Experience of Energy Saving and Naphtha To Gas Conversion Projects at IFFCO

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Experience of Energy Saving and Naphtha

to Gas Conversion Projects at IFFCO

IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited) is continually striving to be the most
efficient energy consumer in the fertilizer industry. To achieve its goal, a number of energy saving
schemes have been successfully implemented and envisaged savings are achieved. IFFCO-Phulpur
Unit, the world’s largest naphtha based Urea complex, consuming one full naphtha rake (2200 t)
daily has been modified from costly feedstock of naphtha to re-gasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG).
There shall be national saving in Government subsidy of about US $ 220 millions per year due to
conversion of Phulpur Unit to Re-gasified Liquefied Natural Gas. This paper highlights the schemes
implemented under Energy Saving Projects and modifications carried out under the RLNG
Conversion Job. It describes in detail the experiences gained during both project execution and

M. Rajashekhariah,
IFFCO-Phulpur, Allahabad, India
Yogesh Narula
IFFCO-Phulpur, Allahabad, India

food requirements.
Implications of Feedstock and
he Indian Fertilizer Industry has come a

T long way since the establishment of the

first Super-Phosphate factory in 1906 at
Ranipet (Tamil Nadu). The turning point
in the Indian Agriculture Sector was the
introduction of HYV (High Yielding Varieties)
Main feed stocks used for manufacture of Urea
in India are Natural Gas (65%), Naphtha (25%)
and Fuel Oil (FO) 10%). Because of shortage of
gas supplies to gas-based Urea plants, many
seeds of wheat and rice in mid-sixties. The
units are operating on mixed feed options
expansion in area of land under cultivation and
wherein naphtha is used along with gas through
switch-over to HYVs seeds led to a remarkable
a pre-reformer system, which results in higher
growth in fertilizer use and crop production.
cost of production.
Subsequently, with the aid of government
policies for fertilizer production, India became Improving Reliability of Ammonia-
self-sufficient in food grain production. Today, Urea Plants
fertilizers have become an essential input to
Indian Agriculture for meeting the food grain The most significant factor in improving
requirements of the growing population of the productivity is plant reliability. Plant reliability
country. Fertilizer Industries have a mammoth is measured in terms of improvement in on-
task of providing essential nutrients to Indian stream days. All other parameters in operation
farmers so that the growth in the agricultural of plant meet, finally at reliability. Plant
sector is sufficient for meeting the domestic


reliability determines directly profitability, • Highly active and sturdy catalysts in
safety and environmental performance. reformer/shift, etc. are giving higher
The Ammonia-Urea complex is a high energy conversion efficiency and longer periods
and capital intensive industry. Therefore, higher of operation.
reliability and better energy efficiency is the key • Improving performance of the CO2
to its competitiveness. removal section by selecting better
solvent and installing or modifying
Use of Cheaper and Better equipments.
Feedstock • Installation of molecular sieves or
ammonia wash for the purification of
Type of feedstock has a major influence on synthesis gas.
energy consumption in an Ammonia-Urea Plant. • Installation of Purge Gas Recovery
Hydrogen to carbon ratio increases as we move (PGR) Unit to recover hydrogen and
from liquid hydrocarbons (naphtha or fuel oil) ammonia from purge gas.
to gaseous hydrocarbons (natural gas). Besides, • Installation of pre-reformer to overcome
associated impurities namely sulphur, etc. are gas shortage through the use of naphtha.
present only in traces in case of gas. • Change of material of construction of
critical heat exchangers from carbon
With the steep rise in the cost of liquid steel to stainless steel.
hydrocarbons in the last five-to-six years, • Use of additional Urea trays in the Urea
Ammonia-Urea production from liquid Reactor for higher efficiency.
hydrocarbons plants has become very costly. • Increasing CO2 feed temperature to the
Keeping this in view, one of the main guidelines Urea Reactor by recovering heat in an
provided under the Government of India’s New exchanger from the third stage of the
Policy was that all such plants should switch- CO2 Compressor.
over to Natural Gas or Re-gasified -Liquid • Replacement of old HP Stripper with
Natural gas (RLNG) so that they can also new Bi-metallic Stripper in Urea Plant.
become viable and compete in the business of • Installation of pre-concentrator in the
Urea manufacturing. Urea Plant.
• Installation of Urea MP Pre-decomposer
Use of Modern Process in case excess low pressure steam is
Technologies and Advanced available in the complex.
Instrumentation • Better integration of the steam network
and preparation of Boiler Feed water for
Developments in science and engineering Utility Boiler in Ammonia Plant by
helped technologists to design and construct recovering heat from low level of
plants that are more reliable and energy energy.
efficient. There have been several developments • Installation of variable speed drives for
in the past which have been adopted as part of electric motors to optimize power
the modernizations in old plants. Some of these consumption with variable speeds.
measures are: • Recovery of waste heat particularly from
reformer furnace flue gases.
• Addition of S-50 (Synthesis Converter) • Installation of Carbon Dioxide Recovery
in the Synthesis Loop of the Ammonia Plant in gas plant for meeting the
Plant to reduce operating pressure and requirement of CO2 to balance ammonia
thus save energy. and Urea production. This will save the


