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Catalog Cẩu 800T

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Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Quality Changes the World

Max. lifting moment: 12000t·m

Max. boom length: 111m
Max. luffing jib combination: 99m+96m
The parameters and diagrams in the brochure is only for reference, which is subject to
further update in real machine.

▪ Cab
▪ Upperworks
▪ Lower structure
▪ Counterweight
▪ Operating Equipment
P03 Main Features
▪ Hydraulic system
▪ Working weight
▪ Ground pressure
▪ Gradeability
▪ Safety device
Crawler Crane Series
SCC8000A Technical
▪ Main specifications
▪ Outline dimensions
P10 Parameters ▪ Transport dimensions
▪ Assembly schematics

▪ Boom combination
▪ H working condition
▪ HDB working condition
▪ HJ working condition
▪ HJDB working condition
▪ FJ working condition
▪ FJDB working condition
▪ HJFJ working condition
▪ HJFJ120+15 working condition
Boom ▪ HJFJDB working condition
P29 Combinations
▪ HJFJ_5 working condition
▪ HJFJ_7 working condition

▪ HJFJ_9 working condition

▪ HJFJDB_5 working condition

▪ HJFJDB_7 working condition
▪ HJFJDB_9 working condition
▪ HJFJDB_SY3 working condition
▪ LJ working condition
▪ LJDB working condition

▪▪   Page 04 Cab
▪▪   Page 05 Superstructure
▪▪   Page 06 Lower structure
▪▪   Page 06 Counterweight
▪▪   Page 07 Working element
▪▪   Page 07 Hydraulic system
▪▪   Page 07 Working weight
▪▪   Page 07 Ground pressure
▪▪   Page 07 Gradeability
▪▪   Page 08 Safety device

> 03
04 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics

Cab Lower structure

Appearance Carbody
▪▪ The industrial modeling of the cab is designed by Porsche. It has ▪▪ The hydraulic cylinder driving power pin is connected with the
a smooth, elegant and novel appearance, which is a significant crawler frame for easy assembly and disassembly. The high-
breakthrough when compared with traditional engineering strength steel welded frame structure is adopted. Larger carbody
machinery and has excellent brand identification. The cab has a design significantly improves the stability of the overall crane.
sliding door structure, which is suitable for the crawler crane and The carbody counterweight is 80t (40t in the front and rear
convenient for the operator. It is adopted with fully-sealed steel respectively), and it can realize self-assembly.
frame structure with a large area of high strength toughened
glass installed on the front, side and top, transmitting more
Crawler Assembly
light. The interior space of the cab is spacious and bright, with a
broader sight view. ▪▪ Crawler frames: each crawler frame is equipped with
independent traveling driving devices. The planetary gear
tapered is driven by the hydraulic traveling motor, and
Comfort independent traveling is realized through the transmission of
▪▪ It is adopted with shock absorption, noise reduction, suspended, the driving gear. The driving system has two speed positions,
multi-mode and multi-stage adjustable seat, thus providing the namely high speed and low speed: The low speed can provide
operator with the most comfortable driving experience. The sufficient traction force to realize 100% travel with load; the high
famous USA RedDot air conditioner is adopted, ensuring more speed can provide higher speed to improve the transit efficiency.
reasonable air outlet and efficient cooling. It takes no more The traveling drive can also realize stepless speed change;
than 20 min to cool the cab from 55°C to 27.5°C. The left and ▪▪ Track shoe: It is made of materials with high strength and high
right armrest boxes and auxiliary control boxes are equipped wear resistance through advanced casting process. After being
with control handles, control buttons, ignition locks and other installed on the equipment, its tension can be adjusted through
elements. The seats, control handles and control buttons are the hydraulic cylinder, and the gasket position can be adjusted
arranged according to ergonomic design, fully considering to achieve the ideal tension.
the driver’s operation demands and habits. The control box
can be adjusted to the most suitable position with the seat to
ensure more comfortable operation. The cab can tilt up to 15°
according to the work demands, and can also rotate to the front
part of the rotating bed for the convenience of transport.

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics


Engine Boom hoist winch mechanism

▪▪ Cummins (Euro Tier III), optional Euro Tier IV; ▪▪ Components: Boom luffing mechanism, jib luffing mechanism,
▪▪ Rated power: 447 Kw; superlift luffing mechanism;
▪▪ Rated speed: 1800 rpm; ▪▪ All luffing winches adopt fold-line drums, which are driven by
▪▪ Maximum output torque: 2542 N·m; hydraulic motor through the planetary gear box and can realize
▪▪ Speed at the maximum output torque: 1400 rpm. a number of compound actions and good inching performance.

Drum diameter 574mm

Load hoist winch mechanism Boom luffing Speed of rope in the outermost working layer 126m/min
▪▪ The planetary gear box driven by hydraulic motor of variable mechanism
W3 Diameter of wire rope 28mm
displacement is used to control the main load hoist I and main
Rope length 800m
load hoist II to lift and lower the load. It provides good inching
performance, and also ensures quick powered lifting of main Drum diameter 574mm
load hoist winches; Jib luffing Speed of rope in the outermost working layer 0~120m/min
▪▪ Only one hoist winch is needed for load below 400t, while for mechanism
W4 Diameter of wire rope 28mm
load above 400t, both load hoist winches are required. The
Rope length 1300m
main hoist winch I and main hoist winch II have synchronization
function; Drum diameter 574mm
▪▪ The maximum number of parts of line is 60. The multilayer Superlift
luffing Speed of rope in the outermost working layer 0~125m/min
winding of rope-folding drum ensures no rope disorder. The
mechanism Diameter of wire rope 28mm
gear box is featured in low noise, high efficiency, long service lift W5
and easy access to oil change. Rope length 1300m

Main load Drum diameter 726mm

hoist winch Slewing mechanism
Speed of rope in the outermost working layer 0-153m/min
W1-1 (main ▪▪ The slewing hydraulic system adopts double motor to drive the
load hoist Diameter of wire rope 28mm
winch 1) W1- spur gear through the planetary gear box, which can realize 360°
Rope length 1250m
2 (main load rotation, slewing speed of 0~0.8 rpm, stepless speed regulation,
hoist winch 2) Rated line pull 16.4t no backlash at starting or stopping, stable operation and free
slipping function at neutral position. Slewing ring: It is adopted
Drum diameter 574mm
with three-row roller type slewing bearing with external gears.
Speed of rope in the outermost working layer 132m/min
Auxiliary load The main unit can be separated from the lower structure through
hoist winch Diameter of wire rope 28mm the adaptor ring.
Rope length 600m
Rated line pull 16.4t

Quality Changes the World

06 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics

Working implement

▪▪ The operating equipment is made of high-strength steel tubes Hook

and high-strength steel plates, and the rolled welded pulleys are ▪▪ There are 7 types of hook available. The specific parameters are
adopted on the boom head and hook. as follows:

Maximum Number of Unit

Boom Hook
lifting capacity
pulleys weight (t)
▪▪ The boom is a spatial lattice structure of welded tubes with 800t hook 800t 1 2×15 22.5
equal section areas of inserts and tapered sections for two ends.
500t hook 500t 1 2×9 11.2
The boom top and root are strengthened with steel plates, which
is easier for load transfer; 300t hook 300t 1 11 5.9
▪▪ The length of the boom is 24m (basic boom) to 111m (with 180t hook
180t 1 3×3 6.6
superlift), which can increase progressively by 3m each time; (double pulley block)
▪▪ Compositions: boom base 10.5m, 1 transition section of 12 m, 150t hook
150t 1 5 4.8
(single pulley block)
1 connecting tip of 1.5m, 1 insert of 3m, 2 inserts of 6m, and 6
inserts of 12 m; 50t hook 50t 1 1 1.4
▪▪ The extension jib is installed on the boom top. 18t ball hook 18t 1 0 1

Note: The 800 t hook can be decomposed into 400 t hook.

Fixed jib
▪▪ The fixed jib is a spatial lattice structure of welded tubes with
equal section areas of inserts and tapered sections for two ends.
The jib top and root are strengthened with steel plates, which is
easier for load transfer;
▪▪ The length of the fixed jib is 15 m;
▪▪ Compositions: jib base 6m x1, insert 3m x1, jib top 6m x1.

Luffing jib
▪▪ The luffing jib is a spatial lattice structure of welded tubes with
equal section areas of inserts and tapered sections for two ends.
The jib top and root are strengthened with steel plates, which is
easier for load transfer;
▪▪ The length of the luffing jib is 24 m-96 m;
▪▪ Compositions: jib base 10.5m x1, tapered section x1, insert 6m
x2, insert 12m x5, jib top 7.5m x1;
▪▪ The extension jib is installed on the jib top.

Superlift device
▪▪ The superlift mast is a spatial lattice structure of welded tubes
with equal section areas of inserts and tapered sections for two
ends. The mast base and top are strengthened with steel plates,
which is easier for load transfer;
▪▪ The length of the superlift mast is 42 m;
▪▪ Compositions: superlift base 12m x1, insert 6m x1, insert 12m
x1, top 12m x1.

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics

Additional device Hydraulic system

▪▪ Side outriggers; ▪▪ Hydraulic system includes load hoist hydraulic system, traveling
▪▪ Lower structure jack cylinders; hydraulic system, slewing hydraulic system, boom hoist hydraulic
▪▪ Crawler self-assembly cylinder (on the boom hoist mast); system, servo hydraulic system, back-stop hydraulic system,
▪▪ Portable hydraulic power pack; cooling system, auxiliary hydraulic system. The main hydraulic
▪▪ Quick connector ring (connecting the superstructure/lower components are original parts imported.
structure). ▪▪ Characteristics: The load hoisting, traveling, boom hoist and
slewing hydraulic systems are of closed loop type, featuring
energy saving, high efficiency, quick response, low heat radiation
and long service life;
▪▪ The servo system adopts electrical proportional control
Counterweight components to facilitate the accurate and intelligent control;
▪▪ The back-stop hydraulic system adopts balance valve of external
control and unloading, and it is mounted on the cylinder to
make sure it is safe and reliable;
▪▪ The counterweight includes the carbody counterweight, ▪▪ The cooling system is characterized by higher power and quicker
rear counterweight, superlift counterweight, and the specific cooling.
parameters are as follows:

Name Quantity Length(m) Width(m) Height(m) Unit weight(t)

8 2.49 2.35 0.534 10 Working weight
carbody 2 2.95 5.44 0.933 5.19
counterweight tray
Rear counterweight 22 2.49 2.35 0.555 10
▪▪ The working weight is about 625t, including superstructure,
Rear counterweight 2 2.8 2.93 2.4 6.7 lower structure, main unit counterweight, central counterweight,
24m base boom and 800t hook.
Superlift 36 2.9 2.35 0.555 10
counterweight tray
1 9.25 2.5 1.8 32
Ground pressure
Rear counterweight 1 3.64 2.95 1.74 6.7
additional tray

▪▪ The average ground bearing pressure of the crane with base

boom is 0.2 MPa.


▪▪ The gradeability of the crane with base boom is 15%.

Quality Changes the World

08 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics

Safety Devices

Load Moment Indicator Boom Angle Limit

▪▪ The proprietory load moment limiter independently -developed ▪▪ ​When the elevation angle of the boom exceeds 85° or jib angle
by Sany is adopted, which forms a network with other controllers exceeds 75° , corresponding limit switch will be triggered, and
through CAN bus line, so as to realize safe and reliable control. the control system will automatically cut off the boom hoisting.
The load moment limiter can automatically detect the hoisting Meanwhile, the display and the buzzer will give alarm. At this
weight of the crane and the angle of the boom, and display moment, boom/jib luffing winch won’t hoist but it can still lower
the rated load capacity, actual load, working radius, and the down.
allowable height of the hook. ▪▪ ​When the lowering angle of the boom and the jib is respectively
▪▪ The load moment limiter system consists of a large-screen less than 30° and 15°, the lowering of the boom will be
color display, a host computer, angle sensors, tension sensors, automatically stopped by the control system. Meanwhile, the
pressure sensors and other components. display and the buzzer will give an alarm. At this moment, the
lowering of relative boom will be limited, and such protection
function will be automatically controlled by the moment limiter.
Over-hoist Protection of the Main and Auxiliary Hooks ▪▪ When the boom down angle is less than 30° or jib down angle
▪▪ ​It is used to prevent the over-hoist of the hook. When the lifting is less than 15°, the control system will automatically cut off the
hook is raised to a certain height, the limit switch will start boom/jib from further lowering. Meanwhile, the display and
working, and hook will be automatically cut off from moving up the buzzer will give alarms. At this moment, boom/jib luffing
by the control system. Meanwhile, the display and the buzzer winch won’t be able to lower. This protection is automatically
will give alarms. At this moment, only hook lowering is allowed controlled by Load Moment Limiter.
to prevent over-hoist action.

Back-stop Device
Over-release Protection Device of the Main and
▪▪ The boom and the superlift mast are respectively equipped with
Auxiliary Hook
a pair of back-stop cylinders. The high pressure of the cylinder
▪▪ ​It is used to prevent the wire rope over-release. When the wire
shall be overcome when the boom tilts backwards, and high
rope is released to the last three wraps, the limit switch will start pressure oil will be supplemented automatically when the boom
working, and the releasing of rope will be automatically stopped swings forwards to increase the tension and prevent the boom
by the control system. Meanwhile, the display and the buzzer vibration and shaking back.
will give alarms. At this moment, only rope retraction is allowed ▪▪ The jib rear mast is equipped with a pair of back-stop cylinders,
to prevent over release action. while the jib front mast is equipped with a pair of pneumatic
cylinders to prevent the mast from the backward inclination and
tension of the jib luffing wire rope.

Brake of Hoisting Mechanism

▪▪ All hoisting brakes are spring loaded normally closed disc brakes,
which are featured with large braking force, maintenance-free,
safe and reliable use, and long service life.

Closed Circuit Monitoring System

▪▪ ​It can be used to monitor the winding conditions of wire ropes of
each hoisting mechanism, the conditions of superlift weight, and
conditions around the equipment.
▪▪ Video recorder can store video as long as 76 hours.
▪▪ Machine operation can be recorded.

Failure Auto-Diagnosis System

▪▪ Failulre code can help troubleshooting easily.

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Main Characteristics

Safety Devices

Black Box Function Lock

▪▪ ​It is able to record the operation data and machine movement, ▪▪ The operation will be locked by pulling up the function locking
and analyze the remaining running conditions and service life of lever on the right side of the seat inside the driver's cab or when
machine based on the actual performance. the operator left the seat, after which no operating handles will
be working so that improper operation caused by the body
Pharos collision when getting on and off the crane can be avoided.

▪▪ ​It is mounted on the top of the boom/jib and alerts in air during
night. Regulation of Engine Power Ultimate Load and Stalling
Anemometer ▪▪ ​The controller can monitor the engine power so as to prevent
▪▪ ​It is mounted on the top of the boom/jib to monitor the wind
speed in real time and display relative data on the monitor.
Remote Monitoring System
Electronic Level Indicator ▪▪ ​It monitors and analyzes the operation data so as to realize
remote diagnosis of faults and timely solution.
▪▪ ​It displays the tilting angle of the crane on the monitor in real
time and protects the safe operation of the crane.
Proactive Safety Control Technology
Lightning Protection Device ▪▪ Swing speed can be automatically reduced based on boom
▪▪ ​It includes the lightning protection device and the surge length to make it safer;
protection device, which can effectively protect the electric ▪▪ Flexible safety protection reduces the speed when the
system elements and workers from lightning. mechanism approaches to the safety limit position, which
ensures reliability;
▪▪ Real-time monitor of hydraulic oil temperature allows limits on
Boom Angle Indicator the action speed based on oil temperature, which protect the
▪▪ ​It is a pendulum-type angle indicator fixed on one side of the hydraulic components effectively;
boom base. ▪▪ The protection can be set on man-machine interface as customer

Hook Latch
▪▪ The lifting hook is installed with a baffle plate to prevent wire
rope from falling off.

Swing and Traveling Alarm

▪▪ During swing and traveling, the alarm horn will be blown per
certain frequency to alert the personnel around the crane. The
horn can be shut off through the display.

Quality Changes the World


Technical Parameters
▪▪ Page 11 Main performance parameters
▪▪ Page 12 Basic dimensions of overall crane
▪▪ Page 14 Transportation dimensions
▪▪ Page 23 Installation schematic diagram

> 10
SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Main Performance Parameters

Major Performance & Specifications of SCC8000A

Performance indexes Unit Parameter
Maximum rated lifting capacity t 650 (7 m operating radius)
Maximum rated lifting capacity (with superlift) t 800 (12m operating radius)
Maximum rated lifting moment t·m 5100
Maximum rated lifting moment (with superlift) t·m 12000
Boom length m 24~99
Boom length (with superlift) m 42~111
Mixed boom length m 84~123
Mixed boom length (with superlift) m 90~147
Luffing jib length m 24~66
Luffing jib length (with superlift) m 24~96
Length of short fixed jib m 12~15
Longest boom combination (LJDB working condition) m 99+96
Longest boom for wind energy configuration (without superlift) m 120+15
Longest boom for wind energy configuration (with superlift) m 168+12
Boom luffing angle ° 30~85
Jib luffing angle ° 15~75
Maximum rope speed of single rope of main load hoist winch (outermost working layer) m/min 164
Maximum rope speed of single rope of aux. load hoist winch (outermost working layer) m/min 124
Maximum rope speed of single rope of boom hoist mechanism
m/min 63×2
(outermost working layer)
Maximum rope speed of single rope of jib luffing mechanism (outermost working layer) m/min 148
Maximum rope speed of single rope of superlift luffing mechanism
m/min 164
(outermost working layer)
Slewing speed (no load) r/min 0.8
Travelling speed km/h 0~1.0 (high speed)\0~0.3 (low speed)
Gradeability (with basic boom, cab facing backward) % 15
Rated output power of the engine kW/r/min 447/1800
Machine weight (basic boom, 230t machine rear counterweight, 90t carbody
t 610t
counterweight, with 800t hook)
Average ground bearing pressure of the crawler (base boom, 230t machine
MPa 0.2
counterweight, 90t carbody counterweight, 800t hook)
Machine counterweight t 230
Superlift counterweight (including tray) t 390
Carbody counterweight (including tray) t 90
Maximum transportat dimensions of single piece (L×W×H) mm 14200×3400×2640
Maximum transport weight of single piece t 53
Maximum transport weight of single piece (with quick connector ring) t 47

Quality Changes the World

12 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Unit: mm

Outline Dimension

























9090 9000

12250 10500

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Unit: mm

Outline Dimension




16000 W3 W1-2 W1-1


Quality Changes the World

14 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

Basic Machine
(with quick connector ring)
Length (L) 14.2m
H Width (W) 3.4m

Height (H) 2.64m
Weight 47t

L Carbody (with quick connector ring) ×1

Length (L) 8.36m
Width (W) 3.4m

Height (H) 1.56m

Weight 32t

Crawler assembly ×2
Length (L) 12.25m

Width (W) 1.83m

Height (H) 2.04m
Weight 52t

Boom base (H2) (with aux. hoist

and jib luffing winches)
L Length (L) 10.9m
Width (W) 3.0m
Height (H) 3.63m
Weight 31.3t
Note: aux. hoist winch 5.5t, jib luffing winch 8.3t

12 m transition section (H4) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 2.99m
Height (H) 2.94m
Weight (including jib luffing winch) 9.2t

3m boom insert ×1

Length (L) 3.24m

Width (W) 2.99m
Height (H) 2.94m
Weight 2.9t

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

6m boom insert (H6) ×2

Length (L) 6.24m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.94m

Weight 5.1t

12m boom insert B (H8B) ×2

Length (L) 12.2m
Width (W) 2.99m
Height (H) 2.94m

Weight 9.3t

12m boom insert C (H8C) ×2

Length (L) 12.2m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.94m

Weight 8.3t

12m boom insert D (H8D) ×1

Length (L) 12.2m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.94m

Weight 7.7t

12m boom insert E (H8E) ×1

Length (L) 12.2m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.94m

L Weight 7.0t

Boom hoist mast ×1

Length (L) 13.67m

Width (W) 2.41m

Height (H) 1.73m
Weight (including boom hoist winch) 23.3t

Quality Changes the World

16 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

Luffing jib top (LJ1) ×1

Length (L) 8.55m
Width (W) 2.57m
H Height (H) 2.93m
Weight 6.5t

Luffing jib base (LJ2) ×1

Length (L) 10.8m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.96m

L Weight 6.5t

6m jib tapered insert (LJ4) ×1

Length (L) 6.24m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.9m

Weight 3.2t

6m luffing jib insert A (LJ6) ×2
Length (L) 6.24m
Width (W) 2.64m
Height (H) 2.39m

