify Adjunctive Drug
Profiling.* Audrey Knight, Pathobiology. Endothelial Cells in Targets in Two Major
Thuy Mong Hoang, Sustained Microglial Angiogenesis.* Mycobacterial Pathogens.*
Pharmacology and Molecular Immune Responses in an Augusto Abel Lempel, Mariusz Matyszewski, Program
Sciences. Cervicovaginal SIV/Macaque Model of HIV Neuroscience. Higher-Order in Molecular Biophysics.
Mucus Barrier Function: CNS Disease. Motion Processing in the Understanding Signal
Implications in HIV Geran Michael Kostecki, Ferret and Its Transduction Mechanisms of
Infection and Vaginal Drug Biomedical Engineering. Development.* Inflammasomes.**
Delivery.* Applications of Optogenetic Laura Nevin Lessen, Program Allison McCague, Human
Patrick Sean Hogan, Biomedical Tandem-Cell Units for In in Molecular Biophysics. Genetics. Cystic Fibrosis in
Engineering. Subjective Vitro Study of Cardiac Investigation of Translation the Era of Effective
Representations of Effort Electrophysiology.* Elongation, Termination, Treatment: Informing
Value in Humans. Priyanka Kothari, Biochemistry, and Recycling by Bulk Targeted Therapy and
Nicholas James Huang, Cellular and Molecular Biochemical and Single Influencing Reproductive
Biomedical Engineering. Biology Training Program-Cell Molecule Methods.** Decision Making.*
Auditory Salience in Natural Biology. Deciphering the Susan Elizabeth Liao, Sarah Anne McClymont, Human
Scenes.** Biochemical Interactions of Biochemistry, Cellular and Genetics. Transcriptional
Robert Michael Hughes, the Mechanoresponsive Molecular Biology Training Regulation and Disruption in
Cellular and Molecular Contractility Controller. Program-Biological Chemistry. Parkinson Disease.
Medicine. Asporin Restricts Heather Lynn Kristjanson, Regulation of Gene Meredith Rose McGuire,
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Functional Anatomy and Expression by Drosophila Biochemistry, Cellular and
Differentiation and Drives Evolution. Tupaiid Dead-Box RNA Helicase Molecular Biology Training
Metastatic Progression. Masticatory Anatomy and Belle.** Program-Cell Biology.
Mohameed Islam, the Application of Extant Chang-Ting Lin, Biophysics and PGRMC1 Functions to
Biochemistry, Cellular and Analogs to Reconstructing Biophysical Chemistry. Stabilize Cytochromes
Molecular Biology Training Plesiadapiform Jaw Probing Protein-Nucleic Acid P450.**
Program-Cell Biology. Adductors.*
Immunomodulators of
August 23,
43 **Degree

Rebecca Nell Mitchell, Human David Joshua Ottenheimer, Mechanisms of Skeletal and Sho Sugawara, Molecular Biology
Genetics. Evaluation of the Neuroscience. Preference Reproductive Diseases.** and Genetics-Program in
Genetic Architecture of Encoding in Ventral Gaddiel Rodriguez, Program in Immunology. Human
Sudden Cardiac Arrest.** Pallidum Mediates Reward- Molecular Biophysics. Immunodeficiency Virus-1
Fuad Mohammad, Biochemistry, Seeking Behavior. Function of the Intrinsically Infection and Type 1
Cellular and Molecular Biology Elizabeth Michelle Park, Disordered N-Terminal Interferon Responses.**
Training Program-Molecular Biochemistry, Cellular and Domain of hUNG2 in DNA Bo-Yi Sung, Pathobiology.
Biology and Genetics. A Study Molecular Biology Training Repair.* Human Memory CD8 T Cells
of Bacterial Translation at Program-Molecular Biology Yazmin Ines Rovira Gonzalez, Polyfunctionality is
Codon Resolution Using and Genetics. Understanding Cellular and Molecular Epigenetically Controlled by
Ribosome Profiling. the Role of Splicing Factors Medicine. Mss51 Deletion PRMT1.**
Kevin Monk, Neuroscience. The in Centriole Duplication. Enhances Muscle Han Tan, Biological Chemistry.
Production of Interval Jacqueline Thien Kim Pham, Metabolism and Glucose Molecular Mechanisms
Timing Activity in the Cellular and Molecular Homeostasis in Mice.** Underlying AMPA Receptor
Primary Visual Cortex of Medicine. The Effect of the Samarjeet, Biochemistry, Trafficking In Vitro and In
Mice. GGGGCC Repeat Expansion Cellular and Molecular Vivo.**
Janelle Marie Montagne, in C9ORF72 ALS Astrocytes. Biology Training Program- Darya Task, Neuroscience.
Pathobiology. Interrogating T Genay Opal Whitney Biophysics and Biophysical Neurogenetic Investigation of
Cell Reactivities Using Pilarowski, Human Genetics. Chemistry. Accelerated Olfactory Receptor
Repertoire Sequencing. Causes and Consequences Computing for Molecular Expression in Drosophila
Heidi Anna Morefield, History of Disrupted Chromatin Dynamics Simulation.** melanogaster and Anopheles
of Medicine. Developing to Opening: Kabuki Syndrome Phillip Raul Sanchez, coluzzii Insects.**
Scale: Appropriate and Related Disorders.** Pharmacology and Molecular Brian Joseph Tenner, Program in
Technology and the Making Mikhail Borisovich Proskurin, Sciences. Macrocyclic Probes Molecular Biophysics.
of Global Health.* Neuroscience. Changes in for Cell Adhesion and the Development and Application
Tyler Christopher Moyer, Strategy Prevalence as an Unfolded Protein Response. of Genetically Encoded
Biochemistry, Cellular and Organizing Principle of Samantha Lynn Semenkow, Biosensors for Studying
Molecular Biology Training Anterior Cingulate Cortex Pathobiology. Targeting the Compartmentalized
Program-Molecular Biology Ensemble Dynamics. Notch Pathway and the Role Signaling.**
and Genetics. Building the Alexandra Bolm Pucsek, of the Tumor Andrew Edward Timmons,
Centriole: PLK4 Molecular Biology and Microenvironment in Pharmacology and Molecular
Phosphorylates STIL to Genetics-Program in Glioblastoma. Sciences. Heat Shock Blockade
Direct Precentriole Immunology. Galectin-3 and Vanesa Laura Silvestri, Disrupts Latency Reversing
Assembly.* the Modulation of Biochemistry, Cellular and Activity of Several
Mai Nakamura, Cellular and Antitumor Immunity. Molecular Biology Training Compounds In Vitro and Ex
Molecular Medicine. Xuyu Qian, Biomedical Program-Cell Biology. Vivo.*
Investigating the Role of a Engineering. Modeling Cellular Dynamics of Meghan Ellen Travers, Cellular
Novel GPI-Anchor Releasing Human Brain Development Tumor-Vessel Interactions in and Molecular Medicine.
Enzyme GDE2 in Alzheimer's and Diseases Using Human Breast Cancer Metastasis.* Difluoromethylornithine and
Disease.** Induced-Pluripotent Stem Richard Sima, Neuroscience. 5-Azacytidine Promote Tumor
Ethan Lytle Nyberg, Biomedical Cell-Derived Organoids. The Cerebellar Vermis Associated Macrophages
Engineering. Design, Lauren Que, Program in Robustly Modulates Neural Toward M1 Polarization in an
Manufacture, and Molecular Biophysics. Activity in the Inferior Ovarian Cancer Mouse
Implementation of Characterizing the Colliculus.* Model.*
3D-Printed Tissue Cross-Regulatory Complex, Nianbin Song, Molecular Vimvara Vacharathit, Molecular
Engineering Scaffolds Used OTUB1:E2.* Biology and Genetics-Program Biology and Genetics-Program
with Stromal Vascular Cells Daniel Michael Ramos, in Immunology. The Role of in Immunology. Allele- and
for Craniofacial Bone Neuroscience. Investigation MHC Class II Chaperone Cell-Type-Specific Effects of
Regeneration.* of SMN Expression in HLA-DO in Shaping CD4 T Human IL10 on Intestinal
Christine Mangione O'Keefe, Development and Disease: Cell Repertoire and the Health and Disease.
Biomedical Engineering. A Implications for SMA Development and Longevity Caroline Alexandra Vissers,
Microfluidic Digital Melt Pathogensis and Treatment. of CD4 Memory T Cells.** Biochemistry, Cellular and
Platform for Sensitive Sarah Marie Robbins, Human Ramanujan Srinath, Molecular Biology Training
Biomarker Analysis and Genetics. Lessons From Rare Neuroscience. Solid Shape Program-Neuroscience. m6A
Parallelized Profiling of Mendelian Disorders: Processing in Area V4.** mRNA Methylation in
Molecular Heterogeneity. Uncovering the Molecular Development and Disease.

*Degree conferred
2019 44

Chia-Hsuan Wang, Non-Allelic Recombination Strategies for Myographic Nathan Robert Crookston,
Neuroscience. The Cognitive in Pathogenic Yeast Candida Prosthesis Movement Electrical and Computer
Map and glabrata. Decoding. Engineering. Development
Compartmentalized Space: Wan Rou Yang, Pathobiology. Anindya Bhaduri, Civil and validation of a personal-
Neural Representations of Developing SQuIRE to Map Engineering. Adaptive izable model of the hepatic
Surface Cue Boundaries.* the Landscape of construction of surrogate arterial tree and particle
Jamie Ray Wangen, Interspersed Repeat functions for various transport .*
Biochemistry, Cellular and Expression. computational mechanics Jackson Gray DeStefano,
Molecular Biology Training Jing Hui Adeline Yong, Cellular models.** Materials Science and
Program-Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine. Sayak Bhattacharya, Electrical Engineering. Human Brain
and Genetics. Investigation AMPA Receptor Tyrosine and Computer Engineering. Microvascular endothelial
of Translation Termination Phosphorylation and Control of pattern formation cells: using in vitro
and Stop Codon Subunit Composition. in excitable systems.** microvessel models to eluci-
Readthrough Using Tehrim Yoon, Neuroscience. James Donald Browne, date in vio behavior in
Ribosome Profiling.** Control of Movement in Computer Science. Confluent Monolayers.**
Robert Douglass Wardlow II, Decision Making: Movement Acceleration of a Robert DiPietro, Computer
Cellular and Molecular Vigor, Reaction, and Their Dynamically Packed Oblique Science. Recurrent Neural
Medicine. Functional Relationship with Subjective Sparse Projection Random Networks for Representing,
Characterization of Genetic Value and Effort.** Forest.* Segmenting, and Classifying
Modifiers for Marfan Wen-Kai You, Neuroscience. Subhendu Chakraborty, Surgical Activities .
Syndrome Provides Insight Selective Visuospatial Mechanical Engineering. Phillip J. Dorsey, Chemical and
for Novel Therapeutic Attention in Freely Moving Development of a Self- Biomolecular Engineering.
Strategies. Mice.* Consistent Coupled Towards spatial computing
David Robert Wilson, Huiwang Zhan, Biological Atomistic-Continuum Model and chemical information
Biomedical Engineering. Chemistry. Migratory to Study the Brittle and storage in soft materials
Polymeric Nanoparticle Transitions and Oncogenic Ductile Fracture in Metallic using DNA Programming.
Engineering for Delivery of Transformation in Epithelial Material. Kate Danielle Fischl, Electrical
Nucleic Acids. Cells are Controlled by the Rami Walid Chakroun, and Computer Engineering.
Selamawit Abi Woldemeskel, Threshold of the Ras/PI3K/ Chemical and Biomolecular Neuromorphic Models of
Biological Chemistry. From a ERK Excitable Network. Engineering. Supramolecular the Amygdala with
Transcriptional Regulator to Yi Zhu, Biological Chemistry. Filament Hydrogels by Applications to Spike Based
Cell Division: Insights into Regulating O-GlcNAcylation Prodrug Assembly for Local Computing and Robotics.*
the Mechanisms Regulating on Specific Proteins Using Treatment of Brain Tumors. Margaret L. Fleming,
Bacterial Growth, RNA Aptamers.** Kuan Cheng, Computer Science. Geography and Environmental
Morphogenesis, Cell Cycle, Pseudorandom Engineering. Assessing the
and Stress Response.* Constructions: Computing Cytotoxicity of Engineered
Brian Michael Woolums, in Parallel and Applications Nanoparticles: Applications
Pharmacology and Molecular THE G.W.C. WHITING to Edit Distance Codes.* and Implications.
Sciences. Mechanisms of SCHOOL OF Yan Cheng, Electrical and Mingyue Gao, Applied
TRPV4-Mediated Axonal ENGINEERING Computer Engineering. Mathematics and Statistics.
Degeneration.* Engineering Earth-Abundant On Manifold Learning for
Michael Montgomery
Doctors of Philosophy Subsequent Inference.*
Colloidal Plasmonic and
Wormald, Pharmacology and Farshid Alambeigi, Mechanical Semiconductor Pegah Ghahremani, Electrical
Molecular Sciences. Engineering. Dexterity and Nanomaterials for Solar and Computer Engineering.
Discovery, Synthesis, and Autonomy in Minimally Energy Harvesting and Learning Feature
Characterization of Purine Invasive Surgical Robotics Detection Applications. Representation for
Based Isoform Selective Interventions.* Steven Jordan Chow, Geography Automatic Speech
Inhibitors of Inositol Milad Alemohammad, and Environmental Recognition.**
Hexakisphosphate Electrical and Computer Engineering. Biodegradation Michael John Giroux, Chemical
Kinase 1.** Engineering. High-speed of Chlorobenzenes at Oxic- and Biomolecular Engineering.
Zhuwei Xu, Biochemistry, optical signal processing for anoxic Groundwater Investigations in
Cellular and Molecular high-dimensional data Interfaces: Assessing the Nanotechnology: Tailoring
Biology Training Program- acquisition.** Influences of of Magnetic Nanomaterials
Molecular Biology and Joseph Leo Betthauser, Biogeochemical Interactions for Electromagnetic Wave
Genetics. De novo Genome Electrical and Computer and Amendment Absorption .*
Assembly and Analysis of Engineering. Robust Adaptive Conditions.**

August 23,
45 **Degree

Jeffrey Luc Glaister, Electrical system for medical interven- Nagaraj Rajappa Mahajan, Heather Gaddy Patsolic,
and Computer Engineering. tion and image guided Electrical and Computer Applied Mathematics and
Brain structure segmentation therapy: Ultrasound temper- Engineering. Neural circuit Statistics. Graph Matching
using multiple MRI pulse ature monitoring. mechanisms underlying and Vertex Nomination.
sequences.** Rebecca Lincoln Knowles, stimulus selection for spatial Pramuditha Hemanga Perera,
Robert Bruce Grupp, Computer Computer Science. Interactive attention. Electrical and Computer
Science. Computer- Assisted and Adaptive Neural Debjoy Debasish Mallick, Engineering. Deep Learning
Fluoroscopic Navigation for Machine Translation.** Mechanical Engineering. Based Novelty Detection.
Orthopaedic Surgery. Alexander Komin, Materials Shock-Induced Failure of Joshua Edward Porterfield,
Fardad Haghpanah, Civil Science and Engineering. The Protection Materials Using Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering. use of peptides for cargo Laser-Driven Micro-Flyers.* Engineering. Dendrimer
Zachary Jess Harris, Mechanical transport across biological Vimal Manohar, Electrical and Transport Kinetics: Options
Engineering. Model-Based barriers.** Computer Engineering. Semi- for Active Targeting through
Cooperative Acoustic Steven A. Lavenstein, supervised Training for Surface Modifications with
Navigation and Parameter Mechanical Engineering. Automatic Speech Sugars.
Identification for Micro-Scale Fatigue Recognition.** Botong Qiu, Electrical and
Underactuated Underwater Mechanisms in Metals: An Brendan Matthew McLear, Computer Engineering.
Vehicles.** In Situ High Frequency Applied Mathematics and Nanophotonic Design and
Katharine Elizabeth Henry, Experimental Approach. Statistics. The Valuation of Nanomaterial Assembly for
Computer Science. Translating Gongkai Li, Applied Proved Oil Reserves: Price- Next-generation
Machine Learning into Mathematics and Statistics. Induced Revision and the Optoelectronics.*
Clinical Practice: Lessons Dissimilarity Learning Random Evolution of Oil Akshay Mukund Rangamani,
from Development to under Noise: Classical Prices.* Electrical and Computer
Deployment. Multidimensional Scaling Disa Njabulo Mhembere, Engineering. Loss
Hyun-June Jang, Materials and Randomer Forests.* Computer Science. Scalable Landscapes and
Science and Engineering. A Kevin Y. Liaw, Chemical and Graph Analysis and Generalization in Neural
novel characterization of Biomolecular Engineering. Clustering on Commodity Networks: Theory and
organic polymer interfaces Dendrimer-Mediated Hardware.* Applications.
using remote-gate field-effect Targeted Immunotherapies Subhransu Kumar Mishra, Aaron Joshua Rips, Mechanical
transistors. . for the Treatment of Mechanical Engineering. Engineering. Harnessing
Ravikrishnan Perur Jayakumar, Glioblastoma. Autonomous Operations Flow-Induced Flutter of
Mechanical Engineering. Kunal Anil Lillaney, Computer and System Integration of Flapping Flags for Heat
State Estimation in Complex Science. Building Low-Cost Robotic Vehicles Transfer, Mixing, and Energy
Biological Systems.** Hierarchical Storage with Application to Small Harvesting.*
Quan Jiao, Mechanical Services in the Cloud.* Ground Vehicles and Michael Raymond Rose,
Engineering. In Situ Micro- Sunghwan Lim, Mechanical Nanosatellites.** Geography and Environmental
Mechanical Characterization Engineering. Image-Guided May Thu Nwe Nwe Nwe, Civil Engineering. Iodination of
and Multi-Scale Modeling of Robotic Interventions for Engineering. Topology Dimethenamid in
Thermo-Mechanical Core Needle Biospy.* Optimization of Truss Chloraminated Water.**
Properties of Micro- Jiayu Liu, Mechanical Structures Considering Rachel Elaine Rudinger,
Architectured Tungsten Engineering. Mechanics- Stress and Stability Computer Science.
Coatings.* Based Design of Stimuli- Constraints.** Decompositional Semantics
Aniruddha M. Kaushik, Responsive Hydrogel Mikhail Osanov, Civil for Events, Participants, and
Mechanical Engineering. Structures and Devices.* Engineering. Topology Scripts in Text.**
Development of Droplet- Luoluo Liu, Electrical and Optimization for Additive Peter F. Schulam, Computer
Based Microfluidic Platforms Computer Engineering. Manufacturing: from Science. Probabilistic Models
Towards Accelerating Collaborative Regression Mechanical Components to for Exploring, Predicting,
Clinical Diagnoses of and Classification via Orthopaedic Implants.** and Influencing Health
Infectious Diseases. Bootstrapping.** Deniz Ozturk, Civil Engineering. Trajectories.**
Namho Kim, Chemical and Luoning Ma, Mechanical Multi-scale Modeling and Shahriar Sefati, Mechanical
Biomolecular Engineering. Engineering. Experimental Uncertainty Quantification Engineering. A Dexterous
Gene Therapy Strategies for Characterization of of Deformation and Fatigue surgical Robotic System for
Treatment of Muco- Deformation Mechanisms Crack Nucleation in Autonomous Minimally
Obstructive Lung Diseases. in Mg and the Effect of Titanium Alloys using Invasive Orthopaedic
Younsu Kim, Computer Science. Alloying on Ductility. Parametrically Interventions.
Towards modular ultrasound Homogenized Constitutive
*Degree conferred
2019 46

Matthew Corey Sheckells, Ziqian Wang, Materials Science THE ZANVYL KRIEGER sites as a distinct eukaryotic
Computer Science. Probably and Engineering. Effect of SCHOOL OF ARTS AND post-translation modifica-
Approximately Correct Transition Metal SCIENCES tion class.
Robust Policy Search with Substitution on Structure Gene Chong, Chemistry.
Applications to Mobile and Optical/Vibrational Doctors of Philosophy
Bottom-Up Simulations of
Robotics. Properties of 2D Transition Jonathan Albert Aguilar, Nanoparticle Surface
Jaewook Shin, Electrical and Metal Dichalcogenides.** Physics and Astronomy. Layering and Corona
Computer Engineering. Phillip Grant Wilcox, Electrical Atmospheres and orbits of Formation.*
Minimally-Invasive Lens-Free and Computer Engineering. low-mass companions to Sandra Michelle Ciborowski,
Computational Automated Spore Analysis stars with Project 1640 and Chemistry. The Creation of
Microendoscopy.** Using Bright-Field Imaging the Hubble Space Telescope. Anions by Rydberg Electron
David Ryan Snyder, Computer and Raman Microscopy.
Mattia Almansi, Earth and Transfer or Laser
Science. X- vectors: Robust Bin Sheng Wong, Chemical and Vaporization and Their
Planetary Sciences. Denmark
Neural Embeddings for Biomolecular Engineering. Examination using Anion
Strait Ocean Circulation
Speaker Recognition. Understanding and
Variability. Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Andrew Robert Spielvogel, Predicting Cancer Cell
Caitlin Cory Anderson, Joel Thomas Clemmer, Physics
Mechanical Engineering. Aggressiveness From Their
Biology. A Mechanism for and Astronomy. Scale
Online Inertial Measurement Migratory Phenotypes.*
Stochastic Cell Fate Invariant Dynamics of
Unit Sensor Bias and Attitude Qingyu Xu, Geography and
Specification. Interfaces and Sheared
Estimation for the Environmental Engineering.
Seunghwan Baek, Philosophy. Solids.**
Calibration and Improved Essays on Regional Power
Kant's Analogies of Karen K. Clothier, Cognitive
Performance of Attitude and System Investment: Value of
Heading Reference Systems. Planning Model Experience. Science. The Many Meanings
Enhancements, Mariah MacQueen Baker, of Many: A Pragmatic -
Jasper Rose Stroud, Electrical
Transmission Generation Earth and Planetary Sciences. Semantic Account of
and Computer Engineering.
Storage Co-Optimization, Characterizing Aeolian Ambiguous, Vague
Optical Signal Processing for
Efficient Information and Border Carbon Sediment Transport on Quantifiers with
Networks.** Adjustment. Mars Using In Situ Experimental Support.
Hao Su, Chemical and Chi Zhang, Mechanical Observations.** Alex Michael Confer,
Biomolecular Engineering. Self- Engineering. Harnessing Francesco Brenna, German Chemistry. Synthetic
Assembling Prodrugs: From Label-Free Raman and Romance Languages and Nonheme Iron Complexes
Supramolecular Polymer to Spectroscopy for Metastatic Literatures. Poetry and with Mixed N/S Donor Sets:
Supramolecular Medicine.* Cancer Diagnosis and Truth from the Italian Reductive Activation of
Gianna Maria Valentino, Biologic Development.** Renaissance to Milton.* Nitric Oxide.**
Mechanical Engineering. Sheng Zhang, Computer Matthew James Brown, Christopher James Consolino,
Experimental Science. Transductive Biology. Unravelling The History. The Political
Characterization and Semantic Parsing. Physical Allosteric Economy of Silver Money in
Synthesis of Nanotwinned Xiaohui Zhang, Electrical and Mechanism of AraC. England 1542-1696.*
Ni-Mo-W Alloys.** Computer Engineering. Shane R. Byrne, Chemical Edmund Samuel Crawley,
Dingquan Wang, Computer Strategies for Handling Biology. How DNA Economics. Essays on
Science. Supervised Training Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Packaging and Processing Consumption .*
on Synthetic Languages: A Automatic Speech Proteins Affect Dynamic Elizabeth Emory Davis,
Novel Framework for Recognition.** DNA Alyation.** Cognitive Science. Does
Unsupervised Parsing.** Gedi Zhou, Mechanical Hongbin Chen, Physics and Seeing Mean Believing? The
Jin Wang, Mechanical Engineering. Applications of Astronomy. On Black Hole Development of Children's
Engineering. Impact of the Physalis Method to Information Paradox in Semantic Representations
Pressure on Deformation of a Resolved Particle AdS3/CFT2.* for Perception Verbs.
Compliant Wall in a Simulation. Nicole Michelle DeLuca, Earth
Bing Cheng, Physics and
Turbulent Boundary Layer.** Jingyi Zhu, Applied Astronomy. Magneto tera- and Planetary Sciences.
Qiong Wang, Chemical and Mathematics and Statistics. hertz response of topolog- Application of Satellite
Biomolecular Engineering. Error Bounds and Remote Sensing to Water
ical materials.**
Glyco-engineering and glyco- Applications for Stochastic Quality and Pathogenic
Min Hyung Cho, Biology.
analytics of therapeutic Approximation With Bacteria Prediction in the
Reclassification of serine/
proteins secreted from Non-Decaying Gain. Chesapeake Bay.**
threonine phosphorylation
Chinese hamster ovary cells.*
sites with +1 proline (S/TP)

August 23,
47 **Degree

Allison Frances Dennis, Alexander Tilghman Englert, Thomas Scott Gottbreht, Anomalies Shed Light on
Biology. Investigating Philosophy. Evolving the Humanities. Closer to Home: the Dark Sector.*
Chromatin Accessibility Highest Good: A Study of a Newspaper Representations Jessica Lynn Keene, History.
Through a Novel Long Read Kantian Ideal. of Homelessness During the Spiritual Fornication:
Sequencing Approach.** Stephanie Rhea Erev, Political Housing Crisis.* Monasticism and Sexual
Michelle Marie DiBartolo, Science. Earthy Raghav Goyal, Biology. Depravity in Reformation
Psychological and Brain Considerations Understanding sex determi- England.
Sciences. "Can't let it go": Transfigurations of Thought nation in the female germ- Shujaat Ali Khan, Economics.
The persistence of cue- During the Anthropocene.** line of Drosophila Essays on Debt and
driven reward-seeking Carlton Paul Folster, melanogaster . Heterogeneous Agent
despite goal-related conse- Chemistry. Synthesis and Andrew Michael Gray, Macroeconomics.**
quences.** Properties of Functional Economics. Essays on Sarah Yeon-kyoung Kim,
Yige Dong, Sociology. From Silanes.** Human Capital and Adverse Biophysics. Discovery and
Mill Town to iPhone City: Jeremy Fradkin, History. Shocks.* Characterization of
Gender, Labor, and the Religious Toleration and Yu Na Han, History of Art. The pH-Sensitive, Membrane
Politics of Care in An Protestant Expansion in Consolation of Images: Active Peptides.**
Industrializing China (1949- Revolutionary England, Pastoral Care and Visual Brooks Evan Kinch, Physics
2017).* 1642 - 1658.** Culture in Sixteenth- and Astronomy. Predicting
Stephanie Marie D'Souza, Robert Donald Francis, Century Reformation X-Ray Spectra from Global
Sociology. Effects of Family Sociology. Left Behind? Germany.** 3D GRMHD Simulations of
and School Institutions on Working-Class Men in Rural Tyler Nelson Harvey, Biology. Accreting Black Holes.**
Child Outcomes from Early America.* TPPP3-PDGFRa Positive Charles Max Klein, Biophysics.
Childhood through Diego Rivera Gelsinger, Cells: Stem Cells For Simplifying and optimizing
Elementary School.** Biology. Small Rna-Mediated Tendon Regeneration.* the stochastic simulation of
Ioana Andrada Dumitru, Near Regulation of the Oxidative Zachary A. Hicks, Chemistry. rare biochemical events.**
Eastern Studies. A Stress Response in Design and Construction of Sean Anthony Klein,
Comparative Approach to Haloarchaea. a Molecular Beamline for Biophysics. Measuring the
the Development of Ancient Scott Robert Gerber, Political Cluster Catalysis Studies.* Contributions from a
Copper Supply Networks in Science. Judging War: Caroline D. Huang, Physics Hydrogen Bond Network to
Oman and Obsidian Supply Foreseeing Deterrence and Astronomy. The Mira Protein Folding and
Networks in Ethiopia.** Failure and Why Russia May Distance Scale.** Coupling in Leucine-Rich
Kiara C. Eldred, Biology. Choose War.** Nnamdi Igbokwe, Political Repeat Proteins.*
Mechanisms Governing Daniel James Ginsberg, Science. “The Making of the Paul Andrew Kohlbry,
Specification of Mathematics. The Free Capitalist Militician”™ A Anthropology. Plots and
Photoreceptors in the Boundary Problem For Study of the Political Deeds: Property and
Mammalian Retina. Euler’s Equations.* Economy of Corruption in Formations of Land Defense
Giulia Valeria Elli, Yonatan Glazer-Eytan, History. Nigeria 1970 - 2015. in the West Bank.*
Psychological and Brain Transgressing the Sacred: Jeliazko R. Jeliazkov, Arthur Korman, Biology.
Sciences. I mean what you The Crime and Cult of Biophysics. Computational Untwisting the dynamics of
see: the role of first person Sacrilege in the Spanish Modeling and Design of twister ribozyme using
sensory experience in Catholic Monarchy, 1558 - Protein–Protein photochemistry.
shaping the cognitive and 1632. Interactions.* Victor Anthony Kumar,
neural bases of concepts. Anna Glenn, Near Eastern Asha Kadara Jordan, Earth and Anthropology. Autism at
Margaret Ann Eminizer, Studies. Praise of Kingship: Planetary Sciences. Dust and Work: Labor, Reason, and
Physics and Astronomy. Sirgida-hymns in the Old Drought in the Sahel: the Value of Difference.**
Extracting Three Properties Babylonian Liturgical dynamics, variability, and Henry Joseph Lessen,
of the Top Quark From Tradition.** feedbacks in Earth System Biophysics. Elucidating
Angular Distributions. Tamara Elizabeth Golan, Models.* General Effects of Bilayer
Philip David Engelke, Physics History of Art. Hans Fries Kyungmin Kang, Economics. Hydration and Mechanical
and Astronomy. OH as an and Niklaus Manuel: Essays on Higher Education Forces on Beta-Barrel
Alternate Tracer for Evidence, Inquiry, and and Human Capital Membrane Protein
Molecular Gas: A Study in Knowledge in Swiss Investments.* Energetics.
the W5 Star-Forming Painting (1430–1530).** Tanvi Karwal, Physics and Jianhui Li, Economics. Essays
Region.** Astronomy. Cosmological on Product Incompatibility
and Collusion Detecting.**
*Degree conferred
2019 48

Liangji Li, Biology. and Patterns of DNA Jeffrey Seth Roskes, Physics Kirill Olegovich Tchernyshyov,
Characterizing The Methylation in Tumors. and Astronomy. A boson Physics and Astronomy. The
Function of GAS1 In The Misha Ariel Mintz-Roth, learned from its context, Chemistry and Dynamics of
Muscle Stem Cells Aging .** History. Kenya 'Samaj': and a boson learned from the Interstellar Medium.*
Rosanne R. Liebermann, Near Indian Merchants, its end.** James Henry Thierer, Biology.
Eastern Studies. "Hearts of Community Life, and Urban Sabrina S. Schatzman, Lipoprotein Biogenesis And
Flesh:" Collective Identity Society in Colonial East Chemical Biology. Dynamics In Larval
and the Body in the Book of Africa, c. 1890-1980.* Characterizing The Role of Zebrafish.**
Ezekiel.* Charlie Mitchell, Sociology. C. Albicans SOD4: An Rachel Megan Thorman,
David Michael Lindeman, Modeling the Human Fe-REgulated CU-Only SOD Chemistry. Surface reactions
Philosophy. Representations Capital Development of Enzyme.** of low energy electrons and
of Mind.** Young Poor Children. Allen Olaf Scheie, Physics and ions with organometallic
Gaoxiang Liu, Chemistry. Cedric Dalton Moore, Astronomy. Exotic precursors for charged
Negative Ion Photoelectron Chemical Biology. Global Magnetism in Frustrated particle deposition
Spectroscopy: Electronic Profiling of Alzheimer's Pyrochlore-based processes.
Structure, Chemical Disease Gwas SNPs To Magnets.**
Tammy Thanh Tran,
Molecular Activation, and Accelerate Identification Of Emily R. Scott-Solomon, Psychological and Brain
Electron Molecule Causative Variants And Biology. Mechanisms for Sciences. The Influence of
Interactions.** Identification of Novel Spatial Regulation of
Objects-in-Context in the
Kaixian Liu, Biology. Folding Pioneer Factors.** NGF-Signaling Neurons.*
Lateral and Medial
of a multidomain protein, Apurva Nakade, Mathematics. Yu Shi, Physics and Astronomy. Entorhinal Cortex.**
with the help of the ribo- Manifold Calculus and Dissecting Cytoskeletal
Tarek Tutunji, Political
some and a molecular chap- Convex Integration.* Dynamics with Active
Science. Rules of Rule
erone.* Wanshu Nie, Earth and Micropost Arrays.
Violation: The
Benjamin Dean Mahala, Planetary Sciences. Kenneth James Smith,
Institutionalization of
Chemistry. Dynamics and Irrigation and its Response Chemistry. "Dynamics of
Covert Action in
Diffusion in Hard and to Climate: Improving Energy Transfer in Large
International Politis.**
Stochastic Structured Representation of Human Aluminum Nanoparticles:
Annapurna Vemu, Biology.
Solvents.** Impacts in Hydrological Size and Surface Dependent
Regulation of microtubule
Christopher L. Malbon, Modeling and Data Photoresponses of Solution
dynamics by tubulin diver-
Chemistry. Applications of a Assimilation Systems. Processed Particles".
sity and severing enzymes.
quasi-Diabatic Hamiltonian Garvin Mihdi Peters, Timothy Bryan Smith,
Method to Problems in Chemistry. Design & Classics. Philaglaïa: Religion Gavin Tyler Wiens, History of
Nonadiabatic Chemistry.** Development of and Society at Archaic and Art. Making Siena: Art and
π-Conjugated Systems with Classical Akragas’. State Formation, 1404 –
Laura Elisabeth Marler,
Biology. Knowing Where to Fluxional Electronic Paula Marchesini De Souza 1487.*
Start: eIF2beta and Rps26/ Properties.** Mendes, Humanities. Thomas Michael Wilk,
eS26 as Determinants of Daniel Noah Pfeffer, Physics Eternity as Inspiration: Philosophy. Metaethics for
Accurate and Efficient Start and Astronomy. Probing Teresa of Avila, Clarice Neo-Pragmatists: A
Codon Selection for Cosmology at Different Lispector, and Lisa Randal. Pragmatic Account of
Translation Initiation.* Scales.** Qi Su, Chemistry. A Deiodinase Linguistic Meaning for
Eric Andrew Marro, Chemistry. Juliana Maria Bubna Popovitz, Branches Out: Reduction of Moral Vocabulary.**
Strategic Synthesis of Psychological and Brain Nitroaromatics to Facilitate Hiu Tung Wong, Biology.
Complex Functionalized Sciences. Multidimensional Bioremediation and Synaptic mitochondria
Silane Frameworks.** approach to investigating Debromination in regulate hair cell synapse
Joshua Drew McBee, neural mechanisms of Drosophila to Control Male size and function.
Philosophy. Taking the anxiety outcomes following Fertility.** Matthew I. Wooten, Biology.
Helm: Genealogical traumatic brain injury in Zuodong Sun, Chemistry. The Role of DNA Replication
Debunking Arguments, mice. Engineering iodotyrosine in Establishing Asymmetric
Moral Realism, and the David Jonathan Rosenstein, deiodinase towards biore- Epigenetic Inheritance in
Possibility of Moral Near Eastern Studies. mediation of halophenols Drosophila Male Germline
Knowledge.* Deuteronomy and Rhetoric: and characterization of a Stem Cells.
Brendan Francis Miller, The Art of Practical unique thermophilic iodoty-
Biology. Investigation of Argumentation in Ancient rosine deiodinase from
Blood-Based Biomarkers Israel. Thermotoga neapolitana.**

August 23,
49 **Degree

Xu Yang, Earth and Planetary Zihan Bai, Finance* Dali Chen, Business Analytics Qingchuan Cui, Finance*
Sciences. Changing Seungui Baik, Health Care and Risk Management* Shijie Cui, Finance*
Precipitation Patterns and Management* Dongying Chen, Finance* Yusheng Cui, Finance*
Carbon Cycling in Nathan Edward Barth, Real Frank Han Yu Chen, Health Michael Thomas Culp, Real
Temperate Forest Soils.* Estate and Infrastructure* Care Management** Estate and Infrastructure
Si Yu, Mathematics. On Moduli Offa Bate Agborsangaya, Hao Chen, Finance* Jiaxin Dai, Finance*
Description of Local Models Finance** Jiafan Chen, Business Yichen Dai, Finance*
For Ramified Unitary Ryan Michael Beach, Finance* Analytics and Risk Linqingqing Dang, Marketing*
Groups and Resolution of Emma Helen Berman, Management* Sarah Giovanna Daniels, Real
Singularities.** Finance** Jiafan Chen, Information Estate and Infrastructure
Kevin Ming Yuan, Economics. Deepak Bhardwaj, Information Systems Aindrila Das, Health Care
Essays on the Effects of Systems* Jiaxin Chen, Marketing* Management
Monetary Policy on
Edgardo Borelly, Finance* Jing Chen, Finance* Christopher A. DeGiacomo,
Financial Markets.*
Scott Ross Bridgeman, Lixing Chen, Finance Finance*
Cheng Zhang, Mathematics.
Finance** Qianning Chen, Finance* Alex Delacroix, Finance**
Oscillatory Integrals and
Michael Robert Burkard, Shiyi Chen, Marketing* Lin Deng, Finance*
Eigenfunction Restriction
Finance** Sichang Chen, Finance* Yue Deng, Finance*
Dustin Ryan Burke, Finance** Sijia Chen, Marketing* Zhixin Deng, Finance*
Shu Zhang, Physics and
Anika Bushra, Finance* Sitian Chen, Marketing* Lousasha Jessica Denis,
Astronomy. Dynamical
Modeling Of A Three Lisa Marie Butville, Health Siying Chen, Finance* Finance
Dimensional Spin Liquid.** Care Management** Siyu Chen, Finance* James L. Desrouleaux,
Zehua Zhao, Mathematics. Meng Cai, Finance* Xinda Chen, Information Finance**
Long time dynamics for Qingling Cai, Business Systems* Wanying Ding, Finance**
nonlinear Schrodinger Analytics and Risk Xinhao Chen, Finance* Wensiyu Ding, Finance*
equations with critical regu- Management* Xinrui Chen, Information Yifei Ding, Marketing*
larity.* Yuting Cai, Finance* Systems* Yulin Ding, Marketing*
Tulio Resende Baeta Zille, Xianwen Cao, Finance* Xinyang Chen, Finance* Yun Ding, Finance*
Political Science. The River is Yuyun Cao, Finance* Xinyang Chen, Finance* Mojun Dong, Information
My Teacher: A Political Yuzhou Cao, Marketing* Xu Chen, Finance* Systems
Ecology of Development in Christopher Anthony Yao Chen, Finance* Mojun Dong, Marketing*
the Brazilian Amazon.** Carapola, Finance* Yipeng Chen, Information Xuan Dong, Finance*
Gretchen Leah Cassavoy, Systems* Yiqin Dong, Marketing*
Health Care Management Yiquan Chen, Finance*
THE CAREY BUSINESS Daniel Esteban Dupuy, Finance
Elisse Nicole Baricuatro Yiran Chen, Finance*
SCHOOL Amgad El Mekabaty, Health
Catalan, Health Care
Yutong Chen, Marketing* Care Management
Masters of Science Management**
Zhao Chen, Finance* Robert Darnell Evans, Finance
Qixin Cen, Marketing*
Olumuyiwa Philip Akinrimisi, Zhengkun Chen, Finance* Qianwen Fan, Marketing*
Satya Sundar Chakrabarty,
Health Care Management* Zihao Chen, Information Qianyun Fan, Business
Health Care Management*
Shaima Alahmadi, Finance* Systems* Analytics and Risk
Lok Tin Kevin Chan, Business
Henok Abadi Alem, Finance** Jiahui Cheng, Marketing* Management
Analytics and Risk
Amr Adel Alhuraibi, Finance* Yifan Cheng, Finance* Qianyun Fan, Marketing*
Ramadan M. Ali, Health Care Yun-Han Chuang, Marketing* Yifang Fan, Finance*
Hongbo Chang, Business
Management* Ai Chung, Marketing* Yuqi Fan, Finance*
Analytics and Risk
Yang An, Marketing* Management Lun Ci, Finance* Zhuyun Fan, Business
Yanpeng An, Information Francesco V. Clara Jr., Finance* Analytics and Risk
Hongbo Chang, Finance*
Systems* Stavros Constantinidis, Management*
Jenny Chee Ning Chang,
Rishi Bagga, Finance* Finance* Hailun Fang, Marketing*
Health Care Management
Miao Bai, Marketing* Kye Landers Coolbaugh, Yujie Fang, Information
YuJung Chang, Marketing*
Finance** Systems*
Qikun Bai, Finance* Xi Chao, Business Analytics
Andrew Joseph Craig, Health Junying Feng, Marketing*
Yuxin Bai, Marketing* and Risk Management
Care Management** Yini Feng, Finance*
Zihan Bai, Business Analytics Xi Chao, Finance*
and Risk Management Haichao Cui, Marketing* Paul Leandro Friedman,
Ran Che, Finance*
*Degree conferred
2019 50

