Furnace Wall Sootblower

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furnace wall sootblower

IR-3Z 㔐㲦⪖⿳㡘
⥛㠘㲹㩌䈌䇦⮄Features and benefits

furnace wall sootblower ㈮⭹㋹䐧⼱᷍㰝㗨⡄䐅㑬⥛㠘⭥㋪㋠㾵⼮㚮㈤
The rugged IR-3Z wall blower builds on the
㤂㣪᱃ビㆁゑ㚮䇤⭥㪉ェ᷍ proven reli abil ity of the IR-3D sootblower while
providing further simplification: four gears, a
㬚㡅㬫䇤䇻㡅㰝⥛㠘㸿ⳉ⤺ single limit switch, and a control box, all of which
contribute to a reliable and rugged design. The
䔘⭥⹅㌗᱄ blower is small enough to fit into tight spots.
Lightweight, compact and
durable design that fits and ビㆁ㤂⢄⭥㪉ェォ㰖Ⱝ㸍⿅⹅㬒᷍䇷ブ㩺㒄ミⷝ
operates where most won’t. ⿜᱄
When maintenance is required, the light and
easy design saves on both man hours and
re place ment parts.
䁵᱄⭌㬨㯎。䊙䅃⤜䂂㡅Ⳕ⭹䊻ⶕ䊴 䎜⷗⪌Ⱀミ⭥⥑㾗䐜㿉㾗㻣⪌Ⱀ䑂㩰⭥㑞⷗⪌Ⱀ
⭥Ⰹ㬒䓑䐤⼮䐻ⱁ䔊ミ䐱㪉䐤䎞㦘⭥ 㼛᷍⮈Ⱀ〛⼮ブ㯺㼅⭥⥑㾗䇪䄜㦬ゕ㋪㶋⧪᱄
᷉⽟⡒᷊䇱㻿⹌㯟⭥IR-3Z㾮㔐㲦⪖⿳ A single bolt and one coupling pin is all that
㡘᷍䄜㣱㈮䇎㦱ⱙㆃ㑬᱄ stands between you and replacement of the drive
unit. Removal of the motor and gear reducer is
Timing is everything. Especially when now a job for just one person.
it comes to boiler cleaning. But who
wants to mess around with com-
plex mecha nisms and numerous 䐜㿉➕䍶䄋㤔⮘䎜㬒ヅキ⮈㡘᷉㸜䇻㋹䐧⺒
com po nents just to set correct blower 㚻᷊᷍IR- 3Z⪖⿳㡘㈮㚽⹜䊻㗠⷗⪖⿳䐽㠻䐱⪖
timing? You don’t have to with Dia mond 㩉䄜㦇〓ⱁ㦇᱄
Power’s IR- 3Z furnace wall sootblower.
With a quick adjustment of a time-delay re lay
㡅㰝㔐㲦⪖⿳㡘㸿ⳉ⡄䐅⪖⿳㬒ヅ⭥ (lo cated in the control cabinet), the IR-3Z
㪉䐤䈌䊬㾱㵍⤞᷍⤃㋪㚽㸿ⳉ㤆ㆁ㚠 soot blower can be set for single or multiple
⢋㤙䈓᷍⭝䐣㔐㲦㯏㏅⡻⹽〞⿳⼮⪌ blow ing revolutions per blow ing cycle.
㦩㾈㔫⭮᱄㦜ⱙ᷍IR- 3Z㔐㲦⪖⿳㡘㸿
㵉⺞㈌㦘㋪㋠⭥㬒ヅ㋹䐧㎕㬖㻷䎞㦘 IR-3Z㳂㪞Ⳉ䇪〛㾖㋹䐧᷍䐜䇱⭒㞈䔍㶋㦌㪏㧌
⭥⪖⿳⿂Ⱙ 㔐㲦⽔᷍Ⳉ㗦⤦。㋋㡕᷍⪖⿳ㆊ䐫㒘㧌᷍⪖⿳㋋
Other wall blowers get out of time 㔐㲦⹽⭥⨆㬕᱄
and may not clean the desired area,
leav ing furnace wall wa ter tubes dirty The IR-3Z poppet valve is mechanically con trolled
and heat transfer ineffi cient. The IR- 3Z to only allow blowing medium to flow while the
wall blow er, however, doesn’t re quire nozzle is fully inserted into the furnace. This de sign
me chanical timing gears to provide feature eliminates furnace wall tube ero sion of
the cor rect blow ing arc. Instead, an the bent tube opening due to premature opening
accu rate and repeat able blowing arc is or late closing of the poppet valve.
ensured through the use of a time- de lay
㋪⥑㾗䍷⟆ 㔾㸧⹽
⪬䍷⟆ヂ⹭㚮䇤㣳䄸䇻⥑䓑᱄⪬㪉ェ㚽⡽㘃㿞䓋⤠ 㔾㸧⹽㪉ェヂ⹭᷍㬚䇤㬺㘝⧅᱄㤞Ⱀ㼛㸋㔾㸧⹽
ミ㋪㚽䋍⧪⭥㦬㪎䅃㶃㩬⼇᷍⤃㋪ⳡ䐚䇱⼇㰊㹐㈼ 㳂⹊㉚⽃⭥⪌Ⱀ㑇᷍⡄䐅㞈䔍㪍㰖䓵㧈᱄
〞䇻㔾㸧⹽᱄ Screw Tube: A.
⧾㔷䍷 Removable Top Cover: Hardened for long service life. Drive pins provide
䄸䇻⥑㾗⭥⧾㔷䍷ㅖ⭮䅃㶃ⴈ㻶᷍⤃㋪ A durable, easily removable cover protects per son nel even force distribution on the screw tube for
ⳡ䐚䇱⼇㰊㹐㈼〞䇻⧾㔷᱄ from rotating parts while shielding screw tube against reliable extension and retraction of the nozzle.
Gear Cover: objectionalbe accumulation of debris.
A easily removable gear cover reduces
the risk of injury to personnel while also
keeping the gear set from accumulating