Weight 3.2t

L 12m luffing jibe insert A (LJ8A) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 2.64m
Height (H) 2.39m

Weight 5.5t

12m luffing jibe insert B (LJ8B) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 2.64m

Height (H) 2.39m

L Weight 5.3t

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

12m luffing jib insert C (LJ8C) ×2

Length (L) 12.24m

Width (W) 2.64m

L Height (H) 2.39m
Weight 5.2t

Luffing jib front and back struts ×1

Length (L) 18m

Width (W) 2.62m

Height (H) 3.00m
Weight 17.8t

Fixed jib assembly ×1


Length (L) 12.71m

Width (W) 2.48m
L Height (H) 3.19m
Weight 6.0t

Superlift mast top (D1) ×1

Length (L) 12.51m

Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.77m
Weight 11.5t

Superlift mast base (D2) ×1

Length (L) 12.3m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 3.10m

Weight (with winch) 25t

12m superlift mast insert (D6) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 2.57m

Height (H) 2.40m

L Weight 8.5t

Quality Changes the World

18 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

6m superlift mast insert (D4) ×1

Length (L) 6.24m

Width (W) 2.57m

Height (H) 2.4m
Weight 4.8t

Superlift counterweight frame ×1


Length (L) 9.25m

L Width (W) 2.64m
Height (H) 1.78m
Weight 32t

L Superlift counterweight strut ×1

Length (L) 13.3m
Width (W) 3.0m
Height (H) 1.81m
Weight 7.6t

Carbody counterweight tray ×2

Length (L) 2.95m
Width (W) 5.44m
Height (H) 0.94m
Weight 5.2t

Rear counterweight tray ×2

Length (L) 2.8m
Width (W) 2.95m
Height (H) 2.4m
Weight 6.7t

Additional tray of rear counterweight ×2


Length (L) 3.65m

Width (W) 2.95m
Height (H) 1.74m
Weight 6.7t

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

Connecting tip (H9A) ×1

Length (L) 3.73m
Width (W) 2.99m

Height (H) 2.77m

Weight 6.8t

Connecting tip (H9B) ×1
Length (L) 3.73m
Width (W) 2.99m
Height (H) 2.77m

Weight 5.6t

Pulley block (800t) ×2
Length (L) 1.84m
Width (W) 1.67m
Height (H) 1.44m

Weight 2.6t

Pulley block (500t) ×2
Length (L) 1.84m
Width (W) 1.67m

Height (H) 1.44m

Weight 2.0t

10t counterweight ×66

Length (L) 2.49m
Width (W) 2.35m

Height (H) 0.555m

Weight 10t
Remarks: 8 blocks for carbody counterweight, 22 blocks for machine rear
counterweight, 36 blocks for superlift counterweight.
Extension jib (16 t) ×1
Length (L) 2.6m
Width (W) 1.07m

Height (H) 1.11m

L Weight 0.45t

Quality Changes the World

20 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

Extension jib (50t) ×1


Length (L) 2.6m

Width (W) 1.07m
Height (H) 1.11m
Weight 0.6t

Main load hoist winch ×2


Length (L) 2.0m

Width (W) 1.28m
Height (H) 1.3m
Weight 8.3t

Trolley ×1
Length (L) 3.3m
Width (W) 2.0m
Height (H) 1.61m
Weight 1.9t

Portable power pack ×1

Length (L) 1.55m
Width (W) 0.7m
Height (H) 1.09m
Weight 0.2t

18 t hook ×1
Length (L) 1.3m

Width (W) 0.5m

Height (H) 0.5m
Weight 1t

50T hook ×1
Length (L) 2.2m
Width (W) 1.06m

Height (H) 0.5m

H W Weight 1.4t

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

150T hook ×1
Length (L) 2.4m

Width (W) 1.09m

Height (H) 0.95m
H W Weight 4.8t

180T hook ×1
Length (L) 3.2m
Width (W) 1.07m

Height (H) 1.19m

Weight 6.5t

300T hook ×1
Length (L) 2.75m

Width (W) 1.02m

Height (H) 1.4m

H W Weight 5.9t

500T hook ×2
Length (L) 3.93m

Width (W) 1.33m

Height (H) 2.94m
W Weight 11.1t

800T hook ×2
Length (L) 4.82m

Width (W) 1.9m

Height (H) 3.66m
Weight 22.5t

12m lower transition section (ZH4A) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m

L Weight 10.2t

Quality Changes the World

22 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

12 m upper transition section (ZH4B) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m

Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m
Weight 9.2t

12m power boom insert A (ZH8A) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m

Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m
Weight 10.2t

12m power boom insert B (ZH8B) ×1

Length (L) 12.24m

Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m
Weight 10.9t

12m power boom insert C (ZH8C) ×2

Length (L) 12.24m
Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m

L Weight 10.2t

12m power boom insert D (ZH8D) ×3

Length (L) 12.24m

Width (W) 3.56m

Height (H) 2.96m
L Weight 9.2t

Super power boom lower

transition section
Length (L) 6.1m

Width (W) 3.24m

Height (H) 2.82m
L Weight 6.4t

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Transport Dimension

Super power boom upper

transition section

Length (L) 6.1m

Width (W) 3.28m
L Height (H) 3.0m
Weight 6.2t
1.The transport dimensions of each part are schematic, may not be proportional to the real
parts. The dimensions are designed value without package considered.
2.The weight is designed value that the actual manufactured part may deviate slightly.
3.The dimensions and weight of each part may upgrade along the time. The final values are
subject to the new product.

Quality Changes the World

24 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Assembly Plan

1) Boom assembly

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Assembly Plan

2) Superlift mast assembly

Quality Changes the World

26 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Assembly Plan

3) Fixed jib assembly

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Assembly Plan

4) Luffing jib assembly

Quality Changes the World

28 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Technical Parameters

Assembly Plan

Quality Changes the World


▪▪ Page 30 Different Boom Configurations
▪▪ Page 34 H Configuration
▪▪ Page 37 HDB Configuration
▪▪ Page 40 HJ Configuration
▪▪ Page 43 HJDB Configuration
▪▪ Page 46 FJ Configuration
▪▪ Page 51 FJDB Configuration
▪▪ Page 56 HJFJ Configuration
▪▪ Page 61 HJFJ120 +15 Configuration
▪▪ Page 64 HJFJDB Configuration
▪▪ Page 69 HJDB_5 Configuration
▪▪ Page 73 HJDB_7 Configuration
▪▪ Page 76 HJDB_9 Configuration
▪▪ Page 79 HJFJDB_5 Configuration
▪▪ Page 87 HJFJDB_7 Configuration

▪▪ Page 92 HJFJDB_9 Configuration
▪▪ Page 97 HJFJDB_SY3 Configuration
▪▪ Page 103 LJ Configuration

▪▪ Page 111 LJDB Configuration
30 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions













H6 H6
H3 H3
H8B H6


H6 H6 H8B
H3 H3

H2 H2 H2 H2

(24-99m) (42-111m) (84-123m) (90-147m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions













H8B H3


H6 H8B
H3 H6
H2 H2
H2 H2


(84-99m+12m) (84-111m+12m) (84-120m+12/15m)

Quality Changes the World

32 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions



H4 H4















H2 H2 H2 H2


(90-147m+12m) (120-165m+12m) (132-165m+12m) (144-165m+12m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions




H4 H4
H4 H4


H8C H6


H8B H3








ZH8A 2H6



H2 H2 H2 H2


(120-165m) (132-165m) (144-168m) (165-168m+12m)

Quality Changes the World

34 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions













H4 H8C

H6 H8C

H8B H6




(30-60+24-72m) (42-99+24-96m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in H

Boom combination in H
Boom Insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD
24 - - - - -
30 - 1 - - -
36 - - 1 - -
42 - 1 1 - -
48 - - 2 - -
54 - 1 2 - -
60 - 2 2 - -
66 - 1 2 1 -
72 - 2 2 1 -
78 - 1 2 2 -
84 - 2 2 2 -
90 - 1 2 2 1
96 - 2 2 2 1
99 1 2 2 2 1

Note: The 24 m basic boom is composed of 10.5 m boom base, 12 m boom transition
section and boom connecting tip.

Quality Changes the World

36 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

H working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)





99 85

96 80

90 75

84 70

78 65

72 60


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
H( 24-99m ) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of H Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - H

Boom length 24-99m, Rear counterweight (CWT) 230t, Carbody counterweight (CWT) 90t
Radius 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 99 Radius
(m) (m)
6 850 6
7 708 701 694 7
8 605 600 595 589 584 8
9 528 524 520 515 511 506 489 9
10 468 465 461 457 453 449 437 417 398 10
11 419 417 414 410 407 403 394 377 361 347 333 11
12 379 377 375 372 369 365 358 344 330 317 305 294 266 12
14 317 316 314 312 309 307 302 291 280 271 261 252 243 239 14
16 272 271 270 268 266 263 259 251 242 235 227 220 212 208 16
18 236 236 235 234 232 229 227 220 213 206 199 193 187 184 18
20 209 209 208 206 205 203 200 195 188 183 177 172 166 164 20
22 186 186 186 184 183 181 179 174 169 164 158 154 149 147 22
24 167 167 166 165 163 161 157 152 148 143 139 134 132 24
26 148 149 148 147 146 145 142 138 134 129 126 122 120 26
28 133 134 133 132 131 130 129 125 122 118 115 111 109 28
30 121 121 120 119 117 116 115 112 108 105 101 99.3 30
32 110 110 109 108 107 106 104 102 98.8 96.2 92.7 90.9 32
34 100 99.7 98.6 97.2 96.4 94.9 93.8 90.8 88.5 85.1 83.4 34
36 92 91.5 90.4 89 88.3 86.7 85.7 83.8 81.5 78.3 76.6 36
38 84.5 84.1 83.1 81.8 81.1 79.6 78.6 76.9 75.3 72.2 70.6 38
40 77.6 76.6 75.4 74.7 73.2 72.2 70.5 69.6 66.6 65.1 40
44 66.4 65.6 64.4 63.8 62.3 61.3 59.7 59 56.9 55.4 44
48 56.4 55.3 54.8 53.3 52.4 50.8 50.1 48.4 47.3 48
52 47.7 47.2 45.8 44.9 43.3 42.6 40.9 40.1 52
56 40.7 39.4 38.5 36.9 36.3 34.6 33.7 56
60 33.8 33 31.5 30.8 29.2 28.3 60
64 29 28.2 26.7 26.1 24.4 23.6 64
68 24 22.5 21.9 20.3 19.4 68
72 18.7 18.2 16.6 15.7 72
76 14.9 13.3 12.4 76
80 11.8 10.3 9.4 80
84 7.6 6.7 84

Quality Changes the World

38 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HDB

Boom combination in HBD

Boom Insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE
42 - 1 1 - - -
48 - 2 1 - - -
54 - 1 2 - - -
60 - 2 2 - - -
66 - 1 2 1 - -
72 - 2 2 1 - -
78 - 1 2 2 - -
84 - 2 2 2 - -
90 - 1 2 2 1 -
96 - 2 2 2 1 -
102 - 1 2 2 1 1
108 - 2 2 2 1 1
111 1 2 2 2 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base, 12 m boom transition

section and boom connecting tip are must.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HDB working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)





10 m 95
m 55
m 50
m 45

m 40

m 35






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
HDB( 42-111m ) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

40 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HDB

Boom length 42~111m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 111 Radius
(m) (m)
8 805* 792* 8
9 808* 791* 776* 754* 9
10 814* 796* 780* 758* 681* 577* 10
11 819* 800* 784* 760* 683* 578* 485* 419* 11
12 823* 807* 787* 768* 685* 580* 485* 419* 354* 311* 12
14 680 732 682 660 635 581* 486* 420* 356* 311* 264* 236* 222* 14
16 576 625 586 570 550 529 489* 422* 356* 312* 265* 235* 223* 16
18 526 543 542 501 485 467 450 422* 357* 313* 265* 235* 222* 18
20 460 478 480 446 434 419 404 389 358* 314* 265* 235* 222* 20
22 407 452 430 425 392 379 366 353 342 312* 266* 235* 222* 22
24 386 406 388 385 357 346 335 323 332 302 265* 236* 223* 24
26 346 367 353 352 347 318 309 298 307 296 265* 235* 222* 26
28 312 333 343 323 320 312 286 276 285 275 265* 235* 222* 28
30 301 324 315 298 296 290 266 257 266 257 249 234* 221* 30
32 273 297 290 293 275 270 264 240 249 240 234 226 219* 32
34 248 272 267 272 256 252 247 226 234 226 220 212 209 34
36 241 268 265 253 255 236 232 226 220 213 207 200 197 36
38 217 246 245 236 239 222 219 213 208 202 196 190 186 38
40 226 227 236 224 223 206 202 211 191 186 180 177 40
44 203 210 206 198 199 185 181 190 185 168 163 160 44
48 194 194 188 177 178 163 173 168 165 148 145 48
52 168 166 170 160 159 157 153 151 146 133 52
56 158 152 155 144 155 140 138 134 132 56
60 147 140 141 142 139 127 124 122 60
64 130 137 128 130 128 127 114 112 64
68 122 116 129 118 117 115 104 68
72 114 118 118 108 106 105 72
76 117 108 109 98.9 97.7 76
80 106 109 101 100 90.5 80
84 99.3 93.0 92.8 92.1 84
88 93.8 85.5 85.1 88
92 87.0 78.4 92
96 79.4 79.9 96

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJ

Boom combination in HJ
Boom Boom insert Jib insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE 6m 12mA
84 - 2 2 1 - - - 1
90 - 1 2 2 - - - 1
96 - 2 2 2 - - - 1
102 - 1 2 2 1 - - 1
108 - - 2 2 1 1 - 1
114 - - 2 2 1 1 1 1
120 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
123 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.

Quality Changes the World

42 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJ working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




12 105
11 100
10 95













0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110

HJ(84-123m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJ

Boom length 84~123m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 123 Radius
(m) (m)
11 340 300 11
12 313 295 270 12
14 269 260 252 223 187 162 145 137 14
16 235 228 221 214 180 157 139 131 16
18 208 202 196 190 174 151 134 126 18
20 186 181 175 170 166 146 129 121 20
22 168 163 158 154 150 141 125 117 22
24 152 148 143 140 136 133 120 113 24
26 139 135 131 128 125 121 115 108 26
28 127 124 120 117 114 111 108 104 28
30 117 114 111 108 105 102 99 97.2 30
32 109 106 102 99.5 97.2 94.6 91.3 89.6 32
34 101 97.9 94.6 92.1 90 87.6 84.4 82.8 34
36 92.7 91 87.8 85.5 83.5 81.2 78.2 76.6 36
38 85.6 84.4 81.7 79.6 77.7 75.5 72.5 71 38
40 79.3 78.1 76.2 74.1 72.4 70.3 67.4 65.9 40
44 68.5 67.4 65.7 64.7 63.1 61.2 58.4 57 44
48 59.6 58.6 56.9 56 55.3 53.5 50.8 49.5 48
52 52.2 51.2 49.5 48.7 48.1 46.8 44.3 43 52
56 46 44.9 43.3 42.4 41.8 40.9 38.6 37.4 56
60 40.5 39.5 37.9 37 36.5 35.5 33.7 32.4 60
64 35.8 34.8 33.2 32.4 31.8 30.9 29.2 28 64
68 31.7 29.4 29.1 28.3 27.7 26.8 25.1 24.2 68
72 27.7 24.1 25.4 24.6 24.1 23.2 21.5 20.6 72
76 20 22.1 21.4 20.8 19.9 18.3 17.4 76
80 15.7 19.2 18.4 17.9 17 15.4 14.5 80
84 16.5 15.8 15.3 14.4 12.8 11.9 84
88 13.4 12.6 12 10.4 9.5 88
92 9.5 9.8 8.2 7.3 92
96 7.8 6.2 5.3 96
100 6 100

Quality Changes the World

44 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJDB

Boom combination in HJDB

Boom Boom insert Jib insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE 6m 12mA 12mB
90 - 1 2 2 - - - 1 -
96 - 2 2 2 - - - 1 -
102 - 1 2 2 1 - - 1 -
108 - 2 2 2 1 - - 1 -
114 - 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 -
120 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 -
126 - 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 1
132 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
138 - 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
144 - 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
147 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 120m-147m in this working condition,
otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJDB working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)





14 130
14 m
4m 125
8m 120
2m 115
6m 110
0m 105
4m 100
10 95
10 90
96 85
90 80














0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130

HJDB(90-147m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

46 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJDB

Boom length 90~147m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 147 Radius
(m) (m)
14 344* 309* 266* 14
16 346* 310* 266* 239* 204* 178* 16
18 348* 310* 266* 239* 204* 178* 155* 133* 122* 18
20 349* 310* 266* 239* 204* 179* 154* 132* 121* 104* 98.8* 20
22 350* 310* 266* 238* 205* 178* 153* 131* 120* 103* 98.0* 22
24 322 310* 265* 238* 204* 177* 152* 130* 118* 101* 97.0* 24
26 297 305 266* 237* 203* 176* 151* 129* 117* 100* 96.1* 26
28 277 284 259 237* 202* 175* 150* 128* 116* 99.4* 95.1* 28
30 258 266 242 236* 200* 174* 148* 127* 115* 98.4* 94.1* 30
32 243 249 228 234 198* 172* 147* 125* 114* 97.4* 93.2* 32
34 228 235 215 221 196* 171* 146* 124* 113* 96.5* 92.3* 34
36 216 222 203 209 194* 170* 145* 123* 112* 95.8* 91.4* 36
38 217 211 192 198 192* 169* 144* 122* 111* 94.8* 90.5* 38
40 206 200 183 188 184 168* 143* 121* 110* 93.9* 89.6* 40
44 187 194 166 171 167 163 140* 119* 108* 92.0* 87.8* 44
48 170 177 162 157 153 149 138* 116* 107* 90.2* 86.1* 48
52 155 163 149 155 141 137 134 114* 105* 88.4* 84.4* 52
56 152 150 137 143 140 127 124 112* 103* 86.7* 82.8* 56
60 140 149 127 132 130 127 115 110* 101* 85.0* 81.2* 60
64 129 137 126 123 120* 118 116 108* 99.3* 83.3* 79.6* 64
68 127 127 117 117* 108* 110 108 105 97.5* 81.6* 78.1* 68
72 117 120* 108 105* 98.2* 103 101 99.2 95.6 80.0* 76.5* 72
76 114* 108* 104* 94.6* 88.8* 105 95.5 93.1 89.8 78.4* 75.0* 76
80 99.6* 94.2* 91.6* 84.0* 79.7* 98.7 97.4 87.5 84.4 76.9* 73.7* 80
84 83.1* 81.3* 74.7* 71.1* 92.5 91.5 89.6 79.3 75.3* 72.3* 84
88 71.1* 65.8* 62.7* 86.7 86.0 84.4 74.6 72.6 70.9* 88
92 57.1* 54.6* 88.8 80.7 79.4 76.9 68.3 66.8 92
96 48.1* 83.0 83.1 74.7 72.4 70.8 68.0* 96
100 40.6* 77.3 77.9 77.2 68.2 66.7 65.4 100
104 79.3 72.8 72.5 64.0 62.8 61.6 104
108 75.1 67.9 66.6 59.0 57.9 108
112 63.4 62.4 61.7 60.7 112
116 65.6 58.3 57.9 57.0 116
120 60.8 54.1 53.4 120
124 56.8 49.8 124
128 52.5 128

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in FJ

Boom combination in FJ
Boom Boom insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD
84 - 2 2 2 -
90 - 1 2 2 1
96 - 2 2 2 1 Fixed jib 12
99 1 2 2 2 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base section, 12 m boom transition section

and boom connecting section are must.

