Working Procedure: Recommended: S. Evelyn Approved: Rev. Date
Working Procedure: Recommended: S. Evelyn Approved: Rev. Date
Working Procedure: Recommended: S. Evelyn Approved: Rev. Date
Working Procedure
APPROVED: C. Malone P. Eng. ECG0016
REV. DATE: 2016-03-04 0
2.0 References
“Alternate Feeder” means there is another feeder, aside from the “normal service feeder”
supplying the Premise, usually used as back-up, but not by a customer auto-transfer schedule
“Blue Package” means the HOL crew’s information work package defined in GDG0010
“CAE” means Capacity Allocation Exempt as defined in the Distribution System Code
“CYMEDIST” (CYME) is a model and simulation software used across the industry to analyze
power systems
“GeoOttawa” is an online map, accessible from the City of Ottawa’s website, showing a detailed
map of the City
“Host” means the landlord or property owner of the building in which the ERF facility is located
“Interface Transformer” also known as the distribution or servicing transformer, means the
transformer used to step the local distribution Grid voltage to the Customer Service Entrance
“Intermediate Transformer” means a Customer owned transformer used to step the generator
voltage to the Customer Service Entrance voltage. The Intermediate Transformer is always
installed on the Generator’s side of the ERF Metering Space
“Isolating Device” means a circuit breaker or disconnect switch of appropriate rating, which may
be locked in the open position and whose configuration provides a clear visible point of
disconnection between the generating unit and the Hydro Ottawa distribution system.
“LOP” means Loss of Phase, referring to a separate Loss of Phase Detection and Isolation
“Metering Space” means the contiguous area where the DG meter and disconnects are installed.
No Customer owned equipment is to be electrically wired within the restricted area. HOL
requires 24-7 access to the Metering Space
“PCC” means “Point of Common Coupling” see also definitions for “Supply Point’ or “Point of
Supply”, as defined in the Conditions of Service
“PM” means the HOL “Project Manager” assigned to the ERF project
“Site Specific Loss Assessment” (SSLA) is a scaling factor applied to revenue meter
measurements to account for unmeasured electricity used by wires and transformers, i.e.,
technical losses of electricity, between an electricity source and the deemed revenue metering
point. The source is either the Grid in the case of SSLA for Load, or the Energy Resource
Facility in the case of SSLA for generation. The deemed revenue metering point in either case is
The province has mandated maximum LDC delivery durations with specific milestones for
connecting generators that will have or has a provincial contract. If there are delays, changes,
omissions, or additions required by the generator or other groups outside of HOL, the specific
HOL milestone timing may be stopped or reset. Where such events occur, please discuss with
Asset Management group on HOL’s appropriate action and response. Some generators wish to
provide edits to HOL’s requirements and template agreements. This customization causes delays
and is considered outside of the mandated provincial timing requirements.
Asset Management will be responsible for the Initial Consultation portion of the ERF
projects. During the Initial Consultation period, the Generator may request – at no additional
cost – ERF information from HOL via email or by phone. The Generator can send an email
to [email protected] ([email protected]). In some cases, a
site meeting may be required to confirm existing conditions for example: when information
on file is not adequate or is inconsistent and must be verified. The Generator must complete
sections two (2) through nine (9) of the CIA Application (Form B) prior to Initial
Consultation with Hydro Ottawa to receive the full benefit from the Initial Consultation
process. The CIA Application (Form B) can be found on the HOL external website. Once
the designated point of contact for HOL receives completed sections of the Form B from the
Generator, they will review all required information to ensure the installation is feasible.
Asset Management shall complete the Initial Consultation Template Table found on the
Intranet under the Technical Standard Forms link.
The HOL designated point of contact is to use GIS and other HOL records to identify;
The Interface Transformer should be reviewed in detail to ensure it meets current standards
and is of adequate capacity for the proposed generation. The kVA capacity should be
verified to ensure it is equal to or more than the requested kW of the proposed project. This
transformer must meet primary service requirements as per the Conditions of Service. All
applicable fields should be completed on the Initial Consultation Template.
Appendix F of the Conditions of Service must be reviewed to assure the requested kW can be
generated at the voltage and number of phases that are feeding the property and the cable
capacity should also be verified.
GeoOttawa can be used to determine the Property Identification Number (PIN) that defines
ownership and assessed value of the parcel. Only one FIT project can be located at each
individual PIN, or premise on a series of PINs.
The current IeSO/HONI Transmission Availability Tables (TAT) shall be reviewed for
capacity constraints. These capacity constraints can be verified by using the HONI Station
Capacity Calculator on their website. Asset Management can also use the HONI List of
Applications and the HONI List of Station Capacity. All three documents can be found in
the Initial Consultation folder on the ENG:\ERF and DG\Initial Consultation. However,
always ensure you have the most recently published HONI tables by visiting the HONI LDC
Generation web page. The Capacity section on the Initial Consultation Table can be
completed with the researched information.
