(Felsenfeld & Bilali, 2004 Toniolo, 2005) : History Bank For International Settlement
(Felsenfeld & Bilali, 2004 Toniolo, 2005) : History Bank For International Settlement
(Felsenfeld & Bilali, 2004 Toniolo, 2005) : History Bank For International Settlement
History of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) was founded in 1930, making it
world’s oldest international financial institution and remains the principal center for
international central bank cooperation (Felsenfeld & Bilali, 2004; Toniolo, 2005). On
January 20, 1930, the BIS was established at the Hague Conference (Hague Convention
of 1930) in the context of the Young Plan or Dawes Loans (the international loans issued
to finance reparations) which can dealt with the coordinating settlement of reparation
payment by the German government and its allies after First World War (Felsenfeld &
Bilali, 2004). The primary intention of Bank’s founders’ was to create a focus for
cooperation among central banks. Thus, the BIS act as the bank for central banks to
accept deposits of a portion of the foreign exchange reserves of central banks and invest
them prudently for a yield in market return (Bank for International Settlements Archive
Guide, 2007).
Following the World War II until early 1970s, BIS monetary policy focused on
implementing and defending the Bretton Woods system (BISA Guide, 2007). In the
1970s and 1980s, the focus was on managing cross-border capital flow transactions
following the oil crises and the international debt crisis. The 1970s crisis also brought the
issue of regulatory supervision of internationally active banks to the fore, resulting in the
1988 Basel Capital Accord and its "Basel II " revision of 2001-2006. More recently, the
issue of financial stability in the wake of economic integration and globalization, as
highlighted by the 1997 Asian crisis, has received a lot of attention. Next is relating to the
monetary unification of Europe. BIS was the key meeting place for European central
bankers as they laid the groundwork for monetary union from the mid- 1970s to early
1990s. Since the increase in globalization, deregulation and sophistication of financial
markets have focused the attention of the BIS firmly on the issues related to the
soundness of the international financial architecture and the threats posed by systemic
risks (BISA Guide, 2007).
History of Basel
The Basel Committee on banking supervision (the committee) has been dealing with the
creation of a framework to measure capital adequacy on a multinational scale as a
guideline for an appropriate capital level of internationally active banks (Bieg & Kramer,
2006). It was commenced in respect that a frighteningly low level of the capital which
was held by most banks worldwide. The aim of the Committee was also include that
removing the disadvantages in competition between banks which resulted from different
capital requirements of different states. The results of the Committee’s work were so
called as International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standard, it also
known as Basel Capital Accord, Basel Capital Adequacy Framework or in short Basel I
while it is adoption in July 1988 (Bieg & Kramer, 2006). The implementation of Basel I
became effective as of the year-end 1992. Meanwhile, Basel I has been changed on a
small scale by amendments and revisions that are amendment to the capital accord to
incorporate market risks and also called market risk amendment regarding the treatment
of market risk in January 1996 (Bieg & Kramer, 2006). The changes were necessary
since Basel I just limited only for a bank’s credit risks that will influence losses due to the
reason for a bank’s poor performance. The changes to the Basel I framework made by the
Market Risk Amendment became effective as of year-end 1997.
Due to the capital framework is no longer up-to-date and is effective in reaching the
target of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision so that the Committee published
the first consultative paper concerning Basel II (The New Basel Capital Accord) in
June1999. Interested parties (foremost banks) were given the chance to comment on these
proposals until the end of March 2000. In January 2001, second consultative paper
concerning Basel II was published that contains the revision of the first consultative
paper of 1999 concerning the fundamental adjustment of the capital adequacy framework
of 1988 and took into consideration many comments and suggestions made by banks
within the first comment period (Bieg & Kramer, 2006). In the planned implementation
of Basel II at the year-end of 2004 was postponed until the end of 2006. In order to be
able to include the suggested comments for improvement in the framework, the
Committee decided to postpone the completion of Basel II which should actually have
been adopted at the end of 2001 and to publish a third consultative paper in April 2003
(Bieg & Kramer, 2006). The deadline for the third comment period was 31 July 2003.