Boshen Fu, Finance* Qiwei Guan, Finance* George Michael Hritcko, Jinying Jiao, Finance*
Jiaxiang Fu, Finance* Hanying Guo, Marketing* Finance Qiwei Jin, Finance*
Yahao Fu, Finance* Lijia Guo, Marketing* Fangzheng Hu, Finance* Yutong Jin, Finance*
Andrew Hoyt Fuller, Finance Meng Guo, Finance* Guang Hu, Marketing* Sims Samuel Jones, Finance**
Fengyuan Gan, Finance* Mingyu Guo, Finance* Qinjian Hu, Finance* Siyang Ju, Finance*
Fengyuan Gan, Information Xinyi Guo, Finance* Xueying Hu, Finance* Ashish Adarsh Kakar,
Systems Yutong Guo, Finance* Yiren Hu, Finance* Information Systems*
Ruijie Gan, Finance* Zixiao Guo, Information Yiyuan Hu, Marketing* Yuning Kang, Finance*
Xiaofei Gan, Health Care Systems* Yufan Hu, Finance* Zixiao Kang, Business Analytics
Management* Pinar Gursoy, Finance** Yunkun Hu, Finance* and Risk Management*
Ge Gao, Finance* Luke Ham Zhi Wen, Business Yuanyuan Hua, Marketing* Yoon Ah Kang Powers, Health
Huiyi Gao, Finance* Analytics and Risk Ao Huang, Finance* Care Management*
Kefan Gao, Business Analytics Management Ji Huang, Information Justin Walter Kennell, Real
and Risk Management* Luke Ham Zhi Wen, Finance* Systems* Estate and Infrastructure**
Lingmei Gao, Finance* Jiarui Han, Finance* Jiaying Huang, Marketing* Isaac Kim, Finance*
Liruo Gao, Finance* Lin Han, Finance* Jingmei Huang, Real Estate Henry J. Knott IV, Real Estate
Mengchen Gao, Finance* Tingjue Han, Information and Infrastructure* and Infrastructure**
Mingji Gao, Business Analytics Systems* Liya Huang, Finance* Xuming Kou, Marketing*
and Risk Management* Xiaomeng Han, Information Shiqi Huang, Finance* Philip Zwi Krausz, Finance
Xing Gao, Finance* Systems* Wenqian Huang, Business Joseph Russell Krisch, Real
Ya Gao, Information Systems* Zibo Han, Finance* Analytics and Risk Estate and Infrastructure
Yang Gao, Information Bofang Hao, Business Management* Genevieve Kurtz, Marketing*
Systems* Analytics and Risk Wentao Huang, Marketing* Aung Ye Kyaw, Finance*
Zeqing Gao, Finance* Management Yi Huang, Finance* Rasika Ganesan Lagudua,
Zihan Gao, Finance* Bofang Hao, Finance* Yucheng Huang, Finance Health Care Management*
Chunling Ge, Finance* Yuxin Hao, Finance* Yucheng Huang, Marketing* Wen Lai, Business Analytics
Felicia Ge, Finance** David Michael Hawk, Yufang Huang, Business and Risk Management*
Leyun Ge, Finance* Marketing Analytics and Risk Xiao Lai, Marketing*
Yang Ge, Finance* Feifan He, Finance* Management* Matthew Allan Laird, Health
Yang Ge, Information Systems Guangyu He, Health Care Timothy Tingyaw Hwu, Care Management*
Shuang Geng, Business Management* Finance Yiyang Lan, Finance*
Analytics and Risk Hanyang He, Finance* Mark James Iannatuono Jr., Christopher Kai Lee, Health
Management* Ka He, Marketing* Health Care Management* Care Management*
Daniel Allan Gill, Real Estate Pengshen He, Finance* Sameena Jaggi, Finance* Hsin-Ju Lee, Marketing*
and Infrastructure Qikai He, Finance* Clem Jeffers, Health Care Jung Hyn Lee, Health Care
Andrea M. Glover, Finance** Wei He, Finance* Management Management**
Miguel A. Gomez, Finance** Yihan He, Marketing* Jodel Joshua Jeremie, Health Guyu Lei, Finance*
Andrea Gomez Giron, Yingqi He, Finance* Care Management Yun Lei, Finance*
Marketing** Yining He, Business Analytics Binda Jia, Finance* Jonathan Shalom Levy,
Rishang Gong, Finance* and Risk Management Ruijin Jia, Finance* Finance*
Fan Gu, Marketing* Yining He, Finance* Yuchen Jia, Finance* Anqi Li, Finance*
Hanchi Gu, Business Analytics Yumeng He, Finance* Yuqing Jia, Finance* Bingjie Li, Marketing*
and Risk Management* Daniela Cortez Hess, Haoyu Jiang, Finance* Dan Li, Finance*
Pengyuan Gu, Finance* Information Systems Jiachen Jiang, Health Care Fengxu Li, Finance*
Xiaohan Gu, Business Analytics David L. Hill, Finance** Management* Hanxi Li, Finance*
and Risk Management* Tinaya N. Holland, Marketing* Jingyuan Jiang, Finance* Haonan Li, Finance**
Yanchi Gu, Health Care Youngki Hong, Finance** Min Jiang, Finance* Jialu Li, Finance
Management** Brandon Kum Hong- Rubing Jiang, Finance* Jiaqi Li, Finance*
Yuewei Gu, Marketing* Dominguez, Finance* Yichen Jiang, Finance* Jiarui Li, Marketing*
Jing Guan, Finance* Shamikka Horton Frempong, Zhengda Jiang, Finance* Jiaxin Li, Finance*
Qian Guan, Information Finance Zihan Jiang, Real Estate and Jingxi Li, Marketing*
Systems* Renjie Hou, Marketing* Infrastructure* Jinjie Li, Marketing*

August 23,
51 **Degree
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Jun Li, Information Systems* Minqiang Liang, Information Qianyi Liu, Real Estate and John Arthur Lydic, Finance**
Kunfang Li, Finance* Systems* Infrastructure* Hanping Lyu, Marketing*
Mengfan Li, Finance* Xiaolin Liang, Finance* Shijia Liu, Finance* Qinfang Lyu, Marketing*
Mingyang Li, Finance* Xueying Liang, Marketing Shiying Liu, Finance* Tong Lyu, Finance*
Mingyu Li, Finance* Yi Liang, Finance* Shuaitong Liu, Marketing* Zeren Lyu, Finance*
Peiyan Li, Finance* Guangyu Liao, Finance* Weilun Liu, Real Estate and Chen Ma, Finance*
Qi Li, Finance* Hongying Liao, Finance* Infrastructure Hongyuan Ma, Finance*
Sheng Li, Finance* Peizhe Liao, Finance* Xinyu Liu, Finance* Shiyu Ma, Finance*
Shuzhan Li, Business Analytics Peter W. Liebman, Real Estate Yi Liu, Finance* Siyuan Ma, Finance*
and Risk Management and Infrastructure* Yiming Liu, Marketing* Xiaojie Ma, Business Analytics
Shuzhan Li, Finance* Bingke Lin, Finance* Yixiong Liu, Finance* and Risk Management*
Si Li, Business Analytics and Changsong Lin, Business Yubo Liu, Finance* Yaoshitu Ma, Finance*
Risk Management* Analytics and Risk Yue Liu, Finance* Yimin Ma, Finance*
Sicheng Li, Finance* Management** Yuntian Liu, Marketing* Ziyu Ma, Finance*
Songyao Li, Finance* Chuanyu Lin, Marketing* Yutong Liu, Business Analytics Aishwarya Mahesh, Health
Weixi Li, Finance* Junming Lin, Marketing* and Risk Management Care Management*
Wenhan Li, Finance* Lin Lin, Marketing* Yutong Liu, Finance* Jad W. Malaeb, Finance
Xinyang (Charles) Li, Finance* Minxu Lin, Marketing* Yuxin Liu, Marketing* Pragya Malla, Business
Xinyang (Charles) Li, Qinyi Lin, Marketing* Ziqin Liu, Finance* Analytics and Risk
Information Systems Sijie Lin, Finance* Zitong Liu, Finance* Management*
Xinyi Li, Business Analytics Tongtong Lin, Finance* David Andrew Livingston, Siyang Man, Finance*
and Risk Management* Yanchen Lin, Business Finance* Koon Nin Vincent Mang,
Xinyi Li, Finance* Analytics and Risk Lijie Long, Marketing* Marketing*
Xinyu Li, Marketing* Management* Yingxue Long, Finance* Chuang Mao, Health Care
Yewen Li, Business Analytics Yu Lin, Finance* Zeyu Long, Finance* Management*
and Risk Management Yujun Lin, Finance* Qiyue Lou, Finance* Tingting Mao, Finance*
Yewen Li, Finance* Zehao Lin, Business Analytics Sufan Lou, Business Analytics Anna Nataly Mayer, Marketing*
Yifan Li, Business Analytics and Risk Management* and Risk Management Jynnifer Estelle McClinton,
and Risk Management* Shiyi Ling, Finance* Sufan Lou, Marketing* Health Care Management*
Yitong Li, Marketing* Xiao Ling, Finance* Anqi Lu, Finance* Margaret Hope Mcgrath,
Yixin Li, Finance* Danni Liu, Finance* Di Lu, Finance* Health Care Management
Yuchen Li, Finance* Guanfeng Liu, Business Jianeng Lu, Finance* Muhammad Ali Mehdi,
Yue Li, Finance* Analytics and Risk Linjing Lu, Marketing* Marketing*
Yumeng Li, Finance* Management* Mingfei Lu, Business Analytics Huajun Meng, Finance*
Yuou Li, Finance* Guangxin Liu, Real Estate and and Risk Management* Qianwen Miao, Information
Yuxin Li, Marketing* Infrastructure* Shengyu Lu, Finance* Systems*
Zaiying Li, Finance* Hao Liu, Finance* Wanyin Lu, Marketing* Yuchen Miao, Finance*
Zaiying Li, Information Honglei Liu, Finance* Yifu Lu, Finance* Narumi Mita, Marketing*
Systems Huizi Liu, Finance* Yundi Lu, Finance* Yifan Mo, Business Analytics
Zekun Li, Finance* Jiajian Liu, Finance* and Risk Management*
Mary Elizabeth Lucas, Health
Zheng Li, Finance* Jiaqian Liu, Information Care Management Brendan Thomas Moore,
Systems* Health Care Management
Zheqin Li, Business Analytics Dan Luo, Real Estate and
and Risk Management Jiasi Liu, Finance* Infrastructure* Matthew Michael Mott,
Junyu Liu, Finance* Finance**
Zheqin Li, Marketing* Haomin Luo, Finance*
Ke Liu, Information Systems Thomas Glenn Moyer,
Zhichao Li, Finance* Huisi Luo, Business Analytics
Ke Liu, Marketing* Finance**
Zhuocai Li, Marketing* and Risk Management*
Lanyu Liu, Finance* Ziyu Mu, Finance*
Zifan Li, Marketing* Liyi Luo, Marketing*
Lelin Liu, Finance* Jeffrey Muscatello, Finance
Ziyi Li, Finance* Mimi Luo, Finance*
Lijia Liu, Finance* Jie Nan, Finance*
Ce Liang, Finance* Shiyu Luo, Finance*
Lu Liu, Finance* Wing Lun Colin Ng,
Chuyue Liang, Marketing* Weidan Luo, Finance*
Mengyi Liu, Finance* Marketing*
Jiahang Liang, Finance* Yingzhen Luo, Finance*
Jiahong Ni, Finance*
Jiahui Liang, Finance* Yang Lv, Finance*

2019 52
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Jiaying Ni, Finance* Yoga Prakasa, Business Yixuan Shao, Finance* Monica L. Sugg, Health Care
Jiaying Ni, Information Systems Analytics and Risk Zhiyu Shao, Business Analytics Management**
Wenwei Ni, Finance* Management and Risk Management* Dong Sui, Finance*
Wenying Ni, Information Yoga Prakasa, Real Estate and Michael M. Shaughnessy, Chunyu Sun, Information
Systems Infrastructure* Information Systems Systems
Wenying Ni, Marketing* Huifeng Qian, Information Chengyun Shen, Finance* Chunyu Sun, Marketing*
Xiaoyu Ni, Finance* Systems* Jiaqi Shen, Finance* Danjie Sun, Finance*
Yajie Ni, Real Estate and Li Qian, Finance* Shuhong Shen, Information Haofeng Sun, Finance*
Infrastructure* Yuanhao Qian, Finance* Systems* Haoxin Sun, Business Analytics
Palak Nijjar, Health Care Dan Qin, Marketing* Tong Shen, Finance* and Risk Management*
Management* Hongye Qin, Marketing* Yanxi Shen, Health Care Hong Sun, Finance*
Toshihiko Nishida, Health Care Xuan Qin, Finance* Management Hui Sun, Finance*
Management* Zaiyang Qiu, Business Analytics Yunyu Shen, Finance* Jiarui Sun, Marketing*
Sihan Niu, Business Analytics and Risk Management* Yunyu Shen, Information Jiaxing Sun, Finance*
and Risk Management* Jiani Qu, Marketing* Systems Jiaying Sun, Business Analytics
Kathryn Marie Norris, Anadi Rastogi, Information Jie Sheng, Finance* and Risk Management**
Finance* Systems* Siyuan Sheng, Information Jin Sun, Finance*
Kelsey Erin O'Neill, Jie Ren, Information Systems Systems* Liangliang Sun, Business
Information Systems* Jie Ren, Marketing* Hanbing Shi, Finance* Analytics and Risk
Bingrui Ou, Business Analytics Kaiji Ren, Finance* Haochen Shi, Finance* Management
and Risk Management* Ping Ren, Health Care Haoran Shi, Finance* Liangliang Sun, Finance*
Bingrui Ou, Information Management* Huishan Shi, Marketing* Pei Sun, Finance*
Systems Ping Ren, Information Systems Linzhe Shi, Finance* Tianqi Sun, Finance*
Yingru Ouyang, Finance* Yanyan Ren, Finance* Lyu Shi, Marketing* Xu Sun, Business Analytics and
Harnur Pahal, Business Yincheng Ren, Finance* Mengxiao Shi, Finance* Risk Management
Analytics and Risk Jennifer Diane Retamal, Zejia Shi, Finance* Xu Sun, Finance*
Management* Health Care Management Yanan Sun, Marketing*
Zongtao Shi, Finance*
In Kyung Pai, Finance* Anthony Jacob Reyna, Finance Yaqiong Sun, Finance*
Shiyao Shou, Business Analytics
Luying Pan, Finance* Thomas Robulack, Health Care and Risk Management Yilei Sun, Marketing*
Peilin Pan, Finance* Management** Shiyao Shou, Finance* Yixuan Sun, Finance*
Shiyang Pan, Finance* Charles Hamilton Rogers, Ling Si, Marketing* Yue Sun, Finance*
Xiangyu Pan, Information Finance* Luca Agnello Simmons, Yutong Sun, Finance*
Systems* Iman Tagedin Romodan, Information Systems* Zengwei Sun, Finance*
Xun Pan, Finance* Health Care Management Nadine Sharisse Simmons, Zhongao Sun, Business
Yiran Pan, Finance* Hanyah Fatima Rupani, Health Real Estate and Analytics and Risk
Supavich Pannara, Finance* Care Management* Infrastructure Management
Achal Dipak Patel, Health Care Edward Andrew Ryland, Real Nan Song, Finance* Zhongao Sun, Finance*
Management* Estate and Infrastructure** Siqi Song, Information Daniel B. Sweeney, Finance
Jiejun Peng, Information Samira Saad, Health Care Systems* Jamie Lee Swiger, Health Care
Systems* Management Yilin Song, Information Management
Yaning Peng, Finance* Mohammad Umar Saleem, Systems* Anjie Tang, Marketing*
Yingjun Peng, Business Information Systems Zhuang Song, Marketing* Guo Tang, Marketing*
Analytics and Risk Emilie Mei Schwab, Marketing Heather Stewart, Real Estate Renjie Tang, Finance*
Management Manzoor Shah, Information and Infrastructure** Xinying Tang, Finance*
Yingjun Peng, Marketing* Systems Zachary Carlisle Strang, Real Yichun Tang, Finance*
Yue Peng, Real Estate and Bowen Shang, Finance** Estate and Infrastructure* Zhixuan Tang, Finance*
Infrastructure* Yixiong Shang, Information Xuanqi Su, Finance* Yirui Tao, Information Systems
Dinuka Amelia Perera, Finance Systems* Yue Su, Finance* Yirui Tao, Marketing*
Rui Pian, Finance* Xiaoyun Shangguan, Zhan Su, Finance* Matthew Alexander Taylor,
Fangge Piao, Business Analytics Marketing* Zixuan Su, Finance* Real Estate and
and Risk Management* Ruihao Shao, Business Abby E. Sugg, Health Care Infrastructure
Nistha Pradhan, Finance* Analytics and Risk Management

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
53 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Matthew Peter Thomason, Chaojun Wang, Business Youquan Wang, Finance* Siyuan Wu, Finance*
Finance* Analytics and Risk Yuan Wang, Finance* Tian Wu, Marketing*
Charles Thompson Jr., Management Yue Wang, Real Estate and Tong Wu, Finance*
Enterprise Risk Chaojun Wang, Finance* Infrastructure* Tong Wu, Finance*
Management** Chengyue Wang, Finance* Yujing Wang, Finance* Xiaotian Wu, Marketing*
Shenia Wauketa Thompson, Chenyu Wang, Marketing* Yunwen Wang, Finance* Xuming Wu, Marketing*
Health Care Management Chenyun Wang, Finance* Yunwen Wang, Information Yan Wu, Finance*
Haodan Tian, Marketing* Danruo Wang, Finance* Systems Yimu Wu, Finance*
Jiacheng Tian, Finance* Haiyun Wang, Health Care Yutong Wang, Finance* Yu Wu, Finance*
Keyi Tian, Business Analytics Management* Yuzi Wang, Business Analytics Yue Wu, Business Analytics and
and Risk Management* Haoyan Wang, Finance* and Risk Management* Risk Management*
Pu Tian, Business Analytics and Huiying Wang, Finance* Zhengzhen Wang, Finance* Zhengxuan Wu, Finance*
Risk Management Jiameng Wang, Marketing* Zheqing Wang, Finance* Rui Xi, Business Analytics and
Pu Tian, Marketing* Jiarui Wang, Finance* Zijun Wang, Finance* Risk Management*
Sumeng Tian, Information Jieyi Wang, Finance* Ziteng Wang, Finance* Danni Xia, Business Analytics
Systems Jingjing Wang, Finance* Ziyu Wang, Finance* and Risk Management
Sumeng Tian, Marketing* Jingyi Wang, Finance* Ziyuan Wang, Finance* Danni Xia, Finance*
Margaret Ellen Tigre, Finance Jinshi Wang, Finance* Michael Patrick Ward, Health Jiawei Xia, Marketing*
Rachel Tola, Health Care Jinshi Wang, Information Care Management Ke Xia, Business Analytics and
Management** Systems Courtney Lupo Weatherman, Risk Management*
Bi Tong, Finance* Junlin Wang, Health Care Health Care Management* Xiaoxiao Xia, Finance*
Peilin Tong, Finance* Management* Jiuqin Wei, Finance* Yuxuan Xia, Finance*
Bridget Rose Toomey, Health Kaiyu Wang, Finance* Junjie Wei, Finance* Yifei Xiang, Finance*
Care Management* Manqu Wang, Information Siqi Wei, Finance* Han Xiao, Finance*
Vincent Tran, Real Estate and Systems* Wenqi Wei, Finance* Cheng Xie, Business Analytics
Infrastructure Mengjiao Wang, Business Xin Wei, Marketing* and Risk Management*
Anthony John Trenzeluk, Analytics and Risk Zihan Wei, Finance* Faran Xie, Finance*
Business Analytics and Risk Management* Dov Welcher, Finance** Haowen Xie, Finance*
Management** Mingqian Wang, Marketing* Fang Wen, Finance** Jennifer Jin Chi Xie, Business
Po-Hao Tseng, Marketing* Qianling Wang, Finance* Liyan Wen, Finance* Analytics and Risk
An Tu, Marketing* Qianling Wang, Information Xiang Wen, Finance** Management
Ningxin Tu, Finance* Systems Alexandra Erica Wibowo, Jennifer Jin Chi Xie, Finance*
Qihao Tu, Finance** Qinyun Wang, Marketing* Information Systems* Limou Xie, Business Analytics
Wei Tu, Finance* Runzhao Wang, Finance* and Risk Management*
Shanyil Christian
Yuxi Tu, Marketing* Shuiqing Wang, Finance* Limou Xie, Finance
Wickramasinghe, Health
Fatemeh Vahedi, Health Care Weiqi Wang, Information Care Management* Sutao Xie, Business Analytics
Management Systems* and Risk Management*
Amalia Roslyn Williams,
Nissar Vahora, Finance** Xiao Wang, Finance* Health Care Management** Xingyu Xie, Finance*
Karl Van Reusen, Finance* Xiaobing Wang, Finance* Cheryl Agibola Williams, Real Yixuan Xie, Marketing*
Maria Fernanda Vargas Xinyuhui Wang, Marketing* Estate and Infrastructure** Jixun Xin, Marketing*
Mossos, Finance Yanjing Wang, Finance* Brittany Jean Wilson, Finance Lulu Xing, Business Analytics
Shradha Verma, Finance* Yicheng Wang, Finance* Elizabeth M. K. Witko, Finance and Risk Management*
Michelle Theresa Thompson Yifei Wang, Finance* Chengyi Wu, Marketing* Yixin Xing, Finance*
Walden, Health Care
Yijie Wang, Finance* Huike Wu, Marketing* Xuanyu Xiong, Marketing*
Ying Wang, Finance* Jialu Wu, Finance* Yao Xiong, Business Analytics
Jiayu Wan, Information
Ying Wang, Business Analytics Jian Wu, Finance* and Risk Management*
and Risk Management* Jianbo Wu, Finance* Chenyu Xu, Finance*
Jiayu Wan, Marketing*
Yingqi Wang, Finance* Jiasheng Wu, Finance* Fengyiru Xu, Business Analytics
Yaqi Wan, Marketing*
Yiran Wang, Business Analytics Jiaying Wu, Finance* and Risk Management*
Anqi Wang, Finance*
and Risk Management* Jingtian Wu, Finance* Han Xu, Finance*
Binyang Wang, Finance*
Yixuan Wang, Finance* Pinxi Wu, Marketing* Junyi Xu, Business Analytics
Biying Wang, Finance* and Risk Management*
Yiya Wang, Finance* Shengnan Wu, Finance*

2019 54
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Le Xu, Finance* Tonghui Yang, Finance* Xi Yu, Health Care Ni Zhang, Marketing*
Meng Xu, Finance* Wei Tse Yang, Health Care Management* Qian Zhang, Finance*
Qiuming Xu, Finance* Management Xuefei Yu, Marketing* Qian Zhang, Finance*
Rongrong Xu, Marketing* Wenhao Yang, Information Yi Yu, Finance* Qiongsihan Zhang, Finance*
Ruotong Xu, Finance* Systems* Yichen Yu, Finance* Shiqi Zhang, Real Estate and
Shihang Xu, Marketing* Yang Yang, Marketing* Yingxuan Yu, Finance* Infrastructure**
Shiyuan Xu, Finance* Yi Yang, Marketing* Yue Yu, Finance* Siqi Zhang, Finance*
Shuo Xu, Information Systems* Yijiang Yang, Finance* Yuxin Yu, Finance* Tianhao Zhang, Marketing*
Wenting Xu, Information Yucheng Yang, Finance* Zheng Yu, Finance** Tianyi Zhang, Marketing*
Systems* Yuxuan Yang, Health Care Zhonghao Yu, Finance* Tongyang Zhang, Business
Xiaohui Xu, Business Analytics Management* Zhou Yu, Finance* Analytics and Risk
and Risk Management Zhengdao Yang, Finance* Ziwei Yu, Finance* Management
Xiaohui Xu, Finance* Zhengze Yang, Finance* Mingxu Yuan, Real Estate and Tongyang Zhang, Finance*
Xiaotian Xu, Information Zi Yang, Business Analytics and Infrastructure* Xi Zhang, Finance*
Systems* Risk Management* Weili Yuan, Health Care Xiaoyang Zhang, Finance*
Xiyao Xu, Finance* Ziqian Yang, Finance* Management* Xuezhi Zhang, Finance*
Yiling Xu, Business Analytics Zishuo Yang, Business Analytics Xingjian Yuan, Information Yichi Zhang, Business Analytics
and Risk Management and Risk Management* Systems* and Risk Management*
Yiran Xu, Finance* Ziyi Yang, Marketing* Qinyi Yue, Finance* Yining Zhang, Finance*
Yongda Xu, Business Analytics Jia Yao, Information Systems* Zheng Yue, Finance* Yining Zhang, Finance*
and Risk Management* Xingyu Yao, Finance* Joshua Septian Yuwono, Yining Zhang, Information
Zeyi Xu, Marketing* Yiyun Yao, Finance* Finance* Systems
Zeyu Xu, Business Analytics and Jiachang Ye, Finance* Yilin Zang, Finance* Yining Zhang, Finance*
Risk Management* Jialiang Ye, Finance* Siyan Zeng, Marketing* Yiwen Zhang, Marketing*
Zhiheng Xu, Business Analytics Jie Ye, Business Analytics and Xiaoqi Zeng, Real Estate and Yixuan Sally Zhang,
and Risk Management Risk Management Infrastructure* Marketing*
Zhiheng Xu, Finance* Jie Ye, Finance* Xin Zeng, Finance* Zhengwei Zhang, Finance*
Ziyi Xu, Finance* Kaibin Ye, Finance* Wenjia Zhai, Marketing* Zhuoyu Zhang, Finance*
Jiachen Xuan, Finance* Li Ye, Finance* Ni Zhan, Finance* Zihan Zhang, Finance*
Tianyu Xuan, Finance* Suhao Ye, Finance* Chi Zhang, Finance* Ziyun Zhang, Finance*
Yanke Xuan, Finance* Ting Ye, Information Systems* Dongruo Zhang, Finance* Zuer Zhang, Marketing*
Feng Xue, Finance* Angela Yi, Marketing* Doudou Zhang, Business Haoyu Zhao, Finance*
Jinyuan Xue, Finance* Jiahao Yin, Finance* Analytics and Risk Jiaran Zhao, Health Care
Xiaohui Xue, Finance* Shaoqi Yin, Finance* Management* Management*
Xiaomeng Xue, Finance* Xinyang Yin, Finance* Han Zhang, Business Analytics Jiaxu Zhao, Finance*
Zhihuang Xue, Marketing* Xinyuan Yin, Information and Risk Management Jing Zhao, Finance*
Cheng Yan, Finance* Systems* Han Zhang, Marketing* Mengqi Zhao, Finance*
Lu Yan, Business Analytics and Yiyi Yin, Finance* Hansen Zhang, Finance* Sheng Zhao, Business Analytics
Risk Management* Yue Yin, Finance* Hanwen Zhang, Finance* and Risk Management
Xiaoyue Yan, Business Analytics He You, Finance* Jianhao Zhang, Finance* Sheng Zhao, Finance*
and Risk Management Chenyin Yu, Finance* Jiayi Zhang, Finance* Siqi Zhao, Information
Xiaoyue Yan, Finance* Hanqiao Yu, Business Analytics Jingru Zhang, Business Systems*
Yun Yan, Marketing* and Risk Management Analytics and Risk Songyan Zhao, Information
Danning Yang, Finance* Hanqiao Yu, Finance* Management Systems*
Hao Yang, Finance* Junhan Yu, Finance* Jingru Zhang, Finance* Weijia Zhao, Business Analytics
Huiyu Yang, Marketing* Qianwei Yu, Finance* Junhan Zhang, Finance* and Risk Management*
Jiani Yang, Finance** Qiuyi Yu, Information Systems Lantao Zhang, Health Care Xinrui Zhao, Finance*
Lei Yang, Marketing* Qiuyi Yu, Marketing* Management* Xinyun Zhao, Finance*
Mengxuan Yang, Marketing* Tong Yu, Finance* Lei Zhang, Finance* Yutong Zhao, Finance*
Qi Yang, Marketing* Weiyang Yu, Finance* Meng Zhang, Finance* Zheng Zhao, Finance*
Shenglin Yang, Finance* Wentao Yu, Finance* Mingyang Zhang, Finance* Zhewen Zhao, Finance*
Shiqi Yang, Marketing* Mutian Zhang, Finance* Ziyan Zhao, Marketing*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
55 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Ziying Zhao, Marketing* Zhuoan Zhu, Finance* Amanda Diane Brown* Ian Durham
Peiyi Zheng, Marketing* Zhuoan Zhu, Information Aquanette T. Brown Matthew Thomas Dyer**
Sixiao Zheng, Finance* Systems Daniel Gerhardt Bullock** Jeffrey Osazee Ekoma
Wei Zheng, Finance* Zihan Zhu, Business Analytics Adam Burch Salma El Marjiya Villarreal
Weixi Zheng, Information and Risk Management* Herberth Cavalcanti** Indra Elangovan**
Systems* Zihang Zhu, Finance* Ryan Cawley** Tagwa Elmubarak
Xinli Zheng, Marketing* Andi Zhuang, Finance* Gitanjali Chandel Lucas Escobar
Yikun Zheng, Finance* Luling Zhuang, Marketing* Abhishek Chaturvedi* Nowokere Esemuede
Yiming Zheng, Information Joshua Ziev, Finance** Adam Stephen Chen** Vadi Esmailizadeh
Systems* Chang Zou, Finance* Aoxia Chen Brent Alan Evans**
Zizhou Zheng, Finance* Jiahong Zou, Finance** Yang Chen* Amy Elizabeth Evers
Yu Zhong, Marketing* Kunjun Zou, Finance* Yiyu Chen Abdullah Faisal
Zeyu Zhong, Finance* Kunjun Zou, Information Amos Chery** Michela Feli*
Anqi Zhou, Finance* Systems Andy L. Chiang Scott Adam Ferguson
Chengqi Zhou, Marketing* Yonghuan Zou, Finance* Ming Deng Chin Sabrina Helene Friend
Chunzhao Zhou, Marketing* Shuhao Zuo, Marketing* Eric Kyu Choi Matthew Friters*
Jia Zhou, Finance* Hayeong Choi Jenna Elyse Fritz
Jie Zhou, Finance* Masters of Business Yuna Choi* Chuting Gao*
Linzi Zhou, Finance* Administration
Simran Kaur Chopra Donald F. Georgette
Qianli Zhou, Marketing* Rhoda Doreen Agufa** Begum Dilshad Mohol Jennifer Nicole Ghelardini*
Qingyu Zhou, Marketing* Ehsanuddin Sabaab Ahmed Choudhury Alish Giri
Qiyuan Zhou, Finance* Nida Ahmed Joshua Paul Christenson Rachel Marie Goonan*
Shoucheng Zhou, Finance* Eleanor Akers Estefania Maria Christie Joshua Gorrell**
Tianyu Zhou, Finance* Bryan Alarcon Dina Chychyna Brittney Dora Greene**
Xiangren Zhou, Finance* Christina Alexandra Kate Alison Cieslowski Vaun M. Greer
Yan Zhou, Business Analytics Deborah Sue Allwes** Matthew Denis Cirillo Lilli Emily Rose Gruber
and Risk Management* Jillian Dispanet Alm Susan Melanie Maia Coelho* Linglan Guan
Yanshan Zhou, Finance* Lakshmipathy Alugaddala Jeffrey Marcus Cohen** Rohan Gupta
Yi Zhou, Finance* F Branden Anderson* Katherine Abbott Connolly Jacobo Julian Guzman
Yicheng Zhou, Finance* Margeaux Marie Anderson** Kate H. Conrad James John Gyenes
Yinhao Zhou, Finance* Christos Anninos Elizabeth Cook** David Michael Haberman**
Yuxuan Zhou, Marketing* Gilda Aussi Rachel Cook** Mark Wesley Hall**
Zefang Zhou, Finance* Richard Lerian Ay Jr.** Jess Croughan Lisa Dyan Hanna
Haihan Zhu, Marketing* Oguz Aytekin Danielle A. Danso Keith E. Hansen
Haomin Zhu, Marketing* Ayeetin Manyong Azah Quan M. Dao Dennis A. Hart**
Jing Zhu, Marketing* Matthew Ronald Babcock Jemin Jay Dedania** Tronster Hartley
Jingxin Zhu, Business Analytics Matthew Kyle Bailey Michael James DeGroff** Masoud S. Hashime*
and Risk Management Lauren Marie Baker** Anthony Allan Dennis Brian Charles Hatfield**
Jingxin Zhu, Finance* James Balakian** Anthony Victor DeNuto Amanda Louise Hayes
Keqing Zhu, Finance* Sharad Baliyan Bryan Elliott Deuber David Barlow Hendrie*
Liming Zhu, Finance* Joshua Adam Baracks Sukhpal Singh Dhillon* Dustin James Henry**
Menglan Zhu, Finance* Shelby Lynn Bartemy Bradley Dale Dickerson Russell David Hester**
Qikang Zhu, Business Analytics Paul Christopher Baublitz Connor Dillon Catherine Hong
and Risk Management Hayley Esther Dott
Brittany Alyssa Baxter James Matthew Horris**
Qikang Zhu, Finance* Ian Addison Drury
Dave Berry Shiqing Hua
Wenjia Zhu, Finance* Nora Teresa Duffy
James Victor Bisacca Christopher Michael Hubler
Yajie Zhu, Finance* Shalewa K. Dugan**
Armani Zakia Black Jeremy Blaze Hudson
Yixie Zhu, Business Analytics Charles Alan Dull**
Frank Bocchino** Thomas Michael Hunt
and Risk Management*
Carla Victoria Borrelli** Kelsey Rose Duncan** Jeremy Todd Hurley
Yixie Zhu, Information Systems
John Andrew Bouchard Kelly Elaine Dunn** Pavan Jagannathan*
Yudi Zhu, Marketing*
Jonathan Brooks Srinitya Duppanapudi Satya Lamos Salieu Jalloh
Yue Zhu, Finance*
2019 56
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Jenis James Stacey Martin* Vanessa Patzan Vy P. Tran

Wenqing Ji Jesse Lyle Masear Shafinaz Khan Paul Amber Rae Trusik
Cara Ann Johnson Hilda Maxime** Mary Kay Pennington- Nina Kirit Udeshi
Gladys Johnson** Anna Nataly Mayer McGaughey Stephanie Sarris Ulman
Sterling William Jones Ashley Wengrove McCracken Jordyn A. Pierce Caleb Jules Unni
Nadeem Kamal Matthew G. McKenna Sean Nickolas Pisano** Kunal Vijay Vakharia
Aileen Nancy Kantor Stephanie Marie Mendez Conor James Politz Vincent Joseph Valeri
Michael Aaron Katz** Matthew Paul Michlitsch James R. Prokop* Kavita Annasaheb
Samuel Franklin Kava Mayrim Teresa Millan-Barea Ashley Tram-Anh Quang Vallabhaneni**
Yoshiaki Kawamura Ryan Nicholas Miller Oliver Queen Jr.** Jason Garrett Van Egmond
Tawny Chritton Keene** Karmvir Singh Minhas Ilya Rabkin* Samuel Levi Volkin
Erin Louise Kelly** Melinee Christina Minhas Rifat Rahman** Brent Joseph Wagner**
Banda Abdallah Abubakar Mohamad Ahmed Mohamad Gururaj S. Rao Jessica Patrice Wallace
Khalifa Alexandra Rae Montgomery* Tayler Jeffery Rengel Morgan L. Wallace
Kaveh Khatami Katherine Moore** Jose Pablo Riba** Ann Meredith Hayes Wardwell
Saqib Jalal Khattak Diego Morelos Martinez Emily Cole Rodegast* Kevin Raymond Wasserman**
Gabriel C. Kim Daniel Chay Mosqueda Maritza Saint Vil Sarah Elizabeth Webb
June Kim Richard T. Moxley IV** Marie Rita Salvino** Matthew J. Weiss
Michael Young-Joon Kim Zachary E. Mufson Christina Sanders Gerald Joseph Wertheim
David William Kimble** Hudson Tate Munoz* Dana Love Sanders Veron Wong
Laura Kirkpatrick Dante Munoz-Castaneda Anne Sanford Kamal Ronald Woods
Annamarie N. Kisalu Lisa Maria Mustachio** Sylvester Benjamin Savoy Jr.** James Woyner**
Elizabeth Haynes Knoff** Priyanka Mysore Daniel Selli Kai Xu
Sonya Kobe** Aditi S. Nadkarni Kristin Ayako Sepulveda Jianyu Yang
Kevin Kovacs* Aditya Nair Rowena M. Sevilla-Aldana Katherine Yang
Michael Beau Reilly Lardner* Shannon Claire Nanry Hersh Shah** Vanessa Yee**
Luke Anthony Lavoie Erin Leigh Nash Zarmin Shaikh Michael Jacob Chi-Wing Yong
Joshua Floyd Lee** Joshua G.F. Nash Shahin Shakeri** Victor Byong Yoon
Katherine Si-ing Lee Arun Chandran Natarajan Ryan C. Shelton** Shannon Young*
Kelley Elizabeth Lee** Marianne Patricia Navarro* Shailesh Shukla Justine Tiffany Yu
Jeffrey Stuart Lemon** Mojisola Fadekemi Ndukwe** Latoya Silverton Givi Zedelashvili
William Taylor Leverage Michael Laurence Nelson* Shardul Singh Qian Yu Zhang
Sasha Li** James B. Ness Sumit Kumar Sinha** Qifan Zhang
Wellhan Li Abhinav Nigam Jamar A. Slocum Xuming Zhang
Cheng Liang Tricia Lynn Nilles Matthew Julian Smith Yijia Zhao
Jiahe Liang Lena Therese Nilsson** Lisa Rachel Snider** Zifei Zhao
Xiaoqing Liao Esosa Nosakhare Alycia Marie Socia Shiqi Zhou
Khyhouth Lim Silpa Nunna Benjamin Phillip Stoyenko Jia Zhu
Chung-Yi Liu* Ernest Nana Kofi Nyarko Allyson M. Sun Ramin Sam Ziaee
Shang Liu Mark Anthony Obradovich Delaram Jasmine Taghipour** Joel Anthony Zolnier
Therese Lorelle Lockemy** Mebrahtu Ogbe Rie Tai
Nicole S. Longo Obiageri Ugochi Okafor Kuljit Kaur Taylor Graduate Certificates
Iris Lisseth Lugo Jessica Eve Oring Allison Michelle Tenenbaum
Zade Adli Al-Khatatbeh,
Theresa Young MacDonald Scott Bennett Orlove* Shwetha Thippsandra Sham Financial Management
John Perry Mahle Gloria Fernandez Ortiz Prasad
Kate Alison Cieslowski,
Josh L. Mangus** Dylan Joshua Outtrim** Daniel Israel Thomas Financial Management
Alexandra Rachael Mann Cara Elizabeth Overweg Brandt Coates King Xiaoyue Hu, Investments
Anthony Alan Margve** Catherine Pallenik** Thorington*
Thomas Michael Hunt,
Nevena Marinkovic Chinmay Pandya Joseph A. Tisinger Financial Management
Daniel Kevin Marsteller David Esteban Paniagua** Naresh Tiwari Philip Zwi Krausz, Financial
Steven M. Marsteller Eric Moon Sung Park Lan Phuong Tran** Management

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
57 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Jonathan Shalom Levy, Jessica R. Fesler, Evidence- William Zeallor, Applied Saba Z. Bader, Counseling
Financial Management* Based Teaching in the Health Behavior Analysis Andrew William Badinelli,
Samuel Marynberg, Financial Professions** Education
Management** Kimberly Moody Golden, Masters of Science Ramon Jose Mangoba Banaga,
Abraham Nash, Financial Clinical Mental Health Education
Angela Abadir, Counseling
Management Counseling* Maxwell Heller Banaszak,
Stanley Kinney Absher,
Maria S. Nikitina, Investments Edward L. Ha, Evidence-Based Education
Thalia Salome Rios Jimenez, Teaching in the Health Ayushi Bansal, Counseling
Caroline Nizhoni Ackerman,
Investments* Professions Briann Barker, Education
Shlomo C. Rosenstein, Cecelia J. Harmon, Clinical Samantha Diane Barreiro,
Kaitlyn Wise Adair, Education
Financial Management** Mental Health Counseling Education**
Maria A. Adams, Education
Baruch Mois Siamban, Danya Khoujah, Evidence- Britney A. Batson, Education**
Lizette Aguilar, Education
Investments** Based Teaching in the Health Samantha Ann Marie Bauer,
Professions Aayesha Fatima Aijaz,
Eitan Jacob Touboul, Financial Counseling**
Management** Danielle Michelle Lagoski, Kimberly Becerra, Education
Evidence-Based Teaching in Majde Issa Al Salibi,
Nina Kirit Udeshi, Financial Adrianna H. Bell, Education
the Health Professions* Organizational Leadership**
Management Ayrin N. Bell, Education
Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin, Daniel Michael Albaugh,
Dov Welcher, Financial Organizational Leadership** Shireen K. Bell, Education
Management** Evidence-Based Teaching in Miguel Carlos R. Bengson,
the Health Professions** George Clark Alexander,
Sholom Meir Wilheim, Counseling Education
Financial Management Pauras Z. Memon, Evidence- Scott W. Bennett, Education**
Based Teaching in the Health Richard D. Alexander,
Joshua Ziev, Investments** Organizational Leadership** Mindy D. Bennington,
Jessica Ann Alexy, Education*
Robert Naples, Evidence-Based
Counseling** Alegria Bentley, Education
THE SCHOOL OF Teaching in the Health
Marlon Alfaro, Education Yair Bergman, Education*
EDUCATION Professions
Joseph Walter Ali, Education** Alyssa C. Berkley, Education
Nicole Marie Nielsen,
Post-Masters’s Certificates Olivia Katherine Allen, Margaret A. Berwick,
Evidence-Based Teaching in
Education Education
Abdellatif Hamdy the Health Professions
Daniel E. Alvarenga, Huma Bhola, Special
Abdelwahab, Evidence-Based Dionna L. Polite, Clinical
Counseling* Education
Teaching in the Health Mental Health Counseling*
Mordecai Temesghen Xin Bian, Education*
Professions Brian J. Pomeroy, Evidence-
Andemichael, Counseling** Shonna Leanne Biderman,
Monica Agarwal, Evidence- Based Teaching in the Health
Ariel Courtney Anderson, Counseling**
Based Teaching in the Health Professions*
Education Gina Marie Binns, Counseling
Professions Wayne Francis Quillin,
Jane P. Andrews, Education* Allison Grace Birkett,
Christina Marie Ames, Evidence-Based Teaching in
Madison H. Aquino, Education Education
Evidence-Based Teaching in the Health Professions**
the Health Professions Alexa Arboleda, Education Anna M. Biser, Education
Carlos Rodriguez, Evidence-
Brian Keith Bednarski, Based Teaching in the Health Rohan Ravi Arcot, Counseling Stephanie Brianna Bisselle,
Etsil Arnold, Organizational Counseling*
Evidence-Based Teaching in Professions
the Health Professions** Leadership** Devin Danielle Blackwell,
Patricia Alphonsine Ross,
Paige Marie Arvizo, Education Special Education*
Paige Bennett, Evidence-Based Evidence-Based Teaching in
Teaching in the Health the Health Professions** Annissa A. Asbill, Education Shayn Alanna Blackwell,
Professions Education
Christopher E. San Miguel, Marisha Lanae Ash, Education
Brenda Ann Bucklin, Evidence- Evidence-Based Teaching in Anthony W. Blake, Education
Christina Elise Atlee,
Based Teaching in the Health the Health Professions Education Ranann I. Blatter, Counseling
Professions Ernestine Stewart, Clinical Amanda Auen, Education Natalie C. Bloom, Education*
Gevork Devoyans, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Kelly Marie August, Education Alexandra J. Blossom,
Mental Health Counseling Oluwakemi Eniola Tomobi, Education
Ketty Elizabeth Augustin,
Thanhphuong N. Dinh, Evidence-Based Teaching in Counseling Briana K. Boccard, Education
Evidence-Based Teaching in the Health Professions* Andrew I. Avallone, Brysen Terry Bocchino,
the Health Professions Sarah G. Weeks, Evidence- Education** Counseling**
Ashley S. Edwards, Clinical Based Teaching in the Health Clarissa Janee Bacon, Brittany T. Boddie-Palmer,
Mental Health Counseling** Professions Education Education

