National Education Strategic Plan For Afghanistan
National Education Strategic Plan For Afghanistan
National Education Strategic Plan For Afghanistan
Ministry of Education
List of Acronyms
OB Operating Budget
PAR Public Administrative Reform
PCC Planning and Coordination Committee
PEC Provincial Education Council
PRR Priority Reform and Restructuring
RIMU Reform Implementation Management Unit
SCSM School Construction and School Mapping
SASCs School Advisory and Support Councils
TA Technical Assistance
TED Teacher Education Department
TEP Teacher Education Program
TRC Teacher Resource Center
TSUL Technical Support Unit for Literacy
TTC Teacher Training Center
TTI Teacher Training Institute
TVE Technical and Vocational Education
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TVIs Technical and vocational institutes
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
URPR Urban to rural parity ratio
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WB World Bank
WFP World Food Program
Note: Afghanistan follows the Solar Calendar which is approximately 621 years behind the Gregorian
calendar. The fi rst day of the year is 1 Hamal (21 March). Thus the current year 1386 is equivalent to
21 March 2007 to 20 March 2008. Dates in this document follow the Solar Calendar.
Message from the Minister
T he Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Education for the period of 1385-1389 is the fi rst
attempt to collate corporate thinking and assess the current situation and challenges
that affect this Ministry’s ability to meet the government's obligations towards education
as stated in the 1382 Constitution, its commitment to the Millennium Development Goals
for 1399 and the intermediate targets set in the Afghanistan Compact benchmark for
1389. It is the foundation for rebuilding the education system of Afghanistan.
It is the strong belief of our country's top leadership that a revitalized education system
that is guided by the tenets of Islam is at the core of the State Building exercise. Therefore,
one of the top priorities of government is to rebuild an education system that will act
as a fundamental cornerstone in shaping the future of the country through peace and
stability, democracy and good governance, poverty reduction and economic growth. The
centrality of education to the development, growth and thereby stability of Afghanistan
cannot be overstressed.
This plan outlines the Ministry's intent to promote this vision and provides the basis
for substantive discussions with our national and international development partners to
better link, coordinate and fi nance interventions in the sector, and contribute to improved
aid effectiveness. It takes account of the past and present but looks more to the future.
It is a national plan that will guide implementation at all levels of the Ministry. This
work represents the collective thinking of all stakeholders. It has been derived through
an extensive consultative process involving Afghans at all levels within the Ministry,
including the provinces, as well as our partners through the Education Consultative
Group. Technical support has been provided by UNESCO’s International Institute for
Educational Planning (IIEP).
The primary desire of the Ministry is to ensure that all children and adults have access
to education. This has led to the development of a strategy that is national in scope but
local in focus and delivery. Special measures will be required to overcome constraints
of access and supply due to geography. The Ministry will work towards strengthening
partnerships, clarifying responsibilities and transferring skills. It will ‘buy’ international
and national capacity to fast track some of the initiatives that will build trust and
confidence in the current environment.
The Ministry values the contribution made to education by our development partners,
and intends to enhance the value of this contribution through improved understanding
and collaborative implementation. As the strategic intent expressed in this document
is a collaborative effort, we should now agree to allocate resources only to program
elements included in this plan which should form the basis of an Education Compact.
A Government-led education program needs to be supported through an accountable and
transparent system of education fi nancing and administration. The Ministry recognizes
the need to build confidence in its ability to meet these tests both to the donors and
ultimately to our citizens. Central, provincial, district and school level monitoring and
evaluation systems will be strengthened, building a close partnership with communities,
civil society, private sector and government to ensure that this promise is maintained.
Implementing this plan is an expensive venture. However, the opportunity costs of not
doing so are potentially higher. Our assessment is that it requires some $308 million
in fi scal year 1386 and more than $1.5 billion over the medium term fi scal outlook in
development fi nancing alone, with another $190 million in operating costs in 1386
growing to almost $229 million in 1389.
Within the eight program components there are three high priority areas. First, we are
still desperately short of accommodation that meets any reasonable defi nition of an
encouraging and secure learning environment in every part of the sector. Nearly half of
our existing schools do not have buildings and many existing buildings are too damaged
or unsafe to use. In addition, many schools operate more than one shift per day and, in
crowded areas, schools operate three or more shifts which reduces the instructional time
available and the quality of education. There is not enough space in existing facilities
to accommodate the children currently enrolled and the existing demand for education.
Rehabilitation and construction of Teacher Training Colleges is also essential to accelerate
high quality pre- and in-service training for teachers.
Second, the knowledge base of our teachers is extremely low. Knowledgeable, motivated
teachers are central to delivery of quality education. Current approaches to in-service
training will continue in the short term and be built into a career-long strategy but more
effort is also needed on pre-service teacher training. Good schools and good principals
go together. Part of the additional recruitment program in the next few years will start
to rebuild the capacity for good supervision and knowledge transfer as part of the long
term approach to quality improvement.
Third, our ability to establish and implement sound policy, as well as to manage the
human, fi nancial and physical resources required to achieve results, is very limited.
Addressing this requires substantial investment in technical assistance and a sound
strategy to build strong institutions that are sustained through indigenous capacity,
developed to meet the fiduciary and management standards demanded of us as responsible
stewards of public funds.
Our communities have demonstrated their commitment to their children’s futures not
only by sending them to school but also by establishing schools through community
participation rather than waiting for outside help. In return we will develop a quality,
broad-based education system, from which students emerge literate, numerate and
technologically proficient as the basis for lifelong learning. Such a system requires
nurturing and vigorous protection as well as very significant investment.
This Strategic Plan is supported at the highest levels of the government. It is a “work in
progress” and will be reviewed regularly in light of the impact of the fi scal and other
enablers as well as our progress towards our goals. I encourage comments and discussion.
I seek advice and support. I commit to our mutual agreement and achievement of the
My thanks to our national and international partners, donors, members of civil society
and colleagues in government and in the Ministry who gave time and shared wisdom
in developing this plan.
Executive Summary
The National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) 1385-1389 indicates what the education system of
Afghanistan should look like in the future. It represents the ambitions and aspirations of the people of
Afghanistan, their government and the Ministry of Education for a knowledge-based, secure society,
guided by the principles and values of Islam, with a strong national identity, actively engaged with
the rest of the world and the main national education stakeholders.
It is our assessment of what is required to meet the ambitious benchmarks in education set for
achievement by 1389 in the Afghanistan Compact, agreed between the government and the
international community in 1385. Achieving these targets will set us on our way to achieving our
Millennium Development Goal for Education by 1399.
Our vision is to facilitate the development of vibrant human capital by providing equal access
to quality education for all and enable our people to participate and contribute productively
to the development, economic growth and stability of our country.
To do this the Ministry must evolve into a modern, effective, fully funded and functioning public
institution that facilitates education opportunities for children and adults, without discrimination,
across Afghanistan.
More than 5.4 million children are enrolled in schools today, nearly 35% of them girls, compared
to a little more than a million 5 years ago and almost no girls.
Still, half of our school-age children are estimated to be out of schools with significant gender
and provincial disparities.
Number of teachers has grown 7-fold, but only 22% meet the minimum qualifications of Grade
14. Only 28% are female and located primarily in urban areas.
There is no new curriculum for secondary school. In the last fi ve years, curriculum development
has concentrated on the fi rst six years of school.
Although more than 3,500 school buildings have been constructed only 25% of our schools have
usable buildings. Thousands of communities have no easy access to schools.
Thousands of children are being indoctrinated in hatred and intolerance in madrassas.
Nearly 6% of schools have been burned or closed down due to terrorism in the last 18 months.
Some 30,000-50,000 students graduate from high school every year; only one-third of them are
admitted to universities, the rest join the pool of unemployed.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
7.7 million children are enrolled in schools, with 60% girls and 75% boys in general primary
75% of our school-age children are within reach of a school with significantly reduced gender
and provincial disparities.
70% of teachers have passed a competency test, 40% of teachers are women and located
proportionately in urban and rural areas.
A new curriculum for secondary schools is being taught to increased numbers of students.
National testing system to assess learning achievements of students is being administered.
Over 90% of our schools have buildings, with appropriate facilities for girls and boys.
Madrassas teaching hatred and violence are no longer part of the system and Afghans are
provided with broad-based Islamic education in-country.
50% of high school graduates meet entry level standards for teritary or post-secondary
vocational education and are prepared for competition in the joh market.
Fewer than 8 million Afghans are illiterate.
Education receives 15% of its operating budget for non-salaries costs and an increased share
of the total unified budget with 50% of capital expenses managed through the Afghanistan
Financial Management Information System (AFMIS).
The Ministry will organize, plan and manage its programs around eight themes, which are discussed
in the following pages. Detailed technical papers, developed by area-specific technical working
groups, provide the basis for the policies and priorities set out under each program.1
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: By 1389, the net enrolment rate for girls and boys in primary grades will be at least
60% and 75% respectively.
Principal targets:
• 4,900 new schools and 4,800 outreach classes will be established; specific attention will be
given to rural areas and involving communities in identifying suitable locations.
• 7.4 million children in school from Grades 1-12.
• New secondary school curriculum and revised primary curriculum.
• Access for minority groups and children with disabilities or other special needs.
• School Advisory and Support Councils (SASC) in all schools.
The Constitution makes it illegal to refuse access to schools on the grounds of gender, faith or
ethnicity. Although there has been progress in the past five years, at the national level, boys’
enrolment in primary schools is nearly twice that of girls, at the lower secondary level it is three
times higher, and at the higher secondary level boys are almost four times more likely than girls to be
enrolled. In rural areas, girls’ participation declines precipitously and boys are more than ten times
as likely to be enrolled in post-primary education. This dramatic difference is reflected in the low
number of women teachers and is a legacy of long term social and political exclusion. It creates the
biggest challenge to the critical goals of social integration and equity.
Enabling better access to education for nomadic children, those with learning disabilities, pre-school
children and those who have missed out on the fi rst years of basic education and now want to enter
the system is also part of the plan.
There are multiple factors contributing to low quality in the system. Critical ones include the lack of
teachers with thorough content-based knowledge; poor teaching methods; the lack of safe, conducive
learning spaces; and the lack of quality teaching and learning materials (including textbooks).
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Learning Materials
To date some 21.8 million textbooks have been delivered with a further 26.2 million planned for 1386.
Specific attention is now being given to the secondary and Islamic curricula and to a review of the
content in the lower primary grades. The structural changes necessary to produce the intended results
are also being considered. A Materials Development Unit (MDU) has been established and is currently
reviewing the entire textbook production process and developing better printing and care standards to
improve the life and relevance of texts.
In fi scal year 1385, a survey of the actual number of teachers was carried out. This will serve as the
basis for the formal registration of teachers and the clean up of the payroll for absentee or “ghost”
Subject to certain conditions, including the establishment of a viable School Advisory and Support
Council, by 1387 the Ministry will devolve a small amount of monthly non-salary discretionary
expenditure to the school level. This should help increase efficiency and effectiveness by ensuring
money is spent on things the school community needs most. Supervision will be gradually
transformed to focus more on teacher competency and professional development as well as on
improved lesson planning and delivery techniques.
2 For all programs, these figures, summarised on page 25, are those proposed to the Minister of Finance as part of
the 1386-1388 budget outlook, with the addition of 1389. They are subject to consideration by MoF and donors.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To build a national cadre of qualified school teachers to improve the learning
achievement for all students.
Principal targets:
• Establish/strengthen Teacher Training Colleges in all provinces and 364 Teacher Resource
Centers in district headquarters.
• Deliver pre-service teacher training to 17,000 new student-teachers using new curriculum,
textbooks and teacher guides.
• Estabish a National Teacher Education Institute.
• Provide in-service teacher training to the existing 140,000 teachers.
• Write and print 150,000 textbooks and teacher guides.
• Develop a national distance teacher training program leading to certification.
The number of teachers employed by the Ministry has grown almost seven-fold since 1380 to meet the
tremendous increase in enrolment. In response, almost all teacher training has been emergency-based
to cope with the significant increase in school enrolment and to address the most immediate problems
in the early school years. Regional disparities are significant and act to entrench disadvantage and
other weak socio-economic indicators. In the short term, it is likely that in-service training programs
will be reinforced; however, the longer term needs for improved and more accessible pre-service
training must be addressed now. There is almost no practice teaching element included in the pre-
service curriculum.
Pre-service teacher training facilities will be established in every province and linked to district
Teacher Resource Centers that will provide continuing professional development through in-service
teacher training. In time, all teacher training modules will also be available through audio visual
and radio-based programs and through the use of information communication technology (ICT).
The Ministry is committed to providing upgrading opportunities for teachers, but also to providing
training and technical assistance for school principals, administrators and other staff whose role it is
to support teachers.
As part of the implementation of public administration reforms, teacher salaries and other incentives
will be reviewed as part of the pay and grading process being coordinated by the Civil Service
Commission with priority given to the reward structure for qualified teachers and encouraging
qualified teachers to return to the profession. Proposals for non salary incentives include a program
of land lease and housing fi nance to encourage teachers to relocate to provinces and remain for a
period of time.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To provide a secure, conducive learning environment and work-space for all students,
teachers and education administrators.
Principal targets:
• Construction and rehabilitation of 73,000 classrooms – 70% in rural and 30% in urban areas
– using safe and cost effective designs with active involvement of local communities.
• Construction of 18 Teacher Training Colleges with dormitories for male and female students in
each province.
• Construction and rehabilitation of 432 Islamic schools, including 34 cenres of excellence at
district and provincial levels including dormitories for boys and girls.
• Construction of 398 rural and urban District Education Resource Centers that will serve as
Teacher Resource Centers, Community Learning Centers and Education District Offices.
• Rehabilitation, establishment and construction of 49 Technical and Vocational Education
Schools and Training Centers.
As of 1384, only 25% of the more than 8,000 schools in Afghanistan were categorized as “useable”
and just over half of the schools had a building. Most schools also lacked essential facilities such as
access to clean drinking water and toilets.
Based on the projections of students likely to enter the system over the next five years and on some
assumptions about their progress and class sizes, the Ministry estimates that 73,000 additional and
refurbished classrooms will be required by 1389.
The plans for teacher training include construction of 18 Teacher Training Colleges, with dormitories
for women and men by 1389 and up to 364 additional buildings for in-service training and local
teacher resources and 36 office buildings at the provincial and central levels. The technical and
vocational education strategy includes construction, establishment or major refurbishment of 49
technical and vocational schools and training centers over the next fi ve years. In order to encourage
higher participation rates at secondary level, the Ministry also plans to construct at least 16
dormitories during the planning period. In the short-term accommodation will be rented to meet
student needs. The Ministry will coordinate with the National Solidarity Program (NSP) to maximise
the impact of school related investment across Afghanistan.
The Ministry will use standard design approaches to school construction, and work closely with
development partners to develop and manage a rolling construction program. This will require
substantial investment in technical assistance and training as well as capital investment. Planning
will also include provision for future costs of operations and maintenance and the Ministry will
encourage active community participation in the school construction process through SASC, fi nancial
and in-kind contributions.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To develop a quality modern national curriculum for primary and secondary
schools based on Islamic principles and values that will meet national, regional and
international standards.
Principal targets:
• Develop a new curriculum and new textbooks for secondary education.
• Establish a National Institute of Curriculum Development incorporating a National Standards
Board for defining and evaluating teaching and learning standards and accreditation.
• Ensure all school children have a complete set of new curriculum textbooks.
• Develop and implement a nationally-administered annual testing system for assessment of
learning achievements for primary and secondary students.
• Strengthen institutional and staff capacities in curriculum development.
The Ministry of Education is establishing a National Institute of Curriculum Development that will
be responsible for coordination of all curricular needs in the country, including general primary
and secondary education, Islamic education, early childhood education and education for children
with special learning needs (including Kuchi, gifted children and children with physical or learning
disabilities). Over time it will also take the lead in standards assessment and accreditation.
Over the period of the plan, the Ministry intends to ensure that all students in primary and secondary
school have access to a complete set of grade-specific new curriculum textbooks during each school
year. The Ministry will also develop learning materials for children with special learning needs
including gifted children, nomadic children and children with physical or learning disabilities.
It will establish and implement a nationally-administered annual testing system for assessment
of learning achievements of primary and secondary students and continue training and capacity
building of Ministry staff to improve the curriculum development process and the production and
distribution of quality teaching and learning materials.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To develop a modern broad-based Islamic education system for all Afghans.
Principal targets:
• Develop a modern curriculum for Islamic education.
• Provide access to modern Islamic education for 90,000 students across the country by 1389.
• Establish a national cadre of qualified Islamic educators.
• Establish and equip centers of excellence in Islamic education with access for girls and boys in
each province.
The Islamic education system faces similar challenges to those in the general education sector. The
highest priority requirements are to develop a curriculum and textbooks for Islamic education,
built on modern principles of inclusion and tolerance, develop teachers’ capacities, provide better
physical spaces (madrassa buildings) and teaching and learning materials, and develop an effective
administrative and management capacity.
The program’s key strategy is to build broad-based consensus and political support by bringing
Afghanistan’s key political, religious and academic figures into the process of consultation and
discussion. This process of public consultation has already begun and has laid the foundation for
further collaborative consultation and discussion, which will be continued through a series of small-
scale public discussions in Kabul and in main regional centers during the next fi ve years.3
The strategic objective of the Ministry is to make quality Islamic education accessible to boys and
girls across the country. The Ministry plans to construct 34 higher secondary madrassas (grade 7-14)
and dormitories for boys and 34 higher secondary madrassas and dormitories for girls in each of the
34 provincial capitals. Thirty-four of these centers will be developed into Centers of Excellence or
high level madrassas (Darul-Ulam). These institutions will provide broad based education including
Islamic studies, sciences, general studies, foreign languages as well as computer science. The Ministry
also plans to build a secondary madrassa (grade 7-12) in each of the 364 districts in Afghanistan.
Islam makes it a duty for everyone to seek knowledge and discover facts.
3 The Ministry has completed an intensive review and production of an initial curriculum, with the support of
UNESCO and Jordanian experts. It is now preparing for consultation with the community.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To provide relevant, quality technical and vocational education opportunities to
male and female Afghans in order to equip them with marketable skills that meet
the needs of the Labor market in the country and the region.
Principal targets:
• Reform the curriculum to match the needs of the Labor market and modern methods and to meet
accreditation standards.
• Develop an accessible, regional network of TVET schools and training Centers, including 17 new
schools and a school for people with special needs.
• Equip all existing technical and vocational education schools and Centers to teach using modern
standards of skills training.
• Increase the total enrolment in formal TVET schools to 46,000 students by 1389.
• Improve the quality of TVET by developing the capacity of teaching and management staff.
• From 1386 to 1389, train 12,000 people, at least 40% of whom will be female, in finance and public
administration skills.
• Train 12,000 skilled and semi-skilled Afghan workers by 1389 through short-term technical and
vocational training courses that are linked to the national literacy strategy.
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is a cornerstone for sustainable economic
recovery and poverty alleviation in Afghanistan. The Afghan labor market currently faces an acute
demand for skilled and semi-skilled people to cope with the pace of reconstruction simultaneous with
high levels of under-employment.
The Ministry is committed to reorienting the focus of training to Afghanistan’s future technicians,
skilled workers, the services sector and civil servants. It will provide accessible vocational and
technical education and training opportunities in appropriate trades, business and management skills
and technology. This will be achieved over the coming five years through a closer partnership with
the private sector and improved coordination through the NSDP established by the President in 1383.
The Ministry will establish a national School of Public Administration as a means of developing a
strong career civil service as a key element of institution building.
The NSDP is envisaged to evolve as the main authority for setting and reviewing standards but
in the short term is facilitating the introduction of urgent basic skills development and providing
technical assistance. The Ministry successfully bid to participate in the provision of short-term skills
development training of unemployed people, particularly women under an NSDP funding facility.
This will also play a part in developing the capacity and technological awareness of instructors.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To develop a long-term literacy program to empower communities and individuals
to build a productive, secure and literate nation.
Principal targets:
• Improve literacy rates of all Afghans in line with the Education for All goal of increasing literacy
by 50%.
• Ensure that at least 60% of learners are female, and that minority groups, Kuchi and people with
disabilities are specifically targeted.
• Build a national partnership program of literacy and non-formal education that includes government,
mosques, private and non-government actors.
• Train 17,000 teachers and 3,500 mullahs in delivery of literacy courses.
• Establish 398 Community Learning Centers in urban and rural districts to deliver literary, vocational
training and social services.
Afghanistan faces a daunting task to increase literacy rates in the country with an estimated
11 million currently illiterate Afghans aged 15 and above. Improving literacy rates will require
the combined efforts of the Ministry of Education and other partners within the Government of
Afghanistan as well as communities, the private sector and other non-government actors.
To reduce costs and increase impact, the Ministry will build upon existing development programs and
ensure that district level facilities are available through the establishment of community learning
centers (CLC) and the direct participation of specially trained mullahs.
The overall literacy strategy formulated through the Ministry will be coordinated through a National
Literacy Center. It will encourage the use of multiple approaches and materials in order to make the
learning process more relevant to the needs of adult learners. The Ministry also intends to encourage
improved literacy among its own workforce through in-house programs or incentives to participate in
external programs.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall Goal: To develop the Ministry of Education into an effective, accountable, fully funded
and functioning public institution that facilitates education for all.
Principal targets:
• Create a sustainable, transparent and accountable financial management system down to school
level through major systems and capacity improvement with increased allocations through the
national budget system.
• Continue to develop an Education Management Information System and expand Information
Communication Technology from school level to headquarters.
