1880 - Laurie - The Embryology of A Scorpion (Euscorpius Italicus)
1880 - Laurie - The Embryology of A Scorpion (Euscorpius Italicus)
1880 - Laurie - The Embryology of A Scorpion (Euscorpius Italicus)
Metsobnikoff, " Embryologie des Skorpions," ' Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,' 1870.
Kowalevsky and Schulgin, " Entwickelungsgeschichte des Skorpions,"
' Biol. Centralblatt,' Bd. vi, 18S6.
Parker, "The Eyes in Scorpions," 'Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard,'
vol. xiii.
granular, the rest of the space being filled up with the larger
The nucleus (fig. 4, n.), which retains its central position,
is large ('05 mm.) but indistinct in outline and is probably
breaking down as I have been unable to find any trace of
it in eggs larger than that here figured. The nucleolus
(fig. 4, n'.)} which is situated towards one side of the nucleus, is
also large, staining darkly with carmine and showing a very
distinct circular outline. I t often contains one large, clear,
circular vesicle and a number of smaller ones.
The whole egg is surrounded by a distinct, rather thick
vitelline membrane (fig. 4, v. m.). No trace of pores or any
other structure was made out. Outside the vitelline membrane
the egg is surrounded, except at the base, by the follicle in
which the two layers (fol. and fol'.) of the ovarian tube can
still be traced. The cells of the inner layer of the follicle are
now flattened and small. The large yolk-forming cells at the
base of the egg {ger'.) have increased in size and arranged
themselves in a circle the centre of which is occupied by a
prolongation of the ovarian tube (mi.'). The egg is only
separated from this prolongation of the lumen by the vitelline
membrane. The spermatozoa are thus enabled to reach and
fertilize the egg while it is still in its follicle.
PI. XIII, fig. 5, shows the base of a ripe egg attached to the
ovarian tube. The pedicle has become shortened and its lumen
has increased very much in size. The yolk-forming cells have
degenerated, their flattened nuclei (ger'.) being, however, still
distinguishable, and the follicle has become much thinner owing
to the growth of the egg. The egg itself is a mass of tightly
compressed yolk-spheres, among which I have in vain sought
for the nucleus. It is probable, however, that the nucleus and
the greater part of the protoplasm migrate to the base of the
egg as segmentation commences there.
The yolk (PI. XIII, fig. 6) consists of spheres, ranging up to
•2 mm. in diameter. They are not homogeneous, but contain
spherical or prismatic bodies, which stain darkly with borax
carmine. These bodies are very large in the smaller yolk-
Second Period.
(3) The serous membrane grows up from the edges of the
blastoderm over its surface as a single layer of cells, and is
continued round the yolk by the peripheral cells (Stages D—F).
(4) The hypo-mesoblast is formed partly as a single layer of
cells split off from the under surface of the blastoderm and
partly, at the tail end, as-a thick mass, the primitive thickening,
which probably represents an invagination. Before and up
to this stage cells pass from the blastoderm into the yolk
(Stage D).
(5) The mesoblast is formed as a layer several cells thick,
extending right across the blastoderm. The hypoblast remains,
after the formation of the mesoblast, as a single layer, except
in the region of the primitive thickening, where it is a spherical
mass (Stage E).
(6) The amnion is formed as a single layer of cells growing
up from the edges of the epiblast, with which it retains its
connection. The serous membrane has by this time lost all
connection with the blastoderm, and spreads round the greater
part of the yolk (Stage P).
The embryo by this time consists of three somites and the
large head- and tail-segments. The somites are formed from
the tail in regular succession.
Third Period.
(7) The mesoblast divides into two longitudinal bands, and
ccelomic spaces are formed in the somites and in the head
(Stage G).
(8) The epiblast and amnion begin to spread round the egg
beyond the limits of the ventral plate (Stage G).
(9) The neural groove is formed by a thinning of the epiblast
in the middle line (Stage H).
