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January 1975

Supplement 1
API RP 2 6 (First Edition)



This supplement covers changes in API R P 2 6 the following:

(First Edition, Jan. 1974): Recommended Prao- c. Gas Alarm. Gas is usually detected at t w o
tzcs for Production Facibities on OffshoreStruatures, .
Lower Explosive Limit Levels which are gen-
adopted a t the 1974 Standardization Conference a s erally not more than 20% L.E.L. and 80%
reported in Circ PS-1486. L.E.L. respectively. An alarm may be connected



Copyright American Petroleum Institute

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R P 26-74 0732270 0000307 2

API RP 2 6
First Edition
January 1974





Washington, D. C.

Issued by
Division of Production
300 Corrigan Tower Eldg.
Dallas, Texas 75201

. 1 1 1 1 1 American
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Petroleum
1 1 1 1 1 1 , , ,Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with API
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Copyright @ 1974 American Petroleum Institute
R P 26-74 BO732290 00003LO 9 r
2 --`,,`,,``,,,,````,``,,,,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
American Petroleum Institute


Foreword Dased on sound engineering design principies and

Industry experience gained during the development
This Recommended Practice for Production Facili- of offshore oil and gas resources.
ties on Oflshore Structures is under the jurisdiction
of the API Committee on Standardization of Off- This Recommended Practice is directed toward
shore Structures. maximum safety of personnel, compliance with regu-
lations, prevention of pollution for preservation of
It contains engineering midelines and Suggested the environment, protection of the production facility
installation practices pertaining to production equip- and accessibility for operation and maintenance.
ment on offshore structures. These guidelines are

mended practice. I t was authorized fol. publaca- or ang part of the m&tel.ial published herein should
tion at tha June 1973 meeting and reported in be addressed t o the Directm, Divkion of Productwn,
C ~ T PS-146.6.
C 300 C m i g a n Tower Bldg., Dallas, Tezas 75201.

Copyright American Petroleum Institute

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RP 2G-74 BO732290 00003LL O

RP 2G: Production b'acilities on Offshore Structures 3

1.1 Coverage, The intent of this Recommended to knowledge of actual production requirements, in
Practice is to assemble into one document useful many cases, require the physical placement and ar-
Procedures and Guidelines available in Industry per- rangement of equipment in the available space. In

taining to planning, designing and arranging pio- such cases, care should be taken to determine the
duction equipment on offshore stiuctures for safe, best arrangement within the guidelines of this Rec-
pollution free and efficient production of oil and gas. ommended Practice. Placement of drilling and work-
This Recommended Practice is not to be construed over equipment is outside the scope of this Recom-
a s a specification, nor is it intended t o be used as mended Practice except that it should be given full
fixed rules mithout regard to sound engineering consideration when planning the arrangement of
judgement. Also, it is not intended to override or production equipment.
otherwise supersede any existing code or Govern-
mental Rule and Regulation. 1.3 Primary Considerations. In the tight confines
of offshore structures, the primary considerations for
1.2 Multiple Use of Structures. Multiple use of placement of equipment are safety and prevention
offshore structures may be necessary to perform the of pollution. The release of flammable liquids, or
various functions required for the drilling and pro- vapors, whether during normal operations or as a
duction of oil and gas. For new structure installa- result of any unusual or abnormal condition should
tions where production equipment requirements are be considered. Equipment which may be a source of
reasonably known, equipment should be initially ignition under normal or abnormal operating condi-
Copyright Americanin accordance
Petroleum Institute with this Recommended Prac- tions should be isolated or otherwise protected from
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Notice. Existing
reproduction structures
or networking and from
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IHS constructed prior
major fuel sources.
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R P 26-74 Y B 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0000312 2

