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Department of Business Management

Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year I st Semester I

Contact Hrs. /
Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title Week Credit

L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject

CA TA Total ESE Total
BM150 Accounting – I 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Management Concepts
BM151 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
and Practices
Fundamentals of
BM152 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Managerial Economics
MT126 Basic Statistics 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
CA141 Applications for 2 1 0 2 10 5 15 35 50
CA142 Applications for 0 0 4 2 0 15 15 35 50
Business - Lab

LN105 Corporate 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Total 17 6 2 24 90 60 150 450 600

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
Department of Business Management
Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year I st Semester II

Contact Hrs. /
Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title Week Credit
L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject
CA TA Total ESE Total
BM153 Accounting - II 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Elementary Business
MT127 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Principal of
BM 154 Organizational 2 1 0 3 15 10 25 75 100
Applied Macro
BM 155 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

BM156 Logistics and Supply 2 1 0 3 15 10 25 75 100

Chain Management
Introduction of Indian
BM157 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Financial System

ES115 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Total 19 7 0 26 105 70 175 525 700

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
Department of Business Management
Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year 2nd Semester III

Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title (Per Week) Credit
L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject
CA TA Total ESE Total

Concept of Marketing
BM250 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Introduction to
BM251 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Financial Management

Concept of Human
BM252 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Resource Management

Introduction to
BM253 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Fundamentals of
BM254 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Foreign Trade
Fundamentals of Cost
BM255 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Total 18 6 0 24 90 60 150 450 600

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
Department of Business Management
Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year 2nd Semester IV

Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title (Per Week) Credit
L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject
CA TA Total ESE Total

Introduction to
BM256 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Research Methods

Fundamentals of
BM257 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Business Taxation

BM258 Services Management 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Investment Banking and

BM259 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

BM 260 Managerial Accounting 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Introduction to
BM261 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Financial Planning

Total 18 6 0 24 90 60 150 450 600

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
Department of Business Management
Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year 3rd Semester V

Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title (Per Week) Credit
L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject
CA TA Total ESE Total

Fundamentals of
BM350 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Introduction to Business
BM351 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Enterprise Resource
BM352 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

Insurance and Risk

BM353 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
BM354 Cost Management 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Fundamental Analysis
BM355 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
and Technical Analysis

Total 18 6 0 24 90 60 150 450 600

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
Department of Business Management
Integral University
Course Matrix for BBA-(FS)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Year 3rd Semester VI

Evaluation Scheme
Course Code Course Title (Per Week) Credit
L T P Sessional (CA) Exam Subject
CA TA Total ESE Total

Business Ethics and

BM356 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Team Work and Cross
BM357 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Cultural Leadership
Introduction to
BM358 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
International Finance

Derivatives and
BM359 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100
Commodity Market

BM 360 Financial Services 3 1 0 4 15 10 25 75 100

BM361 Project Work 0 0 8 4 25 75 100

Total 15 5 8 24 75 50 150 450 600

L = Lecture, P = Practical, T =Tutorials, C= Credit, CT = Class Test, TA =Teacher Assessment, ESE=End Semester
Examination Subject Total = Sessional Total (CA) + End Semester Exam (ESE)
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To acquaint students with the basic knowledge of the accounting principles and the accounting process.

Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting 09

Introduction; Meaning and Definition; Objectives of Accounting; Need for Accounting; Functions of Accounting; Users
of Accounting Information; Limitations of Accounting; Accounting Principles: Accounting Concepts and Accounting
Conventions. Indian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards – Brief Overview only

Unit 2: Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance 09

Journal, Rules of Debit and Credit, Compound Journal Entry; Opening Entry; Ledger, Posting, Rules Regarding Posting,
Balancing Ledger Accounts; Advantages of Ledger, Meaning and Importance of Trial balance, Preparation of the Trial

Unit 3: Subsidiary Books 09

Meaning and Significance of Subsidiary Books; Types of Subsidiary Books: Purchases Book Sales Book, Purchase
Returns Book, Sales Return Book, Bills Receivable Book, Bills Payable Book, Cash Book (Simple Cash Book, Double
Column Cash Book, Three Column Cash Book and Petty Cash Book) and Journal proper

Unit 4: Rectification of Errors and Bank Reconciliation Statement 09

Meaning of Accounting Errors, Types of Accounting Errors, Rectification of Errors –Before Preparation of Trial Balance
and After Preparation of Trial Balance

Meaning and objective of bank reconciliation statement; Importance of bank reconciliation statement; Causes of
difference between cash book balance and pass book balance; Techniques of preparing bank reconciliation statement

Unit 5: Final Accounts of Proprietary Concerns 09

Final Accounts: Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet; Preparation of Trading Account, Profit &
Loss Account and Balance Sheet with the adjustments relating to: closing stock, outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses,
accrued incomes, unearned incomes, depreciation, bad debts, provision for bad debts, provision for discount on debtors,
interest on capital, and interest on drawings

Suggested Reading:

1. S. N. Maheshwari and S. K. Maheshwari, an Introduction to Accountancy, 8th Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2008.
2. R. L. Gupta and V. K. Gupta. Financial Accounting: Fundamentals, 5th edition, Sultan, Chand Publishers, 2006.
3. Rajesh Agarwal and R Srinivasan, Accounting Made Easy, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 2008.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the principles of management thought and applying the same in practice.

Unit 1 : Introduction to Management 09

Introduction and Nature of Management, Definition & Meaning-By P. F. Drucker, Koontz O’ Donnel, S. George,
Management as an Art, Science and Profession, Distinction between Administration and Management, Importance &
Functions of Management.

Unit 2: Evolution of Management 09

Evolution of Management- Thought, Pre Scientific Management era, Scientific Management & Contribution of F. W.
Taylor, Process Management & contribution of Henri Fayol, HR movement - Hawthrone experiments, Contributions of
Behavioral scientists- Abraham Maslow, Peter Drukker, Douglas Mc. Gregor

Unit 3 : Planning and Decision Making 09

Nature & Definition of Planning- Koontz o’Donnel, Hart, Alfred &Beaty, Importance and limitations Planning process,
Types of Plans- on the basis of use, functions, time (meaning only), Meaning of Decision making, Steps in decision
making, Types of decisions- Programmed-Non-programmed; Strategic-tactical, Individual-Group, Policy-Operation,

Unit 4 : Organizing &Departmentation 09

Meaning & Definition- Koontz O’Donnell & McFarland, Organizing - Nature, Purpose & Principles, Types of
Organization (Formal & Informal), Types of Authority relationships- Line, Functional, Line& staff, Committees,
Meaning and types of Departmentation, Centralization and De-centralization (Meaning Only)

Unit 5 : Elements of Directing, Co-ordination and Control 09

Meaning & Importance of Directing, Leadership: Meaning & Styles, Motivation: importance & Theories (Maslow,
Herzberg. Mcgregor), Communication- Meaning, Objectives & Types of communication, Meaning, Principles and
techniques of Co- ordination, Meaning, Need & steps in Controlling

Suggested Reading:
1. Dr P. N. Reddy, Prof H R Appannaiah, P C Tripathi, Essentials of Management, Eleventh Edition, Himalaya,
2. L. M. Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management. 7th Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

The objective of this subject is to acquaint the student with the basic Principles, tools and techniques of Economics and
application of the same in the competitive business world.

Unit 1 : Introduction to Managerial Economics 09

Meaning & Definition, Features of Managerial Economics, Scope of Managerial Economics, Objectives and practical
uses of Managerial Economics, Role and Responsibilities of Business Economist to modern Business Management.

Unit 2 : Theory of Demand and Demand Forecasting 09

Meaning- determinants - demand schedule - demand curve, Law of Demand- exceptions- shifts in demand and
movements in demand, Elasticity of demand- meaning- types, Price elasticity of demand- meaning-degrees-measurement:
Total outlay- Point Method, Income elasticity of demand, Cross elasticity of demand, Demand Forecasting- Meaning-
levels- objective, Method of estimation-Survey Method and Statistical method, Forecasting for a new product

Unit 3: Theory of Consumption 09

Consumption - meaning, features –types, Role of consumer under open and closed economy, Theory of consumer
Behaviour, Cardinal Approach: Gossen first law and second law, Concept of consumer surplus, Ordinal approach – Hicks
and Allen model, Meaning of ICA properties - consumer’s equilibrium, Concept of MRS– substitution effect- Income
effect -price effects, Concept of Engle’s law

Unit 4: Theory of Production and Cost 09

Meaning of production function- classification- fixed factors-variable factors, Law of variable proportion, Concept of Iso-
quant and Iso-cost - producer’s equilibrium, Managerial equilibrium- MRTS- optimal combination, Economies of scale-
meaning- Internal and External economies of scale, Supply- meaning- determinants, Law of
supply, Cost: Meaning- concepts-Computation of costs.

Unit 5 : Market Structure 09

Revenue: Meaning- classification, Perfect competition- meaning- features- equilibrium price determination simultaneous
changes in demand and supply – importance of time element- short run and long run equilibrium, Imperfect competition –
Monopoly- meaning- features- short and long run equilibrium – price and output determination under Discriminating
Monopoly, Oligopoly- meaning – features-kinked demand curve, Duopoly-meaning- features.

Suggested Reading:
1. Alfred William Stonier and Douglas Chalmers Hague, A Text of Economic Theory, Fourth Edition, Wiley, 1972.
2. M. L. Jhingan, International Economics, Fourth Edition, Vrinda Publication Pvt. Limited, 1997.
3. Joel Dean, Managerial Economics, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1951.
4. Varshney and Maheshwari: Managerial Economics, Fourth Edition, Sultan Chand, 2007.
5. D. M. Mithani, Business Economics, First Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2006.
6. K. K. Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, Fourth Edition, S Chand & Co Ltd, 2006.
7. Harold Craig Petersen and W. Cris Lewis, Managerial Economics, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 1999.
w.e.f. session 2016-2017
Total Number of Sessions: 45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:
To provide basic knowledge of quantitative tools and their applications in business and management
Unit 1: Introduction to Statistics & Organization of Data 08
Definition of Statistics, Scope of Statistics in Business, Industry and Economics.
Classification of data: Types of data, Frequency distributions of the raw data, Tabulation of data.

Unit 2 : Analysis of Univariate Data 08

Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode and their applications and limitations, Quartiles, Deciles
and Percentiles.
Measures of Dispersion: Introduction, Range, Quartile deviation, Mean Deviation (about mean and median both),
Standard deviation and coefficient of variation.

