Filed A Petition For Certification Election Seeking To Represent All The Supervisory Employees of Heritage
Filed A Petition For Certification Election Seeking To Represent All The Supervisory Employees of Heritage
Filed A Petition For Certification Election Seeking To Represent All The Supervisory Employees of Heritage
Case No. 135 where the local/chapter’s constitution and by-laws [are] the
BARGAINING AGENT AND CERTIFICATION ELECTION PROCEEDINGS same as [those] of the federation or national union, this fact shall
Samahang Manggagawa sa Charter Chemical v. Charter Chemical be indicated accordingly.
and Coating
The alleged documents not executed under oath are not among the
FACTS documents that need to be submitted to the Regional Office or Bureau of
1. Petitioners filed a petition for certification election among Labor Relations to register a labor organization.
the regular rank-and-file employees of respondent
Second, the inclusion of supervisory employees does not nullify its legal
2. Respondent filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that personality. While the previous omnibus rules had a provision stating
petitioner is not a legitimate labor organization because of that a bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees must not be mingled
failure to comply with the documentation requirements and with supervisory employees, the same was removed in the 1997
the inclusion of supervisory employees amended omnibus rules. Instead, what was required was a mere plain
description of the bargaining unit.
3. The Med-Arbiter dismissed the petition. DOLE reversed and
gave due course to the petition. Since the petition was filed in 1999, the 1997 omnibus rules were still in
effect. As a result, petitioner union was not divested of its status as a
4. CA, however, agreed with the Med-Arbiter that the Charter legitimate labor organization even if some of its members were
Certificate, Sama-samang Pahayag ng Pagsapi at supervisory employees; it had the right to file the subject petition for
Authorization, and Listahan ng mga Dumalo sa certification election.
Pangkalahatang Pulong at mga Sumang-ayon at Nagratipika
sa Saligang Batas were not executed under oath. Hence, they Lastly, the legal personality could not be attacked collaterally in a
were not a legitimate organization certification election proceeding. An employer is a mere bystander to
any petition for certification election; such proceeding is non-adversarial
ISSUE and merely investigative, for the purpose thereof is to determine which
Whether or not the petition for certification election should be given due organization will represent the employees in their collective bargaining
course with the employees.
whether or not the certification case should be suspended until the issue
of the legality of the registration of the union is finally resolved
No. Basic in the realm of labor union rights is that the certification
election is the sole concern of the workers, and the employer is deemed
an intruder as far as the certification election is concerned. Thus, the
petitioner lacked the legal personality to assail the proceedings for the
certification election and should stand aside as a mere bystander who
could not oppose the petition, or even appeal the Med-Arbiter’s orders
relative to the conduct of the certification election.
Under the long-established rule, too, the filing of the petition for the
cancellation of respondent’s registration should not bar the conduct of
the certification election. In that respect, only a final order for the
cancellation of the registration would have prevented respondent from
continuing to enjoy all the rights conferred on it as a legitimate labor
union, including the right to the petition for the certification election.
This rule is now enshrined in Article 238-A of the Labor Code