RE-ENTRY Plan Sample
RE-ENTRY Plan Sample
RE-ENTRY Plan Sample
Problem/Program Action Plan Accountability Target Time Output E
Inform the management the need to register to DOLE and submit HRD December 2021 DOLE Registration
1. Organization do not accomplished registration to the nearest DOLE field office OHS (not more than Of the organization T
have registration to Top Management 6 months) R
DOLE under Rule 1020
Develop emergency preparedness procedure for disaster and approval Set up drills and establish
2. No Emergency and General Manager Within 3 weeks plan for for emergency and
Disaster Preparedness Project Manager disaster
and response plan
3. No adequate supply of Provide safe and clean drinking water for the workers Access of the clean and
safe drinking water safe drinking water
4. OHS committee not yet Management With 1 week
develop Establish OHS Committee and Conduct OHS meeting and record minutes of OHS committee progress
meeting and completion
5. Scaffolding no OHS 1 month
inspection and tagging Management Permit for the scaffolding
Develop or revise scaffolding procedure structure to begin