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Refining: Recycled Fiber for Tissue Production

Dylan Schnese Local Product Manager – Fiber Treatment

Voith Paper
Appleton, WI USA


As recycled paper is increasingly used in papermaking, developing fibers to achieve sheet strength is a critical process.
Promoting a strong fiber network for tissue production requires refining which is the process of changing the geometric
structure of fibers. The process is accomplished by pumping fiber and water through refiner plates mounted on a rotor
and stator, which fibrillate (external and internal fibrillation) the cell wall of fibers. The result is increased bonding
area and improved sheet strength. The technological result of refining is determined by both the applied energy and
intensity. Recycled fibers must be treated more gently by utilizing a refiner filling with low intensity because the fiber
has been previously refined. A patented-technology known as Pluralis was released in 2006 offering low intensity
refining in a plurality of recycled paper manufacturing applications.

Refining has a major impact on fiber development affecting paper properties and process conditions. Optimum
refining of recycled fiber can increase bulk retention, increase sheet strength, lower energy usage and increase paper
machine speed. The key is choosing the correct refiner filling design for the application. By understanding the
challenging refining process, operational success can be achieved.


The amount of times a fiber can be recycled is typically five to seven times before the fiber is too weak to produce
paper1. For tissue makers to effectively use recycled fiber, gentle treatment of the fibers must be conducted to minimize
fines generation and fiber cutting, both of which can affect drainage. Thus, low intensity refining which creates the
necessary surface area for tissue production while not damaging the fiber is important. This paper will describe the
refining process for those who are unfamiliar with the technology, the importance of choosing the correct refiner
filling type, and some examples of optimized refining systems with low intensity refiner fillings.

Wood pulp fibers in their natural, cylindrical form are not capable of forming a matrix due to the lack of surface area.
The shape of the fibers must be physically altered to promote the strong, intermolecular bonds needed for
papermaking. This process is known as refining. In the case of tissue production, the fibers must undergo refining to
develop tensile strength so the pulp suspension forms into paper without breaking. Thus, the task of refining is to
break and disrupt the levels of the cell wall (figure 1). There are many mechanisms that occur during refining (figure
2). External fibrillation is when the outside of the fiber is scuffed and produces high surface area bonding surfaces.
Internal fibrillation is when the inside of the fiber is cracked allowing water to enter, making the fiber more flexible.
Also, the fibers can be cut into smaller fractions which is called fiber cutting and is undesirable in tissue production.
Fiber cutting can lead to an increase in fines content which can decrease pulp drainage.

Figure 1 The cellular structure of a wood fiber

In the refiner, the fiber suspension is passed through refiner fillings which are fastened to a rotating element, known
as the rotor, and to two stationary surfaces, known as the stator, adjacent to the rotor. The refiner fillings are brought
together by an adjusting mechanism on the door side of the refiner to form a narrow gap (0.5 mm) between the rotor
and stator. First, a bundle of fibers is gathered between the bars of the fillings. Then as the bars pass each other, water
is expelled from the fibers and mechanical energy is transferred to the bundle of fibers. Concluding the energy transfer
is a dispersion of the floc of fibers.

Figure 2 The mechanisms of refining

Multiple factors determine the technological result of refining, but the two most important are the specific refining
energy (SRE) and the specific edge load (SEL). The specific energy is defined as the total amount of energy applied
to the pulp expressed in power as a function of throughput (hpd/t or kWh/t). The amount of energy applied to the pulp
differs depending on the cell wall thickness of the furnish. Recycled fiber typically requires less energy than virgin
fibers because they have been previously refined2. The SEL is defined as the intensity of refining action on the pulp.
Different fiber types require varying levels of intensity to be treated properly. Applying too little intensity to a fiber
will not change the geometric structure. Conversely, too high intensity will cause unnecessary damage to the fiber
resulting in the generation of fines and destroyed tensile development. A function of the intensity is how much surface
length is available. This value is called the cutting edge length (CEL) and is defined as the distance of bar per
revolution (km/rev). The higher the CEL, the lower the intensity will be. The intersecting angle of the filling bars also
affects strength development. A low cutting angle produces a small amount of intersection points resulting in greater
fines content compared to a larger cutting angle which distributes the energy over more points thus delivering lower
local intensity and providing more fibrillation.