Basel III is a work in progress that is far from completion. Basel III is a consultative
document entitled “Strengthening the Resilience of the Banking Sector that was first
promulgated on 17 December 2009 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision at
the BIS [ CITATION Eub10 \l 2052 ]. On December 2010, the Basel Committee released a
near final version of its amendments to Basel II that can be referred to as Basel III
(Eubanks, 2010). This Basel III is entitled “A Global Regulatory Framework for More
Resilient Banks and Banking Systems (Eubanks, 2010). Besides, the Basel Committee
issues a final element of the reforms to raise the quality of regulatory capital on January
13, 2011(Eubanks, 2010).
Indicator of Basel I
Basel I is primarily focus on credit risk which is the risk weighted assets of the bank.
There are three general purposes of Basel I. Basel I is created to promote the
harmonization of regulatory and capital adequacy standards only within the member
states of the Basel Committee, to provide adequate capital to guard against risk in the
creditworthiness of a bank’s loan book and proposes minimum capital requirements for
internationally active banks, and invites sovereign authorities and central banks alike to
be more conservative in their banking regulations. (Balin, 2008)
The Basel I Accord divides itself into four “pillars”. The first pillar is The Constituents of
Capital which define capital in two board terms which is tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital.
(Balin, 2008) Tier 1 capital also known as core capital that are consist of the universally
recognized elements of shareholder’s equity, retained earnings and perpetual preferred
stock. The elements such as asset revaluation reserve, subordinated debt, general loan-
loss reserves and hybrid capital instruments were specified as tier 2 capital. (Fadi Zaher,
The second pillar is Risk Weighting which creates a comprehensive system to risk-weight
a bank’s assets, or in other words, its loan book. In order to allow for different risk
profiles, risk weighted capital are placed into 4 categories. The higher the asset’s credit
risk, the higher their weight. Category 1 (0% weight) consists of riskless assets which are
include cash, claims on central governments and central banks denominated in national
currency and funded in that currency, other claims on OECD countries, central
governments and central banks, claims collateralized by cash of OECD central
government securities or guaranteed by OECD central governments. Category 2 (20%
weight) consist of low risk assets .Securities in this category include multilateral
development bank debt, bank debt created by banks incorporated in the OECD, non-
OECD bank debt with a maturity of less than one year, cash items in collection, and loans
guaranteed by OECD public sector entities. Category 3 (50%) consist of moderate risk
asset which is only includes residential mortgages. Category 4 (100%) consist of high
risk assets. This category include a bank’s claims on the private sector, non-OECD bank
debt with a maturity of more than one year, claims on non-OECD dollar-denominated
debt or Eurobonds, equity assets held by the bank, and all other assets. (Balin, 2008)
Capital adequacy ratio= Total capital (tier 1+ tier 2)
Risk weighted assets
The third pillar is A Target Standard Ratio. Minimum risk-based capital adequacy or
minimum capital requirement which is 8% is specified in Basel I in order to help bank
covers unanticipated losses. This is a universal standard that banks should hold. In order
to lower credit risk, bank should hold minimum requirement of 8% total capital to its
risk-weighted assets ratio. This capital requirement is focus in reducing credit risk. With
higher amount of capital, banks have more to lose if they take on too much risk. Capital
requirements reduce the probability of banks to take excessive risk. Thus make the bank
become more stable. Moreover, Tier 1 capital must cover 4% of a bank’s risk-weighted
assets. This ratio is seen as “minimally adequate” to protect against credit risk in deposit
insurance-backed international banks in all Basel Committee member states. (Balin,
The fourth pillar is Transitional and Implementing Agreements which sets the stage for
the implementation of the Basel Accords. Each country’s central bank is requested to
create strong surveillance and enforcement mechanisms to ensure the Basel Accords are
followed, and “transition weights” are given so that Basel Committee banks can adapt
over a four-year period to the standards of the accord. (Balin, 2008)
The Basel I Capital Accord aimed to reducing the credit risk through the capital
requirement ratio. Although Basel I is successfully issued but most of the people does not
know why they need to follow this requirement, they just follow it blindly. Besides that, a
focus on bank capital at a point in time may not be effectively in indicating whether a
bank is taking on excessive risk in near future. In addition, its over-simplified
calculations, and classifications have simultaneously called for appearance of Basel II
Capital Accord. The introduction of Basel II is to improve Basel I and teach bank how to
manage the risk in order to make the bank become more stable. (Zaher, 2011)
Limitation/Argument of Basel I
The shortcomings of Basel I included its failure to recognize differing credit quality
within the same general asset type as well as its varying the capital charge with the credit
exposure’s legal form, such as whether it is on or off balance sheet and its simplistic
approach to risk transference and credit risk mitigation (Rutledge, 2005). More generally,
Basel I was not structured to keep pace with the rapid rate of financial innovation that we
have seen in internationally active banks (Rutledge, 2005). It clearly has created
incentives for capital arbitrage, with banks able to structure transactions with the primary
goal of minimizing regulatory requirements without a commensurate reduction in risk
(Rutledge, 2005). Similarly, it has resulted in distortions in bank activity, by creating a
tax on certain activities while understating the risk for others (Rutledge, 2005). These
have combined to make the regulatory capital metric less informative to investors,
supervisors and counterparties, and have eroded the principle of adequate risk-based
capitalization that the Basel Accord was designed to promote.