4 American Petroleum Institute

Compressor A rotating or reciprocating machine, more outlets. Commonly, the flow line from the
together with its driver and associated scrub- wellhead is connected to a manifold and each
bers, coolers, pipe, valves, controls, etc., used manifold outlet is connected to a header which
to compress gas or air from a lower to a higher directs the flow to one of the production systems.
pressure. An injection manifold divides a common source
of gas, water or other fluid among several injec-
Deck, Main The uppeimost deck on the stiucture. tion wells.
Deck, Cellar A deck located immediately below the Machinery Area An area where equipment incor-
main deck. porating rotating or reciprocating mechanical
Deck, Sub-cellar A deck located below the cellar equipment in the foim of internal combustion
deck. Decks below the cellar deck \vi11 be desig- engines, gas turbines, electric motors, generat-
nated as Sub-cellar Deck A, Sub-Cellar Deck B, ors, pumps and compressoi' is located.
etc. Personnel & Utility Area That area which contains
Deck Area, Central That poition of the main deck, living quarters and other personnel sei?rice
cellar deck or sub-cellar deck within the boun- equipment.
dary line of peiimeter deck columns. Personnel Landing A landing near the water level
Deck Area, Rig That area of the deck necessaiy used primarily for transfer of personnel to and
for suppoit of drilling or workover operations. from boats and barges.
Deck Area, Cantilever That poition of the main Pressurized Surge Vessel An unfired pressure ves-
deck, cellar deck or sub-cellar deck area outside sel used to provide for fluctuations in liquid flow
the boundaiy line of perimeter deck columns. to pumps.
Direct Fired Vessel A vessel in which the tempera- Protective Wall A bariier designed to withstand or
ture of fluids is increased by the addition of deflect falling or flying objects, prevent flow of
heat supplied by a flame. The flame is applied liquids from one area to another or restrain
direct to the fluid container. minor explosions.
Fired Process Area That area in which a fired ves- Pump A rotating or reciprocating machine together
sel is located. with its driver and associated pipe, valves! pul-
sation dampners, etc. used to transfer fliuds.
Fire Wall A partition fabiicated from non-com- System, Flare A system for discharging gas
bustible matei-ials to prevent the spreading of through a control valve from a pressuiized sys-
flames and to provide a heat shield. tem to the atmosphere during normal opera-
Generator, Electric A rotating machine together tions. This discharge may be either continuous
with its driver and associated switch gear used or inteimittent, and may or may not be ignited.
to generate electrical energy. System, Emergency Gas Relief A system for dis-
Header A pipe or chamber which receives the flow chaTging gas by manual actuation or by an
from two or more lateral lines. automatic pressure relief valve from a pressur-
ized system to the atmosphere for the puiyose
Hoisting Equipment A piece of equipment used to of relieving an abnoimally high pressure.
vertically lift materials, supplies, etc. from boats
or barges to one of the structure decks. This Separator An unfired pressure vessel used to sep-
is usually a crane or stiffleg derrick located on arate gas and liquids by differential gravity
the main deck and may be diiven by inteinal settling and/or centrifugal action. Separators
combustion engine or an electric, pneumatic or are commonly cylindrical, either vertical, hori-
hydraulic motor. zontal or spherical in shape.
Indirect Pired Vessel A vessel used to increase the Unfired Process Area That area that contains pro-
temperature of a fluid by the transfer of heat cess equipment that does not have a flame.
from another fluid which is heated by a flame
in the same vessel. The flame is contained Wellhead An assembly of valves and fittings used
within a fire tube or tubes. for control of the flow from a producing well or
to an injection well. A wellhead usually includes
Indirect Heated Vessel A vessel or heat exchanger a casing head, tubing head, master valve(s),
used to increase the temperature of a fluid by wing valve and automatic shut-in valve. A flow
the transfei. of heat from another fluid such as control valve or choke may be included. Offshore
steam, hot water, hot oil or other heated media.
--`,,`,,``,,,,````,``,,,,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- stiuctures usually include several wellheads.
Manifold Institute& Header System An assembly of pipe, Wellhead Area That area of deck that surrounds
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fittings by which fluid flow from one
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- Batam . wellhead
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or more sources is selectively directed t o one or

RP 2G-74 a0732270 0000313 r
RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 5

3.1 Governmental Rules and Regulations. Regula- 1. API RP 520, Recommended Practice fol. the
tory agencies have established certain rules and reg- Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving
ulations which may influence the nature and manner S y s t e m s in Refineries
in which production equipment is installed and op- m. API RP 521, Guide for Pvessure Relief and
erated on offshore structures. Listed below are the Depressuring S y s t e m s
significant iules and regulations which should be n. API Spec 7B-llC1 Specification f o r h!eerzal-
considered when planning oil and gas production Combustion Reciprocating Engines f o r Oil
facilities or establishing operating practices on off- Field Service
shore structures: o. API RP W-llF, Recommended Practice f o r
a. Code of Federal Regulations, 30 CFR 250. Installation, Mazntenance and Operation of
b. Notice to Lessees and Operators of Federal Oil, Internal Combustion Engines
Gas Leases in the Outer Continental Shelf, p. API Spec 12B, Specification f o r Bolted Pro-
Pacific Region, OCS Order No. 1 through 10. duction Tanks
c. Notice to Lessees and Operators of Federal Oil, g. API Spec 12F, Specification f o r S m a l l Welded
Gas and Sulphur Leases in the Outer Con- Pvoduction T a n k s
tinental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico Area, OCS Order r. API Spec 12J, Specification f o r Oil and Gas
No. 1 through 12.
d. List of Potential Items of Non-Compliance and s. API Spec 12K, Specification f o r Imiirect T y p e
Enforcement Action, U.S. Geological Suivey, Oil-Field Heaters

Conservation Division, Branch of Oil and Gas t. API Spec 12L, Specification foi* Vertical Emd-

Operations, Gulf of Mexico Asea. sion Treaters

e. U.S. Coast Guard Rules and Regulations for u. API Spec 661, Cooled H e a t Ezchungers f o r
Artificial Islands and Fixed structures on the General Refinery Serrvices
Outer Continental Shelf -33 CFR - Sub-Chap- The American Society for Testing and Materials
ter N. Pait 140 through - 146 and Sub-chapter a. ASTM A 53, Specification f o r Welded and
C -Part 67. Seamless Steel Pipe
f. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, b. ASTM A 106, Specification f w Seamless Car-
29 CFR 1910. bon Steel Pipe f o r High-Temperature Service
g. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations c. ASTM A 134, Specification f o r Elec<ric-Fusion
on Discharge of Oil 40 CFR 110. (ARC)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe, Szzes 16 in.
h. Coast Guard Regulations on Oil Spills. 33 CFR and Over
163, 46 CFR 126. d. ASTM A 135, Specification f o r Elect?.ic-wsist-
i. Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act. 49 CFR 192. ance-Welded Steel Pipe
e. ASTM A 139, Specificatim for Electric-Fusion
3.2 Indiistry Codes and Standards. Various organi- (ARC)-Welded Steel Pipe (sizes $. in. and
zations have developed numerous Standards, Codes, over)
Specifications and Recommended Practices which f. ASTM A 155, Specification f o r Electric-Fusion
have substantial acceptance by Industry and Gov- Welded Steel Pipe f or High-pressure Service
ernmental Bodies. These documents could be useful g. ASTM A 211, Specification f o r Spiral Welded
references and helpful in designing offshore produc- Steel o r I r o n Pipe
tion facilities. Documents referenced herein are some h. ASTM A 333, Specification f o r Seamless and
of the more commonly accepted and the listing is Welded Steel Pipe for- Low-Temperature Ser-
not intended to be all inclusive. vzce
American Petroleum Institute i. ASTM A 381, Specification f o r Metal-Arc-
a. API RP 2A,.Recommended Practice f o r Plan- Welded Steel Pipe f o r High-pressure Trans-
ning, Designang and Constructang Ftxed Of- mission Service
shore Platforms j. ASTM A 539, Specification fol. Electrk-Resist-
b. API Spec 2B, Spedfication f o r Fabqqcated ance Welded Coiled Steel Tubing f o r Gas and
Structural Steel Pipe F u e l Oil L i n e s
c. API Spec 2C,Specification f o r Offshore Cranes k. ASTM A 372, Specification f o r Carbon and
d. API RP 2D, Recommended Pq*actice f o r Opera- Alloy SteeE Forgings f o r Pressure Vessel Shells
t h and Maintenance of O f s h o r e &anes American Society of Mechanical Engineers
e. API Spec SL, Specification f o r L i n e Pipe a. ASME Boiler and P.lessure Vessel code: Pres-
f. API Spec SLS, Specificataon fol. Spiral-Weld sure Vessels, Sections I I , IV, V I I I and I X .
L i n e Pipe American National Standards Institute
g. API Spec 5LX, Specification f o r High-Test a. ANSI B31.3 Petroleum Refine~gPiping
L i n e Pzpe b. ANSï B31.4, =quid Petroleum Piping Systems
h. API Spec 6A, Specification f o r Wellhead c. ANSI B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribth-
Equipment tion Piping S y s t e m s
i. API Spec 6D, Specification f o r Pipeline V a l v e s National Fire Protection Association
j. API RP 500B, Recommended Practz'ce f o r
classification of A r e a s f o r Electvìcùl Installa- a. National Fire Codes, Volume 1 through 10
tions at Drilling R i g s a n d 'Pq*oductioii Facilities Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Assaciation
o n L a n d and o n Mar-ìne F i m d and Mobile a. Standards of Tubular Exchangers Manufac-
P l a t fo m s turers Association
k. API R P 500C Recommended Practice f o r Clas- The Offshore Operators Committee
sification of Areas f o r Electrical Installations
Copyright American Petroleum Institute
a. Crane Safety ManuaI
Provided byut
IHS Petroleum
Markit under license and
with API Gas Pipe =ne Transporta- b. Manual of
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tionor networking
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6 American Petroleum Institute

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.11 Utilities on offshore structures may include
4.1 Planning and arranging production equipment potable water, non-potable water, sea water, elec-
on offshore stiwctures for safe, efficient operation tricity, gas, air for control of power, sewage, gar-
and maintenance re ires the consideration of many bage disposal and communication systems.
factors. Some of
presented in this Section.
more important factors are 4.12 In planning the utility systems, consideration
should be given to number and type of wells, oil and
4.2 Space is an important factor in promoting a gas processing facilities, remoteness from shore,
safe operation. As the density of production facili- anticipated production volume, number of people to
ties on a structure increases, operating and main- be housed on the structure, type of fire fighting
tenance problems and the chance of failure also in- system, type of control system, and electric power
crease. The use of other protective measures should source. For example, the single well structure may
be considered. not require the installation of any utility system;
4.3 Adequate space should be provided around whereas, the seif-contained manned structure may
machinery, tanks, vessels and pipe headers to permit require all utilities listed.
easy access for maintenance. Craneways or lifting 4.13 Safety Shut-Down Systems. A properly de-
points should be provided for the safe handling of signed safety shut-down system will sense an ab-
equipment and supplies. Work areas should be well normal operational or equipment condition and react
lighted and ventilated with adequate provisions for to this condition by shutting in or isolating necessary

communication between personnel. system components, or even the entire system. Other
4.4 In determining spacing for production facili- actions such as sounding alarms, starting fire ex-
ties on an offshore structure, many factors should tinguishing systems and depressuring all piping and
be considered. Some of the major items to be con- pressure vessels may also be initiated by the shut-
sidered are: down system. The actions to be taken will depend
a. Space for operation and operating personnel. on the level of criticality of the abnormal conditions,
b. Space for maintenance access. The three primary purposes for installing shut down
c. Space to provide safety from inadvertent me- system are to:
chanical damage. a. Protect human life
d. Space to protect against sources of ignition. b. Prevent ecological damage
e. Space to provide access for control of fires. c. Protect the investment
f. Space to limit exposure of important equip- 4.14 In planning and designing shut down systems,
ment and utilities to possible ñre. it is first necessary to determine what events could
4.5 It is recognized that the space limitations endanger life, environment or investment. Inspection,
imposed by the very nature of offshore structures maintenance and failure documentation are definfte
will make many compromises necessary. However, considerations in planning shut down systems. in-
production facilities properly thought out can be spection procedures which call for in-place functional
arranged to provide a safe, pollution-free operation. tests or component removal should be carefully
4.6 All equipment should be designed in accord- planned. Location of shut down system Components
ance with the latest standards and in compliance for easy access for the inspection and tests should
with current governmental regulations. be included in planning production facilities arrange-
4.7 Piping in all areas should be planned to mini- ments. Education and training of personnel perform-
mize the number of bends, corrosion and erosion, and ing inspections is necessary and should be conducted
also provide easy avenues of access and egress from on a formal basis.
the functional parts of each piece of equipment. 4.15 Flare and Emergency Relief Systems. Flare
and emergency relief systems associated with process
SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS equipment should be designed and located considering
4.8 Personnel Safety. The safety of operating per- the amount of combustibles to be relieved, prevailing
sonnel is the primary consideration in designing winds, location of other equipment, including rigs,
producing facilities. Requirements for means of personnel quarters, fresh air intake systems, heli-
escape, personnel landings, guards, rails and life- copter approaches and other factors affecting the
saving appliances are specified in US. Coast Guard safe normal flaring or emergency relieving of the
Rules and Regulations for Artificial Islands and process fluids and gases.
Fixed S t m c t i m s on the Outer Continental Shelf. 4.16 Flare and emergency relief systems may
For brevity, these requirements are not repeated in include a vertical stack, a cantilevered boom, an
this Section. underwater flare or remote flare pile. They will be
4.9 Equipment should be arranged to provide well be designed and located such that the release of
defined corridors of egress from all structure areas. flammable vapors will not constitute a hazard to
Two exit routes, in opposite directions, from each personnel or the facility.
area should be provided where possible. Enclosed a. Relief System:
areas containing a source of fuel should have at The relief system is an emergency system for
least t w o exits opening to a non-hazardous area. discharging gas by manual or controlled means
4.10 Utilities. As noted elsewhere in this Recom- or by an automatic pressure relief valve from a
mended Practice there are many different types of pressurized vessel or piping system to the at-
structures utilized in offshore operations. These vary mosphere for the purpose of relieving pressures
from single well structures to multiwell completely in excess of rated working pressures. The relief
self-contained drilling and production handling struc- system may include the relief valve or rupture
tures. Similarly, the utilities and quarters reauired
Copyright American Petroleum Institute
disc, the collection piping, a gas scrubber for
Provided by IHS Markit under license API type of structure and how it is utilized.
withwiththe Licensee=McDermott Inc - liquid and agusnaldi
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RP 2 6 - 7 4 ,$O732270 0000315 r
RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 7

In planning and designing relief systems M I offshore structures, one must consider the prevailing
RP 620: Design and Installation of Pressure- meteorological and oceanographic conditions. The
Relieving Systems $n Refineries, Parts I and II, location of transportation facilities relative to pre-
API RP 621: Gut& for Pressure Relief and vailing winds, waves and currents may control the
Depressuring Systems, API Std 2000: Venting orientation and layout of the entire structure.
Atmosphere and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks, 4.20 Boat landings and docks should be located on
and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code the lee side of the structure. Cranes in turn must
Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, Division I be located over the boat landing for convenience in
should be used as references. loading and offloading equipment. Storage areas for
Some facilities include systems for auto- pipe and bulk materials should be located within or
matically depressuring pressure vessels in the adjacent to the area covered by the crane boom.
event of an emergency shutdown. The depres-
suring systems control valves may be arranged 4.21 On manned structures the primary means of
to discharge into the relief or flare systems. escape will be the stairway from the cellar and main
b. Flare System: decks to the personnel landing. Location of the per-
The flare system is a system for discharging sonnel landing and primary escape route should be
gas through a control valve from a pressurized taken into consideration when arranging the pmduc-
system to the atmosphere during normal opera- tion facilities and quarters.
tions. This discharge may be either continuous 4.22 Helicopter pads should be located so as to give
or intermittent. The flare system may include clear landing approaches for the helicopters. Stacks,
the flare control valve, collection piping, the guy wires, crane booms, antennas etc. should be
gas-liquid scrubber and gas vent. arranged so as not to intrude into the approach
Normally, gases discharged into the flare or departure paths of the helicopters. The lack of
system are a t low pressures and low flow rates. other structures in the area may dictate the need
The back pressure requirements are not defined for landing space for two or more helicopters.
in the various codes and operating orders; how-
ever, flare systems should be designed to insure 4.23 Pollution Prevention
that vessels and tanks will not be over-pres- a. General Considerations:
sured and accommodate the maximum volume Planning and construction of offshore produc-
that could be vented. tion facilities must include methods for con-
4.17 Ventilation. A thorough review of existing tainment and proper disposal of any type con-
rules and regulations and the API RP 600 Series taminent. Contaminents may be defined as any
recommended practices should be conducted when foreign or undesirable substance, but as used
ventilation is being considered. The following com- herein, are meant to be liquids or solids con-
ments are offered in addition to these writings: taining liquid hydrocarbons, relatively high
Enclosed structures require a thorough review to concentrations of caustic or acidic chemicals,
insure adequate ventilation. Areas enclosed on all raw sewage, trash and unedible garbage.
sides which contain those items of equipment con- b. Containment of Spilled Oil:
sidered only a source of ig-nition should be pres- Methods must be provided for collecting
surized to prevent entry of hydrocarbons. The air spilled hydrocarbons from all deck areas. For
intake f o r the pressurizing system should be located example, solid deck areas may be drained to
such to preclude entry of hydrocarbons into that a gutter and routed through a system of gut-
system. Enclosed areas containing hydrocarbon hand- ters or piping t o a central point. This may also
ling facilities or equipment utilizing a hydrocarbon be done by providing a number of drain open-
fuel source should be ventilated with an exhaust ings in the decks which are then piped t o a
system to insure removal of any escaping hydrocar- central point. From the central point the col-
bons. In addition, enclosed areas should be protected lected liquid material may be discharged into a
in accordance with recommendations presented in tank o r container where separation takes place
the fire protection section. Also, enclosed work areas due to specific gravity difference. Liquid hydro-
where welding is to be conducted should be ventilated carbons may then be skimmed off and routed
with an exhaust system to insure removal of gas into the production system and the remaining
evolved during welding operations. The air M a k e water treated by further separation, filtration,
for this system should be located to preclude entry etc. a s needed.
of hydrocarbons. All deck areas which have a source of oil
4.18 EquiDment areas located on open type struc- leakage,, or drips, must be liquid tight
tures should be arranged to allow the natural ven- with the periphery surrounded by a curbing o r
tilation caused by winds and convection currents. a continuous mutter. Alternatively, drip pans
Care should be taken around fired process equipment may be installed under equipment, provided
to insure that adequate draft for the equipment is liquids are routed to a central point and treated
provided. Also, the equipment should be arranged to as described above.
take advantage of the prevailing minds in order to c. Sewage Disposal:
minimize escaping hydrocarbons from being carried On installations where toilets are installed
toward equipment considered a source of ignition. and human waste is discharged into surround-
Special care should be taken in the use of protective ing waters. the effluent must meet requirements
walls t o insure proper ventilation. Special considera- of applicable governmental regulatory agencies.
tion should be given to ventilation of the wellhead d. Solid Waste Disposal:
areas. This area should be as open as possible with Combustible solid wastes such as paper or
a minimum of two sides of the structure open. The wood products, or other organic material such
interior OP the quarters building should have ade-
as garbage, may be disposed of by incineration
quate exhaust system to preclude accumulation of in a suitable container in an area which permits
Copyright and
American odors.
Petroleum Institute an open fire. Alternatively, the waste may be
4.19 Transportation. In designing support facilities
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placed in
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User=habib, gusnaldi to shore

for the transportation of personnel and equipment on for proper disposal.

RP 2G-7Li 1 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0000316 o r
8 American Petroleum Institute

Non-combustible waste mateiial should be should be provided in the original design of off shore
collected in containers and transported to shore facilities.
for proper disposal.
In general, toxic materials, after being prop- 4.28 In establishing stimcture orientation prevail-
erly treated and neutralized, may be discharged ing seas, swells, currents and winds should be con-
into the waters surrounding the installation. sidered. Likewise, when planning for heliports, doclr-
4.24 Corrosion, Erosion and Preventative Main- ing facilities, flare and relief systems, support ci'anes
tenance. Preventive maintenance and the control of and hoists, and escape systems oceanographic and
coirosion and erosion are an integral pait of failure meteorological influences should be introduced.
prevention, pollution control, and safety. Most of the 4.29 Weather conditions such as temperature, pre-
control and maintenance techniques developed and cipitation, humidity and winds have a significant
utilized onshore are applicable in off shore operations. effect upon the overall arrangement of stiucture
However, space limitations, the salt air environment, production facilities. For example, in cold climates
and other special requirements inherent to platform enclosed stimctures are desirable. Enclosures in turn

design and operation make it important that they be affect the design considerations such as ventilation
considered in initial planning and design. and communication systems.
4.25 The prevention of internal failures requires 4.30 Sea conditions can have considerable influence
that equipment be properly designed, monitored for on the logistical support and storage requirements
loss of wall thickness, and if necessary, includes cor- when laying out stiucture facilities. Rough sea con-
rosion resistant materials, coatings, cathodic protec- ditions with attendant resupply problems dictate
tion and/or provisions for inhibition of corrosion. increased storage space.
Internal failures can be minimized by limiting the
number of bends, the length of piping, and designing GEOGRAPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS
for reasonable flow velocities. The type fluids being
handled should be considered and allowance made for 4.31 Structures installed in remote locations re-
fluids that are particularly corrosive or erosive. Cor- quire considerably more preplanning than those
rosion due to heat exchange media, dehydration located neai. fabrication facilities and supply points.
media, and fuels must be considered as well as COITO- The production facilities should be arranged to per-
sion due to produced fluids. Care taken in choosing mit utilization of prefabricated and unitized equip-
locations for taps, tees, flow restrictions, and short- ment.
radius bends can also limit corrosion due to dead 4.32 The distance between the platform and shore-
spaces and erosion due to turbulence. Consideration side teiminal will be a d e h i t e consideration when
should be given to providing space, clearance, fit- planning pipelines, shipping pumps, gas compres-
tings, etc., for such operations as injection of in- sors, storage requirements and waste water handling
hibitors, insertion and removal of internal monitor- facilities.
ing and safety devices, collection of samples, internal
cathodic protection, and non-destructive methods of GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND INDUSTRY
inspection. Some type of monitoring program is de- CODES AND STANDARDS
sirable to locate points of potential internal failure.
4.33 Goveimment regulations and Industry Codes
4.26 The minimizing of external failure requires and standards are listed in Section 3 of this Rec-
selecting the proper cathodic protection system and ommended Practice. The Outer Continental Shelf
proper external coatings. Exteinal coatings should Orders and Occupational Safety and Health Act in
be properly applied and failures correctly repaired particular will have a definite influence on the ar-
as soon as practical. External contact with fluids rangement of production equipment. As such, they
should be considered in the design and eliminated must be ever present in the designer's mind when
where ossible. Where intermittent or continuous laying out and arranging platform facilities.
externarcontact with fluids is necessary such as in
splash zone areas, consideration should be given to
the use of special coatings, extra wall thickness for
4.34 Many factors and variables must be taken
corrosion allowance, cathodic protection, etc.
into consideration when arranging production equip-
4.27 The proper securing and support of piping ment on offshore platforms. The above considerations
systems and process equipment is also important in are not intended to be all inclusive, but instead are
Copyright American Petroleum Institute failures due to exteinal corrosion and intended to shorn diversification of factors which
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where external coirosion and or wear could occur offshore operations.
RP 26-74 1 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0000317 1 r
RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 9