Unit 3 : Time Series Analysis 08

Objectives and uses of Time series analysis, Components of Time series, Measurement of Trend by Moving averages
method and Least squares method.

Unit 4: Analysis of Bivariate Data: Correlation 08

Scatter diagram, Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

Unit 5 : Analysis of Bivariate Data: Regression 08

Introduction to simple linear Regression analysis, estimation of parameters using least squares method.
Suggested Readings:
1. Sancheti D. C. & Kapoor V. K., Business Mathematics, Eleventh Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2012.
2. V. K. Khanna, Qazi Zameeruddin, S. K. Bhambri, Business Mathematics, Second Edition, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Limited, 2009.
3. R. S. Soni, Essential Business Mathematics & Business Statistics, Ane Books Pvt.Ltd.2012.
4. J. K. Singh, Business Mathematics, Second Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2012.
5. Qazi Shoeb Ahmad, M.V.Ismail and S. A. Khan, Biostatistics, Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd. 2008.
CA 141
w.e.f. session 2016-2017
Total Number of Sessions-20
Max. Marks: 50
External Assessment: 35
Internal Assessment: 15
LTPC 2102
Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the basic and advanced functions in Excel for business
Unit 1: Introduction to Excel 04
Excel Introduction, Understanding Workbooks and Worksheets, Introducing the Ribbon, Using Shortcut Menus
Working with Dialog Boxes, Using the Task Pane, Creating Excel Worksheet, Entering and Editing Worksheet Data,
Essential Worksheet Operations

Unit 2: Advanced Excel 1 04

Working with Cells and Ranges, Introducing Tables, Worksheet Formatting, Using Custom Number Formats,
Understanding Excel Files, Using and Creating Templates, Printing Your Work, Working with Dates and Times

Unit 3: Advanced Excel 2 04

Introducing Formulas and Functions, Creating Formulas That Count and Sum, Creating Formulas That Look Up
Values, Creating Formulas for Financial Applications, Introducing Array Formulas, Visualizing Data Using
Conditional Formatting, Using Data Validation

Unit 4:Creating Charts and Graphics 04

Understanding How Excel Handles Charts, Understanding Chart Types, Understanding Chart Elements
Modifying the Chart Area, Modifying the Plot Area, Working with Chart Titles, Working with a Legend
Working with Gridlines, Working with Data Series, Creating Chart Templates

Unit 5: Analyzing Data with Excel 04

Introducing Pivot Tables, Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables, Understanding Slicers and Slicer properties

Suggested Reading:

1. John Walkenbach, Excel 2013 Bible, Wiley, PAP/CDR edition, 2013

2. John Walkenbach, Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) Wiley; PAP/CDR
edition, 2013
CA 142
w.e.f. session 2016-2017

Total Number of Sessions-25

Max. Marks: 50
External Assessment: 35
Internal Assessment: 15
LTPC 0042
Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will be able to apply basic and advanced functions in Excel for business activities.

Unit 1: Introduction to Excel 05

Excel Introduction, Basic formulae: Entering and editing data, Creating and copying formulae, Creating functions
easily, Formatting: Inserting/deleting rows/columns, Changing fonts, Colors and borders, Merging and aligning cells,
Printing: Page break preview, Using page layout view, Headers and footers, Freezing print titles, Charts: Selecting
data, Quick ways to create charts, Formatting your chart, Basic tables: Table styles, Using calculated columns,
Header rows and total rows
Case Exercises/ Practical Assignments/Activities
Unit 2: Advanced Excel 1 05
Sorting and filtering lists/tables of data, custom sort, Number formatting: Creating custom formats, The four parts of
a format, Scaling numbers, Dates and times: How dates and times are stored, Useful date/time functions, Formatting
dates and times
Case Exercises/ Practical Assignments/Activities
Unit 3. Advanced Excel 2 05
Conditional formatting: Creating/using cell rules, Data bars and colour sets, Styles and themes, How themes work,
Using the default styles, Creating custom styles, Validation and protection: Setting cell validation, Protecting
cells/worksheets, Grouping and outlining, Cell comments, Range names and absolute references: Absolute references
($ symbol), Fixing only the row/column, Creating range names, Labelling ranges automatically.
Case Exercises/ Practical Assignments/Activities
Unit 4: Excel Functions 05
Excel Functions: Introduction to Mathematical Functions, Introduction to Text Functions, Introduction to Logical &
Reference Functions, Introduction to Date & Time Functions, Introduction to Financial Functions, Introduction to
Information Functions, IF and LOOKUP functions: The conditional (IF) function, Nested Ifs, Lookup functions
Case Exercises/ Practical Assignments/Activities
Unit 5: Tables and Charts 05
Advanced Tables, Using calculated columns, Removing duplicates, Advanced filter, Pivot tables: Creating pivot
tables, Swapping rows, columns and pages, Grouping fields, Slicers, Pivot table slicers, Changing slicer properties,
Advanced charts, Creating chart templates, Combination charts, Picture charts, Custom chart types
Case Exercises/ Practical Assignments/Activities

Suggested Reading:

1. John Walkenbach, Excel 2013 Bible, Wiley, PAP/CDR edition, 2013

2. John Walkenbach, Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) Wiley; PAP/CDR
edition, 2013
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will be able to familiarize with business communication, types of communication,
Business Correspondence, and Business Report Writing

Unit 1: Communication in Business 09

Introduction, Communication Process, Essentials of Business Communication, Barriers to Business Communication

Unit 2: Methods, Models and Theories of Communication 09

Models of communication, Shannon's Model of the communication Process, Derivative Models of the Communication
Process, New Model of the Communication Process, Defining Communication Theories
Types of Communication: Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Types of Communication Based on Style
and Purpose

Unit 3: English Grammar 09

Remedial English - I: Parts of Speech (Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and
Reading Skills – II: Sentences, Subject-Verb Agreement, Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech

Unit 4: Business Correspondence 09

Communication in an Organization: Types of Communication Meetings, Memo, Circulars and Notices
Business Correspondence: General Rules for All Business Correspondence, Guidelines for the Basic Cover Letter,
Guidelines for Information Interviewing, Networking Letters, Guidelines for Thank You Letters, Guidelines for Job Offer,
Acceptance Letters, Guidelines for Letters Declining a Job Offer, Style in Business Correspondence

Unit 5: Business Report Writing 09

Cover Letters, Business Report Writing, The purpose of statistical studies, sample of business correspondence

Suggested Reading:

1. David A Ricks. (1983)Big Business Blunders. Dow Jones-Irwin.

2. Business Communication. ICMR Publications
3. Gibson, J W and Hodgetts R M. (1990) Business Communication: Skills and Strategies. Harper and Row.
4. Bovee C L and Thill J V. (2009). Business Communication Today, (10thed.). McGraw Hill.
5. Ron Hoff. (1992). A Fearless Guide to Making Great Presentations. Andrews McMee, Original edition.
6. Hall J A and Kapp M L (1992). Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction,
7. (3rd ed.). Holt Rinehart and Winston.
8. Jack Criffrin. (2010).How to Say it for the First-Time Managers, (1sted.). Prentice Hall.
9. Mark Goulston. (2009). Just Listen. (1sted.). AMACOM.
10. Adrian Furham and EvgeniyaPetrova. (2010). Body Language in Business, 1sted.). Palgrave Macmillan.

W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To acquaint students with the basic understanding of corporate accounting and its application in business and management

Unit 1: Accounting for Share Capital 09

Share and share capital: nature and types; Accounting for share capital: issue and allotment of equity shares, private
placement of shares, Public subscription of shares - over subscription and under subscription of shares; Issue at par and at
premium and at discount, Calls in advance and arrears; Issue of shares for consideration other than cash; Accounting
treatment of forfeiture and re-issue of shares; Disclosure of share capital in company's Balance Sheet only

Unit 2 : Accounting for Debentures 09

Debentures: Issue of debentures at par, at premium and at discount; Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash;
Debentures as collateral security; Interest on debentures; Redemption of debentures: Lump sum, draw of lots and

Unit 3: Company Final Accounts 09

Statutory Provisions regarding preparation of Company Final Accounts; Treatment of Special Items: Managerial
Remuneration, Tax deducted at source, Advance payment of Tax, Provision for Tax, Depreciation, Interest on debentures;
Dividends, Rules regarding payment of dividends; Transfer to Reserves; Preparation of Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet as per Section 219(1)(b)(IV) and form 23AB

Unit 4: Cash Flow Statement 09

Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages of Cash Flow Statement, Cash flow from operating activities, Cash flow from
investing activities, Cash flow from financing activities, Preparation of Cash Flow Statement as per AS-3.

Unit 5: Valuation of Goodwill and Shares 09

Valuation of Goodwill: Meaning – Circumstances of Valuation– Factors influencing Valuation – Methods of Valuation:
Average Profit Method, Super Profit Method, Capitalization of average Profit Method, Capitalization of Super Profit
Valuation of shares: Meaning – Need for Valuation – Factors Affecting Valuation – Methods of Valuation: Intrinsic
Value Method, Yield Method, Earning Capacity Method, Fair Value of shares.

Suggested Reading:

1) Dr. S.N. Maheswari ,Suneel K Maheshwari, Sharad K Maheswari. (2013) An Introduction to Accountancy (11th
2) S. P. Jain and K. L. Narang. Corporate Accounting
3) SP Iyengar.Advanced Accountancy
4) R L Gupta. Advanced Accountancy
5) V.K. Goyal.Corporate Accounting
Elementary Business Mathematics
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions: 45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:
To provide basic knowledge of Mathematics and their Applications to commercial situations.

Unit 1: Number System 09

Introduction, Natural Numbers, Even Numbers, Odd Numbers, Integers, Prime Numbers, Rational & Irrational numbers,
Real Numbers, LCM & HCF ( Simple Problems).

Unit 2: Theory of Equations 09

Introduction, Types of Equations, Simple/Linear Equations, Simultaneous Equations (only two variables) and their
solution by Elimination & Substitution Methods. Solution of Quadratic equation by using discriminant and factorization.

Unit 3: Matrices and Determinants 09

Definition, types, Operation on Matrices: addition, subtraction and multiplication of two matrices, transpose of matrix.
Determinant, minors and co-factors, inverse of a matrix, Cramer’s rule for two variables and its applications.

Unit 4: Commercial Arithmetic 09

Simple Interest, Compound Interest including half yearly and quarterly calculations, Annuities, Percentages, Bills
Discounting, Ratios and proportions, duplicate-triplicate and sub-duplicate of a ratio. Proportions: third, fourth and
inverse proportion - problems.