However, Rutledge, 2005 also argued that the weaknesses of the current regulatory
capital framework are much more relevant to the supervision of the largest and most
sophisticated banks than they are generally across the industry. For the vast majority of
the thousands of U.S. banks, the existing regime largely works. In recognition of this,
among other considerations, we expect that in the U.S. most banks will stay on Basel I
while the largest and internationally active banks will adopt the advanced Basel II
approaches (Rutledge, 2005). Besides, the lack of risk sensitivity and incentives for
arbitrage have made Basel I less relevant in our supervision of the largest banks—it is a
benchmark requirement to be met, but not, in practice, a critical discriminating factor as
we judge their financial condition (Rutledge, 2005).
Due to some criticism in Basel I, the committee believes that the revised Framework will
promote the adoption of stronger risk management practices by the banking industry, and
views this as one of its major benefits (BIS, 2004). The reason the committee revise the
1988 Accord is to develop a framework that would further strengthen the soundness and
stability of the international banking system. Basel I only required bank to achieve the
minimum capital adequacy ratio. It only involves the measurement of credit risk and
ignores all the risk that will appear in bank as referring to appendix 1. Basel II goes well
beyond this, allowing some lenders to use their own risk measurement models to
calculate required regulatory capital whilst seeking to ensure that lenders establish a
culture with risk management at the heart of the organization up to the highest managerial
The main difference is that the Basel I accord mainly focused on capital requirements for
banks and in contrast, Basel II adds supervision and market discipline to these capital
requirements through the "Three Pillar" concept (Council of mortgage lenders, 2011).
Indicator of BASEL II
According to commend on Basel II proposal can see that banks and other interested
parties have agree and welcome the three pillars approach. Most of them are totally
support improve capital regulation and risk management practice. 3 pillars in Basel II
which are minimum capital requirements, supervisory review and market discipline.
In Pillar 1, banks are provided a range of options about capital requirements for credit
risk and operational risk. So the supervisors of bank may choose the most appropriate
according their operations and financial market infrastructure (Francis, 2006). In
addition, This framework allows a country to decide where each option can be used in
limited ways, to meet the standards of the domestic market in different conditions. This
revised Framework is more risk sensitive compare to 1988 Accord. Those countries
where risks in the local banking market are high nonetheless need to consider if banks
should be required to hold additional capital over and above the Basel minimum.
In Pillar 2, home country supervisors have a very important role in leading the enhanced
cooperation between home and host country supervisors. But it will be required for
effective implementation. The AIG is developing practical arrangements for cooperation
and coordination that reduce implementation burden on banks and conserve supervisory
resources. Based on the work of the Accord Implementation Groups, and based on its
interactions with supervisors and the industry, the Committee has issued general
principles for the cross-border implementation of the revised Framework and more
focused principles for the recognition of operational risk capital charges under advanced
measurement approaches for home and host supervisors (BIS, 2004; Kupiec, 2006; Basel
Committee, 2001). Besides, the Committee would like to highlight the need for banks and
supervisors to give appropriate attention to the second pillar (supervisory review).
