Financial Asset at Fair Value Problem 21-1 (IFRS) : Solution 21-1 Answer C
Financial Asset at Fair Value Problem 21-1 (IFRS) : Solution 21-1 Answer C
Financial Asset at Fair Value Problem 21-1 (IFRS) : Solution 21-1 Answer C
Problem 21-1(IFRS)
Under PAS 39, paragraph 43, any transaction cost is not included as part of the initial
measurement of a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss. Actually, financial asset at
fair value through profit or loss is classified as held for “trading”.
However, any transaction cost is included as part of the initial measurement of a financial asset
classified as “available for sale”.
Under PFRS 9, the term “available for sale” is now eliminated. The equivalent term is “financial
asset at fair value through other comprehensive income”.
Problem 21-2(IFRS)
What amount of unrealized gain or loss on these securities should be reported in the 2010
income statement?
If the financial asset is classified as held for “trading”, any realized gain or loss is included as
a component of profit or loss.
The transaction costs that would be incurred on sale are ignored because the financial asset
held for trading is measured at fair value and not at fair value less cost to sell.
Problem 21-3 (IFRS)
Carmela Company acquired a financial instrument for P4, 000,000 on March 31, 2010. The
financial instrument is classified as financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive
income. The direct acquisition cost incurred amounted to P700, 000. On December 31, 2010,
the fair value of the instrument was P5, 500,000 and transaction costs that would be incurred
on the sale of the investment are estimated at P600, 000.
What gain or loss would be recognized in other comprehensive income for the year ended
December 31, 2010?
a. 200, 000
b. 900, 000
c. 800, 000
d. 0
The transaction costs of P600, 000 that would be incurred on the sale of the investment are
ignored because the financial asset is measured at the fair value and not at fair value less cost
to sell.
Problem 21-4 (AICPA Adapted)
On December 31, 2009, Fay Company appropriately reported a P100, 000 unrealized loss.
There was no change during 2010 in the composition of Fay’s portfolio of marketable equity
securities held as financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income. Pertinent
data are as follows:
3, 700,000 3, 300,000
a. 400, 000
b. 300, 000
c. 100, 000
d. 0
Only the unrealized loss of P300, 000 is shown in the 2010 statement of comprehensive
income as component of other comprehensive income. However, the cumulative unrealized
loss P400, 000 would appear in the statement of changes in equity.
Actually, if the investment is held as a financial asset at fair value through other
comprehensive income, the total or cumulative unrealized gain or loss is always the
difference between the market value and the original acquisition cost.
During 2009, Garr Company purchased marketable equity securities as a trading investment.
For the year ended December 31, 2009, the entity recognized an unrealized loss of P230,
000. There were no security transactions during 2010. Pertinent information on December
31, 2010 is as follows:
A 2, 450,000 2, 300,000
B 1, 800,000 1, 820,000
4, 250,000 4, 120,000
In the 2010 income statement, what amount should be reported as unrealized gain or loss?
Solution 21 – 5 Answer a
The following information was extracted from the December 31, 2010 statement of financial
position of Gil Company:
Noncurrent assets:
Financial asset at fair value 3, 700,000
Shareholder’s equity:
Unrealized loss on financial asset (300,000)
Gil Company paid transaction on of P100, 000 related to the acquisition of the investment. This
amount is capitalized part of the cost of the investment.
The entity elected to measure the financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive
a. 3, 700,000
b. 3, 400,000
c. 3, 900,000
d. 4, 000,000
The transaction of P100, 000 is properly capitalized as cost of the financial asset measured at
fair value through other comprehensive income.
Problem 21-7 (IAA)
On July 31, 2011, the entity sold all of the shares of Security B for a total of P1, 000,000. On
December 31, 2011, the shares of Security A had a market value of P600, 000. No other the
activity occurred during 2011 in relation to the trading security portfolio. What is the gain or loss
on the sale of Security B on July 31, 2011?.
PAS 39, paragraph 26, as amended by PFRS 9, provides that on derecognition of a trading a
financial asset, the difference between the consideration received and the carrying amount of
the asset shall be recognized in profit or loss.
Problem 21-8 (AICPA Adapted)
During 2010, Latvia Company purchased trading equity securities as a short-term investment.
