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Design and development of a cutting head for portable reaper used in rice
harvesting operations

Article  in  Journal of Applied Biological Sciences · January 2012


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4 authors, including:

Nesar Mohammadi Baneh Hossein Navid

University of Tabriz University of Tabriz


Mohammad Reza Alizadeh

Rice Research Institute (Iran)


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Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 6 (3): 69-75, 2012
ISSN: 1307-1130, E-ISSN: 2146-0108, www.nobel.gen.tr

Design and Development of a Cutting Head for Portable Reaper Used in Rice Harvesting

Nesar Mohammadi BANEH1 Hosein NAVID1 Mohammad Reza ALIZADEH2* Hamid Reza GHASEM ZADEH1
Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering, College of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, IRAN
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Rice Research Institute of Iran (RRII), Postal code: 41996-13475, Rasht, IRAN

Corresponding Author Received: May 07, 2012
e-mail: [email protected] Accepted: June 12, 2012

In this study, a cutting head for a portable brush cutter was designed and for harvesting four Iranian rice varieties, two varieties of high yielding
named Khazar and Fajr and two varieties from local varieties named Binam and Hashemi. Cutting head consisted of a circular saw blade with 24
cm diameter and 2 mm thickness. Designed blade had 136 teeth with 0° rake angle, 30° clearance angle and 6 mm pitch. A simple windrowing
system made from aluminum sheet was designed and constructed. The cutting head installed on existent brush cutter and test was conducted in field
conditions. For each type of variety, the cutting energy and critical blade speed was computed. Results indicated that compared to local rice varieties
Maximum power consumption of about 1.132 kW was obtained for Khazar variety. Results also showed that rice losses of the portable reaper were
lower than manual harvesting and field capacity of machine was 4.20 times greater than manual harvesting.
Keywords: Rice harvesting, rice reaper, brush cutter, cutting energy


d stalk diameter (m) Pks idling power (kWm-1 of cutting width) E0 cutting energy for cutting of one stalk (J)

Smax maximum cutting force (dan) Esc specific cutting energy (kJm-2) Fmax maximum cutting force (N)
Δm equivalent mass (kg) E modulus of elasticity (MPa) r radius of disk (m)

c constant between 3.13 and 4.43.

Јz Mass moment of inertia about
ω angular velocity (rads-1)
axis of rotation z (Kgm2)
t thickness of wall (mm) Vf forward speed (ms-1) m mass of disc (kg)

Pwt total powered required (kW) Wc Cutting width (m) I moment of inertia of stem (m4)

Rice is one of the most important foods for human and has reapers have maximum effective field capacity and effective
a basic roll in secure of food for people of Iran and world. In field capacity by hand harvesting tools is minimum (Hasanjani
1996, rice was consumed by about 5.8 billion people in 176 et al., 2007).
countries (Van Nguu Nguyen, 2000). Harvesting is an important Koniger (1953) studied the principle of cutting plant
field operation for any food grain crops and itis cutting process material and stated that the mechanized separation occurred
carried out when the crops attains such physiological maturity at a predetermined and well-defined location in the material
that a maximum recovery of quality product is obtained. in contrast to crushing where several failure planes usually
Harvesting a crop at an appropriate stage of maturity minimize developed randomly (Ganesh et al., 2007). The cutting process
the field losses, thereby, increasing the total yield as well as in all cases was initiated when the edge of the knife first made
head yield (Mujumdar et al., 2003). contact with the material. During the continued motion of the
Harvesting of field crop is considered a labor intensive knife, the contact forces and stresses increased and a stress
operation and takes about 185-340 man-h/ha to cut and bundle pattern was built up inside the stalk until failure conditions
paddy or wheat crops (Michael et al., 1987) and 170-200 were reached. Chancellor (1988) stated that the biological
man-h/ha for cutting paddy crop (Koniger, 1953). Results of materials commonly subjected to cutting can be classified into
investigation in harvesting of rice crop in Iran showed that two general categories (Mujumdar et al., 2003):
70 N. M. Baneh et al / JABS, 6 (3): 69-75, 2012