The third pillar is about the market discipline (Calomiris, 1998) and it is to complement
the minimum capital requirements which stated in Pillar 1 and the supervisory review
process stated in Pillar 2. In here, the Committee aims to developed market discipline by
come out a set of disclosure requirements which will allow market participants to fully
assess all the information on the scope of application, capital, risk exposures, risk
assessment processes, and hence the capital adequacy of the institution.
Limitation/Argument of Basel II
Basel II regulations have faced several criticisms since its first release. For example,
Jandl & Valverde stated that Basel II have faced the pro-cyclicality problem. According
to some academics, the new regulations and exigencies discussed in Basel II will
heighten the business cycles. The criticism relies of the fact that whenever is a downturn
in the economy, banks’ credit risk assessment models or rating agencies will be prompted
to downgrade in advance the credit risk profiles due to a riskier environment. With these
downgrades banks will need to increase its capital holdings at increased costs, reducing
their lending activity, which in turn will worsen the initial turndown cycle. It is worth
mentioning that this does not imply that a cut in lending is unsafe in recession periods;
however, the said reduction is strongly related to the “… shadow value of bank capital,
which measures the scarcity of bank capital relative to positive-NPV lending
opportunities. A higher shadow value of bank capital indicates a greater relative scarcity
and hence more severe problems of underinvestment in terms of lending…” (Kashyap &
Stein, 2004). Moreover, Basel II regulations to measure credit risks may be not flexible
enough to prevent from a heightened increase of the shadow value of bank capital, which
will lead to the aforementioned pro-cyclicality said by Kashyap and Stein, 2004.
Secondly, Basel II also faced complex implementation problem (Jandl & Valverde). In
many cases, Basel II regulations require the upgrade of supervisor powers in order to
fully accomplish the supervisory review process described in Pillar II. Besides, the
disclosure requirements of Pillar II largely exceed current practices, which may generate
delays in the implementation of Basel II due to negotiations between Supervisors and
Banks (Jandl & Valverde). Furthermore, operational risk is still being assessed as far
from being accurate (Jandl & Valverde). Other than that, banks needs vast historical data
to calculate the default risk, which in many cases is too costly (Jandl & Valverde).
Thirdly, threatens banking competition was once of the problem faced by Basel II (Jandl
& Valverde). The application of the IRB approaches will allow the reduction of capital
requirements, favouring large banks, which are the more likely to implement them.
Different approaches will widen the difference between banks, getting farther from the
“standardization” target of Basel Committee. Finally, the adaptation to Basel II
requirements will be costly for emerging market, reducing their competitiveness
emphasis placed on the common equity component of Tier 1 capital, simplification of
Tier 2, elimination of Tier 3, detailed regulatory capital disclosure requirements as
compared to basel II), enhancement of risk coverage through enhanced capital
requirements for counterparty credit risk (Enhanced risk coverage will address issues that
arise in connection with the use of derivatives, repos, and securities financing
arrangements), Changes to non-risk adjusted leverage ratio(This ratio will supplement the
Basel II risk capital framework) and measures to improve countercyclical capital
framework which are not been addressing in Basel II. Further than that, additional capital
conversation buffer, additional countercyclical buffer, additional requirements for
systemically important financial institutions and leverage ratio has been added to Basel
III and these measurement do not exist in Basel II as referring to Appendix 2.
Basel III is a comprehensive set of reform measures, developed by the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision, to strengthen the regulation, supervision and risk management
of the banking sector. These measures aim to: improve the banking sector's ability to
absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, whatever the source, improve
risk management and governance end eventually strengthen banks' transparency and
disclosures (International regulatory framework for banks: Basel III).
Under Basel III, there will be strengthening of the quality of capital required to be held
by banks. The minimum capital ratio for common equity, which is the highest form of
loss absorbing capital, will increase to 4.5% from the current level of 2%. The Tier 1
capital ratio (which includes common equity and other qualifying financial instruments
based on stricter criteria) will increase from 4% to 6%.
