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Is - Innate Immunity

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Chapter 3.

INNATE IMMUNITY  Psoriasin – a small protein produced by skin cells

that has antibacterial effects, especially against
Innate Immune System consists of the defenses against gram-negative organisms such as Escherichia
infection that immediately act when a host is attacked by a coli.
pathogen. It is composed of two systems that work to promote
phagocytosis. B. Respiratory Tract – mucous secretions block the
 External defense system consists of anatomical adherence of bacteria to epithelial cells. These
barriers designed to keep microorganisms from secretions contain small proteins called surfactants
entering the body. If these defenses are overcome, then that are produced by the epithelial cells and bind to
the internal defense system is triggered within minutes microorganisms to help move pathogens out. The
and clears invaders as quickly as possible. motion of the cilia that line the nasopharyngeal
 Internal defense system includes cellular responses passages clears away almost 90% of the deposited
that recognize specific molecular components of material. Coughing/sneezing moves pathogens out of
pathogens tract.

Phagocytosis is the engulfment and destruction of foreign cells C. Urine flushing action of urine and its slight acidity,
or particulates by leukocytes, macrophages, and other cells. The helps remove potential pathogens from the
process of inflammation brings cells and humoral factors to the genitourinary tract.
injured area. If the healing process is begun and resolved as  Lactic acid production in the female genital tract
quickly as possible, the tissues are less likely to be damaged. keeps the vagina at a pH of about 5, which is
The innate immune system is so efficient that most pathogens another means of preventing invasion of
are destroyed before they ever encounter cells that are part of pathogens.
the adaptive immune response.
D. Digestive tract- stomach’s hydrochloric acid keeps
the pH as low as 1, prohibiting microorganisms’
It is composed of physical, chemical, and biological barriers  Lysozyme – an enzyme found in many bodily
that work together to prevent infection from entering the body. secretions such as tears and saliva, attacks the cell
walls of microorganisms, especially those that are
 Normal flora (microbiota) helps to keep
pathogens from establishing themselves in these


It is composed of both cells and soluble factors that have
specific and essential functions which are additional
mechanisms to destroy foreign invaders.
Cells that are capable of phagocytosis play a major. Phagocytic
cells engulf and destroy most of the foreign cells or particles
that enter the body; this is the most important function of the
internal defense system. Phagocytosis is enhanced by specific
receptors on cells that capture invaders through identification
of unique microbial substances. In addition, soluble factors
called acute phase reactants act by several different methods to
either facilitate contact between microbes and phagocytic cells
A. Skin – made up of physical barrier with secretions that or mop up and recycle important proteins after the process of
discourage microorganism growth. phagocytosis has taken place.
 Epidermis – outer skin layer containing several
layers of tightly packed epithelial cells coated in A. Pathogen-recognition receptors (PRRs)
keratin. It is renewed every few days to keep it - Allows us to recognize molecules unique to
intact. infectious organisms
 Dermis – thicker layer underneath the epidermis - Found on macrophages and dendritic cells,
that is composed of connective tissue with blood neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, mast cells, T
vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat cells and epithelial cells
glands, and WBCs including macrophages, - Encoded by host’s DNA and act as sensors for
dendritic cells, and mast cells. extracellular infection
 Lactic acid (sweat) and fatty acid (sebaceous - Able to distinguish self from nonself: Recognize
glands) maintain the skin’s pH at approximately pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
5.6. This acidic pH keeps most microorganisms on microorganisms (ex. Peptidoglycan in gram-
from growing. positive bacteria, lipoproteins in gram negative
bacteria, zymosan in yeast and flagellin in
bacteria with flagellae)  C-type lectin receptor (CLR) binds to mannan and
- When bound to a pathogen, activate phagocytic B-glucans found in fungal cell walls to activate
cells cytokine and chemokine production.
Examples  CLRs are plasma membrane receptors found on
 Toll-like receptors (TLRs) has 10 different types monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells,
found in humas, some on cell surfaces and others in neutrophils, B cells, and T-cell subsets
cytoplasm. Each of which can recognize different  Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I-like receptor (RLR)
pathogenic products such as fungi, motile bacteria, recognizes RNA from RNA viruses in the cytoplasm
viral ssRNA, viral dsRNA, etc. of infected cells and induces inflammatory cytokines
 Discovered by Charles Janeway and Type I interferons which inhibits viral replication
 Toll – a protein originally discovered in the fruit and induces cell death in the infected cell.
fly Drosophila, which plays in the antifungal  Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)
immunity in the adult fly. Very similar molecules receptors binds peptidoglycans found in bacterial cell
were found on human leukocytes and some other walls and also help protect against intracellular
cell types. protozoan parasites.
 Highest concentration of TLRs: monocytes,  Mutations in NOD receptors may result in
macrophages, and neutrophils Crohn’s disease, a painful inflammatory disease
 Cell surfaces: TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6 of the bowel.
 Endosomal compartment of a cell: TLR3, TLR7,
 TLRs are membrane-spanning glycoproteins that RECEPTOR RECOGNIZED MICROORGANISM
TLR Receptors Found on Cell Surfaces
share a common structural element called leucine-rich
TLR1 Lipopeptides Mycobacteria
repeats (LRRs). TLRs bind to particular substances, TLR2 Peptidoglycan, Gram-positive bacteria,
activating cytokine and chemokine production and lipoproteins, zymosan mycobacteria, yeasts
other processes to enhance phagocytosis. It can TLR4 Lipopolysaccharide, Gram-negative bacteria,
destroy most pathogens that humans are exposed to fusion proteins, RSV fungi
before disease sets in. mannan
 Neutrophils are recruited to the area because of TLR5 Flagellin Bacteria with flagellae
increased capillary permeability TLR6 Lipopeptides, Mycobacteria, gram-
 Macrophages and dendritic cells become more lipoteichoic acid, positive bacteria, yeasts
efficient because of increased expression of zymosan
TLR Receptors Found in Endosomal Compartments
adhesion molecules on their cell surfaces
TLR3 Double-stranded RNA viruses
TLR7 Single-stranded RNA RNA viruses
TLR8 Single-stranded RNA RNA viruses
TLR9 Double-stranded DNA viruses, bacterial
TLR10 Unknown Unknown

