of the young.
- Desires are either biological or psychological in character; they are distinguished according to
whether the desire leads toward a biologically necessary or biologically non-necessary activity.
- Desires are either innate or habitual. Habitual desires are acquired desires. Consider an
example: A person who.has never had alcohol cannot desire to drink alcohol for alcohol's sake, but
only for some other sake, e.g., acceptance in a peer group. Further, a person who has not acquired a
refined taste for scotch through frequent consumption thereof cannot desire to drink Oban for
Oban's sake, but only for the sake of scotch in general, for curiosity, or for something else. Therefore,
habitual desires are the result of certain activities. Innate desires, however, are not.
- The meaning of other terms are taken from their accepted use in ordinary discourse.
- One is a homosexual if and only if one either 1) engages in homosexual activity, 2) has
homosexual desires, or 3) has homosexual desires and engages in homosexual activity. With these
laid down, what follows is all possible propositions.
If (1 ): One engages in homosexual activity either A) voluntarily or B) involuntarily, 1.A): One chooses
to be homosexual, and homosexuality is a choice.
(1.8): One is compelled to engage either i) psychologically or ii) physically, by another, and
homosexuality is not a choice. (1.8.i): One is mentally ill, by the definition of mental illness.
If (2): One desires homosexuality either A) innately or 8) habitually, (2.8): One has acquired
homosexual desires through homosexual activity. If one acquires these involuntarily through
involuntary engagement in homosexual activity, one is either coerced by another or one is mentally
ill. Otherwise homosexuality is a choice.
2.A): One is either i) able to refrain from satisfying these innate homosexual desires or ii) unable to
refrain.(2.A.i): One chooses to be homosexual, and homosexuality is a choice. (2.A.ii): One is mentally
ill, by the definition of mental illness.
Therefore, homosexuals are mentally ill if and only if they do not choose to be homosexual and are
not physically compelled by another to engage in homosexual activities. However, that is not the end
of the discussion. Homosexuality, as group of behaviors, is inherently self-destructive and causes self-
harm. Homosexuality, as a · group of behaviors, is statistically one of the most self-harmful. Willful
pursuit or practice of a behavior-or group of behaviors-that is inherently self harmful is mental
Marriage as a government institution is designed to incentivize childbirth and attempt to ensure that
children (future citizens) are raised in the most stable environment possible-that being a two parent,
mother and father, household. This is because all studies of marriage and familial relationship
through thousands of years of recorded human history prove said environment is the most nurturing
and stable. As a government institution, gays have no claim to being recognized-nor is it unfairly
discriminatory-since it seeks to create an outcome which gays simply cannot provide.
Marriage as a-religious institution is defined by the parameters of that religion. Christian doctrine, for
example, says gays cannot marry. Thus, they cannot, when considering marriage as a religious
institution. This applies to any religion that does or does not allow gay marriage.
Marriage as a social institution merely proclaims mutual love between two people. This is
unregulated and unaffected by legal 'institution. Anyone can say they're married to anyone as long as
the other party is consenting.
Essentially, gay marriage seeks to turn the institution into a purely social union, since government
subsidized gay marriage is a tax drain. This will have cultural and societal implications once marriage
is devalued.
Regarding marriage itself, the institution is not a human right. Nor is it definitionally an all-inclusive
bastion of equality. See above for its definitions. Equality of race, an equally incorrect concept, does
not imply that a caucasoid could claim to be an Australian aborigine to reap the benefits of assistance
programs for aboriginal groups. Nor is marriage discrimination. The creation of a definition for a
word in no way intends persecution of things to which the word does not apply.
The slippery slope fallacy is often brought up, by gays, as a means by which to discredit the belief
that "normalizing' homosexual relationships will lead to the •normalization• of other universally
incorrect behaviors. Those .who oppose gay marriage are often called 'bigots' (without regard for the
definition of the word), but those who oppose polygamy, incest, and pedophilia (even ephebophilia)
are well within their rights to do so. Those who support these things are 'crazy' and even 'mentally
ill', just as gays were until a vote in 1970 ignored the science of their affliction and removed them
from the DSM. But if we are allowing · gay marriage to be seen as •normal', what right do gays have
to restrict polyga· mists, incestuals, and pedophiles from receiving the same "equality"?
