UMTS Coverage Planning

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UMTS Coverage

RNP Staff Training Dept.



 UMTS Principle

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 3

After this course, we will:
 Understand the purpose of link budget
 Understand the uplink budget and its
 Understand the downlink budget and its
 Familiarize some technologies for
coverage enhancement

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

2 Uplink Budget
3 Downlink Budget
4 Coverage Enhancement Technologies

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

1.1 Overview of Radio Network Planning

1.2 Process of Radio Network Planning

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Definition of Radio Network Planning
 Definition:
 Network planning means that network elements (NEs) are selected
according to the network target, network evolution requirement, cost,
and the quality request. To design the configuration, and connection
mode between the NEs are determined to facilitate engineering
 Radio Network Planning focus on the elements of radio access
network (RAN).

This course focus on:

Radio network Planning.

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Importance of Radio Network Planning in 3G
 Importance:
 The total cost of mobile network mainly lies in the equipment
 Among the three parts of the 3G network (radio access network,
transmission network, and core network), the radio access
network occupies more than 70% investment
 The investment in the radio access network depends on the
number and configuration of the base stations

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Compare UMTS Network Planning with that of GSM
 UMTS uses the spread spectrum technology,  In GSM system, the frequencies for each cell
1×1 frequency multiplexing without frequency are planned in order to control the co-frequency
planning. and adjacent-frequency interference.
 The capacity of each carrier in UMTS is "soft"  If the interference requirement is met, the
because it is related to factors such as number of supported subscribers can be
environment and adjacent-cell interference. calculated based on the number of carriers and
 The coverage of the UMTS system is related to the number of timeslots.
the system load. If the system load increases,  The coverage of the GSM system depends on
the coverage/quality will decrease. the transmit power of the transmitter and the
 The UMTS system supports services with demodulation performance of the receiver.
different rate and QoS, including voice service,  GSM system mainly offers voice service, and
and their coverage capability is different. In the the GoS and design objective are
network planning, the system performance correspondingly simple.
shall be optimized through reasonable planning
and radio resource management.

f1 f2
f1 f1 f1 f1
f1 f1 f3 f3
f1 f1 f2 f2
f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1
f1 f1 f3
f1 f1 f3
f2 f2
f1 f1 f1 f1

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 Relationship between capacity, coverage, and quality of the
UMTS system
 The UMTS system is a self-interference system, and its
capacity, coverage, and quality closely related to each other.
 Capacity–coverage (e.g. cell breath)
– If the load increases, the capacity and interference will also
increase, and the coverage will shrink
 Capacity–quality (e.g. outer loop power control)
– The system capacity may increase by lowering the quality of some
 Coverage–quality (e.g. AMRC)
– The coverage may increase by lowering the quality of some
connections Ý Á
È ¿

Ö ¿ ²̧ Ç̧

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

1.1 Overview of Radio Network Planning

1.2 Process of Radio Network Planning

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Process of Radio Network Planning
 Radio Network Dimensioning (RND)
 At the early stage of the project planning, the future network is
preliminarily planned, and the configuration and the number of
RAN NEs are output for preliminary project negotiation and for
cost estimation in contract signing
 Pre-planning of radio network
 At the mid stage of project planning, based on the dimensioning
output, the future network is planned in detail, and the accurate
network scale and theoretical site location are determined. A pre-
planning report will be output for mid-stage project and cost
estimation in contract signing

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Process of Radio Network Planning
 Cell planning of radio network
 At the later stage of project planning, based on the pre-planning
output, each selected site is surveyed, and the related cell
parameters are determined.
 Normally, the cell parameters and planning effect should be
checked through simulation, and the output report would be the
final radio network planning scheme that can guide the project

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

2 Uplink Budget
3 Downlink Budget
4 Coverage Enhancement Technologies

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Procedure of Coverage Budget
Analyze the customer’s request  Planned area and the environment
 Coverage probability
Create link budget  Indoor coverage
 Cell load
 System parameters
Maximum path loss  Equipment performance
 Propagation model

Max cell radius

Site area

Total area

Site quantity

Site quantity = Total area / site area

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Fundamental Principle
NodeB Ga_BS
Duplexer Feeder


Pout_UE Fading
TX Margin

Duplexer Body Penetration
Loss Loss

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Radio Link Budget - Uplink
SHO Gain against Slow fading margin
Slow fading
Fast fading margin
SHO Gain against
fast fading Interference margin