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.6 It is important in ai-ranging the quarters to
provide sufficient recreational area for personnel so
5.1 It is recommended, as far as possible, produc- as to provide a means for relaxing, entertainment
tion equipment be arranged in groups or areas in and resting in their off duty hours.
accordance with six (6) specific categoiies described
in Table 5.1 and these equipment groups be separate 5.7 Quai-ters should be located in an area and so
or otherwise protected from each other. designed to provide personnel a sense of safety and
remoteness from the operations. Walkways should be
5.2 Adequate space between equipment groups is constiucted on the exterior sides of the quarters
an important factor in promoting a safe operation. building opposite the operational areas. This will
However, factors such as platform design, water provide safe avenues of egress and assist in provid-
depth, size and extent of the hydrocarbon accumula- ing a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere during
tion, method of opei.ation, investment required, gqv- off duty hours.
einmental regulations, etc., will influence the size 5.8 Utilities such as electiical generating equip-
and the number of the structures required. ment, sewage treatment facilities, and air condition-
5.3 One (1) to six ( 6 ) production equipment areas ing equipment can be located in the same area as
can be located on a single stiucture. The producing the quarters. The designer should insure that proper
equipment areas do not necessarily have to be con- precautions are taken to control noise and unpleasant
tiguous. In addition to considering space o r separate odors such that they do not impair the usefulness
stiuctures for equipment the following should be of the quarters.
considered in supporting the equipment arrange-
ments; Le., special barriers, compartments, safety, WELLHEAD AREAS
fire detection and fire extinguishment equipment, 5.9 The location of the wellhead area (or areas) on
force ventilation and/or other safeguards as outlined a structure is influenced by several factors. Well-
in other sections of this Recommended Practice. In heads must be located where they will be accessible
locating more than one production equipment area to the diilling rig, remedial equipment and where
on a stiucture, consideration should be given to the adequate structural suppoi-t can be provided. Well-
objectives and equipment area combinations given heads should be separated or protected from sources
in Table 5.1 and discussed in this section. Safety of ignition, fuel, machineiy and falling objects.
systems should be designed to shut off the flow of
fuel into specific equipment areas in event of ab- 5.10 The highest pressures encountered on an off-
noimal conditions. Equipment areas should be located shore platfoim will noimally be associated with the
so a s to streamline the process flow and simplify wellheads. Uncontrolled flow from the wellheads can
piping systems. Within each equipment group, the be veiy diíñcult to contain. Therefore, protection of
size and configuration of the equipment will, to some the wellhead areas should receive high priority, sec-
extent, deteimine the distance between individual ond only to the protection of personnel.
pieces of equipment. UNFIRED PROCESS AREAS
5.4 Illustrated in Appendix A are some examples 5.11 Equipment located in this area may be poten-
of equipment arrangements in accordance with this tial sources of fuel and should be separated or
RP for situations where as many as six areas of protected from ignition sources. Unfired process
production equipment are on a single platform. equipment should not be placed directly above or
These are not the only arrangements, but are shown below fired equipment without special protection.
to indicate some of the variations possible in ac-
cordance with this RP to meet diffeiing producing 5.12 Unñred process vessels can be placed nearer
requirements and conditions. Other arrangements are wellheads than other production equipment, since
considered acceptable as long as the RP is followed. equipment in both areas are potential sources of
Although arrangements of equipment when more fuel, and should contain no sources o f ignition. The
than one platfoim is used at a given location are not normal flow pattein is frequently from the wellheads
included, these attachments can be used as a guide to the unfired process vessels, so placing the two
for those areas on each platfoim in a multiple plat- areas near each other should simplify interconnecting
form installation. PlPlng.
5.5 Living quarters should be protected from ex- 5.13 Petroleum storage tanks may be potentially
ternal fires, explosions and noise. Escape routes from hazardous due to the liquid fuel contained, and the
the quarters should be readily accessible to at least associated venting of gases. Location of petroleum
one of the two primary means of escape required by storage tanks should be remote or otherwise pro-
the Coast Guard Regulations. Escape routes should tected from wellheads and potential sources of igni-
be designed to minimize exposure to potential heat tion such as fired vessels, machinery, and quarters.
and flame sources. Because living quarters are a Petroleum storage tanks may be located in the vicin-
source of ignition, they should be isolated from fuel ity of unñred process vessels since both types of
sources to the greatest extent practical. Where living equipment represent potential sources of fuel. Pre-
quarters are located on a drilling or production plat- cautions should be taken to prevent spilled liquids
form, a firewall or adequate space should separate from flowing into other production equipment areas.

the quarters from other platform areas. The fire FIRED PROCESS AREAS
wall may be an integral part of the quarters build-
Copyright American Petroleum Institute
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10 American P e t r o l e u m Institute

though some sources of fuel d l of necessity be MACHINERY AREAS

present. Fired process vessels should be remote or
protected from wellheads, unfired process vessels 5.16 Machinery includes both potential ignition and
and petroleum storage tanks. If fired vessels are fuel sources. The machinery area should be located
located on the same structure with other process remote 01' protected from wellheads, unfired process
equipment, the potential ignition hazard should be equipment, petroleum storage tanks, and quarters
minimized by taking the precautions discussed in areas. Machinery and fired process equipment are
other sections of this Recommended Practice. similar in type and degree of hazard and may be
located in proximity to each other.
5.15 Fired process equipment and machinery are
potential sources of ignition. These two equipment
areas may be located in proximity to each other.



