Lecturer: Muumbe K. Lweendo: School of Science, Engineering & Technology
Lecturer: Muumbe K. Lweendo: School of Science, Engineering & Technology
Lecturer: Muumbe K. Lweendo: School of Science, Engineering & Technology
Compaction is a process that
brings about an increase in soil
density or unit weight,
accompanied by a decrease in air
volume. There is usually no
change in water content. The
degree of compaction is measured
by dry unit weight and depends on
the water content and compactive
effort. For a given compactive
effort, the maximum dry unit
weight occurs at optimum water
Dry Density
with a standard amount
of compactive effort.
• When a series of Soil too dry and Soil too wet &
brittle deformable
samples of a soil are
compacted at different
water content the plot
usually shows a distinct Moisture content
At low values of water content most soils tend to be stiff and are difficult to compact. As the water content is increased the soil becomes more
workable, facilitating compaction and resulting in higher dry densities. At high water contents, however, the dry density decreases with
increasing water content, an increasing proportion of the soil volume being occupied by water
➢ The maximum possible value of dry density is referred to as the ‘zero air voids’ dry density
or the saturation dry density and can be calculated from the expression:
𝜌𝑑 = 𝜌
1 + 𝑤𝐺𝑠 𝑤
➢ The dry density after compaction at water content w to an air content A can be calculated
from the following expression
𝐺𝑠 𝜌𝑊
𝜌𝑑 = (1 − 𝐴)
1 + 𝑤𝐺𝑠
Dry Density
greater compactive
effort: Standard
◦ maximum dry density Compaction
◦ optimum water content
◦ air-voids content Moisture content
remains almost the
The dry density of a given soil after compaction depends on the water content and the energy supplied by the compaction
equipment (referred to as the compactive effort).
ρd = dry density
ρ = wet density
W = water content
Mass of
mould + soil 2833 2979 3080 3092 3064 3027
8.41 10.62 12.88 14.41 16.59 18.62
content (%)
Bulk density,
1.84 2.00 2.10 2.12 2.09 2.05
content, w
0.084 0.106 0.129 0.144 0.166 0.186
Dry density,
1.70 1.81 1.86 1.851 1.79 1.73
d (Mg/m³)
Air-voids curves
◦ The expression used is: -
Air-voids curves
Notes: -
1) In above figure, it will be
seen that the maximum dry
density occurs at about (5
%) air void ratio (or about
85 % - 90 % saturation).
2) At the same point, much of
the air remaining in the soil
is in the form of small
occluded bubbles, entirely
surrounded by water, and
held in position by surface
B. Grid roller
❖ Towed units with rolls of 30-50 mm bars, with spaces between of 90-100 mm
❖ Masses range from 5-12 tones
❖ Suitable for: well-graded sands; soft rocks; stony soils with fine fractions
❖ Unsuitable for: uniform sands; silty sands; very soft clays
D. Pneumatic-tyred roller
❖Usually a container on two axles, with rubber-tyred wheels.
❖Wheels aligned to give a full-width rolled track.
❖Dead loads are added to give masses of 12-40 tonnes.
❖Suitable for: most coarse and fine soils.
❖Unsuitable for: very soft clay; highly variable soils.
Power rammer
❖Also called a 'trench tamper'
❖Hand-guided pneumatic tamper
❖Suitable for: trench back-fill; work in confined areas
❖Unsuitable for: large volume work
Vibrating plate
❖ Range from hand-guided machines to larger roller
❖ Suitable for: most soils with low to moderate fines
❖ Unsuitable for: large volume work; wet clayey soils
d in field
D.C. = *100 (90 – 95) %
d max . in laboratory
Q2: It is decided to use the sand soil in construction of an embankment for the road around Kabwe
town. The soil properties of the hill are, total unit weight of 18 kN/m3, water content of 30%,
specific gravity of 2.65, and the maximum dry unit weight of 15.07 kN/m3 and optimum moisture
content of 32%. The characteristics of the embankment are: degree of compaction of >95%, the
embankment will be in a trapezoidal shape with dimensions of 16m in the width of the top level,
1m in the height, and the side slope of 2:1. What is the volume in (m3) of the soil from the hill
needed to construct the embankment? Find the dry unit weight, saturation, void ratio, porosity for
the hill and embankment. What are the effective considerations in the construction of the
embankment? Estate the formula used to classify the sand soil according to density. Give the range
of the classification. What is the suitable method to examine the coefficient of permeability of the
origin soil? Why, derive it.
Top Level
Height Embankment