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(P.282) Supplier's Declaration of Conformity ‘Supplier's Declaration of Conformity for Material Declaration Management 1) Identification number: 2) Issuer's name: ‘TANABE PNEUMATIC MACHINERY Co, Ld Issuer's address: SETISU.SH, SENRIOKA 2.14.6, OSAOKAFU S08 001 JAPAN 3) Objects) of the declaration: tededar te Hacarnve meats appleby TANAOE eomoresao 4) The object(s) of the declaration described above is in conformity with the following documents : Document No. Tite Edition/date of issue 5) 76-7000097 Invern of Hazardous Materials ct my no 8 8) Additional information : the Sosc ese decare a eerie a mica sutanae contin pros manure saehad MO iti wre’ by marae a uprn ‘Signed for and on behalf of: ‘TANABE PNEUMATIC MACHINERY Co,, Ls 2.Nov. 2008 (Place and date of issue) 1D Mr. Yu Sales department H Takai Engineer (Name, function) (Signature) (P2463 | Material Declaration Date of dectaration> a Cee 4 ay a EEE ENO re |e es nse other information> Tater fT aToN Sea es OTTER cm ach arse Sat Ti SESE ‘ Pte otcnains | estes | Sin trot Tes ‘cn emety soon ‘ ana toa tare esete[ —T—} Sonar tae mts wate Lower nto {esnermmanseeet as mee | EES SEAT | ceereat Pe [pee / = fa = cnt] a Fits —| ever | se : : [rsaesansire = [aeons = Berane = ieioaien| * ee ranean —— Te et name Trwse |acwbmsacwne| tra {17 ematon oni etme [ aes ne ‘too | femsescnmimasieonmeame ! vires | we semtntormane aera | te eee elect eee ernesson met ‘aieae | at popcnaseeent m4 ‘aor | ovcrmsaniieasoare) | 1806 | we [Pammmmamem ae Torna |e [ct ana,

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