178 Capstone: - Digital

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4- TCH o. 178
Name of the Student: _Abdul {rlafi Sarwari
Roll No.: g?

Specialization: .--_*_Operations/Fina nce/fi,{arketingllT/H

fi M

Topicy'Area for Live project: Marketing

Specific Title of the project: The impact
of digital marketing on dry fruit

Rationale for Choosing the Title:

Digital rnarketing is considered as backbone

for every product so t would like to knqrar the
contribution of digltal rnarketing in promotion
of Afghanistan dry fruits in lndia"

Objectives of the Study {Not more than 5}:

1". _Understand the potential of dry fruit market *in lndia

2. *Understand the usage of digital marketing

i n promoting agriculture products
3. _learn about the irnpact of digital marketing

4. _understand the effective strategy for

agriculture products using digital marketing
5. _Use the policy recommendation of project
for development of Afghan dry fruit sector

How willthe project topic help you in ycur career?

A5 export promotion expert, the project
will help me tc understand and utilized the digitai
$trategies for promotion of Afghanistan
agrlculture exports in particular dry fruits
to $outh Asian
markets. Moreover, lt wilt help in developing
digital marketing campaign for companies
that wants to
explore and export their product to oversea

Signature of the Student:

Remarks {if any}:

Project Guide/Mentor : Rajesh Nambiar

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