costly naphtha fuel being used by international prices based on the use of the most
various natural gas based plants. efficient feedstock and the state-of-the-art
• Upgrading Plant and Instrument Air technology.
System by installing HOC (Heat of
Compression) type dryers. Strategies Adopted at IFFCO-
• Installation of efficient moving Phulpur in Meeting the Challenges
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative
• Upgrading Instrumentation System by
Limited (IFFCO), globally acclaimed
switching over from pneumatic to DCS.
cooperative in fertilizer production and
• Increase in Capacity of existing plants marketing has been striving for socio-economic
by way of retrofitting & modification. upliftment of the rural population of India since
inception. To ensure timely availability of
The Indian Ammonia-Urea Plants have kept quality fertilizers to the farmers, IFFCO came
pace with the developments taking place around into being on 3rd November, 1967. Initially,
the world. There is a marked improvement in IFFCO commissioned Kalol and Kandla plants
the energy consumption and increase in on- in Gujarat in early 1975. Subsequently, the
stream days. In the last fifteen years, the energy society expanded its base by building two more
consumption for manufacturing of ammonia has plants at Phulpur and Aonla in U.P. in the years
been reduced by more than 25% while the 1981 and 1988 respectively. Subsequently the
average on-stream days of ammonia plants capacity of all these four units has been
based on reforming process has improved from increased, either by installing new plants at the
290 days (1987-90) to around 320 days at existing site or by revamping the existing plants.
present. Last year, it acquired the DAP/NPK unit at
Paradeep in Orissa having an annual capacity to
Fertilizer Policy in India produce 1.9 million tonne of NPK/DAP. The
marketing of IFFCO’s products –
To increase self sufficiency in fertilser NPK/DAP/UREA – are channeled through
production, the Government of India (GOI) 37,500 member cooperative societies and 158
started the Retention Pricing Scheme in late Farmers Service Centers in over 28 States /
70’s. The retention price varied from unit to unit Union Territories in the country. IFFCO along
depending upon vintage, location of the plant, with a joint venture partner, Oman Oil India
feedstock, technology used, etc. This led to an Company (OOC) has set up Oman India
increase in fertilizer production. Many new Fertiliser Company (OMIFCO) at Sur in Oman
plants were setup and the country became self with annual capacity of producing 1.65 million
sufficient in food production. However, there tonne, of Urea. IFFCO launched another
was an increase in the subsidy burden. To company Indo-Egyptian Fertiliser Company
emphasize international competitiveness, global (IEFC), a joint venture with El Nasr Mining
marketing, import liberalization, import price Company (ENMC), for setting up a Phosphoric
parity and free trade, the plant-specific Acid Plant in Egypt.
Retention Price Scheme was phased out. The
Government of India (GOI) has implemented a IFFCO-Phulpur Unit, is located at Phulpur,
new pricing policy for urea manufacturing Allahabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It has
industries in effect as of April 2003. The new been the world’s largest naphtha based Urea
pricing policy is in the form of a group based complex, consuming one full naphtha rake
concession scheme. The key objective of the (2200 t) daily. Both of its units have been
new pricing policy for urea units is to gradually performing well since beginning. Unit –I started
move in the direction of parity with its commercial production in March,1981 and


