Research Proposal 1
Research Proposal 1
Research Proposal 1
Learning in new normal in education is a challenge for the students, teachers and
even parents. Schools adapt blended learning for the students to learn amidst this
methodologies with the state of art and/or technology. Online is when the students’
study with their teacher and classmates through an application that uses a webcam
while offline is when the teacher provides the students with the lesson, seatwork or
assignment that they can finish at their own pace (The New Normal Education in the
Philippines, 2020). This learning situation of the students brought difficulty and
challenges on their learning experiences and one of these is the stress. This learning
process that occurs as a person tries to adjust to or deal with stressors (Bernstein,et
daily living. It is deemed necessary because without it, people would be listless and
defined boldly as bodily reaction to a change which needs response, regulation and/or
actual or imagined and now, most of the students experienced academic stress arising
from both their own expectations to excel as well as expectations arising from their
parents and teachers (Ang and Huan, 2006). This academic stress has been more
difficult because most of the students can’t sustain to do a lot of workload activities.
Academic stress can be very taxing on the parents and the students themselves as
stress has been tightening its grip on the students, they have to compete at every step
of their academic career in this fast-moving world. Academic stress is the product of
turning point in their academic life. At this stage, the academic performance of a
student plays a crucial role in deciding the next stage of their education, which in turn
shapes their career. An excess of academic stress during this stage can result in
including exam stress, disinterest in attending classes and the inability to understand a
According to most college students, their greatest academic stressors include tests,
inability to balance one’s leisure time with school, and disorganization surrounding
academic standards, worries about time management and concerns over grades and
scores. Students are thus, seen to be affected by the negative causes of academic
stress (Thakkar, 2018) and mental health of the students is now at risk.
The mental health of students, especially in terms of academic stress and its
impact, has become a serious issue among school and policymakers because of the
increasing incidence of suicides among students across the globe. Due to the constant
pushing of the student by the parents in order to perform better in both academics and
during their childhood (Deb et al., 2015). Parental pressure for better academic
education. It is referred to the end term results in the previous semester. That can be
friends, emotions, and procrastinations. Some of the reasons why students perceive
stress are time pressure and the need to perform well in the exams (Erkutlu & Chafra,
2006). Mainly, the period before the exams is perceived as highly stressful by
Bennett (2003) reports a similar finding in his study and points out that stress is
significantly correlated with poor academic performance. Elias, Ping & Abdullah,
(2011) also stated that studies show that undergraduate students have to handle the
Rucker 2012).
Broadly, the researchers seek to find out the acceptable levels of stress help to
improve the individuals’ performance whilst excessive amounts of stress can lead to a
well as in our society. Also we can consider that without stressful period in life, our
life will be boring. If things just go flow the way we want it, there’s no excitement.
The main focus of the research includes to find and identify the extent and level
of stress and its effect on the academic performance of students studying in different
streams. The perception of academic stress is creating a very negative impact on their
2015; Acharya, 2003; Iqbal et al., 2015). Therefore, the significant of this study is to
understand and analyze the perception of academic stress and experienced by the
stress/problems. The significance of research is to find and identify the effect of stress
in every student as well as with their academic performances. Its aim to find accurate
This research aims to what extent academic stress affects the students’ academic
performance of 3rd year Bachelor of Elementary Education of Isabela State University during this
COVID-19 pandemic.
1. What is the extent of academic stress of 3 rd year BEEd students during this New Normal
2. What is the level of stress of 3rd year BEEd students during this New Normal Education?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic stress and academic performance
of the students?
Students. The result of this study will provide the students with information and
knowledge about academic stresses that they are experiencing. This will also provide a
framework on how to deal with stresses in a constructive way that does not interfere with their
Teachers. The findings of this study will serve as a reference for teachers on how to
deliver a quality instruction considering the academic stress encountered by the students in the
School/ Administrator. This will provide them information to promote, enhance and
Parents. Guide, assist and support on how to deal with children in this new normal
Future researchers. This study will provide them information that will serve as a
This study will be limited to the extent and level of academic stresses such as financial
problem, disconnectivity, household chores, negative attitude of parents and the and their
academic performance based on their General Weighted Average (GWA) of the 3 rd year BEEd
students of ISU-Cabagan Campus who are enrolled in August to December Academic Year
This chapter attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of the known facts and
knowledge in academic literature on a given subject. Closely linked studies and reports on
different aspects of the study problem chosen by the researchers are included in the research are
reviewed here.