Quality Changes the World

48 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

FJ working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




96 2m
+1 85
+1 80
2m 75














0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110

FJ(84-99+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJ 1/3

Boom length 84~99m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 99 Radius
(m) (m)
14 171 167 165 163 14
16 165 162 160 158 16
18 159 158 154 153 18
20 154 152 150 147 20
22 149 147 144 142 22
24 139 135 131 128 24
26 126 123 119 117 26
28 115 112 108 106 28
30 106 103 99.1 97.3 30
32 97.1 94.4 91 89.2 32
34 89.5 87 83.7 82 34
36 82.7 80.4 77.1 75.5 36
38 76.6 74.3 71.2 69.6 38
40 71 68.9 65.8 64.3 40
44 61.3 59.3 56.5 55 44
48 53.1 51.3 48.5 47.1 48
52 45.6 44.4 41.7 40.3 52
56 39.3 38.4 35.8 34.5 56
60 33.8 32.9 30.6 29.3 60
64 29 28.2 26.1 24.8 64
68 24.9 24 22 20.8 68
72 21.1 20.3 18.4 17.1 72
76 17.8 17 15.1 13.9 76
80 14.8 14 12.1 10.9 80
84 12.1 11.3 9.4 8.2 84
88 8.8 6.9 5.7 88
92 6.6 92

Quality Changes the World

50 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJ 2/3

Boom length 84~99m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 99 Radius
(m) (m)
14 166 14
16 161 158 155 154 16
18 155 153 150 149 18
20 151 148 146 145 20
22 145 143 141 140 22
24 140 137 132 130 24
26 128 124 120 118 26
28 117 113 110 108 28
30 107 104 100 98.6 30
32 98.2 95.6 92.1 90.4 32
34 90.6 88.1 84.8 83.1 34
36 83.7 81.3 78.2 76.6 36
38 77.5 75.2 72.2 70.6 38
40 71.9 69.7 66.8 65.3 40
44 62 60.1 57.3 55.8 44
48 53.7 51.9 49.2 47.9 48
52 46.2 45 42.4 41 52
56 39.8 38.9 36.4 35.1 56
60 34.2 33.4 31.2 29.9 60
64 29.4 28.6 26.6 25.3 64
68 25.2 24.4 22.5 21.2 68
72 21.4 20.6 18.8 17.5 72
76 18.1 17.3 15.4 14.2 76
80 15 14.3 12.4 11.2 80
84 12.3 11.5 9.7 8.5 84
88 9 7.2 6 88
92 6.7 92

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJ 3/3

Boom length 84~99m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 99 Radius
(m) (m)
16 105 106 107 107 16
18 101 102 104 103 18
20 97.6 98.5 99.3 100 20
22 93.9 95.3 96.6 96.7 22
24 90.9 92.2 93.9 94.4 24
26 87.9 89.4 90.8 91.3 26
28 85.6 86.9 88.7 89 28
30 82.6 84.5 85.7 86.8 30
32 80.4 82.1 83.6 84.6 32
34 78.7 79.8 81.6 82.7 34
36 76.7 78 79.2 77.6 36
38 74.6 76.1 73.1 71.6 38
40 72.5 70.6 67.6 66.2 40
44 62.7 60.8 58 56.6 44
48 54.3 52.6 49.9 48.6 48
52 46.7 45.6 43 41.7 52
56 40.2 39.4 37 35.7 56
60 34.7 33.8 31.7 30.4 60
64 29.8 29 27 25.8 64
68 25.5 24.7 22.8 21.6 68
72 21.7 20.9 19.1 17.9 72
76 18.3 17.6 15.8 14.6 76
80 15.2 14.5 12.7 11.5 80
84 12.4 11.7 9.9 8.7 84
88 9.2 7.3 6.2 88
92 6.8 92

Quality Changes the World

52 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in FJDB

Boom combination in FJDB

Boom Boom insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE
84 - 2 2 2 - -
90 - 1 2 2 1 -
96 - 2 2 2 1 - Fixed jib
102 - 1 2 2 1 1 12m
108 - 2 2 2 1 1
111 1 2 2 2 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base section, 12 m boom transition

section and 1.5m boom top are must.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

FJDB working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




1+ 105
10 1
8+ 2m
10 m 100
96 m 95
90 90
84 85















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110

FJDB(84-111m+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

54 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJDB 1/3

Boom length 84~111m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 111 Radius
(m) (m)
14 181* 177* 174* 14
16 179* 175* 173* 168* 165* 164* 16
18 178* 175* 172* 167* 164* 162* 18
20 176* 173* 171* 166* 164* 162* 20
22 175* 172* 170* 166* 162* 160* 22
24 173* 171* 168* 165* 162* 160* 24
26 169* 168* 166* 163* 160* 158* 26
28 167* 164* 163* 160* 157* 156* 28
30 164* 162* 161* 158* 155* 154* 30
32 162* 160* 158* 156* 153* 151* 32
34 159* 158* 156* 153* 151* 149* 34
36 157* 156* 154* 151* 148* 148* 36
38 154* 154* 152* 149* 148* 146* 38
40 152* 151* 150* 147* 145* 144* 40
44 148* 147* 146* 143* 141* 140* 44
48 145* 144* 142* 140* 138* 137* 48
52 141* 139* 139* 137* 134 131 52
56 137* 136* 135* 134* 123 121 56
60 131* 132 129 127 123 121 60
64 122 130* 119 117 114 112 64
68 112 121 119 109 106 104 68
72 111 112 110 110 98.7 97.1 72
76 102 113 102 102 100 90.4 76
80 102 104 104 95.2 93.2 92.0 80
84 92.7 95.8 96.2 88.4 86.9 85.8 84
88 96.5 88.8 90.0 80.8 79.9 88
92 87.8 90.1 83.3 82.8 82.1 92
96 82.4 85.2 76.8 76.4 96
100 78.3 71.1 70.8 100
104 72.9 73.1 104
108 67.3 108

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJDB 2/3

Boom length 84~111m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 111 Radius
(m) (m)
14 177* 14
16 169* 171* 171* 170* 167* 16
18 161* 164* 165* 165* 165* 163* 18
20 155* 157* 159* 160* 161* 160* 20
22 148* 151* 153* 155* 155* 156* 22
24 143* 146* 148* 149* 151* 152* 24
26 138* 141* 143* 144* 146* 148* 26
28 133* 136* 138* 141* 142* 144* 28
30 129* 131* 134* 136* 139* 139* 30
32 125* 127* 130* 132* 135* 136* 32
34 120* 123* 126* 128* 131* 133* 34
36 116* 120* 123* 126* 128* 129* 36
38 114* 117* 120* 122* 125* 126* 38
40 111* 114* 117* 119* 121* 123* 40
44 105* 107* 111* 113* 116* 117* 44
48 98.8* 102* 105* 108* 111* 112* 48
52 94.5* 97.5* 100* 104* 106* 107* 52
56 90.3* 93.1* 96.6* 99.3* 102* 103* 56
60 86.1* 89.3* 92.6* 95.1* 98.0* 99.3* 60
64 82.7* 85.6* 88.7* 91.9* 94.1* 95.4* 64
68 80.1* 82.6* 85.3* 88.3* 91.2* 92.4* 68
72 76.8* 79.6* 83.0* 85.6* 88.2* 89.4* 72
76 74.2* 77.2* 79.6* 82.5* 85.2* 86.4* 76
80 72.4* 74.7* 77.2* 80.2* 82.1* 83.4* 80
84 70.4* 73.0* 74.9* 77.6* 79.9* 81.2* 84
88 70.9* 73.4* 75.8* 77.6* 79.1* 88
92 69.3* 71.3* 73.4* 76.0* 74.7 92
96 70.0* 71.7* 73.8 75.0 96
100 70.2 71.4 71.1 100
104 70.7 65.7 104
108 67.6 108

Quality Changes the World

56 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of FJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - FJDB 3/3

Boom length 84~111m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 111 Radius
(m) (m)
16 106* 107* 108* 16
18 102* 103* 104* 105* 105* 105* 18
20 98.2* 99.6* 101* 102* 102* 103* 20
22 95.1* 96.1* 97.6* 98.5* 99.3* 99.6* 22
24 91.9* 93.3* 94.4* 95.6* 96.7* 97.5* 24
26 88.6* 90.5* 91.8* 92.8* 94.0* 94.5* 26
28 86.1* 87.6* 89.2* 90.4* 91.8* 92.4* 28
30 83.5* 85.3* 86.5* 88.0* 89.6* 90.2* 30
32 80.9* 82.3* 84.4* 85.6* 87.3* 88.0* 32
34 78.7* 80.7* 82.3* 83.7* 85.1* 85.9* 34
36 76.4* 78.4* 80.2* 81.8* 82.8* 83.7* 36
38 74.5* 76.1* 78.1* 79.3* 81.5* 81.9* 38
40 72.7* 74.4* 76.6* 78.1* 79.3* 80.2* 40
44 68.9* 71.1* 72.9* 74.3* 75.7* 76.7* 44
48 65.9* 67.8* 69.8* 71.5* 73.0* 74.1* 48
52 63.2* 65.1* 66.7* 68.7* 70.4* 71.1* 52
56 60.6* 62.4* 64.2* 66.0* 67.7* 68.5* 56
60 58.4* 60.4* 61.7* 63.7* 65.1* 66.1* 60
64 56.2* 58.1* 60.0* 61.4* 63.4* 63.9* 64
68 54.4* 56.4* 58.1* 59.7* 60.9* 62.2* 68
72 52.6* 54.4* 56.2* 57.9* 59.2* 60.1* 72
76 51.1* 53.0* 54.3* 56.1* 57.4* 58.3* 76
80 50.0* 51.7* 52.9* 54.3* 56.1* 57.0* 80
84 48.8* 50.2* 51.5* 53.0* 54.7* 55.2* 84
88 49.2* 50.5* 51.6* 53.3* 53.9* 88
92 48.3* 49.4* 50.6* 51.9* 52.5* 92
96 48.3* 49.4* 50.8* 51.7* 96
100 48.9* 50.0* 50.8* 100
104 48.9* 49.7* 104
108 48.3* 48.6* 108

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJ

Boom combination in HJFJ

Boom Boom insert Jib insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE 6m 12mA
84 - 2 2 1 - - - 1
90 - 1 2 2 - - - 1
96 - 2 2 2 - - - 1
Fixed jib
102 - 1 2 2 1 - - 1
12 m
108 - - 2 2 1 1 - 1
114 - - 2 2 1 1 1 1
120 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base section, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.

Quality Changes the World

58 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJ working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




0m 115
11 2m
4m 110
10 2m
8m 105
10 2m 100
96 2m 95
90 m 90
84 m 85
m 80















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130

HJFJ( 84-120m+12/15m ) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJ 1/3

Boom length 84~120m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 Radius
(m) (m)
14 181 176 172 14
16 179 174 171 158 135 117 102 16
18 178 172 170 154 132 114 98.5 18
20 177 171 168 150 128 111 95.6 20
22 162 157 153 146 125 108 92.5 22
24 147 143 139 135 121 104 89.5 24
26 135 131 127 124 118 101 86.6 26
28 124 120 117 114 111 98.7 83.7 28
30 114 111 108 105 102 95.9 80.9 30
32 106 103 99.5 96.9 94.6 92 78.5 32
34 98.2 95.5 92.2 89.8 87.6 85.2 75.9 34
36 91.4 88.8 85.7 83.4 81.4 79.1 73.4 36
38 85.3 82.8 79.8 77.6 75.7 73.5 70.7 38
40 79.8 77.4 74.5 72.4 70.6 68.5 65.7 40
44 69.7 67.9 65.1 63.2 61.5 59.6 56.9 44
48 60.8 59.7 57.2 55.4 53.9 52 49.5 48
52 53.4 52.3 50.5 48.7 47.3 45.6 43.1 52
56 47.1 46 44.3 43 41.6 39.9 37.5 56
60 41.7 40.5 38.9 37.9 36.6 35 32.6 60
64 37 35.8 34.2 33.3 32.2 30.6 28.3 64
68 32.8 31.7 30.1 29.2 28.2 26.7 24.4 68
72 29.1 28 26.4 25.5 24.7 23.2 21 72
76 25.8 24.7 23.1 22.2 21.5 20 17.8 76
80 22.8 21.8 20.2 19.3 18.6 17.2 15 80
84 20.1 19.1 17.5 16.6 16 14.5 12.4 84
88 16.6 15.1 14.2 13.5 12.2 10 88
92 14.4 12.8 12 11.3 10 7.8 92
96 10.8 10 9.3 7.9 5.8 96
100 8.1 7.4 6 100
104 5.6 104

Quality Changes the World

60 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJ 2/3

Boom length 84~120m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 Radius
(m) (m)
14 174 14
16 171 165 160 158 136 16
18 167 162 156 155 132 114 98.8 18
20 164 159 153 151 129 111 95.9 20
22 158 155 150 147 125 108 92.9 22
24 149 145 140 137 122 105 89.9 24
26 136 132 128 125 118 102 87.1 26
28 125 122 118 115 112 99.3 84.3 28
30 115 112 109 106 103 96.7 81.6 30
32 107 104 100 97.8 95.5 93 78.9 32
34 99 96.3 93.1 90.7 88.5 86.2 76.5 34
36 92.2 89.6 86.5 84.3 82.2 80 74 36
38 86 83.6 80.6 78.4 76.5 74.4 71.5 38
40 80.5 78.1 75.2 73.1 71.3 69.3 66.5 40
44 70.3 68.5 65.8 63.9 62.2 60.3 57.7 44
48 61.3 60.2 57.8 56 54.5 52.7 50.2 48
52 53.9 52.7 51 49.3 47.9 46.1 43.7 52
56 47.5 46.4 44.8 43.5 42.1 40.4 38.1 56
60 42 40.9 39.3 38.3 37.1 35.5 33.1 60
64 37.3 36.2 34.6 33.7 32.6 31 28.8 64
68 33.1 32 30.4 29.5 28.6 27.1 24.9 68
72 29.3 28.3 26.7 25.8 25 23.6 21.4 72
76 26 25 23.4 22.5 21.8 20.4 18.2 76
80 23 22 20.4 19.6 18.9 17.5 15.3 80
84 20.3 19.3 17.7 16.9 16.2 14.8 12.7 84
88 16.8 15.2 14.4 13.8 12.4 10.3 88
92 14.5 13 12.2 11.5 10.2 8.1 92
96 10.9 10.1 9.5 8.1 6 96
100 8.2 7.5 6.2 100
104 5.7 104

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJ 3/3

Boom length 84~120m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 Radius
(m) (m)
16 113 111 112 16
18 109 108 108 110 109 109 98.7 18
20 105 104 105 105 107 106 95.7 20
22 101 101 102 103 103 103 93 22
24 98.2 97.4 98.9 99.6 101 100 90.2 24
26 95 94.3 95.9 97.2 98 97.6 87.4 26
28 91.9 92.1 92.9 94.3 95.9 95.5 84.6 28
30 88.9 89.2 90.8 92 93.3 93.1 82 30
32 86.5 87.1 87.9 89.8 90.8 91 79.3 32
34 84.1 84.7 85.9 87.6 88.9 87.1 77 34
36 81.8 82.3 84.2 85.1 83.1 80.8 74.5 36
38 79.5 80.4 81.4 79.2 77.3 75.2 72.1 38
40 77.8 78.7 75.9 73.9 72.1 70 67.3 40
44 70.8 69.1 66.4 64.5 62.9 61 58.4 44
48 61.8 60.7 58.4 56.6 55.1 53.3 50.8 48
52 54.3 53.2 51.5 49.8 48.4 46.7 44.3 52
56 47.9 46.8 45.2 43.9 42.6 41 38.6 56
60 42.3 41.3 39.7 38.8 37.5 35.9 33.6 60
64 37.5 36.5 34.9 34.1 33 31.4 29.2 64
68 33.3 32.3 30.7 29.8 29 27.5 25.3 68
72 29.6 28.5 27 26.1 25.4 23.9 21.7 72
76 26.2 25.2 23.6 22.8 22.1 20.7 18.5 76
80 23.1 22.2 20.6 19.8 19.1 17.8 15.6 80
84 20.4 19.4 17.9 17.1 16.5 15.1 13 84
88 16.9 15.4 14.6 14 12.6 10.5 88
92 14.6 13.1 12.3 11.7 10.4 8.3 92
96 11 10.2 9.6 8.3 6.2 96
100 8.3 7.6 6.4 100
104 5.8 104

Quality Changes the World

62 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJ120+15

Boom combination in HJFJ120+15

Boom Boom insert Jib insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE 6m 12mA
120m - 1 - 2 2 1 1 1 1 Fixed jib 15m

Note: The 10.5 m boom base section, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used in this working condition, otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJ120+15 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




0+ 120






















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

HJFJ120+15 Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

64 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJ 120+15 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJ

Boom length 120m Jib length15m Boom to jib angle15° Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius (m) 120 Radius (m)
18 97.5 18
20 94.6 20
22 92.1 22
24 89.4 24
26 86.6 26
28 79.9 28
30 77.4 30
32 75 32
34 72.9 34
36 70.6 36
38 68.4 38
40 66.3 40
44 58.2 44
48 50.7 48
52 44.2 52
56 38.6 56
60 33.6 60
64 29.3 64
68 25.4 68
72 21.8 72
76 18.7 76
80 15.8 80
84 13.2 84
88 10.8 88
92 8.5 92
96 6.5 96

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJDB

Boom combination in HJFJDB

Boom Boom insert Jib insert
length (m) 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE 6m 12mA 12mB
90 - 1 2 2 - - - 1 -
96 - 2 2 2 - - - 1 -
102 - 1 2 2 1 - - 1 -
108 - 2 2 2 1 - - 1 -
114 - 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 -
Fixed jib
120 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 -
126 - 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 1
132 - 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
138 - 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
144 - 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
147 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base section, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 120 m-147 m in this
working condition, otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

66 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJDB working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)




14 7+12
12 m 140
13 m
12 135
13 m
12 130
12 m
6+ 125
12 m
0+ 120
11 m
4+ 115
10 m
8+ 110
10 m
2+ 105
96 m 100
90 95

















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

HJFJDB(90-147m+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB 1/3

Boom length 90~147m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 147 Radius
(m) (m)
14 177* 176* 14
16 177* 174* 170* 166* 150* 129* 16
18 176* 173* 169* 165* 150* 129* 113* 97.2* 89.6* 77.6* 18
20 175* 172* 168* 164* 150* 129* 112* 96.3* 88.9* 76.8* 73.6* 20
22 174* 171* 167* 164* 149* 128* 111* 95.5* 88.3* 76.0* 72.9* 22
24 173* 170* 166* 164* 148* 127* 110* 94.6* 87.3* 75.2* 72.1* 24
26 172* 169* 166* 163* 147* 126* 109* 93.8* 86.7* 74.4* 71.3* 26
28 169* 168* 165* 163* 146* 126* 108* 92.9* 85.9* 73.7* 70.6* 28
30 166* 166* 163* 162* 145* 125* 107* 92.0* 85.1* 72.9* 69.8* 30
32 163* 163* 161* 161* 144* 124* 106* 91.1* 84.4* 72.1* 69.1* 32
34 159* 160* 159* 159* 143* 123* 106* 90.2* 83.6* 71.4* 68.4* 34
36 157* 158* 156* 157* 142* 122* 105* 89.3* 82.8* 70.6* 67.6* 36
38 155* 156* 154* 155* 141* 121* 104* 88.3* 82.0* 69.8* 66.9* 38
40 152* 154* 153* 153* 140* 120* 103* 87.4* 81.2* 69.1* 66.4* 40
44 148* 149* 149* 150* 138* 118* 101* 85.6* 79.7* 67.6* 65.0* 44
48 144* 146* 146* 147* 136* 113* 98.7* 83.8* 78.1* 66.1* 63.6* 48
52 141* 143* 143* 142 134* 108* 94.7* 82.0* 76.6* 64.7* 62.3* 52
56 138* 140* 135 131 128 103* 90.2* 79.8* 75.1* 63.3* 61.0* 56
60 131 137* 125 131 128 98.9* 86.4* 76.4* 73.6* 61.9* 59.7* 60
64 130 127 116 122 119 95.3* 83.2* 73.0* 72.2* 60.6* 58.4* 64
68 120 127 108 114 111 91.9* 80.1* 70.2* 70.7* 90.7 57.2* 68
72 111 119 109 106 104 88.5* 77.0* 67.5* 69.3* 85.0 56.0* 72
76 111 111 101 107 98.3 85.8* 74.6* 65.3* 68.0* 79.9 54.8* 76
80 103 112 95.2 101 100 83.8* 72.2* 63.1* 66.7* 81.7 53.7* 80
84 95.7 104 88.8 94.8 94.0 81.8* 70.4* 61.0* 65.3* 77.1 52.5* 84
88 95.8 97.0 89.8 88.8 88.4 79.8* 68.7* 59.4* 64.1* 72.8 51.4* 88
92 87.7 98.3 83.6 90.7 83.0 78.5* 67.0* 57.9* 62.8* 68.7 50.4* 92
96 90.7 77.6 84.8 85.2 77.2* 65.8* 56.8* 61.7* 64.9 49.3* 96
100 78.5 79.1 79.9 76.5 64.6* 55.7* 60.5* 61.3 48.3* 100
104 81.0 74.7 75.0 63.9* 54.7* 59.3* 63.9 47.4* 104
108 76.9 70.4 63.6* 54.0* 58.2* 60.4 46.4* 108
112 71.5 65.8 63.4 53.3* 57.2* 57.1 45.4* 112
116 67.9 62.2 53.0* 56.1* 53.9 44.4* 116
120 63.7 53.0* 55.0 56.6 43.5* 120
124 53.3 53.8 53.4 42.5* 124
128 53.8 50.4 50.2 41.5* 128
132 51.6 47.1 40.5* 132
136 49.7 39.4* 136
140 38.3 140