The cost and market value on December 31, 2010 were as follows:
Latvia sold 10,000 shares of Security B on January 15, 2011, for P130 per share, incurring P50,
000 in brokerage commission and taxes.
a. 450,000
b. 400,000
c. 300,000
d. 350,000
On January 1, 2010, Lebanon Company purchased equity securities to be held as “at fair value
through other comprehensive income” on December 31, 2010, the cost and market value were:
Cost Market
Security X 2, 000,000 2, 400,000
Security Y 3, 000,000 3, 500,000
Security Z 5, 000,000 4, 900,000
What amount of gain on sale of financial asset should be reported in the 2011 income statement?
a. 500, 000
b. 100, 000
c. 400, 000
d. 0
Again, PAS 39, paragraph 26, as amended by PFRS 9, provides that on derecognition of a
financial asset, the difference between the consideration received and the carrying amount of the
asset is recognized in profit or loss.
The Application Guidance of PFRS 9, paragraph B5.12, provides that amount recognized in
other comprehensive income are not subsequently transferred to profit or loss. The
cumulative gain or loss may however be transferred within equity, meaning retained earnings.
Accordingly, the cumulative unrealized gain of P400, 000 related to Security X is transferred to
equity or retained earnings as follows:
On January 1, 2010, Caraga Company purchased equity securities to be held as ”at fir value
through other comprehensive income.” The cost and market value of the securities were:
On January 31, 2011, Caraga Company sold Security R for P3, 500,000.
What unrealized gain or loss on the remaining financial asset should be in the 2011 statement of
comprehensive income as component of other comprehensive income?
The unrealized gain of P300, 000 is shown in the 2011 statement of comprehensive income as
component of other comprehensive income.
However, the cumulative unrealized loss of P600, 000 would appear in the statement of changes
in equity.
Problem 21-11 (IAA)
During 2010, Little Company purchased trading securities at short-term investment. The cost of
the securities and their market value on December 31, 2010 follow:
Before any adjustment related to these trading securities, Little had net income of P3, 000,000
for 2010.
What is the net income after making necessary trading security adjustment?
a. 3, 000,000
b. 2, 700,000
c. 3, 300,000
d. 2, 540,000
On January 1, 2010, Remington Company acquired P200, 000 ordinary shares of Universal
Company for P 9, 000,000. At the time of purchase, Universal Company had outstanding 800,
000 shares with the book value of P36, 000,000. On December 31, 2010, the following events
took place:
Universal Company reported net income of P1, 800,000 for the calendar year.
The investment in Universal Company is classified as financial asset at fair value through other
comprehensive income.
a. 9, 000,000
b. 8, 000,000
c. 9, 300,000
d. 9, 450,000
Although the interest is 25%, 200, 000 shares divided by 800, 000 shares, the equity method is
not applied because the investment is classified as financial asset at fair value tgrough other
comprehensive income.
The unrealized loss of the financial asset of P1, 000,000 is shown in the statement of
comprehensive income as component of other comprehensive income.
Problem 21-13 (AICPA Adapted)
Neal Company held the following financial asset as trading investments on December 31, 2010:
1,465,000 1,450,000
In the December 31, 2010 statement of financial position, what should be reported as carrying
amount of the investment?
a. 1, 400,000
b. 1, 450,000
c. 1, 465,000
d. 1, 475,000
The nonredeemable preference share is an equity security. The redeemable preference share is a
debt security.
Whether equity or debt security, financial asset held for trading are carried at fair value.
Problem 21-14 (AICPA Adapted)
Information regarding Trinidad Company’s financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income is as follows:
On January 1, 2010, Trinidad Company reported an unrealized loss of P15, 000 as component of
other comprehensive income.
In its 2010 statement of changes in equity, Trinidad Company should report what amount of
unrealized loss on these securities?
a. 260, 000
b. 220, 000
c. 205, 000
d. 0
The increase in unrealized loss of P205, 000 is reported in the statement of comprehensive
income as component of other comprehensive income.
However, the 2010 statement of changes in equity should report the cumulative unrealized loss
of P220, 000.
Incidentally, the net realized gains represent the gains s from the financial assets that are
actually sold should be shown in the statement of comprehensive income as component of profit
or loss.
Problem 21-15 (PAS 39)
On January1, 2010, Agusan Company purchased bonds with face value of P5, 000,000 to be held
as “available for sale”. The entity paid P4, 600,000 plus transaction costs of P142, 000. The
bonds mature on December 31, 2012 and pay 6% interest annually on December 31 each year
with 8% effective yield. The bonds are quoted at 105 on December 31, 20210 and 110 on
December 31, 2011.What amount of cumulative unrealized gain on these bonds should be
reported in the 2011 statement of changes in equity?
a. 500, 000
b. 250, 000
c. 592, 931
d. 164, 291
The interest received equal to 6% multiplied by the face value. The interest income is equal to
8% multiplied by the book value.
Under PFRS 9, bonds cannot be classified anymore as “available for sale”. Bonds can be
classified only as “financial asset at amortized cost”, or may be designated asset “at fair value
through profit or loss”.