Portfolio Unit 2
Portfolio Unit 2
Portfolio Unit 2
as the process of learning how to get along with others, to solve problems, and to
make responsible choices (Curwin, R., Mendler, A., & Mendler, B., 2018). Discipline is the
degree to which students behave properly, engaged in classroom activities and do not disrupt
instruction delivery. Different groups of students depending on their ages and learning
My ideal level of discipline is the low teacher control approach, which is related to my
educational philosophy. I strongly belief that teachers have the responsibility for structuring
the classroom environment to facilitate the students’ control over their own behaviour. When
teacher to grade 9 students of ages 13-14 years, so I guide discussions and help my students
misbehaviour occurs, I help them identify the problem and guide them in making an
Despite the positive impact of my ideal model, reticent students are quite difficult to
communicate and guide, as a result, it will not be easy to apply the self-control discipline.
Also, students with special educational needs like attention deficit hyperactive disorder
ADHD, dyslexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD present situations that usually scare
away experienced teachers. With such learning disabilities, teachers can adopt the high
control approach which is based on the philosophy that children are seen as being moulded
and shaped by influences from the environment; they are not seen as having an innate
potential. Therefore, with such special needs teachers and adults need to select desired student
Curwin, R., Mendler, A., & Mendler, B. (2018). Chapter 1: Core beliefs and principles. In
Discipline with Dignity: How to Build Responsibility and Respect in Your Classroom, 4th ed.
High teacher control. (2019). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from site. Google website: