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Experiment 4

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Solid waste characterization is the process by which the composition of dif- Data
ferent waste streams is analyzed. Waste characterization plays an important
Type of Mass of Mass of empty

part in any treatment of waste which may occur. Developers of new waste Mass of
solid empty tray tray + mass of Percent (%)
technologies must take into account what exactly waste streams consist of waste (g)
wastes (g) waste (g)

in order to fully treat the waste. The biodegradable element of the waste
stream is vitally important in the use of systems such Paper 393.31 732.67 339.36 14.44

as composting or anaerobic digestion. In this experiment, quartering method
will be use where it is a method to analyze composition of the solid waste Glass 273.09 571.92 298.83 12.71
that are important in as assessing equipment needed.

Plastic 1765.09 2374.54 609.45 25.92

Food 215.47 1300.14 1084.67 46.14

OBJECTIVE Others 267.48 286.10 18.62 0.79 DISCUSSION
To separate and determine the amount of each type of waste at AIT solid Total 2914.44 5265.37 2350.93 100  In this experiment, quartering method was used to determine the
waste transfer station.

amount of waste.
 The type of waste was found in the sample is paper, glass, plastic,

food, and unidentified waste was labelled as others.

i. Mass of waste (g) = (mass of empty tray + mass of waste) – mass of
 The mass of waste for paper, glass, plastic, food and others is

METHODOLOGY empty tray
339.36g, 298.83g, 609.45g, 1084.67g, and 18.62g respectively result-
1. A certain part of area is being clean in order to prepare for sampling.

ing 2350.93g mass of waste in total.
2. About 20kg of garbage was taken for sampling. Mass of paper waste (g) = 732.67 – 393.31
as  A few ways to improve waste management is do not waste food as the
3. The garbage was then mixed thoroughly with appropriate apparatus. = 339.36 percentage of food waste is the highest which is 46.14%. Then, reduce
plastic usage as the percentage of plastic waste is the second highest
4. The waste then was piled into a cone shaped and then cut into 4 equal The same formula was used to calculate the mass of glass, plastic, food,
with 25.92% out of 100%. Recycle or reuse paper and glass is also
sections and 2 diagonal section was chosen from it. Example; section and others waste. The calculated mass of waste was tabulated in the data one of the best ways to improve waste management as the percentage
A, B, C and D, the section choose was A and D. Cut section B and C. table. of paper and glass is quite high which is 14.44% and 12.71% respec-

The A and D section together are then mixed together. tively. Also, do not litter as it is possible to reduce the percentage of
others waste from 0.79% to 0%.

5. Weight the empty container. Load the waste into the weighed contain-
er and then weight the filled container.

6. Drop the container above the floor about 30cm height for four times. ii. Percent of waste (%) = x 100%
Fill the waste again until brim. Weight the filed container again and

record data.
The aim for the experiment has been achieved. The total amount of waste
7. Pour the waste on the sample area to repeat again for duplicate. Mix, recorded was 2350.93g. The calculated percentage of paper, glass, plastic,

Percent of paper waste (%) = x 100 %

load the sample and weight again. Drop the sample four times and fill food and others waste from the total amount of waste was 14.44%, 12.71%,
until brim and weight it again. = 14.44 % 25.92%, 46.14%, and 0.79% respectively.

8. Record the data to calculate the bulk density. The same formula was used to calculate the percent of glass, plastic, food, In a nutshell, if we keep producing so much waste, we'll run out of room.
and others waste. The calculated percent of waste was tabulated in the Using the 3Rs (reduce, recycle and reuse) will help us cut back the
9. Separate the waste according to the type and then weight each types data table. amount of trash we throw away. Reducing is simply creating less waste. It's

of waste. Calculate the proportion of different types of the waste.

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also the best method for keeping our earth clean.

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