B. Acute-phase reactants
- Soluble factors found in serum that increases
rapidly in response to infection, injury, or tissue
- Facilitate contact between microbes and
phagocytic cells
o Promote adherence
o Limit destruction
- Mop up and recycle important proteins after
- Some of the most important acute-phase reactants
are C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A,
complement components, alpha1-antitrypsin,
haptoglobin, fibrinogen, and ceruloplasmin.
o Produced primarily by hepatocytes (liver
parenchymal cells) within 12 to 24 hours
in response to an increase in cytokines
o The particular cytokines involved are
interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-
Toll-like receptors on a WBC membrane. Each of the 10 different TLRs 6), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),
recognizes a different pathogenic product. TLRs found on the cell surface tend all of which are produced by monocytes
to form dimers to increase chances of binding to a foreign substance.
and macrophages at the sites of Major events that occur rapidly after tissue injury are:
inflammation. 1. Increased blood supply to the affected area. Dilation of
the blood vessels caused by the release of chemical
Types of Acute-phase Reactants usually requested for Laboratory Analysis mediators such as histamine from injured mast cells
brings additional blood flow to the affected area, resulting
in redness and heat.
C-reactive 4–6 0.5 1000X Opsonization, 2. Increased capillary permeability caused by contraction of
protein complement the endothelial cells lining the vessels. The increased
activation permeability of the vessels allows fluids in the plasma to
Serum 24 5 1000X Activates leak into the tissues, resulting in the swelling and pain
amyloid A monocytes and associated with inflammation.
macrophages 3. Migration of WBCs, mainly neutrophils, from the
Alpha1- capillaries to the surrounding tissue in a process called
24 200–400 2–5X Protease
antitrypsin diapedesis. As the endothelial cells of the vessels
contract, neutrophils move through the endothelial cells
24 200–400 2–5X Clot formation
of the vessel and out into the tissues. Soluble mediators,
Haptoglobin 24 40–290 2–10X Binds which include acute-phase reactants, chemokines, and
hemoglobin cytokines, act as chemoattractants to initiate and control
Ceruloplasmin 48–72 20–40 2X Binds copper the response. Neutrophils are mobilized within 30 to 60
and oxidizes minutes after the injury and their emigration may last 24
iron to 48 hours.
Complement 48–72 60–140 2x Opsonization, 4. Migration of macrophages to the injured area.27
C3 lysis Migration of macrophages and dendritic cells from
surrounding tissue occurs several hours later and peaks at
16 to 48 hours.
C. Inflammation 5. Acute-phase reactants stimulate phagocytosis of
- The body’s overall reaction to injury or invasion microorganisms. Macrophages, neutrophils, and
by an infectious agent. dendritic cells all attempt to clear the area through
- Cardinal signs and symptoms: Redness phagocytosis; in most cases, the healing process is
completed with a return of normal tissue structure
(erythema), Swelling (edema), heat, pain
- The picture below are the steps involved in a local
D. Phagocytosis
inflammatory event:
- This must occur before the specific immune
- The main purpose of the inflammatory response is
response can be initiated, so this process is
to attract the cells to the site of infection and
essential for both innate and adaptive immunity
remove foreign cells or pathogens by means of
- The cells most involve are the neutrophils,
phagocytosis, it is the cellular elements of the
monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells
internal defense system that plays the major role.
- Below are the steps involved in phagocytosis:

Steps involved in phagocytosis

Once the WBCs are attracted to the area, the actual process of
phagocytosis consists of seven main steps:
1. Physical contact between the WBC and the foreign cell
2. Outflowing of the cytoplasm to surround the
3. Formataion of a phagosome
Local Inflammatory Events 4. Fusion with lysosomal granules with the phagosome
5. Formation of the phagolysosome with release of
lysosomal contents
6. Digestion of microorganisms by hydrolytic enzymes
7. Release of debris to the outside by exocytosis
Creation of oxygen radicals in the phagocytic cell. The hexose
monophosphate (HMP) shunt reduces NADP to NADPH. NADPH reduces
oxygen to superoxide (2O2•_) when the NADPH oxidase complex (NOC) is
assembled in the membrane of the phagolysosome. Superoxide dismutase
(SOD) catalyzes the conversion of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) catalyzes formation of hypochlorite (OCl_), a very
powerful oxidizing agent. Hydroxyl radicals (•OH), which are also powerful
oxidizing agents, may also be formed if iron ions are present.

E. Natural Killer (NK) cells CK

- The first line of defense against cells that are
virally infected, cells with other intracellular
pathogens and tumor cells
- Recognize any damaged cell and can eliminate it
without prior exposure to it, giving immune
system time to activate adaptive response of
specific T and B cells
- Stimulated by exposure to cytokines such as
interleukin-12, interferon-α, and interferon-β
- When activated, produce additional cytokines and
colony stimulating factors EXTERNAL DEFENSE SYSTEM
- Influence innate and adaptive immunity. A. Skin
- Once activated, NK cells themselves become  Epidermis
major producers of cytokines such as interferon-  Dermis
 Lactic Acid
gamma (IFN-γ) and TNF-α that help to recruit T
 Fatty Acid
cells. In addition, NK cells release various colony  Psoriasin
stimulating factors that act on developing B. Respiratory Tract
granulocytes and macrophages. Actions of NK C. Urine
cells, therefore, have a major influence on both  Lactic Acid
innate and adaptive immunity. D. Digestive Tract
 Lyzozome