2019 58
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Daphne Bolotas, Education Chen Chen, Counseling Corbin Addison Curtis, Kunaal Doshi, Counseling**
Jamie Borromeo, Education Marina R. Chen, Education Education Lauren E. Douville, Counseling
Alexa L. Bourcier, Education Qing Chen, Education* Nathaniel R. Cutting, Catherine Leigh Dowling,
DeLicia M. Boyd, Counseling Rosebernoude Cherilus, Education Counseling**
Megan Bradley, Education Education Lynn Dada, Counseling** Thomas B. Downey, Education
Margaret Brady Marks, Natalie Gasner Chertoff, Alexandra G. Dagher, Gabrielle Dreux, Education
Education Education Education Emily A. Drew, Education
Rebecca F. Brennan, Education Michael Chiang, Education Marisa Daneri, Education Carson J. Dunn, Education
Daija I. Brisbon, Education Stephanie Rae Chou, Nicholas Daney-Cuffie, Penelope Durand, Education
Olivia Josephine Brocato, Education Education Kathryn M. Durkee, Education
Counseling** Abby Marie Chow, Education Anthony Charles Davanzo, Danielle Duseau, Education
Lanie M. Brooner, Education Mary Lash Christensen, Education Denise Ilhe Ebisuya,
Bridgette Sierra Brown, Special Education Amy Korman Davies, Education**
Education Victoria D. Cicero, Counseling Education* Madison Lynn Eblen,
Brittany Dana Brown, Stephanie Cisneros, Education Shakira Eniola Davies, Education
Education** Francesca Kathleen Raffaela Education Jacob Benjamin Ecker,
Mackenzie Felix Brown, Cistone, Education Ashley D. Davis, Education Education
Special Education** Kennedy M. Citro, Special Christopher Jeffrey Cameron Dallas S. Eckman, Education
Rachel S. Brown, Education Education Davis, Counseling Matthew R Brown Edelman,
Zachary Antonio Brown, Kelly F. Clark, Education** Jahaan B. Davis, Education Education
Education Marisa Cleghorn, Education* Kimberly R. Davis, Education Mykia J. Edwards, Education
Wajeeha Bukhari, Education Marcus T. Codrescu, Likesha S. Davis, Education Lonneke Pauline Eenkema
Julie Katherine Buonato, Education Molly C. Davis, Education van Dijk, Education**
Counseling** Riana L. Coe, Education Kathleen Sayles Day, Amanda Rachel Ehrmann,
Rebecca Butterworth, Courtney Lynn Cohen, Education Education
Education Education Kestner Brae De Vera, Leigh Anna Eisele,
Sloan F. Caldwell, Education Dillon A. Collins, Education Education Counseling**
Mariela B. Camarillo, Kathryn Michelle Collins, Sofia Deligiannidis, Education William Elbaum, Education**
Education* Education Courtney M. DeMaria, Doblade Mardell Elliott,
Zong Cao, Education* Jason J. Conner, Education Education* Education
Jenna L. Capacchione, Catherine Grace Cooper, Tionne Nicole Deminds, Julia N. Ellis, Education
Counseling Education Education Sybil Anne Engleby, Education
Julianne Marie Cardoni, Joshua Aaron Cooper, Kayla E. Derby, Special Heather Penhallegon
Education* Education Education Erickson, Organizational
Taylor Nicole Cargile, Margot A. Cordova, Education Lauren M. Deshler, Education Leadership**
Education** Gabriela Cornejo, Education* Varun K. Devakonda, Mylin Milan Ervin, Education
Faith Victoria Carlson, Sara Isabel Coronel Education Jovanna Raquel Esdaile,
Counseling Rodriguez, Education Benjamin R. DeVries, Education
Katharine E. Carmichael, Amalia Borges Correia, Education Jonathan L. Espinoza,
Education Education Dante G. DiBattista, Education
Taylor Carter, Education Toni L. Cotignola, Education Organizational Leadership** Taylor Corrine Eury,
Valencia Renee Carter, Kashena T. Crenshaw, Julia Anjali Pagano Dighe, Counseling
Organizational Leadership** Education Education Marcus Evangelista,
Victoria Lee Cayard, John G. Crommelin, Ning Ding, Special Education Education*
Education* Education** Katherine M. Dobinski, Alexandra Lindsay Ewan,
Klarissa Ilene Cervantes, Matthew R. Crowell, Education Special Education* Education
Education Britney Jechial Cuffee, Emma M. Dodson, Education Carolyn Martha Fado,
Dhanashree Chada, Education Antonia M. Dolan, Education Education
Counseling Davalyn Latisha Cunningham, Aidan J. Donahue, Education Eric M. Fagan, Education
Minghsin Chang, Education* Education Danica J. Donnelly-Landolt, Benjamin Faiz, Education
Hayley Caffrey Chartier, Emily R. Cupps, Education Education Cassel S. Feenstra, Education
Education Sarah A. Curran, Education Troy W. Dorsey, Counseling** Dalma V. Felenyi, Education

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
59 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Justine E. Fitzgerald, Mariel R. Golden, Education** Malcolm R. Harvin-Conner, Tessa R. Horn, Education
Education Emily R. Goldstein, Education Education Holly Samford Hornbeck,
Brendan J. Fliris, Education Jacob P. Goldstone, Education Alexander Hauptman, Education
Danielle Flores, Counseling Emily R. Gomez, Education Education* Christopher C. Horne,
Natallia Yatzareth Flores, Sabrina Rosa Gomez, Allison Elizabeth Hawkins, Education
Education Education Education William Maximilien Hou,
Katie Elizabeth Fogelman, Polina O. Goncharova, Shamiyan Hawramani, Education
Counseling** Education Education* Ziyi Hou, Education*
McDaniel David Foley, Corrinna Victory Good, Alexandra Louise Hayden, Matthew Hsin, Education
Education Education Counseling** Toni D. Hughes, Counseling*
Lynette Forrest, Counseling** Ross M. Gothelf, Education Sola Haye, Education Emily Hummels, Education
Mika Foster, Education Maria Esther Govea Grajeda, Mikaela K. Hayes, Education Edward E. Hunt, Education
Brandi Chantalle Francis, Education Sydnie B. Haywood, Education Saman Hussain, Counseling
Education* Leslie B. Gray, Special Ellen Hope Heinrich, Mariah P. Hutchinson,
Holly W. Franklin, Education Education* Education Education
Isabel Mae Freedman, Michaela Lee Gray, Education Gregory M. Held, Katherine Helen Hyne,
Education Amy Robin Greenberg, Organizational Leadership** Organizational Leadership**
Sam Eugene Freudenburg, Counseling Ellen Kathryn Henthorn, Ruth W. Isaac, Education
Education Monica Maria Ballen-Sanchez Education Cha'mier Yasameen Isom,
Sara Friedman, Education Grey, Counseling Abraham Hernandez, Education
Emily Anne Frost, Education Zena Louisa Griffin, Education Education Zomayra Jack, Education
Morgan E. Frye, Education A'Jae A'Tyanna Monique Gabriel L. Hernandez, Brittany Theresa Jackson,
Rachel Elizabeth Fuhrman, Grisby, Education Education Education
Education Diana Lynn Gross, Education Kevin Miguel Hernandez, Lena Kendra Jackson,
Kellie Mariko Fujii, Education Lindha S. Guerrero, Education Education Counseling**
Andrea Nicole Fulgiam, Karthik Iyappan Evan A. Herr, Education Shelleah Moñet Richie
Education Gunasekaran, Education Alexandra Michelle Jackson, Education
Brook A. Fulton, Counseling DaLeah L. Gunn, Education Herschman, Counseling* Clementine F. Jacobs,
Isabel G. Gaitan, Education Brinda Gurumoorthy, Rebecca A. Higgins, Education Education
Edward Paul Gallagher, Education Christine Marie Hill, Ruchika Jadav, Counseling
Education** Elizabeth A. Gutermann, Counseling* Fatoumatta Jallow, Education
Brynn McDonnell Gallahue, Education Ashleigh M. Himes, Special Candace A. James, Education*
Education Rebecca Still Guy, Counseling Education Rebekah R. Jean, Education
Amparo E. Galvez, Education Brittney Rae Hack, Counseling Alexandra Katharine Hirsch, Laura Jenkins, Education**
Carolina Garcia, Counseling** Savannah Jane Hair, Education Education
Jingzhao Jiang, Education
Sarah Tiana Gaylord Amy Lee Hall, Counseling Chung-Hsien Ho, Education
Zijiao Jiang, Education*
Ratsimbazafy, Special Shar'da R. Hammett, Renetta LaPrelle Hobson,
Daniel Asher Johan, Education
Education** Education* Counseling
Christopher E. Johnson,
Arnette L. Georges, Counseling Lindsey Ann Hancock, Jay Thomas Hoffarth,
Alyson J. Gerstman, Education Education* Education
Danielle Evon Johnson,
Leila Catherine Ghaffari, Carly J. Hanssler, Education Brandie Ann Hogsett,
Counseling** Education
Palmer Gabrielle Hardy, Nadjha Johnson, Education
Ja'Lyric Jorlantha Giddens, Education Jonathan S. Hogue, Education
Regan Leigh Jolley, Education
Education Ashley M. Hargens, Education James K. Hollingsworth,
Kathryn Jondal, Education
Adam M. Gilbert, Education Counseling
Varenya R. Hariharan, Anne E. Jones, Education
Taylor Ann Gilbertson, Education Nicholas D. Homa, Education
Joshua Aaron Jones, Education
Education Ryan Layton Harms, Ryan Christian Hooper,
Katelynn Robison Jones,
Katharine A. Gladstone, Education Education
Education* Nathalie Harper, Education Yolanda V. Hooper, Education
Danielle Jordan, Education
Olivia G. Gladstone, Education Tijean L. Harris, Education Renee A. Hopwood, Education
Jazmine N. Jordan, Education
Melissa L. Goddard, Education Sunny Lorraine Harvey, Gillian Lauren Horn,
Geneva Melquist Jost,
Priyanka Sonal Gogia, Counseling Education

2019 60
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Irene Melissa Jurado, Joye B. Kowalski, Counseling Maximillian R. Macias, Olivia Medoff, Counseling
Education Nehemia T. Kraft, Education* Education Rebecca Renee Meiller,
Aditi Kaji, Counseling Jaime A. Kraky, Education Theresa L. MacIntosh, Counseling**
Rupa Kambhampati, Margaret E. Kruth, Education Education* David Meister, Education
Counseling Natsu Kumagai, Education Tiffany Jenae Mack, Education Oscar A. Mejia, Counseling
Grace Elizabeth Kane, Laurie L. Kumar, Education** Courtney B. Maclynn, Sara E. Melmed, Education
Counseling Jennifer Hta Kyaw, Education Education Lydia M. Melton, Education
Anastasia Kapetanios, Eva A. LaFiura, Organizational Jasmine R. Maddox-Saunders, Edith Mendoza, Education
Education Leadership** Education Alexander M. Mendoza-
Zoey Li Jones Kapusinski, Jillian Lansey, Counseling Steven Magazine, Education Orozco, Education
Education Julia Lansing, Education Sara Malas, Counseling Kathryn M. Meredith,
Lauren Theresa Ewing Melina A. Latona, Special Elizabeth C. Maloney, Special Education
Karbula, Education Education Education Francesco A. Merola,
Latiana Michell Karriem, Nicholas Russell Laughman, Jiale Man, Counseling Education
Education Education Amy Victoria Maranto, Julie Elizabeth Merrell,
Isaac Katz, Counseling** Lila Audean LeCuyer, Counseling Education
Jennifer Gayle Kaufman, Education Emma S. Marchetti, Education Cassidy Kadin Miller,
Education Alyssa Danielle Lederman, Etienne Claude-Edouard Education
Lindsey G. Kaznak, Education Education Marcoux, Education* Jennifer L. Miller, Counseling
Khemilla Kedarnath, Corey Lee, Education Olivia Michelle Marques, Kristin D. Miller, Education
Education Jiyeon Lee, Education Education** Morgan N. Mings, Education
Aisling L. Kelly, Education Lucia C. Lee, Education Aspen Tenille Mason, Megan Loraine Minier,
Jordan Elizabeth Kelly, Ruth R. Lee, Education** Education Education
Education Robin Lin Lenzo, Education Sara L C Mason, Education Marc L. Minsker, Education*
Kathryn M. Kelly, Education* Shelby Ann Levy, Education Tamara N. Mason, Education* Elijah J. Moffe, Education
Dina Kemmou, Counseling** Chandler Journey Lewis, Lindsey F. Mattingly, Lara Michelle Mofsowitz,
Sophie L. Kershaw, Education Organizational Leadership** Education** Education
Madeline Christine Keyes, Hannah A. Lewis, Education Christopher Jermaine Edward Swetha Monisha Mohan,
Education Haixin Li, Education* Mattress, Education Education
Saba Khalid, Counseling Minyi Li, Counseling** Savannah J. Maxwell, Diana Corinne Monkouski,
Urooj Ali Khan, Counseling Claudia Feme Liburd, Education Education
Kevin James Kilgour, Education** Charles M. Mazick, Counseling Nicole Stephanie Moore,
Education Chamroeun Lim, Education Daniel P. McCarthy, Education Education
Minjee Kim, Counseling Desiree Yi Lee Lim, Education Sarah M. McClelland, Stephanie Jamiah Moore,
Avery Ilona Kindbom, Micol H. Linfield, Education* Counseling Education
Counseling** Nisa A. Little, Education** Danielle Christina Ranier Jordan Amalie Morell,
Sam Houston King, Education* Shannon Renee Long, Special McClinton, Education Education
Joshua Scott Kleiner, Education Juliana McCormick, Education Aden Thurston Morgan,
Counseling** Siyi Long, Counseling Daniel McDonald, Education
Devon Jones Klinger, Malcolm R. Lord, Education Counseling** Destany Star Morgan,
Education Jasmine L. McGee, Education Education
Curry Lovell, Education*
Lee Gardiner Koch, Brianna G. McIntosh, Michaela Mallette Moseley,
Gwen Lovett, Counseling
Education** Education** Education
Lilly Marie Lupinetti,
Rhiannon Adams Kogan, Hannah Grace McKiernan- Megan Elizabeth Mosier,
Education* Campbell, Education Counseling**
Adrianna Nicole Lynn,
Anna Koken, Education Terrill Carl Mcknight, Samuel E. Motzen, Education*
Brooke Nicole Konefsky, Counseling** Stephanie Erin Munkachy,
Margaret E. Lyons, Education
Education* Shawna Rocquel McMillan, Education
Anqi Lyu, Education
Rosemarie B. Konkol, Education Rebecca Munroe, Education
Yuanjun Ma, Education*
Education Ribekah M. McNeal, Education Kayla Chin-Seon Murray,
Eleanor Eastburn MacEwan,
Liza W. Kostreva, Education Porsha Roshele McRae, Education
Nidhitha Kothapalli, Counseling** Molly Willow Mus, Education*
Hana Simone Machover,
Counseling Counseling* Zoe Nohea Namba, Education

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
61 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Aishwarya Nambiar, Erin Elizabeth Parks, Chantal Martinez Portillo, Joseph C. Romo,
Counseling Education Education Organizational Leadership**
Adina B. Nelson, Education Natalie Michaelian Parmenter, Louise Steffner Pouget, Lisa G. Rosales, Education
Katherine K. Nelson, Education Education* Holden Ross, Education
Education Jennifer M. Parr, Education Katherine McKenzie Powell, Kelly Nicole Rothrock,
Lacey Denyea Nelson, Shaniqua Genisea Parrish, Education Counseling**
Education Counseling Rosie L. Powell, Education** Cecelia Rubertone, Counseling
Hailey Marie Nettles, Alexa Katherine Parsley, Brandon D. Pratta, Education Stacey E. Rybicki, Education
Education Education Lucy A. Prewitt, Education Joseph Alexander Salazar,
Christina E. Nevarez, Virginia Burns Pasley, Sara Renee Price, Education Education
Education* Education Anne Elizabeth Pride-Wilt, Nadine Priscilla Salazar,
Alison Paige Newhall, Melissa Kristine Patek, Education Education
Education Education* Andrea J. Pringle, Education Gabrielle Candice Salley,
Alexandra Newman, Education Rachel Kathleen Patek, Izabella Przybysz, Education Education
Jennifer Lauren Nicholas, Education* Jonathan S. Pyo, Education Katherine P. Samples,
Education Leandra Marie Patochek, Alexandra Rabadan, Education Education
Latianna A. Nichols, Education Education* Mirela C.C. Ramacciotti, Michele San George,
Rebecca Joan Landis Niner, SaMone Lanora Patrick, Education* Education
Counseling Education** Sayeda Rasul, Education Theresa Anne Sanchez,
Natalie S. Nisco-Frank, Jeffrey Paul Payne, Education Elliott Thomas Rauh, Education
Education Stevie D. Peacock, Education Education Rachel Nicole Sanford,
Amanda K. Nye, Education Haley Pedersen, Education Dominic Redd, Education** Education
Gregory T. O'bannon, Meredith McCabe Peloso, Nicholas J. G. Reinberg, Alfonso M. Sasieta, Education
Education Education Education Nathaniel G. Saslow,
Hannah M. O'Connell, Lei Peng, Education* Brandon Reisch, Education Education
Counseling Yixuan Peng, Education* Aaron K. Reveles, Education Orit Simy Sasson,
Myles Joseph D’Angelo Odum, Michelle Brenda Peprah, Sonia Reyes, Education Counseling**
Education Counseling Prem Umang Satyavolu,
Dainti Patrice Richards,
Crystal Ndidiamaka Ogbu, Elan Avraham Perchik, Education Counseling
Education Counseling** Nina Justine Savage,
Matthew J. Rider, Education
Rachel Jungeun Oh, Education Megan Kristen Perepiczka, Counseling*
Ashley Katherine Ridgeway,
Benjamin D. O'Hara, Counseling Education Katherine Lynn Saveriano,
Counseling Yanely Perez, Education* Education
Taylor I. Ridley, Education
Paige E. Olson, Education Chelsea Joan Perkins, Emily Elizabeth Saxe,
Brittany L. Rieg, Education
Olayemi Esther Olugbuyi, Education Education
Gittel Rachel Rifkind,
Education Timothy Daniel Perry, Zuri Taylor Saxton, Education
Paige Noreen O'Malley, Education Selen Munever Saydam,
Gabriela Irene Rios Martinez,
Education* Kelsey Jolene Petti, Special Counseling
Carlos J. Omana, Education Education Melissa M. Scarborough,
Hanna L. Rizkallah, Special
Ori Adure Onazi, Counseling** Mia C. Philichi, Education Organizational Leadership**
NaTazah Monee O'Neil, Douglas Hopkins Phipps, Amanda Marie Schmidt,
Charles Anthony Roberts,
Education Education Counseling
Nicholas M. Onyshko, Almosa Frances Pirela-Jones, Kristin Leigh Schulz,
Gabrielle S. Robinson,
Education Education Education
Karely Osorio, Education Rosa Simone Pleasant, Jenna Lynn Schwiesow,
Koneisha Robinson, Education
Sarah Danielle Otto, Education Education Education
Marissa Blaire Robinson,
Jelytza Marie Padro, Education Kamil J. Plecki, Education Jennifer Lynn Sciarrino,
Adam Jayson Paisley, Geetha N. Pokala, Counseling Education
Dante Robley, Education
Education* Heather Winegrad Pollak, Jessica M. Scozzari, Education
Andrew Rodgers, Education
Amber Lynn Palmer, Counseling** Alexandra Jane Seidel,
Joseph Rodriguez, Education
Education Lizeth Pompa, Education Education
Eli Rolfes, Education
Marinell Pancho, Education Francesca Nicole Porfirio, Kara Jordyn Seidel, Education
Andrea N. Romero, Education
David S. Park, Education Education Alexandra L. Seifert, Education

2019 62
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Hannah C. Seipert, Education Katherine Marie Solkey, Aviel S. Tomar, Education** Hailey Noelle Watts, Education
Miyuki Sekimitsu, Education** Education Abimelec Torres Serrano, Gareth R. Weakly, Education
Margaret Elizabeth Self, Sarah E. Song, Education Counseling Matthew Ira Wecht, Education
Education Nisha Srinivas, Education Matt Torsell, Education Ashley Marie Weeks,
Devyani Sharma, Counseling Kristen Elizabeth Starks, Nicole Trapper, Education Education
Ridhi Sharma, Counseling Counseling Calleen M. Trevenen, Mingxin Wei, Counseling
Natasha Soberanis Sheldon, Evan P. Steinhorst, Counseling Counseling** Elizabeth Eason Weinmann,
Education** Jacob Zvi Sternman, Sofia M. Truzzi, Education Counseling
Zavi Katt Tiluca Sheldon, Education* Gabrielle Elizabeth Tyer, Robyn Lynn Wells,
Education Claire Virginia Stevens, Education** Education**
Sam M. Shenouda, Education Kayleigh J. Tyerman, Jarrod Robert Wetzel-Brown,
Organizational Leadership** Anthony J. Storck, Education* Education** Education
Qasim Sheroz, Organizational Jalyn Marie Stovall, Education Daniel E. Umana, Education* Jasmine N. Wheeler,
Leadership** Khalil Jamiru Suaray, Adam A. Valdez, Education** Education**
Harley Chase Sherwood, Education April Anne Valdez, Education Margaret D. Wheeler,
Education Chase K. Sumida, Education Kelly Teresa Valdivia, Education*
Xiaowan Shi, Education* Kanwal Malik Sumnani, Education Katherine E. Wheeley,
Taro Shigenobu, Education Education Paige Victoria Vane, Education Education
Brooke A. Shine, Education Sakshi Suri, Counseling Mary Marguerite Vansuch, Katherine O'Brien Guilfoyle
Sarah M. Shlafmitz, Jherron V. Sutton, Education Education* Whitener, Counseling
Education* Madisen Alicia Swallow, Kayla Varndell, Education Julian E. Whitley, Education
Jasmine M. Shortt, Education Education Kiera Beth Beth Vasan, Logan Edward Whitley,
Aysha Farrukh Siddiqui, Kelli Christine Sweeney, Education** Education
Education Education Evelyn G. Vasquez, Education Ecolia J. Whitmire,
Sumeet Singh Sidhu, Nadia A. Syed, Education Smriti Aveeka Vats, Education Organizational Leadership*
Education Csaba Szilagyi, Education* Jose E. Vazquez, Education Marty J. Widmann, Education
Luis Antonio Sierra, Education Chelsea Tadesse, Counseling Alyson Beth Arbron Sabrina B. Wilber, Education
Monique Uy Sim, Education Elizabeth Marlatt Olsen Vengoechea, Education Jennifer Caroline Allison
Tia Bri'Shay Simmons, Takacs, Education Rosa E. Vera-Topete, Wilder, Counseling**
Education Hongjun Tan, Counseling Education* Dallas M. Wiles, Education**
Kalen Simon, Education Shirley Tan, Education Makayla A. Vidosh, Education Heather Nicole Williams,
Monica Lynette Simon, Shubhi Tangri, Education Pierce Vincent, Counseling Education
Organizational Leadership** G. Jacob Tarr, Counseling** Robert J. Vogelpohl II, Jessica S. Williams, Education*
Talar Lorine Simon, Special Whitney Tashiro, Education Education Pamela C. Williams, Education
Education Deanna Joane Tayag, Naomi Lee Volk, Education Xiomara Michele Williams,
Meredith Lee Simpkins, Education Anna M. Vuong, Education Education
Special Education Emma Nicole Taylor, Danae Monique Walcott, Olivia Frances Williamson,
Michael Akiva Singer, Education Education Education
Education* Shelby M. Teets, Education Ashley Shante Walker, Emily M. Willis, Education
Sapna S. Singh, Education Dianna Tejada, Education* Education David J. Wilson,
Perry S. Siniard, Education Yue Teng, Education* Autumn Chantia-Ashante' Organizational Leadership**
Muhammad Saleh Sinjar, Anisha Ann Thomas, Walker, Counseling Jada Samon Wilson, Education
Education* Counseling Jane M. Wall, Education Kim Verneice Wilson,
Brian Slocum, Education Ja'Nai Yvette Clarice Thomas, Erika Holm Walston, Organizational Leadership**
Matthew C. Smith, Education Education Education Rachel Samone Wilson,
Mary F. Thomas, Counseling Yi Wang, Special Education** Education
Olivia Lachelle Smith,
Sabrena Ameerah Tichenor, Yuying Wang, Education Lisa J. Winett, Education
Education** Aiyana Ware, Education Joseph R. Winowski,
Shaun Smith, Education
Arielle Renata Ticho, Kayla Ware, Education Organizational Leadership**
Rebecca Lynn Smoot,
Education Crista V. Washington, Alexandra M. Wisbiski,
Michael P. Tipping, Education Education Education
Bryana A. Snyder, Education
Michael Edward Tobass, Crystal Monique Watts, Kristen Witkowski, Education
Rachel E. Soderstrom,
Education Education Aaron D. Wolasky, Education*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
63 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Tianna Amari Wood, Robert Naples Stephanie E. Brown, Education Diana Lynn Gross, Mind, Brain
Education Nicole Marie Nielsen of Students with Autism and and Teaching
Alexander Woodward, Brian J. Pomeroy* Other Pervasive Diana Lynn Gross, Leadership
Education Amine M. Rakab Developmental Disorders - in Technology Integration
Jennifer D. Worthy, Education Patricia Alphonsine Ross Online** Lisa A. Haag, Differentiated/
Katherine Conley Wrean, Oluwakemi Eniola Tomobi* Shamell M. Carter, School Inclusive Education:
Education Administration and Advanced Methods for
Sarah G. Weeks
Jiahui Wu, Education* Supervision Instruction*
Xiaohan Wu, Education* Masters of Arts in Teaching Jamie S. Chang, School Lisa A. Haag, School
Malcolm P. Wyche, Education Administration and Administration and
Chanel Kenya Allen** Supervision**
Tara Jean Wyman, Education Supervision*
Amalia Viktoria Amburn Menghan Chen, Mind, Brain
Tony J. Xiao, Education Flora R. Hawkins, School
Margaret Lacey DeBlasis and Teaching** Administration and
Mengxiao Xie, Counseling**
Noelle M. Gorman* Stephanie Rae Chou, Urban Supervision*
Feng Xing, Counseling
Kristine Dami Hwang** Education Shirley P. Hendricks, School
Hanqing Xu, Counseling**
Seabelo Chabo John Tiffany Chung, Urban Administration and
Hayat Yaghi, Education
Iris Loo Education* Supervision*
Tong Yang, Counseling**
Frederick George McCall* Kelly F. Clark, Leadership in Nicola L. Hildreth, School
Keri Ann Namiko Yatogo,
Gillian J. Richter* Technology Integration** Administration and
Anike Ciatta Robinson** Marisa Cleghorn, Leadership Supervision**
Rahsaan H. Yearwood,
in Technology Integration* Julie Lanelle Hilling, School
Graduate Certificates Marisa Cleghorn, Mind, Brain Administration and
Nicholas Christian Yoder, Supervision**
and Teaching*
Education Anthony Chukwuma
Darius Coulibaly, School Bonnie Lynn Jenkins, Mind,
Debora Yoon, Counseling** Anamelechi, School
Administration and Brain and Teaching
Catherine Yuan, Education Administration and
Supervision** Supervision Mikkail Levar Jenkins, School
Aimee D. Zanabria, Education* Raven Elizabeth Covington, Administration and
Jane P. Andrews, Mind, Brain and
Roberto Aron Zapata, School Administration and Supervision
Education Supervision* Shelly Nicole Jenkins, School
Jane P. Andrews, Leadership in
Zuleyma Zarate Mestas, Shakira E. Davies, Urban Administration and
Technology Integration*
Education Education Supervision
Christina Elise Atlee, Leadership
Huizi Zeng, Education** Joshua Dorsey, School Geneva Melquist Jost, Mind,
for School, Family, and
Edith Zhang, Education** Administration and Brain and Teaching
Community Collaboration
Mingcheng Zhang, Education* Supervision* Geneva Melquist Jost, Urban
Christina Elise Atlee, Urban
Qingyun Zhang, Counseling Michelle S. Esema, School Education
Wu Zhou, Education* Administration and Brooke Nicole Konefsky, K-8
Garrett W. Austin, School
Dana Gayle Zillgitt, Education Supervision** Mathematics Lead-Teacher*
Administration and
Chelsea Zou, Education Supervision** Carlina Fiordilino, School Brooke Nicole Konefsky,
Administration and Leadership in Technology
Laura M. Bardill, School
Masters of Education in the Supervision** Integration*
Administration and Supervision
Health Professions Jennifer Jean Fulwiler, School Maribeth A. Landfield, School
Rebeckah Iseman Barr,
Administration and Administration and
Abdellatif Hamdy Abdelwahab Educational Leadership for
Supervision Supervision
Monica Agarwal Independent Schools
Edward Paul Gallagher, Mind, Robin Lin Lenzo, Leadership
Christina Marie Ames Mindy D. Bennington, Mind,
Brain and Teaching** for School, Family, and
Brian Keith Bednarski** Brain and Teaching*
Jessica B. Garner, Education of Community Collaboration
Brenda Ann Bucklin Mindy D. Bennington, School
Students with Autism and Krystal Dawn Lewis, Gifted
Administration and
Thanhphuong N. Dinh Other Pervasive Education*
Jessica R. Fesler Developmental Disorders - Travis R. Linquist,
Venetia Renee Birchmore, School
Edward L. Ha Online** Mathematics Instructional
Administration and Supervision
Colin M. Haley Melissa L. Goddard, Mind, Leader (PreK-6)
Michael Joseph Bodakowski,
Danya Khoujah Brain and Teaching Christian German Lorenzo,
School Administration and
Danielle Michelle Lagoski* Priyanka Sonal Gogia, Urban School Administration and
Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin** Education Supervision**

2019 64
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Marga Madhuri, Mind, Brain Kara Jordyn Seidel, Urban THE PEABODY Leah Drummond, Music
and Teaching Education CONSERVATORY Education
Anastasia E. Marouani, School Talar Lorine Simon, Education Christopher A. Fominaya,
Administration and of Students with Autism and Masters of Arts Historical Performance Voice
Supervision Other Pervasive Mark Stephen Bartus II, Audio Jermaine Baraka Fryer,
Kimberly Maurin, Mind, Brain Developmental Disorders - Sciences Euphonium
and Teaching Online Tian Wei Gao, Piano/Pedagogy
Collin Gabriel Champagne,
Jestine Anfaynetta Mayberry, Alicia G. Smith, School Robert Chuanyang Ge,
Audio Sciences
School Administration and Administration and Composition
Peng Huang, Audio Sciences
Supervision** Supervision
Byungseok Lee, Audio Sciences Dena Lil Golen Goodman,
Octaviano Merecias, Mind, Kristel A. Solomon, Mind,
Alex Howard Pinkus, Audio Voice
Brain and Teaching Brain and Teaching
Sciences Jeong Wook Han, Voice
Kathryn M. Meredith, Mind, Charles Stone Jr., Mind, Brain
Abhijit Roy, Audio Sciences Jeremy Harvey, Computer
Brain and Teaching and Teaching
Man Hon Ambrose Tang, Music Composition
Marc L. Minsker, Leadership in Brenda Strumke, School
Audio Sciences Gregory Hays, Guitar/Pedagogy
Technology Integration* Administration and
Supervision Pirapat Tokiatrungruang, Abigail Amanda Head, Voice/
Sydni P. Mitchell, School
Audio Sciences Pedagogy
Administration and Csaba Szilagyi, Mind, Brain
and Teaching* Ashley T. Higginbotham,
Kerena R. Thomas, School Masters of Music Voice/Pedagogy
Leah R. Nestor, School
Administration and Administration and Lacey Nikol Hindman, Voice
Hana Gayle Abrams, Voice/
Supervision* Supervision** Kai-Li Ho, Piano
Melissa Kristine Patek, Paige V. Vane, Gifted Education Jiajun Hou, Saxophone
Chelsea Kaye Anderson,
Leadership for School, Paige V. Vane, K-8 Mathematics Huey-Fen Hsu, Voice
Family, and Community Lead-Teacher Hongming Hu, Violin
Miranda Joy Brugman, Voice
Collaboration* Sanghamitra Vundyala, Mind, Alicia Selena Hurtado, Voice
Nicholas Anthony Bulgarino,
Rachel Kathleen Patek, Brain and Teaching Hye-Ryung Hyun, Composition
Leadership for School, Erika Holm Walston, Urban Andrew Minhyuk Im, Clarinet
Family, and Community Cierra Brianna Byrd, Voice
Education HeeJae Jang, Viola
Collaboration* Mercy Anne Calhoun, Voice
Yuying Wang, Educational Bitna Jeong, Piano
Kaitlyn T. Pettinga, School Leadership for Independent Parker Erickson Hogan
Callister, Composition Ji-Seong Kim, Violin
Administration and Schools
Sydney Joy Campen, Harp Seo Yoon Kim, Composition;
Supervision Yuying Wang, Urban Education
Music Theory Pedagogy
Latha Pillai, Mind, Brain and Kevin Timothy Wells Jr., Kyle Leigh Carney, Historical
Performance Voice/Pedagogy Maksymilian Krzak, Viola
Teaching School Administration and
Mirela C.C. Ramacciotti, Houyu Chen, Computer Music Hang Liu, Violoncello
Leadership in Technology Composition Hao Liu, Piano
Dallas M. Wiles, Early
Integration* Intervention/Preschool Jordan D. Colquitt, Guitar Zhiqi Liu, Violin
Mirela C.C. Ramacciotti, Special Education Specialist* Claire Kristin Cooper, Voice Shian Luo, Computer Music
Mind, Brain and Teaching* Dallas M. Wiles, Leadership in Andrea I. Copland, Oboe; Composition
Tami R. Ranado, School Technology Integration* Musicology Jacob Nicholas Lyerly, Guitar/
Administration and Chris Michael Wright, School Alexander Bernard Cousins, Pedagogy
Supervision** Administration and Violoncello Cody McVey, Composition
Carrie Ammon Irving Rivera, Supervision* Linhan Cui, Conducting Chang Miao, Piano
School Administration and Huizi Zeng, Urban Education Ting-Hsuan Miao, Violin/
Carly Nicole Cummings, Voice
Supervision** Julie A. Ziegler, School Pedagogy
Kasey Lorelle Cwynar-Foye,
Elisabeth Eileen Sahhar, Administration and Jonathan Fuller Milord,
School Administration and Supervision** Composition; Viola
Matthew Kieran DeBeal, Music
Supervision** Lida Zlatic, School Zishan Ming, Music Education
Bryan F. Sanchez-Vahamonde, Administration and Baajah Ashante Mohammed,
Daniel Isaac Despins,
School Administration and Supervision
Composition Voice/Pedagogy
Henry L. Dorn, Composition; Hannah Alexandra Noyes,
Kara Jordyn Seidel, Mind,
Wind Conducting Voice
Brain and Teaching

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
65 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Andrew John Oswinkle, Artist Diplomas SCHOOL OF NURSING Alison Grace Bradbury
Guitar/Pedagogy Jaskiranjot Kaur Brar
Hanna Hyunjung Kim, Piano Masters of Science in
Tess Nicole Ottinger, Voice/ Joyce Thi Brew*
Sooah Kim, Piano Nursing/Advanced Practice
Pedagogy Nicole Lynn Brisker*
YeonHa Park, Voice Tracey Nicole Johanna Elizabeth Brophy
Graduate Performance
Nathaniel Wolfgang Parks, Bradley-Simmons** Brandon Eugene Brown*
Composition Kyle Brashear** Anna Pauline Bryant*
Nicholas Michael Pascucci, Gabriella A. Alberico, Oboe Lilian Joy Jamerlan Canamo** Jessica Rebecca Budelman
Violoncello Hongsuh Cha, Flute Britni Michelle Collins** An Ngoc Thuy Bui
Melanie Rae Piercy, Voice Monica Frances Daly, Jeanne Marie Suntay Glass** Megan Anne Bunn*
Yu Qiu, Computer Music Ensemble Arts: Vocal Heather Ann Hackett** Haley Tess Busby Aguirre
Composition Accompanying
Stephanie Yu-She Han** Alison Butler
Olivia Blair Rainoff, Hayden Richard Denesha,
Jordan Elizabeth Kahan** Olivia Falon Caldwell
Violoncello Conducting
Amanda Kathleen Kelly** Jenny Michelle Canales
Seunghyun Ryu, Clarinet Emma Renae Dickinson, Voice
Delia Jesus Linch** Sarah Amelia Carlisle*
Ramilya Saubanova, Piano Xinqi Dong, Bassoon
Melissa Cormack McCoy** Dominique Valencia Casey*
Arastu Sharma, Flute Josef Nicholas Fischer, Viola
Melissa Sue Paul Muna** Steve Younseok Chae
Elijah Daniel Smith, Andrea Gonzalez Caballero,
Kara Podjasek** Craig Douglas Chilton
Composition Guitar
Meredith Amber Schofield** Sotera Bess Chow*
Benjamin Joe Stevenson, Victor Manuel Hernandez
Lucy Deford Stewart** Rachael Lynn Chrzan*
Composition; Oboe Ramirez, Flute
Seth Horner, Tuba Hillary Chu-Yee Chu
Yihan Sun, Piano
Vivian Louise Tong, Oboe Gavin Wes Horning, Jazz Masters of Science in Kristin Rosemary Cole*
Guitar Nursing/Entry into Sophia Zoe Cologer
Kelsey Katina Tryon, Bassoon
Nursing Practice Derin W. Colvin*
Elise Thora Volkmann, Miso Kang, Voice
Musicology; Voice Hyejin Kim, Viola Serwah N. Adarkwa* Caleigh Marie Connelly
Jingchao Wang, Composition Youngjin Kim, Piano Eunice Pokuaa Adu* Ashlyn Nicole Cook
Jingzhe Wang, Computer Music Minji Lee, Piano Marie Angeli Andaya Aguinaldo Charlotte Josephine Louise
Composition Soo Ji Lee, Piano Nasrin Akter* Costello
Yu Wang, Clarinet Chia Wei Liao, Piano Cari Kathleen Albers Shae Nicole Crosby
Zijun Wang, Computer Music Randa Rima Elias Melhem, Elizabeth Winslow Aldridge Corey F. Crowe*
Composition Voice Mark William Alger* Timothy Jon Cullen*
Jiaying Wei, Piano Soojeong Oh, Piano Luella Marie Allen* Lianne Marie Dane*
Cameron James Welke, Lute Gavon E. Peck, Viola Daisy Aneth Alvarez Semhar Daniel*
Trevor Wilson, Conducting Mengzhi Qiu, Voice Anneliese Amburn Patricia Claire Dinneen
Pei-Yin Wu, Violin Alaina Victoria Rea, Viola MaryKate Ames Nicole Rae Donet
Qifan Wu, Piano Isaiah Sangwon Shim, Meshi Amzalag Kelly Ann Drummond*
Wei-Chia Wu, Composition Ensemble Arts: Vocal Akasi Avuka Aryitey* Kaitlin Marlene Eitz
Puo Wu Fu, Wind Conducting Accompanying Maria Chikaodili Asogwa* Hana Mohamed ElFallah*
Yiyang Xue, Violoncello Orest Smovzh, Violin Katina Maria Athanas Juliet Meiying Ercolano
Ruoyu Yang, Piano Hyunjung Song, Viola Vera Nana Hemaa Baidoo* Daffcar Erol
Yue Zhang, Violin Xuan Song, Piano Katherine Elizabeth Barbour * Griselda Estrada*
Yuxi Zhang, Computer Music Kai Sun, Saxophone Adiva Lee Berkowitz Amy Carol Ezhaya*
Composition Amy Huimei Tan, Viola Albert Corpuz Bernabe Meghan Margaret Fawcett
Zhang Zhang, Violoncello Min Joo Yi, Piano Jason A. Berry* Richelle Carmilita Fillipello
Zhengwen Zhang, Piano Mi Zhou, Organ Matthew Michael Giedrius Emily Rachely Flores
Zhengyi Zhang, Piano Blotzer Emma Folchman-Wagner
Mingke Zhu, Piano Ashley Danielle Booth Stephanie Ann Forlenza*
Collin James Ziegler, Emily Michele Bopp Mollie Louise Fox
Musicology Shannon Elizabeth Bosche Anne Gillian Freedman*
Jonathan Zwi, Musicology Sarah Rose Bouchard* Katarina Pauline Frickleton
Lauren V. Brackett* Rachel Lynn Furst

2019 66
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Tatiana Maria Gallego Inna Lutohina Ashley Brenna Pilcher Samantha Newbold Ward*
Juliet St. John Garlow* Amanda Lauren Lutz Luke Thomas Politi* Amy Carol Watcher
Shannon C. Garrett Kayla Ray Madison Kailen Maye Polley Brielle S. Weber
Michael Ford Gerstel* Brooklyn Lysette Hidalgo Dominique Shapelle Randle, Kyleen Elizabeth Welsh
Jasmine Marie Gil Madrid* Kelsey Lee Ransom* Pamela Rowe Williams*
Shweta K. Gohil* Jordan Danielle Maisel Mizhgan Rasoul Hillary Elizabeth Woods*
Judith Jennifer Gomes Rosemari Ann Ternenge Malu* Lauren Elisa Reay* Jiaojiao Wright*
Benjamin Brett Goodrich* Laura Jeanne Mangano Katelyn Rose Reszotko* Christine W. Yeh*
Kennedy Danielle Gregory Kelly Jordan Marshall* Emma Lavinia Rinck Megan Marie Young
Caresse Frances Gurno* Cory Erin Martin Hannah Jones Rittler
Delia Marie Guthrie* Paige Elliott Martin* Kaleigh Jo Robinson Masters of Science in Nurs-
Laurissa Kirsten Haydu Jasmine Sierra McAllister* Maya Virnell Robinson ing/Masters of Public Health
Jennifer Joanne Hayes Kathryn Elizabeth McAuliffe Leslie Edlyn Robledo Samantha Paige Austin*
Ashby McIntire Heath* Morgan Daggett McCluskey, Katherine Calligan Rogers* Gina Elaine Ferrari*
Catherine Clare Hellmann Jessica Sydney McMillen Abigail Marie Ross* Maria Isabella Hartley**
Francisco Hernandez Samantha Olivia McNamer Elizabeth Ruthnaswamy Emma Jagasia**
Yumiko I. Hiroto Ana Jasmine Medero* Katie Ellen Rutter* Pavithra Jaisankar*
Jennifer Lynne Hoffman Jarvia Breonne Meggett Lauren Marcia Ryskamp Amber Marie Johnson**
Jane Sun Hong Savannah D. Meng LaTanya Nicole Salmon* Desireé Alexa LaGrappe**
James Matthew Hopper* Sophie Tenzin Chosang Navpreet Singh Sandher Meredith Ilana Zoltick*
Dasol Amy Hwang Mengele Megan Marie Sauer
Ximena Ruby Ibarra* Julia S. Mercedes Nora Catherine Scanlan
Rebecca Elizabeth Ingber* Alexis Khietchi Messner Jacqueline M. Selter * BLOOMBERG SCHOOL
Kathleen Rose Jacobs* Nicole Dianna Minahan Liliya Andreyevna Semenyuk* OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Mahshid Jami Charlotte Pemberton Amy Alison Nicole Sena Masters of Arts
Emily Mary Johnson Mitchell Leyla Elizabeth Serway*
Andrea Marie Montalvo* Michaela Josephine Abiuso,
Shania Maria Johnson Heidi Joy Shannon*
Public Health Biology
Caryn Kennedy Just* Jade Crystal Moore* Stephanie Brook Shelton*
Tabitha Jacqueline Acosta
Irene P. Kalaitzidis Daniel Pletcher Moorhead* Kailey L. Simpson Bayangos, Public Health
Robyn M. Khung Elba Maria Morales* Maria Singh* Biology**
Carolyn Inku Kim Caitlin R. Morgan* Jill Marie Slattery Karina Chavarria, Public
Kari Emiko Kimura Kirsty Logan Moriarty* Germone Southall* Health Biology
Leah Kayden Kirby Erin Kiley Morrison Aaron Joseph Speer Tammy A. Cook-Toeller, Public
Cindy Jung Mee Koo* Adam Randall Morrow* Anne Blake St. Clair Health Biology
Louisa Veronica Kostrzewski Stephanie Anne Munoz Emily R. Stanforth Jennifer Lentine, Public Health
Emily Kverno Kunz Alyssa Marie Murad Carrie Anne Stem* Biology
Zachary Ryan Kutsche* Maureen Muboh Ndzi* Hilary Ane Stenvig Kelly Suzanne Paluch, Public
Chloe Anne Kwon Robert Heath Neff III Ashley Nicole Stinson Health Biology
Alexander Landeros* Abbie Homan Nelson Taylor Lee Stofko Jaclyn Ruth Southam, Public
Rebecca Hilary Lange Henry Uchenna Nwosu Sarah Anne Strohmayer Health Biology
Alyssa Danielle Lattomus Lydia Grace O’Fallon* Shannon Dunn Sullivan* Shanna Renee Sykes, Public
Katelyn Marie Ogden* Health Biology
Raychelle A. Laureano Stephanie Hiu Lam Tam
Mary Abigail Lavery Melissa Elizabeth Ohler* Jnq Lng Tan*
Olutope Omosegbon* Masters of Applied Science
Andrew Riley Lazarchik Christina Hope Tarazi
Alex Younghoon Lee Yuliya Ostrovskaya* Talia A. Taylor David Ricardo Abaunza,
Christina Sangmin Lee Bianca Alexis Palmisano Cara Anne Tenerelli Population Health
Karen Grace Lee John Park Midori Elizabeth Trojanowski Management
Caren Lauren Legacion* Mansi Patel* Kevin Nikolaus Valentine Reillie Christine Acks,
Wei Liang Lin* Rachael Elizabeth Paulson Natasha Marie Velez Correa Humanitarian Health
Rosha Delline Logan Katherine Jean Peckler* Trevor Quang. Vo Mariam M. Ahmad, Patient
Kimberly Crystal Peer Safety and Healthcare
Rebekah A. Long* Wesley Wang

