Business Guide Hybrid Multi Cloud - 20.04.21
Business Guide Hybrid Multi Cloud - 20.04.21
Business Guide Hybrid Multi Cloud - 20.04.21
April 2021
The cloud computing market is growing fast. According to Forrester’s “Predictions
2020: Cloud Computing” report from November 2019, the combined global
market size of public cloud services was expected to reach $299.4 billion in 2020
and continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.2% in
2019-2025 [1]. Cloud transformation is driven by the numerous advantages of
cloud infrastructure compared to the traditional data centres, such as better
economics, scalability and improved DevOps agility.
While public cloud services still account for a significant portion of the overall
cloud market, the share of private cloud infrastructure is growing at a similar
pace. According to the independent report by Statista, enterprises spent $72.9
billion on private cloud solutions in 2020 and those spendings are going to grow
at a CAGR of ~28% in 2021-2027 [2]. The most popular private cloud platforms
used by enterprises in 2020 were VMware vSphere, Microsoft Azure Stack,
OpenStack, VMware vCloud Director and AWS Outposts [3].
Among various cloud trends, hybrid/multi-cloud architectures are gaining
momentum these days. In their “Cloud Trends in 2020: The Year of Complexity,
and its Management” report, 451 Research said that hybrid/multi-cloud is
emerging as the predominant strategic posture to manage digital-era information
technology (IT) and business transformation, with 62% of enterprises pursuing a
hybrid IT strategy [4].
This approach is familiar to Canonical customers, such as Cisco, Daimer and SBI
BITs, who have implemented their private cloud infrastructure with Canonical’s
Charmed OpenStack. They now effectively operate their workloads in multi-cloud
environments benefiting from the frictionless experience provided by Ubuntu
across all infrastructure areas.
In order to make sure that workloads always run where it makes the most sense
from an economical standpoint, organisations should adapt certain cloud pricing
comparison methodology and be able to move workloads between various clouds
once the cost conditions change. In the cloud environment, a proven
methodology for pricing comparison are cost-per-resource metrics. Those include:
Since cost-per-resource metrics are publicly available for leading public cloud
providers, organisations can later use those metrics to estimate the TCO per
application. Moreover, a number of cloud pricing comparison tools, such as TCO
calculators, are available on the Internet to help obtain even more detailed
estimates [6]. Calculating those estimates based on cost-per-resource metrics
from various cloud providers allows organisations to choose one that provides
the best value for money. Such a process should be executed on a regular basis to
3 ensure maximum TCO reduction.
Things get complicated when it comes to public cloud vs private cloud pricing
comparison. This is because private clouds do not have cost-per-resource metrics
associated with them by default. This comes from the fact that almost every
private cloud is different. There are various private cloud platforms available, each
of them having different requirements in terms of the minimum cloud size and
licensing. They run on top of different hardware, use different software-defined
networking (SDN) platforms and different network topologies. Finally, different
vendors provide commercial services for those clouds,
each of them charging their customers different service
Canonical’s Charmed OpenStack is an fees. Therefore, cost-per-resource metrics have to be
enterprise private cloud, engineered for the calculated individually for each private cloud being built.
best price-performance that uses the concept
of model-driven operations to significantly This is challenging, but not impossible. Leading private
reduce the private cloud maintenance and cloud providers, including Canonical, provide cost-per-
operations cost. Charmed OpenStack provides resource estimates for their products. This enables
a cost-efficient extension to the public cloud organisations to use the same methodology across
infrastructure, empowering businesses to public and private clouds in their efforts towards
optimise their CapEx and OpEx costs in multi- infrastructure cost optimisation. In the following
cloud environments and to lower the TCO of section we present cost-per-resource estimates from a
maintaining their cloud infrastructure. baseline private cloud platform running Canonical’s
Charmed OpenStack.