⭆⮈〛 F.
Single-motor Construction:
Fewer operating parts,
mini miz ing maintenance and
inventory re quire ments.
㾱⧭㋋⹹ Poppet Valve
A. 㸿㿉⭝㼓⭥Ⳉ㗦㡕⡶〛⹚ᷜ
Limit Switch: Direct mechanical valve action.
Provides positive confirmation of nozzle B. Ⳉⶬヂ⹭᷍⭝㼓㋪㋠᱄㳏㑰㗽ⴃ㘇⨅
re trac tion. 䊄᷍㸍⿅㑠㾂ᷜ
ⷀ㾈㞈䔍 Rugged stem, hardened valve stem guide,
and generous packing surface for mini mum
⭆䄜⭥㸥㤑㏐㞈䔍䄵䄜Ⰹ⭥⽔㤄ㅨ⤝䐤᷍䄵⡄ maintenance.
㾵㚽㋪㋠᷍ヂ⹭㚮䇤᱄㑠㪎Ⰹ䐧⭥㵚㔷⢄䇻㈷⤠㤆ㆁ᱄ C. 㔾㿞㬞⮘䁚㝭㋪㈌㦘⮘ㅻ⪖⿳䁚㑇⼮
High-performance Nozzle: 㒘㑠ᷜ
Blowing Arc Cam: An internal adjustable pressure disc allows
Single, Venturi nozzle is set at a slight back- rack
Hardened for long, reliable service life. Custom cams are very close regulation at low flow rates.
angle for optimal cleaning performance.
available for partial arc cleaning. D. Ⰹ㸜㼛⡄䐅㪉䐤䁚㑇⽄Ⰹᷜ
Lock pin to hold pressure setting.

〛㾖⤺䔘⭥㳂㪞Ⳉ E. 䄜㳆⭥㝸⺃嘽ⷖ㸺⼰㆑Ⳉ䔚㈎⺞㯏䁚
Ⱑ㑃⭥䁚㑇⮘ㅻ䓑䐤᷍㈌㦘⭹㪉䐤⮘ㅻ䁚㑇⼮㋹䐧㒘㑠᱄㸿㿉⭝㼓⭥〛㾖⤺䔘⭥㳂㪞Ⳉ The valve seat is welded in and
㚽㦌⧭⡄䐅Ⳉ㗦⭥㋋㡕⼮⹹⡶᱄⪖⿳ㆊ䐫 䎕㡜〓㋶㡙 ⭥䁚㑇⮘ㅻ䇪⭆Ⱑ⭥⮘䁚㝭㶋⧪᱄ sur face- hardened with stellite, then lapped
⪬㪉ェ⡽㘃㑬⭒䁚㑇⮘䎜㬒᷍ㆊ䐫ⰵⳈ㗦⭥⨆〘㰚䋍⧪⭥Ⳉ䔚⼮Ⳉ⟋⭥㰑㩬᱄ in with the valve disc to ensure a 100%
leak-free valve.
Mechanically Operated Poppet Valve:
Positive action poppet valve with direct mechanical actuation provides reliable full-stroke F. 㧂㾵Ⳉ⟋⡄䐅㗠⪯㈌㦘Ⰹ㸜᱄
opening and closing. The pressure adjustment of the blowing medium (steam or air) is Floating valve disc assures tight seat ing
ac complished with a separate, adjustable pressure disc. This eliminates seat and disc ev ery time.
damage that occurs when pressure adjustment is made by partially stroking a valve.
⪖⿳㡘䊬㾱 䇪⡟㳆➕㝆㋹䐧〓䇪㋹䐧㻖㵔⧭㋹᱄
Blower Operation Remote operation from control system or local push button.