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
67 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Ali Alagha, Population Health Justin Cariello, Patient Safety Ellen Feit, Humanitarian Ci Joon Jeong, Patient Safety
Management and Healthcare Quality Health and Healthcare Quality
Saja Alshamma, Global Health Rachel Elizabeth Carpenter, Erin Aseli Fleming, Elisabeth Jebarani Jeyaraj,
Planning and Management Community-based Primary Humanitarian Health Global Health Planning and
Sarah Elaine-Winslow Alton, Health Care Programs Global Ryan E. Flowers, Patient Safety Management
Patient Safety and Health and Healthcare Quality Princess Jane Joseph, Patient
Healthcare Quality Paula Genevieve Malika Thomas Christopher Frey, Safety and Healthcare
Arianna Maever Loreche Amit, Chester-Cumberbatch, Spatial Analysis Quality**
Spatial Analysis Population Health Veronica Gillispie, Patient Ahmad Waleed Joyan,
Jenny Renee Anderson, Patient Management Safety and Healthcare Community-based Primary
Safety and Healthcare Ogechi Allison Chima, Patient Quality Health Care Programs Global
Quality Safety and Healthcare Quality Jonathan David Golden, Health
Scholastica Celestine Pamela Jo Cochran, Patient Humanitarian Health Alexa Joyce, Patient Safety and
Bahemana, Spatial Analysis Safety and Healthcare Quality Gabriela S. Gonzalez, Healthcare Quality
Joselito Tumbaga Balatbat, Timothy James Cooper, Patient Population Health Constantina Katsaounis,
Patient Safety and Safety and Healthcare Quality Management Spatial Analysis
Healthcare Quality Merrilee I. Cox, Patient Safety Lizbeth Gonzalez, Tara Marie Kelly,
William Lamont Barnes, and Healthcare Quality Humanitarian Health Humanitarian Health
Patient Safety and Ann M. Crapo, Spatial Mervin Griffin, Population Benjamin James Kern, Spatial
Healthcare Quality Analysis** Health Management Analysis
Susan Bartlett-Ye, Patient Kacy Cedotal Crittenden, Darshan Kaur Grewal, Patient Jisoo Kim, Spatial Analysis
Safety and Healthcare Population Health Safety and Healthcare Olivia A. Knight, Spatial
Quality** Management Quality Analysis
Eric James Beall, Spatial Ginabob Catlyn Evangelista Brusly Guerrier, Population Danielle Winner Koontz,
Analysis Cruz, Patient Safety and Health Management Patient Safety and
Sarah Nadia Ben Achour, Healthcare Quality Elizabeth Jane Haines, Patient Healthcare Quality
Patient Safety and Priscilla Marie Cruz-Menoyo, Safety and Healthcare Jennifer Julia Krzyzewski,
Healthcare Quality Global Health Planning and Quality Patient Safety and
Jill Timmons Bennett, Patient Management Ja' Porsha Ciara Hamilton, Healthcare Quality
Safety and Healthcare Lisa Marie DelSignore Hoegg, Patient Safety and Katrina Kulik, Humanitarian
Quality Patient Safety and Healthcare Healthcare Quality Health
Elizabeth Ann Bettinelli, Quality Ashley Alis Herbig, Population Nora Aloysius Denny
Patient Safety and Eyelachew E. Desta, Health Management Lanahan, Patient Safety and
Healthcare Quality Community-based Primary Jennifer Lorette Hernandez, Healthcare Quality
Julia Bietsch, Population Health Care Programs Global Patient Safety and Dawn Andrea Lewis,
Health Management Health Healthcare Quality* Population Health
Emily Bishko, Population Nitin Yeshwant Dhupdale, Amelia Mae Hoover, Management
Health Management Spatial Analysis Humanitarian Health Lauren Millicent Young
Theresa C. Bittle, Population Erin Eileen Dobrinen, Spatial Shelley-Ann V. Hope, Patient Lobaugh, Patient Safety and
Health Management Analysis Safety and Healthcare Healthcare Quality**
Maggie Bohm-Jordan, Spatial Colin Albright Drake, Spatial Quality Rochelle M. Low, Patient
Analysis Analysis Sarah Anne Hreyo, Patient Safety and Healthcare
Faith J. Brannan, Population Dale Andrew Dubell, Safety and Healthcare Quality
Health Management Population Health Quality Amy Louise Lysy, Patient
Joseph Michael Brea, Patient Management Wei-Lin Huang, Population Safety and Healthcare
Safety and Healthcare Lisa Dubrofsky, Patient Safety Health Management Quality
Quality and Healthcare Quality Yingkei Hui, Population Health Laura Kay Maka, Patient
Stephanie Swafford Bruce, Susan Iris Duteau, Global Management Safety and Healthcare
Patient Safety and Health Planning and Nicole L. Hutzenlaub, Patient Quality
Healthcare Quality Management Safety and Healthcare Ekta Malvania, Patient Safety
Michelle Ethel Burgess, Rasha Abdelmoneim Khider Quality and Healthcare Quality
Population Health Elnimeiry, Spatial Analysis** Asha Gaines Immanuelle, Joel Jorge Mantilla, Population
Management Amy Jo Emmert, Population Population Health Health Management
Health Management Management

2019 68
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Margaret Ann Marcou, Amy Christine Pooran, Patient Heather Leigh Taylor, Patient Anne Catherine Yastremski,
Community-based Primary Safety and Healthcare Safety and Healthcare Population Health
Health Care Programs Global Quality Quality Management
Health Emily Lauren Quetel, Patient Samantha L. Thomas, Jeffrey Yeung, Patient Safety
Katherine Victoria Marker, Safety and Healthcare Community-based Primary and Healthcare Quality
Population Health Quality Health Care Programs Global Lauren Elizabeth Yobs, Patient
Management Bruno Maurice Rene Health Safety and Healthcare
Elizabeth Leann McElwee, Raimbault, Spatial Analysis Lindsey N. Thompson, Global Quality
Global Health Planning and Gail Ann Ranglin Edwards, Health Planning and Rezwana Banu Zahir, Patient
Management Global Health Planning and Management Safety and Healthcare
Nadia Mekonnen, Management Agnes Margaret Torchio, Quality
Humanitarian Health Whitney Alexis Raska, Patient Patient Safety and Healthcare Jinghao Zhou, Population
Erica Mendoza, Spatial Safety and Healthcare Quality Health Management
Analysis Quality Kimtuyen Thi Tran, Population
Sharon Michelle Metzler, Cornelia Riedl, Spatial Health Management Masters of Bioethics
Spatial Analysis Analysis Alexander Raphael Vartanov, Vivian Valeria Altiery De
Erica J. Middleton, Asha Susan Roy, Patient Safety Spatial Analysis Jesus, Extradepartmental
Community-based Primary and Healthcare Quality Denise Elaine Ventura, Patient Studies
Health Care Programs Global
Devjit Roy, Population Health Safety and Healthcare Cami Mareesa Docchio,
Management Quality Extradepartmental Studies*
Gayatri Mirani, Spatial
Alexis Grace Saghie, Maureen G. Virgil, Patient Casey Jo Humbyrd,
Humanitarian Health Safety and Healthcare Extradepartmental Studies
Aziza Abdalkarim
Aaron Christopher Saunders, Quality Margot Ann Kelly-Hedrick,
Mohammad, Community-
Global Health Planning and Mandy Vogel, Spatial Analysis Extradepartmental Studies*
based Primary Health Care
Management Katy Wang, Population Health Sarah Elizabeth Thompson,
Programs Global Health
Angela M. Schafer, Global Management Extradepartmental Studies
Jonathan William Molander,
Patient Safety and Health Planning and Justin Matthew Weis, Patient
Healthcare Quality Management Safety and Healthcare Masters of Health Science
Maridette Taina Schloe, Global Quality
Laura Sue Morr, Patient Safety Maria Claudia Adair,
and Healthcare Quality Health Planning and Keila Whatley, Patient Safety Biochemistry and Molecular
Larissa Rae Nattrass, Patient Management and Healthcare Quality Biology
Safety and Healthcare Gretchen Shanofsky, Dash Wieland, Spatial Analysis Jakob Allen, International
Quality Population Health Christy Marie Ellen Wilkison, Health
Corrie Brianna Neighbors, Management Patient Safety and Healthcare Rajiv C. Ayyagari, Environmental
Patient Safety and Gregory Sirounian, Patient Quality Health and Engineering
Healthcare Quality Safety and Healthcare Donna Miller Wilson, Ademilola Esther Badejo,
Dustin Nguyen, Population Quality Population Health Mental Health
Health Management Daniel Isaiah Smith, Global Management Sunjae Bae, Biostatistics
Deborah Ann Nichols, Patient Health Planning and Stephanie Jean Woelfle, Niveditha Balaji, Biochemistry
Safety and Healthcare Management Community-based Primary and Molecular Biology
Quality Aurora Lynn Snyder, Health Care Programs Global Charlens Beneche, Molecular
Michael Patrick OBrien, Population Health Health Microbiology and Immunology
Humanitarian Health Management Taylor Brooke Wootton, Daniel Jose Wetzel Boada,
Alison Kelsey Pack, Meredith Aryn St. Cyr, Patient Safety and Healthcare Health Policy and Management
Community-based Primary Population Health Quality Erin Enger Burman, Health,
Health Care Programs Global Management Paige Heather Wyrick, Behavior and Society
Health Julie Elizabeth Strychowsky, Population Health Peter Victor Campbell,
Jayoung Lee Park, Global Patient Safety and Healthcare Management Environmental Health and
Health Planning and Quality Sarah Yankey Frempong, Engineering
Management Loveline Afor Tangwan, Global Community-based Primary Yunfeng Cao, Epidemiology
Sylvia Monica Piszczor, Global Health Planning and Health Care Programs Global Genevive Isabel Changkuon,
Health Planning and Management Health Mental Health

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
69 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Laura S. Chen, Epidemiology* Toby Ann Harris, Environmental Jenny Yuan Lin, Biochemistry Kuan Peng, Health Policy and
Quan Chen, Health Policy and Health and Engineering and Molecular Biology Management
Management** Marissa Hetrich, Epidemiology Yian Lin, Biostatistics Gianella Perez, Mental Health
Wei Chen, Epidemiology Eric Robinson Hofmeister, Zhuozhi Lin, Mental Health Michael Sullivan Phillips,
Yijiao Chen, Health Policy and Environmental Health and Chelsea Liu, Epidemiology Mental Health
Management Engineering Chen Liu, International Health Xueqi Qu, Epidemiology
Jessie Chien, Health, Behavior Amy Yun Hong, Epidemiology* Fangyu Liu, Epidemiology Lavinia Mumtaz Rizvi,
and Society Jingyao Hong, Epidemiology** Yawen Liu, Epidemiology Biochemistry and Molecular
Maliha Ambia Choudhury, Pei-Lin Huang, Health Policy Yisi Liu, Epidemiology Biology
Environmental Health and and Management Jingmiao Long, Epidemiology Joy Roberts Roberts, Mental
Engineering* Naadiya S. Hutchinson, Amanda May Luken, Mental Health
Zahra Monzur Chowdhury, Environmental Health and Health Jessica Leigh Schwartz, Clinical
International Health Engineering Jacob Samuel McCann, Investigation*
Justin Chun, Epidemiology Samantha Rose Hutchison, Biochemistry and Molecular Sarah Catherine Shapiro,
Sita Dandiker, Biochemistry and Mental Health Biology Molecular Microbiology and
Molecular Biology Michael DaCosta Irving, Alina Marie McIntyre, Immunology
Jennifer Anne Dantzer, Molecular Microbiology and Environmental Health and Abigail Bryna Shegelman,
Epidemiology Immunology Engineering Mental Health
Margaret Mae Dearey, Aalin Izhar, Biochemistry and Karim Ghassan Medlej, Nicola May Shen, Epidemiology
Biochemistry and Molecular Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Naosato Shibata, Mental Health
Biology Jean Dario Janvier Jr., Biology Karl Shieh, Health, Behavior and
Brinda Hemanshu Desai, Environmental Health and Rhea Mehta, Mental Health Society
Epidemiology* Engineering Joseph Thomas Millward, Khalid Hassan Shoukat,
Ritu Parna Dhar, Mental Health Lena M. Jewler, Health, Behavior International Health Biochemistry and Molecular
YaNan Dong, Epidemiology and Society Brian Onochie Molokwu, Biology
Rebecca Ashley Dorner, Clinical Fan Jia, Epidemiology Molecular Microbiology and Francesca Marie Silvestri,
Investigation* Kening Jiang, Epidemiology Immunology Mental Health
Joan Hwang Dunlop, Zain Amin Kazi, Environmental Camila Montejo-Poll, Catherine Elizabeth Simpson,
Epidemiology* Health and Engineering Biochemistry and Molecular Clinical Investigation*
Frederick Canton Durham, Ellen Kim, Biochemistry and Biology Taylor Jalissa Smull,
Environmental Health and Molecular Biology Kristina Montemayor, Clinical Epidemiology
Engineering So-Yun Kim, Biochemistry and Investigation* Daniel Alexander Sonnenberg,
Lindsay Grace Eberhart, Molecular Biology Jarushka Naidoo, Clinical Mental Health
Epidemiology Jolie R. Knapp, Mental Health Investigation* Connor Daniel Stephenson,
Estelle Marla Everett, Clinical Ramya Harshavardhan Megan Laleh Najafali, Mental Health
Investigation* Kolagani, Biochemistry and Biochemistry and Molecular John Michael Stewart, Mental
Fatou Bintou Faye, Molecular Biology Biology Health
Environmental Health and Minghao Kou, Epidemiology Priya Sherene Nanan, Mental Julie Anne Storr, Health Policy
Engineering Health** and Management**
Rachel Sofia Krizek, Molecular
Suiyini Ama Fiawoo, Mental Microbiology and Immunology Ilana L. Newman, Health, Madison A. Studstill,
Health Behavior and Society Biochemistry and Molecular
Ashrita Kumar, Biochemistry
Tyler Robert Findlay, and Molecular Biology Jane Nguyen, Biochemistry and Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Molecular Biology Shuoci Su, Biochemistry and
Pei-Lun Kuo, Biostatistics**
Biology Iman Nourhussein, Molecular Biology
Garrett Kwan, Mental Health
Angel Carolina Gabriel, Mental International Health
Marci Laudenslager, Clinical Megha Prakash Talur,
Health Ifechukwu Cyril Ofonedu Jr.,
Investigation* Environmental Health and
Yuyan Geng, Biochemistry and Mental Health Engineering*
Jeong Hwan Lee, Biochemistry
Molecular Biology Bradley Andrew Olinger,
and Molecular Biology Anam Tariq, Epidemiology
Tarun K. George, International Biochemistry and Molecular
Kimberley Tashai Lee, Nicholas Tassone, Biochemistry
Health Biology
Epidemiology and Molecular Biology
Charles Beach Gore, Mental Jacqueline C. O'Toole, Clinical
Jiade Li, Molecular Microbiology Maya Shivani Thakar, Mental
Health Investigation*
and Immunology** Health
Nicole M. Gorski, Biochemistry Aditya Patibandla, Mental
Yi Qiao Li, Epidemiology*
and Molecular Biology Health
2019 70
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Ravi H. Thombre, Biochemistry Fatima Isabel Castaneda, Yi Liu, Epidemiology Masters of Science
and Molecular Biology** Environmental Health and Xiao Ma, Molecular in Public Health
Brandon Nguyen Tran, Engineering** Microbiology and
Hanaa Ahsan, Health,
Biochemistry and Molecular Joseph Louis Catallini II, Immunology
Behavior and Society
Biology Biostatistics Zhiming Mao, Molecular
Amber Ruby Alexis,
Haldo Trevino II, Molecular Paul Amellaly Delgado, Microbiology and
International Health
Microbiology and Immunology Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Osvaldo Arambulo, Health
Timothy Tsung, Biochemistry Immunology Andrea Rose Molino,
Policy and Management
and Molecular Biology Juan Dent Hulse, Epidemiology Epidemiology
Anne Lincoln Arnzen,
Rachel Adair Vahey, Sharvari Mukund Deshpande, Morgane C. Mouslim,
International Health**
Environmental Health and Molecular Microbiology and Epidemiology
Kevalin Muktabai Wilson
Engineering Immunology Donia Ahmed Moustafa,
Aulandez, International
Margaret Rose Vitale, Laynie Michelle Dratch, Environmental Health and
Environmental Health and Health, Behavior and Society Engineering
Preetika Debabratha Banerjee,
Engineering Yanjun Duan, Epidemiology Tiffany Daolin Pan, Molecular
International Health
Jonathan David Wagner, Mental Abhinaya Ganesan, Microbiology and
Devyn Nicole Bell, Health
Health Biochemistry and Molecular Immunology*
Policy and Management
Chloe Jenee Walker, Mental Biology Shalom Solomon Patole,
Andrew J. Bennett,
Health Ella Jean Gehrke, Molecular Epidemiology
International Health*
Lingyu Wang, Epidemiology Microbiology and Diana Phan, Health, Behavior
Anvita Bhardwaj, Population,
Erica Weston, Clinical Immunology and Society
Family and Reproductive
Investigation* Jack Alexander Goodman, Filip Pirsl, Epidemiology*
Joseph Wilson Jr., Biochemistry and Molecular Adam Pittman, Biostatistics*
Alexis Rhea Campbell,
Environmental Health and Biology Melissa C. Schnure, Population, Family and
Engineering Shuying He, Biochemistry and Epidemiology Reproductive Health
Aozhou Wu, Biostatistics* Molecular Biology Christopher Loyd Shults, Kelly Elizabeth Carr,
Ashley Wu, Mental Health Alexis Heidlebaugh, Health, Biochemistry and Molecular International Health
Churong Xu, Epidemiology Behavior and Society Biology
Caroline Andrea Carrasco,
Yangyupei Yang, Epidemiology Samuel Beard Holzman, Ritwik Singhal, Molecular International Health
Yang Yin, Epidemiology Clinical Investigation Microbiology and
Mary Kate Chandler,
Alexandria Yu, Environmental Raihan Kabir, Environmental Immunology
International Health
Health and Engineering Health and Engineering Yuchen Sun, Environmental
Cristina Maria Checa, Health
Colleen M. Zarek, Mental Suh Young Kang, Epidemiology Health and Engineering
Policy and Management
Health Jongyeon Kim, Epidemiology Aathman Swaminathan,
Claire Faith Cooper, Health,
Paula JZ Billingsley Zaremba, Taewoo Kim, Molecular Biochemistry and Molecular
Behavior and Society
Mental Health Microbiology and Biology
Hope Catherine Craig,
Nicole K. Zharichenko, Mental Immunology Shraddha Raju Teli,
International Health
Health Rohan Justin Kuruvilla, Biochemistry and Molecular
Leena Eve Daniel,
Xianming Zhu, Epidemiology Environmental Health and Biology
International Health
Yifan Zhu, International Health Engineering Siddhi Pramod Umarje,
Leticia De los Rios, Health,
Benjamin Noah Kussin- Epidemiology
Yizhou Zhu, Mental Health Behavior and Society
Shoptaw, Epidemiology Adan A Velasquez,
Monica Dutta, Population,
Yifan Lei, Biochemistry and Biochemistry and Molecular
Masters of Science Family and Reproductive
Molecular Biology Biology
Sarah-Marie Mohsen Alam El Yueyi Li, Biostatistics Siddhant Hemant Vyas,
Keegan G. Edgar, Health Policy
Din, Environmental Health Zeshuo Li, Molecular Molecular Microbiology and
and Management
and Engineering Microbiology and Immunology
Kathleen Julia Fallon,
Laura Ann Bowles, Immunology Zebin Wang, Biostatistics
International Health
Epidemiology Zingman Li, Biochemistry and Shiyao Xu, Biostatistics
Michael Fittante, Health Policy
Hannah Rosenstein Molecular Biology Tong Yu, Epidemiology
and Management
Campbell, Health, Behavior Jin-Shiung Liao, Environmental Yifan Zhang, Biostatistics
and Society Amy Stewart Frautschi,
Health and Engineering Linda Zhou, Biostatistics International Health*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
71 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Madison Rae Friel, Asiya Kauther Kazi, Delaney Meade McGuire, Dong Keun Rhee,
International Health International Health** Health, Behavior and International Health
Ryanne Kikue Fujita-Conrads, Hannah Grace Chang En Society** Takyera S. Robinson,
International Health Kent, Health Policy and Sarah Law McKeown, Health International Health**
Ya Gao, International Health Management Policy and Management Eric Nicholas Rodriguez,
Danielle Deneen Gaskin, Connie Yunhee Kim, Health Kendra Renae Mehling, Health International Health
Population, Family and Policy and Management Policy and Management Alexandra Marie Rogers,
Reproductive Health Heesu Kim, International Sydney Abigail Merritt, Health International Health**
Amelia Karen MaryAnn Health Policy and Management Danielle Hannah Rossoni,
Gerste, International Health Kyo Yeon Kim, International Alexandria Kate Mickler, Health Policy and
Mirha Anika Girt, Health Population, Family and Management
International Health Kasey Elizabeth Kinzel, Reproductive Health Sophie Reiley Rottenberg,
Fiona Catherine Magill International Health Heather Carol Moorman, Health Policy and
Grubin, International Kana Kobayashi, International International Health Management
Health** Health Katie Dawn Murray, Health, Leah Morgaine Salama,
Xuefan Guan, Health, Vandita Kumbham, Health Behavior and Society International Health
Behavior and Society Policy and Management Amy T. Nguyen, Health, Kaylynn Elizabeth Sanders,
Poonam Gupta, International James Kondwani Kumwenda, Behavior and Society Health Policy and
Health** International Health Caitlin Marie Noonan, Management
Jessica Katherine Hale, Health Rachel Elisabeth Lake, International Health Emily Schutz, Health Policy
Policy and Management International Health Nancy Akoth Ochieng, Health and Management
Lauren Kerith Hall, Health David Matthew Landy, Health Policy and Management Karishma Sethi, International
Policy and Management Policy and Management Rachel Louise O'Neal, Health
Jessica Marie Handy, Paul Theophilus Lee, Health Environmental Health and Brittany M. Shapiro Dooley,
International Health Policy and Management Engineering** Population, Family and
Rachel Marie Hartman, Pearl S. Lee, Environmental Jennifer A. Orr, Health Policy Reproductive Health
International Health Health and Engineering* and Management Jia Shi, International Health
Sarah Elizabeth Heilman, Sang Heon Lee, Health Policy Shunxian Ou, Health Policy Aashaka Amar Shinde,
Health Policy and and Management* and Management International Health
Management Seoyoung Lee, Health Policy Erin E. Paik, Health Policy and Prakriti Shrestha,
Sarah Jeanette Hinman, and Management Management International Health
International Health Zhongyu Li, International Aditi Patrikar, Population, Claire Emily Silberg,
David Jacob Hoffman, Health Health Family and Reproductive Population, Family and
Policy and Management Madison Marie Liggett, Health Health Reproductive Health
Shuoning Huang, Policy and Management Lynn Noelle Pereira, Health, Rebecca Catherine Skinner,
International Health Rui Ling, International Health Behavior and Society Population, Family and
Sharon Taejung Hwang, Sunny Yang Liu, International Reproductive Health
Elizabeth Claire Pinyan,
Population, Family and Health Health, Behavior and Kaylee Dorine Smith,
Reproductive Health Sandra Ines Londino, Society** Population, Family and
Megumi Ichimiya, Health, International Health Reproductive Health
Christina McLean Potter,
Behavior and Society Annelise Joy Long, International Health Connor Brooks Steele-
Anika K. Jain, International International Health McCutchen, International
Bernadetta Ninda Pranantia,
Health** Rosemary Arely Lopez, Health Health**
International Health
Alyssa Lorraine Jarocki, Policy and Management Megan June Stevenson,
Rashel Freyda Rabinovich,
Health, Behavior and Society Tripti Malhotra, Health Policy International Health
International Health**
Neda Jasemi, Health Policy and and Management Briana Danielle Stone,
Aneeka Teruni Ratnayake,
Management Porcia Manandhar, International Health
International Health**
Maia McKee Johnstone, International Health Jennifer Tasnim Tayabji,
Naganavya S. Ravoori, Health
International Health** Michelle Renee Martinez, Health Policy and
Policy and Management
Katarina Anne Kamenar, Population, Family and Management
Prianca Madi Reddi,
International Health Reproductive Health Diana A. Teremzawi, Health
International Health
Arshdeep Kaur, Population, William Roland McCaslin, Policy and Management
Blake Michael Reilly, Health,
Family and Reproductive Health Policy and Stephanie Wei Jun Tham,
Behavior and Society**
Health Management Health, Behavior and Society

2019 72
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Niharika Tiwari, International Fanyang Zeng, Health Policy Connor C. Mauriello, Health Margaret Welles Berry**
Health and Management Policy and Management Jennifer Shirin Bhuiyan-
Hanzhi Tong, International Jessica Paige Ziesel, Andrew David Michalek, Qadeer**
Health International Health Health Policy and James Paul Bien
Jasmine Maylee Truong, Alexandra Jaye Zimmer, Management Emily Carroll Blagg
International Health** International Health Dominic J. Neugebauer, Brittany Lee Bland*
Angad Singh Uppal, Health Health Policy and Lindsay Jo Blazin**
Policy and Management Masters of Health Management Ellen Boakye
Esther Urena, Health Policy Administration Madhanamenaka Pandian,
Diana Marie Bongiorno
and Management Health Policy and
George Jacob Abraham, Health Hlohonolofatso Bookholane
Divina Mary Varghese, Management
Policy and Management Rebecca Ann Bowen
International Health Dhruv Pankaj Patel, Health
Jillian Patrice Barbaro, Health Amitoj Brar*
Campbell Johnson Veasey, Policy and Management
Policy and Management Zabecca Shira Brinson
Population, Family and Rima Patel, Health Policy and
Jordan Ashley Besch, Health Christopher John Britt
Reproductive Health Management
Policy and Management Eric Edem Kwame Broni
Caitlin Quinn Viccora, Health, Kanak Vyas, Health Policy and
Augustus Samuel Carlin, Ruth Elizabeth Bryant
Behavior and Society Management
Health Policy and Andrew Joseph Bryk**
Sarah Lin Wagner, Management
International Health Brady Alexander Campbell
Audrey Man-Gar Chan, Health Masters of Public Health
Marissa Lynn Walsh, Sachalee Cedina Campbell
Policy and Management Sandra Danielle Abbott**
International Health Ana Paula Cardoso Richter*
Iris Chidinma Chijioke, Health Tanya Abdul-Malak
Xiaolei Wang, Health, Behavior Robert Cyril Carlin**
Policy and Management
and Society Rohin Arvind Aggarwal Susan Marie Carr**
Chelsea Paige Finfer, Health
Yinuo Wang, Environmental Barbara Chinelo Agu** Kathleen Marie Carter
Policy and Management
Health and Engineering** Theresa Rae Aguilar Ivana Lourdes Castellanos*
Lauren Elizabeth Friedman,
Breanna Donna Marie Sarah Kathryn Aheron* Alyssa Michele Cawley
Health Policy and
Watson, Population, Family Maidah Ahmad Arnob Chakraborti**
and Reproductive Health Bintou Ahmadou Ahidjo Jessica E. Chasler
Jacquelynn P. Garcia, Health
Wei Wei, Health, Behavior and Policy and Management Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Mihir Jay Chaudhary
Society Mina Akhavan Brian Michael Chen
Jennifer Ha, Health Policy and
Doopashika Pabasari Management Ezinne Adamma Akudinobi Doris Hsinyu Chen
Welikala, Population, Family Jane Samera Alam Julia Fayanne Chen
Carolyn Elena Johnson, Health
and Reproductive Health Uthman Ahmad Alamoudi Li-Kuang Chen
Policy and Management
Caroline Regine Wensel, Charlee Marie Alexander* Omar Cherkaoui
William Connor Johnson,
International Health Jihad Basem Al-Khatib
Health Policy and Vignesh Chidambaram
Sarah Anne White, Health Management Janice Adukwei Allotey Jeremy Chin
Policy and Management Vinita Almeida*
Kinjal Pravin Kakadiya, Health Malvern Tatenda Chiweshe
Meagan Elizabeth Williams, Policy and Management Abdulrahman Mohammed Anna Eunjoo Choe
Population, Family and Alsheikh*
Likhita Kavya Kalla, Health Kaitlyn Rae Ciampaglio
Reproductive Health
Policy and Management Yaacov Anziska** Andrew Aaron Clack**
Chao Xu, Health, Behavior and
Emma Jordan Lavandosky, Tatsuya Aoki Emily Elizabeth Coard
Health Policy and Luana Silva Rodrigues Araujo
Yvonne Yiru Xu, International Jessica Renee Coleman**
Management Dinesh Arora
Health Anne Marie Collaco
Sarah Elizabeth Lefebvre, Sadia Arshad
Abeer Yakzan, Population, Friedrich Markus Conrad*
Health Policy and Yolanda Arthur
Family and Reproductive Edward Wallace Corty
Management Muhammad Naveed Asghar*
Health Jason Don Crowley
Xinyi Liang, Health Policy and Mara Aussendorf
Ryan Andrew Yoder, Health Management Alexandria Lynn Cull
Policy and Management Jennifer Leigh Baker Weatherer**
Brian Lin, Health Policy and
Alexander John Zapf, Aanika N. Balaji Elizabeth Blythe Dee
International Health Alexa Morgan Barriere** Pamela Delgado Barroso
Alice Liu, Health Policy and
Eleonor Zavala, International Erin Allyson Beasley Zoe O. Demko
Health Beth Jo Berkowitz** Langan Peterson Denhard

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
73 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Isaac Matthew Emmanuel Ting-Wei Hsu Claudia Menasche** Ainelen Liliana Radosevich
Dodd Michelle Sujia Huang** Lily Henzi Merritt Rafa Rahman
Elizabeth Eggleston Rebecca Mary Huebsch Kayla Amber Meza Caroline Blair Rains
Drigotas** Shima Hussein Idries Kathryne Schubert Selvi Rajagopal
Julian Alexander Drix** Izza Atiqa Ishak Mezzanotte Pooja S. Rajeevan*
Julia Ilana Eckstein Paavani Jain Darcy A. Milburn Emad Sabri Rajih
Emily Rose Egbert Rabia Jalalzai Donald Richard Bailey Miles** Alice June Rhoades
Daniel Seth Ehrenpreis Keyan Ebad Javadi Neha Misra Lauren Christine Richardson*
Katherine Nicole Elfer Brittany Denise Jenkins Udit Mohan Hazem Rihawi*
Victoria Banks Ellenbogen Hannah Dustan Johnson Colin Matthew Moll Travis William McKay Roberts
John Oluwaseyi Erhabor Deepa Subbi Joshi Zoe Katherine Mowl Julia Ruth Roche
Rogette Esteve Aruna V. Josyula* Cari Lyn Munro Allyn Rosenberger
Semra Etyemez Benjamin Zvi Kahn Alexandra Yuko Jasmina Elizabeth Ruebush**
Alix Marie Rose Madeleine Keisuke Kakimoto Murata Shannon Marie Ruzycki*
Faddoul Claire Anne Blanton Karlsson Tolulope Oluwatomi Musa- Rachel Campbell Rybczynski*
Tyler Ming Fan Masahiro Katahira Booth** Rameet Sachdev
Tolulope Adeola Fashina Gurpreet Kaur Moaath Khader Mustafa Ali Richard Casey Sadler
Erin L. Feddema* Pennapa Kaweewongprasert Anna Jane Najor Kazumi Sakashita
Norma Del Carmen Ferraro Kathleen Relia Kelley Tomoko Nakagami Vincent Bryan De Guia
Catherine Guerra Fischer Mikaela Abeni Kelly Takuya Nakamura Salvador
Nicole Mercado Fischer Shaherbano Khalid Ho Namkoong Holly L Sawyer
Rebecca Florsheim Dahye Kim Jonas Allan Nelson Claire Lehman Schultz**
Lauren Ashley Forbes Yunjeong Kim Sophie Elisabeth Neuner Hana Kelsey Schwartz
Rebecca Elizabeth Fowler Martha Tushemereirwe Chak Chuen Charles Ng Jenny Youjin Seo
Juan Sebastian Franco** Kirabo William V. Nguyen Dhara Shah
Jessica D. Friedman* August Reed Knape* Wachiko Nishizawa** Neha Shanker
Leah Michelle Froehle Susan Elizabeth Kornacki Khansae Nowir Sophia Shea
Emily Louise Fruchterman Ryan Koski-Vacirca Aqsha Azhary Nur Stephen A. Shields
Brian K. Fung Briana Elise Kramer Mary Ann Odell Abhinav Sidana**
Shirley Hu Fung** Eric N. Kramer Nana Essuman Oduro Ruma Simhan
Charles Geneczko** Yaa Adoma Kwapong Opeyemi Oladapo-Shittu Thakshayeni Skanthakumar
Maryam Ghariban Sakina Ladha Eniola Tinuola Oluyemi Gjanje Louise Smith
Diego Hernan Giunta** Wendy Angela Lai Laura O'Sullivan Devanshi Somaiya
Aastha Goel* Andrea Leao Santos Veiga Yuichiro Otsuka Manish Sreevatsava
Orlanda Qi Mei Goh** Cabral Joshua Grove Parks** Kimberly Ann Stanford*
Elizabeth Bicknell Golightly Esther Gun Hye Lee Brittany Lee Parmentier** Rachel Clara Stinson
Shilpa Gopinath Jenica Joplin Lee** Priya Pathak Emma Patricia Straus
Sanjay Goyal Eva Francoise Lenoir** Bernardo Mulinari Pessoa Stacy Yi-Ru Sun**
Christine Cain Groves Wan-Ju Mona Liao* Areisa Sadonie Peters Yi Sun
Stephanie Nicole Grube Heng-Yu Lin Rebecca Sarah Piser Alia Sunderji
Masataka Gunshin** Gwen Diane Lister* Emily Nicole Pond Alfred Tager**
Hala Hamadah Song Luo Eli William Pousson Naoki Takamatsu
Waqas Zia Haque Erin Madeen* Rebecca Pratiti Julia Cynthia Talajic**
Kaitlyn Noel Lewis Hardell Daniella Cecilia Malave Prerika Tequila V. Terry
Heather Hatcher** Nelson C. Malone Tzu-Miao Pu Sarah G. Trager
Jessica Louise Hawk Kendra M Manhertz Jairaj A. Puthenveettil Jennifer Anne Trumbore
Katherine Heinemann Laura Emily Mansilla Chantal Myrta Pyram- Jean Marc Matala Tshivuila
Sonia Marcela Herrera Arevalo Ashni Mathew Vincent** Rayji Sean Tsutsui**
Kyle Xavier Hill James Thomas McCallen Nicholas Charles Pytel** Nyan Lynn Tun
Carin C. Hitchens Gerardo Javier J Melendez- Fatima Qamar Oluwatomi O. Uwazota
Jerilyn Renee Hoover** Torres Luis Horacio Quiroga* Katherine Vander Tuig

2019 74
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Rachael Nichole Vargas** Sultan Alfalasi Ebony Chardae Carroll Cody Tomas Etlin
Kristen Jacqueline Vescera Ahmed Abdullah Almatrafi* Jill Meredith Carter Jackynicole Stephanie Eyocko
Michelle Bleynat Vessely Hannah Michelle Altman Sarah Tiller Casson Kathleen Julia Fallon
Sarah N. Vick Paula Alvarez-Couceiro Rogelio Celaya Zhiyi Fan
Addison Virta* Samuel An** Christina Margot Chabali Eliot Korsak Faust
Cierra Chiyoko Virtue Blake Richard Harold Andrew Paul Singh Chahal Liaoshen Feng
Kirtana Viswanathan James Leigh Tiberi Anthony Beverly Yiu Kate Chan Dylan Foxworth
Julia Jane Wainger Stephanie Arzate Andrew Albert Chandler Victoria Erin Friend
Sara Elizabeth Wallach Erik James Nilson Ashida Tzu-Hsuan Chao* Elliot Jeffrey Frumkin
Heather Waner Shamaila Shahzad Ashraf Krish Dixit Chatterjee Him Henry Fung
Kuang-Heng Wang Anastasia Guyivna Austin Alycia Kam-Yan Chau Johannes Maximilian Gaechter
Buffi Marie Ward* Sarah Aver** Beatrice Ruo Yu Chen Tianlang Gao
JeanAnne Marie Ware** Alia Suleiman Awadallah Ge Chen Weike Gao
Lakshmi Warrior* Miranda Bain Guo Chen Guillermo Enrique Garcia
Madhura Nitin Wasnik Eleana Balabani Hao Chen Montenegro**
Anna May Weimer Connor Patrick Barniskis** Qi Chen Robert Harrison Garrett
Timothy James Westlake Isabel Bartmann Siyang Chen Anneliese Ilona
Leah Jo Weston Emma Sophia Bates** Siyuan Chen** Gegenheimer**
Sara Whaley Benjamin Scott Behrmann Yachuan Chen Matthew Alexander Gentzel
Haven Wheelock Blake Connelly Bell Zhuolun Cheng Alex Edwin Gentzler Genung
Michaela Eileen Marie Phoebe Margaret Benich Jennifer Minkyeong Kim Cho Sean Michael Gibbons
Whitelaw Zarina Maame Afua Bentum Jasmine Sooyoung Choi Mary Lauren Gilbert
Sophia Winchester Sharon Corinne Benzoni* Rachel Marie Russell Clayton Jonah A. Gold
Huimin Wu Sebastian Bernal Kathleen Allison Cohen Charles Ross Goldman
Wail Nabeel A. Yar* Nayantara Bhandari Matthew Joseph Cohen Vianney Gomezgil Yaspik
Xinjie Cindy Yin Evan Alexander Bird Jennifer Ann Conrad Manjia Gong
Ahmed Shammas Yoosuf Peyton Elyse Blackstock Daniel Robert Cooley George Martin Goodfriend
Anna Marie Pacheco Young Mitchell Blatt** Colleen Mckenna Cosey Akanksha Goyal
Megann Forrest Young Peter Bradford Boal Patrick John Curran Ryan Christopher Grace
Katherine Ann Zellner Simran Kalyan Borade Fan Dai** Nicholas Watson Grady
George Qiaosheng Zhang Erik Anders Mathias Bostrom Georgina Danial Chanel Gabriele Grice
Mengqi Audrey Zhang** Hunter Boyett Leah Imani View Danville Samuel Joseph Gruber*
Dun Yuan Zhou Lindsey Riane Breier* Samuel Asher Davidoff-Gore Abby Comstock-Gay Guner
Ahsan Zil-E-Ali Kevin Ross Brensinger Nicholas Edward Davidson John Hosea Harkness
Brittany Alexandria Joshua Samuel Brickman* Chantal Angelika Davis Claire Reynolds Harrison**
Zulkiewicz Emil David Browder Arcadia Rose Wenjin Deck Brian Thomas Hart**
Clarise Lenear Brown* Daby Diack Sema Gabriela Hasan
Jasmine E. Brown Nathanael John Diaz Jinjin He
THE PAUL H. NITZE Celine Bteish Robin Marie Dickey Xingzhi He
Laura Bulbena Jessie Rae Dietz
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Lansdale Ghiselin Sasscer
Daniel Joseph Burke** Keel Malotky Dietz**
Masters of Arts Alexandra Gabriela Burns Zhiyao Ding Henderson*
James Franklin Byers Serena Tuong-Nhien Doan** John William Herndon
Dania Abdalla Daniel Day Higuchi
Ian James Byrne Yifei Dong
Kevin Daniel Acker** Nirit Hinkis
Samantha Camilletti Danielle Elizabeth Doubt*
Arthur Christopher Ackerman Soon W Hong*
Baran Cansever Aaron Alexander Dresslar
Ana Carla Acosta McKenzie Nichole Horwitz
Gerui Cao Yifan Du
Maria Modupe Adebayo* Yufan Huang*
Xi Cao Pratyush Dubey**
Atif Jalal Ahmad Zhenhao Huang
Yu Cao David Michael Dye*
David Tae Young Ahn Simon Tran Hudes
Jennifer Cardoza Matthew Charles Eiss
Sol Ahn Caroline Hui
Dafne Carletti
Mabel Temitayo Alamu

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
75 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Nicholas Hung Pochun Li Sabiha Subah Mohona Gricelda Esther Ramos

William Morgan Hyson Ruyi Li Alexandra Elizabeth Morgan Tenzin Rangdol
Bianca Idas Wanqing Li Christopher Rolland Morgan Rebecca Rashid
Yu Inagaki Xingchen Li Jake Maxwell Morris Henry Axel Rawlings
Emily Ing Yimeng Li** Steven Moser Edouard E. Revil-Flavier
Joshua Oluwatimilehin Yiming Li Yao Mu Daniel Clayton Rice**
Iwayemi Yunmo Li** William Stanley Mulhern Adam Joseph Richwine
Roshan Iyer Zhehao Liao Victor Muller Ferreira Dougal James Somerville
Taylor John Garrett Jackson Buwei Lin* Clayton Levi Mulloy Robinson**
Ian Thomas Jacobs Hongyi Lin Amber Kohaku Priyanka Antonette Roche
Lindsay Jagla Xue Lin Murakami-Fester Alexis-Clair Morgan Roehrich
Nezar Jamal Yue Lin Dennis Michael Murphy Patricia Alejandra Rojas Correa
Sierra Marie Janik** Can Liu** Dhrupad Nag* Rui Rong
Sushmita Jena Diya Liu Patrick Nahhas Jordan Alejandro Rosenberg
Jessica Andrea Jimenez Jianyu Liu Kyoka Nakayama Michael Adam Rosengard
Emily Wevin Jin Jonathan Peifeng Liu Peter Scott Nance Max Griffin Rozycki**
Maia McKee Johnstone William Thomas Lloyd Maria Clara Naranjo Quintero Carlos Ruiz Hernandez Sr.
Erik Maxwell Jones Sophie Elena Yu Narita Vaishnavi Rupavatharam
Maxim Hooper Jones* Lobanov-Rostovsky Polina Naronova Jeonghwa Ryoo*
Da Eun Joo Michael Anthony Logalbo JesusisLord Nwadiuko* Jonathan Saalfield
Christopher Reese Joondeph Jordan Parker Lorenzen Ryan McAllister O'Farrell Gabriela Nikole Saenz
Jonathan P. Kaae Ziyi Lu* Caitlin Ruth O'Grady Samira Salha
Sara Yae Jin Kang Ryan David Lucas Leif Brian Olson Sarah Louise Singer Sassoon
Yaran Kang Caroline Elizabeth Lupetini Oyintarelado Deborah Quentin Michel Sauvage
Scott Michael Karo Donna Nhi Ly** Osuobeni** Sandra Saveikyte
Matthew Michio Kawatani* Alexander B. Lykoudis** Gerhard S. Ottehenning Ryosuke Sawayama
Kenneth Chase Kelly Zhenhe Ma Nikole Alexandria Ottolia Evan Joseph Schell
Matthew David Kern Olivia Catherine Magnanini Jiyun Park* Thomas Andrew Schoenberger
Saksham Khosla Matthew Mainzer Christina Isabella Parodi Lydia Lawrence Senatus
Inuk Kim Alexandra Sophie Marksteiner Leonardo Joseph Nicolas Sensenbrenner
Joon Sup Kim Kayla Ann Marra Patmore-Zarcone Yeonjeong Seo
Sungjune Kim Meagan Elizabeth Martin Nainika Ashok Paul Matthew Salvatore Serrone
Yu Young Kim Thomas Alexander Martin** Alissa Virginia Pavia Xiaohan Shao
Lukas Kazimieras Kisielius Andres Martinez-Fernandez Jonathan Witherspoon Pearl Daniel Shats
Charles Cody Klimpel Zachary Ryan McCutcheon Kyla Madison Persky Laura Trusilo Shelton
Pauline Koch Jeremy Bryce McDonald Andrew James Phillips Sanam Reva Shetty**
Emily Grace Koenig Kevin Joseph McGrath Yangqiu Pi Molly Brennan Shutt
Rebecca Korff Aspasea Elina McKenna Veljko Piljak Miriam Elena Siemes
Anna-Marie Nicole Kroos Allison Leigh McNeill Cristina Planter Riebeling Elliott Morris Silverman
Rachael Clark Langdon Jacob Edward Meixler Megan Michelle Pohl Jonathon Paxton Sine
Nils Lange Anne Marie Mendes Yifan Powers Minaj Ranjita Singh
Samanta Sharmin Laskar Christopher Alex Merriman Jonas Prafke Steven Samuel Skrtic
Lauren Connie Laskowski Jessica L. Meyers Huma Qadir Hugh Alexander Smachlo
Alessendro Lee Anne Marie Mills Yan Qi Gwendolyn Eden Snider*
Jisoo Lee* Mary Leah Stribling Milnes Yiyuan Qi Rohan Srinivas
Jonathan Stewart Lee Khun Nyan Min Htet** Xinzhou Qian Sannidhi Srinivasan
Sanghoon David Lee Danielle Minnett Dan Qiao Mekailah Victorija Stephens*
Seongeun Lee Caroline Andrea Miranda Ziyu Qin* John Cameron Muir Stockman
Seung Ha Lee** Sage Elizabeth Mitch Huiyi Qiu* Monet Rheaonne Stokes**
Sung Min Lee Belinda Mo** Ye Qiu Sanggyu Suh
Julia Frances Lewando Adyasha Mohanty Chunzi Qu Elizaveta Sukhinenko

