Well Completion
Well Completion
Well Completion
Thessaloniki 2019
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2: Well Completion ........................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Well Planning ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 The Role of the Completion Engineer ................................................................................. 15
2.4 Safety and environment ..................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 3: Conventional Completions .......................................................................................... 20
3.1 Types of Completion .......................................................................................................... 20
3.1.1 Open Hole Completion ................................................................................................ 22
3.1.2 Pre-drilled/Slotted liner completions (Un-cemented)................................................... 25
3.1.3 Cemented and perforated completions ....................................................................... 28
3.1.4 Gravel Pack Completion (Open hole and Cased hole) ................................................... 33
3.2 Nodal analysis .................................................................................................................... 37
3.3 Production Logging............................................................................................................. 39
3.4 Barrier ................................................................................................................................ 42
3.4.1 Tubing ......................................................................................................................... 46
3.4.2 Packers ........................................................................................................................ 56
3.4.3 Wellhead/Xmas Tree ................................................................................................... 68
3.4.4 Subsurface Safety Valves ............................................................................................. 75
3.5 Sand Control ...................................................................................................................... 82
3.6 Multiple Zone Completions ................................................................................................ 84
3.6.1 Dual-Zone Completion. ................................................................................................ 86
3.6.2 Multiple-Zone Single-String Completion....................................................................... 89
Chapter 4: Intelligent Well Completion (IWC)............................................................................... 92
4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 92
4.2 Advanced completions ....................................................................................................... 93
4.2.1 Horizontal wells ........................................................................................................... 94
4.2.2 Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) ..................................................................................... 99
4.3 Overview of the Intelligent Wells...................................................................................... 100
4.4 Intelligent Completions Assembly..................................................................................... 104
4.4.1 Commingled flow ...................................................................................................... 104
4.4.2 Multilateral Wells ...................................................................................................... 104
4.4.3 Layered Reservoirs and Horizontal Wells ................................................................... 112
4.4.4 Inflow Control Devices (ICDs) ..................................................................................... 113
4.4.5 Downhole Flow Control ............................................................................................. 114
4.4.6 Downhole Sensors ..................................................................................................... 126
4.5 Risks and Reliability .......................................................................................................... 128
4.6 Economics ........................................................................................................................ 129
Chapter 5: Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 131
Reference .................................................................................................................................. 133
Through the years the demand for energy sources has been increased. The
conventional methods of producing oil and gas are no longer sufficient to meet up with the
demand. The oil and gas industry has faced several economic, geographical and technical
challenges largely due to decline in crude oil prices and market volatility and there has
been an increased migration to unconventional methods for the last few decades. A
common solution to minimizing this problem is to increase oil production and recovery
factor from new and existing oil and gas fields using Intelligent Well Completions (IWC).
This thesis analyzes Well Completions and Well Completion’s methods and focuses
on the new methods of Completion, the Intelligent Well Completions.
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Multi-zone completions
• Advanced completions (include Intelligent completions)
Chapter 2 provides an overview of well completion engineering including the main
role of the well completion engineer, well planning and the concerns regarding safety and
the environment during well completion procedures. The different types of well
completion will be analyzed in Chapter 3.
This thesis focuses on the development of intelligent well completion which is a new
advanced completion method applied in difficult and complex oil and gas fields. This type
of completion will be analyzed in Chapter 4, as long as, its benefits and economical
Chapter 2: Well Completion
2.1 Overview
The term “well completion” describes the processes and equipment that are necessary
to bring a well into production, after drilling operations have been concluded (Figure 2.1,
2.2). The quality of well completion design can increase the productivity of a well and
ensure that the risks that can lead to safety hazards and/or address environmental impacts
are minimized.
Completion engineer is the person that is the main responsible for the effectiveness of
this process. In this Chapter the main role of the completion engineer, considerations and
actions will be analyzed. The first step in completion design is well planning. In this first
step, completion engineer must gather all the available information to ensure a sufficient
completion design. Finally, in this chapter two of the most serious concerns for the
completion engineer: safety and environmental protection will also be presented.
a) b)
Fig.2.1, 2.2 a) Basic well completion schematic. b) General well completion string
schematic (Heriot Watt University, 2011).
2.2 Well Planning
Before any production process starts, completion engineer must plan the well for
completion. The most demanding aspect of drilling engineering is perhaps the well
planning. It requires the integration of engineering principles, experience factors, and
personal or corporate philosophies. Although well planning methods and practices may
vary within the drilling industry, the end result should be a safely drilled with minimum
cost hole that satisfies the reservoir engineer’s requirements for oil and gas production.
A data package should be prepared to be used on the wellsite containing all of the data
needed for correlation and evaluation. This includes maps, offset well logs, the well
prognosis, and any other data that the geologist believes may be useful.
Well completion design is based on data (Figure 2.3). These can be raw data or
predictions what the subsurface team calls realizations. All data are dynamic and uncertain.
For all available data the engineer must understand the source of the data, the uncertainty
range of the data and how it might change in the future. If it is a large range of uncertainty,
engineers promote completions that can cope with that uncertainty. Uncertainty can be
reduced in volumetric estimations by using appraisal wells, which can also give to
engineers the opportunity to try out the reservoir completion technique that most closely
matches the development plan (King, 1998).
Fig.2.3 Data sources for completion design (Bellarby, 2009).
Before any operations are started on a well, for a successful well completion,
engineers should construct a plan of a series of operations and steps that will take the well
from initial drilling to plug and abandonment. The ideal completion is the lowest cost
completion that meets or nearly meets the demands placed upon it for most of its life.
Regardless of the use of the well the method of planning is the same. For successful
well planning drillers, explorers, completion and operations engineers and partner
companies, foremen, equipment providers, service companies, and government regulatory
officials must cooperate and exchange their information. This cooperation and information
gathered at the first steps of completion could prevent expensive misunderstandings during
drilling or completion of the well or significant environmental problems that could occur
from improperly executed operations.
One of the most important needs is to protect the environment against pollution. All
usable waters must be protected against contamination during the completion, drilling or
production process. For this cause careful design and a concerted effort on the application
side are required. The requirements include selection of casing that will resist against
pressure and corrosive environments during the life of the well, even if a sweet well turns
to slightly sour. The cement placement and elimination of any possible migration of fluids
through or around the borehole must be also considered (King, 1998).
The reservoir conditions affect the completions. Reservoir considerations involve the
location of various fluids in the formations penetrated by the wellbore, the viscosity,
corrosiveness and the flow rate of these fluids through the reservoir rock and the
characteristics of the rock itself. The factors that are most known in the area are pressure
and temperature. Other factors that can be considered are the tendency to formation of
scales, emulsions, asphaltenes and paraffins. The main factor in the selection of the casing
size is the rate of fluid production. The starting point for well completion design is often
the production rate for maximum economic recovery. Among other factors production rate
should determine the size of the production conduit (Allen & Roberts, 1982).
Large casing will be used when we have expectations of a very high rate well and we
decrease well costs by applying a small casing string or a small tubing string in areas with
low rate. In these areas initial savings can easily be made, but the long term benefits of the
well weigh in heavily for larger tubulars. There are also alternatives to conventional casing
and tubing strings such as monobore completions, tailpipe extensions, velocity strings and
the use of coiled tubing for faster run and retrieved tubing strings.
The topside connections and the choice of the wellhead itself are influenced by the
amount of services needed on the well and the location of the well. For example, in an
offshore field, for a sweet gas well with very low fluid production, the ideal wellhead is a
remote wellhead or a subsea wellhead.
Multiple layered reservoirs are the most difficult parts in well planning. Multi-layered
reservoirs penetrated by a well pose the problem of multiple completions in one drilled
hole. These areas require processing of all the reservoirs without allowing cross flow from
one zone to another. The expense of drilling and completion individual wells to isolate
each zone is usually too high and it is only used in the highest rate producing areas. Other
methods of effectively producing layered reservoirs or multiple reservoirs include a variety
of techniques, such as multiple completions inside casing separated by packers or several
strings of smaller casing cemented in one hole to provide effectively separated wells and
sequenced production of reservoirs. Commingling of hydrocarbons from separate
reservoirs should be done when permitted by pressures and reactants that can be formed by
mixing oil or water from different zones.
The physical design parameters of the well should be dictated by the expected
producing behavior of the well. Before the drilling bit selection process, the sizes of tubing
and casing are set. During the tubular design, early in the design phase of the well, the use
of pup joints, nipple locations, and the use of special equipment in a string, such as SSVs
(subsurface safety valves) that usually need larger casing, is needed to be determined.
Generally, it is preferable to minimize the number of restrictions in a producing string to
prevent deposits that are often caused downstream by a flow restriction and to make sure
needed tools can pass through the string (King, 1998).
Cementing operations must be carefully planned. Cementing is used to eliminate
channeling of fluids. In many cases, the primary cement job will be a failure even before
the cement is being pumped. In these cases an expensive squeeze cementing is required. It
has been demonstrated in a number of tests that proper quality control and attention to
detail can result in effective primary cementing jobs.
An area that it definitely needs attention is perforating planning and application.
Depending on the needs of the well and how carefully it is designed, perforating expense
can be from a few thousand dollars to over one hundred thousand dollars. A variety of
processes and tools are available from underbalanced to extreme overbalanced perforating
and from wireline perforating to tubing conveyed perforating.
Another fact that must be considered long before the well is drilled is the type of
artificial lift that will be applied on the well. A number of artificial lift methods are
available: gas lift, plunger, beam lift, jet lift, electric submersible pumps, progressive
cavity pumps and natural flow. Of these lift methods, gas lift, beam lift and electric
submersible pumps probably make up at least 98% of the artificial lift cases. Many wells
that are on natural flow have to be artificially lifted early in their life as pressures decline
or as fluid volumes increase to the point where gas drive and natural gas lift are no longer
adequate. The ability to change lift methods (as fluid volumes decrease or increase) is
required for well operation optimization. If the packer and casing are designed considering
the changes of the lift methods, the switch of lift systems become easy (King, 1998).
Some wells have special requirements, such as sand control. The problems with the
sand alone can dictate the type of completion method to increase production rates. On the
other hand, reservoir fluid control problems can dictate that a less than desirable type of
sand control be applied. Sand problem zones always dictate a payoff from careful well
completion practices. The main concern in most sand control jobs is not the type of
control, but if sand control is required and when it is required. The factors that cause sand
movement change during the lift of the well. Some wells that will not experience sand
production until after water breakthrough are gravel packed even from the initial
completion. This is a large initial expense that can, in some cases, be delayed.
A critical factor in designing the surface and down hole equipment that makes up the
well's system is the understanding of production chemistry. However, the knowledge of gas
and liquid volumes, pressure and relative amounts will change over the life of a project.
Hence, some flexibility must be built in to achieve a well system with low maintenance
Formation damage is very common during the life of the well. Modeling can usually
show a trend of formation damage and its effects but the real occurrence of formation
damage may sometimes not be sufficiently predicted by any model without very exact
knowledge of well behavior. The occurrence of formation damage or drilling a lower
permeability formation than expected often needs the use of stimulation methods.
Stimulation methods, including acidizing, fracturing, solvents and heat, can be used on
almost any well provided that the tubulars and support equipment will allow the selected
techniques to be implemented. If formation damage or stimulation requirement can be
sufficiently forecasted early in the well’s life, then cost reduction is often possible.
The lift system must be designed based on the expected rate after stimulation process
and it must include: (i) the recovery of the stimulation fluid and (ii) the method this fluid
flows back. The most serious problems usually occur during hydraulic acidizing and
fracturing. When an acid job has begun to flow back, the pH can drop, posing corrosion
issues during the recovery stage of the treatment fluid. Jobs involving proppant fracturing
usually have problems because of proppant flow back with the produced fluids during the
initial stage of fluid flow.
Water control is one of the problems that must be considered. The result of low
pressure during hydrocarbon production is water to enter into the well. In some cases
hydrocarbons are driven toward the wellbores by water and if we shut-off the water, the
production rate of the hydrocarbons will be reduced. In other cases, water leaks through
corroded casing, bad cement, or across fractures can flood the well with external water. If
these happen, then a water control treatment is useful. Horizontal wells have often been
used to successfully produce hydrocarbon without severe water production problems where
bottom water drive is severe.