It is also important to find out if HOL has a HONI Threshold Allocation Assessment (TAA)
for the HONI HVDS of interest. The TAA provides HOL with HONI’s bulk allocation of
capacity on a specific HONI HVDS to be rationed / allocated by HOL for CAE FIT projects.
The TAAs are tracked by Assets in a “Threshold Tracker” spreadsheet located in the Initial
Consultation folder on the ENG:\ERF and DG\Initial Consultation. If HOL does not have a
HONI TAA for the HVDS of interest, then the Assets Management Group needs to apply to
HONI for such. To do so, HOL needs to have a real project submission. HONI will take 60-
days to complete a TAA once they receive a complete and accurate submission with
Indicate if a separate LOP and/or a Monitoring and Control box will be required for the FIT
installation on the Initial Consultation Template; see Sections 7.2 and 7.3 when they are
The meter summary report for the proposed Premise should be checked to verify that the
existing Host load meter(s) meets HOL standards. This can be done by reviewing the
existing load revenue meter in the HOL Oracle metering portal.
Any system work that may affect the proposed In Service Date or commissioning schedule of
the FIT project should be reviewed and identified, if applicable. This will entail reviewing
the Sustainment/Demand Projects that may affect the circuit or station(s) the ERF is
proposing to connect to.
It should be confirmed that all energy account information is up to date and accurate in the
Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) enterprise software, if applicable. Appendix D of the
Conditions of Service is to be completed by the Generator and returned to the HOL PM.
Once all fields of the Initial Consultation Template have been completed, the template should
be put into PDF format and sent to the Generator. Attach any other relevant information,
such as if system expansion or enhancement is required with Level A estimate. The
Generator should also be made aware of where to find the latest construction standards (on
the external website), and notify them of all standard HOL scheduling notification
requirements throughout the course of an ERF project. When the Generator submits the
official CIA Application (Form B), the Initial Consultation document is to be included as
Appendix A.
After the Initial Consultation, the Generator will have all the necessary information to
formally submit their Form B application to HOL’s Asset Management Department,
preferably by email to [email protected]
([email protected]). Once the Form B has been formally submitted, Asset
Management is to verify that all the required fields have been completed and that all pages
are sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Engineer registered in the province of Ontario.
The point of contact is to ensure that all the required documentation is attached with the
Form B submission;
Single Line Diagram (SLD)
Equipment Layout (plan and elevation view)
Site Plan
Protection Schema with Tripping Matrix
Inverter(s)/Generator Specifications
Intermediate Transformer and/or Loss of Phase Information (if Applicable)
Payments (in the acceptable format)
The SLD, Equipment Layout, Site Plan and Protection Schema should be sealed, signed and
dated by a Professional Engineer registered in the province of Ontario, as outlined in
Section 5. The Form B is to be submitted along with acceptable payment option, (verify
amount in Appendix G of the Conditions of Service).
The PM will receive the DCIA payment with the Form B submission. The cheque should be
scanned and saved to the electronic project file under subfolder ‘Finance’ and submitted to
the finance department for processing.
The HOL Planner is responsible for the completion of the DCIA. The Planner should use the
most up to date DCIA template found on the FIT Process Flow Chart on the Intranet, and
input all required documentation from simulation findings and review of Form B submission.
The Planner should refer to sections 6.2 for detailed instructions on completing the DCIA.
The Planner has a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days to complete the DCIA for a CAE
FIT (refer to the DSC for other ERF types), once the DCIA has been formally accepted by
The PM will issue the final DCIA to the Generator for review at this time and identify any
existing pre-conditions. The PM is to provide the Generator with a Generator Payment Form
for completion of the highlighted sections (indicated ‘Completed by: Generator’) at this time
as well. The PM is to request an HST Registration Notice from the Generator along with the
completed Payment Form. It’s important to note that the name on the Payment Form and
HST Registration Notice must match that of the name issued on the IESO contract.
A final DCIA will have to be completed should any pre-conditions exist. A “revision” to the
DCIA will be required should any technical information change, meaning a simulation needs
to be re-run. Should only minor details require alteration(s); a DCIA “amendment” can be
completed instead of a full “revision”. This might be the case, should the Generator
re-submit a SLD or protection schema. Associated costs for the revision and amendment can
be found in Appendix G of the Conditions of Service, and can be billed out through a
Work-for-Others (WFO) work order. These costs should be communicated to the Generator
and received prior to the completion of the revision or amendment. All required revisions
and amendments are to be completed and no pre-conditions should exist before
commissioning has been completed.