Unit 5: Progressions 09
Introduction, Arithmetic Progression: Finding the n th term of AP, Sum of n terms of an AP, Insertion of Arithmetic Mean.
Geometric Progression: Finding the nth term of GP, Sum of n terms of GP, Insertion of Geometric Mean.

Suggested Reading:

1. Saha, Mathematics for Cost Accountants, Central Publishers.

2. R.G. Saha & Others. Methods & Techniques for Business Decisions, VBH.
3. Sancheti & Kapoor. Business Mathematics and Statistics, Sultan Chand.
4. Zamarudeen. Business Mathematics, Vikas Publishers.
5. R.S Bhardwaj. Mathematics for Economics & Business.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 2103
Course Objectives:

To introduce the idea of how individual behaviour affects organizational behaviour and vice versa; to help the students
understand the crucial role of people in any business and to explore different aspects of building this vital capability.

Unit 1: Introduction 09
Nature and scope of OB, Challenges and opportunities for OB, Organization Goals, Models of OB, Impact of Global and
Cultural diversity on OB.

Unit 2: Individual Behaviour 09

Individual behaviour, Personality, Perception and its role in individual decision making, Learning, Motivation, Hierarchy
of needs theory, Theory X and Y, Motivation- Hygine theory, Vrooms Expectancy theory.

Unit 3: Behaviour Dynamics 09

Interpersonal behaviour, Communication, Transaction Analysis, The Johari Window, Leadership, Its Theories and
Prevailing Leadership styles in Indian Organisations.

Unit 4: Group Behaviour 09

Definition and classification of Groups, Types of Group Structures, Group decision making, Teams Vs Groups,
Contemporary issues in managing teams, Inter group problems in organizational group dynamics, Management of conflict.

Unit 5: Management of Change 09

Change and Organisational development, Resistance to change, Approaches to managing organizational change,
Organisational effectiveness, Organisational culture, Power and Politics in Organisational Quality of work life, recent
advances in OB.

Suggested Reading:

1. K. Aswathappa, Organizational Behaviour, Himalaya Publications, Ninth Revised and Enlarged Edition, 2011
2. Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, 12th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2010
3. SeemaSanghi, Human Resource Management, First Edition, Macmillan India Limited, 2012
4. Cynthia D. Fisher , Lyle F. Schoenfeldt , James B. Shaw, Human Resource Management, Dreamtech Press, 2008
5. UdayPareek, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Third Edition, Oxford Press, 2012
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To acquaint the students about the Macro Economic variables influencing business management and practices.

Unit 1: Approaches to Economic Theory 09

Classical Vs. Modern Economic approach, Micro and Macro Meaning, Circular flow of Income- Concept of National
Income: GNP, NNP, GDP, NDP, PI, DPI, PCY, National Income at factor cost and Market price, Estimation of National
income- Product-Income-Expenditure Met, Difficulties of Estimation, National income and economic welfare

Unit 2: Public Finance 09

Public Finance: Budget – Types, Public revenue - Tax and Non-tax, Public Expenditure- Heads of expenditure, Public
Debt: Classification, Deficit financing - Taxable capacity - factors influencing taxable capacity

Unit 3: Macro Economic Environment 09

Meaning of Inflation - causes and effect, Cost push and demand pull inflation, Deflation – Meaning and causes, Phillips
curve- stagflation- M1 and M3, Measures to control inflation - Role of Monetary policy, Fiscal policy- Instruments

Unit 4: Balance of Payments and Business Cycles 09

Meaning- Difference- Types, Component of BOP- Current and Capital Account, Unfavourable BOP- causes, Monetary
and Non-Monetary Measures, Business cycle: Meaning- definition- features, Stages of Business Cycle, Effects and
Measures to control cyclical fluctuation

Unit 5: Foreign Trade & Development 09

Role of External Trade in Economic Development, Terms of Trade: NBTOT – GBTOT, Exchange rate- spot and forward
exchange rate, Foreign capital – Role of foreign aid – types

Suggested Reading:

1. M. L. Jhingan, International Economics, 6th edition, Vrinda Publications, 2009.

2. Niravathi& C Ramani Nair, International Economics, 1stedition, Interline Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2003.
3. Joel Dean, Managerial Economics, 1st edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009.
4. Varsheney and Maheswari, Managerial Economics, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2005.
5. D. M. Mithani: Business Economics, 4th edition Himalayan Books, 2011.
6. J. D. Varma, K. K. Dewett, Elementary Economic Theory, 1st edition, S. Chand, 2011.
7. Petersen & Lewis: Managerial Economics, 4th edition, Pearson, 2005.
8. G. S. Gupta, Managerial Economics, 4th edition Deep & Deep Publication, 2011.
9. A. Koutosoyiannis, Modern Micro Economics, 2nd edition, Macmillan, 2008.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 2103
Course Objectives:

To introduce the fundamental concepts and familiarize with the issues in core functions in logistics and supply chain

Unit 1: Supply Chain Management 09

Concept, objectives, significance , Process view of a supply chain-cycle and push pull view , Drivers/components of
supply chain – Facilities, Inventory, Transportation, Information, Material Handling, Achieving trade-off between
customer service and cost

Unit 2: Physical distribution 09

Definition, Importance, participants in physical distribution process, Marketing Channels – Definition and Importance,
Different forms of channels - Unconventional channels - Channels for Consumer goods, Industrial Goods & Services –
Integrated Marketing Channels – Horizontal, Vertical, Multi-channel, Functions of Marketing Channels , Channel
Management – Channel Selection Process & criteria , Performance appraisal of Channel Members - Channel Conflicts &
Techniques to resolve channel conflicts

Unit 3: Procurement 09

Supplier Management, Management Supplier Selection, Tendering, E-Tendering, Negotiation; Warehouse and Dispatch
Management - Types of Warehousing, Warehouse Layout Docking and Marshalling, Warehouse Safety Management

Unit 4: Inventory 09

Need and Types of Inventory - Costs associated with Inventory– Basic EOQ Model – EOQ with discounts; ABC Analysis
- (Numericals expected on Basic EOQ, EOQ with discounts & ABC), Stacking and Racking Systems. LIFO, FIFO

Unit 5: Current trends in Supply chain management 09

Green Supply Chain Management, Role and Future of IT in the Supply Chain, Customer Relationship Management,
Supplier Relationship Management, E-Business and the Supply Chain; E-Business in Practice

Suggested Reading:

1. Supply Chain Management by Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl & D.V. Kalra
2. Inventory Management by L.C. Jhamb
3. Principles and Practices of Costing by Sunita Pokharna, Success Publications, Pune
4. Sales and Distribution Management by Krishna K. Havaldar & Vasant M Cavale
5. Purchasing and Supply Management by Dobler and Burt
6. Supply Chain Management Best Practices by David Blanchard
7. Channel Management & Retail Management by Meenal Dhotre
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of this Subject, students will be able to explain the financial system of the country and how the government in
coordination with RBI and other regulatory institutions regulate the markets; will understand the role and responsibilities
of various market intermediaries and also learn about various financial assets.

Unit 1: Introduction to Indian Financial System 09

Financial System: Meaning and Functions; Saving-Investment Process; Components of the Financial System; Growth and
Trends in Indian Financial System; Financial Sector Reforms in India, Role of Indian Financial System in Indian
Economic Development

Unit 2: Financial Assets 09

Meaning and Features of Financial Assets; Financial Assets Vs. Real Assets; Classification of Financial Assets; Equity
Shares; Preference Shares, Debentures, Innovative Debt Instruments; Derivative Instruments; Non-Marketable Financial
Assets, Money Market Instruments

Unit 3: Financial Markets 09

Meaning and Functions of Financial Markets; Classifications of Financial Markets; Money Market and Capital Market;
Debt Market and Equity Market; Primary Market (IPO and Book Building) and Secondary Market; Spot Market and
Forward Market; Exchange Traded Market and Over the Counter Market

Unit 4: Financial Intermediaries 09

Meaning of Financial Intermediation; Functions of Financial Intermediaries; Major Financial Intermediaries and Their
Roles: Commercial Banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies, Mutual Funds, and Insurance Companies, Financial
Institutions, Non-Banking Financial Services Companies

Unit 5: Regulatory Authorities 09

Regulators of Indian Financial System; The Reserve Bank of India – Organization, Roles and Functions, Monetary Policy,
Techniques of Monetary Control; The Securities and Exchange Board of India – Organization, Objectives, Roles,
Functions and Power; Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India - Organisation, Power, Scope, and

Suggested Reading:

1. Gomez. Financial Markets Institutions and Financial Services. 1st edition, Phi Learning, 2008.
2. Bhole and Mahakud. Financial Institutions and Markets, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, 2009.
3. Ramesh Babu, Financial Markets and Institutions. 1 st edition, Concept publishing company, 2006.
4. M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain, Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2011.
5. P. Mohana Rao, Financial Services- Text, Cases & Strategies. 1st edition, Deep & Deep Publication, 2002.
6. PratapSubramanyam. Investment Banking: Theory and Practice. 1st edition, McGraw Hill, 2007.
7. H. R. Machiraju. Merchant Banking: Principles and Practices, 3rd edition, New Age International, 2005.
8. Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers and Franklin Allen. Principles of Corporate Finance (Special Indian Edition).
McGraw hill, 2007.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-40
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:
Unit-I 10
Environment its components & Segments, Physical, Chemical and biological study of Environment, Multidisciplinary
nature of Environmental studies, Concept of sustainable development & Sustainable life styles. Public awareness &
Environmental movements like Chipko, Silent valley, Narmada Bachao Andolan.
Natural resources:
Renewable and non-renewable resources: Natural resources and associated problems.
a. Forest Resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestation, case studies.
b. Water Resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water, conflicts over water, dams- benefits and
c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using minerals resources,
case studies.
d. Food Resources: World food problems, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer -pesticide problems, Water-
logging, Salinity, case studies.
e. Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, use of alternate energy
sources, case studies.
f. Land Resources: Land degradation, Soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in conservation of
natural resources

Unit-II 08
 Concept of an Ecosystem.
 Structure and Function of an Ecosystem.
 Producer Consumer and decomposers.
 Energy flow in the Ecosystem.
 Ecological Succession.
 Food chains, Food webs and Ecological Pyramids.
 Introduction, types, characteristics features ,structure and function of the following ecosystem:
a. Terrestrial Ecosystem
b. Aquatic Ecosystem

Unit-III 08
 Biodiversity and its conservation
 Introduction - Definition: Genetic, Species and Ecosystem diversity.
 Bio-Geographical classification of India,
 Value of Bio-diversity: Consumptive use, productive use, Social, ethical, aesthetic and option values
 Biodiversity at Global, National & Local levels.
 India as a Mega Diversity Nation.
 Hotspots of Biodiversity
 Threats to Biodiversity: Habitat Loss, Poaching of Wildlife, Man-Wildlife Conflicts
 Endangered and endemic species of India
 Conservation of Biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Unit-IV 08
Environmental Pollution
 Causes, effects and control measures of
o Air Pollution
o Water Pollution
o Soil Pollution
o Noise Pollution
 Solid Waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and Industrial Wastes.
 Disaster Management: floods, earthquake, cyclones and landslides.