• Create a new and professional Human Resources Unit with clear policies, procedures, regulations
and systems at central, provincial, district and school levels.
• Implement PRR and Pay and Grading of all approved positions within the Ministry including
teaching staff.
• Develop a comprehensive strategy and plan for training and capacity-building for all levels of staff
at central, provincial, district and school levels.
• Design an anti-corruption strategy and improve fiduciary standards at all levels.
• Establish a clear legislative framework for the delivery of quality education.
Structural reform
The highest priority for the Ministry is to develop an organizational and institutional structure that
can support the Ministry over the medium term and provide the basis for major public administration
reforms. The Ministry will be structured and managed along program lines 4, with core policy and
management oversight capacity in the Central Office and decentralised management of resources
and program outputs down to the individual school level. This will require increased and sustained
investment in our staff. The Ministry has embarked on the reform and development of the Tashkeel
that will represent its staffi ng needs based on the new institutional structure. The appointment
process for key line management positions has also commenced.
4 MoE is one of three pilot ministries working with the MoF to introduce the fi rst steps towards program budgeting
and a unified budget in Afghanistan in the 1387-1390 budget.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
The NESP will be implemented in a flexible way through the use of Annual Operational Plans related
to the annual budget appropriations. The Ministry’s model for central policy and oversight with
devolved service delivery requires the NESP to be based on provincial plans and even on plans for
districts and local communities/schools. Planning inputs will be sought from decentralized levels of
The Planning Department will act as a Secretariat for a Steering Committee chaired by the Minister
and comprise the main program implementation departments. Its capacities will be strengthened for
that purpose. A similar structure will be set up at the provincial level and chaired by the Provincial
mplementation of the Plan will be monitored on a regular basis through structured meetings within
the different implementing departments and divisions, based on the targets and indicators contained
in the Operational Plans. Short standardized written reports will be produced by the departments
and divisions on a quarterly basis and linked to the mid-year budget review through the Steering
Committee. During the last quarter of the fi scal year, the Secretariat of the Steering Committee will
prepare a consolidated annual report which will serve as the basic document for the Annual Review
Meeting with national and international stakeholders and provide some support for the budget
preparation cycle and preparation of the following year’s Operational Plan. In this way, feedback from
the monitoring process will be fully incorporated into the annual forward planning process.
External Assistance
The high priority areas of management capacity building, construction project planning and
management, curriculum development, policy analysis and development and governance improvement
are all likely to require substantial additional and sustained technical assistance. This assistance
must be implemented in such a way as to ensure that the new skills required to sustain the system
will be passed on in the minimum time. This is particularly the case with regard to implementation of
the range of public administration reforms in both fi nancial and human resources development. The
major policy change in devolving decision making authority for certain expenditures will also require
intensive and widespread training programs as the systems support arrangements are put into place.
The high priority capital assets development program, particularly with regard to construction
of schools and facilities for teacher training, will require very large levels of capital investment
commencing in 1386 and sustained throughout the period of the current Strategic Plan and beyond. It
is the Ministry’s intention to improve aid effectiveness as part of its partnership with the international
community and to ensure close alignment of donor contributions to the Government’s and Ministry’s
priorities. In principle this Strategic Plan should be the basis for all future policy and funds allocation
commitments. We seek the commitment of the international community to achieve this policy
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
The total fi nancing requirement for the period 1386-1389 is $2,345 million of which $1,512 million
is required through development budget channels and $833 million for annual operating costs.
Approximately 54% of the total fi nancing requirement is directed at infrastructure improvement.
This is predominantly required for schools, teacher colleges, madrassas and technical and vocational
education schools and training centers, with some refurbished or new administrative buildings. The
General Education program accounts for over 90% of the total operating budget. Teacher salaries
remain the major annual operating cost. It is estimated that some $45 million will be required to
improve the management capacity of the Ministry, with $18 million sought for 1386. This is a major
priority as without concentrated attention to the systems and human capacity of the Ministry, for
both central office and decentralized administration, the Ministry will fi nd it difficult to successfully
implement all other programs.
Of the $308 million in development costs requested for 1386, the Ministry of Finance has supported an
appropriation through the core budget of nearly $92 million leaving a currently unfunded requirement
of $216 million for 1386. The details of the fi nancial requirements are included in the table on the
following page.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Estimates Proposed Budget Year
Program Description 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 5-year Total
Program 1 General Education 165.22 218.74 238.55 273.44 273.05 1,169.00
Operating 159.64 179.56 188.93 202.99 217.04 948.15
Development 5.58 39.18 49.62 70.45 56.01 220.84
Program 2 Teacher Education 7.24 23.65 46.16 45.23 42.54 164.82
Operating 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.64 0.68 2.95
Development 6.76 23.09 45.57 44.59 41.86 161.87
Education Infrastructure
Program 3 Development 26.87 171.47 243.10 214.74 202.16 858.34
Operating 0.12 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.82
Development 26.75 171.31 242.93 214.56 201.97 857.52
Program 4 Curriculum Development 12.38 40.08 38.74 33.82 69.14 194.16
Operating 0.31 0.37 0.39 0.42 0.45 1.94
Development 12.07 39.71 38.35 33.40 68.69 192.22
Program 5 Islamic Education 2.10 7.20 11.35 8.28 8.02 36.95
Operating 2.10 2.30 2.42 2.60 2.78 12.20
Development - 4.90 8.93 5.68 5.24 24.75
Technical and Vocational
Program 6 Education and Training 2.30 6.46 4.16 4.39 4.50 21.81
Operating 0.98 1.16 1.22 1.31 1.40 6.07
Development 1.32 5.30 2.94 3.08 3.10 15.74
Literacy and non-formal
Program 7 education 3.80 10.71 16.69 17.91 19.11 68.22
Operating 3.80 4.20 4.42 4.75 5.08 22.25
Development - 6.51 12.27 13.16 14.03 45.97
Education Administration
Program 8 Reform and Development 2.36 19.76 13.60 9.15 8.24 53.11
Operating 1.09 1.32 1.39 1.49 1.60 6.89
Development 1.27 18.44 12.21 7.66 6.64 46.22
Total 222.27 498.07 612.35 606.96 626.76 2,566.41
Operating 168.52 189.63 199.53 214.38 229.22 1,001.28
Development 53.75 308.44 412.82 392.58 397.54 1,565.13
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
In the past fi ve years, the demand for education services has outstripped supply at every level.
Widespread and very substantial interventions by donors, their NGO partners and communities
themselves have been constrained by fi nancial resources, capacity and insecurity. These efforts have
not been well coordinated with the Ministry, with one result being that information is still inadequate
for strategic decision making. The number of teachers has increased significantly and without regard
to qualifications or experience. The Ministry has suffered from high turnover at the top and the
effects of a long term erosion of virtually all management skills. Technology has not penetrated the
In this environment, moving from crisis management to strategic planning and decision making is
imperative, but likely to take some time. This Strategic Plan is therefore a snapshot of the present and
only an initial guide to the future. It is the fi rst such document in the recent history of the Ministry.
Its importance is in its existence, its comprehensiveness and the degree to which it has guided the fi rst
attempt at submitting a medium-term budget on a program basis. It contains more assumptions than
hard data and focuses more on inputs than outputs, but it is the basis on which future data will be
gathered, information organised and progress measured. It is our assessment of the real implications
for the Government, the citizens, the Ministry and our donor partners of reaching targets set in the
Afghanistan Compact and Millennium Development Goals and the cost of doing so.
The Afghanistan Compact and the Millennium Development Goals are mutual pacts between the
government and the international community. It is the intention of the Ministry of Education that
the NESP and its subsequent iterations will also be the basis for implementation of that mutual
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Over the last four years, communities in Afghanistan have demonstrated their desire to educate
their children. They have identified three main requirements of the system that their children should
emerge from school literate, numerate, and computer literate. More children than ever before are now
enrolled in schools. One goal for the education sector as a whole, therefore, is to build on and maintain
this positive commitment on the part of both parents and students.
As part of this commitment the Ministry of Education has embarked on this process of strategic
planning in order to develop one guiding framework for educational activities throughout the country
over the next five years. The NESP for 1385-1389 was developed through a consultative process
that included representatives from all departments of the Ministry of Education, provincial and
district-level educational representatives, members of civil society and members of the international
community (UN and NGO) and donors. As such, the plan incorporates the views of multiple
stakeholders with regard to the challenges that the system faces and the priorities for addressing
those challenges. The purpose of the plan is to lay out a unified vision of the educational needs of
the country and to establish targets for achieving specific goals over the next five years. The plan
will serve as a flexible guide for concerted action by all partners and indicates the priority goals and
implementation strategies of the government to meet longer term goals and any unexpected changes
in the environment.
Insecurity in the country is a serious threat to the delivery of education to several regions. A well
funded and strategically consistent approach to education is an investment in long term security and
The demand for improved education in Afghanistan is overwhelming, yet it must compete for
resources with similarly overwhelming needs for health care, food security and poverty reduction.
Education, however, is a key enabler of development and human security contributing to improved
health, good governance, sustainable livelihoods and economic growth.
Chapter One: Situation Analysis
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and least opportunity to teach native languages in the
educated countries in the world with very large areas where they are spoken.” This requires that
gender and rural-urban disparities in educational the Ministry takes necessary measures to fulfi l
access5. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) this mandate beginning with conducting public
estimates that some 660,000 children reached consultations on the issue and how it should be
the admission age (7) for school in 1384 – a addressed.
number which is projected to increase over the
next five years. More than five million children General Education
are currently enrolled in the school system from
Grade 1 to Grade 12. According to Ministry of Education statistics,
almost 4.9 million children were enrolled in
The 1328 Constitution obliges the State to provide school in 1384, an increase of nearly four million
free and compulsory education from Grade 1 to children since the fall of the Taliban in 1381.
Grade 9 and free education to the completion of In 1384, the vast majority of students (73%)
tertiary level. While the Ministry of Education were enrolled in Grades 1-4; enrolment falls off
has primary responsibility for education dramatically beginning in Grade 5. Only 9% of
throughout the country, other ministries also all students were enrolled at the lower secondary
support the overall system of education. For level and 4% at the upper secondary level (see
example, the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Figure 1). The estimated gross enrolment rates
Martyrs and Disabled is responsible for some for each level of education are shown in Table 1.6
vocational and skills training programs, and the These rates, however, vary significantly among
Ministry of Higher Education is responsible for Afghanistan’s provinces – from a high of 179% in
tertiary education. As a result, there is a need for Baghlan to a low of 61% in Helmand.
close coordination among the various ministries
and institutions that support education in the Figure 1. Enrolment by Grade 1384.
1 000 000
900 000
600 000
the responsibility of the Ministry extends to 500 000
300 000
of religious and faith based education into the 200 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
girls. Community-based schools (CBS) are not a major threat to education. These attacks have
currently linked with the formal education been increasing. Throughout 1384, there were
system and are run with different approaches 72 attacks on schools in seven provinces in the
and standards by partners. While these schools country. In the fi rst half of 1385, 73 schools in
are meant to complement and support the 26 provinces were attacked. These attacks are
Government’s efforts in areas where children a serious threat to the gains made in enrolment
do not have easy access to education, in some by the education system in the last four years.
instances they compete for students with local If parents do not think that their children will
government schools. In consultation with be safe in school or en route to school, they will
partners, the Ministry has developed an initial keep their children home.
draft policy on these schools in order to ensure
Education for special groups
that the education of the children who attend
these schools is officially recognized so that Kuchi: The “National Multi-sectoral Assessment
they can continue their education in government on Kuchi” (de Weijer 2005) estimates that there
schools beyond lower primary grades and that are more than 2.4 million Kuchi in Afghanistan.
CBS are located where they are most needed. The National Multi-sectoral Assessment also
estimated that the national average of Kuchi
Rural-urban differences in access
children attending school is 6.6% for boys and
As shown in Table 3, the urban to rural parity 1.8% for girls. These children are most likely
ratio (URPR) indicates that more than twice as to spend time in school during the winter when
many students are enrolled in primary schools these populations are settled in the winter
in rural areas than in urban areas, which is grazing areas.
logical as most of the population lives in the
Children with disabilities: According to
rural areas. The opposite is true, however, for
Handicap International (2005), there are an
students at the secondary level. Increasing
estimated 196,000 school-aged children with
access to education is particularly challenging
disabilities in Afghanistan and only 22.4%
in the rural areas as communities are more
of them (15% of girls) are attending regular
dispersed, and are physically more difficult
government schools. More than 75% of them
to access because of geography and, in some
have not accessed school for any period of
instances, insecurity. This makes constructing
time and the drop-out rate for students who
schools as well as ensuring an adequate number
do enroll is high – more than 75% drop out
of properly trained teachers more difficult in the
during primary school and the number of those
rural areas, especially at the lower and upper
completing secondary and continuing to higher
secondary levels.
education is less than one percent. Handicap
International attributes these high dropout
Table 3: Rural-Urban Differences in Access to
Educational Services rates to the lack of adapted materials, sensitized
teachers and to discrimination or prejudicial
Level Rural Urban URPR behaviour of others.
Primary 2,745,499 1,501,072 54.7
There is presently only one school supported
Lower secondary 184,408 268,605 145.7
by the Ministry that provides education for
Higher secondary 57,264 116,528 203.5
Total Grades 1-12* 2,987,171 1,886,205 63.1
some 150 children who are visually impaired.
A further 3,900 children with disabilities are
Source: MoE educational statistics.
receiving informal education through NGOs
In some parts of the country, general insecurity (STEPS Consulting 2006). There is no formal
and attacks targeted directly at schools are also
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
policy on the education of children with Afghanistan’s classrooms. Although there has
disabilities. not been a comprehensive study on violence
in classrooms, there are anecdotal reports of
Pre-school aged children: There is no formal
physical punishment of students as a classroom
policy or system related to early childhood
management technique.
education in Afghanistan, thus there is no
meaningful policy development capacity. The In addition, teachers rarely target their teaching
Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and to address the specific learning needs of each
Disabled runs approximately 200 kindergartens child in their class. Efforts are mainly centered
in the country but these are essentially day care on the brighter children and little attention
centers without a strong educational component is given to children who are experiencing
and are run primarily for the children of difficulty (see also Spink 2004). Existing
government employees. In addition, a number of classroom-based methods are not effective in
NGOs have worked to develop community based teaching students to read and write and they do
initiatives through the use of women’s literacy not develop the critical thinking and analytical
programs and early childhood play groups. skills of students. Teachers either do not know
how to implement more student-centered
Over-aged children: To date, the Literacy
methods or are not motivated to change their
Department has supported the Ministry’s one
teaching style. Improving the pedagogical skills
accelerated learning program for out of school
of teachers as well as their content knowledge is
children. This two-year program was designed
critical to improving the quality of education in
for children between the ages of 9-14 who are
out of school and do not want to (or cannot)
enter the formal system at Grade 1. Children
who successfully complete this program can Management
enter the formal system based on the results of The wider-scale management of the Ministry
an entrance examination. In principle, students is discussed in more detail in the sections
who do well in the accelerated learning program on Education Administration Reform and
should enter the formal system at Grade 5 Development. With regard to General Education,
but can also enter Grades 2, 3 or 4. In 1384, however, several management issues warrant
238 children graduated from this program and further attention.
69 subsequently entered the formal school
system. The remaining students chose to attend Teachers’ compensation
the vocational supplementary schools that are At the systemic level, the low level of teacher
supported by the Literacy Department (see the salaries is a major problem for both the teachers
section on Literacy and Non-formal Education). and the education system. The range of teachers’
salaries is from $32 (for a grade 12 teacher
Quality of education with no experience) to $88 (for a teacher with
The poor quality of education in Afghanistan a Master’s degree and 40 years of experience).
is affected by multiple factors including The average teacher salary is approximately $74
few teachers with thorough content-based per month which includes a meal allowance and
knowledge and an understanding of effective the recent pay rise. To provide an additional
teaching methods; the lack of safe, conducive incentive for teachers to remain in the system as
learning spaces; and low quality teaching well as to encourage mobility and attract more
and learning materials. Teacher-centered women teachers, the Ministry is developing a
classrooms and rote learning are the norm in program of land allocation for teachers. The
government’s Priority Restructuring and Reform
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
(PRR) and Pay and Grading reforms, due in over large geographical areas. Supervisors are
1386, should help with both attraction and primarily inspectors who do little to improve
retention of better qualified teachers. the methodology and teaching practices of
the teachers. Moreover, there is no systematic
Teacher recruitment
reporting and feedback on fi ndings and
Teachers are recruited at both the central and recommendations from the supervisory staff
the provincial levels, but only teachers recruited back to the Central level.
through the Ministry receive permanent status. While SASCs can play a vital role in the
Teachers recruited at the provincial level are management of schools and the supervision of
“contract” teachers. In principle, graduates of the teachers, these Councils are not widely used
two-year Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) are in Afghanistan. As discussed in the School
required to teach for four years and graduates Construction and School Mapping section,
of the universities (four-year programs) are SASCs are being established as part of the
required to teach for eight years. In practice, Ministry’s EQUIP project in order to increase
however, graduates from these institutions often community support with regard to school
do not fulfi ll these requirements. The current construction and maintenance. The number
recruitment processes lack transparency. There of SASCs and their role will be expanded over
has been a history of corruption and nepotism the next few years in order to develop stronger
in hiring practices and a number of "ghost” linkages between communities and their schools,
employees are presently on the payroll. Merit- which will also improve the quality and safety
based recruitment and progression will be of schools.
introduced as part of the implementation of PRR
and Pay and Grading Reforms. The Ministry has
Teacher Education and Working
already commenced the reform of recruitment
For applicants who are graduates of Grade 12, Since 1380, the number of teachers has increased
the Ministry has conducted a test to determine from approximately 21,000 to more than
whether they can be posted as teachers to the 140,000 (see Figure 2). During the time of the
provinces.8 In the past, this test has not been Taliban, female teachers were not permitted to
standarized and has been strictly content based. work. While some taught in home-based schools,
There has not been a component that attempts to those teachers were supported by private sources
test the applicants’ teaching skills or attitudes. or NGOs. In 1384, there were 128,400 general
Teacher supervision and support education teachers throughout the country;
72% of them were male and 28% female. As
The system of teacher supervision is primarily discussed above, the shortage of female teachers
administered through the Provincial Education is of particular concern because it affects the
Departments. The system does not currently lend ability of girls, especially older girls, to enroll
itself to supporting the teachers’ professional in and attend school. The shortage of female
development. Supervision visits are rare teachers is a serious challenge in all regions of
particularly in rural areas where there is a the country outside of Kabul.
lack of transport and schools are scattered
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
are offered either through the Teacher Upgrading available in the TTCs are normally hand-written,
Institute10 or the Teacher Education Program. poor quality photocopies. Further, while the
two-year pre-service teacher training program
Pre-service teacher training
consists of 2,304 total hours of study, only 12 of
There are two pre-service teacher training those involve practice teaching and not all TTCs
options. Students who have graduated from offer even this small practical component.
Grade 9 can enroll in a fi ve-year pre-service
In-service teacher training
teacher training program. When they have
fi nished the program, they are eligible to teach In addition to pre-service teacher training,
Grades 1-3 of primary education. As of 1384, the TED also provides in-service training for
there were only 195 students enrolled in this existing teachers who wish to upgrade their
program. skills and qualifications. Existing teachers who
are Grade 12 graduates can enroll in a two-
Students who have completed Grade 12 and
year in-service program that takes place in a
want to become teachers can enroll in a two-
TTC after school hours. The curriculum for the
year pre-service program. In 1384, there were
two-year pre-service and in-service programs is
2,478 students (1,530 male and 948 female)
identical; teachers who complete the in-service
enrolled in the two-year pre-service program.
program are awarded the same teaching diploma
The combined number of students studying
as those who complete the two-year pre-service
to become teachers through these pre-service
program. As of 1384, 7,403 existing teachers
programs was fewer than 3,000 in 1384. During
(3,045 male and 4,358 female) were enrolled
the last fi ve years, the Ministry has trained
in the in-service program and from 1380-
only 1,646 new teachers through the TTCs and
1384, 5,603 existing teachers upgraded their
a number of students were also studying at
qualifications and received a teaching diploma.
the university level to become teachers. This
presents a serious challenge as it is anticipated When the reconstruction of Afghanistan
that the Ministry needs to recruit at least started in 1382, one of the main objectives
95,00011 teachers over the next five years.12 was upgrading the academic, technical and
vocational knowledge, skills and attitudes
The Ministry’s current pre-service teacher
of existing teachers. In order to fulfi ll this
training curriculum is outdated, is not linked to
objective, the national Teacher Education
the new primary education textbooks and is not
Program (TEP) was designed in close
grade specific. The training materials that are
cooperation with international organizations
and NGOs, to address teacher training needs
in a comprehensive way. The main supporters
10 The Teacher Upgrading Institute has been the of teacher education include USAID, DANIDA,
main provider of short-term refresher courses but it is World Bank, UNICEF, Germany, France and Aga
scheduled to be closed down as the new TTCs and TRCs Khan Foundation.
become operational. The TEP approach was to involve regularly
11 The Ministry of Finance, however, has only scheduled teacher training for existing
committed to 10,000 additional teachers per year under teachers in the system. Two modules of in-
the current medium term fi scal outlook ceilings. service training were developed (INSET I and
12 This estimate is based on the Ministry’s projection
INSET II) as part of TEP. The initial round of
of the number of additional teachers needed to meet the
INSET I teacher training was the fi rst step of a
Ministry’s targets for class sizes based on the projected
process to help unqualified teachers reach the
increases in student enrolment.