Mechanisms of Cytotoxicity INTERNAL DEFENSE SYSTEM

A. If class I MHC protein is present and there are no A. Pathogen-recognition receptors (PRRs)
 Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
foreign or stress proteins, then an inhibitory signal  C-type lectin receptor (CLR)
is sent to the NK cell, no killing occurs, and the  Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I-like receptor (RLR)
normal cell is released.  Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)
B. Infected cells may express foreign proteins on receptors
their surface that are recognized by antibody. NK B. Acute-phase reactants
cells express CD16 receptors that bind the  C-reactive protein
immobilized antibody and active the release of  Serum amyloid A
perforins and granzymes (antibody-dependent-  Alpha1-antitrypsin
cell mediated cytotoxicity).  Fibrinogen
 Haptoglobin
C. If an activating receptor is engaged by a foreign  Ceruloplasmin
or stress protein and class I MHC is altered or  Complement C3
missing (“missing self”), then no inhibitory signal C. Inflammation
is given, granzymes and perforins are released, D. Phagocytosis
and the infected disease cell is eliminated by E. Natural Killer (NK) cells
Chapter 4. ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY  Positive selection process- allows only double positive
(DP) with functional TCR receptors to survive. See
Adaptive Immunity is a type of resistance characterized by figure 1 below.
- specificity for each pathogen or microbial agent  MHC restriction: only cells that react with MHC
- ability to remember prior exposure survive
- an increase response to a pathogen upon repeated  Negative selection is a second selection process that
exposure takes place among the surviving DP T cells. This
- takes longer to become activated but is longer lasting process takes place in the corticomedullary region and
- involves T and B-lymphocytes the medulla of the thymus. This is where the cells that
react with self-antigen are destroyed. See figure 2
The key cell involved in the adaptive immune response is the below.
lymphocyte. The two main types of lymphocytes are T cells and
B cells. T lymphocytes mature in the thymus and serve a
regulatory role by providing help to B cells in responding to
antigens as well as by killing virally infected target cells. B
lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and differentiate into
plasma cells that produce antibodies. Immunologic memory is
based on clonal selection, expansion, and differentiation of
antigen-specific T and B cells. The result is an ability to respond
with greater speed and intensity to a re-encounter with the same
pathogen, thus protecting the host from reinfection.
B and T cells go through an elaborate maturation process in
which this specificity is developed while possible self-reactive
cells are destroyed. Each stage is marked by well-orchestrated
signaling mechanisms that help to develop specific receptors
for antigens while at the same time only selecting cells that will
be helpful and not harmful to the host. During this process,
creation of a wide variety of antigen-specific receptors must
occur, enough to recognize any harmful antigens to which we Negative selection of Thymocytes in the Medulla
may be exposed. When self-antigen is presented by a macrophage, dendritic cell, or thymic
epithelial cell to a thymocyte, if the T-cell receptor (TCR) binds, the
Differentiation of lymphocytes appears to take place very early thymocyte is eliminated by apoptosis.
in fetal development and is essential to the acquisition of
immunocompetence by the time the infant is born. Progenitors
of T and B cells appear in the fetal liver as early as 8 weeks of
pregnancy. Later in fetal development, production of
lymphocyte progenitors shifts to the bone marrow, which
becomes the primary producer of hematopoietic cells at birth.

 All undifferentiated lymphocytes arise in the bone
marrow from hematopoietic stem cells. They mature
in the primary lymphoid organs and are the key cell
involved in the adaptive immune response.
 The chemokines (chemical messengers) drive the
differentiation process

Double-Negative Stage
 Double negative thymocytes (DN) are early
Positive selection of Thymocytes in the Cortex
lymphocytes that lack CD4 and CD8 markers that Double-positive (CD4+ and CD8+) thymocytes interact with thymic epithelial
actively proliferate in the outer cortex under the cells. If very strong bonding occurs, cells are eliminated by apoptosis. If very
influence of IL-7 weak or no bonding occurs, cells are also eliminated.
 Thymocytes (T-cell precursors in the thymus) undergo
rearrangement of genes coding for T-cell receptors Mature T Cells
(TCRs)  Survivors of both positive and negative selection
exhibit either CD4 or CD8
Double-Positive Stage  CD4 T cells and T helper cells-assist in antibody
 The second stage wherein the thymocytes express both production
CD4 and CD8 antigens and are called double-positive  CD8 T cells are cytotoxic T cells-kill target cells
(DP) thymocytes, rearrange gene coding for the alpha  T helper (Th) cells
chain - Have CD4 receptor
- Recognize antigen and class II MHC protein
- Account for 2/3 of peripheral T cells. Below are B-Cell DIFFERENTIATION
the two prominent subsets of Th cells  Occurs in the bone marrow
Th1 cells Th2 cells  Starts with a hematopoietic stem cell that develops
Produce gamma Produce interleukins 4, 5, into an early lymphocyte progenitor
interferon, IL-2, tumor 6, 9, 10, 13  Involves:
necrosis factor-B - Development of mature B cells
Activate cytotoxic Help B cells produce - Activation of B cells by antigen
lymphocytes and antibodies
- Differentiation of activated B cells into antibody-
macrophages Help B cells produce
antibodies producing plasma cells
Regulate B-cell activity
 T regulatory (Treg) cells is another subpopulation of
- Have CD4 and CD25
- Suppress the immune response to self-antigens
- Secrete inhibitory cytokines to inhibit
proliferation of other T-cell populations

B-cell Development in the Bone Marrow

Selected markers are shown for the various stages in the differentiation of B
cells. Stages up to the formation of mature B cells occur in the bone marrow.
(A) Pro-B cell. (B) Pre-B cell. (C) Immature B cell. (D) Mature B cell.