Since corrosion rate significantly increases during the life of the well, control of
corrosion is required. The average original casing can last for twenty or more years before
leaks occur. Repair may solve the problem temporarily, but leaks may often reappear in a
few months. As well conditions change, special inhibitor programs are needed.
Well placement becomes critical where enhanced recovery is envisioned. In these
applications the use of horizontal, vertical and deviated wells are necessary to sufficiently
process and sweep the reservoir. The problem is that we know very little for the reservoir.
However, today we can improve that knowledge with new techniques, such as 3D seismics
and well-to-well seismics. This type of investigation can also yield extra pay zones and
how those pay zones can be accessed.
All the wells that are drilled will eventually require plug and abandonment. The
techniques and rules for plugging and abandonment of a well are many and variable. The
isolation of the fluids within their payzone is the main concern in any completion planning
and therefore the wells should be plugged in a way that the reservoir fluids will stay
isolated in their reservoirs (King, 1998).
2.3 The Role of the Completion Engineer
Well completion engineering combines drilling and production engineering and yet
remains a relatively independent domain. Completion engineers must act as part of a team.
Although a field development team will be comprised of many people, some of the critical
interactions are shown in the figure below (Figure 2.4) (Bellarby, 2009).
A completion engineer needs get involved early in the field development plan because
completion design can have a significant effect on facilities design (e.g. lift method) and
drilling design (e.g. well trajectory and siting). They also influence the number and the
location of the wells and the production profiles. However, in many cases, completion
engineers are involved in the field planning at too late a stage. A field development team,
at the starting point, consists of geophysicists, geologists, reservoir engineers, facilities and
drilling engineers. By the time a completion engineer joins the team casing sizes and well
locations have already been decided and some aspects of the facilities have been agreed
upon, such as throughput, processing and export routes. Hence completion engineer has to
fit the completion into the casing and produce the fluid to a given surface pressure. Many
opportunities for production improvement are lost this way (Bellarby, 2009).
Well completion engineering is a kind of system engineering that includes drilling the
well, setting casing, cementing, perforating, installing completion systems and putting the
well into production (Figure 2.5). The basis of well completion engineering includes parts
of the following disciplines:
(i) Reservoir engineering,
(ii) Reservoir geology, and
(iii) Petroleum production engineering.
Regarding the reservoir disciplines (reservoir engineering and reservoir geology), well
completion engineering embraces reservoir types, configuration, lithology, fluid properties,
porosity and fluid flow characteristics in order to select appropriate well completion mode
and avoid formation damage. Petroleum production engineering lends to completion
engineering the requirements of different types of wells (e.g. oil well, gas well, water
injection well, etc.), production modes (e.g. commingled production, artificial lift, etc.) and
technical measures necessary for maintain production (e.g. acidizing, sand control, water
shutoff, etc.) (Renpu, 2011).
Fig.2.5 The system design procedure of well completion engineering (Renpu, 2011).
The main goals of the well completion engineering and well completion engineering
system, as described above, are (Renpu, 2011):
• To minimize formation damage and unleash the natural potential of reservoir.
• To effectively produce reservoir fluids.
• To adjust the producing pressure difference, increase the flow conductivity and
enlarge the drainage area, thus resulting in the augmentation of the individual
well production rate.
• To assure proper conditions for the application of different oil production
technologies and methods.
• To combine present and future targets in order to improve the economic
• To protect casing and tubing from corrosion, reduce down-hole servicing
operations and prolong the well’s production life.
• To design and operate the well at the maximum economic benefit with the
minimum cost.
Thus, a reasonable is where the drilling ends and completions begin. This often
depends on the type of completion:
For cased and perforated wells, the completion begins once the casing or liner has
been cemented.
For open hole completions, the completion begins once the reservoir section has
been drilled and the drill string has been pulled out. (Bellarby, 2009).
2.4 Safety and environment
Safety is of critical importance in well completion because of the accidents caused due
to poor design or installation may be severe and fatal. The completion must be designed so
as to be safely installed and operated. Safe installation will need to reference hazards such
as well control, heavy lifts, chemicals and simultaneous operations.
To avoid such problems, risk assessments for all well operations, including the design
of well completion, are performed. The risk assessment of well completion operations
should cover all the installation procedures. Once risks are identified, they are categorized
according to their impact and likelihood as shown in the figure below (Figure 2.6).
The majority of the companies have their own procedures for risk assessment, defining
the impact in terms of injuries, cost, leak potential etc., and likelihood in terms of a defined
frequency. Ideally, for all risks identified mitigation measures should be in place, but
definitely for risks within the red boxes.
In some cases it is necessary risks to be quantified. These Quantitative Risk
Assessments (QRAs) evaluate the risk in terms of cost versus benefit. These assessments
are very useful for decisions regarding removing or adding safety-related equipment.
Obviously, additional expertise with completion engineering is required for these
assessments. This expertise can assist in quantifying the effect of fires, leaks, explosions,
etc., on people, the environment and nearby facilities (Bellarby, 2009).
Chapter 3: Conventional Completions
Well completions can either produce gas, oil and water or inject gas, steam, and waste
products (e.g. sulphur, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, etc.)
The completions are usually divided into the upper completion (conduit from reservoir
completion to surface facilities) and the reservoir completion (the connection between the
reservoir and the well) (Figure 3.1, 3.2).
The major decisions for all completion are: (i) well trajectory and inclination, (ii) open
hole versus cased hole, (iii) sand control needs and type, (iv) reservoir stimulation and (v)
single or multiple zones completion (commingled or selective).
The most common types for the conventional single zone completion of the reservoir
zones are:
• Open-hole completions (barefoot).
• Pre-drilled/Slotted liner completions (un-cemented).
• Cemented and perforated completions (casing or liner with annular cementation
and subsequent perforation).
• Open hole with sand control screens/gravel pack.
• Cased hole with gravel pack or frac-pack. (Bellarby, 2009, Heriot Watt
University, 2011).
Fig.3.1 Reservoir completion methods (Bellarby, 2009).
3.1.1 Open Hole Completion
The primary decision on casing in the pay-zone is not of the weight or size, but
whether or not to run casing at all. The simplest approach to bottom hole completion is to
leave the entire drilled reservoir section open after drilling (Figure 3.3). Open hole
completions represent the simplest type of completion and have some very useful features.
Open hole completions are often referred to as “barefoot” completions (barefoot= no
tubulars across the reservoir face) and the technique is widely applied. There are savings in
both costs and time since no equipment needs to be installed.
There are 2 types of procedures for open hole completions:
1. In the first, engineers drill to the top of the oil reservoir, then they run in the
intermediate casing and the well is cemented. When the cement slurry is returned to the
predetermined design height and hardens, they run in a bit with a smaller diameter through
the intermediate casing and they drill through the cement plug. Finally, they drill into the
design depth and the well is completed.
2. In the other procedure they do not change the bit. They drill in directly through to
the design depth, then the intermediate casing is run to the top of the oil reservoir and the
well is cemented. They pad, during cementing, the oil reservoir with sand in order to
prevent damage of the oil reservoir below the casing shoe by cement slurry. They displace
the drilling fluid (which has high viscosity and low fluid loss) in order to prevent the
cement slurry from settling. In some cases they set an external casing packer and cement
stinger at the lower part of the casing in order to retain the cement slurry in the annulus and
prevent it from settling.
Fig.3.3 Open hole completion (Renpu, 2011, Heriot Watt University, 2011).
The major drawback of this method is the lack of zonal control for production or
injection. Openhole completions are used in consolidated formations as the borehole may
become unstable once a draw-down is applied to induce the well to flow. In these cases
either total collapse of the formation or sand production occur. Openhole completions are
particularly preferred where it is difficult to identify the net pay within the gross
completion interval (e.g. alternating thin, silty/sandy sequences or naturally fractured
reservoirs) and where severe filtrate losses can lead to deep damage, as in high
permeability carbonates (Renpu, 2011, Bellarby, 2009, Heriot Watt University, 2011).
We can sum up some advantages and disadvantages/limitations of openhole
completions (Allen & Roberts, 1982):
• A low cost completion alternative.
• Adaptable to special drilling methods to prevent lost circulation into the producing
zone so that to minimize formation damage.
• No perforating expense.
• With the use of gravel pack, sufficient sand control (method) is provided where
productivity is important.
• Conducting loggings or log interpretation is not necessary since the entire interval is
• It is easier to deepen the well.
• It is easier to convert the completion to liner or perforated completion.
• Difficult to control excessive gas or water production.
• Selective fracking or acidizing is more difficult.
• Casing set "in the dark" before the pay zone is drilled or logged.
• Requires more rig time for completion.
• May require frequent clean-out in unconsolidated formations.
3.1.2 Pre-drilled/Slotted liner completions (Un-cemented)
To deal with the problems of sands collapsing and plugging the production system,
engineers place slotted pipe or screens across the open hole section as a down-hole sand
filter. The use of un-cemented liners as a method of sand control remains popular today in
some areas (Figure 3.4).
Fig.3.4 Well completed with wire wrapped slotted liner or screen (Heriot Watt
University, 2011).
The liner or screen is installed to prevent sand production into the wellbore and tubing.
The success of the completion in controlling sand production depends upon the screen or
slot sizes and on the sand particle sizes. In order the screen to become completely effective
it must totally restrain sand production, which requires that the slot size be equal to the size
of the smallest particles. However, in such cases the slots may quickly become plugged
and impede flow, resulting in a loss in well productivity.
This system is also used in high angle wells to prevent major hole collapse or ease the
passage of logging tools. This technique has the same weakness for zonal control of
production or injection as the open hole completion. However, it is also a low cost
There are 2 types of procedures for pre-drilled/slotted liner completions (un-
1. Engineers drill through the oil reservoir without change the size of the bit, then they
run a slotted liner at the bottom of the casing string inside the oil reservoir and casing is
cemented using an external casing packer and cement stinger to isolate the annulus above
the top boundary of the oil reservoir (Figure 3.5). The main disadvantage of this procedure
is that we cannot repair or change the down hole liner damage. That is the reason why this
procedure is generally not applied.
2. They drill up to the top boundary of the oil reservoir, then they run in the
intermediate casing and the well is cemented. Then they run a smaller diameter bit through
the intermediate casing and they drill through the oil reservoir to the design depth. Finally,
they run a slotted liner in advance to the position of the oil reservoir (Figure 3.6). This liner
is hung on the wall of the intermediate casing by the liner hanger on the top of the liner and
it seals the liner casing annulus, hence the oil and gas can flow into the wellbore through
the slots of the liner (Renpu, 2011, Heriot Watt University, 2011).
Fig.3.6 Hook-wall slotted liner completion (Renpu, 2011).
Such completions have virtually the same advantages and disadvantages as open hole
• Formation damage is minimized with new mud.
• No wireline perforation expenses.
• Log interpretation is not critical.
• Adaptable to sand control methods (gravel pack or pre-packed liner).
• Difficult to control excessive gas and water.
• Selective stimulation is impossible.
• Additional rig time is required to run screen.
• Production casing is set before the pay zone is drilled.
3.1.3 Cemented and perforated completions
The final option is to install either a cemented casing string which extends back to the
surface or a cemented liner which extends back into the shoe of the previous casing string
(Figure 3.7).
Fig.3.7 Cemented and perforated production liner or casing (Heriot Watt University,
To prevent the collapse of the wellbore, a casing string is run and act in concert with
the cement sheath to isolate and separate the productive formations. The size of the casing
is chosen based on the expected productivity of the well and should be designed to
withstand the external and internal pressures associated with completion, any corrosive
influences and the forces associated with running in the casing.
Perforated completions include casing, liner and tieback liner perforation completions.
1. In casing perforation completion engineers drill through the reservoir to the design
depth, they run in production casing to the bottom of the reservoir, they cement and
perforate with perforator to perforate through the production casing, cement sheath and to
penetrate into a certain depth within the reservoir to make channels to permit the gas and
oil to flow into the well (Figure 3.8).
2. In liner perforation completion they run in the intermediate casing and cement it
after they drill to the top of the reservoir. Then they drill through the reservoir to the design
depth using a smaller size bit, they run in a liner using drilling tools, they hang the liner on
the intermediate casing and then they cement and perforate (Figure 3.9). Liner perforation
completion is only suitable for gas and oil wells with a low or medium bottomhole
Fig.3.9 Liner perforation completion (Renpu, 2011).