2019 76
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Ittimon Sumitpaibul Susanna Xiang-Xiao** Masters of Arts in Masters of Arts in

Ruiyue Sun* Yida Xiao Global Policy International Affairs
Xiuqun Sun* Rui Xie Abdulla Saad R. Al-Misnad Josue Eduardo Arteaga
Kassandra Kristine Lucas Taira Buli Xing Al-Mohannadi** Gerardo Alberto Avila
Zhuo Tan Mai Yer Xiong Sergio Enrique Anaya** Cervantes
Midori K. Tanaka Siruo Xu Kevin Daniel Brown** Giacomo Bogo
Harrison Andrew Tanchuck Yingdong Xu** Lori Brown** Arianna Bondi
James Yoshinori Tawney Zhongjing Xu* Robert Charles Courain III** Johana Marie Laura
James Joseph Taylor Zi Xue Bouveresse**
Benjamin Chapman DeWitt**
Ai Chun Teng Hexi Xuwei** Nnenda Chinda
Daria Diieguts**
Peldun Tenzing Haoyu Yang Cinzia Danielle Chiriac
Garrett Jonathan Exner**
Khine Zin Thant* Lizhong Yang Lorenzo Fontanelli
Savannah Jean Fox**
Kyle Innes Thetford Lujia Yang Nicolas Forero Villarreal
Andrew Joseph Gumbiner**
Xiaotian Tian Shanshan Yang Yassin B. Gai
Ahmad Samir Habashneh**
Fredrick Gabriel Toohey Zhengqi Yang Maria Griston
Grace Breland Howard**
John Peter Trimble David Nathaniel Yao Euan Guckian
Shauna Elyse Juarez**
Samuel Elliott Trzaska Zongfu Yao* William George Hargreaves
Avak Kahramanian**
Joe Theodore Twinem Rebecca Yim Maria Heiligenbrunner
OhnSoon Kim
Luke Stanley Tyburski Yiwen Yiwen Han Robin Hocquet
Dohijo Branko Knezvich
Ko Ueno Elizabeth Carol Young Oceane Michelle Kouaya
Christiaan Gaius Van Eden* Meng Yuan Rrap Kryeziu
Jenna Marie Nevins**
Joseph Henry Versen Qichang Yuan Anouchka Karine Linglart
Taylor Michael Nienaber**
Jordan Victor Tamur J. Yusifzai** Willemijn Cootje Sophie
Maria Cecilia Otegui** Meltzer
Riccardo Vinci Jan Zdralek
Allen Brainard Raymond** Bente Isabeau Mensing
Kimberly Vo Sabrina Brigitte Zechmeister
Carin Montecillo Rising** Hilde Moholth
Michiel Pieter Vriens Chuyun Zeng
Courtney Jacqueline Brode Francisco Daniel Parada
Tyler Joseph Walker Mariana Zepeda
Roberts** Srepel**
Kila Peterman Walser** Cheng Zhang
Jessica Ellen Ruzic** Charlotte Camille Piacentino
Chao Wang Chi Zhang
Shauna Kristel Shepston** Ginerva Pilo
Han Wang Haoyan Justin Zhang
Sarah Forbes Simpson** Elif Nisa Polat**
Jamie Wang Kai Zhang
Stephanie Marie Stoughton** Maurizio Maria Pulcini
Jiahui Wang Lu Zhang
Carl Lawrence Wernicke** Lucrezia Scaglioli
Jiayuan Wang Quan Zhang
Jingran Wang* Yifan Zhang** Jordan Cody Yadoo** Rossana Scita
Shiyu Wang Yina Zhang** Jesse Dylan Young** Fride Lia Stensland
Yan Wang Yuqi Zhang Julie Stoever
Yi Cai Wang Zheming Zhang*
Masters of Arts in Manon Lisa Thepault
Global Risk
Yuxuan Wang Zhuo Zhang*
Ryan Mohammad Wardak Wei Zhao Rula Mazin Alayssami* Masters of Arts in
Julia Lynn Wargo** Yueshu Zhao Ece Duygu Alsancak* International Economics
Nicholas Cohn-Martin*
and Finance
Lida Rachel Weinstock Canran Zheng
Alex Robert Weintraub Hanchen Zheng Anishka Natalie Gajanayake Youssef Essam Aly Qotb
Jonathan Mark Grantham Liyang Zheng De Zylva* Abdalla*
Wilkinson Shuwen Zheng Alexander Nicholas Donovan* James Douglas Applegate*
Madeline Ruth Wiltse Shangsi Zhou** Patrick Angelo Galt* Apoorv Bhargava*
Andrew Leonard Wong Shuyue Zhou Justin Joseph Mayes* McCullough Robert Casey*
Joseph Stanley Wood Kexing Zhu Shlomo Roiter Jesner* Junyang Chai*
Maria Belen Wu* Xuanyi Zhu Olga Skomarovska* Agata Joanna Ciesielska*
Qiang Wu Nidale Zouhir Hyejin Son* Micah Eilers Cohen*
Yingchao Wu Lorenzo Zandonatti* Ardan Demirayak*
Zehui Wu Adam Donald Donoho*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
77 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Yara Mohamed Eid* Deniz Cem Ozensoy Christopher Kirwan** Aysel Yagubova**
Alejandro Fiorito Baratas* Andrew Jacob Rankin Charles Richard Kissling Jr Amoreena Lynn York
Kevin C. Gawora* Steven Augustus Rotchadl Justin Adam Knox
Haozheyi Guan* Zeyu Shi Michael Andrew Kuiper
Yusaku Kawashima* Jie Tai Margaret Louise Leahy THE SCHOOL
Min Sung Lee* Keyi Tang Jaxon Reuben Lee OF MEDICINE
Sydney Hannah Levine* Christopher Warren Vandiford Seung Youp Lee Post-Baccalaureate
Yuhui Li* Lara Vidal Catherine Susan Long Certificates
Zehui Liu* Dominic Mathurin Villet Yang Lu
Siying Wu Abdulrahman Mohammed
Kimya Nia* Jhany Marcelo Macedo Rizo
Alsheikh, Certificate in
Franck Sy Eddy Ouattara* Rongqian Yang Justin Michael Magula** Clinical Informatics.*
Michael Clark Redmond* Yilin Yang Esther Susana Marcella Jakub Maria Kwiecinski,
Ruoyu Shao* Chenxi Zhang Christopher Jason Mendham History of Medicine.**
Anmesha Sharma* Jing Zhang Takaho Mikami
Yanrui Song* Qiuruo Zhang Andrew T. Miller Masters of Science
Boyang Sun* Wenjie Zhou Joseph Edward Moye
Anabel A. Anandhapriya,
Xinyu Tian* John Scott Muirhead
Masters of International Applied Health Sciences
Manchun Wang* Chinazo Anselm Muoneke Informatics.**
Public Policy
Yuxuan Wu* Daniel Martin Murphy Michael Anthony Batista,
Wanqi Xie* Rodrigo Acha Mogametsi Veronica Biomedical Engineering.*
Haopeng Xu* Brittin Helene Alfred Mutengwa** Michael Anthony Bohman,
Qiuyan Yin* Emily Milam Armitage Nobutoshi Nakanishi Applied Health Sciences
Qichao Zha* Racheal Lea Atley Adejumoke Ajibola Ojo Informatics.**
Zongpeng Zhang* Clayton John Aune Jacqueline Elizabeth Pau Lusha Cao, Applied Health
Huiting Zhou* Lilit Avoyan Austin Jason Preslar Sciences Informatics.**
Juncheng Zhou* Seunghwan Bae Debaranjan Pujahari Angela Chen, Applied Health
Jennifer Vanecek Bales Jeremiah Lee Randle* Sciences Informatics.**
Masters of Arts in David Clark Bermingham** Eric A. Reid Nicole Eileen Chernavsky,
International Studies Adam Robert Boyd Eric Daniel Richards Biomedical Engineering.*
(Degrees awarded Colin Judson Brandt** Philip Christopher Roll Ritu Ajay Doijad, Applied
June 14, 2019) Health Sciences
Eduardo Calderon Peter Rummler
Malcolm Black David Richard Clementi Gordon D. Rutledge
Rachel Ann Frigot, Functional
Paul Francis Maxwell Bork James Michael Crump Abel Seiple
Anatomy and Evolution.*
Xi Ding Matthew Lynn Daniels Vibhanshu Shekhar
Vinaya Mohan George, Applied
Zixuan Ding Pramit Dash Collin Patrick Slep Health Sciences Informatics.
Nathan Emerson Fritz Susan Elizabeth Firestone William Truman Strohecker IV Ting He, Health Sciences
Yaqian Gao Bernard R. Gardner Erin Kathleen Sullivan Informatics.**
John Maxwell Glasgow Janine Katia Garner James Francis Sullivan IV Sarah Hussain, Health
Zhuanzhuan Hao Benjamin Robert Gilbert Riyo Tanaka Sciences Informatics.**
Yuxuan Hong Christopher William Grauel David Tebbe Dustin K. Jones, Cellular and
Zixin Huang Robert Francis Greene Cara Lee Toolan Molecular Physiology.**
Yanzhen Lei Michael Rome Hall Kyrylo Toropchyn Dwi Margawati, Health
Yanlan Li Askanaz Hambardzumyan Carlos Miguel Toscano Sciences Informatics.**
Yuzhou Li Paul William Hanson Joseph Anthony Tricomi Jeffrey Wayne Pompe,
Zhuozhi Lin Thomas Lee Hatfield Biomedical Engineering.*
Hiroyuki Uehara
Jinxi Liu Wofai Eno Ibiang Ian Michael Reucroft,
Kalle Uibo**
Nicholas Mark Manthey Biomedical Engineering.*
Matthew Lucas Jamison Reuben Jikeme Umunna
Yizhi Mao Kristina M. Russell, Applied
Yamato Kawamata Brian Nicholas Vega**
Benjamin Zohar Samuel Miles Health Sciences Informatics.
Swanzeta Rocheta Keelson** Taylor Washburn**
John Owens Gan Shi, Applied Health
Jefferson Garner Kent Martin Christopher White Sciences Informatics.**

2019 78
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Marlen Soledad Tagle Masters of Science in Alisa Josephine Volkova Zhezhi Chen, Mechanical
Rodriguez, Biomedical Engineering Brown, Biomedical Engineering
Engineering.* Engineering* Yang Cheng, Materials Science
William Joseph Accardi,
Miguel Angel Tellez, Russell Tamaki Buescher, and Engineering
Systems Engineering**
Biochemistry, Cellular and Systems Engineering Hao-Che Chiu, Mechanical
Ayush Agarwal, Computer
Molecular Biology Training Fang Cai, Biomedical Engineering
Program-Physiology. Engineering Chang Hwan Choi, Electrical
Ojaswi Agarwal, Materials
Sarah Jean Vanderplas, Yilun Cai, Biomedical and Computer Engineering**
Science and Engineering
Applied Health Sciences Engineering Rira Choi, Chemical and
Milad Alemohammad,
Informatics.** Austin R. Cain, Systems Biomolecular Engineering
Electrical and Computer
Kinjel M. Vyas, Applied Health Engineering John Davis Chu, Mechanical
Sciences Informatics. Daniel M. Camp, Systems Engineering
Gregory Aaron Allen, Systems
Gongliang Zhang, Applied Engineering Zenny Ted Chu, Biomedical
Health Sciences Informatics. Aaron Carass, Computer Engineering
Anton Alexeevich Alyakin,
Xiaohan Zhang, Health Science* Christine Chung, Materials
Applied Mathematics and
Sciences Informatics.** Matthew Carney, Systems Science and Engineering*
Engineering* Maria Demetria Coleman,
Gladys Cristina Amaya,
Masters of Arts Henry Curtis Carpenter, Robotics**
Systems Engineering
Noelle Elizabeth Burgess, Applied Mathematics and Hannah Ysabel Comeau,
Nafisa Ali Amir, Computer
Medical and Biological Statistics Biomedical Engineering
Illustration Adam Benjamin Cellon, Siqi Cui, Chemical and
Pingping An, Applied
William Guzman Jr., Medical Electrical and Computer Biomolecular Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics**
and Biological Illustration Engineering* Tianqi Cui, Applied
Charalampos Christos
Po-Huei Hsieh, History of Oyku Ege Cerit, Materials Mathematics and Statistics
Avraam, Applied
Medicine** Science and Engineering Kunal Dani, Chemical and
Mathematics and Statistics
Jamie Lynn Peterson, Medical Jacqueline Jangmi Brace Chai, Biomolecular Engineering
Alexander Yeh Bai, Applied
and Biological Illustration Biomedical Engineering William Matthew David,
Mathematics and Statistics
Kellyn Sanders, Medical and Shreya Chakraborty, Computer Computer Science
Joshan Singh Bajaj, Computer
Biological Illustration Science Rafael de la Tijera Obert,
Morgan Nicole Summerlin, Yu Che, Civil Engineering Robotics
Archana Balan, Biomedical
Medical and Biological Engineering Matthew Alexander Chea, John Paul Del Toro, Chemical
Illustration Electrical and Computer and Biomolecular
Adarsh Balasubramanian,
Helen Huan Tang, Medical and Engineering Engineering**
Materials Science and
Biological Illustration Engineering** Brian Y. Chen, Chemical and Wenye Deng, Chemical and
Jenny R. Wang, Medical and Biomolecular Engineering** Biomolecular Engineering
Santiago E. Balza Pineda,
Biological Illustration Biomedical Engineering Changfan Chen, Robotics** Paul Everett Deren, Systems
Charles Patton Wilkinson, Alekhya Banki, Civil Huan Chen, Computer Science Engineering
History of Medicine Engineering Joseph Peter Chen, Materials Arthur Bowen Ding,
Adam Thomas Bentley, Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering Tianle Chen, Chemical and Hao Ding, Robotics
THE G.W.C. WHITING Teya SooHoo Bergamaschi, Biomolecular Engineering Haoshuai Ding, Electrical and
SCHOOL OF Biomedical Engineering Xianyang Chen, Mechanical Computer Engineering
ENGINEERING Yulai Bi, Computer Science** Engineering Keqin Ding, Biomedical
Debojyoti Biswas, Applied Xiaolu Chen, Chemical and Engineering
Post-Master’s Advanced Biomolecular Engineering Tianyu Ding, Computer Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Certificates Xihui Chen, Geography and
Alex Enrico Bocchieri, Sammy Terefe Dixon,
Kendra Abernethy, Mechanical Computer Science Environmental Engineering** Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering Heinrich Johannes Bornhorst, Yi Chen, Electrical and Engineering
David M. Hanna, Electrical and Systems Engineering Computer Engineering Sophia Anna Doerr,
Computer Engineering* Stefan Briones, Systems Yunmo Chen, Computer Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Science Wenxuan Du, Chemical and
Logan Brost, Systems Zhaoqi Chen, Electrical and Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering Computer Engineering

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
79 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Zhuoshi Du, Chemical and Alex Zachary Gain, Computer Bradford Thomas Handy, Claire Victoria Husselbee,
Biomolecular Engineering Science* Systems Engineering Geography and
Hanqing Duan, Biomedical Yiqing Gan, Computer Lance David Hanzel, Systems Environmental Engineering**
Engineering Science** Engineering** Daniel Sung-Joo Hwang,
Nisita Dutta, Chemical and Mansi Gao, Materials Science Yue Hao, Mechanical Computer Science**
Biomolecular Engineering and Engineering** Engineering* Ji Young Hwang, Biomedical
Ali Ebrahimi, Robotics** Tiger Ye Gao, Computer Aaron Hathaway, Systems Engineering
Abby Rae Eichberger, Systems Science Engineering David Arthur Irvine, Electrical
Engineering Wenhao Gao, Chemical and Baili He, Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering
Ryan John Eichberger, Systems Biomolecular Engineering and Statistics Adip Vijay Jhaveri, Chemical
Engineering* Austin Yo-han Garrett, Chaoyi He, Robotics** and Biomolecular
Lionel Zachary Eisenberg, Systems Engineering Engineering
Qiang He, Civil Engineering**
Computer Science Yuchen Ge, Biomedical Wenbo Jiang, Mechanical
Raymond R. He, Geography
Khalid Awad Elawad, Engineering Engineering
and Environmental
Materials Science and Tatiana Gelaf Romer, Yiwei Jiang, Robotics
Engineering** Biomedical Engineering Ziyan Jiang, Electrical and
Shihao He, Geography and
Colleen K. Engler, Systems Yuncong Geng, Biomedical Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering**
Engineering Engineering Mo Jiao, Applied Mathematics
Yan He, Geography and
Jinchang Fan, Applied Kevin Michael Gilboy, and Statistics**
Environmental Engineering**
Mathematics and Statistics** Electrical and Computer Peisen Jin, Computer Science
Dimitri G. Herr, Electrical and
Xinyi Fan, Mechanical Engineering Zhengzhong Jin, Computer
Computer Engineering**
Engineering David Michael Glass, Science
Sanchit Hira, Robotics
Haoxuan Fang, Electrical and Computer Science Tony David Li Johnson,
Wei Yang Ho, Computer
Computer Engineering** Cameron Fraser Grant, Biomedical Engineering
James Liang Fang, Chemical Systems Engineering Tushar Muralidhara Jois,
Morgan Tipper Hobson,
and Biomolecular Sonakshi Grover, Computer Computer Science
Computer Science
Engineering Science** Jonathan David Jones,
Eric R. Feldman, Computer Linxin Gu, Applied Nils Rafael Holzenberger, Electrical and Computer
Science** Mathematics and Statistics** Computer Science** Engineering**
Lezhou Feng, Robotics Linxin Gu, Chemical and Decheng Hou, Mechanical Kyra Kyra Jones, Systems
Biomolecular Engineering** Engineering Engineering
Eric Gregory Ferguson,
Systems Engineering** Qiyang Gu, Computer Science** Minmin Hu, Computer Science Eshan Ghanashyam Joshi,
Matthew William Fernandez, Charles Philip Gulian, Applied Yidong Dorothy Hu, Computer Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics** Science Jialin Kang, Biomedical
Jordan R. Fetterman, Systems Jialiang Guo, Computer Science Yifeng Hu, Chemical and Engineering
Engineering** Pengfei Guo, Computer Biomolecular Engineering* Tracy Jany Kao, Robotics
Astrid Winther Fischer, Science** Yipeng Hua, Computer Science Michael Timothy Kapp,
Mechanical Engineering Adyota Gupta, Mechanical Jindan Huang, Computer Systems Engineering
Bryce David Hanna Fisher, Engineering Science Saurabh Kataria, Electrical
Systems Engineering James Donald Guthrie, Junbin Huang, Computer and Computer Engineering
Jane Catherine Fleming, Mechanical Engineering Science** Prakhar Kaushik, Computer
Systems Engineering Youlim Ha, Chemical and Kai-Wen Huang, Chemical and Science
Karl Liam Fontes, Civil Biomolecular Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Qian Ke, Computer Science**
Engineering** Fardad Haghpanah, Civil Wei-Lun Huang, Robotics** Ji Woong Kim, Robotics
Hamid Foroughi, Applied Engineering Yuxuan Huang, Robotics Myungwoo Kim, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics Heather Han, Computer Ziyang Huang, Applied Mathematics and Statistics**
Paul C. Frakes, Systems Science** Mathematics and Statistics** Sun Jin Kim, Civil Engineering
Engineering* Xingli Han, Computer Justin Hui, Biomedical Calvin Alex Knowlton,
Kelsey Lynn Franey, Systems Science** Engineering Computer Science**
Engineering Yizhuo Han, Applied Christina Hum, Chemical and Can Kocabalkanli, Robotics
Xuanyi Fu, Mechanical Mathematics and Statistics Biomolecular Engineering* Felicia Koerner, Computer
Engineering Zhuoran Han, Computer Wei Huo, Computer Science** Science

2019 80
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Shravan Kumar Reddy Kotha, Gaoshan Li, Chemical and Yuhui Lu, Mechanical Benjamin A. Mermelstein,
Mechanical Engineering* Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Electrical and Computer
Varun Shashikant Kotharkar, Junyuan Li, Biomedical Chuankai Luo, Biomedical Engineering**
Applied Mathematics and Engineering Engineering Christopher John Meyer,
Statistics** Kaiyu Li, Chemical and Shiyu Luo, Biomedical Systems Engineering
Arman Koul, Biomedical Biomolecular Engineering** Engineering Saul Noe Meza Cano,
Engineering Pengfei Li, Robotics Zhiwei Luo, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
Geethesh Kukkala, Systems Xiang Li, Computer Science Computer Engineering** Haoyang Mi, Biomedical
Engineering Xiaoyan Li, Computer Science Carly Patricia Lupton-Smith, Engineering
Samvit Kumar, Mechanical Zewei Li, Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics and Ethan Dominic Miller,
Engineering and Statistics Statistics Biomedical Engineering
Zina Susan Kurian, Biomedical Zhaoshuo Li, Computer Haoxiang Lyu, Chemical and Jason Jain Miller, Applied
Engineering Science** Biomolecular Engineering** Mathematics and Statistics**
Hee Yeon Kwon, Robotics Zhe Li, Robotics Neil Stuart MacFarlane, Benjamin Austin Minnick,
HyeYoung Kwon, Chemical and Junming Liang, Mechanical Electrical and Computer Mechanical Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Engineering**
Srihari Mohan, Computer
Yash Kumar Lal, Computer Liehao Liang, Civil Engineering Anurag Madan, Robotics Science**
Science Tian Liang, Applied Jack C. Magann, Electrical and Sergio Ruben Morones,
Nicolas Marin Lamaison, Mathematics and Statistics Computer Engineering
Systems Engineering
Robotics Bryan James Licciardi, Systems Amama Mahmood, Robotics
Marina Amanda Morrow,
Nicolas Elijah Langlois, Engineering** Bryan Gerrard Major, Systems Chemical and Biomolecular
Systems Engineering Peter Allen Lile, Materials Engineering** Engineering
Yuxuan Lao, Computer Science and Engineering Drishti Mannan, Biomedical
Michael Anthony Mortarulo,
Science** Kwonhyuk Alex Lim, Systems Engineering**
Systems Engineering
Hak Yong Lee, Civil Engineering* Maximilian D. Marshall, Civil
Aaron Michael Mueller,
Engineering** Jiaxin Lin, Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science
James Jinwoo Lee, Systems Engineering Cristina Pilar Martin Linares,
Tyler Murray, Systems
Engineering** Luda Lin, Biomedical Mechanical Engineering*
Jung Min Lee, Biomedical Engineering Gary William Mason, Systems
Nikhil S. Murty, Biomedical
Engineering Ruoyu Lin, Mechanical Engineering
Kun Mo Lee, Chemical and Engineering Michal Mass, Biomedical
Keerthana Muthiah,
Biomolecular Engineering** Ziyan Lin, Applied Mathematics Engineering*
Biomedical Engineering
Rebecca Eun Ji Lee, Systems and Statistics Andrew Mark Masteller,
Ghanesh Narasimhan,
Engineering** Benjamin Litwack, Robotics Biomedical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Shin-Jae Lee, Materials Science Chang Liu, Computer Science Evan Yurchick Masters,
and Engineering** Systems Engineering Dante Navarro, Biomedical
Jinhao Liu, Chemical and Engineering
Jason Lenh, Applied Biomolecular Engineering Jose Luis Maytorena, Systems
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering Akhil Nayyar, Civil
Jinrui Liu, Biomedical Engineering**
Patrick John Lewia, Systems Engineering Joshua Clay Mcclellan, Systems
Engineering** Engineering Tan Nhat Nguyen, Computer
Ruoxi Liu, Applied Mathematics
Dylan R. Lewis, Computer Elizabeth G. McGonagle, Science**
and Statistics
Science Chemical and Biomolecular Satya Venkata Phani Sankar
Wangqu Liu, Chemical and
Aixin Li, Applied Mathematics Engineering Nidadavolu, Electrical and
Biomolecular Engineering*
and Statistics Nathaniel Sean Vinocour Computer Engineering**
Weixiao Liu, Mechanical
Caiyi Li, Applied Mathematics McKeever, Materials Science Madeline A. Noble, Chemical
and Statistics and Engineering and Biomolecular
Xihe Liu, Biomedical
Chenyang Li, Applied Pranav Pinesh Mehta, Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Chemical and Biomolecular Roberto Nunez, Electrical and
Zichen Liu, Chemical and
Cuiqing Li, Applied Engineering Computer Engineering**
Biomolecular Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Andrew D. Mellon, Mechanical Gbenga Micheal Olaolorun,
Mengqi Lou, Robotics
Dan Li, Chemical and Engineering Civil Engineering
Chengchangfeng Lu, Electrical
Biomolecular Engineering** Chuiyang Meng, Electrical and Ivana G. Olivares, Civil
and Computer Engineering**
Computer Engineering Engineering**

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
81 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Tingting Ou, Applied Solomon Joseph Polansky, Lucia M. Sablich, Chemical Jessica Sarah Spruill,
Mathematics and Statistics Mechanical Engineering and Biomolecular Geography and
Avais Pagarkar, Computer Adam C. Polevoy, Robotics Engineering Environmental Engineering**
Science** Kenneth Ryan Powers, Jesse Safran, Systems Marietta Mercer Squire, Civil
Satish Palaniappan, Computer Systems Engineering** Engineering Engineering
Science Khyati Prasad, Chemical and Christin Jacquelyne Salley, Genevieve M. Starke,
Anil K. Palepu, Biomedical Biomolecular Engineering** Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Jillian N. Pulia, Systems Skyler Salman, Systems Justin Neal Stith, Geography
Tara Nicole Palin, Biomedical Engineering Engineering** and Environmental
Engineering Sai Akanksha Punuganti, Sriramana Sankar, Biomedical Engineering
Hantao Pan, Civil Engineering Biomedical Engineering* Engineering Brandon Stratz, Systems
Yuqing Pan, Robotics Trevor C. Putman, Systems Akaash Sanyal, Biomedical Engineering**
Sambit Panda, Biomedical Engineering** Engineering Tzu-Ray Su, Computer Science
Engineering Connor Owen Pyles, Parv Saxena, Computer Science Xiao Sun, Applied Mathematics
Jeremy Creagh Panknin, Mechanical Engineering Nathaniel Howard Scherrer, and Statistics
Systems Engineering Luchao Qi, Biomedical Systems Engineering Xiaochen Sun, Computer
Aishwarya Pantula, Chemical Engineering Lauren Michelle Schmitz, Civil Science
and Biomolecular Boyu Qian, Civil Engineering* Engineering** Zeyuan Sun, Chemical and
Engineering* Long Qian, Computer Science Remy Marcel Schwab, Biomolecular Engineering
Vasileios Papaioannou, Xiaoyu Qiao, Applied Biomedical Engineering** Christina Marie Takara,
Electrical and Computer Mathematics and Statistics** Allison Hont Seiden, Applied Systems Engineering*
Engineering** Hanyao Qiu, Applied Mathematics and Statistics Aniruddha Manoj Tamhane,
Yakup Ceki Papo, Applied Mathematics and Statistics** Hao Sha, Mechanical Computer Science
Mathematics and Statistics** Shan Qiu, Biomedical Engineering Kanran Tan, Computer
Thaddeus Matthew Para, Muhan Shao, Electrical and Science**
Systems Engineering** Computer Engineering** Taylor Tang, Biomedical
Sarah Rajani, Biomedical
Diva Viresh Parekh, Computer Manish Kumar Sharma, Engineering
Science Computer Science** Wilson Tim Tang, Biomedical
Pharuj Rajborirug, Biomedical
Jaeyoung Park, Chemical and Andrew J. Shaughnessy, Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering* Mechanical Engineering Runhan Tao, Biomedical
Samiksha Ramesh, Biomedical
Jun Ha Park, Chemical and Zain A. Sheikh, Systems Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering** Engineering** Nilaysinh Bharatsinh Thakor,
Shweta Ravichandar,
Lyle Paskowitz, Applied Gengxin Shi, Biomedical Applied Mathematics and
Biomedical Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering Statistics
Jayanth Venkatarama Reddy,
Anusha Patel, Chemical and Johanna Thomas, Systems
Chemical and Biomolecular Hui Shi, Biomedical
Biomolecular Engineering Engineering**
Engineering* Engineering**
Kyle Andrew Pelton, Systems Eric Maxwell Thurber, Systems
Jacob Reinhold, Electrical and Austin Jun Shin, Robotics
Engineering Engineering**
Computer Engineering** Michelle Shu, Computer
Da Peng, Biomedical Nausheen Tickoo, Biomedical
Wenkai Ren, Robotics Science
Engineering Engineering
Shai R. Renne, Biomedical James K. Shupp, Systems
Ronan Francis Lindeberg Benjamin Thomas Toler,
Engineering Engineering**
Perry, Biomedical Chemical and Biomolecular
Tanner Prescott Reznicek, Abhinav Singh, Computer
Engineering Engineering
Systems Engineering Science
Kevin C. Peters, Mechanical Carolyn Ton, Biomedical
Gerald Daniel Rimmer, Lohita Sivaprakasam,
Engineering Engineering
Systems Engineering Computer Science**
Thomas William Petr, Applied Troy Alan Tschirhart, Systems
Charles Matthew Ringer, Esa Ahmad Slavin, Systems
Mathematics and Statistics** Engineering
Systems Engineering** Engineering*
Brett Dagan Pielstick, Garrett Tyler Ung, Robotics
Elliott Isaiah Robinson, Brian Joseph Smaszcz,
Mechanical Engineering** Justin Scott Unger, Mechanical
Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering
Daniel Carlos Pijeira, Systems Engineering
Engineering Nicholas Bradley Smith,
Engineering Justin Peter Ure, Systems
Ryan Michael Roy, Systems Systems Engineering**
Karen Lorena Poblete Engineering
Engineering Yunjia Song, Materials Science
Rodriguez, Computer Gijs Wim G Van Laer,
and Engineering
Science Computer Science

2019 82
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Maansi Srinivasan Vatsan, Yuanjia Wang, Biomedical Luqiao Xu, Applied Valerie Ann Zawicki,
Applied Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics and Statistics Biomedical Engineering
Statistics** Yuchun Wang, Chemical and Paiheng Xu, Computer Science Yinuo Zeng, Biomedical
Toriana Nichole Vigil, Biomolecular Engineering Shichen Xu, Mechanical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Zibo Wang, Chemical and Engineering** Kevin Huang Zhan, Biomedical
Engineering** Biomolecular Engineering Xin Xu, Biomedical Engineering Engineering
Eric David Villhauer, Systems David Warren, Systems Yuanwei Xu, Chemical and Feng Zhang, Computer Science
Engineering Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Han Zhang, Chemical and
Jessica Beth Voight, Systems Jonathan Andrew Webber, Zhizhi Xu, Geography and Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering Systems Engineering* Environmental Engineering** Jason Yanjie Zhang, Computer
Christopher Warren Walton, Shuwen Wei, Electrical and Zihan Xu, Materials Science Science
Systems Engineering** Computer Engineering** and Engineering Jeffrey Zhang, Applied
Lawrence Lee Waltz, Systems Cara Facchina Welch, Systems Qihan Xuan, Robotics Mathematics and Statistics
Engineering Engineering Ruidong Xue, Electrical and Jipeng Zhang, Applied
Qianqian Wan, Biomedical Jiaxuan Wen, Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Engineering Cameron Jamaal White, Yurong Yan, Chemical and Lechuan Zhang, Chemical and
Tengxi Wan, Applied Chemical and Biomolecular Biomolecular Engineering Biomolecular Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering Emily P. Yang, Robotics Lifan Zhang, Computer
Buheng Wang, Chemical and Noah John Wichrowski, Xinbo Yang, Electrical and Science**
Biomolecular Engineering* Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering Peiyao Zhang, Mechanical
Han Wang, Applied Statistics Yuncong Yang, Materials Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics** Steven Mitchell Witkin, Science and Engineering Qiming Zhang, Chemical and
Jingyi Wang, Computer Applied Mathematics and Yuqian Yang, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Science** Statistics Biomolecular Engineering Ruitao Zhang, Biomedical
Kexin Wang, Applied Brett Dylan Wolfinger, Dapeng Yao, Applied Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Robotics Mathematics and Statistics Shichen Zhang, Biomedical
Long Wang, Computer Science Alison Dawn Wright, Kai Yao, Mechanical Engineering
Peiyu Wang, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Engineering Tianxin Zhang, Chemical and
Computer Engineering Fei Wu, Computer Science Shengyu Yao, Mechanical Biomolecular Engineering**
Qi Wang, Applied Mathematics Hongtao Wu, Robotics** Engineering Xiran Zhang, Robotics
and Statistics** Zhenyi Wu, Applied Wenhao Yao, Biomedical Yiyuan Zhang, Biomedical
Qiaochu Wang, Electrical and Mathematics and Statistics Engineering Engineering
Computer Engineering Sikai Xiao, Mechanical Zhicheng Yao, Materials Yumo Zhang, Geography and
Richard Cliff Wang, Civil Engineering** Science and Engineering Environmental Engineering
Engineering** Yi Xiao, Chemical and Dominic Gabriel Yared, Chenyang Zhao, Computer
Ruizhen Wang, Applied Biomolecular Engineering Robotics Science**
Mathematics and Statistics** Bowen Xie, Computer Science** Yaqing Ye, Biomedical Shuxian Zhao, Mechanical
Shuo Wang, Civil Engineering** Jiamin Xie, Electrical and Engineering Engineering
Sicong Wang, Chemical and Computer Engineering Evan Yu, Biomedical Yang Zhao, Biomedical
Biomolecular Engineering Tian Xie, Robotics Engineering Engineering
Tianzi Wang, Electrical and Weiran Xie, Chemical and Hongzhe Yu, Biomedical Mingyi Zheng, Robotics**
Computer Engineering** Biomolecular Engineering* Engineering Hanqian Zhi, Materials Science
Tiexin Wang, Chemical and Zhongyan Xiong, Biomedical Jingqi Yu, Biomedical and Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering** Engineering Engineering Quan Zhou, Computer
Tongyu Wang, Biomedical Hainan Xu, Computer Science Xiangyu Yuan, Applied Science**
Engineering Han Xu, Mechanical Mathematics and Statistics Wenqi Zhou, Chemical and
Weizhuo Wang, Applied Engineering Yihang Yuan, Geography and Biomolecular Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics Hanyuan Xu, Computer Environmental Engineering** Yang Zhou, Materials Science
Wenbo Wang, Civil Science** Tianyu Yun, Applied and Engineering
Engineering** Haonan Xu, Chemical and Mathematics and Statistics** Lipeng Zhu, Computer
Yao Wang, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Daniel James Zanko, Science**
Biomolecular Engineering Liyi Xu, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Yingxu Zhu, Electrical and
Yeping Wang, Robotics Biomolecular Engineering Computer Engineering

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
83 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Zhengyang Zhu, Applied Elizabeth Mary Russo, Jinze Li, Applied Mathematics Masters of Science
Mathematics and Statistics Biomedical Engineering and Statistics
Tzvi Gabriel Abberbock,
Xin Zhuang, Applied Hannah Sennik, Biomedical Yitian Li, Applied Mathematics
Computer Science
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering and Statistics**
Adam D. Abitbol, Systems
Ruoxun Zi, Biomedical Sneha Shivkumar, Biomedical Ruikang Liang, Applied
Engineering Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Austin Abitz, Space Systems
Han Zong, Chemical and Digvijay Singh, Biomedical Fan Lu, Applied Mathematics
Biomolecular Engineering Engineering and Statistics
Jason Anthony Acevedo,
Monet Nicole Slinowsky, Qihao Pan, Applied
Computer Science**
Masters of Science Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
Dante Adams, Financial
in Engineering in Jonathan Thomas Smith, Tong Pan, Applied
Bioengineering Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Olufemi T. Adedayo Ojo,
Innovation and Design Wilson Tim Tang, Biomedical Lixiao Shan, Applied
Applied Biomedical
Engineering* Mathematics and Statistics
Ebenezer Adjei Armah, Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Madeline Hanna Wartan, Max Phillip Shulman, Applied
Ayodeji Oriola Adedeji, Applied
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Alina Keri Andrews, Biomedical Engineering*
Biomedical Engineering Grace Ellen Weyand, Lingfeng Sun, Applied
Ambika Agarwal, Computer
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Ryan Miller Bell, Biomedical Science**
Engineering Noah Nuoxu Yang, Biomedical Siming Tang, Applied
Asim Ahmad, Applied
Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Zachary Hunter Buono, Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering David Andrew Zarrin, Zhiruo Wan, Applied
Taeyong Ahn, Data Science*
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Brielle Helen Cenci, James Ryan Albright, Systems
Biomedical Engineering Han Wang, Applied
Masters of Science in Mathematics and Statistics
Jessica Dakkak, Biomedical Abdullah Adel Alghofaili,
Engineering Engineering in Jiasheng Wang, Applied
Security Informatics
Financial Mathematics Mathematics and Statistics
Kaveri Das, Biomedical John Paul Allande,
Engineering Zhuoyi Wang, Applied
Jiahui Bian, Applied Cybersecurity
Mathematics and Statistics**
Joshua Jude De Souza, Mathematics and Statistics Atheer A. Almogbil, Security
Biomedical Engineering Fanwei Wei, Applied
Lichen Bu, Applied Informatics
Mathematics and Statistics
Sophia Diaz, Biomedical Mathematics and Statistics** Cesar Enrique Alvarez,
Engineering Jiacheng Wu, Applied
Enfeng Chen, Applied Computer Science*
Mathematics and Statistics**
Karina Natalia Frank, Mathematics and Statistics** Nicholas Amoroso, Systems
Biomedical Engineering Ying Xu, Applied Mathematics
Zexi Ding, Applied Engineering
and Statistics**
Kiley Marie Gersch, Mathematics and Statistics** Alex Anderson, Systems
Biomedical Engineering Longyin Yang, Applied
Yiran Dong, Applied Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics**
Brooke Hayley, Biomedical Mathematics and Statistics Daniel Anderson, Technical
Engineering Xiaodie Yang, Applied
Fang Du, Applied Mathematics Management
Mathematics and Statistics**
Niranjanaa Jeeva, Biomedical and Statistics** Joshua Wayne Andrews,
Engineering Yi Yin, Applied Mathematics
Xuanxian Du, Applied Information Systems
and Statistics**
David James Maher, Mathematics and Statistics Engineering*
Biomedical Engineering Chufan Zhang, Applied
Mingzhong Gao, Applied Taylor Lynn Andrews,
Mathematics and Statistics**
Disha J. Mankodi, Biomedical Mathematics and Statistics Technical Management*
Engineering Xiaoya Zhang, Applied
Ruishu Ge, Applied Charles Sarfo Ansong,
Mathematics and Statistics**
Bonolo Seikagedi Phoebe Mathematics and Statistics** Environmental Engineering
Mathekga, Biomedical Yilei Zhang, Applied
Ruoning Guan, Applied and Science
Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics** Arthiraiyan Appulingam,
Natsuha Omori, Biomedical Xiaan Zhou, Applied
Haonan Hu, Applied Information Systems
Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering
Namratha Potharaj, Yanji Zhu, Applied
Qishun Huang, Applied Maria Paula Ariza, Computer
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics**
Mathematics and Statistics** Science
Shayan Roychoudhury, Boyang Li, Applied Shipra Arjun, Electrical and
Biomedical Engineering Mathematics and Statistics** Computer Engineering*

2019 84
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Matthew Edward Armanious, Thomas John Batzold, Kathryn Susan Boerner, Delia Jeannette Cardona,
Applied Biomedical Cybersecurity Technical Management Applied Biomedical
Engineering* Sean Howard Bean, Electrical Eric Robert Boiselle, Systems Engineering**
Maria Isabel Array, and Computer Engineering** Engineering** Stephen Christopher Carr,
Environmental Planning and John Raymond Beers, Systems Fouad Boumoncef, Computer Science*
Management Engineering* Information Systems Bobby Allison Carroll Jr,
Wellesley R. Arreza, Jacob Nathaniel Begis, Applied Engineering Electrical and Computer
Information Systems Physics** Matthew Frederick Bowden, Engineering
Engineering* James Lloyd Beidler, Systems Engineering Caitlin Marie Carroll,
Alfred Arsenault, Computer Environmental Engineering Michelle Nicole Boyd, Electrical and Computer
Science and Science* Computer Science** Engineering**
David John Ashenden, Oladayo Bello, Applied and Nicholas Scott Bradshaw, Adrian Cesar Cartagena,
Computer Science Computational Systems Engineering* Information Systems
Gary Ashworth, Cybersecurity Mathematics** Richard Allen Bradt, Security Engineering
Baseem Astiphan, Computer Sean Benge, Technical Informatics** Robert Bruce Carter jr, Applied
Science** Management** Cecily Valena Brady, and Computational
Joseph Willis Awino, Technical Allison Neely Berg, Environmental Engineering Mathematics*
Management** Environmental Engineering and Science** Brenden W. Case, Applied and
Muhammad S. Ayub, and Science** Kelly A. Brady, Computer Computational Mathematics
Computer Science** Jordan Beth, Computer Science Science Graciela Aguirre Lazcano
Eldon Clay Baber III, Computer Matthew Joseph Betts, Applied Robin Louise Brooks, Casebeer, Computer
Science** and Computational Computer Science** Science**
Andrew R. Badger, Applied Mathematics Joshua Hayes Brown, Kyle Allan Casterline,
Biomedical Engineering** Mary Marjorie Bevilacqua, Environmental Planning and Computer Science
Applied Biomedical Management Kristopher Cate, Applied and
Sunny Bagga, Electrical and
Engineering** Beckett Hill Browning, Computational
Computer Engineering**
Security Informatics** Mathematics**
Anuraag Palash Baishya, Chandni R. Bhakta, Technical
Management** Steven Gregory Brucato, Olga Fedorova Caudle,
Security Informatics**
Computer Science* Electrical and Computer
James Robert Baker-McKee III, Kimberly Marie Biedermann,
Michael John Bundas, Applied Engineering
Applied Biomedical Computer Science
Physics Fay Chan, Information Systems
Engineering** Amirhossein Bijandi, Systems
Colin Richard Burbage, Space Engineering**
Arjun Balakumar, Engineering**
Systems Engineering** Casey West Charrier,
Environmental Planning and David Samuel Binkowski,
Naomi L. Burkhart, Computer Cybersecurity
Management** Computer Science
Science** James Richardson Chavre,
Georgette Jane Ball, Technical Lindsey Marie Bishop,
Benjamin Adam Burnett, Applied Biomedical
Management* Electrical and Computer
Computer Science** Engineering
Sabrena Heyward Ball, Engineering
Hunter Wilson Calhoun, Ui-Wing Cheah, Financial
Electrical and Computer Todd Jason Blackmon,
Environmental Engineering Mathematics
Engineering** Electrical and Computer
and Science Calvin C. Chen, Computer
James S. Ballard, Security Engineering*
Matthew Gatlin Cammuse, Science*
Informatics** Daniel Robert Blackwell,
Electrical and Computer Jianjun Chen, Computer
Alberto Banuelos, Systems Computer Science
Engineering** Science**
Engineering** Thomas Clark Blaschak,
Christian Campo, Electrical Xi Chen, Data Science
Daniel Ryan Barcklow, Electrical and Computer
and Computer Engineering Kailun Cheng, Data Science**
Electrical and Computer Engineering*
Julie Anne Cannon, Financial Bryan K. Cheung, Data Science
Engineering James Freeman Bligh,
Information Systems Mathematics Marina Leigh Childers,
Miriam Elizabeth Baril,
Engineering Carl Michael Capello Jr., Computer Science*
Environmental Planning and
Management Stephen Nicholas Blose, Data Electrical and Computer Troy K. Childers, Technical
Science* Engineering** Management
Destinee Simone Batson,
Information Systems John G. Bodeau, Space Systems Pedro Cardenas, Applied and Tanner Henry Choiniere,
Engineering** Engineering Computational Electrical and Computer
Mathematics** Engineering**

