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Quality Assessment For Construction

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Quality Assessment

• The PM will provide a copy of the Quality Assessment (QA) Development and Construction Checklists to the Project Architect (PA) and General
Contractor (GC) during the identified project process step.
• The PA has prime responsibility for quality assurance on the project.
• The PA should ensure completion of both QA checklists with the assistance of the GC.
• These checklists are to be used throughout the duration of the project.
• The PM ensures that the QA checklists are applied during all new construction projects and that all required verification information is gathered
and filed upon completion of the project.

QA Checklist requirements and responsibilities:

• The PA reviews each of the QA checklist items with the assistance of the GC and uses the indicated Verification Criteria to verify that each item
has been completed correctly.
• The PA & GC provides the requested evidence (photographs, field reports, test results, record drawings, contract documentation, etc.) verifying
• The PA provides both completed QA checklists and documented evidence to the PM at the completion of the project.

The checklists and documentation serve as a basis for the project Quality Assessment (QA) review. All documentation should be brought to the
QA review. This information is critical for an effective QA assessment and any missing or incomplete information may negatively impact the QA

Verification Criteria

Item #

Discipline Name Item

CIVIL 1 Grades adjacent to building provide adequate drainage. Verification Criteria
Verify by electronic level that final grades of landscaped and
walkway areas provide adequate drainage around the
● 2% (minimum) slope at lawn areas
● 2% (minimum) slope, 8% (maximum) slope at sidewalks
● 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (maximum) at landscaped
● 3 horizontal to 1 vertical maximum slope in lawn areas

CIVIL 2 Spacing and location of control joints and expansion joints in Verification Criteria
mow strips, concrete sidewalks and entries are per standard. Verify that control joints and expansion joints are installed at
the spacings indicated in specification Section 03 3053:

Joint sealants are required in all expansion joints noted in

specification section 03 3053 (caulk).

In sidewalks:
● Control joints should be spaced between 4' and 6' on
2 ● Expansion joints should be spaced between 40' and 100'
on center.

In mow strips:
● Control joints in mow strips should be between 3' and 5'
on center
● Expansion joints should be spaced at 40' to 100' on

CIVIL 3 Water does not pond on pavement, in gutters, and in lawn or Verification Criteria
landscape areas. Verify by electronic level that ponding does not occur on
pavement or in gutters:
● 2% minimum slope on asphalt paving
5% maximum slope on asphalt paving
● 1% minimum slope on concrete paving
5% maximum slope on concrete paving
● .5% minimum slope in gutters
3 8% maximum slope in gutters
● 2% minimum slope in lawn areas intended to drain
3 horizontal to 1 vertical maximum slope in lawn areas
● 2% minimum slope in landscaped areas intended to
2 horizontal to 1 vertical maximum slope in planter

1 Rev 7/30/2013
CIVIL 4 Concrete strength used in site work is per standard. Verification Criteria
Verify by review of concrete test reports that the concrete
mix design and tests for concrete strength match
specification Section 03 3111.
● It should be 4,000 psi (Concrete Mix Type A) unless the
4 geotechnical report requires otherwise.
● For exterior concrete in areas of freeze/thaw, the
concrete strength in the Schedule of Construction Materials
in the structural drawings should be 4,500 psi (Concrete Mix
Type D).

CIVIL 5 Mix designs used match the specifications of the contract Verification Criteria
documents and material and workmanship of pavement (asphalt 1. Verify that the mix designs (or specifications) for the
or concrete) are per standard. paving supplied matches that of the specifications of the
contract documents.
2. Provide the specification actually used for the project if
other than the specification within the contract
3. Verify that the reports-
For asphalt:
5 a. For Marshall or Hveem Mix Designs, the compaction
of the asphalt is 96% minimum.
b. For Superpave Mix Designs, the compaction of the
asphalt is between 92% and 96%.

For Concrete:
a. Concrete strength is 4500 psi in freeze thaw areas,
4000 psi otherwise.
b. Surfaces are smooth (1/4" in 10').