1. Non-fibrous materials having uniform properties in all forward speed of 5km/h and tow series of blade with angles
directions at the time of cutting, the cells of these materials 30° and 45° on stalk were accomplished. Blade with 45° angle
being usually turgid with liquid cell materials. accomplished a fine cutting on stalks. Field test of harvester
2. Fibrous materials with high tensile strength fibers oriented for harvesting of 1 ha had total harvesting time of 45 minute
in a common direction and with a comparatively low strength including gathering of harvested stalk without any crushes or
materials bonding the fibers together. For cutting biological uncut stalks. Bautista et al (2005) designed a rotary cutting
materials, operation of a sharp or serrated-edged knife is reaper for rice. Their purpose was replacing the reciprocating
employed. Shear failure is achieved either by using a single cutter bar assembly with a rotary cutting system borrowed from
cutting element such as a sickle, rotary cutters or flail type cutter grass cutters. These rotary cutters require fewer blades and
or by employing double cutting element as in reciprocating-type less manufacturing tolerance. From the laboratory studies, the
cutters. number of blades per disc was set a three; blade tip speed was
In all cutting process, failure in shear or impact or both is set as 23- 30 m/s and forward speed ranged from 2.8 t0 3.3
possible when a system of forces act on the material. Before km/h.
shear failure, the material is invariably first compressed then In recent years several reapers and Chinese brush
bend which increases the work required in a cutting operation cutters were entered in Iran. Imported brush cutters don’t
(Bainer et al., 1978). Yore et al (2002) in order to aid the have satisfactory function and needed some modification to
development of novel header systems for combine measured the improvement of theirs ability for rice harvesting. An existent
cutting force and average cutting energy of rice straw. Treatments rice brush cutter was evaluated but it didn’t work well for
involved single and multiple stems. Result showed that cutting Iranian rice so a cutting head was designed, constructed and
location (node/internode) and number of stems (crop density) evaluated for Iranian rice plant. Therefore the objectives of this
are significant factors in cutting force and energy while rice study were design and constructing of a rice reaper suitable for
variety is not. Shearing energy was highest directly at the node Iranian rice varieties.
and decreased by a factor 2 moving into the adjacent internodes.
The shearing energy directly was proportional to the number of MATERIAL AND METHOD
stems. Tavakoli et al (2010) compared the mechanical properties
between two variety of rice straw (Hashemi and Alikazemi) in In this research a cutting head system was designed
three internodes position down from ear. The shear strength of suitable for portable reapers and four varieties of Iranian rice
Hashemi variety decreased towards the third internode while stem named Fajr and Khazar from high yielding rice varieties
there was no distinct trend for that of Alikazemi variety. The and Binam and Hashemi from local varieties were selected
shearing energy of both varieties increased significantly towards for the experiment. The head of an imported Chinese brush
the third internode. The young’s modulus in bending for both cutter model BG 430 was removed and a new cutting head for
varieties decreased towards the third internodes. Zareiforoush Iranian rice plant was designed and replaced. This cutting head
et al (2010) evaluated the effect of loading rate and internode consisted of a circular saw blade that utilizes impact cutting
position on the mechanical properties of rice straw. The result system for cutting of stems. In shear failure of plant stem that
showed that loading rate had only effect on the bending strength have counter shear, if the distance between blade and counter
and the internode position had significant effect on the shear shear is few, supports against cutting force is supplied by the
strength, shearing energy and young modulus and did not have counter shear. In absence of country shear all of this supports
any significant effect on the bending strength. O’Dogherty et al should be supplied by the plant. This supports supplied by the
(1991) studied the impact cutting behavior of grass and straw bending strength of remained parts of plant under the cutting
stems with sharp and blunt blades. At low cutting speeds of line and moment inertia of parts of plant above the cutting line.
grass stem, about 65% of the energy was utilized in overcoming For design of a special cutting system for numbered plant with
friction. For straw the frictional component was relatively low due attention to physical properties of rice stalk computing the
(5-10) %and stem kinetic energy was equal about 20% of the cutting speed, impact cutting force, impact cutting energy and
total energy input. Tuck et al (1991) studied the performance power required for cutting of stalk with blade is necessary. This
characteristics of rotary cutting mechanisms when cutting energy and power depend on variety, diameter of stalk, maturity
single and groups of grass stems. Results showed that when stage, moisture content and bevel angel (Persson s, 1993).For
cutting groups of stems most uncut stems occurred at speeds of defining the critical cutting speed or minimum speed required
20 m/s and less for blunt blades. for effective cutting stalks in impact cutting, equation (1) was
Persson (1993) designed, built and tested a rotary counter used that obtained from dimensional analyze (Sitkey G, 1986).
shear mower. It consisted of two concentric counter-rotating
discs. Results of tests showed that increase of forward speed
will improve the cutting performance. Cutting speed with this
type of rotors is less than other type of rotary disc cutters. Field
experiments on alfalfa showed that the power consumption was
less than 1.6 kW/m of cutting width. The rotary countershear
mower worked satisfactory in fine crops, tangled crops and
crops mixed with residue. Ghahraeiet al (2008) designed and
developed a special cutting system for sweet sorghum harvester. Where d is stalkdiameter’s (m), Smax is maximum cutting
Developed cutting mechanism in this research had a rotary disk force (daN), Δm is equivalent mass (kg) and c is the constant
with 50 cm diameter and four cutting blade. The stalks cut between 3.13 and 4.43. In impact cutting consumed energy
with the impact inertia forces at the linear velocity of 27 m/s for overcoming shearing resistance of the stem is equal to the
by cutting blade. Harvesting tests in sweet sorghum farm with energy required for quasi-static cutting plus energy expended
N. M. Baneh et al / JABS, 6 (3): 69-75, 2012 71