Once the finalized DCIA has been submitted to the Generator, the HOL PM is to schedule a
kick-off meeting. Ideally the kick-off meeting should be held on site to review the existing
site conditions and go over the exact location of the Metering Space equipment. Depending
on the specific project, the HOL PM should determine who is required to attend the kick-off
meeting. The following individuals should always attend the kick off meeting; the single
point of contact on the Generators side, the Generator’s site supervisor and/or electrician who
will be performing the work and the HOL PM. Additional individuals who may be required
to attend the kick-off meeting include; an Asset Planner, a Meter Tech, the Host, etc.
A meter tech may be required during the kick-off meeting to verify the existing state of the
load revenue meter on the Premise and to ensure it is up to current standards and no upgrade
or consolidation is required. A meter tech may also be requested to attend the kick-off
meeting, should the Generator be proposing to move the existing Host load revenue meter or
deviate from the DG metering standards.
Any design work required to upgrade the current configuration should be outlined to the
Generator during the Initial Consultation or during the DCIA process. Should this be the
case, a Distribution Designer should attend the kick-off meeting on site and review with the
Generator the extent of the work that is required.
During the kick-off meeting, the PM is to provide the Generator with all the applicable
standards. The PM should also provide the Generator with the Lamacoid Labelling template,
5.6 Offer-to-Connect
The Offer-to-Connect (OTC) contains a proposed agreement between the Generator and
HOL. Included in the OTC is an Installation and Maintenance Agreement (will become the
Installation and Service Agreement (ISA)) that is to be executed by the Generator. The ISA
outlines the scope of work; who is responsible for the installation; cost; operating control and
maintenance of all electrical equipment and civil infrastructure relating to the generation
system. The OTC outlines all relevant costs for each of Hydro Ottawa’s services required to
connect the FIT project to the Grid, and the cost confidence level per HOL’s Project Charter
process. The cost for isolation and the installation of the meter will always appear in the
OTC, any additional design requirements or load meter upgrades will be outlined as
applicable. The OTC should reference the most up to date SLD, which the costs will be
based upon.
If HOL is required to complete a system expansion for a generator with a provincial contract,
the generator will receive a fixed $90,000 / MW credit and pay for the remainder of the
system expansion.
The I/R and ERF meter costs indicated in the OTC should be the lump sum fees as outlined
in the Appendix G fee schedule of the Conditions of Service.
Once the OTC has been completed with all necessary information and costs associated with
the project, the PM should issue the OTC to the Generator for review and execution. The
Generator is encouraged to hold off on construction until the OTC has been fully executed.
This is to ensure that all parties are aware of all cost implications and responsibilities for the
project. Once the Generator has signed off on the OTC and the associated deposit has been
submitted, the PM should set up additional work orders in JDE for the I/R, the DG metering
installation and any additional design work, or load meter upgrades that may be required.
The PM should scan and save the duly executed OTC agreement into the electronic project
The cheque corresponding to the OTC should be submitted to HOL at the same time as the
executed agreement. The PM should scan the cheque and save it to the electronic project
Once the Generator has provided the PM with an expected commissioning date, the PM can
complete a Preliminary Letter of Equivalency (LOE), if applicable, and send it to HONI.
The LOE provides HONI with all applicable information concerning the new generation that
is to be put onto the Grid. A LOE is only required when the Generator is connecting to a
HONI HVDS. The PM will have to include the name and address of the ERF, ERF
nameplate capacity and fuel type, the contract number along with all the feeder connection
information. The feeder, bus and connection point can be found using GIS maps and
functions plus the HONI Operating maps found on the HONI Operating Maps Website. The
HONI maps will provide the HOL demarcation point on the TS side, when applicable. The
LOE should be sent to HONI’s Business Customer Centre and the appropriate Control
Authority Outage Planner identified in the Connection Agreement Operating Schedule A and
D, and the current HONI (and if applicable HOL) key account executive, plus to HOL’s
System Planning Desk and Green Settlements.
Once the project has been energized, a finalized LOE with the exact date of commissioning
and ERF identification number should be issued to HONI (if applicable).
In cases where the ERF is connected to a Hydro Ottawa owned High Voltage Distribution
Station (HVDS), no LOE is required.
The LOE template can be found on the Intranet under Technical Standards Forms link. Both
the preliminary and final LOE are required to be signed by a Professional Engineer,
registered in the province of Ontario (stamp not needed). Copies of the LOE should be saved
to the electronic project folder, on the ENG-drive.
5.8 Isolation/Reconnection
The Isolation/Reconnection (I/R) is to allow for the ERF to connect to the existing service.
The ERF will either; connect directly to the Interface Transformer secondary spades, or
ahead of the main building disconnect, depending on the site and space availability (refer to
ECG0015 for the FIT connection options).
HOL’s crews will complete I/R work. The Generator can request what type of crew they
desire for the I/R, as per Appendix G-3.1 of the Conditions of Service.
The Generator is to provide the PM with a proposed date and time to complete the work.
The Generator must give a minimum of ten (10) business days’ notice to schedule an I/R.
The PM is to then schedule this work with the Service Desk. The PM must provide the
Service Desk, the address of the FIT project, the WO and BU number associated with the
work, and the site contact information for the Generator’s electrician or supervisor who will
be on site at the time of the I/R. The PM is to let the Service Desk know whether a dedicated
crew or a regular crew has been requested by the Generator.
Once the Generator has completed the I/R portion of the project and has installed the DG
System Fused Disconnect, DG Source Disconnect, Meter Base and IT Cabinet (if required)
they can then request a meter installation. Once the request has been formally submitted,
HOL will complete the meter installation within ten (10) business days. In order to formally
request a meter installation, the Generator must submit the following documentation:
‘For Construction’ (or As-Built) SLD (sealed, signed and dated by a P. Eng.)
Site Plan and Equipment Layout (sealed, signed and dated by a P. Eng.)
Site Contact Information for Site Supervisor (or Electrician) on site
ESA Connection Authorization for secondary services <225A, where no complex
metering is required
Once the Generator has submitted all required documentation and formally requested a meter
installation, the PM will complete a Blue Light package for the Metering Department. Refer
to GDG0010 (Project Coach) on the Intranet for further Blue Light Package requirements.
The Blue Light package should be submitted to the Supervisor of the Metering Field Techs.
The supervisor will then schedule the meter installation and notify the PM once the work has
been completed. The metering technician(s) on site will lock out both the DG System Fused
Disconnect and the DG Source Disconnect to continue to isolate the solar generation from
the Grid until commissioning.
After the meter has been installed, the metering department will send the PM an email to
confirm the installation and include all necessary metering information. This information
shall be saved in the electronic project folder as it will need to be sent to the Generator
upon issuing Confirmation of Settlement. An email should be sent to the Records
Administrator so that an update can be completed in GIS. An example can be found on
the FIT Process Flow Chart on the Intranet. The following information should be
outlined: [typical examples in brackets]
Address of Project
System Voltage [600Y/347V]
Source Circuit
Orientation [Underground, Overhead]
Phase [3 phase, 1 phase]
System Device Nomenclature (ERF ID – GE#)
Once the Generator has completed construction, and an As-Built SLD has been submitted to
the PM, the Electrical Operating and Maintenance Agreement (EOMA) template can be
completed. The EOMA is a tri-party document between the Generator, the Host (aka. the
Landlord) and HOL, (assuming the Host and the Generator are two different parties). Should
the Host and the Generator be the same party; a bi-party EOMA is to be executed. The
EOMA outlines which party has ownership of individual electrical equipment and/or civil
infrastructure, who is the Controlling Authority for the equipment and who is responsible for
the operation and maintenance of all assets. The table in Schedule B of the EOMA,
(Operations Contacts) is to be completed by all parties. HOL’s contact information will
already be completed in the EOMA template; however, both the Generator and the Host will
have to complete their portion of the table for each individual project. This contact
information will be used in the case of emergencies to allow HOL to contact the controlling
authority for both the Generator and/or the Host.
Prior to issuing the final EOMA to the Generator for signature, it should be reviewed by a
peer internally. Once finalized, a PDF version of the EOMA is to be issued to the single
point of contact for execution by both Generator and Host. One original copy of the fully
executed EOMA is to be distributed to all parties. The most up to date EOMA template can
be found on the Intranet under the Technical Standards Form link.
The generator’s final connection shall not be completed until the EOMA is executed.
The Generator is to provide the PM with a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice prior to the
proposed date for commissioning. At this time the Generator should submit an initial
Commissioning Plan to the HOL PM for review and acceptance. The commissioning plan
should include:
Time and Date of proposed commissioning;
Type and Size of Generation System;
Contact Information of parties completing commissioning tests; and
Lists of all applicable tests to be completed during commissioning, and the expected
As a minimum, the Generator must complete four mandatory tests which HOL will witness
during the commissioning:
Visual means of disconnect;
Loss of Grid/anti-islanding;
Loss of phase (if applicable); and
Inverter(s) re-synch time (≥5 mins, or as agreed to in the CIA)
The Generator is not limited to these tests, and can complete additional tests should they
wish. The Generator should ensure their inverter(s) are compliant with IEEE 1547). It is
recommended that the Generator test the DC polarity before requesting PM on site for
commissioning. This will aid in avoiding additional commissioning delays and revisit costs.