Quality Changes the World

68 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB 2/3

Boom length 90~147m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 147 Radius
(m) (m)
16 172* 169* 166* 164* 16
18 168* 166* 163* 160* 148* 128* 113* 97.4* 18
20 163* 164* 160* 159* 148* 128* 112* 96.6* 89.0* 77.0* 73.8* 20
22 158* 160* 157* 156* 148* 128* 111* 95.8* 88.3* 76.2* 73.1* 22
24 152* 154* 156* 154* 148* 128* 111* 95.0* 87.6* 75.5* 72.3* 24
26 147* 150* 151* 152* 147* 127* 110* 94.3* 87.0* 74.8* 71.6* 26
28 143* 145* 146* 149* 147* 126* 109* 93.4* 86.3* 74.0* 70.9* 28
30 138* 141* 142* 144* 145* 125* 108* 92.6* 85.6* 73.3* 70.2* 30
32 134* 136* 139* 141* 142* 125* 107* 91.8* 84.8* 72.6* 69.5* 32
34 131* 133* 135* 137* 138* 124* 106* 90.9* 84.1* 71.8* 68.8* 34
36 126* 129* 131* 134* 136* 123* 105* 90.1* 83.3* 71.1* 68.1* 36
38 123* 126* 128* 131* 132* 120* 105* 89.2* 82.6* 70.4* 67.4* 38
40 120* 123* 126* 127* 130* 118* 104* 88.3* 81.9* 69.7* 66.7* 40
44 113* 117* 119* 122* 123* 112* 99.7* 86.6* 80.4* 68.2* 65.5* 44
48 108* 111* 114* 117* 119* 107* 95.2* 84.9* 78.9* 66.8* 64.2* 48
52 103* 107* 109* 112* 114* 103* 91.3* 80.9* 77.5* 65.4* 62.9* 52
56 99.3* 102* 105* 107* 110* 98.6* 87.4* 77.5* 76.0* 64.1* 61.6* 56
60 95.0* 98.5* 101* 104* 106* 95.1* 83.7* 74.1* 74.6* 62.7* 60.4* 60
64 91.4* 94.1* 96.9* 99.6* 102* 91.7* 80.6* 70.9* 73.2* 61.4* 59.1* 64
68 88.4* 90.7* 93.8* 96.5* 99.0* 88.4* 77.6* 68.5* 71.8* 60.2* 57.9* 68
72 85.2* 88.5* 90.7* 93.6* 96.1* 85.7* 74.9* 65.9* 70.4* 59.0* 56.7* 72
76 82.9* 85.2* 87.6* 90.6* 93.2* 83.1* 72.3* 63.3* 69.1* 57.7* 55.6* 76
80 80.1* 83.0* 85.3* 87.7* 89.9* 81.2* 70.5* 61.6* 67.8* 56.5* 54.4* 80
84 77.9* 80.3* 82.7* 85.5* 87.8* 79.3* 68.7* 60.0* 65.8* 55.3* 53.3* 84
88 76.2* 78.6* 80.5* 82.6* 84.9* 78.0* 67.0* 58.1* 64.2* 54.2* 52.2* 88
92 73.9* 76.3* 78.3* 81.1* 83.2 76.7* 65.9* 56.7* 62.6* 53.0* 51.2* 92
96 75.0* 76.8* 79.0* 81.1 75.5* 64.7* 55.6* 61.1* 51.9* 50.1* 96
100 75.2* 77.4 78.9 74.8* 63.6* 54.5* 60.0* 50.9* 49.1* 100
104 75.6 75.0 74.7 62.9* 53.9* 59.2* 49.8* 48.0* 104
108 76.2 70.6 62.3* 53.2* 58.5* 48.8* 47.2* 108
112 71.7 66.0 62.4* 52.6* 57.8* 47.8* 46.2* 112
116 68.2 62.4 52.6* 57.2 46.8* 45.2* 116
120 62.9 52.6* 57.5 45.9* 44.2* 120
124 52.9 54.0 44.9* 43.2* 124
128 53.6 50.6 43.9* 42.3* 128
132 53.1 42.8* 41.2* 132
136 41.8 40.1* 136
140 38.9 140

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB 3/3

Boom length 90~147m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 147 Radius
(m) (m)
16 77.2* 77.5* 16
18 75.0* 75.1* 75.9* 111* 76.3* 75.9* 18
20 73.4* 73.6* 74.0* 108* 75.0* 74.4* 74.5* 73.9* 74.8* 74.1* 20
22 71.6* 72.0* 72.5* 105* 73.3* 73.6* 73.1* 73.1* 73.4* 72.8* 72.4* 22
24 69.8* 70.4* 71.0* 102* 71.5* 72.1* 71.6* 71.7* 72.1* 71.8* 71.9* 24
26 67.9* 68.6* 69.4* 99.7* 70.5* 70.5* 70.8* 70.7* 71.1* 70.9* 71.0* 26
28 66.6* 67.5* 68.3* 97.0* 69.1* 69.6* 69.3* 69.3* 70.2* 69.5* 70.0* 28
30 65.3* 66.2* 66.7* 94.2* 67.7* 68.0* 68.3* 68.4* 69.0* 68.6* 69.0* 30
32 63.9* 65.0* 65.6* 92.0* 66.6* 67.2* 66.8* 66.9* 67.7* 67.6* 67.7* 32
34 62.5* 63.7* 64.4* 90.1* 65.6* 65.6* 65.9* 65.9* 66.8* 66.7* 67.1* 34
36 61.1* 62.4* 63.2* 88.3* 64.5* 64.6* 64.9* 65.0* 65.8* 65.7* 65.8* 36
38 60.3* 61.1* 62.0* 86.0* 63.4* 63.7* 63.9* 64.0* 64.9* 64.8* 65.3* 38
40 58.9* 59.8* 60.8* 84.7* 62.5* 62.7* 63.0* 63.0* 64.0* 63.8* 64.3* 40
44 57.2* 58.2* 58.9* 81.0* 60.7* 60.7* 61.0* 61.1* 62.2* 62.0* 62.9* 44
48 54.9* 56.1* 57.4* 77.4* 58.9* 59.0* 59.6* 59.6* 60.4* 60.5* 61.2* 48
52 53.3* 54.5* 55.4* 74.7* 57.5* 57.3* 57.6* 58.1* 59.0* 59.1* 59.4* 52
56 51.7* 52.9* 53.9* 72.1* 55.7* 56.0* 56.2* 56.7* 57.7* 57.6* 58.4* 56
60 50.6* 51.3* 52.4* 69.6* 54.3* 54.6* 54.8* 55.2* 56.3* 56.2* 56.7* 60
64 49.0* 50.3* 51.4* 67.1* 53.2* 53.2* 53.4* 53.8* 55.0* 55.3* 55.6* 64
68 47.9* 49.2* 49.9* 65.4* 51.7* 51.9* 52.6* 52.8* 53.7* 54.2* 54.6* 68
72 47.1* 48.2* 48.9* 63.6* 50.7* 51.1* 51.2* 51.8* 52.8* 52.9* 53.6* 72
76 46.3* 47.1* 47.9* 61.5* 49.7* 49.8* 50.4* 50.9* 51.5* 51.9* 52.6* 76
80 45.2* 46.0* 47.3* 59.8* 48.9* 49.1* 49.5* 50.1* 50.6* 51.2* 51.6* 80
84 44.6* 45.4* 46.2* 58.5* 47.8* 48.1* 48.7* 49.1* 49.7* 50.2* 50.6* 84
88 44.5* 44.8* 45.5* 56.8* 47.3* 47.1* 48.0* 48.2* 48.9* 49.2* 49.6* 88
92 44.2* 44.6* 45.1* 55.9* 46.5* 46.5* 47.2* 47.4* 48.4* 48.6* 48.8* 92
96 44.1* 44.7* 54.5* 45.9* 45.8* 46.4* 46.9* 47.6* 47.9* 48.3* 96
100 44.2* 53.7* 45.3* 45.7* 46.1* 46.5* 47.1* 47.3* 47.5* 100
104 52.5* 44.8* 45.0* 45.4* 45.6* 46.4* 46.6* 47.1* 104
108 51.7* 44.2* 44.8* 44.8* 45.2* 45.9* 46.2* 46.7* 108
112 44.2* 44.2* 44.5* 44.8* 45.4* 45.9* 46.0* 112
116 44.4* 44.2* 44.7* 45.2* 45.3* 45.6* 116
120 44.3* 44.6* 44.6* 45.1* 45.3* 120
124 44.4* 44.7* 44.7* 44.9* 124
128 44.3* 44.4* 44.4* 44.0* 128
132 53.2 44.3 42.9 132
136 43.6 41.8 136
140 40.4 140

Quality Changes the World

70 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJDB_5

Boom combination in HJDB_5

Power boom insert Boom insert
Boom 12 m lower 12 m upper
length (m) transition 12mA 12mB 12mC transition 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD
section section
120 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 - -
123 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 - -
126 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 - -
129 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 - -
132 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 1 -
135 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 -
138 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 1 -
141 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 -
144 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 2 -
147 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 2 -
150 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
153 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 -
156 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 2 1
159 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 2 1
162 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 2 1
165 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base, 12 m boom transition section, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 141m-165m in this working condition,
otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJDB_5 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)

16 5m 140
15 2m
15 9m 135
15 6m
15 3m 130
14 0m
14 7m 125
14 4m
13 1m 120
13 8m
13 5m 115
12 2m 110
12 9m
12 6m 105
12 3m

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJDB-5(120-165m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

72 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJDB_5 1/2

Boom length 120~165m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
16 281* 265* 16
18 282* 266* 251* 237* 223* 211* 200* 189* 18
20 283* 267* 251* 237* 224* 211* 200* 189* 178* 168* 160* 150* 138* 130* 20
22 283* 267* 252* 237* 224* 211* 200* 190* 178* 169* 160* 149* 137* 130* 124* 120* 22
24 269 264 252* 238* 224* 211* 199* 190* 178* 168* 159* 148* 136* 129* 123* 119* 24
26 248 243 240 236 223* 211* 200* 189* 178* 168* 158* 147* 135* 128* 122* 118* 26
28 229 226 222 219 216 211* 199* 189* 177* 167* 158* 147* 134* 127* 122* 118* 28
30 214 210 207 203 201 198 195 189* 176* 166* 157* 146* 133* 126* 121* 117* 30
32 200 197 193 190 188 185 182 179 175* 165* 156* 145* 132* 125* 120* 116* 32
34 188 185 182 178 177 173 171 168 166 163 155* 144* 131* 124* 119* 115* 34
36 190 186 171 168 166 163 161 158 156 153 151 143* 131* 123* 119* 114* 36
38 179 176 173 170 157 154 151 149 147 144 142 139 130* 123* 118* 114* 38
40 170 167 164 161 159 146 143 140 139 136 134 131 129* 122* 117* 113* 40
44 154 151 148 146 144 141 139 136 135 122 120 118 117 114 112 110 44
48 141 138 135 133 131 129 126 124 122 120 118 115 114 103 101 99.5 48
52 129 126 124 121 120 118 115 113 112 109 107 105 104 102 100 90.0 52
56 119 116 114 112 110 108 106 104 103 100 98.6 96.3 95.7 93.4 91.6 81.8 56
60 118 116 105 103 102 100 98.1 95.8 94.9 92.6 90.7 88.5 88.0 85.7 83.9 74.6 60
64 110 108 106 103 103 92.6 90.7 88.6 87.7 85.5 83.6 81.5 81.1 78.9 77.2 68.3 64
68 102 100 98.6 96.5 95.8 93.7 91.8 82.0 81.2 79.1 77.3 75.3 74.9 72.8 71.1 69.1 68
72 95.1 93.3 91.7 89.7 89.2 87.1 85.4 83.4 82.7 73.3 71.6 69.7 69.3 67.3 65.7 63.7 72

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJDB_5 2/2

Boom length 120~165m Superlift R 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
76 96.7 86.8 85.3 83.5 83.1 81.2 79.6 77.6 77.0 75.0 73.3 71.4 64.3 62.3 60.7 58.8 76
80 90.1 88.5 87.2 77.7 77.4 75.6 74.1 72.3 71.7 69.8 68.2 66.4 66.2 64.2 56.2 54.3 80
84 83.9 82.5 81.3 79.8 79.5 70.5 69.1 67.3 66.9 65.0 63.5 61.8 61.6 59.7 58.2 50.2 84
88 78.0 76.8 75.8 74.4 74.3 72.7 64.4 62.7 62.3 60.6 59.2 57.5 57.4 55.5 54.1 46.4 88
92 80.1 71.4 70.5 69.2 69.3 67.8 66.7 65.1 58.1 56.4 55.0 53.4 53.4 51.6 50.3 42.8 92
96 74.3 73.5 72.9 64.4 64.6 63.2 62.2 60.7 60.5 58.9 51.2 49.6 49.7 48.0 46.7 45.0 96
100 68.7 68.1 67.7 66.7 67.1 58.8 57.9 56.5 56.4 54.9 53.7 52.2 46.1 44.5 43.3 41.7 100
104 70.6 70.4 62.6 61.8 62.4 61.3 53.7 52.5 52.5 51.1 50.0 48.6 48.7 47.1 40.0 38.5 104
108 64.7 64.9 57.0 57.8 56.9 56.2 55.1 48.7 47.4 46.4 45.1 45.3 43.8 42.7 35.5 108
112 59.3 53.2 52.6 52.1 51.1 51.4 50.2 43.0 41.7 42.1 40.6 39.5 32.6 112
116 55.4 54.1 47.9 47.2 47.6 46.5 45.7 38.5 38.9 37.5 36.5 29.8 116
120 44.1 43.2 43.8 42.9 42.2 41.2 41.7 34.5 33.6 32.3 120
124 45.7 46.5 39.3 38.8 37.9 38.5 37.3 30.8 29.6 124
128 41.9 35.4 34.6 35.4 34.3 33.5 26.9 128
132 37.9 37.3 32.2 31.3 30.6 24.2 132
136 34.9 28.3 27.7 26.8 136
140 30.9 30.5 24.0 140
144 21.2 144

Quality Changes the World

74 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJDB_7

Boom combination in HJDB_7

Power boom insert Boom insert
12 m lower 12 m upper
length (m) transition 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD transition 3m 6m 12mB 12mC
section section
132 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 1 -
135 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 1 -
138 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 1 -
141 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 -
144 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 2 -
147 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 2 -
150 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 -
153 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 -
156 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 2 1
159 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 2 1
162 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 1
165 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1

Note: The 10.5 m boom base, 12 m boom transition section, 6 m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 141m-165m in this working condition,
otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJDB_7 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)


16 145
16 5m
15 2m 140
15 9m
15 6m 135
15 3m
14 0m
14 7m 125
14 4m
13 1m 120
13 9m
13 6m 115

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJDB-7(132-165m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

76 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJDB_7 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJDB_7

Boom length 132~165m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 238* 226* 214* 202* 18
20 239* 226* 214* 202* 192* 183* 174* 163* 155* 147* 20
22 240* 226* 214* 203* 192* 182* 174* 163* 155* 147* 139* 131* 22
24 239* 226* 215* 204* 193* 183* 173* 164* 155* 146* 138* 130* 24
26 233 223 214* 204* 193* 183* 174* 163* 155* 146* 137* 129* 26
28 215 212 209 203* 194* 183* 174* 163* 154* 145* 137* 129* 28
30 200 197 194 191 188 183* 174* 162* 153* 144* 136* 128* 30
32 187 184 181 178 176 173 170 161* 152* 143* 135* 127* 32
34 176 172 170 167 164 161 159 156 151* 143* 134* 127* 34
36 165 162 159 157 154 152 149 146 145 142* 134* 126* 36
38 156 153 150 147 145 143 140 138 136 134 132 125* 38
40 158 145 142 139 137 135 132 130 129 126 124 121 40
44 143 140 138 135 133 121 119 116 115 113 111 108 44
48 130 127 125 122 121 118 116 113 112 101 99.7 97.4 48
52 119 117 114 112 110 108 106 103 102 100 98.3 96.0 52
56 109 107 105 102 101 99.0 96.9 94.6 93.8 91.5 89.6 87.3 56
60 101 99.0 97.1 94.7 93.3 91.0 89.0 86.8 86.0 83.8 81.9 79.8 60
64 102 91.5 89.7 87.4 86.1 83.8 82.0 79.8 79.1 77.0 75.2 73.1 64
68 94.8 92.6 90.8 80.9 79.6 77.4 75.7 73.6 73.0 70.9 69.1 67.1 68
72 88.1 86.1 84.4 82.3 81.0 71.7 70.0 67.9 67.4 65.4 63.7 61.7 72
76 82.1 80.1 78.5 76.5 75.4 73.3 71.7 69.6 62.3 60.3 58.7 56.8 76
80 76.4 74.6 73.1 71.2 70.1 68.2 66.6 64.6 64.2 62.3 54.2 52.3 80
84 78.5 69.4 68.0 66.2 65.3 63.4 61.9 60.0 59.7 57.8 56.2 54.3 84
88 73.3 71.6 63.3 61.6 60.7 58.9 57.5 55.7 55.4 53.6 52.1 50.3 88
92 68.3 66.8 65.6 63.9 56.4 54.7 53.4 51.7 51.5 49.7 48.3 46.5 92
96 63.5 62.1 61.1 59.6 58.9 57.2 49.5 47.9 47.7 46.0 44.7 42.9 96
100 66.1 57.7 56.8 55.4 54.8 53.2 52.0 50.4 44.2 42.5 41.2 39.6 100
104 61.3 60.3 52.7 51.3 50.9 49.4 48.3 46.8 46.8 45.2 38.0 36.4 104
108 56.7 55.8 55.2 54.0 47.1 45.8 44.8 43.3 43.4 41.8 40.6 39.1 108
112 52.2 51.5 51.0 50.0 49.7 48.5 41.3 39.9 40.1 38.6 37.5 36.0 112
116 54.4 54.0 46.9 46.0 45.9 44.8 44.0 36.7 36.9 35.6 34.5 33.1 116
120 43.0 42.1 42.2 41.2 40.6 39.4 39.7 32.6 31.6 30.2 120
124 44.5 44.8 37.7 37.1 36.1 36.5 35.3 28.8 27.5 124
128 40.3 33.7 32.8 33.4 32.3 31.5 30.3 128
132 36.2 35.6 30.2 29.3 28.6 27.5 132
136 32.9 26.3 25.7 24.7 136
140 28.9 28.5 21.9 140
144 24.6 144

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJDB_9

Boom combination in HJDB_9

Boom Power boom insert Boom insert
length (m) 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE
144 1 2 2 3 - - - - - -
147 1 2 2 3 1 - - - - -
150 1 2 2 3 - 1 - - - -
153 1 2 2 3 1 1 - - - -
156 1 2 2 3 - - 1 - - -
159 1 2 2 3 1 - 1 - - -
162 1 2 2 3 - 1 1 - - -
165 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 - - -
168 1 2 2 3 - 2 1 - - -

Note: The 10.5m boom base section, 12m power boom lower transition section, 12m power boom upper
transition section, 12m boom transition section, 6m tapered jib section, and 7.5m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom with a length of 144m-165m in this working condition,
otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

78 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJDB_9 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)

16 140
16 8
16 5 135
15 2
15 9 130
15 6
15 3 125
14 0
14 7 120

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJDB-9(144-168m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJDB_9 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJDB_9

Boom length 144~168m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 Radius
(m) (m)
20 198* 188* 179* 169* 160* 153* 20
22 197* 189* 179* 169* 161* 152* 146* 139* 132* 22
24 198* 188* 179* 169* 162* 153* 146* 139* 131* 24
26 199* 189* 180* 170* 162* 153* 146* 138* 131* 26
28 199* 189* 179* 170* 162* 154* 146* 138* 130* 28
30 189 185 180* 170* 162* 154* 145* 137* 129* 30
32 176 173 170 167 162* 154* 145* 136* 129* 32
34 165 162 159 156 154 152 144* 136* 128* 34
36 155 152 149 146 145 142 140 135* 128* 36
38 146 143 140 138 136 133 131 128 126 38
40 138 135 132 130 128 125 123 121 119 40
44 133 121 119 116 114 112 110 107 105 44
48 121 118 116 113 112 101 99.1 96.7 94.8 48
52 110 108 106 103 102 99.6 97.6 95.2 85.3 52
56 101 99.0 97.0 94.6 93.2 90.8 88.9 86.6 84.7 56
60 93.4 91.0 89.1 86.7 85.4 83.1 81.3 79.0 77.2 60
64 86.2 83.9 82.1 79.8 78.5 76.3 74.5 72.3 70.6 64
68 79.7 77.5 75.7 73.5 72.4 70.2 68.5 66.3 64.6 68
72 81.1 71.7 70.0 67.9 66.8 64.7 63.0 60.9 59.3 72
76 75.5 73.4 71.7 69.6 61.7 59.7 58.0 56.0 54.4 76
80 70.2 68.2 66.7 64.6 63.6 61.6 53.5 51.5 50.0 80
84 65.4 63.4 62.0 60.0 59.0 57.1 55.5 53.6 45.9 84
88 60.8 59.0 57.6 55.7 54.8 52.9 51.4 49.5 48.0 88
92 56.5 54.8 53.5 51.7 50.8 49.0 47.6 45.7 44.3 92
96 59.0 57.3 49.6 47.8 47.1 45.3 44.0 42.2 40.8 96
100 54.9 53.3 52.1 50.4 43.6 41.9 40.6 38.8 37.5 100
104 51.0 49.5 48.4 46.8 46.2 44.5 37.3 35.7 34.4 104
108 47.2 45.8 44.8 43.3 42.7 41.2 40.0 38.3 31.4 108
112 49.9 48.6 41.4 39.9 39.5 38.0 36.8 35.3 34.1 112
116 46.0 44.9 44.1 36.7 36.3 34.9 33.8 32.3 31.2 116
120 42.3 41.3 40.6 39.4 39.1 31.9 30.9 29.5 28.4 120
124 45.0 37.7 37.2 36.1 35.9 34.7 28.1 26.7 25.7 124
128 40.3 33.8 32.8 32.8 31.6 30.8 29.5 23.1 128
132 36.3 35.5 29.6 28.6 27.9 26.7 25.9 132
136 32.3 25.6 25.0 23.9 23.2 136
140 28.2 27.8 21.2 20.5 140
144 23.9 17.9 144

Quality Changes the World

80 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJDB_5

Boom combination in HJFJDB_5

Power boom insert Boom insert
Boom 12 m lower 12 m upper
length (m) transition 12mA 12mB 12mC transition 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD
section section
120 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 - -
123 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 - -
126 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 - -
129 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 - -
132 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 1 -
135 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 -
138 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 1 -
141 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 -
144 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 2 -
147 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 2 -
150 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
153 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 -
156 1 1 1 1 1 - - 2 2 1
159 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 2 1
162 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 2 1
165 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

Note: The 10.5m boom base section, 12m boom transition section, 6m tapered section and 7.5m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 141m-165m in this working condition, otherwise,
the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJDB_5 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)

16 150
16 5+
15 2+1 12m 145
15 9+ 2m
15 6+ 12m 140
15 3+1 12m
14 0+ 2m 135
14 7+1 12m
14 4+ 2m 130
13 1+ 12m
13 8+1 12m 125
13 5+ 2m
12 2+ 12m 120
12 9+1 12m
12 6+ 2m 115
12 3+1 12m
0+ 2m 110

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJFJDB-5(120-165m+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

82 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 1/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
16 175* 16
18 175* 173* 171* 169* 167* 161* 153* 145* 137* 18
20 174* 172* 171* 169* 166* 161* 153* 145* 137* 129* 124* 116* 107* 101* 97.3* 91.6* 20
22 173* 172* 169* 168* 166* 161* 153* 145* 136* 130* 123* 116* 106* 101* 96.7* 91.0* 22
24 172* 171* 169* 167* 165* 161* 153* 146* 136* 129* 123* 115* 106* 100* 96.1* 90.4* 24
26 171* 170* 168* 167* 164* 161* 153* 146* 136* 129* 122* 114* 105* 99.6* 95.5* 89.8* 26
28 171* 170* 168* 167* 163* 161* 152* 145* 135* 128* 122* 114* 104* 99.0* 94.9* 89.2* 28
30 170* 169* 167* 166* 163* 160* 151* 145* 134* 128* 121* 113* 104* 98.3* 94.3* 88.6* 30
32 169* 168* 167* 165* 163* 159* 150* 144* 134* 127* 120* 113* 103* 97.7* 93.7* 88.0* 32
34 170* 167* 166* 164* 163* 158* 149* 143* 133* 126* 120* 112* 103* 97.1* 93.1* 87.4* 34
36 169* 166* 165* 163* 162* 157* 148* 142* 133* 126* 119* 111* 102* 96.5* 92.5* 86.8* 36
38 165 162 160 157 155 153 147* 142* 132* 125* 118* 111* 101* 95.8* 91.9* 86.2* 38
40 167* 165 151 149 147 145 142 140 131* 124* 118* 110* 101* 95.2* 91.2* 85.6* 40
44 152 149 147 144 143 130 128 126 125 122 116* 109* 99.5* 94.0* 89.9* 84.4* 44
48 139 136 134 131 130 127 125 123 122 111 109 107 98.3* 92.9* 88.6* 83.2* 48
52 127 125 123 120 119 117 115 112 111 109 107 105 96.8 91.7* 87.3* 82.0* 52
56 117 115 113 111 110 107 105 103 102 100 98.7 96.7 95.9* 90.5* 86.0* 80.9* 56
60 108 106 104 102 101 99.6 97.8 95.7 94.7 92.7 90.9 88.9 88.4 86.4 84.7* 75.8 60
64 109 99.0 97.2 95.2 94.4 92.4 90.6 88.6 87.7 85.7 84.0 82.1 81.6 79.7 78.1 69.6 64
68 101 99.9 98.2 88.5 87.7 85.8 84.1 82.2 81.4 79.5 77.8 76.0 75.6 73.7 72.2 64.0 68
72 95.0 93.2 91.6 89.8 89.1 79.9 78.3 76.4 75.7 73.8 72.3 70.5 70.1 68.3 66.8 65.1 72

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 2/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
76 88.8 87.1 85.6 83.8 83.2 81.5 79.9 78.1 70.5 68.7 67.2 65.5 65.2 63.4 62.0 60.3 76
80 83.0 81.4 80.0 78.4 77.9 76.2 74.7 73.0 72.4 70.6 62.6 60.9 60.7 58.9 57.5 55.9 80
84 85.0 76.1 74.8 73.3 72.9 71.3 69.9 68.2 67.7 66.0 64.5 62.9 56.5 54.8 53.5 51.8 84
88 79.6 78.2 77.0 68.5 68.2 66.7 65.4 63.8 63.4 61.7 60.3 58.8 58.6 56.9 55.6 48.1 88
92 74.5 73.2 72.2 70.8 63.9 62.4 61.2 59.7 59.3 57.7 56.4 54.9 54.8 53.2 51.9 44.6 92
96 69.6 68.5 67.6 66.3 66.2 64.8 57.3 55.8 55.5 54.0 52.7 51.3 51.2 49.7 48.4 41.4 96
100 72.0 64.0 63.2 62.0 62.0 60.8 59.7 58.3 51.9 50.4 49.3 47.9 47.9 46.3 45.1 38.4 100
104 67.2 66.4 59.0 57.9 58.0 56.9 55.9 54.6 54.4 53.0 46.0 44.6 44.7 43.2 42.1 40.6 104
108 62.5 61.9 61.4 60.5 54.2 53.1 52.3 51.1 50.9 49.6 48.6 47.3 41.7 40.3 39.2 37.8 108
112 57.9 57.5 57.2 56.4 56.8 55.8 48.7 47.6 47.6 46.4 45.4 44.1 44.3 42.9 36.4 35.0 112
116 60.1 59.9 53.0 52.4 52.9 52.1 51.4 44.3 44.4 43.2 42.3 41.1 41.4 40.0 39.0 32.4 116
120 55.2 55.4 48.4 49.1 48.4 47.9 47.0 47.2 40.2 39.3 38.2 38.5 37.3 36.3 29.9 120
124 50.8 51.7 44.8 44.4 43.6 43.9 42.9 36.5 35.4 35.8 34.6 33.7 27.5 124
128 47.6 47.4 40.9 40.3 40.7 39.8 39.2 38.2 33.1 32.0 31.2 30.0 128
132 43.5 43.0 37.5 36.8 36.2 35.4 35.9 34.8 28.7 27.6 132
136 39.5 40.2 33.7 33.3 32.6 33.2 32.2 31.5 25.3 136
140 36.3 36.1 29.8 30.5 29.6 29.0 23.0 140
144 32.5 27.8 27.0 26.5 20.7 144
148 30.4 29.8 24.0 23.2 148
152 26.7 20.8 152
156 18.4 156

Quality Changes the World

84 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 3/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 176* 175* 174* 172* 167* 18
20 176* 175* 173* 171* 167* 159* 151* 143* 135* 128* 122* 116* 107* 20
22 176* 175* 173* 171* 167* 159* 152* 143* 135* 128* 123* 115* 106* 100* 96.5* 90.8* 22
24 173* 173* 173* 171* 167* 159* 152* 144* 135* 129* 123* 115* 105* 99.7* 96.0* 90.2* 24
26 168* 169* 170* 170* 168* 159* 152* 143* 135* 129* 122* 114* 105* 99.1* 95.4* 89.6* 26
28 164* 166* 165* 167* 166* 159* 152* 145* 135* 128* 122* 114* 104* 98.8* 94.9* 89.1* 28
30 160* 161* 161* 162* 162* 159* 151* 145* 134* 128* 121* 113* 103* 98.1* 94.3* 88.5* 30
32 156* 158* 158* 158* 159* 159* 150* 144* 134* 127* 120* 112* 103* 97.6* 93.8* 88.0* 32
34 152* 154* 154* 155* 155* 155* 149* 143* 133* 126* 120* 112* 103* 97.0* 93.2* 87.4* 34
36 149* 150* 151* 152* 153* 153* 148* 143* 132* 126* 119* 111* 102* 96.4* 92.7* 86.9* 36
38 146* 147* 148* 148* 149* 150* 147* 142* 132* 125* 119* 111* 101* 95.9* 92.1* 86.3* 38
40 142* 143* 145* 146* 146* 145 142 140 132* 125* 118* 110* 101* 95.3* 91.5* 85.7* 40
44 136* 138* 139* 139* 140* 130 128 126 125 122 117* 109* 99.6* 94.2* 90.3* 84.6* 44
48 130* 132* 133* 131 130 128 125 123 113 111 109 107 98.5* 93.0* 89.1* 83.5* 48
52 126* 125 123 120 119 117 115 113 111 109 107 105 97.0 92.0* 87.9* 82.4* 52
56 117 115 113 111 110 108 106 103 102 100 98.9 96.9 96.2* 90.9* 86.6* 81.5* 56
60 109 106 105 102 101 99.8 98.0 95.9 95.0 92.9 91.1 89.2 88.6 86.7 85.0 76.1 60
64 101 99.2 97.4 95.4 94.6 92.6 90.8 88.8 87.9 85.9 84.2 82.4 81.9 80.0 78.4 69.9 64
68 102 100 98.4 88.7 87.9 86.0 84.4 82.4 81.6 79.7 78.1 76.3 75.8 74.0 72.4 64.3 68
72 95.3 93.4 91.8 90.0 89.3 80.1 78.5 76.7 75.9 74.1 72.5 70.8 70.4 68.6 67.1 59.2 72
76 89.0 87.3 85.8 84.0 83.5 81.7 80.1 71.4 70.8 69.0 67.4 65.8 65.4 63.7 62.2 60.5 76

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 4/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
80 83.2 81.6 80.3 78.6 78.1 76.4 74.9 73.2 72.6 70.8 62.8 61.2 60.9 59.2 57.8 56.1 80
84 77.8 76.3 75.1 73.5 73.1 71.5 70.1 68.5 67.9 66.2 64.8 63.2 56.7 55.1 53.7 52.1 84
88 79.8 78.4 70.2 68.8 68.5 67.0 65.6 64.1 63.6 61.9 60.6 59.0 58.8 57.2 49.9 48.4 88
92 74.7 73.5 72.4 71.0 64.1 62.7 61.4 59.9 59.5 58.0 56.7 55.1 55.0 53.4 52.1 44.9 92
96 69.9 68.8 67.8 66.6 66.4 65.1 57.5 56.1 55.7 54.2 53.0 51.5 51.5 49.9 48.7 41.7 96
100 72.3 64.2 63.4 62.3 62.3 61.0 59.9 58.6 52.1 50.7 49.5 48.1 48.1 46.6 45.4 38.6 100
104 67.5 66.7 59.2 58.2 58.3 57.1 56.1 54.8 54.6 53.2 46.2 44.9 44.9 43.5 42.3 40.9 104
108 62.8 62.2 61.7 60.8 54.4 53.4 52.5 51.3 51.2 49.8 48.8 47.5 41.9 40.5 39.4 38.0 108
112 58.2 57.7 57.4 56.7 57.0 49.8 49.0 47.9 47.8 46.6 45.6 44.4 44.5 37.7 36.6 35.3 112
116 60.3 60.2 53.2 52.6 53.1 52.3 51.7 44.6 44.6 43.4 42.5 41.4 41.6 40.3 39.2 32.7 116
120 55.5 55.6 48.7 49.3 48.7 48.1 47.2 47.4 40.4 39.6 38.5 38.7 37.5 36.5 30.1 120
124 51.0 51.9 45.0 44.6 43.9 44.1 43.1 36.7 35.7 36.0 34.8 33.9 27.7 124
128 47.9 47.6 41.2 40.5 40.9 40.0 39.4 38.4 33.3 32.2 31.4 30.2 128
132 43.7 43.2 37.7 37.0 36.4 35.6 36.1 29.7 28.9 27.8 132
136 39.6 40.4 33.9 33.5 32.8 33.4 32.4 31.7 25.5 136
140 36.5 36.3 30.0 30.7 29.8 29.2 23.2 140
144 33.1 32.6 28.0 27.2 26.7 20.9 144
148 30.6 30.0 24.2 23.4 148
152 27.2 26.9 21.0 152
156 18.5 156

Quality Changes the World

86 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 5/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 121* 18
20 118* 118* 118* 119* 118* 119* 119* 119* 119* 20
22 115* 115* 115* 116* 116* 116* 117* 117* 117* 117* 116* 114* 105* 99.7* 96.0* 90.3* 22
24 112* 113* 113* 113* 113* 113* 114* 114* 114* 115* 115* 114* 105* 99.1* 95.5* 89.8* 24
26 109* 110* 111* 111* 111* 111* 112* 112* 112* 112* 113* 113* 104* 98.8* 95.0* 89.3* 26
28 107* 107* 107* 109* 109* 109* 109* 110* 110* 110* 110* 111* 104* 98.2* 94.6* 88.8* 28
30 104* 105* 105* 106* 107* 107* 107* 107* 108* 108* 108* 108* 103* 97.7* 94.1* 88.2* 30
32 102* 103* 103* 104* 104* 105* 105* 105* 106* 105* 106* 107* 102* 97.2* 93.6* 87.7* 32
34 99.1* 100* 101* 102* 102* 102* 103* 103* 103* 103* 104* 105* 102* 96.6* 93.1* 87.2* 34
36 97.6* 97.7* 98.8* 99.2* 99.8* 100* 101* 101* 101* 102* 102* 103* 102* 96.1* 92.5* 86.7* 36
38 95.0* 96.3* 96.4* 97.3* 97.5* 98.8* 98.8* 98.6* 99.5* 99.8* 99.8* 101* 101* 95.6* 92.0* 86.2* 38
40 93.5* 93.7* 95.0* 95.5* 96.1* 96.6* 97.4* 96.7* 97.7* 98.0* 98.1* 98.6* 99.5* 95.1* 91.5* 85.7* 40
44 89.3* 90.5* 91.1* 91.7* 92.4* 92.9* 94.1* 93.6* 94.0* 94.4* 94.6* 95.3* 95.7* 94.0* 90.4* 84.7* 44
48 86.2* 87.0* 87.7* 88.8* 89.6* 90.1* 90.6* 89.7* 91.0* 90.9* 91.1* 92.0* 92.6* 93.0* 89.3* 83.6* 48
52 83.4* 84.1* 84.4* 85.6* 85.9* 86.8* 87.8* 87.3* 88.1* 88.0* 88.3* 89.0* 90.0* 90.6* 88.2* 82.6* 52
56 80.4* 81.2* 82.0* 82.7* 83.4* 84.1* 85.1* 84.2* 85.1* 85.1* 85.5* 86.9* 87.5* 87.6* 85.4 81.7* 56
60 77.4* 78.3* 79.6* 80.4* 80.7* 81.4* 82.4* 81.7* 82.2* 82.9* 83.3* 83.7* 84.5* 84.6* 84.5* 76.4 60
64 75.5* 76.4* 76.8* 77.8* 78.8* 79.5* 79.7* 79.3* 79.9* 80.7* 81.1* 81.6* 82.1 80.2 78.6 70.2 64
68 73.1* 73.5* 74.9* 75.1* 76.1* 76.8* 77.9* 77.2* 77.6* 78.4* 78.3* 76.5 76.1 74.2 72.7 64.6 68
72 70.6* 71.6* 72.3* 73.2* 74.2* 74.9* 75.3* 74.6* 75.4* 74.3 72.7 71.0 70.6 68.8 67.3 59.5 72
76 68.8* 69.7* 70.5* 71.4* 72.4* 72.8* 73.4* 71.6 71.0 69.2 67.7 66.0 65.7 63.9 62.5 60.8 76

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_5 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_5 6/6

Boom length 120~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m
Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
80 66.9* 68.0* 68.6* 69.5* 70.5* 70.9* 71.4* 70.8 71.7 64.5 63.0 61.4 61.1 59.4 58.0 56.4 80
84 65.5* 66.2* 66.8* 67.7* 68.4* 69.4 70.2 68.7 68.1 66.4 65.0 57.2 57.0 55.3 54.0 52.4 84
88 63.8* 64.3* 65.4* 66.0 67.0 67.2 65.9 64.3 63.8 62.1 60.8 59.2 59.0 57.4 50.2 48.6 88
92 62.4* 62.9 63.9 64.5 64.3 62.9 61.7 60.2 59.7 58.2 56.9 55.4 55.2 53.6 52.4 45.1 92
96 60.9 61.5 62.2 63.0 63.9 64.5 57.7 56.3 55.9 54.4 53.2 51.7 51.7 50.1 48.9 41.9 96
100 59.5 60.4 61.1 61.9 62.2 61.2 60.1 58.8 52.3 50.9 49.7 48.3 48.3 46.8 45.6 38.8 100
104 58.4 59.5 59.4 58.4 58.5 57.3 56.3 55.1 54.8 47.5 46.4 45.1 45.1 43.7 42.5 41.1 104
108 57.3 57.9 58.8 59.6 54.6 53.6 52.7 51.5 51.4 50.0 49.0 42.0 42.1 40.7 39.6 38.2 108
112 56.6 57.0 57.6 56.9 57.2 50.0 49.2 48.1 48.0 46.8 45.8 44.6 44.7 37.9 36.8 35.5 112
116 55.6 56.4 53.4 52.8 53.3 52.5 51.9 44.8 44.8 43.6 42.7 41.6 41.8 40.5 39.4 32.9 116
120 55.3 55.8 48.8 49.5 48.8 48.3 47.4 41.7 40.6 39.7 38.7 38.9 37.7 36.7 30.3 120
124 51.2 52.1 45.2 44.8 44.0 44.3 43.3 36.9 35.8 36.2 35.0 34.1 27.9 124
128 48.0 47.7 41.3 40.7 41.1 40.2 39.5 38.6 33.5 32.4 31.6 30.4 128
132 43.8 43.4 37.9 37.1 36.6 35.7 36.3 29.9 29.1 28.0 132
136 39.8 40.5 34.1 33.6 32.9 33.5 32.5 31.8 25.6 136
140 36.6 36.4 30.1 30.8 29.9 29.3 23.3 140
144 33.2 32.8 28.1 27.3 26.8 21.0 144
148 30.7 30.1 24.3 23.5 148
152 27.3 27.0 21.1 152
156 18.7 156

Quality Changes the World

88 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJDB_7

Boom combination in HJFJDB_7

Power boom insert Boom insert
Boom 12 m lower 12 m upper
length (m) transition 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD transition 3m 6m 12mB 12mC
section section
132 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 1 -
135 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 1 -
138 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 1 -
141 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 -
144 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 2 -
147 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 2 - Fixed jib
150 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 -
153 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 -
156 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 2 1
159 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 2 1
162 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 1
165 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1

Note: The 10.5m boom base section, 12m boom transition section, 6m tapered section and 7.5m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 141m-165m in this working condition, otherwise,
the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJDB-7 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)

16 5+1 150
15 2+1 2m
15 9+1 2m 145
15 6+1 2m
15 3+1 2m 140
14 0+1 2m
14 7+1 2m 135
14 4+1 2m
13 1+1 2m 130
13 8+1 2m
13 5+1 2m 125
2+ 2m
12 120

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJFJDB-7(132-165m+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

90 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_7 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_7 1/3

Boom length 132~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 171* 168* 165* 156* 149* 18
20 170* 168* 165* 156* 149* 141* 136* 128* 122* 116* 109* 104* 20
22 169* 167* 165* 157* 149* 143* 136* 129* 122* 115* 109* 103* 22
24 169* 167* 165* 157* 150* 143* 137* 129* 121* 115* 109* 103* 24
26 168* 166* 165* 157* 150* 143* 137* 128* 121* 114* 108* 102* 26
28 168* 166* 164* 158* 151* 144* 137* 128* 120* 114* 108* 102* 28
30 167* 165* 164* 158* 151* 144* 137* 127* 120* 113* 107* 101* 30
32 166* 164* 163* 158* 151* 143* 136* 126* 119* 112* 106* 100* 32
34 165* 163* 162* 159* 151* 143* 135* 126* 118* 112* 106* 99.9* 34
36 164 161 158 156 150* 142* 135* 125* 118* 112* 105* 99.3* 36
38 155 152 149 147 145 142* 134* 125* 117* 111* 105* 98.7* 38
40 146 144 141 139 137 134 132 124* 117* 110* 104* 98.2* 40
44 142 129 127 125 123 121 119 116 115* 109* 103* 97.1* 44
48 129 126 124 122 120 109 107 105 104 102 100 95.9* 48
52 118 116 114 111 110 108 106 103 95.0 92.9 91.2 89.2 52
56 109 106 104 102 101 99.0 97.2 95.1 94.3 92.2 90.5 88.5 56
60 100 98.7 96.8 94.7 93.3 91.2 89.4 87.4 86.6 84.6 82.9 81.0 60
64 93.5 91.4 89.6 87.6 86.2 84.2 82.5 80.5 79.9 77.9 76.3 74.4 64
68 86.8 84.8 83.2 81.2 79.9 78.0 76.3 74.4 73.8 71.9 70.3 68.5 68
72 88.2 78.9 77.3 75.4 74.2 72.4 70.8 68.9 68.4 66.5 65.0 63.2 72
76 82.3 80.5 78.9 77.1 69.0 67.2 65.7 63.9 63.4 61.6 60.1 58.3 76
80 77.0 75.2 73.7 71.9 70.9 69.1 61.1 59.3 58.9 57.1 55.7 54.0 80
84 72.0 70.3 68.9 67.2 66.2 64.5 63.0 61.3 54.7 53.0 51.6 49.9 84
88 67.3 65.7 64.4 62.8 61.9 60.2 58.8 57.2 56.8 55.1 53.7 46.2 88
92 63.0 61.4 60.2 58.7 57.8 56.2 54.9 53.3 53.0 51.4 50.0 48.4 92
96 65.3 63.9 56.3 54.8 54.0 52.5 51.2 49.7 49.4 47.8 46.6 45.0 96
100 61.1 59.8 58.7 57.3 50.4 48.9 47.8 46.2 46.1 44.5 43.3 41.7 100
104 57.1 55.9 54.9 53.6 52.9 51.5 44.5 43.0 42.9 41.4 40.2 38.7 104
108 53.3 52.1 51.3 50.0 49.4 48.1 47.0 45.6 39.9 38.4 37.3 35.8 108
112 55.9 54.8 47.8 46.6 46.1 44.8 43.9 42.5 42.5 41.1 34.5 33.1 112
116 52.0 51.1 50.5 43.3 42.9 41.7 40.8 39.5 39.5 38.2 37.2 35.8 116
120 48.2 47.4 46.9 46.0 45.7 38.7 37.8 36.6 36.7 35.5 34.4 33.1 120
124 43.8 43.4 42.6 42.4 41.4 34.9 33.8 34.0 32.8 31.8 30.6 124
128 39.3 39.2 38.3 37.6 36.6 31.3 30.2 29.3 28.1 128
132 36.0 35.3 34.7 33.7 34.1 33.0 26.8 25.7 132
136 31.8 30.9 31.3 30.4 29.6 23.3 136
140 28.7 27.8 27.1 26.1 140
144 25.2 24.6 23.6 144
148 21.2 148

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_7 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_7 2/3

Boom length 132~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 172* 18
20 172* 170* 163* 154* 147* 140* 133* 127* 120* 20
22 172* 171* 163* 154* 147* 140* 134* 126* 121* 115* 109* 103* 22
24 171* 170* 163* 155* 147* 141* 135* 127* 121* 114* 108* 102* 24
26 171* 170* 164* 154* 148* 141* 135* 127* 120* 114* 108* 102* 26
28 168* 167* 164* 156* 148* 142* 135* 127* 120* 113* 107* 101* 28
30 164* 164* 163* 155* 149* 143* 136* 127* 119* 113* 107* 101* 30
32 159* 160* 161* 157* 150* 143* 136* 126* 119* 112* 106* 100* 32
34 157* 157* 157* 157* 150* 143* 135* 126* 118* 112* 106* 99.7* 34
36 153* 153* 154* 154* 150* 142* 135* 125* 118* 111* 105* 99.2* 36
38 149* 151* 150 147 145 142* 134* 125* 117* 111* 105* 98.7* 38
40 146 144 141 139 137 135 133 124* 117* 110* 104* 98.2* 40
44 141* 130 127 125 123 121 119 117 116* 109* 103* 97.2* 44
48 129 127 125 122 112 109 108 105 104 102 101 96.1* 48
52 118 116 114 112 110 108 106 104 95.3 93.3 91.5 89.5 52
56 109 107 105 102 101 99.3 97.4 95.3 94.6 92.5 90.8 81.4 56
60 101 98.9 97.0 94.9 93.5 91.4 89.7 87.6 86.9 84.9 83.2 81.3 60
64 93.7 91.6 89.9 87.8 86.5 84.5 82.8 80.8 80.1 78.2 76.6 74.7 64
68 87.0 85.1 83.4 81.4 80.2 78.2 76.6 74.7 74.1 72.2 70.6 68.8 68
72 88.4 79.1 77.6 75.7 74.5 72.6 71.0 69.2 68.6 66.8 65.3 63.5 72
76 82.6 80.7 79.2 70.4 69.3 67.5 66.0 64.2 63.7 61.9 60.4 58.7 76
80 77.2 75.4 74.0 72.2 71.1 69.3 61.3 59.6 59.1 57.4 56.0 54.3 80
84 72.2 70.5 69.2 67.5 66.4 64.7 63.3 61.6 55.0 53.3 51.9 50.2 84
88 67.6 66.0 64.7 63.1 62.1 60.5 59.1 57.4 57.1 55.4 48.1 46.5 88
92 63.2 61.7 60.5 58.9 58.1 56.5 55.2 53.5 53.2 51.6 50.3 48.7 92
96 65.5 64.1 56.5 55.0 54.2 52.7 51.5 49.9 49.7 48.1 46.8 45.2 96
100 61.4 60.0 59.0 57.5 50.6 49.2 48.0 46.5 46.3 44.8 43.5 42.0 100
104 57.4 56.1 55.2 53.8 53.2 51.7 44.7 43.3 43.1 41.7 40.5 39.0 104
108 53.5 52.4 51.5 50.3 49.7 48.3 47.3 45.9 40.1 38.7 37.5 36.1 108
112 56.1 48.8 48.0 46.8 46.3 45.1 44.1 42.7 42.7 35.8 34.7 33.3 112
116 52.2 51.3 50.7 43.5 43.1 41.9 41.0 39.7 39.8 38.4 37.4 30.7 116
120 48.4 47.7 47.1 46.2 45.9 38.9 38.1 36.8 36.9 35.7 34.7 33.3 120
124 44.0 43.6 42.8 42.6 41.6 35.2 34.0 34.2 33.0 32.1 30.8 124
128 39.5 39.4 38.5 37.9 36.8 31.5 30.4 29.5 28.3 128
132 36.2 35.5 34.9 34.0 34.3 27.9 27.0 25.9 132
136 32.0 31.1 31.6 30.6 29.8 23.5 136
140 28.8 28.0 27.3 26.3 140
144 25.4 24.8 23.8 144
148 21.4 148

Quality Changes the World

92 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_7 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_7 3/3

Boom length 132~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
20 119* 120* 120* 119* 120* 20
22 116* 117* 117* 117* 118* 118* 117* 118* 118* 113* 107* 102* 22
24 114* 115* 114* 115* 115* 115* 115* 115* 115* 113* 107* 102* 24
26 112* 111* 112* 112* 113* 113* 113* 113* 114* 113* 107* 101* 26
28 108* 109* 110* 110* 111* 110* 110* 112* 112* 112* 107* 101* 28
30 106* 107* 108* 108* 108* 108* 108* 109* 109* 109* 106* 100* 30
32 104* 105* 106* 106* 105* 106* 107* 108* 107* 107* 106* 99.8* 32
34 102* 103* 103* 104* 103* 104* 104* 105* 105* 106* 105* 99.3* 34
36 100* 100* 101* 102* 102* 102* 102* 103* 104* 104* 104* 98.9* 36
38 97.7* 98.9* 98.8* 99.7* 99.6* 99.9* 101* 102* 102* 102* 102* 98.4* 38
40 96.3* 96.6* 97.4* 97.7* 97.6* 98.0* 98.0* 100* 99.8* 99.9* 100* 98.0* 40
44 92.5* 92.9* 93.8* 93.7* 94.5* 95.0* 95.0* 95.9* 96.1* 96.6* 96.9* 97.1* 44
48 89.2* 90.1* 90.4* 90.4* 90.6* 91.2* 92.1* 93.2* 93.2* 93.5* 93.8* 94.1* 48
52 85.9* 87.4* 87.7* 87.2* 88.3* 88.2* 88.4* 89.8* 90.1* 90.3* 90.7* 89.9 52
56 83.1* 83.9* 85.0* 84.8* 85.3* 85.9* 86.1* 87.3* 87.4* 87.7* 83.7 81.7 56
60 80.8* 81.6* 82.3* 82.4* 82.2* 82.8* 83.1* 84.6* 84.8* 85.1* 83.5 81.6 60
64 78.7* 79.3* 80.0* 79.9* 79.8* 80.5* 80.8* 81.1 80.4 78.5 76.9 75.0 64
68 75.9* 76.6* 77.7* 77.7* 77.8* 78.1* 76.8 74.9 74.3 72.5 70.9 69.1 68
72 74.1* 74.8* 75.8* 75.2* 74.7 72.8 71.3 69.4 68.9 67.1 65.5 63.8 72
76 72.3* 72.9* 73.4* 70.6 69.5 67.7 66.2 64.4 63.9 62.2 60.7 58.9 76
80 70.4* 71.1* 71.5 71.2 71.3 63.0 61.6 59.8 59.4 57.7 56.2 54.5 80
84 68.6* 69.4 69.4 67.7 66.7 64.9 63.5 55.6 55.2 53.5 52.1 50.5 84
88 66.7 66.2 64.9 63.3 62.3 60.7 59.3 57.7 57.3 55.6 48.4 46.7 88
92 63.4 61.9 60.7 59.1 58.3 56.7 55.4 53.8 53.5 51.9 50.5 48.9 92
96 64.0 64.3 56.7 55.3 54.5 52.9 51.7 50.1 49.9 48.3 47.0 45.5 96
100 61.6 60.2 59.2 57.8 50.9 49.4 48.2 46.7 46.5 45.0 43.8 42.2 100
104 57.6 56.3 55.4 54.0 53.4 46.0 44.9 43.5 43.3 41.9 40.7 39.2 104
108 53.7 52.6 51.7 50.5 49.9 48.6 47.5 40.4 40.3 38.9 37.8 36.3 108
112 56.3 49.0 48.2 47.0 46.6 45.3 44.3 43.0 42.9 36.1 35.0 33.6 112
116 52.4 51.5 50.9 43.7 43.3 42.1 41.2 40.0 40.0 38.7 37.6 30.9 116
120 48.6 47.9 47.3 46.4 40.2 39.1 38.2 37.0 37.1 35.9 34.9 33.6 120
124 44.2 43.8 43.0 42.8 41.8 35.4 34.2 34.4 33.2 32.2 31.0 124
128 39.7 39.6 38.7 38.0 37.0 31.7 30.6 29.7 28.5 128
132 36.4 35.6 35.1 34.1 34.5 28.0 27.2 26.1 132
136 32.1 31.3 31.7 30.7 30.0 23.7 136
140 28.5 29.0 28.1 27.4 26.4 140
144 25.5 24.9 24.0 144
148 21.6 148

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJDB_9

Boom combination in HJFJDB_9

Power boom insert Boom insert
Boom 12 m lower 12 m upper
length (m) transition 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD transition 3m 6m 12mB
section section
144 1 1 1 2 3 1 - - -
147 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 - -
150 1 1 1 2 3 1 - 1 -
153 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 - Fixed jib
156 1 1 1 2 3 1 - - 1 12m
159 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 - 1
162 1 1 1 2 3 1 - 1 1
165 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1

Note: The 10.5m boom base section, 12m boom transition section, 6m tapered section and 7.5 m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 144m-165m in this working condition, otherwise,
the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

94 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJDB-9 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)

16 155
16 5+1
15 2+1 2m 150
15 9+1 2m
15 6+1 2m 145
15 3+1 2m
14 0+1 2m 140
14 7+1 2m
4+ 2m 135

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
HJFJDB-9(144-165m+12m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_9 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_9 1/3

Boom length 144~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle10° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
18 154* 18
20 154* 147* 140* 133* 127* 121* 115* 110* 20
22 154* 147* 140* 133* 127* 121* 116* 110* 22
24 155* 148* 141* 133* 127* 122* 116* 110* 24
26 155* 148* 141* 133* 128* 122* 116* 109* 26
28 155* 149* 141* 134* 128* 122* 115* 109* 28
30 155* 149* 142* 134* 128* 121* 115* 109* 30
32 156* 148* 142* 134* 128* 121* 114* 108* 32
34 156* 149* 142* 134* 127* 120* 114* 108* 34
36 154 149* 142* 133* 127* 120* 113* 107* 36
38 145 142 140 133* 126* 119* 113* 106* 38
40 137 135 132 130 126* 119* 112* 106* 40
44 123 121 119 116 115 113 111* 105* 44
48 120 109 107 105 104 101 100 97.9 48
52 110 108 106 103 94.4 92.3 90.6 88.5 52
56 101 99.1 97.2 95.1 93.7 91.6 89.9 87.8 56
60 93.4 91.2 89.5 87.3 86.1 84.0 82.3 80.3 60
64 86.3 84.3 82.6 80.5 79.3 77.3 75.7 73.7 64
68 80.0 78.0 76.4 74.4 73.2 71.3 69.7 67.8 68
72 74.3 72.4 70.8 68.9 67.8 65.9 64.4 62.5 72
76 69.1 67.3 65.8 63.9 62.8 61.0 59.5 57.7 76
80 71.0 69.1 61.1 59.3 58.3 56.5 55.1 53.3 80
84 66.3 64.5 63.1 61.3 54.1 52.4 51.0 49.2 84
88 62.0 60.2 58.9 57.1 56.2 54.5 53.1 45.5 88
92 57.9 56.3 55.0 53.3 52.4 50.7 49.4 47.7 92
96 54.1 52.5 51.3 49.7 48.9 47.2 45.9 44.3 96
100 50.5 49.0 47.8 46.2 45.5 43.9 42.7 41.1 100
104 53.0 51.5 44.5 43.0 42.3 40.8 39.6 38.0 104
108 49.5 48.1 47.1 45.6 39.3 37.8 36.7 35.1 108
112 46.2 44.9 43.9 42.5 41.9 40.5 33.9 32.4 112
116 43.0 41.7 40.8 39.5 39.0 37.6 36.5 35.1 116
120 45.8 38.7 37.9 36.6 36.1 34.8 33.8 32.4 120
124 42.5 41.4 35.0 33.8 33.4 32.1 31.2 29.9 124
128 39.3 38.3 37.7 36.6 30.8 29.5 28.7 27.4 128
132 36.1 35.3 34.7 33.7 33.5 32.4 26.2 25.0 132
136 31.8 30.9 30.8 29.7 29.0 22.6 136
140 28.1 27.1 26.5 25.4 140
144 24.5 24.0 22.9 144
148 20.5 148

Quality Changes the World

96 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_9 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_9 2/3

Boom length 144~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle15° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
20 151* 144* 139* 131* 125* 20
22 152* 144* 139* 131* 126* 120* 114* 109* 22
24 152* 146* 139* 132* 126* 120* 115* 109* 24
26 152* 146* 139* 132* 126* 121* 115* 109* 26
28 153* 147* 141* 132* 127* 120* 115* 109* 28
30 154* 147* 140* 133* 126* 121* 115* 108* 30
32 154* 148* 141* 132* 127* 120* 114* 108* 32
34 154* 147* 141* 133* 127* 120* 114* 107* 34
36 154 148* 141* 133* 126* 119* 113* 107* 36
38 145 143 141 133* 126* 119* 113* 106* 38
40 137 135 133 130 126* 119* 112* 106* 40
44 123 121 119 117 115 113 111* 105* 44
48 112 109 108 105 104 102 100 98.3 48
52 110 108 106 104 94.8 92.7 90.9 88.9 52
56 101 99.3 97.5 95.3 94.0 91.9 90.2 80.7 56
60 93.6 91.5 89.7 87.6 86.4 84.3 82.6 80.6 60
64 86.6 84.5 82.8 80.8 79.6 77.6 76.0 74.0 64
68 80.3 78.3 76.7 74.7 73.5 71.6 70.0 68.1 68
72 74.6 72.6 71.1 69.2 68.1 66.2 64.7 62.8 72
76 69.4 67.5 66.0 64.2 63.1 61.3 59.8 58.0 76
80 71.2 69.3 61.4 59.6 58.6 56.8 55.4 53.6 80
84 66.5 64.8 63.3 61.6 54.4 52.7 51.3 49.5 84
88 62.2 60.5 59.1 57.4 56.5 54.8 47.5 45.8 88
92 58.2 56.5 55.2 53.5 52.7 51.0 49.7 48.0 92
96 54.3 52.8 51.5 49.9 49.1 47.5 46.2 44.5 96
100 50.7 49.2 48.1 46.5 45.7 44.2 42.9 41.3 100
104 53.3 51.8 44.8 43.2 42.6 41.0 39.8 38.3 104
108 49.8 48.4 47.3 45.9 39.5 38.1 36.9 35.4 108
112 46.4 45.1 44.1 42.7 42.1 35.2 34.1 32.7 112
116 43.2 42.0 41.1 39.7 39.2 37.8 36.8 30.0 116
120 46.0 38.9 38.1 36.8 36.4 35.0 34.0 32.7 120
124 42.7 41.7 35.2 34.0 33.6 32.4 31.4 30.1 124
128 39.5 38.6 37.9 36.8 31.0 29.8 28.9 27.6 128
132 36.3 35.5 35.0 33.9 33.7 27.2 26.4 25.2 132
136 32.0 31.1 31.0 29.9 29.2 22.8 136
140 28.3 27.3 26.7 25.6 140
144 24.7 24.1 23.1 144
148 20.7 148

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_9 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_9 3/3