Antigen-Independent Phase – the first phase of B cell

development in the bone marrow which results in mature B
cells that have not yet been exposed to antigen. This phase is
divided according to formation of several distinct
- Pro-B cell (progenitor B cells)
- Pre-B cells (Precursor B cells)
- Immature B cells
- Mature B cells

Pro-B cells
 Develop from rearrangement of genes that code for
T-cell Maturation in the Thymus heavy and light chains of antibody molecules
T-lymphocyte precursors (TP) enters the thymus at the corticomedullary
junction. They migrate upward in the cortex and begin development of the T-  Made specific for certain antigens by variable regions
cell receptor. A small percentage of precursors develop gamma-delta chains,  Must successfully rearrange one set of heavy-chain
whereas the majority develop alpha-beta chains and become double-positive genes to become pre-B cells
(DP), both CD4 and CD8 are present. Positive and negative selection takes
place through the CD3/T-cell receptor for antigen. If positively selected, the T
cell becomes single-positive (SP); that is either CD4+ or CD8+. Further Pre-B Cells
interactions with macrophages or dendritic cells take place to weed out any T  Heavy μ hain of IgM class accumulates in the
cells able to respond to self-antigen. Surviving CD4+ and CD8+ cells exit the
thymus to the peripheral blood.
cytoplasm and can be expressed on the cell surface
with a surrogate light chain
 Short chains of Ig-α and Ig-β

Immature B Cells
 Have complete IgM antibody molecules on cell
surfaces that serve as antigen receptors
 Have variable regions that determine specificity for
 Include other surface proteins: CD21, CD40, and
Class II MHC molecules
 The process of central tolerance involves elimination
of B cells that have self-reactive receptors, and if
immature B cells survive this, they move to the spleen

Mature B Cells
 Develop in the spleen
 Marginal B cells remain in the spleen with the ability
to respond quickly to bloodborne pathogens
 Follicular B cells migrate to lymph nodes and other
secondary organs, and recirculated in the body
 Exhibit IgM and IgD
 Surface immunoglobulins provide activating signal to
B cells when contact with antigen occurs
 When stimulated, they enter antigen-dependent phase,
forming memory cells and antibody-secreting plasma

Activation of T helper cells

Exposure to antigen presented by macrophages causes production of CD25
receptors for interleukin-2 (IL-2). IL-2 causes sensitized CD4+ T cells to
secrete cytokines, resulting in CD4+ effector cells that have various functions.
Some CD4+ cells secrete interleukins that recruit macrophages and neutrophils,
whereas others activate CD8+ T cells to increase cytotoxicity against virally
infected cells. Activated Th cells also enhance antibody production by B cells.

B-cell Activation in Peripheral Lymph Nodes

B cells capture specific antigen by means of immunoglobulin receptors. The
activity of cytokines produced by Th cells produces transformation of naïve B
cells into antibody-producing plasma cells and memory cells.

Plasma Cells – represent the most fully differentiated

lymphocyte and their main function is antibody production. It
is found in peripheral lymphoid organs and bone marrow.

Role of T cells in Adaptive Immune Response

 APCs are activated during innate immune response
 T cells interact with APCs to initiate adaptive immune
 T cells circulate throughout the bloodstream, lymph
nodes, and secondary lymphoid tissue, looking for

