Industrial Diesel Generator Set - 50 HZ: General Specifications KOHLER SDMO Premium Quality
Industrial Diesel Generator Set - 50 HZ: General Specifications KOHLER SDMO Premium Quality
Industrial Diesel Generator Set - 50 HZ: General Specifications KOHLER SDMO Premium Quality
50 Hz
RATINGS 400 V - 50 Hz
Standby kVA 132
kWe 106
Prime kVA 120
kWe 96
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20
Industrial Diesel Generator Set – KD130
50 Hz
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20
Industrial Diesel Generator Set – KD130
50 Hz
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20
Industrial Diesel Generator Set – KD130
50 Hz
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20
Industrial Diesel Generator Set – KD130
50 Hz
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20
Industrial Diesel Generator Set – KD130
50 Hz
Prime Power (PRP): At varying load, the number of generator set operating hours is unlimited. A 10% overload capacity is available for one
hour within 12 hour of operation. Average load factor per 24 hours of operation is <70%.
According to the standard, the nominal power assigned by the genset is given for 25°C Air Intlet Temperature, of a barometric pressure of 100
kPA (100 m A.S.L), and 30% relative humidity. For particular conditions in your installation, refer to the derating table
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03008 (KD130) 06/20