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
85 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Jay Jing Jie Chow, Security Craig Zachary David, Systems Vicky Ann Ducworth, Systems Cain Edwin James Fallin,
Informatics** Engineering** Engineering* Space Systems Engineering
Matthew Christian, Financial Bryan J. Davis, Electrical and Jacqueline A. Dunn, Computer Wajiha Fatima, Computer
Mathematics* Computer Engineering Science* Science
Jonathan Chang-Rui Chu, Julio Cesar De Camargo, Data Cameron Carlson Dutro, Cynthia Lucy Fatula,
Computer Science* Science Computer Science** Computer Science
David Wusuk Chung, Applied Miguel Angel De Jesus, James M. Duvall, Computer Xiao Feng, Data Science
and Computational Electrical and Computer Science** Joseph Clarke Fercho,
Mathematics** Engineering Elizabeth Alexandria Dye, Electrical and Computer
Patrick Hall Cigole, Computer Chelsea Nicole Deane, Security Computer Science* Engineering
Science* Informatics** Peter Henryk Dziedzic, Stephanie Mahon Ferrone,
Victoria Anne Clark, Applied Cayley Ann Cruickshank Technical Management Technical Management**
Biomedical Engineering Defontes, Applied and Michael Jerome Eady, Samuel Allen Ficke, Electrical
Jonathan Michael Cochran, Computational Mathematics* Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering
Applied Physics Jennifer Elizabeth DeMell, Chad Richard Ebling, Applied Jennifer A. Finley, Electrical
Adam Cohee, Space Systems Applied Physics Physics and Computer Engineering**
Engineering** Elizabeth Grace Dennis, Piedad Marcela Echavarria, Mark Ross Fleckenstein,
Ryan Costello, Systems Electrical and Computer Data Science** Computer Science
Engineering* Engineering** Daniel Michael Eddowes, Ryan Gregory Fongheiser,
Antoine Andres Cotto Acosta, Amanda Lee Evans DePouw, Electrical and Computer Space Systems Engineering
Computer Science** Systems Engineering Engineering Matthew James Fontaine,
Louise Marie Coulter, David Joseph Derisi, Computer Derek Anthony Einsig, Space Electrical and Computer
Technical Management** Science Systems Engineering Engineering**
Cameron David Covington, Shivani Deshpande, Security Stephen David Ellinger, Matthew Sterling Ford,
Cybersecurity Informatics** Environmental Engineering Computer Science
Arthur Stephen Cox III, Space Luke Deyoung, Electrical and and Science* Erica Fox, Technical
Systems Engineering Computer Engineering** Jonathan David Elliott, Management*
Joseph Alexander Cozzo, Space Karan Yatin Dhareshwar, Computer Science** Erich Aaron Frese, Space
Systems Engineering Security Informatics** Adrian Clarence Ellis, Space Systems Engineering
Elise Nicole Cross, Electrical Angel Luis Diaz, Electrical and Systems Engineering** Minjie Fu, Security
and Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Kyle Brooks Engle, Financial Informatics**
Holly Marie Cross, Space Matthew James Dickens, Mathematics Chihon Fung, Information
Systems Engineering** Space Systems Engineering Melanie Marie Enriquez, Systems Engineering
Heather Curtis, Computer Gloria L. Diederich, Applied Electrical and Computer Mitchell G. Furst,
Science* and Computational Engineering Environmental Engineering
Michael Christopher Daly, Mathematics** Irene Uchenna Enweze, and Science
Systems Engineering* Joseph Robert Diggs, Environmental Planning and Alexa Danielle Gaines, Applied
William Clark Daly, Systems Environmental Engineering Management** and Computational
Engineering** and Science Rachel Ertl, Applied Physics* Mathematics*
David Samuel Daniel, Kyle Scott Dillon, Information Kristofer S. Escobar, Erick J. Galinkin, Applied and
Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering** Information Systems Computational Mathematics
Engineering** Sean Dillon, Computer Science Engineering* Casey Ann Gallaher, Data
Dominic Henry Danna, Nhi Dinh, Technical George K. Eskandar, Data Science*
Electrical and Computer Management Science** Matthew Michael Gammon,
Engineering** Christopher J. Dohopolski, Jessica Evitts, Information Systems Engineering*
Sohrab Darab, Space Systems Applied and Computational Systems Engineering Qin Gao, Security Informatics**
Engineering Mathematics Amy Elizabeth Ewing, Systems Zhanyuan Gao, Security
Megan Darling, Technical Yichen Dong, Data Science Engineering Informatics**
Management* Benjamin John Drewry, Benjamin Michael Fach, Miles William Gapcynski,
Dyuti Das, Space Systems Electrical and Computer Computer Science Computer Science**
Engineering Engineering Melissa Rose Facini, Systems Leah Alexis Garber, Electrical
Shashwat Tushar Dave, Quang Xuan Du, Computer Engineering* and Computer Engineering**
Computer Science Science**

2019 86
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

John D. Gehrke, Space Systems Mani Kant Gupta, Computer Timothy Healy, Applied and Joon Hong, Systems
Engineering Science* Computational Mathematics** Engineering*
Pedram H. Ghaffaripour, Sanchay Gupta, Computer George A. Hearn, Computer Martin Changsoo Hong,
Electrical and Computer Science** Science* Computer Science**
Engineering* Richard Wilburn Guzal, William Boisvert Heckert, Yongchun Hong, Data
Saigoutham Ghanta, Computer Technical Management** Electrical and Computer Science**
Science* Elie Tanios Hachem, Engineering** Gisselle G. Hoover, Electrical
Michael Bennett Gidaro, Cybersecurity Lamont Sebastian Henderson, and Computer Engineering*
Electrical and Computer Christopher Haddad, Electrical and Computer Sophia Houtzer, Electrical and
Engineering** Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Michael C. Ginn, Cybersecurity Engineering** Aaron Joseph Hendrickson, Stephanie Noelle Howson,
Paul Michael Giro, Electrical Robert James Hahn, Computer Applied and Computational Data Science*
and Computer Engineering* Science Mathematics Davis Hao Hsu, Computer
Jennifer Glock, Systems Feng Hai, Space Systems Holly E. Hendrickson, Systems Science**
Engineering Engineering Engineering Zeming Hu, Geography and
Derek G. Gobin, Computer Cassandra A. Hailson, Jordan Alexandra Henshaw, Environmental Engineering**
Science Electrical and Computer Environmental Engineering Chaiming Wynston Huang,
Trideev Gogoi, Computer Engineering* and Science* Electrical and Computer
Science Tarek Hamid, Applied Lee Stephen Henshaw, Engineering*
Sara W. Goldberg, Data Biomedical Engineering** Cybersecurity** Jay Guang Huang, Computer
Science** Kevin Herbert Hamilton, Alex Hernandez, Information Science**
Lucero Gonzalez, Electrical Security Informatics** Systems Engineering Nicole Laura Huang,
and Computer Engineering Matthew Hammel, Computer Shawn Hesselink, Computer Environmental Planning and
Oscar Gonzalez Davila, Science Science** Management
Computer Science Yvonne Zixiao Han, Data Andrew Scott Heys, Computer Yingrui M. Huang, Systems
J Daniel Gordon, Applied and Science* Science Engineering*
Computational Mathematics Shogo Hanashiro, Financial Christina Marie George Huber, Applied and
Shavonne Monique Goutier, Mathematics Higginbotham, Computational Mathematics*
Systems Engineering Prasad Hardas, Electrical and Environmental Engineering Jonathan Michael Hudak,
Michael Grant, Systems Computer Engineering and Science** Space Systems Engineering
Engineering** Bradley James Harden, Space Kevin George Hill, Computer Jonathan A. Humberg,
Alyson R. Grassi, Applied and Systems Engineering Science Information Systems
Computational Mathematics Brent Allen Harrison, Derek Wright Hinsey, Electrical Engineering**
Nathaniel Ian Gray, Computer Environmental Engineering and Computer Engineering Yu-Chien Hung, Security
Science and Science** Rebecca Mi-Young Ho, Informatics**
Liam Duncan Griffiths, Eric Jay Hartman, Information Electrical and Computer Ryan Vaughn Ihnacik, Systems
Environmental Planning and Systems Engineering Engineering Engineering*
Management** Lauren Patricia Hartnett, Anh Kim Hoang Ms., Computer Olufunmilola Mayowa
Adam Cole Gropp, Electrical Applied Biomedical Science** Ijagbemi, Environmental
and Computer Engineering Engineering* Marc A. Hoffman, Space Planning and Management
Nicholas Warren Grubaugh, Tamir Hashem, Computer Systems Engineering** Kurtis J. Ingersoll, Electrical
Electrical and Computer Science Michael Nelson Hoke, Computer and Computer Engineering**
Engineering** Sharon Grubner Hasson, Science Zoran Wolfgang Ivankovich,
Zhengcheng Gu, Data Science* Computer Science Billy Deon Holiday, Information Data Science*
Brooke E. Guare, Systems Daniel Thomas Hastry, Systems Engineering Sarah Anne Iversen, Applied
Engineering Information Systems Eric Michael Holland, Electrical Biomedical Engineering**
Patrick Bruce Guin, Engineering and Computer Engineering* Alaa Abdulaziz Jadullah,
Cybersecurity** Rachel Christine Havard, Abrielle Rae Holloway, Security Informatics**
Honghao Guo, Security Applied Biomedical Computer Science** Beverly Jean-Baptiste,
Informatics Engineering Elizabeth Ann Holmes, Space Computer Science**
Joshua Guo, Applied Minzhi He, Security Systems Engineering** Ahijah Tobadonijah Jendayi,
Biomedical Engineering** Informatics** Nicholas Patrick Holub, Systems Computer Science**

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
87 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Colleen Alana Jenkins, Steven Kirkpatrick, Systems Garrett Mitchell Lender, Sean Mahoney, Data Science**
Electrical and Computer Engineering** Cybersecurity** Laura Grammer Mair,
Engineering Brenton G. Kirschner, Pedro D. Lepe, Space Systems Environmental Engineering
Christopher David Jeschke, Computer Science Engineering* and Science
Computer Science** Jessica Lynn Kleist, Systems Filip Leski, Computer Alexander Mak, Computer
Su Jiang, Data Science Engineering** Science** Science**
Catherine Ann Johnson, Adrian Jermaine Knight, Andrea Li, Cybersecurity Pravesh Mallik, Applied and
Systems Engineering Electrical and Computer Henghui Li, Security Computational Mathematics
Zachary Lee Jones, Electrical Engineering Informatics** Stephen Maloney, Applied
and Computer Engineering Kaleb Cory Kolb, Computer Jennifer Anne Li, Security Physics
Jason Jose, Computer Science Science* Informatics** German Mancheno Sanz,
Waleed Esam Joudeh, Logan C. Kostick, Security Jingyi Li, Security Informatics Applied and Computational
Electrical and Computer Informatics David Charles Liddell, Mathematics**
Engineering Ariane Jamie Salvador Information Systems Samim Gabriel Manizade,
John L. Junghans, Computer Krumel, Computer Science* Engineering* Electrical and Computer
Science* Zhen Xian Kuang, Computer Eric B. Liddy, Electrical and Engineering**
Prathibha Prathibha Juturu Science Computer Engineering Christine Elizabeth
Juturu, Geography and Sukayna Ali Kugshia, Zehong Lin, Applied and Marabella, Space Systems
Environmental Engineering Computer Science** Computational Mathematics Engineering*
Caitlin Ann Kaczynski, Jon Paul Kuklis, Cybersecurity Dina Saad Lindstrom, David Matthew Margolis,
Financial Mathematics* Sumeet Deep Kumar, Computer Science* Cybersecurity
Muskaan Kalra, Security Technical Management Sean Patrick Lineweaver, Johnathon Martin, Space
Informatics** Vijay Kumar, Computer Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering*
Francis Joseph Kargbo, Science** Engineering Vada Rae Olinger Maryol,
Systems Engineering* Daniel James Ladouceur, Kathryn Arden Lipps, Systems Environmental Engineering
Kurt Thomas Karolenko, Cybersecurity* Engineering** and Science**
Computer Science** Jeremy Lafleur, Computer Vernard Guy Lipscomb Jr, Christopher David Mathers,
Nora Corley Karsten, Science** Electrical and Computer Computer Science**
Computer Science San Hai Lam, Computer Engineering* Edacheril Paul Mathew,
Branden Keck, Applied and Science** Chunxiao Liu, Security Systems Engineering
Computational Mathematics Zakerra Shawne Lance, Informatics Urbane Maust, Systems
John Zacharias Keim, Environmental Planning and Amber L. Liverpool, Systems Engineering**
Computer Science* Management Engineering Aaron Richard Maxwell,
Martin Kelley, Systems Colin Larrick, Environmental Suhyoun Lo, Computer Environmental Engineering
Engineering** Engineering and Science** Science* and Science**
Joshua S. Kelly, Applied and Eric Keith Larson, Systems Zebedee Edward Lohnes, Rachel Marie McDonald,
Computational Mathematics* Engineering Computer Science** Technical Management**
Ryan Michael Kelly, Computer Paul Nicholas Laurenzano, Jadon J. Long, Space Systems Les Mcguffey, Applied Physics*
Science Electrical and Computer Engineering John Mcmichael, Applied
Victoria Lynn Kelly, Computer Engineering** David Bernard Love, Systems Biomedical Engineering*
Science** Ngoc Huu Le, Systems Engineering** Bernard Michael Mcnamee,
Matthew Wayne Kelso, Engineering** Corey Lowman, Computer Computer Science**
Information Systems Daniel Lee, Electrical and Science Justin Meadows, Electrical and
Engineering Computer Engineering Keat Yung Ly, Cybersecurity** Computer Engineering*
Gilles Kepnang, Computer Edwin Ming-yau Lee, Tianhao Ma, Security Geoffrey Scott Mecklenburg,
Science Computer Science** Informatics** Systems Engineering*
Ali Imran Khalil, Computer Sai Mun Lee, Systems Cordell J. Maas, Computer Chelsea M. Meerbach, Applied
Science Engineering** Science** Physics
Md Abu Jafar Khan, Computer Jianming Lei, Electrical and Corinne Magone, Systems Michael Timothy Meinerz,
Science* Computer Engineering* Engineering Space Systems Engineering
John Kim, Computer Science** Ming Lei, Computer Science** Madhurya S. Mahajan, Elizabeth M. Meiser, Computer
Justin Jaewoo Kim, Computer Matthew Lembke, Technical Computer Science* Science**
Science* Management

2019 88
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Guillermo Carlos Christopher Caldwell Murphy, Gordon Augustine O'Neill IV, Kevin John Proska, Applied
Mejia-Ruedell, Electrical and Space Systems Engineering** Electrical and Computer and Computational
Computer Engineering Lyssa Jill Murphy, Electrical Engineering** Mathematics
Aaron Graham Meldrum, and Computer Engineering* Nicole M. Ouellette, Electrical Bimmy Pujari, Computer
Applied Physics* Katy Mae Murray, and Computer Engineering Science*
Qingtao Meng, Security Environmental Planning and Dominic M. Padova, Applied Breanna Lucille Pyrda,
Informatics Management** and Computational Computer Science*
Scott Mennealy, Computer Aitzaz Nathaniel, Computer Mathematics Yu Qiu, Security Informatics**
Science Science** William Ahlborn Panebianco, Ashique Rahman, Applied and
Jenna Kingsbury Mercilliott, Uffaz Nathaniel, Computer Information Systems Computational Mathematics*
Cybersecurity Science* Engineering** Nichole Murphy Ramos,
Brett Ryan Mertens, Computer Eleanor Elizabeth Nave, Conner Park, Cybersecurity** Computer Science
Science Systems Engineering Krupali R. Patel, Applied Rishi Ranade, Information
Johnathan Alexander Meyer, Tyler Wesley Nelson, Electrical Biomedical Engineering** Systems Engineering
Information Systems and Computer Engineering** David Michael Patrone, Chad Anthony Rapoza,
Engineering** Shushanshu Neupane, Cybersecurity** Systems Engineering
Robert J. Miceli, Computer Information Systems Shamus Ford Patry, Data Sofie Elizabeth Ravesteijn,
Science* Engineering Science Applied Physics**
Tony Allen Mickelson, Systems Jacob M. Newcomer, Computer Kalyani Bansidhar Pawar, Rebecca Colleen Red, Systems
Engineering Science Security Informatics** Engineering
Michele Lauren Midgley, Marcia Michelle Newman, Shamith U. Payagala, Rebecca Lattie Reddoch,
Information Systems Information Systems Electrical and Computer Applied and Computational
Engineering Engineering Engineering** Mathematics
Stephanie Schneider Miles, Man Suen Ng, Computer Taylor A. Pearlman, Computer Chris Bryce Reed, Computer
Technical Management Science Science Science
Andrew Martin Miller, Data Ellen Bui Nguyen, Applied Lyndon X. Pearson, Electrical Paul Robert Reesman,
Science** Biomedical Engineering and Computer Engineering** Computer Science
Avinash Avinash Misra, Eric Nguyen, Computer Carey Allen Pedde Jr, Systems John Herbert Rehmert,
Electrical and Computer Science* Engineering** Information Systems
Engineering** Hong Ngoc Tran Nguyen, Joseph R. Pedo, Electrical and Engineering**
Wilfredo Montanez Vazquez, Computer Science Computer Engineering** Brian Lewis Rehrey, Computer
Computer Science Nguyen Thanh Nguyen, Kimberly Pehrson Peralta, Science**
Alizah Mooman, Applied and Computational Financial Mathematics Stephanie Anne Reich, Applied
Environmental Engineering Mathematics Eugene M. Perelshteyn, and Computational
and Science Triet Anh Nguyen, Computer Applied Biomedical Mathematics**
Seung Woo Moon, Computer Science* Engineering* Jennifer Christine Reid,
Science Tuan D. Nguyen, Computer Vincent Patrick Perry, Computer Science*
Martin Andres Moreno, Science** Computer Science Curtis S. Reybold, Electrical
Cybersecurity Molina Nichols, Applied and Brandon Dat Duc Phan, and Computer Engineering
Alexander Balette Morgan, Computational Mathematics Computer Science Michael David Richards,
Computer Science** Nathaniel Jennings Norwood, John Charles Philpott, Applied Electrical and Computer
Edward Thomas Morgans, Computer Science* Biomedical Engineering** Engineering
Computer Science** Brian Christopher Novak, Leo Pho, Computer Science Aaron Scott Rietman,
Natalie Teresa Morningstar, Electrical and Computer Evan Thomas Pietraniec, Electrical and Computer
Computer Science Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anthony Fouad Moussa, Paul W. Nunley, Computer Engineering** Matthew Ritonia, Applied and
Cybersecurity Science** Adam Michael Piorkowski, Computational Mathematics*
Martin John Muller Jr, Systems Jonathan E. O'Connor, Applied Computer Science** Colleen Collins Rizzi,
Engineering Physics Ernest Lee Piper, Technical Environmental Planning and
Leah Marie Munnis, Systems Effiong James Okebugwu, Management** Management
Engineering* Systems Engineering* Brian Polidoro, Information Christopher Alden Robinson,
Erin Caitlin Murnane, Applied Oladipo Olayinka Olarewaju, Systems Engineering** Technical Management**
and Computational Information Systems Sarah Elizabeth Prata, Rustin C. Rockstroh,
Mathematics Engineering Computer Science Computer Science**

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
89 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Nickolas Joseph Rogers, Sean M. Semple, Electrical and Ryan Sjursen, Systems Zane Adams Teeters III,
Cybersecurity Computer Engineering Engineering Technical Management
Sarah Diane Rogers, Richard Anthony Sena Jr, Jonathan Skarin, Information Kelsey A. Terrell, Electrical
Environmental Planning and Systems Engineering Systems Engineering and Computer Engineering**
Management** Andrew Walters Serio, Systems Eric Michael Sluder, Electrical Calvin V. Terry Jr, Information
Zachary William Rogers, Engineering** and Computer Engineering** Systems Engineering*
Computer Science Nihal Jayesh Shah, Security Kirby Sweeney Smith, Justin G. Tervala, Applied and
Eric Benjamin Roper, Space Informatics** Information Systems Computational
Systems Engineering** Satyam P. Shah, Electrical and Engineering** Mathematics**
Michelle Mary Rose, Computer Computer Engineering* Shelby N. Smith, Data Akshat Thakore, Applied
Science* Yiran Shao, Information Science** Biomedical Engineering
Tim Rosenflanz, Data Science* Systems Engineering Austin R. Snelick, Computer Ashley Thomas, Computer
Malinda Sunshine Ross, Raul Sharma, Computer Science* Science**
Environmental Planning and Science** Kevin David Sobczak, Jordan Lynn Collins
Management Richard Nicholas Shea, Applied Electrical and Computer Thompson, Cybersecurity**
Alexander James Rossi, and Computational Engineering Brian S. Tien-Street, Electrical
Electrical and Computer Mathematics** Darren Almon Spaulding, and Computer Engineering**
Engineering Amanda Megan Shekarchi, Computer Science* Michael S. Tilkin, Computer
Bailey Nicole Rouk, Computer Science Scott William Spehnkouch, Science**
Cybersecurity Shiqin Shi, Geography and Information Systems Eric Noel Tomek, Electrical
Adam M. Rusenko, Electrical Environmental Engineering** Engineering** and Computer Engineering
and Computer Engineering** Xiaoyu Shi, Security Kevin Lee Spencer, Systems Kimberley Tomlinson,
Jeffery Russell, Electrical and Informatics** Engineering Electrical and Computer
Computer Engineering Ken Shimomoto, Technical Nicole E. Steiner, Electrical Engineering*
Lojain Shawki Saadat, Applied Management and Computer Engineering** Corine Toren, Information
Biomedical Engineering Sajan Shrestha, Computer Nathan Steinmann, Electrical Systems Engineering
Nithin Raj Sade, Security Science* and Computer Engineering Sabino Torres, Cybersecurity
Informatics** Nicholas Aaron Shulder, Mykola Stelmashenko, Ivan A. Torres-Negron,
Nicholas Salazar, Applied Computer Science** Electrical and Computer Information Systems
Physics** Steven Daniel Shumsky, Space Engineering* Engineering
Daniel James Sampson III, Systems Engineering* Gregory D. Stewart, Tyler Richard Train, Applied
Systems Engineering Sergio Sicard, Systems Environmental Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Lavjot K. Sandhu, Information Engineering** and Science** Ngoc Bao Tran, Data Science**
Systems Engineering* Heather Dilworth Siebenaler, Julia Matsumiya Stewart, Tedman Tran, Environmental
Rebecca Sansale, Applied and Systems Engineering** Computer Science Planning and Management
Computational Mathematics Jessica Stilwell, Electrical and Tyler Lee Treat, Computer
Shawn David Silsbee, Applied
Nicholas P. Santrach, and Computational Computer Engineering Science*
Computer Science Mathematics** Galen Ignatius Stuski, Space Canh T. Trinh, Computer
Shane Allen Sartalamacchia, Dileep Sesh Simha, Electrical Systems Engineering** Science**
Security Informatics** and Computer Engineering** Jennifer Alene Swasey, Logan James Turske,
Craig Patrick Saville, Matthew Joseph Simonelli, Computer Science Computer Science
Environmental Engineering Cybersecurity Ryan Swift, Computer Science James David Uhing, Computer
and Science Rachel Elizabeth Szechtman, Science*
Tyler Matthew Simpson,
Joseph John Scheidt, Data Computer Science* Systems Engineering Benjamin Randolph Urmston,
Science Electrical and Computer
Melvin U Fai Sin, Computer Alexandra D. Tamplin, Space
Janet Schoonmaker, Systems Systems Engineering Engineering**
Amit Kumar Singh, Electrical Shiva Tan, Electrical and Oluebubechukwu Maximillian
Benjamin Elijah Schott, Computer Engineering** Uzoukwu, Systems
and Computer Engineering*
Environmental Planning and Engineering
Rishabh Singh, Security Mohit Tawar, Information
Informatics** Systems Engineering** Jose Ricardo Valerio Berardo,
Morgan V. Schuyler, Computer Financial Mathematics
Lionel Shawn Sisler, Systems Daniel Louis Taylor,
Engineering Cybersecurity Craig Joseph Van Beusekom,
Abby Nicole Seibert, Computer Computer Science*
Eric Siu, Computer Science**

2019 90
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Thomas Van Dalsen, Sarah G. Wenger, Bocheng Xiong, Security Masters of Science in
Information Systems Environmental Engineering Informatics Engineering Management
Engineering and Science* Cheng Xu, Security Informatics
Efrain Giovany Alvira-Romero,
Kimberly Vance, Financial Andrew Scott Werner, Ke Xu, Data Science
Engineering Management**
Mathematics Computer Science* Philip Yang, Computer Science
Anchal Bhargava, Engineering
Christopher Sheridan Vanik, Joseph David West, Technical Roy Yang, Information Systems Management**
Cybersecurity Management** Engineering**
Chase A. Boren, Engineering
Hasthi Annapurna Caitlin K. Wheatley, Space Zichao Yang, Security Management*
Venkatakrishnan, Data Systems Engineering** Informatics**
Domonique Monet Bradford,
Science* Joseph Whitaker, Systems Nanxi Ye, Geography and Engineering Management
Daniel J. Venooker, Technical Engineering** Environmental Engineering**
Carolina Amelia Cazzaniga,
Management** Anastasia C. White-Torruellas, Alfred Perry Yeager IV, Engineering Management**
Timothy James Vierling, Data Science Electrical and Computer
Samantha Lauryn Coates,
Systems Engineering Austin Oliver Wiger, Computer Engineering*
Engineering Management
Jose Martin Villar, Technical Science Jeana L. Yee, Computer
Clifford Glenn Darrow,
Management** Daniel Andrew Wiley, Applied Science**
Engineering Management*
Selina Renea Vinski, Physics** Andrew Yi, Computer Science
Graham DesErmia,
Environmental Engineering Michael Wilkinson, Computer Jameelah M. Young, Data Engineering Management**
and Science* Science** Science
Chukwuemeka Gerald
Sean D. Volk, Financial Christopher LeVar Williams, Isaac Hubert Zappe, Computer Ezekoka, Engineering
Mathematics** Computer Science** Science Management**
Timothy Joseph Voss, Systems Lara Rae Wilson, Space Micah Paul Zappe, Systems Richard Philip Guenther,
Engineering** Systems Engineering Engineering** Engineering Management
Tyler Jason Waddington, Marvin Wilson, Systems Brandon Michael Zayas, Antony Walton Haines,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Engineering** Engineering Management
Engineering Paul Andre' Wilson, Lingjia Zhang, Applied and Jeffrey H. Hall, Engineering
Sean Michael Walker, Systems Information Systems Computational Management**
Engineering* Engineering** Mathematics**
Scott Carlin Henry,
Benfang Wang, Security Shannon M. Wirth, David Weiyuan Zhao, Applied Engineering Management
Informatics** Information Systems and Computational
Arsean Hooman, Engineering
Kathleen Wonhaeyoun Wang, Engineering Mathematics*
Computer Science Trent William Wiscomb, Ningkun Zheng, Geography
Maldeep Singh Kang,
Weixian Wang, Data Science* Electrical and Computer and Environmental
Engineering Management**
Yuqing Wang, Security Engineering Engineering**
Molly E. Knewtson,
Informatics** Michael J. Woods, Space Shengbang Zhong, Geography
Engineering Management*
Systems Engineering and Environmental
Zhengyuan Wang, Security Jocelyn Denise Knighting,
Informatics** Amare Shewarega Worku, Engineering
Engineering Management**
Electrical and Computer Yuan Zhong, Geography and
Zuo Wang, Security Christopher Morris Knippel,
Engineering Environmental Engineering
Informatics** Engineering Management
Jacqueline Woznicki, Applied Fangyi Zhou, Geography and
Adam A. Warren, Space Ujunwa Makhene, Engineering
Biomedical Engineering* Environmental Engineering**
Systems Engineering Management
James Bernard Wrenn II, Jia Ming Zhou, Security
Bruce Edward Watkins, Steven Plum, Engineering
Computer Science Informatics
Cybersecurity Management
Keith A. Wright, Financial Stephen Michael Zimmerman,
Daniel Richard Webb, Applied Brandon Purificacion,
Mathematics** Applied Biomedical
Physics* Engineering Management**
Guanlong Wu, Security Engineering*
Grant Haynes Weber, Verna Mae Merlas Sauro,
Informatics** Kevin Zur, Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering Management**
John Yun-chung Wu, Engineering**
Engineering Stephen John Sporik,
Computer Science** Connie Catalina Zurbuch,
Tianyi Wei, Security Engineering Management**
Cassie Q. Xia, Electrical and Applied Biomedical
Informatics** Hannah Taylor, Engineering
Computer Engineering Engineering
David Michael Weir, Space Management
Yingfei Xie, Electrical and
Systems Engineering
Computer Engineering

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
91 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Sarah Elizabeth Bailey Patrick Ebony Shea Nelson, Nicole Frances McDermott Cynthia Eileen Leaton
Wickenheiser, Engineering Engineering Management** Andrew Moscovich* Yi Qian Li
Management** Josep Puig Ruiz, Engineering Andrew Dennis Mujsce Peter C. Lunsford*
Anthony Durell Willingham, Management Prerak Patel** John Fredrick May
Engineering Management** Qi Qian, Engineering Allyson Christine Plaxen** Zachary Wells McHugh**
Management** Laura Maria Quintero Joseph H. Mills**
Masters of Chemical and Juhi Viraj Salgaonkar, Michael Anthony Secino* Mohammad Molla
Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Management** Cedar Impasha Simmons Jordan Elias Moshe*
Alexander Kaino Anderson Christopher Julian Scherz, Tiffany Lynn Smith Kaitlyn Louise Murphy**
Baca Engineering Management**
David Alexander Livant Nakos
Alex S. Bishop Jigar Mayur Shah, Engineering Masters of Materials Science Cesar Armando Rivera-Collazo
Daniel Kieffer Sahlman Management** and Engineering Anna M. Sailor
Matthew Sweeney Vishesh Uday Shah,
Benjamin W. Hill-Lam Daniel A. Salom Romero
Engineering Management**
Trevor Alan DeSene McCain** Thomas Daniel Salzman
Masters of Civil Engineering Emmanuel Shedu, Engineering
Jacqueline Pinderski Raymond N. Sanzi III
John Randolph Carlyle Douglas B. Trigg* Marco Scala
Zihao Shen, Engineering
Edwin James Haun Management Elizabeth Catherine Snyder
Jacob Ross Hauter Hood** Mowei Shi, Engineering Masters of Mechanical David N/A Son
Michael Anthony Persinger Management** Engineering Taylor Douglas Spahn
Amanda Dawn Schindhelm* Gabriel Francis Blagdon Kelsey M. Arden Morgan Nicole Steffey
Jeremy Joseph Zuger** Sinclair, Engineering Michael Benjamin Balles** Kyle Evan Stottlemyer**
Management** Matthew J. Bowers** Lina McClung Valivullah**
Masters of Engineering Sai Rajarishi Ulapu, Zachary Brochu Hana R. Vienneau**
Management Engineering Management** John Edward Burke III** Eric Wallis**
Shunpeng Wu, Engineering Andrew Christopher Cameron Mark William Wroblewski
Oreoluwa John Adesina,
Management** Lisa X. Wu
Engineering Management Christopher Robert
Jiaqi Xie, Engineering Carbonneau* Joshua D. Yates
Mallika Akhtar, Engineering
Management Ryan Harris Carter
Keming Xu, Engineering Certificates of Advanced
Guillermo Alcocer Délano, Russell Shepler Cole
Engineering Management
Management** Study in Nanobiotechnology
Timothy Harrison Crimmins
Shengyuan Yan, Engineering
Alper Anik, Engineering Christopher Darryl Damion* Jackson Gray DeStefano,
Management David Bradford Davis Nanobiotechnology**
Kaiyan Zhang, Engineering
Luisa Mercedes Blessing Michelle Marie DeLong Alexander Komin,
Anzola, Engineering Samalik* Nanobiotechnology*
Management** Tianyu Zheng, Engineering
Kevan Michael Ellis Heng-Wen Liu,
Hongyuan Chen, Engineering Christian Daniel Enos Nanobiotechnology**
Management** Xingyun Zhou, Engineering
Management** Jacob Michael Greenberg
Siu Yan Nicole Cheng, Ryan P. Hegarty Graduate Certificates
Engineering Management
Masters of Environmental Paige Jane Hepler Andre Zachary Arguelles,
Valentina D'empaire,
Engineering John Lester Hill Technical Management
Engineering Management
Nicholas James Holthaus* Tristan Allen Crim, Systems
Hongyuan Ding, Engineering Evan Gerald Arbogast
Daniel Y. Jeong** Engineering
Management** Christopher James Billak
Brian Mark Kelly Manuel Alejandro Cruz
Georges Fayad, Engineering Andrew David Bjork
Todd Howard Koenig Cortes, Systems
Management Micah David Blate*
Andrew H. Kojzar Engineering**
Yue He, Engineering Hannah Elizabeth Bradish
Lin Koop Eric Rodger Dorsey Jr, Systems
Management** Michael David Brown
Franklin Grant Kovach** Engineering*
Xinyi Hu, Engineering Zachary L. Collins P.E.
Matthew Krasne Saad Mahmud Kabir,
Management** Rachel Lee Giampa** Electrical and Computer
Milind Joshi, Engineering Michael A. Kreinar*
Jonathan S. Gordon Engineering*
Management** Jaclyn C. Krogh
Greg T. Isaacs PE Kyungjin Lim, Electrical and
Adib H. Laskar
Computer Engineering**
2019 92
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Nathaniel J. Nieman, Systems Shiyu Liu, Molecular and Benn David Copeland** Xiaocen Ji*
Engineering** Cellular Biology Haochen Cui Yuanchen Jia
Charles Thomas Obenschain, Clement Ojo Jr., Molecular and Jiacheng Cui* Jianan Jiang**
Systems Engineering Cellular Biology William Alexander Cullen Ian Johnson
Amara Christa Prato, Systems Keila Marie Sheetz, Chemical Sandra Octaviani Darmawan Geoffrey McGregor Jones
Engineering* Biology** Ziyu Deng** Sharon Rose Marie Jordan*
Rosalyn Jasodra Ram, Shaun Thomas Spisak, Yao Ding* Daehwa Jung
Information Systems Chemical Biology** Julia B. Doggett Boima S. Kamara
Shan Dong** Heejung Kang
Alan B. Stockett, Systems Masters of Science in
Xiaonan Dong* Michael John Keller
Engineering* Applied Economics
Jiahui Du Brian David Klemm**
Angela Joyce Thompson, Loren David Adler** Jiahui Du Igor Korsunsky**
Environmental Planning and Nadir Al Kharusi Tiange Du* Khadijah Anika Lake**
Management** Obaida Albaroudi** Yuhan Du** Holam Holly Lau**
Jose Martin Villar, Technical Ivan Allu**
Management Ananta Dua Kyle Michael Lavelle*
Connor Jeffrey Altman Andrea Duty Daihao Li**
Amanda M. Woolson,
Ladan Amini Nicholas A. Eagle Jiachen Li*
Electrical and Computer
Samantha J. Anderson* Anastasia Eremenko** Junhao Li
Daniel Arias Evan Scott Eshleman* Sihan Li**
Robin V. Yohannan, Electrical
Remmie Leroy Arnold IV* Gianni Esparza** Xiuyuan Li
and Computer Engineering*
Shiyue Bai* Jiayue Fan Xuefei Li**
Zenan Zhang, Systems
Engineering** Robert Nicholas Baldwin** Dayang Fang Zibo Liang**
Tamara Barkhanoy Yinning Feng* Kexin Liao*
Cullen Barnes* Vadim Filimonov* Weiqiong Lin**
Ciara Nicole Barone Samuel Myers Flanigan Mingcheng Liu
THE ZANVYL KRIEGER Hayley A. Berg* Jennifer Elaine Fletcher** Yicheng Liu**
SCHOOL OF ARTS AND Amanda Marie Betag Ricardo Flores* Zhuoran Liu*
SCIENCES Feinula Bhanji Max Justus Frost Xiaoyu Lu**
Post-Master’s Certificates Madeline Kersten Gallagher* Yisi Lu*
Nolan R. Bidese
in Sequence Analysis Jeffrey Balagot Gamboa** Yuheng Lu**
Rebecca Lauren Brenner**
and Genomics Yuan Gao** Geyi Luo*
Jade Deana Brown**
Zhipeng Gao** Cheng Lyu**
Gill M. Chacko Courtney E. Bye*
Ethan Irving Eugene Glidden Ling Ma*
Raul Alexander Gonzalez Michael James Cackoski
Benedict Hall John A. Maney
Andrew Nicholas Calderon
Post-Master’s Certificates in Jarrod Wayne Hamilton Elizabeth Andersen McKay
Kailyn Marie Campbell
Quantitative Methods Jie He* Erick Meszaros-Jones*
Dariene Diaz Castro*
in Applied Economics Peiyao He Yiling Miao*
Rayan Chahine
Aksam Faiz Ahmad Andy Jeffrey Herbener* Amira Y. Mostapha
Geoffrey Robert Chambers**
Jennifer Lyn Blakley** Erick Daniel Hernandez Brian Thomas Mowry*
Jiaqi Chen** Delgado*
Mauricio Cardenas Gonzalez** Luke William Neal
Kejing Chen* Sirui Hou**
Jeremy Jahan Domergue* Jenna Rose Nelson**
Piaoyuan Chen** Jian Hu*
Casey William Ross** Ping Ni*
Weijie Chen** Xiaoyue Hu Douglas Vernon O'Neil*
Masters of Science Danping Cheng** Shiqing Hua Charles Akwasi Opoku*
Jun Cheng Xiaoye Hua*
Lauren Elizabeth Bambarger, Erik B. Oros*
Elizabeth Cruz Chinloy* Wenying Huang**
Chemical Biology** Junan Pan*
Igor Chterental** Xiyan Huang**
Tony Elijah Dorado, Chemical Zachary Richard Paslay
Frank Anthony Cirillo** Joan Elise Hughes
Biology** Joseph Newlands Pawelski*
John Benjamin Cole Craig Christopher Hylton**
Andrew Lee Eller, Chemical Pete Pridanonda
Biology* Paul Henry Collins James E. Jachym Emmanuel Patrick Py*
Joonhee L. Lee, Neuroscience Matthew Patrick Cooley Jordan Robert Jhamb Alejandro Ramirez*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
93 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Kristine Danielle Tyler Mackenzie Wise Justin Alexander Chou Bader Alotaibi**
Ramsbottom** Brian Mcculloch Wiseman** Michael Joseph Colgan** Deven Appel
Kamalesh Vijay Rao* Jia Xiang Wu** Julie Perilla Garcia* Krystal Aquilla Plyman
William Rinehart* Xinman Wu** Anthony Saroff Gray** Sepideh Asgari
Thalia Salome Rios Jimenez* Qiong Xia* Sharon Mariko Gray Adebimpe A. Atanda
Fernando Rodriguez XiaoHui Xiang Trisha Gulati Constance Danielle Atkins**
Sriram Sampath** Jiahao Xu* Stephanie Portia Hao** Ke'Ambrea Jamese Atkinson
Catherine Ann Sampson Shengkai Xu** Nadeem Husain Nabeel Abbas Attarwala
Antonia Schiano Di Cola Nan Yan** Divya Kilam** Ararat Armen Avoyan*
Anneke Marie Schweers* Huaijia Yang** BumLak Kim** Lesley Uchechi Azike**
Ratang Walter Sedimo Tian Yang Andrew R. Kostic** Camille Bernadette Correia
Songtao Sha* Ye Yang* Jiang Li** Bahr
Anlan Shao* Zhuo Yang Zhong Rong Li Yadwinder Kaur Bal
Qiang Sheng Stephen York** Patrick Lin* Brielle Anne Barnard
Ying Sheng Dimitrios Zampoulakis** Winston Lin Rukayat Temitope Bello
Jinpeng Shi* Gaofan Zhang** Ching-Chen Liu Sarah Elisabeth Berlin
Xintong Shi** Jiayu Zhang** Kelvin Hsing-Chien Lu Apoorva Ashok Bhapkar
Gregory Douglas Sikora Jinhuan Zhang* Dana Laura Marie Madill Luciano Anthony Bianco
Katarzyna Slaiby** Kaiyu Zhang** Dana Lauren McDaniel Benedict Charles Boch**
Adam Slawny* Qian Zhang Seid Muhie* Jacob Andrew Boeckelman
Xinze Song* Shuyu Zhang** Jea Hyung Park* Kelly Bois**
Ziheng Song** Siyi Zhang** Lauren E. Peters Sougr-Nooma Monia
Jeffrey Steven Soplop** Weilu Zhang Joseph Platzer** Bonkoungou
Benjamin A. Spulber Yigong Zhang** Shashi Bikram Poudel* Nicholas William Brinker
Anne St. Clair Yuqing Zhao* Daniel F. Preston* Isaac Whitefield Bronson
Susan Lynn Nemec Starcovic** Zhangtuoming Zhao Christina Printzis** Stephen M. Brown Jr*
Hanqi Sun* Weijia Zheng** Peter Alexander Ramdial* Joshua Brownlee
Benjamin Andrew Tainter* Xufeng Eason Zheng Jianlan Ren* Pierluigi Bruschetta**
Jiachun Tang** Hua Zhou** Lauren Elizabeth Schefter** Piper Nyx Burrow
Aipu Tao** Juexiao Zhou** Jolynn Seaver Seaver Sarah Nicole Cale**
Adam Francis Thacker** Yingchen Zhou** Arman Seuylemezian Leigh Zanowski Callander**
Yaxin Tian* Heyue Zhu* Derek James Smith* Christina Ann Campbell
Ismael Torres Linlin Zhu** Matthew David Smith Alexandria Lee Case
Souleymane Toure* Yuchen Zhu** Abby Spangler** Ashley Castan
William Bradford Towne III Colby Stephen Ziegler** David Carl Streid Jamie Nichole Castle*
Bella Nicole Umontuen Joshua Taylor Zieve Changyu Sun** Rajsekhar Chakravorti
John Andrew Van Hoef Haochu Zuo Dana Marie Truempy* Daniel Marshall Chalk**
Jerin Joy Varghese** Anna Maria Trzeciecka Eva Yee Wah Chan*
YiKang Wan** Masters of Science Manisha Shashidharan Elizabeth Chang
Ce Wang in Bioinformatics Warrier* Wan Yi Chen**
Ke Wang* Michael Javier Bale Fengrui Zhang** Angie Chia
Shengyue Wang Kristi Lavin Beers Mansi Chovatia
Xiaoyue Wang** Taylor Marcia Brown* Masters of Science Nicole Renee Ciocco
Xinyi Wang** in Biotechnology Alexandra Victoria Coffey*
Joseph Bruno Buccina
Yingying Wang Elisa B. Caffrey Nicholas Gabriel Aboreden* Darianna Colina
Yue Wang* Karen B. Chapman Alexis Aceves Miranda Jane Conary*
Zhihao Wang* Disha Chaubey** Aliyah Danielle Adams** Jean Karen Conchina*
Ziting Wang* Sharjeel Chaudhry** Akanksha Aggarwal Elizabeth Rose Cordeiro
Shusuke Watanabe** Chee Leong Cheng* Alero Samonkhalia Wade Austin Corn
Clayton Trevor Weymouth* Sai Shruthi Chistavajjula Aghoghovbia-Pugh Alicia Nicole Coronado
Mitchell Kendrick White** Sung Won Cho** Olatorera Oyindamola Aina Azhar Lutfi Croal-Abrahams