has a 977 metric tonne per day (MTPD) to improve the productivity of plants by way of
ammonia plant, 1670 MTPD Urea plant, three reduced energy consumption, and change over
coal fired boilers having 125 MT/hr capacities to cheaper feed stock RLNG to reduce the cost
each and 12.5 MW Turbo-Generator. of production and thereby reducing the subsidy.
The Second Unit started commercial production A) Energy Saving Projects (ESP)
in December, 1997 and consists of a 1520
MTPD ammonia plant, two streams of 1310 A study was carried out in all the three units to
MTPD Urea plants, a FO fired boiler of 200 find out the possibility of improving plant
MT/hr and 18 MW Turbo-Generator along with performance in order to make the Unit more
other offsite facilities energy efficient. It was observed that in
ammonia plants, significant energy loss occurs
The Ammonia-Urea complex at Phulpur has in the form of dumping heat to the cooling water
been based on naphtha since inception when system through coolers and condensers.
cost of naphtha was quite low. The Phulpur Unit Schemes were finalized for individual plant
has been performing well with the help of under Energy Saving Projects (ESP) with the
effective and efficient operation and help of Consultant and in-house studies: The
maintenance practices. Specific energy schemes common for all the three Units and all
consumption per MT of ammonia produced in 5 Ammonia Plant are as follows:
Unit-I was initially at 42.6 GJ/MT (36.6 1. New LT Shift Guard, BFW Preheater
mmBTU LHV/short ton) and was being and Separator
operated at 38.4 GJ/MT (33.0 mmBTU LHV 2. Installation of S-50 radial flow synthesis
/ton) later. Specific energy consumption per MT converter and HP / MP Boiler.
of ammonia in Unit-II was 32.7 GJ/MT (28.1 Schemes other than above common schemes
mmBTU LHV /ton). The energy difference was installed at Phulpur Plant are shown in the table
due to technological difference of vintage as below:
earlier plant was 1976 year based and later plant
of 1994 year based. Sl. Description
Realizing the importance of improving the Phulpur –I
productivity of the complex, IFFCO had 1.0 Reduction in pressure drop of LT shift
initiated the following main projects in the year converter.
2004 to 2006 in a phased manner: 2.0 Revamp of CO2 Removal System to a
A. Energy Saving Projects (ESP) in all 5 modern 2-stage M/s Giammarco-
Ammonia Plant Vetrocoke (GV) Process layout.
B. Re-gasified Liquid Natural Gas 3.0 Drying of make-up gas and synthesis
(RLNG) Conversion at Phulpur loop re-piping.
(Naphtha to Gas Conversion). 4.0 Synthesis gas compressor LP and HP
C. Installation of a Carbon Dioxide case internal replacement.
Recovery (CDR) plant at Phulpur & 5.0 Installation of final gas chiller.
Aonla Phulpur –II
6.0 Installation of final gas chiller.
All activities pertaining to Energy Saving
Projects, RLNG Conversion, and Installation of Phulpur-II being the latest generation plant with
CDR have already been successfully completed. already low specific consumptions, had limited
options for further improvement. More
All the above steps were in line with the new information on the Phulpur-I and II project is
policy of the Government of India on fertilizer given in then next paragraphs.


Phulpur-I activator ACT-1. Rich CO2 loaded solution is
introduced to both HP & LP Strippers and semi-
1. Improvement in outlet systems for LT lean and lean solution from HP stripper passes
shift converter to LP Stripper before going to respective
The outlet system of LT Shift reactor was circulation pump suctions. In order to compress,
changed to decrease the pressure drop across the the CO2 generated from the LP Stripper, a
Reactor. The elephant stool design outlet system blower has been provided. Packing of the
provided by Kellogg was modified to M/s absorber bottom bed was replaced with Intalox
Haldor Topsoe A/S (HTAS) outlet system. This Metal Tower Packing – 40 mm (IMTP 40) and
lowered pressure drop by 39 kPa (5.66 psi) and the discharged packing (Hy-Pak No.2) was
resulted in a higher suction pressure at the utilized to replace the bottom of HP Stripper.
synthesis compressor, thereby reducing the The above modification has enabled to achieve
steam consumption of the synthesis compressor the lower CO2 regeneration energy with higher
turbine. purity.

2. New LT Shift Guard 4. Installation of S-50 radial flow synthesis

A new LT Shift Guard Reactor has been converter and MP Boiler
installed with 10 m3 (353.15 ft3) of catalyst. CO In Phulpur-I, The original design Ammonia
slip at the outlet of LT Shift Converter, is concentration at the outlet of the synthesis
lowered to 0.15% compared to the earlier 0.25- converter was only 15.5 % whereas the new
0.30%. Lower CO slip has resulted in additional generation plants are designed with ammonia
ammonia production due to reduction in concentration as high as 24 %. In order to
consumption of hydrogen in the methanator. increase ammonia conversion, a new S-50
converter with a lower heat exchanger and
3. Revamp of the CO2 Removal System to a internal electrical start-up heater was installed
Modern 2-Stage GV process Layout down-stream of existing ammonia Synthesis
Originally, Benfield System was provided as the converter. As a result ammonia conversion per
CO2 Removal System with design regeneration pass has increased and the Gas circulation in the
energy of 4414 KJ/Nm3 of CO2 (0.0425 synthesis loop has decreased, thereby reducing
mmBTU/ lb-mole CO2). In 1993, it was the overall steam consumption of the synthesis
modified to Low-Heat Benfield System by compressor turbine. A new MP Boiler has been
employing a multistage flash tank and steam installed down-stream of S-50 converter to
ejectors with design regeneration energy of recover heat and produce medium pressure
4012 KJ/Nm3 of CO2 (0.0387 mmBTU/lb-mole steam to optimize the overall steam balance of
CO2). the plant.
For further reduction of energy consumption, a 5. Drying of make-up gas and synthesis loop
revamp of the CO2 removal system to a 2-Stage re-piping
GV Process Layout was the best available It was observed that refrigeration load in
option in the existing system, as it did not Ammonia-I was very high in comparison to that
involve much modification. of Ammonia-II due to high circulation rate in
the synthesis loop. The piping around the
The main features of a 2-Stage M/s Giammarco
synthesis compressor recycle was rearranged in
Vetrocoke (GV) Italy, Process are the operation
such a manner that ammonia present in the
of the two strippers at different pressures, i.e.
converter effluent got condensed and separated
one at high pressure (107.9 kPa i.e.15.65 psig)
before going to recycle stage of the compressor.
and the other at low pressure (13.7 kPa i.e. 1.99
This system had a disadvantage because oxides
psig) using the same Benfield solution with
of carbon present in the make-up gas were