LANDSCAPE 1 Proper finish grading depth at lawn areas. Verification Criteria

Verify by measurement that top of finish grade in all lawn
6 areas is as follows:
1. Sod areas: 2 inches
2. Seed areas: 1 inch

LANDSCAPE 2 Trees have top 1/3 of burlap / containers removed, are properly Verification Criteria
staked, and are planted at appropriate depth. Observe one tree for proper staking (2 - 2" diameter stakes,
5' above ground, connected with a cinch tie), planting depth
7 (2" above finish grade), and that top 1/3 of burlap or
container materials were removed. Staking height of
evergreen trees should be 6" less than the height of tree.

LANDSCAPE 3 Proper depth of bark mulch, rock mulch, or decomposed granite Verification Criteria
are provided in shrub beds. Observe one shrub bed that a minimum of 3” in depth of
specified bark or rock mulch is provided. Exception: A 2”
8 rock mulch depth may be allowed in locations such as
Southern Arizona and Southern Nevada where that depth is

LANDSCAPE 4 Installation of valve box assembly. Verification Criteria

Observe one valve box to check dimensions, location of
elements and depth as follows:
1. Gravel - Located 4" below lateral line.
2. Action unions - Verify that one is located on each side of
9 valves.
3. Valve locations - Verify that no more than two valves are
located in each valve box.
4. Control wire connections - Verify that waterproof wire
connectors have been installed properly.

LANDSCAPE 5 Proper installation and location of drip system and/or spray Verification Criteria
heads in shrub areas. Observe two different heads in shrub areas for depth,
location and spacing as follows:
1. Spray heads - 1" below top of concrete, 1" minimum to 3"
maximum from edge of concrete, number and location of
10 heads match irrigation plan.
2. Drip system - drip emitter should be located 2" above top
of mulch and is visible; emitters are located next to shrubs
and trees as per irrigation plan; number and location of
heads match irrigation plan.

LANDSCAPE 6 Proper location and depth of lawn irrigation heads. Verification Criteria
Observe two spray or rotor heads in lawn areas for location,
depth and spacing as follows:
1. Rotor - 3/4" minimum, 1 1/2" maximum below top of
concrete, 1" minimum to 3" maximum from edge of
concrete, number and location of heads match irrigation
2. Spray - 3/4" minimum, 1 1/2" maximum below top of
concrete, 1" minimum to 3" maximum from edge of
concrete, number and location of heads match irrigation

2 Rev 7/30/2013
LANDSCAPE 7 Lamination and location of irrigation as-built drawing. Verification Criteria
Verify that 11" x 17" copy of the record drawing irrigation
12 plan has been provided at half size, is laminated for
protection, and located in the building for easy access to the
FM group.

LANDSCAPE 8 Controller, rain sensor, moisture sensor wire connections and all Verification Criteria
grounding for lightning protection are properly installed. Controller and rain sensor are:
1. Mounted properly with 2" steel conduit.
13 2. Wired properly with 18 gauge wires connected to
3. Properly grounded for lightning protection with ground
wire connected inside of controller.

LANDSCAPE 9 Smart controller installation is tested and working properly. Verification Criteria
14 Verify manufacturers checklist is completely filled out and
LANDSCAPE 10 Determine that the irrigation main line has been tested. Verification Criteria
Verify by review of observation report from architect or
15 landscape architect that irrigation main line was tested per
specification Section 32 8423.
LANDSCAPE 11 Landscape elements are installed per contract documents. Verification Criteria
Verify by observation that the installation for the number,
16 size, spacing and location of trees, shrubs, ground cover
and boulders matches the planting plan.

LANDSCAPE 12 Meetinghouse Site Management Plan (MSMP) including Topsoil Verification Criteria
Testing Report was prepared by landscape architect and Review MSMP to verify that:
appropriate FM training completed. 1. Document follows standard format and is completed.
2. FM and subcontractor have signed the Plant
17 Establishment Period and training verification section of the
3. Training is complete.

ARCHITECTURAL 1 Exposed concrete foundation has a consistent smooth rubbed Verification Criteria
surface finish. Verify exposed concrete foundation surface has a
18 consistent smooth rubbed finish and is free of rough
surfaces, discoloration, broken corners, voids, and/or
unrepaired damaged areas.