Unit-V 06
Social Issues and the Environment
 From unsustainable development to sustainable development
 Urban problems related to Energy
 Water conservation, Rain water Harvesting, Watershed management
 Resettlement and Rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns, case studies.
 Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions
 Green house effect and global Warming, effects of acid Rain and their remedial measures and ozone Layer
Ill-effects of fire works
 Environment protection Act, Air (prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Water( prevention and control of
Pollution) Act, wildlife protection Act, Forest conservation Act, Issues involved in Enforcement of
Environmental Legislation, case studies.
Human Population and the Environment
 Population growth variation among nations, Population Explosion, Family welfare programme,
 Environment and Human Health,
 Value education
 HIV/AIDS, Women and Child welfare

Suggested field work

Visit to local area to document environment assets river/ forest/ grassland/ hill/mountain, visit to local polluted site
urban/ rural/ industrial/ agricultural, study of common plants, insects, birds, study of simple ecosystems pond river, hill
slopes etc.

Recommended Books:
Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental; Biology, Nidi Pub. Ltd.Bikaner.
Bharaucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mappin Pub. Pvt. Ltd.,Ahemdabad-380, India.
Brunner R.C. 1989. Hazardous waste incineration, Mc Graw Hill.
Clark R.S. Marine Pollution, Clanderon Press Oxford (TB).
Cunningham W.P.2001.Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, Environmental encyclopedia, Jaicob Publication House, Mumbai.
De . A.K. Environmental chemistry Willey Eastern Limited.
Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment(R).
Glick, H.P.1993 water in crisis, Pacific Institute for studies in dev, Environment & security, Stockholm Env, Institute, Oxford Univ,
Press 473 p.
Hawkins R .E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay.
Heywood, V.H. & Watson , R. T.1995.Global biodiversity Assessment .Cambridge Univ.Press 1140 p.
Jadhave, H. and Bhosale,V. M. 1995 Environmental protection and laws,Himalaya pub, house,Delhi.284 p.
Mckinnery, M.L. and School , R. M.1996 Environmental science systems and solutions, web enhanced edition 639 p.
Mhaskar A.K. Matter Hazardous, Techno Science Pub (TM)
Miller T.G. Jr, Environmentals Ecology, W. B. Saunders Co.USA,574 p. 16 Odum,E.P.1997.Fundamental chemistry, Goel Pub House
Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M).
Sharma B.K.2001.Environmental Chemistry, Goel Pub .House Meerut.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
To teach the students about the all-pervasive nature of markets and their transformation across decades; to expose the
rational, sensory & emotional triggers in consumer buying & selling habits and to provide students with the latest
information about marketing developments & practices as well as to inculcate managerial approach to marketing

Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing Management 09

Introduction – Meaning and nature of marketing management, objectives and importance of marketing management,
marketing concepts. Consumer Needs, Wants, and Consumer Insights: Introduction, Needs and Wants, Using
Needs/Wants Insight in Marketing, Benefits Sought By Consumers, The Impact of Emotional Benefits, Consumer Insight,
Possible Sources of Insights, Using Insights, Finding and Developing an Insight , The Role of an Insight in Product
Development and Marketing.

Unit 2: Segmentation Targeting and Positioning (STP) 09

Market Segmentation and Product Positioning: Introduction, Market Segmentation, Market Targeting, Target Market
Strategies, Product Positioning and Differentiation, Choosing a Differentiation and Positioning Strategy, Changing the
Product Positioning, USPs

Unit 3: Marketing Mix: Product and Price 09

Products and Services: Introduction, Levels of Product and Services, Classifications, Product and Service Decisions.
Branding, New Product Development and Product Life Cycle (PLC), Services Marketing: The Nature and Characteristics
of a Service, Marketing Strategies for Service Firms.
Pricing: Introduction - factors influencing pricing decisions and Pricing Strategies.
Unit 4: Marketing Mix: Promotion 09
Marketing Communication, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), and Promotion Mix Strategies – Push and Pull
Advertising and Public Relations, Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion - Trade Shows, Trade Sales
Promotion, Consumer Sales Promotion. Publicity and direct marketing - Direct Marketing, Benefits of Direct Marketing,
Direct Marketing Channels, Public and Ethical Issues in Direct Marketing.

Unit 5: Marketing Mix: Place (Distribution Channel) 09

Distribution Channels: Introduction, Type of Marketing Channel, Channel Motivation, Importance of Channel of
Distribution, Multiple Channels Distribution, Retail, Levels of Service, Corporate Retailing, The New Retail Environment.
New trends in the area of marketing.
Suggested Reading:

1. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong. (2007). Principles of Marketing. (12thed.). New York: Pearson Education.
2. Ramaswamy and Namakumari. (2005). Marketing Management. Macmillan.
3. Arun Kumar and Meenakshi. (2007). Marketing Management. Vikas.
4. Lamb, Hair and Danniel. M. C. (2004). Marketing. (7thed.). Thomson
5. Evans and Berman. (2005). Marketing. (2nded.). Biztantra
6. William M Pride and O C Ferrell. (2005). Marketing – Concepts (12th ed.). Cengage Learning
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
At the end of this subject, students will be familiar with the basic concepts of financial management including leverages,
cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, working capital, and dividend policy.

Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management 09

Meaning and Definition of Financial Management, Goals of Financial Management, The Fundamental Principle of
Finance, Risk-return trade-off, Agency problem, Emerging roles of financial managers in India; Time Value of Money:
Future Value, Present Value, Annuity, Perpetuity

Unit 2: Leverages and Cost of Capital 09

Leverages: Operating leverage, financial leverage and Combined leverage, EBIT-EPS analysis, Cost of capital: Cost of
equity, Cost of preference shares, Cost of debt, WACC

Unit 3: Techniques of Capital BudgetinG 09

Capital Budgeting – Meaning, Capital budgeting Process; Project Classification; Evaluation Techniques – Payback period,
ARR, Discounted payback period; NPV, PI , IRR, Accept/reject criteria

Unit 4: Management of Working CapitaL 09

Introduction, Concepts of working capital, Operating and cash conversion cycle, Permanent and variable working capital,
Balanced working capital position, Determinants of working capital, Issues in working capital management, Estimating
working capital requirement

Unit 5: Dividend Policy and Capital Structure 09

Meaning of dividend policy, factors influencing dividend policy, objectives of dividend policy, stability of dividends,
forms of dividend; Meaning of Capital Structure, factors determining capital structure, capital structure planning and
policy, approaches to establish target capital structure

Suggested Reading:
1. Khan M. Y. and Jain P. K. (2008), Financial Management 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill.
2. I. M. Pandey (2003), Financial Management, 10 th edition, Vikas Publishing House.
3. Prasanna Chandra. (2007). Financial Management Theory and Practice. (7thed.). McGraw Hill.
4. Michael C. Ehrhardt and Eugene F. Brigham. (2008). Corporate Finance. (1st ed.). South-Western Pub
5. Richard A. Brealey, Stewart Myersand Franklin Allen. (2013).Principles of corporate finance. (11thed.).
McGraw Hill.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:

At the end of this subject, students will be able to familiarize with various aspects of human resource management
strategies for better management of people in the organizations.

Unit 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management 09

Meaning - definitions, objectives and importance of HRM, functions of HRM–managerial functions – operative functions
– nature and scope of HRM – HR manager. Role, qualification and qualities.

Unit 2: Human resource planning, Recruitment and Selection 09

Meaning and importance of human resource planning, benefits of human resource planning, Meaning of recruitment,
selection, Methods of Recruitment and Selection - Uses of tests in selection, Problems involved in placement.

Unit 3: Training, Induction and HRM Strategies 09

Meaning of Training and Induction, Objective and purpose of induction, Need for training, benefits of training,
Identification of training needs, methods of training.HRM Strategies - Human capital – emotional quotient –mentoring.

Unit 4: Promotion and Transfers 09

Meaning of promotion-Purposes and types – promotion policy – bases of promotion – seniority v/s merit– transfer, need –
purposes –types of transfers- demotion –causes of demotion.

Unit 5: Performance Appraisal and compensation 09

Meaning - objectives of performance appraisal, 360-degree appraisal, other methods of performance appraisal and
limitations. Principles - techniques of wage fixation, job evaluation, compensation -meaning of compensation, objectives
and importance of compensation.

Suggested Reading:
1. P. SuBBA-(FS) Rao. (2009). Personnel and Human Resource Management. Himalaya Publishing House.
2. C.B.Gupta. (2014). Human Resource Management. Sultan chand and sons.
3. P. N. Reddy and H. R. Appannaiah. (2012). Personnel Management. Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Aswathappa. (2010). Human Resource Management. Tata McGraw Hill Education.
5. Edwin Flippo. (1996). Personnel Management and industrial relations. McGraw Hill.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 2124

Course Objectives:
The objective of this subject is to familiarise the students with the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, business principles
and ideas – with a focus on global business environment; to help them understand the theories of Entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurial Motivation, how to form a Business plan; to familiarise them with laws and regulations that govern
Unit 1: Theories of Entrepreneurship 09
Who is an Entrepreneur?, Theories of Entrepreneurship, Economic Entrepreneurship Theories, Psychological
Entrepreneurship Theories, Personality Traits theory, Locus of Control, Need for Achievement theory, Traits of
Successful Entrepreneurs, Types of Entrepreneurs, Clarence Danh of Classification, Arthur H. Cole Classification,
Classification on the Basis of Ownership, Classification Based on the Scale of the Enterprise.
Unit 2: Entrepreneurial Motivation 09
Entrepreneurial Motivation, the Needs Framework, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs), The Kakinada
Experiment, Objectives of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs), The Entrepreneurship Development
Programme Model in India, Criteria for the Evaluation of EDPs.
Unit 3: Forming a Business Plan 09
Forming a Business, Business Structure, Creating a Business Plan, Market Size Analysis, Funding a Business Plan,
Regulations and Laws, Sustaining a Business, Customer Satisfaction, Commerce Bank, Customer Service scenario in
India, Managing cash flows, Employee Buy-in, HCL, Government Incentives and Resources.
Unit 4: Growing the Business 09
Growing the Business, Managing Creativity, Innovation and the Sense of Ownership in a Growing Organization,
Creativity and Innovation, Strategies for Growth, Organic and Inorganic Growth, Growing the business across
geographical borders.
Unit 5: The Global Entrepreneur 09
Laws and regulations that govern entrepreneurship, Things to know and plan before setting up a venture for the global
market, Ideas to arrange for finances, Support system for entrepreneurs, Identifying opportunities in the global market,
Case studies.
Suggested Reading:
1. Hatten, Timothy S. (2011). Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond, Mason: Cengage Learning.
2. Bansal, Rashmi. (2012). Connect the Dots. New Delhi: Westland.
3. Bansal, Rashmi. (2012). Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. New Delhi: Westland.
4. Hisrich, Robert. Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd. (2006). Entrepreneurship. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
5. Bohoney, Jason. (2011). The Entrepreneurship Toolkit: Successful Approaches to Fostering Entrepreneurship.
Washington: Weidemann Associates Inc.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To impart a clear understanding of framework of Export Import Trade, various documents related to procedures in
exporting and importing, export shipment procedures, export finance and export incentives.