getting fed to synthesis converter directly. After axial-radial flow reactor. Moreover, after the
loop re-piping work, a new kick back cooler installation of S-50 converter and loop re-
was installed at the discharge of synthesis piping, operating condition, particularly
compressor, as the existing water cooler was not circulation rate, was expected to change
being used to cool kick back gases. drastically and would have decreased the
In order to send oxide-free make-up gas directly operating pressure of the synthesis loop. The
to the converter, an ammonia wash unit has new internals of LP and HP case were designed
been installed between LP & HP case of the to meet the new operating condition and with
synthesis compressor. The make-up gas is better efficiency. The combined efforts of
being washed with ammonia stream from the matching the system and operating conditions,
ammonia separator to remove the oxides. and the improvement in efficiency led to less
Installation of ammonia wash unit and synthesis steam consumption in the synthesis compressor
loop re-piping has reduced the circulation rate turbine.
thereby reducing the power consumption in the
synthesis compressor. 7. Installation of Final Gas Chiller
After the installation of S-50 converter and
6. Synthesis gas compressor LP and HP case ammonia wash unit, synthesis and ammonia
internal replacement wash unit, synthesis converter effluent gas is
being cooled and chilled successively in three
The original compressor is of mid-1970 design ammonia chillers. Due to higher loop pressure
and the operating conditions have changed and higher ammonia concentration, vapour
largely after the synthesis converter retrofit in generated in the first chiller, which is operated
which Kellogg design 4-bed axial flow quench at a pressure corresponding to 3rd stage suction
type reactor was modified to Casale design of regeneration compressor, will be high.

Schematic Diagram of modified back-end of the ammonia plant Phulpur-I


This would have caused improper distribution of
ammonia vapor among the different stages of
the refrigeration compressor, which would have
resulted in operation very close to the surge
limit, even with a small kickback flow.
Adding load on the 1st stage and subsequent
stages of the refrigeration compressor will
improve its operation and reduce the wastage of
power by the kickback flow.
With the intention to increase load on the 1st
stage of the refrigeration compressor, a final gas
chiller has been introduced to cool down the
Ammonia-I plant Energy Saving Project
make-up gas to 6 oC (42.8 oF). This increased
Scheme: Dehydrator Column
volumetric efficiency due to lower inlet
temperature of make-up gas has led to
reduction in steam consumption in the synthesis Phulpur-II
gas compressor for the same work output. 1. Installation of S-50 Radial Flow Synthesis
Converter and HP Boiler
For energy reduction in the ammonia synthesis
loop, installation of a M/s Haldor Topsoe A/S
(HTAS) S-50 ammonia synthesis converter and
a new HP-WHB was found to be the most
beneficial option. The S-50 converter and New
HP boiler have been located in series in between
the existing converter and existing HP synloop
boiler. The S-50 converter increased the
conversion and reduced the circulation rate,
thereby reducing the pressure drop in the loop.
Furthermore, to make an optimum overall steam
Ammonia -I plant Energy Saving Project balance, high pressure steam is being generated
Scheme: S-50Converter and MP Boiler from the waste heat boiler to control the inlet
temperature to the new converter.


2. New LT Shift Guard and BFW Preheater Sl. Description
The purpose of installing a LT Shift Guard Aonla - I
before the LT Shift Reactor was to reduce CO
1.0 Revamp of CO2 Removal System
slippage from shift section on a consistent basis
2.0 Replacement of Cooling Water Pump
without increasing the pressure drop. A new
Turbine and GV Booster Pump Turbine
BFW preheater was installed at down stream of
to Motor.
new LT shift Guard to control the inlet
Aonla –II
temperature of the LT Shift Reactor and to
1.0 Replacement of Cooling Water Pump
recover the exothermic heat of reaction. After its
Turbine and GV Booster Pump Turbine
installation, CO slip from LT Shift Converter
to Motor.
has come down from 0.20% to 0.12%.
2.0 Additional Process Condensate
3. Installation of Final Gas Chiller Exchanger
3.0 New Combustion Air Module
In the earlier system, make-up gas was being
cooled to 35 oC (95 oF) before being compressed
in the synthesis gas compressor. The final gas
chiller will be introduced to cool down the
make-up gas to 6 oC (42.6 oF) from the present
level of 35 oC. This will increase the volumetric
efficiency due to lower inlet temperature of
make-up gas leading to a reduction in steam
consumption in the synthesis gas compressor for
the same work output.
Schemes installed at Kalol Plant apart from the
schemes installed at Phulpur plant are as