3. Engineers commonly apply liner tieback perforation completion to deep and ultra-
deep oil and gas wells and to high-pressure and super-high pressure oil and gas wells. The
general procedure is to run liner in, cementing, run in production casing to tie back liner,
cement into intermediate casing and production. Casing annulus under atmospheric
pressure and return cement slurry to the surface, and then to perforate the liner (Figure
3.10) (Renpu, 2011, Bellarby, 2009, Heriot Watt University, 2011).
This technique has greater costs and time than the previous techniques. First of all, the
cost of a full length of casing from the surface to the base of the well is high. Second, the
cost of cementing, perforating and the additional rig time must also be added. The liner
helps to reduce the required length, hence cost, of casing. However, this system presents
advantages like: control the depletion of individual zones, isolate the inflow of undesirable
produced fluids and control the injection of fluids into zones. These advantages are very
useful to many fields and that’s why this technique is the most widely applied.
To sum up the advantages and limitations of perforated completions (Allen & Roberts,
• Easy to control excessive water or gas.
• Formation can be selectively stimulated.
• Full diameter opposite pay.
• Logs and formations samples available to assist in the decision to set casing or
• Easy to deepen the well.
• Adaptable to multi-completion techniques.
• Adaptable to special sand control techniques (most sands can be controlled).
• Minimum rig time on completion.
• Significant perforation costs can occur.
• Log interpretation usually is critical in order not to miss commercial sands, yet
avoid perforating sub-marginal zones.
• Not adaptable to special drilling techniques to minimize formation damage.
• Size is a limitation to deepen the well.
In the table below (Table 3.1) we can see the suitable completion mode depending on
the geological conditions.
Table 3.1
(Renpu, 2011).
3.1.4 Gravel Pack Completion (Open hole and Cased hole)
Gravel pack completions are mainly used in unconsolidated formations with serious
sand production. At first, engineers run a wire wrapped screen to the position of the oil
reservoir. Then gravel selected at the surface in advance is pumped to the annulus between
the wire wrapped screen and the borehole or the casing using packing fluid, hence forming
a gravel pack bed which prevent sand from entering into the wellbore and protect the
borehole wall (Renpu, 2011).
In gravel pack completions, engineers usually use the wire wrapped screen instead of
the slotted liner because:
1. The minimum gap width of the wire wrapped screen is 0.12mm instead of 0.5mm of
the slotted liner. Hence, wire wrapped screen applicable range is much larger (the
slotted liner is only suitable for medium coarse grain reservoirs).
2. The wire wrapped screen has a continuous gap formed by the wrapping wire (Figure
3.11 (a)) and there is almost no pressure drop when fluid flows through the screen.
Their shape can be such that provide a certain self-cleaning action, so that slight
plugging can be dredged by the produced fluid (Figure 3.11 (b and c)). The wire
wrapped screen without self-cleaning action is shown in Figure 3.11 (d). The wire
wrapped screen flow area is much larger than that of the slotted liner (Figure 3.12).
3. The wire wrapped screen has a stainless steel wire. This wire has strong corrosion
resistance, long service life, and high economic benefits.
Fig.3.12 Screen liner throughput capacity comparison diagram (Renpu, 2011).
They drill to 3m above the top boundary of the oil reservoir, run intermediate casing,
cement, drill through the cement plug with a smaller bit, drill in the reservoir to design
depth, change into the under reaming expansion bit, enlarge the borehole diameter up to
1.5-3 times the outside diameter of the intermediate casing to ensure a larger annulus
during gravel packing, an increased thickness of the sand control bed and an enhanced
effectiveness of sand control, and then packing gravel (Renpu, 2011).
In the next sections Nodal analysis (3.2) and Production logging (3.3) will be briefly
Nodal analysis is a modeling tool used by engineers for many purposes in analyzing
and designing producing oil and gas wells. It provides powerful insight in the design of a
completion. Nodal analysis also helps engineers to achieve an optimum well design in
terms of perforations, tubing size, and fluid and underbalance design, as well as to provide
some of the key data inputs for the design of surface facilities. Even with limited data this
process is very useful in analyzing current producing wells by identifying flow restrictions
or opportunities to enhance performance.
Production logging is referred as a number of logging tools that provide the engineers
with information during production operations and beyond. This information allows for
efficient completion of the reservoir, increase production, diagnose production problems
and lower costs. Production logging is a critical component of developing optimum
modeling, completion and stimulation practices.
3.2 Nodal analysis
Through production there is a fluid pressure loss from the reservoir up to the surface
caused by the resistant of porous media, well completion tubing string and the flowline. In
the Figure below (Figure 3.15) we can see all the pressure losses in a well system.
The whole production system can be mathematically simulated using nodal analysis
method to optimize the production system of oil and gas wells. Nodal Analysis provides
estimations of reservoir parameters such as: skin, permeability, reservoir pressure, and
evaluation of potential stimulation treatments (primarily through the reduction in skin).
Nodal Analysis can be simplified into two parts: outflow and inflow parts (Figure
3.16). The inflow includes the flow through the porous media and the completion selection
and the outflow includes the flow through the tubing string and the surface flow line. The
inflow performance of a well describes the flow capacity of a well versus the drawdown
pressure at a certain time for given set of conditions. Using Nodal Analysis engineers can
optimize well completion selection, tubing size and choke, and determine the dynamic
performance of a gas or an oil well under current production conditions, the production
state when flowing stops or is turned to pumping, the moment of turning to an artificial lift
and finding a way to enhance the production rate. So, in the first stage of well completion,
engineers pay most attention to the IPR (Inflow Performance Relationship) curve to
optimize completion parameters and tubing size.
3.3 Production Logging
The main purpose of production logging is to provide information to the operator that
will allow efficient depletion of the reservoir to increase production, lower costs and
eliminate any danger that may occur. Accurate data from down-hole sensors will provide
us an understanding of the well and reservoir characteristics.
Production logging provides the information that enables the diagnosis of well
problems, as follows:
• Diagnose production problems and allocate production (or injection)
• Select zones for recompletion
• Monitor reservoir fluid contacts
• Monitor corrosion
• Monitor cement placement
Production logging has applications in well problems, well performance and well
testing, and assists in determining single and multiphase flow and flow anomalies.
Logs can be separated into application classes: Open-hole logs/Cased hole logs. Open-
hole logs are applied to select pay zones and estimate the type and quality of rock through
which the well is drilled. Cased hole logging is used to select information for reentry of
wells, evaluation of production, depth correlation and in secondary and tertiary recovery
(King, 1998).
In Cased Hole Logging the following sensors can be used:
• Production Logging Tools & Potential Spontaneous (PLT & PSP) (Figure 3.17)
Temperature Logs
Pressure Logs
Noise Measurement
Flowmeter Spinner
Gamma Ray
• Formation Evaluation Logging
Pulsed neutron
Reservoir Saturation Tool, Cased Hole Formation Resistivity (RST, CHFR)
• Well Integrity
Cement Bond logs
Caliper logs
Analytically Cased Hole Logging applications are:
1. Evaluate completion performance
New wells
Injection wells
2. Monitor reservoir performance & variations
Flow profile
Well test
Completion efficiency
3. Casing/Borehole Internal Diameter (ID) Inspection (Well Integrity)
Electrical deform casing calipers
Internal calibers (microscopic)
Borehole televiewers
Casing potential profile
Electronic calibers or calipers
Induction casing thickness logs
Flux leakage logs
4. Fluid flow, leak detection
Spinner flowmeters
Noise surveys
Radioactive tracer survey
5. Formation, near well bore evaluation
Neutron lifetime logs
Photo logs
6. Diagnose well problem
Water entry
Gas entry
Leaks and mechanical problems
Flow behind casing
7. Other
Guidance for workover
Information for Enhanced Oil Recovery projects
Identify boundaries for field development
We can sum up the log types used depending on the survey requiered in the Table
below (Table 3.2).
3.4 Barrier
Well barriers is the main measure that engineers can take to protect the environment.
The efficient design and operation of these barriers is of vital importance for the protection
of the employees on the well and the avoidance of environmental problems. Completions
are part of the fundamental barrier system between the reservoir and the environment.
They are also part of the well control envelope and remain so through the life of the well.
The definitions diversify from company to company but the main and simple rule in well
control is that ‘At least two tested independent barriers between hydrocarbons in the
reservoir and the environment at all times’. A barrier is any device, fluid or substance that
prevents the flow of wellbore fluids (Bellarby 2009).
A well confinement barrier is defined as a set of components and/or conditions that
prevents the reservoir fluids from escaping to surroundings along any potential flow path.
It contains them within the confines of the well or the formation. It is also a protective
measure to prevent an uncontrolled fluid release to surface through production string or
from reservoir to well annulus.
Well barrier elements are:
• Primary well barrier - Normal working stage. In some situations it is the fluid
column or a mechanical well barrier that provides closure of the well barrier
envelope. The primary barrier is defined as the barrier that initially prevents
hydrocarbons from escaping. This kind of barriers are, for example, the tubing, the
mud or the Christmas tree.
• Secondary well barrier - An ultimate stage. In most cases it describes a situation
where the shear ram or valve of BOP is closed. The secondary barrier is defined as
the backup to the primary barrier. The secondary barrier is not normally in use
until the primary barrier fails. The secondary barrier must be independent of the
primary barrier, because any event that could destroy the primary barrier should
not affect the secondary barrier.
Other categorization of barriers might be:
• Surface barrier: It is always required to connect the well to the surface facilities.
The Surface barrier seals off the production/injection bores at the top part of the
annulus. It consists of:
Christmas tree
Wellhead assembly
• Structural or downhole barrier: It is the annuli and down hole barrier for the bore
of the production casing aimed at providing backup in the event of the surface barrier
Structural or downhole barrier isolates the different annuli and consists of:
Casing, liner and tubing strings.
Hydrostatic columns if there is provision to monitor and top up the liquid
Cement in the annular spaces between casing strings that seals off the annuli.
Down hole Safety valve (DHSV) system.
Tab.3.3 Some barrier system examples through the life of a well (Bellarby, 2009).
There must be two well barriers available during all well operations and activities,
including suspended or abandoned wells, where a pressure differential exists that may
cause uncontrolled out-flow from the borehole to the external environment.
Wells can be produced/injected only if two independent and tested barriers are in place
on each potential hydrocarbon leak path.
When one of these barriers becomes ineffective or in bad condition, the failed
components must be replaced or repaired as soon as it is feasible. Risk assessment shall be
made to determine the maximum allowable waiting time until the replacement or repair is
Well barrier design, selection and construction must follow the following principles:
• It can withstand the maximum anticipated differential pressure it could be exposed to.
• It can be function tested and leak tested or verified by other methods.
• It can be done reestablishment of a lost well barrier or another alternative well barrier.
• A failure of a single barrier or barrier element cannot lead to uncontrolled out-flow
from the borehole to the external environment.
• It can be completely functional and withstand the environment which could be
exposed to over time
• Its physical location and integrity status is known at all times.
3.4.1 Tubing
Tubing is the normal flow conduit which is used to transport produced hydrocarbons
to the surface and fluids to the formation. Tubing with packer provides isolation of the
casing from well fluids and prevent casing for corrosion damage. Furthermore, multi-
completions require tubing to allow individual zone operation and production (Lake,
The integrity of tubing is vital to the safe operation of an injection or production well.
Tubing must be selected to provide the following capabilities (Heriot Watt University,
• The ID (Inside Diameter) of tubing must provide a produced fluid velocity to
minimize the total pressure loss (tubing performance relationship).
• The completion string must be capable of withstanding the maximum conceivable
burst (internal) pressure.
• Both tubing and coupling string’s tensile strength must be high enough to permit
suspension of the complete string without tensile failure.
• Tubing must be resistant to chemical corrosive action of well fluids throughout the
well life.
• The completion string must be capable of withstanding the maximum conceivable
collapse (external) differential pressures between the tubing and the annulus.
Some special completions are tubingless. These are in flowing wells with relatively
small size casing installed.
