Contoh 2 Report Sain Purple Potatoe Ice Cream
Contoh 2 Report Sain Purple Potatoe Ice Cream
Contoh 2 Report Sain Purple Potatoe Ice Cream
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Dian Rachmawanti and Sri Handajani
This study aimed to determine the best ice cream based on sensory properties.
It was also to determine the characteristics purple sweet potato ice cream with a fat
source of soy milk or cow's milk; included sensory properties (color, aroma, flavor,
texture, and overall), physical properties (overrun), chemical properties (protein,
fat, and total solid), and functional properties (antioxidant activity). The study was
conducted using experimental design CRD (Completely Randomized Design). The
treatment given was a formula variation of purple sweet potato ice cream. There
are two experiments conducted, there were the determination of the characteristics
of purple sweet potato ice cream with cow's milk fat source and detrmination of the
characteristics of purple sweet potato ice cream with a fat source that was
substituted by soy milk.
The best sensory quality of purple sweet potato ice cream was a formula of
purple sweet potato 10% + 6% skim. It had the most preferred taste and also the
most preferred overall than the other formula of purple sweet potato ice cream
cow's milk. This treatment obtained the ice cream with level of protein, fat, total
solid, and overrun which were SNI qualified. Its functional properties was also
better than the purple sweet potato-cow's milk ice cream because of the most high
antioxidant activity. In general, substitution of soy milk on a purple sweet potato-
cow's milk ice cream lowered the level of preference for ice cream. The most
preferred purple sweet potato-soy milk ice cream was ice cream with the
proportion of cow's milk: soy milk at 75:25 in terms of color, aroma, flavor,
texture, and overall. It was obtained ice cream with level of protein, fat, total solid,
and overrun which were SNI qualified. Its functional properties was also better
than the purple sweet potato-cow's milk ice ream because of the higher antioxidant
1. The aim of the research is ....
A. to determine the best ice cream with a fat source of cow's milk
B. to determine the best ice cream with a fat source of soy milk
C. to determine the characteristics of purple sweet potato ice cream
D. to determine the sweatest ice cream based on sensory properties
E. to obtain the best formula of purple sweet potato ice cream
2. Wich statements are suitabel with the text above? Choose two answers.
A. The formula of purple sweet potato 10% + 6% cow's milk was the best
sensory quality of purple sweet potato ice cream.
B. The formula of purple sweet potato 10% + 6% cow's milk was the most
preferred taste and also the most preferred overall.
C. The most preferred purple sweet potato-soy milk ice cream was ice cream
with the proportion of potatoes: soy milk at 75 : 25.
D. The proportion of potatoes: soy milk at 75:25 was also better than the
purple sweet potato-cow's at 10 : 6.
E. Cow's milk: soy milk at 75:25 was the proportion of ice cream with level
of protein, fat, total solid, and overrun which were SNI qualified.
3. Ingrediants of the experiments are.... Tick (√) the correct answer(s) below.
Tic Ingredients
v purple sweet potato
ice cream
v soy milk
v cow's milk
4. Arifah is going to make a purple sweet potato ice cream with cow's milk. He
has 2 kg of a purple sweet potato. She prepares cow's milk of 1,2 kg.
Will it be a nice purple sweet potato ice cream? Give your reason.
Yes, because ....
No, because ....
v Yes, because ....the composisition is suitable with the result of the
experiments (10 : 6).
5. Arifah is going to make a purple sweet potato ice cream with cow's milk. He
has 2 kg of a purple sweet potato. How much does she has to prepare cow's
Answer: ____kg
6. Hasan is going to make a purple sweet potato ice cream with cow's milk and
soy milk. He has 2 kg of a purple sweet potato. How much does he has to
prepare cow's milk and soy milk?
Cow's milk= _____ kg
Soy milk = _____ kg
Cow's milk 75% = 2 x 0,6 x 75% = 0,9kg
Soy milk 25% = 2 x 0,6 x 25% = 0,3 kg