The Generator is to provide the PM five (5) business days’ notice prior to the finalized
commissioning date. The following documentation must be submitted to the PM prior to
As-Built SLD (sealed, signed and dated by P. Eng.)
Finalized Site Plan and Equipment Layout (sealed, signed and dated by a P. Eng.)
ESA Connection Authorization
Finalized Protection Schema (sealed, signed and dated by a P. Eng.)
Finalized Form B (sealed, signed and dated by a P. Eng.)
Commissioning Plan
5.12 Commissioning
On the date of commissioning, the HOL PM is to notify HOL System Office Planning Desk,
the metering field tech supervisor, and the Meter Data Service personnel of which sit the FIT
installation will be energized. The PM is to be present on site during the commissioning of
the FIT system. The PM is only a witness, and should not assume any responsibility or
liability while present on site.
The PM, the Generator’s Site Supervisor (or electrician), and all other parties on site are to
review, on site, the planned job steps for commissioning and identify all hazards present or
anticipated. An onsite Job Plan (Tailboard) is to be created and signed off on site by all
parties. It should clearly identify that the Generator’s Site Supervisor is responsible. The
The Generator’s Site Supervisor onsite should have prepped prior to HOL’s arrival and
should be ready to commission the system as soon as the PM gets to site. Any last minute
construction or site preparation, such as snow removal, should be completed prior to the
PM’s arrival. The Generator is encouraged to bring a DC power source to site to test their
equipment prior to commissioning. HOL will be on site to witness all required tests. Should
the Generator wish to complete additional tests, (after HOL is satisfied with witnessing the
essential tests or satisfied that the ERF will not affect Grid Integrity), HOL is not required to
stay on site. Commissioning should take no more than two (2) hours on site. Should the
Generator be unprepared or have problems with the commissioning tests, the PM at their
discretion can leave site after the two hours is up and the Generator will be charged for an
additional visit to re-attempt commissioning.
Should commissioning be unsuccessful, or the PM has decided that enough time has elapsed
a re-scheduled appointment will have to be made. The PM is to lock out the DG System
Fused Disconnect and DG Source Disconnect with HOL padlocks, leaving the FIT
generation off line. Another commissioning date is to be scheduled with the single point of
contact on the Generator side and the HOL PM. An additional fee, outlined in Appendix G
of the Conditions of Service, will be charged to the Generator for each additional
commissioning attempt.
In the case of successful commissioning, the HOL PM is to tag out (install red metering tags
on equipment) the DG System Fused Disconnect and DG Source Disconnect; the meter
should already be tagged.
The PM should complete the HOL Generation Commissioning Checklist, found on the
Intranet under Technical Standards Forms link. Once commissioning is completed the
Generator’s “competent electrician”, on site, is to sign off on the commissioning check list.
The PM is to take a meter reading and send the initial reading to the metering department for
After successful commissioning of the FIT system and all required documentation has been
submitted, confirmation of settlement can be issued to the Generator. The following
documentation is required prior to issuing confirmation of settlement:
Fully executed EOMA;
As-Built SLD;
Finalized Site Plan and Equipment Layout;
Finalized Protection Schema;
Finalized Form B;
Finalized DCIA;
Both confirmation of settlement emails are to be sent to the Generator’s appointed single
point of contact. HOL’s Green Settlements department should be cc’d to give them a heads-
up that the project is coming their way.
After confirmation of settlement has been issued, the PM is to confirm the Payment Form is
completed and up to date and that the Generator has provided an HST Registration Notice
(this is especially required if payments are anticipated to reach or exceed $30,000 CND/year,
as per Canada Revenue Agency – see finance for further details). These documents should
be saved in the Payment subfolder of the FIT Project file. This will allow HOL’s Green
Settlements department to easily access these documents. It should be confirmed that the
Generator’s name on the Payment form and on the HST Registration Notice matches the
name on the IESO contract.
To finally close out the project, the PM is to issue a final LOE to HONI when applicable.
The final LOE should include the date of commissioning and the generator nomenclature ID
number. The LOE is to be signed by a P. Eng. The PM is also to prepare and have executed
the final contract, the Generation Connection Agreement (GCA).
The GCA template can be found on the Intranet under the Technical Standards Forms
link. This contract is between the Generator and HOL. This contract is mandated by the
Distribution System Code and the template can only be changed by the OEB. The GCA
has some repeat information from the EOMA; however, there are additional terms and
conditions for the Generator to abide by. The GCA incorporates:
Final From B;
As-Built SLD;
Metering Diagram (if separate from SLD); and
Protection Schema
Any assignment contracts (if applicable)
A draft version of the GCA should be sent to the Generator for review and completion of
Schedule F. Once the Generator has approved the draft GCA, the PM is to have the GCA
reviewed by a peer prior to issuing the final copy to the Generator. Both the Generator
and HOL are required to sign original copies of the GCA. The duly executed GCA
should be saved in the electronic project folder.