Body Loss
AntennaGain NodeB Antenna Gain
Cable Loss
UE Antenna Gain

UE Transmit Power
Penetration Loss

Antenna Gain Maximum
CableLoss path loss
SHO Gain

NodeB Margin
Penetration Loss

NodeB reception sensitivity

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Algorithm Introduction
 PL_UL=Pout_UE + Ga_BS + Ga_UE + Ga_SHO – Mpc– Mf
– MI – M_BN – Lp – Lb – S_BS
 PL_UL: Maximum propagation loss of the Uplink
 Pout_UE: Maximum transmit power of the traffic channel of the UE
 Ga_BS: Antenna gain of the BS; Ga_UE: Antenna gain of the MS
 Ga_SHO: Gain of soft handover
 Mpc: Margin for fast power control
 Mf: Slow fading margin (related to the propagation environment)
 MI: Interference margin (related to the designed system capacity)
 M_BN: Margin for Background Noise (related to the electromagnetic
 Lp: Penetration loss of a building (used if indoor coverage is required)
 Lb: Body loss
 S_BS: Sensitivity of BS receiver at the connector at the antenna side
(related to factors such as service and multi-path environment, etc)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
1. Max Power of TCH 12. Background Noise Level
2. Body Loss 13. Margin for Background Noise
3. Gain of UE Tx Antenna 14. Fast Fading Margin
4. EIRP 15. SHO Gain over Fast Fading
5. Gain of BS Rx Antenna 16. Minimum Signal Strength
6. Cable Loss Required
7. Noise Figure (BS) 17. Penetration Loss
8. Required Eb/No (BS) 18. Std. dev. of Slow Fading
9. Sensitivity of BS Receiver 19. Edge coverage Probability
10. UL Cell Load 20. Slow Fading Margin
11. Interference Margin 21. SHO Gain over Slow Fading

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 1. Max Power of TCH (dBm) Hardware Para.
 For a UE, the maximum power of traffic channel is usually the
nominal total transmit power. There are many types of UE in a
commercial network, so this parameters should be reasonably set
in the link budget according to the specifications of a mainstream
commercial mobile and the requirement of the operator.

Grade of UE power (TS 25.101 v3.7.0 (2001-06)6.2.1

Power Class Nominal maximum Tolerance
output power
1 +33dBm +1/-3dB
2 +27dBm +1/-3dB
3 +24dBm +1/-3dB
4 +21dBm +2/-2dB

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 2. Body Loss (dB) System Para.
 For voice service, the body loss is 3 dB.
 Because the data service mainly involves reading and video, the UE is
relatively not so close to the body, so the body loss is 0 dB
 3. Gain of UE Tx Antenna (dBi) Hardware Para.
 Generally, assume that the receiver and transmitter gain of the UE
antenna are both 0 dBi
 4. EIRP (dBm)
 UE EIRP (dBm)
= UE Tx Power (dBm) - Body Loss (dB) + Gain of UE Tx Antenna (dBi)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 5. Gain of BS Rx Antenna (dBi) Hardware Para.
Kathrein 741794 Kathrein 741790
1710~2170MHz (dual band Frequency range 1920~2170MHz
Frequency range
for DCS and UMTS)
Polarization Vertical
Polarization +45O, -45O
Gain 11dBi
Gain 18.5dBi
HPBW Vertical: 7O
HPBW (1920~2170MHz)
Vertical:6.5O Electrical tilt Fixed, 0O

Electrical tilt Fixed, 2O

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 6. Cable Loss (dB) Hardware Para. Bracket

 Including the loss of the feeders and all of the connectors.

– Lower jumper
– Connector (between jumper, feeder, cabinet, and lightning
– Feeder
– Upper jumper jumper
 Other connecter loss is assumed 0.8 dB.

Frequency (Hz) Lower

Feeder 2G 900M 450M
7/8’ 6.1 4.03 2.7
5/4’ 4.5 2.98 1.9

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 7. Noise Figure of the receiver (dB) Hardware Para.
 It is used to measure the noise performance of an amplifier. It refers to
the ratio of the input SNR to the output SNR of the receiver system

NF = SNRi / SNRo
= (Si / Ni) / (So / No)

NF2  1 NFn  1
G1 G2 Gn NFTotal  NF1   ... 
NF1 NF2 NFn G1 G1  G2  ...  Gn1

 Thermal noise of receiver:

– PN = K*T*BW*NF
= -174 (dBm/Hz) + 10lg(3.84MHz / 1Hz) + NF(dB)
= -108 (dBm/3.84MHz) + NF(dB)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 7. Noise Figure of the receiver (dB) (Cont.)
 To calculate the Noise Figure of a receiver, normally only the first
two or three components need to be considered.