Table 1. Average of measured values for physical properties of

rice stalks

Thicknessof Diameter of Cross sectional

stalk (mm) stalk (mm) area of stalk (mm2)

Khazar 1.9438 6.3875 16.98

Fajr 1.6125 5.64 12.578
Binam 1.2125 4.7 8.08125
Hashemi 1.1125 4.5938 7.3225

in overcoming friction (Srivastava et al., 1993). Relation

between bending force, acceleration and stem characteristics is
shown in Fig. 1. Acceleration of stem was obtained from Fig.
1 and placed in equation 2 to obtain equivalent mass and then
peripheral speed of blade could be obtained.
Rice stalk like of most cereal has circular and hollow shape,
thus its moment of inertia obtained from equation 2 as bellow:

Where t is thickness of wall (mm) and d is diameter of stalk

Fig. 1. Relation between force, acceleration and characteristics of stalk (mm). If the bending strength of stem is so great that support
(Sitkey G, 1986) all of cutting force, minimum velocity of blade movement is
zero and cutting accomplish like of shear cutting. Static cutting
properties of four varieties are showed in Fig, 2 and Physical
characteristics of four varieties are showed in Table 1.
Decline of cutting height in order to increase the bending
strength of a part of stem above the cutting line and decrease
of cutting force by using of sharp blade both are adequate in
decrease of minimum cutting speed. Increase of cutting height
decreases the cutting force as well as its effectiveness; however,
it increases deflection and displacement of stem which results in
grain-losses during harvesting.

Young’s modulus of stalks

Young’s modulus for stalks obtained from research of
Tavakoly et al (2010) is in the range of 0.33-1.21 MPa with
average of 0.78. In this research it was assumed that young’s
modulus for all the varieties have equal.
Fig. 2. Static ultimate shearing strength for four ricevarieties
(Tabatabaee et al., 2006) Cutting energy and required power
Selective blade was in the form of a circular saw blade with
diameter of 24 cm so angular velocity of blade was computed.
For estimate the total power required for cutting, equation 3was
used (Srivastava et al., 1993).

Where Pwt is total powered required (kW), Pks is idling

power (kWm-1 of cutting width), Esc is specific cutting energy
(kJm-2), Vf is forward speed (ms-1) and Wc is cutting width (m).
Cutting force increase from zero in initial of cutting and start of
contact between blade and stalk into a maximum value and then
become zero again when cutting completed. When blade passed
a distance equal to diameter of stalk into the stem, cutting is
completed (Fig. 3). The area under the curve is equal to required
cutting energy for cutting of one stalk (Persson S, 1987) From
Fig. 3. Diagram of cutting force versus blade movement (x) in stalk Fig.3:
diameter (T) (Persson S , 1987).
72 N. M. Baneh et al / JABS, 6 (3): 69-75, 2012