Boom length 144~165m Jib length12m Boom to jib angle20° Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 Radius
(m) (m)
20 120* 20
22 117* 117* 118* 117* 118* 117* 112* 107* 22
24 115* 116* 115* 116* 116* 116* 112* 108* 24
26 113* 113* 113* 113* 114* 113* 114* 108* 26
28 110* 110* 111* 111* 111* 112* 112* 108* 28
30 108* 109* 108* 109* 110* 110* 110* 108* 30
32 106* 106* 106* 108* 108* 107* 108* 107* 32
34 104* 104* 105* 106* 106* 106* 106* 106* 34
36 102* 102* 102* 104* 103* 104* 104* 104* 36
38 99.9* 100* 100* 102* 102* 102* 102* 102* 38
40 97.9* 97.9* 98.3* 99.3* 99.9* 100* 101* 101* 40
44 94.7* 94.8* 95.4* 95.8* 96.5* 96.9* 97.4* 97.4* 44
48 90.7* 91.7* 91.6* 93.1* 93.2* 93.9* 94.2* 94.3* 48
52 88.3* 88.6* 88.6* 90.3* 90.4* 90.6* 91.0* 89.2 52
56 85.1* 85.5* 86.2* 86.8* 87.9* 87.9* 83.1 81.1 56
60 82.7* 83.1* 83.2* 84.7* 84.9* 84.6 82.9 80.9 60
64 80.2* 80.7* 80.8* 81.0 79.8 77.9 76.3 74.3 64
68 78.0* 78.3* 76.9 74.9 73.8 71.9 70.3 68.4 68
72 74.8 72.9 71.3 69.4 68.3 66.5 64.9 63.1 72
76 69.6 67.7 66.3 64.4 63.4 61.5 60.1 58.3 76
80 71.4 63.0 61.6 59.8 58.8 57.1 55.6 53.9 80
84 66.8 65.0 63.6 55.6 54.7 52.9 51.5 49.8 84
88 62.4 60.7 59.4 57.6 56.7 55.0 47.8 46.1 88
92 58.4 56.7 55.4 53.8 52.9 51.2 49.9 48.2 92
96 54.6 53.0 51.8 50.1 49.3 47.7 46.4 44.8 96
100 51.0 49.4 48.3 46.7 46.0 44.4 43.2 41.6 100
104 53.5 46.1 45.0 43.5 42.8 41.3 40.1 38.5 104
108 50.0 48.6 47.5 40.4 39.8 38.3 37.1 35.6 108
112 46.6 45.3 44.3 42.9 42.4 35.4 34.3 32.9 112
116 43.4 42.2 41.3 39.9 39.4 38.0 37.0 30.3 116
120 40.3 39.1 38.3 37.0 36.6 35.2 34.3 32.9 120
124 42.9 41.8 35.4 34.2 33.8 32.6 31.6 30.3 124
128 39.7 38.7 38.1 37.0 31.2 30.0 29.1 27.8 128
132 36.5 35.7 35.1 34.1 33.9 27.4 26.6 25.4 132
136 32.2 31.3 31.1 30.1 29.4 23.0 136
140 28.5 28.4 27.5 26.8 25.7 140
144 24.9 24.3 23.3 144
148 20.9 148

Quality Changes the World

98 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in HJFJDB_SY3

Boom combination in HJFJDB_SY3

Power boom insert Boom insert
length (m) 12mA 12mB 12mC 12mD 3m 6m 12mB 12mC 12mD 12mE

165 - - 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 - Fixed jib

168 - - 2 3 - 2 2 2 1 1 12m

Note: The 10.5m boom base section, 3m super boom lower transition section, 3m super boom upper transition section, 12m
power boom upper transition section,12m boom transition section, 6m tapered section and 7.5m jib top are must.
The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the boom length of 165m-168m in this working condition, otherwise, the
boom system may be broken.

HJFJDB_SY3 168+12

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

HJFJDB-SY3 working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)


16 165
16 8+12
5+ 160

22000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

100 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_SY3 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_SY3 1/3

Boom length 165-171m, Jib length 12m, Boom to jib angle 10°, Superlift Radius 22m, Superlift counterweight 390t,
Rear counterweight 230t, Carbody counterweight 90t
Radius (m) 165 168 Radius (m)
20 121* 111* 20
22 120* 110* 22
24 119* 109* 24
26 118* 108* 26
28 118* 108* 28
30 117* 107* 30
32 116* 106* 32
34 115* 106* 34
36 115* 105* 36
38 114* 104* 38
40 114* 103* 40
44 112* 102* 44
48 105 101* 48
52 103 99.1* 52
56 95.1 94.3 56
60 87.6 86.8 60
64 81.0 80.2 64
68 75.0 74.3 68
72 69.6 69.0 72
76 64.7 64.2 76
80 60.3 59.7 80
84 62.3 61.8 84
88 58.3 57.8 88
92 54.6 54.1 92
96 51.0 50.7 96
100 47.7 47.4 100
104 44.6 44.4 104
108 47.4 41.4 108
112 44.4 44.2 112
116 41.5 41.4 116
120 38.8 38.7 120
124 36.1 36.1 124
128 33.5 33.6 128
132 35.0 35.2 132
136 32.2 32.5 136
140 29.6 29.9 140
144 27.1 27.4 144
148 24.8 25.0 148
152 22.6 22.8 152
156 20.4 20.7 156
160 160

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_SY3 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_SY3 2/3

Boom length 165-171m, Jib length 12m, Boom to jib angle 15°, Superlift Radius 22m, Superlift counterweight 390t,
Rear counterweight 230t, Carbody counterweight 90t
Radius (m) 165 168 Radius (m)
22 119* 110* 22
24 119* 109* 24
26 118* 108* 26
28 117* 107* 28
30 116* 107* 30
32 116* 106* 32
34 115* 105* 34
36 115* 105* 36
38 114* 104* 38
40 113* 103* 40
44 112* 102* 44
48 105 101* 48
52 104 99.4* 52
56 95.4 94.5 56
60 87.8 87.0 60
64 81.2 80.4 64
68 75.2 74.5 68
72 69.9 69.2 72
76 65.0 64.4 76
80 60.5 60.0 80
84 62.6 55.9 84
88 58.5 58.1 88
92 54.8 54.4 92
96 51.3 50.9 96
100 48.0 47.7 100
104 44.8 44.6 104
108 41.9 41.7 108
112 44.6 44.4 112
116 41.7 41.6 116
120 39.0 38.9 120
124 36.3 36.3 124
128 33.8 33.8 128
132 35.3 35.5 132
136 32.5 32.7 136
140 29.8 30.1 140
144 27.3 27.6 144
148 25.0 25.2 148
152 22.7 22.9 152
156 20.6 20.8 156
160 160

Quality Changes the World

102 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of HJFJDB_SY3 Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - HJFJDB_SY3 3/3

Boom length 165-171m, Jib length 12m, Boom to jib angle 20°, Superlift Radius 22m, Superlift counterweight 390t,
Rear counterweight 230t, Carbody counterweight 90t
Radius (m) 165 168 Radius (m)
22 118* 109* 22
24 117* 108* 24
26 115* 107* 26
28 113* 107* 28
30 111* 106* 30
32 109* 106* 32
34 107* 105* 34
36 105* 104* 36
38 103* 103* 38
40 101* 101* 40
44 98.0* 98.0* 44
48 94.6* 94.7* 48
52 91.8* 91.9* 52
56 89.1* 89.2* 56
60 86.4* 86.6* 60
64 81.4 80.6 64
68 75.5 74.8 68
72 70.1 69.4 72
76 65.2 64.6 76
80 60.7 60.2 80
84 62.8 56.1 84
88 58.8 58.3 88
92 55.0 54.6 92
96 51.5 51.1 96
100 48.2 47.9 100
104 45.1 44.8 104
108 42.1 41.9 108
112 44.8 44.6 112
116 41.9 41.8 116
120 39.2 39.1 120
124 36.5 36.5 124
128 33.9 34.0 128
132 35.5 35.7 132
136 32.7 32.9 136
140 30.0 30.2 140
144 27.5 27.7 144
148 25.1 25.3 148
152 22.8 23.1 152
156 20.7 20.9 156
160 18.9 160

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in LJ

Boom combination in LJ
Boom insert Jib insert
length(m) 12m 6m 12m

24 - - -
30 - 1 -
36 1 - -
42 1 1 -
48 1 2 -
54 1 1 1
60 1 2 1
66 1 1 2
72 1 2 2
78 1 1 3
84 1 2 3
90* 1 1 4
96* 1 2 4

The boom is the same as H Configuration; jib base, 6m tapered section
and Jib top are must. The mid-point suspension cable must be used for the
boom length with the symbol "*" in this working condition, otherwise, the
boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

104 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

LJ working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)





























0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

LJ(30-60+24-72m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 1/6

Boom length 30m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
14 323 321 14
16 280 278 272 16
18 247 245 241 234 18
20 221 219 217 210 204 20
22 199 198 195 191 185 181 175 22
24 181 180 178 175 170 165 161 157 24
26 166 165 163 161 156 152 148 145 140 26
28 153 152 150 149 145 141 137 134 131 114 28
30 141 139 138 135 131 128 125 122 112 94.1 30
32 130 129 127 126 123 119 117 114 110 92.6 87.6 32
34 119 118 117 115 112 109 106 104 91 86.8 73.5 34
36 111 110 109 108 105 103 100 97.7 89.5 85.9 72.7 36
38 103 103 101 100 99.1 97 94.2 92 88 85 71.9 38
40 96 94.9 94 92.7 91.6 88.9 86.9 84.3 82.2 71 40
44 84.9 83.9 83.1 81.9 81.1 79.8 77.9 75.4 73.5 69.4 44
48 74.9 74.1 72.9 72.2 70.9 70.1 68 66.2 63.9 48
52 66.6 65.5 64.8 63.5 62.8 61.5 59.9 57.7 52
56 60.1 59.1 58.5 57.3 56.5 55.2 54.3 52.3 56
60 53.6 53 51.8 51.1 49.8 49 47.6 60
64 48.3 47.1 46.4 45.2 44.3 43.1 64
68 44 43 42.3 41.1 40.2 39 68
72 39.2 38.6 37.4 36.6 35.4 72
76 35.3 34.2 33.4 32.2 76
80 32.3 31.2 30.5 29.3 80
84 28.5 27.8 26.6 84
88 25.4 24.2 88
92 22.1 92
96 20 96

Quality Changes the World

106 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 2/6

Boom length 36m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
14 320 310 14
16 278 272 262 16
18 245 241 233 226 18
20 219 217 210 204 198 20
22 198 196 191 185 180 175 22
24 180 179 175 170 165 161 156 24
26 165 164 161 156 152 148 144 141 133 26
28 152 151 149 145 141 138 134 131 127 109 28
30 140 138 135 131 128 125 122 118 108 90.7 30
32 129 128 126 123 120 116 114 111 106 89.4 83.9 32
34 120 119 117 115 112 109 107 104 101 88 83.2 70.5 34
36 110 109 108 106 103 100 97.4 95.2 86.7 82.5 69.9 36
38 103 102 101 99.7 96.8 94.6 91.8 89.7 85.3 81.7 69.2 38
40 96.4 95.6 94.5 93.5 91.5 89.4 86.7 84.7 82.1 80 68.4 40
44 84.5 83.5 82.7 81.4 80.3 77.8 76 73.5 71.6 67 44
48 74.5 73.8 72.5 71.8 70.3 68.6 66.2 64.5 62.2 48
52 66.3 65.1 64.4 63.2 62.2 60 58.3 56.2 52
56 59.8 58.8 58.2 56.9 56.1 54.6 53 50.9 56
60 53.3 52.7 51.5 50.8 49.5 48.3 46.3 60
64 48 46.8 46.1 44.9 44 42.2 64
68 43.8 42.7 42 40.8 39.9 38.6 68
72 39 38.4 37.1 36.3 35.1 72
76 35.1 33.9 33.1 31.9 76
80 32.1 31 30.2 29 80
84 28.3 27.6 26.4 84
88 25.2 24 88
92 23 21.8 92
96 19.8 96

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 3/6

Boom length 42m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
14 309 14
16 270 261 16
18 241 233 225 218 18
20 216 210 203 197 191 20
22 196 191 185 179 174 170 22
24 178 175 169 165 160 156 151 24
26 163 161 156 152 148 144 140 137 26
28 150 150 145 141 137 134 130 127 123 28
30 139 135 131 128 124 121 118 115 103 87 30
32 129 126 123 119 116 113 111 107 102 85.9 80 32
34 119 118 115 112 109 106 104 101 98.3 84.7 79.4 67.4 34
36 110 109 105 103 99.9 97.6 94.7 92.4 83.5 78.8 66.8 36
38 102 101 99.6 97.1 94.2 92 89.3 87.1 82.4 78.2 66.4 38
40 95.8 95 93.8 91.8 89.1 87 84.3 82.3 79.7 77.6 65.8 40
44 84 83 82.1 80.1 78.2 75.7 73.8 71.4 69.5 64.6 44
48 74 73.2 72 70.8 68.4 66.7 64.3 62.6 60.3 48
52 66.4 65.8 64.6 63.9 62.2 60.5 58.3 56.6 54.4 52
56 59.4 58.3 57.7 56.4 55.2 53 51.4 49.3 56
60 52.9 52.3 51.1 50.3 48.4 46.9 44.9 60
64 47.6 46.4 45.7 44.3 42.9 40.9 64
68 43.4 42.3 41.6 40.4 39.3 37.3 68
72 38.7 38 36.8 36 34.2 72
76 34.8 33.6 32.8 31.3 76
80 31.8 30.7 29.9 28.7 80
84 28 27.3 26.1 84
88 24.9 23.7 88
92 22.7 21.6 92
96 19.6 96

Quality Changes the World

108 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 4/6

Boom length 48m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 260 252 16
18 232 225 217 18
20 209 203 196 191 20
22 191 185 179 174 169 164 22
24 175 170 164 160 155 151 147 24
26 162 157 152 148 143 140 136 132 26
28 149 146 141 137 133 130 126 123 118 28
30 136 131 128 124 121 117 115 111 98.1 30
32 127 123 120 116 113 110 107 104 97.1 82 75.9 32
34 118 116 112 109 106 103 101 97.8 95.5 81 75.4 64.3 34
36 109 106 103 100 97.1 94.9 92 89.8 80 74.9 63.8 36
38 102 100 97 94.5 91.7 89.5 86.8 84.7 79 74.4 63.3 38
40 95.2 94.3 91.8 89.4 86.7 84.6 82 80 77.4 73.8 62.8 40
44 83.4 82.3 80.6 78 76.1 73.6 71.8 69.3 67.4 61.7 44
48 73.5 72.7 70.7 68.9 66.5 64.8 62.5 60.7 58.5 48
52 66 65.3 64.1 62.7 60.5 58.8 56.6 54.9 52.7 52
56 59 57.9 57.2 55.2 53.6 51.5 49.9 47.8 56
60 52.5 51.9 50.6 49.1 47 45.4 43.4 60
64 47.7 47.2 46 45 43 41.5 39.5 64
68 43.1 41.9 41.2 39.5 38 36.1 68
72 38.3 37.6 36.3 34.9 33 72
76 34.4 33.2 32.1 30.2 76
80 31.5 30.3 29.5 27.7 80
84 27.7 26.9 25.4 84
88 24.6 23.2 88
92 22.4 21.2 92
96 19.3 96

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 5/6

Boom length 54m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 251 242 16
18 224 217 210 18
20 202 196 190 184 20
22 185 179 173 168 163 22
24 169 165 159 155 150 146 142 24
26 157 152 147 143 139 135 131 128 26
28 146 141 137 133 129 126 122 119 111 28
30 136 132 128 124 120 117 114 111 108 92.7 30
32 124 120 116 113 110 107 104 101 91.9 77.9 32
34 117 112 109 106 103 100 97.8 94.8 90.9 77.1 71.4 34
36 106 103 99.8 97.3 94.3 92.1 89.2 87.0 76.2 70.9 60.4 36
38 100 97.3 94.3 91.8 89.0 86.9 84.2 82.1 75.3 70.5 60.0 38
40 94.5 92.2 89.3 86.9 84.2 82.2 79.5 77.5 74.4 70.0 59.6 40
44 82.8 80.6 78.4 75.8 73.9 71.4 69.6 67.2 65.3 58.6 44
48 72.9 71.1 68.7 66.9 64.6 62.8 60.5 58.8 56.5 48
52 65.4 64.7 62.6 60.9 58.7 57.0 54.8 53.1 51.0 52
56 58.5 57.3 55.7 53.6 52.0 49.8 48.2 46.1 56
60 52.0 51.2 49.1 47.6 45.5 43.9 41.9 60
64 47.3 46.7 45.1 43.6 41.6 40.1 38.1 64
68 42.6 41.5 40.2 38.2 36.7 34.8 68
72 37.9 37.0 35.1 33.7 31.8 72
76 34.6 34.0 32.3 30.9 29.0 76
80 31.1 29.8 28.4 26.6 80
84 27.3 26.1 24.3 84
88 24.9 24.1 22.2 88
92 22.1 20.4 92
96 18.6 96

Quality Changes the World

110 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJ 6/6

Boom length 60m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~72m Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Radius(m)
16 241 233 16
18 216 209 202 18
20 195 190 183 178 20
22 178 173 167 163 158 22
24 164 159 154 150 145 141 24
26 152 147 143 138 134 131 127 26
28 141 137 133 129 125 122 118 115 103 28
30 132 128 124 120 117 114 110 108 102 30
32 120 116 113 109 107 103 101 97.7 32
34 113 109 106 103 100 97.1 94.7 91.8 34
36 107 103 99.9 96.9 94.3 91.4 89.2 86.4 36
38 97.5 94.5 91.6 89.1 86.3 84.2 81.5 38
40 92.5 89.5 86.7 84.4 81.7 79.7 77 40
44 81 78.3 76.1 73.5 71.7 69.2 44
48 73.1 71.2 69.1 66.6 64.9 62.5 48
52 64.8 63.1 60.7 59.1 56.8 52
56 57.9 55.6 54 51.8 56
60 51.1 49.6 47.5 60
64 46.8 45.7 43.6 64
68 42.2 40.2 68
72 37.1 72
76 34.2 76

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Boom combination in LJDB

Boom combination in LJDB

Boom insert Jib insert
length(m) 12m 6m 12m

24 - - -
30 - 1 -
36 1 - -
42 1 1 -
48 1 2 -
54 1 1 1
60 1 2 1
66 1 1 2
72 1 2 2
78 1 1 3
84 1 2 3
90* 1 1 4
96* 1 2 4

Note:The boom is the same as HDB Configuration; jib base, 6m tapered

section and Jib top are must. The mid-point suspension cable must be
used for the boom length with the symbol "*" in this working condition,
otherwise, the boom system may be broken.