Banks will also be required to hold a separate capital conservation buffer comprising
2.5% of common equity. The intention behind this new requirement is to ensure that
banks maintain a buffer of capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of
financial and economic stress (Basel III announced). Banks will be allowed to draw upon
the buffer during such periods but, should they do so, they will face constraints on
earnings distributions. This framework is intended to reinforce the objective of sound
supervision and bank governance, and address the issue of the collective failure of banks
to curtail distributions such as discretionary bonuses and high dividends, even
when faced with deteriorating capital positions.
other fully loss absorbing capital. Its purpose is to achieve the broader macro-prudential
goal of protecting the banking sector from periods of "excess aggregate credit growth".
For any given country, the countercyclical buffer will only be in effect when there is
excess credit growth resulting in a system wide build up of risk. Decisions on when
economies have entered such periods will be taken by national regulators. Once put into
operation, the countercyclical buffer will be introduced as an extension of the capital
conservation buffer. The above capital requirements will be supplemented by the
introduction of a non-risk based leverage ratio. A minimum Tier 1 leverage ratio of 3%
will be tested during the period from 1 January 2013 to 1 January 2017.
Besides, in order to improve risk coverage, higher capital requirements for trading and
securitisation activities imposed, Basel III will further highlight the enhancement of
capital requirements and risk management standards for counterparty credit risk
exposures arising from derivatives, repos and securities financing activities (Basel III
rules published, 2010). Basel III contains measures in relation to the use of external credit
ratings in the capital framework as well In addition, a combination of a minimum
liquidity coverage ratio to enhance short-term cash flow resilience and a structural
minimum net stable funding ratio to encourage banks to better match the liquidity profile
of their assets and liabilities are to be introduced (Basel III rules published, 2010).
Appendix 3 has further shown the phase in arrangement for Basel III.
Basel III is at the core of the G20's efforts to apply lessons learnt from the global
financial crisis. Regulators have said that they hope that the changes will push banks
towards less risky business strategies and ensure that they have enough reserves to
withstand financial shocks, thus avoiding a repeat of the recent crisis (Basel III
Basel III received harsh criticisms from the banking industry and some regulators. The
European banks were most critical of the proposal, arguing that Basel III favors U.S.
banks because U.S. banks historically maintained a higher level of capital and would
more easily meet the quantitative increase in capital. Moreover, it is much harder to raise
capital from the private sector in Europe than in America (Eubanks, 2010). The Institute
of International Finance, which represents the world’s largest commercial banks, warned
in June 2010 that the December 2009 Basel III proposal would require that these larger
banks raise $700 billion in common equity and issue $5.4 trillion in long term debt over
the next five years to meet the standards. The absorption of capital would cause a 3%
decline in the United States’ GDP compared with what it would be otherwise in five
years (Pruzin, 2010).
JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, 2010 argued that the Basel III proposal would
significantly reduce the availability of credit to the U.S. economy. The American
Securities Forum, 2010 said that Basel III’s liquidity coverage ratio “could have a
catastrophic effect on the short-term global capital markets.” The main reason is that the
liquidity ratio would require banks at all times to hold a stock of highly liquid assets that
equal or exceed their net cash flow calculated over a 30-day period. This liquidity would
significantly reduce short-term funds needed to issue short-term debt securities, such as
money market instruments and corporate and municipal bonds. The Deutsche Bank’s,
2010 comment was that the timetable was too short to increase common equity because
the prospects for future profits, the main source of common equity, are not good in the
short run. The French Bankers Association, 2010 assessment was that the adjustment to
Basel III was unworkable because it would result in a Tier 1 capital shortage of between
$2.7 trillion and $4.7 trillion for the Euro-zone countries alone.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision made its own assessment of the Basel III
proposal’s impact on the global economies. It reported its findings in a document entitled,
An Assessment of the Long-term Impact of Stronger Capital and Liquidity Requirements,
on August 18, 2010. The finding of the Basel Committee’s assessment was that higher
capital and liquidity requirements can significantly reduce the probability of a banking
crisis. Taking a different approach to assessing the benefits of Basel III, the committee
found that the incremental benefits decline at the margin. Consequently, the benefits are
relatively large when capital ratios are increased from low levels and progressively
decline as standards tighten. For example, the committee found that the decrease in the
likelihood of a crisis is three times larger when capital is increased from 7% to 8% than
when capital is raised from 10% to 11%. The assessment concluded that better
capitalization reduces both the likelihood of crises and the severity of crises when they
The first recommendation is accelerate the work on redefining capital (Banking on Basel,
2008). The Basel Committee proposed that there is a need to revise the definition of the
tier 1 and tier 2 capitals. Thus the first recommendation is approval of the committee’s
agenda rather than a call for a change of itinerary. However, the rather deliberate pace
with which the committee has begun this review should be speed up. From the subprime
crisis we can know that the importance of ensuring that regulatory capital in fact
possesses the steady buffering characteristics that should define core capital.