Homosexuals also use appeals to emotion in claiming they are tp be forcibly made equal. The
argument that gays cannot see their 'partners' in hospitals as they are not recognized as family is one
of these examples. But if a hotel banned female patrons from entering, it would not be the job of the
government to redefine the word 'women' to mean 'men' so that they could enter. Nor is it the job
of the government to change the hospital's policy. In a free market society, it is the job of the
collective mind of the patrons of the hospital to agree or disagree with its policies, choosing another
facility if the latter_
Homosexuals denounce marriage as a failed institution due to a-high rate of divorce and other
problems. Leaving the cause of the rise of such problems for another discussion, why would any sane
individual, acknowledging and repeating said statistics and probabilities regarding marriage, still
demand to be a part of said institution? Additionally, if marriage is increasingly deviating from its
original meaning, why would you desire to implement further perversion of that meaning? 'Marriage'
has been distorted and watered down, therefore we should further distort and water down
Homosexuals claim that, as many straight couples do not have children, it is irrelevant that gays
cannot reproduce. This, again, is fallacious. Marriage not universally resulting in offspring does not
nullify its purpose-breeding rights. The right (decision) of a couple to ensure the continuance of their
genetics by agreeing to only perpetuate said genes with each other. Age of consent laws are
intended to protect children from making immature decisions, but many adults make immature
decisions, as well. Age of consent laws do not universally serve their intended purpose, and they
have changed many times. Straight couples not reproducing does not prove that marriage laws
should be changed any more than it proves they shouldn't.
Homosexuals will argue that they "deserve• the tax concessions and other social benefits of
marriage, but many non-married, cohabiting couples in either sexual or nonsexual relationships
"deserve• said advantages, as well. Why, then, does a single man not deserve or receive these
Finally, homosexuals will argue that their ability to marry will 'not affect• heterosexual marriage or
family values. However, this, again, does not prove anything about a necessity, requirement, or even
an argument for changing the definition of marriage. The definition of a word is not obliged to
change based on the assertion-fallacious, in this case, or otheiwise-that the majority won't be
We know know how rabies works. An infected animal becomes more aggressive prior tp death. It will
end up biting other animals tp spread the infection along. This is an example of a behavior-modifying
What you probably don't know is that there are hundreds of other organisms that also affect
behavior. A virus causes caterpillars to climb up trees. Then it liquifies their organs so the body
disintegrates and the virus can be spread by the wind. (1] There is a STD for grasshoppers that makes
them more sexually active. [2] In the days prior to experiencing the symptoms of the flu, the virus will
make you more sociable so can transmit it more. [3] Here's the real kicker though: There is a parasite
that has the ability to modify sexual preference. Toxoplasma-gondii. You've probably heard of T.
gondii as the amoeba that infects cats. There's a lot more to it than that. Rats are a carrier of gondii.
When infected, a rat will be attracted to cat urine, making it more likely to be eaten by • a cat, the
intended host. How does it work?
Toxoplasma alters the brain to make the rat sexually attracted to cat urine. (4]
Toxoplasma's ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat is no longer infected.
That's right- a parasite has the ability to PERMANENTLY ALTER SEXUAL PREFERENCE in its host. Dig
deeper into t'he facts behind T. gondii and we see:
Males with toxoplasma are taller and have more attractive faces (Allowing you to have more sex and
spread the virus further)_ (5]
Toxoplasmosis increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain of infected humans (You
become more likely to do risky, thrill-seeking behavior). (5]
Toxoplasma immunoglobulins are found in 9% of newborns in the US (Hmm, where have we seen
this figure before ... Oh, right-it's same figure claimed as the percentage of homosexuals in the US).
Toxoplasma infected women have male sons 72% of the time. [8]
If you haven’t pieced together the facts yet, I'll fill you in. Toxoplasma infects the fetus of pregnant
mothers, making the baby more likely to be male and permanently altering the baby's brain to create
sexual attraction to men. You've probably heard the false "genetic hypothesis" that claims that
female siblings of gay men have more babies, meaning that gayness must be an advantage. Well, the
sexual attraction tb men_ You've probably heard the false "genetic hypothesis"
that claims that female siblings of gay men have more babies, meaning that gayness must be an
advantage. The "gay gene·· has been disproven, but toxoplasma explains why the sisters are having
more babies_ The same toxoplasma that altered their brothe’s brain altered their brain to increase
their sexual attraction to men. Homosexual men are having more sex than their heterosexual
counterparts, spreading toxoplasma further. Use HIV as a proxy for how effective homosexual
behavior is at transmitting disease: homosexuals are 10% of the population but account for 60% of
new HIV cases_
[1] htto://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2011/09/08/liquefying-virus-uses-one-qene-to-
[2] http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2014/03/27/sexually-transmitted-virus-
(4.1] http://newscenterterkeley.edu/2013/09/18/toxoplasma-infection-permanently-shifts-balance-
(5] http://jeb.biologists.org/content/216/1/127.1ong
[6] http://www.theguardian.com/science/2006/oct/12/uk.health
[l=o http://en.wikipedia.org/wikifToxoplasmosis
[8] http://www.theguardian.com/science/2006/oct/12/uk.health
[9] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17827351
(10] http://cargocollective.com/whp/Disgust-Disease
(11] http://www.ncbi.nlm_nih.gov/pubmed/18347968
One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only one time with over 50% of their
partners (3).
One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year (6). The
average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting (7).
Many homosexuals don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge of health guidelines
was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior" (16).
Homosexuals got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by
storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years_
"Guerrilla theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence"
(2). Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia
(except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27). Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all
gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in
the United States (5). They make up less than 1% of the population.
Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis,
gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal·tract), tuberculosis
and cytomegalovirus (27)_
73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those
psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization (13).
Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a
lifetime, 28% admit to 10 00 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those
partners are total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one
homosexual admits in the film "The Castro", one minute stands) (3). Also, it is a favorite past-time of
many homosexuals to go to “cruisey areas" and have anonymous sex.
Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of the New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals
account for half the murders in large cities" (10).
Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles
were victims •of homosexuals" (10).
Dr. Daniel Capron, a practicing psychiatrist, says, "Homosexuality by definition is not healthy and
wholesome. The homosexual person, at best, will be unhappier and more unfulfilled than the
sexually normal person" (10). For other psychiatrists who believe that homosexuality is wrong, please
see National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. takes approximately $300,000
to take care of each AIDS victim, so thanks to the promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuals, medical
insurance rates have been skyrocketing for all of us (10).
Homosexuals were responsible for spreading AIDS in the United States, and then raised up violent
groups like Act Up and Ground Zero to complain about it. Even today, homosexuals account for well
over 50% of the AIDS cases in the United States, which is quite a large number considering that they
account for less than 1 % of the population.
Homosexuals account for a disproportionate number of hepatitis cases: 70-80% in San Francisco, 29%
in Denver, 66% in New York City, 56% in Toronto, 42% in Mon\real, and 26% in Melbourne (8).
37% of homosexuals engage in sadomasochism, which accounts for many accidental deaths. In San
Francisco, class-es were held to teach homosexuals how to not kill their partners during
sadomasochism (8).
41 % of homosexuals say they have had sex with strangers in public restrooms, 60% say they have
had sex with strangers in bathhouses, and 64 % of these encounters have involved the use of illegal
drugs (8).
Depending on the city, 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms,
flukes and amoebae, which is common in filthy third world countries (8).
The median age of death of homosexuals is 42 (only 9% live past age 65). This drops to 39 if the cause
of death is AIDS. The median age of death of a married heterosexual man is 75 (8).
The median age of death of lesbians is 45 (only 24% live past age 65). The median age of death of a
married heterosexual woman is 79 (8).
Homosexuals are 100 times more likely to be murdered (usually by another homosexual) than the
average person, 25 times more likely tp commit suicide, and 19 times more likely to die in a traffic
accident (8).
21 % of lesbians die of murder, suicide or traffic accident, which is at a rate of 534 times higher than
the number of white heterosexual females aged 25-44 who die of these things (8).
On April 25, 2001, the CDC reported that: -We are seeing substantial increases in sexually transmitted
diseases among men who have sex with men in multiple locations across this country.'(31, 32)
Homosexuals are responsible for the 'first sexually transmitted outbreak of typhoid fever" in the
history of the United States. This disease is caused by ingesting human feces. (32)
More than 10% of homosexuals in major U.S. urban areas are infected with HIV_ To this day, they still
make up more than 50% of reported AIDS cases in the United States. (30,31)
Homosexuals fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and 'ingest semen from about half of
those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the blood stream, so this is about equivalent to
ingesting raw human blood. (6) Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only one cell thick)
and gains direct access to the bloodstream. This causes massive immunological damage to the body's
T- and 8-cell defensive systems. (14) 50% of male syphilis is carried by homosexuals as a rectal
infection and can enter through the urethra of another homosexual during anal sex. (7) Around 67-
80% of homosexuals lick and/or insert their tongues into the anuses of their partners (called
"rimming', anilingus, fecal sex, etc.) and ingest biologically significant amounts of feces (7), which is
the chief cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections among homosexuals. (8) This practice is called the
·prime taste treat in sex' in the bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex.