2019 94
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Hannah Elizabeth Dailey William Henry Hoge Danica-Mae Tolentino Brianna Jamila Reed
Pegah Davaninejad** Jennifer Hengy Hong Manalo** Sitilia Rencheli
Matthew R. DeCicco** Linda Kristine Hong** Stacey Audrey Mannuel Peyton N. Reynolds
Alani Diamond* Wendy Hsu* Jennifer Clarke Matthews** Charlotte H. Rivas
Estee Dilli Hwa Huang Anuoluwapo Akeredolu Mattix Jermaine Ehizele Robertson
Thao Huong Dinh Keith Douglas Hutchinson* Christina Noel Maxwell** Madison Tiara Roney
Danielle Laetitia Ebelle Jessica Yetunde Idowu* Dylan Gray Maxwell** Alexandria Elizabeth
Yeelam Diana Eng** Pavan Jagannathan* Amber Mayson Rossheim*
Brenda Helen Entzminger** Ying Jiang** Russell Jensen McLoughlin Galyna Rotter**
Tamara Evanoff Curran Michael Johnston Madison Elizabeth McMann* Phylicia-Marie Beltran Ruiz
Kyle Allen Evans** Jason Douglas Joy** Alexander Arsenio Mestre* Michelle Marie Ryan**
Kendyl Ellis Fahmy Emma Kylie Joyner** Andrew Christopher Mikkelson Justin Lee Sabo*
Douglas Taylor Falk** Simran Kalsi** Sayali Atul Mulay Nandhini Sadagopan
Robin M. Farmer Nari Kang** LeighAnn Mulholland* Keimya Dana Sadeghi**
Alyssa Shaunna Fatic** Jenni Larraine Kantor Kristin Nichole Mullins* Shruthi Seetharaman
Ioana Anda Fedeles-Muller Aakanksha Rajiv Kapoor Ryan Martin Musso** Deepa Sharma**
Victoria Lauren Ferguson Alex Karnal** Susana S. Najera Chauncey Dewayne Shaw**
Reed Alexander Firestone Julia Mae Kelliher Haq Nawaz Hamta Shoaee
Tonay Baron Flattum-Riemers Allison Kensiski Alyssa Lee Nelson Jae Sung Shrader
Daniel Lee Fletcher II* Adil Agha Khan** Andrea Pham Nguyen Sumeet Kaur Sidhu**
James Edward Flynn** Jamal Uddin Azam Khan Brigitte Hoang Mai Nguyen Jeff Simon**
Alexa Christine Fort Sheena Khan Richard Quang Nguyen** Corley Catherine Simons
Marni Sloane Friedlander Aditya Khedkar** Andrew Kristian Nolan Radhika Singh**
Vitor Alexandre Fung** Phylicia Kidd** Sierra Silver Norman Courtney Leigh Smith**
Jacob Colston Furcolo Ashley Kilgore* Monika Justyna Nowak* Rachel Anne Smith*
Matthew Charles Gallman Aaron Yuhwan Kim** Stephanie Boatemaa Ntim Stephen Albert Smith
Jacqueline Alexsis Garcell** Alexander Samson Kim Erin Nugent Hannah Sragovicz
Cory Lee Gariepy Alexis Ga Young Kim* Novak R. Obsenica Zynthia Delise Stevens**
Karley Gensemer Ashley Sunmi Kim Obiageri Ugochi Okafor Monica Celise Stewart
Akshata Karanjkar Gibson** Steve Sangjin Kim Stephan Owens** Anne Marie Strausbaugh**
Carolyn Laura Oborny Gill* Sung Jin Kim Carolyn Lurleen Palmer* Daniel Strimling*
Neelam Gill Akuah A. Kontor* Kayla Danielle Palmer Bibi Sheleeza Subhan*
Nadine Yananiso Hugh Kromer* Balint Kadosa Pandur Faten Alia Suhaidi*
Gombakomba** Saloni Kumar Jae Hong John Park** Araceli Tabares**
Lilian B. Gonzalez Byakhya Lamichhaney Ruchi Pramod Patel* Kenneth Tang
John Brando Walters Grant** Sanober Lateef** Pujita Rajiv Pathak Anne Clarice Tavera
Elizabeth Ashley Greif Sarah Nicole Lauchnor Alexandra Patrickis Bethel Berhanu Taye
Cody David Grissom** Savanna Gates Ledford Holly Peery Briana Elizabeth Taylor
Kevin David Guerrero Youngrim Lee Shannen Aliyah Peters Fikrea Mulualem Tesema
Pratibha Gurung Yu Hsuan Lee** Leo Julius Pierce** Oreanna Jacqulynn Thomas**
David Michael Haberman** Erica Catherine Leyder Rommel Luna Pinlac Joshua Liem Tjokrosurjo**
Taylor Simone Hailstock Bokang Li** Aaron Michael Pyle* Brian To**
Victoria Lucy Hamlin** Minqi Li** Sein Pyo Jared Eugene Washington
Shannon Marie Hartley* Michaela Isabel Lievi** Shruthi Rajagopalan* Tolbert
Hamza Hasan Jane Liu Shreenath Rajendran* Ryan F. Toma
Jennifer Elizabeth Hauenstein Elizabeth Sachiko Lohse** Vedant Kishor Rakholia Deepti Pai Tonse**
Katrina Mariel Hayes Corinna Lopez Sunny Rampuria Van Quynh-Thi Truong
Maria Elena Henley John J. Lott* Rufiaat A. Rashid Turel Ozerk Turan
Chloe Kirsten Herczeg Lynise Maria Low** Nivetita Ravi** Esmeralda Vallejo
Heather Renee Herron* Dina Lyon Bhoomika Ravindra Reddy Jason Garrett Van Egmond
Tarra Xylena Hewitt Azhar Ali Ravji Matthew Allen Voorhees*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
95 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Wasima Parveen Wahid* Stephen Brady Patterson Alex Wingar Chen** Edward Philippe Speeckaert*
John P. Walsh** Caroline Joanne Smelik Jessica Anne Coria* Tracey Anne Spencer
Haibo Wang Misa A. Sugui Stefanie Baclagon Dimayuga* Jaclyn Spicer**
Joshua Philip Watkinson Khoa Viet Tran Olivia Kathryn Feldman Lorelei Beth Stierlen
Kirsten Nole Weary Yingchu Zhou* Leigh Kellett Fletcher Erica Liegh Stone*
Marissa Rose Weis Claire Yuan Flynn Jack Oliver Sunderland
Qi Wen Masters of Science in Energy Amanda Leigh Forsey** David Matthew Taylor*
Lauren Swanson White Policy and Climate Jessica Anne Freedman Natalie Anne Telfor
Roshell Stacy-ann Wiggan Eric James Allen* Amanda Mally Genovese Jessicarose Cochlin Thurber
Bryce Michael Williams Matthew Graham Allen Rosanna N. Getty Grace Vermeer Van Horn*
Denesha Ronell Williams** Brett Catharine Allerding Nicole Monique Goode Devin Michael Waggoner
Sacha Afia Williams** Curfman** Olivia Anne Hagen** Regan Wilhelm*
Zachary Pennington Williams** Auria Asadsangabi** Brandon Protas Haley* Breanna Nicole Williams
Jessica Marie Wittmann** Ryan David Brick** Briana Kristen Hanlon** Erica Wolff*
Jie Wu** Lori Griffin Byron Alex Kathleen Henderson** Michael Wozniak**
Lily Wu* Ann E. Clancy* Megan Herald Nicole Lauren Zimmerman
Min Wu** Jeffrey David Clark Ivan Alexander Hernandez
Yue Xu Margaret Jennifer Devine** Sid R. Hoover* Masters of Science in
Jason Kyusun Yang** Lee Lockwood Ewing Jenifer June Hope Food Safety Regulation
Ji Woon Yoo William Garland* Makary Anthony Hutson Carla Thereza Chami
Anisha Zaman Sapna Gheewala Alyson Marie Iberle* Arian Rashad Gibson**
Michael Edward Zaykaner* Rachel Emma Goldstein* Thomas Bates Jensen* Jenny Hoang
Chi Zhang Francisco Guerra III** Gabrielle Rebecca Jette* Amanda Nicole Johns**
Qinghui Zhang** Graham M. Haydon** Maia Wynne Kallen** Marisa Josephine Lown
Irwin Kim* Mohsin Abbas Kazmi* Felicity Rain Mejeris
Masters of Biotechnology Alexandra Evelyn Kovalick Jessica Inez Tulip Kelsey* Nicole Ann Pool
Enterprise and Winnie Lam** Elizabeth Kathleen Kiernan** Jorge Rodriguez*
Entrepreneurship Allison Elizabeth Leight**
Paulina Littlefield Lindsey Woods Ross
Jibin Joe Abraham** Kylie Tora Basuki Liu Lauren Nicole Liming** Haley E. Stauffer
Elina Baravik* Ingrid Lobet** Bingqing Liu Yihua Sun*
Gabriel Adrian Basagoitia Michael Robert Matthews Taylor Jordan McElroy** Julie Ann Taylor*
Erik Blixt** Richard Peterson Morton III** Brooke Ashley McHansen
Gary Michael Chiueh Sasha P. Srivastava Jessica McReynolds* Masters of Science in
Megan Rose Crail** Dakota John Stormer* Sarah Louise Carlson Menon** Geographic Information
Haley Lambert Dumke* Jessica Blake Terry Jason Michael Newman* Systems
Naftali Z. Frankel Bryan Wollschlaeger Gerald Aloysius O'Leary III** Brenton Lee Arrington
Surina Gulati Juliette Chanel Orozco Manuel Lee Cajuguiran*
Yanchi Guo* Masters of Science in Moon Kornkamol Setpanta Andres Jose Cardenal**
Lara Petron Henry Environmental Sciences Pankam
Shelby Elizabeth Cropper
Darric William Inselman and Policy Samantha Adair Parker
Keith Patrick Forte**
Diana Helen Johnson McKenzie Dawn Allen Kimberley Crocker Pearson
Kelsey Lynn Gerchar Gerchar**
Lukas Wanjong Joo** Brooke Apperson Ashleigh Marie Pryor*
Hannah Michelle Gonzales*
Karen Tzy-Pyng Jou** Lydia Francine Bednarski Michele Lee Richardson**
Paul Gregg Greenough
Angela Monique Knight* Alexander Louis Birk* Geil Eliana Rios Vidal**
Eric Yoo Tae Hwang
Michael Joshua Liberman** Jennifer Suzanne Black* Lisa Schindler*
Morgan Lamon
Kristin Jia-huey Lin* Anne Elizabeth Bonner Ashley Ann Schroeder
Edcyril Ernest Lopez
Judith Maria Lytle** Morgan Elaine Bowden Vanessa Marie Shoenfelt Mallonga**
James Michael Matthew Jeffrey James Boyle Joshua Benjamin Shuman** Matthew Louis Marrapodi**
Daniel A. McKelvey* Jenna Marie Briscoe Paul Andrei Sobchenko Kelsey Johanna Maves*
Dyan Marie Nielsen** Stephanie Elaine Brown Richard Michael Solazzo Sarah Lynn Mersereau
Burcu Selin Ozay Garrett Busch** Parisa Soleimanifar* Natalie Austin Morgan*

2019 96
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Paul Nicholas Morris Kristen Ann Rancourt* Rebecca Ashlee LeCompte McMullen-Jackson
Dawn Marie Therese Myers Tiffany Faith Seal* Lazic** Kathryn Kaufmann Michel*
Christopher Orndorff* Brian Garry Stettenbenz Jenny Lee Kymberly Ellisse Moore
Amanda Wade Ostrander Erin Noel Thomas Drew Lengerich** Amanda Putnick Sly*
Kurt Matthew Pleiman* Brynna C. Trumpetto* Derek JC Lynch** Sydney Millan Smith*
Christopher James Rehak Jennifer Lynn Wagner* Katie Frances McNeil Diem Mong Ta
Jordan Elizabeth Reilly Tianyuan Wang Melissa Stephania Miranda Cynthia Ann Todd**
Josiah Todd Reisinger** Christopher Kevin Wilson** Shawki H. Mograbi** Judi Ann Willhide
Nikiga Nikhil Shah** Melissa K. Woods Adam Ahmed Nur* Michael Christopher Wood**
Donald Joseph Shaw* Jing Zhang Adesola Folasade Odiah*
Scott Michael Shibley* Wesley Pao Masters of Fine Arts
Frank Sindaco Masters in Individualized Adora Rachel Parker**
Elias Baez, Writing Seminars
Samantha Strang Genomics and Health Kelly E. Patrick**
Emma Zahava Bogdonoff,
Courtney Leigh Sustaire Nihushi Bhardwaj Julie Shiong Porter
Writing Seminars
Kevin James Tallon Anthony Manuel Cruz Amtul Mohi Quadri
Emma D. Dries, Writing
Joseph David Tapanes** Tawny Lee Hammett Karen Ann Rhoades Seminars
Sarah Jean Vorona* Brice Jonathan Hickey Terri Tennile Richmond Lewis B. Fallis, Writing
Keiko Yamakawa** Dixie Hoyle** Kathleen Anna Ryan** Seminars
Andrew Paul Yen* Jenna Ariel Memmolo Lori Joy Simmonds** Sawyer Polk Huff, Writing
Min Young Renner* Baljit Singh-Vegesna** Seminars
Masters of Science in Qin Xu* Sheila Nicole Smith Gregory John Scalise, Writing
Geospatial Intelligence Phyo Thiha Soe** Seminars
Sabrina Susan Volpe Masters of Science in Jason Andrew Starkey Marlo Starr, Writing Seminars
Regulatory Science Eran Steinberg* Stephanie M. Ullmann, Writing
Masters of Science in Dana Gisela Szewczyk** Seminars
Tolani Lizzy Akinyemi*
Government Analytics Simone Murray Thomas**
Mone' Leshon Brown*
Mourine Odongo Todd** Masters of Arts
Forrest William Ashby** Matthew Campagna
Adam Baghbanbashi** Vyanh Vo Lucas Hsia Adams, Cognitive
Nathan William Canney
Maria Lee Battle* Westley Francis Weiss Science*
Cathleen Louise Carson*
Brianna Lee Besch* Mary Kathryn Wojcinski Shay Alexander Alleson
Meghan Elizabeth Cupp*
Erin Colleen Chuss Gerberg, History*
Fernando Dangond
Masters of Science in Qingci An, Mathematics**
Anna Arwen Collins** Sarah Michele Evans Research Administration Suhas Govinda Rajan Arehalli,
Fredy Jesus Diaz Rebecca Angelia Fansler
Priscilla Army Elliott** Cheryl Anita Birch* Cognitive Science
John Michael Gushen Jr.
Arin Franz** Katherine Danielle Bui* Aditya Mohan Bahl, English
Kaitlyn Mackenzie Hameister*
Aaron Bradley Freed Dominique Angela Delfino Soumyodip Banerjee,
Nicholas James Harrison**
Lina Valeria Garcia* Caudill Chemistry**
Shah Tahir Hashmi
John Day Herrmann Celia Pamela Corona Villalobos Danielle Renee Bautista,
Augusta Oline Henao
Lisa Elaine Costan* Chemistry**
Robert Anson Hopper Olga Lissete Herrera**
Jason David Cottam Lee Michael Borocz-Johnson,
Jonathan Chi Hsieh Fung Li Rebecca Hou**
Joseph Neil Dunn History*
James Edward Hubbard III** Jennifer Ann Houck*
Sherilyn Danielle Garcia** Ryan Patrick Brady,
Megan Marie Idle** Maria Elena Huitrado Duarte*
Jacqueline Dimas Godoy** Chemistry**
Xianzhi Li** Serge Ikangamino Wiyalika*
Andrea Sue Haddad Qiong Cao, Psychological and
Rachael Ann Martin* Mahvish Iqbal Brain Sciences
Marium Mehdi** Jasmine Lara Jaber**
Monica Renee Jones** Julieta Casas, Political Science
Jessica Lauren Morgia* Elizabeth Christina Hartnett
Judson Marc Katz** Meaghan Elizabeth Charlton,
Dean Pacilli** Jager
Faizah Afzal Khan** Political Science*
Rachel Catherine Gail Patton** Minsoo Kim**
Shraddha Komanduri** Prashant Kumar Chauhan,
Nickolas Ralph Pisciottano* Ong Felix Kurniawan
Ewa Magdalena Kwasnik** Physics and Astronomy*
Anna N. Pokrovsky Judith Mbanza-Bumpenje**
Cassie Jade Lai Wenjia Chen, Cognitive
Anchalee Pooittiwong Ramirez Chivon Darnice
McKenzie Beth Lambert** Science*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
97 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Gregory Paul Church, Near Muhammad Kazim, Rennie Pasquinelli, Cognitive Masters of Arts in
Eastern Studies** Chemistry** Science Communication
Eric Morgan Cochran, Thomas Keegan, History* Eric James Peterson,
Norris Ivan Agnew*
Mathematics William D'Arcy Kenworthy, Chemistry**
Kyle Kealoha Aldous
Caitlin Amie Corona, Physics and Astronomy* Nataliya Philippova, Cognitive
Timothy Alexander
Psychological and Brain Mahdiar Khakinejad, Science**
Rubaiat T. Ali
Sciences Biophysics* Laurel Ames Poolman, Near
Tracey Mills Allen
Mitchell Allan Cram, English Kevin William Kind, History* Eastern Studies**
Jacqueline Laverne Alston*
Valerie Johanna Cornelia De Jakree Koosakul, Economics* Lucas Allan Pressley,
Koeijer, Political Science** Chemistry** Algerson Addison Andre*
Zvi Kunshtat, History*
Benjamin K. Dees, Timothy Richard Reeder, Brianna Teresa Arcudi
Quanjun Lang, Mathematics**
Mathematics** Physics and Astronomy* Jennifer Arevalo
Travis James Leadbetter,
Nandini Dey, Political Science* Emma Kari Roalsvig, Classics Nimin Bai**
Melissa Dani Diamond, Physics Elliot Robert Root, History* William Edward Bates*
Huijin Lee, Chemistry**
and Astronomy* Elizaveta Sazonova, Physics and Samantha Ashley Bennett
Strahil Emilov Lepoev,
Nicole Virginia Dickerson, Economics* Astronomy* Michelle E. Boden**
Cognitive Science** Megan Hollie Caroline Lewis, Shankar Nellicherry Sivarajan, Morgan Elizabeth Butler**
Clarice Anna Diebold, Near Eastern Studies* Physics and Astronomy* Taylor Stephen Butts
Psychological and Brain William Herbert Lewis, Classics Marta Sliwa, Chemistry** Shaylee Erin Carmona**
Sciences Bingqian Liu, Chemistry** Gregory J. Smaldone, History* Philip Peter Chan**
Alona Olga Dolinsky, Political Yun-Fei Liu, Psychological and Paul Michael Soulos, Cognitive Danning Chen**
Science Brain Sciences Science Raquelmarie Zapanta Clark**
Danielle Helena Duckworth, Alexandra Maria Lossada, Alexander Michael Streim, Victoria Lynn Contie**
Molecular and Cellular English* English* Julia Cooke*
Biology Christina Joy Thomas, History Alden Catherine Cornwell*
Atesede Retta Makonnen,
Jacob Gant Elsey, Psychological English* Yunchen Tian, Political Science Frances Correa
and Brain Sciences Alan R. van den Arend, History
Fabiana Carolina Malaga Yvette Chante Crenshaw**
Colin James Eubank, Political Gadea, Biophysics* Amandeep Vashisht, Earth and Nikole Pegues Dangerfield
Science Planetary Sciences
Thomas Joseph Mann, Political Keri M. Davenport*
Nir Eydan, History* Science** Tvrtko Vrdoljak, Political Chanel Lynn Davis
John Thomas Ferguson, Thai C. Matthews, English Science* Bridget Marie Dongu**
Chemistry** Jiayi Wang, Mathematics**
Daniel Thomas McClurkin, Anne Dronnier**
Melih Can Firat, Economics* English Tao Wang, Economics* Matthew Eidemiller
Alexandra Faith Gittens, Kathryn Anne Medill, Near Xiyuan Wang, Mathematics** Yuting Fang
Chemistry Eastern Studies** Brian David Welch, Physics and Amy Young Filko*
Saurov Hazarika, Chemistry** Xiaoqiang Meng, Mathematics Astronomy* Rachel Elizabeth Fishman
Ryan James Hearty, History of Ryan Edward Mewett, History Tingyu Wen, Chemistry**
Science and Technology* Joshua Ross Foust**
Alex T. Mitko, Psychological and Yuanyuan Xu, Physics and Kurt N. Fredrickson**
Xiaoqi Huang, Mathematics** Brain Sciences Astronomy*
Skylar Jean Hurst, Classics Laura Wehrmeyer Fuentes*
Yasaman Moghadamnia, Ian David Yesilonis, Earth and
Liana Islam, Biophysics* Anthony Van Gardner**
Biophysics Planetary Sciences**
Conrad Jacober, Sociology Jillian Ryan Gates
Isabelle Monette, German and Zecheng Yi, Mathematics
Yuyang Ji, Chemistry Soraia Sahar Ghani
Romance Languages and Jessica Nicole Zarenkiewicz,
Qifeng Jiang, Chemistry** Courtney Paige Grant
Literatures* Chemistry**
Elizabeth A. Johnson, Physics Michelle Lynn Gray
David J. Myers, Mathematics** Xinyu Zhao, Economics*
and Astronomy Michael Joseph Greci
An Nguyen, Cognitive Science**
Te Kaye Jones, Psychological Sandra Munther Haddad
Anh Thi Van Nguyen, Master of Arts in
and Brain Sciences** Economics* Applied Economics Deanna Adrienne Hairston
Maya Danielle Kahane, History Sean Waverly Owen, Shannon M. Harris*
Vincent Franco*
of Art Mathematics** Vance Patrick Hickin
Emma Cancian Kalish, Ayushi Pandey, Cognitive Haneen Nitham Hindi
Economics* Science* Kellie Michelle Hocking**

2019 98
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Sally Holland Angela Suresh Masters of Arts in Samantha A. Cooke*

Wenyu Hou Wendan Tan Global Security Studies Casie Elizabeth Daugherty*
Tiantian Hu Maegan Eve Taylor** Erica J. Arnold Rachael Marie Deskin**
Sarah Elisabeth Jackson** Josselyn Elizabeth Thornton Andrew Jay Baldwin* Jillian Bailey Donovan**
Allison Michelle Javery* Robert Thorpe Yelyzaveta Bartholomew** John R. Duda
Jie Jia** Alexis Nicole Thrower* Matthew William Bauer Ari Brandt Epstein
Ying Jiang Olivia Ann Truban Evander Brandt Devin Shay Feldman**
Erin Beth Jimenez** Parintorn Tungtawee** Biondi-Copeland Allyson Sara Freedman
Kaina Jin** Jaya Vadlamudi** Baxter Davis Carr Ian Quinn Gray
Zhengxu Jin Nicole Michelle Verkamp* Colby Anthony Connelly Arthur Guerra
Amanda Lyn Johnson* Xiaochuang Wang Renee Lauren Coulouris* Matthew Elias Hasby
Nicholas Brandon Jones* Mi-Ae Wartenbee Anna Michelle De Graaf Matthew Gordon Hines*
Siarhei Kalamytsau Raenard Tyree Weddington Emily Elizabeth Doren** Joel Micah Holmstock**
Ryutaro Kaneko* Yujing Wei Carson Von Doyle** James Daniel Huff III*
Ashley Duque Kienzle Michal Werner Thomas Christopher Durrence Sirwan Fakradin Kakarash
Susan Kong Nancy Britton White Emily Grace Fletcher Kyle Donald Kondik*
Kayla Lee LaTarte* Xinfu Xie** Shannon Genest** Dustin Michael Malm*
June Lee* Jiajing Xu* Orrin How Hasal Billy Scott McDonough
Jingyao Li* Yuhan Xue** John Andrew Hayworth** John Theodore Medin IV
Mingran Li** Jianyu Yang Bakhit Ikranbekov Eric James Mitchell
Yanfeng Li** Feihe Yu** Farida A. Ismail* Hudson Tate Munoz*
Yitong Ling Michael P. Zetts** Constance Ann Lee Sarah Andrea Ogar**
Keying Liu Can Zhang Jeremy Allan Lee Chukwuemeka Theodore
Kuifan Lu Mengyang Zhang Dong Jin Steven Lim Oputa
Catherine Anastasia Lynch Xikai Zhang Timothy Andrew Lonchena Phillando Abdual Khaalis
Xinyi Ma Zhiyi Zhou** Peterson*
John Terrance Maguire
Jordone C. Massey** Mengyuan Zhu* Amanda Jill Pike
Jack A. Miller*
Rhiannon Mary McDevitt* Wenting Zhu** Tayler Jeffery Rengel
Nathaniel William Motley
Ashley Rebecca McGee Alexandra Leigh Rosen*
Moises Enoc Navas**
Simone Ams McKitterick** Master of Arts in Cultural Jeffrey Sacks*
Francis Scott Nelson**
Kimberly Meneo Heritage Management Holden Duane Simmonds*
Richard-Vinh Nguyen-Le
Marie Ann Mikols* Lisa Carol Bergstrom* Liam Robert Steadman**
Trina Marie Scheie*
Connor Timothy Moriarty* Lorna Faith Keathley* Christopher Michael Sullivan**
Barry Shapiro**
Kayli Nuce** Daniel Slavet Walber Joshua Brandon Swann**
Ahmad Jawid Shinwari*
Marcella Palmer** Cem Tuncan
William Ryan Stephens*
Kaycee Patek Masters of Arts in Gokhan Varan
Caleb Taylor
Film and Media Barrett Thomas Waybright**
Yu Pei Karina Victoria Touzinsky
Brileigh Irene Pinkney** Brian Garcia Bruce Justin Holloran Witwicki**
Javaughn Kamal Waller
Kathryn Lauren Polk Kathryn Marie Martin Samantha Riplee Wyman
Linda Nannie Walton
Laura Marie Preidis Joseph John O'Hagan Jr. Givi Zedelashvili
Brendan Thomas Wentz
Rebecca Kathryn Pugh** Aaron Lee Outlen
Zachary William Zoller**
Jaymit Rao* Neiman Outlen Masters of Arts in
Jennifer Riding Robert Louis Parker II** Museum Studies
Masters of Arts
Wendy Rigby Jonathan James Ryan** in Government Livia Milena Acosta**
Erin Rohn Rachel Marie Walters Brittany Arnold**
T. Alex Beres*
Valeria Sabate Scott Lawrence Williams Emma Claire Auburn
Brianna Beynart**
Danilu Santos-Price** Lingliqing Yang Eric James Baumann Jr**
Richard Van Cott Busick V
Sudina Shakya Jingxuan Zhu Kimberly Renee Betsill
Christopher Edward Carhart
Xinyi Shen Nicole Cherie Bleau**
Aiden Chang
Angela Kelly Smith* Amanda Harriett Brown
Caitlin Cichoracki
Hao Sun Augusta Lee Carroll Bruch
Robert James Cook Jr.*

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
99 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Tyler James Byington** Stephanie Rae Palmer Hannah L. Chen* Maria Richon Densley
Tiffany G. Camusci* Anna Eden Parmelee Anne Lauren Chimienti** Rebecca Jeanne Duncan**
Tara Sims Carron** Karyn Rita Perdue** Katya Trotta Ciovacco** David Otto Freier**
Sarah Jane Conner Rachel Shayna Rabinowitz** Helena Coric Jessica Suzanne Frost
Micaela Eileen Connolly* Christopher Nabil Rahmeh Yuxian Cui** Frederick Scott Giffin**
Rebecca Grace Cordero** Caroline Laura Randy Taylor Catherine Culliton* Leigh Ann Green
Laura Anne Dello Russo Alexandra Katherine Zheng Dai** Ann Marie Greene
Karen K. DuBroff Reardon** John Maximiliano Demming** Therese Deloris Grover**
Eric Michael Ebner* Matthew Thomas Reichel Robert James Dempsey Crystal Lou Leyda**
Sarah Lynn Elsea* Robin Reif** Taylor Marie Draddy** Nicole Lim
Heather Aliza Flynn** Carley Roche** Mark Scott Evans Phillip Mariscal**
Asia Roshiem Folk** Ricardo A. Rodriguez** Lienna Feleke-Eshete* Colin Arthur O'Connor
Margaret Geddes Jennifer Roe** Milton Guzman Caroline Beatrice Olson
Sarah Louise Gibbs** Monica Nichole Rowell** Jeffrey Rial Johnson Annie Prud'homme-Genereux
Andrew Michael Gleason Hannah Rose Salemi** Steven Charles Kambouris** Christiane Irene Reiser**
Miryam Chana Gordon Eleanor Esther Schultz Daniel Gregory Koscinski* Becki Robins*
Colleen Dufton Gregg** Megan Ashley Shpak** Samuel Gene Landercasper* Michelle Lenore Rosolie**
Julia Danielle Hansen Tariana Desiree Smith Grace Youngeun Liu** Adrienne Claire Sabilia**
Erin Lorraine Harding Kaycee Nicole Spears** Sarah Adivi Lyons** Alexandra Kaelin Kirby
Lauren Elizabeth Harrison Michael Timothy Stellfox Maria Cruz Machuca Scammell
Jonah Tobias Hoffmann** Hannah Kitchin Stewart** Kevin William Manuel* Olivia Rose Schreiber
Denise Michelle Hunt* Megan Hollingsworth Stowell Carissa Holly Langer Elian Dorya Silverman**
Kerri Ann Huso Erin E. Sullivan** Mattern** Kellin Diane Slater
Ellen Merriweather Iverson* Rebecca J. Ten Brink** Jordan David Maurand** Lindsay L. Townsend**
Tiffany Amber Jankovic Colleen Catherine Thomas** Shane Francis Mitchell** Rachel Christine Webber
Christine Lois Jemison* Paige Marie Tincher Andrew Steven Mitrisin* Jessica Lynne Bradley Wells**
Kerry Bridget Jeyschune Benjamin Cody Todd Salvador Gowen Ortega Andrew Lord Wolf**
E. Taliaferro Jones** Nonie Lynch Tompkins** Yariany Perez-Nieto**
Masters of Arts
Katelyn Kean** Kalyani Vani* Madison Elise Pierson*
in Teaching Writing
Robert Paul Kempton David Arthur Vickers** Justina Rothenberg*
Mary Llewellyn Corning
Camille Lee Knudsen** Allison Dee-ane Waite Michael Shaheen
Sean Fleming**
Madalyn Leigh Lesman** Chloe Frances Willett** Yvonne Lee Smith
Precious Terriann Layne*
Marina Sophia Loew Caitlin Nicole Winslow** Chenfeng Wang
Lindsey Anne LeCroy
Aaron Chandler Loux Xin Xin**
Erin Marie Buckingham
Catherine Bennett Lusher* Masters of Arts in Non- Gening Xu**
Governmental Organization McNamara**
Danielle Erin Manley Ao Zhang
Management Luxuan Zhang Masters of Arts in Writing
Emily Rose Marchello**
Christine Marie Mazzello** Valentina Martinez** Yuqing Zhang** Nicole Elizabeth Acocella
Sarah McGlone Matthew Colson Bingham
Sonya Maria Mckenney** Masters of Arts in Masters of Arts Sheila Sullivan Cosgarea**
Courtney Rheann McNamara** Public Management in Science Writing Alexander Samuel Klein**
Abigail Carmen Molina Abdulaziz Al-Saud Rebecca Christine Ailes** John Christopher Morgan**
Emilie Isabella Molkentin* Gregory Douglas Barrow* Laila Salam Almassri Shawn Michelle Nocher
Rocio L. Moncibais E'Driana MaLea Berry* Ava Alsubai* David Oliver**
Catherine Cecelia Morrill** Sara Buettner-Connelly* Jennifer Elizabeth Bevis** Susan Partridge Robinson**
Michela Nicole Morrissey Juan Antonio Camargo* Elaine Gloria Blacklock Leah Lorraine Spellman
Anna Kristine Muckenfuss Hanmin Cao Andrew Joseph Carstens Mark Stoneman**
Claire Elise Nelson Anand Cerillo Sharma** Jarret Cassaniti** Jared Henry Sullivan
Austin Ng Sarah Curran Chapell** Anne Northrop Connor Linda Diane Voss**
Stephanie Marie Nickols** Ibrahim Munir Chaudhry** Alyssa Nichole Cousins**

2019 100
M A S T E R ’ S D E G R E E S A N D C E R T I F I C AT E S

Masters of Liberal Arts Certificates in National Post-Baccalaureate Post-Baccalaureate

Kauthar Ahen Security Studies Certificates in Intelligence Certificates in
Teaching Writing
Larry Anderson Evan Gould** Forrest William Ashby**
Lauren Jill Barnhart** Kathryn Mary Hein Robert James Dempsey Sherry Jones
Heidi Boerstler Thomas Christopher Durrence Kimberly Ann Mota Pilgrim
Meredith Christine Busch** Graduate Certificates in Rachel Andrea Fiegler**
Kenneth Scott Byrd* Geographic Information Emily Grace Fletcher
Hassan Khalid Charleston* Systems John Andrew Hayworth** THE SCHOOL OF
Daniel C. Charlton Kelly Anne Collins* Jeremy Allan Lee
Ramiro De Anda Jr.** Owen LeGrone** Dong Jin Steven Lim Bachelors of Science
Sara Anne Grabenhofer Aaron James McDowell* Ross Sullivan O'Rourke**
Alberto L. Colón,
Thomas William Gregg Hannah Margaret Reardon Trina Marie Scheie*
Organizational Leadership**
Ann Louise Hackman* Ashley Ann Schroeder Brynna C. Trumpetto*
Gregory Joseph Der,
Sarah Cummings Herberger Natalie Anne Telfor Jason Donald Underhill*
Organizational Leadership**
Michael Hurd Devin Michael Waggoner Javaughn Kamal Waller
Robert Leon Jackson,
Thomas Mark James** Breanna Williams Zachary William Zoller** Management**
Maria Samantha Juan** Clyde Porter, Organizational
Chester Anthony Krokoski III* Post-Baccalaureate Post-Baccalaureate Leadership**
Sabrina Kang Leroe** Certificates, Premedical Certificates in Non-Profit
Norella T. Rhooms,
Tanya Yvette Lewis Program Management
Organizational Leadership**
Devin Patrick Liddell Kian M. Larijani* Livia Milena Acosta** Alex J. Rosensweet,
Gerald Thomas Lins Emma Claire Auburn Organizational Leadership**
Anastasia Sue Lowenthal** Post-Baccalaureate Nicholas Bennett* Anika A. Simmons,
Patrick Andrew Mackie Certificates in Samantha Ashley Bennett Organizational Leadership**
Gaith Dean Midani
Digital Curation Ernest Lee Stanley,
Rebecca Grace Cordero**
Jessica Noelle Mihailin** Eric James Baumann Jr** Blair Linen Demers** Organizational Leadership**
Francine Mondi Tara Sims Carron** Sarah Louise Gibbs** Robert L. Stevenson,
Tiffany Dawn Nez Karen K. DuBroff Susan Kong Organizational Leadership
Curtissa Odi* Eric Ebner* Joanne Sevrain Odom
Jill Annette Riley Margaret Geddes Amanda Michelle Williams
Monette Michele Rios Miryam Chana Gordon Williams* THE PEABODY
Reinaldo Ramon Rodriguez* Julia Danielle Hansen CONSERVATORY
Carolyn Sparks Ruppel** Emma Elizabeth Hatch* Post-Baccalaureate Bachelors of Music
Endia J. Santee* Catherine Bennett Lusher* Certificates in
Science Writing Samuel Adam, Tuba; Music
Dominic Sellers-Blais** Courtney Rheann McNamara**
Steven L. Smith** Rachel Shayna Rabinowitz** Heather Rigdon Hollen**
Jahi Tiger Alexander, Bass
Jessica Ann Townsend Julia Carlson Ricks Philip Michael Larkin
Kari Marie Ursu Benjamin Cody Todd Johanna E. Lee
Liam W. Ashwill, Guitar
Megan Cameron Wilberton* Angela Sivak
Post-Baccalaureate Marcella Marie Astore, Voice
Ann Thomas
Certificates in Dante Baskett, Computer Music
Certificates in Margaret Kaye Unkefer*
Government Analytics Composition
Biotechnology Afton Lorraine Woodward**
Ian Blanchardon, Guitar
Enterprise Ashley Alley*
Andrew B. Bohman,
Alexandra McDonald** Natascha Camille Bolden Post-Baccalaureate
Owen Larson* Certificates in Science,
Melina Kate Robinson** Andrew James Butts, Double
Kristopher Bernard Laub** Technology and
Adrienne Nicole Williams** International Security Bass; Music Education
Michael James Lockwood
Tzy Yiing Anita Chan, Viola
Austin Joel Miller** Emma Louisa Alley
Angela Che, Violin
Elizabeth Kenney O'Neill** Kristen Michelle Hamilton
Haoyuan Chen, Voice
Maryanne Salm William Albert Ostermeyer*
Hongtai Chi, Piano
Anisha Zaman
Gyuwon Choi, Violin

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
101 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

Tavifa Cojocari, Violin David Brian Sexton, Recording Zewei Li, Economics Bachelors of Science in
Benjamin Williams Gascon, Arts and Sciences Zonglin Li** Biomedical Engineering
Guitar Kevin M. Sherman, Piano Rebecca Michele Liao, Sarah Alexandra Abella,
Ernest Green, Guitar; Recording Noah Chasworth Strevell, Computer Science* Electrical Engineering
Arts and Sciences Double Bass Richard Yang Liu** Pascal Joseph Acree
Yuan Gu, Piano Jessica Sudarta, Harp; Music Zelin Liu, Economics Sachin K. Aggarwal**
Ismael Ariel Guerrero Bombut, Education Theodore A. Livas**
Violoncello Michael Joseph Ainsworth
Man Hon Ambrose Tang, Carly Patricia Lupton-Smith,
Qiaoyang Han, Bassoon Recording Arts and Sciences Mario Edward Antoun
Christopher Jon Hartung, Voice Jerry Tong, Violin Diego Arevalo
Neel Maddineni
Marie Herrington, Voice Jonathan David Valente, Siddharth Arun
Dhruw Mukesh Maisuria,
Colton Jon Hodge, Viola da Composition Vinay Ayyappan
Gamba Jose Vargas, Voice; Music Taha Mirza Baig, Computer
Patrick M. Maloney**
Jon Hutchings, Trombone Education Science
Chase B. McAdams, Economics
Lawrence Hutfles, Jazz Bass Amelia Graeme Wingard, Oboe Jenna Lee Ballard
Shannon C. Nanry
Jennifer Jeon, Violin Yunsi Zhang, Piano Sindhu Banerjee
Tingting Ou, Mathematics and
April Song-Yi Kim, Double Bass Yuyang Zi, Clarinet; Music Raphael Alexander Bechtold
Computer Science
Erin Kim, Violin Education Teya SooHoo Bergamaschi,
He Pan
Junhong Kuang, Guitar Applied Mathematics and
Lyle Paskowitz Statistics
Mofan Lai, Voice THE G.W.C. WHITING
Ronan Francis Lindeberg
Hio Lam Leng, Violin SCHOOL OF Erika Ruchi Bhadra
ENGINEERING Shubhayu Bhattacharyay,
Melody Yuen Ki Leung, Harp; Caelyn Anne Reilly, Public Applied Mathematics and
Music Education Bachelors of Science Health Studies Statistics
Scott Li, Computer Music in Applied Mathematics Allison Hont Seiden Jie Bian, Applied Mathematics
Composition and Statistics James William Sherwood, and Statistics
Winona Liao, Piano Mathematics
Ryan Thomas Baber Emily Mar Burnette, Economics
Sonia Matheus, Oboe Devanshu Raj Singh,
Cecilia Bao** Sarah Jane Burris
Audrey Ling Maxner, Violin Interdisciplinary Studies
Tingting Bao, Mathematics Eric Rui Cao, Computer Science
Savannah Mattingly Jiayi Sun, International Studies*
McElhaney, Voice Colin P. Bowen Alexander Minjae Chang,
Jiwhan Sung Computer Science
Nathaniel Seán Vinocour Camille Garner Bowman,
Computer Science Daniel William Swartz, Physics Akash Rajesh Chaurasia,
McKeever, Jazz Trumpet
Madison Leighton Bozich, David Christopher Tammaro, Computer Science
Joseph Ethan Miller, Guitar Economics
Economics Samuel J. Chen
Serena Joy Utah Miller, Rachel Nicole Thompson
Composition; Computer Music Hogan Byun Keefer W. Chern, Computer
Alexander S. Chang Kevin Joseph Torgas Science
Yuxuan Chen, Computer Science Amar Shiv Vadhera, Public Sue Min Cho
Yujing Ming, Violin
James Leander Closser Health Studies Julia Christina Costacurta,
Jonathan Mo, Saxophone
Matthew Ballerini Corbett Wenyi Wang Mathematics, also Applied
Téa René Mottolese, Saxophone
Nathan Augustus Davis, Xi Wang, Computer Science Mathematics and Statistics
Todd Hansell Oehler, Trumpet;
Economics** Steven Mitchell Witkin Kenneth James Crittendon III
Music Education
Darren H. Edmonds, Computer Margaret Rose Wodicka** Thomas Anthony Disorbo**
Ruoying Pan, Violin
Science Rattanan Wonghirundacha, Madeline Claire Donnelly
Sunglae Park, Computer Music
Sarib Ghayur Anthropology Andrew Igor Efimov, Electrical
Composition; Recording Arts
and Sciences Hongyi Guan, Chemical and Junhao Xiong, Computer Engineering*
Biomolecular Engineering Science** Alanna Marie Farrell
Yujin Park, Violin
Tingwen Guo, Computer Science Shenghe Xue, Economics Gabriel B. Fernandes
Anthony E. Pena, Computer
Music Composition Louis Edward Silva Rachel S. Yuh** Alex Fiallos, Applied
Lauren Antoinette Redditt, Hoffenberg, Chemistry Kemeng Zhang Mathematics and Statistics
Voice Eric Jiarui Hu, Neuroscience Yue Zhao Benjamin Lanphier Garlow
Yonatan Rozin, Percussion Eli Daniel Katz Matthew Alexander Garza
William Alexander Satterfield, Sungwon Kim** Nicholas Paul Garza, Computer
Viola Sehyun Lee, Public Health Science
2019 102

