Glaucoma, Hyphema: Synonyms and Related Keywords: Hyphema, Microhyphema, Hemorrhage in The Anterior
Glaucoma, Hyphema: Synonyms and Related Keywords: Hyphema, Microhyphema, Hemorrhage in The Anterior
Glaucoma, Hyphema: Synonyms and Related Keywords: Hyphema, Microhyphema, Hemorrhage in The Anterior
Glaucoma, Hyphema
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Synonyms and related keywords: hyphema, microhyphema, hemorrhage in the anterior
Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Pictures Bibliography
Author: Inci Irak, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Arkansas University, Jones Eye
Inci Irak, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of
Ophthalmology, and American Glaucoma Society
Editor(s): Andrew I Rabinowitz, MD, Consulting Staff, Department of Ophthalmology,
Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center; Donald S Fong, MD, MPH, Assistant Clinical Professor
of Ophthalmology, Director, Clinical Trials Research, Department of Ophthalmology, Southern
California Permanente Medical Group; Martin B Wax, MD, Clinical Professor, Department of
Ophthalmology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School; Vice President,
Ophthalmology Research and Development, Head, Ophthalmology Discovery Research, Alcon
Labs, Inc; Lance L Brown, OD, MD, Ophthalmologist, Regional Eye Center, Affiliated With
Freeman Hospital and St John's Hospital, Joplin, Missouri; and Hampton Roy, Sr, MD,
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences
INTRODUCTION Section 2 of 11
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Background: Hyphema is the collection of red blood cells in the anterior chamber. A
microhyphema occurs when the red blood cells are only detectable microscopically. In a
macroscopic hyphema (hyphema), a visible layer of red blood cells in the anterior chamber
may be detected even without the aid of slit lamp magnification. Complications more
frequently are related to hyphema than microhyphema.
blood vessels, including those that make up the major arterial circle of the anterior segment.
Hyphema also may be caused by intraocular tumors, which may be benign or malignant.
Neovascularization of the iris or ciliary body may result in hyphema. This neovascularization
can be caused by posterior segment ischemia, which usually is associated with microvascular
disease in diabetes. Retinal ischemia also can occur subsequently to retinal arterial or venous
occlusion. Another cause of the neovascularization is carotid stenosis, which can lead to ocular
ischemia. Hyphema also may be iatrogenic in origin; it can occur any time after intraocular
surgery, especially surgery that involves the filtration angle. Certain types of anterior chamber
intraocular lenses used after cataract extraction lend themselves to hyphema, especially rigid
lenses, which is called uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema (UGH) syndrome.
Corneal bloodstaining results from blood being forced into corneal endothelial cells, thereby
"staining" the otherwise clear cornea. Bloodstaining is an ominous sign and often heralds the
need for surgical evacuation of the hyphema.
The intraocular pressure (IOP) rise is related to red blood cells and their byproducts clogging
the trabecular meshwork; another cause is direct trauma to the meshwork, which occurs
concurrently with the initial trauma.
Secondary angle-closure glaucoma that results from pupillary block may also occur. Pupillary
block is seen when the clot completely secludes the pupil/lens interface, thereby blocking the
flow of aqueous from the posterior to the anterior chamber.
• In the US: In North America, the incidence of hyphema is 17-20 cases per 100,000
people per year. The rebleeding rate is 10-20%.
Mortality/Morbidity: Most of the hyphema cases are due to blunt trauma. Less common
causes are systemic diseases and following eye surgery. Spontaneous hyphema is quite rare.
Morbidity of disease depends on underlying pathology, associated diseases, and risk factors.
Race: The African American population has a higher risk for sickle cell hemoglobinopathy.
This group is more likely to have complications of hyphema, including central retinal artery
Age: The young population is most affected. Approximately 77% are younger than 30 years.
The peak incidence is in people aged 10-20 years.
CLINICAL Section 3 of 11
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History: When a patient presents with a hyphema, the most critical first step is obtaining a
thorough history of the trauma.
• It is important to determine if the patient was wearing protective eyewear at the time of
the trauma.
• The patient's ethnic origin is important. Sickle cell trait/disease is more common in
those patients of African and Mediterranean descent.
• Obtain a good past medical history, including sickle cell hemoglobinopathy, diabetes,
and herpetic infection.
