G.Ramanathan, Et Al
G.Ramanathan, Et Al
G.Ramanathan, Et Al
Halophiles are salt loving organisms that genus Haloterrigena has recently been
grow best at the highest salinities (3 4.5 mol proposed (Dym et al., 1995).
L-1 Nacl) forming dense blooms and
resulting in the red colour of many brines. The first microbiological analysis was
Common species of halobacteria are rod, conducted on several closely related
cocci, or disc shaped, although triangular Halobacterium strains (originally designated
and even square shaped species exist. as H. salinarium, H. halobium, H.
Halobacteria are classified as archea and cutirubrum) isolated in the mid-twentieth
belongs to the family halobacteriaceae. Ten century from salted fish and meat from
genera have been reported, Halobacterium, North America.
Haloarcula, Halococcus, Haloferax,
Halorubrum, Halobaculum, Halobacterium salinarium is an obligate
Natronobacterium, Natranococcus, halophilic archaeon highly adapted to
Natrialba and Natromonas and an eleventh environments of extremely high salinity.
Halobacterium salinarium species primarily
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
inhabit thalassohaline salt lakes and solar Astaxanthin has antioxidant potency 1,000
salterns, thereby exhibiting optimal growth times greater than Vitamin E and 10 times
in the presence of NaCl concentrations greater than any known carotenoid. It also
between 2M and saturation. Halobacterium stimulates and improves the immune
salinarum is an aerobe chemoorganotroph response by enhancing immunoglobulin
growing on degradation products of other production in human blood cells.
organisms (Ng et al., 2000).
Astaxanthin cannot be synthesized by
Halobacteria produce large quantities of animals and must be provided in the diet.
red-orange carotenoids. Carotenoid Mammals lack the ability to synthesize
pigments are the most important and astaxanthin or convert dietary astaxanthin
numerous pigments that are found in nature. into vitamin A; unlike -carotene,
astaxanthin has no provitamin A activity in
These compounds soluble in lipids are the these animals (Jyonouchi et al., 1995).
factors that produce yellow-red colour in
plant and animal products. In this group of Aquaculture is broadly defined as the
pigments astaxanthin has important farming of aquatic organisms such as
applications in human and animal food prawns, mollusks, seaweeds, algae in
industries specifically pharmaceuticals and addition to various fishes. In India Mumbai,
cosmetic industries. The Food and Drug Mysore, Bangalore and Kolkata aquarium
Administration of the United States has are made in which ornamental fishes are
permitted it for use in the aquaculture cultured (Shamini and Bhatnagar, 2002).
industry (Golkhoo et al., 2006).
Aquaculture is currently one of the fastest
growing food production systems in the
world. This is emerged as an industry and
now possible to supply protein rich food
throughout the world
In many of the aquatic animals in which it is The marine Halobacterium salinarium was
found, astaxanthin has a number of essential previously isolated by primary selection
biological functions, ranging from process from the marine soil sample
protection against UV light, immune collected from saltpan region of Mukkani,
response, pigmentation and communication Tuticorin District by serial dilution and pour
to reproductive behavior and improved plate technique.
reproduction (Meyer et al., 1993).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
Table.1 Bioenergetics of Fish Cyprinus carpio after treatment with Experimental Feed
Assimilation efficiency
consumed/Wet weight
(%) SGR=W2-W1/20×
Metabolism R=A-P
efficiency (%)=
FCR=Dry food
efficiency (%)
Faecal output
Gross growth
Initial weight
K1=P/C× 100
C/W/10× 100
Final weight
(mg) F
T1 5.15 5.45 0.30 0.150 0.36 0.050 0.310 0.010 1.50 66.66 83.33 103.33 24.00 2.18
T2 5.19 5.47 0.28 0.140 0.40 0.090 0.310 0.030 1.40 68.50 70.00 90.32 28.00 2.17
T3 5.23 5.50 0.27 0.135 0.96 0.129 0.831 0.561 1.35 86.56 28.12 32.49 38.50 2.06
T4 5.38 5.93 0.55 0.275 1.06 0.206 0.854 0.304 2.75 80.56 51.88 64.40 43.65 2.09
T5 5.60 6.30 0.70 0.350 1.64 0.236 1.404 0.704 3.50 85.60 42.68 49.85 46.82 2.00
T6 5.67 6.40 0.73 0.365 2.36 0.243 2.117 1.387 3.65 89.70 30.93 34.48 65.56 1.86
T7 6.02 7.60 1.58 0.790 3.45 0.296 3.154 1.574 7.90 92.76 45.79 50.09 48.65 1.79
T8 5.24 6.23 0.99 0.495 1.16 0.120 1.040 0.050 0.19 89.65 85.34 95.19 23.04 1.65
T1-Experimental feed + 0.4g of astaxanthin, T2-Experimental feed + 0.8g of astaxanthin, T3-Experimental feed +
1.2g of astaxanthin, T4-Experimental feed + 1.6g of astaxanthin, T5-Experimental feed + 2g of astaxanthin, T6-
Experimental feed + 5g of astaxanthin, T7-Experimental feed + 10g of astaxanthin, T8-Control feed devoid of
astaxanthin (Trio).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
Fig 1 : UV Spect ral Analysis of Ast axathin Fig 3 : H - NMR Spectral Analysis of Astaxathin
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63
The present investigation reveals that the are very applicable in aquaculture
culture condition of Halobacterium production systems. Fish fed with
salinarium significantly enhances high astaxanthin diets outperformed all other
production of astaxanthin in high salt treatments with both superior growth rates
concentration. The feed supplemented with and FCR values. Thus it can be used for
10gms of astaxanthin increases the growth aquaculture feed.
and bioenergetics of the test organism
Cyprinus carpio. The obtained results which Acknowledgements
are similar to the previous study of
astaxanthin production by an extremely The author are thankful to the authorities of
halophilic archea bacteria isolated from high V.H.N.S.N. College, Virudhunagar, Tamil
salt fermented Thai foods (May and Nadu, India for providing required facilities
Paukatong, 2000). to complete this work.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 56-63