Table 3. Energy requirement for cutting stem of the studied


Maximum cutting Cutting Special cutting

Where Fmax is maximum cutting force (N) and d is stalk varieties
force (N) energy (J) energy (kJm-2)
diameter (m). Specific cutting energy obtained by dividing
cutting energy by width cross sectional area of stem. Saw idling Khazar 27.66 88.33 5.2
power consumption can be expressed as:
Fajr 20.42 57.58 4.57

Binam 12.28 28.86 3.57

Hashemi 10.925 25.09 3.426

Where J is mass moment of inertia for circular blade (Kgm2)
and ω is its angular velocity (rads-1). Mass moment of inertia for
a rigid disc with radius of r, mass of m about axis of rotation z multiplied in moment of inertia. By using ultimate tensile
(figure4) can be estimate from equation 6. strength from Fig.2 and cross sectional area from Table 1,
maximum cutting force computed and acceleration of stalk
from Fig.1was obtained. Then the critical speed for four
varieties computed and showed in Table 2. With reference to
computations, suitable range of speed for cutting one stem of
Where m is mass of disc and r is radius. Carbon steel selected high yielding varieties is 22-32 m/s and that of local varieties
for construction of disc that has density about 7.85 gcm-3. was considered to be16-25 m/s. the amount of cutting energy in
nodes is higher than internodes (Yore, 2002) so, for restitution
effect of misaligning stems position (node or internode) during
cutting, speeds between 25-35 m/s was chosen.

Cutting energy and power consumption

Angular velocity of discs with spot the maximum computed
speed equal to 269.23 rad/s obtained. Cutting width assumed to
be 2/3 of disc diameter and was equal to 16 cm. by using of data
corresponding to maximum cutting strength and cross sectional
area needed cutting energy for cutting one stalk computed and
showed in Table3.
Mass of disc with 24 cm diameter and 2 mm thickness
is equal to 710.25 gr. So its mass moment of inertia obtained
and is equal to 5.1133 × 10-3 Kgm2. By using of equation 5
idling power obtained and is equal to 0.217 kW and by dividing
it by cutting width of reaper, idling power obtained equal to
Fig. 4. Rotating disc about axis rotation of z
1.34 Kw/m. Consumption power of reaper from equation 3
computed and showed in table 4. Forward speed of portable
Design of blade tooth reaper commonly is in the range of 0.7-1.1 m/s. In this research
For plants having a larger diameter than the pitch of the maximum forward velocity of reaper was used that is equal to
teeth, cutting resistance is considered to be much less than plant hand speed of operator from right to left in course of cutting.
having pitch larger than the plant diameter (Kavashima, 1951).
So, proper amount of tooth for the blade obtained. Design of blade teeth
The details of blade teeth of the header are shown in Fig.5.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION According to studies of Tuck et al (1991) the critical speed of a
triangular toothed disc with 0° rake angle, 30° clearance angle
Cutting speed and 6 mm pitch was lowest (Fig. 5). Thus the value of teeth
By equation 2 and Table 1 value for stem moment of inertia corresponded to Khazar variety (136 teeth) was selected for this
was calculated. For obtaining velocity, Young’s modulus was purpose. The final shape of circular saw blade is showed in Fig.
Table 2. Computed critical cutting speed for the studied varieties

Maximum cutting Minimum speed Maximum speed

variety EI
force (N)
Acceleration (ms-2) Δm (kg) (ms-1) (ms-1)
Hashemi 0.00128 1.15 6 × 104 1.82 × 10-4 16.87 23.87