(10) The epiblast in the head-segment begins to thicken to
form the cerebral nervous system (Stage H).
cephalic lobe is seen a dark spot (fig. 32, ce. in.). These spots
are the cerebral invaginations. They begin in a somewhat
earlier stage (PI. XVI, fig. 36) as a pair of small inpushings.
These extend rapidly backwards and meet in the middle line,
their two lumens becoming continuous. This is seen in PI.
XVI, fig. 37 A—D, in which four transverse sections through
this region are figured. Owing to the strong cephalic flexure in
this stage the stomodaeum (st.) is also shown in section. The
cells, both at the sides of the cephalic lobes and throughout the
greater part of the invaginations, are rapidly increasing in
number to form the cerebral ganglia. Those in the centre of
the cerebral lobes remain as a thin layer, and take no part in
the brain formation. The cells also on the dorsal side in the
middle, -where the two invaginations have united (PI. XVI, fig.
37 D, oc), are more closely packed than the others, and take no
part in the formation of the brain. They are the beginning of
the retinal layer of the central eyes.
The ventral nervous system is in much the same condition
histologically as it was in. the last stage. The commencement
of its separation from the hypodermis can, however, be seen
(PI. XVI, fig. 35) where the hypodermis is growing over it
from each side as a thin layer.
The tail segment is now divided into six somites, and extends
forward along the ventral surface of the body, reaching, at this
stage, to the third abdominal somite. The epiblast is thickened
on the ventral surface to form the nervous system. This is
not shown in fig. 35, as the section passes between two thicken-
ings. The cavity of the tail is occupied by a tubular extension
of the hypoblast (fig. 35, hy.) surrounded by mesoblast. There
is as yet no trace of the proctodseum.
The coelomic spaces in the thoracic somites have not
developed much. Those in the abdominal somites, however
(PI. XVI, fig. 35, coe.), have extended enormously, and now
reach round almost one third of the egg. The mesoblast, ex-
cept in abdominal appendages, consists of two single layers of
cells. In the tail the ccelomic spaces are not yet formed.
Stage L.—The embryo, of which fig. 38 (PI. XVII) shows a
The development cf this Scorpion, of which I have tried to
give an outline above, is interesting in many points. It does
not agree closely with any other Arachnid type as yet described,
and I have for the present given up all attempts at comparison.
The development of the central and lateral eyes entirely bears
out Lankester and Bourne's description of their structure. It
is true that the central eyes are three-layered, but as the retina
is the second layer from the surface—the third layer forming
only a post-retinal membrane—they may be called diplostichous.
The account given above of their development agrees in all
essential respects with that of Parker, but, having a larger
supply of embryos, I have been able to trace the earlier stages
and the connection of the eyes with the cerebral invagination.
Their mode of origin resembles very closely Locy's1 description
of the development of the eyes in Agelena nsevia, the chief
difference being that in Agelena the optic invaginations appear
to have no connection with the formation of the brain. Locy
does not, however, give a detailed description of the formation
of the latter.
The description given above of the development of the lateral
eyes also agrees pretty closely with that of Parker. In these,
as in the central eyes, Lankester and Bourne's conclusions are
confirmed, and Patten's 3 conclusions as to what the structure
of the eyes must be in order to fit in with his theories are
shown to be without foundation. The lateral eyes are mono-
stichous, being simply somewhat specialised hypodermis cells.
The mode of formation of the ventral nervous system is
exceptional among Invertebrates, resembling rather that of
'Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard,' vol. xii, p. 85.
"Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods," 'Mitth. Zool. Stat. Naples,'
Bd. vi.
Chordata. The nerve-coi'd instead of peeling off from the
superficial layer of epiblast sinks down bodily, and is covered
by a layer of epiblast which grows over it from each side.
The development of the coxal gland leaves, I think, no room
to doubt that it is a nephridium. That of the genital tubes is
less conclusive, but I should think it probable that they are
also, at least in part, nephridial.