In case if no TMA:
Feeder NodeB
G_f G_NodeB Gn
NF_f NF_NodeB NFn

NFNodeB  1
NFTotal_ Without_ TMA ( LinerValue )  NF f 
 NF f  NF f  ( NFNodeB  1)
 NF f  NFNodeB

 NFTotal_ Without_ TMA (dB)  NFFeeder (dB)  NFNodeB(dB)

 LossofFeeder (dB)  NFNodeB(dB)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 7. Noise Figure of the receiver (dB) (Cont.)

In case if TMA is used:

TMA Feeder NodeB

G_tma G_f G_NodeB

Antenna NF_tma NF_f NF_NodeB

NF f  1 NFnodeB  1
NFTotal_ With _ TMA ( LinerValue )  NFtma  
Gtma Gtma  G f

Normally, the NF of the TMA is very small (TYP 1.5dB), and the gain
is high (TYP 12dB or 24dB). So we can get a lower total NF of the
receiver system with TMA than if without TMA. Thus we could get a
better receiver performance.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 8. Eb/No Required (dB) System Para.
 Obtained through link simulation. It is variational according to the
service and the signal environment:
– Mode of the receiver diversity
– Multi-path environment
– Bearer type (service)
 9. Sensitivity of BS Receiver (dBm)
 Sensitivity of Receiver (dBm)
= PN(dB) + Eb/No Required (dB) – Processing Gain
= -174 (dBm/Hz) + 10lg(3.84MHz / 1Hz) + NF(dB) + Eb/No (dB)
- 10lg[3.84Mcps/Rb(bps)]
= -174 (dBm/Hz) + NF (dB) + 10lg[1000 * Rb (kbps)] + Eb/No (dB)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 10. Uplink Cell Load Network Target
UL  1  i    L j  1  i   
1 W 1
1 1
1  
EbvsNo j R j v j
 Uplink cell load is used to measure the uplink load of a cell
 The higher the uplink load, the higher the uplink interference
 If the uplink load is approach 100% (NEVER reach in the live network),
the uplink interference will approach infinite, then the corresponding
capacity will be the maximum capacity

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 11. Uplink Interference Margin (dB)

I TOT 1 1
NoiseRise   
1  UL
1  Lj

50% Load — 3dB

60% Load — 4dB
75% Load — 6dB

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 12. Background Noise Level (dBm)
External electromagnetic interference sources:
– Wireless transmitters (GSM, microwave, radar, television
station, and so)
– Automobile ignition
– Lightning
For a specific area, it is recommended to estimate the local
interference through frequency spectrum test

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 13. Margin for Background Noise Level (dB) Environment Para.
Suppose the thermal noise of the receiver is P dBm, the
background interference level is N dBm, then received signal
should be larger than before to overcome the noise, so the
margin for the background noise should be:
Margin for Background Noise =
10log (10P/10 + 10N/10) dBm - P dBm

 In link budget tool, if we don’t consider the

environment interference, we can set the
background noise to a sufficient lower value
lower than the PN, e.g. -100dBm. Thus the
Background Noise Margin is 0dB.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 14. Fast Fading Margin (dB) System Para.
Also is called Power Control Margin
In the link budget, the demodulation performance of the
receiver is the simulation result based on the assumed ideal
power control.
In an actual system, the transmitter power is limited, this will
take non-ideal factors in the closed loop power control
So some power should be reserve for fast power control. It is
the fast fading margin.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 15. SHO Gain over Fast Fading (dB) System Para.
The soft handover gain includes two parts:
– Multiple unrelated soft handover branches lower the required
margin for fading, which results in multi-cell gain
– Gain for the link demodulation of the soft handover –macro diversity
combining gain
The SHO Gain over Fast Fading refer to the Macro Diversity
Combination gain and it reduces the request for fast fading
This value is obtained through simulation. Typically it is 1.5 dB.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 16. Minimum Signal Strength Required (dBm)
The required minimum signal level is:
Receiver Sensitivity + the losses and margins – the gains
Minimum Signal Strength Required
= Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) + Body Loss (dB)
+ Interference Margin (dB) + Background Noise Margin (dB)
+ Fast Fading Margin (dB)
- Gain of Antenna (dBi) - SHO Gain over fast fading (dB)

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 17. Penetration Loss (dB) Environment Para.
 Indoor penetration loss refers to the signal level difference between
the average strength near the wall outside the building and that of
inside the building.
 The penetration loss is related to building type, arrive angle of the
radio wave, and so on. In link budget, assume that the penetration
loss is subject to the lognormal distribution.
 It is uneconomical to provide good indoor coverage by an outdoor
base station. Inside the building it should be covered by special
indoor coverage system.
 In the actual construction of a commercial network, the penetration
loss margin is usually specified by the operator in order to compare
the planning results of different tenders.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 18. Std. dev. of Slow Fading (dB) – Std. dev. of indoor path loss
Suppose the standard deviation of the path loss outdoor is X
dB, that of the Penetration Loss is Y dB, the standard
deviation of path loss indoor can be get by sqrt( X2 + Y2 )
Environment Para.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 19. (Cell) Edge coverage Probability Coverage request
 If the transmit power of a UE hits the maximum threshold, but still cannot
overcome the path loss to guaranty the lowest receive level, the radio link will
drop or the UE will fail to access the network.
 If the designed signal level at the edge of a cell equals to the Minimum Signal
Strength Required, the actual measurement result will obey the normal
–This means there is a probability of 50% that the UE cannot access the network.

–If we design a smaller cell radius, the user will be nearer to the station, so the signal
will be better and the probability to access the network will be higher.

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 20. Slow Fading Margin (dB) Envn. Para. due to Edge coverage Probability
Slow Fading Margin (dB) =
NORMSINV (required edge coverage Probability) × Std. dev. of Slow Fading (dB)

Edge Reliability:50%

Edge Reliability:75%

Key point: Property of normal distribution

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 21. SHO Gain over Slow Fading (dB)
The soft handover gain includes two parts:
– Multiple irrelevant soft handover branches lower the required
margin for fading, which results in multi-cell gain
– Gain for the link demodulation of the soft handover –macro
diversity combination gain
The SHO Gain over Slow Fading refers to the multi-cell gain
Obtained through simulation

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Elements of WCDMA Uplink Budget
 Summary: path loss at the edge of a cell
Based on the maximum path loss allowed by the link, the path
loss at the edge can be calculated if the fading margin and soft
handover gain for providing the required edge/area coverage
probability and the penetration loss of indoor coverage are
Path Loss (dB) =
EiRP (dBm)
+ SHO Gain over Slow Fading (dB)
- Minimum Signal Strength Required (dBm)
- Penetration Loss (dB)
- Slow Fading Margin (dB)

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Summary of Uplink budget
Maximum Path Loss

EIRP + SHO Gain over Slow Fading - Slow Fading Margin - Penetration Loss - Minimum Signal Required

UE Power – Body Loss f(edge coverage Probability) Sensitivity of Receiver - SHO Gain over fast fading
+Ga_UE_Antenna * Std. dev. of Slow Fading - Gain of Antenna + Fast Fading Margin + Body Loss +
Interference Margin
+ Margin for Background Noise

Margin for Background Noise

= 10log (10P /10+10N/10) dBm-P dBm

standard deviation of path loss outdoor : X dB, Sensitivity of Receiver = PN + required Eb/No – Processing Gain
standard deviation of Penetration Loss: Y dB, PN = 10lg ( K*T*B*NF ) = -108 (dBm/3.84MHz) + NF (dB) ;
Std. dev. of Slow Fading = Sqrt(X2 + Y2) NF is the equivalent noise figure of the receiver at the antenna connecter
Processing Gain = 10lg[3.84Mcps/Rb(Kbps)]
So the Sensitivity of Receiver =
-174 (dBm/Hz) + NF (dB) + 10lg[Rb (bps)] + Eb/No (dB)

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

2 Uplink Budget
3 Downlink Budget
4 Coverage Enhancement Technologies

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Radio Link Budget - Downlink
SHO Gain against Slow fading margin
Slow fading
Fast fading margin
SHO Gain against
fast fading Interference margin

Body Loss
AntennaGain NodeB Antenna Gain
Cable Loss
UE Antenna Gain

NodeB Transmit Power

Penetration Loss

Antenna Gain Maximum
CableLoss path loss
SHO Gain

NodeB Margin
Penetration Loss
UE reception sensitivity

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 PL_DL=Pout_BS – Lf_BS + Ga_BS + Ga_UE + Ga_SHO
–Mpc– Mf – MI – Lp – Lb – S_UE
 PL_DL: Maximum propagation loss of the downlink
 Pout_UE: Maximum transmit power of the traffic channel of the BS
 Lf_BS: Cable loss
 Ga_BS: Antenna gain of the BS; Ga_UE: Antenna gain of the UE
 Ga_SHO: Gain of soft handover
 Mpc: Margin for fast power control
 Mf: Slow fading margin (related to the propagation environment)
 MI: Interference margin (related to the designed system load)
 Lp: Penetration loss of a building (for indoor coverage only)
 Lb: Body loss
 S_UE: Sensitivity of UE receiver (related to factors such as service
and multi-path condition)