⪖⿳㡘㾱⧭ ⪖⿳㾱⧭㸋267mm᱄
Blower Travel Standard blower travel is 267mm.

᷉䎕㡜〓㋶㡙᷊ 〛㾖㳂㪞Ⳉ᷍䈌⪖⿳㡘㬨䄜⷗䎜㳆᱄
Blower Medium Valve Diamond Power® mechanically operated poppet valve, integral to the sootblower.
(Steam or Air)

⪖⿳䁚㑇 䇪㚻⤠⮘䁚㝭㤂㯪㪉䐤᱄
Blowing Pressure Easily set by adjustment of internal pressure adjusting disc.

⪖㩉㦇㭞᷍ 㬒ヅᷛ25㘌᱄⪖㩉䄜㦇⭥䊬㾱㬒ヅᷛ2⳷16㘌᷉㬚䇤50Hz⮈〛᷊᷍
⪖⿳㬒ヅゑ䐽㠻㬒ヅ ⷚ㈾㿉䄋᷍㋪➕㯔㿓㠖Ⳓ⪖⿳᱄
Blowing Revolutions, Single or multiple revolutions per blowing cycle. Blowing time: 25 sec. Total cycle
Blowing Time and Cycle Time time for one blowing revolution: 2 min 16 sec (using a 50Hz motor.) Sequence
allows more frequent operations as required.

⡟㳆㋹䐧⼱ ⟝㎉㡕Ⱀ➕㝆᱃⮈䊕㋋⹹᱃Ⱜ䓴㝦᱄
Blower Mounted Junction Includes a start push button, control power on/off switch and terminal strips for
Box connecting motor and control power wiring to the sootblower.

㾱⧭㋋⹹ ⭆ⶽⶬ⪌Ⱀ㾱⧭㋋⹹᷍ⳡ⿅⭩゗㋪⫐IP55᱄
Limit Switch Lever-actuated limit switch compliant with IP55.

⮈Ⱀ〛⤯㭞 YSR-6324 B5, 0.18KW, 1400 RPM, 380V, 3P.

᷉䐱⺛⺛㚻㬚䇤᷊ F゗㉙䊖᷍IP54〓㡅㰝⮈䁚᱃㠖㔫᱄
Motor Data Class F insulation, IP54.
(For China Only) Other voltages and frequencies available.

⮈〛㡕Ⱀ㡘⼮㬒ヅキ Ⰹ ㈌Ⱙ㸋0.1㘌 㦘⡄㈌㦘⪖⿳䐽㠻㋹䐧᱄
⮈㡘㋹䐧⺒ Forward and reverse motor contacts and time delay relays are mounted in
Motor Starter and Time sepa rate ly mounted cabinets. Push-and-click time settings (0.1 sec minimum
Delay Relay Cabinet in crements) provide precise control of sootblower blowing cycles.

㞈䔍⤥㑰 㚮㦩䑞⶷᱄
Nozzle Material Heat-resistant stainless steel casting.

㞈䔍䓋㯺 䊝 2.5 RPM᱄

Nozzle Rotation Speed Approximately 2.5 RPM.

䐹㑠 ⪖⿳㡘䐹㑠᷉⤜⼍⡟㳆㋹䐧⼱᷊䊝㸋102Kg᱄
Weight Blower without junction box weighs approximately 102 Kg.
www.diamondpower.com.cn 86.27.5922.2295
Ẅ ␪࣫ ᳝䰤݀ৌֱ⬭ׂᬍ䌘᭭ঞ䆒䅵ⱘᴗ߽ˈᘩϡ঺㸠䗮ⶹDŽ
The information contained herein is solely for informational purposes and is not offered, nor should it be
construed, as a warranty or contractual obligation. Diamond Power Machine (Hubei) Co. Inc. reserves the right
to make design or material changes without notice.


Œ⫘㗪⭣⮈㑇〛㾖 ⽟⡒ 䇱㻿⹌㯟⟇㦉㰚䇱᱄
©2008 Diamond Power Machine (Hubei) Co. Inc. All rights reserved. DPMH-9655-0408-01

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