Sl. Description Ammonia-II plant Energy Saving Project

No. Scheme: S-50 Converter and HP Boiler
1.0 Revamp of CO2 Removal System to a
2-stage a-MDEA system.
2.0 Revamp of Synthesis Gas Compressor
3.0 Condensing mode operation of ID Fan
Turbine and reduction in Steam/Carbon
ratio to the reformer.
4.0 Installation of new BFW Coil in
convection section of Primary Reformer

Schemes installed in Aonla Unit to reduce

energy consumption other than the schemes
installed at Phulpur Unit are as follows:

Energy Saving Project Kalol : Two Stage

aMDEA CO2 Removal System


Benefits achieved from Energy Saving
Project: As a result of Energy Saving, steam Major technical aspects that have to be looked
consumption in both Ammonia plant has into are:
reduced which in turn has saved costly fuel. The a) To allow operation on RLNG, the main
Investment made in the Project of 36 million equipment / section which required
USD has a pay-back of 4 years. Additional addition or modification in existing
advantage of installing S-50 Converter has been sections were catalyst for the
in terms of extra capacity availability in back- desulphuriser and the Primary Reformer,
end of Ammonia plants. This margin has been burners and their control systems,
appropriately utilized in Capacity Enhancement Convection zone Coils, ID & FD Fans
Project. capacities, Gas Turbine & CO2 removal
B) Re-gasified Liquefied Natural
b) Since the carbon content in RLNG feed
Gas (RLNG) Conversion at IFFCO- is less compared to Naphtha, CO2
Phulpur production would also be less.
Conversion of all ammonia into urea was
IFFCO-Phulpur initiated the task of executing desired, so modifications would be
RLNG conversion along with Energy Saving needed to re-balance the CO2 production
Project. As the availability of indigenous natural with the ammonia production.
gas was limited, the only possible alternative
was to go for RLNG which was to be sourced c) To provide flexibility in operation
from outside and made available to Phulpur as during any eventual shortage of RLNG,
per the requirement. IFFCO held discussions the new / modified equipment shall be
with the concerned parties and finally an designed to handle either 100 percent
agreement was reached between M/s Gas Naphtha or 100 percent RLNG or any
Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) and IFFCO on mixture there-of.
August 25, 2004. A separate 140 km pipeline d) As the conversion required additional
was laid from Thulendi of District RaiBarelly to equipment, layout of new equipment
the Phulpur Unit from the existing HBJ gas posed challenges in the case of the old
pipeline. naphtha based plant where space is a
major constraint. Maintaining 100 %
Important Technical Aspects in Naphtha facilities along with new RLNG
RLNG Conversion facilities was going to be very difficult.
e) New generation Naphtha based plants
The most significant differences between generally include a pre-reformer as an
naphtha and natural gas based ammonia plants additional feature. For smooth operation
are in the desulphurization section. Since natural with Mixed Feed, plants having Pre-
gas does not contain much sulphur, unlike reformers may be chosen for
naphtha, hence a pre-desulphurization section implementing Mixed Feed operation
need not be operated. Other important aspect is facilities ranging from zero to 100 %
in the ratio of hydrogen to carbon ratio, which is percent of Naphtha
high in case of gas. As a result, less steam is
consumed in the reforming section and less CO2 f) For RLNG Conversion of a FO Fired
is generated. After the reforming section, plants Boiler, the performance of the
operating on naphtha or gas are identical except economizer & superheater needs to be
in the quantity of generated CO2. examined, as they may be affected due
to a change in flue gas composition. This


could result in higher tube metal Ammonia-I: Major modifications are listed
temperature for the superheater coils and below-
thereby lower capacity of the boiler • Burners and Fuel Control Station: All
itself. liquid fuel burners; 162 top arch, 9
Necessary modifications have been carried out tunnel burners, 4 hydrocarbon preheater
in the following areas for RLNG Conversion and 5 auxiliary boiler burners were
Job: replaced with new RLNG burners of
John Zink.
• Ammonia-I Plant: Complete Feed
System and Complete Fuel System. • A New RLNG Coil and RLNG preheater
coil was installed in between the LT
• Ammonia –II Plant: Feed System and
superheater and the combustion air
Complete Fuel System with provision
for using100% Feed on naphtha.
• Primary Reformer Catalyst: New gas
• Boiler-4: RLNG Modification with
reforming catalyst, supplied by M/s Sud-
provision for 100% FO firing system.
chemie was loaded in primary reformer
• Boiler-1, 2 & 3: Support fuel on RLNG
in place of FO and usage of coal to
continue as main fuel. • DCS & ESDS System: Control logic,
emergency shut down system and
annunciation system were modified as
After finalizing the road map for RLNG
per the requirement.
conversion, M/s Haldor Topsoe A/S (HTAS)
Denmark, was awarded the responsibility of • Pre-Desulphurization Section: This
basic engineering for RLNG conversion along section decommissioned and kept idle.
with energy saving projects for Ammonia
Plants. M/s PDIL was engaged for the detailed
engineering, procurement and M/s Thermax
Babcock & Wilcox (TBW) Pune, India was
awarded the contract for Boiler modification
,engineering and supply of all related items of
burners and gas stations.