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Elements of WCDMA Downlink Budget
 Max Power of TCH  Background Noise Level
 Cable Loss  SHO Gain over Fast Fading
 Gain of BS Tx Antenna  Fast Fading Margin
 EIRP  Minimum Signal Strength Required
 Gain of UE Rx Antenna  Penetration Loss
 Body Loss  Std. dev. of Slow Fading
 Noise Figure (UE)  Edge coverage Probability
 Required Eb/No (UE)  Slow Fading Margin
 Sensitivity of UE Receiver  SHO Gain over Slow Fading
 DL Cell Load
 Interference Margin

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Elements of WCDMA Downlink Budget
 Max Power of TCH (dBm)
 All the users in the same cell share the power of the transmitter
simultaneously. So for each user, the UE can only get all of the total
power. We can only set a maximum power for each channel.
 General rule: Set different maximum power for different channels,
to ensure the coverage of the main service is the same as that of
the pilot channel.

DL Max Power per Ch

Pilot Channel 33dBm
12.2K Voice 30dBm
64K VP 36dBm

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Elements of WCDMA Downlink Budget
 Downlink Cell Load
Downlink cell load factor is defined in two ways:
 1. Downlink cell load factor at the receiver:
 Rj 
 DL   1   j  i j  Eb / No  j   v j 

1  W 
 This definition is similar to that of the uplink cell load:
– The higher the downlink cell load, the higher the cell transmit power,
and the higher the downlink interference.
– When the downlink cell load approach 100% , the corresponding
capacity is the limit capacity of the downlink.
 2. Downlink cell load at the receiver: The ratio of the current cell transmit
power to the maximum BS transmit power. Characteristics:
– The higher the downlink cell load, the higher the cell transmit power.
The downlink cell load is related to service type, UE receiver
performance, cell size, and BS capability.

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Elements of WCDMA Downlink Budget
 Downlink Interference Margin (dB)
 Noise rise on downlink:
No[ ( j )  f ( j )] PTX ( 0 ) / CL( 0 , j )
NoiseRise ( j )  I TOT ( j )
No  No

( 0,n ) 
 1
       [ ( j )  f ( j )]
1 DL   CL( 0, j ) No   [CIR _ Tx(n)  CL
CL( 0 , j ) ]
 n 1 
 If define the load factor according to the downlink transmitter, the
formula will be:
NoiseRise ( j )  1  [ ( j )  f ( j )] DL 
N o  CL(0, j )
 In link budget tool
– α(j) is orthogonality factor on edge of the cell. It is related to environment, cell radius
and can be obtained by simulation.
– f(j) is interference factor on edge of the cell. 1.78 (=2.5dB) is a worst value.

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1 Process of UMTS Network Planning

2 Uplink Budget
3 Downlink Budget
4 Coverage Enhancement Technologies

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Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA)
 Located just under the antenna
 Low noise amplifier
 Helps to improve the uplink receive
sensitivity and enhances the uplink
 About 0.7dB loss in the downlink

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 50

Academic calculation about TMA
Academic calculation about TMA improve the uplink receive sensitivity

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 51

Example of academic calculation about TMA
 The example of academic calculation about TMA improve
the uplink receive sensitivity
Equipment Noise Figure Gain
TMA 1.45 12
7/8"Cable30m + 0.6dB Connector Loss 2.433 -2.433
NodeB 2.2

Receiver Chain Noise Figure

Without TMA: 2.433+2.2 dB = 4.633 dB
With TMA: 1.57 dB
4.633-1.57 = 3.063 dB
So get a 3.063dB gain for uplink when using TMA

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 52

4-Antennas Reception Diversity
 Two ways to realize 4-Antennas reception
 Two Cross-polarization antennas
 Four antennas
 4-Antennas reception diversity helps to
improve the performance of the uplink
 Improve the uplink coverage/capacity
 To realize 4-Antennas reception diversity,
there is a requirement for the NodeB

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 53

4-Antennas Reception Diversity
 4RxDiv principle –diversity gain
 Resist fast fading
 Correlation combination
 Gain relates to multi-path,
service, speed, antenna
 2RxDiv-> 4RxDiv
 Reduce the requirement of

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 54

4-Antennas Reception Diversity
 Compared with a double-antenna reception diversity, 4-antenna
reception diversity requires lower Eb/No
 Gain of 4-antenna reception diversity (compared with double-antenna
reception diversity)

Eb/No Capacity-based Coverage-based

Area Channel
improvement gain gain
TU3 2.4 1.73 1.37
urban area
Common urban
TU3 2.4 1.73 1.37
Suburb RA120 2.5 1.77 1.39
Rural area RA120 2.5 1.77 1.39

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 55

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