Unit 1: An Overview on Foreign Trade 09

Importance - nature and scope of International business; Modes of entry into International Business. Internationalisation
process and managerial implications.

Unit 2: Conducting Business in Multiple Countries 09

Framework for analysing international business environment – Domestic, foreign and global environments and their
impact on international business - UNESCO guidelines.

Unit 3: Economic Integration and Agreements 09

Levels of Economic integration, NAFTA, SAFTA, ASEAN, EU and recent multilateral agreement in India’s foreign trade.

Unit 4: Joint Ventures and Foreign Collaborations 09

Joint Ventures and other forms for strategic alliances: Traditional and emerging reasons for forming strategic alliances:
Pitfalls in strategic alliances; Making cross-cultural alliances work

Unit 5: Regulations for Foreign Trade 09

India Laws and Regulations Governing International Business Transactions, Taxation of foreign income; foreign
investment; Setting up offices and branches abroad.

Suggested Reading:
1. Ghanshyam Sharma. (2010). International Trade Theory and Practice. Centrum Press.
2. M.L. Varma. (2012). Foreign Trade Management. Government of India.
3. Swami, K.D. : International Trade
4. Singhai : International Trade
5. Vaish, M.C. (2002). Macro Economics. Vikas Publishing House
6. Daniels and Radebaugh : International Business
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, students will be able to familiarize with the basic of cost accounting, cost sheet, material costing,
labour costing, overhead costing, job costing, and batch costing.

Unit 1: Introduction to Cost Accounting 09

Introduction, Meaning and Definition of Cost, Costing and Cost Accounting; Objectives of Costing, Comparison between
Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting, Designing and Installing a Cost Accounting System; Cost Concepts,
Classification of Costs, Cost Unit, Cost Centre; Elements of Cost; Preparation of Cost Sheet ;Tenders and Quotations

Unit 2: Material Costing and Control 09

Meaning, Types: Direct Material, Indirect Material; Material Control, Techniques of Inventory Control: Levels settings,
EOQ, ABC Analysis, VED Analysis, Just In-Time, Perpetual Inventory System; Methods of Pricing Material Issues:
FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average Price Method and Simple Average Price Method

Unit 3 Labour Cost 09

Meaning, Types: Direct Labour, Indirect Labour; Timekeeping, Time booking, Idle Time, Overtime, Labour Turn Over,
Methods of Labour Remuneration: Time Rate System, Piece Rate System, Incentive Systems: Halsey plan, Rowan Plan &
Taylor’s differential Piece Rate System

Unit 4: Overheads 09
Meaning and Definition; Classification of Overheads; Allocation of Overheads, Apportionment of Overheads, Primary
Overhead Distribution Summary, Secondary Overhead Distribution Summary, Repeated Distribution Method and
Simultaneous Equations Method, Absorption of Factory Overheads, Methods of Absorption, Machine Hour Rate

Unit 5: Job and Batch costing 09

Definition and Features of Job cost; Pre requisites of Job costing; Source documents, Preparation of job cost sheet;
Definition of Batch costing and its accounting procedure; Determination of economic batch size, Preparation of batch cost

Suggested Reading:
1. S P Jain and K L Narang – Cost and Management accounting, Jain book agency, 14th edition.
2. Shashi K. Gupta and R. K. Sharma (2012), Management Accounting, 5 th edition, Kalyani Publishers / LyallBk
3. Khan and Jain (2013), Management Accounting Text Problems & Cases, 6th edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Publishing Co Ltd.
4. M. N. Arora (2012), Accounting for Management, 4 thedition, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. M. E. Thukaram Rao (2009), Management Accounting, 1st edition, New Age International Ltd.
6. Alexander. David and Britton Anne. (1996). Financial Reporting. (4thed.). International Thomson Business Press.
7. Anthony, Robert N. and Reece, James. (2010). Accounting Principles. (6thed.). Aitbs Delhi.
8. Ormiston Aileen and Fraser Lyn M. (2010). Understanding Financial Statements.
9. (9th ed.). Prentice-Hall.




W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:

To familiarize students with concepts, tools and techniques of the methodology of business research

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Research 09

Research: Meaning, Purpose, Motivations; Types of research; Research Approaches; Significance of research; Research
methods versus methodology; Research and scientific method; Research process; Scope of business research; Review of
literature: Need and Purpose

Unit 2: Research Problem and Research Design 09

Selection and formulation of a research problem; Formulation of hypothesis, Operational definition of concepts;
Sampling techniques;Research Design: Meaning, Nature; Components of research design

Unit 3: Methods of Data Collection 09

Meaning and Types of Data, Collection of Primary Data; Observation Method; Interview Method; Collection of Data
through Questionnaires and Schedules; Other Methods of Primary Data Collection; Collection of Secondary Data;
Selection of Appropriate Method for Data Collection

Unit 4: Processing and Analysis of Data 09

Processing Operations; Problems in Processing; Types of Analysis; Statistics in Research; Measures of Central Tendency,
Dispersion, Asymmetry, and Relationship; Other Measures for Analysis of Data; Testing of Hypothesis

Unit 5: Interpretation and Report Writing 09

Meaning and Need for Interpretation; Techniques of Interpretation; Meaning and Significance of Report Writing;
Different Steps in Report Writing; Layout of Research Report; Types of Report; Mechanics of Writing Research Report

Suggested Reading:

1. Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques.New Age International.

2. Chawla, Sondhi. Research Methodology.Vikash Publication
3. Tony Proctor. (2005). Essentials of Marketing Research (4thed.). Prentice Hall.
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To help student understand the fundamentals of taxation including both direct and indirect taxation.

Unit 1: Introduction 09
Introduction, Canons of Taxation, Types of Taxes, Definitions- Income, Person, Assesses, Assessment year, Pervious
year, Agricultural Income(Theory Only).
Exempted Incomes U/S 10. Capital and Revenue Income and expenditure, Residential Status and Incidence of Tax.

Unit 2: Computation of Taxable Income under the different heads of Income. 09

Income from Salary- Meaning of salary, Allowances, Perquisites, Deductions from salary. (Theory and Problems)
Income from House Property - Basis of Chargeability, Annual Value, Self-occupied and let out property- Deductions
(Theory and Problems), Profits and Gains of Business & Profession -Definitions, Concepts, Practical Aspects -
Deductions expressly allowed and disallowed (Theory only), Capital Gains - Chargeability-Definitions-Practical aspects -
Cost of Improvement – Indexation - Short term and long term capital gains-Exemptions (Theory only), Income from other
sources - Chargeability-Deductions-Amounts not deductible (Theory only)

Unit 3: Computation of Total Taxable Income of an Individual 09

Gross total Income- deductions from GTI, Calculation of tax liability- (Rates applicable for respective Assessment year)
Education cesses, Refund of tax.

Unit 4: CST, Customs Act and Central Excise 09

Central Sales Tax / G.S.T (Goods & Services Tax)- Objects and basic scheme of CST act, Meaning – Dealer – Business –
Sale – Goods – declared goods, Turnover, interstate and intra state sale . (Theory only), Customs Act - Meaning – Types
of Custom Duties – Valuation for Customs Duty. (Theory only), Central Excise - Procedures relating to Levy, Valuation
and Collection of Duty, Types of Duty, Nature of Excise Duties.

Unit 5: VAT and Service Tax 09

Value Added Tax - Basic Concepts of Value Added Tax, Dealer, Registered Dealer, Sales, Turnover, Input VAT, Output
VAT. (Theory only), Service Tax - Meaning and Definition, Features of Service Tax, declared service, services given in
the negative list, services in the Mega exemption notification, small service provider, Levy and Collection of Service Tax,
Service Tax Administration, Exemptions from Service Tax. (Theory only).

Suggested Reading:
1. Singhania, Vinod K. (2016-17). Direct Taxes - Law and Practice.Taxmann Publications.
2. Dr.Mehrotra and Dr.Goyal (2016-17). Direct Taxes – Law and Practice, SahityaBhavan Publication.
3. Pagare, Dinakar. (2016-17). Law and Practice of Income Tax, Sultan Chand and sons.
4. Datey, V. S. (2016-17). Indirect Taxes – Law and Practice.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
At the end of this subject, students will be able to familiarize with the uniqueness of the services characteristics and its
marketing implications and to discuss measure and analyse several facets in the area of services marketing essential for
the success of a service sector firm and with the various models and their applications.

Unit 1: Introduction to services 09

Concepts, contribution and reasons for the growth of services sector, difference in goods and service in marketing, myths
about services, characteristics of services, concept of service marketing triangle, service marketing mix, GAP models of
service quality. Marketing challenges in service industry.

Unit 2: Consumer behaviour in services 09

Search, Experience and Credence property, consumer expectation of services, two levels of expectation, Zone of tolerance,
Factors influencing customer expectation of services. Customer perception of services-Factors that influence customer
perception of service, Service encounters, Customer satisfaction, Strategies for influencing customer perception.