Modifications / Jobs carried out

A gas receiving and metering station to supply

the gas to IFFCO-Phulpur was installed and is
being operated by GAIL (India) Ltd. The gas
metering station has the required facilities of
metering, filtration, gas chromatograph for
composition analysis and Gross Calorific Value RLNG Control station in Amm.-1 plant
(GCV) / Net Calorific Value (NCV)
determination, pressure regulation, etc. A Ammonia-II: Major modifications are listed
common header has been laid from metering below-
station to ammonia-I, ammonia-II and boilers. • Pre-desulphurization section has been
Additional structural and pipe racks were retained for operation with naphtha in
provided for the gas and utility pipelines. case of RLNG shortage.
• Installation of new RLNG Coils: Two


RLNG heating coils have been installed installed. Modification in the boiler front panel
in the waste heat section of primary to accommodate the new burners was carried
reformer. out. The newly installed burners have igniters
• Modification of Primary reformer and scanners. Wind box, air duct, and atomizing
Burners: All existing 576 burners were valves were modified. A new fuel control
modified by replacing air mixing nozzle station, new burner management system and
and gas nozzle of the burners with block/bleed arrangement for safety have also
suitable dimensions which were been provided.
fabricated in the workshop.
Benefits after RLNG Conversion: Natural gas
• Fuel system for GT including Skid,
is the ideal feedstock for ammonia production. It
Nozzle and Control System: Necessary
has several advantages besides being cheaper
modification in fuel nozzles and
and easy to handle. Now there is an easy and
combustion chamber liners were carried
shorter start-up of the plant, thereby reducing
out. A new fuel skid along with control
unproductive consumption. The reformer
and safety system was installed.
burners’ choking phenomena is completely
• Modification in Heat Recovery Unit
solved and CO2 emission from the furnace has
(HRU) Burners and its Control system:
been reduced. The loading in CO2 section has
Naphtha burners were modified to dual
been reduced, therby giving extra margin in the
firing burners with facilities of on-line
front-end of Ammonia plant The plant also runs
change over.
trouble free and the catalyst life has also
• RLNG Fuel Preheater: RLNG is increased. The savings due to switching over
supplied at battery limit at 3923 kPa from costly Naphtha and FO to RLNG on
(569 psig ) pressure let down station and annual basis is 240 million USD.
a fuel preheater has been installed. The
old naphtha vaporizer has been modified
and is being used as fuel preheater. C) Carbon Dioxide Recovery (CDR)
• DCS and ESD Modification: DCS Plant
control system has been modified to
handle either 100% naphtha and 100% The major disadvantage of RLNG conversion is
RLNG or any mixture thereof with on- less CO2 production due to lower C/H ratio in
line switch-over facility. RLNG as compared to naphtha. The CO2
generated with lean RLNG is not adequate to
Steam Generation Plant: It was decided that convert all ammonia produced to urea. To
the Coal fired boilers-1, 2 & 3 would continue overcome the problem, the possible options are
to operate on Coal as main fuel, however, the as follows:
support fuel would be changed from FO to a. Use of costlier fuel i.e. naphtha along with
RLNG. Boiler-4, originally on FO firing was to RLNG in feed to the extent necessary to
be modified to have dual firing facility of FO as offset the CO2 deficit required for total
well as RLNG. conversion of ammonia to urea.
b. Recycle of synthesis gas to the primary
Boilers-1, 2 & 3: These are corner fired boilers
reformer as fuel which has the following
with inclining (tilt) arrangement. Previously, FO
was used as support fuel to support Coal firing.
New RLNG burners have been installed along • Recycle of synthesis gas to the primary
with igniters and scanners. reformer as fuel would strain the front
end. The reforming section, CO2 removal
Boiler-4: Dual fuel burners suitable for 100% section etc. which may not be designed
FO or 100 % gas or combination of both, were to handle the required increased load.