Petroleum Storage
Welihend Area Unûred Procex Area Area Fired Process Area Machinery Quarters
Location Objective: Location Objective: Location Objective: Location Objective: Location Objective: Location Objective :
Minimize eources Minimize sources Minimize sources Minimize fuel Minimize fuel Personnel safety
of ignition and of ignition of ignition SUPRIP SUPPlY


Eqoipment Type Equipment Type Equipment Type Equipment Type Equipment Type Equipment Type
(I?) Wellheads (FI Separators (all WP) (F) Petroleum Liquid (I) Fired Vessels (I) Compressors, (I) Living Quarters
(F) Choke (FI Sump Equipment Tanks Water Treatment A or B Sewage Disposal
Manifolds (Pressurized and Aida to (1) Pumps, A or B Fire Fighting
(I?) Headers atmospheric) Navigation (1) Generators, Electric Buildings
(FI Gas Sales Station (1) Hoisting Equipment (I) Water Maker
(FI Pig Traps Type A or B
(F) Indirect Heated Vessels (1) LAGT, A or B
Water Treatment (1) Air Compressor,
(F) Small (100-bbl or less) A or B
Petroleum Tanks


Hoisting Equip- (F) Choke Manifolds (F) Pig Traps (F) Sump Equipment Aida to (I) Hoisting
ment (Type A) (F) Headers (F) Gas Sales Station Fire Fighting Navigation Equipment
Fire Fighting Hoisting Equipment Water Treatment I3uiIdin gs Water bíaker (Type A or B)
Aids to (l'me A) Hoisting Equipment (I) Water Maker Fire Fighting Aids to
Navigation Fire Fighting (Type A) (I) Hoisting P i p Traps Navigation
(F) Indirect Heated Aids to Navigation LAGT, 'l!ype A Equipment Generators
Vessels (I) Air Campressor, Pumps, Type A ( M e A or B)
(QPe A) Fire Fighting
Aids to Navigation

(P) - Fuel Source

Copyright American Petroleum Institute

Equipment ( W e A) -Manual, 5uid powered, or explosion proof electric motor powered

(I) -
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Ignition with API
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Equipment Licensee=McDermott
(Type B) -internal Inc - Batam Indonesia/8215328009, User=habib, gusnaldi
combustion engine or electric motor powered
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RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 11

6.1 There are many types of platforms and com- 6.5 Automatic Fire Extinguishing
binations of installed equinment and facilities. Estab- a. Open high hazard areas may be protected
lishing fire protection criteria to fit all situations is by a materspray fixed system capable o f
not possible. However, criteria can be established for wetting critical surfaces with a water den-
each functional area depending on the hazards and sity of not less than .25 gpm per square
whether the area is enclosed or open. foot. Waterspray protection may not be
necessary for open areas, where the wells
6.2 A protective wall andfor fire wall should be are shut-in automatically when a fire is
considered when the designer believes space does not detected. Chemical systems may be used
provide adequate separation of equipment areas. in lieu of a water system if determined to
Precaution should be taken in the use of walls to provide suffcient fire protection control.
insure proper ventilation. b. Enclosed high hazard areas may be pro-
tected by waterspray and chemical systems.
6.3 Platform Fire Fighting Systems The waterspray system should be designed
a. General Water hose and/or chemical sys- for a minimum density of .25 gpm per
tems may be desirable for most platforms. square foot and the chemical system should
Open or enclosed platforms housing per- be designed for total flooding.
sonnel on a continuous basis should be
provided with a reliable method of apply- 6.6 Detection
ing an extinguishing medium on any kind a. Fire Detection. The automatic extinguish-
of fire. ing. systems should be actuated by a fast
b. Pumps For maximum reliability on en- reäcthg detection system.
closed platforms, two independent sea The selection mould depend on the par-
water pumps, each capable of furnishing ticular area and arrangement for effective
the maximum fire demand should be util- operation. Each section or room on the
ized. One of the pumps may be primarily platform should be separately annunciated.
used f o r utility water. Power supplies Upon fire detection in these areas, the wells
should be independent for at least one should be automatically shut-in.
pump; Le., diesel drive, emergency battery b. Gas Detection. In inadequately ventilated
power, diesel generator, gas turbine gen- enclosed areas, a detector should be located
erators, etc. For open platfoims, one pump a t the ventilation outlet as well as near
independent of well shut-dom fuel supply, equipment where gas releases are possible.
. capable of furnishing primary needs, shall Gas alarm signals may be transmitted over
be sufficient. the fire alarm system for common annun-
c. Chemical Chemical systems should be de- ciation.
signed commensurate with the complexity 6.7 Manual Fire Fighting Equipment
of the production facility. Types of chemi- a. On platforms housing personnel on a 24-
cal systems such as dry powder, inert hour basis, fire fighting equipment should
gases, halon, and light water, etc., are be provided and located so as to facilitate
acceptable. fire attack from two directions. Water can
6.4 Platform Emergency Alarm System be used with other agents to improve effec-
a. General All manned platforms should be tiveness.
provided with a fire alarm system. The fire b. Extinguishers suitable for Class B fires
alarm system will usually consist of a few should be located near accessways.
manual stations strategically located near FIRED PROCESS AREAS
evacuation routes and an alarm sounding
device. On larger platforms, the fire alarm 6.8 Automatic Fire Extinguishing
system could also be used to receive signals a. Open process areas may be protected by
from automatic fire and gas detection sys- a waterspray fixed system capable of wet-
tems. Large enclosed platforms may utilize ting critical surfaces with a water density
the fire alarm system as a means of locat- of not less than .25 gpm per square foot.
ing the fire emergency by annunciation Waterspray protection may not be neces-