Figure 1 Bar angle influences the intensity of refining


Selection of refiner fillings is imperative to optimizing the tissue making process. Refiner fillings vary in geometry,
material of construction, and the resulting properties of the paper. Standard refiner filling technology which have been
available for the last fifty years are comprised of parallel, straight vanned bars divided into sectors by channels. For
the tissue maker, these fillings offer some disadvantages. First, the intersecting angle the parallel bars create decrease
from the inner diameter to the outer diameter resulting in fiber cutting and fines generation. Second, there are a limited
amount of sectors creating a lack of homogeneity, which limits strength development. Generally the more sectors
there are, the better the technological outcome will be. The channel dividing the sectors allow unrefined stock to flow

Figure 2 Standard straight-vanned refiner filling

In 2006, patented low intensity refining technology became available to optimize refining operations in a plurality of
fiber types. Curved, continuous bars guide fibers from the center to outward ensuring a ensuring that all fibers are
treated. There are no channels for the stock to flow through the filling unrefined. The fillings have a larger intersecting
angle which leads to improved fiber development and fibrillation. The filling is also highly sectored resulting in a
more homogenous fiber treatment.

Figure 3 Curved-bar low intensity refiner filling



A mill in Wisconsin produces lightweight bath grades from carrier stock (#17 RISI guideline), mixed flyleaf shavings
(#22 RISI guideline) and other pre-consumer recovered papers. The stock is prepared by means of deinking with a
starting freeness of 350 CSF.

Operating conditions were the following:

 Connected motor power and speed: 800 hp / 514 rpm

 Inlet consistency: 4.5%
 Amperage range: 62-92 amps

A baseline of the customer situation utilizing standard fillings was collected by taking samples and recording process
conditions. Sample collection was repeated using the low intensity fillings for comparison.

The following figure 6 shows that at 82 amps, the customer’s usual set point, tensile index increased from 46 to 56.5
N·m/g, a 22% increase in strength. The customer stated the fillings performed without deviation for the entirety of the
lifetime. The low intensity plates lasted 8 months in this application.
Figure 6. Tensile index vs. Applied amps

In this case, the SEL was decreased from 0.90 Ws/m (figure 7a) to 0.58 Ws/m (figure 7b) because of an increase in
the cutting length due to the optimum geometry of the low intensity refiner filling.

Figure 7a Cutting edge length: 38.7 km/rev Figure 7b Cutting edge length: 60.48 km/rev


In another trial, a mill in the Southern US, albeit producing tissue from virgin fiber, utilized low intensity fillings to
save energy. The increase in refining efficiency can be used either to increase strength at a constant energy value or
to decrease energy usage while maintaining the same strength. Furthermore, bulk retention can be improved by
lowering the energy applied to the pulp.

Operating conditions were the following:

 Connected motor power and speed: 600 hp / 580 rpm

 Inlet consistency: 3.8%
 SRE: 1.5-2.5 nhpd/t
Figure 8 Graph of freeness vs. energy

An increase of the CEL by 305% (9.18 km/rev vs. 37.2 km/rev) provides an increase in efficiency of refining. The
figures below show the differences in bar geometry. The straight vanned refiner filling (figure 9a) has a lower CEL
versus the curved bar filling (figure 9b) which has a higher CEL. On certain grades, the mill can turn one refiner off
saving 150 hp.

Figure 9a Cutting edge length: 9.18 km/rev Figure 9b Cutting edge length: 37.2 km/rev


Increased recycling rates require papermakers to challenge their approach to treating the fiber. By understanding the
mechanisms of refining and the result on papermaking, tissue production can be optimized. Low intensity refining
when conducted at the same energy is shown to increase the strength of the pulp. Alternatively, energy can be saved
while maintaining the same strength specification.