• Recycle capacity may not be sufficient
to satisfy the total CO2 deficit, thus The CDR plant is basically a low pressure CO2
requiring front end modification and removal section in which CO2 present in flue
incurring capital expenditure gases is absorbed and then regenerated to
produce CO2 having 99.93 % purity. CO2
• Using the existing additional front end
recovery from flue gases is a new concept in
capacity for recycling synthesis gas may
fertilizer industries.
be less economical than making
additional ammonia and urea and getting
Basic steps involved in CDR plant are:
benefits under new policy.
a) Flue gas Pretreatment,
c. Recovery of CO2 from flue gas from b) Low pressure CO2 absorption in
various furnaces. special solution KS-1,
c) CO2 regeneration and
Among all the above options available, CO2
d) CO2 compression to desired level.
recovery from flue gases was found most
economical and viable. Therefore IFFCO- Though regeneration energy is very high in
Phulpur has installed a Carbon Dioxide comparison to that of any normal CO2 removal
Recovery (CDR) Plant to recover CO2 from section in ammonia plants, the cost
flue gases of Ammonia-II plant primary effectiveness of the plant is very attractive
reformer furnace. because the use of costlier Naphtha as feed to
balance the CO2 for Urea production shall be
Similarly at the Aonla Unit, the feed stock for
stopped completely.
the ammonia plant since inception was natural
gas. There also, in order to meet CO2 deficit,
naphtha along with gas was fed to the primary Brief Description of the Process
reformer in Ammonia-I Plant. To meet the CO2
Flue gas at a temperature of 180 °C (356 oF) is
deficit with 100% Gas operation, a CDR plant
cooled down in a Water Cooler, a packed
has been installed to recover CO2 from the flue
column using structured packing, by direct
gases of Ammonia-I plant primary reformer
contact with water supplied from the top and
then compressed in flue gas blower.
The capacity of the plant in both the units at Compressed flue gas is fed to a CO2 Absorber.
Phulpur and Aonla is 450 MTPD of CO2 and The CO2 Absorber is a packed bed column
M/s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) using structured packing and having two
Japan, has provided the basic engineering for it. sections, bottom for CO2 absorption and top for
M/s Tecnimont ICB Pvt. Ltd. (TICB) Mumbai washing section. In this column, CO2 is
India, was engaged as turnkey contractor for absorbed in a special solution (KS-1) supplied
detailed engineering, procurement, erection and from the top of the absorption section. Flue gas
commissioning. The use of naphtha in the feed after washing is then exhausted at a sufficient
for ammonia plant is going to be completely height.
stopped as the shortfall quantity of CO2 is being
Rich KS-1 solution is regenerated in the
made available by recovery of CO2 from flue
regenerator by supplying heat through LP steam
gases of the primary reformer. This is going to
(at 42.7 psig pressure) re-boiler. Lean solution
save the Government Subsidy outgo
from the bottom of the tower is cooled in Lean
substantially and would also reduce the
solution cooler against cooling water and re-
emission of Green House Gases (GHG) to the
circulated back to the CO2 Absorber. Overhead
atmosphere thereby providing cleaner
vapour is condensed and separated condensate is
returned back to the top of the regenerator.


Sulphur in RLNG fuel being not traceable, there
is no contamination in CO2 product which is
compressed and then sent to the Urea Plant.

Commissioning Experience Since there was no gas flow, the water was
pouring down through the chimney tray and
Level of top section of CO2 Absorber packing to the bottom section of absorber,
The CO2 Absorber in CDR plant is divided in 3 leading to an increase in level of the bottom
section 1st wash section, 2nd wash section and section and a decrease in top section. To
the bottom CO2 absorber section. Flue gas from overcome this problem a 2”line was connected
flue gas cooler is introduced in the bottom from the discharge of the rich solution pump to
section of the CO2 absorber through flue gas the suction of 1st wash water circulation pump.
blower while the CO2 lean KS-1 solution is
introduced from the top of the absorption Low flow through Flue Gas Blower
section onto the packing. Here the CO2 is During the start of the plant, the desired flow of
absorbed in KS-1 solution. The flue gas then flue gas from flue gas blower was not obtained
moves upward into the treated flue gas washing at full opening of dampener provided at the inlet
section where the flue gas comes in contact with of blower. Although the indication at DCS was
water for washing of amine content in it. At the showing 100% full opening, it was found in the
top of washing section, a chimney tray is field that dampener was stuck at 90% opening,
provided. The level of each section is resulting in restriction of flow through blower.
maintained by circulation pumps. Overflow of The dampener was opened and the problem was
each section comes to the adjacent lower rectified.
Final Shut-down Valve in CO2 Line
During initial filling of column with DM water Final Shut-down Valve (USV-01) is installed in
for starting circulation, there was a problem of CO2 product line connected to main CO2 header,
level build up in top section of the column. which is closed in case the CO2 blower is not in


operation. Due to this, the CO2 blower was kept to get the specified temperature of steam.
running even if it was not required at lower
plant load. Now the closing of USV- 01 is
connected to the flue gas blower trip and now
the plant can be run without the CO2 blower