API has defined certain standards for tubular goods, such as casing and tubing. API
has defined nine grades of steel: H40, J55, K55, C75, L80, N80, C95, P105, and P110. The
letters H, J, and N are primarily to reduce verbal confusion, while others have an extra
meaning: K has higher ultimate strength than J. C, L are of "restricted yield strength" with
tighter specifications and P is of high strength. The numbers after the letter grading signify
the minimum yield strength in units of a 1000 psi. The letter grades indicate the
manufacturing process or subsequent treatment of the steel to modify its properties. In
general, the higher the yield strength created by working the steel, the more susceptible it
is to failure by H2S (Lake, 2007).
The main failure modes that tubing is dealing with are:
• Burst
• Collapse
• Tension — failure of the couplings or pipe.
The most severe loading on tubing mostly occur during killing operations, well service
and pressure tests. Tubing material selection requires the specification of material grade
(=quality), operational parameters, dimensions, thread and connection type.
Tubing strings must have the correct size to permit the fluids to flow efficiently and to
allow installation of effective artificial lift equipment. If the tubing string is too small then
it may cause large friction losses and may limit production. Furthermore, it can also
severely restrict the type and size of artificial lift equipment. On the other hand, if tubing
string size is too large then it can cause heading and unstable flow, which results in loading
up of the well and can complicate workovers.
Conventionally the outside diameter (OD) of the tubing is specified. The inside
diameter (ID) is defined by the wall thickness of steel via the tubing's "weight per foot".
Wall thickness will influence the tensile strength of steel and its resistance to failure with
high external (collapse) or internal (burst) pressure differentials.
The greatest tensile load is applied to the joints nearest to the surface due to the weight
of the suspended pipe since each joint suspends the string immediately below it.
When we design a tubing string the most important thing we must consider is the
differential pressure between the external and the internal pressures. The highest burst
condition is commonly encountered at the surface where the external pressure is at its
minimum. The maximum design burst pressure is normally the pressure when the string is
gas filled plus a safety factor which varies from 1.0 to 1.33.
When the external pressure exceeds the internal pressure collapse of tubing is
occurring. This condition is normally greatest at the bottom of the well when the annulus is
full of fluid and tubing is evacuated plus a safety factor which varies from 1.0 to 1.125
(Lake, 2007).
There are generally two classes of threaded coupling (Heriot Watt University, 2011):
1. There are connections which require an internal pressure in order to produce a
pressure tight seal. This type of couplings includes the API round thread and buttress
connection whereby a thread compound applied to the threads must be compressed by
external pressure acting on the coupling causing it to fill any void spaces within the
2. There are metal to metal or elastomeric seal connection Premium threads. This class
of coupling includes the Extreme Line and a range of specialized couplings of specific
commercial design.
Another classification of coupling is External or Integral couplings (Figure 3.18):
• An external coupling, such as the VAM coupling, requires that a male thread be
cut on each end of the tubing joints, while the coupling has two female
• An external coupling has a larger effective wall thickness in the coupling section
(Dc > D) which provides higher load capacity compared to an integral coupling.
The integral coupling has a male and female thread cut on opposite ends of the
• An external upset coupling uses an increased wall thickness of pipe at one end of
the pipe allowing a female thread to be cut without sacrificing too much of the
tensile load carrying capacity.
• A flush joint is one in which there is a uniform Internal Diameter (D = Dc)
through the make up connection.
• An internal upset coupling is one in which there is a small section of decreased
Internal Diameter (D > Dc) in the area of the coupling (Heriot Watt University,
Fig.3.18 a) VAM: An internally flush coupling b) An integral, internally upset
coupling (Heriot Watt University, 2011).
Unanchored tubing in a rod-pumped well is subject to constant movement. The tubing
will buckle on the upstroke and stretch on the down stroke. This is sometimes called
"breathing". This movement leads to wear and fatigue problems and can result in highly
inefficient use of the available pumping unit stroke. Tubing anchors are used to minimize
this movement.
Tubing anchors are:
• Mechanically set anchors.
• Single or dual hydraulically set anchors.
Compression anchors reduce the breathing problems but do not prevent buckling and
are therefore rarely used.
Tension anchors, which gradually "walk down" the inside of the casing as the pump
starts to operate and then set the tubing at its maximum elongation, may damage the casing
by repeated slight movement.
Most anchors used today are of the fixed type.
Seating Nipples
Seating nipples are used to accommodate a pump, hanger, plug or flow control device.
They consist of a polished bore with an internal diameter just less than the tubing drift
diameter. Commonly they also require a lock profile, especially for landing nipples. Heavy
duty tubing sections, called flow couplings, are often run on either end to minimize the
effects of turbulence.
There are three main types of seating nipples used as integral parts of the tubing:
• Pump seating nipples.
• Selective landing nipples.
• Non-selective or no go landing nipples.
A landing nipple is a short pipe, part of the tubing string, with a recess to lock or hang-
off a Locking Mandrel and with a polished bore to receive a seal.
Landing nipples (Figure 3.19, 3.20) are used when there is a need to install or to hang-
off the following devices in the tubing:
• A plug to pressure test the tubing.
• A plug in the tubing below packer to safeguard the well.
• A standing valve or plug during workover.
• Pressure gauges to measure bottom hole pressures.
Fig.3.20 Landing nipple (Lake, 2007).
Selective landing nipples are nipples with a common internal diameter. These nipples
are applied when more than one nipple is required within a single string of tubing. They
should be no closer than 30ft from a similar profile, and at least 10ft from any change in
No-go landing nipples are designed with an Inside Diameter that is slightly restricted
to provide a positive shoulder to locate a locking mandrel. The ID should be checked
against any through - tubing equipment that may be used. Commonly are located at the
bottom of the tailpipe or tubing string and at least 5ft below any profile change.
It is best to include a sliding sleeve above the nipple in case debris prevents the pulling
of any plug set in the nipple by regular wire-line methods. Alternatively, a mechanical
perforator may be used to punch a hole above the plug.
Sliding sleeves (Figure 3.21, 3.22), also referred as “sliding side doors or circulating
sleeves”, are used to obtain access from the tubing to the annulus either for fluid
circulation or to allow a previously isolated zone to be produced.
They close and open with a wire-line tool. These devices are typically placed above
packers. They are an essential requirement of multi-zone completions scheduled for
selective production.
Fig.3.21 Sliding Sleeves (Bakerhughes, 2014).
Uses of Sliding Sleeves are:
• Kick-off by displacing the tubing contents with a low density fluid, thereby
avoiding the use of coiled tubing within the tubing.
• Well killing prior to tubing pulling job or work-over.
• Circulating out completion fluid with a packer fluid (e.g. from water to inhibited
brine or from mud to brine).
• Testing (SSSV).
• Temporarily producing a selective zone into the tubing.
• They are now much easier to open and less prone to failure.
• Special elastomers are needed for some fluids.
• A ported nipple is sometimes used in place of a sliding sleeve.
• Alternatively, some completion engineers choose to apply a side pocket mandrel as
a circulation point above the packer.
It is highly desirable to have one or two mandrels located up to the top packer in high
pressure gas well completions. These are applied to facilitate a controlled circulation kill
fluid in the event the sliding sleeve is inaccessible or if corrosion inhibitor injection is
required. Inhibitor may be supplied either through the annulus continuously or in batch
treatments. Some operators also apply side pocket mandrels to install a temperature and
pressure sensor that can transmit data to the surface through a cable attached to the outside
of the tubing.
Some engineers choose to apply a side pocket mandrel instead of a sliding sleeve
above the top packer. Repair of those seals in a sliding sleeve requires a work-over rig.
Blast Joints
Blast joints (Figure 3.24) are used to increase the abrasion resistance of the tubing
string against the jetting action of a producing formation. Blast joints should be located on
the tubing string opposite all upper perforations. Blast joints should also be used in the
wellhead area where abrasive fracturing fluids may be pumped into the casing access.
Fig.3.24 a) Blast Joint b) Polished nipples; c) schematic polished nipple run to provide
at sealing surface in case of blast joint erosion (Bakerhughes, 2014).
3.4.2 Packers
The packer forms the basis of the cased-hole completion design. Packers are a sub-
surface tool used to provide a seal between the tubing and the casing of a well, thus
preventing the movement of fluids past this sealing point. So, packers are sealing devices
that isolate and contain produced fluids and pressures within the wellbore to protect the
casing and other formations below and above the producing zone. This is essential to the
basic functioning of most wells.
Beside their sealing purpose packers also provide a structural purpose (anchor the
tubing to casing). They are used in a variety of applications (Lake, 2007, Bellarby, 2009,
Allen & Roberts, 1982):
• To improve safety by providing a barrier to flow through the annulus.
• To keep well pressures and fluids isolated from the casing.
• To protect the annular casing from corrosion caused by the produced fluids and the
high pressures.
• To prevent down-hole movement of the tubing string.
• To support some of the weight of the tubing.
• To improve flow conditions and prevent heading.
• To separate zones in the same wellbore.
• To isolate sand and gravel (gravel pack packer and sump packer).
• To place treating or kill fluids in the casing annulus.
• To pack off perforations rather than use squeeze cementing.
• To keep gas lift or hydraulic power fluid injection pressure isolated from the
Choosing the right packer requires knowledge of the completion and operational
requirements. This gives an early design load on operational/completions engineers: get it
right or risk an early workover to replace a poorly selected packer.
Packers have 4 key components: cone, slip, packing-element system and body or
mandrel (Figure 3.25). The slip is a wedge-shaped appliance and it has wickers or teeth on
its face. These wickers or teeth penetrate and grip the casing wall when the packer is set.
The cone has beveled shape to match the back of the slip and forms a ramp that sends the
slip abroad and into the casing wall when setting force act to the packer. When the slips
have anchored into the casing wall, additional applied setting force activates the packing-
element system and between the inside diameter of the casing and the body of the packer is
crated a seal.
Fig.3.26 Typical hydraulic set production packer (Bellarby, 2009).
Retrievable Packers
This type of packers is run on the tubing. After setting, they can be released and
recovered from the well on the tubing. It is an integral part of the tubing string, the tubing
cannot be removed from the well without pulling the packer, unless a detachable packer
head is used. They are designed to be set hydraulically or mechanically.
Retrievable packers are usually used for complex multiple zone and multiple string
completions. Their main limitation is their limited ability to accommodate tubing stress
changes without unsetting. The availability of effective slip joints and detachable heads has
eased the situation.
One disadvantage of retrievable packers is that if they fail to be retrieved, they must be
removed by milling. However, they are very difficult to mill. Generally, this type of packer
is used under non-severe conditions (differential pressures less than 5000 psi and
temperatures less than 300°F). Because of their setting mechanism, retrievable packers
tend to have a restricted bore, which may restrict flow or limit wireline operations below
the packer setting depth.
The different types of retrievable packers are:
i. Retrievable Tension Packer. This packer is generally used in medium to shallow-depth,
low pressure/low temperature (LP/LT) conditions, injection or production applications
(Figure 3.27). It has a single set of unidirectional slips. The slips grip the casing only
when the tubing is pulled in tension, so to keep the packer set and the packing element
energized the tubing tension must be constant. Usually these packers are set
mechanically and they are released by means of tubing rotation. It does not have an
equalizing (or bypass) valve to help in pressure equalization between the annulus and
the tubing to facilitate the retrieval of the packer. That is the reason why this packer
runs at relatively shallow depths (Lake, 2007).
ii. Retrievable Compression Packer With Bypass. These packers have a fluid-bypass
valve and they are typically used for low to medium pressure/medium temperature
conditions (Figure 3.28, 3.29). The retrievable compression packer is prevented from
setting by means of a mechanical assembly while it is being run in the hole. When the
packer has reached the designed depth, the tubing string is rotated to input the setting
sequence. The drag blocks on the packer hold the packer in place and provide the
resistance to set it while the tubing is being rotated.
The tubing string is lowered to close the bypass seal and set the slips, when the
interconnect system is released. The constant application of slack off force activates the
packing-element system and creates a seal. The additional bypass valve equalizes the
pressures in the annulus and tubing and assists in releasing the packer. The valve can
be opened without releasing the packer by picking up on the tubing string.
Compression or tubing weight needs to be constant to sustain the pack off and keep the
bypass valve closed. That is the reason why compression packers are generally not
applicable for low-volume pressure-treating operations or injection wells (Lake, 2007).