Physical: The ocular examination should start with a thorough evaluation of the ocular adnexa,
looking for asymmetry.
o Hyphema may be associated with other clinical entities, and the following
should be suspected in the absence of trauma:
Rubeosis iridis (proliferative diabetic retinopathy, following central or
branch retinal vessel occlusion, ocular ischemic syndrome)
Surgery (during or after)
Iritis (Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster)
Intraocular tumors (juvenile xanthogranuloma, retinoblastoma,
malignant melanoma)
Iris varix, pupillary microhemangiomas
Following laser trabeculoplasty or iridotomy
Bleeding disorders
o Visual acuity
o Begin evaluation of the iris at the pupillary margin and move outward.
The examiner should look closely for sphincter tears.
Examine the anterior surface of the iris, which is made of stromal tissue
for the presence of abnormal vessels.
If the angle is nonoccludable, perform dilation in conjunction with
Carefully examine the vitreous cavity for abnormalities.
Study the macula, vessels, and periphery.
Note any evidence of neovascularization of the disc or elsewhere. In
addition, look for evidence of recent or remote vascular occlusion.
o Perform dilated fundus exam as soon as the corneal clarity and hyphema allow a
view of the fundus after dilation.
Note the presence of vitreous and retinal hemorrhage.
Document baseline appearance of the optic nerve and color of
neuroretinal rim.
If the retina cannot be visualized and if retinal breaks and detachment
are suspected, perform ultrasonography earlier.
• Use an exophthalmometer to look for enophthalmos that is related to the ocular trauma.
• If the patient does not have a history of trauma, examine the carotid arteries for a bruit.
This finding may herald ocular ischemic syndrome, as well as neovascularization that
leads to hyphema.
o Rubeosis iridis
o UGH syndrome
DIFFERENTIALS Section 4 of 11
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Glaucoma, Uveitic
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
Hemolytic glaucoma
Ghost cell glaucoma
Hemosiderotic glaucoma
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WORKUP Section 5 of 11
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Lab Studies:
• Sickle cell prep: Screen for sickle cell (mandatory upon presentation for non-Caucasian
• Hemoglobin electrophoresis: Determine if the patient has sickle cell trait or disease.
• Aqueous samples from the anterior chamber occasionally are needed to differentiate
rare types of glaucoma.
Imaging Studies:
• In selected cases, obtain CT scan of the orbit to exclude associated orbital fracture or
foreign body.
TREATMENT Section 6 of 11
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Medical Care: Treatment for microhyphemas in which the IOP is not elevated usually
involves limiting activities that cause rapid movements of the globe during the first 72 hours.
Patients who have concurrent elevation of intraocular pressure may require both topical and
oral ocular hypotensive medications to lower the intraocular pressure. These patients also
require cycloplegia and topical steroids. Non-Caucasian patients should all be screened for
sickle cell trait or disease because sickling can lead to obstruction of the central retinal artery
and profound irreversible visual loss.
• Cycloplegics (eg, cyclopentolate tid, atropine qd) and topical steroids (eg, prednisolone
acetate qid) are used to treat associated iritis.
• The use of oral steroids is controversial. Despite their direct antifibrinolytic properties,
no clear benefit in preventing rebleeding has been noted.
• Aminocaproic acid (Amicar), an antifibrinolytic agent, reduces recurrent hyphemas.
Intravenous and oral forms are available; approval for the topical gel form is pending
with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
o The threshold for treating glaucoma has been reduced in patients with sickle cell
due to their susceptibility to glaucomatous optic nerve damage and central
retinal artery occlusion at even slightly increased pressure. Glaucoma can be
treated with topical medications (eg, beta-blockers [Timoptic bid and new
generation drops]).
o Avoid oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, especially acetazolamide (eg,
Diamox), in sickle cell trait or disease patients. These drugs tend to increase
sickling of erythrocytes. Methazolamide may be a better choice in this situation
(Neptazane 50 mg PO q8h).
o Use hyperosmotic agents like IV mannitol for further control.
• Supportive treatment
o Wearing a metal or hard plastic shield at all times (during the day and at night)
is recommended. Patching is recommended when a risk of corneal staining
exists; however, measurements should be taken for occlusion amblyopia.
o Strict bed rest has not been shown to be beneficial.
o Head elevation (up to 30°) helps level the blood inferiorly and keep the central
cornea and pupil aperture clean.
o Aspirin should be avoided to prevent rebleeding.
Surgical Care: Corneal bloodstaining is an ominous sign, and these cases often are best
treated with surgical evacuation of the blood. A vitrectomy instrument or an
irrigation/aspiration cannula may be used for this purpose.