Unit 3: Tourism, Hotel and Hospital Management 09

Introduction; Concept & Nature of Tourism; Significance & Impact of Tourism; Market Segmentation in Tourism;
Tourism marketing Mix Management of Travel Services: Role of Travel Agencies & Travel Organization Tour
Operations - Meaning and services. Management of Hotel Industry: Hotels; Facilities; The guest Cycle; classification of
hotels; Introduction to Hospitals; Development of Hospitals; Facilities; Personnel; Administration; Hospital service
extensions – Pharma.

Unit 4: Understanding customer expectation through market research 09

Key reasons for GAP 1, using marketing research to understand customer expectation, Types of service research, Building
customer relationship through retention strategies –Relationship marketing, Evaluation of customer relationships, Benefits
of customer relationship, levels of retention strategies, Market segmentation-Basis & targeting in services.

Unit 5: Customer defined service standards 09

“Hard” & “Soft” standards, process for developing customer defined standards Leadership Measurement system for
market driven service performance-key reasons for GAP-2 service leadership- Creation of service vision and
implementation, Service quality as profit strategy, Role of service quality In offensive and defensive marketing. Service
design and positioning-Challenges of service design, new service development-types, stages. Service blue printing-Using
& reading blue prints. Service positioning-positioning on the five dimensions of service quality, Service Recovery.

Suggested Reading:
1. Dr.Shajahan. S, (2001) Service Marketing (Concept, Practices & Cases); Himalaya Publishing House; Mumbai;
First Edition.
2. Christopher Lovelock, (2004) Services Marketing- Pearson Education, 2004
3. Valarie A Zeithmal& Mary Jo Bitner (2011), Services Marketing- 5/e, TMH.
4. Kenneth E Clow& David L. Kurtz, (2007) Services Marketing: Operation, Management and Strategy-2/e,
5. Ravi Shankar, (2006) Services Marketing: The Indian Perspective-, Excel BOOKS.
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
The objective of the subject is to provide in-depth knowledge to students on Investment Banking Services and Operations
such as Trade Processing, Reconciliations, Risk Management and preparation of MIS.

Unit 1: Introduction to Investment Banking 09

Introduction to Investment Banking: Meaning, role and functions of Investment Banker, key functions of security trading
organization, custodian, depository & securities dealing & investment banking -Various market participants – Hedge fund,
Portfolio Managers, Institutional Investors.

Unit2: Global Financial Instruments 09

Global Financial Instruments – Equity, Debt, Derivatives, Forex, Commodities, SWAPS, Mortgage Backed Securities,
Asset Backed Securities, CDS, Warrants, REITS, LEAPS, STRIPS.

Unit 3: Introduction to Trade life cycle 09

Introduction to Trade life cycle- Equity & Debt Understanding the Trade execution, trade capture, trade enrichment, trade
confirmation-SWIFT FIX transaction reporting function, Brokerage Calculation, Brokerage Calculation, Settlement
Terminologies, Clearing & Settlement process – Settlement instructions- Types of trade settlements, Role of Custodian.

Unit 4: Corporate Actions 09

Corporate Actions: Introduction to Corporate Actions - Mandatory & Voluntary, Corporate events - Bonus issue, stock
split, right issue reverse stock split -Special Corporate action events with options –impact of corporate actions on portfolio

Unit5: Risk Management and lending services 09

Risk Management and lending services: Functions of Treasury Department, Role of Risk Manager, Collateral
Management Process, Margin and VAR Calculation, ISDA Norms – Regulatory and Compliance Responsibilities.
Security Lending and Borrowing (SLB), Concept of Margin Funding, External – Internal reconciliation and cash

Suggested Reading:
 NCFM Materials
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
At the end of this subject, students will be able to familiarize with marginal costing, standard costing, budgetary control,
and ratio analysis.

Unit 1: Introduction to Managerial Accounting 09

Meaning, nature and scope of management accounting, Goals of management accounting, Difference between cost
accounting and Management accounting, difference between management accounting and financial accounting.

Unit2: Marginal costing 09

Meaning, need and features of marginal costing, Marginal Costing Vs. Absorption Costing, Contribution, P/V ratio,
Computation of profit using marginal costing, Break-even point, Break even chart, Angle of incidence, Margin of safety

Unit 3: Standard costing 09

Meaning of standard cost and standard costing - Application of standard costing, Advantages and Disadvantages of
standard costing, Variance analysis: Material and Labour variances only

Unit 4: Ratio Analysis 09

Meaning and Importance of Ratio Analysis - classification of ratios: Liquidity ratios, Solvency Ratios, Turnover ratios,
Profitability ratios, Valuation ratios, Limitations of ratio analysis

Unit 5: Budgetary control 09

Meaning - budget and budgetary control, objectives, advantages and limitation.s of budgetary control, Classification of
budgets, Preparation of flexible budget, Sales budget and Cash budget

Suggested Reading:
1. Khan& Jain, (2001) Management Accounting, 1st edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
2. M. N. Arora, (2010) Management Accounting, 3rd edition, Himalaya Publisher
3. Shashi K. Gupta. (2005). Management Accounting, (3rd Ed.). Kalyani Publishers.
4. Maheshwari. (2009). Management Accounting. (2nded.). Vikas Publishers.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of this Subject, student will be able to implement the Financial Planning process; structure and choose the
optimal business format for the delivery of Financial Planning services for specific target client markets and fundamental
concepts of managing wealth that helps in preserving wealth as well as creating wealth.

Unit 1: Overview of Financial Planning 09

Meaning and Importance of Financial Planning; Major Areas of Financial Planning; Growth of Financial Planning
Profession in India; Role of a Financial Planner; Financial Planning Process: Establishing and Defining Client
Relationship; Collecting Client Information; Analyzing Client’s Financial Status, Risk Profile, and Determining Financial
Goals; Developing and Presenting Financial Planning Recommendations; Implementing Financing Planning
Recommendations; Monitoring and Reviewing Client’s Situation

Unit 2: Retirement Planning 09

Introduction to Retirement Planning, Analysis of Client’s Life Cycle, Factors Considered in Retirement Planning,
Analysis of Client’s Retirement Needs, Factors and Principles of Wealth Creation, Retirement Planning Process, Pre-
retirement Strategies, Post-Retirement Strategies

Unit 3: Investment Planning I 09

Array of Investment Products, Types of Investment Risk, Product Profiling based on Inherent Risk and Tenure, Risk
Profiling of Investors, Financial Asset Allocation Strategies, Investment Planning for Achieving Financial Goals, Analysis
of Return: Time Weighted Return, Rupee Weighted Return, Real Return, Nominal Return, Holding Period Return,
Compounded Annual Growth Rate, Yields

Unit 4: Investment Planning II 09

Analysis of Risk: Beta and Portfolio Beta, Standard Deviation, Variance, Semi-Variance, Covariance, and Correlation;
Active Investment Strategies, Passive Investment Strategies, Investment Portfolio Management: Risk-Return
Relationship, CAPM, CML, SML, Sharpe, Trey nor and Jensen Ratios; Revision of Portfolio

Unit 5: Insurance Planning 09

Meaning of Insurance, Role of Insurance in Financial Planning, Different Types of Insurance Used in Financial Planning:
Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Liability Insurance, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance,
Long-Term Care Insurance

Suggested Reading:
1. Jack R. Kapoor, Les R. Dalai, Robert J. Hughes (2012) Focus on Personal Finance, 4th Revised Edition.
McGraw-Hill Education.
2. David M. Cordell (1999) Fundamentals of Financial Planning, 4 editions, Amer College.
3. Harold Evensky. (1999). Wealth Management. The Financial Advisor's Guide to Investing and Managing Client
Assets. (1st ed.), McGraw hill.
4. Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston. (2009). Fundamentals of Financial Management. (12th ed.). Cengage
5. S. K. Bagchi. (2009). Wealth Management. (1sted.). Jaico Publishing House.
6. Dun, Bradstreet. (2009). Wealth Management. (1sted.).McGraw Hill.
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

To train students to formulate strategies, and implement them to achieve organisational goals.

Unit 1: Introduction to Strategic Management 09

Introduction, Business Definition Introduction, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives, The Concept of Strategy,
Introduction to Business Policy, Strategic Management Process, Benefits of strategic management.

Unit 2: Appraising the Environment 09

Introduction, Characteristics of Environment, Internal versus External Environment, Environmental Scanning,

Environmental Appraisal, Factors Affecting Environment Appraisal, Structuring Environment Appraisal, Identifying the
Environmental Factors

Unit 3: Strategy Formulation 09

Corporate-Level Strategies: Reasons for Adopting Them, Concentration Strategies, Integration Strategies, Diversification
Strategies, Business-Level Strategies: Introduction, Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus Functional Strategies:
Introduction, Production Strategy, Research and Development Strategy, Human Resource Strategy

Unit 4: Strategy Implementation 09

Introduction, Structure and Strategy, Interaction between Structure and Strategy, Types of Organisational Structures,
Structures for Strategies, Strategy and Leadership, Organisational Values and Strategy

Unit 5: Strategic Evaluation and Control 09

Introduction, Strategic Evaluation, Strategic Control, Operational Control, Process of Operational Evaluation, Evaluation
Techniques for Operational Control, Strategies in the Global Environment: Introduction, International Strategies,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internationalization, Cooperative Strategies, Joint Venture Strategies, Strategic

Suggested Reading:

1. AzharKazmi. Strategic Management and Business Policy. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. 2008
2. Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy. Dorling Kindersley
(India) Pvt. Ltd. 2010
3. B. Hiriyappa. Strategic Management and Business Policy. Wordclay. 2010
4. Vipin Gupta, Kamala Gollakoa, R. Srinivasan. Business Policy and Strategic Management – Concepts and
Applications. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd. 2008
5. G.V. SatyaSekhar. Business Policy and Strategic Management. I. K. International Publishing House. 2010
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of this subject, student will be acquainted with practical legal knowledge of general business law issues and
topics to help become more informed, sensitive and effective business leaders.

Unit 1: Indian Contract Act, 1872 09

Meaning, Characteristics & Scope of the contract law, Elements of contract, Offer and acceptance, Lawful consideration,
Capacity to contract, Free Consent, Lawful object. Discharge of contract including performance of contract. Breach of
contract, contingent contract, quasi contract. Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee. Contract of Bailment. Contract of

Unit 2: Company Law 09

Introduction, Meaning and Definition, Corporate Personality, Stages of formation of a Company: Company, Classification
of Companies. Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association Distinction between Memorandum and Articles.
Prospectus and Other Documents: Doctrine of Indoor Management, Shares, Debentures and Dividends: Transfer and
Transmission of shares, Directors, Meetings, Winding up. Amendments.