ARCHITECTURAL 2 Brick veneer maintains a consistent overhang of the concrete Verification Criteria
foundation. Verify brick veneer consistently overhangs the face of the
foundation. Foundation should not extend past the face of
19 the masonry. Specified overhang ranges from 1/2 inch up
to 1-1/4 inch, according to plan type, with an allowed +1/4
inch tolerance.

ARCHITECTURAL 3 Veneer brick is uniform in appearance and weep vents are Verification Criteria
correctly installed. 1. Verify brick are laid flush in plane with properly tooled and
consistently sized joints.
20 2. Verify that weep vents are installed at 33 inches
maximum spacing, including within bottom courses over
door and window heads.

ARCHITECTURAL 4 Fascia and soffit are correctly fabricated and installed in weather Verification Criteria
21 tight fashion. Verify metal surfaces are smooth, and that joints are tight
with no gaps.
ARCHITECTURAL 5 EIFS is properly installed and properly integrated into building Verification Criteria
facade. Verify EIFS is correctly installed and perimeter edges are
22 properly sealed where abutting dissimilar materials.

ARCHITECTURAL 6 Exterior handrails and railings are properly installed and grouted. Verification Criteria
1. Verify exterior handrails and railings are properly grouted,
where applicable. Handrails should be continuous, without
interruption or other obstructions (such as skateboard
23 deterrents) in compliance with IBC 1012.4.
2. Verify by measurement installed height is between 34
and 38 inches.

ARCHITECTURAL 7 Joint sealants are properly installed. Verification Criteria

1. Verify joint sealants are installed where dissimilar
materials intersect and applied to provide a weather tight
24 seal and prevent entry of insects.
2. Review joint sealant submittal for compliance with
specification Section 07 9213 and to verify that no latex
based sealant has been used.

ARCHITECTURAL 8 Roofing shingles are correctly installed. Verification Criteria

1. Verify shingle courses are installed in straight, uniform
lines with no exposed fasteners.
25 2. Verify or by photo that each shingle is fastened with four
nails minimum, set flush, straight, and secure to roof slope.

3 Rev 7/30/2013
ARCHITECTURAL 9 Valley metal installation properly tapers with sealed shingle Verification Criteria
edges. 1. Verify that valley metal is installed with tapered
exposure (about one inch in 11 feet down slope
26 2. Verify by touch that cut shingle edges are firmly set in
mastic to valley metal and drip edge flashing.
3. Verify water diverter is installed at bottom spill point of
valley metal.

ARCHITECTURAL 10 Roof flashings, including drip edges and flashings around roof Verification Criteria
penetrations, are weather tight. 1. Verify VTR's are securely installed plumb and properly
sealed with flexible rubber flashing that does not
significantly reduce inside clear opening of vent pipe.
Minimum VTR extension above roof surface (measured on
upslope side) is six inches, except in areas where
front/snow closure is possible, minimum extension is 10
2. Verify flues and penthouses are securely installed and
sealed with metal flashings and water diverter upslope of

ARCHITECTURAL 11 Ridge vent is properly installed. Verification Criteria

Verify ridge vent is securely fastened with painted corrosion
28 resistant screws at eight inch spacing (top and skirting),
flush to roof slope, and straight. End caps are installed.

ARCHITECTURAL 12 Applicable gutters are properly installed with adequate drainage. Verification Criteria
Verify gutters and downspouts are correctly fabricated with
29 smooth metal finish, are properly sealed and sloped.

ARCHITECTURAL 13 Tile and grout are properly installed in restrooms, font and Verification Criteria
serving area. 1. Verify tile and grout are installed uniformly and grout is
absent of voids, bubbles or cracks.
2. Verify the wall tile colors and pattern comply with the
contract documents.
3. Verify that grout is set and not easily removed.
4. Verify wall tile height in restrooms is per standard plan
5. Verify tile is per spec and installed in the proper location.
6. Verify that the joint between the ceiling and wall is level.