The gill-books are undoubtedly appendages comparable to
the abdominal appendages of Limulus. Whether they are
really invaginated, i . e . whether the edge of each lamella in the
Limulus appendage corresponds to the bottom of the fold
between the lamellae in the Scorpion's gill-book, or whether the
whole appendage has become sunk in a hollow in the abdominal
surface without being invaginated, it is difficult to say. Un-
doubtedly, the surface now exposed to the air has always been
the external surface, but that would be the case with either of
the above modes of derivation. Although the second alterna-
tive has the advantage that it is easy to see how the change
could take place gradually, I am inclined to think the first is
probably the true way in which they have arisen. One argu-
ment in its favour is that if the second alternative were correct
one would expect the gill-book to commence as a distinct out-
growth, which would become sunk in a pit. Now, there is no
such outgrowth in the formation of the gill-book. The first
thing to appear on the thickened portion of the epiblast, from
which the gill-book is formed, is a pit (PL XVII, fig. 41). The
lamellae do not begin to form till a later stage. Again, the
abdominal appe adages of Limulus are directed towards the tail
as one would expect abdominal appendages to be. Now, if the
appendage had sunk in without invagination, one would expect
it to be still directed towards the tail unless there were some
very good reason for its having changed its direction. If, on
the contrary, it had become invaginated it would naturally be
directed in the opposite direction towards the head, and this is
what we find in the Scorpion. The inpushing is from the
beginning towards the head, and the aperture opens towards
the tail (PL XVII, fig. 47). I think it is quite conceivable
a. c. Air-cavity in gill-book, ac . Air-spaces between the lamellse of gill-
book, ah. ap. Abdominal appendage, am. Aranion. am. c. Amniotic cavity.
ap. Appendage, bl. Blastoderm, bl. s. Blood-space, bl. c. Blood-corpuscle.
can. Caudal segment, ce. Cerebral ganglion, ce. in. Cerebral invagination.
ceph. Cephalic segment, ex. Ccelom. cox. Coxal gland, cox. d. Duct of
coxal gland, ep. Epiblast. ep'. Extension of epiblast beyond ventral plate.
fol. Eollicle. foil. Outer non-cellular layer of follicle, g. 1. Ganglion of
cheliceral somite, ger. Germinal epithelium or inner layer of ovarian tube.
ger'. Yolk-forming cells derived from germinal epithelium, ge. t. Genital
tube. hi. Heart. hy. Hypoblast. hy'. Extension of liypoblast beyond
ventral plate, hy. m. Mass of hypoblast in caudal segment, int. Intestine.
I. Gastric gland, mes. Mesoblast. mi. Prolongation of ovarian tube to egg.
mlph. Malpliigian tubes, n. g. Neural groove, n. n'. Nucleus, nucleolus.
n. c. Nerve.cord. n. gl. Nerve-ganglion. n. th. Neural thickening, oc.
Central eye. oc'. Lateral eye. o. I. Outer layer of ovarian tube. ov. Ovum.
p. gl. Poison-gland, pr. hy. Primitive hypoblast (hypomesoblast). proct.
Proctodseum. pr. t. Primitive thickening, rtn. Ketina of central eye.
rtn'. Third layer of central eye, post-retinal membrane, s. m. Serous mem-
brane, s. m'. " Peripheral cells." torn. mes. Somatic mesoblast. spl. mes.
Splanchnic mesoblast. si. Stomodseum. ste. p. Sternocoxal process, stg.
Stigmata, ie. Telson. tr. mes. Trabecular mesoblast occupying ccelom. vil.
Vitreous layer of central eye. y. c. Cells in yolk. yk. Yolk. The somites
are numbered i, n, m, &c.
FIG. 1.—Transverse section of ovarian tube, showing the two layers; one
cell of the inner layer enlarging to form an ovum. X *-^.
FIG. 2.—Transverse section of ovum and ovarian tube. The egg has now
pushed its way through the outer layer, and appears as a small protuberance
on the ovarian tube. The follicle is beginning to form from the cells of the
inner layer, which have accompanied the ovum, x &^.
FIG. 3.—Longitudinal section of ovum of - 1 mm. diameter, showing the
two-layered follicle and the yolk-forming cells (ger',). x ^s•.