It should be noted that the Generator’s name on the GCA should match that of the name
on the IESO contract, the Payment Form and the HST Registration Notice.
Once final LOE and GCA have been completed, the PM should ensure that all
documentation is properly organized in the electronic project folder and that the following
hard copies of documents are placed in a green project folder to be kept for record purposes:
Final Form B
Final DCIA
Final Protection Study
IMA (ISA) (duly executed)
ESA Connection Authorization
As-Built SLD (
Site Plan
Equipment Layout
Technical Deviation(s), if applicable
Amendments to contracts, if applicable
Commissioning Plan
Commissioning Test Report
COVER testing report, if applicable
LOE (preliminary and final)
EOMA (fully executed, original copy)
GCA (duly executed, original copy)
Project Green Folders, refer to GAP0006, are to be filed and stored in the Hydro Records
Vault in the Commercial project area (Indexed by Civic Address).
The PM is to confirm all documentation has been submitted, filed accordingly and confirm
all charges on WOs are accurate and GIS is As-Built accurately. Once all aspects of the
project have been wrapped up and documented, the WOs can be advanced to status 92 so that
payments can be processed, and the project officially closed out.
As per Hydro Ottawa’s Conditions of Service, whenever work requiring an ESA electrical
permit is completed for the Premise Service Entrance, the electrical service including Hydro
Ottawa operated electrical equipment shall be upgraded to meet current standards. This
could result in the upgrade of the existing load revenue meter(s), consolidation of Supply
Points, consolidation of transformation (to consolidate primary or secondary voltages), etc.
When upgrades to the existing services are required, the PM will be responsible for
communication to the Generator to ensure that all upgrades are completed prior to the FIT
installation. Alternatively, the Generator can provide, in writing, that these upgrades will be
completed prior to commissioning of the FIT project.
HOL Area Asset Planners will complete a Distribution Connection Impact Assessment for
complete CIA Applications from Generators. The HOL Planner will review all submitted
documentation by the Generator for completeness and proceed to; model the system in
CYME, calculate the SSLA loss adjustments and complete the DCIA template. The Planner
is to review the SLD, Equipment Layout and Site Plan, the Protection Schema and all
equipment specifications provided by the Generator to ensure they meet HOL’s current
standards and the requirements outlined in Section 5. Any errors or omissions should be
outlined in the DCIA as pre-conditions to construction and/or commissioning.
The Planner is to calculate the initial SSLA using the information provided by the
Generator on the submitted SLD and Form B Application. As per HOL’s Conditions of
Service – Section, the SSLA is a condition for settlement. The Generator can
provide a calculated SSLA sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Engineer registered
in the Province of Ontario should they wish, or accept the HOL calculated SSLA. Either
party can question or accept the other’s SSLA. The SSLA components are the Interface
Transformer loss and the wire losses.
To assess the wires loss, calculate for the HOL cables from the PCC (the deemed revenue
meter point) to the ERF revenue meter. A percentage to factor in for the wires loss
should be based on the cable specifications and distance from equipment. Refer to
ECG0005 and ECG0009 for demarcation supply points currently applicable (see
ECS0012 Appendix I for legacy demarcation points prior to November 1 st, 2000). The
Planners should use the SSLA Calculation Spreadsheet, found in Schedule 1 of ECS0039,
to calculate the total SSLA for each individual project. Refer to ECS0039 for detailed
instruction on how to use the spreadsheet.
For each project, the Biweekly ERF Update Spreadsheet should be kept up to date with each
Biweekly Update Spreadsheet: ENG:\ERF and DG\Bi-weekly update
Initially, during the Initial Consultation portion of the project, Asset Management will input
the project information into the spreadsheet and complete as many columns as possible.
After completion of the DCIA, the HOL Planner will be responsible for updating the
spreadsheets, and then throughout the remaining course of the project, the HOL PM will be
responsible for completing all required fields and ensure they remain up to date and accurate.
The FIT Milestone Tracking Sheet is a tool designed to help the HOL PM better
communicate with the Generator’s Single Point of Contact (identified on the Form B). The
FIT Milestone Tracking Sheet template can be found in the FIT Process Flow Chart on the
Intranet and in Schedule 1. The Milestone Tracking Sheet provides a quick and manageable
way to find all the required information for each FIT project. The Milestone Tracking Sheets
should be updated and sent to the Generator, on a bi-weekly or monthly basis depending on
the stage of the project, or at the PM’s discretion. All versions of the tracking sheet are to be
stored in the Project file.