“minimum qualification” established by the
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Standards of Teaching Practice. The Table 4: Total number of schools, 1380-1384
proposed design of TEP is a model in which
Teacher Resource Centers are established in Schools Male Female Total
every district of the country (364 in total). The 1380 3,389 - 3,389
TEP model uses a cascade method of teacher 1381 5,077 962 6,039
1382 5,990 1,147 7,137
training whereby master trainers are trained
1383 6,813 1,441 8,254
fi rst. They then train teacher trainers who are
1384 6,597 1,615 8,397
responsible for training the teachers. As of
Source: MoE educational statistics.
1384, 30 core trainers, 132 master trainers,
561 teacher trainers and 23,132 teachers in eight
During the past four years, the government
provinces have received pedagogical training
and its partners have started the process of
though INSET I. This training consists of
reconstructing or rehabilitating schools as
52 ninety-minute sessions and takes place over
shown in Table 5. With funding from various
13 days. There are no teacher resource centers
donors, multiple contractors have built these
yet established.
schools for the Ministry in all 34 provinces of
Afghanistan. Over the past fi ve years, donor
Education Infrastructure and agencies and NGOs have constructed and/or
Facilities rehabilitated a considerable number of schools
across the country.
Most of the school facilities throughout These schools vary considerably – both in
Afghanistan were destroyed or damaged terms of the cost and quality of construction.
as a result of the years of war. In 1381, the In some cases, the Ministry has not occupied
government estimated that out of a total of newly constructed or rehabilitated schools
approximately 6,000 schools in the country due to safety concerns. The Ministry has now
only 547 had useable buildings. Table 4 shows developed a complete set of standards for school
the number of schools in Afghanistan for each construction and site preparation, including a
of the last fi ve years. It is important to note model for lower cost schools that incorporates
when reviewing these statistics, that a “school” the use of local materials and community labor.
in Afghanistan does not necessarily have a
school building. Many students study in rented
Table 5: Number of schools reconstructed/
premises, in tents or in the open air. In 1384, out rehabilitated from 1381 to 1384
of 8,397 schools in Afghanistan, the Ministry
reports that only 2,080 (25%) were categorized Year Number
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Ministry therefore faces a significant challenge and secondary schools are needed or where there
in managing a program to construct the number is a need to establish community-based outreach
of school buildings and classrooms needed. This schools/classes.
will require improved coordination as well as
the development of monitoring and technical Curriculum Development and
capacity within the Construction Department of Learning Materials
the Ministry to make sure that all construction
activities meet the Ministry’s standards and to
Education in Afghanistan suffered for many
ensure effective community participation.
years as different competing groups throughout
Under the Ministry’s EQUIP project which the country developed their own curricula and
is funded by the World Bank, SASCs are as textbooks were used to promote various
established for each of the schools constructed. political ideologies rather than academic
These SASCs include the head teacher, one other content. In 1381, the Department of Compilation
teacher in the school and representatives from and Translation (CTD)13 with the support of
Community Development Councils. Among UNESCO's International Bureau of Education
their responsibilities, SASCs are to identify (IBE) and UNICEF began the process of
the priority needs for their schools; to certify, developing a new curriculum framework for
in cooperation with an assigned engineer, the general education. The focus of this framework
acceptability of their school buildings and to is the development of a centralized and uniform
be responsible for some maintenance based on curriculum that will be used throughout the
small grants provided through the project. The country to cultivate traditions, religious and
plan is for the SASC policy to be extended and moral values and to equip students with the
implemented in all schools in Afghanistan. knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable
However, this roll out to all schools will need them to become lifelong learners prepared
considerable resources particularly to develop for work and adult life (CTD, 1382). The
capacities of district education staff and hire Ministry, with the support of partners, has
social mobilizers to work with communities. developed syllabi and textbooks for all subjects
While significant progress has been made of primary education (Grades 1 to 6) in the
in identifying the location and condition of two national languages. In some parts of the
schools throughout the country, there is an country, children in the early primary grades
on-going need for school mapping to identify study in one of the local languages spoken
both construction and rehabilitation needs as in the area. Therefore, the Department has
well as to establish more defi nitively how many begun translating/developing the Grade 1 and
schools are currently operating in Afghanistan 2 language textbooks into Uzbeki, Turkmani,
and where more schools and school buildings Baluchi, Pashaei and Nuristani.
are needed. Current Ministry policy is to locate Revision of the primary school curriculum was
primary schools no more than three kilometers the fi rst task undertaken by the CTD, in line
from a village. This distance is extended to with the priority placed on improving primary
four-fi ve kilometers for secondary schools. education in order to support the Education
Presently, the Ministry does not have the data to For All (EFA) and MDG targets. With regard to
determine how far the existing schools are from secondary education, in the fi rst year after the
each village in the rural areas. There are reports
that some students in rural areas walk up to four
hours each day to attend school. Accurate data
13 This is the official name of the Department of
are necessary to determine where new primary
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
fall of the Taliban, there was a review of all Textbooks and teacher guides
textbooks, except the religious education books,
The Publications Division of the CTD is
to ensure that specific political ideologies were
responsible for managing the production and
not included in the texts.
distribution of textbooks, teacher guides and
The full process of curriculum reform for Grades other teaching and learning materials. In
7-12 began in 1385. This was necessary to addition, the Science Center (which, under
update the secondary school textbooks which the current reorganization, is planned to be
were written in the 1980s and to eliminate renamed the Instructional Materials Center)
confusion between the syllabi and the contents produces lab books and materials for use in
of the textbooks. Use of the existing materials is science labs. Since 1381, the focus has primarily
further complicated by the capabilities of some been on primary school textbooks. Initially, in
of the secondary teachers who do not have the order to get textbooks into the schools quickly,
competencies to teach their subjects effectively. the subject-based textbooks (both primary
In addition, the content of the courses and the and secondary) that were produced by the
methodology of teaching do not engage students, University of Omaha in conjunction with the
which diminishes the quality of their learning. Afghan refugees in Pakistan were modified
One challenge to the implementation of the to omit all references to direct violence. The
curriculum is the shift system that is being religious textbooks were not modified initially.
used in many schools in the country. Due to In 1381 and 1382, USAID printed 15 million and
the dramatic increases in enrolment over the 11 million textbooks, respectively.
last four years, many schools, especially in After the new curriculum framework was
crowded urban areas, are operating in multiple agreed, textbooks for the primary grades
shifts (see Figure 3). This acts to reduce were re-written, printed and distributed to
children’s time in the classroom by as much the schools. USAID continued to support the
as 50% with significant impact on the quality printing of the new textbooks and DANIDA
of their education and learning. There is a began providing support in this area in 1383. In
need to identify the minimum knowledge and the last three years, almost 21 million textbooks
competencies that students should learn in each have been printed (17 million by USAID and
grade and to provide guidance to teachers on 3.6 million by DANIDA). As of 1385, all primary
how to meet these minimum criteria. school textbooks have been re-written but not
all have yet been printed and distributed.
Figure 3. Percentage of schools with multiples shifts
1384. In 1381-1383, the World Food Program (WFP)
supported the Ministry by distributing the
90% textbooks to schools. These initial distributions
were plagued with difficulties. Books were lost
along the way and many schools complained
that they did not receive their textbooks or
received incorrect language versions. In 1384,
the Ministry assumed responsibility for the
distribution of all textbooks. Afghanistan
Reconstruction and Development Services
(ARDS) managed the tender process and
Kabul Northeast Northwest Central Southeast West South Central East
Highlands textbooks were distributed by private
1 shift 2 shifts 3 shifts Unknown
contractors accompanied by CTD personnel who
Source: MoE educational statistics. ensured that schools signed for the textbooks
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
that they received. It takes approximately three years 1371 to 1375, the number of madrassas
months to distribute textbooks throughout and Darulhefazs increased to 314. Under the
the country. Due to the difficulty in accessing Taliban regime (1375-1380), the number of
schools during the winter, many of the cold informal madrassas and Darulhefazs increased
zone schools that begin in March receive their to 1,000 with more than 100,000 students
textbooks after the start of the school term. attending. In 1381, because of funding
constraints the new government was able to
Islamic Education support only the madrassas that were formally
approved and operational before 1375. The
Islam is at the core of Afghanistan’s culture and current breakdown of religious schools in
values and, accordingly, the 1382 Constitution Afghanistan is shown in Table 6. The number of
stipulates that education is to be consistent with private madrassas is not known but the Ministry
the tenets of Islam. Therefore students in all of plans to register these private religious schools
Afghanistan’s formal schools study Islam and within the next fi ve years.
the Holy Quran. For those families who want
There are no Islamic schools in the provinces of
their children to study Islam in more depth,
Daikondi, Nimroz, and Uruzgan. This, combined
however, the government supports separate
with lack of transportation in some areas and
Islamic schools. These schools, the Islamic
the lack of dormitories, makes it impossible
madrassas and Darulhefazs14 , are supported by
for some students who may wish to attend a
the Department of Islamic Education within the
religious school to do so. In addition, some
children who might want to attend madrassas
are unable to do so because of the economic
Access to Islamic education circumstances of their families. For girls
Before 1371, there were 13 religious madrassas wishing to attend religious schools, access is
and Darulhefazs in Afghanistan, but during the
Students Teachers
Region Schools Male Female Total Male Female Total S:T Ratio
East 69 13,996 1,551 15,547 490 2 492 32
Central 40 11,440 2,074 13,514 518 21 539 25
Northeast 56 9,578 584 10,162 390 11 401 25
West 25 5,358 650 6,008 150 13 163 37
Southeast 39 5,156 215 5,371 266 - 266 20
Northwest 27 3,663 122 3,785 147 5 152 25
Kabul 11 2,137 - 2,137 16 - 16 134
South 6 1,561 - 1,561 44 1 45 35
Central Highlands 2 278 165 443 5 - 5 89
Total 275 53,167 5,361 58,528 2,026 53 2,079 28
Source: MoE educational statistics.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
support of communities is essential for the program (Grades 10-14). Some technical and
upgrading of the Islamic schools – both in vocational schools were established in provinces
terms of curriculum and with regard to the based on local, often very narrowly focused,
construction or repair of school buildings. requirements thus limiting the opportunities
Formerly, Islamic schools taught Grades 1-12 for students who wanted to obtain skills for
but now they only enroll students from Grades use in the wider labor market. At present there
7-12. Some religious leaders do not support are 46 technical and vocational schools in the
this change so it is vital that the Ministry is country. Forty-two of them are managed by the
able to obtain their support with regard to the Ministry; the remaining schools are managed
curriculum and the overall system of Islamic by the Ministry of Transport and Aviation;
education which builds upon the positions the Ministry of Water and Power Supply; the
outlined in the 1382 Constitution. Ministry of Telecommunication and the Ministry
of Culture, Information and Tourism. Curricula
Technical and Vocational Education are inconsistent, sometimes overlap and produce
and Training low quality outcomes.
As shown in Table 8, 17 out of 42 schools and
Over its 80 years of experience, the Department almost 60% of all technical and vocational
of Technical and Vocational Education teachers and students are located in Kabul.
has produced some 50,000 graduates. The Female students are enrolled in only eight of the
Department supports three different programs – 17 schools in Kabul and only three provincial
a two-year program (Grades 13-14), a three-year schools – in Balkh, Herat and Kunduz. While
program (Grades 10-12) and a five-year Ministry policy allows females to enroll in any
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
of the technical schools, their participation The result is that the program of study in the
rate is very low. As stipulated in the I-ANDS TVIs is purely theoretical; students have no
and in the vision of the Ministry of Education, opportunity to undertake essential practical
expanding technical and vocational education work. Most graduates are unemployable in their
to all interested students, including women, will trades areas, even in areas where there is a
be a priority. Accordingly, the Government of significant skills shortage.
Afghanistan established a NSDP to coordinate
the development of a more effective approach Curriculum
to Technical and Vocational Education across
The existing curriculum in the technical
the sub-sector by developing market linkages to
and vocational schools has not been updated
skils development.
for almost 30 years The labor market study
currently being conducted by the Ministry of
Teachers Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled
Teachers in Technical and Vocational Institutes under the guidance of NSDP will provide crucial
(TVIs) should have at least a Bachelor’s degree information on which to base a new curriculum
or substantial practical experience. However, relevant to labor market needs and in line with
only 34% currently meet or exceed the tertiary the Ministry's tradition of providing longer term
qualification. The shortage of well-qualified training in more complex trades and vocations.
staff is partially because many teachers fled the
The priority for technical and vocational
country during the years of war but also because
programs will initially be the more complex
the better qualified teachers are able to compete
trades of the construction sector such as
for higher paying jobs outside the Ministry.
plumbing and electrical; automotive and large
The low standard of the facilities may also be a
equipment mechanics; information technology
and agriculture. The Ministry also intends to
provide training in office administration and
Buildings and equipment management, accounting and related skills
As in other parts of the education sector, relevant to both public and private sector needs.
almost all buildings and equipment in the To some extent regional labor markets will
Technical Institutes have been destroyed as defi ne what is offered, although some schools,
a result of the years of war. During the past including those in regional centers, will
three years, four new technical schools have offer the broadest range of programs and
been established, three have been rehabilitated seek to encourage participation from across
and eight reconstructed. Those reconstruction the country, which will require provision of
and rehabilitation projects were planned by appropriate dormitory accommodation. Certain
NGOs or donors and implemented without the new programs, such as those based around
participation of the Ministry. information technology, may fi rst be restricted
Despite these projects there is still a lack of to central areas with reliable infrastructure and
buildings and equipment. Of the 42 TVIs greatest need.
managed by the Ministry, 10 are still completely As new curricula are developed it will be
damaged, 16 partially damaged and 7 are important to ensure that Afghanistan’s
operating in rented buildings. standards of training meet accreditation and
In addition to the poor condition of the certification standards recognized within the
buildings, the TVIs lack the equipment that is region as well as by the global market. Cross
necessary for effective technical skills training. national recognition of certificates will enable a
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
higher level of mobility of Afghanistan’s human as many as 1.4 million additional people may
capital resources. require literacy skills development by 1389.
The Literacy and Non-formal Education
Management Department currently supports a general literacy
The recurrent budget for Technical and program, which is a nine-month program for
Vocational Education (TVE) is allocated as those between the ages of 15-45 who did not
part of the Ministry's overall budget. The 1385 previously have access to education and who are
development budget for TVE is only $2.9 million not literate. Tables 9 and 10 present the number
(for construction, equipment and capacity of enrolled students (male and female) and the
building), although the development budget number of graduates (male and female) from
requirements for 1386-1389 is a minimum of 1381-1384.
$14.5 million, of which $5 million is sought for Table 9: Number of enrolled students, 1381-1384
1386. This requirement does not include costs Year Male Female Total
of physical infrastructure development needs. 1381 180,723 161,361 342,083
Those costs are included under the Education 1382 199,447 157,891 357,338
Infrastructure Development component. In 1383 271,938 174,959 446,897
accordance with the intention to devolve 1384 190,728 195,713 386,441
authority for the allocation of some operating Source: MoE educational statistics.
costs, senior staff of the TVIs will be included in
general management training. Table 10: Number of graduates, 1381-1384
Year Male Female Total
1381 92,389 86,713 179,102
Literacy and Non-formal Education
1382 115,824 91,888 207,712
1383 111,036 821,84 193,220
According to Afghanistan’s MDG Report (2005), 1384 52,937 67,168 120,105
the estimated literacy rate of those aged 15 and Source: MoE educational statistics.
above was 34% in 1383 (50% for men and 18%
for women). In rural areas where 74% of all Participants take part in an initial six months of
Afghans live, however, an estimated 90% of literacy training that uses a formal curriculum
women and 63% of men cannot read, write or do and textbook. Following this initial period,
a simple math computation (MRRD 1382). The participants may take part in an additional
rates are only somewhat better in urban areas. three months of supplementary training.
Participants can choose from two options for the
The United Nations Population Division
supplementary training component:
estimates that the 1384 population is
approximately 29.9 million, and will increase ◗ Literacy supplementary schools: These
to 35.6 million by 1389. This includes schools cover the materials presented in
approximately 16 million Afghans aged 15 or Grades 4-9 of the formal system. The focus
older in 1384, increasing to 19.3 million of this of these courses is 40% vocational subjects
age by 1389. Assuming that approximately and 60% literacy subjects.
one-third of the current population aged 15 and ◗ Labor supplementary schools: These
above are literate, there are at least 11 million schools are designed for graduates of the
Afghans aged 15 and above who are now in need literacy program who are employed by the
of literacy and numeracy skills development. private sector or in governmental offices.
Unless the formal school system succeeds in Participants in these schools can earn up to
improving literacy rates among young Afghans, a ninth grade equivalency and are then able
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
to attend night schools to earn up to a Grade order to improve the academic knowledge and
12 certificate. pedagogical skills of literacy staff, but their
capacity is limited and efforts to date have not
The Literacy Department also supports
been well-coordinated and have resulted in
vocational supplementary schools that are
limited impact.
designed for graduates of the accelerated
learning program. The focus of study in these Most of the existing facilitators do not have
schools is 60% vocational subjects and 40% experience in adult education and lack adequate
literacy subjects. Students can study the training with regard to facilitating literacy
equivalent of Grades 5-9 in this program. activities. Among existing facilitators, 27%
have not completed Grade 12, 70% are Grade
The programs supported by the Literacy
12 graduates, 2% are Grade 14 graduates and
Department to date have focused on grade
approximately 2% have a bachelor’s degree or
equivalency, but the Ministry’s emphasis during
above. The Ministry is currently reviewing its
the course of this Strategic Planning exercise
accreditation standards for literacy facilitators.
will shift to a focus on functional literacy and
skills-based learning that is relevant to the lives
of adult learners. This is an essential change in Learning spaces
direction if the Government is to achieve better After the collapse of the Taliban, reconstruction
value for money and meaningful impact in order of supplementary schools began and
to reach the goal of halving illiteracy. 78 supplementary schools re-started their
activities with the cooperation of national
Access to literacy programs associations, UNESCO and Japan. In addition,
six CLCs have been established and started their
Most of the existing literacy programs operate
activities in Parwan and Kabul provinces. These
in the cities while in the rural areas, where there
centers are open to all people between the ages
are high rates of illiteracy and poverty, people
of 9 and 45. Participants study basic literacy and
have less access to these programs. In addition,
can also take part in skills training programs.
people are less likely to participate if they do
While some literacy and skills training activities
not see the relevance of the planned activities
take place in these formal learning spaces,
to their daily lives. Insecurity in some areas
most literacy classes are held in people’s homes.
of the country is also an obstacle to people’s
This can sometimes result in disruptions to the
participation in literacy initiatives, especially
program when people are unable to offer their
for women. In addition, the shortage of female
home on a particular day or when they withdraw
literacy facilitators makes it difficult to enroll
from the program but, in general, this is an
women in the literacy programs.
effective way of conducting large scale literacy
education. As part of the Ministry’s vision for
Literacy facilitators
expanding literacy in the country, the Ministry
The skills required for literacy facilitators will encourage communities to offer learning
are quite different from those of formal spaces in mosques as well as in people’s homes.
education teachers. For this reason, although
training of literacy facilitators was previously Curriculum
the responsibility of the Teacher Education
A revised basic literacy curriculum has been
Department, it is now the responsibility of the
prepared and will be available in 1386 but there
Literacy Department. The Literacy and Non-
is no existing curriculum for the skills training
formal Education Department has conducted
offered in the supplementary schools and local
some ad hoc seminars and workshops in
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
educational centers. The use of multiple local corruption and ineffective management of
languages throughout Afghanistan is another personnel and resources.
obstacle to literacy training and requires the use
Until a year ago the Ministry was essentially
of local facilitators who read and write the local
by-passed in the greater part of the government-
wide reforms in public administration,
The Department has written a new textbook civil service reform and the budgeting and
as part of the LAND Afghan project. There is planning mechanisms developed to support the
some question as to whether a formal literacy government’s main agenda and strategies. The
textbook is the most effective way of teaching result was the isolation of the Ministry from the
literacy and whether it is economically viable to national budget15 process, lack of clarity in the
base the literacy strategy on an approach that share of the budget being delivered to education
requires the use of a textbook. A more flexible and virtually no recurrent fi nance for anything
approach requires that teachers are able to other than salaries. The 1385 budget was not
develop and produce low-cost teaching materials allocated below the Ministry level until more
that are relevant to the lives of participants but than four months after the budget was passed.
this requires a more concerted training effort for
Donor support for the sector is strong, however,
the literacy teachers.
and there is a willingness to work more closely
in developing a priority based approach to
Community participation fi nancial and technical support, with a clear
There is a need to increase the involvement of intention to work towards sustainable capacity
communities in literacy efforts. When adults do for administration and management within the
not see the relevance of planned programs, they Ministry.
do not participate. This is a challenge in some
parts of the country. Therefore, the vision for the Recent progress
CLCs includes a prominent role for local people
One of the fi rst interventions of the the new
with regard to the design and implementation of
leadership that took charge of the Ministry in
programs in the centers.