Baker C F (1999) Refining recycled fibres. In: Doshi M R & Dyer J M (eds) Paper recycling challenge, Volume IV,
Process control & mensuration. 1st edition, Appleton WI, Doshi & Associates Inc:134–152

Bajpai P (2014) Recycling and deinking of recovered paper. 1st edition, Elsevier, London pp 181–197.

Hubbe, Martin. Mini-Encyclopedia of Papermaking Wet-EndChemistry, NCSU,
Voith micrograph
Göthhsching, Lothar. Refiner plate. 2000. Recycled Fiber and Deinking. Jyväskylä: Gummerus Printing, 2000.
197. Print.
Pluralis. 2014. www.stories.voith.com/en/refiner-fillings-for-nearly-every-raw-material-44983
Gateway to
the Future

Recycled Fiber for Tissue Production
Dylan Schnese |   PEERS 2019 St. Louis, MO  |  2019‐10‐29  
Gateway to
the Future

Dylan Schnese
• UW Stevens Point-Chemistry with ACS certification

• Appvion, Chemist, 3 yrs

• Voith, Product Manager – Screening and Fiber Treatment, 1 y

Gateway to
the Future

What is refining?

• Change structure of fiber to develop properties suitable for papermaking

Gateway to
the Future
Goals of Refining
virgin intern fibrillated extern fibrillated
Gateway to
the Future
Mechanism of Refining
Gateway to
the Future

Refining energy
Other influences
Net refining power [kW]
Net Specific energy [kWh/t] = • pH
Throughput [t/h]

Refining intensity • Recirculation

Net refining power [kW] • Direction of rotation

Specific edge load [J/m] =
Cutting edge length [km/s]
• Mechanical condition

Gateway to
the Future

Effect of Cutting Angle

Cutting angle
Shortening (16) Fibrillation (60)
edge load
3.0 J/m 3.0 J/m
1.5 J/m 1.5 J/m
SR value [SR]

Breaking length [m]


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 10 20 30 40 50 60

Specific energy [kWh/t] SR value [SR]
Gateway to
the Future

Filling A 3/4-72-60 Pluralis
Filling B 1.5/3.8-112-60




305 CSF 40

50 kWh/t saving
21% Reduction
780 CSF
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

NBKP Total SRE [kWh/t]

Gateway to
the Future
Gateway to
the Future

Sector Guidance

• Highly sectored design

means uniform treatment
from ID to OD
• A controlled fiber
guidance enables more
fibers to be treated

Groove • Constant groove opening

from ID to OD reduces
chances of collecting
contaminants compared to
grooves which narrow from
ID to OD
Gateway to
the Future Tissue Mill A – North America
Strength Development
Before: 38“ LF (xxx/xxx-645-xx) Customer technical data: 100% DIP

Parameters Old situation New situation

Amps applied 82 62‐65

SEL [J/m] 0.90 0.58

Flow (gpm) 650
Consistency                                        4.8
Production 190
Freeness (CSF) 260

Results and benefits

After: 38” LF (1,5/3,8-1008-60) Amp Loading Tensile Index

82 50
-24% +8% 46

Before After Before After

 Lower Amp loading with increase in strength

 Similar freeness
Gateway to
the Future
Gateway to
the Future
Tissue Mill B - Southern US
Energy Savings
Comparison of Technical Data
Filling A 25%NBKP/75%LBKP Blend
30“EJ105/106 (4/5.3-153-42.5) Before After
Filling Filling A Filling B
CLF 153 620
No. of refiners 2 1-2
Power saved 0 112kW(150 HP)
Results and Benefits (kW)

298 -27%
Filling B
30” LF (1.5/3.8-620-60)

Before After
Value Added Savings
 Higher bulk retention and increased softness
Gateway to
the Future
Refiner specific energy control
Stock Net spec.
consistency energy

Flow Spec. energy No-load

control control power


Gateway to
the Future
Refiner operation without automatic control


Refiner load

Gateway to
the Future
Refiner operation with specific energy control


Refiner load

Gateway to
the Future

Gateway to
the Future

Dylan Schnese
Local Product Manager – Screening and Fiber Treatment
Phone 920-358-2445

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