Fig.3.29 Compression packer with fluid bypass and hold-down anchor (Lake, 2007).
iii. Wireline Set-Tubing Retrievable. These packers are designed to be installed in the
wellbore on electric wireline and retrieved on the tubing string (Figure 3.30). A special
nipple is located on the top of the packer. It has a polished seal surface on its Outside
Diameter and has j-lugs that are used to washover shoe in place or anchor a seal
housing. Additionally, the polished nipple has a landing nipple profile in its Inside
Diameter. The landing nipple permits the installation, if desired, of a slickline
retrievable blanking plug.
The packer is run and set on electric wire-line. This wire-line provides the force by
itself with no other equipment to anchor the slips in the casing wall and energize the
packing element. When the packer is installed and the wire-line is retrieved, a seal
housing is run in the hole on the bottom of the production tubing. The tubing can be
retrieved from the wellbore at any time without disturbing the packer.
The main advantage of this system is that it can be set and run under pressure on
electric wire-line in a live gas or oil well (Lake, 2007).
Fig.3.30 A set with plug in place (left) and with tubing connected and plug retrieved
(right) of Wireline-set tubing retrievable packer (Lake, 2007).
iv. Retrievable Tension/Compression Set-Versatile Landing. These packers let the tubing
to be landed in tension, compression, or neutral and they are the most common types of
retrievable packers that are used nowadays (Figure 3.31) (Lake, 2007).
Fig.3.31 Tension/compression set versatile landing (Lake, 2007).
Fig.3.32 Retrievable Hydraulic-Set Packer (Lake, 2007).
Fig.3.33 Hydraulic-set dual-string packer (Lake, 2007).
Permanent Packers
A permanent packer is independent of the tubing and may be run on tubing or on wire-
line. The tubing can be released from the packer and can be pulled, leaving the packer set
in the casing. It can subsequently be run back and resealed. The packer acts as an integral
part of the casing. It is usually referred to as production packer or retainer production
It cannot be recovered as such, but it can be destructively removed. In case that the
packer includes a tailpipe and must be recovered, a mill out extension is required on the
packer for the “catch sleeve” or "packer picker" on the mill to engage. In other cases, after
milling, it may be adequate to simply push the packer to the bottom of the casing.
The upper part, down to the slip, is required to be milled at a permanent packer. The
slips can then collapse inwards and the packer pulled. These packers are generally reliable
once set (Figure 3.34).
Fig.3.34 Permanent sealbore packer (Lake, 2007).
A permanent packer can be set using an electric wire-line setting tool, a hydraulic
setting tool run on drillpipe or tubing or by a combination of rotation and pull (Bellarby,
Permanent packers have the following applications:
• High formation, treating, or swabbing differential pressures.
• Pulling the tubing without unseating the packer.
• Converting the packer to a temporary or a permanent bridge plug.
• High bottom-hole temperatures.
• Tubing operating stress variations would not be accommodated with a
retrievable packer.
• A retrievable packer would have an inadequate bore.
Inflatable Packers
This type of packers comprises a flexible sealing element that can be expanded
hydraulically using cement or completion fluid (Figure 3.35). They are used as open hole
packer in Drill Stem Testing or when the casing is damaged. They are also used as external
casing packers in stimulating horizontal wells.
3.4.3 Wellhead/Xmas Tree
Wellheads are the connection point for the surface flow lines and the tubulars and they
are the surface pressure control point in almost every well operation. They usually have
working pressures of 2000-15,000 psi or greater. They must be chosen to meet the
temperature, pressure, corrosion, and production compatibility requirements of the well.
Wellhead assembly is applied for hanging down-hole casing and tubing string, sealing
casing-casing and tubing-casing annuluses, injecting gas, steam, water, and chemicals and
acidizing and fracturing. It is the most crucial equipment for safe production.
There are three sections at a wellhead (Bellarby, 2009, Heriot Watt University, 2011):
-The outer cemented casing string, commonly either the surface string or the
conductor pipe, is fitted with a slip type or threaded casing head.
-The head which supports the BOPs (Figure 3.36, 3.37) during drilling and the rest of
the well head (Figure 3.38) during production.
The BlowOut Preventer or BOP is a large assembly of valves and rams at the top of a
well that can be closed in case the drilling crew loses control of formation fluids. By
closing BOP valves (commonly operated remotely via hydraulic actuators), the drilling
crew often regains control of the reservoir and procedures can then be initiated to increase
the mud density until it is possible to open the BlowOut Preventer and retain pressure
control of the formation.
Fig.3.38 Simple wellhead assembly including casing spools and Christmas tree (Heriot
Watt University, 2011).
On the side of the head there is a port that permits the communication with the annulus
when another casing string is run. A casing spool is used for every additional casing string.
At each end the spool has a flange. The bolt pattern, the diameter of the flange and the seal
assembly are a function of the spool size range and the pressure rating. The tubing is
isolated and hung in a tubing spool. On the side of the spools there are ports which provide
annulus communication. Each spool has alignment screws for aligning the tubular in the
center of the spool.
-The Christmas tree is the final section of the wellhead. The tree is set on top of the
tubing hanger spool. The tree holds the valves that are used in well operation. Its main
purposes are to isolate the well from adjacent wells, provide the primary method of closing
in a well, connect a flow line and provide vertical access for well interventions. The
Christmas tree valves provide flow control of the fluids produced from or injected into the
well. The Christmas tree is generally installed on the wellhead after the installation of the
production tubing has been completed.
The master valve of the Christmas tree is always completely open when the well is
producing or when a workover is in progress. The master valve’s working pressure rating
must be adequate to handle full wellhead pressure. The master valve can be closed without
killing the well when the upper part of the Xmas tree must be replaced.
In some wells such as those with very HP (P>5000 psi) or hazardous wells there are
usually two master valves: one for backup in case there are leaks in the main valve. The
choke is the only device that is used to reduce the production of flowing fluids.
Christmas trees can be conventional or horizontal, set on platform or land or on subsea
The main difference between horizontal and vertical trees is the position of the valves
(Figure 3.39). Vertical tree has the master valves in the vertical position and in line with
the tubing. On the other hand, horizontal trees have the master valves horizontal and away
from the production/casing bore.
Fig.3.39 Typical vertical and horizontal tree valve configurations (Bellarby, 2009).
The BOP in horizontal trees is set above the tree and the tree is installed prior to
running the completion. Usually tree plugs need to be run before the Blow out Preventer
(BOP) can be removed. The plugs must be positioned inside the tubing hanger or be of full
bore. In Table below (Table 3.4) the sequencing of tree installation of vertical and
horizontal trees is shown.
Table 3.4 Sequencing of tree installation of vertical versus horizontal trees (Bellarby, 2009).
Fig3.40 High-pressure land tree (Bellarby, 2009).
The main difference between platform/land and subsea wells is the need of annulus
access through the tree. The annulus access is required for pressure monitoring, gas lift and
bleed down of annulus fluids.
The tubing hanger and the tree are dual bore for a conventional vertical subsea tree
(Figure 3.42): an annulus access bore with associated master valve and wing valve. A
XOV (crossover valve) lets annular fluids to be bled into the flow line. A conventional
subsea tree must have access to both the annulus and production bores. This is why a dual-
bore riser has to be used.
The horizontal subsea tree (Figure 3.43, 3.44) uses a single-bore riser. The fluids of
the annulus can be bled off through a concentric port in the tubing hanger and continue
through an annular master valve on the side of the tree. There is no requirement of plugs on
the annulus flow path (Bellarby, 2009, King, 1998).
Fig.3.43 Horizontal subsea tree with tubing hanger (Bellarby, 2009).
3.4.4 Subsurface Safety Valves
The subsurface safety valve automatically shuts-off the flow of the well, in case of a
catastrophic failure of the wellhead should occur, to avoid disaster. They must be installed
in every offshore well capable of flow, at onshore locations in high pressure or sour gas
wells located in close proximity to housing, public roads, or rock slide areas. These
requirements are often dictated by government regulations. There are generally two types
of down hole safety valves (Lake, 2007):
1) Subsurface-controlled safety valves (SSSVs)
2) Surface-controlled subsurface safety valves (SCSSVs)
Fig.3.46 Subsurface-controlled safety valve (Lake, 2007).
The valve can be a ball, flapper, or stem type. It is reopened by raising the pressure on
the downstream side in excess of the closed-in bottom hole pressure. Setting this type of
valve need an accurate knowledge of well behavior, temperature, and flow conditions.
The major advantage of these valves is that they are cheap and can be set deep in the
well below the packer, protecting both the tubing and the annulus.
The main disadvantages are the servicing and design requirements, the restrictions to
flow capacity and flexibility and the risk of inadvertent reopening as a result of fluids lost
into the wellbore.
Fig.3.47 Open and closed SCSSV (Bellarby, 2009).
There is often a control panel with pressure gauges and control valves for all the wells
on an offshore platform. Surface controlled valves are the type of down-hole safety valves
most favored today. The regulations require the use of this type of valve in all offshore
wells and onshore sour wells capable of flow.
There are two basic types of SCSSVs (Allen & Roberts, 1982): Wire-line retrievable
(TFL retrievable) and tubing retrievable (Figure 3.49, 3.50).
Fig.3.49, 3.50 Tubing (left) and Wire-line (right) retrievable down-hole safety valve
(Bellarby, 2009).
In the first one, wire-line retrievable valve, surface-controlled subsurface safety valves
landing nipple is installed in the tubing string. This is commonly a landing nipple with a
port through which the control line enters between a set of packings on the SCSSV. This
type of valve has a service life of eighteen to twenty four months and therefore requires
easy wire-line access.
The main disadvantages of wire-line retrievable surface-controlled subsurface safety
valves are the short service life, the restricted through-bore, the fact that the valve has to be
pulled for deep wire-line or through tubing work, turbulence in the flow stream increases
pressure loss and erosion problems and we are forced to rely on a lock to make sure that
the valve is not blown out of the well on closure.
On the other hand, in tubing-retrievable SCSSV the initial cost is relatively low and
servicing can be undertaken with minimal disruption of production. The tubing retrievable
SCSSV is an integral part of the tubing string. It generally has a larger through bore than
the wire-line retrievable valves and has a full bore diameter. It has a much longer service
life (five to twenty years, depending on the design and the materials selected). Tubing
retrievable valves with all metal to metal seals are available for severe environments.
Since most valve failures are caused by elastomer problems and since tubing-
retrievable valves need a rig entry for repair work, these valves are often backed up with a
nipple section positioned to accept a wire-line retrievable valve. Service procedures have
been developed for installing the insert valve using both TFL and wire-line techniques.
The Surface-controlled subsurface safety valve may incorporate a ball valve (Figure
3.51) or a flapper valve (Figure 3.52) (Heriot Watt University, 2011).
Ball valves are usually considered more robust and can sometimes cut wire-line when
they are closed across the valve. However, they are prone to damage by improper operation
and sand.
The simpler flapper valve has the advantage of always being re-opendable
(mechanically if necessary) should it become stuck in the closed position.
Fig.3.52 Flapper type SCSSV (Heriot Watt University, 2011).
The recommended safety valve’s setting depends on the company’s philosophy and
operating procedure. Many companies like to set the safety valve beyond the kick off point
so that it can be applied to shut in the well during the top-hole drilling or during kick off of
an adjacent well. Other designers do not prefer to subject the valve to significant bending
and therefore prefer its installation nearer to the surface. Valves are generally set at least
150ft below surface or sea floor.
• Taking maximum advantage of the formation temperature to avoid hydrate formation
during choking of a high pressure gas stream at surface temperatures.
Chokes are designed to give a constant rate. Regulators give constant choking or
pressure differential. The other safety device that is often used in injection wells is a simple
check valve that will permit injection but not production. This device may be used to
prevent backflow of water and formation sand, should injection cease. All of these devices
are normally wire-line retrievable.
3.5 Sand Control
Conventional well completions are usually used in sand reservoirs which are soft
formations, so generally produce formation sand and fines with fluids. Sand production can
reduce well productivity, erode equipment and plug wells.
Some of the main consequences of sand production are (Lake, 2007):
• Accumulation down-hole.
• Accumulation in surface equipment.
• Erosion of surface and down-hole equipment.
• Collapse of the formation.