FIG. 4.—Longitudinal section of egg of '4 mm. in length, showing yolk-
spheres, indefinite nucleus, and strongly marked nucleolus. The egg is sur-
rounded by a vitelline membrane. The rest as in Fig. 3. X S-|3.
FIG. 5.—Section through the base of a ripe egg. x 1^s-.
FIG. 6.—Yolk-spheres from ripe egg, showing the darkly stained spherical
and prismatic bodies and the clear spaces. X i p .
FIG. 7.—Section through a corpus luteum and part of ovarian tube.
FIG. 8.—Surface view of one-layered blastoderm, x -^-.
FIG. 9.—Section through one-layered blastoderm, same stage as Fig. 8.
x ^.
Fi&. 10.—Section .through blastoderm later than Pig. 9, showing the cells
multiplying to form a mass at one pole of the egg. x ?%&'
FIG. 11.—Section through more advanced blastoderm. X £4p.
FIG. 12.—Transverse section through blastoderm at time of formation of
primitive hypoblast and serous membrane. The yolk and yolk-cells are drawn
in detail in this figure to show the breaking down of the former, x • s -p.
FIG. 13.—Surface view of blastoderm now becoming oval, x -&p-.
FIG. 14.—Transverse section through posterior end of embryo figured in
Fig. 13, showing serous membrane, primitive thickening, primitive bypoblast,
and " peripheral cells." x &p.
FIG. 15.—Transverse section through anterior part of embryo about the
same stage, x l^-.
FIG. 16.—Longitudinal section through an embryo a little younger than
Fig. 17, showing two somites with a third forming. The mesoblast is
forming from the primitive hypoblast, the amnion is growing up from the
edges of the hypoblast, and the primitive thickening is well seen in the caudal
segment. X -^p.
FIG. 17.—Surface view of embryo, with three somites fully formed.
x J£-.
PIG. 18.—Transverse section through posterior end of Fig. 17, showing
hypoblastic mass, mesoblast, &c. X i-^.
TIG. 19.—Diagrammatic representation of the relative extension of the
various layers in an embryo of the stage of Fig. 17.
FIG. 20.—Surface view of an embryo with seven somites, drawn as if
flattened out. a—6 and c—d are the planes of the sections figured in Figs.
21 and 23. X *£-.
FIG. 21.—Transverse section through one of the posterior somites of an
embryo with seven somites (a—b in Fig. 20), showing the three layers,
epiblast thinning in centre, and mesoblast thin; amnion, serous membrane,
and ccelomic spaces. X *\9-.
FIG. 22.—Transverse section through one of the anterior somites of Fig.
20. x -4*.
FIG. 23.—Transverse section through tail-segment (c—d) of Fig. 20,
showing the undivided mesoblast and the hypoblastic mass, x 4 ^ .
FIG. 24.—Surface view of embryo of nine somites, drawn as if extended.
X 3SL.
FIG. 25.—Transverse section through head-segment of Fig. 24, showing
epiblast thickening to form cerebral nervous system and spreading (ep'.), with
the amnion beyond the ventral plate, neural groove, thin mesoblast, with small
ccelomic space and hypoblast. X i-\Q-.
FIG. 26.—Transverse section through one of the anterior somites of Fig.
24, showing the epiblast very solid where the appendage will develop (ap.)
aud form the neural thickening {n. th.) at each side of the neural groove.
Mesoblast thick, and ccelom not very evident, x x\s-.
FIG. 27.—Diagrammatic representation of the relative extension of the
various layers in an embryo of the stage of Fig. 24.
FIG. 28.—Surface view of embryo at Stage I (ten somites) extended in a
plane, showing appendages, cheliceral ganglion, stomodseum, &c. X A&..
FIG. 29.—Longitudinal section of Stage 1 in the middle line, showing
dorsal flexure of the embryo, commencement of tail outgrowth, stomodseum,
&c. x -^..
PIG. 30.—Longitudinal section to one side of the middle line, showing the
appendages and coelomic spaces. X ££-.
FIG. 31.—Transverse section through the third somite of Stage I, showing
the formation of the appendage, the neural thickening, &c. X -e-£-.