Role of B cells in Adaptive Immune Response Activation of cytotoxic T cells

 Response to T-dependent and T-independent antigens The CD8+ T cell recognizes foreign antigen along with class I MHC. When
binding occurs, granules move toward the point of contact with the target cell.
Granules fuse with the membrane and release perforin. Perforin inserts itself
into the target cell membrane and polymerizes to form a pore. Contents of the
granules are released, triggering apoptosis of the target cell.
Activating signals for T-dependent and T-independent antigens
(A) T-dependent antigens bind to immunoglobulin receptors on B cells. The
antigen is processed and delivered to CD4+ T cells. The Th cell binds by means T- and B-cell cooperation in the immune response
of its CD3-TCR complex and delivers further activating signals through binding CD4+ T cells recognize exogenous antigen on a macrophage along with class
of CD40 on the B cell to the CD40L receptor on the Th cell. Cytokines are II MHC. Binding between CD28 and B7 enhances interaction between the cells.
released from the T cell, which enhance B-cell transformation to plasma cells. Th cells go through clonal expansion and produce cytokines, including
(B) T-independent antigens can bind to B cells through immunoglobulin interleukin-2 (IL-2). B cells capable of responding to the same antigen present
receptors and trigger B-cell transformation directly. Several antigen receptors antigen to Th cells through the class II MHC receptor. The TCR binds antigen
must be cross-linked in order to activate a B cell directly. Antigens can also be and CD4 binds to class II MHC. CD40L bind to CD40, enhancing the reaction.
bound to B cells’ innate immune receptors such as TLRs. Cytokine production by the T cell causes B cells to proliferate and produce
plasma cells, which secrete antibody.
Laboratory Identification of Lymphocytes
 Helps diagnose
Develop in the thymus Develop in the bone marrow
- Malignancies Found in blood (60–80% of Found in bone marrow, spleen,
- Immunodeficiency diseases circulating lymphocytes), lymph nodes
- AIDS thoracic duct fluid, lymph
 Uses cell flow cytometry nodes
- Segregates lymphocytes into subsets Identified by rosette formation Identified by surface
- Uses monoclonal antibodies with SRBCs immunoglobulin
End products of activation are End product of activation is
cytokines antibody
Antigens include CD2, CD3, Antigens include CD19, CD20,
CD4, CD8 CD21, CD40, class II MHC
Located in paracortical region Located in cortical region of
of lymph nodes lymph nodes
SRBC = Sheep red blood cells
Chapter 5. ANTIBODY STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Light Chains (Bence Jones Proteins)
 Discovered in 1845 by Dr. Henry Bence Jones
Antibodies  L chains secreted by malignant plasma cells
- are immunoglobulins  Two types: Kappa (κ) and Lambda (λ)
 Glycoproteins found in the serum  Contain between 200 to 220 amino acids
 82%-96% polypeptide and 2%-14% carbohydrate  With constant region and variable region (CL, VL
 Five major classes: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE label in the figure presented above)
- are the key element of humoral immune response
Heavy Chain
Early elements attempting to determine the structure of  Variable region -first approximately
immunoglobulins involved serum electrophoresis. In  110 amino acids at the amino-terminal end
electrophoresis, serum is placed on an agarose gel and an  Constant Region-comprises the remaining amino acids
electric current is applied to separate out proteins. At a pH of and with 3 or more regions with very similar
8.6, most serum proteins can be separated on the basis of size sequences designated CH1, CH2, CH3
and charge. With 5 distinct bands formed, immunoglobulins are
 This is unique to each class and give each
the slowest and therefore appears in the gamma band, hence an
immunoglobulin type its name, hence, IgG: γ chain,
early name for antibody was gamma globulin.
IgM: μ chain, IgA: α chain, IgD: δ chain, IgE: ε chain
 Antibody variations
- Isotype – a unique amino acid sequence that is
Tetrapeptide Structure of Immunoglobulins
common to all immunoglobulin molecules of a
 Basic four polypeptide chain has two large heavy
given class in a given species
chains (H) and two small light chains (L) held together
- Allotypes – minor variations of isotype sequence
by noncovalent forces and disulfide interchain bridges.
that are present in some individuals but not others
o Carefully examine the basic structure of an
- Idiotype – variations in variable regions that give
immunoglobulin molecule and the labels as
individual antibody molecules specificity
shown in the figure.
o Notice that it is made up of two H chains
Hinge Region
(50,000 MW each) and two L chains (22,000
 The segment of H chain located between the CH1 and
MW each), held together by disulfide bonds.
CH2 regions
Intrachain disulfide bonds create looped
regions or domains. The amino-terminal end  Has a high content of proline, allowing flexibility and
of each chain is a variable region, whereas the hydrophobic residues
carboxy-terminal end consists of one or more  Flexibility – allows two antigen-binding sites to
constant regions. operate independently and assists initiation of
 Fc Fragment or Fragment crystallizable complement cascade
- Has no antigen-binding ability
Carbohydrate Portion
- Represents the carboxy-terminal halves of two H
chains  Found in all types of immunoglobulins