Academic performance is one of the most vital considerations among students in higher
educational level. The academic performance can be illustrated bygrade point average (G.P.A).
Several studies identified internal and external factors associated with academic performances.
Academic Stress is one of the factors that have effects on the mastery of academic curriculum.
Stress is the body’s nonspecific response mechanisms towards demands or strains made
on it (Meyer, 1959). It is a process by which we perceive and cope with environmental threats
and challenges. Academic stress is a common phenomenon faced by university students.
Academic stress is often seen in the daily activities of students. A student can be stressed due to
different reason or stressors such as; lecture over-load, heavy workload, difficulty understanding
contents,financial problem, relationship with lectures and fellow students, among other social,en
vironmental, and cultural factors (Wikipedia, 2009). Academic stress can inhibit and suppress
learning which is called “un-favourable stress” and it is associated with inhibition of students’
academic performance (Linn and Zeppa, 1984). It is a common problem facing students and their
perception and the way they handle it may reflect on their academic performance (Salami, 2001).
A total of 78% of Nigerian student’s experience various degrees of academic stress,
these stressors can be categorized under social, cultural and environmental factors.
Students report experiencing academic stress at predictable times each semester with the
greatest sources of academic stress resulting from taking and studying for exams, grade
competition, and the large amount of content to master in a small amount of time
Abouserie (1994). The school environment on its part also piles up pressure on the students. The
pressure to perform well in the examinationor test and time allocated makes academic
environment very stressful (Erkutlu &Chafra, 2006). In addition to that, the volume of people
within the academic environment also contributes to stress among students. Research holds that;
a certain percentage of students find it difficult to thrive in an over-crowded environment
(Baker, 2001). The hustling and buzzing in college can be challenging to some students. The
environment possesses challenges such as course-over load,
academic pressure, limited opportunities, high competitiveness all of which are sources ofstress
that create fear, tension an anxiety in some student (Sinha, Sharma, and
Nepal,2001).Relationship with friends and significant others can also be stressful.
Students’ relationship with lecturers can also be a source of stress where there is a strain
in this relationship. For example; A lecturer who yells at his students is secretly disliked hence
students try as much as possible to avoid his classes (Elizabeth Scott,2010). Also a strain in the
relationship with co-students can also be a source of stress (Scott, 2010). Wishy-washy friends
who are supportive one minute and negative and insulting the next adds unnecessary stress and
according to Scott (2010), can be stressful for some students. Furthermore, many students
experience stress related to finance. This involves the struggle to find sufficient money to pay
for tuition as well as securing the funds needed to cover the cost of living while attending school.
Up to 36% of Nigerian students are engaged in either part time or full time jobs. This makes
them miss classes and tests and generate a great amount of stress as they try to combine school
with work. Even those students who are able to qualify for sufficient financial aid to cover
immediate college costs have to face paying back a large sum of money following graduation.
The tension associated with students’ loans can be a sources of stress while they are still
in college (Scott, 2010) Conclusively, students in high ratios report that they are being faced with
Academic related stress (Shafer, 1996). About (33%) of student world over indicate being
stressed throughout the academic year (Shafer, 1996). This has a very bad and negative effect on
their performance due to the symptoms and problems associated with academic stress such as:
difficulty concentrating, low performance, increased absenteeism, alcoholism, drug abuse,
hypertension and host of cardiovascular problems. Academic stress poses a great deal of
challenges to the society as it hinders the students from acquiring complete intellectual
knowledge which is needed to champion development and growth in the society, hence academic
stress is a problem to both the students and the society.
Academic Stress
Academic stress has been identified as the primary cause of these alarming figures.Lee &
Larson (2000) explain this stress as an interaction between environmental stressors, student’s
appraisal and reactions for the same. It has now become a grave reality that is termed as a “career
stopper” (Kadapatti & Vijayalaxmi, 2012). It therefore,becomes a significant cause of concern as
it is symptomatic of rising mental health concerns in India (Nadamuri& Ch,2011).
Unfortunately, depression, anxiety, behavioural problems, irritability, etc. are few of the
many problems reported in students with high academic stress(Deb, Strodl& Sun, 2015;Verma,
Sharma & Larson, 2002). According to Busari, (2012), incidences of depression were also found
among stressful adolescents as it is linked with inability to concentrate, fear of failure, negative
evaluation of future, etc.Adolescents were also reported to be indulging in various risky
behaviours such as increased consumption of alcohol and drugs, unprotected sexual activities,
physical inactivity, poor eating and sleeping patterns (American College Health Association,
2009; Bennet & Holloway, 2014; King, Vidourek& Singh, 2014). The pressure that the students
face to perform is so severe resulting in five-fold increase in suicide attempts.