All attempts at treating the elevated IOP with medications should be made prior to surgical
wash-out of the hyphema. It is reasonable and helpful to not wash-out the eye until at least 72
hours have transpired to allow for clot formation. If clot formation has not occurred, opening
the eye may simply lead to persistent hemorrhage.
o IOP remains elevated despite the maximum medical treatment. A normal optic
nerve can tolerate an IOP as high as 50 mm Hg for 5 days. If the patient had
previous optic nerve compromise or a history of sickle cell trait or disease,
consider surgical intervention for elevated IOP above 24 mm Hg that lasts
beyond 1-2 days.
o Increased risk of synechia formation (ie, hyphema filling more than 50% of the
anterior chamber and lasting longer than 8 d)
• Instruct patients to keep activity to a minimum during the first 5 days of hyphema to
reduce the chances of a rebleed. Although no evidence exists regarding ambulation
versus bed rest and whether one is superior to the other in the prevention of rebleeding,
limiting activity is wise to avoid new injuries.
• Hyphemas in children and infants are difficult to treat because preventing a rebleed is
o The importance of limiting the child's activity over the first 72 hours cannot be
over emphasized to the caregivers.
MEDICATION Section 7 of 11
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Drug Category: Osmotic diuretics -- Decrease the IOP by reducing vitreous volume.
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Carefully evaluate cardiovascular status before
rapid administration of mannitol since a sudden
increase in extracellular fluid may lead to
fulminating CHF; avoid pseudoagglutination,
when blood given simultaneously, add at least 20
mEq of sodium chloride to each liter of mannitol
solution; do not give electrolyte-free mannitol
solutions with blood
Isosorbide (Ismotic) -- May be used to abort an
acute attack of glaucoma. In the eyes, may create
an osmotic gradient between plasma and ocular
fluids and induce diuresis by elevating osmolarity
of the glomerular filtrate. These effects may, in
Drug Name
turn, inhibit tubular reabsorption of water.
Treatment is preferred when less risk of nausea
and vomiting than that posed by other oral
hyperosmotic agents is desired. May be preferred,
if the patient tolerates PO intake.
Adult Dose 45% solution: 1-3 g/kg bid/qid
<12 years: Not established
Pediatric Dose
>12 years: Administer as in adults
Documented hypersensitivity; anuria; severe
Contraindications dehydration; frank or impending acute pulmonary
edema; severe cardiac decompensation
Interactions None reported
B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the
Use repetitive doses with caution, particularly in
Precautions patients with diseases associated with salt
Glycerin/glycerol (Ophthalgan) -- Oral osmotic
agent for reducing IOP. Able to increase tonicity
of blood until finally metabolized and eliminated
Drug Name
by the kidneys. Maximum reduction of IOP
usually occurs 1 h after glycerin administration.
Effect usually lasts approximately 5 h.
Adult Dose 50% solution: 1-2 g/kg PO
<12 years: Not established
Pediatric Dose
>12 years: Administer as in adults
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; anuria; severe
dehydration; acute pulmonary edema; severe CHF
Interactions None reported
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Administer orally, never parenterally; for oral use
only; avoid in acute urinary retention in
preoperative period; continued use may result in
Precautions weight gain; caution in hypervolemia, diabetes,
severely dehydrated individuals, confused mental
states, congestive heart disease, and cardiac, renal,
or hepatic disease
Tranexamic acid (Cyklokapron) -- Alternative to
aminocaproic acid. Inhibits fibrinolysis by
displacing plasminogen from fibrin. Hyphema is
Drug Name
not a labeled indication for tranexamic acid use.
More commonly is used in Scandinavian
Adult Dose 75 mg/kg/d PO divided tid
Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity
Interactions Not established
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
Caution in renal impairment; visual abnormalities,
Precautions color vision deficiency, and visual field defects
have been reported
Drug Category: Cycloplegics -- Anticholinergic agents block the responses of the iris
sphincter muscle and ciliary body to cholinergic stimulation, producing pupillary dilation
(mydriasis) and paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia).
Cyclopentolate HCl 1% (Cyclogyl) -- Blocks
muscle of ciliary body and sphincter muscle of iris
from responding to cholinergic stimulation, thus
Drug Name
causing mydriasis and cycloplegia.
Induces mydriasis in 30-60 min and cycloplegia in
25-75 min. These effects last up to 24 h.
