Exchange Interface Bell 202

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Bell 202
Interface specification for transmission of
binary data by frequency manipulation
Author: Electron18
[email protected]

§1 Introduction
Bell 202 - Interface transfer serial binary data by the frequency manipulation. A first
interface for transferring serial binary data. A corporation Bell System, for remote
management and configuration of telecommunications equipment connection. The interface
allows for an acoustic gap between the objects that share information. That is, information
exchange can occur via handsets laid crosswise to each other. The unit and zero at this
interface are encoded by different harmonics of the sound frequency range. Since the
signals are in the range of audio frequencies, the bandwidth telephone channel is sufficient
for the transfer of 1200 bits per second. The method of the frequency manipulation had
come to replace the telegraph method of data transmission, which meant the character
encoding by time intervals, such as Morse code.

§2 Innovative Bell
Alexander Bell (Alexander Graham Bell) was a teacher in a school for deaf children in
the city of Boston.
March 7, 1876 he received a patent for an invention your phone. In 1877 Alexander Bell
offered to buy his patent to the largest telegraph company Western Union Company.
President of the company proposed to consider this question the advice of experts in the
field of telegraphy. The experts gave the opinion that this invention is useless in the field of
telecommunications and it is futile.
Alexander Bell decided independently to promote his invention. Approximately 10 years
later, the giant telecommunications Western Union Co., Was actually forced out phone
business from the scope of telecommunication technologies. Today you can see in many
Russian cities windows that says Western Union, this company which is engaged in
transferring money around the world, and once she was the international
telecommunications giant.
Hence we can conclude: opinions of experts in innovative technologies are useless!
The company formed by Bell, which later became known as the Bell System, was the main

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