Besides, communication of the leverage ratio with the higher levels of liquid assets
should be taken into concerned, which probably can increase the ratio calculation
(Consultative proposals to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector, 2010). They
also impose a doubt in whether the same leverage ratio level can be applied for
essentially dissimilar business models. For example, there is a difference between fully
securitizing mortgages and make it become off balance sheet and use mortgage-backed
bonds for funding but leaving them on balance sheet. They recommend that the
Committee consider differential calibration levels that take these differences into account.
In Consultative proposals to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector (2010) also
state that supervisors should oppose the comprehensible result to relate extremely
conservative capital requirements to trading activities. The trading book prudential
framework and capital requirements need to be risk sensitive in order to minimize
arbitrage opportunities, and remain effective in the long run. That is a need to be
transparent to financial market participants that trading book capital is generally
correlated with the level of economic risk, although overlaid with justifiable
Lastly, planning in advance for orderly resolution is the most important issue (Report and
Recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group, 2010). In 2007 crisis, it
can demonstrate there are many challenges in order to have orderly resolution of complex
cross-border financial institutions in a global financial crisis. The crisis has identified that
thorough crisis prevention must take into account to corporate form and the operation of
nationally based insolvency procedures. Even some large financial institutions provide
functions that are systemically important, similar in some sense to infrastructures or
public utilities, their business connection and contingency planning preparations have not
typically been required to include resolution contingencies. While no successful business
conducts in a wind-down mode, resolution contingency planning should become a part
of the supervisory process for large and complex cross-border institutions.
As a conclusion, the Basel agreement is useful. The new agreement, the bank has
developed a new capital standards to ensure that banks hold sufficient reserves to not rely
on Government assistance independent of future financial crises can occur and can avoid
the banks in real estate loans, commercial loans, credit card business in a large number of
risks and obligations, to create a more stable Ugg Classic financial system (The
Independent,2010).Besides, The European Central Bank President Trichet mentioned that
the Basel Agreement is the fundamental to strengthening global bank capital ratios, and it
could helped to sustain the long-term financial stability and economic growth (European
Central Bank,2011). In addition, In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the
Bank has raised a number of new capitals, which reduced their debt level (The
Independent, 2010).
Based on our own opinion in order to develop Basel III in our country, the pre-testing
(pilot test) should be conducted before it. This pilot test is to testing the effect of the new
regulation which may influence the country economic. We need to test that any effect
that could affect country consumption, investment, government spending and export and
import. Besides, before implement the Basel III the new solution for any problem caused
by implemented Basel III should be well prepare. In other words, the solutions need to
come out before the Basel III is implemented.
Balin, B. J. (2008). Basel I, Basel II, and emerging markets: A nontechnical analysis. The
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
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Kashyap, A. K., & Stein, J. C. (2004). Cyclical implications of the Basel II capital
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Retrieved from http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs162.htm
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Year Description
July 1988 Adoption of Basel I (Basel Capital Accord)
End-1992 Implementation of Basel I
January 1996 Changes of the Capital Adequacy Framework to include market risks
(Market Risk Admendment)
June 1999 First consultative paper concerning Basel II (The New Basel Capital
End-March End of the first comment period
January 2001 Second consultative paper concerning Basel II
December 2001 Changes of the initial schedule for the implementation of Basel II
(from end-2004 to end-2006)
Aprill 2003 Third consultative paper concerning Basel II
End-July 2003 End of the third comment period
June 2004 Adoption of Basel II
End 2006 Implementation of Basel II
December 2009 First promulgated of Basel III
December 2010 Final version amendment for Basel III refer to Basel II
January 2011 Final element reforms regulatory capital in Basel III
(Basel III: A risk management perspective, 2010)
Appendix 3
Compares of Basel I, II, III
Source: basel-iii-accord.com