ARCHITECTURAL 14 Plumbing fixtures are properly mounted and caulked. Verification Criteria
1. Verify plumbing fixtures are caulked at floors and walls
with a continuous, full bead of caulk.
2. Verify by measurement plumbing fixture elevations are:
- Water closet seat: 17 - 19 inches above the floor
- Wall hung urinal: 17-24 inches above floor to the rim
- Lavatory: 34 inches maximum above the floor to the
higher of the rim or counter surface
31 - Wheel chair drinking fountain: 36 inches maximum to
the spout outlet
- Standing drinking fountain: 38 - 43 inches to the spout
- Accessible urinal: 17 inches maximum above floor to
the rim

ARCHITECTURAL 15 Rostrum casework, associated ramp and stairs are properly Verification Criteria
installed with tight joints. 1. Verify joints are tight and straight.
2. Verify handrails and base trim are correctly installed.
32 3. Verify by measurement that ramp and stairs have
required 60 inch landings and 12-inch extension of
handrails at top and bottom of ramp.

ARCHITECTURAL 16 Vinyl and sisal wall coverings are correctly applied. Verification Criteria
Verify vinyl and sisal wall coverings are installed as
33 specified in sections 09 7216 and 09 7226. Verify that
seams are tight with no frayed edges and that there are no
bubbles or creases.

ARCHITECTURAL 17 Wood floor system and aluminum angle base are correctly Verification Criteria
installed. 1. Verify wood floor is free of transverse cupping, severe
chatter, and sanding swirl marks.
2. Verify floor finish is uniform without bubbles and
34 embedded dust particles in areas around bottom of exit
3. Verify aluminum angle base is used, installed with no
exposed sharp edges, and outside corners are radiused.

4 Rev 7/30/2013
ARCHITECTURAL 18 Supports are installed for suspended gypsum board ceiling track Verification Criteria
system. Seismic bracing is correctly installed where applicable. 1. Supports should be taut and not loose to the touch.
2. For Seismic Category D, E, and F locations, verify from
mechanical mezzanine level that required seismic support
wires are securely fastened at 45 degree angles from the
suspended ceiling grid/track to overhead structure and grid
support points are spaced at 12 feet maximum each way.
Compression post/struts are correctly installed to restrict
vertical movement in ceiling grid.

ARCHITECTURAL 19 Hollow metal door frames, including silencers and smoke seals, Verification Criteria
are installed properly. 1. Verify insulation placement in hollow metal door frames
by tapping on the frame and listening for a low resonating
2. Verify frame perimeter is properly caulked with no
exposed gaps at wall juncture and verify by touch that
frame is not bent outward at corners or otherwise damaged.
3. Verify installation of silencers and/or smoke seals on
door frames. Smoke seals should be properly compressed
when door is fully closed.

ARCHITECTURAL 20 Custom casework is properly installed. Verification Criteria

1. Verify installation of wood veneer on inside face of
cabinet doors.
37 2. Verify installation of melamine on the inside face of
3. Verify running book match on outside face of cabinet

ARCHITECTURAL 21 Interior wood trim is properly installed. Verification Criteria

1. Verify wood trim at ceilings in chapel is painted, not
2. Verify that wood trim in other locations is stained.
38 3. Verify that nail holes are filled and not visible from
minimum six feet.
4. Verify that interior trim lengths are not less than 24

ARCHITECTURAL 22 Wood doors are properly hung in the frame with correct gaps Verification Criteria
between double doors. 1. Verify door perimeter gap is uniform as hung in the
39 frame. Door is not warped in place.
2. Gap between double doors is 3/16 inches maximum.

ARCHITECTURAL 23 Ceiling sound insulation is properly installed. Verification Criteria

40 Verify that sound blanket insulation is the correct thickness,
is properly and uniformly placed to fit snugly.
STRUCTURAL 1 The engineered fill is compacted as per contract documents. Verification Criteria
Verify by review of the compaction test reports that
engineered fill under the paving and building pad areas has
been properly compacted.
41 ● Engineered fill under footings is normally compacted to
95%. Verify this with the geotechnical report.
● Engineered fill under slabs on grade is normally
compacted to 90%. Verify this with the geotechnical report.

STRUCTURAL 2 Footings and foundation walls are reinforced as per contract Verification Criteria
documents. Verify by review of the structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that the footings and
42 foundation walls are reinforced.
● Footings require horizontal reinforcing.
● Walls require vertical and horizontal reinforcing.
● Dowels are required from footings into walls.

STRUCTURAL 3 Prefabricated trusses are as per contract documents. Verification Criteria

Verify by review of structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that the prefabricated
wood trusses are acceptable.
● Trusses show no signs of breakage or damage
43 ● Trusses are not in contact with the ground
● Trusses elements (top chord, bottom chord, webs) type,
size, and placement are correct
● Truss plates type, size, and placement are correct

5 Rev 7/30/2013
STRUCTURAL 4 Structural wall connections to foundations are as per the Verification Criteria
contract documents. Verify by review of the structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that:
● The walls are attached to the foundation walls with
specified anchor bolts. At least one photo should show
anchor bolts.
44 ● Washer plates are installed in Seismic Design
Categories D, E and F. At least one photo should show
washer plates.
● The jambs are attached to the foundation walls with
specified holdown anchors. At least one photo should show
holdown anchors.

STRUCTURAL 5 Structural wall sheathing and edge blocking are installed as per Verification Criteria
the contract documents. Verify by review of structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that:
● The walls are attached to the structure with the specified
45 nails (or staples). At least one photo should show a nail
● The edge blocking is installed as specified. At least one
photo should show edge blocking.

STRUCTURAL 6 Gable end outlookers and blocking between outlookers are Verification Criteria
installed as per the contract documents. Verify by review of the structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that:
● Outlookers are attached to the walls with framing
anchors or toe nails as specified. At least one photo should
46 show framing anchors or toe nails.
● Blocking between outlookers is installed with framing
anchors or toe nails as specified. At least one photo should
show blocking and framing anchors or toe nails.

STRUCTURAL 7 Wood trusses and blocking between wood trusses are installed Verification Criteria
as per the contract documents. Verify by review of the structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that:
● Wood trusses are attached to the walls with the specified
47 framing anchors or toe nails. At least one photo should
show framing anchors or toe nails.
● Blocking between wood trusses is installed as specified.
At least one photo should show framing anchors or toe

STRUCTURAL 8 Beam/girder to wall/column connections are installed per the Verification Criteria
contract documents. Verify by review of the structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos that:
● Beams are attached to columns with steel buckets and
thru bolts. At least one photo should show a complete beam
to column connection.
48 ● Beams are attached to other beams using framing
anchors. At least one photo should show a complete beam
to beam connection.
● Trusses are attached to walls with framing anchors. At
least one photo should show a complete truss to wall

STRUCTURAL 9 Structural roof sheathing has been properly installed as per Verification Criteria
contract documents. Verify by review of structural engineer's site observation
report(s) and at least two photos noting that roof sheathing
has been attached per the contract documents.
● Nail spacing is typically 6" on center at edges; 12" on
center in-field.
● Blocking is installed above all structural walls.

STRUCTURAL 10 Attachment of the steeple platform to the structure and the Verification Criteria
attachment of the steeple to the platform are correct and Verify by review of structural engineer's site observation
complete. report(s) and at least two photos noting that connections of
50 the steeple and platform are complete.

The platform is attached to the structure with steel plates,

angles and bolts.

FIRE PROTECTION 1 Fire sprinkler heads are installed flush with the ceiling. Verification Criteria
1. Verify that concealed fire sprinkler heads are installed
flush with ceiling.
51 2. Unscrew a concealed cover plate and verify deflector
drops below ceiling.

FIRE PROTECTION 2 Building insulation envelope maintains temperatures above Verification Criteria
freezing in wet pipe areas. 1. Verify that gypsum board is installed and holds
52 insulation in place.
2. Verify that gypsum board joints are sealed.
3. Verify that all penetrations are sealed.