Saur 1385 (May 2006) was the development
of a core change management group of senior
Education Administration Reform national and international advisers and
and Development initiation of a model for ensuring that this group
works to pass on the required skill set to others
To support all of its programs, the Ministry within the Ministry. The majority of the key
employs approximately 140,000 teachers and positions are now fi lled.
a further 41,000 staff in administrative and In Asad 1385 (August 2006), a full restructuring
other categories The Ministry is the most process was initiated to meet the Public
decentralized in the government and employs Administrative Reform (PAR) requirements. The
approximately 60% of all staff paid from the result has been submitted to the Civil Service
national budget. Its existing processes and Commission. Key appointments at the Director
systems are outmoded and in need of review
and updating to increase efficiency. The use of
technology in the Ministry is very limited and
needs to be expanded. Internal control systems 15 In this document “the budget” is a reference to
are also weak which has resulted in widespread both the recurrent budget and the “development” (or
capital) budget, consistent with the intention to move
towards a unified budget from 1386.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
level were advertised and the fi rst 12 positions recurrent budget expenditures and for reporting
fi lled with new appointees. High priority has results against program plans. The Ministry has
been assigned to the further development of made good progress in this area, with the help of
implementation plans for PAR, in particular to specific technical assistance funded by DANIDA,
building a modern human resources framework and has prepared the 1386 budget on both
within which to undertake the task of capacity program and economic type bases. Ministry
building and to developing the capacity for of Finance has agreed to accelerate access to a
budget planning, preparation and execution minimal number of AFMIS terminals in order
using Ministry of Finance systems as the basis to improve the systems support for fi nancial
for management and reporting. management, analysis and reporting.
In the same month, the Minister also The Ministry has a central ICT network in the
commissioned a full review of a draft Law on Head Office, which currently serves 125 users
Education for submission through Cabinet to the and provides internet access as well as limited
National Assembly. The purpose of the Law will network printing capability to a number of
be to: offices. An ICT development strategy will
be formulated as part of the overall capacity
◗ more clearly defi ne the roles and
development intervention to manage the
responsibilities of the Ministry and Minister
Ministry. With donor assistance, progress is
under the relevant sections of the 1382
being made on the development of an Education
Management Information System (EMIS) and
◗ provide a better defi ned legislative base for
the fi rst data collection surveys have been
policy development
completed. This project addresses one of the
◗ align the management of the Ministry most significant obstacles to effective planning
to other legislation including the Public and management – the lack of information and
Finance and Expenditure Management Law reliable data.
and the Public Administration and Civil
A key unit (the RIMU) has been established
Service Reform Law
with donor support to lead the implementation
◗ formalise the authority to make regulations
of the institutional reforms, with a substantial
and other instruments for regulating and
early commitment to the human resources
managing the non tertiary education sector
development program. The highest priority is
in Afghanistan.
to develop full documentation of job standards,
In effect, this Law will formally “establish” selection criteria, transitional human resources
the Ministry. In addition, an Institutional policies and procedures and to begin a series
Framework is being developed as part of the of general training seminars on civil service
process of establishing critical policy areas to be reform. The World Bank has committed its
reflected in the development of the draft Law. continuing support to this activity.
The Ministry is one of three pilot ministries
within government that will begin the process
of program budgeting as a step towards budget
unification. This process also supports the
strategic approach to the management of the
Ministry that is reflected in this Plan. It will
act as an enabler to bring about significant
improvements in fi nancial management,
budgeting and reporting for both capital and
Chapter Two: Strategic Framework
To achieve this vision, the Ministry of Education In order to increase access, the Ministry plans
must evolve into a modern, effective, fully to pursue an aggressive building and equipment
funded and functioning public institution program in addition to assessing the potential
that facilitates access to quality educational for distance learning strategies, for both general
opportunities that are based on the principles education and teacher training. This will include
of Islam and accessible to all children and assessing the optimal role for the Ministry and
adults without discrimination. As a part of the identifying strategies for achieving national
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
coverage relatively quickly through the use of and revision of the curriculum (especially the
existing national facilities. secondary school curriculum) and by increased
community involvement in school management.
The primary indicator of success by 1389 will be
Examples of how quality will be measured
an increase in the net enrolment rate in primary
include the progression rates of students through
school for girls and boys to at least 60% and
the system and the number of teachers who have
75% respectively. This will require the addition
successfully completed the teacher competency
of nearly 5,000 newly established schools and
test. In addition systems will be put in place to
a similar number of outreach classes. Specific
monitor and coach teachers on a regular basis.
attention will be given to rural areas and local
communities will be involved in identifying
suitable locations. Management
A major policy shift seeks to devolve greater
Quality authority to the school level for minor operating
expenses, planning and execution. This is part
The quality of education in Afghanistan is
of the overall intention to improve governance
quite low. There are multiple reasons for this,
and management standards in the Ministry.
including teachers who do not have a thorough
knowledge of either the subjects taught or Recruitment processes are also being
effective teaching methods; the lack of safe, reviewed and will be part of the overall
conducive learning spaces; and the lack of public administration reforms. As a fi rst step,
quality teaching and learning materials. in fi scal year 1385, a survey of the actual
number of teachers was carried out. This will
The classroom environment and the quality of
be followed, in subsequent phases, by a formal
education are critically dependent on the quality
registration of teachers and cleaning the payroll
of teaching. Teacher-centered classrooms and
of absentee or “ghost” employees. As part of
rote learning are the norm in Afghanistan’s
the implementation of public administration
classrooms. Existing classroom-based methods
reforms, teacher salaries and other incentives
do not deliver basic literacy and numeracy and
will also be reviewed as part of the pay and
they do not develop the critical thinking and
grading process being coordinated by the
analytical skills of students. Teachers either
Civil Service Commission. Competition with
do not know how to implement more student-
international agencies, particularly for the
centered methods or are not motivated to change
better qualified teachers, continues to present an
their teaching style. Although improving the
obstacle to retention.
pedagogical skills of teachers is a contributor
to improving the quality of education in Knowledge testing and supervision and
Afghanistan, recent survey data indicate that inspection will be gradually transformed
the knowledge level of teachers is also extremely to focus more on teacher competency and
low. This indicates the need for a teacher professional development as well as improved
training program that consists of both subject lesson planning and delivery techniques.
training as well as pedagogical training. Assessment will include measures of student
performance outcomes.
As part of the aggressive building program,
efforts will be made to include improved
security, comfort and hygiene in the building
designs in order to improve the physical
learning environment. The quality of education
will also be improved by continued updating
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Chapter Three: Priority Programs
Overall goal: Regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status and religious affi liation, all
school-aged children and youth will have equal access to quality education in order to develop
the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required for a better future – both for themselves and
for their country. By 1389, the net enrolment rate for boys and girls in primary grades will be
at least 75% and 60% respectively.
As indicated in Chapter One, the Ministry has Children with special needs are not receiving
had major achievements since 1380. Despite this, attention and measures to facilitate the
the education system is still facing immense integration of returning refugee children
challenges. According to the National Risk and and access to education for nomadic children
Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA) household are needed. In addition, there are no clear
survey of 1382, only 57% of primary school- policies on pre-primary education and the
aged children were in school (MRRD 2003). It is main government support to pre-school aged
still possible that half the potential population is children is provided by the Ministry of Labor,
still outside the system. Significant gender gaps Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled in the
and geographic disparities exist with regard form of kindergartens (or day care centers) for
to access to education at all levels. The vast government employees. Parents are not fully
majority of students are enrolled in Grades 1-4; engaged in and informed of school affairs in the
very few are enrolled in secondary education absence of formal SASC.
where the curriculum has yet to be updated.
The education of girls is still facing threats and Overall strategy
challenges due to political and socio-economic
The Ministry has developed a multi-dimensional
General Education Program which aims at:
Fewer than half of the schools in the country
◗ increasing access to primary and secondary
have a building and only 26% of existing
buildings are useable. Only 33% of schools have
any access to sanitary facilities and only 20% ◗ improving the quality of general education
have potable water. Laboratories, libraries and ◗ improving the management of schools and
sport facilities are almost non-existent. Many the overall system of formal education
children still do not have the textbooks and The General Education Department has the
supplies that they need. In many areas, schools main responsibility for implementation of
are over-crowded due to shortages of schools this program and will be the main channel of
and teachers. Existing teachers need in-service communication with development partners.
training and better support and supervision. Other departments will provide some specific
Student activities and basic services, like health support to the general education program,
services and counseling, are still lacking. particularly in the areas of management,
curriculum design and pre-service training.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
The Ministry will encourage the development establishing 13,380 SASC (one in every
of private schools (pre-primary as well as school)
primary and secondary) but will regulate these ◗ Support provision of special education
schools and require that all schools use the opportunities for all children with special
government’s approved curriculum, teaching needs, including children with disabilities,
materials and teacher qualifications, as a gifted children, Kuchis and over-aged
minimum. children
NGOs will be encouraged to participate ◗ Provide a conducive learning environment
with Ministry in the provision of education, in all primary and secondary schools that
especially for pre-school children and children contributes to the mental, physical and
with disabilities and special needs. Many NGOs emotional development of all students
have deep roots and widespread presence in ◗ Strengthen supportive supervision,
numerous geographic locations throughout the monitoring and assessment of education
country; through these linkages they are well delivery
placed not only to assist the Ministry in the
◗ Develop and implement a national
delivery of special education programs, but
communication strategy for girls’ education
also to provide independent supervision and
◗ Formulate a policy framework for
monitoring support.
establishing and operating private schools.
The participation of local communities in
the construction, maintenance, protection Priority program components
and development of schools as well as in the
promotion of education in various districts and To address these objectives, the General
provinces will also be actively encouraged. Education Program will consist of the following
SASC (Shuras Mashwarati wa Himayati Maktab) components:
will be established and be a condition for some ◗ Policy frameworks, rules and regulations
other policy changes. The SASC will function ◗ Establishment of new schools
as the informal education sub-committees of
◗ Special programs
the Community Development Councils that have
◗ Extra-curricular activities, sports and scouts
already been established under the National
Solidarity Program (NSP). ◗ Student services
◗ Supervision and monitoring
Objectives ◗ Management and community participation
◗ Increase the net enrolment rate in primary Component 1: Policy frameworks, rules and
school for girls and boys to at least 60% regulations
and 75% respectively and improve access to
secondary education facilities for girls and Targets:
boys ◗ Develop policies, regulations and guidelines
◗ Increase access to primary and secondary for pre-school education by 1387.
education by establishing approximately ◗ Review and update regulations for basic
4,900 new schools and supporting the and secondary education by the end of
establishment of 4,800 outreach classes 1386 including regulations for establishing
(CBS) new schools and teaching in native
◗ Enhance participation of community leaders, languages.
parents and students in school affairs by
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ Formulate and approve a policy framework Ministry will run two experimental pre-school
for private schools (pre-school, primary centers. Monitoring and supervision of pre-
and secondary) by 1386. school education will be conducted by Ministry
◗ Register and monitor all private schools supervisors (see component 6).
(pre-school, primary and secondary) in the Clear policies are also needed for children with
country by 1389. special learning needs. The “National Framework
A new Education Law will be prepared for for Action on Disability in Afghanistan” has
approval and ratification by Cabinet and been submitted by Ministry of Labor, Social
National Assembly respectively, to codify Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled to the Cabinet
the main responsibilities of the Ministry and and is currently under review. The framework
provide a basis for subsequent regulations recommends a coordinated approach to
and procedural guidance. This will provide development of guidelines for the education of
a stronger legislative framework and better children with disabilities.
defi ne major policies for implementation of the Component 2: Establishment of new schools
government’s priorities for education.
The government recognizes the vital role that
the private sector can play in meeting the ◗ Conduct a school mapping survey in
current demand for education but in order to cooperation with the Department of
ensure that quality education is provided to all Planning by 1387 in order to identify
Afghan students, policies and guidelines for where new schools are needed.
registration and operation of private schools and ◗ Formalize policy on establishing and
certification of students will be developed. The running outreach classes by the end of
Ministry will defi ne the curriculum framework 1385.
for all schools in the country, but private ◗ Coordinate with communities and NGOs to
schools will retain some flexibility in order establish 4,800 outreach classes by 1389.
to give students various choices with regard
◗ Establish 4,900 new schools16 in the
to the selection of additional study subjects.
country by 1389 and ensure that children
The General Education Department will be
from 90% of all villages can access formal
responsible for registering and monitoring
private schools (see component 6) and the
Teacher Education Department will defi ne ◗ Ensure that each province has at least one
standards for teacher accreditation. model school.
◗ Post teachers and administrative personnel
Research will be carried out to identify current
(principals, agirs, etc.) in all new schools.
good practices in the area of child development
and early childhood education in Afghanistan To meet the increasing demand for education
and in the region as part of the development and in order to achieve the I-ANDS net
of formal pre-school education. The General enrolment targets, it is estimated that the
Education Department, in close coordination
with the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs,
Martyrs and Disabled, will develop policies
and guidelines for establishing and running 16 The total number of classrooms that need to be
pre-school education centers throughout the constructed over the next fi ve years is projected to be
country – those supported by the government 73,000. This includes classrooms for existing schools
as well as private pre-school programs. The as well as for the approximately 4,900 new schools that
need to be established.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Ministry will need to establish another hired and paid by NGOs will be eligible to
4,900 new schools over the next five years.17 participate in the Ministry’s in-service teacher
Construction of the new schools will be planned education program and will be able to seek
and monitored by the Construction Department. accreditation and employment by the Ministry
subject to assessment of their qualifications.
Determining where new schools are needed
will require a comprehensive mapping of the The General Education Department will ensure
existing locations of schools in order to identify staffi ng of new schools within the overall
the communities or villages where children staffi ng plan for the Ministry. Many of the
do not have access to education. The school new schools will be established in remote areas
mapping survey will be conducted in close of the country where it is difficult to attract
cooperation with the Departments of Planning new teachers. Therefore, the Department will
and Construction and close consultation coordinate closely with the Teacher Education
and involvement of district Shuras and local Department in order to attract new graduates
communities. from the TTCs and TRCs to those areas. The
Department will also be responsible for ensuring
Ensuring that children are safe in schools and
that every school has a School Advisory and
on the way to school is critical to ensuring
Support Council with community representatives
parents’ willingness to allow their children
in order to promote “ownership” of the schools
to attend school. By establishing smaller
by community members (see also component 7).
schools for the primary and lower secondary
At least one model school will be established in
grades that are closer to children’s homes, the
each province (similar to Amani and Isteqlal).
Ministry will be able to increase access for all
The schools will be affi liated with a well known
children, especially for girls. In addition to the
school in the region or other continents.
establishment of formal primary and secondary
schools, the Ministry will seek to increase access Component 3: Special programs
to schooling via a system of outreach classes
that are connected to a “hub school”. While Targets:
these outreach classes may be initially supported ◗ By end of 1386, develop and implement
by NGOs, they will use the Ministry’s formal a national communication strategy for
curriculum and textbooks. All outreach classes girls’ education in close consultation with
will also be eligible for all Ministry supported partners, local and spiritual leaders and
school supply distributions and will be included communities.
in all school assessment programs. In addition, ◗ By 1386, set up and operate a fund to
teachers in the outreach classes even if initially promote girls’ education and to provide
approximately 14,000 scholarships and
incentives (from 1386-1389) for girls from
17 These estimates are based on an assumption of districts with very low girls’ enrolment to
using each classroom for two school “shifts” each be able to complete grades 7-12.
day. If the objective over the next fi ve years was to ◗ By 1389, attain a net primary school
ensure that all classrooms were used for only one shift enrolment rate of 45% and 30% for boys
(thereby increasing the number of hours of instruction and girls with disabilities, respectively.
for each student every day), the total number of ◗ By 1389, establish and operate 35
schools/classrooms needs to be doubled. Because this provincial resource centers for children
target is neither economically nor technically feasible, with disabilities.
the General Education Department has indicated that
schools will use a double shift system.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ By 1389, establish and operate two modifications, special training for teachers and
regional schools/resource centers including appropriate curriculum considerations.
dormitory facilities to provide special Where indicated by need, provincial resource
education opportunities for gifted students. centers will be established and equipped to
◗ By 1389, at least 35% of Kuchi children serve children with hearing, visual and multiple
will have access to specially adapted impairments. As much as possible, these centers
programs of formal education. will prepare children to access regular schools
◗ By end of 1386, a functioning accelerated and will also provide some additional specialized
learning program will be in place for out- classes or tutoring where appropriate. Teachers
of-school children. with special training to teach children with
◗ By end of 1386 register, support and disabilities will be recruited to work in these
monitor all schools for refugee children schools/resource centers. All children with
in Pakistan and Iran through Afghan disabilities enrolled in regular or special schools
Education attachés. will follow the national curriculum and testing
system with adaptations made to ensure that
◗ Support Afghan-run refugee schools
their learning is adequately assessed. The target
through provision of textbooks, teachers
is to attain a net primary school enrolment rate
and accreditation of certificates.
for children with disabilities of 45% for boys
In addition to the strategy for building schools and 30% for girls by 1389.
close to communities, the Ministry will develop
Tools for identification of gifted students and
a national information program about the
policies and guidelines for their education will
benefits of girls’ education in order to encourage
be developed. Research will be carried out on
more parents to send their girls to school.
best practices and modules for education of
Information on best practices and successful
gifted students will be reviewed. The Ministry
results of girls’ education will be collected from
will establish and equip two regional schools/
Afghanistan and regional countries and will be
resource centers with dormitory facility for
disseminated via meetings with SASC and other
gifted students (Grades 4-9). These centers
local structures and through the media. Special
will be staffed by teachers who are specially
events will also be organized to campaign for
qualified and trained in gifted education. The
girls’ education. Under a special scheme and
gifted education program will seek to establish
in close consultation with local communities
linkages and exchanges between gifted students
female teachers will be recruited/relocated
of Afghanistan and gifted students from other
to districts where there are no girls enrolled
in the secondary grades. The female teachers
relocated (with couples/Mahram) will be placed Access to education for Kuchi children is
in at least one school in the district to facilitate restricted because of their nomadic lifestyle.
continuation of girls’ education in the secondary Based on the MRRD Multi-Sectoral National
grades. Assessment on Kuchi that was conducted in
1384, the Ministry of Education will develop a
As new educational facilities are constructed,
plan to ensure that children from nomadic and
the needs of children with disabilities will
semi-nomadic Kuchi populations are provided
also be considered in order to increase their
with special educational programs. Decisions
access to education. Where possible, children
regarding the most appropriate ways to school
with disabilities will be integrated into regular
these children will be based on studies and
schools which could require some building
policy dialogue within the Ministry and with
provincial education officers and representatives
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
donations for sports supplies and establishing ◗ In cooperation with the Ministry of Health,
play/sports grounds. train at least two school health volunteers
The Scout Association of Afghanistan is in every school by 1389.
currently housed at the Ministry. The scout ◗ Ensure all schools have safe drinking
association will be registered as an independent water and meet basic school health
social organization. The aim of the scouting standards by 1389.
program is to promote the values of self- ◗ Organize mobile health clinics to visit all
discipline, helping and serving others and schools on a monthly basis.
responsible citizenship. Scout leaders from the
With the cooperation of other Ministries, health
community will be recruited and trained. The
and student services activities will also be
scout leaders will train boy and girl scouts
provided to offer additional support aimed at
in the basics of scouting and emergency
helping children achieve in school. Policies and
preparedness and response activities and scouts
guidelines will be developed for various support
will be encouraged to participate in festivals
models for students.
and national celebration days. The Ministry will
provide uniforms to around 34,000 girl and boy Policies and guidelines will be developed on how
scouts. to address the needs of students, teachers and
parents for counseling and guidance. Counselors
Extra-curricular activities in schools will be
will be recruited18 to provide counseling services
conducted under the auspices of the school
to students, teachers and parents. Two qualified
counselors (Moalim-e Rahnoma). These activities
counselors will be recruited and placed in
will be carried out through different student
selected provinces in order to pilot test the
associations, such as academic, cultural and
introduction of these services.
social associations. These associations will help
students to develop their talents in art, public The Ministry will sign a Memorandum of
speaking or other activities not covered in the Understanding with the Ministry of Health and
formal curriculum. development partners working in the health
sector as part of the school health initiative.
Component 5: Student services
School health volunteers (both teachers and
Targets: students) from each school will be trained in
◗ Develop policies and guidelines for basic fi rst aid. The MoH will supply basic fi rst
counseling and guidance of students, aid kits to all schools at the beginning of each
teachers and parents. academic year and replenish them on a quarterly
basis. Extra-curricular health education
◗ Recruit two qualified counselors per
sessions will be organized for adolescents and
province to trial the introduction of these
their parents. The Health Department of the
Ministry will ensure that safe drinking water
◗ Develop policies and guidelines for school and sanitation facilities are maintained properly.
feeding and food assistance to students. In cooperation with the Ministry of Public
◗ Develop systems for monitoring food Health and development partners, the Ministry
distribution processes. will organize mobile health clinics that will
◗ Continue school feeding programs in all
basic schools in food-insecure areas.
◗ Supply and maintain fi rst aid kits in all
18 Criteria and tools will be developed for the
selection of counselors.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
visit schools at least once per month in order to Component 7: Management and community
identify potential risks to students’ health. participation
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To build a national cadre of qualified primary and secondary school teachers to
improve the learning achievements of all primary and secondary school students.
The majority of teachers throughout the and other staff whose role it is to support
country do not meet the official requirements teachers.
to be teachers and the lack of quality teacher One incentive scheme being considered is the
training has resulted in poor instructional establishment of a special housing scheme
quality in the classrooms of Afghanistan. Pre- for teachers in order to attract women to the
service training is fractured and out-dated. In teaching profession and to increase the number
addition, subject specialists are not encouraged of qualified male and female teachers in the
to consider teaching, and recent short-term rural and underserved areas of the country.
in-service training interventions have been Incentives to encourage well-qualified Afghan
of limited impact. Possibly half the teachers teachers in Iran and Pakistan to return to
currently employed would not be able to pass the Afghanistan and to become teachers in their
examinations that are given to their students. home country may also be considered.