It is very important for a completion engineer to predict if a well will produce without
sand and if sand control is necessary. There are several techniques to predict if sand control
is necessary, but none of them are universally acceptable or completely accurate.
The engineer must consider the operational and economic influence to determine
whether sand control is required and in most cases with limited data. The decision is
complex and difficult, since sand-control techniques, e.g. gravel packing, are expensive
and may reduce well productivity if not performed properly.
Another fact that must be considered is the formation strength. The compressive
strength of the rock has the same units as the pressure difference between the reservoir and
the well, so the two parameters may be directly compared and can determine drawdown
limits for specific wells.
We can use sonic logs as a way of addressing the sand production potential of wells.
The porosity is related to formation strength and the sonic travel time. Furthermore, there
are several other formation properties logs, such as density and neutron logs, which are
indicators of formation hardness and porosity. The formation porosity can be used as a
guide to decide whether sand control is needed. Usually, in case formation porosity is
greater than 30%, the necessity for sand control is high because of the lack of cementation.
The uncertainty for sand control requirement usually exists when formation porosity is
between 20 to 30%. Below 20% porosity sand control is not probably required.
Through production a pressure drawdown is usually a sign of sand production. Sand
production cannot occur if there is small pressure drawdown around the well.
The most sophisticated approach used by an engineer to predict sand production is the
Finite Element Analysis of geomechanical numerical models developed to analyze fluid
flow through the reservoir in relation to the formation strength.
There are many techniques to reduce sand production from wells. The method used
depends on the specific conditions of the site, operation practices and economic
considerations. In summary, the most used techniques are (Lake, 2007):
• Maintenance and Workover. A passive approach to sand control.
• Rate Restriction. Restricting the well’s flow rate to a range that minimizes sand
• Selective Completion Practices. Produce only from sections of the reservoir that are
able to withstand the anticipated drawdown and apply perforations only to sections
of the formation of the higher compressive strength which allows higher drawdown.
• Plastic Consolidation. Injection of plastic resins. These resins are attached to the
formation sand grains. Inject resins quickly under highly overbalanced conditions,
which are surged into the formation at rates that will place the resin before the
formation has a chance to fail. There are 3 commercially available types of resins:
epoxies, furans and phenolics.
• Resin-Coated Gravel. Involves pumping the gravel into the well to completely fill
the perforations and casing. We can use two types of resin-coated gravel treatments:
a dry, partly catalyzed, phenolic resin-coated gravel or a wet resin (epoxies or
• Stand-Alone Slotted Liners or Screens. They are applied as the sole mean of
controlling formation sand production and they act as a filter.
• Gravel Packing. It is comprised of placing a slotted liner or screen in a well opposite
to the completion interval and placing gravel concentrically around it.
3.6 Multiple Zone Completions
There are some wells with 2 or more pay zones that need separate handling due to the
different zone pressures or the incompabilities of fluids. In these cases multiple zone
completions are used and the reservoirs are drilled from a single well and produced
separately. Each reservoir has its own pressure regime and its own GOC (Gas-Oil Contact)
and WOC (Water-Oil-Contact) (King, 1998).
In multiple zone completions we can have commingling flow from different zones in
which fluids from more than one reservoir flow into a single tubing string. There is also the
segregated multiple zone completion where multiple production conduits are installed
within the same wellbore and each tubing controls the production of one reservoir. This
allows for alternate zone well completion strategy where each well is completed on more
than one reservoir (Heriot Watt University, 2011).
Multiple completions have often increased mechanical problems with the equipment
because of setting two or more packers of and running two or more strings of pipe. In most
of the cases the equipment used is very specialized and the completions are tailored for
each well.
These completions can be side-by-side tubing completions or a concentric tubing
completion. The conventional side-by-side dual tubing is more common, however
concentric duals have higher flow rates in some applications and need special running
techniques to make and break joints.
The packers used in the multiple completions are customized to the requirements of
the individual well and they are usually hydraulically set. The pressure set packers are the
most popular due to the difficulty in rotating side-by-side dual strings. Mechanically set
packers are used sometimes as the top packer in the multiple packer series. The packers are
either permanent or retrievable.
Other special equipment used in multiple completions is (King, 1998):
• Special BOP rams for work over.
• Shear release joints or collects between the packers on the tubing, for pulling off in
case the lower packer sticks.
• “Y-block” connections, which allow the use of Electrical Submersible Pumps
(ESP) and wireline operation.
• Heavy wall tubing blast joints over the tubing across from high velocity productive
formations to reduce outside tubing erosion.
• Sliding sleeves or telescoping unions for minor adjustments in spacing out tubing
during packer setting.
• Oriented perforating in the short string, to miss the long strings.
• Special artificial lift assemblies.
3.6.1 Dual-Zone Completion.
When we want to produce 2 zones simultaneously while keeping them isolated from
each other, we usually use the dual-zone completion method (Figures 3.53, 3.54). The most
common use of dual completion is in stacked reservoir sequences in low to moderate flow
rate, shallow water wells (Bellarby, 2009).
Fig.3.54 Typical dual completion (Bellarby, 2009).
a sliding sleeve is positioned for aid in case of circulating kill-weight fluid in the hole or
circulating lighter gas or fluid in the tubing strings to bring the well into production. Above
the dual packer on both strings profile seating nipples should be run for testing tubing for
well-diagnostic purposes or well control (Lake, 2007).
The main difficulties in dual completions are difficulties to integrate them with sand
control reservoir completions and difficulties to perforate the upper interval. Inside the
large-diameter casing the small-diameter tubing may create high stresses, doglegs and
difficulties with through tubing access. We also can have limited access to the upper
interval and water shut-off within the interval. The complicate artificial lift needs tubing
pressure operated valve and the installation steps are generally complicate too.
3.6.2 Multiple-Zone Single-String Completion
This is the simplest multipurpose completion type. It consists of one flow stream
through the wellhead valves and perforations above a single packer (Figures 3.55, 3.56).
The casing-tubing annulus is exposed to one of the fluids.
Fig.3.55 Example of single string completion with single packer (Bellarby, 2009).
Fig.3.56 Example of Multiple-zone single-string selective completion (Lake, 2007).
Usually hydraulic-set single string retrievable packers are used and allow for all the
well zones to be completed at once and produced commingled or individually. Between
each isolation packer, sliding sleeves are positioned. The number of packers and sliding
sleeves depends on the well and there are no limits. The more complex the completion
designs the more the costs. This completion type usually increases workover costs
Below the lowermost packer a profile seating nipple is run to accept a blanking plug to
set the hydraulic-set packers and to give well control for the lower zone. Between each
packer for zonal isolation we position sliding sleeves. Between the isolation packers blast
joints across the perforations are also positioned to reduce the erosion damage from well
fluids and produced sand to the tubing string. Above the uppermost hydraulic-set packer
we may position a gas-lift mandrel with a dummy or a sliding sleeve to aid in circulating
lighter fluid or gas in the tubing or circulating kill fluid in the hole to bring the well into
production (Lake, 2007, Bellarby, 2009).
The main disadvantage of these completions is that for oil production with water
injection, the injection zone is usually below the production zone, so they require annular
production which is usually not acceptable because of the lack of barriers and concerns
about casing corrosion. They may also require large-capacity annulus safety valves.
Chapter 4: Intelligent Well Completion (IWC)
4.1 Overview
4.2 Advanced completions
Oil and gas companies have changed the conventional way of Exploration and
Production over the years because of the demands for new technologies in new more
complicated well systems. These technologies have made possible to reach new well
shapes and increase the efficiency of oil production. Some of the wells that we apply
advanced completions are:
Horizontal wells.
Extended reach and ultra-deep wells.
Multilateral wells.
Intelligent wells.
Using these completions in the last decades we access inaccessible reserves, increase
the recovery factor and increase well flow rate.
Such advanced wells are more complicated and require an accurate reservoir
description with adequate data. The main benefits of these completions are the following
(King, 1998):
• They reduce operating expenditure per barrel of oil produced.
• They reduce the capital expenditure per barrel of oil produced.
• The reservoir properties at the field’s lateral limits are evaluated by logging
while drilling techniques.
• They accelerate initial field production build-up and reserve recovery.
The main difficulty that arises from using this ‘unconventional’ completions is the
increased complexity which requires a more strict validation well design because of the
greater potential risks. Extra difficulties and challenges arise when using advanced
completions including extra constraints when engineers operate these wells.
4.2.1 Horizontal wells
Horizontal wells are high angle wells, at an angle of at least eighty degrees, drilled to
enhance reservoir performance by placing a long wellbore section within the reservoir and
retrieve oil and gas in situations in which the shape of the reservoir is abnormal or difficult
to access (Figure 4.1).
The primary objective of horizontal wells is to increase reservoir available area from a
single location. They can be drilled by common used drilling equipment and their
trajectory is achieved either in a single stage step out to form a short radius or in a two-
stage step out which can result in a long horizontal and highly deviated portion, of 4000
feet or more (Bellarby, 2009).
In short radius lateral drilling hole angles between 1.5" to 3" per foot are build. In long
reach conventional directional drilling hole angles at 0.1" per foot maximum are build.
When engineers are planning a horizontal well they must consider that the formation
permeability can vary widely depending on the flow direction. It is also influenced by the
depositional environment, bedding planes, sediment sorting and size, geochemical
reactions, fractures and sediment reworking.
There are many potential problems in horizontal wells, such us (King, 1998):
• Fluid exit control and entry control and stability of the wellbore as a system are
challenged by a variety of reservoir properties.
• Sealing off the upper zones in the bending area when turning the well horizontally as a
new well or as a recompletion.
• The shape of the hole through the turnout area is a problem for just setting the liners.
• Difficulties in tool passage when the departure area contains a dogleg from a missed
drilling run or a combination angle which turns down and sideways at the same time.
• Logging tools with knuckle joints are needed.
• Losses of drilling mud from the hole to natural fracture systems in the near wellbore
• Cleaning horizontal holes from cuttings.
• Heading can be a serious problem when water is standing in the well.
• Across the whole wellbore, solids and liquids drop out quickly and flow may only
moves in a portion of the wellbore, when the flow rate from the well is not sufficient to
make turbulence.
Horizontal Well Completions are usually one or two times longer than conventional
completions and they are significantly more expensive and complex considering the other
production technology requirements, such as zonal isolation, sand control, selectivity for
gas or water shut-off and stimulation operations which are correspondingly complex. There
are three types of horizontal well completions:
1) Open hole barefoot completions (Figure 4.2).
-Low cost.
-Large internal diameter.
-Risk of hole collapse.
-Difficult to abandon.
-No sand control.
-Isolation and selectivity problematic.
-Difficult to abandon.
Fig.4.3 Open hole liner completion with (optional) extended tubing tailpipe (Heriot
Watt University, 2011).
-Higher cost.
-Achieving a good cement bond requires good practices.
Fig.4.4 Selective completion divides the lateral into three zones (Heriot Watt
University, 2011).
Horizontal well applications are summarized in the figure below (Figure 4.5).
4.2.2 Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)
Extended reach wells are extremely long and shallow vertically wells which have a
horizontal displacement (HD) to True Vertical depth (TVD) ratio of at least 2:1 up to the
current maximum of 13:1 (Figure 4.6). The value of this ratio depends on the Vertical
Depth, the drilling conditions, the equipment and the technology capabilities (Heriot Watt
University, 2011).
Extended reach wells are used to distant reservoirs to decrease the infrastructure and
operational footprint that would otherwise be required to access the resources.
The main constraints we must consider when we use extended reach wells are:
• The risks due to the increased length and complexity of each well.
• The limitations of the availability of appropriate drilling rigs.
• The higher investment per well.
• The completion limitations due to long distance of reservoir and the completion
length within the reservoir.
• The flow monitoring and interventions unless we use "Smart Wells".
Although ERD are technically challenging and expensive, they can add value to
drilling operations because they can make it possible to reduce costly subsea equipment
and pipelines, develop near shore fields from onshore, use of satellite field development
and reduce the environmental impact by developing fields from pads.
Multilateral completion system is analyzed in the following section because it is one
of the main techniques that are used in Intelligent Completion systems with the Intelligent
Well Completion (IWC) technology in order to isolate and monitor multiple wells and test
and control each lateral well from one wellbore.