In order to estimate the TCO of a private cloud, a lot of factors have to be taken
into account. The cloud is a complex environment, consisting of hardware and
software components running in a data centre that has to be managed on a daily
basis. Private cloud TCO ingredients are shown in Fig. 1.
Since private cloud hardware has to be renewed on a regular basis, the TCO
calculations should include the initial CapEx costs and the recurring OpEx costs
for the duration of the renewal period.
• Private Cloud Build (PCB) and • Ubuntu Advantage for • Managed OpenStack -
PCB Plus - fixed-price Infrastructure (UA-I) - fully-managed private cloud
consultancy packages for enterprise subscription for service, including cloud
Charmed OpenStack Ubuntu, covering all layers of monitoring, maintenance, daily
implementation on reference the infrastructure which operations, incident and
architecture and certified includes 10 years of security problem resolution, software
hardware, including cloud updates, phone and ticket updates and OpenStack
design and delivery, on-prem support, production-grade upgrades that enables
workshops, workload analysis service level agreements organisations to fully outsource
and migration plans. (SLAs) and regulatory the management of their
compliance programmes. private cloud.
In order to estimate the overall capacity of the cloud, one should start by
identifying the capacity of a single node and multiplying it by the number of
nodes in the cloud. However, there are other factors that have an impact on the
ultimate cloud capacity and need to be taken into account. Those include
overcommitment ratios for both central processing unit (CPU) and random access
memory (RAM), persistent storage replication factor and the desired percentage
of cloud resources that should never be exceeded.
For the purpose of preparing the following estimates the default deployment
options have been assumed. Those include:
It has also been assumed that the cloud is implemented based on the
Hyper-Converged architecture and so that its node specifications match the
official recommendations.
Cost-per-VM metrics from a baseline Charmed OpenStack cloud are shown in Tab.
2. As various instance types consume different amounts of cloud resources, their
cost-per-VM metrics differ depending on their size. Moreover, since the capacity
of a private cloud is always limited, the number of VMs that can run in the private
cloud are limited too. In order to allow for more VMs users can scale the cloud out
by adding extra nodes. This affects cost-per-VM metrics, however, so they should
always be calculated on the fly based on the individual requirements. To help
organisations with this process Canonical maintains a TCO calculator for Charmed
OpenStack [7]. It is also important to mention that exact prices may vary
depending on the used hardware, cloud configuration, local hosting charges and
salary costs.
Amount of Amount of
Number Amount of Number Hourly cost
ephemeral persistent
of vCPUs RAM [GB] of VMs per VM [USD]
storage [GB] storage [GB]
1 4 8 40 3078 0.0132
2 8 8 80 1539 0.0264
By comparing cost-per-VM metrics from Tab. 2 with the official pricing of AWS
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) t3a instances, which use the same CPU family as a
baseline Charmed OpenStack cloud, it is evident that Charmed OpenStack allows
for ~60% cheaper VMs compared to baseline AWS EC2 pricing [8]. And those
calculations do not cover any other cost-per-resource metrics that are added to
the monthly invoice by public cloud billing systems. As a result, Charmed
OpenStack provides a more cost-effective infrastructure for running cloud
workloads. However, this is not just a private cloud, but a hybrid/multi-cloud
architecture that allows organisations to fully optimise their infrastructure costs.
TCO analysis
Rough estimates of the private and public cloud TCO for a cloud with a fixed
capacity are shown in Fig. 1. The biggest challenge with private cloud
implementation is the relatively high initial CapEx costs. Organisations have to
invest in hardware, software licenses and pay for the cloud delivery. This is not
something that every organisation can afford. On the other hand, public clouds
come with close-to-zero CapEx costs, offering immediate access to the platform.
The only thing organisations have to do is to create an account and attach their
credit card to the billing system. This is why public clouds are more attractive to
the majority of the businesses, at least at the beginning of their cloud
transformation. In both cases CapEx costs are flat as they are not dependent on
the number of the workloads.
Fig. 1. TCO comparison for private and public clouds.