Binam 0.0015 1.253 6.2 × 104 1.98 × 10-4 17.08 24.19

Fajr 0.0034 2.08 7.2 × 104 2.83 × 10-4 20.15 28.53

Khazar 0.006 2.82 8 × 104 3.45 × 10-4 22.59 31.98

N. M. Baneh et al / JABS, 6 (3): 69-75, 2012 73

Table 6. Height and panicle length of the tested varieties

Average height of shrub

variety Cluster length (cm)
Fajr 107.7 -
Khazar 126 28.7
Binam 106 28.1

Design of windrowing system

In order to windrowing the harvested plant an aluminum
sheet with cylindrical shape was used that installed at the upper
portion of the cutting blade. By using of this system, cut straws
gathered and transported with width movement of operator
hand until the ending of distinct cutting width, then voided
and rowed. Height and panicle length of the tested varieties
are showed in Table 6. radius of sheet choose equal the blade
radius and its distance from blade surface computed 13 cm.
schematic and dimensions of cutting head showed in Fig. 6.
With considering 10 cm cutting height, 5 cm shaft length, 2mm
blade thickness and 13 cm distance of rower from blade surface,
heights of rower was 40 cm. it’s made from aluminum sheet and
Fig. 5. Schematic of blade tooth of the header (up), schematic its schematic showed in Fig.6. Designed blade was made from
representation of blade with radius of R and pitch of x (left), final shape carbon steel and installed on an existent machine (brush cutter
of circular saw blade (right) model BG 430) with designed aluminum windrower.

Field evaluation
In this study, the machine was evaluated for harvesting two
rice varieties namely Hybrid and Hashemi in the experimental
farms of the Rice Research Institute of Iran (RRII), Rasht,
Guilan, Iran. Used machine with designed cutting head is
shown in Fig.7 and the final form of harvested crop is shown in
Fig. 8. Results indicated that the forward speed of the operator
was measured to be 1 kmh-1 and cutting width in each blade
movement was 1.5 m. The total harvesting time in each plot
of 50 m2 was measured to be8 min. The labor requirements for
harvesting was obtained about 26.7 man-hha-1and that of manual
harvesting considering 14 labor in 8 working time was about
112 man-hha-1. Thus, field capacity of machine is about 4.20
Fig. 6. Schematic and dimensions of cutting head (left), schematic of times greater than manual harvesting. Results of investigation
windrowing system (right) in other countries (Van Nguu Nguyen, (2000) showed that field

Table 4. Total power consumption of cutting head duringrice harvesting

Idling power Special cutting Forward speed Consumption power

variety Cutting width (m)
(kWm-1) energy (kJm-2) (ms-1) (kW)
Hashemi 1.34 3.42 1.1 0.16 0.818
Binam 1.34 3.57 1.1 0.16 0.845
Fajr 1.34 4.57 1.1 0.16 1.021
Khazar 1.34 5.2 1.1 0.16 1.132

Table 5. Amount of teeth correspond to stalk diameter

Stalk diameter Selective pitch

Variety 2θ Circumference (cm) Arc length (cm) Amount of teeth
(mm) (mm)
Khazar 6.3875 6 2.65 81.68 0.6 136.16
Fajr 5.64 5 2.204 81.68 0.5 163.36
Binam 4.7 4 1.76 81.68 0.4 204.2
Hashemi 4.5938 4 1.76 81.68 0.4 204.2
74 N. M. Baneh et al / JABS, 6 (3): 69-75, 2012

In this paper we designed and constructed a cutting head
system for harvesting Iranian rice plant by portable reaper.
According to this study, Khazar variety has maximum cutting
force and so needed maximum cutting energy equal to 88.33
J. Among studied varieties, high yielding varieties required
cutting speed more than local varieties and critical cutting speed
of Iranian varieties is in range of 25-35 m/s. Power consumption
Fig. 7. Final form of used rice reaper with designed head by a rotating blade with 24 diameter in maximum status is
corresponded to Khazar variety and equal to 1.132 kW, so an
one cylinder internal combustion engine can operate this cutting
Table 7. Losses percentage of rice grain before of harvesting
head. Designed blade was circular saw and had 24 cm diameter,
and after harvesting with designed cutting system based on
percentage of product performance 136 teeth with 0° rake angle, 30° clearance angle and 6 mm
pitch (Fig. 5) and is proper for wooden material and straws
during harvesting time. Results of filed experiments with this
After harvest (%) Before harvest (%)   cutting system showed that losses of harvesting was lower than
manual harvesting and operations was done faster since the field
Hybrid Hashemi Hybrid Hashemi repetition
capacity of machine is 4.20 time faster than manual harvesting.
0.45 0.97 0.07 0.09 1
0.82 0.63 0.05 0.07 2 Authors are grateful to Tabriz University and Rice Research
Institute of Iran (RRII) for scientific and financial support, and
0.92 1.02 0.06 0.12 3 providing the experimental facilities for this project.
0.75 0.74 0.09 0.05 4
0.73 0.84 0.06 0.08 average
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