- Held together by S-S bonding  Localized between the CH2 domains of the two H
- Important in effector functions of chains
immunoglobulin molecules  Increases the solubility of immunoglobulin
 Opsonization  Provides protection against degradation
 Complement Fixation  Enhances functional activity of the Fc domains
These two processes shall be discussed
further on the next chapters. Three-Dimensional Structure of Antibodies
 Fab fragment The basic four structure of immunoglobulin molecules does not
- One L chain; one-half of an H chain actually exist as a straight Y shape but it is in fact folded into
- Held together by disulfide bond compact globular subunits based on the formation of balloon-
- Obtained by papain digestion of an shaped loops at each of the domains and is stabilized by
immunoglobulin intrachain disulfide bonds.
 Papain digestion-yields two Fab fragments  Immunoglobulin fold is when the domains (Variable
and an Fc portion and Constant) of the H chains line up with those of the
 F(ab’)2 L chains to produce cylindrical structure
- Obtained by pepsin digestion
- Two-antigen binding sites together
- Fc’ Portion in pieces meaning that it was similar
to Fc fragment only that it disintegrated into
several smaller pieces
 Pepsin digestion yields an F (ab’) 2 fragment
with all the antibody activity, as well as an
Fc’ portion.
Types of Immunoglobulin - Has high valency and found mainly in the
intravascular pool
IgG or Immunoglobulin G - Cannot cross the placenta
- Predominant immunoglobulin I humans (75%- 80% of - No memory cells
the total serum immunoglobulins) - Known as the primary response antibody
- Has the longest half-life of any immunoglobulin class o Appears first after antigenic stimulation and
(23 days, predominance in serum) in maturing infant
- Four subclasses: IgG1: 66%, IgG2: 23%, IgG3: 7%, o Synthesized only as long as antigen remains
IgG4: 4% present
- Differ in number and position of the disulfide bridges
between the γ chain Functions of IgM
- All subclasses can cross the placenta  Complement Fixation
- Macrophages, monocytes, and neutrophils have Fc  Agglutination
receptors specific to the Fc region of IgG, increasing  Opsonization
the efficiency of phagocytosis  Toxin neutralization
- A high diffusion coefficient allows IgG to enter
extravascular spaces more readily than other IgA
immunoglobulin types - Accounts for 10% to 15% of all circulating
- IgG plays a major role in neutralizing toxins and immunoglobulins in serum
viruses - One variable and three constant regions
- Serum IgA – appears as a monomer with a molecular
IgG3 weight of approximately 160,000
- Has the largest hinge region
- Has the largest number of interchain disulfide bonds IgA1
- Is the most efficient at binding complement - Mainly found in serum
- Is induced in response to protein antigen - Acts as anti-inflammatory agent
- Down regulates IgG-mediated phagocytosis,
IgG2 and IgG4 chemotaxis, bactericidal activity, and cytokine release
- Have shorter hinge segments
- Are poor mediators of complement activation IgA2
- Are involved in responses to polysaccharide antigens - Predominantly found in secretions at mucosal surfaces
- Is a dimer along the respiratory, urogenital, and
Major Functions of IgG intestinal mucosa
 Providing immunity for the newborn (because IgG can - Keeps antigen from penetrating farther into the body
cross the placenta) - Is more resistant to some bacterial proteinases that are
 Fixing complement able to cleave IgA1
 Coating antigen for enhanced phagocytosis
(opsonization) Secretory IgA
 Neutralizing toxins and viruses - Is synthesized in plasma cells found mainly in
 Participating in agglutination and precipitation mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue
reactions - Is released in dimeric form and captured by secretory
component on epithelial cells
IgG Laboratory Testing - Functions
 Agglutination and precipitation reaction takes place in o Patrols mucosal surfaces and acts as a first line
vitro. of defense as it neutralizes toxins produced by
 IgG is better at precipitation reactions than at microorganisms and prevents bacterial
agglutination. Precipitation involves small soluble adherence to mucosal surfaces
particles, which are more easily bought together by the o Passively transfers immunity to newborn
relatively small IgG molecule. during breastfeeding
o Complexes of secretory IgA and antigen are
IgM easily trapped in mucus and eliminated by the
- Known as a macroglobulin with a molecular weight of ciliated epithelial cells of the respiratory and
about 900,000 d and accounts to 5% to 10% of all intestinal tracts
serum immunoglobulins o Aggregation of IgA immune complexes may
- Has half-life of 6 days (much shorter than that of IgG) trigger the alternate complement pathway (this
- Can exist as: Monomer (on surface of B cells) or will be discussed further on the next chapter)
pentamer (found in secretions) o Neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages
- Pentamer form is held together by J chains, which are possess specific receptors for serum and
linkage points for disulfide bonds between two secretory IgA
adjacent monomers. It has a star-like shape with 10 o Binding to these sites triggers a respiratory
antigen-binding sites. burst and degranulation of the cells involved
o Both forms of IgA can thus act as opsonins, or - Postulated that process could be repeated with further
promoters of phagocytosis contact with antigens