The situation is totally different when it comes to the OpEx costs analysis. Private
cloud OpEx costs remain flat and relatively low compared to the CapEx. This is
because organisations always have to pay the same amount of money for hosting
services, operations and maintenance, and support subscriptions, regardless of
the number of VMs running in the private cloud. In turn, public clouds implement
PAYG billing. This means that public cloud OpEx costs are growing as the number
of workloads increases. Since cost-per-resource metrics from public clouds are
higher than cost-per-resource metrics from private clouds, public cloud OpEx
costs are growing very fast.
When we put TCO graphs on the same figure, as shown in Fig. 2, it is evident that
the decision on the cloud architecture should always be driven by the overall
economics. While public clouds provide the best value for money for small-scale
application deployments, at some point it makes more sense to invest in a private
cloud. That being said, it is important to remember that private clouds have a
limited capacity and come with opinionated technology choices. Those issues can
be addressed by adding more nodes and node types. All of that comes with an
additional cost, however. Thus, a hybrid/multi-cloud architecture is the most
optimal in the majority of the cases.
Amount of
Number of Amount of persistent Network Additional
Purpose vCPUs RAM [TB] storage [TB] requirements information
Database 24 0.2 2 No No
Web 24 0.1 0 No No
In this scenario a financial institution is hosting their own online banking system in
the cloud. The system consists of a database, web application and a number of
developer VMs. The roughly estimated requirements for this system are shown in
Tab. 4.
Amount of
Number of Amount of persistent Network Additional
Purpose vCPUs RAM [TB] storage [TB] requirements information
In this case, it makes more sense to deploy a private cloud infrastructure and host
the majority of the workloads there. As the implementation of additional ARM-
based hypervisors for the purpose of hosting a small number of developer VMs is
not economically feasible, the organisation can use a hybrid/multi-cloud
architecture to host those VMs in the public cloud.
Amount of
Number of Amount of persistent Network Additional
Purpose vCPUs RAM [TB] storage [TB] requirements information
Workloads design
It is not unusual that organisations simply move their legacy monolithic workloads
to the cloud without redesigning underlying applications. However, such an
approach leads to suboptimal resource consumption and challenges with
application maintenance and operations. Cloud workloads should always be
designed to consume as many resources as needed. They should be able to scale
out once the demand for the resources increases. A proven approach to achieving
this is the cloud-native computing. Cloud-native leverages the microservices
architecture to decompose applications into atomic units and run them inside of
containers. As a result, resources can be carefully optimised according to the
actual needs, leading to controlled consumption and lower costs.
Workloads placement
Capacity monitoring
In practice, the number of workloads running in the cloud is never static. Demand
for services changes depending on the day of the week, time of the day, etc. As a
result, business applications are usually implemented in a way that they can scale
out and in automatically or be fully reprovisioned depending on the current
demands. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the capacity of the
private cloud as the number of workloads changes. In a hybrid/multi-cloud
architecture, organisations can burst their workloads to the public cloud during
heavy load periods, benefiting from additional resources being available on-
demand. It is important to continue monitoring the actual resource consumption
though. This is because once the demand for resources continues to grow
steadily, at some point it becomes more cost-effective to scale out the private
cloud rather than continue using public cloud resources.
Workloads orchestration
Fully-managed services
In order to optimise infrastructure costs so that they always pay less for the same
amount of resources, organisations usually leverage hybrid/multi-cloud
architecture. Using the existing public cloud infrastructure and a cost-effective
private cloud platform at the same time enables making careful decisions
regarding workloads placement to make sure that they always run where it makes
the most sense from an economical standpoint. A proven methodology for cloud
pricing comparison are cost-per-resource metrics. Those, in conjunction with
advanced tools such as TCO calculators, provide exact TCO estimates. Canonical’s
Charmed OpenStack minimises those metrics to enable for much cheaper VMs.
As a result, Charmed OpenStack serves as a cost-effective extension to the public
cloud infrastructure.
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