The low level of teacher salaries is another major
problem in attracting and retaining qualified Objectives
teachers in the education system. The average
◗ Ensure that 70% of primary and secondary
teacher salary is $74 per month although
teachers pass a nationally-administered
this is expected to increase as part of the
teacher competency test by the end of 1389.
implementation of general public administration
◗ Increase the number of female primary and
reforms. Some additional incentives to attract
secondary teachers by 50% by 1389.
qualified teachers, particularly women, or to
relocate them to areas where there is a shortage ◗ Develop national pre-service and in-service
of teachers will also be considered. teacher training programs that are based on
national teacher competencies by the end of
Overall strategy
◗ Establish by the end of 1386, a national
Over the coming fi ve years, the foundations of
teacher qualification and registration
a teacher education structure will be developed
system and a competitive and transparent
with pre-service teacher training facilities
recruitment system.
established in every province and linked to
◗ Operationalize 34 teacher training colleges
district Teacher Resource Centers that will
with boarding facilities by the end of 1386
provide in-service teacher training to teachers in
and establish 364 Teacher Resource Centers
government or other schools. Distance education
(one in each district) by 1389.
strategies will be explored to augment these
fi xed facilities. The Ministry is committed to ◗ Train and deploy 2,184 teacher educators
providing upgrading opportunities for teachers, by 1389 to the newly established Teacher
but also to providing training and technical Resource Centers to provide ongoing in-
assistance for school principals, administrators service training and teacher support.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ Develop a set of distance learning teacher Linked to the TTI will be 34 provincially based
training modules by the end of 1387 that Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs). The Ministry
target rural and hard-to-reach primary plans to construct new facilities where none
school teachers. exist as well as to bring all existing TTCs to
a national standard agreed by the Ministry.
Priority program components The TTCs will provide the main support for
pre-service teacher training for pre-primary
To address these objectives, the teacher
to grade 9. Each TTC will be equipped with
education program will consist of the following
a library, administrative buildings, training
centers, science laboratories, internet, video
◗ Construction and upgrading of teacher conferencing facilities and audio-visual and
training facilities radio equipment. The network of TTCs will also
◗ Pre-service teacher training utilise the local school system to increase the
◗ In-service teacher training practice teaching component of the curriculum.
Boarding facilities to accommodate an average
◗ Distance education
of 200 students (100 male and 100 female) will
◗ Education administration
also be constructed.
◗ Research and standards
The third level of the Ministry of Education’s
Component 1: Construction and upgrading of teacher training structure will be the district
teacher training facilities level Teacher Resource Centers (TRCs). These
centers will focus on providing in-service
teacher training to existing teachers. They will
◗ By 1386, construct and equip 18 Teacher be small facilities that will be used as a training
Training Colleges, including with facilities center, as well as a base for the district level
for audio-visual and internet linkups. trainers. A standard design for the TRCs is
◗ By 1389, construct and equip 364 district being developed by the Ministry. The TRCs will
level Teacher Resource Centers19. provide the main face-to-face training program
◗ By the end of 1386, establish a National to ensure that all teachers across the country are
Teacher Training Institute. brought up to a satisfactory standard as defi ned
through the eight teacher standards and the
At the central level the Ministry will establish national teacher competency assessment which
a national Teacher Training Institute (TTI). will be developed by the Ministry in the next
Its focus will be on training trainers for the 12 months. The Ministry’s approach will be to
provincial Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) ‘bring the training to the teacher’.
rather than training teachers directly. It will
also provide guidance for all provincial TTCs Component 2: Pre-service teacher training
and will be equipped with audio-visual and
internet facilities. The Teacher Training
Institute will be linked to Sayed Jamaluddin ◗ By the end of 1386, develop a new pre-
College and Kabul University of Education. service curriculum framework and
syllabi for all grade 1-9 teachers and
write accompanying textbooks and other
instructional materials.
19 The 364 TRCs will be multi-purpose buildings ◗ By the end of 1386, develop a new pre-
which will also be used CLC and District Office service curriculum framework and syllabi
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
for special education, pre-school and in the Ministry as well as with the Islamic
Islamic education teachers. Education Department and with the special
◗ By 1389, educate 17,000 new teachers; at education and pre-school sections of General
least 40% of whom will be women. Education. Following the development of the
syllabi, the Ministry will assemble several
◗ By the end of 1387, provide 4,500 trainers
teams to develop the teaching materials, which
with one year of intensive training in
will include print, radio, TV and web-based
subject and grade specific areas.
materials. All training materials will be
A new pre-service teacher education curriculum complemented with teacher training guides.
will be developed that is linked to the new
primary education curriculum textbooks and is Component 3: In-service teacher training
grade specific. It will also incorporate elements Targets:
of modern pedagogical methods and issues
related to human rights, HIV/AIDS, narcotics ◗ By 1389, 140,000 teachers will have
and environment protection. In addition, the participated in in-service teacher training
curriculum will address the role of the teacher programs.
in the community and address some of the key ◗ By 1389, 70% of all teachers will
teacher attitudes that are essential for becoming successfully pass the national teacher
a good quality teacher. The curriculum will competency test.
be competency based in order to prepare ◗ By 1389, 2,200 teacher educators will be
teachers for the nationally administered teacher trained.
competency test.
There are currently almost 140,000 teachers in
The pre-service teacher training programs the general schools in Afghanistan and more in
will be conducted out of the TTCs. Teacher the private sector. Few of these teachers have
educators will participate in an initial intensive the necessary teaching skills and subject-based
training program focused on subject and grade knowledge to teach effectively. Based on the
specific areas. The curriculum will be delivered competencies of the pre-service curriculum that
through face-to-face training but will also will be developed by the Ministry and building
require practice teaching time where teachers on the materials already developed through
will have the opportunity to apply their newly the Teacher Education Program, the Ministry
learnt knowledge. Training materials will be a will develop a set of in-service teacher training
combination of printed materials, audio-visual modules. These modules will respond to the
and web based resources. The training will be a specific training requirements of teachers in
combination of theory and practice. terms of both pedagogy and subject knowledge.
The pre-service teacher training curriculum for In addition, issues related to human rights,
grade 1-9 teachers will be developed using a HIV/AIDS, narcotics and environment protection
phased approach and will build upon the eight will also be incorporated into the curriculum
teacher standards that have been developed by and syllabi.
the Teacher Education Department and good The in-service material will be rigorously
practice examples from the region. field-tested prior to fi nalisation. The in-service
Once the framework has been agreed, the training programs will be facilitated by
Teacher Education Department will work with teacher educators but will be led by teachers
a team of staff to develop the syllabi for each themselves, based on practical classroom
subject and assessment unit and will work experience. District level teacher educators will
closely with the curriculum development team be trained at the TTCs and selected based on the
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
recommendations of the trainers in the TTCs. Teachers who attend and complete the program
Teacher educators will undergo a six-month will be issued certificates. The teacher education
training program at their provincial TTC prior to department will work closely with educational
deployment to their districts. Distance education radio-television to develop audio-visual
strategies will also be incorporated into the materials. Programs will be monitored upon
delivery strategy. implementation.
Targets: Targets:
◗ Develop a comprehensive plan and ◗ Develop administration competency
materials for a multimedia in-service framework by 1386.
distance learning program for teachers. ◗ By 1389, 21,000 school principals and
◗ Establish certification and accreditation headmasters will be trained on issues of
criteria for teachers completing programs. effective school management.
◗ Produce multimedia education materials. ◗ By 1389, 4,000 educational managers will
◗ Monitor and evaluate the program upon have participated in short-term workshops
implementation. or received scholarships to improve their
management skills.
Distance learning is a logical vehicle to deliver
educational services to institutions, communities To perform their jobs properly, the key personnel
and households across the country as a means of the Teacher Education Department, TTI, TTCs
of reducing the problems associated with and experimental schools need to acquire the
inadequate facilities and cultural inhibitors to basic skills of management, monitoring and
girls’ education in particular. It may also be evaluation in order to improve the quality of
a useful alternative in rural and remote areas education in their respective organizations. To
where there is a shortage of trained teachers. meet this objective, regular refresher workshops
and short- or long-term scholarships will be
Distance education is not a cheap substitute for
provided on an annual basis. Management and
face-to-face student-teacher interaction. It may
administration training for headmasters and
well be, however, an important and effective
principals will also be conducted to improve
way of directing the new curriculum to remote
school management and administration.
or other under-served areas as an adjunct to
traditional school based delivery. It can also be Component 6: Research and standards
used as a component of teachers’ in-service and
possibly pre-service training.
◗ Develop standards for admission,
The Ministry intends, with the support of the
enrolment and graduation.
international community, to explore options
for using its existing broadcast capacity and ◗ Develop a teacher credentialing system by
cost effectively using the Ministry’s current 1387.
and potential assets in this field. The teacher ◗ Develop a monitoring and evaluation
education packages already developed for face- system for TTCs and TRCs as well as for
to-face training will be converted into audio- teacher training that is conducted in the
visual materials for widespread dissemination private sector by 1386.
through the media. A comprehensive plan and The teacher registration and assessment efforts
materials for a multimedia in-service distance that are being conducted by the Ministry
learning program will also be developed.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
(see also the Priority Program on Education In order to achieve these objectives, the
Administration Reform and Development) Ministry will carry out a number of specific
will lay the foundations for developing a activities. In addition to the national teacher
teacher credentialing system that will in turn competency testing that will be ongoing and
establish teacher pay and grading levels. This linked to teacher assessment and accreditation,
credentialing system will enable unqualified the Ministry will conduct a national student
teachers who participate in specified in-service learning achievement study (see also the
training courses to become accredited. Curriculum Development and Learning Materials
section). While teaching standards are one
The development of a strong monitoring and
assessment of the quality of teaching, a more
evaluation system to ensure that the teacher
effective assessment is to understand whether
training and professional development program
students are learning.
is well targeted and effective will also be
critical. The monitoring and evaluation program The district level teacher educators will
will have three main objectives to ensure that become the Ministry’s key classroom monitors
training programs are being implemented on teaching quality. In addition to these
effectively, that training programs have an staff, small teams will regularly monitor the
impact on children’s learning and that training administrative side of teaching, including
programs reflect and respond to the actual needs teacher attendance and the verification of
of teachers in the field. teachers registered on the payroll and schools
that are registered with the Ministry.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To provide a conducive learning environment and work-space for all students and
education administrators by expanding education infrastructure throughout the country.
Acceleration of school construction is necessary throughout the rebuilding process and to support
to ensure physical access to education training efforts with local communities. The
for all in Afghanistan and to cope with private sector will be relied upon for physical
demographic pressures. Based on modelling construction but will be under the technical
of student population, class sizes and a range supervision of central and decentralized
of assumptions related to progress towards educational authorities.
the I-ANDS and Millennium Development
Goals, it is projected that approximately Objectives
73,000 classrooms still need to be either fully
◗ Construct and furnish 73,000 new
reconstructed or established over the coming
classrooms for primary and secondary
five years to ensure that all children enrolled in
education by 1389.
schools have access to an environment that is
conducive to learning. ◗ Construct 1820 new Teacher Training Colleges
by 1389.
An effective school mapping survey is urgently
◗ Construct 398 District Education Resource
needed in order to identify underserved
Centers (for use as TRCs, CLCs and district
communities. In particular, current capacity,
education offices) by 1389.
especially at middle and higher secondary
levels needs to be clarified. A component of ◗ Construct 364 district level madrassas,
the survey and resulting planning and project 68 provincial madrassas (34 for boys
management should include building sustainable and 34 for girls), including 34 Centers of
capacity to undertake all phases of a multi-year excellence for Islamic Education by 1389.
construction program. ◗ Construct, rehabilitate and establish
4921 Vocational Education Schools and
Overall strategy Training Centers by 1389.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
existing education infrastructure and proposing of these structures, see Rehabilitation & Construction
measures for construction safety and security. of School, Guidelines. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
Ministry of Education. July 2006.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
be heavily involved in the school construction commitment and to recruit key professional staff
process through the SASC. These councils will to work in a project team.
be entrusted with responsibilities ranging from
The Ministry’s intention is to develop capacity
the preparation of school development plans
for a core office for capital program planning,
(for the construction of additional classrooms)
design and large scale project management,
to ensuring routine maintenance of the
with a provincial supervision capacity. This
schools. Communities will be encouraged to
will also require substantial investment in
provide different forms of support, including
procurement management and the related
provision of land for school construction
fi nancial programming skills. By the end of the
(with land ownership officially transferred to
current plan horizon, it is envisaged that the
the Ministry), local construction materials,
Construction Department will be able to manage
skilled and unskilled labor and direct fi nancial
a continuing program with local capacity.
The Department of Construction will use the
Component 2: Technical capacity of the
previously mentioned school assessment survey
Ministry's Construction Department at central
to modify and improve its existing school
and provincial levels
database for use at central and provincial levels
Targets: in order to develop a better base for planning
and management of a capital investment plan
◗ Recruit 20 technical specialists to work in
that is linked to the annual budget cycle. Data
the the Ministry's Construction Department
collection will also be incorporated into the
by the end of 1386.
EMIS surveys as that system matures.
◗ Establish 34 Provincial Engineering Teams
(three engineers per team) in each province Component 3: Educational facilities
by 1386. infrastructure and furniture
◗ Recruit and post 364 technicians at the
district level (one per district) by 1389.
◗ Set and enforce standards, specifications
◗ Modify and improve the existing school
and guidelines for all new construction
building database by 1386.
projects beginning in 1386.
The Ministry's Construction Department is
◗ Plan for, survey, design and monitor
responsible for coordinating and technically
the construction of approximately
supervising the construction of all educational
73,000 classrooms,18 TTCs, 364 District
facilities in the country. Presently, the
Education Resource Centers,
Department has fi ve engineers and virtually
432 madrassas, 49 technical and vocational
no other professional or technical staff; this is
schools and training Centers and
insufficient based on the size of the construction
35 education administration buildings, by
program. Its current functions are limited
the end of 1389.
primarily to small scale maintenance and repair.
◗ Provide school furniture for all new
The Construction Department therefore classrooms according to agreed standards
will be reliant on outside assistance for the by 1389.
foreseeable future for most facets of planning
The Department of Construction is developing
and management of a multi-year construction
a basic set of design templates and construction
program. One of the highest priorities,
therefore, is to integrate a capacity building
component into a donor fi nanced construction
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
standards for schools. These guidelines23 will All new schools and educational facilities are
specify in detail all requirements for school expected to include furniture such as desks
construction, including the components of a and chairs for students and teachers, libraries,
school complex, site selection criteria (standard teachers’ rooms and administrative rooms.
walking distances), the number of students
It is planned that continuing maintenance
per classroom, registration of the school with
will be managed within the annual operating
authorities, classroom size and technical
budget. Technical and vocational schools should
specifications related to water and sanitation,
be fully equipped for training purposes. The
playgrounds and school green spaces. The
construction of dormitories may also be a
guidelines include construction specifications
component of some higher level educational
aimed at ensuring physical access to school
facilities for all children, including those
with disabilities. The technical guidelines The Construction Department will work
and standard technical designs developed jointly with the Departments of Technical and
so far provide a range of options for the use Vocational Education, Teacher Education, Islamic
of construction materials including locally Education and Literacy in order to develop
available materials that will help lower costs and standards and the annual and medium term
stimulate local economies. construction program.
By the end of the plan period, the Construction The furniture production shop of the
Department and the Provincial Engineering Construction Department will be responsible for
Teams should be capable of taking responsibility the provision/procurement of desks and chairs
for coordinating the planning, designing and for new schools. This shop will also support
monitoring/inspecting the construction of all school furniture repairs.
educational facilities in the country.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To develop a quality modern national curriculum for primary and secondary
schools based on Islamic principles and values that will meet national, regional and international
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
workshop, curriculum specialists from the be developed in Dari and Pashto for further
UNESCO International Bureau of Education public consultation and review. Once approved,
(IBE) worked with Ministry staff to begin to a new set of syllabi brochures will be printed
outline the new curriculum framework. Special and distributed to all schools in Afghanistan
emphasis was placed on ensuring consistency and as well as to other relevant stakeholders.
between the new primary education curriculum
The Curriculum Department will also begin
and that proposed for secondary education to
consultations with the Teacher Education
ensure coherence and consistency throughout
Department and school managers to discuss
the system. The curriculum framework will also
plans for implementation of the new curriculum
encompass learning in native languages and the
and contracts will be issued to Afghan textbook
needs of special groups such as children with
authors. Since the new syllabi will be based on
the principles of competency learning, it will
Public consultations will be held on the draft be easier for the Department to adapt them for
curriculum framework to ensure that views accelerated learning classes.
of relevant stakeholders are considered when
Component 3: Textbooks and teacher
fi nalizing it. The curriculum framework will
be printed in both Dari and Pashto and widely
circulated. In addition, the framework will be Targets:
reviewed again after the new syllabi have been
◗ Review the policy and procedures for
drafted (see component 2). Once the framework
textbook production, distribution,
has been fi nalized, it will be submitted for
inventory and use by mid 1386.
◗ Develop and print 72 new textbook titles
Component 2: Syllabi development for lower for grades 7-12 by the end of 1386 (for
and upper secondary education distribution in 1387).
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
revised textbooks will be developed and printed textbooks have been developed for Grade 1
every three years. Printing a full three-year and 2, these consultations will form the basis
supply of textbooks is not economically feasible for decisions regarding the number of textbooks
as it would require storing millions of surplus and teacher guidebooks that still need to be
textbooks each year in order to have a sufficient translated.
quantity to meet projected enrolment increases
To meet the challenges associated with the
over the three-year period. In the three years
production of teaching and learning materials,
after each new textbook is developed or revised,
the Ministry will upgrade its capacity in the
the number of textbooks that need to be printed
area of graphic design and layout in order to
for each school year will be based on two
facilitate the textbook production process.
factors: the number of existing textbooks for
Printing contracts will be awarded based on
each grade that can be reused and the number
international tender in order to save costs. In
of students projected to enrol in each grade. In
addition, the Ministry will review existing
order to reduce costs, students are required to
textbooks to analyze changes in layout and
return their textbooks at the end of each school
design that may contribute to cost savings.
year. The Department estimates that between
Private contractors will deliver textbooks to
80 to 90% of students return their textbooks
individual schools and will be selected based on
at the end of the year and that the majority of
a competitive bidding process conducted by the
these are reusable. Further analysis is needed to
ARDS Department of the Ministry of Economy.
determine more precise return and reusability
Ministry of Education staff will accompany
rates for each grade in order to more accurately
these contractors to ensure that all schools
project the number of textbooks that must be
receive and sign for their allotted textbooks.
printed every year.
Component 4: Provision of other pedagogical
By the end of 1385, all textbooks for the new
materials and equipment
primary curriculum will have been developed
and during 1386 textbooks will be developed Targets:
for the new secondary curriculum. For each
◗ Equip 80% of secondary school science labs
textbook the Department will also produce an
throughout the country and provide each
accompanying teacher guidebook. New teacher
school with a science kit by 1389.
guidebooks for all primary school teachers will
be fi nalized and distributed during 1386 and, ◗ Prepare, print and distribute science
as the new secondary textbooks are fi nalized education lab guidebooks.
for each grade, the accompanying guidebooks ◗ Equip high schools with audio-visual
will be produced and distributed. In addition, facilities and computer labs.
the specialists from the Department will deliver ◗ Provide at least 80% of all schools with a
training on the new curriculum to master small school library by 1389.
trainers from the Teacher Education Department
The Curriculum Department is also responsible
who will then be responsible for training
for the production and distribution of all other
all existing secondary teachers on the new
pedagogical and learning materials. Over the
next five years as new schools and classrooms
In 1386, the Ministry will embark on a process are constructed, the Curriculum Department
of consultation with the public and various will be responsible for advising on the basic
stakeholders regarding the promotion of other provision of teaching and learning materials
native languages, which is mandatory under that will help improve the quality of education.
the Constitution. While some native language The intention is eventually to equip every
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Component 7: National Standards Board and evaluation during 1386 and 1387. This
will require training test item developers,
development of test items for each grade and
◗ Establish a National Standards Board by subject (a question bank) and pilot testing of the
the end of 1386. examination questions to ensure reliability.
◗ Develop and implement a nationally- The completed examinations should be ready
administered annual testing system for for full-scale implementation during 1388.
assessment of learning achievement of Administration of the tests will be carried out
primary and secondary students (at grades through the school system under the General
6, 9 and 12) by the end of 1389. Education Department, with data assessment and
◗ Obtain regional (or international) further development to be under the aegis of the
recognition of the Afghanistan curriculum National Standards Board and the ICD. By 1389
by 1389. the aim is to achieve accreditation of the general
education curriculum in the region and possibly
The Institute of Curriculum Development (ICD)
more widely.
will establish a National Standards Board by the
end of 1386. This semi-independent board will
develop a national system of student assessment
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To develop a modern broad-based Islamic education system for all Afghans.