Quality Changes the World

112 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

LJDB working radius diagram

Lifting height (m)



J8 160































0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

LJDB(42-99+24-96m) Radius (m)

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 1/11

Boom length 42m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
14 384* 14
16 362* 378* 16
18 331* 355* 369* 18
20 302* 329* 352* 339* 280* 20
22 281* 307* 328 328 279* 232* 22
24 263* 277 290 289 277* 231* 191* 24
26 241 249 259 258 258 229* 190* 157* 26
28 218 225 233 233 233 227* 188* 156* 130* 28
30 205 212 212 212 211 187* 155* 129* 107* 30
32 189 194 194 194 193 185* 153* 127* 106* 88.4* 32
34 174 178 178 178 178 177 152* 126* 104* 87.1* 81.4* 68.9* 34
36 164 165 165 164 163 150* 124* 103* 85.9* 80.7* 68.2* 36
38 152 153 153 152 152 148* 123* 102* 84.6* 80.0* 67.6* 38
40 141 142 142 142 141 141 122* 100* 83.4* 79.3* 66.9* 40
44 124 125 124 124 124 118* 97.4* 80.9* 77.8* 65.6* 44
48 110 110 110 110 109 94.7* 78.4* 76.4* 64.2* 48
52 97.6 98.4 98.1 98.1 97.3 89.6* 76.2* 74.9* 62.9* 52
56 87.9 88.0 88.1 87.4 82.3* 71.9* 73.5* 61.5* 56
60 79.2 79.5 78.8 75.2* 65.1* 72.1* 60.2* 60
64 71.9 71.4 68.6* 59.3* 69.7 59.0* 64
68 65.1 64.8 62.3* 53.2* 63.3 57.8* 68
72 58.9 56.4* 48.1* 57.6 56.6* 72
76 51.6* 43.4* 52.5 51.5 76
80 47.9* 39.0* 48.0 47.0 80
84 35.4* 43.9 42.9 84
88 40.0 39.2 88
92 36.4 35.8 92
96 32.5 96

Quality Changes the World

114 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 2/11

Boom length 48m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 367* 368* 16
18 336* 360* 359* 18
20 308* 333* 352* 307* 20
22 284* 311* 332* 305* 256* 22
24 266* 286 301 303* 254* 214* 178* 24
26 248 256 269 270 252* 213* 178* 148* 26
28 224 231 243 244 245 211* 176* 147* 123* 28
30 210 221 222 223 209* 175* 146* 122* 102* 30
32 193 203 204 204 207* 174* 145* 121* 101* 84.8* 32
34 178 187 188 188 192 172* 144* 120* 99.9* 83.7* 77.6* 34
36 173 174 174 178 171* 142* 119* 98.8* 82.7* 77.1* 65.3* 36
38 162 162 162 166 165 141* 118* 97.6* 81.6* 76.5* 64.7* 38
40 151 152 152 155 154 140* 117* 96.4* 80.5* 75.9* 64.2* 40
44 134 134 136 135 135 114* 94.0* 78.3* 74.7* 63.0* 44
48 119 120 120 119 111* 91.6* 76.3* 73.6* 61.8* 48
52 107 107 107 107 103* 89.3* 74.1* 72.3* 60.6* 52
56 96.4 96.3 96.4 95.0* 82.7* 71.6* 71.1* 59.4* 56
60 86.9 87.1 86.4 75.9* 65.8* 69.8* 58.3* 60
64 78.4 79.0 78.4 69.0* 59.4* 68.6* 57.1* 64
68 71.8 71.4 62.8* 53.8* 67.4* 56.0* 68
72 65.0 57.5* 48.5* 63.6 54.9* 72
76 52.0* 43.8* 58.2 54.0* 76
80 48.3* 39.5* 53.3 52.3 80
84 36.0* 48.9 48.0 84
88 44.9 44.0 88
92 41.1 40.3 92
96 36.9 96

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 3/11

Boom length 54m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 372* 362* 16
18 340* 362* 330* 18
20 313* 336* 327* 278* 20
22 289* 315* 323* 276* 234* 22
24 270* 295* 310 273* 232* 197* 24
26 253* 263 276 270* 231* 196* 165* 26
28 229 237 249 250 228* 195* 164* 138* 117* 28
30 208 215 226 227 226* 193* 163* 138* 116* 97.1* 30
32 197 207 208 209 192* 162* 137* 115* 96.3* 81.0* 32
34 182 191 192 192 189* 161* 136* 114* 95.4* 80.2* 74.0* 34
36 177 177 178 182 159* 134* 113* 94.4* 79.3* 73.6* 62.2* 36
38 164 165 165 169 158* 133* 112* 93.4* 78.3* 73.1* 61.7* 38
40 154 154 154 158 156* 132* 111* 92.4* 77.6* 72.6* 61.3* 40
44 136 136 139 138 129* 109* 90.3* 75.7* 71.6* 60.3* 44
48 121 123 122 122 106* 88.2* 73.7* 70.5* 59.3* 48
52 109 109 109 109 103* 86.1* 71.8* 69.4* 58.2* 52
56 98.2 98.1 98.1 94.8* 83.5* 69.8* 68.2* 57.1* 56
60 88.4 88.7 87.7* 76.5* 66.1* 67.1* 56.1* 60
64 79.8 80.4 79.8 69.8* 60.0* 65.9* 55.2* 64
68 73.0 72.6 63.2* 54.2* 64.8* 54.2* 68
72 66.2 57.5* 49.3* 63.7* 53.2* 72
76 60.2 52.9* 44.1* 59.2 52.2* 76
80 48.5* 39.9* 54.2 51.3* 80
84 36.4* 49.8 48.8 84
88 28.2* 45.6 44.8 88
92 41.8 41.0 92
96 37.6 96

Quality Changes the World

116 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 4/11

Boom length 60m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 367* 16
18 346* 338* 292* 18
20 317* 333* 292* 251* 20
22 293* 317* 288* 249* 213* 22
24 273* 297* 283* 246* 212* 181* 24
26 257* 271 277* 243* 210* 180* 153* 26
28 235 243 256 239* 208* 179* 152* 130* 28
30 214 221 232 233 205* 178* 151* 129* 109* 30
32 202 212 213 202* 176* 150* 128* 109* 91.3* 32
34 185 195 196 196 174* 149* 127* 108* 90.5* 76.6* 70.0* 34
36 172 180 181 181 171* 148* 126* 107* 89.8* 75.8* 69.7* 59.1* 36
38 168 168 169 169* 146* 125* 106* 88.9* 75.0* 69.3* 58.7* 38
40 156 157 157 160 145* 124* 105* 88.0* 74.2* 68.9* 58.3* 40
44 138 138 141 140 121* 103* 86.2* 72.5* 68.0* 57.5* 44
48 123 123 125 124 119* 101* 84.3* 70.8* 67.1* 56.6* 48
52 110 111 111 111 98.4* 82.4* 69.1* 66.1* 55.7* 52
56 99.9 99.8 99.8 94.6* 80.6* 67.3* 65.0* 54.8* 56
60 89.9 90.1 87.2* 76.6* 65.6* 64.0* 53.8* 60
64 81.1 81.7 81.0 70.1* 60.8* 62.9* 52.8* 64
68 74.2 73.7 64.0* 55.1* 61.9* 51.9* 68
72 67.2 58.5* 49.7* 60.8* 51.0* 72
76 61.2 53.2* 44.7* 59.8* 50.1* 76
80 48.9* 40.5* 55.1 49.2* 80
84 36.6* 50.5 48.4* 84
88 33.4* 46.3 45.5 88
92 42.4 41.7 92
96 38.2 96
100 34.6* 100

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 5/11

Boom length 66m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
16 346* 16
18 338* 292* 18
20 320* 287* 253* 20
22 297* 281* 250* 217* 22
24 277* 274* 245* 215* 186* 161* 24
26 259* 267* 240* 212* 185* 161* 138* 26
28 242 250 234* 208* 183* 159* 137* 118* 28
30 219 226 228* 204* 180* 158* 136* 117* 99.8* 30
32 206 217 200* 177* 156* 135* 116* 99.3* 84.4* 32
34 189 199 195* 174* 154* 134* 116* 98.6* 83.8* 71.0* 34
36 175 184 185 171* 152* 133* 115* 97.9* 83.2* 70.4* 64.2* 36
38 171 171 168* 150* 131* 114* 97.1* 82.5* 69.8* 63.9* 54.2* 38
40 159 160 160 148* 130* 112* 96.2* 81.8* 69.2* 63.6* 53.9* 40
44 140 140 143* 126* 110* 94.4* 80.2* 67.8* 62.8* 53.3* 44
48 125 125 127 122* 107* 92.4* 78.6* 66.3* 62.0* 52.5* 48
52 112 113 113 105* 90.5* 76.9* 64.8* 61.3* 51.7* 52
56 101 101 101 88.4* 75.1* 63.2* 60.3* 50.9* 56
60 90.9 91.3 91.5 86.3* 73.4* 61.7* 59.4* 50.0* 60
64 82.4 82.9 81.0* 70.5* 60.3* 58.4* 49.2* 64
68 75.3 74.8 64.3* 55.3* 57.4* 48.3* 68
72 67.6* 59.0* 50.2* 56.4* 47.4* 72
76 60.2* 54.0* 45.3* 55.4* 46.7* 76
80 49.2* 40.7* 53.0* 45.9* 80
84 36.9* 47.4* 45.1* 84
88 33.9* 42.6* 41.6* 88
92 38.4* 37.6* 92
96 33.8* 96
100 30.2* 100

Quality Changes the World

118 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 6/11

Boom length 72m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
18 299* 260* 18
20 291* 256* 226* 20
22 282* 250* 223* 196* 22
24 273* 244* 219* 193* 169* 24
26 261* 237* 214* 190* 167* 146* 26
28 248* 230* 208* 187* 165* 145* 126* 109* 28
30 225 223* 203* 183* 163* 144* 125* 108* 93.0* 30
32 211 198* 179* 160* 142* 124* 108* 92.5* 79.0* 32
34 194 192* 175* 157* 140* 123* 107* 91.9* 78.5* 66.7* 34
36 179 187* 171* 154* 138* 121* 106* 91.2* 77.9* 66.2* 60.1* 36
38 174 167* 151* 136* 120* 105* 90.5* 77.3* 65.7* 59.9* 50.7* 38
40 162 163* 148* 133* 118* 104* 89.7* 76.7* 65.1* 59.6* 50.5* 40
44 143 142* 129* 115* 101* 87.9* 75.2* 64.0* 59.0* 50.0* 44
48 127 127 124* 111* 98.8* 86.0* 73.7* 62.7* 58.2* 49.4* 48
52 113 115 107* 96.1* 83.9* 72.1* 61.3* 57.3* 48.6* 52
56 103 103* 93.3* 81.8* 70.4* 59.9* 56.4* 47.9* 56
60 90.0* 91.0* 90.0* 79.6* 68.7* 58.4* 55.4* 47.0* 60
64 79.4* 79.6* 77.5* 67.0* 57.0* 54.4* 46.2* 64
68 70.6* 70.0* 64.5* 55.6* 53.4* 45.3* 68
72 62.0* 61.8* 59.4* 50.4* 52.4* 44.5* 72
76 54.6* 53.9* 45.7* 51.4* 43.6* 76
80 48.6* 41.2* 48.0* 42.8* 80
84 37.6* 42.8* 41.8* 84
88 34.2* 38.2* 37.4* 88
92 34.4* 33.6* 92
96 30.0* 96
100 26.6* 100

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 7/11

Boom length 78m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
18 257* 221* 18
20 250* 221* 196* 20
22 242* 216* 193* 170* 22
24 234* 211* 189* 168* 148* 24
26 226* 205* 185* 165* 146* 129* 26
28 219* 199* 181* 162* 144* 128* 112* 28
30 212* 193* 176* 159* 142* 126* 111* 96.8* 30
32 206* 187* 171* 155* 140* 125* 110* 96.1* 83.1* 71.6* 32
34 182* 166* 152* 137* 123* 109* 95.3* 82.5* 71.2* 60.8* 34
36 177* 162* 148* 134* 121* 107* 94.4* 81.9* 70.7* 60.4* 54.4* 36
38 169 157* 144* 131* 119* 106* 93.4* 81.2* 70.2* 59.9* 54.2* 46.0* 38
40 153* 141* 128* 116* 104* 92.3* 80.4* 69.6* 59.4* 53.9* 45.7* 40
44 134* 123* 112* 101* 89.9* 78.6* 68.2* 58.3* 53.3* 45.2* 44
48 128* 117* 108* 97.3* 87.3* 76.7* 66.8* 57.1* 52.6* 44.6* 48
52 110* 103* 93.9* 84.7* 74.7* 65.2* 55.9* 51.7* 43.9* 52
56 95.6* 90.4* 82.0* 72.8* 63.6* 54.5* 50.8* 43.2* 56
60 83.6* 83.0* 79.3* 70.7* 62.0* 53.2* 49.8* 42.5* 60
64 73.0* 73.0* 68.6* 60.3* 51.9* 48.8* 41.6* 64
68 64.6* 64.0* 58.7* 50.6* 47.7* 40.8* 68
72 56.8* 56.6* 56.2* 49.2* 46.7* 39.9* 72
76 50.2* 49.8* 46.2* 45.6* 39.0* 76
80 44.4* 41.9* 42.8* 38.1* 80
84 39.4* 37.9* 38.6* 37.2* 84
88 34.1* 34.4* 33.0* 88
92 30.4* 29.6* 92
96 26.4* 96
100 23.2* 100

Quality Changes the World

120 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 8/11

Boom length 84m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
18 228* 18
20 222* 197* 20
22 216* 193* 173* 153* 22
24 209* 188* 169* 151* 133* 24
26 202* 183* 165* 148* 132* 117* 26
28 195* 177* 161* 145* 130* 116* 101* 28
30 189* 172* 157* 142* 128* 114* 101* 88.3* 30
32 183* 167* 152* 139* 125* 113* 99.4* 87.6* 76.2* 32
34 162* 148* 135* 123* 111* 98.2* 86.8* 75.7* 65.5* 34
36 157* 144* 132* 120* 109* 96.8* 85.9* 75.1* 65.1* 55.8* 49.9* 36
38 154* 140* 129* 118* 107* 95.4* 84.8* 74.3* 64.5* 55.4* 49.7* 42.2* 38
40 136* 125* 115* 105* 93.8* 83.7* 73.5* 64.0* 55.0* 49.5* 42.0* 40
44 130* 119* 110* 100* 90.6* 81.3* 71.8* 62.6* 53.9* 48.8* 41.5* 44
48 114* 105* 96.1* 87.2* 79.0* 69.9* 61.2* 52.8* 48.1* 40.9* 48
52 99.9* 92.0* 83.8* 76.3* 67.8* 59.6* 51.5* 47.2* 40.2* 52
56 88.2* 80.6* 73.7* 65.7* 58.0* 50.2* 46.2* 39.5* 56
60 78.0* 77.2* 71.1* 63.6* 56.5* 48.9* 45.3* 38.6* 60
64 67.8* 67.4* 61.5* 54.8* 47.5* 44.2* 37.8* 64
68 60.0* 58.6* 53.2* 46.1* 43.1* 37.0* 68
72 52.6* 52.4* 51.4* 44.8* 42.0* 36.1* 72
76 45.8* 46.0* 43.6* 40.8* 35.1* 76
80 40.4* 39.4* 39.0* 34.2* 80
84 36.0* 35.2* 34.6* 33.3* 84
88 31.2* 30.8* 29.8* 88
92 27.2* 26.2* 92
96 24.2* 23.2* 96
100 20.4* 100

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 9/11

Boom length 90m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
18 193* 18
20 189* 168* 20
22 183* 164* 147* 22
24 178* 160* 144* 129* 24
26 172* 156* 141* 126* 113* 99.8* 26
28 166* 151* 137* 124* 111* 98.8* 87.2* 28
30 161* 147* 134* 121* 109* 97.5* 86.3* 76.2* 30
32 157* 142* 130* 118* 107* 96.0* 85.3* 75.6* 65.9* 32
34 138* 126* 115* 105* 94.3* 84.2* 74.8* 65.4* 56.9* 34
36 134* 123* 112* 102* 92.6* 82.9* 73.9* 64.8* 56.5* 48.6* 36
38 131* 119* 110* 99.8* 90.8* 81.5* 72.9* 64.1* 56.0* 48.2* 42.8* 38
40 116* 107* 97.5* 89.1* 80.1* 71.9* 63.3* 55.5* 47.8* 42.6* 36.1* 40
44 110* 101* 92.9* 85.3* 77.1* 69.6* 61.6* 54.2* 46.8* 41.9* 35.6* 44
48 96.7* 88.5* 81.6* 74.1* 67.2* 59.8* 52.8* 45.7* 41.1* 35.0* 48
52 84.6* 78.1* 71.1* 64.7* 57.8* 51.3* 44.5* 40.3* 34.3* 52
56 81.6* 74.8* 68.2* 62.3* 55.9* 49.7* 43.2* 39.3* 33.6* 56
60 71.8* 65.4* 60.1* 53.9* 48.1* 41.9* 38.3* 32.7* 60
64 62.6* 57.8* 51.9* 46.6* 40.6* 37.2* 31.8* 64
68 55.4* 54.8* 50.0* 45.0* 39.3* 36.1* 30.9* 68
72 48.2* 47.6* 43.5* 38.1* 34.9* 30.0* 72
76 42.0* 41.4* 36.8* 33.9* 29.1* 76
80 36.4* 35.4* 32.8* 28.1* 80
84 32.4* 31.2* 30.4* 27.2* 84
88 27.8* 27.2* 25.8* 88
92 24.0* 22.8* 92
96 21.2* 20.0* 96
100 17.4* 100

Quality Changes the World

122 SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 10/11

Boom length 96m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
20 168* 150* 20
22 164* 147* 131* 22
24 159* 143* 129* 115* 24
26 154* 139* 126* 113* 101* 26
28 149* 135* 123* 111* 99.3* 88.8* 28
30 144* 131* 119* 108* 97.5* 87.5* 77.4* 68.7* 30
32 140* 127* 116* 106* 95.5* 86.1* 76.4* 68.1* 59.3* 32
34 123* 113* 103* 93.5* 84.6* 75.3* 67.3* 58.8* 51.4* 34
36 120* 109* 100* 91.3* 82.9* 74.1* 66.4* 58.2* 51.0* 43.7* 36
38 117* 106* 97.5* 89.1* 81.2* 72.8* 65.5* 57.5* 50.5* 43.4* 38.4* 38
40 103* 94.9* 87.0* 79.4* 71.6* 64.4* 56.7* 50.0* 43.0* 38.1* 32.1* 40
44 98.4* 90.0* 82.7* 75.9* 68.8* 62.2* 55.0* 48.7* 42.1* 37.4* 31.6* 44
48 85.9* 78.7* 72.4* 65.9* 59.9* 53.3* 47.3* 41.0* 36.6* 31.0* 48
52 75.1* 69.1* 63.0* 57.5* 51.4* 45.8* 39.8* 35.7* 30.3* 52
56 72.0* 66.0* 60.3* 55.2* 49.5* 44.2* 38.5* 34.7* 29.5* 56
60 63.3* 57.7* 52.9* 47.6* 42.6* 37.2* 33.6* 28.7* 60
64 55.3* 50.8* 45.7* 41.1* 35.9* 32.5* 27.7* 64
68 51.4* 48.9* 43.9* 39.6* 34.6* 31.4* 26.8* 68
72 44.8* 42.2* 38.1* 33.3* 30.3* 25.9* 72
76 38.8* 36.6* 32.1* 29.1* 24.9* 76
80 34.6* 33.6* 30.9* 28.0* 23.9* 80
84 29.8* 28.6* 26.9* 23.0* 84
88 25.2* 24.4* 22.1* 88
92 21.2* 20.2* 92
96 18.8* 17.6* 96
100 15.2* 100

Quality Changes the World

SCC8000A Crawler Crane
800 Tons Lifting Capacity
Combination of Working Conditions

Unit: t

Load Chart of LJ DB Configuration

SCC8000A Crawler Crane - LJDB 11/11

Boom length 99m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24~96m Superlift Radius 22m Superlift CWT 390t Rear CWT 230t Carbody CWT 90t
Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 Radius(m)
20 159* 139* 20
22 154* 139* 124* 22
24 150* 135* 121* 109* 24
26 145* 132* 119* 107* 95.3* 26
28 140* 128* 116* 105* 93.8* 83.9* 28
30 136* 124* 112* 102* 92.0* 82.6* 73.3* 30
32 132* 120* 109* 99.7* 90.1* 81.3* 72.3* 64.3* 56.2* 32
34 129* 116* 106* 97.2* 88.1* 79.7* 71.3* 63.6* 55.7* 48.6* 34
36 113* 103* 94.6* 86.0* 78.1* 70.0* 62.7* 55.1* 48.2* 41.4* 36
38 110* 100* 92.0* 84.0* 76.5* 68.8* 61.7* 54.4* 47.7* 41.0* 36.2* 38
40 97.3* 89.6* 81.9* 74.8* 67.4* 60.7* 53.6* 47.1* 40.6* 35.9* 30.2* 40
44 92.5* 84.9* 77.8* 71.3* 64.7* 58.5* 51.9* 45.9* 39.6* 35.2* 29.7* 44
48 80.7* 73.9* 68.1* 61.8* 56.3* 50.1* 44.5* 38.5* 34.3* 29.0* 48
52 70.4* 64.9* 59.1* 53.9* 48.2* 43.1* 37.3* 33.4* 28.3* 52
56 67.4* 62.0* 56.4* 51.8* 46.3* 41.5* 36.1* 32.4* 27.5* 56
60 59.3* 53.9* 49.6* 44.4* 39.9* 34.8* 31.3* 26.6* 60
64 51.6* 47.5* 42.6* 38.4* 33.5* 30.2* 25.7* 64
68 49.6* 45.5* 40.9* 36.8* 32.2* 29.0* 24.7* 68
72 43.2* 39.2* 35.3* 30.9* 27.9* 23.8* 72
76 37.0* 34.0* 29.7* 26.8* 22.8* 76
80 33.0* 32.2* 28.5* 25.7* 21.8* 80
84 28.2* 27.0* 24.6* 20.9* 84
88 23.8* 23.0* 19.9* 88
92 20.4* 18.8* 92
96 17.6* 16.4* 96
100 14.2* 100

Quality Changes the World

Zhejiang SANY Equipment Co., Ltd.
SANY Industrial Park, No. 2087 Daishan Road, Wuxing District, Huzhou City,
Zhejiang Province, P. R. of China Zip 313028
After-sales Service 400 887 8318
Consulting 400 887 9318

— Agent information—

Due to updated technology, the technical parameters and configurations are subject to change
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© Printed in February 2020 in China

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