Therefore, it becomes imperative to also understand that low stress does not necessarily
ascertain that students will perform better, but in fact under these circumstances, they would
perceive the task as unchallenging and may also get easily bored (Uchil, 2017). Though certain
levels of stress push students towards optimum performance, when it is not managed efficiently
due to inadequate resources to cope with the stress, it can have dismal consequences for the
student as well as the institution.
While the stress response may be identical, the sources of stress reported by individuals
vary. These differences would be seen in the causes, sources and consequences of stressors.
Some of the common stressors reported in an academic setting include excessive assignments,
poor time management and social skills, peer competition, etc. (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003).
These results are consistent with studies conducted in India as well as reported by
Sreeramareddy, Shankar, Binu, Mukopadhyay, Ray &Menezes (2007).
Unfortunately, there are other individual specific factors include problems in financial
management, changes in living atmosphere, difficulties managing personal and academic life,
etc. (Byron, Brun & Ivers, 2008; Chernomas & Shapiro, 2013; Goff, 2011; Jimenez, Navia-
Osorio & Diaz, 2010; Moscaritolo, 2009).
Mckean et al. (2000) maintain that stressors alone do not produce anxiety, depression or
tensions. Instead, the interaction between stressors and the person’s perception and the reaction
to these stressors cause stress. Radcliff and Lester’s (2003) studies on the perceived stress among
final year medical undergraduate students revealed that the most stressful situations for students
were the excessive class workload, the socialisation pressure, the lack of guidance, and transition
periods of transition.
According to Reddy et al. (2018) their study concludes that stream wise difference in
stress does exist in students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social and institutional
level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness, meditation and
psychotherapy have been found useful to deal with stress. To identify the main reason of stress is
the key to deal with it. Professionals can develop tailor made strategies to deal with stress. The
integrated well being of the students is important not only for the individual but for the institute
as well.
Hence, Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring that
the students give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation are some
of the areas to focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more to do with the
academic qualifications and does not contribute enough to the holistic development of students.
Therefore, students are usually conditioned in a way that makes them fearful to take up
upcoming challenges as the focus is only the academics and not the development of a go getter
mentally. There are not many choices for the medium of education. English being the only
option available can pose as a hindrance for the students from rural background. There are not
many courses available that are employment centric. Fresh graduates need more communication
skills development for better placements.
Moreover,Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017) revealed the link between academic stress
and mental health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental health are
correlated and that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and schools
pressurize the students way too much for the higher grades that disheartens the students, further
to add on there is not enough support from the parents and school in terms of guidance. The
students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in the academic forums. They
also propounded that students from private schools are more pressurized as compared to students
from government schools due to the excess of homework and other academic related
According to Sharma et al. (2016) in their study stated the use of various methods to curb
stress. Doing one physical exercise on daily basis can address the concern of stress. One can also
adopt to various time management tools and get involved with leisure activities which can
benefit students. Also, it was suggested that colleges should have a conducive ambience to
curtail the stress. Change in the style of delivery from teachers end and providing mentors can
bring fresh air to the teaching style.
Prabu (2015) researched on the higher secondary students and implied that male students
are more stressed than the female students. Urban student’s academic stress is greater than the
rural students. Government school student’s stress is lower than the private school student’s
stress. Students from Science stream are more stressed than the students from Arts.
Kaur (2014) acknowledged that mental health of teenagers get affected due to the
academic stress. Girls with academic stress were found to have poor mental health as compared
to the boys. This was accounted on the study that parents at times put pressure and strain on
students that leads to deteriorated mental health.
Bataineh (2013) in his study measured the academic stressors experienced by students at
university. The result of the analyses showed that there is an unreasonable academic overload,
not enough time to study due to the vast course content being covered, high family expectations
and low motivation levels are some of the reasons for the stress. Fear of failure is also the prime
reason for stress. There was no significant difference found amongst the students from different
of specializations.
Khan and Kausar (2013) concluded that stress definitely impacts the academic
performance in a negative way though no significant difference was found as per the gender. The
difference was evident between junior and senior students. Stress, for sure, affects the ability to
study efficiently and managing the time. Studying regularly is important, this helps reduce the
academic pressure and helps them fulfill their goals.