Unit 3: The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 09

Salient features of LLP, Difference between LLP & Partnership, LLP & Company, Nature of LLP, Partners & designated
partners, Incorporation document, Incorporation by Registration, Partners & their relations.

Unit 4: The Sale of Goods Act, 1950 09

Contract of sale, Meaning & difference between sale & agreement to sale; conditions & warranties, Transfer of ownership
in goods including sale by non- owners, Performance of contract of sale, Unpaid seller- meaning & rights of an unpaid
seller against the goods.

Unit 5: The information Technology Act, 2000 09

Definition, Digital signature, Electronic governance, Attribution, acknowledgement & dispatch of electronic records,
Regulation of certifying authorities, Digital signatures certificates, Duties of subscribers, Penalties & adjudication,
Appellate tribunal, offences

Suggested Reading:

1. S. S. Gulshan and G. K. Kapoor (2009) Business Law.1st edition, New Age International.
2. N. D. Kapoor, (2006) Elements of Mercantile Law.3rd edition, Sultan Chand and Company.
3. Robert W. Emerson (2006) Business Law.1st edition, Barron’s Educational Series Inc.
4. Satyanarayana G (2009) Business Law.3rd edition, Apollo Publishers.
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

Develop the skills and knowledge to support the implementation and maintenance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Unit 1: Introduction to ERP 09

Evolution of ERP; what is ERP? Reasons for the Growth of ERP; Scenario and Justification of ERP in India; Evaluation
of ERP; Various Modules of ERP; Advantage of ERP. An Overview of Enterprise

Unit 2: An Overview of Enterprise 09

Integrated Management Information; Business Modelling; ERP for Small Business; ERP for Make to Order Companies;
Business Process Mapping for ERP Module Design; Hardware Environment and its Selection for ERP Implementation.

Unit 3: ERP and Related Technologies 09

Business Process Reengineering (BPR); Management Information System (MIS); Executive Information System (EIS);
Decision support System (DSS); Supply Chain Management (SCM).

Unit 4: ERP System 09

Introduction; Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Materials Management. Introduction, SAP AG, Baan
Company, Oracle Corporation, People Soft, JD Edwards World Solutions Company, System Software Associates, Inc.
(SSA); QAD; A Comparative Assessment and Selection of ERP Packages and Modules.

Unit 5: ERP Implementation Lifecycle 09

Issues in Implementing ERP Packages; Pre-evaluation Screening; Package Evaluation; Project Planning Phase; Gap
Analysis; Reengineering; Configuration; Implementation; Team Training; Testing; Going Live; End-User Training; Post
Implementation (Maintenance Mode).

Suggested Reading:

1. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) with Introduction to ERP; SCM; an CRM by Khalid Sheikh, Publisher:
2. The Impact of Enterprise Systems on Corporate Performance: A study of ERP, SCM, and CRM System
Implementations [An article from: Journal of Operations Management] by K.B. Hendricks; V.R. Singhal; and J.K.
Stratman, Publisher: Elsevier
3. ERP and Supply Chain Management by Christian N. Madu, Publisher: CHI
4. Implementing SAP ERP Sales & Distribution by Glynn C. Williams, Publisher McGraw-Hill

W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will understand the basics of insurance and how insurance can be used as tool for risk

Unit - I: Introduction to Insurance and Risk Management 09

Introduction to Insurance, Basic Concepts of Insurance, Fundamental Principles of Insurance, Meaning of Risk, Types of
Pure Risk, Principle of Risk Pooling, Methods of Handling Risk, Meaning and Objective of Risk Management, Steps in
Personal Risk Management, Risk Control and Risk Financing

Unit - 2: Insurance Contract and Legal Liability 09

The Insurance Contract, Important Terms in Insurance Contract,Analysis and Selection of Insurance Products,Legal
Liability:Intentional Torts, Absolute Liability, Law of Negligence, Special Tort Liability Problems, Civil Justice System

Unit – 3: Life Insurance 09

Meaning of Life Insurance; Analysis of Life Insurance Needs; Types of Life Insurance Policies: Term Insurance, Whole
Life Policy, Endowment Policy, Investment Linked Insurance; Calculation of Claim Amount and other Benefits, Other
Provisions of Life Insurance Contracts

Unit – 4: General Insurance 09

Health Insurance and Accident Insurance: Individual Health Insurance, Group Health Insurance Policies, Personal and
Group Accident Insurance; Personal Disability Insurance; Property and Liability Insurance; Other Business Specific
Insurance: Keyman Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Unit – 5: Regulatory Framework of Insurance 09

IRDA Act, 1999; the Insurance Act, 1938; Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991; Employee State Insurance Act, 1948;
Agency Law and Functions of an Agent; Doctrines of Waiver and Estoppels

Suggested Reading:

1. Burton T. Beam, Jr., Barbara S. Poole, David L.Bickelhaupt, Robert M. Crowe. Fundamentals of Insurance for
Financial Planning (3rd Edition). American College, 2008
2. Etti G. Baranoff, Esther ZipporaBaranoff. Risk Management and Insurance, 3rd Edition, Wiley, John & Sons,
Incorporated, 2010.
3. E. E. George Rejda. Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
4. Emmett J. Vaughan, With Theresa Vaughan. Risk Management, 3rd Edition, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, 2007.
5. P. S. Palande, R. S. Shah, M. L. Lunawat. Insurance in India: Changing Policies and Emerging Opportunities, 3rd
Edition, SAGE Publications, 2007
6. R. R. Stephan Leimberg, Robert J. Doyle. Tools and Techniques of Life Insurance Planning, 3rd Edition, National
Underwriter Company, 2004.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:

To expose the students to the internal environment of business and to enable them to formulate strategies relating to cost.

Unit 1: Costing Strategy 09

Influence of different cost elements on business enterprise, Importance of analysing cost elements, cost control and cost
reduction: meaning, process, methods and techniques of cost control and cost reduction, cost management: areas of cost
management, difference between cost management and cost accounting, role of cost accounting in strategic planning and
management control.

Unit 2: Strategic Cost and Performance Evaluation 09

Integration of strategic cost management with performance evaluation, Strategic cost management issues in different
elements of cost; material, labour and overheads; product design, value analysis and value engineering, strategic analysis
of cost, business process re-engineering, benchmarking.

Unit 3: Activity Based Costing System 09

Introduction to traditional methods of overhead absorption, problems of overhead absorption system under Traditional
System, introduction to ABC, Kaplan and Coopers approach to ABC, cost drivers and cost activities, allocation of
overheads under ABC, Characteristics of ABC, benefits from adaptation of ABC System, problems on comparison
between traditional system and ABC system

Unit 4: Life Cycle Costing 09

Meaning of LCC, factors affecting Life cycle costing, phases in product life cycle, characteristics, product life cycle and
cost control. Experience curve in product life cycle costing. Project life cycle costing: Meaning, categories of project life
cycle costs, optimization of project life cycle costs.

Unit 5: Just in Time and Kaizen Costing 09

JIT – features, methodology in implementation of JIT, Benefits of JIT. Kaizen Costing: concept, procedure for
implementation, evaluation, benefits of Kaizen costing. Lean Cost Management: Meaning, definition, factors, applications,
procedure to implementation, comparison with traditional management system, Modern production management
techniques, benefits and drawbacks of Lean Cost Management.

Suggested Reading:

1. Ravi. M. Kishore, Cost Management, Taxman, Allied Services (p) Ltd

2. S.K.R. Paul, Management Accounting, New Central Book Agency Private Ltd., Calcutta.
3. Charles T. Horngren, George Foster, Srikant M. Data, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi
4. Roger Cowe, Hand Book of Management Accounting, A Grower Handbook.
5. S. Mukherjee & A.P. Roy Chowdhury, Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy, New Central Book Agency,
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, students will understandthe basic of fundamental analysis and technical analysis.

Unit 1: Introduction to Fundamental Analysis 09

Meaning, Objective, and Components of Fundamental Analysis; Fundamental Approaches to Security Valuation: Equity
Valuation: Discounted Cash Flow Techniques and Relative Valuation Techniques; Introduction to Bond Valuation and
Yield Measures

Unit 2: Macroeconomic Analysis and Industry Analysis 09

Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis, Impact of Global Economy and Government Policies, Analysing
Macroeconomic Factors, Introduction to Industry Analysis, Components of Industry Analysis: Sensitivity to Business
Cycle; Industry Life Cycle Analysis; Analysis of Industry Structure and Characteristics, Profit Potential of Industries:
Porter Model

Unit 3: Company Analysis 09

Introduction to Company Analysis, Strategy Analysis; Accounting Analysis; Financial Analysis: Earning and Dividend
Level, Growth Performance, Valuation Multiples; Qualitative Analysis Estimation of Intrinsic Value: Estimating EPS,
Establishing PE Ratio, Developing Value Anchor and Value Range, Tools for Judging Mispricing, Obstacles in
Fundamental Analysis; Introduction to Equity Research in India

Unit 4 Introduction to Technical Analysis 09

Meaning and Basic Premises of Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis Vs. Technical analysis, Basic Concepts
underlying chart analysis; The Dow Theory, Bar and Line Charts, Point and Figure Charts, Moving average analysis,
MACD, Relative Strength analysis

Unit 5 Technical Indicators 09

Introduction, Breadth indicators: New high and lows, Volume; Sentiment indicators: Short-Interest ratio, Mutual fund
liquidity, Put/Call ratio, Trin statistics; Open interest in Futures and Options; Testing technical trading rules; Evaluation of
technical analysis

Suggested Reading:

1. Chandra, Prasanna. (2015). Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw Hill
2. Thomsett, Michael C. (2008). Mastering fundamental analysis. Dearborn financial publishing.
3. Thomsett, Michael C. (2006). Getting Started in Fundamental Analysis. John Wiley and sons.
4. Krantz, Matt. (2010). Fundamental Analysis. Wiley publishing Inc.
5. Kevin, S. (2006). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Prentice Hall of India.
6. Murphy, John J. (2008). Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. New York Institute of finance.

W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
To help students comprehend the need for ethics and values in the business world; to help students develop the necessary
etiquette for working within organisations.