During the last three decades of war and Currently, the Islamic education system faces
political turmoil, the Islamic education system challenges in developing its national curriculum
and its madrassas have played a vital role with and accompanying textbooks, the capacities of
regard to the education of young Afghans but its teachers and an effective administrative and
have occasionally been misused for political management system. Providing physical spaces
purposes. In spite of some educational shortfalls (madrassa buildings) and teaching and learning
and setbacks, madrassa education has retained a materials are also significant challenges.
unique influence and control over Afghanistan’s
educational, political and social milieu. In the Overall strategy
recent past, Afghanistan’s madrassa education
The Ministry’s main strategy is to improve and
has served multiple purposes. Madrassas have
develop Islamic education as part of the Islamic
served as educational institutions for basic
Republic of Afghanistan’s rehabilitation and
education and centers of advanced learning
reconstruction program. The Ministry proposes
in Islamic studies and have produced many of
to further develop the Islamic education system
Afghanistan’s political leaders.
by initiating a process of public consultation
It is the official policy of the Ministry to admit and dialogue to build national consensus on
students to the Islamic education system from the system of Islamic education; reviewing the
grade 7 onward. At present, the curriculum of Islamic education curriculum to bring it up
most of the madrassas is designed for grades 7 to an internationally recognized standard of
to 12, but a few madrassas teach from grades 7 excellence; and providing support and training
to 14. In areas where general education schools to teachers to improve their ability to more
do not exist, madrassas may also admit students effectively teach Islamic education.
from grade 1. In such cases, the Ministry
The overall strategy of the Ministry is to make
plans that the madrassas will implement the
quality Islamic education accessible to boys and
curriculum of general education for grades 1 to
girls across the country. To do this, the Ministry
6 with optional lessons on religious issues. It
plans to build a secondary madrassa (grade 7-12)
is argued that while the curriculum of general
in each of the 364 districts in Afghanistan. In
education provides considerable lessons on
addition, the Ministry plans to construct 34
religious issues, children who are admitted for
higher secondary madrassas (grade 7-14) and
grades 1 to 6 in madrassas should also be able to
dormitories for boys and 34 higher secondary
choose at the end of the primary cycle (grade 6)
madrassas and dormitories for girls in each of
whether they want to continue with specialized
the provincial capitals. The implementation of
Islamic education in madrassas or would like to
these plans will make quality Islamic education
join the mainstream general education system.
accessible to approximately 90,000 students
This policy will allow students to move between
by 1389.
general and Islamic education after completing
their primary education.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
In order to attain the set targets, the main In addition, 68 Madaaris-e Aaali (Higher
strategy is to design and write all titles for Secondary Madrassas) and 68 dormitories (34 for
grades 7-14 and submit them for review and boys and 34 for girls) will be constructed in
editing to the National Council for Islamic each of the 34 provinces. These madrassas will
Education (NCIE) by the end of 1386. After admit students from grades 7 to 14. The project
the review and editing process, the textbooks is expected to be completed by 1387. Each
will be printed in the last quarter of 1386 madrassa will contain 16 classrooms.
and distributed in the fi rst quarter of 1387.
As the facilities and learning culture within
The Department of Islamic Education plans to
the current madrassas are not at an acceptable
conduct a further review of textbooks in 1388 in
quality and standard, it is planned that 34 of
order to make necessary revisions and print new
the 68 provincial madrassas will be developed
into centers of excellence in Islamic education.
Teacher guidebooks for grades 7-14 will also be While national in scope, this program will give
designed and written in 1386 and submitted to particular attention to the more unstable areas
NCIE for review and editing. The reviewed and within the country. In order to facilitate the
edited teacher guidebooks will be printed and attainment of the set target, the Government of
distributed in 1387. A further process of review Afghanistan established a Policy Action Group
will follow in 1389. (PAG) to consider special development needs
in the more insecure areas of the country. The
Component 4: Construction, rehabilitation and
Ministry proposes to ensure that two of the
equipping of madrassas
eight high level madrassas are constructed in
Targets: these unstable areas. Each madrassa will provide
classrooms for 700 students, dormitories for
◗ Construct 34 provincial madrassas and
200 students and an extensive library that will
dormitories for girls and 34 provincial
store at least 10,000 books. They will provide
madrassas and dormitories for boys by the
specialised education in modern educational
end of 1387.
pedagogy and educational psychology, and
◗ Construct 364 madrassas (one in each quality education in Islamic education for girls
district) by 1389. and boys alike.
◗ Equip the existing and newly constructed
madrassas and dormitories with teaching Component 5: Developing administrative and
and learning materials. management capacities
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ Recruit and train 70 supervisors by 1389 courses and recruiting new teachers. The
to monitor and evaluate madrassas. Islamic Education Department plans to train
2,000 madrassa graduates (potential teachers)
In order to achieve the overall goal and
by providing them scholarships to foreign
objectives for the Islamic education system
countries over the next four years (1386-89).
over the next five years, the administrative
It is envisaged to provide scholarships for
and management capacities of the system
500 madrassa graduates each year through
must be strengthened. The Department will
1389. In addition, educational courses will be
seek to accomplish this by providing various
provided for the existing teachers over the next
technical courses and educational programs
five years. In 1385, contracts will be signed with
in administration, management, fi nancial and
10 supervisors from different Muslim countries
accounting affairs.
to help the process. From 1386 to 1389, seminars
Management courses will be provided for and educational courses will be provided for
directors and deputy directors of 432 madrassas 510 madrassa teachers from 34 provinces each
by the end of 1386. In addition, courses on year.
management, administration, fi nancial affairs
The Islamic education system will also
and computer skills will be provided for
be strengthened by the recruitment of an
568 madrassa employees during 1386 and 1387.
additional 1,140 teachers over the next four
In order to establish an effective monitoring and
years (1386-89). This will increase the number
evaluation system, a mobile team of 70 well-
of teachers from the current 2,040 to 3,180 by
trained staff will be educated (10 in management
1389, resulting in an average student-teacher
and fi nancial affairs and 60 in academic and
ratio of 28. As needed, these teachers will also
teaching related affairs) by 1389 to monitor
participate in educational courses related to
and evaluate the administrative, management,
pedagogy and content.
fi nancial affairs and teaching qualities of all
madrassas across the country. Component 7: Development of policies for
private and cross-border madrassas
Component 6: Teacher education
◗ Prepare regulations by 1386 for evaluating
◗ Provide 2,000 madrassa graduates/
certificates of cross-border madrassas.
potential teachers with scholarships to
foreign countries by 1389. ◗ Prepare a databank of questions by the
end of 1386 to examine the learning
◗ Arrange in-service courses in modern
achievements of students from cross-border
teaching methods for 2,040 madrassa
teachers during 1386 and 1387.
◗ Register all private madrassas by 1388.
◗ Increase the number of teachers in
madrassas to 3,180 by 1389. ◗ Provide local educational seminars and
prepare and distribute teaching kits
The main strategy to achieve the targets for this (10 textbooks per kit).
component is based on providing training for
Many returning Afghan refugees have studied
the existing teachers, arranging educational
in madrassas in Pakistan and Iran. Because the
madrassas in Iran and Pakistan are not linked
with the Ministry of Education in Afghanistan,
it is difficult for the Islamic Education
each of 68 higher secondary (provincial) madrassas,
Department to differentiate between authentic
including 8 Darul-Ulums.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
and forged certificates. In order to assess Beginning in 1386, the Department of Islamic
the learning achievements of the returning Education will start the registration of private
students and certify their studies, the Islamic madrassas in Afghanistan. This process is
Education Department plans to evaluate the expected to be completed by 1388. In addition,
returning students. The evaluation will consist any new private madrassas will be expected
of an examination of the qualifications of the to register with the Ministry. As part of the
returning students from cross-border madrassas, registration process, private madrassas will be
which will be conducted by the National Council encouraged to adopt the national curriculum for
for Islamic Education and the Commission Islamic Education. As an incentive, the Ministry
for the Evaluation of Qualification of Islamic will provide educational materials and teachers’
Scholars of Afghanistan. In addition, the kits (50 textbooks) for grades 7-14 to all private
Department will prepare a databank of questions madrassas who agree to follow the Ministry’s
by 1386 in order to give returning students curriculum. In addition, teachers of these private
an examination to assess their knowledge of institutions will be invited to participate in
Islamic studies, based on the Department’s new the local (provincial) educational seminars
curriculum. Those who pass the competency conducted by the Islamic Education Department.
examination with an examination result of Private madrassas that meet the Ministry’s
80% or greater will receive a certificate, or will standard will become accredited.
be placed in an appropriate grade in one of the
madrassas in Afghanistan. The evaluation and
examination process is meant to evaluate the
qualification of the returning students.
These children attending school hold the key to shaping their future
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To provide relevant and quality technical and vocational educational opportunities
for male and female Afghans in order to equip them with marketable skills that meet the needs
of the Labor market in Afghanistan and other countries.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
equipped for delivering practical and theoretical Component 1: Infrastructure and equipment
training. Similarly, the TVET management
structures and systems will be strengthened for
the existing non-teaching staff. ◗ Rehabilitate and rebuild the existing
TVET schools and the TVET Department
Objectives and establish 17 new schools (including
a School of Public Administration) and
◗ Reform the curriculum to match the needs of
a training center for people with special
the labor market and modern methods and to
needs by 1389.
meet accreditation standards.
◗ Equip all schools and training centers with
◗ Develop an accessible, regional network
educational facilities such as libraries,
of TVET schools and training centers,
workshops, laboratories, and dormitories
including establishment of 16 new schools
by 1389.
and a school for people with special needs.
The current state of destruction of almost all
◗ Equip all existing technical and vocational
TVET school buildings and equipment and the
education schools and centers to teach using
prospect of increased enrolment by 1389 require
modern standards of skills training.
a massive (re)construction and rehabilitation
◗ Increase the total enrolment in formal TVET effort. The TVET Department of the Ministry,
schools to 46,000 students by 1389. the Department of Construction and the
◗ Improve the quality of TVET by developing Ministry's Department of Administration
the capacity of teaching and management will work in a coordinated manner towards
staff. achieving these targets. Initially, the focus will
◗ From 1386 to 1389, train 12,000 people, at be on rehabilitation and reconstruction of the
least 40% of whom will be female, in fi nance technical and vocational schools and centers
and public administration skills. in the capital. A designated number of annual
◗ Train 12,000 skilled and semi-skilled admissions in these institutions will be reserved
Afghan workers by 1389 through short-term for provincial applicants. In 1388-1389, 16 new
technical and vocational training courses technical and vocational schools (including
that are linked to the national literacy zoned multi-purpose TVIs) will be constructed
strategy. in the provinces. New buildings will also
be constructed and equipped for the TVET
Department, for a training center for people
Priority program components
with special needs and for a School of Public
To achieve the above objectives, the TVET Administration. It is expected that by 1389, a
program will consist of the following total of 62 fully equipped and staffed technical
components: and vocational schools and training centers will
◗ Infrastructure and equipment be operational throughout the country.
◗ Curriculum development
◗ Technical capacity building
◗ Management
◗ Short-term training courses
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Based on the results of a national skills ◗ Ensure all support staff are trained in basic
assessment survey that will be completed in administrative competencies by 1388.
1386 by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, ◗ Provide up to 50 scholarships each year
Martyrs and Disabled and the International for promising instructional staff to obtain
Labor Organization (ILO) and in liaison with the up-to-date knowledge of specific fields or
Ministry's Curriculum Department, the TVET technologies.
Department will identify a range of technical ◗ Establish an Internet center by the end of
fields relevant to the needs of the national labor 1385.
market. These will be concentrated among the
The implementation of the new curriculum and
higher value trades that are normally the area of
the expansion of the TVET sub-sector must
the Ministry’s focus.
be matched by relevant technical skills of the
It is envisaged that an initial range of textbooks teaching and non-teaching personnel. A large
will be developed following these analyzes proportion of the current teachers will require
that will be used as the basis for teaching training in new methods, the application of
the curriculum. In order to ensure that the new technology and an understanding of the
TVET curriculum remains attuned to the principles underlying the curriculum and its
country’s technical and vocational training focus on usable skills in a growing economy.
needs, the TVET Department will conduct Training for future technical teachers will
smaller scale specific studies on an annual also need to be revised. This will be done
basis thereafter in conjunction with private through a range of in-service and longer term
industry representatives. This review process or more intensive programs, established with
will be coordinated through the NSDP, already the assistance of international experts and the
established by the government, and envisaged NSDP.
Specific attention will be given to developing
trainers in a range of areas relevant to
educational management and administration
29 The eight technical fields include car industry,
such as: general management principles, project
machinery, electrics, public administration (economics,
management, report writing, organizational
fi nance and credit, and public administration),
communications, computer use, English
agricultural studies (agronomy and veterinary
language, secretarial skills, human resources
sciences), petroleum and natural gas, construction
management, information management, basic
and engineering, and secretarial studies. These eight
accounting, procurement and general office
technical fields are selected because of their high
management. Given the present shortage in
demand in Afghanistan’s society and because of the
qualified teacher trainers, the TVET Department
technical resources available for these eight fields.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
will fi rst draw upon foreign experts to design integration of the training delivered in technical
and deliver initial training programs to and vocational schools with the private sector.
strengthen the capacity of the national teacher Cooperation protocols will be established with
trainers with a view of building their capacity as the private sector and public administration
quickly as possible. Technical cooperation with at large to offer students the best possible
external partners will also be strengthened so as opportunities to develop practical skills.
to secure a predictable number of scholarships Partnerships with NSDP and private institutions
on a yearly basis for teachers, administrators/ will be developed and codified in order to ensure
managers and, in some cases, highly talented harmonization of the curriculum, standards
students to be trained abroad. and certification. To create a long-term
sustainable TVET teacher training mechanism,
Component 4: Management
it will also be important to draw upon the
Targets: technical capacity of the Higher Education
◗ Recruit 1,200 new teachers by 1389. sector. A Memorandum of Understanding will
◗ Recruit 190 administrative and support be signed to set up TVET Teacher Training
staff by 1389. Departments in relevant faculties of the MoHE
such as Engineering, Polytechnic, Sciences or
◗ Revise TVET by-laws and regulations for
Agriculture. Agreements will also be sought for
better education quality and discipline
harmonization of the curriculum with Higher
by 1387.
Education so as to offer a possibility for TVET
◗ Establish a system for certification and graduates to enter university.
accreditation by 1387.
◗ Establish a mechanism for private sector Component 5: Short-term educational courses
investment in TVET schools through Targets:
public/private partnerships for education
◗ Establish a national School of Public
Administration by 1386.
The restructuring of TVET in the Ministry will
◗ Train 12,000 Afghans in fi nance and
depend on effective and efficient management
management skills by 1389.
at training centers and within the Ministry.
◗ Train 13,000 Afghans in short-term
Approximately 1,200 new teachers will be
technical and vocational courses by 1389.
recruited over the next five years in order
to reach a total of 1,874 teachers in 1389. The TVET Department will provide short courses
Administrative/ management and support staff aimed at equipping up to 4,000 young people
will also be retrained or recruited in order to and existing civil servants (at least 40% of
support the new schools and teaching staff and whom will be female) on an annual basis, with
to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the basic skills in administration, management,
the existing management system itself. fi nance, accounting and information and
communication technology (ICT) that are
A range of administrative measures will
needed to meet the requirements of delivering
be taken such as the revision of the TVET
responsible and accountable services in the
regulatory framework (that specifies staff
government and private sectors. These courses
and school regulations and examination
will be offered through a new national Business
procedures) and the introduction of results-
and Public Administration School that will be
based management principles and merit/quota
located in Kabul and will be part of an effort to
for selection of students from rural areas.
deliver life-long learning opportunities to career
The TVET Department will also seek closer
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
officials and future leaders of the country. The A comprehensive training program will be
courses will equip them to manage increasing developed that will aim at equipping up to 4,000
levels of complexity and responsibility. The Afghan men and women (including adults) every
course participants will be selected from all year with income-generation skills to improve
provinces of Afghanistan through a transparent their employability and living conditions. The
process. training will be delivered in the form of short-
term vocational courses (six months to one year)
In close collaboration with NSDP, the Ministry
in a wide range of areas such as bee keeping,
will also offer opportunities to be trained or
fruit drying, food processing, auto mechanics,
retrained to those who have dropped out of the
carpentry, masonry, welding, hospitality, radio,
formal education system and those who are
television and cooking. New curriculum and
unemployed. This initiative will be aimed at
specific training materials will be developed for
complementing the “regular” training delivered
these courses.
by the TVIs and will contribute to poverty
alleviation and the reconstruction effort. The
TVET Department will coordinate its efforts
with the Literacy Department to support
productive skills training efforts that will take
place at the community level.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To develop a long-term literacy program to empower communities and individuals
to build a productive, secure and literate nation.
Afghanistan faces a daunting task in reducing such as the National Skills Development
illiteracy rates in the country. This will be Program and the Vocational Training Centers
done fi rst through improving access to and the of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to
quality of the school system itself as well as maximise learning opportunities for people
through giving specific attention to those who outside the main population centers through the
have missed out on education and deserve a use of innovation and mass media programs.
second chance. Improving literacy rates will
require the combined efforts of the Ministry Objectives
of Education and other partners within the
◗ Improve literacy rates of all Afghans by at
Government of Afghanistan as well as the
least 50% in line with the Education for All
support and participation of communities, the
private sector and non-government actors. New
approaches are likely to be needed to engage ◗ Ensure that at least 60% of learners are
more people and to focus on meeting different females, and that minority groups, isolated
needs. groups, Kuchi and people with disabilities
are targeted specifically.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Component 4: Delivery of National Literacy training initiatives. Imams can play a vital
Program role in both delivering literacy training and in
encouraging members of their communities to
participate in literacy programs. Participating
◗ Conduct surveys to determine levels Imams will also receive training to teach the
and patterns of illiteracy in local Ministry’s literacy courses and a supply of the
communities to identify specific needs Ministry’s relevant literacy textbooks.
(72,000 communities to be covered by the
The private sector could also play a vital role in
end of 1389).
supporting literacy throughout the country in
◗ Recruit 17,000 literacy teachers by the end the interests of increased productivity and as
of 1387. a social contribution. Corporate leaders will be
◗ Provide 1,800,000 learners with basic natural partners in helping to link local market
supplies for literacy classes. demand for particular productive skills with
◗ Establish 364 CLCs throughout the curriculum development for literacy courses
country. that will supply a more literate labor force. The
Ministry will partner with the private sector to
◗ Beginning in 1386, put in place a program
ensure the quality of their programs.
for Mosque-based literacy courses.
◗ Prepare and run a program for literacy The Ministry intends to reach all households in
through distance learning. Afghanistan through the mass media, including
radio and information and communication
The Ministry aims to increase the provision of
technology, to encourage participation in
literacy teachers from 4,000, who are currently
literacy classes. The mass media campaign
mainly based in Kabul to a more nationally
will enlist the support of national, religious
based coverage of 17,000 by 1387. Local
and business leaders in order to reach as many
level literacy staff will carry out surveys in
Afghans as possible.
different communities in order to identify and
map out the specific literacy needs, to create Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation
greater awareness and demand for literacy and
to better target the delivery of the National Targets:
Literacy Program, It is foreseen that in this way ◗ Ensure proper monitoring of the different
1,800,000 learners will be enrolled in literacy literacy programs through regular field
courses and provided with the necessary visits.
supplies during the plan period. Special ◗ Carry out an annual province-based
programs will also be organized for public evaluation.
sector employees including 25,000 agirs from
◗ Set up an efficient, decentralized
the Ministry.
information system.
Communities are a key partner in improving
In order to ensure proper monitoring of the
literacy in Afghanistan. While the Ministry
implementation of literacy activities, the
of Education will support some direct
database of the Department will be further
implementation of literacy courses, its
developed and linked to the EMIS of the
role will be heavily focused on supporting
Ministry. Supervisors will carry out regular field
implementation through community
visits to monitor the delivery of the different
engagement. Mosques are a vital part of every
types of courses and an annual evaluation of the
community in Afghanistan. The Ministry
literacy program implementation will be carried
will seek to involve Mullah-Imams in literacy
out on a provincial basis.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Component 6: Management of Program district). Offices will be better staffed and better
equipped, while the technical skills of the staff
will be upgraded. These efforts will be even
◗ Ensure proper staffi ng of the offices in more important because the program focus
charge of literacy at central, provincial and will shift from urban to rural areas and since
district levels. active community participation is envisaged
◗ Provide the different offices with proper under the new program. To train its staff in
equipment and means of transportation community development and participation, the
and a budget for operation and Literacy Department will conduct its capacity
maintenance. building activities in close cooperation with
the Education Administration Reform and
The program aims to improve management and
Development program.
administration capacities to sustain literacy
programs at all levels (central, provincial and
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Overall goal: To develop the Ministry of Education into an effective, accountable, fully funded
and functioning public institution that facilitates education for all.
Education for all is one of the most basic needs areas mandated for the Ministry. Achieving
of any nation wishing to improve the well being this will require developing of the Ministry’s
of its people and its ability to compete regionally institutional, fi nancial, human, physical and
and in the world and to reduce the incidence and technological capacities.
effects of poverty. Afghanistan has committed
to working towards the Millennium Development Objectives
Goals, in particular those addressing the need
◗ Implement the standards of the Public
for widespread and freely available education
Administrative Reform program at the
to all citizens regardless of gender, ethnicity
central, provincial and district level with
or faith. The relevant MDG is that by the year
organizational restructuring serving as a
1399, all children in Afghanistan, boys and
main force for renewal.
girls alike, will be able to complete a full
course of primary education. ◗ Establish a modern fi nance and management
sector in the Ministry structured around
Indicators of management weakness include the need to comply with the Public Finance
uncontrolled and inappropriate recruitment of and Expenditure Law, related legislation and
teachers (including hiring teachers who do not generally accepted practice.
meet Ministry standards); a very low percentage
◗ Reform and build the capacity of the
of the operating budget allocated to non-salary
Ministry’s administrative and operational
overheads; an inability to expend its core budget
structures to recruit, retain, reward, train
and off budget funds on priority projects; weak
and more effectively manage personnel.
coordination; and lack of visibility regarding
the extent and effectiveness of donor/NGO ◗ Ensure that 85% of staff hold appropriate
participation in the education sector. qualifications for their current positions
by 1389.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ Revise fi nancial and management Concurrent with its participation in the program
procedures to comply with the Public budget pilot (which will include the central
Finance and Expenditure Law, related office and three provinces) the MoF has agreed
legislation and generally accepted practice to accelerate the Ministry’s access to a limited
by mid-1386. number of AFMIS terminals in order to improve
◗ Implement program-based budgeting the systems support for fi nancial management,
(annual and capital components) for the analysis and reporting. The budget cycle will
1386-1388 budget. be the main driver for internal capacity building
and systems development. Specific support
◗ Improve the fiduciary standards of the
will be sought for intensive development in the
procurement capacity of the Ministry.