Busari (2012) found that stress was leading to depression among secondary school
students and is linked with affect on academic achievement. Introduction to preventive measures,
teaching life skills and other therapeutic techniques should be taken in to serious consideration.
According to Agolla (2009) stress has become an important topic in academic circles.
Many philosophers have carried out considerable research on stress and concluded that this topic
needs way more attention. Radcliff and Lester (2003) studied the anticipated stress among final
year undergraduate students and acknowledged that class assignments, not enough guidance,
pressure to mingle and to get associated were the reasons for the stress to build up. McKean et al.
(2000) argue that undergraduate students experience higher stress at expected times in
eachsemester. Academic engagements, financial pressures and lack of time management skills
lead to building up of stress. Excessive stress can affect well being, emotional attitude and
academic performance. There upon it becomes essential that undergraduate students establish
methods to deal with stressful situations.
Academic Performance
Academic performance is the single indicator of the quality of time a student spent at
school. Over the years, academic performance at different levels of education is measured in
terms of examination performance (Kyoshaba 2009).
Unfortunately Harb and El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most important factor with
positive effect on students' performance is parental involvement. The academic performance of
students heavily depends upon the parental involvement in their academic activities to attain the
higher level of quality in academic success (Barnard, 2004; Henderson, 1988; Shumox& Lomax,
2001). Krashen (2005) concluded that students whose parents are educated score higher on
standardized tests than those whose parents were not educated. Educated parents can better
communicate with their children regarding the school work, activities and the information being
taught at school. The academic environment is the effective variable for students and has positive
relationship with fathers’ education and grade level (Kirmani&Siddiquah, 2008). Considine and
Zappala(2002) argue that families where the parents are advantaged socially, educationally and
economically foster a high level of achievement in their children.
Academic stress is documented to have several negative effects not only to the academic
performance of the students but also to their well-being. Academic stress is seen to interfere with
the students’ way of life, cognitive processes, and adaptive behaviours such as class attendance
(Lumley &Provenzano, 2003). It is estimated that 10 to 30 percent of the students experience
academic related stress that affects their academic performance (Sinha, Sharma, & Nepal,
2001).Academic stress is documented to have several negative effects not only to the
academic performance of the students but also to their well-being.
Hence, study habits are coping strategies used by students to overcome academic stress
so that they can meet the demands imposed on them by the academic environment. This is
reaffirmed by studies (Struthers, Perry &Menec, 2000; Aluja& Blanch, 2004) which show that
study habits positively correlate with academic performance.
Among college students, a strong relationship is found between stressful life events and
reduced academic performance as well as there is a link between health related quality of life and
stress (Dusselier, Dunn, Wang, Shelley & Whalen, 2005; Misra& McKean, 2000.
Williamson,Birmaher, Ryan, and Dahl, 2005) reported that in anxious and depressed youth,
stressful lifeevents are considerably elevated which in turn lead to low performance in
academics. Murff(2006) explored the impact of stress on academic success in college students.
He provides a discussion on stress and how it can prevent students from being successful in
fulfilment of their educational goals.
There are some factors that happen in the academic curriculum that causes so much stress
to students. So many things take place in the day to day activities of the academic processes that
make students stress up.
An increase in class workload stresses up students in the sense that when students have to
do more than they can handle, they turn to get frustrated and are unable to focus and think
straight. Students will overschedule their plans to meet up with the class workload in other to get
good grades but eventually because these tasks are too much for them, they end up messing
everything up. Especially in situations where there are a lot of assignments to do after having a
very long day at work makes students more confused. Also too much workload can also make
student to be stressed in the sense that, when a student is undergoing so many courses in school
and each of these courses are also demanding it make the student not have enough time to handle
all these courses to his or her perfection 24 and ones that happen the student turns to think so
much and as a result will be stressed up and this will have a great effect on the academic
performance of the student.
Lower grade
It is the desire of every student to excel in their field studies as such high grades mean a
lot to students. In situations where students believe they expect a higher grade but at the end get
a lower grade than they expected it weighs them down and kills the motivation they have. Once
this happens students start to think a lot about what they didn't do, where they went and most
times are not able to find answers to those questions. At the long run, they become stressed up
with that and are not able to do everything right again.