FIG. 32.—Surface view of embryo at Stage K, showing the cerebral imagi-
nations, abdominal appendages, tail, &c. X -^-.
PIG. 33.—Transverse section through the base of a thoracic appendage,
showing the sternocoxal process.
PIG. 34, a—A.—Series of sections thiough base of fifth appendage, showing
the coxal gland.
PIG. 35.—Transverse section through one of the abdominal appendages and
the tail, showing the appendage, the neural thickening beginning to separate
from the epiblast, the gut forming in the tail, &c. X -715-
FIG. 36.—Transverse section through the cephalic segment of a somewhat
earlier embryo, showing the beginning of the cerebral invagination. x - ^ .
PIG. 37, A—D.—Sections through the head of an embryo of Stage K, show-
ing the cerebral-optic invaginations. X -^s..
PIG 38.—Surface view of an embryo of Stage L extended in a plane,
showing the cerebral invagination, the central eyes, &c. X ~°-.
PIG. 39.—Transverse section through the base of the fifth appendage,
showing the coxal gland, x -2^-
PIG. 40.—Section through the pectines. X ^ .
PIG. 41.—Section through an abdominal appendage, showing the inpushing
to form the gill-book. X -',5-.
PIG. 42, a, b.—Transverse sections through the cerebro-optic invaginations.
x -^a-.
FIG. 43.—Longitudinal section through the cerebro-optic invaginations,
showing the formation of the brain and the central eye. X A-j-^.
PIG. 44.—Surface view of an embryo of Stage M, from the ventral surface.
X 4j2..
PIG. 45.—Surface view of the dorsal side of the head of the same embryo,
showing i he central and lateral eyes, x \ 0 -.
PIG. 46.—Section through the seventh somite, showing the formation of
the genital tube from part of the ccelom. X •sf-.
PIG. 47.—Longitudinal secion through a gill-book, showing the commence-
ment of the formation of the lamellee. x :L\^.
FIG. 48.—Longitudinal section through the head end, showing the stomo-
deeum and the cerebro-optic invagination from which the brain is now entirely
separate. X -*T*-.
PIG. 49.—Transverse section through the same region, x ^-.
FIG. 50.—Longitudinal section through the lateral eye, showing its forma-
tion by a thickening of the hypodermis. X i-p.
PIG. 5O«.—Section through a somewhat older lateral eye in which the
inpushing of the hypodermis has disappeared, x ^s•.
FIG. 51.—Longitudinal section through the tail end of Stage M, showing
the poison-gland, proctodseum, intestine, &c. X 4A.
FIG. 52.—Transverse section through the posterior end of the body, showing
the intestine, with the Malpighian tubes, the heart, &c. X -^-.
FIG. 53.—Transverse section a little further foward than Fig. 52, showing
the intestine, which has not yet closed into a tube. X - ^ .
FIG. 54.—Section through the coxal gland of a newly-batched scorpion,
showing the opening to the exterior, &c. X ££•.
FIG. 55.—Longitudinal section through a gill-book of a newly-hatched
scorpion, x ^-jp.
FIG. 56.—Longitudinal section through the central eye of an embryo a short
time before hatching, showing the closure of the cerebro-optic invagination
and the three layers of the eye. X - ^ .
FIG. 57.—Longitudinal somewhat oblique section through the central eyes
of a newly-hatched scorpion. X *$&•.
FIG. 58.—A few cells of the same eye more highly magnified, and showing
the inpushing in the vitreous layer.
FIGS. 58, a, b, c.—Transverse sections through the same eye at different
FIG. 59.—Section through the lateral eyes of a newly-hatched scorpion.
X if*.
FIG. 60.—Transverse section through the posterior part of the body of a
newly-hatched scorpion, showing the fully-formed intestine, the Malpighian
tubes, the nerve-cord, and the trabecular tissue filling up the ccelomic space.
X ***.
FIG. 61.—Transverse section through the intestine further forward, where
it is not yet properly formed, showing the irregular hypoblast cells and yolk-
spheres. X if*.
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