IgD Clonal Selection for Antibody Formation

- Extremely scarce in the serum - Established by Jerne and Burnet in 1950s
- Less than 0.001% of total immunoglobulins - Lymphocytes are genetically preprogrammed to
- Has a molecular weight of approximately 180, 000 produce one type of immunoglobulin
- The δ H chain has a molecular weight of 62,000 and - A specific antigen finds the particular cells capable of
appears to have extended hinge region consisting of 58 responding to it, causing them to proliferate
amino acids - Would require a large number of genes
- Is more susceptible to proteolysis than other
immunoglobulins 1965: Dryer and Bennett
- Has a short half-life (1 to 3 days) - Constant and variable portions of immunoglobulin
- Found on the surface of immunocompetent but chains are coded for by separate genes
unstimulated B lymphocytes
- Appears second (after IgM) Genes Coding for Immunoglobulins
- May play a role in B-cell activation  Chromosomes contain building blocks from which
- Plays a role in regulating B-cell maturation and genes can be assembled
differentiation  Human immunoglobulin genes are found in three
- Secreted form in serum does not appear to serve a unlinked clusters
protective function o H chain genes on chromosome 14
o Does not bind complement o κ chain genes on chromosome 2
o Does not bind to neutrophils or macrophages o λ chain genes on chromosome 22
o Does not cross the placenta  Rearrangement is needed for genes to become
functional antibody molecules
IgE  More than one gene controls synthesis of a particular
- 0.0005% of total serum immunoglobulins immunoglobulin
- Has an ε H chain composed of around 550 amino acids  H chains
that are distributed over one variable and four constant o variable-region genes: VH, D and J
domains o constant-region genes: set of C genes
- Produced by plasma cells that are located primarily in  L chains: lack a D region
the lungs and the skin  Through a random selection process. These individual
- Does not participate in complement fixation, segments are joined to commit that lymphocyte to
agglutination, or opsonization making antibody of a single specificity
- Is incapable of crossing the placenta
- Attaches to basophils, eosinophils and tissue mast Monoclonal Antibodies
cells through high-affinity Fc ε RI receptors
 Mainly used for diagnostic testing and therapeutic
IgE Function: Allergic Reactions
o In vitro diagnostic testing
 Two adjacent IgE molecules on a mast cell bind a o Delivery of therapeutic agents in diseases
specific antigen
 Developed based on knowledge that B cells are
 Cascade of cellular events results in degranulation of genetically preprogrammed to synthesize very specific
mast cells and release of vasoactive amines (such as antibody
histamine and heparin)
 Are derived from a single parent antibody-producing
 Type 1 immediate hypersensitivity results: hay fever, cell that has reproduced many times
asthma, vomiting and diarrhea, hives, life-threatening
anaphylactic shock Hybridoma
 Eosinophils play a major part in the destruction of  Fusion of an activated B cell with a laboratory-grown
large antigens, such as parasitic worms, that cannot be myeloma cell that cannot make its own DNA because
easily phagocytized. of deficiency of HGPRT, hypoxanthine-guanine
 Production involves
Antibody Diversity Theories o Immunizing a mouse with a certain antigen
Side-chain theory o Harvesting spleen cells
- Established by Paul Ehrlich in the early 1900s
o Combining spleen cells with myeloma cells
- Postulated that certain cells had specific surface
in the presence of PEG
receptors for antigen that were present before contact
o Selecting fused cells and screening for
with antigen occurred
presence of desired antibody
- If antigen is introduced, it combines with proper
receptors to break off and enter the circulation as
antibody molecules

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