Every student has a life outside the academic curriculum and environment. When a
student has to compromise and use their personal time for other activities for studies, they turn to
get bored and lose interest in studies. At the long run, this situation stresses them up which
causes them to lose focus on academic work. As the saying goes "all work and no play make
Jack a dull boy ", it also applies to students since they will become dull if all they do is to use
their private time for studies and not have time for themselves.
Language difficulties
Language proficiency may have a profound effect on an individual's ability to learn and
develop, due to its key role in the transmission of information and regulation of cognitive
processes (Binder & Smith 2013). Language is one factor that has so much influence on the life
of a student. Language is the only means to communicate freely, so if students are having issues
understanding the language been used in the academic process it becomes a big challenge to
them and they will eventually start thinking about it. Once this happens they become frustrated
and stressed up when even they have communicated and at the long run affects their
Procrastination, as they say, is the thieve of time, one attitude that is very common among
a lot of students is procrastination. Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task which needs
to be accomplished. It is the act of accomplishing more pleasurable things set up of less
pleasurable ones or completing less critical errands rather than more pressing ones, in this
manner putting off approaching assignments to a later time. When student keeps doing this they
lose interest in doing that particular task or assignment and once the loss of interest sets in stress
follows up since they will be thinking how to meet up with the deadline for the assignment or
Periods for examinations causes so much stress in students than one can imagine.
Examination is the only means for a student to prove that he deserves a better grade for a course
and due to these students think a lot and also revise everything they have learnt during the whole
period of the cause, in doing so, some students get confused about some topics they treated and
others also don't know where to begin their studies from. The thought of these stuff makes them
frustrated and confused which at the long run stress them up.
Missing Lectures
It is the desire of students to miss lectures or skip school. Although some students wake
up and decide to miss lectures or school, others also have to do that due to circumstances beyond
their control. When some students miss class or lectures they become disturbed and worried
especially of the course is on they have difficulties in understanding. When this happens they
start to wonder how they will make up for the lessons they lost so as they will be on the same
pace with their fellow colleague in school. The thought of finding ways to make up with lessons
which they have issues in becomes a burden and stress them up beyond imagination.
A lot of students get frustrated when they don’t understand what is being taught by the
teachers in class. Some also misinterpret what the teacher said in a different way or meaning.
This frustration leads to students being stressed up because they 26 wonder how they will pass
the course because they hardly get what the teachers say in class.
Conceptual Framework
This study presents the dependent and the independent variables that will be apply in the
current study. The conceptual framework is geared by the academic stress and academic
Academic Stress
Based on the illustration above, shows the dependent and independent variables in this study.
The first box contains the academic stress which serves as independent variable which will affect
the second box contains the academic performance which serves as dependent variable.
household choirs, negative attitude of parent, increased classwork loads and examinations. These
Definition of Terms
Financial Problem – is a situation in which you are not able to meet your bills on time or afford
Household chores – tasks such as cleaning, washing, and cooking that have to be done regularly
at home.
Parents negative attitude – demonstrating a lack of interest in their child’s activities at school
Academic Performance – is the extent to which a student has attained their short or long-term
educational goals
This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, sampling method,
research instrument, data collection procedure and data analysis of the study to be conducted.
Research Design
The method to be used in this study will be descriptive type using survey through
questionnaire in collecting data on the extent and level of academic stress and performance of the
The data to be collected will be gathered form the third year students with the total
population of sixty-four (64) . Who are enrolled in Academic Year 2020-2021 at Isabela State
Sampling Method
Due to the time constraint and financial constraint, the researchers employed the non-
probability sampling. Under the non-probability sampling, convenience sampling was used to
gather the data conveniently and faster. All BEEd 2-A students were the respondents for this
Research Instrument
A survey questionnaire was used to collect the data from the respondents’ background
information and to investigate the objectives of the study. The questionnaire is made up of three
sections; Section A addressed Academic stresses that the respondents experiences during.
Section B focused on the impact of stressors to the academic performance of BEEd 3rd year
To determine the extent or level stressors to the academic performance of respondents , the total
score were summed up and categorized according to the range of points. This range of points
were as follows:
The data for the study were collected using a survey questionnaire. The researchers have
3. The researchers made the questionnaire aligned with the objectives of the study.
5. The researchers have expressed their sincerest gratitude to the participants for being part
of the study.
data into frequencies and percentages and to help present the data in the form of charts which
then analysed based on the research objectives and later arrived at conclusions.
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