Steam Flow Measurement

During commissioning of the plant, the reboiler
temperature was going high, although the steam
flow indication was well within limits. The
steam flow meter was checked and it was found
that the tube connected to LP tapping was
blocked partially with foreign particles. The
tube was cleaned and thereafter the steam flow
was OK.
Tripping of Condensate Pump (P-3710)
During commissioning of plant the steam
condensate pump was tripping frequently on The Carbon Dioxide Recovery plant:
low suction pressure. The suction line was A view of all three towers
checked and it was found badly choked with the
scaffolding clamps. The line was cleaned and
again connected to pump suction. Since then it Reduction in CO2 Emissions after
has been running normally. Implementation of Energy Saving
Temperature Control of LP steam for Project, RLNG Changeover and
reboiler CDR plant
LP steam to the CDR plant is available at 294.2
kPa pressure (42.7 psig) and 240 oC (464 oF). Reduction in Steam Consumption through
Before being introduced to the reboiler, this Revamping of Ammonia Plant:
steam is brought down to 194.2 kPa (28.2 psig)
pressure and 133 oC (271.4 oF) temp. by After implementation of schemes under the
pressure let down and desuperheating. For Energy Saving Project, reduction in HP steam
quenching, steam condensate from the reboiler consumption to a tune of 35 MT/hr in Ammonia
was used which was cooled to 70 oC (158 oF) Plants at Phulpur alone has been achieved,
from 133 oC (271.4 oF) in a plate type cooler. which has resulted in lesser firing of Coal and
However, the temperature of the steam was Fuel Oil in Steam generation facilities, thereby
higher than required during commissioning of CO2 generation from these furnaces has reduced
the plant which is not at all recommended due to to a great extent.
KS-1 solution degradation at temperatures
higher than 135 oC (275 oF). It was found that Fuel Switchover from Naphtha / FO to
the temperature of condensate for quenching Natural Gas in Furnaces:
was higher, resulting in high temperature steam On burning gas in place of Naphtha, Fuel oil in
to the reboiler. The system was modified to use furnaces CO2 emissions are much less since
a separate Demineralized (DM) water line these fuels contains higher carbon content than
which is at around 40 oC (104 oF) at the inlet to natural gas.
the cooler, is connected with the condensate line


Feed Switchover from Naphtha to Natural Plant Present Enhanced
Gas in Ammonia Plants Ammonia / Ammonia /
Urea Urea
Naphtha, being rich in carbon, produces more Capacity Capacity
carbon dioxide than required for Urea Phulpur–I Plant 970 / 1670 1215 / 2115
production. This excess CO2 is being vented to MTPD MTPD
the atmosphere. At IFFCO Phulpur unit, feed Phulpur–II Plant 1520 / 2620 1740 / 3030
switchover from naphtha to NG was carried out. MTPD MTPD
NG being lower in carbon, produces less carbon Aonla –I Plant 1520 / 2620 1740 / 3030
dioxide thereby venting of CO2 has been MTPD MTPD
eliminated. Aonla–II Plant 1520 / 2620 1740 / 3030
Installation of CDR Plant
This will enable an additional Urea production
With natural gas as feedstock, less CO2 is of 553,000 MT on yearly basis. It may be noted
generated than required for Urea production. here that the expenditure involved in increasing
This requires use of additional naphtha / natural the capacity of existing plants by
gas as feed stock. debottlenecking works out to be around one-
fourth that of installing a grass root plant,
In Ammonia -II plant, flue gases from the besides saving significant subsidy of the
Primary Reformer furnace contain sufficient, government by cutting down costly imports.
recoverable CO2 to meet the requirement of CO2
for Urea production. Being impure, hot and Various jobs have been identified in different
corrosive, it is not possible to use this CO2 plants with the help of consultants and in-house
directly in the Urea plant. Therefore, a Carbon studies. Some of the main schemes in Ammonia
Dioxide Recovery plant was installed to recover Plant are: Modifications in Air and Synthesis
CO2 from flue gases, which was previously Compressors and their turbines, replacement of
going to the atmosphere. exchangers, including the methanator effluent
cooler, Secondary Reformer burner
The annual reduction in CO2 Emission for all modification, one additional cooling water cell,
IFFCO Projects is estimated to be more than etc. Major jobs identified in the Urea plants:
0.9 million tons. CO2 Compressor replacement, additional HP
Ammonia and HP Carbamate Pumps, MP Pre-
decomposer, Prill Cooling System, additional
Future Action Plan Ammonia Condenser & Preheater and an
additional Cooling Tower Cell.
Presently the demand of Urea is met by imports Engineering and commercial activities for
which are very costly. Keeping this in view, procurement have been completed. The Prill
IFFCO is going ahead with the Capacity Cooling System has already been installed and
Enhancement Projects (CEP) at Phulpur and commissioned in Phulpur Urea-I Plant. Most of
Aonla to bridge the gap to some extent in the above activities shall be completed in the
demand of Urea by Indian farmers. The year 2007.
following capacities are being aimed in the



The business of indigenous Urea manufacturing

is a very important industry for food security
and national pride. Today it is facing stiff
challenges from many quarters, like high input
cost, delay in late disbursement of subsidy, etc.
However, if the fertilizer industry works in a
positive frame of mind and the Government
brings out encouraging policies, suitable
strategies can emerge in meeting these
challenges. IFFCO has taken all the required
actions in the right direction to overcome these
challenges. It has been the first fertilizer plant to
have switched over to RLNG from liquid
hydrocarbons, implemented Energy Saving
projects and Carbon dioxide recovery Plant
Project. Also, the Capacity Enhancement
Project is under way. All these steps have
resulted in more fertilizer at a cheaper price than
the imported Urea price, which is the real need
of the country at this juncture.


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