Adult Dose 1 gtt bid/qid
Pediatric Dose Not established
Documented hypersensitivity; narrow-angle
Decreases effects of carbachol and cholinesterase
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Exercise caution in patients (eg, elderly patients)
where increased IOP may be present; can cause
toxic anticholinergic systemic adverse effects
(common in children especially infants) but
incidence rare when used sparingly; compressing
lacrimal sac by digital pressure for 1-3 min
following application may minimize systemic
Homatropine 2% and 5% (Isopto Homatropine) --
Blocks responses of sphincter muscle of iris and
Drug Name muscle of ciliary body to cholinergic stimulation,
producing pupillary dilation (mydriasis) and
paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia).
Adult Dose 1 gtt bid/tid/qid
Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults
Documented hypersensitivity; narrow-angle
Interactions None reported
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Caution in elderly patients where increased IOP
may be present; toxic anticholinergic systemic
adverse effects can occur but are rare when used
Precautions sparingly; adverse effects are more common in
children, especially infants; compressing lacrimal
sac by digital pressure for 1-3 min following
instillation minimizes systemic absorption
Drug Category: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors -- Decrease aqueous production and IOP.
These drugs are sulfonamide compounds that decrease the IOP by inhibiting aqueous
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Caution in respiratory acidosis and diabetes
mellitus; impairs mental alertness and/or physical
coordination; hematuria, glycosuria, polyuria,
hepatic insufficiency, bone marrow suppression,
thrombocytopenia/purpura, agranulocytosis,
urticaria, pruritus, and rash may occur
Commonly causes ocular hyperemia; may cause
permanent increase in pigment to iris (ie, increases
brown pigment) and eyelid; may increase eyelash
growth; caution in uveitis or macular edema; do
not instill if wearing contact lenses; safety has not
been tested in pediatric patients
Unoprostone ophthalmic (Rescula) --
Prostaglandin F2-alpha analog and selective FP
Drug Name prostanoid receptor agonist. Exact mechanism of
action unknown but believed to reduce IOP by
increasing uveoscleral outflow.
Adult Dose 1 gtt in affected eye(s) bid
Pediatric Dose Not established
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity
Interactions None reported
C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been
Commonly causes ocular hyperemia; may cause
permanent increase in pigment to iris (ie, increases
brown pigment) and eyelid; may increase eyelash
growth; bacterial keratitis may occur; caution in
uveitis or macular edema; do not instill if wearing
contact lenses
FOLLOW-UP Section 8 of 11
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• The clot is least adherent to the surrounding tissues on the fourth day following the
injury; this is the preferred time for surgery, when it is needed.
o Vitreous hemorrhage and retinal breaks might complicate a case even if the
hyphema clears.
• If the patient tolerates antiglaucoma medications for controlling IOP, keep these
o Both hemosiderin and hemoglobin collect in the stroma and give the cornea a
yellowish appearance.
• Glaucoma may lead to optic atrophy; this is especially true in sickle cell patients.
Always consider early surgical intervention in resistant cases. A long period of high
IOP (ie, 50 mm Hg lasting longer than 5 d) is dangerous.
• The most severe complication of hyphema is not the initial bleed but rather a rebleed,
which is usually seen within 72 hours following the initial trauma. The rebleeding rate
is 10-20%.
o Hyphema resulting from a rebleed usually is more extensive than that seen with
the initial trauma.
o Rebleeding may present as total hyphema with blood filling the entire anterior
chamber, often called 8-ball hyphema. Such significant hemorrhages often lead
to elevated IOPs and corneal bloodstaining. They also are more likely to require
surgical care.
• Prognosis depends on the size of the hyphema. Patients with a small-sized hyphema
have a good prognosis with simple management and treatment.
• In some studies, final vision was found better than 20/50 in almost 75% of all hyphema
Patient Education:
• For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Eye and Vision Center and
Glaucoma Center. Also, see eMedicine's patient education articles Hyphema (Bleeding
in Eye), Glaucoma Overview, Glaucoma FAQs, and Understanding Glaucoma
MISCELLANEOUS Section 9 of 11
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Medical/Legal Pitfalls:
PICTURES Section 10 of 11
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Picture Type: Photo
BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 11 of 11
Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Pictures Bibliography
• Campbell D, Shields MB, Liebmann JM: Ghost cell glaucoma. In: Ritch R, Shields B,
Krupin T, eds. The Glaucomas. Vol 2. 1989; 1239-1247.
• Culom RD Jr, Chang B, eds: Hyphema and microhyphema. In: The Wills Eye Manual.
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• Drug Facts and Comparisons Staff: Drug Facts and Comparisons. 1999.
• Herschler J, Cobo M: Trauma and elevated intraocular pressure. In: Ritch R, Shields B,
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• Shields MB: Glaucomas associated with intraocular hemorrhage and glaucomas
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