◗ Achieve connection to the AFMIS, with
trained operators for the beginning of A General Manager level civil servant will be
fi scal year 1386. recruited to head the Finance and Budgeting
Department under the Deputy Minister of
◗ Give specific attention to the development
Finance and Administration. The General
of procurement capacity within the
Manager will be designated as the Chief
Ministry in order to more efficiently and
Financial Officer of the Ministry. The Ministry
effectively expend available recurrent and
is also considering a proposal from the Ministry
project funds.
of Finance to integrate the Planning Department
◗ Conduct a national education sector and the Budget and Finance Department
study in time for the preparation of the under the Deputy Minister of Finance and
1388 budget. Administration to strengthen the links between
The Minister of Education is one of three planning and budgeting and to align the
Ministries that will participate in a program planning and budgeting cycles.
budgeting pilot in Afghanistan. This is an initial The new structure also provides for an Office
step towards unification of the National budget of Internal Audit that will report directly to
and will support the management approach that the Minister. This office will be charged with
is reflected in this Strategic Plan. The budget developing a modern audit capability and
will remain at the center of policy development
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
will concentrate initially on fi nancial and The Ministry has an interim central ICT
compliance audits, with particular emphasis network in the Head Office that currently serves
on the preparation and assurance of the 125 users and provides internet access as well
Ministry’s Annual Financial Statements. The as networked printing capability to a number of
appointment and procedural establishment of offices. An ICT strategic plan will be prepared
the Office of Internal Audit will aim to reinforce as part of developing the overall capacity to
the independence, integrity and tenure of manage the Ministry. With donor assistance,
the Auditor and audit staff, consistent with progress is being made on the development of
principles established in the Public Finance an Education Management Information System
and Expenditure Management Law. An audit (EMIS) and the fi rst data collection surveys
committee has also been recommended. have been completed. This project begins to
address one of the most significant inhibitors to
There is also a provision for the establishment
effective planning and management: the lack of
of an Office of Inspector General with a
information and reliable data. Linking this to
specific mandate to undertake investigations
AFMIS and the Human Resources database will
into allegations or appearances of fraud and
also assist in this regard.
corruption in the Ministry. The office will
be small and given similar authorities and The initial focus of most management and
protections to those of the Internal Auditor, who systems reforms will be on the center of the
may also refer potential cases to the Inspector organisation. It requires the development
General. The Inspector General will report of clearer rules and procedures as well as a
only to the Minister and will have the power to cadre of people who can oversee the spread of
investigate and refer potential cases for legal improved management through the decentralised
action. structure. The management and implementation
model is based on devolution of management
Component 2: Information systems and
decisions and accountability to Provincial
information and communication technology
Education Offices, District level clusters and,
through community partnerships, to the
Targets: individual school level.
◗ Develop and make operational a project This management model requires a modern and
database that includes the activities of all robust technological base so that:
education partners by 1386. ◗ the central office of the Ministry can
◗ Develop and make operational an monitor resource and expenditure flows and
Education Management Information System other management performance indicators
(EMIS) as a basis for analysis of policy by ◗ information can flow in both directions to
the end of 1386. facilitate the development of plans and the
◗ Prepare a fi nancial plan for acquisition preparation of budgets
of ICT equipment and a distribution plan ◗ there is a platform for the EMIS, AFMIS and
based on the capacity of departments/staff HRIS – the three main information systems
to utilise the equipment. that will support decision making, resource
◗ Develop and implement a strategy for ICT allocation and management
skills acquisition throughout the Ministry ◗ there is the basis for widespread use of office
with a target of full computer literacy by technology and intra-office communications
the end of 1389. across the country
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
The ICT department will be developed within major public administration reforms throughout
the Finance and Administration pillar and the Ministry. The Ministry will be structured
key appointments have been made. With and managed along program lines30 , with
the assistance of the World Bank, the ICT a core policy and management oversight
department has developed a proposal for a capacity in the Central Office and decentralised
substantially upgraded platform for the central management of all resources and program
office that will serve as the basis for wider outputs down to the individual school level.
application of computers within the Ministry
This structure has been thoroughly revised
and provide the basis for progressive connection
under the current Minister for endorsement
to provincial office nodes.
by the Civil Service Commission. Initial
Component 3: Public Administrative Reform recruitment processes for Director level positions
under the PRR processes have been commenced.
Targets: The PRR and the Public Administration and
◗ Gain approval of Priority Reform and Public Expenditure framework will form the
Restructuring (PRR) structure (including basis for all structural reforms in the Ministry.
separate human resource management A capital improvement plan for office
units for teaching and non-teaching staff). accommodation will be developed and efforts
◗ Implement the Public Administrative will be made to improve the capacity of the
Reform (PAR) program structure at the Construction Department to undertake capital
central, provincial and district levels with planning through to project management and
organizational restructuring as the main delivery for the total construction program of
force for renewal beginning at the end of the Ministry. (See the program on Education
1385 and extending through 1389. Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Development).
◗ Establish core personnel unit/s at the A new Human Resources Department is another
central Ministry, in Provincial Education critical success factor for the implementation
Offices and in District Education Offices of PRR, Pay and Grading, recruitment and
with international advisers and initial overall personnel development and management
long-term staff as main drivers for public processes. The current office accommodation
administration and skills development. is totally inadequate as a workplace. A review
◗ Begin job classification/pay and grading of the office accommodations in the provinces
process for all positions level 3 and below and districts will also be undertaken in the fi rst
(with an emphasis on teachers), with 12 months of the plan period.
appropriate consultation with IARCSC.
◗ Hire and have in place staff at director
level and above in the central Ministry and
the levels of Deputy Provincial Education
Director and district education manager by
the end of 1386.
◗ Design and begin implementation of an
anti-corruption strategy.
The highest priority for the Ministry is to
30 MoE is one of four pilot Ministries working with
develop an organizational and institutional
the MoF to introduce the fi rst steps towards program
structure that can support the Ministry over
budgeting and a unified budget in Afghanistan in the
the medium term and provide the basis for
1387-1390 budget.
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Component 4: Human resources and capacity with outside expertise. In cooperation with
development donors, the Ministry will adopt a strategy of
buying capacity in the short to medium term to
assist in building capacity for the longer term.
◗ Develop and implement a Human Resources Technical experts will be sought to lead major
database by 1387. policy, management development and capacity
◗ Revise and publish procedures for building tasks for up to three years. They will
recruitment of both teachers and other work alongside national (Afghan) advisers to
personnel by mid-1386. the Minister and with senior staff to mentor
them and help develop their management and
◗ Conduct by mid-1386 a teacher registration
leadership skills and the relevant skills of
program to confi rm the baseline number of
their staff. Principals, headmasters and senior
teachers will also receive management training
◗ Conduct a census of non-teaching staff by
consistent with the intention to devolve local
the end of fi scal year 1386.
management and expenditure authority to the
◗ Identify training needs based on the skills school level. (See also the programs on Teacher
and systems requirements of the Ministry Education and Working Conditions and General
of Education (including literacy) by Education).
In some sections of the Ministry, particularly
Like many areas of the civil service, the with the agirs, literacy levels are quite low,
Ministry has suffered a near total breakdown which reduces the effectiveness of these staff
of even the most basic of public administration and limits their ability to compete for even
standards and there is little organizational entry level administrative tasks as well as their
memory of effective management principles mobility in the labor market. Many are likely
or practices. Most staff are poorly prepared to to be displaced as technology and structural
meet the challenges of the proposed management changes deliver expected efficiency gains. The
model or its supporting technology and many Ministry will seek to offer or provide incentives
will be unable to meet the standards likely to for staff to participate in literacy programs
be set for recruitment to their current level, to improve their ability to seek alternative
let alone for promotion based on knowledge, employment within the Ministry or the wider
qualifications and performance. labor market. The goal is to have a fully literate
On the positive side, however, staff surveys workforce within the Ministry by 1388.
have shown that many staff recognize this
Component 5: Legislative framework
and have identified a consistent and coherent
range of skills and knowledge that they need Targets:
to acquire. These range from basic time and
◗ Recruit and train a small cadre of legal
records management to the use of computer-
graduates (three in 1386 and two in 1387)
based office systems, English language training
for preparation of regulations, directions
and knowledge and understanding of the new
and other instruments.
institutional framework.
◗ Recruit an international technical adviser
The Ministry’s ultimate goal is to ensure a and national legal adviser by mid-1386.
well-trained, “digitally literate” and competent
◗ Prepare and obtain passage through the
workforce. This requires sustained capacity
National Assembly of a "Law on Education"
building efforts and shorter-term measures
in 1386.
to complement the existing Ministry staff
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
◗ Prepare and obtain Cabinet approval in-house legal advice and drafting of the
of Regulation on Private Schools and legislation. The fi rst national Legal Adviser has
consequent internal rules by the end of been appointed. The terms of reference for this
1385. position include drafting an organic Law on
◗ Develop an Annual Legislation Plan by the Education and some important regulations; and
end of the fi rst quarter of each year. establishing, recruiting and training a small
number of professional staff to provide long-
◗ Build a full set of regulations, instructions
term legal advisory services to the Ministry.
and manuals for operation of the Ministry
This office will also guide the development
based on the Education Law by 1388.
of internal rules, procedures and guidelines
There is an urgent need for the development consistent with the public management package
and passage of a new Law on Education that is of laws in cooperation with other departments in
consistent with the Constitution and establishes the Ministry.
the role and authority of the Minister and the
Ministry of Education. As part of the structural
reform process, provision has been made for
Chapter Four: Costing and Financing
Achieving the educational goals of I-ANDS by for schools, teachers’ colleges, madrassas
1389 and addressing the challenge of the and technical and further education colleges,
Millennium Development Goals will be costly. with some refurbished or new administrative
The pressure created by the number of students buildings. It is spread across all 34 provinces.
already in the system and our shared objective Over 90% of the total operating budget is in
to increase the quality and length of their the General Education program, although the
education is greater now than it was fi ve years share of non-salaries costs is moving from about
ago. Demand from the community has 7% of operating costs in 1385 to 10% in 1386
outstripped supply and the future demands from and an estimated 15% in 1389. Teacher salaries,
current students require significant additional however, remain the major annual operating
investment. The Ministry has to accommodate cost. It is estimated that some $45 million in
the new entrants, train additional (and current) development costs will be required to improve
teachers to higher standards of knowledge and the management capacity of the Ministry with
skills and simultaneously manage short-term $18 million sought for 1386. This is a major
changes that will have long lasting impact. priority as without concentrated attention to the
systems and human capacity of the Ministry,
Table 10 shows the estimated fi nancing
for both central office and decentralized
requirement to implement the Strategic Plan,
administration, the Ministry will struggle to
including the annual operating expenses31. It
manage the transition and in the longer term.
is presented on a program basis, consistent
Full details of the fi nancial requirements are
with the Ministry’s participation in the pilot
set out in the annex of the Strategic Plan which
testing of program budget principles. The total
contains the detailed program matrices.
fi nancing requirement for the period 1386-1389
is $2,345 million of which $1,512 million is
required through development budget channels
and $833 million for annual operating costs.
Of the $308 million in development costs
requested for 1386, the Ministry of Finance has
supported an appropriation through the core
budget of $92 million leaving an unfunded
requirement of $216 million for 1386.
Approximately 54% of the total fi nancing
requirement is directed at infrastructure
improvement. This is predominantly required
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Table 10. Cost Estimates for the National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Estimates Proposed Budget Year
Program Description 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 5-year Total
Program 1 General Education 165.22 218.74 238.55 273.44 273.05 1,169.00
Operating 159.64 179.56 188.93 202.99 217.04 948.15
Development 5.58 39.18 49.62 70.45 56.01 220.84
Program 2 Teacher Education 7.24 23.65 46.16 45.23 42.54 164.82
Operating 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.64 0.68 2.95
Development 6.76 23.09 45.57 44.59 41.86 161.87
Education Infrastructure
Program 3 Development 26.87 171.47 243.10 214.74 202.16 858.34
Operating 0.12 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.82
Development 26.75 171.31 242.93 214.56 201.97 857.52
Program 4 Curriculum Development 12.38 40.08 38.74 33.82 69.14 194.16
Operating 0.31 0.37 0.39 0.42 0.45 1.94
Development 12.07 39.71 38.35 33.40 68.69 192.22
Program 5 Islamic Education 2.10 7.20 11.35 8.28 8.02 36.95
Operating 2.10 2.30 2.42 2.60 2.78 12.20
Development - 4.90 8.93 5.68 5.24 24.75
Technical and Vocational
Program 6 Education and Training 2.30 6.46 4.16 4.39 4.50 21.81
Operating 0.98 1.16 1.22 1.31 1.40 6.07
Development 1.32 5.30 2.94 3.08 3.10 15.74
Literacy and non-formal
Program 7 education 3.80 10.71 16.69 17.91 19.11 68.22
Operating 3.80 4.20 4.42 4.75 5.08 22.25
Development - 6.51 12.27 13.16 14.03 45.97
Education Administration
Program 8 Reform and Development 2.36 19.76 13.60 9.15 8.24 53.11
Operating 1.09 1.32 1.39 1.49 1.60 6.89
Development 1.27 18.44 12.21 7.66 6.64 46.22
Total 222.27 498.07 612.35 606.96 626.76 2,566.41
Operating 168.52 189.63 199.53 214.38 229.22 1,001.28
Development 53.75 308.44 412.82 392.58 397.54 1,565.13
Chapter Five: Implementation and Monitoring Framework
The plan has been shared with donors and other reviews will be taken into account to prepare the
stakeholders as a fi rst step in a new round of Operational Plans for the following year. In this
consultations. The President has given it his way, feedback from the monitoring process will
full endorsement and has invited Ambassadors be fully incorporated into the annual forward
and donor representatives to consider their planning process. At mid-term, the review will
continuing engagement within the parameters of be broadened to examine the extent to which
the plan for the coming years. the medium-term plan may have to be adjusted,
taking into account the short term achievements
Implementation of the Plan obtained.
The NESP indicates what the education system Annual Operational Plans will be based on the
of Afghanistan should look like in the future. program matrices presented in the Annex to
It represents the ambitions and aspirations this plan. Subject to budget appropriations, they
of the Ministry of Education and of the main will detail the targets to be reached, the specific
national education stakeholders. By identifying activities to be carried out and the different
eight priority programs and formulating precise inputs (material and human) to be mobilised.
targets to be reached during the coming five They will assign clear responsibilities for the
years it spells out the practical steps to be taken implementation and monitoring of each of the
in order to move ahead. Implementation of the programs and program components to specific
plan,however, will not be a straightforward departments, divisions or units in line with
undertaking. There will be a constant need the new organizational structure that is being
for careful monitoring in order to systematize established through the on-going restructuring
learning by doing and to adapt the plan to of the Ministry.
changing circumstances and events. The Of particular importance will be the creation of
sequencing, pace and phasing of implementation close linkages between the preparation of the
will, to a large extent, be determined by the annual plans and the preparation of the annual
development of increased management capacities budget to ensure that they are fully compatible
at all levels of the education system and by the and thereby facilitate efficient implementation.
availability of the necessary fi nancial resources. This recognizes the centrality of the budget to
It will also be greatly influenced by the overall the pace of implementation but also reinforces
political and socio-economic development of the importance of maintaining the linkages and
the country and the commitment of donors to mutual co-dependence of the Strategic Plan and
fi nancing the priority elements in a predicable the annual national budget. The inclusion of the
and sustained way. Ministry as one of three ministries to pilot the
In view of the uncertainties, implementation application of program budgeting procedures
of the plan will be organised in a flexible way should help in reinforcing these links.
on the basis of Annual Operational Plans. Effective plan implementation will also
Each year a general review of the NESP and necessitate the full involvement of the
quarterly reviews of the Operational Plans decentralized levels of administration. This
will be carried out in order to assess progress is especially important since the future
made and problems encountered during the management model envisaged by the Ministry
time period under review. The results of these will be based on delegation of management
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
decisions and accountability to provincial monitoring guidelines and tools. These will be
education offices, district level clusters and, made available to the different actors involved
through community partnership, to individual in order to ensure coherence of monitoring
schools. Therefore, the NESP will be translated reports and facilitate consolidation at the system
into Provincial Plans and into Plans for districts level.
and local communities/schools. The main
The usefulness of the indicators thus identified
constraint for moving in this direction is the
will depend on the quality of the information
lack of technical capacities at the decentralised
available. Considerable progress has recently
level to prepare and monitor plans and at
been made in improving the Education
the central level to guide and oversee the
Management Information System (EMIS) located
decentralised planning process. The development
in the Planning Department of the Ministry. The
of technical capacities at both levels will
efforts made so far will be vigorously pursued,
require simultaneous training and the use of the
improved and reinforced during the coming
strategic planning process as a capacity building
years in order to equip the Ministry as quickly
tool. All Provincial Education Departments will
as possible with a reliable and functioning
be invited to prepare their own plans within
information system – an essential prerequisite
the overall national plan framework and all
for efficient planning and monitoring. The
will receive training and guidance in this
EMIS will be designed so that it can be used for
respect, with the pilot program budget provinces
planning and monitoring at decentralised levels
receiving more intensive attention.
as well as at the central level.Budget-related
data will be better organised through AFMIS.
Monitoring These two databases will also be linked to the
A limited set of key indicators will be identified proposed Human Resource Information System
which will allow assessment of progress made (HRIS).
and results obtained on the basis of objective In addition to the regular monitoring reports
targets. Different types of indicators (relating that will be produced, Annual Financial
to input, process, output and impact factors) Statements will also be available. They will
will be needed according to the level at which be prepared by the Finance Directorate and
the monitoring is taking place. At the highest reviewed by the Office of Internal Audit that
central level, monitoring will concentrate will be established as part of the restructuring
mainly, if not exclusively, on output and process.
impact of the different programs. The basis
for preparing the list of key indicators for
Organizational Arrangements
central level monitoring will be the education
indicators already identified to facilitate the Overall coordination of the implementation and
implementation of the Afghanistan Compact. monitoring process will be the responsibility of
To these, others will be added which will be the Steering Committee, chaired by the Minister
directly derived from the benchmarks and (or his representative), and comprise directors
targets put forward in the Program Matrices. of the different departments or divisions in
Special care will be taken to make sure that all charge of implementing the different programs
indicators are commonly agreed upon by the or program components and selected senior
different stakeholders and development partners advisors. The Planning Department will
in order to ensure smooth coordination and continue to act as the Secretariat for the
cooperation. The identification of indicators will Steering Committee and its capacities will be
be accompanied by the preparation of special strengthened for that purpose. The Budget and
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Finance Department will also be part of the Consultation with national and international
Steering Committee. development partners will be an essential
part of the monitoring process. Throughout
Initially, the Technical Working Groups will
the year, regular meetings will be organized
be responsible for the direct preparation of
with the Education Consultative Group in
the Annual Operational Plans and for the
order to keep them informed about progress
preparation of monitoring reports under
made and problems encountered during plan
the guidance of the Steering Committee.
implementation. Toward the end of each fi scal
As planning is incorporated into normal
year, a formal Annual Review Meeting will
management and line staff become more familiar
be organised. All stakeholders (including
with the process, it is likely to become more
donors, NGOs, civil society representatives
streamlined. In order to improve coordination
and representatives of decentralized levels
and develop the capacities of all levels, the
of management) will be invited. This review
Steering Committee will focus capacity building
meeting will offer a consolidated opportunity to
interventions on techniques pertaining to
take stock, to jointly assess achievements and
project management cycles including annual
shortcomings and to agree on improvements
to be made in order to reach the development
Plan implementation will be monitored on a objectives and targets put forward by the
regular basis through structured meetings Strategic Plan.
within the different departments and divisions
Provincial Steering Committees, under the
based on the targets and indicators contained
chairmanship of the Provincial Directors,
in the Operational Plans. Small quarterly
will be established without delay in order to
monitoring reports will be produced by the
stimulate and coordinate planning activities
same departments and divisions using simple
at province level. As decentralised planning
standardized reporting tools provided to them
becomes a reality, systematic monitoring and
by the Secretariat of the Steering Committee.
reporting procedures will also be put in place at
The reports will be submitted to the Steering
provincial and district levels. Specific capacity
Committee for them to review progress, examine
building activities in this area will be initiated
problems and constraints and recommend
corrective action where needed.
During the last quarter of each fi scal year,
the Secretariat of the Steering Committee
will prepare a consolidated annual report on
the basis of the quarterly reports and other
additional inputs which it might request from
the different departments. This report will
serve as the basic document for the Annual
Review Meeting with stakeholders which will
be organized each year (see below). At the same
time, Operational Plans for the next year will
be prepared for the respective programs under
the guidance of the Steering Committee and
submitted to the Secretariat for integration
within one overall sector-wide annual plan.
Afghanistan Interim Administration (AIA). 2002. “Comprehensive Needs Assessment for the Education
Sector in Afghanistan.”
Compilation and Translation Department. 1382 (2003). Curriculum Framework Afghanistan: Volume I.
de Weijer, Frauke with Andrew Pinney, Amanullah Assil, Zuhoor Mehri and Shamim Kabuli.2005.
National Multi sectoral Assessment on Kuchi.
