Job Shadowing Presentation Steven N
Job Shadowing Presentation Steven N
Job Shadowing Presentation Steven N
Steven Nguyen
● Software Developer - This career is on demand and I can work in this career with my coding
● Information Security Analyst - I want to provide safety to people from any cyber harms in devices.
● Front-End Web Developer - This is a great combination of programming, business, and arts skills.
Software Developer
● As long as you are interested in programming during college, you are fine.
● Main hurdles of getting a job are interviews and getting a good resume.
● The interview is not like what you study in college.
○ Just a set of easy questions.
● Projects move more slowly in big companies.
● Smaller companies allow you to do mission-critical tasks.
Salary (Pennsylvania)
● First-year: $88k
● Average: $95k
● Ten-year: $119k
Software Developer
Education Requirements
Fun Facts
● Are there any requirements for each industry I am going to work as a software developer (i.e.
music, business, healthcare)?
● Do salaries vary in each industry I am planning to work at?
Next Steps
● Average: $104k
Education Requirements
Next Steps
● I learned web development languages from my Computer Science and web development class.
● I got to experience how websites are made and how developers do so.
● I also learned to create websites on my own during my free time.
● Front-end web developers focus on what the user sees, whereas back-end developers focus on the databases.
● The most important languages to learn are HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.
○ They are like food, water, and shelter: essential needs.
● Find a framework or an operating system to learn other than the three basic languages.
○ It can allow you to stand out.
● You need to create personal websites in your portfolios so you can challenge yourself and show others
Front-End Web Developer
● Average - $92k
Education Requirements
● Is it still worth it if I do web development during college, especially when I am looking for a superior role.
Next Step
● Software Developer
○ This career may be a fit for me because I want to do something practical and I love to code.
● Information Security Analyst
○ This career may not be a good fit for me because it seems to be a sturdy and a complicated field.
● Front-End Web Developer
○ This may be a good fit for me because it combines different fields I am interested in into one career.