Lecture No.12&13 Transparency Issues in Islamic Financial Institutions
Lecture No.12&13 Transparency Issues in Islamic Financial Institutions
Lecture No.12&13 Transparency Issues in Islamic Financial Institutions
Lecture no.12
Corporate Governance
Transparency and Risk
Abdur Rashid Mirza
University of Lahore
School of Accountancy and Finance
IFSB Standard for Transparency
issues in Islamic financial institutions
The purpose of this Standard is to specify
a set of key principles and practices to be
followed by Institutions Offering Islamic
Financial Services (IIFS) in making
disclosures, with a view to achieving
transparency and promoting market
discipline in
regard to these institutions.
IFSB Standard for
Transparency issues in
Islamic financial institutions
For this purpose, recommendations have been
developed for a set of disclosures that are
differentiated by the type of stakeholders and
that focus on the risk profile and financial
soundness of the IIFS. For the disclosures to be
effective in promoting market discipline, they
would need to be complemented by the
observance of international standards for good
corporate governance of IIFS.
Transparency issues in
Islamic financial institutions
• The need for transparency is, above
all, an important Shari`ah
• Any form of concealment, fraud or
attempt at misrepresentation violates
the principles of justice and fairness
in Shari`ah as mentioned in the
Qur’an in, among others, Surah An-
Nisa’ verse 135
IFSB Standard for Transparency
issues in Islamic financial institutions
The objectives of this Standard are: (a) to enable
market participants to complement and support,
through their actions in the market, the
implementation of the Islamic Financial Services
Board’s (IFSB) capital adequacy, risk management,
supervisory review and corporate governance
standards; and (b) to facilitate access to relevant,
reliable and timely information by market
participants generally, and by investment account
holders (IAH) in particular, thereby enhancing their
monitoring capacity.
Section no.1 Purpose and Objective of IIFS
Principles for Transparency