panel a t supervisory locations. sary for open areas where wells and pro-
b. Fire Alarm The system should be com- cess equipment are shut-in when a fire is
plete and separate unit supplied by the automatically detected. Chemical systems
platform electrical power with integral may be used with or in lieu of water SYS-
trickle charger and batteries floating or tems if determined to provide sufficient fire
other independent power source. General protection control.
alarm and platform shut-down can be auto- b. Enclosed areas may be protected by water-
matically initiated by alarm signals from spray and chemical systems. The water-
the fire alarm panel if desired. spray system should be of design for a
c. Gas Alarm Gas is usually detected at two density of -25 gpm per square foot; and
levels; (20-25% L.E.L. and 60-75% L.E.L.) the chemical system should be designed for
with an alarm generally sounded a t the total flooding.
lower level. Alarm signals may be inter-
Copyright American to the fire alarm panel for com-
Petroleum Institute 6.9 Detection
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bined functions.
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a. Fire Detection. The automatic extinguish-
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RP 2G-74 10732290 0000320 I r
12 American Petroleum Institute

ing systems should be actuated by a fast QUARTERS

reacting detection system. The selection
would depend on the particular area and 6.14 Automatic Fire Extinguishing
arrangement for effective operation. Each In general, automatic fire extinguishing sys-
section or room on the platform should be tems are not required. Depending on the size
separately annunciated. and situation, a range hood extinguishing
b. Gas Detection. In inadequately ventilated system may be desirable in the galley.
enclosed process areas, a detector should
be located at ventilation outlet as well a s 6.15 Detection
near equipment where gas releases are With the installation of a water flow switch
possible. Gas alarms may be annunciated on a sprinkler system, no other fire detec-
over the fire alarm system. tion is needed. If sprinklers are not installed
a fire detector should be provided. The use of
6.10 Manual Fire Fighting Equipment smoke detectors should be considered.
a. On platforms housing personnel on a 24-
hour basis, fire fighting equipment should 6.16 Manual Fire Fighting Equipment
be provided to facilitate fire attack from Extinguishers suitable for A, B, and C fires
two directions. Water can be used with should be strategically located throughout the
other agents t o improve effectiveness. quarters.
b. Extinguishers suitable for Class B fires
should be located near accessways. PETROLEUM STORAGE AREA
6.17 Automatic Fire Extinguishing
6.11 Automatic Fire Extinguishing a. Atmospheric tanks should be adequately
a. In general, automatic fire control systems vented. Automatic fire protection-extin-
are not required for open or adequately guishment systems should be considered
ventilated enclosed areas. by the designer.
6.12 Detection b. Waterspray may be needed to protect tank
a. Fire Detection skins from exposure to fires depending on
Fire detection should be provided for en- arrangement of equipment.
closed inadequately ventilated machineiy c. Adequate normal and emergency drain sys-
areas to provide automatic notification of tems should be provided to assure that
a fire and for activation of automatic fire burning flammable liquids will not be
fighting systems. transmitted to other parts of the platform.
b. Gas Detection
Gas detection is not required for open 6.18 Detection
areas. Gas detection is recommended in en- Combination fixed temperaturehate of rise
closed machinery areas containing hydro- or other suitable detector system is recom-
carbon handling equipment. mended for actuation of automatic extin-
6.13 Manual Fire Fighting Equipment guishment and alarm systems.
a. On enclosed platforms housing personnel 6.19 Manual Fire Fighting Equipment
on 24-hour basis fire fighting equipment
should be provided to facilitate fire attack a. Fire fighting equipment should be pro-
from two directions. Water can be used vided to attack the tank area from two di-
with other agents to improve effectiveness. rections. It may be desirable to have water
b. One or more extinguishers should be lo-
--`,,`,,``,,,,````,``,,,,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- and wet and dry chemical systems.
cated near accessways, capable of extin- b. Extinguishers capable of controlling Class
guishing Class A, B, and C fires.
Copyright American Petroleum Institute B fire should be located a t all accessways.
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R P 26-74 (0732270 000032L r
RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures i3

Copyright American Petroleum Institute OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION FACILITIES
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RP 26-74 1 0 7 3 2 2 4 0 0000322 5 r
14 American Petroleum Institute

PIG. A l
70 X 148 F'T. PLATFORM


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RP 2G-7Y 0732290 0000323 7

RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 16




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16 --`,,`,,``,,,,````,``,,,,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
American Petroleum Institute

I 1



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RP 26-74 p 3 2 2 7 0 00003ZS o r
RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 17


l ' i
ci3 o



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R P 2G-74 1 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0000326 2

18 American Petroleum Institute

I +-



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RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 19



. \



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R P 2G-74 1 0 7 3 2 2 4 0 0000328 b

20 American Petroleum Institute





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RP 2G-7q

RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 21

n n


II FuruRc couPaessoR




$ pI



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RP 26-74 p 7 3 2 2 7 0 0000330 4 r
22 American Petroleum Institute .


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R P 26-74 BO732290 0000331 b r
RP 2G: Productioñ Facilities on Offshore Structures 23


FIG. A10

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R P 2G-74 1 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0000332

24 American Petroleum Institute -



FIG. A l l
108 X 128 FT. PLATFORM

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7009274 O006300 499 H

RP 2G: Production Facilities on Offshore Structures 25

FIG. A12
108 X 132 FT. PLATFORM

1M-9-76- Johnston


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