80 Lingat V Coca Cola Bottlers
80 Lingat V Coca Cola Bottlers
80 Lingat V Coca Cola Bottlers
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LABOR I Case Digest Prepared by: Reynoso, Marielle
80 – Lingat v Coca Cola Bottlers
TOPIC: Labor-Only Contracting
● NLRC: On appeal, the NLRC dismissed the illegal dismissal case. Lingat only filed his complaint three years
from dismissal (dismissed on the ground of prescription). Altoveros was an employee of the MDTC, the
Warehousing Management Agreement was valid. MDTC was not a mere agent of CCBPI.
● CA: Modified the NLRC decision. The illegal dismissal case filed by Lingat had not yet prescribed (he had 4
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LABOR I Case Digest Prepared by: Reynoso, Marielle
80 – Lingat v Coca Cola Bottlers
TOPIC: Labor-Only Contracting
○ Does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
premises and other materials;
○ The workers recruited and placed by such person are performing activities which are directly related
to the principal business or operations of the employer in which workers are habitually employed.
● Based on the Warehousing Management Agreement, CCBPI hired MDTC to perform warehousing
management services, which did not relate to the former’s manufacturing operations. But CBBPI did not only
engage in the manufacture of its products but also included distribution and sale.
○ CCBPI's argument that petitioners were employees of MDTC because they performed tasks directly
related to "warehousing management services," lacks merit. On the contrary, records show that
petitioners were performing tasks directly related to CCBPI's distribution and sale aspects of its
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED
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