Kayla Mae Gee Kathleen Ann Mccarren Sun Jay Yoo Chuen Kwok
Tatiana Gelaf Romer Evelyn Grace McChesney Michael Adam Young Philippe Alfonso Laffont
Akanksha Girish Shanelle Brenda Mendes Kalyn Gabrielle Younger Brooke Ashley Langevin
Alexander Charles Glavin, Gavin Moore Mischler Zhiwei Yue Ku Chien Lin**
Computer Science Luke Blas Morina Zachary Andrew Zarubin Maggie Teng Luo
Xavier Orlando Griffith* Aditya Murali, Computer Science Valerie Ann Zawicki Yuqi Royce Ma, Computer
Gabrielle Naomi Grifno Nikhil S. Murty Kevin Huang Zhan Science
Joanna Yingtong Guo, Ryan B. Najmi** Jinghang Zhang Julia Lauren Menardy**
Computer Science Jackelyn Navar Yesibel Diana Molina Pineda
Lisa Jungyoon Ha Dante Enrique Navarro Bachelors of Science in Liam Thomas Moylan
Jennifer Lee Heiko Anil Krishna Palepu Chemical and Biomolecular Peter James Murray Jr
Christian Andres Hernandez** Marion Pang Wan Rion Engineering Sharada Lakshmi Narayanan
Katherine Hu Jae Myung Park Peyton Jolene Adair Charles Ndiaye, 934462
Miguel Antonio Inserni Kisha K. Patel Hong Joon Ahn** Kristen Ivy Nixon
Seyvonne Ip** Isaree Pitaktong Hannah Christina Aspinwall Sam Walton Norwood,
Jihoon Jang** Bibhav Poudel Daniel Rees Blessing, Applied Materials Science and
Eshan Ghanashyam Joshi Debanik Purkayastha, Computer Mathematics and Statistics Engineering**
Ryan Y. Jou Science Adrianna Feodora Boen Laolu Azaad Ogunnaike
Margaret Elizabeth Jukes, Samiksha Ramesh Alexander Chih-Chieh Chang, Olasupo Samuel Olabanji
History of Science, also Shivam Neeraj Rastogi Sociology Krishna Patel**
Medicine, and Technology Bailey Marie Robertson Michelle Chang Psychology Kristen Nicole Petersen
Sabin Karki Allison Nicole Rosen Shun Wen Sunny Chen Gayatri S. Pillai
Varun Kedia Ali Moustafa Saad-Eldin Jenna Noelle Colombo William F. Savage
Min Jung Kim, Applied Akaash Sanyal, Applied Jing Lin 'Julie' Cui Zachary Griffith Schmidt
Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics Yoyo Ding Alison Jean Shapiro
Arman Koul, Applied Christopher D. Sears** Christopher John Domalewski Michael Shen*
Mathematics and Statistics Kahmil Shajihan Katherine Joan Smith**
Eda Erdogmus*
Grace Carmen Kuroki Paarth Sharma Ruzgar Sonmez
Joseph Figueroa
Amrita Anil Ladwa Celina Joyce Shih Tyrone John Pascua Sumibcay
Oren Samuel Gabbay
Alan Szu-han Lai, Computer Prerna Singh Natnael Teshome Tamire
Daniel Scott Giammanco
Science Wilson Ariel Tjoeng
Arik Slepyan Thomas Walker Glover
Rodrigo Lamas Haliegh Sonia Townsend
Claire Marie State Maxwell Alan Godek
Maya Lapinski Minh-Tam Tran Le
Anish M. Thyagarajan Kristyn Lissette Green*
Jung Min M. Lee, Computer Clara Troyano-Valls
Arjun Shailesh Vachhani** Maria Elena Grimmett
Danielle Jayne Vaithilingam, Rebecca Lynn Grusby Jasper Wilfried Van Cauwelaert
Matthew Jhi-yong Lee De Wyels
Chemical and Biomolecular Jonathan Gunn,
Theodore Andrew Lee, Applied Engineering Kaiwen Wang**
Mathematics and Statistics
Hadley Faith VanRenterghem Philip Alexander Sarte Gustilo Fengfan Xian
Kirby Tso Leo
Mahita Varanasi Connie Jiaying He, Computer Jasen Andrew Zhang
Amanda Lin Li
Parth Gopal Vora, Computer Science
Ashley Yang Li Science Shuyu He Bachelors of Science
Robert Li Justin Wang, Economics Gabriela S. Hernandez in Civil Engineering
Ivan Hanxiang Liao** Bronte Wen, Computer Science Elina Sophie Hoffmann
Rene Anthony Lopez Zachary Aaron Epstein
Brett Dylan Wolfinger Tiffany Hou
Ryan Lu Claudio Briones Malicdem III*
Elizabeth Pei-yin Wu Azam Hussain**
Shannon Yin Lu** Awoenam Mauna-Woanya
Jesse Wu D1A72F Julian Alexander Jackson
Bidyut Ramji Mani** Elizabeth Carmen Morgan
Lucy Lee Wu Connor Joseph Jacobs
Carolyn Isam Marar Daniela Perez-Roldan
Maxwell Alexander Xu, Applied Jenna Nicole Jacobs
Nicholas Samuel Maritato Mathematics and Statistics** Isabel Siordia
Jonathan Michael Judd
Katarina Anne Mayer, Computer Jerry Yan** Natalie Erin Kelly
Science Burton Ye, Applied Mathematics Louisa Lucille Kishton
and Statistics

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
103 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

Bachelors of Science in Reece William Griffith Laurent Hyung Tae Park, Bachelors of Science in
Computer Engineering Richard Guo** Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
Coleman Canon Haley, Statistics
Travis Chan Victor O. Akinrinmola**
Cognitive Science Felix Parker, Applied
Bochong Chen Jose Roberto Cardelle
Devin Andrew Hill, Cognitive Mathematics and Statistics
Tae Jin Kim* Junjun Chen
Science Jonah Abraham Pemstein,
Brandon Austin Lax, Computer Elizabeth Patterson Cohn,
Yaxi Hu, Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics and
Science Mathematics
and Statistics** Statistics
Razi Sayem Rais** Ryan Philip Hanks, Computer
Yidong Dorothy Hu Kelvin Hsu Qian
John E. Ravekes Engineering
Justin Xu Huang Varun Radhakrishnan, Applied
James Paul Roberts** Michael Guthrie Kalanik,
Mathematics and Statistics**
Lucas Robinson Danielle Huber - Inbar Computer Engineering
Andrew Michael Rojas,
William Xie Darius Rohinton Irani, Applied Patrick Lewis Kelly
Mathematics and Statistics** Jeong Hun Kim, Neuroscience**
Eric B. Rothman, Applied
Bachelors of Science Max Harry Jarcho, Film and Neel Kovelamudi
Mathematics and Statistics
in Computer Science Media Studies En Yau Lee
Joshua A. Russo, Applied
Joo Sung Kim Isaac Robinson Mears
Jack Morrison Alpert Mathematics and Statistics
Matthew Sungmin Kim William Chance Yoder
Xueshan Bai** Kevin M. Sherman
Arsen Klyuev, Applied Ruppenthal, Computer
Benjamin C. Bao Nikita Shtarkman**
Mathematics and Statistics Engineering
William Roland Bernardoni, Daniel Sohn, Applied
Nicholas Adam Kohl VI Emma A. Stenoien
Mathematics Mathematics and Statistics
Anand Joseph Koshy Andy Sun
Vipul Bhat Momo Gallagher Steele
Bryan Ricardo Birthwright Alyssa Tara Kruglak Matthew Su Bachelors of Science in
Adam Krey Blakney, Applied Idean Justin Labib Young Soo Sung Engineering Mechanics
Mathematics and Statistics Jonghae Lee William S. Tobey, Applied
Raymond Nicholas Lemanski, Mathematics and Statistics Julia Aurelia Glass Economics
Georgie Roumenov Botev,
Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and Vivian Pei-Ling Tsai* Khanh Bao Nguyen**
Statistics Statistics Lindsey Sierra Wiser, Earth and
Nathan Vallapureddy, Applied
Marcos Jacinto Bottenbley** Xiang Li, Applied Mathematics Planetary Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics
Matthew Brotman, and Statistics Gabriel A. Villasana, Applied
Mathematics Xiaoyan Li, Cognitive Science Bachelors of Science in
Mathematics and Statistics
Environmental Engineering
Camila Camacho Sanchez Brandon Thomas Lim, Earth Thomas Stone Wan, Applied
Derek Robert Chang** and Planetary Sciences Mathematics and Statistics Thomas Edward Howard
Zixu Chen Darian W. Low Jonathan Wang** Aryiana Cemari Moore
Katherine Nadine Lewis Daya Lu Zixuan Wang Marcos Joseph Pascual
Cheney* Matthew Philip MacFarquhar, Julian Ajay White Bhawramaett Winston
Eric Morgan Cochran, Applied Mathematics and Grace Zhang Wu, Molecular Punruckwong Broehm
Mathematics Statistics** and Cellular Biology Justin Neal Stith
Tiernan Fionn Connolly Natalie Rose Xiaoying Martinez Nicholas James Xitco August Lev Weinbren**
Christian Alexander Cosgrove, Han Alan Mason Tony Dongmin Yang
Physics Liza Rachel Mathews Xingyi Yang Bachelors of Science
William Matthew David, Frank Z. Miao William Ye in Materials Science
Physics and Engineering
Jonathan K. Miller** Kristin Y. Yim
Matthew T. Deppe Aleser Alahmad
Claudia Juliana Moncaliano Simon Zeng, Cognitive Science
Yuchen Ding, Applied Recep Berke Ataozden
Tan Nhat Nguyen** Jiya Zhang
Mathematics and Statistics
Rebecca K. Nicacio Lucy Zhang Lauren Rose Choi
Michael Patrick Eberle
Abhinav Nigam Evonne Aileen Zhu Kendall Cameron Free
Jacob Christopher Flynn
Andrew Okeke 85921F Ian Hernandez Hernandez
Tiger Ye Gao** Simon Alexander Mason
James Patrick Oncea
Yupeng Gao Kathleen Marie Mcerlean
Julia Ann Oppenheim,
Cindy Shuyuan Ge Beatriz A. Medeiros Computer
Cognitive Science
Eyan Ross Goldman Science
Zoe Rose Goldstein Julio Cesar Quintanilla
2019 104

Bachelors of Science in Bachelors of Arts in Lily Si Chen, Psychology** Saborny Shahnaj Mahmud
Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Shihua Chen, Psychology Vineel Mallavarapu
David Se-hoon In Roy Omar Cheng Taylor Susan Martin
Christianna Lane Bambini
Nancy Wang, Economics Claire Yu-ning Chiang John Gerard McCarthy Jr.
John Zhaoxun Cai
Jia Yuee Chiao** Katherine Joyce Meurer
Alexander William Carson
Bachelors of Arts in General Michelle Zhifeng Chiu** Allison Melissa Montoya Gallo
Cole Key Clampffer
Radha Sanjay Deshmukh
Engineering Joshua Jin Choi Fabiola Marie Moreno
Johnnie A. Johnson, French Jeffery Chimezie Chukwuma Wilkin Francisco Munoz
Robbie Alban Durham
Bradley Thomas Martin Hao Da, Psychology Zachary Morris Neiman
Mohamad Tamer Elgendi
Maxwell Wonhyug Song Vitor Santos De Oliveira** Tran Nguyen Huyen Nguyen
Randall Alexander Elkind
Ejlal Elalaoui Nicholas Abdelfattah Orlando
Caterina Elizabeth Esposito
ZANVYL KRIEGER Syed Usman Enam** Alexandra Marie Pado
Anna Viola Frazier
SCHOOL OF ARTS AND Julia Nicole Flores, Public Elisa Mina Park**
Thomas Ghebreyesus
SCIENCES Health Studies JeYeon Park**
Angela Leigh Groszos
Shane David Gilligan-Steinberg Sehej-Leen Kaur Parmar, Public
Sarah Charitha Gunasekera Bachelors of Science Rachel Lee Goepner Health Studies**
Samuel Carl Hamermesh
Erin Eugena E. Baggs Kennedy Jordan Gray Yixuan Pei
Mariah Dionne Harris
Grace Y. Chen, Public Health Liliana Isabel Guerrero Luyi Peng, Public Health Studies
Zhuohong He
Studies** Gyuri Han** Alexandra Gisel Perez
Daniel Enoch Hong
Sophia Grace Cortazzo, Lauren Anne Harris Mateus Pianowski
Lauren Elizabeth Jacob
Psychology** Alice He Medicine, Science and Mellissa Grace Picker
Tej K. Jolly**
Lauren Elizabeth Questell, the Humanities** Kaceme Porter
Emily Ann Maheras Elizabeth Helmke
Public Health Studies Evan Brian Qu
Lidia Amanda Martinez Vincent Ruide Hou
Madeleine Carroll Slack Katherine M. Raja, Psychology
Collin James Meissner Cecilia MacQueen Howard,
Natalie Wu, International Ananya Gangapuram Reddy
John Channing Moore Studies Earth and Planetary Sciences
Madison Christina Reed**
Arion Morshedian Zachary Weizen Hsu
Sarah C. Rhim
Jalen Nesbit Vincent Huang
Bachelors of Science in Jacqueline Elizabeth Rhuda,
Jacob Samuel William O'Keeffe Samira Abdirahman Ibrahim
Molecular and Cellular Earth and Planetary Sciences
Yuqing Pan 6B13A1 Biology Nayanika Roshni Iyer Johanna Gabriela Rivas
Marcos Manuel Perez Cindy Jiang
Nicole Elyse Ackerman, Amanda B. Rodriguez Orengo
Niles Lance Ribeiro Kevin Wang Jin
Archaeology** Angelique Offin Ruml**
Harrison Reese Riggott Zoya Zubair Khan
Nicholas Francis Aloi Shivansh Sachdeva
Gun Ho Ro, Applied Sophia Elizabeth Kim**
Kopal Mani Bansal Yoolim Seo
Mathematics and Statistics Kayla Rose Klatt**
Conor Murphy Beil Riley Darrin Moore Sevensky,
Cesar Alejandro Saldarriaga Sarah Barbara Kohl, Public
Debarshi Ryan Bhowmik Public Health Studies
Lucas Serlin Health Studies
Kwadwo Asare Boateng Ishwarya Sivakumar**
Tyler Cho Spoleti Jahnavi Kola, Public Health
Carlo Andre Bosques Casillas Joy H. Song, Spanish
Jaime Tebas-Pueyo Studies
Kavya Boyapati** Nicole Helen Stevens, Earth
Samson Getinet Tessema Yu Jui Kung**
Nicole Lauren Brown and Planetary Sciences
Seena Nicholas Vafaee Alexis Joy Kushner**
Sean Anthony Bunachita Ariel Dory Swett, Spanish
Charles Anderson Watkins Xinyue Lan
Charisma Nicole Burrows** Yasmine Tabdili
Christopher Thomas Williams Yovel Lendner**
Daniel Alejandro Bustos Adam M. Tifrit
Kaiwen Zhang Brandon Lien
Zakiya Omowunmi Motunrayo Alicja Caroline Tomaszewski
Si Lin
Carter Sharon Kim Truong
Bachelors of Arts in Applied Bessie Xin Liu
Mathematics and Statistics Elquis Martin Castillo Isabelle Yiwen Tseng
Yunxin Liu
Crystal Chang, Psychology May Myat Noe Wai
Jiayan Yu, Economics Caitlin Alicja Loh
Rawson Andrew Chase, Michelle Wang
Francisco Lopez
Economics Vicky Yi Ting Wang**
Bachelors of Arts in Rachel Kathryn Lorenc
Anna Chen** Lucy Cora Webb, Earth and
Biomedical Engineering Michelle Xiaoyi Lu
Erin Yitone Chen Planetary Sciences
Richard H. Kim Sijia Ma

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
105 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

Leonardo Weber Graeff Maya Lajean Foster** Brice Matthew Messenger** Chuyao Xu
William Wei Wen Ayushi Sharma Gautam** Jonathan Mo Yunting Yu**
Elisabeth F. Wood, Classics* Adriana Gonzalez Torriente Anish A. Mokha Daniela D. Zapata, French*
Wendy Xia Preethi Gopal, Psychology** Shaina Castro Munin, Jiali Zhang**
Connie Xiao, Public Health Chloe Charlotte Grzyb Psychology** Andrew Zhou**
Studies** Michelle Huirong Guo, Public Mohika Nagpal**
Angela L. Xu Health Studies DanaRose Negro** Bachelors of
Noah Alexander Yan** Kanak Gupta, Writing Seminars Vasilios Nicholas Science in Physics
Ziyang Ye Aundree Hermawan** Seyun Oh, Public Health Studies Nina Amezcua, Mathematics
Olivia Insun Yoon, Public Myron Ifede Houngbedji Oluwadamilola Oluwatobiloba Shannon Lee Camara,
Health Studies Elena Gigi Hughes** Oshewa Mathematics
Lindsay Jane Young Natasha Cindy Hughes Oluwabunmi C. Oyenusi Jason Fan, Mathematics
Jeanna Olivia Yu** Edoghogho Titilayo Ighodaro, Ji Hwan Pak Saianeesh Keshav Haridas,
Spanish Kristen Hyemin Park** Mathematics
Bachelors of Science Eda Incekara, Psychology Fiona K. Pat Medicine, Science Andrew G. King, Applied
in Neuroscience Kai Inoki** and the Humanities Mathematics and Statistics
Nora Jandhyala Karan Nimish Patel** Michael Albert Lepori,
Kowsar Abubakar Ahmed
Joshua Brady Johnson Aishwarya Pradeep** Computer Science
Mehroz Mukhtar Ahmed
William Archer Jones III Naomi Gail de Castro Rafi Sasha Mark Novack**
Maya Janine Alexis**
Aditya Shailesh Joshi Babyindira Rayala Margaret Reagan Quinn,
Keone Aaron Aliphios
Rachel Jun Sharjil M. Razin** Mathematics
Aliyah Alexa Allick
Maheen Yasmeen Khan Padmavathi Reddy John Graham Reynolds,
Defne Alver
Mohammad Sulaiman Mazher Urmi Roy, History of Art Mathematics
Yatindra Awasthi
Kidwai Kevin H. Shan** Hanru Sun, Mathematics
Seung Woo Baek
Shakira Jamba King Michael Shen Serena Sien Yeng Tang,
Shriya Bakhshi Neuroscience
Nicole Rom Knudsen** Rosa Shi Psychology**
Julia Alexis Bernal, Psychology Caroline Rose Thomas
Ashrita Kumar* Mark Shneyderman, Economics
Deeya Bhattacharya Sydney Rae Timmerman
Urmi Kumar, Molecular and Pranit Singh**
Parker Joseph Boches** Cellular Biology Katherine Molly Xiang,
Shikha Singh**
Emily Diane Bontrager Emily Tina Labruna** Biophysics and Mathematics**
Sonal Singh
Savannah Julia Born Shravika Lam** Maya Ranjit Singh Sharkey
Lauren Kishori Bules, French Carine Mary Lama Bachelors of Arts in
Matthew B. Sklar**
Agustina Quiroga Carrizo Anthropology
Nithin Krishna Lankipalle Christine N. Song
Reece William Carter** Therese Catherine Larson Clare Maureen Kavanagh*
Jingwei Song
Sohyun Chang** Chanel Hakyung Lee, French Rose T. Ole-Kuyan
Young Jun Song
Bridget Jane Chen, German** Clarice Heeyoon Lee, Public Veronica Stocco*
Sean Ryan Stielow, Spanish
Hsuan-Wei Chen** Health Studies** Jeffrey William Stiltner Jr
Therese Marie Cordero Dumit, Jae Hun Lee Bachelors of Arts in
Hannah Lee Stone
Psychology Joonhee L. Lee Archaeology
Emily Lucile Sturm
Marvin G. Cruz** Soo Hyun Lee Cynthia Sun* Bex Lynn Dansereau
Adrian Cuesta Gonzalez** Lior Levy** Prakul Suresh, Economics Elana Rose Neher, East Asian
Clara M. Darcy An Li Studies
Ami P. Tamhaney**
Jen Li Dong Jason Li Anthony Wang
Amanda Kaitlyn Donoghue** Yuzhe Li** Bachelors of Arts in
Jeffrey Yin Wang
Chamia Amanda Dorsey Clara Wager Liff Behavioral Biology
Rebecca Rongbo Wang**
Brian Terras Druciak Sonia Hao Lin Ronald Wang, Public Health Ali Mohamed Aly
Lauren Duan Tyger Lee Lin Studies** Megha Roji Andrews**
Kevin Alexander Duffy Charles Yingchang Liu Zoe Qianyi Wang Julianne Christine Baker
Kenneth Ikenna Egbuji Marlynn Paloma Lopez Courtney Michelle Whilden Sophia Helena Block**
Sarah E. Elnozahy Orlando Michael Martinez Makenzie Leigh Wilkinson Rohan Buddala, Public Health
Paul Casey Emerson II Caitlin Keziah Elsie McBride Studies
Andrew Erickson Wu**

2019 106

Lillie Christine Caravati Diana A. Hla, Molecular and Holly May Corbin Sarah Elizabeth Condon
Vanessa Chan** Cellular Biology Nicholas H. Douglass, Writing Madelyn Campsie Coulson
Jun Hyuk Choi** Kathy H. Le Seminars** Christopher Stan Daudish
Sofia do Carmo de Brito Christopher Alexander Leung Victoria B'deau Gange Byron Nigel D'mello, Public
Cohen** Scott Alan Mcgaugh Christina Marie Glaser** Health Studies
Monica Eileen Daubon Ayush Prasad Akhil Gupta, Philosophy Harrison Bradford Elliott
Chelsea Adiba Egbuna** Zan Akber Qureshi Tianyu Hu, Psychology Zachary Ryan Ernst
Addison Haynie Jessica Jayant Rana Rebecca Zhonghui Lin, Brandon Geoffrey Fabian
Mandy Hsu Michael Steven Robinette Medicine, Science and the Christopher James Festa
Rachel Huang Michaela Ashley Roskopf, Humanities** Nicholas Alan Fries**
Sur Youn Huh** Chemistry Emily Weiqi Luo Mahashweta Gayen,
Sok Hwan Lee Amith Umesh Tyler Jay Marcos International Studies
Robyn Alissa Lipschultz Colin Edward Mcgregor Sophie Maya Ghiasi
Diego Andre Luna Bachelors of Arts in Kiley Kay McKee, Psychology Anna Rebecca Gordon,
Nicole Muehleisen, Economics Chemistry Robert James Medina, International Studies
Nita Sree Nair, Film and Media Jessica G. Alvarado Psychology Jonah Andrew Gundrum**
Studies Eddie Avila Gillian Miller, Psychology Nicholas J. Hartman, Applied
Madeline Claire Rocks** Jodie Ilicia Baris, Materials Panayiota Petrou-Zeniou, Mathematics and Statistics
Nathan Aldredge Safran Science and Engineering History of Art Morgan E. Hendry
Julia Belle See Andrew Marc Berger Shilpa Laxmi Saxena Patrick Calhoun Hensley**
Cory Steven Silver, Spanish Raymond Braha** Christopher Song Noah Jordan Horowitz**
Jacqueline Alaine Tait** Diego Alejandro Cardona Lily M. Steele-Dadzie Matthew John Hubler
Kavya Lakshmi Tangella, David Felipe Espinoza Karen Wang Rory Weiss Hyman
Psychology Benjamin Victor Thayer Evans Jaylene Kim Yi Alyssa Kristine Karbel
Janice Angel Wang Vincent Michael Fumo Hyojeong Yoo Nathan Patrick Keeney
Hannah Claire Korslund** Brian Austin Kidd, Spanish
Bachelors of Arts in Biology Jackson Turner Lane, Bachelors of Arts in Earth Senyoung Kim
and Planetary Sciences Eva Martha Elaine Klaus,
Binglin Chen Mathematics
Giuliana Nicole Lee ,French Mackenzie Michelle Mills International Studies
Morgan Rose De Groot
Leonardo Jesus Olivera Perez Jane Kathleen Nester** Sonak Kolar, International
Kai Alexander Durflinger
Abiodun Ayomide Oni Jordan R. Poston, Archaeology* Studies
Trinidad Garcia
Cassidy Tonya Quiros, Earth Nathan Mitchner Wertheimer, Anil Kotte**
Liresa T. Hearn*
and Planetary Sciences Philosophy Taran Krishnan, International
Peter Francis Huang
Jazmine Randle Studies
Jayden Raymond Liu,
Rodolfo Javier Rodriguez** Bachelors of Arts in East Robert Lee
International Studies
Juan Marcos Sanfiel Jr. Asian Studies Justin Frank Leeb
Emilio Francisco Miret
Chia-Chen Tsai, Public Health Aaron James Nicholson* Sudgie Liang Ma, International
Rohan Puppala
Studies Studies
Gabriel Ramirez Jiawen Zeng
Truong Trong Mai, Philosophy
Beckyshirley B. Sama
Bachelors of Arts in Classics Bachelors of Arts in Jacob Coleman Meyer
Katherine N. Sanders
Economics Simon Gabriel Negin
Skylar Jean Hurst,
Sara Christine Nutter, Political
Bachelors of Arts in Archaeology Franco Abdala-Arata
Biophysics Howard Tompkins Tripp IV, Stephen Mcgrath Adams**
Faris Mazen Omair
Lauryn K. Bailey Archaeology John Patrick Armand
Harry Galligan O'neil
Luca Antonio Bertozzi Alexander Atschinow,
Katherine S. Park,
August Daniel Bratti,
Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science
International Studies
Cognitive Science Konstantin Baranov,
Behavioral Biology William Jeffrey Paustenbach,
Xinyi Cai, Applied Mathematics Jane Brusilovsky Psychology
Political Science
and Statistics Alyssa Kathryn Chao Dillon Ford Bowman
Frank Joseph Petracco,
Joshua Lee Choe** Michael Vincent Colavito, Weston Lee Brantner International Studies
Andrew Michael Espinal Spanish Adam Joseph Caplan

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
107 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

Alexandra Sara Pinsky Alexandra Rose Krickovich, Bachelors of Arts in History Matthew Frederik Goynatsky
Willem Michael Radovan, Philosophy of Art Muhammad Shehryar Haris
Natural Sciences Area Xiaoqiang Meng, Mathematics Audrey Marie Hazel, Spanish
Allison Cacilie Cuesta
Charles Logan Rodenberger** Emma Kari Roalsvig, Classics Alyssa Hsing, East Asian
Gregory Scott Goldberg
Dane Oliver Rogerson, Olivia Cara Santucci Condoleo Studies
Madeleine Nasta, Classics
Political Science Ted Yongju Tak Rowan Hassan Ibrahim
Maclain Scott Rowan Alyssa Elizabeth Thomas Bachelors of Arts in History Christina Jaclyn Iruela Lane,
Abdur Rehman Sajid of Science, Medicine, and Latin American Studies**
Henry Peter Salem Bachelors of Arts in Environ- Technology Muhammad Umer Janjua,
Simon Santurian, Public mental Studies Economics
Sami Shaher Ahmad**
Health Studies Isabela Garces Erin O'Leary Jones, Writing
Rose Elizabeth Gellman**
Lloyd Victor Smith IV Omar Lloyd Seminars
Avery Carmela Lourdes
Aaron Joel Umberson Steiker Hana Kadir, Sociology
Gulino, Natural Sciences
Katie Lok-yun Tam, English Bachelors of Arts in Film and Thea G. Kammerling
Chengrui Tan* Media Studies Alexander Jeremy Kaplan
Julian James Klinow**
Adwoa Akyaa Tandoh** Amanda Rose Kaufman
Zachary Austin Junius Byrd**
Brent Lee Thomas Bachelors of Arts in Asma Sadia Khan
Sebastian Durfee, Writing
Zackery Michael Tipton Seminars International Studies Bisma Khan
Maxwell James Tobin, Political Dayeon Kim, Earth and Caroline Chaelin Kim,
Armen Agopian,
Science Planetary Sciences Sociology
Environmental Studies
Corey Joshua Tull Yerin Kim William Gregory Klink
Carolina Inés Andrada*
Michael Brock Vaughn Jessica Yirong Liong Jacob Martin LaRochelle,
Michael Ronald Aniello*
Emily Alexandra Whitney, Political Science
Daniel Kenta Matsumoto, Artur M. Barkan*
Writing Seminars Psychology** Michell Li, Economics
Ernest Alexander Bates
Aspen Virginia Williams Conor Carnegie McKenna Noah Christopher Lopez**
Eva Blancher
Cole Robert Williams Katherine Jean Paul Ryan D. Lucas, East Asian
Joshua S. Blustein,
Lanruo Yang, International Studies*
Studies and Sociology Bachelors of Arts in French John Lynch Lyne
Alexander Z. Borovoy
Jerry Yao Lucia F. Massey, Economics
Nicole Elyse Braun, History of Nana Ama Dufie Bruce-
Xin Yue** Amanquah, French David Alejandro Mejia,
Ivan Zhu Zhang, Philosophy** Economics
Global Environmental Change Yuhan Cai, East Asian Studies
Yi Zheng, International Studies Noah Stan Naparst, Economics
and Sustainability Austin John Cardona, Latin
and Applied Mathematics American Studies and Edward John Oh, Economics
Lia Johanna Brussock**
and Statistics Spanish Jamie Sejun Oh, Political
Jonah C. Kasdan, International
Claire Chen, Political Science** Science
Bachelors of Arts in English Karen Lynn Cochran, Political Victoria Andrea Ontiveros,
Nina Karen Krauss
Science East Asian Studies and
Margaret Bowyer Annis, Sofia Klara Verheyen
Preston Breckinridge Coffin, Economics
History Alexandra Sheridan
Political Science Adam David Orla-Bukowski
Alicia Sarah Badea Walinskas**
Joshua P. Cross-Barnet Zubeyde Burcuhan Oysul,
Joel Kepler Bangerter
Julia Margaret Dickson Economics
Elizabeth Kathryn Berry, Bachelors of Arts in History
Katerina Elena Dominguez, Phuong Uyen Pham,
Writing Seminars
Stavros Atlamazoglou** Economics
Margaret Olivia Comer, Economics and Spanish
Nancy Rose Fallon William Zhao, Pickering
Molecular and Cellular Evan Lawrence Drukker-
Danielle Sarina Haber* Schardl, Sociology Ali Rachidi, Computer Science
Heidi Elizabeth Hansen Jay Merritt Eastman, East Riya Rana, Economics and
Sabrina Rose Conte
Marko Lazovic* Asian Studies Sociology
Brian Lawrence Covington,
Elizabeth Hope Lomvardias Dominique Alexandre Divya M. Rangarajan,
International Studies Balthasar Eberhard* Economics
Sara Suncica Alessandra Di
Adam Moshe Mark William Paul Engfer** Renee Ramona Robinson,
Muzio, Philosophy
Luc Benjamin Renaux, Samantha Nicole Gomes* Political Science**
Gabrielle Marie Jones, Writing
Archaeology Juan Carlos Gomez, Political Jin Ho Ryu, Public Health
Rory Thomas Tell Science Studies
2019 108

Justin Ryu, Film and Media Zecheng Yi Matthew Hughes Delgado** Teresa Ng, Economics
Studies Jeffrey Zhang, Applied Tochukwu Abigail Emeghara Denniston Pierre Norman
Zoya Sattar Mathematics and Statistics Edward Liu** Brendan Patrick O'Neill
David Saveliev, Political Xuwen Zheng** Hannah Marie Ranft William Jack Rapine
Science Emmett John Van Venrooy Samuel J. Richter, Philosophy
Renato Patrizio Scerpella, Bachelors of Arts in Jack R. Sylvia**
Italian Medicine, Science and the Bachelors of Arts in Near Sydney Katherine Thomas
Isadora Marafino Schaller, Humanities Eastern Studies Yinglun Wang
Sociology Ambreanna Tanya Arneus** Kevin Connelly Gianaris,
Elliot M. Seckler Joseph Lindon Baker, Spanish Bachelors of Arts in
Natural Sciences Area
Kayla Gahyun Shim Faith Kavanaugh Brown Psychology
Michael Robert Tritsch,
Emily Natacha Sklar Irene Aran Chang Archaeology** Tumasi Geraldine Agyapong
Samuel Ethan Sklarin Kevin Chang Nicole Kirungi Beraho*
Charlotte Jacqueline Stott, Victoria Cheng Bachelors of Arts in Polly Adele Berman
Economics** Dean Weston Masataka Philosophy
Shivani Singh Bisen, Public
Sherry Xuerui Sun, Economics Chien, Biology Andrew B. Bohman Health Studies
and Sociology Nadia Rasheed Crossman Sophie Hartt Elisseeff Janaya Latrice Brown**
Simran Geetanjana Suri, Eduardo Pabst Vieira da Aidan Frazier Hamilton, Ryan Saint John Campbell
Sociology Cunha Da Costa Economics** Isabella Josephine Castillo,
Colin Averette Thrasher, Sophia-Rose Diodati, Jacob Peter Joram, Natural French
Political Science Anthropology** Sciences Area Ella Louise Damstra, Writing
Isaac Tong Samantha Teresa Adam Avraham Katwan Seminars
Grace O'hara Troy, East Asian Dominguez** Donghyuk Kim Richard Alberto De Los Santos
Studies Ifeyinwa Alexandra Egbunike Abreu
Zhiruo Wang, Economics Xuanjia Fan, Economics Bachelors of Arts in Political Hannah Bassow Fajer,
Ashley Wax, Sociology Claire Elizabeth Gorman, Science Political Science
Caroline Nell West, French
Turquoise Caroline Baker, Julia Pike Forster
Sociology** Cori Grainger, Spanish
International Studies Emily Franco
Katherine Marion Wick, Wyatt Everett Kilburn, Natural
Priscilla Blair Barton-Metcalfe Skylar Mikayla Freyman**
History Sciences Area
Ellisa Alexandria Brown* Georgia Mei Gaertner
Ningxin Yang, Applied Iren Hyun-Jae Kim
Mathematics and Statistics Lydia Kitty Burns, Africana Jaylyn Danielle Gillis
Francesca Ilise Kroll, Spanish Madeleine Kathleen Guell
Sumera Cheptoo Doris Yego, Studies
Anna Theresa Leoncio, Mackenzie Ardele Heldberg
Public Health Studies Bridget Katrine Carolan,
Wenhan Yu East, Asian Studies International Studies** Deyuan Marc Jiang**
Eillen Daniela Martinez
Selin Yucesan, Psychology Olivia Maxine Cigarroa, Eun Ah Jung**
Griffin Ontonel Prieto, Biology
Bochao Zhang** Spanish Caney Medaira LaChelle King
Elizabeth Anne Rao
Sheng Zhang Owen Colwell Kristin M. Knight
Asud Ali Shirazi
Francisco Martin Estores Emily Nicole Koch, Spanish
Paul Garrett Steel
Bachelors of Arts in Latin Robert Angelo Faris Minjee Kook, Cognitive Science
Cecilia Mary Elizabeth Vorfeld
American Studies Patrick Foley Marissa Bonnie Lewis,
Trevor Yusuan Wong Cognitive Science
Jacob D. Fox
Jonathan Lee Silveira* Sean Youngsun Yoon**
Oliver Murphy Goodman, Marianna Lordou
Emily Zhang Economics Eden Metzger
Bachelors of Arts in
Mathematics Frankanthony Ciro Guerriero, Alicia Rose Migliarini, Italian
Bachelors of Arts in Natural Italian Hannah M. Miller**
Avery James De La Cruz Sciences Area
Charlie D. Humes Roheena Raza Naqvi
Chase Andrew Fleming* Ank Agarwal* Jessup Jong Zachary Michael Pocchia
Travis James Leadbetter, Declan Aroh Samantha Elizabeth Levy Sinclaire Kay Schaefer**
Physics Emnet Atlabachew Kurtis Charles Long, Classics Carlos Alberto Silvera,
Emily Reed Quinan, French Antonio Ernesto Cruz Mena, James Richard Marcucci Romance Languages and
Mira Wattal Spanish Emily Morris** Spanish

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
109 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

Emma Catherine Sjoberg Daniel Marcus Doherty Emily Y. Lee** Abigail Rose Schwalm, Natural
Oghenetejiri Viola Smith Roshen George Eapen Matthew Jon Lee** Sciences Area
Gia Rose Squitieri Giselle Brianne Edwards, Ilya Levin** Quinn To'lu Seau
Valeria Suarez Cognitive Science** Jerrica Meiting Li, Shuchi Sehgal, Natural Sciences
Christian Joshua Tiao* Katherine Sharon Fu Psychology** Area**
Rose Lucy Gebremedhin, Anching Lien, Natural Sciences Anja Shahu**
Bachelors of Arts in Public Psychology Area** Ayaan Mohammad Shaikh
Health Studies Kimberly Anahy Gonzalez Rachelle Chacal Renee Liu Rachel Elissa Silverman
Davalos, Natural Sciences Shannon Logan Lohit Sodagum
Keisha Aboagye
Area* Elizabeth Jordan Loh, Meera Kusumakar Sooda
Serwah Afranie, International
Paula-Ann Marie Granston, Economics Alexa Lee Souder
Spanish Christine Lopez** Sophia Louise Strickland,
Bahira Ahmed, Natural
Rose Greer Noela Y. Lu, Natural Sciences Sociology
Sciences Area
Megan Marie Groves Area Hope Lehman Sullivan
Zachary Thomas Ambroziak,
Economics Veronica Anne Grycan Devin Lane Lucas Karen Sun
Tyra Nizhoni Andrews Austin H. Gu Ryan Ng Mak Jessica Michele Sweeney,
Mariela Ayala-Lopez Andrew Tiger Guo, Economics Kiana Monet McCooty Natural Sciences Area**
Lauren Bernard, Natural Soumaila Haidara Tarek Meah Yani Tao Economics**
Sciences Area and History of Allison Claire Hardebeck, Noh Mebrahtu** Salma Ahmed Tayel, Natural
Science, Medicine, and Sociology Kristin Ann Meek Sciences Area
Technology Anna-Maria Hartner Sofia Milosavljevic, Natural Leya Teferi
Amelia Wolcott Breen, William J. He Sciences Area** Tiffany Jewels Thomas, Natural
Philosophy** Andrew Lincoln Hellinger Sanjana Murthy Sciences Area
Daniela Bresciani Padilla Trevor Joseph Hill Nishanth Muthusamy, Natural Grace Jui-Ting Tsai
Nathanael Zachariah Camick, Jason Steven Hochwald Sciences Area Nkechi Nkem Uradu
Natural Sciences Area Sandra Lee Hong, Economics Anisha Nagpal Vikram S. Vasan, Natural
Aaron Gregory Carey Daniel Hsu* Ji Hee Nam Sciences Area
Joseph Harrison Cartledge Phoebe Hu Daniel Patrick O'Brien, Reah Hayley Vasilakopoulos
Isabel Cassidy-Soto** Hogan Irwin Philosophy and Mathematics Cyndy Beatriz Vasquez,
Luanna Chan Evangelina Francesca Chijioke Vincent Oranye Spanish
Olivia Grace Chan** Izquierdo Kristen S. Park Muye Wang, Economics
Jamie Chen Adina Afroz Jahan Bradley Paul Parsons Caroline Christy Ward
Karen May Chen, Sociology Ansley Elizabeth Jones, Jenna Pasternak Dara Fiona Williams, French
Namrata V. Chintalapati, Natural Sciences Area Pavan Rajnikant Patel, Natural Isabella Patricia Wilson
Natural Sciences Area Nya Faith Jones, Economics Sciences Area Grace Ming Windheim
Sheng Nan Chiu Fatima Karimata Jamila Radhika Patel Brandon Wolfe, Economics
Justin Cho Kamara Dillon Mel Persaud Alyssa Louise Wooden, Spanish
Jeong Yun Choi Ian Timothy Kang Felicia Anne Petterway, Xinwen Yan**
Jennifer Kathryn Chong, Matthew Lance Kang Psychology Yeena Yoon, Writing Seminars
Natural Sciences Area Shrey Kapoor, Natural Sciences Marc-Antoine Pion-Fregeau Susan Solip You, Medicine,
Sharon Chow Area** Michelle Marie Poirier Science and the Humanities
Jacob William Christopher Vedika Mangesh Karandikar Naisa Rahman Achim Deon Younker, Biology
Audrey Ann Collins, English Bo Hyun Kim Lauren Claire Ralph, Tiffany Yuan, Psychology
Cole Judah Cooper, Kyungduk Kim** Economics** Lingxi Zhang
Interdisciplinary Studies Teagan Mira Aragones Kim Ida Ramezani Nancy Janet Zhang, Psychology
Robert Augustin Cortes Yaewon Kim Allegra Isabella Rapoport** Sara Zhao
John Samuel Cox, Anisha Kohli Meena Reddy Angela Zhu
International Studies Hannah Elyse Kreisberg, Grace Linyi Ren
Madeleine Tan Cuan Psychology Kiahna J. Revan
Sofia Beatriz Cuenca Aguirre Alice Kuan, Economics Taylor Bennett Richter
Jay Hemant Desai** Angela Tsao Lao Raul Roura

2019 110

Bachelors of Arts in Sashinya Nishka Desilva

Romance Languages Alan Yenming Fang
Osmel Peter Alvarez, Medicine, Jacqueline Nicole Gladden
Science and the Humanities Edward Michael Halpin,
Joaquin Alberto Reategui, Psychology
Latin American Studies and Benjamin David Hebert,
Natural Sciences Area** English
Alexandra E. Houck, History
Bachelors of Arts in Chaebin Jeon**
Sociology Allison Laurel Jiang
Paige Elizabeth Ackman Abigail Celine Johnson
Kwame G. Alston Sophie E. Johnson, Medicine,
Kiana Boroumand, English** Science and the Humanities**
Anthony Charbel Boutros, Kaitlin Elly Karr
International Studies and Sebastian Galo Gonzalez
Public Health Studies Kettner, German
Daryl Chin* Sarah Yesl Kim, International
Alexander T. Concannon Studies
Ian Michael Elliott, Political Theodore Joseph James
Science Kranidas
Nicole Alejandra Garcia, Katherine Aurora Logan,
French English
Caroline Alena Hoeg Angelamarie G. Malkoun,
Maggie Diane Schneidereith
Andrew Brandt Matthews,
Tena Latrice Spencer
Film and Media Studies
Matthew Benjamin Stagnitta
Emily Sarah Mc Donald,
Destiny Alma Staten,
International Studies
Jenna Leigh Movsowitz
Tamara Destina Thomas,
Alexis Lauren Nelsen, Political
Public Health Studies
Nicholas Toussaint Warren-
Laura Meifung Oing
Elaine Denice Sausen,
Madelynn Claire Wellons,
Cognitive Science
Nicholas Donald Scandura
Emma Claire Shannon,
Bachelors of Arts in Spanish
Cognitive Science
Lilia Isabel Quevedo Regis Gemma Judite Simoes
Bachelors of Arts in Writing Madeline Young Stabinski,
Seminars Political Science
Layla Abdallah Al-Zubi Gabriella Bettina Swistara,
Rojahne Sabria Azwoir, Psychology
Medicine, Science and the Faith Juliana Terry
Humanities Jacob O. Took, English
Carver Sebastian Bain Kaylee Manyu Zou, English
Miranda Grace Bannister,
Claire Margaret Beaver,
History of Art
Ivia Maria Bou Delgado
Adriahna R. Conway

*Degree conferred
*Degree conferred August
August 23,
24, 2019
111 **Degree conferred
**Degree conferred December
December 30,
28, 2019

*Degree conferred August 24, 2018

**Degree conferred December 28, 2018 112

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