6 Rev 7/30/2013
FIRE PROTECTION 3 Anti-freeze has been added to anti-freeze system by taking a Verification Criteria
sample at the bottom of the anti-freeze loop. System should not Open test valve on glycol riser enough to check a small
53 be leaking. sample for glycol. Solution will be slick (oily) to the touch
and colored if glycol has been added. Solution should not
be leaking from test valve.

FIRE PROTECTION 4 Pressure gauge differential at dry pipe riser. Verification Criteria
Verify by reading pressure of the water gauge and air
gauge. Pressures should be significantly different. Water
54 pressure ranges will be 60 to100 psig. Air pressure ranges
are 30 to 50 psig.
If pressure readings are the same (within 1 PSIG), the dry
system is full of water.

FIRE PROTECTION 5 Fire protection system passed the above ground contractor's Verification Criteria
55 test. Verify by reviewing the completed contractor's test form in
the FM O&M manual.
MECHANICAL 1 Thermostats are installed properly. Verification Criteria
1. Verify that the installation CD has been given to FM.
2. Verify set-up of one thermostat by pushing thermostat
56 center button to display set point temperature and push
button again to display discharge air temperature.

MECHANICAL 2 Remote sensor installation and operation. Verification Criteria

1. With the system in unoccupied mode, push the over-ride
occupancy button. The LED should light up and the furnace
57 turn on.
2. With the RED and BLUE arrows keys, move LED
associated with them to the right and to the left. If the LED
moves, the sensor is functioning.

MECHANICAL 3 RP panels are supplied by approved panel manufacturers. Verification Criteria

Remove cover from panel. Verify that panel builder's sticker
58 is located inside panel. Panel builders are listed in
specification Section 23 0933.
MECHANICAL 4 Heating is operating. Verification Criteria
On a thermostat perform the following functions:
1. Press Temporary Occupied and wait for furnace to come
2. Press Occupied Cool and press the up arrow (raise) to
raise cooling set point to 76º F.
3. Press Occupied Heat and press the up arrow (raise) to
raise heat set point to bring furnace burner on.
59 4. Press the center button twice to reveal discharge air
temperature. Verify temperature goes up.
5. Press Occupied Heat and press the down arrow (lower)
to lower heat set point to original setting.
6. Press Occupied Cool and press the down arrow (lower)
to lower cooling set point back to original setting.
7. Press Run Schedule.

MECHANICAL 5 Cooling is operating. Verification Criteria

On a thermostat perform the following functions:
1. Press Temporary Occupied and wait for furnace to come
2. Press Occupied Heat and push lower button to lower
heating set point to 65 F.
3. Press Occupied Cool and push the down arrow (lower)
to lower cooling set point to bring condensing unit on.
60 4. Press the center button twice to reveal discharge air
temperature. Verify temperature goes down.
5. Press Occupied Cool and push the up arrow (raise) to
raise cooling set point back to original setting.
6. Press Occupied Heat and push the up arrow (raise) to
raise heating set point back to original setting.
7. Press Run Schedule.

MECHANICAL 6 Outside air damper is operating. Verification Criteria

1. Verify the damper position by opening access door
between manual and motorized outside air dampers.
2. Verify that motorized outside air damper is open in
occupied mode and closed in unoccupied mode.
61 3. Verify that the end of the damper shaft is correctly
marked with damper blade orientation.
4. Verify that actuator jaws are clamped securely to shaft.
5. Verify that damper blade is secured to shaft.

MECHANICAL 7 Furnace filter that is installed is correct type. Verification Criteria

Open filter door and remove filter. verify filter is one inch
62 thick fiberglass type. Pleated media filters should not be
used. Pleated media filters use more energy and may
cause the cooling coil to freeze.

7 Rev 7/30/2013
MECHANICAL 8 Water heater is installed properly and is operational. Verification Criteria
1. Verify discharge temperature is set at 110º F for an
instantaneous type water heater or 140º F for a tank type
63 water heater.
2. Verify hot and cold water pipe is insulated with
fiberglass insulation.