4.3 Overview of the Intelligent Wells
The first intelligent well appeared in the late 1980s. A down-hole temperature and
pressure meter was run in, achieving reading out data at the surface and real time
monitoring of the down-hole temperature and pressure of the oil well.
Next, intelligent wells appeared after the 1990s. This well could control the down-hole
flow rate. Data of down-hole pressure, temperature and flow rate were acquired at the
surface using an electric or hydraulic control system.
Since 2004, there were more than 130 intelligent wells worldwide. Furthermore, more
than 200 wells had down-hole remote control devices by which down-hole gauges and
tools can be controlled remotely from the surface and more data of reservoir production
parameters can be acquired (Renpu, 2011).
Nowadays, the application of IWC (Intelligent Well Completion) technology has
solved many problems in fields where Conventional Completions have been producing at
rates significantly below potential values. IWC technology also responds to problems such
as overlooked and discarded marginal reserves on the ground that the technology required
for profitable exploitation has been expensive, elusive and unproven (Figure 4.7).
An IWC (Intelligent Well Completion) system is a permanent system capable of
collecting, transmitting, and analyzing wellbore production and reservoir and completion
integrity data, and allowing remote action to better control well, reservoir and production
processes. Intelligent Well Completion can be explained as the type of completion that is
based on the strategy of using “real time” well monitoring and closed loop capability to
increase the final recovery of reserves. This is achieved by running gauges down-hole to
monitor “real time” data per zone in order to make proactive (preventive) rather than
reactive (corrective) decisions. Thus, the recovery factor of gas and oil reservoirs can be
enhanced, the times of down-hole operations can be decreased and the operating
management of oil and gas field production can be optimized (Gao et al, 2007).
An intelligent well can be a multilateral (monitoring multiple wells), a single
(monitoring multiple zones within a single well) or a commingled (monitoring multiple
reservoirs or layers) well. It can be drilled horizontally, vertically or inclined.
Intelligent well completions are suitable for fields which have 2 or more reservoirs
that could be produced simultaneously (often at different depths) but these reservoirs could
have different fluid characteristics, petrophysical properties and/or different pressures.
Because of the subdivision by some fluid units inside the same reservoir with different
petrophysical properties, differential replacement occurs (some fluid units build up their
pressure faster than others) when injecting fluids for pressure support or differential
depletion occurs (some flow units deplete faster than others) during the production process.
EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) strategies are among the most complicated, successful but
expensive methods for maximizing final recovery of reserves. In these projects it is highly
desirable to reduce costs.
Intelligent well completions (IWC) involve a combination of sealing elements and
inflatable packers, Inflow Control Devices or Valves (ICD), and down-hole sensors
(Figure 4.8, 4.9). The intelligent well completion (IWC) system consists mostly of the
following components (Renpu, 2011):
1. Surface SCADA (supervisory control, alarm and data acquisition) system interface.
2. Down-hole control network.
3. Under water control network.
4. Removable, switchable and open degree adjustable down-hole tools.
5. Separate zone packers with bypass.
6. Down-hole sensors of temperature, pressure, flow rate, density and water cut.
Fig.4.8 An Intelligent Well Completion System (Naus et. al, 2004).
The main benefits of IWC application technology are (Tirado, 2010, Sun et al., 2009,
Zhu & Furui, 2006, Chukwueke & Constantine, 2004, Arashi, 2008):
• Elimination or reduction of extra wells, intervention procedures and surface
• Reduced OPEX (Operational Expenses).
• Reduction in the water cut.
• Extend the life of wells and reserves.
• Maintain gas and oil production peak.
• Control cross flow elimination and Back Allocation of commingled production
for economic exploitation of marginal reserves.
• Control valves can be activated remotely.
• Regulate injection rates, thus maximizing injection sweep efficiency.
• Replacement or Augmentation of Wireline services, particularly in inaccessible
ERD (Extended Reach Drilling) wells.
• Reduce Non-productive Time and Rig down time.
• Reduce geological uncertainty by more accurate reservoir characterization.
• Measurement and transmission of reservoir properties in real time for better
reservoir management.
• Reduce risk of personnel accidents, because of the reduced requirement for their
presence on the well site.
The only disadvantage of IWC is that their cost is higher than that of the mechanical
4.4 Intelligent Completions Assembly
This type of completion is advantageous because it reduces the overall cost of
hydrocarbon production on the ground that it allows accessing from a single surface,
multiple reservoirs locations and improving reservoir drainage. The advantages also
include higher production, decreased water and gas coning, the possibility of draining
relatively thin formation layers, better sweep efficiencies and increased formation’s
exposure to natural fracture systems (Lake, 2007, Quereguan & Grossmann, 2011).
The application of Intelligent Well Completion (IWC) technology to multilateral wells
gives the operators the ability to isolate, monitor, test and control each lateral from one
wellbore and gives the engineers the ability to maintain peak in oil and gas production,
extend the well’s yield life and reduce or avoid water coning.
In 1997, the various degrees of multilateral systems have been categorized by the
Technology Advancement of MultiLaterals (TAML) (Figure 4.11), establishing the six-tier
classification. The Technology Advancement of MultiLaterals system for multilateral-well
classification is based on the type and the amount of support provided at the lateral
junction. This categorization is very helpful for operators because it simplifies the
recognition and the comparison of the functionality and risk-to-reward estimations of one
multilateral completion design to another. Higher TAML level means higher cost and
complexity (Bellarby, 2009).
Fig.4.11 TAML multilateral classification system (Bellarby, 2009).
The six TAML levels are analyzed below (Lake, 2007):
TALM Level 1
This is the most fundamental multilateral system. It consists of an open hole main bore
with multi drainage legs (Figure 4.12). The junction is with no hydraulic isolation or
mechanical support, so the integrity is based on the natural borehole stability. In some
cases in order to aid the hole to remain open during production a slotted liner is landed in
the lateral or in the main bore. This level’s production is commingled and the selective
control or zonal isolation is not possible.
TAML Level 2
It is the same as TALM level 1 with one difference: The laterals are drilled off from a
cased and cemented main bore (Figure 4.13), so that the chances of borehole collapse are
minimized and also to provide hydraulic isolation between zones.
Fig.4.13 TAML Level 2 (Lake, 2007).
TAML Level 3
The TAML Level 3 system has a cased and cemented main bore with an openhole
lateral like level 2, but it also has a screen or a slotted liner which is placed in the lateral
branch and is anchored back into the main bore (Figure 4.14). With this system we have
mechanical support but we don’t have hydraulic isolation and the zones must be
commingled. We cannot re-entry into the main bore below the junction. This type of well
allows to easily access the lateral for coiled-tubing assemblies.
Fig.4.14 TAML Level 3 (Lake, 2007).
TAML Level 4
The TAML Level 4 system offers both a cased and a cemented main bore and lateral
(Figure 4.15). This provides mechanical support to the lateral, but pressure integrity is not
offered by cement at the junction. This is the reason why it cannot withstand more than a
few hundred psi of differential pressure. We install packers above and below the junction
in the main bore to provide zonal isolation and selectivity. These systems allow for coiled-
tubing interventions, both into the main bore below the junction and as well as into the
TAML Level 5
This system is the same as to level 4 since both have a cased and cemented main bore
and lateral, which gives mechanical integrity. In TALM level 5 system pressure integrity
can be reached by using packers and tubing string to isolate the junction (Figure 4.16). We
place single-string packers in the main bore and lateral below the junction and they are
connected by the tubing string to a dual-string isolation packer which is located above the
junction in the lateral and the main bore. We can produce each zone independently or
TAML Level 6
This system has pressure and mechanical integrity, using the casing to seal off the
junction (Figure 4.17). This system employs a pre-manufactured junction: Either the
junction is re-formed down hole, or two separate wells are drilled out of a single main bore
and the pre-manufactured junction is assembled down hole.
Fig.4.17 TAML Level 6 (Lake, 2007).
When we decide to use the multilateral system we must consider (Bellarby, 2009):
• The benefit vs. cost of a single well vs. a multilateral.
• If isolation from the formation is required at the junction.
• If the junction is positioned within the reservoir section or above, since if it is
positioned in a sand production prone reservoir, the junction isolation with
cement can be acceptable but adds risk, especially for the long-term.
• The hole size requirements, except of levels 1 and 6.
• The reservoir completion requirements.
• If production or injection fluid control from or into each lateral is required.
• If access to both branches is required.
• The way that the laterals are going to be constructed and if isolation of one
branch before drilling another is required.
4.4.3 Layered Reservoirs and Horizontal Wells
A horizontal well has a higher production yield than a vertical well. We can apply
Intelligent Well Completion to isolate sections of the wellbore and adjust fluid influx at
each isolated section to obtain equal production. Intelligent Well Completion application is
even more advantageous in ERD (Extended Reach Drilling). Extended Reach Drilling is an
advanced technique that applies the concepts of horizontal and directional drilling to
achieve horizontal well departures and reservoir contacts that exceed conventional
directional drilling.
The degree of monitoring and control, however, depends strongly on the type of
completion installed (ESP, cemented, screen, etc.). An IWC system provides temporary
isolation of layers while surveys are performed. Furthermore, we can obtain zonal flow
data constantly from individual sensors or by controlling the position of the interval control
valves to alter or isolate the flow from specific layers (Figure 4.18) (Lake, 2007, Sun et al.,
Remote completion control provides zonal data with no additional operational cost and
allows for remedial action to be taken rapidly in the form of choking, zonal isolation or
treatment. This form of monitoring and immediately action and control increases recovery
and production.
4.4.4 Inflow Control Devices (ICDs)
ICD or ICV (Inflow Control Devices or Inflow Control Valves) are considered as key
equipment in IWCs (Figure 4.19, 4.20). They are surface controlled chokes that are applied
to regulate and restrict production. Inflow Control Devices are commonly of two types,
binary (open and close control) or variable (intermittent, stage-wise control). They create a
pressure difference between the production string and the annulus to regulate flow at each
zone, shutting off zones, and they can also be used to shut in a layer for Pressure Build Up
operations. ICVs are more effective and accurate than sliding sleeves in choking flow
application. We can determine the position and the type of Inflow Control Valve by
applying Nodal analysis and reservoir simulations. ICDs can be operator controlled or
automated. They can be operated electrically or hydraulically and they can be variable
from open to close or may operate in multiple incremental steps (Cullick, 2010).
4.4.5 Downhole Flow Control
Intelligent well completions with downhole flow control can be operated remotely
from the surface. They are also equipped with multiple downhole gauges. Downhole flow
control is particularly problematic with most types of sand control.
Remotely operated downhole flow control has additional cost and risks but the
benefits are significant. Some of these benefits are (Bellarby, 2009):
• Remotely replacing through tubing interventions such as gas or water shut-off. This
remote action of downhole valves is applied immediately without having to use
intervention equipment or the rig.
• Improving the ability to clean up a well. For instance, the toe of a long, high-angle
well can be selectively produced, hence provides a greater draw down and better
clean up characteristics than a commingled producer.
• Reducing the cost and the risk of zonal isolation. This allows more active and
regular reservoir management, thus could increase hydrocarbon reserves.
• Allowing zonal well testing by sequencing intervals open and closed.
• Giving many options for placement of chemicals (e.g. acids or inhibitors). For
instance, selective acid stimulations can be performed or scale inhibitors deployed
solely into intervals at risk of scaling.
• Increasing reservoir information. For instance, reservoir communication between
zones can be assessed by shutting in one interval and flowing adjacent zones.
• Allowing intervals to be swing producers (alternating one interval with another).
IV. The perforations are killed with a non-damaging, ideally solids free fluid such as a
V. An optional clean-up trip is run to circulate out any remaining debris that could
obstruct running the downhole flow control completion. The perforating process
does not usually produce internal burrs so a polish mill should not be required.
VI. The single trip permanent completion is run and set.
Fig.4.21 Typical downhole flow control in cased hole completion (Bellarby, 2009).
The main problem of downhole flow control operation is that must be run past
perforations at least one packer. This fact requires that all or most of the perforations to be
made prior to running the completion with resulting formation damage and well control
concerns plus additional rig time to run, clean out, fire, and kill the perforations. In some
cases it is used side-string perforating systems (Figure 4.22) (Bellarby, 2009).
Fig.4.22 Downhole flow control with side-string perforating (Bellarby, 2009).