Any estimated timelines provided by the Generator should be included in the Milestone
Tracking Sheet under the ‘Planned Dates’ column. As scheduled timelines approach and
timing becomes clearer, the PM can add the ‘Forecasted Dates’ to the Milestone Tracking
Sheet. As milestones get completed the ‘Actual Dates’ are populated into the spreadsheet.
Any issues and/or risks that are determined throughout the duration of the project should be
recorded on the Milestone Tracking Sheet and marked with the dates these issues (or risks)
were identified. Applicable standards, HOL time restrictions, and commissioning
requirements are outlined at the bottom of the tracking sheet, for quick reference by the
Generator. The Milestone Tracking Sheet template is only a guideline and milestones may
need to be added or removed depending on the nature of the project.
6.5 Timelines
The HOL PM is to ensure the Generator is aware of the timeline requirements for the FIT
process. The timelines are as follows:
Initial Consultation:
o Five (5) business days – three or less projects from the same
o Ten (10) business days – more than three projects or project requires field
verification/archive search
Form B Submission:
o Ten (10) calendar days – review and acceptance of application
If the Generator, at any time, provides new information, changes their criteria or a change is
recommended by a third party, then the timelines may reset, as required to ensure project
The ‘metering space’ shall comply with GCS0008 including, but not limited to:
Space requirements;
Height and mounting locations restrictions;
Properly matched meter base to the main disconnect rating;
Properly sized IT cabinet (when applicable);
The DG disconnects and the meter must be labelled according to MCS0058. Lamacoids
should be installed directly on the front of the electrical equipment and follow the
specifications noted in MSC0102.
The metering for Stand-Alone ERFs, follow the same requirements as for FIT projects.
Refer to Section 5.3 for Net-Metering and Load Displacement ERF projects.
A Monitoring and Control Box is required when one or more of the following apply:
The ERF name plate is ≥ 251kW (limit subject to be reduced as the need may arise
with ERF intensification, fuel type, or generation profile type);
The servicing feeder has reclosing protection;
An Alternate Feeder1 to the property exists;
The Monitoring and Control Box is to protect the Integrity of the Grid, restrict generation to
the normally designated feeder and provide HOL control of the ERF for emergency operating
purposes. The Monitoring and Control Box also allows HOL to access the ERF operating
information for Grid management and regulatory reporting.
HOL is responsible for the design and commissioning of the Monitoring and Control Box.
The Generator is to install the enclosure and HOL crews are to wire the system. The
Monitoring and Control Box sensors should be the first piece of equipment installed after
(Generator side) the DG Source Disconnect.
Due to some areas within the HOL Grid having various switching positions, an Alternate Feeder will not be
assigned simply because a feeder other than the normal supply feeder could receive electricity. If an Alternate
Feeder exists at the Service Entrance associated with the ERF, Generation is permitted on the normal feeder;
however, for the potential to be granted operational permission for generating on the Alternate Feeder then a
Monitoring and Control box is required. However, only Hydro Ottawa’s System Control Authority can permit
generating on the Alternate Feeder through a HOL SCADA command to the Monitoring and Control box.
The Host load and FIT ERF should be connected in parallel, typically after the Host Interface
Transformer. The SLD should clearly indicate the overcurrent rating/fuse sizes for all such
devices. Wiring lengths, types and sizes plus all NEMA ratings are to be stated. The SLD
should be reviewed in conjunction with the Form B, Site Plan, Equipment Layout and
Protection Schema to verify that all documentation corresponds to each other.
Any time the Generator makes an update or change to the SLD, a new version is to be
submitted to HOL for review and acceptance. HOL has up to ten (10) business days to
review the SLD and provide comments after each re-submission or accept. Prior to the
installation of the ERF metering equipment, a formal ‘For-Construction’ SLD is to be
submitted to the HOL Project Manager (PM) for review and acceptance. The ‘For-
Construction’ SLD is to be included in the Blue Package submitted to the metering
department for the DG meter installation. Prior to commissioning of the system, the
Generator is to submit a final ‘As-Built’ SLD for acceptance by the PM. The final ‘As-Built’
SLD, like all previously submitted SLDs, is to be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional
Engineer registered in the province of Ontario.
Throughout the duration of the project, should the location of any equipment change, the
Generator shall provide a new Site Plan and/or Equipment Layout to the HOL PM for review
and acceptance. The latest copy of the Site Plan and Equipment Layout should be included
in the Blue Package provided to the metering department for the DG meter installation work.