Handicap International. 2005. National Disability Survey in Afghanistan.
Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy, 2006. Government of Afghanistan
Ministry of Education, Compilation and Translation Department. 1382 (2003). Curriculum Framework
Afghanistan: Volume I.
Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD). 2003. National Risk and Vulnerability
National Oversight Committee. 2005. Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy: A strategy
for economic growth and poverty reduction.
Samady, Saif. 2001. Education and Afghan Society in the Twentieth Century. Paris: UNESCO.
Spink, Jeaniene. 2004. “Situational Analysis: Teacher Education and Professional Development in
Afghanistan”, paper prepared by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.
STEPS Consulting. 2006. Assessment and Advice on Capacity, Needs and Future Strategies to Promote
Equal Access to Education for Children with Disabilities in Afghanistan.
UNHCR. 2006a. “Rebuilding Lives in Afghanistan” downloaded from, last retrieved on
29 October 2006.
. 2006b. “2005 Global Refugee Trends: Statistical Overview of Populations of Refugees, Asylum-
Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons, Stateless Persons, and Other Persons of Concern To UNHCR”,
downloaded from , last retrieved on 29 October 2006.
Priority Program Matrices
Program 1. General Education
Five Year Development Budget Requested 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Policy frameworks, rules and regulations
Pre-school education
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1.12 Train teachers of private schools through national
teacher training programs Cost in Program 2. Teacher Education and Working Conditions
Total for private schools 354 700 296 700 289 700 289 700 1 230 800
Total for component 1 594 700 457 200 399 200 402 700 1 853 800
2. Establishment of new schools
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
Disabled Children
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3.16 Assess/adapt curriculum for basic education (grade
1-12) for gifted students and develop teaching and
learning materials (cost includes 2-3 technical experts
($2,000 per month), consultant ($40,000), supplies ($400
per month), printing ($10,000 per year) and travel costs
($1,000 per month). 66 800 118 800 118 800 98 800 403 200
3.17 Establish and equip two regional schools/resource
centers for gifted students (classes 4-12) (cost to equip
each center is $40,000; construction costs are included
in Program 3) 20 000 60 000 0 0 80 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
5.3 Provide counseling services (psychosocial,
educational) to students, teachers and parents (2
counselors per province to run experiment) (cost
includes equipment ($500 per counselor), furniture ($300
per counselor) and supplies ($10 per month per
counselor)) 62 560 62 560 62 560 187 680
5.4 Provide guidance to students for social and civic
career development (Islamic principles and values,
patriotism and responsible member of global
community), no additional cost -
Total for Counseling and Guidance 152 560 364 060 419 060 361 560 1 297 240
School Feeding (in liaison with partners)
5.5 Conduct research on effects of feeding students on
promotion of learning level 72 000 72 000
5.6 Develop policies and guidelines for child feeding at
schools and food assistant to students
5.7 Provide food to school students
5.8 Monitor food distribution process
Total for School Feeding 72 000 72 000
School Health
5.9 Train school health volunteers (cost includes health
technical advisor ($4,000 per month), 4 master trainers
($800 per month), transportation ($1,500 per month), 35
provincial trainers ($400 per month), transportation for
provincial trainers ($150 per month), training kits (unit
cost $5), office equipment and furniture and
refreshments for training volunteers 756 078 787 982 813 696 847 674 3 205 430
5.10 Distribute a first aid kit to every school (cost
includes 35 provincial health coordinators ($400 per
month), transportation costs ($1,000 per month), office
furniture and equipment ($1,500 per coordinator), fire
extinguishers and annual refills; first aid kits to be
provided by MoH) 232 500 601 520 372 070 383 180 1 589 270
5.11 Provide first aid and student health services, no
cost, to be provided by volunteers
5.12 Conduct health education sessions with students,
and when relevant, with parents Cost included in Operating Budget
5.13 Assess and take measures to maintain safe drinking
water at schools, no cost, chlorinization of school water
points to be conducted by MoH
5.14 In coordination with provincial health directorates,
organize mobile clinics in the schools for visits, treatment
and referral of students to health clinics, services
provided by health coordinators
Total for School Health 988 578 1 389 502 1 185 766 1 230 854 4 794 700
Total for component 5 1 141 138 1 825 562 1 604 826 1 592 414 6 163 940
6. Supervision and monitoring
6.1 Develop supervisory guidelines and checklists
(national coordinator ($4,000 per month), short-term
consultant ($15,000 x 4 months), development and
printing of guidelines 105 000 78 000 88 000 48 000 319 000
6.2 Recruit/assign 70 national education supervisors
($400 per month) and 364 provincial-level supervisors
($300 per month) 1 646 400 1 646 400 1 646 400 1 646 400 6 585 600
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
6.3 Train central, provincial and district supervisors.
Training includes initial training of 15 days for all
supervisors (70 central, 364 provincial and 728 district at
$4 per day) and a 5-day refresher training for all levels
(unit cost $4 per day) 69 720 23 240 23 240 23 240 139 440
6.4 Conduct regular supervision and monitoring of
education delivery and continuous follow-up of set goals
(cost includes 35 vehicles ($30,000 each), fuel and
maintenance ($500 per month), 52 computers ($1,200),
office furniture and equipment, travel costs and per diem
for supervisors ($15 x 150 days per year) 2 406 900 1 186 500 1 186 500 1 186 500 5 966 400
6.5 Report on monitoring findings, provide
recommendations and feedback to schools (cost for
stationery and supplies) 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 144 000
6.6 Develop comprehensive Education Management
Information System to support planning, implementation
and monitoring Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
Total for component 6 4 264 020 2 970 140 2 980 140 2 940 140 13 154 440
7. Management and community participation
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Construction and upgrading of teacher
training facilities
1.1 Construct and equip the national Teacher
Training Institute (TTI), cost included in External
Budget Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Rehabilitation & Development
1.2 Construct and equip 18 new Teacher
Training Colleges (TTCs) with adjoining boarding
facilities (both for male and female). Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Rehabilitation & Development
1.3 Equip 364 Teacher Resource Centres
(TRCs) across the country (one in every district)
as part of the newly constructed District
Education Resource Centres. Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Rehabilitation & Development
1.4 Identify and develop partnerships with 26
additional experimental schools for TTCs
1.5 Provide audio-visual internet linkups (video
conferencing facilities) for new and existing TTCs
(34 total)
1.6 Construct & equip dormitories for existing
TTCs (12 male and 17 female) Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Rehabilitation & Development
Total for component 1
2. Pre-service teacher training
2.1 Develop a competency based pre-service
teacher training curriculum (framework and
syllabi) for TTCs (based on national teaching
(Costs include 15 technical advisors ($100,000
per year) and workshops) 290 000 580 000 548 000 352 000 1 770 000
2.2 Develop 140 textbooks and other
instructional materials for pre-service training
(unit cost $3,000) - 105 000 147 000 168 000 420 000
2.3 Field-test instructional materials for pre-
service training, print and distribute 15,000
packages (140 textbooks per package) - 1 500 000 - - 1 500 000
2.4 Train 500 faculty in new competency-based
pre-service teacher training curriculum - 350 000 - - 350 000
2.5 Develop a curriculum and syllabi for pre-
service training of special education teachers
(cost includes technical assistance, international
assistance ($100,000) and 20 national specialists
($5,000 each) 200 000 - - - 200 000
2.6 Develop instructional materials for special
education (cost includes technical assistance,
international assistance ($100,000) and 20
national specialists ($5,000 each) - 200 000 - - 200 000
2.7 Print 10,000 textbook packages (estimated 5
books per package) for special education
teachers ($10 per package) - 100 000 - - 100 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
2.9 Develop a curriculum, syllabi and textbooks
for pre-school teacher training (cost includes
international advisor ($80,000) and national
advisor ($40,000)) 120 000 - - - 120 000
2.10 Print 60,000 textbooks (two per teacher;
three-year supply) for pre-school teachers (unit
cost $2) - 120 000 - - 120 000
2.11 Train 150 pre-school faculty members - 75 000 - - 75 000
2.12 Develop a curriculum and syllabi for Islamic
Education teachers (cost includes one
international advisor at $80,000 and three
national advisors at $40,000 each) 200 000 - - - 200 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3.5 Develop and implement a supervision and
evaluation system (cost includes system
development, travel for 4-6 people per TRC to
visit schools and observe teachers, training
materials, equipment and operating expenses for
TRCs, estimated at $10,000 for start-up
expenses of each TRC and $6,750 for annual
operating expenses); 45 TRCs in 1386, 190 in
1387 and 364 in 1388 and 1389) 1 076 000 2 770 000 4 197 000 2 457 000 10 500 000
Total for component 3 6 676 000 10 470 000 13 497 000 8 857 000 39 500 000
4. Distance Education -
4.1 Develop a comprehensive plan and materials
for a multi-media in-service distance learning
program for teachers (cost includes TA,
development and conversion of resource
materials into multimedia formats) 350 000 800 000 540 000 260 000 1 950 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
4.10 Monitoring and evaluation (cost includes on-
going monitoring and external evaluations in
1387 and 1389) 20 000 220 000 20 000 270 000 530 000
Total for component 4 2 202 000 5 599 500 4 599 700 4 504 800 16 906 000
5. Education Administration -
5.1 Develop admin competency framework Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
5.2 Train 4,000 education administrators from
TTC, TRCs and private teacher education
centers, on-going donor activity
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Education Infrastructure Construction &
School Mapping Facilities
1.1 Conduct feasibility study of structures, technical
review of schools built in the country, prepare a pre-
survey technical study and make a plan 500 000 - - - 500 000
1.2 Construct two central office buildings for MoE and
rehabilitate 10 warehouses 5 000 000 5 000 000 - - 10 000 000
1.3 Construct 19 new provincial office buildings and
renovate/expand office buildings in the remaining 15
provinces (average cost $200,000 per building) 6 800 000 - - - 6 800 000
Total of Component 1 12 300 000 5 000 000 - - 17 300 000
2. Technical capacity of MoE School
Construction Department at central and
provincial levels. -
2.1 Recruit 20 technical specialists (surveyors,
engineers, designers) to strengthen the capacity of the
MoE School Construction Department ($1,000
person/month) 240 000 240 000 240 000 240 000 960 000
2.2 Recruit 3 engineers for each province ($1,000
person/month) 1 224 000 1 224 000 1 224 000 1 224 000 4 896 000
2.3 Recruit 364 technicians (one in each district) - to be
recruited through the operating budget Cost included in Operating Budget
2.4 Recruit one IT officer for Construction Department-
operating budget Cost included in Operating Budget
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3.5 Construct and equip 18 Teacher Training Colleges
with two dormitories each ($1,100,000 per province) and
29 (12 male and 17 female) dormitories ($350,000 each
dormitory) 7 487 500 10 482 500 11 980 000 29 950 000
3.6 Construct and equip 364 district education resource
centers (for use as TRCs, CLCs and District Education
Offices) (unit cost $100,000) 4 599 750 10 224 750 10 674 750 10 899 750 36 399 000
3.7 Establish and equip Public Administration School in
Kabul (will include rehabilitation of Commerce school,
Jamhuriat & Kabul Admin High School) 6 700 000 - - - 6 700 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Review of the national curriculum
1.1 Conduct a general review of curriculum
1.2 Review and evaluate the curriculum frameworks
of different countries
1.3 Revise the curriculum based on these reviews
1.4 Finalize the curriculum framework for lower and
upper secondary schools
1.5 Obtain approval of the Government for the new
curriculum framework
1.6 Publish the curriculum framework in Dari, Pashto,
and English
1.7 Prepare implementation plan
1.8 Update the curriculum framework for grades 1 to
Total for component 1
2. Syllabi development for lower and upper
secondary education
2.1 Complete syllabi draft for Grades 7-12 according
to the model prepared under supervision of
2.2 Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders
to finalize syllabi
2.3 Revise subject syllabi for grades 7 to 12
Total for component 2
3. Textbooks & Teacher Guidebooks
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
5.2 Conduct courses on administrative, accounting and
financial affairs at central and provincial levels and provide
ITC courses to improve the management of madrasas for
two people per madrassa (720 people over four years). Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
5.3 Establish an effective mobile team of 10 specialists on
monitoring and evaluation of administrative and financial
affairs Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
5.4 Computerize the administrative and teaching affairs
(examination system, regulations of dormitories etc.) of 34
central madrasas. Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
Total for component 5
6. Teacher education
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Infrastructure and equipment
1.1 Conduct a study on the infrastructure needs of TVE:
assess distribution of schools, needs around the country and
schools that are worth rehabilitating vs.those that need to be
rebuilt 100 000 - - - 100 000
1.2 Establish and equip Public Administration School in
Kabul (will include rehabilitation of Commerce school,
Jamhuriat & Kabul Admin High School) Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
1.3 Rehabilitate 8 technical and vocational education schools
and centres and the School for the Blind Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
1.4 Reconstruct 20 technical and vocational education
schools and centres (including 9 dormitories), reconstruct and
expand the TVET department building and a training centre
for people with special needs Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
1.5 Establish 16 new provincial technical schools and
centres (construction, registration, equipment) Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
1.6 Equip 30 practical training workshops and 52 laboratories
(including veterinary laboratories and research farms for
agricultural schools) in central and provincial technical
schools Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
1.7 Purchase and prepare land for 8 central and provincial
technical schools Cost included in Operating Budget
1.8 Provide essential supplies for 24 dormitories (central and
provincial technical schools) Cost in Program 3: Education Infrastructure Development
Total of component 1 100 000 - - - 100 000
2. Curriculum development
2.1. Conduct specific labour market studies for curriculum
improvement in cooperation with MoLSA (cost is for TA) 200 000 - 200 000 - 400 000
2.2. Develop a new curriculum framework for 8 disciplines by
1386: Electricity; Car Industry; Machineries; Agricultural
Studies (agronomy & veterinary sciences), Public
Administration (economics, administration, finance and
credit), Construction and Engineering, Mine, Petroleum and
Natural Gas; and Secretarial Studies. 24 000 96 000 - - - 120 000
2.3 Develop syllabi for 8 disciplines for Electricity; Car
Industry; Machineries; Agricultural Studies (agronomy &
veterinary sciences), Public Administration (economics,
administration, finance and credit), Construction and
Engineering, Mine, Petroleum and Natural Gas; and
Secretarial Studies. 30 000 120 000 - - 150 000
2.4. Develop technical textbooks 80 titles (unit cost $2,000
per title) 40 000 120 000 - - 160 000
2.5 Purchase 8,000 technical and vocational guidebooks
(unit cost $10 per book) 30 000 50 000 - - 80 000
2.6. Evaluate implementation of the new curriculum - 30 000 - 30 000 60 000
Total of component 2 24 000 396 000 320 000 200 000 30 000 970 000
3. Development of technical capacities
3.1. Deliver 25 in-service training workshops and seminars
for capacity building of 700 previously and newly recruited
teachers in different areas 21 400 32 100 42 800 53 500 149 800
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3.2. Deliver 20 in-service capacity building workshops for
600 administrative staff in different areas Cost in Program 8: Education Administration Reform and Development
3.3 Deliver two 10-day in-service capacity building
workshops for 120 administrative staff in different areas, (cost
is $250 per perticipant and includes travel, per diem,
andstationery) 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 120 000
3.4 Mobilize 980 long- and short-term scholarships and
fellowships for 250 teachers, 140 staff and 590 students to be
trained abroad (average cost of $1,020) 148 600 215 300 276 940 358 760 999 600
Total for component 3 200 000 277 400 349 740 442 260 1 269 400
4. Management
4.1. Recruit 1,200 professional teachers, 100 administrative
staff and 90 contractual support staff Cost included in Operating Budget
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
Component 1: Development of a National
Literary Strategy
1.1 Establish a National Literacy Centre (cost
includes TA and start-up and operating costs) 480 000 80 000 15 000 16 000 591 000
1.2 Develop a national implementation/ operational
plan for literacy (costs include TA and national
consultants) 165 000 - - - 165 000
Total for component 1 645 000 80 000 15 000 16 000 756 000
Component 2: Development of teaching and
learning materials
2.1 Print, store and distribute 1,800,000 basic literacy
textbooks (unit cost $2.00), 1,800,000 post-literacy
textbooks (unit cost $4.00) and 37,000 teacher
guidebooks (unit cost $1.00) 1 807 000 3 010 000 3 010 000 3 210 000 11 037 000
2.2 Translate and print materials into four local
languages 120 000 120 000 120 000 120 000 480 000
2.3 Prepare 72,000 learning kits at a cost of $50
each 600 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 3 600 000
2.4 Produce, print and distribute 10,000 books for
methodological training (unit cost $2.00) 20 000 - - - 20 000
2.5 Design and develop courses/materials for
people with special needs (costs includes the design
and implementation of a survey and international and
national TA) 50 000 - - - 50 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3.4 Conduct one 10-day methodological training
workshop for 40 people from the central ministry 4 000 - - - 4 000
3.5 Conduct Training of Trainers workshops for
private sector and NGOs 10 800 14 400 7 200 2 000 34 400
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
5.1 Monitoring of basic and mosque-based literacy
programs 130 000 250 000 50 000 250 000 680 000
5.2 Program Evaluation in all 34 provinces - 200 000 - 200 000 400 000
5.3 Develop a literacy database/information
management system and collect data from all
provinces (cost includes three database
programmers and $500 per province for data
collection) 264 000 204 000 204 000 204 000 876 000
5.4 Purchase equipment for database/ information
management system and recruit one computer
operator for each province 20 000 136 000 - - 156 000
Total for component 5 414 000 790 000 254 000 654 000 2 112 000
Component 6: Management of Program
6.1 Ensure proper staffing of Literacy Department at
provincial and district levels Cost included in Operating Budget
6.2 Purchase vehicles ($30,000 each) for each
province and Kabul and two motorbikes ($600 each)
for each district - 594 000 460 320 432 000 1 486 320
6.3 Operation & maintenance of vehicles Cost included in Operating Budget
Total for component 6 - 594 000 460 320 432 000 1 486 320
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
1. Financial and Management Systems
1.1 Engage the Ministry of Finance in developing a
program budget for 1386-1388, using MTFF and Program
Budgeting (costs include international advisor for four
months and four national advisors) 252 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 1 002 000
1.2 Acquire initial AFMIS terminals in central finance office
and train operators to use them 100 000 40 000 40 000 40 000 220 000
1.3 Develop a roll out and training strategy for additional
AFMIS terminals to key provincial offices. Acquire
terminals and execute. 100 000 200 000 300 000
1.4 Establish a financial management and reporting
section, including a Donor Grants Management Unit (cost
includes four national advisors for central office and 35
advisors for the provinces). 1 032 000 1 166 000 1 116 000 1 016 000 4 330 000
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
2. Information Systems and Information and
Communication Technology
2.1 Conduct school survey to obtain baseline data, cost
includes training of data collection team; food,
accommodation and transportation for surveyors and
supervisors; and hardware, stationery and data entry) 1 179 000 - - - 1 179 000
2.2 Develop and operationalise a project database that
includes the activities of all education partners. 69 200 - - - 69 200
2.5 Develop data collection system for Literacy Department 76 000 - - - 76 000
2.6 Develop a system and database for tracking the
distribution of textbooks 50 000 - - - 50 000
2.7 Develop a transcript and certificate system 150 000 - - - 150 000
2.8 Conduct sample data collection to evaluate the impact
of education programs
2.9 Establish Information Management Units in the
provinces (costs includes staffing and capacity building;
equipment costs are included in 2.14) 440 000 660 000 800 000 880 000 2 780 000
2.10 Develop and conduct a teacher registration program
to establish the baseline for number of teachers (activity
started in 1385)
2.11 Issue MoE employee ID cards and develop an
attendance system for central and provincial level 1 163 200 163 200 163 200 163 200 1 652 800
2.12 Establish a payroll, HR and Inventory data system
based on the results of the teacher survey. 200 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 500 000
2.13 Develop an ICT procurement plan for central network
system (cost includes hardware, development of the
network infrastructure, internet connection and operating
costs and additional staff). 1 644 825 1 394 825 499 200 691 075 4 229 925
2.14 Develop an ICT procurement plan for provinces and
district network systems (cost includes hardware,
development of the network infrastructure, internet
connection and operating costs and additional staff). 3 339 980 3 020 780 1 117 480 1 117 480 8 595 720
2.15 Conduct an annual review and monitor for data
quality and policy links. 91 800 45 000 45 000 45 000 226 800
2.16 Prepare and execute training plan for staff and basic
rules for access to communications components, cost
included in training section. -
Total for Component 2 8 780 005 5 383 805 2 724 880 2 996 755 19 885 445
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
3. Public Administrative Reform
National Education Strategic Plan 1385-1389
Priority Programs & Detailed Activities 1385* 1386 1387 1388 1389 Total
4.5 Identify training needs based on skills and systems
requirements of MoE, develop public administration training
materials and conduct training with senior managers.
400 000 295 400
4.6 Design comprehensive capacity-building strategy and
plan for all MoE staff including basic skills for agirs. Begin
implementation of training plan. 200 000 591 250 296 250 296 250 1 383 750
Total for Component 4 2 741 650 791 250 296 250 296 250 4 125 400
5. Legislative Framework
5.1 Establish a legislative advisory capacity to develop the
legal and regulatory framework for education in Afghanistan
(cost includes national and international advisor and cadre
of legal graduates for drafting regulations)
194 000 142 000 82 000 16 000 434 000
5.2 Review existing legal framework and identify gaps
(cost included in activity 5.1) -
5.3 Reform existing laws including the Education Law and
prepare new legislation where necessary (cost included in
activity 5.1) -
Total for Component 5 194 000 142 000 82 000 16 000 434 000
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Ministry of Education