MECHANICAL 9 Seismic gas valve is installed properly, when applicable. Verification Criteria
64 Verify seismic gas valve is installed horizontally in gas line,
is level, and is attached to the main building wall.
ELECTRICAL 1 Main electrical system grounding is as shown on electrical single Verification Criteria
line diagram. Verify main grounding conductor is installed at and bonded
65 to building main water line.

ELECTRICAL 2 Emergency lighting is operational. Verification Criteria

66 Turn off circuit breaker of circuit feeding lighting in area and
observe operation of emergency lighting.
ELECTRICAL 3 Lightning protection cable is grounded. Verification Criteria
67 Verify grounding inspection wells are located outside on
each side of the chapel.
ELECTRICAL 4 Electrical panel circuit schedules are accurate. Verification Criteria
1. Verify that each circuit breaker is labeled with a number.
2. Verify that printed circuit schedules are included in
68 panels.
3. Turn off one circuit breaker of lighting to verify accuracy.

ELECTRICAL 5 Chapel pendant light fixtures are as shown in contract Verification Criteria
documents. Verify pendant lighting fixtures in chapel match the cut sheet
in building O&M binder and the catalog number on the
69 fixture schedule matches the catalog number on the cut
sheet. Verify fixture location and mounting heights per

ELECTRICAL 6 Corridor light fixtures are as shown in contract documents. Verification Criteria
Verify that lighting fixtures in corridor match the cut sheet in
70 building O&M binder and the catalog number on the fixture
schedule matches the catalog number on the cut sheet.

ELECTRICAL 7 Exterior lighting photo cells are properly located. Verification Criteria
71 verify that photo cells are mounted under the soffit and not
in direct sunlight.
SOUND 1 Sound system is working properly in chapel. Verification Criteria
1. Turn sound system on.
2. Talk into the pulpit microphone and check that the
72 system is loud enough, that there is no feedback, that it is
clear and that there is no distortion. Check sound
consistency throughout the chapel (no dead spots).

SOUND 2 Cultural center and foyers are receiving chapel sound. Verification Criteria
1. Turn chapel sound system on.
2. With someone talking into chapel microphone, open
folding partitions between chapel and cultural center and
73 listen for chapel sound in cultural center. Volume should be
adequate and at about the same or slightly higher volume
level than that heard in the chapel.
3. Listen in foyer by adjusting foyer audio control mounted
on foyer wall.

SOUND 3 Assistive listening system is working properly. Verification Criteria

1. FM should provide an Assistive Listening System (ALS)
receiver and ear piece found in the material center.
2. With chapel sound system on, have someone talk into
74 pulpit microphone.
3. Listen through ALS receiver at rear of cultural center or
chapel. The sound should be clear and undistorted.

SOUND 4 Audio controls are installed properly. Verification Criteria

1. Verify sound system controls at side of pulpit are
installed as per detail shown on plan furnishings sheet.
Color of control plates should match and be squarely
75 mounted.
2. Verify bishop's sound control pedestal is mounted at side
of bishopric's seats as detailed in Enlarged Rostrum
section of architectural drawings. It should be easy to reach
and control by counselor.

SOUND 5 Satellite dish is not blocked. Verification Criteria

Verify that landscape (current or future growth), satellite
76 enclosure, and other structures do not partially or fully block
the satellite dish.

8 Rev 7/30/2013
SOUND 6 Satellite audio system is working. Verification Criteria
1. Turn on chapel sound system.
2. Turn on satellite audio and adjust volume control.
77 Satellite control is located near audio equipment rack.
3. Verify satellite audio in chapel has adequate sound
volume and is clear and not distorted.

SOUND 7 Listen in the chapel for higher than normal air handling noise. Verification Criteria
With the heating or air conditioning on, listen for distracting
noise or vibration produced by the mechanical equipment
78 which is usually caused by fan speed being set higher than

SOUND 8 Office door seals are properly installed (includes stake suite). Verification Criteria
1. Verify that the door seals and threshold are installed
correctly so that no light can be seen coming from the office
79 when the door is closed.
2. Sound seals should be installed so they are in
compression when the door is in a closed position.

9 Rev 7/30/2013

Quality Management

Yeabtsega Zelalem
ID - 0801419

December 2019

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