If the inverter is derated, the method and effect on operations should be included. How the
inverter is derated is to be detailed and signed, stamped and sealed by a P. Eng. Should the
inverter(s) be derated, then the nameplate shall be updated accordingly. When a property has
more than one feeder supply available, the Protection Schema should indicate the use of the
Monitoring and Control Box to ensure the Generator is not able to supply on the Alternate
Feeder(s) without Hydro Ottawa System Control Authority’s written approval.
Individual settings, for all applicable equipment, should be outlined in the Protection
Schema. It should be indicated if the settings are fixed, or if they vary (a range should be
indicated in this situation). This includes ratings of over-current protection devices.
The devices and methods for ERF isolation from the PCC should be clearly identified on
SLD and Protection Schema Document. Power quality properties should be specified in the
Protection Schema such as: expected voltage dip at the PCC when the inverter starts, the total
harmonic distortion and possible range, the operating frequency range and the power factor
range and guaranteed set-point. If power quality issues are outside HOL limits the Generator
shall install corrective measures to ensure operation within defined limits, see ECG0008.
The Generator may wish to include the inverter manufacturer’s tripping matrix, in a table
format with the Protection Schema, should they wish. The tripping matrix should list all
protection devices, their type, rating and time of operation. The tripping matrix does not
need to be signed off by a Professional Engineer unless there are deviations or optional
setting changes that differ from the devices standard operation. Ultimately, it is the
Protection Schema documentation that will be accepted or rejected by the Planner.
The Protection Schema should provide details on how the inverter will behave under
Abnormal Grid Conditions and abnormal conditions of the inverter’s input. The Protection
Schema should clearly indicate whether the inverter ceases to operate or another device
isolates the generating system from the Grid. The reaction time and the duration of the
protection response should be indicated, along with what trigger (if any) that will initiate the
change of state, and the number of cycles allowed before a fail-safe, or non-automated,
intervention is needed.
It should be noted, that stand by charges will apply should a higher level of back up than
normal for Customer’s connection be requested for reliability or loading purposes.
Currently, Automatic Transfer Schemes (ATS) are not permitted for Generator’s. Should one
be installed at a premise the Generator will be locked outed, unless otherwise agreed upon by
HOL’s Asset Management group and System Office. HOL is seeking approval from the OEB
for a custom standby rate, and once approved, the Asset Management group shall provide
further clarification for these type requests. The technical requirements for such connections
will require a SCADA interface with the generator’s output control devices.
Net Metering
For Net-Metering, the existing load meter at a premise is changed to a bi-directional meter.
There is no separate meter for the generator at the parallel grid connection like there would be
for a FIT or Stand-Alone generation project.
Load Displacement
For Load Displacement, unless there is a concern for potential receipt of electricity from the
ERF, there existing load meter may remain unidirectional.
.1 Load Displacement Exemptions
Connection Impact Assessment of Load Displacement ERFs can have no special
electrical protection, if they meet all the following criteria;
When three years of revenue metering data is available, the ERF nameplate
capacity is <25% of the Customer’s lowest demand (not average) over the past
three years, and the Customer has no plans of any major load reduction; OR
When less than three years of revenue metering data is available the ERF name
plate capacity is <10% of the load’s average annual peak
For new premises without an established revenue metering data history, a Load
Displacement ERF may be fast tracked if all Load Displacement fast track
conditions are met and the Customer installs Reverse Flow Protection triggered at
1kW of electricity delivered from the Grid
The ERF maximum nameplate capacity is less than 500kW, whether inverter or
rotating machine interface to the Grid;
There is no Customer controlled Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) between
supplying circuits;
The Customer is not within a revenue horizon period for a system expansion that
it triggered;
The Load Displacement ERF meets any requirements of the upstream transmitter;
The Customer’s Service Entrance meets HOL’s Conditions of Service; and
The ERF, when operating, does not generate electricity that then gets received by
the Grid.
Relevant Information
Applicable standards are posted on the Internet
The standards as a minimum:
-ECG0015, MCS0058, MCS0063 (ie. add outdoor metering standards if required)
-Fee incorporated in estimate & deposit.
-10 business days’ notice.
-ESA Connection Authorization -Building Service required for HOL reconnection.
-Coordinate for ESA C/A -Generation to also be done at this time.
Generation Meter:
-Upon notice to HOL, process timeline within 10 business days
-Work package created for Metering Department, includes:
-Approved SLD, ‘for construction’ version
-ESA Connection Authorization –Generation
-Greater or equal to 400A (IT cabinet), ESA C/A.
-Provide 4 weeks’ notice for HOL to comply with HONI OGCC requirements and to notify HOL System Office
-Submit Commissioning Plan for review at this time
Commissioning Plan Must Include:
-Location, Date, Time, and Attendees.
-What will be demonstrated to comply with HOL requirements
-HOL is only a witness.