Faraday Rotation Measurement Using A Lock-In Amplifier: Abstract
Faraday Rotation Measurement Using A Lock-In Amplifier: Abstract
Faraday Rotation Measurement Using A Lock-In Amplifier: Abstract
This experiment is designed to measure the Verdet constant v through Faraday effect rotation
of a polarized laser beam as it passes through different mediums, flint Glass and water, parallel to
the magnetic field B. As the B varies, the plane of polarization rotates and the transmitted beam
intensity is observed. The angle through which it rotates is proportional to B and the
proportionality constant is the Verdet constant times the optical path length.
The optical rotation of the polarized light can be understood circular birefringence, the
existence of different indices of refraction for the left-circularly and right-circularly polarized
light components. The linearly polarized light is equivalent to a combination of the right- and left
circularly polarized components. Each component is affected differently by the applied magnetic
field and traverse the system with a different velocity, since the refractive index is different for
the two components. The end result consists of left- and right-circular components that are out of
phase and whose superposition, upon emerging from the Faraday rotation, is linearly polarized
light with its plane of polarization rotated relative to its original orientation.
Michael Faraday, FRS (22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and
physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of
electromagnetism and electrochemistry. Faraday studied the magnetic field around a conductor
carrying a DC electric current. While conducting these studies, Faraday established the basis for
the electromagnetic field concept in physics, subsequently enlarged upon by James Maxwell. He
similarly discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He
established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying
relationship between the two phenomena. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices
formed the foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that
electricity became viable for use in technology.
Émile Verdet (1824–1866) was a French physicist. He worked in magnetism and optics,
editing the works of Augustin-Jean Fresnel. Verdet did much to champion the early
theory of the conservation of energy in France through his editorial supervision of the
Annales de chimie et de physique. The Verdet constant is named for him.
1. Introduction
In 1845, Michael Faraday found the diamagnetism in a flint glass contained with PbO.
When it was suspended between two magnetic poles of the magnet, the PbO glass was
aligned along a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. In 1845, Michael
Faraday also discovered that when a block of glass is subjected to a strong magnetic field,
it becomes optically active. When plane-polarized light is sent through glass in a
direction parallel to the applied magnetic field, the plane of vibration is rotated. Since
Faraday's early discovery, the phenomenon has been observed in many solids, liquids,
and gases. The amount of rotation observed for any given substance is found by
experiment to be proportional to the field strength B and to the distance the light travels
through the medium.
Faraday rotation is a principle that relates a change in the plane of polarization of
light as it passes through a material with an external magnetic field present. The Verdet
constant provides the linear coefficient relating the polarization change to the magnetic
field value and is a constant of the material. The relation is shown as
m vBd ,
where m is the angle of rotation of rotation (in radians), B is the magnetic field of
propagation (in Tesla), and d is the length of the path (in m) where the light and magnetic
field interact. v is the Verdet constant for the material. This empirical proportionality
constant (in units of radians per T per m) varies with wavelength and temperature and is
tabulated for various materials.
Fig.1 Faraday effect. The rotation of the polarization vector (E) in the presence
of magnetic field (B0) parallel to the propagation direction (the z axis).
The angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of a light wave for a
transparent material of length d in a magnetic field B is given by: m =
2. Simple theory
We introduce the two circular polarized electric fields propagating in the z direction,
It is considered to be right-hand (+), clockwise circularly polarized if viewed by the receiver, and
to be left-hand (-), counter-clockwise circularly polarized if viewed by the receiver. We write
the incident electric field as the superposition
E( z 0, t ) 2 Re[ E0 xˆ exp[i (k 0 t )
2 E0 xˆ cos(k 0 t )
which is a linearly polarized electric field with the polarization along the x axis. Now we
assume that the electric fields E± propagate with indices of refraction n± and attenuation
constant ±, respectively. Then the wavenumber k± is given by
k n n .
where is the vacuum wavelength of the light. The incident electric field propagates
through a sample of length L to give the emergent field
B y
I -e x
Fig.2 The electron rotates in counter clockwise. Since the electron charge (-e,
e>) is negative, the orbital current flows in clockwise. So the magnetic
moment is anti-parallel to the z axis. In this case (quantum
mechanically) the frequency is equal to + L. The electric field rotates in
a clock-wise if viewed from the receiver (E+, or Er)
B y
Fig.3 The electron rotates in clockwise. Since the electron charge (-e, e>) is
negative, the orbital current flows in counter clockwise. So the magnetic
moment is parallel to the z axis. In this case (quantum mechanically) the
frequency is equal to - L. The electric field rotates in a counter clock-
wise if viewed from the receiver (E-, or El)
E( z L, t ) Re[ E0 exp( L)( xˆ iyˆ ) exp[i ( n L t )
Re[ E0 exp( L)( xˆ iyˆ ) exp[i ( n L t )]
In the usual case of equal attenuations for the two polarizations (+ = - = ), this reduces
E( z L, t ) E0 exp( L){Re[( xˆ iyˆ ) exp[i ( n L t )]
( xˆ iyˆ ) exp[i ( n L t )]}
2 2
E0 exp( L){cos[ n L t ] cos[ n L t ]}xˆ
2 2
E0 exp( L){ sin[ n L t ]} yˆ
n L t ] sin[
2L (n n ) 2L (n n )
2 E0 exp( L) cos[ ]xˆ cos[ t ]
2 2
2L (n n ) 2L (n n )
2 E0 exp( L) sin[ ] yˆ cos[ t ]
2 2
2L (n n )
2 E0 exp( L)[cos xˆ sin yˆ ] cos[ t ]
2L ( n n )
2 2
Note that the phase change during traversal for the right- and left-circularly polarized light is
2L 2L
n , n
, or .