33% of homosexuals admit to fisting (inserting the hand, sometimes part of the arm, into the rectum
of his partner). (7)
Urinating on each other ('golden showers') and torture has doubled among homosexuals since the
1940s, and fisting has increased astronomically. (7) 17% of homosexuals eat and/or rub the feces of
their partners on themselves. (4) 12% of homosexuals give/receive enemas as part of sexual
pleasure. (4) In one study, the average homosexual fellated somewhere between 20 and 106 men,
swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile penetrations of the anus, and ingested feces of 23
different men EVERY YEAR. (6)
Of homosexuals questioned in one study, 43% admitted to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28%
admitted to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% said that half of those partners
were total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts were one night stands (or, as one homosexual
admits in the film "The Castro: one minute stands). (3) Also, it is a favorite past-time of many
homosexuals to go to •cruisy areas• and have anonymous sex. See
www.cruisingforsex.com (NOTE: this site may contain pornographic images - please don't go to it if
you are under age or don't want to see this type of material. This site is referenced only for
illustrative purposes.) One study reports that 90% of homosexuals have engaged in anal sex, and 66%
engage in anal sex regularly. (6) 10% of homosexuals admit to eating feces and/or drinking
contaminated enema water. (8) 29% of homosexuals engage in urine sex ('golden showers'). (8) In
large cities, hospitals are often called on to remove objects from the rectums of homosexuals.
Sometimes, the homosexuals do so much damage ihat they have to wear colostomy bags for the rest
of their lives. (8) 50% of the calls to a hotline to report "queer bashing" involved domestic violence
(i.e., homosexuals beating up other homosexuals) (18).
About 50% of the women on death row are lesbians (12). Homosexuals prey on children.
There is a notable homosexual group, consisting of thousands of members, known as the North
American Man and Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). This is a child molesting homosexual group
whose cry is "SEX BEFORE 8-BEFORE ITS TOO LATE." This group can be seen marching in most major
homosexual parades across the United States.
Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which,
assuming homosexuals make up 1 % of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child
molester, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molester (19). 73% of all homosexuals have had sex
with boys under 19 years of age (9)_
Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles: 'The love between men and boys is at the
foundation of homosexuality" (22)_
Because homosexuals can't reproduce naturally, they resort to recruiting children. Homosexuals can
be heard chanting 'TEN PERCENT IS NOT ENOUGH, RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT' in their homosexual
parades. A group called the "Lesbian Avengers" prides itself on trying to recruit young girls. They
print 'WE RECRUIT' on their literature. Some other homosexuals aren't as overt about this, but rather
try to infiltrate society and get into positions where they will have access to the malleable minds of
young children (e.g., the clergy, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.) (8). See the DC Lesbia·n Avengers
web page, and DC Lesbian Avengers Press Release, where they threaten to recruit little boys and
girls. Also, see AFA Action Alert.
(3) Bell, A. and Weinberg, M. Homosexualities: a Study of Diversity Among Men and Women.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.
(4) Cameron et. al. ISIS National Random Sexuality Survey. Nebraska Med. Journal, 1985, 70, pp.
(5) "Changes in Sexual Behavior and Incidence of Gonorrhea." Lancet, April 25, 1987.
(6) Corey, Land Holmes, K. "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New
England J. Med., 1980, pp. 435-38_
(9) Jay and Young. The Gay Report. Summit Books, 1979, p. 275_
(10) Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Rights Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18 December 1992.
(11) Kus, R. "Alcoholics Anonymous and Gay America." Medical Journal of Homosexuality, 1987,
14(2), p. 254.
(13) Lief, H. Sexual Survey Number 4: Current Thinking on Homosexuality, Medical Aspects of
Human Sexuality, 1977, pp. 110-11.
(14) Manlight, G. et. aL "Chronic Immune Stimulation By Sperm Alloantigens." J. American lied.
Assn., 1984, 251(2), pp. 237-438.
(16) MsKusick, Let. al. "AIDS and Sexual Behavior Reported By Gay Men in San Francisco.'' Am. J.
Pub. Health, 1985, 75, pp. 493-96.(17) Newsweek, February 1993_
(20) Rueda, E. The Homosexual Network. Old Greenwich, Conn., The Devin Adair Company, 1982,
p. 53.
(29) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric
Association, 1994.