V000000 HAB HIG 00 RT A de
V000000 HAB HIG 00 RT A de
V000000 HAB HIG 00 RT A de
1. The connection and examination procedures 6. Connect a 300VAC meter across line to neutral
must be executed by the profession engineers. of generator.
2. Place the EA460 inside of the generator, 7. Start and run the generator at no load and rated
especially the moisture-proof and anticorrosive speed. The generator output voltage should build
space. up to a minimum level if the voltage does not
build up, It may cause by low residual voltage of
generator. Refer to field flashing section in
3.2 Startup procedure generator manual.
1. The surface temperature pf the EA460 will be 8. Slowly adjust voltage potentiometer until the
over 60 °C. generator voltage reach the proper value.
9. Turn the stability potentiometer clockwise until 1. With the Prime-mover at rest and the regulator s
instability is shown, and then turn it anticlockwise field output wires disconnected, apply a DC
slightly still both meter mention in (5) and (6) source ( NOT grounded ) of not more than 3~12
shown stable. Vdc with Positive to F+ and Negative to F-, in
series with a current-limiting resistor of 3~5 ohms
10.Interrupt regulator power for a short time
20 watt. (The set battery is a suitable source.)
(approximately 1 to 2 second). If the voltage still
stable, the adjustment is now completed. 2. Allow approximately 3 seconds before removing
Otherwise increase the stability slightly, repeat the DC source.
procedure (10) until stability is reached.
3. With the voltage regulator disconnected ( wires 3
and 4 ), start the prime mover and measure the
4. ADJUSTMENTS residual voltage available at the auxiliary
winding. If this voltage is greater than 5 Vac,
4.1 Frequency roll-off adjustment reconnect voltage regulator, and voltage build-up
● As using 50Hz, please connect a jumper between should be successful. If less than 5 Vac is
Com and 50Hz. As 60Hz, between Com and 60 Hz. measured, repeat field flashing procedure.
● To reset the frequency roll-off, proceed as follow: 4. If repeating steps a. and b. does not result in
generator voltage build-up, and residual is
1. Startup engine and build voltage. greater than 5 Vac, replace voltage regulator.
When the regulator is operated with the generator for
the first time, the polarity of residual magnetism may
be reversed or too small to achieve the necessary
build-up voltage for the regulator. If reversing the field
connections does not induce build-up, and the residual
voltage is less than the specified value of 5 Vac, shut
down the Prime-mover and proceed with the following
steps :