B q x
Fig.4 Superposition of left- and right-circularly polarized light into linearly polarized
after traversing the sample. E+ (right-circularly polarized light). E- (left-circularly
polarized light), which is viewed from the receiver. E = E+ + E-.From the
geometry, there is a relation that , or 2 .
What is the value of n+ and n-? The right and left components of the light appear to rotate
with frequencies of +L and - L, where L is the Larmor frequency.
n+n L
n-n L
Fig.5 Lorentz model for the normal Zeeman effect. The motion of the electrons
are shown by arrows. The magnetic field is applied along the z direction.
When the electron rotates in counter-clockwise, the direction of the
corresponding current is clock-wise. In this case the system has a
frequency of + vL. When the electron rotates in clockwise, the direction
of the corresponding current is counter clock-wise. In this case the system
has a frequency of - vL. Note that >>L.
n n ( L ) , n n ( L )
L 2 L >0 (e>0, -e is the charge of electron)
Then we have
eB dn
eB dn
n n 2 2
4m d 4m c d
where we use the relation c / , c is the velocity of light, and dm/dl is the rotary
dispersion. Note that
dn 2 dn
d c d
Then we have
m vBL
e dn dn
v ( ) 293.34 ( ) [rad/(T m)]
2mc d d
= 1.0083 [min/G cm)]
Note that v is positive when the direction of the rotation for polarization vector is the
same as the direction of current producing the magnetic field B (along the z axis).
((Cauchy's equation))
The index of refraction n depends on the wavelength , and is described by a
Cauchy's equation
b dn b
na 2 2 0
Note that the plot of n vs /2 for SF-59 (from the Ref. of glass is shown below.
2.02 n
2.00 SF-59
106 lnm2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig.6 The wavelength dependence of the index of refraction (From the Ref. H.
Bach and N. Neuroth).
n (1.8833 0.003) (0.0246 0.0008)
We use the least-squares fit of the data to the straight line. The index of refraction for SF-
59 glass decreases with increasing
((Calculation of the Verdet constant for SF-59))
v 80
60 SF-59 glass
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Fig.7 Verdet constant v (rad/(T m)) vs the wavelength (nm) for SF-59 glass.
Experimental data (blue solid circles). The calculation curve (red line)
using the Cauchy's equation.
3. Schematic diagram for the DC method
Fig.8 Apparatus of Faraday rotation (TeachSpin). FR1-A apparatus.
4. Maulus's law
An electric field component parallel to the polarization direction is passed (transmitted) by a
polarizing sheet. A component perpendicular to it is absorbed.
The electric field along the direction of the polarizing sheet is given by
E y E cos
Then the intensity I of the polarized light with the polarization vector parallel to the y axis is
given by
I S avg I 0 cos 2
Suppose that the light passes through the first polarizer and enters into the solenoid.
The light goes out from the solenoid and passes through the analyzer (the second
polarizer). In the polarizer, the direction of the electric field Ei of the incident light is the
same as that of the polarization vector Pi.
Ei Pi
Fig.11 The direction of the electric field Ei is the same as that of the polarizing
vector (Pi) for the first polarizer
Fig.12 The direction of the electric field Ef is different from that of the polarizing
vector (Pf) for analyzer
Suppose that there is no magnetic field. In this case, the light intensity measured by
the photo-diode detector is given by
I I 0 cos 2 ( ) I 0 [1 cos( 2 )]
according to the Maulus's. The output voltage from the photo-diode is given by
VDC kI kI 0 [1 cos( 2 )]
where k is a constant.
Malus law
f radian
p p 3p 5p 3p 7p
0 4
p 4 2 4
4 2
5. Verdet constant v
When the DC magnetic field B is applied along the z axis, the rotation angle of the
Faraday effect is given by
vdB vdB
where v is a Verdet constant and d is the length of the system along the z axis. Then we
VDC I 0 cos 2 ( ) kI 0 [1 cos(2( )]
kI 0 [1 cos(2 ) cos(2 ) sin( 2 ) sin( 2 )]
kI 0 [1 cos(2 ) sin( 2 )2 ]
We choose ; sin(2 ) =1 and cos(2 ) 0 . Then we get
VDC kI 0 (1 2 ) kI 0 kI 0
kI 0 kI 0 (vdB)
6. Experimental procedure
1. We use Schott SF-59 glass as sample. Put the sample inside the solenoid. In the
absence of an external magnetic field, measure VDC as a function of the rotation
angle of polarizer, . Confirm that the Malus's law is valid. Determine the
maximum value of VDC: Vmax = 2 kI0.