Side-string perforating guns reduce formation damage and rig time. Once the packers
have been set, they can be fired hydraulically (dual firing heads) and in sequence (if
required). If the guns are fired hydraulically, engineers must take care to avoid hydraulic
lock when the packers are set. They can avoid hydraulic lock by setting the packers from
the bottom up with the interval control valves open. For that it is required control line set
packers. Side-string perforating has some disadvantages such as the reduced gun size that
can be run beside the completion tubing and the eccentric nature of the perforations.
Engineers can fire the guns either by firing all the intervals simultaneously (all the control
valves open) or by selective firing, using the produced hydrocarbons to create an
underbalance fluid, but closing the intervals already perforated. Downhole flow control is
well suited to multilateral wells.
116 Downhole flow control in wells with sand control
For cased-hole gravel packs and frac packs, stacked packs can incorporate downhole
flow control. The main disadvantage is the reduced sizes required for the screens, liner,
tubing and control lines. This disadvantage can reduce the number of intervals to two
(Figure 4.23).
Fig.4.23 Stacked cased hole gravel packs with downhole flow control (Bellarby,
These restrictions of the size are the reason why the application of downhole flow
control in areas such as the Gulf of Mexico, where cased hole gravel packs are common, is
limited compared to other areas such as the North Sea, where the most wells are non-sand
control and open hole completions.
The usual sizes of these completions are 9 5/8” casing with 5 or 5.5” base pipe screens
with 3.5” siphon string. The interval control valves can be 4.5 or 5.5” inside the 9
5/8”casing. If alternate path gravel packing is not required, the base pipe screen size can be
increased. An essential risk of these completions is that the upper completion has to be run
with at least the upper gravel pack open. A formation isolation valve can keep the lower
gravel pack isolated. Packers and large-diameter components are included in the upper
completion. The multiple control lines can compound a well control problem. In order to
reduce this problem, a further trip can be made with a packer, stinger and formation
isolation valves. Both flow paths are isolated by formation isolation valves for running the
upper completion. Then they are opened using pressure cycles with the valves (Figure
Fig.4.24 Formation isolation valves used in conjunction with downhole flow control
(Bellarby, 2009).
These valves can be used in conjunction with or without sand control, with open or
cased hole completions. Alternatively, engineers can apply multiple, pressure-actuated
formation isolation valves as part of the base pipe of the screens or a downhole wet-
connect and run the valves independent of the upper completion (Bellarby, 2009).
A wet-connect requires additional complications (e.g. for space and stress) and they
are not very reliable. Screen type completions can use a solid base pipe screen and change
the annular flow below or above the interval. Hence, there are no needs for a siphon or
stinger. This allows a single trip completion for a cased hole gravel pack (interval control
valves, screens and upper completion in one trip). To gravel pack the intervals, further trips
are still required and close the gravel pack ports post packing. The figure below (Figure
4.25) shows an example of running multiple packers, screens, and the upper completion in
a single trip.
Fig.4.25 Downhole flow control with solid base pipe screens (Bellarby, 2009).
For open hole sand control completions, the options are almost the same as the cased
hole. External casing packers or swell-able elastomer packers achieve isolation between
intervals. Multiple interval control valves could be used to aid clean up and skew the flow
distribution as required, where zonal isolation is not achieved (Figure 4.26).
Fig.4.26 Downhole flow control with open hole sand control (Bellarby, 2009).
Swell-able elastomer or hydraulically set open hole packers are used with ‘Beta
Breaker’ valves, which leave the annulus between the packer and open hole unpacked.
Then the packers seal against the formation and provide the location for the stinger to seal
or set in similar to Figure 4.26.
119 Valves and control systems
If the hydraulic system leaks and the valves cannot be operated remotely by the
hydraulic system, many downhole flow control valves can be actuated by a landing nipple
profile and either slick-line or coiled tubing. If the hydraulics are plugged, then hydraulic
lock will prevent movement of the sleeve regardless of the amount of jarring. This is why
two control lines are required to control one valve. It is usual to use a common line for
multiple valves, commonly the ‘pressure to close’ control line. The figure below (Figure
4.29) shows four valves. If an engineer wants to open all the valves, then pressure is
applied to the green, purple, blue and orange lines but not to the red line. If he wants to
open valves two and four, but the other two left closed, then pressure is applied to the
purple and orange lines, but not the green, blue or red lines. If he wants to close all the
valves (to set packers or for pressure test), then the pressure is applied only to the red line.
Usually, the control lines are in surface or subsea control system. The boundary for the
number of control lines is typically the tubing hanger. Running multiple control lines in a
flat-pack is a little more complex than running a single hydraulic line. Flat-packs can
contain bumper bars. It can be impossible to accommodate through the hanger and tree or
wellhead the multiple hydraulic control lines for interval control lines, plus a gauge cable,
chemical injection and the safety valve control lines. To reduce the number of control
lines, there are available digital decoders. Digital decoders convert pressure signals applied
down multiple control lines into applied pressure for a single valve. The figure below
(Figure 4.30) shows an example of three control lines, which can control up to six on/off
interval control valves.
Fig.4.30 Using pressure sequences to control multiple hydraulic sliding sleeves
(Bellarby, 2009).
Engineers can reduce the number of lines and increase the options for valve control
and numbers by adding electric control to the completion. A single hydraulic line and a
single electrical cable can be used to effectively control any number of valves, including
multi-position valves. All-electric downhole flow control can be used in some applications
and has the advantage of requiring only a single cable.
122 Control lines and control line protection
Electric cables and hydraulic control lines require protection. Downhole flow control
lines and cables are exposed to aggressive and variable fluids, erosion and vibration. There
are control line materials, such as metals and encapsulation, which are suitable for
exposure to reservoir and intervention fluids. To reduce vibration, the encapsulation is
critical. Typically, encapsulation is colour coded, keeping track of which colour cable
corresponds to what function. No further protection is required when cables or lines are
exposed to low-velocity fluids flowing parallel to the cable. When fluids flow directly
through the tubing (e.g. adjacent to perforations) blast joints are recommended. They are
important coupling stock in conventional tubing lengths. Blast joints can be modified to
provide protection for the control and data lines. There are downhole flow control
completions which do not require cables or lines adjacent to areas of inflow (Figure 4.22).
These control lines should be protected, when are adjacent to inflow. The methods to
achieve this are two:
1. The first method uses an aligned connection with grooves and a cover plate (Figure
4.31). There are available plenty of proprietary aligned connections. Bolting the
cover plates in place needs time and risks loose bolts falling downhole.
2. The second method uses an independent cover plate that is held in place with cross-
coupling protectors (Figure 4.32). Clearly, this method provides less protection, but
is easier to install and procure. For control lines and cables adjacent to screens can
be procured with an integral groove for the positioning of the control lines.
Alternatively, it can be used a cover plate. Control lines should be protected
whether in gravel packed or standalone screen environments.
124 Packers, disconnects, expansion joints and splice subs
The difference between downhole flow control packers and conventional production
packers are:
Downhole flow control packers require penetrations for multiple control lines.
Downhole flow control packers are exposed to reservoir and intervention fluids
below and above the packer. The packer should be resistant to any such
intervention fluids.
They require set when the tubing below the packer is not necessarily free to move.
The packers can be exposed to loads from below the packers.
It is possible to connect above the packer, an expansion joint that includes control
lines and cables wrapped in a shroud. They would be connected between the packer and
any disconnect and the splice sub.
4.4.6 Downhole Sensors
Sensors used in Intelligent Well Completion are installed down-hole for the purpose of
measuring parameters, such as: temperature, pressure, flow rate and seismic waves (Figure
4.34) (Naldrett & Ross, 2006). Downhole Sensors may be in the form of down-hole gauges
or optical fibers. The measurements provided by the sensors provide data, which are
interpreted to give the required information. Fiber optics systems have replaced electrical
systems and present higher reliability and higher temperature capacity capable of efficient
operation in difficult environments (Lake, 2007).
Fiber Optics
The fiber-optics system has been developed to provide direct conversion of down hole
measurements into optical signals. It has effective immunity to temperature degradation.
Development of resonating crystal optical pressure sensors produces a transducer that
gives an optical output varying with pressure. Later developments in optical sensors have
resulted in the down hole deployment of fiber Bragg-Grating sensors configured within
transducers to measure flow, temperature, pressure and seismic data. Packaging and
integration of optoelectronic conversion tools into electrohydraulic subsea-control
infrastructures have been successfully completed and they can be considered mature (Lake,
Near-Wellbore Sensing
Electromagnetic resistivity arrays have been successfully deployed into wells for
determination of fluid-front movement and monitoring near-wellbore effects. Integration of
these sensors with automated sequencing of down hole control devices to give better
water-flood control is now a short-term option (Lake, 2007).
Fig.4.34 Intelligent Well Completion’s Sensors (Frontender, 2019).
4.5 Risks and Reliability
The demand for improvements and upgrades for more reliable intelligent well systems
have been studied extensively. The researchers for this demand have mostly focused on the
design phase, using techniques and tools to improve system longevity (Naldrett & Ross,
Some of the common risks in IWC include wellhead penetrator and cable/line failure,
especially during installation. Longer-term system failures include erosion on cables which
are exposed across producing ports and intervals and, temperature effects on electronics,
wear and tear, and seizure of moving components. So a balance must be found between
careful control of moving parts and ensuring that systems are regularly cycled to avoid
seizure. Procedures and supporting control software must be developed to ensure optimum
system use (Lake, 2007).
Based on reviews of past experiences, some of the challenges IWC are facing are:
• Uncertainty in the price of Oil and Gas.
• Requirements for substantial amount of rig time and expertise for the installation
and testing of Intelligent Well Completion.
• Expensive adoption of IWC to mature fields.
• The challenge of choosing the right "People", employing the right "Process" and
applying the right "Products".
• Lack of reservoir evaluation tools for effective modeling of the IWC components
and expected operation.
• Identification of potential and suitable candidates for IWC.
• Reliability of down-hole sensors and valves.
4.6 Economics
Fig.4.35 Intelligent Well Completion (IWC) relative business value (Shell Intl.
Exploration and Production, Lake 2007).
Chapter 5: Conclusions
Through the years various types of processes have been applied to complete and
produce hydrocarbons from reservoirs after drilling. Demand for processes which increase
the recoverable reserves and reduce costs, because of interventions, has been increased.
This fact has brought about the latest well completion technique which is the IWC
(Intelligent Well Completion).
Intelligent well completion is an integrated package featuring complicated design and
including control tools, inflow or conformance control devices, down-hole monitoring
systems, and also control and emergency shut in systems. This comprehensive package
enables automation and optimization of reservoirs or target developments at a local level,
as well as standalone or remote control operations.
It is obvious that Intelligent Well Completion provides reliability and flexibility, but
the most essential aspect of this technology is its ability to adapt to the changes of well
conditions, either these changes are part of a planned reservoir exploitation strategy or an
unplanned event. It must be noted that an Intelligent Well Completion is the key
component of an exploitation strategy to maximize final recovery of reserves through
maximum control, real time monitoring and closed loop capability. Finally, Intelligent
Well Completion can help operators take the right decision at the right time by minimizing
uncertainty levels.
To sum up the main advantages of Intelligent Well Completion system are:
Well production can be enhanced.
It is highly beneficial in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) operations.
It can automate as much of the production process as is achievable.
It can maximize production and minimize costs.
It can recover production from existing and future proved reserves.
It provides monitoring and control.
It can reduce water cut and diminish necessity for future well intervention.
It can reduce or eliminate extra wells, surface facilities, and intervention
It can reduce operational expenses (OPEX).
It can maintain oil and gas production peak.
It can extend the life of wells and reserves.
It gives automate regulation of flow by downhole ICVs, controlled from
remote locations.
It can reduce geological uncertainty by higher reservoir characterization.
It reduces non-productive time and rig down time.
It gives real time measurement and transmission of reservoir properties for
better reservoir management.
It reduces risk of personnel accidents, since the requirement for their presence
on the well site is reduced.
To sum up the main disadvantages of Intelligent Well Completion system are that:
It is an expensive and complicated well procedure.
Substantial amount of rig time and expertise is required for the installation and
testing of IWC.
Oil and gas prices are uncertain.
It is difficult to find expertise employments for Intelligent Well Completion
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