Unit 1: Introduction to Ethics and Values 09

Nature of Business Ethics and Values, Significance and types of values, Ethics and Religion, Culture and Ethics, Social
culture and Individual Ethics, Factors Influencing Business Ethics, Ethics as strategy, Ethics of Great Philosophers –
Albert.Z.Carr, Aristotle, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, Suntzu :The art of war of Sun Tzu, Might-equals-right approach
of Karl Marx

Unit 2: Ethical Decision Making 09

Ethical Decision Making, Difficulties in Ethical Decision Making, Power and Politics in organizations: Bases and sources
of power, Coalitions, Managing Ethics: Ethics codes –Comparison of codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, codes of
Practice, Ethics Programs, Kohlberg’s Study and Business Ethics, Laws of Enforcing Ethical Conduct: Laws and Ethics,
Justice –Theory of Natural Law, Law as a guide to Moral Choice, Role of the Government of India in Enforcing Ethical

Unit 3: Ethics in Marketing and Accounting 09

Ethics in Marketing –Product relative ethics, Competition Relative Ethics: Advertising as a process of competitive
strategy, Piracy and predatory as a strategic choice, Ethics in Finance Accounting and Reporting, Insider Trading.

Unit 4: Introduction to Business Etiquette 09

Introduction to Business Etiquette, First Impression, Creating Professional Style and Presence, Building an Appropriate
Work Wardrobe, Dress Codes, Personal Hygiene and Grooming, The Art of Meeting and Greeting, Body Language,
Remembering Names, The Art of Making Conversations, Sparking A Conversation, Handling Office Conversations,
Respecting Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Differences, Improving Your Telephone Manners, Speaking and Listening on the

Unit 5: Handling Diverse Environments 09

Etiquette in a Diverse Business Environment, Working in a Diverse Environment, Respecting Physical Differences,
Dealing with Specific Disabilities, Respecting Racial and Ethnic Differences, Respecting Gender Differences, Handling
Conflicts Introduction, Workplace Dynamics, Handling Problem Personalities, Managing Conflicts, Business
Communication and Other Etiquette, Etiquette at Major Events, Travel Etiquette, Women Travellers

Suggested Reading:
1. Larry Johnson & Bob Phillips, Absolute Honesty: Building a Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and
Rewards Integrity, AMACOM, 2003
2. Paul J. Zak and Michael C. Jensen, Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy, Princeton University
Press, 2008
3. Daniel Freidman, Morals and Markets: An Evolutionary Account of the Modern World, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104
Course Objectives:

No management course can be complete without a detailed coverage of Leadership and its nuances. The subject of
leadership---in conceptual form as well as its practice is one of the most crucial and must be studied by the students; the
source and contours and practice of leadership; trends in leadership and its styles.

Unit 1: Introduction to Teamwork 09

Teamwork and High-Performance Teams, Introduction to Teamwork, Factors Contributing to High-Performance
Teamwork, Common Factors of High Performance Teams, Theoretical Framework, Characteristics, Features, or
Attributes of Effectively Functioning Teams, Team Definition, Purpose, and Goals, Talent, Skills, and Ethics, Incentives,
Motivation, and Efficacy, Leadership, Conflict and Communication, Power & Empowerment, Norms and Standards.

Unit 2: Leadership Theories 09

Theoretical Concepts of Leadership, Trait Theory, Behavioural Theory, Theory X and Theory Y, Other Theories on
Leadership, Leadership Styles, Autocratic, Persuasive, Consultative, Democratic, Delegate Leadership.

Unit 3: Leadership and Management 09

Leadership in Business Organizations, Dynamics between Leadership and Management, Leadership Qualities, Leadership
Examples in Business World, Leadership Styles in India, Creating a Sense of Mission, Engaging through transparency
and accountability, Empowering through communication, Invest on Training, Emotional Intelligence, Evaluating
Emotional Intelligence, the Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work, Learning Emotional Intelligence.
Learning Leadership, Critical Aspects of Leadership, How People Become Real Leaders, Planning, Trust, Connection,
Empowerment, Priorities, Growth and Legacy, Leadership Techniques, Vision, Inspiration, Momentum, Preparing for
Leadership, Creating Vision, Creating Inspiration, Generating Momentum, Leading and Managing Teams.

Unit 4: Lessons from Leaders 09

Business Leadership, Leadership Lessons, Embrace change, Get Employees to Perform at High Levels, Hire the Right
People, Stay True to Your Vision, Never Give Up, Lessons from Indian Business Leaders, Future of Leadership, Changes
in Organizational Structures, Leaders for New Organizations, Leadership at All Levels, A New Paradigm of Leadership,
Leader Integrator, Attitudes of Leaders.

Unit 5: Global Leadership Perspective 09

Historical and contemporary international events, trends and processes that affect global leadership, Analysing leadership
theories in the context of globalization and leadership abroad, Universal characteristics of good and bad leadership,
Explore and interpret ethical, cultural, societal, religious, political differences on the world stage that create differing
perspectives of leadership, Effective leadership strategies used in various communities, organizations and groups in
selected areas of the world, Compare and contrast perspectives of leadership within differing global contexts.
Suggested Reading:
1. Robert H. Palestini, (2009) Leadership Theory To Practice: A Game Plan For Success As A Leader: Rowman&
Littlefield Education
2. Peter G Northouse Authentic Leadership Theory And Practice: Origins, Effects And Leadership: Theory And
Practice, 5/e, Sage South Asia,
3. William L. Gardner, Bruce J. Avolio, Fred O. (2005) Development - Walumbwa,Jai Press(NY)
4. Roger Gill (2006) Theory and Practice of Leadership, Sage Publications.
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:
At the end of this subject, student will be able to familiarize with the environment of international finance and understand
the nature and functioning of foreign exchange markets, and determination of exchange rates.

Unit 1: Introduction to International Finance 09

Meaning, Importance, and Scope of International finance, Goals of MNCs and Potential Conflicts with that Goals,
Balance of payments: Current account, capital account & ORA, International Trade flows, International Capital Flows,
Agencies facilitating international flows: IMF and World Bank

Unit 2: International Financial Market 09

Needs and Functions of International Financial Market, History of foreign exchange, Function and Structure of the
FOREX markets, Foreign exchange market participants, Types of transactions and Settlements dates, Exchange rate
quotations, Currency Derivatives Markets, Eurocurrency Market, Eurocredit Market, Eurobond Market, International
Stock Markets

Unit 3: Exchange Rate Determination 09

Measuring exchange rate movements, Exchange rate equilibrium, Factors influencing exchange rates, Nominal, Real and
Effective exchange rates, Cross Rates, Exchange Rate Systems: Fixed, Floating, Managed Float, Pegged

Unit 4: International Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity 09

International Arbitrage: Locational arbitrage, triangular arbitrage, covered interest arbitrage; Determination of forward
premium or discount; Interest Rate Parity (IRP): Graphical analysis and interpretation

Unit 5 Relationship among Inflation, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate 09

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): Absolute version and Relative version, Graphical analysis and Interpretation; Fisher
Effect; International Fisher Effect (IFE): Graphical analysis and Interpretation; Comparison of IRP, PPP, and IFE

Suggested Reading:
1. Jeff Madura (2011) International Financial Management .2nd edition Cengage Learning.
2. VyuptakeshSharan, (2011) International Financial Management –, 5/e, PHI.
3. P. G. Apte (2010) International Finance Management. 1st edition, McGraw Hill.
4. John Holland (1997) International Finance Management. 2nd edition, Oxford, Blackwell Publication.
5. Shapiro (2008) International Finance. 1st edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
W.e.f. 2016-17

Total Number of Sessions-45

Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:

At the end of this subject, student will familiarize with different types of derivatives, their trading, clearing and settlement
and learn the basics of the derivatives market.

Unit - I: Introduction to Derivatives 09

Meaning of Derivatives, Types of Derivative Contracts, History of Financial Derivatives Markets, Exchange-traded
Markets and OTC Markets, Participants in a Derivative Market, Economic Function of Derivative Market, Overview of
Indian Derivative Market

Unit - 2: Futures Contracts, Mechanism and Pricing 09

Forward Contracts, Limitations of forward markets, Introduction to Futures, Distinction between Futures and Forwards
Contracts, Futures Terminology, Futures Payoffs, Pricing Stock Futures, Applications of Stock Futures

Unit – 3: Options Contracts, Mechanism and Applications 09

Option Terminology, Comparison between Futures and Options, Options Payoffs, Application of Options, Variables
affecting Option Pricing, The Black Scholes Merton Model for Option Pricing, The Greeks

Unit – 4: Commodity Derivatives 09

Introduction, Meaning, Definitions, Commodity Exchange, Role of Commodity Exchanges, Commodity Derivative
Markets in India, Latest Developments

Unit – 5: The Derivative Exchanges in India – NCDEX & MCX 09

Introduction, Meaning, Structure of NCDEX, Spot Pricing Polling, Exchange Membership, Commodities Traded on the
NCDEX Platform, Trading and Instruments of Trading, Pricing Commodity – Futures, Using commodity Futures,
Clearing and Settlement System.

Suggested Reading:

1. NCFM study materials

2. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (9th Edition): John C Hull; Pearson
W.e.f. 2016-17
Total Number of Sessions-45
Max. Marks: 100
External Assessment: 75
Internal Assessment: 25
LTPC 3104

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will understand the basics of financial services including fund-based and fee-based
financial services.

Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Services 09

Meaning, nature, scope of financial Services, Types of financial services: Fund based and Fees based services, Need and
the market of various financial Services, Growth of Financial Services in India, Problems faced in financial services

Unit 2: Leasing and Hire-Purchase Financing 09

Leasing: Conceptual framework, Types, Legal framework, Tax aspects of leasing and Financial Evaluation: Perspectives
of both Lessee and Lessor; Hire-Purchase Financing: Conceptual framework, Legal framework, and Financial Evaluation;

Unit 3: Factoring and Other Fund-based Services 09

Factoring: Meaning, Concept and evolution of Factoring; Functions of a Factor; Types of Factoring; Factoring Vs
Bills discounting; Advantages of Factoring: Forfeiting – an overview; Venture Capital Financing: Concept, Features,
Need, Stages of financing, Exit Route; Consumer Credit and Housing Finance-An overview

Unit 4: Merchant Banking Services 09

Concept, Growth, Merchant Banking in India, Policy measures, Institutional Structure, Legal and Regulatory
Frameworks, Role of Merchant Banker in Appraisal of Projects, Designing Capital Structure and Instruments, Issue
Pricing, and Preparations of Prospectus

Unit 5: Credit Rating and Other Fee-based Services 09

Introduction, Regulatory Framework, Credit Rating Agencies, Rating Process and Methodology, Rating Symbols and
Grades; Overview of Stock Broking, Depository Services, Custodial Services, and Corporate Restructuring

Suggested Reading:

1. Khan, M .Y. Financial Services. 4th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill

2. Dr. Gurusamy. Financial Services. 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill

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