2. Apply the magnetic field B along the z axis (axis of the solenoid). The magnetic
field B (TeachSpin) is related to the flowing current I0 through
B 111.0 (Oe)
3. At B = 0, find the rotation angle at which VDC = kI0. In fact, when 2 / 2 (or =
/4): the angle between the analyzer and polarizer directions is 45º (or 315º), we
Verdet constant
Fig.15 Schematic diagram of the AC Faraday method using a lock-in amplifier (digital,
dual-phase Stanford SR850). A red laser pointer (3 mW, = 650 nm). The
small oscillation on top of the DC signal in the oscilloscope (photo-diode
output) is due to the Faraday effect. The audio amplifier is used to amplify
the reference signal from the lock-in amplifier. The frequency of the AC
magnetic field is the same as that of the reference signal. Schott SF-59
glass is used as a sample. R0 = 1 k, 3 k, and 10 k. We use a power audio
amplifier (TeachSpin).
I I 0 cos2[ (t )]
Suppose that the AC magnetic field is applied along the z axis.
B(t ) B0 cos(t 0 )
I I 0 cos 2 [ m cos(t 0 )] {1 cos[2 2 m cos(t 0 )]}
{1 cos(2 ) cos[2 m cos(t 0 )] sin(2 ) sin[2 m cos(t 0 )]}
2m <<1
I is approximated by
I [1 cos( 2 ) 2 m sin( 2 ) cos(t 0 )]
kI 0
V kI [1 cos( 2 ) 2 m sin( 2 ) cos(t 0 )]
kI 0
VDC [1 cos( 2 )]
Using the lock-in amplifier, we get the AC amplitude (root-mean square value)
kI 0 m sin( 2 )
VAC rms 2 sin( 2 )
2 m 2 m tan
VDC kI 0
[1 cos( 2 )] 1 cos( 2 )
I I 0 cos 2 [ m cos(t )] {1 cos[2 2 m cos(t )]}
0 [1 ( m 1) cos(2 )] 0 [ m cos(2 t ) m cos(2 t )
2 2
1 3 1 3
m cos(2 t ) m cos(2 t )]
2 2
0 m [cos(2 2t ) cos(2 2t )]
0 m [cos(2 3t ) cos(2 3t )]
I0 1 3
[1 m ( m 2) sin(t )] m sin(3t )]
2 3
0 [1 2 m sin(t )]
which means no second harmonics signal in I.
[3 3 m 3 3 m (2 m ) sin(t ) 3 m cos(2t ) 3 m cos(3t )]
2 2 2 3
0 [3 3 m 6 3 m sin(t ) 3 m cos(2t )]
2 2
In this case we have both the first harmonics and the second harmonics signals. The first
harmonics which is in phase with the reference signal, is described by
I1in k 6 3 m .
k 3 m
I 2 out
12 ,
I 2 out 3 3
m m .
I1in 6 3 6
This implies the simplest way to determine the value of m . We do not need any information of
the DC component of the intensity. We do not have to take into account of the factor 2 for the
root mean square value of the lock-in amplifier (DC output).
When the lock-in technique is applied, care must be taken to calibrate the signal,
because lock-in amplifiers generally detect only the root-mean-square signal of the
operating frequency. For a sinusoidal modulation, this would introduce a factor of 2
between the lock-in amplifier output and the peak amplitude of the signal, and a different
factor for non-sinusoidal modulation. In the case of extremely nonlinear systems, it may
in fact be advantageous to use a higher harmonic for the reference frequency, because of
frequency-doubling that takes place in a nonlinear medium.
2. Next find the maximum value of ( VAC )rms by rotating the analyzing polarization. In fact,
when 2 / 2 (or = /4): the angle between the analyzer and polarizer
directions is 45º (or 315º), we have
kI 0
VDC . (2)
VAC rms
2 m 2vdB0 ,
VAC peak
2 m 2vdB0
2 V BR rms
B0 111.0im
Note that the values of VAC rms V BR rms are the RMS values. In other words, these values
are digitally monitored using lock-in amplifier and oscilloscope.
10. Results and Discussion
We measured the Verdet constants for SF-59 glass (diameter 5mm, length 10 cm,
TeachSpin) and liquid.
Sample: SF-59 glass
v = 23 rad/T m.
Verdet constant for distilled water
(nm) v (rad/(Tm)
590 3.81
600 3.66
800 2.04
1000 1.28
1250 0.84